Complete Newbies Guide v1.04

February 18, 2017 | Author: LostWorld Distri HTM | Category: N/A
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Complete Newbie's Guide v1.04

Contents Introduction Character Page Name Level

~ Battle level ~ job level Reputation and Dignity Stamina Mana Battle Records

~ Time Circle Individual Arena Family Arena Primary Attack Grade and Damage Secondary Attack Grade and Damage Concentration and Hit Rate Defence Grades and Defences

~ Melee Defence ~ Range Defence ~ Magic Defence Elemental Attribute Elemental Resistance Character and Partners

~ Pets Map of NosTale Skills Education Skills Basic Skills ~Basic Skill upgrade : Plus Skill Deleting Basic Skills and Plus Skills Specialist skills

Elements Elemental Energies

~ Elemental Bonus ~ Elemental Formulaes Fairy Classes Basic Classes

~Beginner ~Swordsman ~Archer ~Mage Specialist SP Leveling above 20 SP upgrade SP points SP classes

~ Special SP Cards -----Chicken Costume Card -----Pajama Card -----Jajamaru Card ~ 1st SP Cards -----Warrior Card -----Ranger Card -----Red Mage Card ~ 2nd SP Cards -----Blade Card -----Assassin Card -----Holy Mage Card ~ 3rd SP Cards ~ 4th SP Cards NosMate Pets Partners Monsters Time-space Complete and failure Hero Mission

Instant Mission Mission Screen Chest and Leavers TS Commands NPC Item system Strengthening Equipment Rarity Fusion Adding Options

~ Cellon Table Refining Gillion Stones Item list Eva Energy Non-NPC Retail Item

~ Time-Space Stones ~ SP Rechargers ~ Potions ~ Equipment setting ~ Materials ~ Recipes ~ General Items ~ Monster's Etc drop ~ Pet items ~ Seals Raid Common Raid tips Snowman Raid Chicken-king Raid Mother Cuby Raid Xysenshrub Raid Dark Castra Namaju Raid Jack Spider Sladheim Mini-land Moving NosMates Installing Mini-land structures

~ Install Mode

~ Delete Mode Mini Games WareHouse Community Chatting Using the Note system Family Party Trading Events

~ Rainbow Crystal Battle ~ Land Of Death ~ Instant Combat ~ Ice Breaker Others Shortcut keys

~ Function keys ~ Character shortcuts ~ NosMate shortcuts ~ Mouse keys Credits

Introduction This is the biggest and longest guide written by LoneAngelz so far. Also helping out in the guide are the Following people: Moja, Conspiracy, Misako, Thomasuen, Tikio, Nelson and not to mention; the team of Envy. Special thanks to Moja for supporting me all the way.

This Project, the “Complete Newbie's Guide”, is aimed at newbies trying to get hang of this game. It covers nearly everything you need to know as a new player in NosTale, and some other tips for you to excel in the game. This guide aims to be able to solve the common problems faced by new players. I hope this would be useful to everybody who reads it. Special thanks to other contributors of the forums, my friends, my family. Please pardon my poor English or spelling mistakes as this guide is typed by myself without checking.

Colour codings: Red: IMPORTANT! / Formulas Green: Examples Blue: Extra information

Short-forms used: HP: Health MP: Mana SP: Specialist TS: Time-Space PvP: Player vs Player k: Thousand, 1000 m: Million, 1000000

WARNING: Contains NOOB information. If you think you’re pro, DON’T read it. (no offence to pros.) NOTE: ALL INFORMATION ARE TRUE AS OF 03/04/08.

Character Page Open up the character page with the button “P” on your keyboard. You may find some icons and stuff that you do not understand. In this section, we tell you what it is and how it works. Let’s look at this Character’s page.

Now let’s look at them in details;

Name This shows your Character Name. Not much needs to be said on Character Name as it appears on every game you play.

Level There are 2 types of levels. Battle Level and Job Level. For every monster you kill, you will gain experience for both your Battle Level and Job Level. The amount gain for these 2 types of level may be different, but do not worry if one of the levels are higher than the other, its just normal.

Battle Level Battle Level, commonly known as combat level, Clvl, or lvl. Every Battle Level you gain,

gives you stat points. You do not see these stats point because it is automatically added into the stats of your character. Your Battle level is also shown in the number of the top left hand corner of the screen, and visible to others who view your profile.

Job Level Job Level, commonly known as jlvl. You do not gain stat points when you level up your Job Level, instead, you gain CP. CP is used for learning and upgrading skills, but this does not apply to specialist classes. CP and Specialist will be discussed further into the guide. *Note: For every 10% you gain on your Battle Level, it returns you to full HP and MP.

Reputation and Dignity. Reputation is used for equipping SP cards. Currently, there isn’t much use for Reputation now and there are no penalties for having a low reputation as well. Reputation is also shown in your Profile. You can gain reputation by: • • • • • •

Completing normal TS Completing any hidden TS or Instant TS Killing other players in Time Circle Instant combat Ice breaker Visitors to your mini land.

• • • • • • • •

As you gain dignity, the icon by your name changes, here shows the name of the icon and its name: [list] Beginner Trainee The Experienced Battle Soldier Expert Leader Master Nos.

Dignity is Shown as a number from 100 to -1000. The highest dignity you can have is 100, and the lowest is -1000. Unlike reputation, dignity can decrease. You can gain dignity by • • • • • • • •

Completing part of main quest Completing Sub quest Completing TS of the same act. (for e.g.; ts1 is from act 1-1) Drinking dignity potions Winning Ice breaker Winning Instant Combat Winning Time Circle Killing Monsters that are higher level than you

You can lose dignity by • • •

Failing any TS Dying in general map Challenging Loser Mode

Having a high dignity does not give you bonus or advantages, but having low dignity can give you a serious disadvantage. The disadvantages are listed below: In decreasing order: • • • • • •

Normal, 100 to -100 Suspected, -101 to -200 Bluffed name only, -201 to -400. 10% increase in price when buying shop items. Not qualified for Leader, -401 to -600. 20% increase in price when buying shop items. Cannot catch pets. Useless, -601 to -800. 50% increase in price when buying shop items. Cannot catch pets. Stupid minded, -801 to -1000. 50% increase in price when buying shop items. Cannot catch pets. Cannot control/use nosmates.

Stamina Stamina is commonly known as health or HP. HP is the key to survival. When your HP is down to 0, you will die. (When u die, u can revive yourself with 10 seeds of power at the spot u die, or teleport back to town. In some maps and TS, death penalty does not apply.) HP can be restored by: Snacks, Food, Dishes, pPotions, Sitting down (rest), Natural healing (skill); Snacks, Food, Dishes and Potions are discussed later in the guide, in the Item list section. HP is also used in some skills. HP is not shown in Profile.

Mana Mana is sometimes known as Energy or MP. MP is consumed when Skills are used. Some monsters can drain your MP as well. MP can also be restored by: Snacks, Food, Dishes, Potions, Sitting down (rest), Natural healing (skill). When your MP is insufficient to cast a spell, the message “you are lacking MP for battle” will appear. MP is not shown in Profile.

Battle Records. Battle records are records that shows your kills and death against other players in the arena. If you PvP outside of the arena; with a battle potion, does not affect your Battle Records if you kill somebody or you die.

Time Circle Under the words of Battle records, there is a row of words that say; R, W and L. These values only changes when you battle in the Time Circle, and only matches won and lost are recorded. The amount of kills and deaths in the Time Circle is recorded in the “Kill, Dead, CBK”. Dying in the Time Circle do not require gold or seeds of power to revive,

and neither will you have Weakening rebirth. Entering or creating the Time Circle is free as well. • • •

R, stands for Total matches; this only includes wins and loses, draws are not added in this amount. W, stands for win L, stands for lose

*For example, I won a time circle. I killed 10 times, while dying 2 times. My battle record will change by: +1R, +1W, +10 Kill, +2 Dead.

Individual Arena The most popular arena. It cost 500 gold to enter and you can PK anybody inside. Kills and Deaths and recorded in the last row of this box. You can party up and go against others, but limited to 3, a party. Dying in the Individual Arena requires you to pay 100gold to revive at the spot you died. No seeds of power required, and no weakening rebirth, but you will lose all buffs you have recieved.

Family Arena It cost 1000 gold to enter. Here, all members of a same family is automatically in a team. Although it doesn’t show up anywhere that there is a party, but you can't hurt any of your family members in this arena. There is no limit to how big your party can be in this arena. Similar to the Individual arena, Wins and deaths are recorded in the last row of the box and requires you to only pay gold to revive.

Primary Attack Grade and Damage This is the attack grade and damage of your primary weapon. (Primary weapons are Swords, Bows, and Wands.) Firstly, you can see a damage range. This damage range is not the damage you deal to the opponent, but just a gauge. The actual damage you deal to the opponent is affected by your attack grade, the opponent’s defence and defence grade and other elemental factors. Another thing that affects your damage is the attack grade. The attack works in a simple way, and follows this formula: Your Attack grade – opponent’s Defence grade = Grade difference effect (%Increase/decrease)

The Grade difference effect is shown below: 0 grade = 0% 1 grade = 10% 2 grade = 15% 3 grade = 22% 4 grade = 32% 5 grade = 43% 6 grade = 54% 7 grade = 65% 8 grade = 90% 9 grade = 120% 10 grade = 200% (for example: I have a Primary weapon 100~200, +10. My opponent has a defence grade +6. 10 – 6 = 4. My weapon will hit an additional 32%. So, 100~200 X 132%.) (*Note: Grade Difference only affects Damage Range. It does not affect Hit rate/Concentration or Critical Rate and Critical Damage) (Critical Rate and Damage applies to both Primary and Alt weapons, which will be discussed later.)

Secondary Attack Grade and Damage This is the Attack Grade and Damage range of your secondary weapon, also known as alt weapon. (Secondary weapons are Crossbows, daggers, and spell guns.) Again, you see an Attack Grade and Damage range. The Attack Grade and Damage range of the alt weapon works the same way as your primary weapon. The alt weapon is used in some skills and even in some Specialist Classes. (Refer to above for the Attack grade table) . This shows the chance to do All weapons, except wands have this: critical and the damage. Critical chance and damage is set by the equipment you use, so it changes when you wield other weapons. The critical chance and damage can be also affected by other equipments of the character (e.g. Hat). The Change in Critical % and Critical Damage is shown in the character page.

Concentration and Hit Rate Higher Concentration reduces the chance that your spell gets interupted when casting. Higher Hit Rate increases the chance to hit the enemy without a miss.

Defence Grades and Defences Defence is vital for survival, so you need as much defence as possible, but there are so many types of defence, so which is which? First, let’s talk about Defence Grades. It works the same as Attack Grades, in terms of the Grade difference effect. As mention earlier, the formula for grade difference effect still applies, but now, it’s reversed. (For example, you have a armour with XX defence and its +5. Your opponent has a attack of 100~200 and +6 grade. 6 – 5 = 1. You get 10% more damage from your opponent’s attack.) This grade difference, applies to: • • •

Melee Defence Range Defence Magic Defence

(*Note: Grade difference does not affect dodge rate.)

Melee Defence is denoted by this:

. The first value reduces the damage taken from short-range attacks only. The second value reduces the chance for an opponent to hit you with Short-range attacks only.

Range Defence is denoted by this:

. The first value reduces the damage taken from Long-range attacks only. The second value reduces the chance for an opponent to hit you with Lone-Range attacks only.

