1. Th* following persons are ar"rthr:;rized to perform
autopsiers except:
r_ql ar,y licenbeci medicai" practirioner b. members of uredical staff of accredited ircspritaLs
c. d.
offieers of officers
medicaL trealEt"r
lar+ enforeement agencies
shall be perf orurect in rhe .f ollowing cases except-:
ai upon the wr:itten request of the nearest of kin i,b.; upon the written request of the attenCing physician i. trpon or:der of a coffilrr)!1rp; court .i_, uponwwricten request of poli.cel authorities A ph,vsj"cian ',rho Eestifies j.n court on maEters ire tras obsc*rved or in the ccu.rse of a physician*patj.ent relationship is cclns,iirler:er! ;
a" an]'cus curl,ae b, expe::t medical wit,ness t+.
l.c.) or,Jinary witness
d. privileged witncss
not obtainerl from the per,ronal knowlerlge or: experience of the witness but derived fron what he has heard-or read atrr:ut, is carrecr: Evi"dence
&. expert evidence b. privileged coumunication
c " associative eviii,:nce i'ci} hearsay evidence
5. rl writEen record of, evidence gi.ven or;rIly ancl transcr:ib*d in wrifirrg in the for:u of questions by an interrogator and answers by the one inLerviewed and signed by the latter is ca-lled I
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