compre questions-fall-12-131 1 - copy - copy xlsx
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VIT UNIVERSITY (Estd. u/s 3 of UGC Act 1956)
Vellore - 632 014, Tamil Nadu, India
School of Computing Science & Engineering
B.Tech Computer Science & Engineering Question
Choice A
Which is not the commonly used programming language PROLOG for AI?
Choice B Java
Choice Choice Answ er C D Choice LISP Perl D
What is state space?
The Representing whole problem your problemYour withADefinition variable space where and to aparameter problem You know the solution. Choice B Depth-First Search Breadth-First Search Linear Search Optimal Search Choice A Which search method takes less memory? Depth-First Search Breadth-First Search Best-First Hill Search Climbing Choice C A* algorithm is based on Linear Approach Heuristic Approach Random Approach Stratified Choice Approach B Which is the best way to go for Game playing problem? How do you represent “All dogs have tails”. ۷x: dog(x)àhastail(x)
۷x: dog(x)àhastail(y) ۷x: dog(y)àhastail(x) ۷x: dog(x)àhasàtail(x) Choice A Representational Verification Representational Adequacy Inferential Adequacy Inferential Adequacy Choice Adequacy A Which is not a property of representation of knowledge? Atomic Sentences Complex Sentences QuantifiedQuality Sentences Sentences Choice D Which is not a type of First Order Logic (FOL) Sentence?
hat describe how to take actions in levels of increasing refinement and specificity is Problem-Solving
Hierarchical Inheritance Plan Choice C
Partial order planning involves
Searching overSearching possible situations over Searching the space of thepossible whole Searching problem plans the at once best Choice B Partial & Partial & ncertainty arises in the wumpus world because the agent‟s sensors Full & Global give only information Global local Full & local Choice information C Specific output No specific Both In an Unsupervised learning values are not given Inputs are inputs Neither inputs Choice norAoutputs are Consistent Inconsistent Regular EstimatedChoice Hypothesis. A Inductive learning involves finding a Consistent A false A false f a hypothesis says it should be positive, but in fact it is negative, we call it Hypothesis negative positive A specialized Choice hypothesis C Linear Functions Non Linear Discrete Exponential Choice Functions B Neural Networks are complex -----------------------with many parameters. SMALLTALK comes under __________________Object oriented programming procedural programming Logical programming Imperative A Programming LISP stands for ________________________ List Processing List procession List Programming Linked programming A Let g(x) ≡ x * x. h(x) ≡ 2 * x, i(x) ≡ x / 2. Then the[100, construction 20, 5] is [g, h, i](10) [100, =10, ? 2] [100, 20, 1] [100, 20, A 2] Programming paradigm helps us in __________________ functionaldesign object ProceduralProgramming D language friend functions are called _________ With a reference of a object With a reference None of a of structure the With options ainstance reference C of a class calling a method from an object is often referred as____________ OBJECT CREATION OBJECT INSTANTIATION MESSAGEMESSAGE PASSING C RETRIVAL Interpretor is used to ___________________ Only compile Only for execution Both for execution None of the &Ccompilation options Static scoping is identified by _____________________ Spatial Time ExecutionDebug A Activation record of a program helps in___________________ compilation execution identify error None of the B options Local offset in activation record means___________________ Used to identify a variable Used address to identifyUsed a function to identify Used address to a object identify A address a pointer addr Static depth of a function is identified by Calling sequence Compiling Nesting None of the C options Valid strings for the Regular Expression (0 | 1)* 011 is 10101 100001 111011 111000 C NFA DFA NFA & None of the Epsilon transitions are not permitted in B options ________takes a string from a source code as Finite input and validates against _____ and answers whether the input string is valid or not. Platform independence is supported in java by
Token & Lexeme Byte code
Automaton & Regular Virtual
Sentinel & Token Input string B & token A&B only A C
The screen must be refreshed at the rate of ____ 40 frames per second.50 60 70 60 2D scaling equation is x‟ = x*sx, y‟ = y * syx‟ = x + sx, y‟x‟ = y= +x sy – sx, x‟ = y‟x=*ysy, x‟ – sy =y‟x*sx, = y *y‟sx= y * The basic 2D transformations are Scaling, Reflection, Shearing Scaling, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection Rotation, Scaling, Scaling, Translation, Translation Rotation, Shear In which transformation the shape and size ofTranslation the object is changedRotation Scaling ShearingShearing
Stereoscopic viewing is also a component in ___________ Display systemAudio Space ball provides _____ degree of freedomTwo Three In which transformation object is moved in circular Translation path Rotation
Virtual-reality None of Virtual-Reality the above Four Six Six Shearing Scaling rotation Z-buffer method is also known as Back-Face Detection Scan -Line Method Depth-Sorting Depth-Buffer Method Depth-Buffer Method met Which method use linked list to represent surfaces? Painter‟s algorithm A-Buffer Method Z-Buffer Depth-Sorting Method A-Buffer Method Method Which Method is called as hidden-line detection Raymethods. casting method Scan line method BSP-tree Method None of the None above of the above
