Complete Janitorial Sop
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CBJTC Facilities Engineering Division
2009 - 2010 SCHEDULED CUSTODIAL MAINTENANCE Building Descriptions Facility Manager Contact Information Budget Allocations Square Footage Maintained Maintenance Checklist Chemicals Applied; Percentages Days and Times Accomplished Estimated Routine Cleaning Times Prepared by George Bailey Bailey,, Custodial Supervisor, FED, Reviewed September 15, 2009
Preface: Facilities Engineering Division (FED) Custodial Section Effectiveness
Building Assignments: # 5773 Ammo Supply Office # 5774 Ammo Supply Annex # 2001 & 2004 RTI Classrooms # 3040 CBJTC Museum (1 st Floor) # 3100 Post Chapel # 3562 Physical Fitness Center # 5448 Waste Water Treatment Plant # 2003 Dining Hall Facility # 2055 FED Vehicle Maintenance Shop # Item Removed Due to Restructuring #2530 Telephone Office # 2532 Computer Repair Center # 4540 Environmental – Range Control # 4558 Forestry Office & Break room # 4398 WMD/CST Ready Building # 3026 CBJTC Welcome Center/Provost Marshall # 4574 MILES Warehouse & Electronics Lab # 2067 FED/RMD Headquarter Headquarterss Building # 2081 New State Warehouse # 2060 FED Sign In Office/B Office/Break reak room # 2082 Carpentry/U Carpentry/Utilities tilities Shop # 2240 Troop Medical Clinic (TMC) # 2239 Fire Station, Rm 120 FLARNG Visitor Quarters # 2000 RTI Headquarters # 2034 RTI Distance Learning Center # 2243 Medical Exam # 3150 Regional Tra Training ining Site Maintenance # 3408 RTI Educational Building # 3406 RTI Student Dormitory # 1105 State Employee Lakeside Latrine Equipment/Vehicle Maintenance Taskings Our Responsibility to The Environment Addendums # 2520 Telephone Office Warehouse # 3006 Post Exchange Latrine # 3400 RTI Administration Building Work Order Numbers Per Month Work Sheet Document Construction In Progress
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 37 38 31 39
FACILITIES ENGINEERING DIVISION (FED) CUSTODIAL CUSTO DIAL SECTION EFFECTIVENESS By George Bailey, Section Supervisor The cleaning aspect of the Custodial section is the most essential tasking, but it is but one aspect of its total responsibility. FED departments include Warehouse, Building Maintenance, Utilities, Grounds Maintenance and Vehicle Maintenance. The Custodial section includes each of these areas in their own particular way. way. It is easily understood as to why prior to 2005 the Custodial section was integrated into the whole part of the FED structure. Warehouse 25% The Custodial Section is required to maintain inventory inventory current to ensure no work stoppage, must keep record copies of product ordered and maintain current MSDS on each product used. Additionally, it must maintain Environmental Environmental Compliance in the storage of products and equipment; and, it must contain product knowledge as in part manuals and records made on each piece of equipment. Building Maintenance 35% The Structural, Protective Coatings, Plumbing, HVAC and Electrical sections directly affect the Custodial Section in that: 1) Construction material is critical to a Custodian’ Custodian’ss knowledge of manufacture. manufacture. Improper usage of cleaning products will result in damage to the facility. Chemicals may react negatively to different types of surfaces. 2) Light maintenance performed to buildings by Custodians such as replacing light bulbs when cleaning lens, adjusting plumbing fixtures to prevent water waste and/or damage to structure structures, s, or changing filters to vents when necessary. Utilities 25% The conditions of air, water, and surface contaminates are a primary concern to the Custodial Section. Knowledge is required in the use of handling high pH chemicals that may be hazardous to health and environment. The Utilities section of CBJTC has the proper facility capable of handling preventative preventative maintenance of the Custodial equipment, due to corrosive chemicals must be cared for in a manner contingent to EPA Regulations. However, due to the ever-changing work environment this cannot be a reality at this time. Environmental Environmen tal Compliance is updated frequently to ensure adherence to guidelines is met. The Utilities section would be an important proponent in this task. Meanwhile, the Custodial section must ensure compliance in any way possible. Grounds Maintenance 10% The Grounds section provides supplemental labor by means of DOC inmates from a local work camp. It also provides tools to accomplish duties that are closely related with Custodial maintenance. Custodians utilize gasoline-powered equipment to accomplish exterior tasks. Vehicle Maintenance 5% The Vehicle Maintenance section provides transportation of personnel and equipment. The Custodial section completes tasks to ensure vehicles are operated safely and maintained at proper levels, and the required documents are completed monthly.
