Mp = min(0.95 × As × fy × d / γs, Mn) = 28.9 kNm/m
Poisson’s ratio;
ν = 0.2
Radius of relative stiffness;
l = [Ecm × h3 / (12 × (1 – ν2) × k)]1/4 = 1.376 m
Characteristic of system;
λ = [3 × k / (Ecm × h3)]1/4 = 0.519 m-1
Point - Internal point load Loading details Number of point loads;
Permanent point load;
Gk = 0 kN
Variable point load;
Qk = 500 kN
Dynamic point load;
Dk = 0 kN
Length of loaded area;
ll = 500 mm
Width of loaded area;
lw = 500 mm
ll a lw
Calculate contact radius ratio Equivalent contact radius of single load;
a = √[(ll × lw) / π] = 282 mm
Radius ratio;
a / l = 0.205
Ultimate capacity under single internal concentrated load For a / l > 0.2;
Pu = 4 × π × (Mp + Mn) / [1 - (a / (3 × l))] = 823.3 kN
Check ultimate load capacity of slab Loading applied to slab;
Fuls = F = N × [(Gk × γG) + (Qk × γQ) + (Dk × γD)] = 750.0 kN PASS - Ultimate capacity of slab is adequate for internal loads
Punching shear at the face of the loaded area Design concrete compressive strength (cylinder);
fcd = fck / γc = 19 N/mm2
Shear factor;
k2 = 0.6 × [1 - (fck / 250 N/mm2)] = 0.53
Length of perimeter at face of loaded area;
u0 = 2 × (ll + lw) = 2000 mm
Shear stress at face of contact area;
vmax_f = 0.5 × k2 × fcd = 4.973 N/mm2
Maximum load capacity in punching;
Pp_max = vmax_f × u0 × d = 3610.3 kN
PASS - Maximum load capacity in punching shear at face of loaded area is adequate for internal loads Punching shear at the critical perimeter Shear factor;
Maximum load capacity in punching at 2d from face;
PASS - Maximum load capacity in punching shear at 2d from face of loaded area is adequate for internal loads Deflection of the slab Serviceability limit state load;
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