Concentration Exercises

March 27, 2017 | Author: 5wishes | Category: N/A
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Everyday consciousness development - 31 days alligned to the according day of the month

audible 31 meds : GRIGORI GRABOVOI : CONCENTRATION EXERCISES These exercises contribute to the further development of your consciousness; they influence the unfolding of events in your life in a positive manner; they will support you in achieving perfect health and perfect harmony with the heartbeat of the universe. As you study the concentrations you will find that Grigori Grabovoi encourages many options. he maximum benefit is in the exploringof the numbers, so when we align the concentration with the day of the month, we get that much more. The concentration codes are for you to play with, to sense into, and to discover your vocaulary with the frequencies and more important to create your path back to your higher you as it were (my words not GG's) the one who is eternal and whose birthright includes these abilities. These exercises will help you to develop health, consciousness, wealthy events in life, and harmonize your life with pulse of Universe.

I suggest accomplish these exercises everyday. For everyday of month, we provide three exercises for management the events. Basis of exercises is concentration on the goal, which will be achieving. You can choice a goal of concentration, for example, healing of illness, world understanding, etc. Mainly, you must regulate the information for everybody’s salvation and harmonic development. You accomplish world salvation job, and; therefore, this regulation can realize the information war against disaster. Practically, concentration will accomplish in following actions. 1. You define goal of concentration in some geometric shape, for example, sphere. That sphere manifests the goal of concentration. 2. You spiritually prepare to build the necessary events as God realizes that. 3. You control sphere location during the concentration on the objects, and move that sphere in most enlightened area of perception via will effort. That is only one of possible variants of concentration. You can find many other. Very effective concentrations based on genuine world understanding.

In first exercise, you will concentrate on element of outer or inner reality; in second exercise, on sequence of digits; and in third, on word form of concentration.

The item 4.8 is essential important for second and third exercises. Efficiency of concentration depends of your relation to it. Try to use creative approach, and hear your inner voice suggestions. You can write digital series on sheet, and then concentrate on it. Another way of concentration is following.

Concentrating on nine digits series, you can imagine that you and goal of concentration as some ball locate in sphere center, and the digits had been writing on inner surface of sphere. You must find the most enlightened digit, and; after getting the thoughts about it, you must connect that digit with inner ball. Concentrating on seven digits series, you can imagine the digits on some facet of cube, and you can move these digits according to your feeling for succeed maximum effectiveness.

Let describe another way of concentration. You can connect each digit with some element of inner or outer reality. For example, you can connect one digit with some feeling; and another, with some tree. That is up to you. Thus, you manifest the digits with reality elements or your consciousness elements.

These examples give you some management possibilities. You can change the concentration structure, mood of it, and symbolic manifestation of digits. As result, you will achieve more efficiency, and better time management, which is very important in everyday life. When requires fast salvation, your concentration will provide it. If your goal is harmonic development, then time is not so important. Base factor is here harmony (in any circumstances), which will be providing by your concentration. We assume individual character of these exercises. Choice of your development system cannot accomplish based on logistic level. Surely, you form your goal, you intent to realize it, but goal already existed in your soul, and that goal formed earlier. Therefore,

concentrating on some goal, firstly, will realize goals of your soul, which are goals not only of your development, but also the development of society. Accomplishing these goals, you will feel (on the soul level, on the level of Creator) that this is exactly what your must realize in first step.


The following exercises for every day of the month serve the development of a consciousness that is able to give a positive and pleasant direction to your life. This new awareness is able to produce or to maintain health on all levels of your being and create harmony with the heartbeat of the universe. I recommend that you dedicate a little time each day to the exercises in this book.

For each day of the month there are three exercises that correspond to this day. The concentration exercises initialize a process that leads to a guiding of events in your life. This isaccomplished through a number of various techniques. During the concentration process always keep the concrete goal that you wish to achieve in mind. Clearly see the goal you want to reach.

You could take as goal the realization of a desired outcome, for example, the healing of an illness or the development of a theory of knowledge. The most important aspect here is to always guide the information in the direction of a resolution for all concerned and harmonious progression of events. This can also mean going on a crusade, one resulting possibly in the destruction of the conventional understanding and structure working behind the scenes of your reality. You are the one who must do the work of creating the outcome.