an method for solving the hidden-surface Back-Face problemDetection is often referred Scan -Line to asMethod Painter‟s Depth-Sorting Algorithm Depth-Buffer Method . Depth-Sorting Method M
The two types of parallel Projections are
Axonometric and Isometric Orthographic Projections and Cabinet Oblique and Elevation Projections Cavalier Orthographic and Projections Plain view
_________ In the Area subdivision method given one square Four is divided into ______Eight equal squares Twelve
Sixteen Four
A fast and simple method for rendering an object Constant-intensity with polygon surfaces shading Gouraud is ______________ Shading Phong Shading Fast Phong Constant-intensity Shading Reflection and refraction rays are referred to as Reflected __________ rays. Refracted Secondary Binary Secondary If no surface are intersected by a pixel ray, theEmpty ray-tracing tree is _________ Full binary tree CompleteEmpty binary tree The artist adds a black pigment to produce different Shades________ of that tintscolor. Tones model Shades Blue and green combined you will get _______ Cyan color. Magenta Yellow White Cyan The combination of light reflections from various Diffuse surfaces reflection to produce Specular a uniform reflection Ambient illumination Light called sources Ambient the ___________ Light In fast phong shading the Taylor-series expansion First and retain termsSecond upto ______ degree Third in Fourth x and y. Second The environment map is defined over the surface environment of an enclosing array universe enclosing universe reflectionenvironment mappingenclosing mapping universe Blue and red combined you will get ________Cyan color. Magenta Yellow White Magenta 1) Multi-core processors plays a central role in driving important advancements in PC Security 2) Multicore design offers enhancement in _________________ System resources 3) A multi-core processor implements _________________in a single physical multithreading 4) __________________ is the term which is used generally to refer multi-core microprocessors that are manufactured on the Embeded systems 5) When it is not feasible to construct a Systemon-a-Chip for a particular application Multi chip 6) Multi-core processor is finding increasing Artifical intelligent deployment in __________________ devices 7) The abstraction provided by ________________ to each virtual machine running over it is that of a 100% dedicated CPU Instruction set 8) Embedded virtualization also makes possible _______________ and the ability to enable legacy software to run in a multicore operation Direct addressing 9) In multiprocessor machines, __________________ are an efficient way for application developers to utilize the parallelism Paging 10) The kernel is aware of each ______________ as a scheduled entity and it Thread 11) ____________ should be optimized for tightly coupled operation of multiple control flows Thread Management 12) When the program requests a block of memory, ____________must allocate that block out of the larger blocks it has received from the Process manager 13) The additional time taken by the memory manager while the program is running is to be Memory Overhead
Resource allocation System tools multiprocessin g
Digital Locator media sychroni A System performance System attributes C multipro multitas grammin king B System- MultiDigital signal on-achip processors chip module D System in Package Micro Package on chip B Packet Mmemo Page mapping switchin ry A Physical memory
Virtualiza tion Addressi ng Segmentation mapping Multiple threads
Virtual memory Fuction Data flow extensio Mutual Harmonization exclusio Program manager CPU overhead
Indirecti on layer Secure partitioni ng Job scheduli ng Interfac e Kernel threads Memory manage r
Kernal manager D Process overhea InteractiveB pause times
14) Many programs give up memory, but attempt to access it later and crash or behave randomly. This condition is known 15) ____________ has become the standard means of reasoning about the correctness of
C of reference PrematurePoor free locality Reusabil Linearizability Flexibility ity ScalabilityA The data rate of a PCM-coded stereo-audio signal176,400 with a sampling bytes/secrate 88, of 44.1 200 KHz bytes/sec and715600 sampling bits/sec 70050 size ofbits/ 8 Bbits. sec MPEG compression method is Weakly regular data stream Irregular data stream Strongly regular None of data the A stream above In a CDROM the sector address is stored in PCA Lead in PMA Lead out C A data stream that can be found in cooperative application Strongly periodic with shared data Weakly stream windows periodicaperiodic data stream None data stream of the C above -------------------- marks the variants of a phone Fundamental frequency morph vowels allophones D In a CDROM the 8-bit data is converted to 12-bit modulations 14-bit modulations 16-bit modulations 24-bit modulations B In JPEG compression AC coefficients are encodedAC-AC-1 by Quantization matrix Entropy encoding Zigzag ordering D For each subband in audio encoding the noise level FFTis calculated using zigzag orderingPsychoacoustic PCM model C ------------------------- compression is specifically designed MPEG for video telecommunication JPEG applications DVI H.261 D MPEG supports only interleaved video all kinds of video non interlaced nonevideo of the C above PreRM emptive non pre-emptive ................................ aborts all task that cannot meet EDF their deadline anymore A ----------------checks whether the canofbe Requestor guaranteed or not Resource manager Resource reservation ResourceBscheduling Textural and Numerical content is request which type Registered Descripti datatype data type ve data Raw data type C above Representatio Presenta none of the model n model tion ---------------describes all operations allowed Manipulation on the document none of the A above External fragmentationMemory leak