Magic Defence is denoted by this:

. This value reduces the

damage taken from Magic attacks only. There is no Dodge value for Magic attack, simply because Magic attack is not avoidable.

Elemental Attribute Elemental Attribute shows the element that you are, and % bonus you receive from the fairy you equip. (fairies are discussed later in the guide.) Lets take a look at an example.

(special thanks to Nostale In-game guide for this picture)

In this picture, the character has 50% fire element. The opponent has 21% fire resistance. The effective fire element % damage on the opponent is 39.5%. (Refer to the next post for the formula and calculation of elements) (*Note: Attack, Defence and Grades still apply.)

Elemental Resistance Elemental Resistance reduces element damage from your opponents. (Refer to the next post for formula and examples of elements!)

Character and Partners This area shows your character in the first box, and the partners you have in the next 3 box. As the picture shows, you can have a maximum of 3 partners that you can keep by your side. If you get more partners, you can discard your partners to make room for new partners. (Partners are discussed under the section: NosMate.) (*Note: Medals equipped will show up as small icon around your character circle.)

Pets The area shows the pets that you have. You can a maximum of 10 pets, and you will have to discard the pets when you want to catch more. (Pets are discussed under the section: NosMate.)

Map of Nostale To Navigate around the world of NosTale, you will need a Map. Here, a detailed map is given so you won’t be lost! Guide by Yumichuu, posted by beran World Map Version 0.9 Original Thread:

Skills Education Skills Education Skills raises your character's basic power. These skills are permanent and should be learnt if you have the money. Education Skills cannot be deleted or removed. There are some requirements to be met when learning these skills. For higher level Education skills, some classes may not learn certain Education skills.

Basic Skills Basic skills are the skills that u can have as normal. Learning these skills require CP and gold Each Basic Skill takes up different amount of CP. Each skill can have up to 4 upgrades.

Basic Skill upgrade : Plus Skill As mention earlier, each skill can have up to 4 upgrades. To be able have plus skill, the Basic skill must be learnt first. Plus skill uses CP as well. These upgrades are denoted by their shapes: Circle, Square, Diamond and Triangle. You can have only 1 type of upgrade of each shape. Learning another plus skill of the same shape will promt you to overwrite it.

Deleting Basic Skills and Plus Skills For some reasons, you do not need/want a Basic skill or plus skill, you can remove it to obtain the CP used for training that skill. To Remove a Basic skill, all Plus skills of that Basic Skill must be removed first. When deleting Basic and Plus skills, the Amount of gold that is used to learn the skill is also needed to delete the skill.

Specialist skills Specialist doesn't need to learn skills from Calvin Coach. Skills are automatically added when you have attain the job level required for that skill.

Elements Elemental energies SECTION BY MOJA!

Element Bonus Each element is superior or inferior to one another. • • •

Fire < Light < Water < Darkness < Fire Superior element's attack on an inferior element: 50% additional damage. No element is always inferior to any other elements and will receive 30% additional damage.

This means that: Fire against Darkness = Damage increased by 50% Darkness against Water = Damage increased by 50% Water against Light = Damage increased by 50% Light against Fire = Damage increased by 50% Any elements against No element = Damage increased by 30%

Opposing elements gives equal additional damages to each other. • •

Fire Water -------> Damage increased by 100% either way Darkness Light --------> Damage increased by 200% either way

Having resistance that are greater than 100% will be treated as 100%. (You DO NOT gain more protection by having eg. 120% resistance than having 100% resistance.) Negative resistance is treated as increase in attacking element %.

Element damages are always OVER AND ABOVE the basic damages (e.g they are bonus). To receive additional element damages, you need to be equipped with the same element Fairy as your weapons/skills/accessories. Eg, you DO NOT receive additional light element damages from your sword if you are

equipped with a Knight Sword (+54 light element) but have a Fire Fairy equipped.

Elemental Formulaes Because the forumlaes are long, this post is added with colours and symbols for easy reading: *Legend RED COLOUR (BOLD): Denotes main formulas RED COLOUR and * : Denotes 1st degree calculation CRIMSON COLOUR and ' : Denotes 2nd degree calculation

*Side note from LoneAngelz: Requires sophisticated calculation, people with Grade 14 Mathematics and below has an disadvantage. Having Colour blind gives you disadvantage too.

(Final Damage) = (Normal Damage)* + (Elemental Damage)** + (Morale Difference)*** *(Normal Damage) = [(Total Attack)' - (Enemy's Defence)] x [1 + (Attack increase/decrease %)] x [1 + (Enemy's Defence increase/decrease %)] '(Total Attack) = (Basic Attack) + (Equipments' Basic Attack) + (Status effects causing Attack increase/decrease) + (Skill's Attack) + 15

**(Elemental Damage) = [(Equipment's Element Emerges) + (Status effects Element Emerges) + (Skill's Element Emerges) + (Fairy's Elemental Attack)''] x (Elements compatibility) x (Elements Resistance) ''(Fairy's Elemental Attack) = [(Total Attack) + 100] x (Fairy's %)

To receive (Elemental Damage), fairy MUST be equipped. When the skill's is non-elemental, (Equipment's Element Emerges) and (Status effects Element Emerges) will be given ONLY IF all the element emerges are consistent. When the skill's is elemental, (Fairy's Elemental Attack) will be given ONLY IF the both the fairy's and skill's element matches. (Normal Damage) and (Elemental Damage) calculations that result in zero or below are treated as 0.

***(Morale Difference) = (Attacker's Morale)''' - (Enemy's Morale)'''' '''(Attacking' Morale) = (Attacking' Lv) + (Morale effects increase/decrease) ''''(Enemy's Morale) = (Enemy's Lv) + (Enemy's Morale effects increase/decrease) (Morale Difference) can have negative values.

When the (Final Damage) is 0 or below, it is given the range of 1 ~ 5.

You may find a discussion with examples on this topic below. Discussion by Moja Discussion : Elements Credits : Uk nostale Jap wiki

Fairy Characters have no element by default. Fairies are required to be equipped so as to have an element. There are 4 types of fairies representing the 4 different elements: Fire, Water, Light, Dark. (*NOTE: Fairy do not consume food, and can be changed at anytime and at full power) Fairies grow in levels like players. This is shown as percentage

The higher the percent, the more elemental power you gain from it. The amount of damage affected by change in fairy's % can be calculated using the formula stated under elements Fairies can gain levels when you kill any monster, but not 10 levels below you. It follows this forumula: X^2 + 50 where X = current % of fairy

There are two types of Fairies in NosTale: • •

Normal NosMall

Normal Fairies There 4 different normal fairies and they can all be obtained at different TS. • • • •

Fire - TS 25 Water - TS 33 Light - TS 41 Dark - TS 46

The Fairies that you obtain in these TS starts from 0% and can only be trained up to 50%.

NosMall Fairies There are 2 category of NosMalls fairies, with 4 different types each in each category.

The 2 categories: • •

Normal Grown-up

The difference between the 2 category is: Normal NosMall Fairies starts from 0% Grown-up NosMall faires starts from 40% ALL NosMall fairies can grow up to 70%

The 4 types: • • • •

Fire - Sallaim Water - Woodine Light - Eperial Dark - Turik

Classes Basic Classes There are 3 Basic classes in NosTale. They are Swordsman, Archer, Mage. Also, there are 3 wonderful guides written for each class. You can do job advancement when u have 15 Battle level and 20 Job level. But before you can do the job advancement, you are a beginner. Beginners are not noobs, they have their own sets of skills and equips.

Beginner Beginners are a sort of special class. They Fight with a sword/stick/hammer as a main weapon and catapult as a secondary weapon. Although Beginners have CP, they learn a new skill for every 2 levels gain. (until a certain level) Beginners can also go to Calvin Coach for skill upgrades to power up themselves.

Swordsman: Fights with a Sword as a main weapon and Crossbow as a secondary weapon. Guide by scape32xz Swordsman Guide v0.1

Archers: Fights with a Bow as a main weapon and Dagger as a secondary weapon. Guide by Cuore Archer guide Ver. 0.1

Mages: Fights with a Orb as a main weapon and SpellGun as a secondary weapon. Guide by LoneAngelz [Guide] For Mages~

If you still don’t know what is good for you, then you might want to see this guide. It compares the advantages and disadvantages of different classes. Some classes that the

guide compares are Specialist classes which will be discussed later in the guide. Guide by WafflePie Pros and Cons for Choosing Classes

Specialist Specialist(SP) Classes are special characters to which you transform using a card. By equipping and using a SP card, you can tap into the powers of the card. In SP form, you retain your basic stats, while losing your basic class skills TEMPERORY, and gaining the skills of the SP card. Changing out of the SP form will return you to your basic form, with your basic skills back. (Shortcut for Changing into SP is “G” key). Specialist also specialises in 1 element only, but there are 4 element of specialist that a player can get. (*NOTE: You can only transform into the specialist card that correspond to your fairy's element. For example, You may not transform into a Blade using the fire fairy.) In the SP form, you notice that your Battle Level is retained and your job level is changed. This is because the SP class is considered a job, a temporary job. By levelling up in your SP card, you gain skills instead of CP. Most SP cards gain 2 skills per level, although there are exceptions.

SP Leveling above 20 After your SP reaches level 20, it stops learning new skills every 2 level. Instead it gains 3 points for every level you gain. After you are job level 20, 50% of the EXP you gain using SP will be transfered to your normal job level. This means you get 50% MORE job EXP in SP form. You can train your SP card to level 99 and gain 3 points per level, till you max it. When you get points after you level up your SP card, you can choose to pump the points in 4 different attributes. • • • •

Attack: Raise your pure attack power +5, but does'nt affect concentration or hit rate. Defence: Raise your pure defence power by +1, but does'nt affect dodge rate. Element: Increases +1 element corresponding to your SP. HP/MP: Increase Maximum HP/MP by 1% per point.

Adding more points into a certain attribute will give you bonus power.

SP upgrade SP job level is required for SP upgrade 20 21 41 51

& below: Cant be upgraded to 40: Can be upgraded to a maximum of 5 levels to 50: Can be upgraded to a maximum of 10 levels & above: Can be upgraded to a maximum of 15 levels

Proceed to Malcolm Mix and select the SP upgrade tab to begin upgrading your SP card. Each upgrade will give you 5 bonus points to add into your SP card's attributes. Each upgrade give you +1 to your card and wings. The more upgrades you have, the more impressive the wings that you have. Upgrading SP card can end up in 3 possibilities: • • •

Success: Materials used up and card increase by +1 Failure: All materials, except the SP card is destroyed. Destruction of spirit: The spirit in the card dies and cannot be used. All materials used in the upgrade is also destroyed leaving you with a un-useable card. It can only be revived with the Nosmall item: Soul revival stone.

Materials used in SP card upgrade are: • • • •

Full Moon crystal: obtainable in any g2 games, level 5 rewards. Wings of Angel: obtainable from any monster (non-quest) level 55 and above. Green/red/pure Soul: Most act 3 monsters. Gold: Money money!

Refer to Moja post for more infomation: Future : Upgrade of SP cards

SP Points While in SP form, you consume SP, depending on the consumption speed of the SP you are using. SP can be refilled by the following methods: • • •

SP potion Instant SP Recharge Card Rainbow Crystal Battle

There are two parts to a SP bar: Basic and Add Basic shows your current SP, it decreases when you use a skill or take damage in SP mode. Add shows your reserve SP, when your Basic SP reaches 0, the Add SP will be used automatically. It decreases the same way as Basic SP. 10% of unused Basic SP will be added to the Add SP when the server recharges your SP points at 12:00AM GERMANY TIME (GMT+1).

