Complete Pet 2016

October 6, 2017 | Author: Jesus Leiva Marques | Category: English As A Second Or Foreign Language, Test (Assessment), Vocabulary, Adjective, English Language
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The ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS editions help Spanish-speaking learners overcome the difficulties they face when learning Engl ish . This is achieved by integrating our expert knowledge of Spanish speakers with information taken from the unique Cambridge Learner Corpus. Our in-depth understanding of Spanish-speaking learners is the result of extensive research carried out by our locally-based editorial team and is clearly evident in our ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS editi ons. This guarantees that the topics and activity types are relevan! to Spanish-speaking learners of English, with a focus on areas of language which are typical ly problematic. Extra support is al so provided for teachers of Spani sh speakers through detailed teachi ng notes and specifical ly-d esigned ideas for the classroom. The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a unique collection of over 35 mi Ilion words written by students taking Cambridge ESOL exams. lt has been developed by Cambridge Univers ity Press and Cambridge ESOL, and its unique 'error coding' system highlights the mistakes made by candidates. We use this system to identify which words, grammar patterns or language structures cause the most problems for Spanish-speaking students learning En glish. As a result, ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS editions are able to confidently address the common mistakes that Spanish-speaking learners make, and give extra practice and tips to avoid these typ ical errors.

CAMBRID GE UNIVERSITY PRESS José Abascal 56, ¡o - 28003 Madrid, Spain Cambridge University Press is part of the University of Cambridge. It furthers the University's mission by disseminating knowledge in the pursuit of

education , learning and research at the highest internationallevels of excellence. © Cambridge University Press 2011 This publication is in copyright. Subject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant collective licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press. First published 20 11 8th printing 2016 Printed in Spain by Marbán Libros D. L.: S-383-20 11

ISBN 978-84-8323-743-4 Student's Book (with answers with CD-ROM) (ENGLJSH FOR SPANJS H SPEAKERS edition) ISBN 978-84-8323-739-7 Student's Book (without answers with CD-ROM) (ENGLISH FOR SPANJSH SPEAKERS edition) ISBN 978-84-8323-745-8 Workbook (with answers with Audio CD) (ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition) ISBN 978-84-8323-744-1 Workbook (without answers with Audio CD) (ENGLISH FOR SPANJSH SPEAKERS edition) ISBN 978-84-8323-746-5 Teacher's Book (ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition) ISBN 978-84-8323-747-2 Class Audio CDs (ENGLISH FOR SPANJSH SPEAKERS edition) Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy ofURLs for externa! or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate. Information regarding prices, travel timetables, and other factu al information given in this work is correct at the time of first printing but Cambridge University Press do es not guarantee the accuracy of such information thereafter. The paper that this book has been printed on is produced using an elemental chlorine-free (ECF) process at milis registered to IS0 14001 (2004), the environmental management standard. The milis source their wood fibre from sustainably-manage d forests. No hardwood pulp is used in the production of this paper.


Map of the units Introduction PET content and overview 1 2

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

4 6


Homes and habits Student days Fun time Our world Feelings leisure and fashion Out and about This is me! Fit and healthy A question of taste Conserving nature What did you say?

8 18 28 38 48 58 68 78 88 98 108 118

Grammar reference Irregular verbs Writing reference Speaking reference Authentic past PET paper from Cambridge ESOL PET for Schools Practice Test Extra material

128 144 145 154 160 185 210

Answer key and Recording scripts






or gist and main points

2 Student days

Re ading Part 3: The daily life of a Beijing teenager • An ext rae! from Teen ma gazine • Reading Part 1: Five t exts about work

6 Leisure and fashion

7 Out and about

• Descriptron of a room • Two candidates doing Speaking Part 1

• Writ ing Part 2: Writi ng a short message

• Writing Part 1: ldentifying word s to change; error correction Describi ng free-time activitie s

Re ading Part 3: Discover th e island of Borneo

• Selma talking about w here she lives • Listening Part 3: Oymya kon. the Northern Poie ofCo ld • A candidate doing Speaking Part 3

• Writin g Part 3: Your favou ri te way of re laxing; Someth ing exciting you like to do • Cause and effect links • Formal / informal expressions

• List en ing Part 4: ldentifying the lang uage of opinions • Cand idates doing Speaking Part 4

Writi ng Part 2: Wri t ing a short message to say thank you

• Two peopl e ta lking about TV programmes • Two people planning a night out toget her • Listening Part 1: Fou r short rec ord ings about lost items • Two candidates doing Speaking Part 4

