Complete Book of Phone Scripts _3
May 28, 2016 | Author: vivekpaik | Category: N/A
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Introduction............................................................................................................ 3 The Six Reasons for Using Scripts: ................................................................................ 5 Practice Perfection ........................................................................................................ 10 Improve On Each Call .................................................................................................. 10 Cold Calling Scripts: Initial Resistance Scripts ................................................................ 11 The Top 3 reflex responses you get when qualifying: .................................................. 11 Reflex Response #1: “I’m not interested” ................................................................... 12 Response #1: ................................................................................................................. 12 Response #2: ................................................................................................................. 13 Response #3: ................................................................................................................. 13 Response #4: ................................................................................................................. 13 Reflex Response #2: “Just send the information”............................................................. 13 Response #1: ................................................................................................................. 14 Response #2: ................................................................................................................. 14 Response #3: ................................................................................................................. 14 Response #4: ................................................................................................................. 14 Reflex Response #3: “We’re already taken care of.” ....................................................... 15 Next in Line Script: ....................................................................................................... 15 How to Handle the Negative Prospect .............................................................................. 16 How to Handle the Price Question: .................................................................................. 19 How to eliminate screening – forever!.............................................................................. 20 Always use Instructional Statements. ........................................................................... 22 Scripts to Deal With Assistants......................................................................................... 23 The Definition of a Qualified Lead ................................................................................... 25 The Six Things that need to be on your Qualifying Checklist:..................................... 25 Breaking It Down:......................................................................................................... 26 1) Buying Motives (Needs and Wants) ......................................................................... 26 Sample Questions to reveal buying motives: ............................................................ 27 2) Why won’t they buy? (Potential Objections) ........................................................... 27 Sample Questions to reveal potential objections: ..................................................... 28 3) Who’s the Decision Maker? ..................................................................................... 28 Sample Questions to find the decision maker: .......................................................... 29 4) What is involved in the decision process? ................................................................ 29 Sample Questions to uncover the decision process: ................................................. 29 5) What is your competition? ........................................................................................ 30 Sample Questions to discover your competition: ..................................................... 30 6) What’s the budget? ................................................................................................... 30 Sample Questions to uncover budget:....................................................................... 31 Identifying and Dealing with Red Flags ........................................................................... 33 The Power of Assumptive Questions ................................................................................ 35 Here are some examples: .............................................................................................. 36 How To Use Layering Questions ...................................................................................... 37 How to Handle Incoming Leads ....................................................................................... 40 How to Handle Voice Mail ............................................................................................... 41 Using Email to your advantage: ........................................................................................ 45 Closing Scripts .................................................................................................................. 46
How to handle the initial resistance .............................................................................. 46 Avoid the biggest mistake 80% of your so called competition is making ........................ 53 Sample Opening #1: ...................................................................................................... 54 Sample Opening #2: ...................................................................................................... 54 Sample Opening #3: ...................................................................................................... 55 Instant Closing Scripts ...................................................................................................... 55 Sample Instant Close Script #1: .................................................................................... 57 Sample Instant Close Script #2: .................................................................................... 57 The Five-Step Method of Handling Objections ................................................................ 58 Step Two: Question and Isolate the Objection B-4 Answering it ................................. 60 Step Three: Answer the Objection (using a scripted response!) .................................. 61 Step Four: Confirm Your Answer: .............................................................................. 61 Step Five: Ask For the Deal! ....................................................................................... 61 The Power of Trial Closes ................................................................................................ 62 Examples of Trial Closes: ............................................................................................. 62 FORTY PROVEN CLOSES TO MAKE YOU SALESPERSON OF THE MONTH ..... 63 "I need to show this to my (partner, boss, etc.)" ........................................................... 65 The Price is Too High ................................................................................................... 67 The Price is Too High—Again! .................................................................................... 69 "I already have a broker or supplier," ........................................................................... 71 'I already have a broker or supplier #2,' ........................................................................ 71 "I want to think about it," .............................................................................................. 72 "I want to think about it #2," ......................................................................................... 73 I Want to Think About It--#3 ........................................................................................ 74 "I want to think about it, #4" ......................................................................................... 75 "I want to talk to my accountant," ................................................................................ 76 "Want to talk to their financial advisor," ...................................................................... 77 Financial or accountant advisor .................................................................................... 78 We Just Don’t Have the Budget Now ........................................................................... 79 "I can't afford it,"........................................................................................................... 81 "I just don't have the money now," ............................................................................... 82 "We don’t have the budget," ......................................................................................... 83 "Price is too high," ........................................................................................................ 83 "Price is too high," ........................................................................................................ 84 "Price is too high - again," ............................................................................................ 86 "Question the objection that your prospect just gave you." .......................................... 86 I Can Get a Better Deal Elsewhere ............................................................................... 88 The Drop Close: ............................................................................................................ 90 "Multiple choice close." ................................................................................................ 91 "Taking the prospect all the way through the close." ................................................... 92