SP potion There are a few types of SP potion and they are listed by their names followed by the amount of SP they recharge. • • • • •

Special Point Charger - 10k Basic SP recovery potion - 10k Small Special Recharger - 30k Medium Special Recharger - 50k Large Special Recharger - 180k

*Note: Small, Medium and Large Special Recharger are Nosmall items. Special Point Charger and Basic SP recovery potion are obtainable normally in the game. All SP pots except Basic SP recovery potion add SP to the "Add" SP bar.

Instant SP Recharge Card This card is a special card that recharges your Basic SP by 1000. There will be NO recharge if your SP is full.

Rainbow Crystal Battle Winning team of the Rainbow Crystal Battle will win a special buff that last 3 hours and 10k SP added to Basic SP. This special buff prevents you losing SP while in SP mode. More information about Rainbow Crystal Battle is given in the later section under Community.

SP Classes Special SP Cards Chicken Costume Card. Requires job level 1, and 0 reputation. No element. Can be equipped by all classes Consumes 0 SP per second This Card is a Special card. It is obtained only in the Chicken King raid. It acquires 1 skill for every 10 job levels gain.

Kicking Job level 0

Crying Job level 10

Jumping Job level 20

Pajama Card Requires job level 10, and 501 reputation. No element. Can be equipped by all classes Consumes 0 SP per second This Card is also special. It is a card that does not have any attacks and only actions. It acquires 1 skill for every 2 job levels gain. To acquire the Pajama card, you have to complete a series of quest. Here, you can find a guide that can help you a lot with this quest. Guide by Blazed Pajama SP Card Guide

Jajamaru Card Requires job level 38, and 4501 reputation. Fire element Can be equipped by all classes Consumes 1 SP per second This card is based on a cartoon superhero that wears a red suit. It acquires 1 skill every 2 levels until level 9. Then it acquires 1 skill every 3 levels. To acquire the Jajama card, you have to complete a series of quest as well. Here to can find some tips for completing the quest. (refer to Beran post)

Credits to Beran Request for Jajamaru sp card guide Skill Guide by Wyvern jaja

Shuriken Attack Job level 0

Shuriken Jump Job level 2

Flame Fires Job level 4

Bomb Drops Job level 6

Replace Job level 8

Stealth Mode Job level 11

Summon Kamapakun Job level 14

Making Avatars Job level 17

Power of Empty Heart Job level 20

1st SP Cards First SP Cards refers to Warrior, Ranger and Red Mage. It is the first SP card that a player can get, with REAL attacks. All First SP cards gain 1 skill for every 2 job level gained. To acquire the SP card, you will need to go through a series of quest. The guide for First SP card tells you exactly what to do. Guide by WafflePie Lvl 36 Specialist Card TS Guide

Warrior Card Requires job level 20, and 1501 reputation. Fire element

Consumes 3 SP per second For more information on the Warrior Card, refer to this detailed guide. Guide by nightning

Two-Hand Sword Attack Job level 0

Triple Crash Job level 2

Iron Skin Job level 4

Spin Blow Job level 6

Provoke Job level 8

Finish Blow Job level 10

Shout fear

Job level 12

Shoulder Burst Job level 14

Puree Job level 16

Earthshock Job level 18

Rising Dragon Job level 20

Ranger Card Requires job level 20, and 1501 reputation. Water element Consumes 3 SP per second For tips and comments on using ranger skills, check this guide Guide by nightning

Archery Job level 0

Hawk Eye Job level 2

Head Shot Job level 4

Wind Walker Job level 6

Flash Bang Job level 8

Triple Arrow Job level 10

Range Boost Job level 12

Screw Bolt Job level 14

Covering Fire Job level 16

Rapid Job level 18

Thunder Storm Job level 20

Red Mage Card Requires job level 20, and 1501 reputation. Fire element Consumes 3 SP per second

Fire bolt Job level 0

Fire Burst Job level 2

Fire Breath Job level 4

Mana Transfusion Job level 6

Fire Storm Job level 8

Fire Lance Job level 10

Fire blessing Job level 12

Fire Wall Job level 14

Meteor Swarm Job level 16

Inferno Job level 18

Meteor Strike Job level 20

Moving on, Second SP card refers to Blade, Assassin and Holy Mage Other than the Holy Mage, the cards are attack based. All Second SP cards gain 1 skill for every 2 job level gained. To acquire the SP card, you will need to go through a series of quest. The guide for Second SP card tells you exactly what to do. Guide by Moja lvl 46 specialist guide

2nd SP Cards Blade Card Requires job level 35, and 2001 reputation. Water element Consumes 3 SP per second A skill Guide of the Blade SP class

Guide by Nishin

Cutting Job level 0

Cross Cutting Job level 2

Energy Blade Job level 4

Chain Attack Job level 6

Blade Protection Job level 8

Sword Storm Job level 10

Attack of Light Speed Job level 12

Recovery Breath Job level 14

Dead Hit Job level 16

Sharp Edge Job level 18

Dancing Sword Job level 20

Assassin Card Requires job level 35, and 2001 reputation. Dark element Consumes 3 SP per second For tips on using Assassin, see this guide. Guide by nightning

Dagger Attack Job level 0

Cr-up Job level 2

Slash Job level 4

Deep Smog

Job level 6

Throw Chain Hook Job level 8

Tumbling Job level 10

Thoma Hawk Job level 12

Shadow Job level 14

Storm Slash Job level 16

Deadly Strike Job level 18

Bomb Job level 20

Holy Mage Card Requires job level 35, and 2001 reputation. Light element Consumes 3 SP per second

Holy Attack Job level 0

Healing Job level 2

Holy Light Job level 4

Mana shield Job level 6

Heaven Song Job level 8

Cure all Job level 10

Turn Undead Job level 12

Group Healing Job level 14

Holy weapon Job level 16

Blessing Job level 18

Holy Hammer Job level 20

3rd SP cards Similar to First and Second SP cards, they are based on attacks. The Third SP cards are: Crusader, Destroyer, and Blue Mage. These SP cards uses 3 SP per second as well. Information about the Third SP is given in this guide. Guide by LoneAngelz [GUIDE]Info and Skills for Third SP Class v1.9

To aquire mission; Combat level: 55 and above To equip the card; Job level: 50 and above Reputation: 7000 and above

Location of soul gem: Mt. Kerm Peak Difficulty: HARD, may take 14 hours to finish mission, best way is to find a party of 3. Other notes: • •

Timing to finish mission may depend on luck. Prepare 1 million gold for the mission as it will reqired in the mission.

• • • •

You may aquire quest items during the mission, so do not delete them. When the mission calls for killing of monsters, try TS 65, 62, 51 if there isnt enough mobs to kill. For the first ts for this mission, there is a leaver on the right. try not to pull it as it spwans large mobs. You can pass the mission without pulling that leaver. Recommend level 60+ to complete mission as it might be difficult.


Crossbow Shot Skill level: 0 Range: 7 cell (single target) Casting time: 0.3sec Cooldown: 0.8sec Mp cost: 0 Long range attack increase: 150 Light element increase: 200 Holy Bolt Skill level: 2 Range: 7 cell (single target)

Casting time: 0.5sec Cooldown:5.5sec Mp cost:20 Long range attack increase: 570 Light element increase: 450 10% chance to generate [Light of Magic]: every 4 seconds down by (caster level *4)hp, last 30 sec Triple Boltt Skill level: 4 Range: 7 cell (special area) casting time: 0.5sec cooldown: 34.0sec mp cost: 42 long range attack increase: 750 light element increase: 500 Holy Bless Skill level: 6 Range: self target: enemies around 2 cell casting time: 0.7sec cooldown: 42.0ec mp cost: 60 100% chance to generate [Holy Breath]: Decreased abilities of enemies which are not in light element for 30 seconds Triple Charging Skill level: 8 Range: Self Target: caster casting time: 0.7sec cooldown: 50.0sec mp cost: 90 100% chance to generate [The 1st triple charging]: attack +10% for 20 seconds 100% chance to generate [The 2nd triple charging] after level 1 buff ended: attack +30% for 10 seconds 100% chance to generate [The 3rd triple charging] after level 2 buff ended: attack +50% for 7 seconds

*In short, this skill increases your power over time. Shining Effect Skill level: 10 Range: Self target: Caster casting time: 0.7sec cooldown: 5.0sec mp cost: 40 recovers (caster level *15)HP The Holy Cross Skill level: 12 Range: 7 cell (special area) casting time: 0.5sec cooldown: 22.0sec mp cost: 55 long range attack increase: 700 light element increase: 500 70% chance of [Eliminate Darkness]: darkness effects cannot be applied, last for 30 seconds Grow Shield Skill level: 14 Range: Self casting time: 0.9 sec cooldown: 30.0 sec mp cost: 85 ~no discription yet~ Pray of Defence Skill level: 16 Range: Self target: friendly units around 4 cells casting time: 1.2 sec cooldown: 180.0 sec mp cost: 100 100% chance [Pray of Defence]: max HP increase +15%, max MP +15%, defence grade +1, for 180 seconds

Pray of Offence Skill level: 18 Range: Self Target: friendly units around 4 cells casting time: 1.2 sec cooldown: 180 sec mp cost: 120 100% chance to [Pray of Offence]: attack grade +2, morale +5, last 180 seconds Concentrate Skill level: 20 Range: 7 cell (3 cell around target) casting time: 1.0 sec cooldown: 120 sec mp cost: 180 long range attack increase: 1500 light element increase: 2500 80% chance to [Deadly Blackout]: move unavailable, cannot avoid, cannot attack, last for 6 seconds.

Notes: Damage hits hard from 5k onwards level 20 ultimate: (holy Cross) hits 10k-30k


Blue Magician:

Ice Ball Skill level: 0 Range: 7 cell (single target) casting time: 0.4 sec cooldown: 0.8 sec mp cost: 30 Magic attack increase: 120 water element increase: 250 Ice shard Skill level: 2 Range: 7 cell (single target) casting time: 0.4 sec cooldown: 6.0 sec mp cost: 60 Magic attack increase: 250 water element increase: 600 Freezing Blast Skill level: 4 Range: 5 cell (single target) casting time: 0.8 sec cooldown: 22.0 sec mp cost: 120 Magic attack increase: 500 water element increase: 800

40% chance to generate [Cold Fit]: reduce movement speed by 3, last 7 seconds Ice lance Skill level: 6 Range: 10 cell (single target) casting time: 0.5 sec cooldown: 36.0 sec mp cost: 120 Magic attack increase: 900 water element increase: 1400 80% chance of [weakening defence Power]: Defence levels are decreased down by 2, last 30 seconds Ice Rock Skill level: 8 Range: 6 cell (Special area) casting time: 0.5 sec cooldown: 45.0 sec mp cost: 320 Magic attack increase: 600 water element increase: 1600 70% chance to generate [freeze]: Move unavailable, no attack is allowed. last 8 seconds Frozen Shield Skill level: 10 Range: self casting time: 0.0 sec cooldown: 90.0 sec mp cost: 120 any attack caused (to caster) attacker to be [freeze] at 50% rate 100% chance that all attacks to be reduced by 100% damage, last 2.5 seconds Glacier Skill level: 12 Range: self Target: enemies around 4 cell casting time: 1.0 sec cooldown: 40.0 sec

mp cost: 200 Magic attack increase: 500 water element increase: 1000 15% chance to generate [Fear]: Moral Value is decreased by (caster level /2). Blessing of Water Skill level: 14 Range: self Target: friendly units around 3 cell casting time: 1.2 sec cooldown: 150.0 sec mp cost: 550 Water element energies increase by 250 Water element resistance increase by 25 Big Hails Skill level: 16 Range: 8 cell Target: enemies around 3 cell casting time: 0.8 sec cooldown: 65.0 sec mp cost: 360 Magic attack increase: 1000 water element increase: 1200 60% chance to [Blackout]: Move unavailable, Any attack is not allowed, you cannot aviod it. last 5 seconds Intense Cold Skill level: 18 Range: 6 cell Target: enemies around 3 cell casting time: 0.5 sec cooldown: 80.0 sec mp cost: 380 Magic attack increase: 500 water element increase: 2000 50% chance to generate [Freezing]: 100% chance of fatal attack, Any attack is not allowed, last 6 seconds

Blizzard Skill level: 20 Range: 7 cell Target: enemies around 6 cell casting time: 1.5 sec cooldown: 180 sec mp cost: 400 Magic attack increase: 1400 water element increase: 2000 80% chance to generate [Deadly Blackout]: move unavailable, cannot avoid, cannot attack, last for 6 seconds.