The position of one object may influence the motion Full Explicit of another control in
Procedural Control ConstraintTracking based systems live B action
A Assembly uses alphabetic language codes in place of binary is the numbers easiest needlanguage used not beintranslated machine to write programs language into machine language C ___register keeps track of the instructions stored AR in (Address programRegister) storedXR in memory (Index Register) PC (Program AC (Accumulator) Counter) A Von Neumann architecture is SISD SIMD MIMD MISD In Assembly language programming, minimum Zero. number of operands One. required forTwo. an instruction Both (B) is/are &A(C). B In which addressing mode the operand is given Absolute. explicitly in the instruction Immediate. Indirect. Direct. D Instruction. A stack organized computer has Three-address Instruction Three-addressThree-address Instruction Zero-address Instruction D
A data movement instruction will modify the status register modify . transfer the stack modify data pointer from the program one location counter to another Control Unit ALU B Which register example hold the instruction itself? . Program CounterInstruction Register Inventted programs Uses in Germany and a program data counter B What are important aspects of the von Neumann Instruction architecture? are data memory for
direct access direct from access a Bfloppy from disk a cassett Which of the following would cause quickest direct acess access from a magnetic direct access tapefrom a hard disk automati
output memory A The Device which converts instructions into the binary form that is understood by the computer and supply to the com c Input Noteboo Super personal C Laptop PCs are also known as __________Computers Mainframe k
daisy wheel is a type of --- ? printer storage Data transfer to and from peripherals may be InterruptProgrammed initiated handed in any one following three possible initiated I/O The DMA transfer takes place between cycle stealing magnetic disk and memory is takes place in any burst transfer
pointing A Direct All the D memory above Both A D and B I/O program initiated 100100010111.011 c. 100100110110.00110101 d. 100100110111.00100101 D
1. Represent the decimal number 937.25 to BCD a. 100000110111.101 form b. 2. Write the next four numbers in the hex counting a) E9Esequence , E9F, EA0 E9A,E9B,E9C,E9D, , EA1 b) E9E , E9F,c)E100, _E9E , _ ,E101 E9F, _,d) E00, None E01 A of the above 3. Apply duality principle for the given equation ab‟+c+0.d‟(1+e) a) (a+b‟)c(1+d‟+0.e)b) (a+b)‟c(0+d‟+1.e) c) (ab‟)c(1+d‟+1.e) d) (ab‟)c(1+d‟+0.e) A 4. What is x if (1A5)16 = (1141)x?
a) 5
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9
5. AFor the givenComparator message 111100 identify 1 &even 0 parity b) 1 & 1 c) 0 & 0 d) 0 & 1 A 6. Magnitude is designed to the Odda)and compare the magnitude of two 2-bit numbers, A (A1A0) and B (B1B0). The output of circuit is F (A>B). What is the SOP form of F? a. A1B1’ + A1A0B1B0’ + A1’A0B1’B0’ b. A1B1’ + A1A0B0’ + A0B1’B0’ c. A1B1’ + A1B1B0’ + A0B1’B0’ d. A1B1’ + A1A0B0’+ A1’A0B1 A
7. To design the full adder using multiplexer, determine the number of input lines, size of Decoder and number of multiplexers used
a.2, 2x4, 1
8. The circuit of 3 bit odd parity generator has a combination a. 2 x-or gates of 9. PLA is used to implement the Boolean function a. in Standard the form of form 10.How many links will be broken at input of AND gates to implement a half adder using PLA a. 2,2,2 11 Given the function G(A,B,C) = Σ (1,3) + d(4,5,6,7). What is the minimum number of gate that can be used to implement this function? a.0 12. The content of the 4-bit shift register is initially 1101. The register is shifted six times to the right, with the serial input being 101101. A. 1011 a. A ring counter has 13 . A comparison between ring and Johnson fewer flip-flops but counters indicates that: requires more 14. Circuit output functions and flip-flop input a. Excitation and functions can be obtained from output tables 15.5. On the fifth clock pulse, a 4-bit Johnson sequence is Q0 = 0, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, and Q3 = a. Q0 = 1, Q1 = 0, Q2 1. On the sixth clock pulse, the sequence is = 0, Q3 = 0 Interval between the time of submission and completion of the job is called Waiting time ___________ is a technique of improving the priority of process waiting in Queue for CPU Starvation A program in execution is called Procedure In which of the following page replacement policies Balady‟s anomaly occurs? LRU The total time to prepare a disk drive mechanism for a block of data to be read from is latency A set of techniques that allow to execute a program which is not entirely in memory is called demand paging Jobs which are admitted to the system for long-term scheduling will always be to one Locality of reference implies that the page of the pages existing reference being made by a process in memory. ___________ is a technique of temporarily removing inactive programs from the memory of Swapping which should run in a certain specified A critical section is a program segment amount of time. Which scheduling policy is most suitable for a time-shared operating system Elevator. forced de allocation of the CPU from a program which is Program „preemption‟ is executing on the number of pages in memory at a given The term „page traffic‟ describes instant
