Computer Lab Rules and Regulations

August 29, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Laborat Labo ratory ory R ules ules and R egul eg ula ations NAME: _______________________________ TEACHER: ARVIN B. BERNESTO 

SECTION: ____________   DATE: __________________

Don'ts ins ide the Computer Lab Lab 1.   Always  A lways wear your foot s acks  2.  Do not eat or dri nk i ns ide the llab aborato oratory. ry.  3.   Avoi  A void d steppi stepping ng on ele electri ctri cal wires or any other computer cable cabless . 4.  Do not open or use the unit particularly particularly without permiss ion or  5.  Do not ins ert me meta tall obje objects cts s uch as c lips, pins , and nee needle dless into the compute computerr holes 6.  Do not remove anything anything from the com computer puter without p permis ermis s ion. 7.  Do not touch, connect, or dis connect any any plug or cabl cable e without permis s ion. 8.  Do not touch any any ci rcuit boards and power sock ets when s ome omething thing is connected tto o them or s witched one one.. 9.  Do not open open a an n externa externall de device vice (e.g . USB fla flass h drives ) without scanning the them m for com compute puterr vir us es. 10.  Do not change the icons on the compute computerr s creen. 11.  Do not s witch the keyboard llett etters ers around. 12.  Do not go to programs you don’t know of. 13.  Do not ins tall tall any othe otherr prog rams unless told. told. 14.  Do not unplug unplug anything unles s the com computer puter ha hass properly shut down. 15.  Do not copy the work of other other s tude tudents. nts. 16.  Do not attempt to repair, open, tamper, or interfere with anything inside the lab. 17.  Do not plug any other devices. 18.  Do not detach detach monitor unles s told. told. Do’s inside the Computer Lab 

1.  Turn off the machine machine when you are no llong ong er us ing it.  2.  R eport a any ny brok en plugs or expos ed el electrical ectrical wires to the teacher teacher immediat immediately. ely.  3.   Always  A lways S A VE your pr og res s . 4.   Always  A lways maintain an extra extra copy of all your data files.  5.   Make sure su re your ex ternal devic devices es are VI R US F R E E . 6.  Feel free tto o as as k for ass is tance. tance. 7.  B eha ehave ve properly. I, promis e to abide abide the s chool compute computerr laborat laboratory ory rules and reg ulations ulations and policies policies , I will perform my ob oblig lig ations ations and respons ibility as a student. Any mis conduct on my pa part rt and violat violations ions of s chool computer computer la laborat boratory ory rules and regulat regulations ions and p policies olicies will gi ve





Employer abuse The numbers of UK workers saying they wanted more hours than they were getting

shot up during the last recession, according to the Office for National Statistics. At its peak, this pent-up demand was equal to around 45 million hours a week. It has since come back down to 38 million hours,  but remains remains well in excess excess of the roughly roughly 25 million million level that consistently consistently prevailed prevailed in the years before before the 2008-09 slump. On the surface the British labour market seems pretty tight, with the  headline unemployment  rate at just 4.3 per cent, lows not seen since 1975. The Chancellor, Philip Hammond,  unemployment Hammond, has even spoken  spoken of the UK approaching “full employment”. But this particular measure of desired hours suggests there’s still slack in the UK labour market and that many people would work more hours if only they were available. High placement

To secure the chance to work abroad, Hajji had to scrounge for P41,900 to pay for all the fees assigned to him by his recruitment agency. The amount was nearly twice the monthly salary of about P23,800 he had yet to earn in  in  Qatar Qatar  as a worker for  for Megatec Megatec,, a company that subcontracts mechanical and engineering work to construction companies. MANILA, Philippines  – An estimated 6,000 Filipinos  Filipinos  leave to work overseas every single day  – fathers, mothers, siblings, or even an entire family. (INFOGRAPHIC:  (INFOGRAPHIC:  Getting to know the OFWs) OFWs)  To secure a job overseas, OFWs and their families spend large amounts of time and money to pay for fees, paperwork, as well as trips to and from hometowns and cities. But in many instances, prospective workers can be scammed by  by illegal recruitment schemes. schemes. According to government data, migrant workers continue to be victims of  illegal recruitment  recruitment despite laws against it. A total of 1,567 illegal recruitment  recruitment cases were reported to the Department of Justice (DOJ) in 2016. But this excludes cases that have either been dropped or not reported at all. For OFWs, knowing how to avoid being a victim can spell the difference between hope and misery. Here are some ways to guide you:

Children’s Emotional Children’s  Emotional Response  Response  When children discover that Mom or Dad has been unfaithful, they may feel insecure in the relationship and suffer a loss of trust in the cheating partner, pa rtner, according to psychologist Ana L.  Nogales, specializing in marriage and relationship therapy and Latina issues. This is true even if you don't tell the kids that a parent is cheating, because they feel the tension that exists between you. If one of you walks out of the relationship, your children ma may y feel responsible for the split, regardless of how often you tell them that the responsibility lies with the parents. Older children who understand the meaning of infidelity may experience anger, shame, confusion and resentment, according to Nogales.


RIYADH, Saudi Arabia —  Arabia —  Philippine  Philippine Consul General Iric Arribas said reports that Embassy officials have been slow in helping stranded overseas Filipino workers or those who have run away from their abusive employers were inaccurate. Arribas said the Philippine Embassy here and the Philippine Consulate in Jeddah have been  providing  providi ng these these OFWs with all all the help they they needed, includ including ing repatriati repatriation. on. Reports Reports from groups that have been monitoring the plight of OFWs said that some 700 OFWs have been languishing in Saudi jails due to various charges because of the lack of assistance from Philippine officials.

When you think about living overseas, very often what first comes to mind is exotic food, lovely city to explore, new friends to make and a cool suitcase to tag along. Yet, another (often overlooked) aspect of life abroad is when you get sick. The side that no one really likes to talk about. Have you ever met someone again after they’ve they’ve lived overseas and you asked: “Hey, how was life in Australia?” and they respond: “Man, I had such excruciating pain in Sydney you know, well, not as bad as when I lived in Melbourne, but…”. Yes, I thought not. What do you do when do  when you are living overseas and you get sick? Far from your home country, the place you were born and grew up in… Probably far from your parents, family or friends. I know the feeling. It has happened to me more times than I was prepared for. And when it did, I felt I was going to die. Honestly. The way I cope is: I lose control, panic and go into a hole of self-pity after updating my Facebook status so that my 1000+ friends get a detailed account of my bowel movements and picture me snotty-faced and sad looking in my pajamas. Broken family Family is the basic unit of society. This is the most essential component of a country. A home h ome is where a family lives. It may be alternated to the word ‘house’ but a house is more appropriately referring to the material structure, whereas ‘home’ refers to the intangible things that bind together the family members. It is the immeasurable love and care that keeps together the mother, father and their children. However, no matter how ideal a family in the terms of their relationship, there are still hardships and misunderstandings that will come along the way. It is  just part of any relationship anyway. But, the sad part is when one of the family members gave up and the others have no choice but to accept and let go. Thus, the family starts to be broken.  



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