Ben Franklin close ....................................................................................................... 92 "Just going to pass on this now" ................................................................................... 94 "I don't know you, and I don't feel comfortable doing business over the phone"......... 96 "Don't like the lack of control of the investment you are offering" .............................. 96 "Too risky," ................................................................................................................... 98 "It is still too risky," ...................................................................................................... 99 2
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"Don't do business over the phone," ............................................................................. 99 "Too busy now," ......................................................................................................... 100 "I don't like high pressure salespeople, and I feel like you are pushing me into this,"101 "Assumptive close." .................................................................................................... 102 "Close by asking for the order rather than going on." ................................................ 103 "That's a nice feature isn't it," ..................................................................................... 104 "Sitting on the fence," ................................................................................................. 104 "New client account" .................................................................................................. 105 “I can get cheaper," ..................................................................................................... 106 "The Take away,"........................................................................................................ 108 "Take away #2" ........................................................................................................... 109 "Won't commit, and insists on putting you off," ......................................................... 109 "Now time to call them back," .................................................................................... 110 "Assuming the deal" ................................................................................................... 111 The Most Important Script You’ll Ever Use................................................................... 111
Introduction Congratulations on your purchase of “The Complete Book of Phone Scripts. Using carefully worded scripts will separate you from 80% of your competition who are adlibbing their way through their sales presentations and careers. Let’s start with 3
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the first question as to whether or not you should even use scripts. If you think about it, every true professional follows a script or format. For example, take your favorite actor or actress. They don't get in front of the camera or on stage and begin adlibbing their lines. Rather, each line they deliver has been carefully scripted and rehearsed, so that when they deliver those lines we are really moved by what they say. The key here is that rather than stumble around wondering what they are going to say next, they are able to concentrate on the timing, delivery, pacing, volume, enthusiasm, and inflection of their voice, and that is why they are able to move us and infect us with their feeling. I am sure you have felt this transfer of emotion after seeing a good movie. All of us have either felt happy or sad, or charged with energy, etc., after seeing a well-acted movie. Did you stop to realize that you were just watching an actor deliver a set of scripted lines? You have to remember that well over 70% (some will even claim over 90%!) of any sale is simply a transfer of conviction and enthusiasm, and the best way to do this is to be able to concentrate on your delivery of information, rather than on what you are going to say about it next. Some of the main reasons for following a script or format are: 4
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The Six Reasons for Using Scripts:
1. Very simply, the more closely you follow a script the more professional you will sound. How many times have you heard the salesperson next to you ramble on and on, making things up as they go along because they are not using a script? Have you ever noticed how each call they make sounds different and a little worse than the one before it? Sometimes you wonder if the prospect is still on the other end of the phone! The more you ramble on, the less control you have of the conversation, the less qualifying you are doing, and the more you begin to sound like the other 80% of the salespeople! If you enjoy splitting up 20% of the money then you can go on winging it, but if you truly want to be a top professional and earn your share of 80% of the money, then you have to begin sounding like a professional. And that will only happen by following a script or format. If you are not already doing so, or if you used to but stopped, then you need to begin using a script or format today. 2. Another very practical and important reason for following a script is that it will ensure that you ask all the right qualifying questions. How many times have you gotten off the phone after winging your way through a qualifying call only to discover 5
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that you didn't have important information like: What they do for a living? Where the money is going to come from to buy your product or service? Who they have bought from before, or worse, have they ever have bought your product or service over the phone before? If they are in the market to purchase your product or service now, or if they have to wait 2 to 6 months? These and many other important qualifying questions are often times never asked because when you are not following a script or format, you are too busy trying to think up what you are going to say next, and so you forget to ask what is really important. But the real problem comes when you call these unqualified prospects back because that is when you pay the price for not getting this information in the first place. Have you ever called back a prospect only to be blown off the phone with any combination of the following: "I'm not interested!" Or, "I'm not in the market now, but maybe six months down the line you can call again!" Or, "Oh, I could never afford this now, I only took the information because you said you would send it!" Frustrating isn't it? If these are common responses you get when you call your prospects back, then it is time you start sticking to a script so that when you are through with the qualifying call you can be sure that you covered all 6
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the important points and not left out things that come back and haunt you later. 3. Scripts also allow you to remain in control of the conversation because you won't be wondering what you are going to say next. Rather than stalling and stumbling, you will sound confident and directed, and isn't this will be the attitude you will project over the phone? Prospects will respect you more if you sound like you know what you are talking about, and this will build their confidence in you which will help you when you call back to close the sale. 4. The most important benefit you will gain from following scripts, though, is that you will be free to listen to their responses. Again, rather than wondering what you are going to say next, you will be able to carefully listen to what a prospect is telling you, and how they are saying it. You will find that if you listen carefully enough, a prospect will always tell you what you will need to do or say to make the sale. This is a very important point. So many times while qualifying, if you are following a script or outline and asking the right qualifying questions and listening to your prospects responses, you will be amazed at what your prospect will tell you. They will always tell you exactly what it is going to take to 7
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close them, or what they stay away from and the reasons they won't buy. Either way, wouldn't it be great to know in advance exactly what it is going to take to close your prospect when you call them back? You will only be able to hear this if you are carefully listening rather than trying to think about what you are going to tell them next. 5. Following scripts gives you confidence. You will find that cold calling will actually get easier if you follow scripts, because you will hear the exact same objections so many times that you won't be thrown off like you may have been in the beginning. As you make hundreds and hundreds of calls, you will find that there is very little creativity in the world of objections. Almost 90% of initial objections are the same. Things like, "I'm not interested," or "I don't have any money," or "We don't need that right now," you probably hear these things hundreds of times a month don't you? By following a script and each time using rebuttals that work, you will be able to handle these objections with confidence and overcome the initial obstacles that frequently stump 80% of the salespeople who are currently winging it by trying to come up with a different rebuttal to the same old objections every time.
