ComPro PT Gamma Epsilon

September 18, 2017 | Author: alfonsxxx | Category: Water Resources, Electric Power Transmission, Mining, Technology, Business
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Short Description




GeneralOverview PT. Gamma Epsilon, merupakan salah satu perusahaan tenaga konsultan dan Pengembang Teknologi Informasi mandiri terbesar yang menyediakan kualitas pelayanan di bidang hydro power dan energi, pengembangan sumber daya perairan, bangunan, industri, pembangunan daerah dan persediaan air, transportasi, irigasi dan eksplorasi pertambangan/minyak bumi, edukasi dan lainnya. Perusahaan ini memiliki pekerja yang ditempatkan dalam proyek-proyek yang terletak di 31 propinsi di Indonesia dan bekerja sama dengan perusahaan asing. Ruang lingkup dari layanan mencakup survai, investigasi dan studi, perencanaan sektoral dan regional, analisis ekonomi dan keuangan, studi kelayakan, detil dan desain konstruksi, konstruksi supervisi dan kontrol kualitas; desain dan supervisi pada instalasi dan pemantauan termasuk provisi dari inspeksi keamanan dan pengawasan dari struktur hidrolik dan bendungan dan penyelidikan lingkungan dan berbagai aplikasi komputer dengan menggunakan software dan teknologi terbaru. Mengatur program dan pesiapan dan meningkatkan teknologi dan software program dari sektor-sektor proyek sama baiknya seperti konsultasi dalam kapasitas membangun program institusional. Sekarang, kami sedikit mengubah arah jalan kami dengan tidak hanya menggunakan istilah 'Consulting Services', namun juga mengikutsertakan istilah 'IT Development'. Semua berasal dari persiapan kami untuk hari ini dan esok hari, dimana IT berperan sebagai bagian yang sangat penting di hampir setiap aspek dari kehidupan kita. Tantangan bagi kami adalah bagaimana mengatur pertumbuhan dengan IT Development sebagai aspek fundamental dari setiap proyek. Tantangan ini sederhana karena setiap proyek membutuhkan analisa-analisa yang layak. dan analisa-analisa yang layak membutuhkan data dan informasi yang layak. Dan IT Development adalah segalanya.

GAMMA EPSILON pt, is one of the largest independent firms of consulting engineers and IT development providing quality services in the fields of hydro power and energy, water resources development, building, industrial, water supply and urban development, transportation, irrigation and mining/petroleum exploration, education and others. The company’s has employees engaged in projects located in some 31 provinces in Indonesia and works and joint partnership with foreign companies as well. The scope of these services embraces surveys, investigations and studies, sector and regional planning, economic and financial analyses, feasibility, detailed and construction designs, construction supervision and quality control; design and supervision on installation and monitoring including the provision of safety inspection and surveillance of hydraulic structures and dams and environmental studies and other computer applications by using the newest updating software program and technology. Setting up program and preparation and upgrading of project sectors as well as consultations on capacity building of institutional program. Nowadays, we are slightly redirecting our course by not just using the term of ‘Consulting Services’, but also engage it with ‘IT Development’ term. This is because of our preparedness for today and tomorrow, where IT plays a very important role in almost every aspect of our life. Our challenge is how to manage growth by making IT Development as the fundamental aspect of every project. It is simply because every project requires well-provided analyses. And well-provided analysis requires well-provided data and information.


OurCompany Visi


Menjadi Konsultan Teknik terpercaya dengan layanan prima dan bertanggungjawab

Become a trusted Technic Consultant with first-rate services and responsibility



Menghasilkan Layanan Jasa Konsultansi berdayaguna optimal di sektor Konstruksi maupun Non-Konstruksi meliputi bidangbidang Instalasi Pembangkit Jaringan, Prasarana Keairan, Prasarana Transportasi, Tata Lingkungan, Survei Geologi dan Geografis, Studi Kelayakan dan Bantuan Teknik, Desain dan Supervisi Konstruksi, Manajemen Konstruksi, Teknologi dan Sistem Informasi, Jasa Penilai untuk meningkatkan reputasi sebagai Konsultan Teknik Papan Atas