Notes: Its similar to the red mage, with more Freezing and larger AoE, not bad.


Fire the Shotgun Skill level: 0 Range: 6 cell Target: single Casting time: 0.2 sec cooldown: 0.8 sec mp cost: 0 Long range attack increase: 150 Fire element increase: 180

Fast Shot Skill level: 2 Range: 6 cell Target: single Casting time: 0.2 sec cooldown: 7.0 sec mp cost: 45 Long range attack increase: 300 Fire element increase: 350 30% chance of causing [Blackout] (Lvl 1 bad general effect, Cannot move/attack/avoid attacks, lasts for 5 seconds) Lucky Wideshot Skill level: 4 Range: 6 cell Target: Special Area Casting time: 0.4 sec cooldown: 40.0 sec mp cost: 70 Long range attack increase: 700 Fire element increase: 700 Probability for fatal attack is increased by 100% Booster On Skill level: 6 Range: Itself Target: single Casting time: 0.2 sec cooldown: 55.0 sec mp cost: 180 100% chance to generate [Booster On] (Lvl 5 good magic effect, Move speed is increased by 3, lasts for 42 seconds) Claymore Skill level: 8 Range: Itself Target: single Casting time: 1.0 sec cooldown: 2.5 sec mp cost: 50 Set up a Claymore at your feet. (A Claymore is a bomb with an area of effect of about 3 cells.

After this skill has been cooled down you can use this skill again to detonate the claymore. The cooldown after doing this will be around 30 seconds. If the Claymore has been destroyed before you detonated it the cooldown will be about 1 second.) Gas Shell Skill level: 10 Range: 6 cell Target: Around target in 1 cell Casting time: 0.5 sec cooldown: 60.0 sec mp cost: 90 100% chance to cause [Gas Poison] (Lvl 5 bad magic effect, Defence levels are decreased by 2, always get a fatal attack at the rate of 50%, lasts for 20 seconds. 50% chance to cause [2nd Gas Poison] upon release (Lvl 6 bad magic effect, any attack is not allowed, lasts for 5 seconds)) Burst Shot Skill level: 12 Range: 6 cell Target: single Casting time: 0.5 sec cooldown: 23.0 sec mp cost: 110 Long range attack increase: 300 Fire element increase: 1500 Push opponent 4 blocks Health Pack Skill level: 14 Range: itself or 3 cell Target: single Casting time: 0.4 sec cooldown: 100.0 sec mp cost: 85 Remove bad effects of lvl 3 or lower Boom Shot Skill level: 16 Range: 6 cell Target: around enemy in 1 cell Casting time: 0.5 sec cooldown: 35.0 sec mp cost: 150

Long range attack increase: 900 Fire element increase: 1100 40% chnace to cause [Serious Bleeding] (Lvl 3 bad disease, every 2 seconds lose HP by caster lvl * 4, lasts for 20 seconds. 30% chance to cause [Broken-Heart Disease] upon release (Lvl 1 bad disease, every 4 seconds lose MP by caster lvl / 3, move speed is decreased by 20%, lasts for 30 seconds)) Fire Mine Skill level: 18 Range: itself Target: single Casting time: 1.0 sec cooldown: 60.0 sec mp cost: 160 Release 3 Fire Mines at your feet. (A Fire Mine has an area of effect of around 3 cells and an attack range of 1 cell. It will find and chase its target on its own, though the target is selected at random within a certain area. After attacking the Fire Mine is destroyed.) Hell Drop Skill level: 20 Range: 6 cell Target: around target in 2 cells Casting time: 1.2 sec cooldown: 120.0 sec mp cost: 200 Long range attack increase: 1000 Fire element increase: 1500 80% chance to cause [Deadly Blackout] (Lvl 3 bad general effect, cannot move or attack, lasts for 6 seconds. Second Symptom, after 0.5 seconds, cannot avoid attacks.)

4th SP card The Fourth SP cards are: Berserker, Beast Master, Dark Gunner. These cards uses 3 SP per second. Information about the Fourth SP is given in this guide. Guide by Moja Guide for 4th SP Quest

4th SP card The Fourth SP cards are: Berserker, Beast Master, Dark Gunner. These cards uses 3 SP per second. Information about the Fourth SP is given in this guide. Guide by Moja Guide for 4th SP Quest

*Hammer attack Skill lv: 0 Range: 2 Target: Select one Casting time: 0.0s Cool time: 0.8s MP: 0 Short-range Attack: +120 Dark element emerges: +150

*Mad ax blow Skill lv: 2 Range: 2 Target: Select one Casting time: 0.2s Cool time: 5.5s MP: 20 Short-range Attack: +360 Dark element emerges: +500 Special effects: 10% chance of Shock Paralysis (Lv3 Bad General effect, unable to move, lose (caster lv*2) HP per 2s, last for 5s) *Big Swing Skill lv: 4 Target: Around enemy 3 cells Casting time: 0.4s Cool time: 18s MP: 160 Short-range Attack: +360 Dark element emerges: +300 Special effects: 20% chance of Dizziness (Lv1 Bad General effect, unable to move, unable to attack, cannot be avoided, last for 5s) *Frantic Wings Skill lv: 6 Range: Itself Target: Itself Casting time: 0.5s Cool time: 90s MP: 110 Special effects: 100% chance of Violent Wing (Short-range Attack +400, Speed +2, All defense -200) *Sonic blink strike Skill lv: 8 Range: 5 Target: Select one Casting time: 0.0s Cool time: 14.0s

MP: 120 Short-range Attack: +100 Dark element emerges: +250 Special effects: 30% chance of Serious bleeding (Lv3 Bad Disease effect, lose (caster lv*4) HP per 2s, last for 20s) *Over Skill lv: 10 Range: 2 Target: Select one Casting time: 0.4s Cool time: 19.0s MP: 55 Short-range Attack: +570 Dark element emerges: +720 Special effects: 50% chance of Dizziness, 100% Hit *Rage blow strike Skill lv: 12 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 2 cells Casting time: 0.2s Cool time: 32.0s MP: 150 Short-range Attack: +700 Dark element emerges: +950 Special effects: 80% chance of Inability (Lv5 Bad Magic effect, attack/defense grade reduce to 0, last for 15s) *Armour Break Skill lv: 14 Range: 2 Target: Select one Casting time: 1.0s Cool time: 35.0s MP: 40 Special effects: 100% chance of Broken Armor (Lv5 Bad Magic effect, defense -80%, last for 30s) *Mad strong explosion

Skill lv: 16 Range: 2 Target: special area Casting time: 0.5s Cool time: 50.0s MP: 180 Short-range Attack: +1100 Dark element emerges: +1200 Special effects: 60% chance of Shock (Lv2 Bad General effect, unable to attack/dodge, Speed 3, last for 5s) *Bloodthirsty rampage Skill lv: 18 Range: Itself Target: Itself Casting time: 0.0s Cool time: 60.0s MP: 100 Special effects: 100% chance of Bloodthirsty rampage (Lv3 Good Magic effect, lose (caster lv*4) HP per 2s, Dark element emerges +500, last for 20s) *Dimension cuts Skill lv: 20 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 4 cells Casting time: 0.6s Cool time: 120.0s MP: 200 Short-range Attack: +1400 Dark element emerges: +1700 Special effects: 80% chance of Damaged Armor (Lv4 Bad General effect, All defense null and void, last for 10s)

*Roundabout Attack Skill lv: 0 Range: 6 Target: Select one Casting time: 0.1s Cool time: 0.7s MP: 0 Long-Range Attack: +110 Light element emerges: +160

*Poisonous Snake Roundabout Skill lv: 2 Range: 6 Target: Around enemy 3 cells Casting time: 0.2s Cool time: 7.0s MP: 50 Long-Range Attack: +240 Light element emerges: +350 Special effects: 40% chance of Dizziness (Lv1 Bad General effect, unable to move, unable to attack, cannot be avoided, last for 5s)

*Lightning impact Skill lv: 4 Range: 6 Target: Special area Casting time: 0.4s

Cool time: 25.0s MP: 85 Long-Range Attack: +360 Light element emerges: +500 Special effects: 30% chance of Serious Bleeding (Lv3 Bad Diease effect, lose (caster lv*4) HP per 2s, last for 20s) *Hawk fast Skill lv: 6 Range: Itself Target: Itself Casting time: 0.5s Cool time: 180.0s MP: 150 Special effects: 100% chance of Hawk fast (Lv3 Good General effect, All hit rate +30, chance of critical +10%, last for 180s) *Primitive strength Skill lv: 8 Range: Itself Target: Around user 2 cells Casting time: 0.2s Cool time: 120.0s MP: 70 Special effects: 100% chance of Primitive strength (Lv1 Good General effect, light resistance +30, last for 120s) *Rotation roundabout Skill lv: 10 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 3 cells Casting time: 0.4s Cool time: 32.0s MP: 110 Long-Range Attack: +800 Light element emerges: +650 *Wolf's roar Skill lv: 12 Range: Itself

Target: Itself Casting time: 0.2s Cool time: 300.0s MP: 120 Special effects: 100% chance of Wolf's roar (Lv6 Good General effect, Speed +2, Long-Range Attack +(caster lv*4), last for 300s) *Python's teeth Skill lv: 14 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 3 cells Casting time: 1.0s Cool time: 60.0s MP: 90 Special effects: 100% chance of Python's teeth (Lv4 Bad General effect, Chance of getting critical hit +70%, All resistance -40, last for 40s) *Lightning shock Skill lv: 16 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 4 cells Casting time: 0.5s Cool time: 60.0s MP: 180 Long-Range Attack: +1200 Light element emerges: +1500 Special effects: 70% chance of Shock (Lv2 Bad General effect, unable to attack/dodge, Speed 3, last for 5s) *Bear's Armor Skill lv: 18 Range: Itself Target: Itself Casting time: 0.0s Cool time: 300.0s MP: 180 Special effects: 100% chance of Bear's Armor (Lv1 Good Magic effect, Max HP +30%, Max MP +30%, last for 300s) *Sonic roundabout

