Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law Reviewer

June 11, 2019 | Author: Angela Marie Acielo Almalbis | Category: Leasehold Estate, Lease, Jurisdiction, Politics, Government
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Agrarian Reform Law Reviewer...


AGRARIAN LAW AND SOCIAL LEGISLATION REVIEWER (MIDTERMS) HISTORY OF PHILIPPINE AGRARIAN LAWS Rice Share Tenancy enancy Act – enacted enacted to regulate regulate the relations relationship hip betwe between en landlo landlords rds and tenant tenants s on rice rice lands. lands. (amend (amended ed by Commonwe Commonwealth alth Act 178 amended amended by RA no. !" by introduci introducing ng changes in crop di#ision amended by RA $$%!&& Sugar Tenancy Act – enacted to regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants on lands planted to sugar cane. (amended by Commonwealth Act $71 by e'tending its application to sugar arm wor)ers&  Agricultural Share Tenancy Tenancy Act (RA 11**& 11**& – it repealed all the earlier  tenancy laws e'cept the Sugar Tenancy Act.  Agricultural +and Reorm Code o 1*%! (RA !8""& !8""& – abolished share tenancy. ,n its place it instituted the agricultural leasehold system. (amended by Code o Agrarian ReormsRA %!8*& Tenant -mancipation +aw (/ 0o. $7& – promulgated by erdinand -. 2arcos which pro#ided or the transer o lands primarily de#oted to rice and corn to the tenants. -3 0o. 0o. $$8 (4uly 17 1*87& 1*87& – declar declaring ing ull land land owners ownership hip to 5ualiied beneiciaries co#ered by / $7. -'ec -'ecut uti# i#e e 3rde 3rderr 1$*6 1$*6A A (4ul (4uly y $% $% 1*87 1*87&& 6 modi modiy yin ing g -3 1$* 1$* Reorganiing and Strengthening /AR roclamat roclamation ion 1!1 (4uly $$ 1*87& 6 ,nstituti ,nstituting ng a Comprehen Comprehensi#e si#e  Agrarian Reorm rogram. rogram. CAR CAR o 1*88 1*88 (RA (RA %%7 %%7 4une 4une 19 1*88& – amende amended d certai certain n pro#icions by RA 7881 strengthened by RA *799.


TRANSFER TRANSFER OF PRIVA PRIVATE AND AND PUBLIC PUBLIC LANDS LANDS TO FARMER FARMER BENEFICIARIES Sec. 3 (a) – Def!"#! #f A$%a%a! Ref#%&  Agrarian Reorm – the redistribution o lands regardless o crops or  ruits produced to armers and regular armwor)ers who are landless irrespecti#e o tenurial arrangement to include the totality o actors and support ser#ices ser#ices designed to lit the economic economic status o the beneiciaries and all other arrangements alternati#e to the physical redistribu redistribution tion o lands lands such as productio production n or proit6sha proit6sharing ring labor  administration and the distribution o shares o stoc)s which will allow beneiciaries to recei#e a :ust share o the ruits o the lands they wor). Sec. ' Sc#e CAR+ o 1**8 shall co#er regardless o tenurial arrangement and commodity commodity produced produced all public public and pri#ate pri#ate agricultu agricultural ral lands lands including other lands o the public domain suitable or agriculture; ro#ided ro#ided that landholdings landholdings o landowner landowners s with a total area o  hectar hectares es and below below shall shall not be co#ere co#ered d or ac5uis ac5uisiti ition on and distribution to 5ualiied beneiciaries. The . lands are co#ered by CAR; a. All aliena alienable ble and dispos disposabl able e lands o the public public domain domain de#oted to or suitable or agriculture. b. All lands lands o the public public domai domain n in e'cess e'cess o the speci speciic ic limits limits as determined by Congress in the preceding paragraph< c. All other other lands lands owned owned by the the =o#ernm =o#ernment ent de#ote de#oted d to or  suitable or agriculture< d. All All pri# pri#at ate e land lands s de#o de#ote ted d to or suit suitab able le or or agri agricu cult ltur ure e regardless o the agricultural products raised or that can be raised thereon. +and 03T co#ered by CAR; a. ri#ate ri#ate lands lands with with a total area area o  hectares hectares and and below< below< b. +ands +ands actual actually ly direct directly ly and e'clusi e'clusi#el #ely y used used or par)s par)s wildlie orest reser#es reorestation ish sanctuaries and breeding grounds watersheds and mangro#es<


