Complete Script Offer of Evidence
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offer of evidence...
Presiding Judge: Call the case Interpreter: Criminal Case no...... Prosecutor: For the Government, your Honor, Public Prosecutor Oliva Cecil risco Caritos !e"ense: Judge: #eady #eady on you O$er, Fiscal% Prosecutor: &es, &our Honor Judge: Proceed Proceed Prosecutor: Prosecutor: 'he (tate o$ers the "ollo)ing pieces o" evidence and their corresponding purposes.
Exhibit A, A-1,A-2, A-3,A-4, Joint Afdavit o Arrest o PO2 Philip J. Pines and PO2 Jerame A. Arrea , consisting o" * pages and dated January *+, +-. P!rpose" /0hibits to 12 are being o$ered "or the purpose, to prove the "act that the arresting o3cers conducted the buy bust operation and the arrest )as valid. Ob4ection: 5e 5e ob4ect to the purpose6s o" this evidence that there )as a belie" that the arrest )as not valid. #eply: #uling:
Exhibit # and Exhibit $, O the seied item %dr!&s' (ith the mar)in& o E# and E# 1. P!rpose" /0hibit 7 and /0hibit C are o$ered "or the purpose, to prove the "act that the sei8ed item is the drug )hich is the sub4ect matter o" the case. Ob4ection: 5e ob4ect your honor, on the ground that the sei8ed item does not belong to the accused. #eply: #uling:
Exhibit * and Exhibit E, O the mar)ed mone+ or t(o P. peso bill (ith serial no. $A 1113 and $A 4443 . P!rpose" /0hibit ! and /0hibit / are o$ered "or the purpose, to prove the "act that there )as a buy bust operation and there occurred a sale i" the sub4ect illegal drugs. Ob4ection: 5e ob4ect your honor, on the ground that the said mar9ed money )as not obtained "rom the accused. #eply: #uling:
Exhibit / and /-1 , *r!& *ependen0+ e!est /orm , consisting o" - page, dated January -, +- and signed by Police Inspector Phamela 7ergavera. P!rpose" /0hibit F and F1- are o$ered "or the purpose that the sub4ect person is a drug user u ser.. Ob4ection: ;o ob4ection, your honor. #eply: #uling:
Exhibit and -1, aborator+ Examination on 5eied Eviden0e e!est /orm, consisting o" - page, dated January -, +- and signed by Police Inspector Phamela 7ergavera. P!rpose" /0hibit G and G1- are being o$ered "or the purpose, to prove the "act that the t)o sealed plastic sachet is illegal drugs and such )ill be the basis in
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