• In a practical sense and according to your own abilities, you can undertake the concentration exercises in the following manner:

• Visualize the goal for your concentration efforts in the form of a sphere. i.e. a geometrical form.

• Tune into the thought that you are creating your desired life events just as Creation (the universe) has planned and you would like them to be.

• While concentrating on different objects or concrete numbers, or on understanding reality, check on the location of the sphere of your goal.

• In this way, through the power of your mind, you move the sphere of your goal into the region of your conscious perception, where - in the moment of concentration - it receives more light.

This is, however, only one variation of the concentration techniques. In the course of experience you can discover many more possibilities. Those methods, which that are based upon an understanding of the world through concentration, will of course be most effective. In the first exercise for each day of the month you focus on an arbitrary element of your outer or inner reality.

In the second exercise you focus on a sequence of numbers, first a seven-digit number and then a nine-digit number.

In the third exercise you find a verbal description of techniques for influencing the events in your life.

Pay attention especially to the following: you must absolutely understand that the effectiveness of your focus is primarily dependent upon being able to access your ability to concentrate. Open yourself to this creative process. Listen to your inner voice, as it gives you prompts for the practical side of working with these concentration exercises.

For example, in working with numbers you can write a sequence of numbers on a piece of paper and concentrate on them. While focusing on a sequence of nine numbers, picture that you are in the middle of a sphere and the numbers are on the inner surface. You can imagine the content of your goal within this sphere in the form of a ball. You must focus on identifying which number is shining the brightest. As soon as you notice that any particular number written on the inner surface of the sphere is shining brighter than the others, focus just upon this number. Then mentally connect the inner ball, the goal of the concentration exercise, with the more brightly shining number. When concentrating upon a sequence of seven numbers, you can imagine that the numbers are on the outer surface of a cube, on any one of its sides. You can move the numbers around in any which way until you reach the maxi...mum effect. Mentally connect each number with any element of your outer or inner world. Here it is not absolutely necessary that these elements be of similar type.

Associate, for example, one number with a tree, another with a feeling. You decide this yourself with this method you equate the numbers symbolically with a chosen element of reality. These elements can always be either physical or mental. This means that they can also be visualizations.

Within the various exercises you will find additional ways of directing your focus. You canchange the structure of an exercise as well as how you attune to it. You can also rotate the symbolic equation of the numbers to the elements you have chosen. This enhances the effectivity of your concentration. In this manner, you can achieve better control over the amount of time needed to manifest your intention. This is very important for the practical concerns of life. Where instantaneous resolution is needed, your concentration must bring immediate results. When you are concerned with your manifestation being harmonious, the time factor does not need to play an essential role. What is important here is to ensure a harmonious development of events while taking all possible circumstances into account. This is precisely what the concentration exercises are meant to accomplish.

With these exercises everything must be adapted to the individual. Everyone should seek out his or her own personal growth or self- development process. In this regard, it is important to pay attention to the following:

The choice of one’s personal self-development method cannot be made through logical considerations alone. Of course you are the one who determines your goals and strives to

fulfill them, but in your soul there are tasks for you that were established at an earlier time. These earlier tasks can be brought to completion while you are concentrating. They should contribute not only to your personal development, but also to the development of society as a whole. As you fulfill these tasks, you can sense the imperative of working on just these tasks first. You sense this in your deepest inner being, on the level of the development of the soul, the evolution of creation itself. And this is the reason that when we speak of concentration we are above all speaking of the harmony of and between all things. Here you must understand that no matter how greatly a situation is demanding intervention, when you are confronted with an unavoidable event, becoming harmonious with the situation always is the resolution. This is true even though the main task of harmony is to secure a development of events, which does not even permit a threatening situation to occur.