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Building # 5773 Ammo Supply Office Facility Manager: Manager: CSM Dean Brown, ext. 3529 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by PCS Area Cleaned: 1,500 FT2 Facility # 12A01-05773 Ammo Issue 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Pro Proce cedu dure ress Remove trash interior & exterior; replace liners. Remove recycling paper product. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax vinyl vinyl flooring when needed. Burnish flooring each visit. Vacuum carpeted areas. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets Sinks. Floors. Mirrors. • • • •
Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. . •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Finish/Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner When notified notifi ed by Facility Manager
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
1.5 hours
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Building # 5774 Ammo Supply Annex Office Facility Manager: Manager: CSM Dean Brown, ext. 3529 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by PCS Area Cleaned: 100 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-05774 Ammo Residue Storage 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Pro Proce cedu dure ress Remove trash inside restroom and office. Replace liners. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilet Sink. • •
Mirror. Burnish flooring in office as needed to remove scuffs. Strip and wax flooring only as needed. Clean off entranceway to office only. only. Broom or forced air. •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building Buildin g:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Finish/Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner When notified notifi ed by Facility Facilit y Manager.
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
0.5 hour
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Building #2001 & 2004 RTI Classrooms Facility Manager: MSG T Tim im Hess, ext. 350 3509 9 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 6,034/6,693 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02001/12A01-02004 12A01-02001/12A01-02004 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash from interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. a pplicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring, treat as necessary. necessary. Strip and wax hallways as needed. Burnish them each visit. •
Some classrooms may be stripped and treated with wax at the request of facility manager. manager. Burnish classrooms that are treated with wax to maintain optimum gloss appearance. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, sills, and air vents, and light lens. •
Sweep vacuumrestroom/replace carpeted mats, clean colored interior mats at entrances. Clean &orsanitize product as needed. Toilets Urinals. Sinks. Floors. Mirrors. • Upper side wall windows. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. • • • • •
Note: When classes are in session, only clean restrooms and sweep hallways. 2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building(s): Buildin g(s):
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Finish, Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Alternate Alterna te work Mondays, Mondays , if neede needed d
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
4 hours per build building ing
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Building #3040 CBJTC MUSEUM (1st Floor) Facilities Manager: Greg Parsons, ext. 3196 Budget Allocation: State/Product State/Product provided by PCS Area Cleaned: 300 ft2 PRIDE # 12A01-03040 Museum
1. Maintenance Procedures: Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets Urinals Sinks. Floors. Mirrors. • Remove trash, replace liners. • • • •
Bleach exterior as algae buildup occurs. 2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Fixtures:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time: 0.5 hour
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Building # 3100 Post Chapel Facilities Manager: Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by Armory Area Cleaned: 3,764 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-03100 Post Chapel 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash interior: replace liners. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip, wax, and burnish as needed. NOTE: Left and right wings can only be retreated and polished safely. safely. Remove cobwebs. Vacuum carpeted areas. Clean & dust interior surfaces and fixtures as needed. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. • • •
Toilets Sinks. Floors.
Mirrors. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Bleach exterior siding, surfaces, sidewalks, and steps of algae as needed. Bleach interior surfaces as needed of algae/mold as needed. Pressure washing is discouraged due to the exterior of building condition. 2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: •
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Inte Interi rio or & Ex Exte terrior ior Wa Walls: ls: Glass/Mirrors: Dusting:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Floor Buff 5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Wat Water er 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner RTU 100% Lemon Pledge Aerosol/Wipes, Murphy Oil Spray
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
As directe directed d by FED Superintende Superin tendent nt
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time: 2 hours
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Building #3562 Physical Fitness Center Facilities Manager: Sgt Ret. Dwayne Pugh, ext. 3067 Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 3,815 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-03562 Physical Fitness Ctr 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove trash product interior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax flooring as needed. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum Vacu um carpeted floors & mats. Flooring in weight room is to be accomplished by weight room personnel until we get a HEPA floor vacuum that will safely remove dust from area. Clean & sanitize restrooms & shower, replace product as needed. Toilets Urinals Sinks. Tiled Walls Floors. Shower rooms. • • • • • •
Clean smudges off of white surfaces. Clean glass. Mirrors. •
Entrance Doors. Side windows. Clean off entrancew entranceways. ays. Broom or forced air. • •
Pressure wash exterior exterior of building as needed of insect buildup. Clean exterior mats. Wipe dust off of exercise equipment and fans as needed. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
Restrooms: Floors: Routine C Clleaning: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot Cleaning walls: Surfaces other than floors:
3. Day in Building:
1 00% 4 n 1 CleWater anser oor r 1Comet 00% ZyCrème me AttaCleanser ck or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% 5.25% Bl Bleach/94.5% W Wa ater 100% Z Ze ep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Finish/Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser Disinfectant provided by facility. Once per month as time permits
4. Estimated Routine Cleaning Time:
4 hours
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Building Buildi ng #5448 WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT Facility Manager: Kyle Schumacher, Schumacher, ext. 3296 Product provided by FED State Warehouse Budget Allocation: Training Site Area Cleaned: 2,030 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-05448 Lab/Office 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove trash product interior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax as needed. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. •
Vacuum or Sweep interior webs.
Pressure wash exterior of building of insect nest build up. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms & shower, replace product as needed. Toilets. Sinks. Floors. •
• • •
Clean glass.
Shower room.