Read ing Part 2: The Guide HK (en tertainment guide to Hong Kong) DJ Jupiter and t he kickboxer

Re adi ng Part 1: ldentifyi ng t ext purpose

Rea ding Part 3: Life coaches find success wi th young people

9 Fit and healthy

• •

Reading Part 5: Choose your sport Using t he context to guess missing words

10 A question of taste

• Rea ding Part 2: Eight unusual restaurants • Jack Blenkharn has his ha ir cut

• Writing Part 1: Transformation dialog ue: identifying para llel expressions Descri bing fu ture clim ates

Listening Part 2: Phot ograp hrng extrem e weather conditions • Getting to t he station in t ime • Two candidates doing Speaking Pa rt 2 • Two people discu ss in g transport in th e future

• Punctuation • Writ ing Pa rt 2: Writi ng a physi ca l description • 'Ski lfullinking' between content points

• Kri stian ta lking to his life coach • Listenrng Part 3: Becoming a film extra • Describing someone's physical appearance • Three candidates doing Speaking Part 1

• Listening Part 4: Young people's healt h • ldentifying agreement. disagreemen t and decision- ma king • Listening fo r agreement, disag re ement and decisions

• A waiter givi ng inst ructions • Listening Part 1: Seven short re cord ings • People talking about having something done • People asking for object s t hey don't know th e name of • One can didate doing Spea king Part 3

11 Conserving nature


Map of the units

• Listening Part 2: Four ways of spending a day out • Talking about a skiing holiday • Two teenagers discussing thei r fre e ti me

• Read ing Part 5: How to be happier • Using the context to guess missing w ords

12 What did you say?

Nadine ta lking about her experiences as an exchang e student • Listening Part 1: Four short recordings • Two candidates doing Speaking Part 4

• Thanking. explaining. apologising. inviting. suggestmg

• Reading Part 4: The teenager wh o sailed across an ocean • ldentifying writer's purpose

4 Ourworld

• Writ ing an email

• List ening Part 2: Wild life in Ind ia • Listening fo r w ays of expressing examples • Listening for word st ress

Read ing Part 3: Can you spea k Martia n?

Writ ing Part 3: Writing a story

• Students discussing a project • Listemng Part 3: Web Challenge competition


.. . .. .. ..

extra informa tion Spelling and sounds: sounds represented by ie, oa. ou and ow

Talking about typical school days Talking about changes in your lile Speaking Pa rt 4: Turn-taking and active listening: Tip: Listening carelully and showing interest Talki ng about work Spelling and sounds: sounds represented by g

Talkin g about yoursell Speaking Part 2: Making suggestions and replying politely to suggestions : Tip: Using poli te language and tone Pronu nciation: Word stress for new information Spelling and sounds : sounds represented by i


. ..

Speaking Part 3: Describing photos ol places; Tip: Pausing to th in k and using specific expressions Spelling and sounds: sounds represented by ea and ear



Speaking Part 3: Describing photos Speaking Part 4: Describing personal experiences: Tip: Resp onding with appropriate phrases Spelling and sounds : words ending in -ed


Talking about entertainment Speaking Pa rt 4: Ta lking about activities at home and go ing out: Talking about the clothes you like to wear: Tip: Kee pin g t he con ve rsati on goi ng Spell ing and sounds: sounds represented by ie


Talking about extreme w eather Speaking Part 2: Giving and asking lor reasons and prelerences; Ti p: Suppo rting op inions w ith re asons Pron unciation: Weak lorms Spelling and soun ds : words ending in -er

.. .. . .

Saying the letters ol the alphabet and spelling words Speaking Part 1: Asking genera l questions : Tip: Extending answers with reasons and details Spelling and sounds: sound s represented by v and ve

.. .. . .. .. .. .. . .

Speaking Part 2: Which sport to take up: Tip: Comme nti ng on an opinio n and disagree ing po litely Pronunciation: Stressed words Spelling and sounds: sounds represented by y and j

Talking about load Speaking Part 3: Describin g objects yo u don't kn ow the na me ol: Tip: Review of giving yourself time to thi nk Spelling and sounds : sounds represented by ough

Discussing animal facts: Saving water Speaking Part 4: Saving energy: Tip: Review of keep ing the conve rsation going Giving examples Pronunciation: Word stress with sulfixes Pronunciation: We ak lorms in passi ves Spelling and sounds: sounds rep resented by ci

Commu nicating with others Describing where th ings are Speaking Parts 1, 2, 3 and 4; Tip: Review of performing well in the Speaking pape r Spelling and sounds: sounds represented by eh


Take. sit, pass. fail, lose. miss. learn, teach. study Earn, have. make. spend. take

.. ..