And of course you should create your harmonious growth such that it is ongoing. The concentration exercises for each day of the month that l have created and tested lead to this. With the practice of these exercises you will experience a harmony that makes your path joy-filled without end » and you can create a resolution of your own issues as well as those of others together with a life eternal. The concentration exercises can help you to exert an active and guiding influence on any situation instead of just remaining passive. Recognizing that with the practice of the concentration exercises you are effecting in a very real manner a process of resolution for all concerned and ongoing harmonious development, opens to you a portal to creative freedom. This is what fashions general, universal progress together with your true personal happiness.

The concentration exercises are setup for 31 days. If you are working in the month of February, which has only 28 days, then on the 1st of March you should move on to the exercise for the first day of the month. In other words, the day of the month from the list of exercises should match with the calendar day. You can do the concentration exercises at any time of the day. The number of exercises and how long one focuses during the day is up to you to decide. It is useful to do the exercises in a systematic manner as well as before important occasions, situations, or appointments. If the first exercise of the day seems too complicated, you can skip this one and practice the other two. You will still get results and with time the first exercises of the day will become increasingly more understandable and simpler to carry out. Do the exercises first, which you understand and like. - And now let us turn to the exercises.

!!!°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°!!! Thus, when we are talking about concentration, we, firstly, are discussing the world harmony. Need to understand, the harmony always contains as necessary element the salvation, if a situation requires it. Main goal of harmonic development is creation such conditions, in which never appear the dangers. We must care about eternal harmonic development.

1 day of month 1. You concentrate of right foot. That is basic point connected you with outer world. You are basing in thoughts on Earth. In your consciousness, Earth is basis. Your basic point of foot is simultaneously the point of maintenance and point of creation. You can develop your consciousness based on point as point of creation. You recognize the principle of development the plants and your physical body. According to that principle, you are able to create any outer reality. That understanding is basis of concentration. Nevertheless, you not need to think about that deep mechanism. You can only concentrate on your right foot, and imagine event, which meets your goal of concentration. Mechanism of concentration will work automatically, and you will get the event in harmonic way, because that concentration provides harmonic development.You can execute that concentration many times in the day.

Seven digits for concentration are following 1845421


Nine digits f or concentration are following



3. You concentrate on world, on all objects of world. You feel any object of world is part of your. Perceiving that, you will feel slight wind from every object, which gives you the solution. When you will get that every object has your consciousness particle, you will watch Creator’s harmony.

2nd Day of the Month

1. On this day the focus is on the little finger of the right hand. As in the previous exercise, at the same time you are concentrating on the little linger of the right hand, keep in your consciousness the event that you would like to bring about. During this exercise you do not have to remain absolutely still. You can use the little finger of the right hand to grasp or touch something. Do what you feel is right.

Pay attention to the following: on the whole you have of course many receptive elements.

Besides the little finger mentioned here there are nine more fingers and many other parts of the body. But from this multitude of receptive elements, you are being asked in this moment to concentrate on only one - namely on the little finger of the right hand. The regulation of events is harmonized in this manner.

This exercise can also be done numerous times a day in intervals that are personally comfortable. You can begin the new focus after 20 seconds or after an hour or more. You can undertake the focus twice a day often times a day or more. You also determine the length of each focus yourself. Have confidence in your intuition and trust your inner voice. Learn to listen to your inner voice and to hear what it says to you. This applies to all of the exercises.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1853125 1853125

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:



3. Concentrate and see the harmony in the world in relation to itself and to yourself. Create your world after the model that the Creator has left for you. Look at the world and you will see the image of what was. Look at the world and you will see the image of what will be. Look at the world and you will see the image of what is now and what you now are in this world. 3rd Day of the Month

1. On the 3rd day focus upon a plant of your choice. The plant can be physical - just as it exists in the outer world. In this case. during the concentration period you can just look at the plant. Or you can imagine the plant mentally and then focus upon the form of the visualized plant.

This concentration exercise employs the method of mirroring. Its importance lies in the fact that while you are concentrating on the chosen plant, you imagine how your desired result is forming in the light that is reflected back from the plant. Better said, you see it actually in front of you; you actually construct it in front of yourself. An event that has been constructed with the help of this exercise becomes harmonious. The fact that the plant already exists harmoniously in the world is also helpful for this process.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:



Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

421954321 421954321

3. Look at the reality around you and you will see that there are many worlds. Choose the world that you need. Step into this world and expand it. Look at this world with the eyes of the observer.