Mirrors. Doors. Side windows. Clean off entrancew entranceways. ays. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. • • •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
Restrooms: Restroom s:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Wate Waterr or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin Routine e Cleaning: Cleaning:5.25% Wate Waterr Wax Treatments: reatment s: 5.25% 100% Bleach/94.5% Zep Wax Stripping: Cinch No Rinse Stripper Burnishing: 100% Floor Science Finish, Spray Buff Spot Cleaning walls: 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser Glass/Mirrors: 50% Water, 50% Window Cleaner
3. Day in Building: Twice monthly as time permits. 4. Estimated Routine Cleaning Time: 3 hours
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Building #2003 DINING HALL FACILITY Facility Manager: Jeanette Perry Product provided by: Consolidated Dining Facility Budget Allocation: None – Contract (Civilian) Area Cleaned: 8500ft2 PRIDE # 12A01-02003 Mess Hall, RTI
1. Main Maintenan tenance ce Proced Procedures ures : DINING AREA: Remove trash product interior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Remove cobwebs. Vacuum or sweep interior and entranceways. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms, replace product as needed. Toilets. Sinks. Floors. Mirrors. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Note: for cobweb & light lens cleaning in the dining area, a personal high lift is necessary to be obtained. • • • •
Sunbelt Rentals is the usual vendor. KITCHEN/DISHROOM/STORAGE AREAS Sweep and damp mop flooring. Wipe down surface and light lens that are not overhead of food preparation areas. EXTERIOR Bleach once per quarter/Pressure wash building as needed to keep algae buildup.
2. Chemicals to be applied : Restrooms: 5% Pine Oil Cleaner/95% Water Floors: 5% “Blue” Floor Cleaner/95% Water Routine Cleaning:100% 409 Cleaner/Degreaser, 100% Sysco Kitchen Cleaner Glass/Mirrors: 100% Ammoniated Window Cleaner
3. Day in Building : Inclement weather when inmates cannot work outside, outs ide, or when more inmates are present than non-DC Supervisors are available.
4. Estimated Routine Cleaning TTime: ime: Time is limited to non-serving hours. 0830-1030 hrs & 1300-1500 hrs M-F
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Building #2055 FED VEHICLE MAINTENANCE SHOP Facility Manager: Steve Brown, ext. 3461 Budget Allocation: State/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 5,856 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02055 State Maintenance Shop 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Remove Recyclables Recyclabl es are described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring, Wax the clay tile at the request of Facility Manager. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, window sills, surfaces (limited). (limited). Vacuum carpeted mats. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilet. Urinal. • • • •
• • • • •
Shower Sink. Floor.
Clean glass. Entrance. Offices. Mirrors. Doors where applicable. Clean off entrancew entranceways. ays. Broom or forced air. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility • • • •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
Restrooms: Restroom s: Floors:
Doors: Glass/Mirrors:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser. Routine Cleaning:5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water. Wax Treatments reatments:: 100% Zep Wax Intense Cleaning: 50% Water Water,, 50% Bleach Stripping: None 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner
3. Day in Building:
4. Estimated Routine Cleaning Time: 2.5 2 .5 hours
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Building # Facilities Manager: Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by e Area Cleaned: FT2 PRIDE #
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Building #2530 TELEPHONE OFFICE Facilities Manager: Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided Area Cleaned: 1,248 FT2 by FED State Warehouse PRIDE # 12A01-02530 Telephone Telephone Building 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described as: Recyclables Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax as needed. Burnish flooring as needed. Remove cobwebs interior. Vacuum carpeted areas. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. • • • •
• • •
Toilets, Urinal. Sinks. Floors.
Clean glass. Mirrors. Clean off entrancew entranceways. ays. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
Restrooms: Restroom s:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser. 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner
Glass: Floors: Routine C Clleaning: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing:
3. Day in Building Buil ding::
5.25% Bl Bleach/94.5% W Wa ater 100% Zep Wax, 100% Zep Sealant Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Finish, Spray Buff Tuesd uesday ay
4. Estimated Routine Cleaning TTime: ime: 1 hour
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Building #2532 Computer Rep Center Facilities Manager: Chris Harding Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 960 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02532 Computer Repair Center 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove trash. Replace liners where applicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Remove cobwebs interior. Vacuum carpeted areas. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilet. Sink. Floor. Clean glass. • • •
Mirror. Clean off entranceway. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mat. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Routine Cleaning:5.25% 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Wate Waterr Glass/Mirrors: 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner
3. Day in Building: Tenant (J6) Temporarily emporaril y occupying 2034. See Page 28 4. Estimated Routine Cleaning TTime: ime: 1 hour
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Building #4540 ENVIRONMENTAL – RANGE CONTROL Facility Managers: Barbara Golden, ext. 3140/Michelle Thurmin, ext. 3546 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by Building #4574 Area Cleaned: 4,684 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-04540 LAND MANAGEMENT 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described as: Recyclables Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. FED Custodial crew can strip and wax in small areas if time permits or as designated by FED Work Order Burnish each visit. Soldiers are to strip and wax white flooring at night as time permits. Remove cobwebs interior. Dust/Clean blinds, window sills, light lens, vents, furniture and other surfaces. Vacuum carpeted mats, and other carpeted areas. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilets. • • • •
• • • •
Urinals. Showers. Sinks. Floors.