Skill lv: 20 Range: 6 Target: Around enemy 4 cells Casting time: 0.5s Cool time: 110.0s MP: 180 Long-Range Attack: +1700 Light element emerges: +1800 Special effects: 80% chance of Half (Lv4 Bad General effect, MP consumption of the remaining 70%, Defense -50%, last for 20s)

*Dark fire Skill lv: 0 Range: 6 Target: Select One Casting time: 0.1s Cool time: 0.7s MP: 10 Magic Attack: +160 Dark element emerges: +250 *Rapid-fire Skill lv: 2 Range: 7 Target: Select One Casting time: 0.4s Cool time: 6.0s MP: 50 Magic Attack: +270

Dark element emerges: +580 *Magic impact Skill lv: 4 Range: 6 Target: Around enemy 2 cells Casting time: 0.4s Cool time: 23.0s MP: 120 Magic Attack: +500 Dark element emerges: +700 *Demons burst Skill lv: 6 Range: 6 Target: Select One Casting time: 0.4s Cool time: 34.0s MP: 140 Magic Attack: +900 Dark element emerges: +1300 Special effects: 60% chance of Hand of dead (Lv3 Bad Magic effect, unable to attack/move, magic dmg received +50%, last for 5s) *Spirit's shield Skill lv: 8 Range: Itself Target: Itself Casting time: 0.2s Cool time: 100.0s MP: 160 Special effects: 100% chance of Spirit's shield (Lv3 Good Magic effect, All damages received 40%, Dark resistance +20, last for 100s) *Chaos Strength Skill lv: 10 Range: Itself Target: Around friends 2 cells Casting time: 1.0s Cool time: 100.0s

MP: 160 Special effects: 100% chance of Chaos Strength (Lv3 Good Magic effect, Dark element emerges +(caster lv*4), Concentration +20, last for 100s) *Shadow prison Skill lv: 12 Range: 7 Target: Select One Casting time: 0.5s Cool time: 70.0s MP: 95 Special effects: 100% chance of Shadow prison (Lv4 Bad Magic effect, Speed -3, Hit-rate -20, last for 25s) *Spectre of shells Skill lv: 14 Range: 7 Target: Special Area Casting time: 0.7s Cool time: 50.0s MP: 180 Magic Attack: +1500 Dark element emerges: +650 Special effects: 40% chance of Curse of darkness (Lv2 Bad Magic effect, Dark resistance -30, Critical Damage -50%, last for 30s) *Devil destiny Skill lv: 16 Range: 6 Target: Select One Casting time: 1.0s Cool time: 90.0s MP: 180 Special effects: 100% chance of Devil destiny (Lv5 Bad Magic effect, -enemy's HP (caster lv*5) and give them to caster, last for 20s) *Path of Destruction Skill lv: 18 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 3 cells

Casting time: 0.8s Cool time: 100.0s MP: 240 Special effects: 100% chance of Path of Destruction (Lv5 Bad General effect, run away from caster, lose (caster lv*12) HP per 2s, last for 10s) *Evil god domain Skill lv: 20 Range: Itself Target: Around enemy 3 cells Casting time: 1.5s Cool time: 160.0s MP: 360 Magic Attack: +1500 Dark element emerges: +2200 Special effects: 60% chance of Epidemic (Lv4 Bad Poison effect, lose (caster lv*5) HP per 4s, lose (caster lv*4) MP per 4s, last for 30s)

NosMates NosMates are Pets and partners that accompany you throughout your journey. More information about catching and controlling NosMates are presented in this guide Guide by currycrab Guide: NosMate FAQ

Pets There are many types of pets in the world of NosTale. Some have high HP, some have high defence. Depending on your Class, you choose the pets that is best for you. Here, you can compare pet stats and choose which is the best for you. Guide by LoneAngelz [GUIDE] Full Pet stats v0.1 (Guide not Complete)

Partners Partners are NPC that you meet during a mission. They can be obtained from both TS and raids, currently. These Partners are: • • • •

Bob, TS 25 Tom, TS 32 Kliff, TS 49 Sakura, Namaju raid

As mentioned before, you may only have 3 partners by your side at one time. So, you will have to delete a partner or keep in a bead if you aquire more than 3. Unlike pets, Partners can use equipment as well. There are 4 equipment slots for partners: Armour, Weapon, Glove, and Shoe. Armours and Weapons have to be converted to Partner equipment before your partner can use it. Gloves and Shoes doesnt require conversion.

Converting your Partner's equipment requires only sand of dona river and gold. First, you have to understand your partner's class. • • • •

Bob, Archer Class Tom, SwordsMan Class Kliff, SwordsMan Class Sakura, Mage Class

For example: If you want to equip a Bob. First find a Bow and a Archer armour. Then Bring it to Teoman Topp and click on the conversion tab. Place a Bow or Archer armour inside and click the Exchange button. (The amount of gold and sand needed to convert a equipment is based on the level of that equipment.) Finally, to equip your Partner, click on his Portrait on your Charcter Page and double the Partner's equipment from your inventory. *Special Case: You can also convert a Spell gun or Crossbow for Bob's weapon and a Dagger for Tom/Kliff's weapon.

Monsters Monsters are enemies you face during your adventure. It is always an advantage to know about the monsters stats before trying to fight it. Here we present this wonderful guide that shows the stats of monsters and where you can find them. Guide by Moja [Guide] ~Locations of Monsters in Nostale~ ver1.2

Time-Space (TS) Time-Spaces are part of quest. These Time-Spaces can be found in some maps and completing it will give you rewards. There are many different types of TS, that includes: • • • • • • •

Normal Individual Party Raid Seal Hunting Instant Maze

Normal TS Normal TS are those that you can see on the Map. The level required for the TS is shown on the map, or when you move over the TS stone. Normal TS are part of the Main quest and they are COMPLUSARY to do. (Rewards of the Normal TS are explained later in the guide)

Individual TS Individual TS are hidden TS. Hidden TS can be made by first; finding the energy source with a dowsing stick and then producing a TS over the energy source. (more information on using dowsing sticks are given later in the guide) As the name implys, the TS can only be done INDIVIDUALLY. you may not enter the TS in party even if your party members are not entering that TS. Like all Hidden TS, it is only good for 1 time use, and you must find the energy source if you want to repeat the TS. Missions in Individual TS varies between different TS Individual TS rewards are like Normal TS, but only better.

Party TS Party TS are hidden TS. Party TS can only be done by a party of 3.

Missions in Party TS varies between different TS. Party TS rewards are like Normal TS as well, but the rewards are much better than Individual TS.

Raid Seal TS Raid Seal TS are hidden TS. Raid Seal TS can only be completed ALONE. Missions in Raid Seal TS varies between different TS. All Raid Seal TS are generally long. May take 30 minutes to obtain 1 seal. Raid Seal TS rewards are a Seal and some gold. With the seal, you may start a Raid.

Hunting TS Hunting TS are hidden TS. Hunting TS can be completed alone, by 2, or by 3. Missions in Hunting TS is to kill all the monsters that spawn in the TS. Experience and Skill puts you in a advantage while doing this TS. Most Hunting TS have Timer Rooms, where you need to start them in the correct order, or you will run out of time. The only Reward for Hunting TS is gold.

Instant TS Instant TS is a type of special TS. You can enter this TS by double clicking on the Instant TS rock. All Instant TS are to be completed alone. Missions in Instant TS varies between different TS. Most Instant TS do not have reward as they are quest based.

Maze TS Maze TS are hidden TS Maze TS can only be completed ALONE It may look like Individual TS, but the TS of this rock is used for a quest in the secret lab. Completing all 3 Maze TS gives you a seal and 2 rings (quest items)

Lets learn about TS now, To enter a Time-Space, first click in the time space as shown below.

After you clicked on the Time-Space, a screen like this will appear:

The “Draw Item” is a reward that can be obtained every time you do the TS. Before you enter, a list of rewards are showed. Just to be fair, the rewards will be jumbled up and shown as "?" when you finish the TS.

The “Special” is a reward which can only be received once. This reward will be given to you the first time you complete the TS and will not be received again when you repeat. The “Bonus” is a reward which can be obtained every time you do the TS. The difference of the “Draw Item” and “Bonus” is that Bonus item is a fixed reward that doesn’t require you to choose, while Draw Item is reward Based on luck. But do not worry. You will still obtain both types of reward. To summarise the rewards received from completing TS; 1st Complete: Draw Item, Special, and Bonus 2nd Complete onwards: Draw Item, Bonus (In some TS, you may notice that you receive a Sound Flower as a Bonus reward. This sound flower is not an item but a sub-quest. It randomly opens a quest suitable of your level and you have the option to complete or drop the quest.) The “Start” button starts the TS. You will be moved to the map of that TS. The “Record” button starts the TS as well. The difference between “Start” and “Record” is that Record is “pay-to-enter” and if your score in the TS breaks the current record; your score, together with your character name will be recorded in the TS, and viewable to everybody.

(Every channel has its own TS records)

In some cases, you find that an extra button is available to you. This is the “Loser Mode”. The loser mode is only available when you fail the same TS more than twice. The advantage of loser mode is that you have double the time for completing the TS. (*Note: if you fail a TS because you cannot defeat a certain Monster, I do not encourage you to challenge Loser Mode, as the monsters are not “weakened” in any way.) By challenging the loser Mode, you will only receive the Special and Bonus reward from the TS. You may not obtain the Draw item. (*Note: By challenging the TS in loser mode, you lose dignity when you enter. The Loser mode option is also not available after you complete the TS in loser mode.)

Complete and failure

Completing the TS will show up this message. You will receive the reward after this.

Failing the TS will show up this message. You may not receive any reward and lose dignity for failing.

Hero Mission

There are some special TS that look purple in colour on the mini map. These special TS are called Hero mission. A hero mission marks the end of an Act. Most hero missions come with great rewards, like new partners and rare items.

Instant Mission Instant Missions are not TS, they are missions in TS. Instant Missions may not give item rewards, but the reward it gives, (e.g, additional time or shortcuts) is useful in completing the TS that you are in. Instant Missions may not be present in all TS.

Mission Screen

1) Mission map display: Shows the character’s current location and its surrounding maps. 2) Life: Shows the current life left of the TS. Prevent it from falling below 0 or you fail the TS. 3) Score: Shows the current score of the TS. Score can be obtained through Instant Mission, Point Increase (item), killing monsters. 4) Mission Accomplishment requirement: Shows the Requirement to complete the current TS. These may vary. 5) Time gauge: Shows the time left for the current TS. Finish the TS before it reach 0 or you will fail the TS.

Let’s talk more about Mission map display. It is important and allows you to keep track of your current TS progress. 1) Human Face: Shows the current location of Player. Always at the centre of the map. 2) White Square: Room without monsters. 3) Orange Square: Room with monsters. 4) Black Square: Room that character has yet to explore. 5) Small Blue Square: Visited passage 6) Small Black Square: Not visited passage 7) Lock: Locked passage 8) Disengaged lock: Unlocked passage 9) Small Green Square: Exit

Chest and Leavers In Some TS, you may find some leavers. Some leavers are required to operate in order to proceed with the current TS, while some optional leavers give you bonuses. Other bonuses that you can find in the TS are Chests. Open the chest by clicking on it or pushing the “pick-up” button. Depending on their grades, the chest gives different items.

