Complexes for Fat Loss - Alwyn Cosgrove
Short Description
Complexes for Fat Loss A Better Way I'm a huge believer in using the "alternating set" system when training. For time management reasons, I tend to do exercise one for a set, rest 60 seconds or so, exercise two for a set, rest 60 seconds or so, and continue. This allows me to increase wor density while still getting "true" rest. In other words, I !erform a set of suats, rest 60 seconds, !erform a set of !ush#u!s, rest 60 seconds, and re!eat. $o, in effect, I've almost tri!led the rest !eriod between suat sets %60 seconds !lus time taen for !ush#u!s !lus 60 seconds& as o!!osed to using a straight set system. nd for fat loss training, it's un!aralleled. (owever, the biggest !roblem or com!laint I get from clients who use commercial facilities is that it's really hard for them to tie u! two !ieces of gym eui!ment at !ea hours. I have my own facility, but I reali)e this can be a real !roblem elsewhere. $o I started ex!erimenting with a few things * doing dumbbell lunges and !ush#u!s for exam!le, or ste!#u!s and dumbbell bench !resses * where I could use one set of dumbbells and one !iece of eui!ment. It was an oay com!romise, but it started to somewhat limit my exercise selection. nd nd to be honest, it still had the issue of !eo!le woring in and !ossibly disru!ting your rest !eriods. $o I went a ste! further. +hat if I created a fat loss or conditioning !rogram based around one !iece of eui!ment * where you stayed in the same s!ot, using the same load for the entire duration.
$o I tried it. t first it was awward, but after reading $teve avore's stuff and taling with -ber#strength#coach obert /os emedios, I started to im!lement different variations of combination lifting. I ust ho!ed that it would wor as well as alternating sets for fat loss and conditioning, or at least close enough that it wasn't too much of a tradeoff. s it turns out, it wored better1 In fact, it wored so well that it became a cornerstone of my conditioning !rograms with several athletes.
The Definitions 2ow I'm not the first !erson to ever use com!lexes. 3ut after taling to /os we couldn't find any formal classification of what constituted the difference between combination lifts, hybrid lifts, and com!lexes. $o we felt the need to define the term4 5ombo lifts are broen down into three categories4 . True 5ombinations4 This is when two or more lifts are done together with a distinct !ause between each. %$till, never !ut the bar down.& 7xam!le4 8ower clean 9 front suat. :. (ybrids4 In this category, there's no !ause or se!aration between the lifts. The movements flow into one another. In fact, the !revious movement sometimes isn't com!leted before the next starts. 7xam!le4 Front suat into !ress. ;. 5om!lexes4 $till doing two or more exercises and still not !utting the bar down, only now you com!lete all your re!s with one movement first, then com!lete all your re!s with the next movement. 7xam!le4 +hen combining a suat with an overhead !ress, !erform < re!s of suats first, then < re!s of overhead !ress without dro!!ing the bar.
$o why do they wor= +ell, uite honestly, it's because they're hard as hell1 five#movement com!lex x 6 re!s has a total volume of ;0 re!s !er set1 3ut rather than do a ;0#re! set of one exercise %and have to use the !in dumbbells&, you're only doing 6 re!s before changing the exercise, so you can stay %relatively& heavy. t only 00 !ounds, that comes out to ;000 !ounds of total wor !er set. /o four sets with about >0 seconds rest between sets and you'll have moved :,000 !ounds in about eight or nine minutes.
Using Complexes ?5ombo lifts are great for those who lac eui!ment or s!ace. They can mae good warm#u!s, or can be used for metabolic wor or for in#season athletic training because they're time efficient. ?If you want to try combos, use familiar movements. /on't !ut unfamiliar exercises together. ?The weaest exercise in the seuence determines the load you'll use. /on't use exercises lie trice!s icbacs because the small load reuired is too limiting for the other movements in the combo. ?@se exercises that flow well together. 8erforming a deadlift to a omanian deadlift to a high !ull flows very well as the end !oint of one exercise overla!s with the start !oint of another exercise. /oing bac suat to floor !ress clearly doesn't flow. 7asy rule4 If you have to re#gri! the bar or adust your gri! at all, it has to be seamless and easyA otherwise the com!lex breas down. The ey is to be sensible. Bou can't do a hybrid of deadlifts and curls for exam!le * the difference in loading is too great.
To summari)e, here are the four main reasons to consider combos or hybrids4
1.Time / Space / !"ipment • • •
$mall facility 9 large grou! Cac of eui!ment * Dot dumbbells andEor barbells= nly have your clients or athletes for limited time !eriods or sessions !er wee
#.$ncrease Training %ol"me • •
dd volume to your lym!ic variations five#movement com!lex x 6 re!s has a total volume of ;0 re!etitions !er set. t only 00 !ounds, this comes out to ;000 !ounds of total wor !er set 1
&.Change'"p( Brea)'"p *onotony +this is more for athletes, • • • •
Cong in#season cycles ff#season loss of focus 3rea#u! a long microcycle !hase %i.e. hy!ertro!hy, high volume& @nloading !hase
-.*etaolic / Conitioning ffect • • • • •
Increase wor demand, use more muscle grou!s Increase caloric ex!enditure in fat loss !rograms Increase 785Efterburn effect massively Increase wor ca!acity 5om!lexes for Fat Coss 3e warned, these are !retty grueling. 8erform the com!lexes at the beginning of your worout when you're fresh. They'll elevate metabolism beyond anything you've ever ex!erienced before. The most freuently ased uestion about com!lexes is how much load to use. emember, it's a metabolic stimulus, not a strength or hy!ertro!hy
stimulus, so be conservative. GG !ro /avid Coiseau uses only H< !ounds when doing the com!lexes I !rescribe for him. 2ow don't go too light either. good "5osgrove rule of thumb" is that if you're not uestioning why in the hell you're doing these exercises, or convincing yourself that twice around is enough, you're not going heavy enough.
The Wor)o"t Cet's get into it. 8erform each com!lex once !er wee for four training sessions !er wee. @se the following !rogression4 +ee ne4 sets of < re!s of each * >0s rest +ee Two4< sets of < re!s of each * J
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