Free time Negative prefixes Phrasa l verbs People's hobbies

.. ..

Holiday activities

Travel, journey, trip Buildings and places Adjectives used to describe places

.. .. . .. .

Personal leeli ngs . opi ni ons. experiences Relations with others Adjectives with -ed and -ing Adj ectives and prepositions Adj ectives of emotion and their opposites

. .. .. .. .. . ..

Television programmes Going out

Beenl gone, mee t. get to know. know. find out Describing lost items

Weather Transpon Ad verbs ol degree

. .. .

.. . .. .

.. .. ..

State verbs

A fe w. a little, many, mueh, a loto f. lots of Prepositions of place Question lorms

Past simple and past continuous

Used to

Verbs lollowed by to or -ing

.. .. .

Comparative and superlative adjectives Spelling ol comparative and superlative adjectives

A bit, a little, much, far, a /ot Notas . . as . Big and enormous (gradable and non -g radable adjectives]


Can, could, might, may (abil ity and possibility) Should, shouldn't, ought to, must, mustn't, have to, don't have to (obligation and prohibition]

.. . .

Present perlect

Yet, already,just Since and for Present perfect or past simple

The future: wi/1, going to, present continuous, present simple

Toolenough Prepositions ol movem ent. on footl by car. etc. Compound words

Phrasal verbs Describing people Prefixes and su ffixes

Hea lth and exercise ll lnesses and accidents Sports collocations

Typ es of load and drink

Course, dish, toad. mea!. plate


. .

Zero. first and second cond itiona ls When, if. unless + present, lutu re So do 1and Nor!Neither do 1

Which, that, who, whose, when and where clauses


(defining and non-defining) Past perlect simp le



Have something done

Shops and ser vices

The natural world The environment Noun sulfixes

Slang words

Speak, talk, say, te//, ask for Prepositions ol place


The passive: present and past simple Comparative and superlative adverbs

.. ...

Reported speech Reported comman ds Reported speech: other changes Reported questions lndirect questions

Map of the units


lntroduction •

An authentic past PET exam paper supplied by Cambridge ESOL, as well as a PET for Schools Practice Test, for you to practise with .

A CD-ROM which provides you with many interactive exercises, including further listening practice exclusive to the CD-ROM (please use the class audio CDs for the Student's Book listening exercises) . All these extra exercises are linked to the tapies in the Student's Book.

Who this book is for Complete PET FOR SPAN ISH SPEAKERS is a stimulating and thorough preparation course for students who wish to take the Preliminary English Test from Cambridge ESOL. It teaches you the reading, writing, listening and speaking skills which are necessary for the exam as well as essential grammar and vocabulary. For those who are not planning to take the exam in the near future, the book provides skills and language highly relevant to an intermediate leve! of English (Common European Framework (CEF) leve! B1}.

What the book contains

Also available are: •

Four audio CDs containing listening material for the 12 units of the Student's Book plus the Listening Paper for the test supplied by Cambridge ESOL and for the PET for Schools Practice Test. The listening material is indicated by different coloured icons in the Student's Book as follows : {) CDl, {) CD2, {) CD3, {) CD4.

A Student's Workbook containing:

In the Student's Book there are: •

12 units for classroom study. Each unit contains: •

one part of each of the three papers in the PET exam. The units provide language input and skills practice to help you deal successfully with the tasks in each par t. • essential information on what each part of the exam involves, and the best way to approach each task. • a wide range of enjoyable and stimulating speaking activities designed to increase your fluency and your ability to express yourself. • a step-by-step approach to doing PET Writing tasks. • grammar activities and exercises for the grammar you need to know for the exam. When you are doing grammar exercises you will sometimes see this symbol: @. These exercises are based on research from the Cambridge Learner Corpus and they deal with the areas which often cause problems for students in the exam. • vocabulary necessary for PET. When you see this symbol@ by a vocabu la ry exercise, the exercise focuses on words which PET candidates often confuse or use wrongly in the exam. •

12 unit reviews. These contain exercises which revise the grammar and vocabulary that you have studied in each unit.

Speaking and Writing reference sections. These explain the possible tasks you may have to do in the Speaking and Reading and Writing papers, and they give you examples together with additional exercises and advice on how best to approach these PET papers.

A Grammar reference section which clearly explains all the main areas of grammar which you will need to know for the PET exam.



