Computer Beep Codes

January 24, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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COMPUTER BEEP CODES POST ABCs  power-on -on self-test self-test ( P OST  POST   ) tests the computer to make sure it meets  The computer computer power the necessary system requirements and that all hardware is working properly before starting the remainder of the boot process. If the computer passes the POST the computer will have a single beep ( with some computer BIOS manufacturers it may beep twice as the computer starts and the computer will continue to start normally. !owever" if the computer fails the POST" the computer will either not beep at all or will generate a beep code" which tells the user the source of the problem.

The steps of a POST #ach time the computer boots up the computer must past the POST. $elow is the common steps a POST performs each time your computer starts.

Step %. Test the power supply to supply to ensure that it is turned on and that it releases its reset signal. Step &. 'P 'P must  must e)it the reset status mode and thereafter be able to e)ecute instructions. Step *. $IOS checksum $IOS checksum must be valid" meaning that it must be readable. ',OS checksum  checksum must be valid" meaning that it must be Step +. ',OS readable. Step Step -. 'P 'P mus mustt be be a abl ble e to to rea read d all all for forms of memo memory ry such such as the the memory controller" memory bus" and memory module. memory must  must be operational and have the capability to be read  The rst /+0$ /+0$ of memory and written to and from" and capable of containing the POST code. 1 1

I2O bus 2 bus 2 controller must be accessible. I2O bus bus must must be able to to write write 2 read read from from the video video subsys subsystem tem and and be able to to read all video 34,.

If the computer does not pass any of the above tests" your computer will receive an irregular POST. POST. 4n irregular POST is a beep code that is di5erent from the standard one or two beeps. This could be either no beeps at all or a combination combination of di5erent beeps indicating what is causing the computer not to past the POST. If you6re receiving an irregular POST contains all the steps a user can do to resolve the issue or help determine what hardware has failed in the computer so it can be replaced. If you6re getting a beep code the remainder of this page contains a listing of each of  the ma7or manufacturers beep codes and what they each mean. AMI BIOS Beep Codes $elow are the 4,I $IOS $eep codes that can occur. !owever" because of the wide

variety vary. of di5erent computer manufacturers with this $IOS" the beep codes may

1 817


Beep Code


% short

934, refresh failure

& short

Parity circuit failure

* short

$ase /+0 34, failure

+ short

System timer failure

- short

Process failure

/ short

0eyboard controller :ate 4&; error

< short

=irtual mode e)ception error

> short

9isplay memory 3ead2?rite test failure

@ short

3O, $IOS checksum failure

%; short

',OS shutdown 3ead2?rite error

%% short

'ache ,emory error

% long" * short

'onventional2#)tended memory failure

% long" > short

9isplay23etrace test failed

AWARD BIOS beep codes $elow are 4ward $IOS $eep codes that can occur. !owever" because of the wide variety of di5erent computer manufacturers with this $IOS" the beep codes may vary. Beep Code


% long" & short

Indicates a video error has occurred and the $IOS cannot initialiAe the video screen to display any additional

4ny other beep(s

information 34, problem. 34,

If any other correctable hardware issues" the $IOS will display a message. IBM BIOS beep codes $elow are I$, $IOS $eep codes that can occur. !owever" because of the wide variety of models shipping with this $IOS" the beep codes may vary. Beep Code


Bo $eeps

Bo Power" Coose 'ard" or Short.

% Short $eep

Bormal POST" computer is ok.

 817


& Short $eep

POST error" review screen for error code.

'ontinuous $eep

Bo Power" Coose 'ard" or Short.

3epeating Short $eep

Bo Power" Coose 'ard" or Short.

One Cong and one Short $eep

,otherboard issue.

One Cong and Two Two Short $eeps

=ideo (,ono2':4 9isplay 'ircuitry issue.

One Cong and Three Short $eeps.

=ideo (#:4 9isplay 'ircuitry.

 Three Cong Cong $eeps One $eep" $lank or Incorrect 9isplay

0eyboard 2 0eyboard 0eyboard card card error. error. =ideo 9isplay 9i splay 'ircuitry 'i rcuitry..

Macintosh start!p tones

 Tones  Tones

#rror #rr or

#rro #rrorr T Tone one.. (two (two sets sets of di5e di5ere rent nt tones tones Start tartu up tone" one" driv drive e spins ins" no vide deo o

Probl Problem em with with logic logic boar board d or S'SI S'SI bus. bus. Problem blem with video ideo con contr tro oller ller..

Powers on" no tone.

Cogic board problem.

!igh Tone" four higher tones.

Problem with SI,,.

Phoeni" BIOS beep codes $elow are the beep codes for P!O#BID $IOS E*.;< O3 +.D

$eep 'ode

9escription 2 ?hat to 'heck


=erify 3eal ,ode.

%F%F&F% %F%F&F*

:et 'P type. InitialiAe system hardware.


InitialiAe chipset registers with initial POST values.


Set in POST Gag.


InitialiAe 'P registers.


InitialiAe ca cache to to in initial PO POST values.


InitialiAe I2O.


InitialiAe Power ,anagement.


Coad al alternate re registers with initial P PO OST values.


Hump to serPatch;.

# 817



InitialiAe keyboard controller.


$IOS 3O, checksum.


>&-+ timer initialiAation.


>&*< 9,4 controller initialiAation. initialiAat ion.


3eset Pr Programmable In Interrupt 'o 'ontroller.


Test 934, refresh.


Test >
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