Clean glass. Entrances and side windows when applicable. Offices and doorways. Display cases. Mirrors. Clean off entrancew entranceways. ays. Broom or forced air. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. Clean out ashtrays near entrances. • • • •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
Restrooms: Restroom s:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Wate Waterr or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Routine Cleaning:5.25% 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Wate Waterr Wax Treatments: reatments: 100% Zep Wax, Wax, 100% Zep Se Sealant alant Stripping: Ramsey Breakaway Stripper Burnishing: Floor Science Spray Buff Interior Inte rior & Exterior Exterior Wa Walls: lls: 5.25% Bl Bleach each/94.5% /94.5% Water Water Glass/Mirrors: 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Spot Cleaning Wall Surfaces Surfaces:: 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, Cleanser, Citrus Degreaser, 25%
3. Day in Building:
4. Estimated Routine Cleaning Time: 4 hours
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Building #4558 Forestry Office & Break room Facilities Manager: Barbara Golden, ext. 3140 Budget Allocation: Training TrainingArea Site/Product Cleaned: provided 320 FT2 by FED State Warehouse PRIDE # 12A01-04558 Land Management Storage Building 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove interior office trash. Replace liners. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Wipe down kitchen sink area and tabletop. Dishes are the responsibility of tenants. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilet. Sink. Floor. Shower. Mirror. • • • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restroom:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Once per month as time permits permit s
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
1 hour
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Building # 4398 WMD/CST Facility Manager: SFC T Todd odd Reek, ext. 2422 2422 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 11,080 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-04398 READY BUILDING 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Soldiers are to t o strip and wax vinyl flooring as time permits. FED Custodial crew can strip and wax if time permits but burnishes each visit. Remove cobwebs interior. Dust/Clean blinds, window sills, light lens, vents, furniture and other surfaces. Vacuum carpeted mats, and other carpeted areas. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilets. • • • •
• • • • •
Urinals. Showers. Sinks. Floors.
Clean glass. Entrances and side windows when applicable. Offices and doorways. Mirrors. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25%
Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser. 5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Finish, Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, Citrus Degreaser, 25%
Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot cleaning Walls:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
4 hours
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Building #3026 CBJTC WELCOME CENTER Facility Manager: Manager: Debbie Chism, ext. 3566 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 2,470 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-03026 Provost Marshall & Welcome Center 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax as needed. Clay tile is not to be treated with wax. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. • • • •
Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Sinks. Floors. Clean glass. Mirrors. Doors. Side windows. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. • • •
• • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot cleaning Walls:
3. Day in Building Buildin g:
5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water 100% Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, Citrus Degreaser, 25% Wednesday
Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time: 4. Estimat
3 hours
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Building Buildin g #4574 MILES W Warehouse arehouse & Electroni Electronics cs Lab Facilit y Manager: Facility Manage r: Becky Tew Tew,, ext. 3044 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by Armory Area Cleaned: 20,000 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-04574 MILES Warehouse Warehouse 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Pro Proce cedu dure ress Remove trash, replace liners. Remove recyclable materials. Recyclables are described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Building personnel strip and wax flooring as needed when time permits. FED Custodial crew burnishes each visit. FED Custodial crew can strip and wax small areas as time permits. Vacuum carpeted mats. Clean exterior mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms & shower; replace product as needed. Toilets • • • •
Sinks. Floors. Mirrors. • Shower room. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean out cigarette containers when applicable. • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Trrin ega:tments: SWtarixppT Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot Cleaning Wall Surfaces:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 10in0c%h Gl GNlo osRs in Pr Prsoe 1 1, ZipeppeWa W C S,trZe r ax 100% Floor Science Finish, Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, Cleanser, 25% Citrus Degreaser Thursday Thursda y
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
3 hours
Table of Contents
Building #2067 FED / RMD Headquarters Building Facilities Manager: Richard Avery Avery,, ext. 3455 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 4,922 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02067 Admin 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax vinyl flooring when needed and as time permits. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Urinal. • • • •
• • • •
Sinks. Floors.