b. 4, 2x4, 2 c. 3, 3x8, 2d. 3, 2x4,B1 b. X-or followedc.byX-nor x-norfollowed d. 2 x-nor byB/C gates x-or b. Canonical form c. Only sop d. Only sum A of minterms b. 3,3,3
c. 1,2,3
d. 2,2,1 A
d. 3, 2x4,A1
B. 1101 b. A ring counter has an inverted b. State and excitation b. Q0 = 1, Q1 = 1, Q2 = 1, Q3 = 0 Turnaround time
C. 1110 c. A Johnson counter c. State and c. Q0 = 0, Q1 = 0, Q2 = Through put
D. 0111 A d. A Johnso n D
Revocation Instruction NRU latency plus transmission auxiliary memory short-term is likely to be the one of the pages used in
d. State and A output tables
d. Q0 = 0,CQ1 = 0, Q2 = 0, Q3 Respon Turnar se time ound Relocati Agein Ageing on g Process Functio Proce
LFU latency plus virtual memory mediumwill always be to the Semaph Spooling ore where which avoids shared deadlocks. resource Shortest-job FirstFirst. Comerelease of forced CPU by the allotment program after of CPU completing its by a number of the papers moveme required to be nt of
FIFO latency plus second ary queuing will always lead to Schedul er which must be enclose RoundRobin. a program terminat ing itself number of pages
FIFO latenc y plus virtual memo longis likely to be Swap ping where share d RoundRobin. forced de allocat ion of the move ment
The “turn-around” time of a user job is the Memory utilization factor shall be computed as follows
time since its submission to the time its results become available. memory in use/allocated
What would be the output of the following: x=3+'2'; y=4+"5"; document.write(x + y); var a = "India"; var result = a.split(""); document.write(result); India What happens to the following code: function f1() { document.write("In f1();"); function f2() { document.write("In f2();"); } } function x() { var s= "Good 100%"; var pattern = /\D/g; var output= s.match(pattern); document.write(output); }
total time taken to execute the job. memory in use/total
time duration for which the CPU memory allocated
time taken for the job to memory committ
77 None
total time taken to memo ry in
I,n,d,i,a None
no output
In f1();
In f1();Inf2(); None
In f1();
Good %
var a="VIT Vellore"; alert(a.charAt(a.length()-1)); e Syntax for creating a RegExp object: (a). var txt=new RegExp(pattern,attributes); (b). var txt=/pattern/attributes; Which of the above mentioned syntax will correct? a) only var arr= new Array(); arr[0] = "Javascript"; arr[1]="supports" arr[2]="object oriented" arr[3] = "paradigm"; document.write(arr[0,1,2,3]); What islanguage="javascript"> the output? Error 0) Funct(--x); printf(“%d”,x); } int main() { Funct(5); return 0;} The global The global variable variable is is referenced via referenced . How is a variable accessed from another file?the extern specifier via the auto
The global variable is
The global variabl e is A D
Which of the statement is false with respect The Size to Virtual of processor memory address and Cache? determines Virtual the Virtual size memory memory of Virtual replacement can memory be classified Replacement is controlled as pages on bycache and OS segmen miss c
words multiplied by the number of bits/word. How many10 separate address,16 address dataand lines 11 data address,8 lines 12 are address data needed lines ,16for data 12 a memory lines address of ,12 C 4K*16? data lines
Which of the followingUnless is true?enabled, aLoop CPUInstructions will A processor not be able cannot check Only to process be for level interrupted interrupts triggered interrupts before tillinterrupts theythey complete executing are possible A a new on microp instru Which of the following is not a form of memory Instruction cacheInstruction Instruction register Opcode Translation C look aside buffer
-----------------Access method, Cylce time is same for all blocks of Random memory.Access Sequential Access Direct Access Semi Random A Access Assume Word 20 contains 40 Word 30 contains 50 Word 40 contains 60 Word 50 contains 70
hich of the following instructions does not, Load 60 into the Accumulator? Load immediate 60 Load DirectLoad 30 indirect Both 20 A) & C)B
The common fields found in instruction formats opcodeare: field, opcode address field, opcode field, operand mode field, opcode field, field address address field, field, address field, next mode field1, address field, address field,Amode field1,field. mode fie
of numbers for n-bits if negative numbers are represented in (-2n two's– complement 1 to 2n – 1) (-2n-1 format? to 2n-1-1)(0 to 2n-1)(-2n to 2n-1-1) B a number has k-bits(k is even), how many bits will its square-root have? K-1
datum as the sign bit, the exponent field, and the significand (mantissa) 1,8,23 , from left to right. 1,11,52 Specify1,5,10 the the 1,5,112 fields IEEE double B formats. What is the access type of cache memories? Associative RandomSequential A Interrupt based data Direct Polled transfer mode Cycle Stealing is used in DMA based data transferNone of these B
Data transfer rate for Random access Memory is
Access TN=TA+N/R time + minimum 1/cycle time time between twoaccess consequetive timeB+ cycle access time operat (100110 (11100110)2
bjected to arithmetic shift right operation, then the
(10011000)2 00)2
Fixed OR register and Fixed content of the after one arithmetic shift right shall be
