Conclusion of Soil Analysis
November 16, 2018 | Author: Wai Leong Edward Low | Category: N/A
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Conclusion of Soil Analysis In soil analysis, analysis, there are six processes processes which are soil sampling sampling technique, determination of texture of soil, determination of water content, determination of organic matter, determination of air content and soil pH. Three type of soil samples are used in soil analysis, which are housing area, pond and farm. The soil are extracted successfully. In the determination of texture of soil, it can be concluded that soil sample from housing area has the highest percentage of stone component whereas soil sample from farm has the highest percentage of sand component. Soil sample from pond has the highest percentage of slit and clay. Meanwh Meanwhile, ile, in the experim experiment ent of determi determinat nation ion of water water conten content, t, soil soil sample in pond has the highest water content with 22.88 % of water in the soil sample, followed by housing area soil sample (14.77%) and lastly, farm with 14.67% of water content which is very close to the reading of housing area soil sample. In the determination of organic matter, housing area soil has the highest percentage of organic matter(8.90%), followed by pond soil sample with 7.12% of organic matter and finally, farm with 4.02% of organic matter in soil. Besides that, in the determination of air content, farm soil sample has the highest air content which is 48.98% in the soil sample. The second place is housing area soil sample with 39.13% air content. Lastly, pond soil sample has the least air content which is 2.71%. In the determination of pH level of soil sample, soil sample of farm and pond is acidic, which is pH 5 and 6 respectively. However, housing area soil is slightly alkaline which is pH 8.
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