Clean glass. Mirrors. Doors. Side windows. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Pressure wash exterior of building as needed. • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms: Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot Cleaning Wall Surfaces:
3. Day in Building:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or or 100% Comet Crème Cleanser. 5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, Cleanser, 25% Citrus Degreaser Friday
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
3.5 hours
Table of Contents
Buildin Buil ding g # 2081 STA STATE WAREH AREHOUSE OUSE Facility Manager: Linda Lewis, Wa Warehouse rehouse Manager Ext.3527 Budget Allocation: State/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: 1200ft2 PRIDE # 12A01-02081 1. Main Mainten tenan ance ce Proc Procedu edure res: s: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop office vinyl flooring. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. Broom or vacuum interior webs, pressure wash exterior webs. Dust/Clean air vents, and other exposed surfaces as needed. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilet. • • • •
Floor. Clean glass. Mirrors. Entranceway Doors, Windows, Int/Ext Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Sweep warehouse flooring. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. • • •
2. Chemi Chemica cals ls to be be a appl pplie ied: d: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: ega:tments: SWtarixpT prin Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building: Buildi ng:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 10in0c%hZNeop RWinasxe Stripper C 100% Floor Science Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Friday
4. Estima Estimated ted Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time: 1.5 hours
Table of Contents
Building #2060 Sign In Office Facility Manager: Richard Avery Avery,, ext. 3455 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse 2
Area Cleaned: 2,665 FT Break Room PRIDE # 12A01-02060 Forestry/DEH ( 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash from interior and exterior of building. Replace liners as necessary. necessary. Sweep and damp mop hard flooring. Treat as necessary. necessary. Burnish as needed. Clean kitchen area, wipe out appliances. Clean and sanitize restroom. Replace product as necessary. Clean off entranceway. entranceway. Broom or forced air. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Broom cobwebs overhead interior/exterior. interior/exterior. Ensure janitorial products are updated. •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: 3. Day in Building Buildin g:
5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water 100% 4 in 1 Disinfectant Cleaner 100% Zep Wax, 100% ZEP Sealant Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Friday
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
0.5 hour
Table of Contents
Building ##2082 Carpentry/Utilities Shop Facility Manager: Dennis Strieb Strieb Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse 2
Area Cleaned: 4,824Shop FT PRIDE # 12A01-02082 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash from interior and exterior of building. Replace liners as necessary. necessary. Sweep restroom and area between shops. Wet mop or hose restroom allow water to drain. Clean and sanitize restroom. Replace product as necessary. Clean off entranceway. entranceway. Broom or forced air. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restroom: .
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
3. Day in Building Buildin g:
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
0.5 hour
Table of Contents
Building #2240Facility TroopManager: Medical Clinic (TMC) Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by PCS Area Cleaned: 4,190 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02240 Troop Troop Medical Clinic 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Sweep & mop tiled floors. Strip and wax vinyl flooring as needed and as time permits. Burnish each visit. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Sinks Urinals Toilets Showers • • • •
Mirrors Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean window glass and sills. Clean air vents & light lens as needed. Dust and clean surfaces in ward, front office, and reception area. •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot Cleaning walls:
3. Day In Building: Buildi ng:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, 25% Citrus Degreaser Once per month as time permits permit s
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
4 hours
Table of Contents
Building #2239 Fire Station, Rm 120 FLARNG Quarters Facilities Manager: Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by Building # 2240 TMC Area Cleaned: 1,500 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02239 First Rescue Station This facility is a small dormitory to house FLARNG guests. 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Sweep, damp mop all tiled flooring. Dust/Clean window blinds, clean window sills as needed. Wipe down kitchen counters, clean kitchen sink. Clean sitting room, straighten as needed. Clean air vents of dust accumulated. Dust/Clean light lens as needed. Vacuum mats, and any carpeted area. Clean & sanitize restroom/replace product as needed. Toilet. Sink. Floor. Mirror. Clean off entranceway. entranceway. Broom or forced air. Pressure wash exterior of building when time permits. • • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser.
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Time In Building: Buildi ng:
5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water 50% Water/50 Water/50% % Window Cleaner As directe directed d by FED Superintenden Superin tendentt
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
1.5 hours
Table of Contents
Building #2000 RTI Headquarters Facilities Manager: MSG Tim Tim Hess, ext. 3509 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product Area Cleaned: 4,293 FT2provided by PCS PRIDE # 12A01-02000 Regional Tng Institute 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring, treat as necessary. necessary. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean surfaces as needed. Dust/Clean light lens as needed. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Urinal. Sinks. Floors. • Mirrors. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. • • • •
• • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms: . Glass: Floors:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water or Comet Crème Cleanser. 50% Wa Water/50% ter/50% Window Cleaner
Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Ramsey Breakaway Stripper 100% Floor Science Spray Buff Work Suspen Suspended: ded: Tenant Moved to 3400
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
3 hours
Table of Contents
Building #2034 Distance Distanc e Learnin Learning g Center (J6) Facilities Manager: Facility Manager: Manager: MSG Tim Tim Hess, ext. 3509 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by PCS Area Cleaned: 2,815 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02034 Distant Learning Center 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash. Replace liners where applicable. Remove aluminum can recyclables from the exterior of building. Sweep & mop m op hard flooring. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean surfaces as needed. Dust/Clean light lens as needed. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Sinks. Floors. • Mirrors. Clean glass at the computer stations and learning lab stations. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms: Glass: Floors: Ro Routin utine e Cle Cleani aning: ng: Carp Carpete eted d Flo Floor ors: s:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water Water or Comet Crème Cleanser. 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner 5.25% 5.25% Bleac Bleach/94 h/94.5% .5% Wate Waterr Pre-s re-spr pray ay Car Carpe pett Clea Cleaner ner
3. Day in Building: Buildin g: Tuesday, Tuesday, Occupied by J6 formerly Bu Building ilding # 2532 4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
1 hour
Table of Contents
Building #2243 Medical Exam Facility Manager: TBD Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by PCS Area Cleaned: 3,628 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02243 Medical Exam Facility 1.