(Pictures from NosTale in-game guide)

TS Commands $Accompany This command brings somebody from another TS to accompany you and do the TS with you.

To use this command, simply get into a TS and type $Accompany To use this command, the following conditions have to met: • • •

You must not be in a Hero Mission TS This function may only be used in the "lobby" of the TS. The person you want to invite must be in a TS.

Tips for more points! Here are some tips that will give you more points! • • • • •

kill targets with the green triangle around it first Avoid entering unnecessary rooms Complete Instant Missions Pick up “Point Increase” near you. Do not go out of the way just to pick them. (If u have a pet with Pick-up ability, its even better.) Kill all monsters and explore all maps

Complete TS listing with introduction, requirements and rewards Guide by starrcloud Time Stone Quest Guide and Quest List with COLOUR suggested by LoneAngelz XD (Still Working On It)

Item system Strengthening Strengthening an equipment just means upgrading its Grade. (Grades are discussed in the first section of the guide.) Strengthening can have 3 results. • • •

Success Fixed Grade Failure

Success increases your equipment's grade by 1. Fixed Grade locks the equipment and prevents it from being upgraded again. (*Some NosMall items will allow you to upgrade a fixed grade item.) Failure destroys your equipment and you cannot recover it. (*Some NosMall items will allow you to protect the equipment in an event of a failure that destroys your equipment.)

Equipment Rarity Other than strengthening your equipment, you may also bet it to increase its power. A detailed guide about betting is shown below Guide by Skippeh [Guide] A guide to equipment Rarity The prefix of the item shows it power. This is also known as Rare level. Rare Level Chart: • • • • • • •

(-2) Damaged (-1) Low-leveled (0) (1) Useful (2) Good (3) High quality (4) Excellent

• • •

(5) Ancient (6) Mysterious (7) Legendary

Primary Weapons and armour will shine/glow when it is rare level 5 and above, and upgraded to +5 and above. (e.g. Ancient sword +5 shines, and legendary sword +4 doesn’t)

Fusion Fusion refers to combining resistance of 2 gloves or boots. To do Fusion, you must first have enough Sand of the dona river and gold. Proceed to Malcolm Mix and take note of how you place your items.

The item placed in the first slot is the item that you are keeping. The item placed in the second slot is the item that you want to fuse. The number of fusion is showed as “sum”. It follows a general formula: sum = n-1 Where n = number of gloves/boots used. For example, two 1 sum gloves are fused together, the product is 3 sum. Because 1 sum gloves are made of 2 gloves, so 2 pieces of 1 sum gloves make 4 gloves.

Using the formula, sum = n - 1 sum = 4 - 1 sum = 3

Gloves and boots can be made a maximum of 6 sum. The success rate is shown below: • • • • • •

1 2 3 4 5 6

sum sum sum sum sum sum

= = = = = =

100% 100% 85% 70% 50% 20%

(*Note: Failure in combining results in destruction of both items)

(Picture from NosTale in-game guide)

Adding Options Options can be added using Cellons into Necklace/Ring/Bracelet. Options that are added are random. Cellons are graded level 1 to 10. (10 being the best)

Let’s look at the Necklace first. • • •

Required level – it is the level which you can equip this item Maximum option – it is the maximum level of cellon which can be used to upgrade the necklace. (In this case, the maximum level is 1) Maximum number of options – It shows the maximum amount of cellons that can be added into the item. Every successful add filled up the slot by 1.

Adding Options may result in a failure as well. In this case, a failure in adding options doesn’t make you lose your accessories, you just lose the cellon and gold you put in. Reason why you fail: In an accessory, you may not have 2 of the same options. For example, you cannot have 2 MAX HP options. If already had a MAX HP option, you will fail adding options when you get another MAX HP option. In this case, the game will not tell you what option recieved was repeated. It just shows up as a Failure.

Cellon table This table shows you the rate of getting a cellon from a gillion stone.

Experiment based on 1000 gillions. Nothing: 69.8% Level 1: 14.3% Level 2: 08.0% Level 3: 04.7% Level 4: 02.5% Level 5: 00.3% Level 6: 00.4% Level 7 to 10: Less than 00.1% NOTE: This experiment was conducted by myself. As far as statistics is concerned, there is a chance that values will deviate. Use this table as deem fit.

(Picture from NosTale in-game guide)

Refining Gillion Stones Gillion stones, itself is useless. But by refining them, you can receive some valuable stuff. (*Double click on the refiner to use!) There are 3 types of refiners that are available from Malcolm Mix. There are: Soul gem Refiner, Cellon Refiner and Crystal Refiner. The items obtainable from the refiners are shown in this picture.

Soul Gem refiner Soul gems can be obtained from it and used in strengthening equipments

Cellon refiner Cellons can be obtained from it and used in adding options in accessories.

Crystal refiner Crystals can be obtained from it and used in Hidden TS, production of equipment and mini-land structures.

Item list Introduction: This section was created because i had overwhelming PM over what to keep and what not to keep. With this section, the uses of items are briefly discribed and users can decide if they want to keep the item or not. This Item list is correct as of 22/01/08. Weapons/Armors and any form of equipment is not included in the item list. The New act 3 items may not be included in this guide and items that have no uses before act 3 may not be updated as well.

From Eva Energy

Low end post sign 3000 gold Special items. Allow others to enter your mini land when used. Last 1 hour.

High end post sign 5000 gold Special items. Allow others to enter your mini land when used. Last 1 hour.

Battle potion 300 gold Snack. Using this will enable PvP mode anywhere in NosTale.

Bacon and Egg fry 120 gold Food. Recovers 300 HP and MP when used.

Ham and egg sandwich 200 gold Food. Recovers 500 HP and MP when used.

Roasted herring 280 gold Food. Recovers 700 HP and MP when used.

Delicious lunch 400 gold Food. Recovers 1000 HP and MP when used.

Pork and drink 500 gold Food. Recovers 100 HP and 150 MP when used. Drunken Buzzing effect when used.

Peanuts 14 gold Snack. Recovers 50 HP and 20 MP when used.

Biscuit 30 gold Snack. Recovers 100 HP and 50 MP when used.

Jerky 70 gold Snack. Recovers 200 HP and 150 MP when used.

Chocobar 60 gold Snack. Recovers 100 HP and 300 MP when used.

Fried Chicken 100 gold Snack. Recovers 250 HP and MP when used.

Appropriate pet food 300 gold Pet items. Feeding the pet this item increases its exp and loyalty.

Delicious pet food 1000 gold Pet items. Feeding the pet this item increases it exp and loyalty more.

Pet trainer 1500 gold Pet items. Using this item in mini land summons a pet trainer to train your pet. Hitting the pet trainer increases it attack grade and getting hit by the pet trainer increase its defence grade.

Pet collector 5000 gold Pet items. Using this item will delete the selected pet.

Salty power

55 gold Material. Used for cooking.

Sweet power 53 gold Material. Used for cooking.

Cooking oil 470 gold Material. Used for cooking.

Cheese and egg 480 gold Material. Used for cooking.

Yellow handkerchief of separation 95000 gold Pet items. Using this item will delete the selected partner.

*Food: Only can be used while sitting down. Recover NosMates over 3 cell slowly. *Snack: Can be used anywhere. Recovers NosMates over 3 cell slowly. Recovers lesser than food. *Dishes: Can be used anywhere. Boost Maximum HP and/or MP and will remain there until you use it (or disconnects). *Potions: Can be used anywhere. Instantly recovers the amount of HP/MP stated.

Non-NPC retail Items Pet items Pet trainer with diploma Summons a high level pet trainer used for training pets. Can only be used in Mini-Land.

SP Rechargers SP Charger (10k) Used to recharge "Add" SP bar by 10000 points.

Basic SP recovery Potion (10k) Used to recharge "Basic" SP bar by 10000 points


MP Potion small Recovers 300 MP instantly when used.

MP Potion medium Recovers 500 MP instantly when used.

MP Potion big

Recovers 1000 MP instantly when used.

HP Potion small Recovers 300 HP instantly when used.

HP Potion medium Recovers 500 HP instantly when used.

HP Potion big Recovers 1000 HP instantly when used.

Entire Potion small Recovers 300 HP and MP instantly when used.

Entire Potion medium Recovers 500 HP and MP instantly when used.

Entire Potion big Recovers 1000 HP and MP instantly when used.

Entire Potion very big Recovers 1500 HP and MP instantly when used. Used to Make: • • •

Strong HP Potion Strong MP Potion Strong Entire Potion

Strong HP Recovery Potion Recover 100% HP instantly when used.

Strong MP Recovery potion Recover 100% MP instantly when used.

Strong All Recovery Potion Recover 100% HP and MP instantly when used.

Attack Enchancement Potion Increases 20% attack power for 10 minutes

Armor Enchancement Potion Increase 20% defence power for 10 minutes

Energy Increase Potion Increase 20% HP and MP for 10 minutes

Experience Increase Potion Increase 20% experience for 10 minutes

Equipment setting Wing of Angel Used in Upgrade of SP card

Shining Green Soul Used in Upgrade of SP card from +1 to +5 Shining Red Soul Used in Upgrade of SP card from +6 to +10 Shining Pure soul Used in Upgrade of SP card from +11 to +15

Soul gem Used for upgrading the grade of equipment from +1 to +5.

whole soul gem Used for upgrading the grade of equipment from +5 to +10

New Moon Crystals Used in: • • •

Creating Time Space Making red, blue, white, dark crystals Making Gloves and Boots

Half Moon Crystals • •

Creating Time Space Making Gloves and Boots

Full Moon Crystals • •

Used in making Gloves and Boots from B recipes. Used in SP card upgrading

Red Crystal Used for Creating Fire resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes.

Blue Crystal Used for Creating Water resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes.

White Crystal Used for Creating Light resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes.

Dark Crystal Used for Creating Dark resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes.

level 1 cellon

Used for adding Level 1 Options into Accessories

level 2 cellon Used for adding Level 2 Options into Accessories

level 3 cellon Used for adding Level 3 Options into Accessories

level 4 cellon Used for adding Level 4 Options into Accessories

level 5 cellon Used for adding Level 5 Options into Accessories

level 6 cellon Used for adding Level 6 Options into Accessories

level 7 cellon Used for adding Level 7 Options into Accessories

level 8 cellon Used for adding Level 8 Options into Accessories

level 9 cellon Used for adding Level 9 Options into Accessories

level 10 cellon Used for adding Level 10 Options into Accessories


Low-quality tree Used for Pyjama Quest (40).

Normal tree Used in making equipment.

High-quality tree Used in: • • • • •

Building Mini-Games Making Equipment Making Light resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes. Used in Jajamaru Quest (20) Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn drawings A

Rare tree • •

Used for building Mini-Games Used to make Equipment in Amir's torn cloth print

Low-quality metal bar Used in making equipment.

Normal metal bar Used in making equipment.

High-quality metal bar • • • • •

Building Mini-Games Making Equipment Making Fire resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes Used in Jajamaru Quest (20) Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn drawings A

Rare metal bar • •

Used for building Mini-Games Used to make Equipment in Amir's torn cloth print

Low-quality leather Used in making equipment.

Normal leather Used in making equipment.

High-quality leather • • • •

Building Mini-Games Making Equipment Making Dark resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn drawings A

Rare leather • •

Used for building Mini-Games Used to make Equipment in Amir's torn cloth print

Low-quality rag Used in making equipment.

