Concrete Utopia
Short Description
set of activities related to the subject of utopia...
A utopia can be defined as an ideal or perfect place or state, or any visionary system of political or social perfection. In literature, it refers to a detailed description of a nation or commonwealth ordered according to a system which the author proposes as a better way of life than any known to exist, a system that could be instituted if the present one could be cancelled and people could start over. The word itself was coined by Sir Thomas More in his !" book of the same name, #his imaginary perfect island was called Utopia$. The roots of the word are from the %reek ou #not$ and topos #place$, thus meaning &no place' or &nowhere', although there are also overtones of &good place' from the homonymous %reek prefix eu meaning &good'. If you could live your life over, choosing the location, your profession, etc., what would you change and why? If you were given the choice to learn your date of death would you choose to know? If a person could read your tea leaves, and the tea leaves of others accurately without knowing you or them, how would you explain it and would you believe it? If you had no choice and could choose, which would you rather lose, your sight or your hearing and why? If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why? If someone asked you are you important, what would you say? If you were to name the things that have made your heart soar to unfathomable heights never reached before, what would they be? All that is left of the great artist is: A painting she has done of the cat and the cat itself. If you could save one, which would it be and why? If you had to pick a single word to guide you through the next year, what would it be and why? If you had to pick a single word to guide the whole world, what would it be and why? If you could pick a time period (of the past, of course to have lived, when would it be and why? If you won the lottery, what would be the first thing you would buy for yourself? If you could have one super power what would it be? If you had one last thing to say to the world, what would it be? If you could produce a !" show, what would be the premise?
You live in someone’s utopia. The following text is a taste of that utopia. After you read answer the questions. 1. What does this utopia look like !ow do you imagine this world works" what are its prin#iples $. What kind of person #ould have invented it %. &oes it seem possi'le" plausi'le" a##epta'le" desira'le to you Dearest Girl I am very happy to inform you that I have fallen in love with you since Monday, the 20th of Oct, 2008. With reference to the meetin held !etween us on the 20th of Oct, 2008 at "000 hours, I would li#e to present myself as a prospective lover. Our love affair would !e on pro!ation for a period of si$ %&' months and dependin on compati!ility would !e made permanent. Of course, upon completion of pro!ation, there will !e continuous on(the(relationship trainin and relationship appraisal schemes leadin up to promotion from lover to spouse. )he e$penses incurred for coffee and entertainment would initially !e shared e*ually !etween us. +ater, !ased on your performance, I mih ta#e up a larer share of the e$penses. owever I am !road(minded enouh, to !e ta#en care of, on your e$pense account. I re*uest you to #indly respond within "- days of receivin this letter, failin which, this offer would !e canceled without further notice and I shall !e considerin someone else. I would !e happy, if you could forward this letter to your sister, if you do not wish to ta#e up this offer. )han#in you in anticipation. ours sincerely, /oy eards.
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