programmable AND OR and logic Programmablefixed OR and Fixed Programmable AND logic A OR and Progr the main difference between the variuos 802.11 standards data transfer is the rate maximum allowable simplicity cableof collision length installation detection A rate what is the default subnet mask for a class C network? D when you ping the loopback address, a packet is sent on the wher? network down through the across layers the ofthrough wire the IP architecture the B loopbackand dongle then In CRC there is no error if the remainder at the receiver equal to is ___ the remainderzero at the sender non zero the quotient B at the sender what type of network device allows you to share your ethernet connection card to the internet NIC with other router computer Cat5 in your C home? Frequency of failure and network recovery time after performance a failure are measures reliability of the ___ ofsecurity a network feasibilityB The Hamming distance between 100 and 001 is 0 1 2 3C 1 frame transmission one way 2 frame In CSMA, the vulnerable period is equal to time propagation transmis round tripBtime How long is an IPv6 address? 32 bits 128 bytes 64 bits 128 bits D which protocol does ping use? TCP ARP ICMP BootP C forwards a determin forwards a packet to packet to the es on What does router do in a network? all outgoing links next free which frowards a C packet to all outgo Linear topology is also called? Star topology Bus topology Ring Mesh topology B A logical network that consisits of two or more Networking Internetworkin LAN WAN B Three way connection regulate UDP has which of the following characteristics? handshake for state at the d send checksumDfor error detection which of the following is not provided by TCP? reliable, in order data flow control congesti minimum Dbandwidth guarntee Every node has a point to point connection to Bus every other node in the Starnetwork Mesh Ring C
PAL circuit consists of
of Encoding A Which of the following is the functionality of Type Physical Layer Encryption Mail Services Logical address Which multiplexing method is common for multiplexing FDM optical signals TDM to allowWDM the multiplexFHSS ing C of signals with a Switching ATM Bentry in the switch A need for end-to-end addressing during the setup Datagram and teardown phases VitualtoCircuit make Ciruit the corresponding CRC bits between two It is the number of differences between correspond LRC words Checksum Hamming value D distance A Character-oriented protocols use a method to Byte-Stuffing be able to carry an 8-bit Bit -pattern Stuffing thatFlow is same Control Error as theControl flag A random access method, nwhere no station isAloha superior to another Reservation station and none Token is assigned Passing Channelization theAcontrol over anoth Gateway A device which can raise bandwidth and can Router seperate collision domain Brouter Bridge D In UNI total length of VPI + VCI is 24 bits 22 bits 20 bits 26 bits A Class B What type of address is this Class A Class C Class D A label FragmentationOffset IPv6 normally provides a connectionless service, Service but itType can provideChecksum a connectionFlow - oriented serviceCif uses which of th OSPF IGMP RIP C Which of the following is a Intra Domain Protocol TCP Ephernal Port Numbers Fixed Port Numbers Well Known Dynamic Portserver, ANumbers Port Numbers Those port numbers are only used for the duration of a single communication between client and so they are in Openthe Loop Congestion Closed Control Loop Congestion Forward Explicit Backward Control Congestion B Explicit Congest Contro Which con-gestion control policies try to alleviate effects of congestion Which technology allows an organization to use the global InternetKerbros yet safely maintain Frame internal Relay C communicatio Firewall Vitual private Private Network
A complete microcomputer system consists of microprocessor memory PeripheralAll equipment of the All above of the above Pipelining strategy is called implement instruction execution instruction prefetch instructioninstruction decodinginstruction manipulation prefetch Interrupts which are initiated by an instruction are internal external hardware software software A timing sharing system imply more than one processor more in the thansystem one processor more thanNone in one thememory of system the more above inthan the system one proce The performance of a processor can be measuredClocks using period Cycles per Instruction Throughput All of the All above of the above
Which of the following is not a state of the instruction Operand cycle address calculation Data write backInstructionInstruction fetch Data fetch write back Which of the following is a bus arbitration scheme? Round-robin First come first Priority serve All of the All above of the above When is a cache block is written into the main memory Every cycle Dirty bit is set Valid bit isNone not set of the Dirty above bit is set Which of the following is a example for a communication MonitorI/O? Mouse Modem USB Modem Memory access in RISC architecture is limited to instructions CALL and RET PUSH and POPSTA and LDA MOV andSTA JMPand LDA Redundancy is a built-in feature here Serial I/O tapes RAID Optical Magneti RAID Microprocessor 8085 can address location upto 32K 128K 64K 1M 64K A microporgram is sequencer perform the execute read and read and execute read RAID level 0 is primarily used in applications Cost is a priority Area is a Reliabilit All of Cost Anytime/when Before use – During All of During How often/how is data written into the ROM required by manufac the manuf
int main() { int i; int a[3]={1,2,3}; int *b[3]={&a[0],&a[1],&a[2]}; printf("%d",*b[1]); } #include #include int main() { int sum = 0; int i=1; while(i b?c:b))?a:x); printf("%d",d); what is the output of the above code?