Normal rag Used in making equipment.

High-quality rag • • • • •

Building Mini-Games Making Equipment Making Water resist Gloves and Boots from A recipes. Used in Quest (1) Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn drawings A

Rare rag Used for building Mini-Games.

Mysterious Stone Used in: • •

Making Attack Potion Making Grade 1 and 2 Quarry

Oriharcon Used in: • • • •

Making Making Making Making

Strong All Recovery Potion Attack Enchancement Potion Grade 1 and 2 Quarry Accessories

Apple Used in: • • •

Making Grade 1 and 2 Sawmill Making Attack Enchancement Potion Experience Enchancement Potion

Rare Leaf Used in: • • • •

Making Making Making Making

Grade 1 and 2 Sawmill Armor Enchancement Potion Strong MP recovery Potion Accessories

Golden Feather Used in: • • •

Making Grade 1 and 2 Shooting Field Making Armor Enchancement Potion Making Boots/Gloves from recipe A

Chubby Worm Used in: • • •

Making Grade 1 and 2 Shooting Field Making Energy Increase Potion Making Strong All Recovery Potion

Bobbin Used in: • •

Making Grade 1 and 2 Fishpond Making Boots/Gloves from recipe A

Mackerel Used in: • • • •

Making Making Making Making

Grade 1 and 2 Fishpond Basic SP Recovery Potion Experience Increase Potion Strong HP recovery Potion

Hammer Used in Construction of the Mini Game: Great Quarry

Axe Used in Construction of the Mini Game: Great Sawmill

Mithril Ore • •

Used in Construction of the Mini Game: Great Shooting Field Making Accessories


Used in Construction of the Mini Game: Great Fishpond

Construction Brick Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Quarry

Stone of Square shape Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Quarry

Growing Seedling Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Sawmill

Seed of life Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Sawmill

Mixed Seafood Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Fishpond

Carp Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Fishpond

Mixed Meat Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Shooting Field

Chicken egg Used in Making Grade 1 and 2 Shooting Field

Small pot of Mystery ~No Known Uses

Big pot of Mystery ~No Known Uses

Brightening Bead ~No Known Uses

Growing Seeds ~No Known Uses

Seed Bed ~No Known Uses

Blessed Earth ~No Known Uses

Legendary Wood Used for making EXP potion from Consumable Recipe

Legendary Rag Used for making Basic SP potion from Consumable Recipe

Legendary Metal No known uses currently.

Legendary Leather No known uses currently.

Diamond Used to create Fire resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

The branch of worldly wood Used to create Light resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Magic powder Used to create Dark resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Whale Used to create Water resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Pyro-Stone Used to create Fire resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Aqua-Stone Used to create Water resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Proton-Stone Used to create Light resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Darkness-Stone Used to create Dark resist Gloves and Boots from B recipes.

Red Fruit Used for: • • •

Making HP Potion Making Entire Potion Making Luinia of Restore

Blue Herb Used in Making MP potion

Mysterious Ink Used in Making Amulets

Leaf of Luinia Used in Making Luinia of Restore

Mixed Grain Used in Cooking various foods at Eva Energy

Recipes Recipe A for Gloves Used to create Gloves of 7% resistance

Recipe A for Boots Used to create Boots of 7% resistance

Recipe B for Gloves Used to create Gloves of 10% resistance

Recipe B for Boots Used to create Boots of 10% resistance

1st Grade Construction Recipe Used to create 1st Grade Mini-Games

2nd Grade Construction Recipe Used to create 2nd Grade Mini-Games

Consumable Recipe Used to make Potions of various types

Amir's torn weapon drawings A Used to make Weapons of various types Amir's torn weapon drawings B Used to make Weapons of various types

Amir's torn cloth print Used to make Level 78 armors of all classes

General Items Seeds of power Used for: • • • • •

Creating Time Stone Entering Time Stone Quiting Time Stone Revive Character Revive NosMates

Gillion Stones Used for refining into Soul Gems, Cellons or Crystal. Random amount of Cella (5 to 10) produced for every Gillion Stone refined.

Cella Powder Used for: • • •

Upgrading the Grade of equipment Gambling of equipment Part of materials for Soul Gem, Cellon and Crystal Production tool

Sands From The Dona River Used for: • • • •

Making "Sum" on Gloves and Boots Exchanging to Partner's Equipment Making equipment Creating Gloves and Boots from recipe

Monster's Etc drop dander seeds Used for: Main Quest

Seedle leaves Used for: Main Quest

Small beans Used in: • • •

Main Quest Creating Time Stone for Jelly Raid Seal Malcolm Quest

Fox tails Used in: • •

Main Quest Malcolm Quest

Mandragora Used in: • • • •

Main Quest Malcolm Quest Making Entire Potion Making Luinia of Restore

Wool Used in: • • •

Main Quest Pyjama Quest Malcolm Quest

Vampire Used in Malcolm Quest

Thorn of the Hamster Used in Malcolm Quest

Shining Piece Used in: • • • • •

Main Quest Making Gloves and Boots from A and B recipe Making Attack and Defence Amulet Creating Time Stone for Xysenshrub Raid Seal Malcolm Quest

Ore Used in: • •

Main Quest Mudog's Quest

Old Pickaxe Used in: • •

Main Quest Mudog's Quest

Broken Flute Mudog's Quest

Horn of the Imp Used in: • •

Main Quest Malcolm Quest

Red Cuby Used in: • •

Main Quest Malcolm Quest

Darkness pieces Used in: • • •

Main Quest Creating Time Stone for Dark Castra Raid Seal Malcolm Quest

Bead of darkness Used in: • • •

Creating Time Stone for Giant Slade Raid Seal Malcolm Quest Creating Hunting TS

Turtle shell Used in Malcolm Quest

Pork Chop No Known Uses

Wolf Mane Used in: • •

Malcolm Quest Creating Hunting TS

Bug Shell Used in: • •

Used for making Insoluble Gloves Malcolm Quest

Spider Web Used in: • •

Creating Time Stone for Spider King Raid Seal Malcolm Quest

Creating Hunting TS

Claw of Slade Used in creating Time Stone for Giant Slade Raid Seal

Royal Honey No Known uses

Highly-Concentrated Propolis No Known uses

Spider King eye Used in Creating Time Stone for Spider King Raid Seal

Unidentified Red Stuff Used in Creating Time Stone for the Maze

Unidentified Blue Stuff Used in Creating Time Stone for the Maze

Unidentified Green Stuff Used in Creating Time Stone for the Maze

Wood Spirit Crystal No known uses

Racoon Wood Leaf Used in Making Accessories

Gold Pearl Used in Making Accessories

Golden Fruit Used in Making Accessories

Wish Crystal Used in Making Accessories

Gold Bark Used in Making Accessories

Crystal Pearl Used in Making Accessories

Shining Maple Leaf

Used in Making Accessories

Gold Mushroom Used in Making Accessories

Pumpkin Pearl Used in Making Accessories

Red Wood Stem Used in Making Accessories

Green Gel Used to make Ignore Gauntlet (7% resist to Water and Dark)

Locomotive Used to make Ku'ru'kelron Boots (7% resist to Water and Dark)

Fir Wood Sap Used to make Roob'raph Gloves (7% resist to Fire and Light)

Cast-off Skin Piece Used to make Hazerumble Shoe (7% resist to Fire and Light)

Water Wave Crystal gem Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 71 Swordsman Sword, lvl. 74 Mage Spellgun) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Flame Crystal gem Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 71 Archer Bow, lvl. 74 Warrior Crossbow) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Wind Crystal gem Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 71 Mage Wand, lvl. 74 Archer Dagger) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Blue Mane Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 71 Swordsman Sword, lvl. 74 Mage Spellgun) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Halite Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 71 Archer Bow, lvl. 74 Swordsman Crossbow) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Toter Stamm Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 71 Mage Wand, lvl. 74 Archer Dagger) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Basilisk Heart Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 74 Swordsman Crossbow) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Sandstone Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 74 Archer Dagger) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Leech Tooth Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 74 Mage Spellgun) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A

Polluted sap • •

Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 74 Swordsman Crossbow) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Polluted wood stem • •

Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 74 Archer Dagger) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Polluted Wood bark • •

Used in Making Equipment (lvl. 74 Mage Spellgun) in Amir's torn weapon drawings A Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Stained Arrow Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Black Gem Piece Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Broken Sword Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Hardened Heart Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Hardened Blood Used in Making Equipment in Amir's torn weapon drawings B

Lizard Skin Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Mage Robe) in Amir's torn cloth print

Deer Horn Piece Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Mage Robe) in Amir's torn cloth print

Doomed skeleton Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Mage Robe) in Amir's torn cloth print

Rat's tail Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Archer Armor) in Amir's torn cloth print

Brown Mane Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Archer Armor) in Amir's torn cloth print

Black Dye powder Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Archer Armor) in Amir's torn cloth print

Yak's hoof Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Swordsman Armor) in Amir's torn cloth print

Moth Rain powder Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Swordsman Armor) in Amir's torn cloth print

Black armor piece Used to make Equipment (lvl. 78 Swordsman Armor) in Amir's torn cloth print

Time-Space Stones

Piece of time-space stone for Individual Used to create time space stone for Individual.

Piece of time-space stone for Raid Used to create time space stone for Raid Seals

Piece of time-space stone for Party Used to create time space stone for Party.

Piece of time-space stone for Hunting Used to create time space stone for Hunting monsters.

Piece of time-space stone for Instant Used to enter time space stone for instant mission/training.

Piece of time-space stone for Maze Used to create time space stone for Secret Lab sub quest.

Basilisk Time-Space Stone Used to create time space stone for Hunting

Giant Knight Time-Space Stone Used to create time space stone for Hunting

Crisos Time-Space Stone Used to create time space stone for Hunting


Chicken-king Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Mother Cuby Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Xysenshrub Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Dark Castra Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Namaju Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Jack Spider Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Sladheim Raid Seal The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

The person who uses the seal becomes the leader and can challenge the raid.

Raids Raids are a type of challenge completed by a group of people, ranging from 5 to 15. By completing this challenge, the team members recieves a reward box that contains items. A raid is simple. it requires you to defeat an amount of monsters and pull some leavers (this differs for every type of raid). When you have killed the required amount of monsters and pulled the required leavers, the door to the Boss room will be unlocked. After which you defeat the boss, the rewards will be given. *Note: There are level range and limits to some raids

Currently there are 8 types of raids. These raids are: Snowman Raid, Chicken-king, Mother Cuby, Xysensurb, Dark Castra, Namaju, Jack Spider, Sladheim.

Common Raid tips Tips by Gryz Gryz's Informational Gripe Sheet

Snowman Raid A special raid only available during the winter event period Level: 20-99 Guide by Moja Winter event : Snowman raid guide

Chicken-king Raid Level: 20-99 Guide by Zoanthia Chicken Raid Walkthrough

Mother Cuby Raid Level: 30-50 Guide by Zoanthia Jelly Raid Guide v0.1

Xysenshrub Raid Level: 40-60 ~No Guide~

Dark Castra Raid Level: 50-70 Guide by Raniie Dark Castra Raid Guide ~COMPLETED~

Namaju Raid Level: 50-99 Guide by Firstboss Namaju Guide!

Jack Spider Raid Level: 60-80 ~No Guide~

Sladheim Raid Level 70-90 ~No Guide~

Mini-Land Mini-Land is a place to keep your NosMates when you are not training with them. It also gives you a chance to decorate it with mini land structures in whatever way you want and let your friends to enjoy at your home. Mini games can also be built in your Mini-Land, so you can have more fun in it.