ri#ate lands actually directly and e'clusi#ely used or  prawn arms and ishponds d. +ands actually directly and e'clusi#ely used and ound to be necessary or; national deense school sites and campuses e'perimental arm stations seeds and seedling research and pilot production church sites and con#ents mos5ue sites and ,slamic centers. Communal burial grounds and cemeteries penal colonies and penal arms research and 5uarantine centers all lands with 18 > slope and o#er e'cept those already de#eloped. Sec.  P%#%"e* + Ac,-*"#! a! D*"%/-"#! Sc0e&e  All remaining agricultural lands during the  yr e'tension period up to 4une !9 $91" in the ollowing order o priority; a. +ands with an area o more than 9 hectares speciically; 1. Those sub:ected to 0otice o Co#erage on or beore 1$6 19698 $. Rice and corn lands !. ,dle or abandoned lands ". ri#ate lands #oluntarily oered . +ands oreclosed %. +ands ac5uired by the C== 7. All other lands owned by the go#ernment de#oted to or  suitable or agriculture b. +ands with an area o $" hectares up to 9 hectares speciically; c. +ands with an area o more than 19 hectares up to $" hectares d. +ands rom the retention limit up to 19 hectares. ?ualiied beneiciaries – only armers and regular armwor)ers actually tilling the lands as certiied under oath by the @ARC and attested under oath by the landowners. Sec. 12 La! Ac,-*"#! (C#&-*#%4 Ac,-*"#!) P%#ce-%e5 1. ,dentiication by the /AR o the land landowner and beneiciary<


$. 0otice by the /AR to the landowner about the compulsory ac5uisition and the price oer by mail and posting in brgy hall and municipal hall !. Reply by the landowner about his acceptance or re:ection o the oered price. 6, +3 accepts price +@ will pay +3 within !9 days rom e'ecution and deli#ery o /eed o Transer  6, +3 re:ects /AR will determine :ust compensation thru administrati#e proceedings< , +3 disagrees with the decision o the /AR he may bring the matter to the regular courts o :ustice or inal determination o   :ust compensation. ". Ta)ing o immediate possession o the land by the /AR. 6 , +3 recei#es the corresponding payment< or  6, +3 does not respond to the 0otice o Ac5uisition. . Re5uest by the /AR to the Registry o /eeds to issue a TCT to the Republic o the hil. %. /istribution o the land to the 5ualiied beneiciaries. $ 03T,C-S re5uired or the #alidity o implementation; 1. 0otice o Co#erage pursuant to /AR A3 0o. 1$ s. 1*8* $. 0otice o Ac5uisition pursuant to Sec 1% o CAR+ ailure to comply with the proper procedure would be a #iolation o  constitutional due process and should be deemed arbitrary capricious whimsical and tainted with gra#e abuse o discretion. hen titleBownership is transerred to the State – upon ull payment o the :ust compensation. Dntil the 4C is inally determined and ully paid the titleBownership remains with the +3. -#en i /AR deposited the oered price with the +@ it does not warrant the cancellation o  the +3Es title. 3pening o a trust account does not constitute payment because the law re5uires :ust compensation to be paid in cash and +@ bonds and not by trust account.

Sec. 16 La! Ac,-*"#! (V#-!"a%4 Offe% "# Se) I!ce!"7e*5 +3 is entitled to an additional > cash payment. /ocumentary Re5uirements; 1. Title or proo o ownership i untitled< $. Ta' declaration< and !. Appro#ed sur#ey plan , +3 ails to submit the land will be sub:ected to compulsory ac5uisition.