Ma Main inte tena nanc nce e Pro Proce cedu dure res: s:
Remove Remov e trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described as: Recyclables Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax hallway and front reception area only as needed. Burnish each visit. Intense cleaning of exam room floors: as needed when black marks appear. There will be no wax on exam rooms. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Sinks. • • • •
• • •
Clean glass.
Mirrors. Doors. Side windows. Clean off entrancew entranceways. ays. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. Pressure wash exterior of building as needed of insect nest build up. • • •
Ch Chem emic ical alss to be appl applie ied: d:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5 Bleach/94.5% % Water Water,, or 100% Comet Cleanser.
Routine Cleaning: Routine Cleaning:5.25% 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Wate Waterr Wax Treatments: reatments: 100% Zep Wax, Wax, ZEP Sealant Stripping: Cinch No Rinse Stripper Burnishing: 100% Floor Science Spray Buff Exam Room Floors: 100% Comet Cleanser Glass/Mirrors: 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Spot Cleaning walls: 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, 25% Citrus Degreaser 3. Day in Building: As directed by FED Superintend Superintendent. ent.
4. Estimated Routine Cleaning Time: 4 hours
Table of Contents
Building #3150 Regional Training Site Maintenance Facility Manager: MSG Randall Hill, Ext. 3478 Budget Allocation: State, GSA/Product provided by: USP&FO 2
Area Cleaned: 22,110 FT PRIDE # 12A01-03150 RTS-M 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax vinyl flooring when directed by work order request. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean air vents, and other exposed surfaces as needed. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Urinals. Sinks. Floors. Clean glass. Mirrors. Entranceway Doors. • Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. • • • •
• • • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/9 4.5% Water Bleach/94.5% Water,, or100% Comet Cleanser Cleanser..
Floors: Routin utine e Clea Cleani ning ng:: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building: Buildin g:
5.25% .25% Blea Bleach ch/ /94 94.5 .5% % Water ater 100% Zep Wax Ramsey Breakaway Stripper Floor Science Finish, Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Per work order reques request. t.
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
4 hours
Table of Contents
Buildings #3400/3408 RTI New Facilit Facilities ies Facilities Manager: Manager: Paul David ext. 3579 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by RTI Area Cleaned: PRIDE # 12A01-03408 Check in with Facilities Manager before starting duties. 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as time permits. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats, as time permits. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. • • • •
• • •
Urinals. Sinks. Floors.
Clean glass. Mirrors. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
as provided by facility
Floors: Routine Cleaning: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors: Spot Cleaning Wall Surfaces:
3. Day in Building:
as provided by facility none at this present time none at this present time none at this present time as provided by facility as provided by facility Thursday, Thursday, PM.
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
4 hours
Table of Contents
Building #3406 Student Dormitory Facilities Manager: Paul David, ext. 3579 Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by RTI Area Cleaned: PRIDE # 12A01-03406 Check in with Facilities Manager before starting duties. 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash & recyclable product interior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep stairwells Sweep & mop hard flooring. Burnish each visit. No wax treatments allowed in laundry areas. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean blinds, air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. Vacuum carpeted elevator floor & mats associated with building. Wipe down elevator and water fountains with stainless steel cleaner cleaner.. • • • •
Clean glass.
Mirrors. Lobby interior/exterior Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. • •
2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms: Floors: Routine Cleaning: Wax Treatments: Stripping: Burnishing:
As pr provided by ffa acility As provided by facility As provided by facility As provided by facility
Glass/Mirrors: Spot Cleaning Wall Surfaces:
As provided by facility As provided by facility
3. Day in Building Buildin g:
Not accomplished at this building
Per request. reques t.
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
Table of Contents
Building #1127 STATE EMPLOYEE LAKESIDE LATRINE Facility Manager: Richard Avery Avery,, ext. 3455 Product provided by FED State Warehouse Budget Allocation: Training Site Area Cleaned: FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-01127 State Employee Latrine 1. Maint Mainten enan ance ce Proc Proced edur ures es:: Remove trash product interior/exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Remove cobwebs. • Vacuum or Sweep exterior/interior webs. Pressure wash exterior of building of insect nest build b uild up. Dust/Clean air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. necessary. Clean & sanitize restrooms & showers, replace re place products as needed. Toilets. Sinks. Floors. Shower rooms. • Tiled Walls Clean glass. Mirrors. •
• • •
Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Bleach concrete as needed. • •
Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. 2. Chem Chemic ical alss to be appl applied ied:: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water.
