Computer Basic Question

September 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Computer Fundamentals Fundamentals 1. Which of the following holds the ROM, RAM, CPU?    A. Hard Disk B.ALU C.Mother Board D.None of the above

2. Magnetic Tape used _________ access method.    A. Random B.Sequential C.Direct D.None of the above 3. What is the difference between Memory and Storage? S torage?  A.Memory is Temporary and Storage is Permanent B. Memory is Permanent and Storage is Temporary C.Memory is Slow and Storage is Fast D.None of the above

4. The Language that the computer can understand is called _______. _ ______.   A. High Level Language B.Machine Language C.System Program D.Assembly Language

5. CPU stands for?   A. B. C. D.

Common Proces Processing sing Unit Central Process Unit Central Processing Unit Central Performance Unit

6. ALU stands for?  A.Arithmetic Logic Unit B. Arithmetic Logical Unit C.Arithmetic Logic Uniform D.None of the above

7. MODEM stands for?   A. Multicomputer Oper Operating ating Device Mem Memory ory B.Modulator Demodulator C.Mega Storage Devide D.None of the above 8. CPU controls ___________.  A.All Input, Output and processing B. Controls Controls Memory C.Controlled by the input data D.None of the above

9. Which of the following is not hardware?   A. Printer B.Monitor


C.Magnetic Tape D.MS Word 10. Memories which can be read only are called ____________ memories.    A. RAM B.ROM C.EERAM D.Dynamic Memories 11. What is the radix of Binary Number System?   A. B. C. D.

3 1 2 4

12. What is the radix of Octal Number System?   A. 18 B.8 C.7 D.2 13. The Decimal Number system has base __________.   A. 8 B. 9 C.11 D.None of the above 14. The Hexadecimal Number system has base __________.   A. A B. F C.16 D.10 15. BCD stands for ___________.   A. Basic Computer D Digit igit B. Binary Converted Decimal C.Binary Coded Decimal D.None of the above 16. Octal number system contains digits from __________.    A. 0 - 8 B.0 - 7 C.1 - 8 D.1 - 9 17. Decimal number system contains digits from __________.    A. B. C. D.

1 - 10 0 - 10 0-8 0-9

18. Portable program means?   A.

Program with wheels


B. C. D.

Independent from its authors Independent of platform None of the above

19. The number of 1's present in the binary representation of 10 x 256 + 5 x 16 + 5 is    A. B. C. D.

5 6 7 8

20. The scheme of which interpreter translates the source program is known k nown as    A. B. C. D.

Paragraph by paragraph Instruction by instruction Line by line None of the above

21. The principal electronic payment systems for electronic commerce is __________.    A. B. C. D.

Credit Card Digital Wallet Electronic Cheque All of the above

22. What is the first stage in program development?  A. B. C. D.

Specification and design System Analysis Testing None of the above

23. Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities?  A. B. C. D.

Communication, planning, modelling, construction, deployment Communication, risk management, measurement, production, reviewing Analysis, designing, programming, Debugging, maintenance Analysis, planning, designing, programming, testing

24. The hexadecimal number system consists of the following symbols s ymbols __________.   A. B.

0-7 0-9

C. D.

0 - 9, A F above None of -the

25. DNS in internet technology stands for    A. B. C. D.

Dynamic Nam Name e System Domain Name System Distributed Name System None of the above

26. HTML stands for   A. B. C. D.

Hyper Text Markup Language Hyper Text Manipulation Language Hyper Text Managing Links Hyper Text Manipulating Links

27. 1 GB is equal to ______.  


 A. B. C. D.


2  bits 30 2  bytes 20 2  bits 20 2  bytes

28. The set of computer programs that manage the hardware/software of a computer is called    A. B. C. D.

Compiler syste system m Operation system Operating system None of the above

29. S/MIME in Internet technology stands for?   A. B. C. D.

Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension Secure Multimedia Internet Mail Extension Simple Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension Simple Multimedia Internet Mail Extension

30. Which one of the following is an example of Operating System ?    A. B. C. D.

Microsoft Word Microsoft Excel Microsoft Access Microsoft Windows

31. Which one of the following represent the binary equivalent of the decimal number 23?    A. B. C. D.

01011 10111 10011 None of the above

32. Which one of the following is different from other members?  A. B. C. D.

Google Windows Linux Mac

Google is search engine while rest are Operating system. 33. Computers on an internet are identified by    A. E-mail address B. Street Street address C.IP address D.All of the above 34. What is blog?   A. Online Music B.Intranet C.A personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal D.A personal or corporate Google Search 35. Which is not online Indian Matrimonial website?   A. www.jeevansathi.c om B.