LANDS NOT COVERED BY LAND AC8UISITION Sec. 2 Re"e!"#! L&"* +3 has the right to retain not more than  hectares o his landholdings. The retained area need not be personally culti#ated by the +3 – culti#ation can be done indirectly through labor  administration. Can a +3 who already e'ercised his retention rights under / $7 be entitled to retention right under CAR+  – 0o more. Fowe#er i the +3 chooses to retain  hectares under  CAR+ the 7 hectares pre#iously retained by him under / $7 shall be immediately placed under the co#erage o CAR+. Can spouses retain  hectares each under CAR+ – ,t depends. a. , the property regime is con:ugal or absolute community – the spouses can retain only  hectares. /. , the property regime is separation o property – the spouses can retain  hectares each (a total o 19 hectares& ho has the right to choose the retention area – the landowner. The c0#*e! a%ea should be C32ACT and C30T,=D3DS. As long as the area to be retained is compact and contiguous and it does not e'ceed the retention ceiling o  hectares the +3Es choice o the area to be retained must pre#ail.


The +3 should e'ercise his right o retention within %9 days rom receipt o the 0otice o Co#erage. , he does not e'ercise his right o  retention within the speciied period the 2AR3 will designate the retained area or the +3. , +3 disagrees with the selected area he may ile a protest with the 2AR3. Can a +3 e'ercise his right to retention o#er the land which has already been co#ered by an - or C+3A 6The issuance o - or C+3A to beneiciaries does not absolutely bar the +3 rom retaining the area co#ered thereby. , the +3 has been depri#ed o his right to retention he may ile a petition or  cancellation o the - or C+3A that may ha#e been issued to the tenants. Dnder A3 no. $ s. 1**" an - or C+3A may be cancelled i the land co#ered is later ound to be part o the +3Es retained area. (/ae #. CA& , the retention area chosen by the +3 is tenanted what happens to the tenant 6 The tenant may choose in whether to remain therein or be a beneiciary in the same or another agricultural land with similar or comparable eatures. 6 The tenant must choose within 1 year rom the time the +3 maniests his choice o the area or retention. -lements o tenant6landlord relationship; 1. The +3 has engaged a person to personally culti#ate an agricultural land< and $. The +3 is compensated in terms o share in the produce (share tenancy& or in terms o a price certain or  ascertainable in produce or in money or both (leasehold tenancy&. -ect i the tenant chooses to remain in the retained area; 6Fe will no longer be considered as a tenant but as an agricultural lessee and he will no longer 5ualiy as an agrarian reorm beneiciary.

Term o lease; the agricultural leasehold relation once established continues until such leasehold relation is e'tinguished through; a. Abandonment or #oluntary surrender o the landholding by the lessee< or  b. Absence o successor in the e#ent o death or permanent incapacity o the lessee The relation is not necessarily e'tinguished by death or incapacity it continues between the lessor and the person who can culti#ate the landholding personally which the lessor can choose rom; sur#i#ing spouse< the eldest direct descendant< or the ne't eldest descendant. -ect i the tenant chooses to be a beneiciary; 6 Fe loses his right to be a lessee o the land retained by the +3. Children o the +3 are entitled to ! hectares each. , the +3 owns more than  hectares o agricultural land the e'cess area may be awarded to the children o the +3 to the e'tent o ! hectares or each child under the . conditions; 1. The child is at least 1 yrs old< and $. The child is actually tilling the land or directly managing the arm The child need not directly or personally till the land – it is enough that he directly manages the arm. =eneral Rule; +ands awarded to children cannot be sold transerred con#eyed within 19 years. -GC-T; a. through hereditary succession< b. to the go#ernment< c. to the +@< d. to other 5ualiied beneiciaries Children or Spouse may repurchase within $ years rom date o  transer  Sec. 2+A. E9ce"#! "# Re"e!"#! L&"*


+ocal =o#ernment Dnits e'propriating agricultural lands or actual direct and e'clusi#e public purpose shall not be sub:ect to the  hectare retention limit P%#ce**5 +and will be ac5uired by the 0ational =o#ernment through the /AR with :ust compensation to the landowner then /AR will distribute the land to the Agrarian beneiciaries. Ater that +=D will e'propriate the land and pay agrarian beneiciaries :ust compensation. Sec. 1:. E9e&"#!* a! E9c-*#!* 1. +ands actually directly and e'clusi#ely used or par)s wildlie orest reser#es reorestation ish sanctuaries and breeding grounds watersheds and mangro#es. $. ri#ate lands actually directly and e'clusi#ely used or  prawn arms and ishponds ro#ided said prawn arms and ishponds ha#e not been distributed and C+3A issued to beneiciaries under CAR. !. +ands actually directly and e'clusi#ely used and ound to be necessary or national deense school sites and campuses including e'perimental arm stations operated by public or pri#ate schools or educational purposes seeds and seedling research church sites cemeteries penal colonies and all lands with 18> slope and o#er e'cept those already de#eloped. +ands already classiied or residential commercial or industrial use by the Fousing and +and Dse Regulatory @oard prior to the eecti#ity o the CAR+ are 03T sub:ect to agrarian reorm. Na"aa Rea"4 7 DAR5  The unde#eloped portions o the subdi#ision cannot be considered Hagricultural landsI. These lots were intended or residential use. They ceased to be agricultural lands upon appro#al o their inclusion in the +ungsod Silangan Reser#ation. -#en today they are continued to be de#eloped as low cost housing subdi#ision. These lands are still residential lands and outside o the ambit o CAR+.