Moving NosMates Another way to decorate your mini land is to position your NosMates in place. To move your NosMate, first hold on CTRL key and click on the desired NosMate. Then move your NosMate by clicking on the spot that you want. When you are done with moving that NosMate, press F1, F2, F3 or F4 to release control of that NosMate. (*Note: Do not use the F5 function in mini-land when moving NosMates as it selects all NosMates and move them all together.

Installing Mini-land structures To install a mini land structure, first you have to buy or make a structure. To buy a Mini-land structure, you have to go to mimi Mentor in NosVille, or Strong Expy-Miner in Westerly Mt. Kerm.

After you buy the structures, the item will appear in your Mini-land window

Install Mode Now, to install the structure, lock your mini land by clicking the tiny box, next to the “Lock”

When it’s locked, you can start to place your mini-land structures by clicking on the portrait of the structure and moving your mouse over in the empty space of your miniland. Click to place the mini land structure and Click “Install Mode” to confirm after you placed your structure. (*Note: Some Structures can only go to specific places. For e.g, Warehouse and Houses. Mini Games can only be built on the yard.)

Delete Mode Similar to Install mode, but just the opposite. Lock your mini-land and then click on the delete mode button. Click on the structures you want to remove, and it will be disappear from your mini-land. (*Note: Delete Mode does not remove the structure from your inventory.)

Mini Games Mini Games is a good relaxation game when you bored of training. It also gives lots of items and materials which can be profitable when you sell it. Playing the game does not deduct your production points. Only after the game, when you choose to receive a reward, your production point will be reduced by 100. After using up your 2000 production points, you may still play on the mini-game, but you may not receive any rewards.

Mini Game Tip: When Player A plays a mini game on Player B's mini-land, Player A and B both recieve a reward (Both will obtain the same level of reward). This double reward trick does not work on your own mini-land. So to fully optimise your 2000 production points, you might want to play on your friend's mini-land while he/she plays on yours! In that case, you recieve 40 rewards instead of 20 in a day!

This Mini Game guide gives you a idea of how to play a mini game well. It provides tips and tricks so you full use of your 2000 production points daily, to make more money! Guide by Barrum Mini Game Guide V4.0 Another wonderful “guide” posted by one of the staff Guide by RF_WDA MiniGames FAQ Ok, now you know how to play mini games, challenge the records! High Scores for mini games Consolidated by LoneAngelz HighScore for Mini-games *NOTE: Practice makes perfect.

WareHouse There are a few types of Warehouse. The warehouse are listed by their names followed by the amount of storage space. • •

Small Warehouse - 7 Medium Warehouse - 14

• •

Large Warehouse - 21 Extra Large Warehouse - 56

*Note: Extra Large Warehouse is a NosMall item. It has 2 types, the 30 days version and the permanent version. Only 1 Warehouse can be built and it can be only built on the terrace and at a specific spot. Warehouse can also be used to transfer items between account, in this case, the Warehouse has to be built on both sides for the transfer to take place.

Community Chatting There are many types of way to communicate in the world of NosTale. First, Press the Enter Key for the chat box to appear. Below are some ways to communicate and the shortcut for it. • • • • •

General- Whisper- / Party Chat - ; Family Chat- : Time-Space Chat- !

Using the Note system Note system is a great way to chat. Both users do not have to be online at the same time and one can leave a message for another when he/she is online. This guide tells you how to use the note system. Guide by MAtmanSP [GUIDE] How to use the NOTE system.

Family A Family is a group of people grouped together. It is similar to guild. To make a Family, there are some requirements: • • • •

3 characters Changed Classes and Completed Act 1-1. Requires 200,000 gold to register. Must be in a party. (Who is the party leader isn’t important.)

When these conditions are met, the person who wants to be the head of the family will have to speak to Mimi Mentor and create the family. The other 2 of the party members will become the deputy. Advantages of having a family: •

Able to make more friends.

• •

Able to join Land of Death. Able to receive Rainbow Crystal Effect when the family wins a Rainbow Crystal Battle.

Currently, most of the functions for family is bugged and unable to be used. But the functions that can work are: %Invite This function invite a character that is without a family. The person must not have been in other family in the last 24 hours. The Character can only be invited when he/she is online in the same channel. Only the Family Head and Family Deputy are able to use this function. %Dismiss This function dismiss a character that is in the family. The person that has been dismissed, cannot join another family in the next 24 hours. The character can be dismissed when offline Only the Family Head and Family deputy are able to use this function. %Leave This function makes you leave your current family. Once you left your current family, you may not join another family in the next 24 hours. Only Family members and deputy may use this function. %Notice This function pops up a message box on all online members of the family. The Message is saved and viewable from the family page. The Notice is also shown on the family member's screen every time he/she logs in. %Inheritance Transfers Family Head status to a Deputy. The Deputy will become the new head of the family. That Deputy must be online for the transfer to work. Once the new Head of the Family is transfered. The old head of the family becomes a Deputy.

Party Party is one of the best ways to train. You will gain extra exp when training in a party. To form a party, just click on the person whom you want to party with and click the party option next to his portrait. Once the person has accepted your request to party, the person’s portrait will show up on the left hand side of the screen.

A party can have up to 3 members only. To leave a party, click the triangle for a “drop list” and click leave party.

Party Experience You recieve bonus exp when in party. 2 person party: 112% combat exp, 130% job exp 3 person party: 130% combat exp, 150% job exp

Loot by order As the name suggest, this setting affects loot. It is the default mode that is set when a party is created. In this mode, all items dropped will be equally shared between the party and other party members may not take the item when piority is not given to them. The piority given will show up in the chat log for every item dropped. Loot sharing This setting affects loot as well. In this mode, the items dropped are not given piority to any party members. All party members can go for the loot at the same time and the loot will belong to the person who pick it up first. The piority given will show up in the chat log for every item dropped, but in this case, all the piority given is: all Party Members

Trading Trading is an important part of the game, since it’s a interactive game and trading is part of interaction. Trading is different is for different games, and here is how to trade

function in NosTale works: First, click on the person whom you want to trade with and click the trade option next to his portrait. If you requested for the trade, this message will appear:

If you are requested for the trade, this message will appear:

The trade screen will appear when you press “Confirm”. First, put in the items and gold that you want to trade:

Then press the little box next to the gold. This locks your trade, so you cannot change anything you offer anymore. (*Note: Pressing that little box shows your offer to the other party. If you do not press it, the other party will not see what you offer.)

The other party offers.

When you are happy with the offer from the other party, click on the confirm button to confirm this trade.

When the other party also presses the Confirm button, the trade is completed and this message will appear:

Events There are events in Nostale that happen on a hourly or daily basis. Below are some listed events and their discription.

Rainbow Crystal Battle Rainbow Crystal Battle is basically a game of PvP. More information explained in this post. (*NOTE: You do not get 10k SP for walkover win. In this case, the seal will not get used up.) Posted by SwordFish

Rainbow Crystal event!

Land Of Death Land Of Death is a training ground for family members. it is a place recommended for level 50+. You may also obtain some rare items in this place. Monsters in Land of death include: Reborn Devil, Skull Drake, Fire Drake, Dark Lander, Death Knight, Dark Horn. Prepare yourself with mainly fire and dark resist (>100%) and you have a lower chance of dying. Lod Timings by Moja Land of Death Timer

Instant Combat Instant Combat is a pay to enter, mass kill event. Up to 50 players can join an instant combat session and the aim is to survive all 5 waves for monster spawns and kill the boss monsters that spawn in the last wave. Facts about Instant Combat: • • • •

Items will spawn around 1min after each wave You cannot revive in Instant Combat Instant Combat has 2 category, level 1~50 and 51~99. You will receive gold, reputation and dignity as rewards only if you defeat all the monsters, not just surviving.

A small info showing the times for Instant Combat, the monsters and the items. Info from SilentAerrow Instant combat and Ice breaker time

Ice Breaker Ice Breaker is another pay to enter event. The aim of event is have 1 team in domination. In an event which there is only 2 person around, you only have to defeat your opponent once to win. Facts about Ice Breaker: • • • • • • •

Aka Freeze tag When you are killed for the first time, you are frozen kill somebody twice and he/she will be out of the event There are a few category in Ice breaker The person who killed you cannot unfreeze you You are in the party of the person who unfreeze you; it will not show as a party, but you cannot hurt each other. Winning the event gives you gold, reputation and dignity as rewards

Others Shortcut keys Function keys F1: select Player F2: select Partner F3: select Pet F4: selects Player, Partner and Pet F5: selects all controllable units F12: opens the in-game guide 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0,q,w,e,r,t: Quick Slot Tab: Changing between Quick Slot

Character shortcuts u, o: opens “Act” tab p: opens Character Page k: opens skill info screen l: opens mini-land screen n: opens buddy list m: opens world map c: sit down x, `: pick up / operate levers g: changing SP form v: change the view of names under a character z: alt weapon fire SpaceBar: Selects Target / Attacks target

NosMate shortcuts a: attack s: stop

d: follow f: force move

Mouse keys Left Click: Selects target / Attack target / Move RIght Click: - Hold and drag to change camera view - double click for default camera view Mouse Wheel up: Zoom out Mouse Wheel down: Zoom in

Credits: Team of Envy, for providing details of the guide (In alphabetical order) Barrum, for Guide on Playing Mini games Beran, for reposting Map of Nostale, tips for getting jajamaru card Blazed, for Pajama SP card guide Cuore, for Archer guide Currycrab, for NosMate FAQ FirstBoss, for Namaju Raid Guide Gryz, for common raid tips ICER Nostale fan site, for varies information and pictures of items Macius, for Blade skills Screenshots MAtmanSP, for Note system Guide Misako, for screenshot of Pajama, jajamaru, Ranger and Assassin SP card Moja, for Lvl 46 SP card TS guide, Snowman Raid Guide, Location of Monsters guide, and Elements section. Nelson, for being a trading partner and warrior skills screenshots Nightning, for Warrior Guide, Assassin Guide Nishin, for Blade Skill Guide NosTale TW, pictures of items and other misc information NosTale UK, in-game guide and Providing pictures of varies things. Raniie, for DC raid guide, Info on command: %Inheritance RF_WDA, for guide on Mini games Scape32xz, for Swordsman Guide Sinned, for screenshots of assassin skills Skippeh, for guide to equipment rarity starrcloud, for guide on TS sunofabeach, for spotting some minor errors in guide SwordFish, for Rainbow Crystal Battle information Thomasuen, for screenshots of Jajamaru SP card Tiko, for screenshot of Blade SP card WafflePie, for Lvl 36 SP card TS guide, and Pros and Cons for choosing classes WhiteZombie, for making the guides with nightning Wikipedia JP, for elements and misc information Wyvern, for skill guide of Jajamaru SP card Yumichuu, for Original Map of Nostale Zoanthia, for Chicken raid guide, Mother cuby raid guide, Main Quest FAQ, and comments on Alpha version of the guide.

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And if you wish to report any errors and mistakes that you find in the guide, you may also send a email to [email protected] .

This guide doesn’t not ensure that the contents are 100% correct and the guide only covers content in the game up to 14/04/08. Any changes in the game after this date that will cause any part of the guide to be incorrected shall not be corrected.

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