36. bit stands for    A. Binary Information Ter Term m B.Binary Digit C.Binary Tree D.Bivariate Theory 37. Which one of the following is not a network device?   A. Router B.Switch C.Hub D.CPU 38. A compiler is used to convert the following to object code which can be executed  A.High-level language B. Low-level language C.Assembly language D.Natural language

39. How many 1's are present in the binary representation of 3 x 512 + 7 x 64 + 5 x 8 + 3    A. 8 B.9 C.10 D.11 40. The Unix command used to find out the number of characters in a file is    A. nc B.wc C.chcnt 41. In a client/server model, a client program ___.  A.Asks for information B. Provides information and fi files les C.Serves software files to other computers D.Distributes data files to other computers

42. Every device on the Internet has a unique ___________ address (also called an "Internet address"). 

 A. DH B.IPVPP C.DTH D.IP 43. PERT stands for?   A. B. C. D.

Program Evaluation and R Review eview Technique Permission Evaluation and Review Technique Project Evaluation and Review Technique A & C Both

44.  ______ is the high speed memory used in the computer.   A. RAM B.BIOS C.Hard disk D.Cache


45. SWOT analysis stands for?  A.Strength Weakness Opportunity and Threat B. Stamina Will Obesity Threat C.Subtle Will Opportunity Threat D.None of the above

46. The set of processed data is called?   A. Data B. Data Data Processing C.Database D.Information 47. BPO Means?  A.Business Process Outsourcing B. Business Process Office C.Business Process Output D.Business Program Output

48. Which of the following is object oriented programming?   A. C B.C++ C.BASIC D.FORTRAN 49. gif is expanded as?   A. Graphics Interchan Interchange ge File B.Graphics Interchange Format C.Graphics Information File D.Graphics Information Format 50. AVI format was developed by?    A. IBM B. Apple C.Microsoft D.Macromedia 51. The machine readable from of a program is called as?    A. Source code B.Object code C.Compiler D.Executable File 52. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for    A. African Standard Code for In Information formation Interchange B.American Standard Code for Information Interchange C.American Stock Code for Information Interchange D.American Standard Code for Information Interform 53. Which of the following is not a programming language?   A. BASIC B.Java C.Microsoft Office D.C


54. Internet explorer is a type of?    A. Operating System B.Compiler C.IP address D.Browser 55. TCP/IP is necessary if one is to connect to the?    A. Server B. MAN C.Internet D.Phones 56. Minimum number of bits required to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to?    A. 8 B. 5 C.4 D.10 57. X.25 is ________ Network.   A.Connection Oriented Network B. Either Connection Oriented or Connection Less C.Connection Less Network D.Neither Connection Oriented nor Connection Less

58. Which of the following is scheme to deal with deadlock?   A. Time in B.Time Out C.Time Save D.Both A and B 59. Which of the following IP address class is a multicast address ?    A. Class A B. Class Class B C.Class C D.Class D 60. What is the meaning of 'Hibernate' in Windows XP/Windows 7?    A. Restart the comput computers ers in safe mode. B. Restart the computers in normal mode. C.Shutdown the computer terminating all the running applications. D.Shutdown the computer without closing the running applications. 61. Which layer of OSI reference model uses the ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) ?  A.Network layer B. Data link layer C.Transport layer D.Application layer

62. Which one of the following options is not a shell in UNIX system?    A. Bourne Shell B. Korn Shell C.C Shell D.Net Shell


63. Dot-matrix, Deskjet, Inkjet and Laser are all types of which computer peripherals?    A. Keyboards B.Software C.Monitors D.Printers 64. Which device work as an output and input device?    A. Monitor B.Modem C.Printer D.OCR 65. One MB is equal to?    A. 500 GB B. 1024 Byte C.1000 KB D.1024 KB 66. A computer port is used to?    A. Communicate w with ith hard disks B. Donwload files C.Communicate with other computer peripherals D.None of the above 67. In order to play and hear sound on a computer one needs?   A.Sound card and Speaker B. A Microphone C.A & B both D.None of the above

68. The idea of stored-program concept was revealed by?    A. Pascal B.Babbage C.Neumann D.Bill gates 69. Which of the following is not a CPU trade name?    A. Intel B.Dell C.AMD D.Cyrix 70. The file extension of MS-Word document in Office 2007 is _______.   A. .doc B. .pdf C..docx  D..txt 71.  _______ is a protocol used by e-mail clients to download e-mails to y your our computer.   A. SMTP B.POP C.FTP D.MAIL


72. Data Encryption Techniques are particularly used for ______.   A.protecting data in Data Communication System. B. enhances Data Integrity. C.reduce Storage Space Requirement. D.decreases Data Integrity.