Come close to it, put your hands on it, and feel the warmth that it gives off. Bring this world close to yourself and look at its Creator. Listen to what he tells you and what advice he has for you. You can compare his knowledge to your knowledge and so gain entry no that realm beyond time and space.

4th Day of the Month

1. On this day concentrate on crystals or stones. You can even take just a grain of sand for this focus. Let‘s say you have selected a particular stone. Now imagine a sphere around it as you are focusing on it. This is the information sphere. Mentally see how all of the events that you need appear within this sphere. You simply place the events you need into this sphere. In this manner you are imparting a direction to your events by concentrating on them.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

5194726 5194726

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

715043769 715043769

3. Create the world in such a way that always and without interruption it is as if every movementof this world only concerns you as a unique person. When you reach the unity with this world that these concrete methods for guidance of events provide, your world will exist everywhere and you will enter into it. You will take it in your hands and your hands will become the world that contains your world. And you will see that you will leave the realm of time, you will touch the world of worlds and it will be one and the same for everyone. You will have chosen the common source, as did everyone else. Create this world so that it is an ideal world for you and for everyone else. This ideal does not need to be isolated. Hold the ideal of all people - and yourself- in your unified world in the same way as it exists in the unity of the universe.

Notice the perspective that these methods give you, They need to be harmonious. One exercise must follow out of the other just as the second step follows the first. When you are walking down a street, you see that every following step arises out of the previous one. You can stand up from a sitting position and see that there are manifold possibilities for every movement. They develop out of a previous movement and can themselves become the next previous movement. 5th Day of the Month

1. On this day focus on those elements of reality that come forth as a result of your working together with other elements of reality. I will explain what this means:

When you direct your attention to any particular object. you concentrate your consciousness on this element of reality. Through this connection with you, the object gains access to a certain degree of your concentration and a certain amount of your knowledge. A part of the information that was received from you and something of your condition, your energy, is then passed on by this object to other elements of reality. This is the same as when the light of the sun shines upon various objects and is partially reflected thereby illuminating other objects.

So when you have focused on some object, this object will have

already given something of itself to its surroundings after its interaction with you. Your task lies incontemplating this and finding out what it is that each element of reality is passing on to its surroundings. You can of course stay with just one object. Focus on the object while simultaneously imagining your desired goal, This is the method.

What’s special about this method is that the concentration upon the secondary element you are visualizing leads to the realization of the desired goal.

So with the help of logical thinking, with clairvoyance or any other mental technique, you discover just what the element you have chosen passes onto external reality alter its interaction with you. By contemplating upon this secondary element of reality while simultaneously visualizing the desired goal, you accomplish its realization.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1084321 1084321

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

194321054 194321054

3. When you look at the sky, you know that the earth exists. When you look at the earth, you can imagine that the sky exists above it. When you are under the earth, you can imagine that the sky exists above the earth. These simple truths are the source of the world eternal. Connect the sky with the earth and you will see that everything that is under the earth can also be above it. Rise to your spirit and find the risen ones where they are to be found.

If you bring infinity to the truth of the world, you will see that the world is infinite. When you know this. you will find the true Creator - the one who has given you what you have and you will create as he has created. He is very close to you. He is your friend; he loves you. You only need to extend your arms inwards him and create as he does. You are his creation and you are the Creator himself. Only a Creator can create Creators. Be in harmony with the Creator. Be open to him and in so doing you will be ongoing in all of your own manifestations and creations. You can always correct whatever you wish to change.

Everything you want to create, you can create there where you are - and at the time that you desire. You have eternity to accomplish perfection. The Creator will give you multiple eternities for your deeds. You are the one that the he has seen in you, whom he has created in you. But you are also the one that wants that the Creator be embodied forever in his creations, in which you see yourself. The Creator that is present in you is the same Creator that works through you in each of your actions. Turn to him and harmony will come to you.

6th Day of the Month

1. On this day center your focus on the following: Change your awareness by changing the intensity of your concentration while focusing upon the perception of distant objects.