• •

12 units for homework and self-study. Each unit contains further exam-style exercises to practise the reading, writing and listening skills needed in the PET exam. In addition, they provide further practice of grammar and vocabulary, which also use information about common PET candidates errors from the Cambridge Learner Corpus@. A Vocabulary Extra section, which contains 12 pages of further revision and practice of the essential PET exam vocabulary contained in the Student's Book units. An audio CD containing all the listening material fo r the Workbook.

A Teacher's Book containing: •

Step-by-step guidance for handling the activities in the Student's Book. • A number of suggestions for alternative treatments of activities in the Student's Book and suggestions for extension activities. • Extra photocopiable materials for each unit of the Student's Book to practise and extend language abilities outside the requirements of the PET exam. • Photocopiable recording scripts from the Student's Book listening material. • Complete answer keys including recording scripts for all the listening material. • Four photocopiable progress tests for every three Student's Book units. • 12 photocopiable word lists (one for each unit) containing vocabulary found in the units. Each vocabulary ítem in the word list is accompanied by a definition supplied by the corpus-informed Cambridge Learner's Dictionary.

• @ Spanish-spe aking PET candidate exercises, which

New for Spanish speakers

highlight areas of langu age which you should take care with to avoid making typical Spanish-sp eaker errors with grammar and vo cabulary in the exam.

In order to give Spanish-spea king candidates the best chance of SUCCeSS at PET, the ENGLISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS edition of the Student's Book includes: • an extended Speaking section in each unit providing specific advice and practice of features of the Speaking paper which you may find difficult . • help with your pronunciatio n in a new section called Spelling and sounds. In each unit you will look at the relationship b etween the way we spell differe nt words and how they sound.

In the ENGLJSH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS Workbook, the extended Writing sections give you advice and extra practice to help you, as a Spanish speaker, perform better in the Writing paper. Here also you w ill find a section lo oking at the relationship between spelling and pronunciation: Sounds and spelling. In addition, there are specific exercises designed to help you avoid common mistakes often made by Spanish speakers.

PET cont ent and over view Part/Timing


1 Reading and Writing 1 hour 30 minutes

3 Speaking 10- 12 minutes




Test focus

Reading Parts 1- 4: Candidates are Part 1 Five very short texts: signs and messages, postcards, notes, expecte d to read for the main emails, labels, etc. followed by five three-option multiple choice global meaning, message, questions. Part 2 Five items in the form of descriptions of people to m atch to eight specific information, detailed comprehensi on, understandin g short texts. Five questions in which candidates match the descriptions of attitude, opinion and writer texts. short the to of people purpose and inference. Part 3 Longer text with ten true/false type questions. Part 5: Candidates Part 4 Longer text with five four-opt ion multiple choice questions. are expected to show Part S Short text as a four- option multiple choice cloze. Ten questions; understandin g of vocabulary the complete to candidates select the correct word from each question and grammar in a short text, text. and the lexico-struct ural patterns in the text. Writing Part 1 Sentence transformati ons. Five items that are theme related. Candidates are given sentences and then complete similar sentences using a different structural pattern so the senten ce still has the same Candidates are mainly meaning. ass esse d on their ability to short a write ates ndid Ca message. Part 2 Short communicative use and control a ra nge of message of about 35-40 words in the form of a p ostcard, note, email, PET-levellan guage. Coherent etc. organi sation, spelling and two of choice a is There . writing continuous of piece longer Part 3 A punctuation are also assessed. questions , an informal letter or a story.

2 Listening Approximate ly 30 minutes





Part 1 Short monologues or dialogues with seven three-option multiple choice questions with pictures . Part 2 Longer monologue or interview (with one main speaker) . Six three-option multiple choice question s. Part 3 Longer monologue. Six gaps to fill in. Candidates write one or more words in each space. Part 4 Longer dialogue. Six true/ fa lse questions . Candidates decide whether the statements are true or false.

Candidates are expected to identify the attit udes and opinions of speakers, and listen to identify key in fo rmation, spe cific information and detailed meaning, and to identify, understa nd and interpret meaning .

Part 1 A short conversation with the interlocutor. The interlocutor asks the candidates questions in turn, using standardised questions . Part 2 A two-way conversation between candidates (visual stimulus with spoken instructions) . The interlocutor sets up the activity. Part 3 An individual long turn for each candidate. A colour photograph is given to each candidate in turn and they talk about it for about a m inute. Both photographs relate to the same topic . Part 4 A discu ssion on topics related to Part 3.

Candidates are expected to b e able to ask and underst and questions and make appropriate responses, and to talk freely on matters of personal interes t.













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PET content and overview


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