a)erro d)byegoodbye r
d)error a)11
The _______ is the physical path over which aProtocol message travels. Medium Signal All the above Medium The information to be communicated in a dataMedium communications system Protocol is the _______. Message Transmission Message Frequency of failure and network recovery time Performance after a failure are measures Reliabilityof theSecurity _______ Feasibility of a network Reliability An unauthorized user is a network _______ issue Performance Reliability Security All the above Security Which topology requires a central controller or Mesh hub? Ring Star Star Bus Which topology requires a multipoint connection? Mesh Ring Bus Star Bus Communication between a computer and a keyboard half-duplex full-duplex transmission automatic Simplex simplexinvolves ______________ A television broadcast is an example of _______ transmission half-duplex full-duplex automatic Simplex simplex A _______ connection provides a dedicated link point-to-point between two devices. point-to-point multipoint primary secondary In a _______ connection, more than two devices point-to-point can share a singlemultipoint link primary secondary Multipoint In _______ transmission, the channel capacitysimplex is shared by both communicating half-duplex full-duplex devices athalf-simplex all times full-duplex In the original ARPANET, _______ were directly host computersnetworksrouters IMPs IMPsconnected together This was the first networ CSNET NSFNET ANSNETARPA ARP Which organization has authority over interstate ITU-T and international commerce in the FCC communications NET FCC ISOC ANE field? IEEE _______ are special-interest groups that quickly Forums test, evaluate, andRegulatory standardizeagencies new Standards technologies. All organizations of theForums above The number of leaf nodes in a complete binary tree of depth2dd is 2d–1+1 2d+1+1 The number ofelements interchanges to sort 5, 1, 6, 2 4 in ascending order using 6 5 Bubble Sort 7 is If there are 17 in anrequired array, how many maximum comparisons are required to search an element using binary search? 5 4 3 A hash function f defined as f(key) = key mod 7, with linear probing, is used to insert the keys 37,38,72,48,98,11,56,into a table indexed from 0 to 6. 11 will be stored in the location 5 4 3 The result of evaluating the postfix expression 5, 4, 6, +, *, 4, 9, 3, /, +, * is 600 350 588
2d +1 8
a b
If h is any hashing function and is used to hash n keys in to a table of size m, where n1000(Deposit)) over P Customer_name( 1000 P sbalance isCustomer_name( A >1000(Deposit) s balance P bal >1 _________ data type can store unstructured data RAW CHAR NUMERIC VARCHAR A A table joined with itself is called Join Self Join Outer Join Equi JoinB _________ is a virtual table that draws its dataView from the result of an Synonym SQL SELECT SequenceTransaction statement A A B-tree of order m has maximum of _____________ m children m+1 m-1 m/2 A The highest level in the hierarchy of data theUPDATE To delete a particular column in a relation command used is: DROP ALTER DELETEC organization is called data bank data base data file data record data file Which oftrail the following is not a relational An audit is used to make backup cancopies be used toisrestore the recorded lost None information history can be ofused operations to rest database Dbase IV 4th DimensionFoxPro Reflex Reflex A top-to-bottom relationship among the itemshierarchical in a database schema is established networkby schema a relationalAll schema the above hierarchical schem Data security threats include hardware failure privacy invasion fraudulentAll manipulation of theprivacy aboveofinvasion data A command that lets you change one or more insert fields in a record is modify lookup none of above modify This is an open standard application programming Universal interface Data(API) Access Open for accessing Database aTopic database Connectivity Map Open Query Data-Link Open Language Database Interface Co This is a standard interactive and programming dynamic language data forexchange getting Structured information Query ASCII from Language andErlang updating programming Structured a databaseQuery languL Report generators are used to store data input by a retrieve user information answerfrom queries both files b and answer c queries Batch processing is appropriate if large computer system only is available a small computer only a few system none transactions ofisthe none available above of arethe involved above Which is the make given to the database management full media system which graphics is able media to handle multimedia full text hypertext data,multimedia image data, audio A file produced by a spreadsheet is generally stored oncan disk beinused an ASCII asboth is bytext athe and fromat none DBMS b of the is generally above stored Primitive operations common to all record management print system include sort look-up all of above look-up What process does the technical term normalization Creating describe? tables from Creating an ER diagram largerExpressing tables from Breaking a smaller database's Breaking larger tables design tables larger in into ter tab To what the term refer? A standard breaks up database A large standard tables included A table methodology intowith smaller, included A stage mostfor more in with RDBMSs arepresen proces effici most Given andoes unknown basenormal Y, andform given that A stage in a process that Not for a particular number X, (X)Y = (Z)10, what is (100000 * X)Y in base 10? ( “*” is the operation) In amultiply 4-variable Boolean function, what are the minterms that differ from m10 by one literal? A certain 5-bit self-complementary code is used to represent the 10 decimal digits 0 through 9. Given that (246)10 is represented as 00010 00100 00110 in this code, for of a If one what inputistothe therepresentation circuit consisting cascade of 20 EX-OR is X and the other is 1 ,Athen whatfour-variable is the final EX-OR Output. certain Booleangate function contains 9 minterms. At least how many product terms and at most how many product terms are there in the minimal sumof-products expression for this Write the next four numbers in function? the hex counting sequence E9A,E9B,E9C,E9D, _ , _ , _,
m0, m5, m7, m15
log-Y10 0000 * 100000Z Z m0, m2, m4, m8, m6, m8, m14 m11
enough inform ation m2, to A m8, m11, D
00110 00100 00010
11101 00011 00111 11011 00101 11001
11001 11101 11011 D
Z * Y5
At least At least 1 At least 2 and At least zero and at and at most 2 and at at most most 9. 9. most,8. None 9. E9E C E9E , E9F, EA0 , E9E , E9F, E9F, of the EA1 E100, E101 E00, above A
Forthe Boolean algebra Associativity is a:the In expression A(A+B) , by writing first term A as A+0, the expression is best simplified as
Which statement is true:
Express ion Identity A
AB All
A Standar A+B Canoni C
standard form are All canonical form canonical are standard form forms
What is x if (1A5)16 = (1141)x? =
A (x-or) B (x-nor) C
To implement a 4 bit binary to 5 bit BCD converter using ROM, the size of ROM, decoder inside ROM and number of OR gates will be 16x5, 1x5, 4 How many 4-bit parallel adders would be required to add two binary numbers each How many possible state assignments would be there for 5 states?