73. In UNIX, which of the following command is used to s set et the task priority?    A. init B.nice C.PS D.kill 74.  ______ is an "Umbrella" activity that is applied applied throughout the software software engineering pr process. ocess.    A. Testing B. Debugging C.Designing D.Software quality assurance 75. Main Memory is also known as ______?   A. Hard Disk B. ROM C.RAM D.Flopy Disk 76. The most advanced form of ROM is?   A. PROM B. RAM C.Cache Memory D.EEPROM 77. CGI stands for?   A. Common Graphic Graphics s Interface B. Common Gateway Interchange C.Common Gateway Interface D.Computer Gateway Interface 78. FAT stands for?   A. Field Allocation Table B. File Allotment Table C.File Allocation Table D.None of the above 79. Computer Virus is a _____.   A. Hardware B.Software C.Bacteria D.Freeware 80. Everything below the system call interface and a bove the physical hardware is known as  ______.  A.Kernel

B.Bus C.Shell D.Stub


81. Basis path testing falls under?    A. System Test Testing ing B.White Box Testing C.Black Box Testing D.Unit Testing 82. What is the size of the Unicode character in W Windows indows Operating System?   A. 8-Bits B.16-Bits C.32-Bits D.64-Bits 83. Which of the following memory allocation scheme suffers from external fragmentation?  A.Segmentation B. Pure demand paging C.Swapping D.Paging

84. ROM is needed for storing an initial program called _______.    A. Computer Startup Loader B.Bootstrap Loader C.OS Version D.None of the above 85. Refreshing Dynamic memory means?   A.Capacitor must recharged periodically B. Capacitor must discharged periodically C.Removing capacitor D.None of the above

86.  __________ is technology that allows someone to turn on a network network computer remotely by sending a special data packet.    A. WAN B.WHOL C.WOL D.Windows Mesh


Wake on LAN is technology that allows someone to turn on a network computer remotely by sending a special data packet (called a Magic Packet). Even if the computer is turned off, the net work adapter is still "listening" on the network, so when the special packet arrives, the network adapter can turn on the computer. 87. Froms that are used to organize business data into rows and columns are called?    A. Transaction Sheet B.Register C.Business Forms D.Spreadsheets 88. BIOS stands for?   A. Bit In Out Service B. Basic Input Output Structure C.Basic Input Output System


D.All the above 89. A flowchart is a ______.   A. type of diagram that repres represents ents an algorithm or proces process s B. pictorial representation of program C.designing and documentation of complex processes or programs D.All the above

90. Decisions or Conditions in flowchart is represented by ______.  A.Diamond B.Parallelogram C.Rectangle D.Circle

91. Parallelogram in flowchart is used for?    A. Input B.Output C.Page Connector D.Both A & B 92. Arrow in flowchart represents ______.    A. Road direction B.Flow of control C.Flow of Input / Output D.None of the above

93. Processing step (operation or action) in flowchart is represented by ______.  A.Rectangle B.Arrow C.Hexagon D.Circle

94. who is the father of algorithm?   A. Frank Gilbreth B. James James Goslin C.Al-Khwarizmi D.None of the above 95. What is algorithm?   A. Set of steps for solv solving ing a particular problem B. Solving a problem iin n a fini finite te number of steps C.Set of programming statement to solve problem D.Both A & B 96. Basic computer processing cycle consists of ____   A.Input, Processing and Output B. System and Application C.Data, Information and Application D.Hardware, Software and Firmware

97. Super computer ____    A. are smaller in size an and d processing then microcomputer microcomputer B. are of same size as laptop


C.are rarely use by researcher due to lack of computing power D.contain thousands of microprocessors 98. Tangible, physical computer equipment that can be seen and touched is called?    A. Software B.Hardware C.Input/Output D.None of the above 99. What utility do you use to transfer files and exchange messages?    A. Browsers B.www C.Email D.Search Engines 100. Which of the following is not an output device?   A. Printer B. Plotter C.Flat Screen Monitor D.Touch Screen 101. Which number system is usually followed in a typical 32-bit computer?  A.2 B. 10 C.16 D.32

102. Mnemonic codes and variable name are used in?   A. A machine language B.An assembly language C.A high level language D.All of the above 103. "www" stands for    A. work with web B. word wide web wide web D.worth while web 104. A hard disk is divided into tracks which is further subdivided into    A. Clusters B.Sectors C.Vectors D.Heads 105. A computer program that translates a program statement by statement into machine language is called a/an   A. Compiler B.Simulator C.Translator D.Interpreter 106. A Gigabyte is equal to  


A.1024 Megabytes B. 1024 Kilobytes C.1024 Terabytes D.1024 Bytes

107. A Compiler is a software which converts   A. characters to bits B.high level language to machine language C.machine language to high level language D.words to bits 108. Virtual memory is   A. an extremely large m main ain memory. B. an extremely large secondary memory. illusion of extremely large main memory. D.a type of memory used in super computers.

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