S!ce Na"aa a!* ;e%e c#!7e%"e %#% "# 16??> DAR * /#-! /4 *-c0 c#!7e%*#!.

CMU 7 DARAB5 @y the #ery nature o the C2D which is a school established to promote agriculture and industry the need or #ast tract o agricultural land or uture e'pansion is ob#ious. As to the determination o when and what lands are ound to be necessary or  use by the C2D the school is in the best position to resol#e and answer the 5uestion and pass upon the problem o its needs in relation to its a#owed ob:ecti#es. Secretary o Agrarian Reorm – has the :urisdiction and authority to e'empt or e'clude a property rom the co#erage o the agrarian reorm program. Sec. 1 De"e%&!a"#! #f cash balance to be paid in go#ernment inancial instruments negotiable at any time. or lands abo#e $" hectares to 9 hectares; !9> cash balance to be paid in go#ernment inancial instruments negotiable at any time. or lands $" hectares and below; !> cash balance to be paid in go#ernment inancial instruments negotiable at any time. $. Shares o stoc) in =3CCs +@ preerred shares physical assets or other 5ualiied in#estments in accordance with guidelines set by the ARC< !. Ta' credits which can be used against any ta' liability< ". +@ bonds which shall mature e#ery year until the 19 th year  •



Sec. @@ – A. O%e% #f P%#%"4 C0%e! – 3 0ec"a%e* eac0 A$%c-"-%a Le**ee*> S0a%e Te!a!"* a! Re$-a%  Fa%&;#%e%* – 3 0ec"a%e* eac0 T0e! "0e %e&a!!$ /e $7e! "# Sea*#!a Fa%&;#%e%*> O"0e% Fa%&;#%e%*> Ac"-a Te%* #% Occ-a!"* #f  P-/c La!*> C#ec"7e* #% C##e%a"7e*> O"0e%* %ec"4 ;#%!$ #! "0e a!.

+A0/ R-/,STR,@DT,30 Sec. @@ 8-afe Be!efca%e* T0e a!* c#7e%e /4 "0e CARP *0a /e *"%/-"e a* &-c0 a* #**/e "# a!e** %e*e!"* #f "0e *a&e /a%a!$a4 #% ! "0e a/*e!ce "0e%e#f> a!e** %e*e!"* #f "0e *a&e &-!ca"4 ! "0e ff. #%e% #f %#%"45 1. A$%c-"-%a Le**ee* a! S0a%e Te!a!"* @. Re$-a% Fa%&;#%e%* 3. Sea*#!a Fa%&;#%e%*


Sec. @3. D*"%/-"#! L&" N# ,-afe /e!efca%4 &a4 #;! &#%e "0a! 3 0ec"a%e* #f  a$%c-"-%a a! Criteria o rioritiation; illingness Aptitude Ability to culti#ate and ma)e land producti#e< hysical Capacity< +ength o Ser#ice actors in determining sie o land; type o crop< type o soil< weather  patterns< other pertinent actors critical or success o beneiciaries

Sec. @'. A;a% "# Be!efca%e* hen does rights and responsibilities commence – rom their  receipt o a duly registered - or C+3A and actual physical possession o the awarded land. Such award shall be completed in not more than 189 days rom the date o registration o the title in the name o the Republic o the hilippines. ending issuance o C+3A the beneiciaries ha#e usuructuary rights o#er the awarded land. Transer o ownership to the beneiciaries is not automatic. Title and ownership o#er the land can be transerred to the beneiciaries #!4 -#! f- a4&e!" #f "0e -*" c#&e!*a"#! "# "0e a!#;!e%.