Produce an optimal efficient services at Consultant Service in Construction or NonConstruction sectors covers Installation of Network Power plant, Marine Infrastructure, Environment System, Geology and Geographic Survey, Properness Study and Technical Assistant, Design and Construction Supervision, Construction Management, Technology and Information System, Appraiser Service to raise up the reputation as a high class of Technic Consultant



 Melihat jalan keluar dari setiap kesulitan  Menjadi bagian solusi dari setiap permasalahan  Mempertaruhkan integritas, loyalitas dan Profesionalisme

 Looking to the way out of every difficulties  Become a solution part of every problems  Take the risk of integrity, loyalty and professionalism

Kebijakan Dasar Bertekad selalu bekerja dengan sungguhsungguh dan menciptakan perbaikan kinerja secara terus menerus untuk memenuhi kepuasan pelanggan, demi kesejahteraan semua pihak yang terlibat dalam kegiatan usaha perseroan

Basic Policy Willing to work seriously and to create continual performance improvement to fulfill customer satisfaction for the wealthy of all stakeholders involved in company activity


Strategi Merancang dan membangun tata-kelola dan tata-laksana organisasi secara efisien dan profesional berdasarkan sistem manajemen mutu yang memenuhi Standar Nasional dan Internasional, dan penyempurnaanya secara konsisten Mengembangkan secara terus menerus kompetensi pekerjaan disain, supervisi konstruksi dan manajemen konstruksi dengan mengembangkan sumberdaya manusia perusahaan yang ahli dan berkapasitas, selain mempertahankan kompetensi di bidang-bidang keahlian yang telah dimiliki saat ini Membangun kerjasama saling menguntungkan dalam berbagai aspek dalam asosiasi atau konsorsium proyek dengan konsultan partner, atau dengan nominated sub consultant/sub specialist yang sehat dan kompeten Berpartisipasi aktif dalam keanggotaan asosiasi profesi konsultan teknik dan manajemen dalam rangka networking seluas-luasnya.

Strategy Planning and built a manage and resembling system efficiency and professional based on quality management system that fulfill the National and International Standard and consistent completeness Continuously developing competences in design works, construction supervision and construction management by developing company’s expert and have a certain capacity human resources, besides defending competences in knowledge fields that already had this time Built mutual cooperation in every aspects of project association and consortium with partner consultant or with healthy competent nominated sub consultant / sub specialist Active participation in association of technic consultant and management membership in order to networking as widespread as possible.


OurServices PT. GAMMA EPSILON melalui para pelaku dan perusahaan rekanan, memiliki jangkauan yang luas akan pengalaman pada jasa konsultan dan pengembangan Teknologi Informasi. Berikut beberapa contoh kemampuan dan ruang lingkup kerja kami, GAMMA EPSILON pt, through principal and associated companies, has an extensive range of experience in the consulting services and IT Development. These are list of our capabilities and scope works, Pengembangan Sistem Manajemen Management System Development     

Management Information System (MIS) Executive Information System (EIS) Management Advisory System (MAS) Decision Support System (DSS) Information Technology (IT)

Manajemen dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Air Water Resources Management and Development         

Hydrology & Hydrogeology Dam, weir, Irrigation and Drainage Flood Control Management Artificial Recharge of Water Resources Ground Water Development of Water Resources Water Supply, Treatment and Sewerage System Lake & River Water Resources Development Marine and Its Resources Development Other Related Matter

Perencanaan Tata Kota, Wilayah & Penilaian Dampak Lingkungan Urban, Regional Planning & Environmental Impact Assessment     

Urban, Regional Planning and Development Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Land Uses and Development Study Reclamation Study Other Related Matter


Survei, Investigasi dan Perencanaan Survey Investigation, Feasibility Study, Design and Supervision  Energy and Minerals Resources Exploration and Development Study  Geological, Geodetic, Geophysical, Geographical, Geotechnical Surveys  Aerial Photogrammetric, remote Sensing Study a Terrestrial Mapping  Civil Construction and Quality Control; Foundation Treatment, Grouting and all related civil works  Power & Energy Study  Preliminary & Detailed Engineering Design  Road and Bridge Development Planning  Power Plant Construction Supervision and Commissioning  Other Related Matter Analisis Ekonomi, Manajemen dan Keuangan Economic, Management and Financial analyses  Project and Business Feasibility Study  Valuation Study  Project Financing  Financial & Cost / Benefit Analyses  Other Related Matter Fasilitas Penunjang Supporting Facilities  Laboratory and Computer System  Surveys and Drilling Equipment Pelatihan dan Pendidikan Education and Training  Seminars and Courses  Promotion and Socialization Missions Kelayakan Appraisal  Appraisal Certificate for the Operation of the Transmission Line  Review and Valuation for Coal Mines Pertambangan Mining  Feasibility Study