This concentration technique is helpful when you would like the desired event to occur in a particular location. You just need to concentrate your awareness precisely in these surroundings. You can use this technique just as successfully to accomplish the reverse when you do not want a particular event or situation to occur, when it seems to you to be unfavorable. In this case you must dissolve the negative information. Dissolve means in this context to “defocus” your awareness in this location, to remove your concentration from there and move it somewhere else. The release that results from doing this leads to the non-realization of the unfavorable event or situation. As l have said, the realization of a desired event at a chosen location can be accomplished by concentrating upon distant elements within one`s consciousness. In practicing this technique, you use elements from your consciousness that are responsible for the perception of distant objects. You can see actual physical objects such as you perceive with your normal eyesight or you can look at distant objects with your inner sight. In both cases, you use distant elements taken from your consciousness. And when you also

connect the event that you wish to realize to a particular location, then it will occur in exactly that location.

The essential point in this technique is the following: the more distant you choose the regions of your consciousness for the visualization of your goal, the better it will be processed and the more complete the realization of the event will be. And the event will occur at the right location.

You can use the defocusing technique to deal with destructive forces. When you defocus your awareness, you can dilute negative information to the point that it can no longer be perceived, as if it were not there at all.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1954837 1954837

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:



3. When you look at the world me if it were somehow “amiss," you must always remember that regardless of how amiss it seems, how scattered or compressed, it is still the world of unity, of harmony and of grace. You must understand that God's blessing is inherent in all of the “deformed,” ambiguous or uncharacterized conditions of the world. You can always have access to this harmony knowing that you have always been eternal, are eternal nd always will be eternal. No shallow judgment can change the will of God.

7th Day of the Month

1. On the 7th day of the month focus upon maximally distant elements of your consciousness. In daily life. we are involved with such elements when we look at a distant cloud or distant objects such as trees and their leaves.

For the manifestation of any particular object or the realization of any desired event, it is necessary to process a large amount of information. Maximally distant elements of our consciousness produce the fastest processing of information. The more distant the element you choose, the faster the processing you will achieve. The knowledge of these factors is used as follows: You look with your normal eyesight at a cloud or see the cloud with your inner vision and, at the same time, you construct the desired event or result on this cloud (or alternatively on a leaf if you are looking at a distant leaf on a tree). Through using maximally distant elements of your consciousness, you can quickly achieve the desired result and the occurrence of the event will happen in a harmonious manner, because the cloud cannot be an agent of destruction any more than the leaves can be.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1485321 1485321

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

991843288 991843288

3. You see that the world is made in your image and develops through your cooperation with the will of the Creator. Everyone accepts that the world has been created. And when

you want to change the world through your actions, your deeds will lead to a general blessing. Your actions become powerful, your health improves and a general blessing comes into your life. This general blessing is the deed of the world that leads you into the realm of the divine and to that state where you acquire a universal and individual life forever and always.

8th Day of the Month

1. On this day you will learn to manifest while you are concentrating upon a sequence of events.

Imagine that you are sitting at the ocean looking at a fishing cutter quickly passing by. In front of the boat the water is quiet: behind it there are waves. The waves are a result of the action of the cutter. Let us look at a growing leaf of a tree. This leaf can also be considered to be a result of the existence of the tree. Clouds appear and the first raindrops fell to the earth. The raindrops can be seen as a result of the existence of the clouds.

There are similar examples around you in great number. Take any phenomenon and concentrate upon the consequences it produces. While doing this. keep your desired event in your awareness - and it will happen! This method is very effective. With its help you can also change past events.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1543218 1543218

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

984301267 984301267

3. You notice that the infinite movement within the lemniscate of the number 8 connects with those worlds, which you have encountered during the past 7 days. And when you connect your world with all worlds, you will notice that you have as much joy in your soul as the world is diverse. If you take in each particle of the world as a general form of joy, you will see that joy is eternal just as grace is eternal and you can raise your hands up to receive God’s blessing as he calls you into eternity.