registration the 16year period shall be rec)oned rom constructi#e occupation o the land. Sec. @= A;a% Ce!$* f#% Be!efca%e* Be!efca%e* *0a /e a;a%e a! a%ea !#" e9cee!$ 3 0ec"a%e*. =eneral Rule; +and should be awarded to the indi#idual armer  beneiciary and should be co#ered by an !7-a ""e. Fowe#er i the beneiciaries opt or collecti#e ownership collecti#e ownership title may be issued in the name o  the co6owners or the collecti#e organiation. Sec. @2. Pa4&e!" /4 Be!efca%e*

hen does the /AR issue C+3A – only upon ull payment o  amortiation by the armer6beneiciary. The C+3A in turn becomes the basis or the issuance in his name o an original or transer  certiicate o title. C+3As become indeeasible and imprescriptible ater 1 year rom its registration with the Registry o /eeds. =rounds or cancellation o C+3A; 1. Abandonment o land $. 0eglect or 2isuse o land !. ailure to pay ! annual amortiations ". 2isuse or di#ersion o inancial and support ser#ices . Sale transer or con#eyance o right to use land %. ,llegal con#ersion o land 3bligations o Agrarian Reorm @eneiciaries; -'ercise due diligence in the use culti#ation and maintenance o the land including impro#ements thereon< and ay the +@ !9 annual amortiations with %> interest per  annum. The amortiation will start 1 year rom the date o registration o the C+3A. Fowe#er i actual occupancy o the land ta)es place ater the •


ayable to +@ in !9 annual amortiations with %> interest per annum. ayment starts; 1 year rom date o registration o the C+3A< or date o actual occupancy i the occupancy too) place ater the registration o C+3A.

@asis o Amortiation; 2a'. amortiation is > o the annual gross production as established by the /AR. Ater the  th  year the interest rate andBor the principal obligation may be reduced by the +@ to ma)e the repayment aordable. -ect o ailure to pay ! annual amortiations; +@ can oreit landholding and award it to other 5ualiied beneiciaries. The beneiciary whose land has been oreclosed or  oreited will be permanently dis5ualiied rom becoming a beneiciary. Sec. @. T%a!*fe%a/"4 #f A;a%e La!* Be!efca%e* ca!!#"> ;"0! a e%# #f 1: 4ea%*> *e #%  "%a!*fe% #;!e%*0 #f "0e a! e9ce"5 "0%#-$0 0e%e"a%4 *-cce**#!> "# "0e $#7e%!&e!"> "# "0e LBP> #% "# #"0e%  ,-afe /e!efca%e*.

-ect o sale or transer to the go#ernment or the +@; the children or the spouse o the transeror can repurchase the land within $years rom the date o transer.

JAR,AT,30S ,0 +A0/ AC?D,S,T,30 Sec. 31. C#%#%a"e La!#;!e%*

Can a beneiciary who has not ully paid amortiations sell the land to another Mes under . conditions; Appro#al o the /AR< land should be sold only to an heir or to any other 5ualiied beneiciary< and the transeree must underta)e to culti#ate the land himsel otherwise the +@ will ta)e the land or proper  disposition. , complied with +@ will compensate the beneiciary in one lump sum or the amounts he has already paid together with #alue o impro#ements. Can the beneiciary lease the land Mes pro#ided that the lease is or agricultural purposes. , or non6agricultural see) appro#al o the /AR. ,t can also be leased to ormer +3 ater obtaining appro#al rom the /AR through the ARC. ,2R3J-2-0T 3 TF- +-AS-F3+/ R-+AT,30SF, Sec. 1@. De"e%&!a"#! #f Lea*e Re!"a* DAR 0a* "0e #;e% "# f9 %e!"a*> in this wise; or lands de#oted to rice and other crops – $> o the a#erage normal har#est ater deducting the amount used or seeds and the cost o har#esting or threshing. ,  there has been no normal har#est then the estimated normal har#est during the ! agricultural yrs immediately preceding the date the leasehold was established. or sugarcane lands – $> o a#erage normal har#est less the #alue o the cost o seedsBcane points har#esting loading hauling andBor truc)ing ee and cost o processing. or coconut lands – $> o the a#erage normal har#est or a speciic area or the preceding ! calendar years less the #alue o production cost. •


