Published by LORIMAR Publishing Inc.
Comprehensi ve Let Reviewer Based on NCBTS NCBTS and Table of Specifi catio cations ns (TO (TOS) S) PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION
Copyri ght , 2011 2011
ISBN 971-685-726-9
Published by LORIMAR PUBLISHING, INC. 776 Aurora Blvd., cor. Boston Street, Cubao, Quezon City, Metro Manila Tel. Nos. Nos. 721-2715, 727-3386, 723-1560 Cellphone No. 0918-5375190 0918-5375190 Fax (632) 727-3386
Cover design by Ronnie Llena Martinez
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PREFACE This LET Reviewer is prepared to help you pass the LET. Mind you, not all who take the LET pass it. In In fact, majority majority of those those who took took the LET LET since 1996 1996 failed. The national national percentages percentages o off passing the LET published in the national daily newspapers ranged from 15% to 36 %. This means that the mortality rates have been very high – high – from from 64% to 85%! In other words, for every ten (10) examinees examinees,, 6 to 8 examinees fail. Only 2 to 4 LET examinees pass. Increase your chances in passing the LET! This is how. 1. Engage yourself in a review that is focused on the LET competencies. This LET Reviewer will be of great help. There are some who prepare blindly for the LET. They have no knowledge on the competencies on which they are tested. You are fortunate to have the Table of Specifications with you. They are the focus of this LET Reviewer. Engage yourself in a review that is focused in the LET competencies promulgated by the Board for Professional Teachers, Professional Regulation Commission, in Resolution No. 10 series of 2009. 2. Master the competencies in all the tests. Test your mastery of the competencies by doing the practice test in this this Reviewer. Reviewer. Answer the the test items items given given in this Reviewer to the best best of your ability. Don’t be afraid to commit mistakes. You will learn most from them. them. If you want an honest evaluation of how much you have mastered, be true to yourself. Don’t look at the Answer Keys as you are answering the test items. Refer to the Answer Keys only after you have answered the test items. If after checking your answers against the Answer Answ er Keys, you find out that you didn’t get all the items correctly, this means that you have to do more reading. So, read some more. Read as many references as you can in both print and electronic forms to the point of concept mastery. You are given a list of references for additional reading in this Reviewer. It goes without saying that you do not have to limit yourself to these references. After further reading, go back to the test items which you did not get and answer them once more. This is the way to mastery. If you do that for every competency, you are assured of passing the LET! 3. Learn to shade answer sheets correctly. Many LET examinees fail the LET because they don’t know how to shade their answer sheet correctly. Learn to do it with the use of the LETlike answer sheets attached to this Reviewer. 4. Develop your reading comprehension skills in English. Except in the test items for Filipino in General Education and in the specialization, all written test items are asked in English. If you reading comprehension in English is excellent, you will have greater chances. 5. Most of all, put your mind and heart into your LET preparation. Right after graduation, prepare the required documents documents for for LET application application and and once you have them them complete, complete, apply for LET at the nearest PRC office as early as possible. You have the list of required documents in the PRC website. Avoid the rush. Avoid the long queue at PRC which happens on the last days of filing for LET application. Take note, the deadline for LET application is usually three months before the conduct of the LET. Prepare months before the conduct of the LET. The months before the LET should be devoted to serious study. Remember “no pain, no gain”. Or better still form William Penn, “no pain, no palm; no thorns, no throne; no gall, no glory; no cross, no crown”. crown”. You can’t afford to take the LET a second time! Now that you have decided to take it, make a promise and more than that, make make a commitme commitment nt to pass the the LET!
TABLE OF CONTENTS page no. 1. Teaching Profession, Social Dimensions of Education, Field Study, Practice Teaching …………………………………………………………1 …………………………………………………………1 1.1 Determine ways and means to ensure high hi gh standards of the teacher’s teacher’s
personal and professional development……………………………………………… development……………………………………………….2 .2 1.2 Describe the roles and responsibilities of the teacher in the local and global community…………………………………………………………………6 community…………………………………………………………………6 1.3 Analyze the historical, economic, socio-cultural, geographical, environmental, political and socio-psychological factors that influence the school as an agent of change and the teacher as a facilitator of learning……………………………………………………… learning………………………… …………………………………………………… ………………………..9 ..9 1.4 Interpret educational problems in the light of philosophical and legal foundations of education……………………………………………………………. education……………………………………………………………. .27 1.5 Apply the four pillars of learning – learning – learning learning to know, learning to do, learning to live together, learning to be – be – in in responding to the aspirations of the learner and the community……………………………………….. community………………………………………..44 44 1.6 Apply the ethical principles in the teacher’s personal life and in his/her relationship with other people………………………………………………………. people………………………………………………………..45 .45 1.7 Reflect on the professional teacher’s accountability to learners’ performance and to the teacher’s total involvement in the teaching profession………………………………………………… profession…………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………..45 2. Principles of Teaching, Educational Technology, Curriculum Development, Developmental Reading, Field Study, Practice Teaching ………………………………………………………..58 ………………………………………………………..58 2.1 Employ activities, teaching methods, instructional materials and technology, classroom management techniques appropriate for a chosen subject-area………………………………………………………………… subject-area…………………………………………………………………..59 ..59 2.2 Apply appropriate approaches to lesson planning and curriculum development………………………………………………………………………….90 development………………………………………………………………………….90 2.3 Apply principles in the preparation and utilization of the conventional and non-conventional technology as well as traditional and alternative teaching strategies……………………………………………… strategies………………………………………………………………… …………………..100 ..100 2.4 Align curriculum components to instruction and assessment………………………108 assessment………………………108 2.5 Distinguish the roles of stakeholders (students; teachers; tea chers; employers; parents; and community) in the delivery of the curriculum……………………… curriculum………………………...115 ...115 2.6 Use activities that enhance critical, creative and metacognitive metaco gnitive reading skills.. …………………………………………………………………… ...118 2.7 Analyze extrinsic and intrinsic factors that affect reading performance………… reading performance…………...120 ...120
3. Facilitating Learning, Child and Adolescent Development……………………… Development………………………...125 ...125 3.1 Analyze the cognitive, metacognitive, motivational socio-cultural factors that affect learning………………………………………………………… learning………………………………………………………….125 .125 3.2 Apply theories of learning and development to the teaching-learning process…………………………………………………… process……………………… ……………………………………………………… …………………………131 131 3.3 Draw educational implications of research findings related to child and
adolescent learning and development along with the biological, linguistic, linguisti c, cognitive, social and psychological dimensions………………………...141 dimensions………………………...141 3.4 Organize a learning environment that is responsive to learner’s needs and that promotes fairness among learners of various cultures, family background, and gender …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… .145 4. Assessment of Learning, Field Study, Practice Teaching………………………… Teaching …………………………..152 ..152 4.1 Apply principles in constructing traditional and alternative/authentic forms of highly quality assessment……………………………………………… assessment………………………………………………… …152 4.2 Interpret assessment results……………………………………………… results………………………………………………………… …………167 167 4.3 Utilize processed data and assessment results in reporting learners’
performance to improve teaching and learning……………………………………. learning…………………………………….174 174 4.4 Demonstrate skills in the use of techniques and tools is assessing affective learning…………………………………………………… learning…………………………………………………………………... ……………...177 177 4.5 Assig Assign n students’ marks/ratings……………………………………………… marks/ratings…………………………………………………….. ……..179 179