Floors: outin ut Cleani ning ng:: CleaningRw aline ls:e Clea Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Building Buildin g:
5 .2 Blneach 94.5 ater 1.25% 005% % 4Blea 1 ch/ Cl/e94 an.5% se%r Water 50% Water, 50% Window Cleaner Twice weekly weekly:: Tuesday uesday/Friday /Friday
4. Estimat Estimated ed Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time:
1.5 hours
Table of Contents
EQUIPMENT/VEHICLE MAINTENANCE EQUIPMENT/VEHICLE Vehicle # 3495/Vehicle # 3235 All Custodial Cleaning Equipment Custodial Office & Equipment Storage Areas VEHICLES
1. Mainte Maintenance nance Procedures : a. Sweep out vehicles. b. Wipe down dashboards and personal areas of dust du st and debris. Treat Treat as necessary with protectant. c. Clean windshield of dust and dirt. d. Wash exterior of vehicles. e. Keep equipment and supplies in an orderly fashion within the vehicle. f. Check fluids in engine compartment regularly. regularly. g. Report any abnormalities of vehicle to Shop Maintenance immediately. immediately. 2. Chem Chemic ical alss Appl Applie ied: d: a. 100 % Water b. 50% Degreaser Solution c. 5.25% Bleach d. 100% Window Cleaner EQUIPMENT
3. Mainte Maintenance nance Procedures : a. Wipe down cleaning equipment of dust, dirt, wax build up, etc. b. Make small repairs to equipment when possible as parts become loose or dislodged from their respective places. c. Maintain equipment in optimum cleaningness and serviceability at all times. d. Never use equipment equipme nt in an unapproved mann manner er.. Always use equipment in the manner for which it was designated by the manufacturer manuf acturer.. e. Clean smaller parts with proper chemicals and tools to maintain optimum workability. 4. Chem Chemic ical alss Appl Applie ied: d: a. 100 % Water b. 100% WaxxAway c. 100% Window Cleaner d. 100% Crème Cleanser e. 50% Degreaser Solution f. 5.25% Bleach
5. Estima Estimated ted Cleanin C leaning g Time: a. To To be performed as needed when time permits. b. Hours provided on Work Order designated to FED Host Building # 2067 FED/RMD c. Wash station is provided in front of Building # 2082. Keep chemicals contained in buckets. Any Waste Waste water is to be flushed in Building # 2067 with adequate amounts of water. water. Report gallons of chemical flushed and forwarded to the Utilities supervisor.. Environmental Compliance is to be strictly m supervisor maintained. aintained. Table of Contents
Our Responsibility to the Environment It is of the utmost importance that all who are involved with the environment through air, water, and soils to be like-minded to its protection against hazardous chemicals. che micals. The Facilities Engineering Division Custodial Section at Camp Blanding, Starke, Florida is actively taking steps to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals in their daily tasks. Our Governor, Charles Crist, has set forth a directive that all employees of the State of Florida be mindful of this factor. From the office of the Governor to the tasking of a janitor all of us should follow this leadership if we desire to minimize Florida’s Florida’s Landscape and Waterways of pollution. However, it shouldn’t be only an edict by a government official: it should be a habit that we have formed within our own selves. This supervisor of Custodial Operations at FED Camp Blanding is reaching out for chemical supplies that will do the job at the most efficient manner, plus keep the environment free from the harmful affects of hazardous materials. He is looking for products that are certified by the “Green Seal.” The Green Seal is “an independent non profit organization dedicated to safeguarding the environment and a nd transforming the marketplace by promoting the manufacture, purchase, and use of environmentally responsible products and services.” ( ( The continuing attempt of this venture is the utilization of the same custodial products that the University of Florida uses in their Physical Plant Dep Department. artment. An article in the International Facility Management Association (IFMA ( IFMA)) prompted this supervisor to of Building Building Services at the University of Florida Florida contact Derrick Bacon; assistant director of about whom it was that he obtained his environmentally safe products. Mr. Bacon directed this supervisor to the local manufacturer representative who met with the Custodial Section of FED, and set up an appointment with the vendor who is responsible to sell their products. It turns out that CBJTC at Starke already has an account with the vendor, but it hasn’t been utilized for years. The FED Custodial Section will reactivate the account and begin using these products as funds deem available. It is this section’s top priority to to encourage the rest of Camp Blanding to follow suit. This post has in the past utilized unsafe and hazardous cleaning products produc ts and still has in its possession chemicals that most be handled with extreme e xtreme care due to its effect to environmental concerns. Each of us at Camp Blanding should take steps toward reducing the use of hazardous chemicals, supplies, and equipment in the performance of our daily tasks to act responsibly to our environment, to our State: To To Our Florida. Florida.
Table of Contents
ADDEDUM The following pages are additions to the SOP of recent.