$ schemes a#ailable to corporate +os< 1. Joluntary +and Transer  $. Stoc) distribution @oth schemes are no longer operati#e. 3nly allowed up to 4une !9 $99*. Ater this date the modes o ac5uisition are limited to #oluntary oer to sell and compulsory ac5uisition. Sec. 3@. P%#-c"#!+S0a%!$ + , more than 2 gross salesByear are realied; !> o the gross sales 6 to be distributed to regular and other  arm wor)ers 1> o the gross sales – to be distributed to the managerial super#isory and technical employees + , proits are realied – additional 19> o the net proit ater  ta' to be distributed to regular and other armwor)ers. T0* *ec"#! ;a* eca%e -!c#!*""-"#!a ;"0 %e*ec" "# 7e*"#c a! #-"%4. Sec. 3@+A. I!ce!"7e* ,ncenti#es or regular ishpond or prawn arm wor)ers is 7.> o the net proit beore ta' o#er. C30J-RS,30 3 A=R,CD+TDRA+ +A0/S Sec. 2=. C#!7e%*#! #f La!* Con#ersion – is the act o changing the current use o a piece o  agricultural land into some other use as appro#ed by the /AR to wit; 6or residential commercial industrial and other non6agricultural purposes<

6or another type o agricultural acti#ity such as li#estoc) poultry and ishpond the eect o which is to e'empt the land rom CAR co#erage. 6or non6agricultural use other than that pre#iously authoried. Reclassiication – is the act o speciying how agricultural lands shall be utilied or non6agricultural uses such as residential industrial and commercial as embodied in the land use plan sub:ect to the re5uirements and procedures or land use con#ersion. -ect o reclassiication; ,t does not automatically allow the +3 to change its use it must undergo C30J-RS,30 beore he can use the agricultural land or other purposes. Scope o /AREs con#ersion authority; Those ater the eecti#ity o  RA no. %%7 ho can apply or con#ersion 1. The beneiciary $. The +andowner with respect only to his retained area which is tenanted hen to ile application or con#ersion 6Ater the lapse o  years rom the award o the land. Conditions beore application or con#ersion be iled; 1. hen the land ceases to be economically easible or  agricultural purposes $. hen the locality has become urbanied and the land will ha#e a greater economic #alue or residential commercial or  industrial purposes. 3bligations o the beneiciary when con#ersion is appro#ed; 1. ,n#est 19> o the proceeds rom the con#ersion in go#ernment securities< and $. ay +@ the ull price o the land upon con#ersion. +ands not sub:ect to con#ersion; 1. Agricultural lands within protected areas designated by 0,AS $. All irrigated lands


All irrigable lands already co#ered by irrigation pro:ects with irm unding commitments ". All agricultural lands with irrigation acilities operated by pri#ate organiations  Areas highly restricted rom con#ersion; 1. ,rrigable lands not co#ered by irrigation pro:ects with irm unding commitments $. Agro6industrial croplands !. Fighlands ". +ands issued with notice o land #aluation and ac5uisition . -n#ironmentally critical areas -ect o ailure to implement appro#ed con#ersion; +and will continue to be co#ered by CAR Sec. 2=+A. C#!7e%*#! !"# F*0#! a! P%a;! Fa%&* Ge!e%a R-e5 N# c#!7e%*#! #f P-/c A$%c-"-%a La!* !"# F*0#!* a! P%a;! Fa%&*. E9ce"5 when the coastal one is declared suitable or ishpond de#elopment by the pro#incial go#ernment and @AR , condition is complied with /-0R can allow the lease and de#elopment o the area. ri#ate Agricultural +ands; can be con#erted into ishponds and prawn arms up to a ma'imum area o  hectares. @DT /AR may appro#e more than  hectares i; The use o the land is more economically easible and sound or  ishpondBprawn arm< Simple and absolute ma:ority o the regular  arm wor)ersBtenants agree to the con#ersion. Sec. 2=+B. I!7e!"#%4 Felps /AR monitor unauthoried con#ersion o lands ishpondsBprawn arms. Sec. 2=+C. C0a!$e #f C%#* To harmonie agrarian reorm with the en#ironmental laws C0a!$e #f c%#* #e* !#" !ee DAR a%#7a. Sec. '1. P%e*e!"a A$%a%a! Ref#%& C#-!c (PARC)