LegalAspect General Information Company Name : Gamma Epsilon, PT. Address : Jl. Babakan Jeruk I No. 124, Bandung 40163 Telephone : +62222014978 Fax : +62222004899 E-mail : [email protected] Scope of Works : Consulting Services and IT Development Akte Notaris Perusahaan Company Notary Deed Susana Zakaria, SH Number : 37 Date/Place : February 22, 1977/Bandung Notary : Harry Susanto, SH Number : 20 Date/Place : May 10, 2013/Bandung Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan HAM Republik Indonesia RI Minister of Justice and Human Right Decree Number : AHU-58583.AH.01.02.2013 Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP) Tax Obligation Main Number Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) Company Registration Marks Number : 101114500833 Surat Ijin Tempat Usaha (SITU) Business Location Permit Number : 503/IG-7416/BPPT/2011

Surat Ijin Usaha Jasa Konstruksi (SIUJK) Construction Services Business License Number : 1-3273-086835-1-000245 Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP) Trading License Permit Number : 510/3-07846-BPMPPT Surat Ijin Usaha Jasa Survey Survey Services Business License Number : 180/SIUJS/PDN.2/7/2010

Sertifikat Certification ISO 9001 : 2008 OHSAS 18001:2007

Keanggotaan Asosiasi Association Membership INKINDO : 0165/P/0008.JB KADIN : 20101-001394 JAMSOSTEK : KK 0000699 APSPIG : 043/P/014JBR APSI : 024-B / 06-2013 INACID INACOLD


OurExperience Description Study and detail design for Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTM) 4 x 0,5 MW. Location Walesi -




Electricity State Owned Company (PT.



PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

South Sumatera &


Power and Transmission Line SBS

Lampung Province

PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

South Sumatera &

Power and Transmission Line SBS

Jambi Province

PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

East Kalimantan


PT PLN (Persero) Director of Planning

East Flores & East


and Technology

Sumba Region

PT PLN (Persero) Director of Planning

East Maluku & Tual

and Technology


PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

Central Kalimantan


PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

South Sumatera


Power and Transmission Line SBS


Ministry Public Work, BBWS



Sorong Papua


South Sumatera


PLN (PERSERO)) Papua Area

Wamena. Topographic Survey and Soil Investigation High Voltage Transmission Line 275 kV Gumawang Seputih Banyak. Topographic Survey and Soil Investigation High Voltage Transmission Line 150 kV Betung -


Sungai Lilin - Aurduri. Topographic Survey for High Voltage Transmission Line SUTT 150 KV SampitPangkalan Bun, Circuit 1 & 2, ACSR 1 X 240 MM2,

Power and Transmission Line Kalimantan

172 KM. Package S-3, Feasibility Study of Coal Fired Steam Power Plant (PLTU) Larantuka & Waingapu Package S-2, Feasibility Study of Coal Fired Steam Power Plant( PLTU) Masohi, Tobelo & Tual. Topographic Survey and Soil Investigation for High Voltage Transmission Line 150 KV BuntokMuara Teweh in Central Kalimantan Survey and Soil Investigation T/L 275 kV Muara Enim - Betung (Package S-10) Detail Design for water system network Tambak Ussu, Luwu Timur Region Feasibility Study and Basic Design for Warsamson Hydro Electric Power Plant (3 x 15,5


Power and Transmission Line Kalimantan

Pompengan Jeneberang Unit PT. PLN (PERSERO) Center of Electricity Engineering

MW). Survey and Soil Investigation High Volate Transmission Line 275 kV Lumut Balai

PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of Power and Transmission Line SBS

Geothermal Power Plant - Lahat


OurExperience Description Survey and Soil Investigation High Voltage Transmission Line 150 kV Kiliranjao Geothermal




PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

South Sumatera


PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

Muara Teweh


Power and Transmission Line


Power and Transmission Line SBS

Power Plant - Sungai Rumbai Survey and Soil Investigasi High Voltage Transmission Line 150 kV Muara Teweh Bangkanai Topographic Survey for the second circuit of SUTT 150 kV (scattered) in P3BS Area Sukarame Geophysical Survey Soil Survey and Investigation work BID Documents Package 2 (West Java transmission) Topographic survey and Soil Investigation for high voltage transmission line (SUTT) 150 kV

Kalimantan PT. PLN (PERSERO) Center of

Scattered in

Electricity Engineering


PT. Lampung Hydro Energy (Velcan)



PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of

West Java


South Sumatera


PT. Medco Cahaya Geothermal

Ijen, East Java



East Java


Fichtner GmbH & Co. KG

North Sumatera


PT. PLN (PERSERO) Center of



South Sulawesi


Papua Province


West Nusa Tenggara



Transmission Line Java Bali PT. PLN (PERSERO) Main Project of Transmission Line Sumatera II

Lumut Balai - Rantau Dadap (Pack SP-03) Topographic Survey in Ijen Area, East Java Work of Route Survey For Transmission Line And Substation PLTP IJEN 2x55 MW Performance of Pre-Feasibility/Conceptual Studies and of a feasibility study for a medium size hydropower project in Indonesia Feasibility of Sumbawa Hydro Electric Power Plant (2x10 MW) Detail Design for Construction of Sabo Dam Maloso River in Polman Region Technical Design of the Road for Direktif Presiden Wanam-Nakias-Kaliki ICWRMIP PFR-2 CITARUM BASIN DAMS

Electricity Engineering Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General Bina Marga Ministry of Public Works, Directorate General Bina Marga Euroconsult Mott MacDonald

Geotechnical Investigations


OurClients PT. GAMMA EPSILON bersama penggeraknya dan perusahaan rekanan memiliki jangkauan yang luas dalam Jasa Konsultan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi. Beberapa pelanggan besar kami diantaranya, GAMMA EPSILON pt, through its principal and associated companies, has an extensive range of experience in the Consulting Services and IT Development. Some of our major clients are,                        

Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Public Works Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Ministry of Public Housing National Education Dept. BATAN (National Nuclear Power Agency) BPN (National Land Management Agency) Nippon Koei Co., Ltd and Association NINDYA-TUAH-KUMUDO KSO NEWJEC INC in acc. With PB power LTD TEPSCO Sinotech Eng. Consultans, Inc Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Japan Transportation Consultant Inc, Pacific Consultant International Colenco Power Consulting LTD. Baden/Switzerland Sir William Halcrow & Partners, Ltd Arcadis Euroconsult PT. Pertamina (National Oil and Gas Company) PT. PLN (National Electricity Company) PT. Perkebunan Nusantara III (Persero) Mandiri Bank BNI Bank PT. Indonesia Power

Private Sector  Ministry of Agriculture  Wiratman & Ass.  TRUBA JAYA ENGINEERING  VIRAMA KARYA (Persero)  Adhi Karya (Persero)  Arutmin (Coal Producer)  BUNE ERA MANDIRI  Bukit Baiduri (Coal Producer)  ELNUSAGEO SAINS  Agrabudi Baramulia Mandiri (Coal Producer)  Arya Watala (Coal Producer)  Energi Mandiri  Poso Energy (Electricity Producer)  Telaga Bintan Jaya (Fe Exploration)  PT. Krakatau Engineering  PT. Velcan Energy  Fitchner GmbH & Co. KG.  PT. Medco Energi International  EuroConsult Mott McDonald  PT. Wika Jabar Power

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HeadOffice&Branches Branch Offices :

Head Office :

Sumatera Jl. Jend. A Yani 16 Ulu Plaju - Palembang 30265 Komp Yaktapena II No.69 Phone : (0711) 5484000 Fax : (0711) 510098

Jl. Babakan Jeruk I No. 124, Bandung 40163 Phone : (022) 2014978 Fax : (022) 2004899

Kalimantan Jl. Kuranji No. 53 Komplek Voorfo Samarinda 75123 Phone/Fax : (0541) 734986 Sulawesi Jl. Maros 10 Blok B No. 187 Perumnas Sudiang Makassar 90231 Phone : (0411) 6555935 Fax : (0411) 6555935

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