d form cal must form consists can
9B A (x-nor) B (x- A (x-nor) All the B
32x4, 16x5, 4x16, 5 5x32, 4 1
3 8C3
32x4, 1x4, 5 3
B 4C
In the sequential circuit, the output is
Independent on the clock pulse
Depend Depend ent of ent of the +ve the –ve A
The image formation process can be summarized as
image=noise*object function+psf
image=psf*im Image=p None of age sf*object the C
The key problem in which 99% of cases where image processing techniques either fail or further image processing is required to achieve
quantizat ion metrics A
An alternative edge enhancement filter to the Laplacian-based approaches is the
median filter
smoothening filter
unsharp band mask pass
Fourier transform operates on the
frequency space
real space
The process of breaking down a periodic signal as a sum of sine and cosine function is called
fourier breakage
fourier partition
fourier division
fourier decomp D
PSNR refers to
Progressive signal to Peak signal to Perceptu None of noise ratio noise ratio al signal the B
A key assumption in deriving the least-squares estimators given by equation
g(x,y)+f(x,y)** g(x,y)+f( g(x,y)g(x,y)-f(x,y)**h(x,y)=0 h(x,y)=0 x,y)*h(x, f(x,y)*h( A
A rectangular array of pixels containing the values either 1 or 0 is called as
pixel structures
structuring element
neighbo none of urhood the B
The positions where a certain pattern occurs in the input image is indicated by the
laplace transform
wavlet transform
fourier transfor
The representation of a 2-D boundary as a 1-D
transformation sampling quantiza A
measures the attempt to capture characteristics of the intensity fluctuations between groups of neighbouring pixels, sometimes to which the feature
none of the above C
An approach to segmentation in which pixels are region grouped into larger regions based on their region segmentation region splitting transfor
region growing D
A process in which an expert human user assigns examples to specific classes based on
class labelling
supervised labelling
unsuper object vised labelling A
An instance of something serving as a typical example or standard for other things of the
prototyp e object
image pyramid
image cone
A conceptually simple structure for representing imagesat more tha one resolution is the image cube
none of the C
B stated Data by itself is not useful unless It is massive It is processed to It is obtain collected information It is from properly diverse sources In a hospital information system the following typeOpening of information a newischildren‟s‟ tactical Dataward on births and Preparing deathsBuying patients‟ anA bill expensive diagnost B above The quality of information which does not hide anyComplete unpleasant information Trustworthy is known as Relevant None of the Bconcise field Every record stored in a Master file has a key fielditbecause is the most importantitfield acts as a unique it isidentification the key it is to athe very ofdatabase record A management information system is one which Data mining is used to aid in Data mining requires Data mining can not be done if Decision support systems are used for
Bofinformation is required by all managers processes of an organization dataprovides to yield information operational allows better value management in tacticalofm operational management analyzing past decision detectingmade patterns retrieving by managers inCarchival operational datadata large quantities of operational lots of tactical data stored data several overtape alarge period drives mainframe ofA totime storecomputers archival data operational data has not earlier beenmanagement archivedthe organization decisions all processing are is large not A available had been only b Management decision Providing making tactical Providing information strategic Better to management operation information C of antoorganiz manag Infrastructure, exploration, Infrastructure, analysis,Infrastructure, exploration, interpretation, Infrastructure, analysis, analysis, exploitation A exploitation, analysis, exploration, expi
Which is the right approach of Data Mining? Which of the following issue is considered before Functionality investing in DataVendor Mining? consideration Compatibility All of theD above The automated, prospective analyses offered by data mining move beyond the analyses of past events provided by _____________ tools typical of decision support systems. Introspective During business hours, most ______ systems should probably not use parallel execution. OLAP Data mining evolve as a mechanism to cater the limitations of ________ systems to deal massive data sets with high dimensionality, new data types, multiple heterogeneous data resources OLTP The term DSS refer __________. time required toto insert an element in a stack with linked implementation is A list of integers is read in , one at a time and a binary search tree is constructed.Next the tree is traversed and the integers are printed. Which traversal result in a which of the following is a tabular listing of contents of certain registers and memory locations at different times during the execution of a program which of the following types of expressions doenot require precedence rule for evaluaed? which of the following is not correct? consider the following tree.If the post order traversal gives ab-cd*+