Chairperson; resident o the hilippines Jice6Chairperson; Secretary o Agrarian Reorm 2embers; Secretary o /epartment o Agriculture Secretary o /epartment o -n#ironment and 0atural Resources Secretary o /epartment o @udget and 2anagement Secretary o /epartment o ,nterior and +ocal =o#ernment Secretary o /epartment o ublic or)s and Fighways Secretary o /epartment o Trade and ,ndustry Secretary o /epartment o inance Secretary o /epartment o +abor and -mployment /irector6=eneral o 0ational -conomic and /e#elopment Authority resident o +and @an) o the hilippines  Administrator o 0ational ,rrigation Authority  Administrator o +and Registration Authority % representati#es o aected +3s to represent +uon Jisayas 2indanao % representati#es o Agrarian Reorm @eneiciaries ($ each rom +uJi2in; At least 1 rom indigenous peoples at least 1 rom duly recognied 0ational 3rganiation o Rural omen At least $9> o  the members o ARC should be women but not less than $& Sec. '@ E9ec-"7e C#&&""ee Chairman; Secretary o the /AR 2embers; (resident will designate& Sec. '3 Sec%e"a%a" To pro#ide general support and coordinati#e ser#ices or the ARC Fead; Secretary o the /AR (he appoints all oicers and employees o secretariat&  Assistant; Dndersecretary Support; Sta (determined by ARC -GC32& Sec. '' P%#7!ca A$%a%a! Ref#%& C##%!a"!$ C#&&""ee (PARCCOM) Chairman; (appointed by the resident upon recommendation o the -GC32&


-'ecuti#e 3icer; ro#incial Agrarian Reorm 3icer (AR3& 1 representati#e each; /A /-0R +@ 1 representati#e each; e'isting armerEs organiation agricultural cooperati#es and 0=3s $ representati#es rom +3s $ representati#es rom armer and armwor)ers or beneiciaries 1 representati#e rom cultural communities Sec. '= P%#7!ce+/4+P%#7!ce I&e&e!"a"#! (/4 PARCCOM) or the peculiarities and needs o each pro#ince Sec. '2. Ba%a!$a4 A$%a%a! Ref#%& C#&&""ee (BARC) 1. armers and armwor)ers @eneiciaries $. armers and armwor)ers 0on6beneiciaries !. Agricultural Cooperati#es ". 3ther armer 3rganiations . @arangay Council %. 0=3s 7. +andowners 8. +@ *. 3icial o the /A assigned to the barangay 19. 3icial o the /-0R assigned to the area 11. /AR technologist assigned to the area – may act as secretary Sec. ' F-!c"#!* #f "0e BARC 1. To participate and gi#e support to the implementation o  programs on agrarian reorm $. To mediate conciliate or arbitrate agrarian conlicts and issues that are brought to it or resolution !. To perorm such other unctions that the ARC -GC32 or  /AR secretary may delegate Sec. '? Le$a A***"a!ce @ARC may see) legal ad#ice rom /AR to ensure solution is within the bounds o law Sec. '6 R-e* a! Re$-a"#!*

Substanti#e and rocedural Ta)e eect; 19 days ater publication in $ national newspapers o  general circulation Sec. 23 F-!!$ S#-%ce 4ust compensation payment to +3s – rom Agrarian Reorm und  Amount needed to implement CAR; 19billion pesos  Amount rom =AA – not less than billion pesos Creba v. Secretary of Agrarian Reform: Reclassification is the act  of specifying how agricultural lands shall be utilized for nonagricultural uses such as residential, commercial, industrial. The authority of the DAR to approve or disapprove conversion can only  be exercised after the effectivity of RA !". #onversion is needed  to change the current use of reclassified agricultural lands. Sta. Rosa Realty v CA:  Agricultural lands that were already  reclassified as non-agricultural prior to $une %!, %&'' does not  re(uire any conversion clearance or authority from the DAR because said lands are not covered by #AR). R-S3+DT,30




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