Buildin Buil ding g #2520 T Telep elephone hone Of Offic fice e Warehouse Facilities Manager: Budget Allocation: Training Training Site/Product provided by FED State Warehouse Area Cleaned: FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-02535 1. Main Mainten tenan ance ce Proc Procedu edure res: s: Remove trash & recyclable product interior and exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Recyclables are described described as: Shredded paper. Whole white paper. Cardboard. Metals, Ferrous and aluminum. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Strip and wax vinyl flooring when directed by work order request. Burnish each visit. Remove cobwebs. Dust/Clean air vents, and other exposed surfaces as needed. Vacuum carpeted floors & mats. Clean & sanitize restrooms/replace product as needed. Toilets. Urinals. Sinks. Floors. Clean glass. Mirrors. Entranceway Doors. Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Clean exterior mats. Pressure wash exterior as time permits. • • • •
• • • •
• •
2. Chemi Chemica cals ls to be be a appl pplie ied: d: Restrooms:
100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water, Water, or 100% Comet Cleanser
Floors: Roautin ut Cl eani W x ine TreeaClea tm ening ntng: s: : Stripping: Burnishing: Glass/Mirrors:
3. Day in Buildi Bui lding: ng:
5 .2 Bl ch/ 94.5 .5% % Water ater 1.25% 005% % ZBlea epeach W ax/94 Cinch No Rinse Stripper 100% Floor Science Spray Buff 50% Water/50% Window Cleaner Tuesday ues day
4. Estima Estimated ted Routine Cleaning Cleani ng Time: 2 hours
Table of Contents
Building #3006 POST EXCHANGE LATRINE Facility Manager: George Bailey Bailey,, ext. 3493 Product provided by FED State Warehouse Budget Allocation: Training Site Area Cleaned:300 FT2 PRIDE # 12A01-03006 Post Exchange Latrine 1.
Maintenance Procedures:
Remove trash product interior/exterior of building. Replace liners where applicable. Sweep & mop hard flooring. Remove cobwebs. • Vacuum or Sweep exterior/interior webs. Dust/Clean air vents, and other exposed surfaces as necessary. necessary. Clean & sanitize restrooms, replace products as needed. Toilets. Sinks. Floors. Tiled Walls Clean glass. Mirrors. • • • •
Clean off entranceways. Broom or forced air. Bleach concrete as needed. • •
Pick up debris in the immediate area of the facility. 2.
Chemicals to be applied: Restrooms: 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser or 100% Zyme Attack or 5.25% Bleach/94.5% Water, Water, or 100% Comet Cleanser. Floors: Rout utin ine e Cl Clea eani ning ng:: 5.25 5.25% % Bleac leach/ h/94 94.5 .5% % Water ter Cleaning walls: 100% 4 n 1 Cleanser, 25% Citrus Degreaser Glass/Mirrors: 50% Water, 50% Window Cleaner
Da Dayy in Buil Buildi ding ng::
Twi wice ce week weekly ly:: Tue uesd sday ay/F /Fri rida dayy
Estimated Routine Cleaning Time:
0.5 hours
Table of Contents
___________________________ROUTINE CLEANING ASSIGNMENTS __________________________
A sset Ass et
MONDAY 12A01-03562 12A01-0 3562 Physical Fitness Fitnes s Ctr 12A01-05448 12A01-0 5448 Lab/Offi Lab/Office ce
SOP pg
9 10
TUESDAY 12A01-01127 State Employees Picnic Area Restroom 12A01-03006 Post Exchange Restrooms 12A01-02530 Telephone Telephone Building 12A01-02034 2A01-0203 4 Computer Comput er Rep Center Cen ter 12A01-02535 New Telephone Building
33 38 14 28 37
WEDNESDAY 12A01-04540 LMC 12A01-04558 LMC Forestry Storage Building 12A01-04398 12A01-0 4398 WMD/CST Ready Building Buildin g 12A01-03026 Welcome Center/Provost Office
16 17 18 19
THURSDAY 12A01-04574 MILES Warehouse 12A01-03408 Regional Tng Institute Educational Building31 Building 31 12A01-03400 Regional Tng Institute Admin Building
20 31
FRIDAY 12A01-02055 State Maintenance Shop 12A01-2081 CBJTC DMA Warehouse 12A01-02067 FED/RMD Admin 12A01-02082 Bldg Maintenance Shop Restroom 12A01-02060 FED Breakroom/Offices 12A01-03040 Museum
12 22 21 24 23 7
AS ASSIGNED 12A01-02240 Troop Troop Medical Clinic
12A01-02243 Medical Exam Facility 12A01-02001 RTI Classroom 12A01-02004 RTI Classroom
29 6 6
12A01-03150 Regional Training Training Site Maintenance (RTSM) 12A01-02003 RTI Chow Hall
Table of Contents
30 11
WO #
Cleare Cle ared d
CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS This document is ever-changing to meet the needs of this department. When we first began in 2005, there was absolutely no Custodial Department as it was integrated into the Grounds Maintenance Department. There were no directives, no equipment, and the only supplies that were available were obtained from either the state warehouse or the tenant buildings who were required to maintain on their own. Little to no thought was put into janitorial concerns c oncerns because most of it was performed with inmates and the chemicals used were hazardous at best, causing much damage to that the surfaces they were used to clean, and it was important most chemicals used needed PPE for personal health issues. It was because of this attitude; it was necessary to move into action upon receiving this appointment to attempt to change this mind-set by adopting ideas and procedures proce dures from other agencies that would stream line our operation. These include trying new techniques and incorporating environmental compliant practices with each task we perform. I made this document so that those who follow me may continue this process, so those who we service will deem our department as “World “World Class.” I will be adding the following additions to this document: Hyperlinked MSDS and procedures found to save time in the performance of routine tasks. George Bailey, Custodial Supervisor (SES)
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