See eternity where it is. See eternity where it is not. See eternity where it has always been and you will become a Creator of eternity there where it eludes the sight of another. When you have seen eternity and have created it, you will he forever eternal in everything, in any eternity and any world.

You are the Creator, in the form and image of God, and so are you created by eternity. In creating eternity you will create yourself. While creating yourself you create eternity, just as the one eternity can create the other and as the Creator created everything at the same time.

(Reflections on day 8 ... perhaps best stated as a question .... when it is suggested that in looking at "sequence" we can also change past events, then we are essentially energetically rewriting history by seeing it in co...ntext? We know that history is written by the victors. In this case we re-write it by seeing the events through a ...more sympathetic (perhaps) lense that allows us to see and feel the event or events in a more harmonious way. Couple this with seeking joy and we shall find it ... thenwhat power there is in re-writing our stories in order to allow for a more joy filled moment, day, year and in fact eternity.)

9th Day of the Month

1. On the 9th day of the month occupy yourself with the following task: concentration upon maximally distant elements of your consciousness brought to maximally close points of consciousness. This means that the focus consists of transmuting maximally distant elements into maximally close ones. This transformation must occur in such a way as if your perception of maximally distant elements of your consciousness as well as maximally close points of consciousness were one and the same. This technique provides you with the ability to infuse the composition of any element of the world with a unifying impulse.

As soon as you can accomplish this, you will become an adept in manifestation. You will then only need to hold the mental attitude that everything should be normal and everything will be normal.

It is simply enough to make a wish and things will happen precisely according to your wish. The unifying impulse of which I have spoken creates a special mental state. This state is not entirely connected with your processes of thought, because you can do this without thinking, It can simply consist of being attuned, for example, to what is good, to the creation of harmony. Attunement to this state of mind leads in itself to a favorable unfolding of circumstances.

I want to underline that this concentration technique emphasizes a particular form of perception. This perception represents a specialized portion of your awareness. You work in such a manner that functions as I have described. This concentration exercise touches deeper aspects of using your mind to influence events.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1843210 1843210

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

918921452 918921452

3. When you understand that your world is a very essential part of the universe, you will see that everything that exists in nature, that, for example, a plant, a person, an animal, every molecule or even that which has not yet been created - all of this has a unified and divine foundation that follows the mechanism of all creation. When you have once seen how one creates, you can yourself create any and everything.

You arrive at this point through the origins of your own "l." If you move through the depth of your “I,” you will see how your “I” works and unfolds in conjunction with the entire universe. You are the world. You are reality. See this with the eyes of the entire world. Look at this with the eyes of the entire world, look at it with the eyes of every person, look at it with your own eyes and you will see that your soul is the power of your sight. Look at the world with your soul and you will see the world as it is and you will make the corrections that are needed and you will see the world in the way you must use it in order to attain life eternal. You will always know the way when you look at the world from within yourself and from without, from all perspectives. (Day 9: Maximum distance brought to maximum close points of consciousness ... at the same time ... seems to me that this is the ultimate 2 - point. And I love soaring with the "I" presence and bathing in "yours, the eyes of the whole world." Limitless joy, power and responsibility.)

10th Day of the Month

1. On this day focus on the following: concentrate upon all of the objects of your outer reality that you can apprehend at the same time during a single act of perception of these objects. You prepare yourself to perceive in a single moment all of the objects that are available to your perception. The result of this momentary act of perception would be the awareness of all of these external objects.

Of course, when you just start practicing this exercise, the perception of all information about all of the objects can only be partially accomplished. This need not disturb you. The final goal of your work is the complete awareness of all of the objects. With time this ability will come more and more under your control. Even when you start working with this exercise on the momentary perception of surrounding objects, you will gathers tiny bit of information from each object, for example, a premonition that a particular object is located somewhere, that it exists. In order to receive information about an object, you basically only need to find the right place to focus and to attune yourself to the task.

You will then be able to perceive any particular object and have access to all levels of influence. And because this concentration technique teaches you to be aware of a large number of objects all at the same time, this practice immediately allows you to regulate a large amount of information. Here is an example of the results of this technique: let's assume that there is a computer in front of you. As soon as you cast a glance at its external appearance, you immediately know how to use this computer and what one can expect to accomplish through its use.