Intuitive DSS
Reminis cent Retrospective D Data Mining OLTP D
OLAP Decision Data Supply System Support
DSS DWH A Deducte d B above None of the
O(log2 n)
O(nlog2 n) A
None of the D above
loop program
program trace sub routine byte program sorting B program
Full parenthesised infixprefix expression expression partially parenthesized more thanDone infix of expression these f(n)=O(f(n)) c*f(n)=O(f(n)) for O(f(n)+g(n))=(f(n))+O(g(n)) constantO[f(n)2]=O(f(n))2 'c' C "+,-,*,a,b,c,d"
"a,-,b,+,c,*,d" "a,b,c,d,-,*,+" "-,a,b,+,*,c,d" A
The running time of an algorithm T(n) , where n is the input size given by T(n)= 8T(n/2) +q n if n>1 =p if n=1 where p,q,are constants.The order of the n2 The number of edges in a regular graph of degreemaximum 'd' and 'n' of vertices n,d is If hashing function is the remiander on division, then clustering is more likely to occur if the storage space is divided in to 40 sections than More likely to be false consider an undirected graph 'G' with 'n' vertices and 'e' edges. What is the time taken by 'DFS' if the graph is represented by adjacency matrix O(n2),O(n) cannot have more A strictly binary tree with 10 leaves than 19 nodes In evaluating the arthimetic expression 2*3(4+5), using stacks to evaluate its equivalent postfix form , which of the 6,4 Number of possible binary trees with 3 nodes is 12 The expression which access the (i,j)th entry of a mxn matrix stored in column major form is nx(i-1)+j A complete binary tree with the property that the value each node is atleast as large as the values Binary search tree
A characteristic of the data that the___________.
nn n+d
n3 nd
n nd/2
more likely to bealways true true always false B
O(n2),O(e) O(e),O(n2)O(e+n),O(e) B has exactly 19 has nodes exactly cannot have B more than 17 no
6,9 13
2,3,9 14
D 15 D
mx(n-j)+j nx(m-i)+j B complete AVL tree ly Heap D binary search (A) uses Orderbut of the the elements linear of the (B) Length ignoresofis(C) the Maximum list. value (A) in
How many nodes in a tree have no ancestors. (A) 0
(D) Type of elements of the list.
(B) 1
(C) 2
(D) n
Which of the following sorting algorithm is stable (A) Insertion sort. (B) Bubble sort. (C) Quick(D) sortHeap(D) sort The time required to delete a node x from a doubly (A) Olinked (n) list having (B)nOnodes (log n) is (C) O (1)(D) O (n(log C )n)
Ackerman‟s function is defined on the non-negative (A) 4. integers as follows (B) 5. a (m,n) = n+1 if m=0 = a (m-1, 1) if m≠ 0, n=0 = a (m-1, a(m, n-1)) if m≠ 0, n ≠ 0 The value of a (1, 3) is
(C) 6.
(D) 7. (B)
= (A) Let the following circular queue can accommodate (A) front maximum = 2 rear six= elements 5(B) frontwith = 3the (C) rear front = 5 queue (D) = 3 front rear ==42 rear = 4
following data queue = ______; L, front = 2 rear = 4 queue = _______; L, M, N, ___, ___ What will happen after ADD O operation takes place?
L, M, N, O, ___ M, queue N, O, = L, ___ M,queue N, O, =___ ______;
L, M, N, O, ___
A graph with n vertices will definitely have a (A) parallel greater edgethan or self n–1(B) loop less if thethan total n(n–1) (C) number greater (D) ofthan lessn(n–1)/2 (A) than n/2 edges are
The total number of companions required to merge (A) 664 sorted files containing (B) 39 15, 3, (C)9 15 and 8(D) records none(D) into above a single sorte
. The minimum number of multiplications and (A)additions 6 & 3 required(B) to evaluate 4 & 2 the(C) polynomial 3 & 3(D) 8 &(C) 3 P = 4x3+3x2-15x+45 is
An undirected graph G with n vertices and e edges (A) Ois(n) represented by (B)adjacency O (e) list. (C) O (e+n) (D) O (e2) Ans:C What is the time required to generate all the
. A full binary tree with n leaves contains
(A) n nodes.
(B) n log2 nodes.
The complexity of multiplying two matrices of (A) order mnp m*n and n*p(B) is mp
(C) 2n –1(D) nodes. n 2 nodes. Ans:C
(C) mn (D) np Ans:A
You have to sort a list L consisting of a sorted(A) list Bubble followedsort by a few (B)“random” Selectionelements. (C) sort Quick (D) sortInsertion Ans:Dsort Which of the following sorting methods would be especially suitable for such a task?
Let A be an adjacency matrix of a graph G. The (A)ijThe th entry number in the of matrix paths (B) Shortest of lengthpath (C) K from of Length Kvertex (D) edges ofLength aVi from Eulerian Ans:B to vertex of a path Hamiltonia Vi Vj.from to verv A K gives
If h is any hashing function and is used to hash(A) n keys less in than to 1. a table (B) of size lessm, than where n. (C) n
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