The concentration technique given here allows you to access information from any particular object. In the same manner, with the help of this technique. you learn to use the information from the object. The access to the use of the information can be logical or illogical (intuitive).

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1854312 1854312

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:



3. The union of two numbers, the number 1 and the new number 0 has led to you at first seeing the world as though the number 0 were contained within the number 1. By considering the number 1 and enlarging it until, through the addition of the number 0, it becomes 10, you complete an activity.

In so doing your actions must, according to this principle, be harmonious. You must realize that your every action can expand your manifestations significantly, both in quantity and quality. You are the manifestation of the world. Harmonize with that which you see. Pay attention to yourself and to your thoughts.

You must be where you are. You must he where you are not. You must be everywhere for you are the shaper and mover of all things. And your harmony must lead into eternity. Resurrection is an element of eternity. Immortality is just as much an element of eternity. You must find for yourself the true eternity where immortality and resurrection are only special cases of eternity. You must be the creator of each and every thing. You must grasp and form a precise picture of the implications of resurrection and immortality, of the true immortality. True immortality gives birth to the next level of eternity, the next level of the world and the next level of the personality. You must be prepared for this and always remember that new tasks, the tasks of eternity that were born before you were and which you have set for yourself, give birth to new worlds that you establish in your consciousness.

And this world, just as 1 and 0 equals 10, this world is what you will always have when you become eternal. because you are already eternal. Your immortality is contained within you. You are eternal and immortal. It is enough just to become aware of it. If on this level you traverse the path of accessible and understandable action, a path similar to the connecting of 1 and 0, you will attain to immortality in all of your actions, in every manifestation and in every step you take.

11th Day of the Month

1. On the 11th day of the month focus on the events that manifest through the interaction of animals with humans. Is there a dog, for example, or a cat or some kind of bird, perhaps a parrot, living with you in your house? Contemplate the deeper meaning that lies behind this contact with animals - from our point of view as well as theirs.

Becoming aware of the thought processes and the perceptions of other participants in life, allows you to find your way into the laws of manifestation of all of reality.

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1852348 1852348

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

561432001 561432001

3. Just like when you enlarged the number 1 by tenfold through adding the number 0 to it, you get the next number when you add a 1 to the number 1. The number 11 is the embodiment of your inner world, which all can’t see. You are the being that everyone can always see. Every person can have the harmonious experience, which you have in your own development, for him or herself. Share your experience and you gain eternal life.

12th Day of the Month

1. On this day focus on those things for which a question as to the creation of the whole can arise- If for example, a goose or a swan loses a feather, concentrate on what one could do so that the feather returns to its place. How could you put it back? Try to understand how you could create the unified whole or how you could recreate


Or take another example: a leaf falls from a tree. How could you bring it about so that the leaf returns again to its place and that the tree together with the leaf appears in its original condition? We are concerned here with concentrating upon bringing together separated elements of reality into a unified whole that represents their normal condition. Practicing this exercise fosters control over the manifestation of events. In this concentration exercise, as in all of the others. you can also take yourself as the object of the focus. You can reconstitute any of your physical organs.

A woman once came to me for advice. Her uterus had been surgically removed. You can understand what that means to a woman. I employed the same principles and methods that you now know - this woman again has a functioning and healthy uterus!

2. Focus intently on the sequence of seven numbers:

1854321 1854321

Focus intently on the sequence of nine numbers:

485321489 485321489

3. If you unite with the world through how you assimilate it through your own actions your deeds are the essence of the world you will see that you are everywhere and always in harmony with the world.

You will see that the Creator, as he gave us his blessing, desired to be 1 with us. We should find unity there where divine evolution occurs In evolution lies the unity with God. Unity arises in every moment of movement of divine, genuine and enlightening creation. You move, you develop yourself in the direction of eternity - this will, in your

eternal unfolding, always be your unity with the Creator. You act and develop yourself in the direction of eternity and this, in your progress through eternity, will be4ever in your unity with the Creator. Eternal life - this is the true unity with the Creator.

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