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6. Lastly, by following a script or outline each time you make a call, you will be able to practice perfection. Most people say that practice makes perfect, but that isn't so. Practice makes permanent. Only practice of perfection makes perfect! If you are not following scripts each time you call, then you are continuing to practice bad habits and most likely you are not improving at all. In fact, you are probably sounding worse and worse and wondering what is wrong! If, however, you are following scripts then each time you speak with a potential client you have an opportunity to improve. With each objection you get, you will become stronger and grow more confident because you will be practicing perfection. Scripts also allow you to perfect the delivery of your voice: the timing, inflection, pausing, enthusiasm, tone, etc.. You must realize that the way you open a conversation, the way you qualify, the way you close, the way you ask for the order, even the way you respond to objections is basically the same each time so doesn't it make sense to learn and practice the most effective techniques available? Of course it does! It is the improvement of these techniques that will elevate you to the top 20% of the salespersons at your company, and by using scripts or outlines, and practicing perfection on each call, you will get there quicker than you would ever imagine. 9
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Practice Perfection
A big thing that following scripts allows you to do is practice perfection. Remember, practice doesn’t make perfect – it only makes permanent. If you keep practicing poor qualifying and closing skills, you’ll continue to get poor results. Using scripts allows you to practice perfection, because you will have scripted in advance proven and effective questions, responses, rebuttals and pitches that actually work. So always use a script and begin practicing perfection on each and every call!
Improve On Each Call
Every call is an opportunity for you to improve: Here are 5 things to ask yourself and to do after each call: a. What went right?
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b. What do you need to change with your scripts? c. How are you going to change it? d. Script it out then: e. Practice perfection on the next call Follow this advice on each call and you’ll find that it’s one of the best techniques you can use to insure you’ll improve on each and every call. Cold Calling Scripts: Initial Resistance Scripts
Start by being prepared for the reflex responses and objections you get everyday. Let’s face it; your prospects are prepared with common objections that blow off 80% of your competition who are cold calling them. The Top 20% are prepared for this initial resistance and easily get past them by practicing perfection using proven, scripted rebuttals each time they get them. You can, too! The Top 3 reflex responses you get when qualifying:
a. I’m not interested.
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b. Just send your information. c. We’re already taken care of. Use the Scripted Responses below each time you get one of these common reflex responses. Play with them, adjust them to your product or service, but most of all, get in the habit of using them! Reflex Response #1: “I’m not interested”
(Note: This objection is a reflex response and is used to blow off most of the calls your prospects get. Your goal here is to earn the right to present your product or service, so your rebuttals here are designed to sidestep this common reflex response and get on with your pitch – rather than answer it.) Response #1:
“That’s fine and many of my best clients told me the same thing as well. But as they learned more about this and saw the benefits, they were glad they took a few minutes. One thing they liked….” (continue on with your pitch)
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Response #2:
“I didn’t expect you to be interested, you don’t know enough about it yet. But I do know you’re interested in (provide a benefit here – saving $, increasing production, return, etc..)” and continue with your pitch. Response #3:
“I know that _______, heck if you were interested you’d have called me! But seriously, I know you get a lot of calls, and every now and then it makes sense to listen to the right call, and this is it.” (Now (continue on with your presentation) Response #4:
“________ you probably get a lot of these calls, don’t you? You know, I get them, too, and believe me, I don’t like getting them any more than you do. But every now and then I listen because sometimes I there’s some information out there that will benefit me. And this is that kind of call for you. Let me ask you a quick question (make it a good one to uncover their need!) Reflex Response #2: “Just send the information”
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(Note: This is a blow off and you’re not in the brochure business! Use trial closes here to assess their level of interest): Response #1:
“I be happy to, and if you like what you see, would you be ready to place an order?" Response #2:
“Before I do, I want to make sure you'd be ready to act on it if you like it. Let me ask you...(qualifying questions on budget, decision-making process, etc." Response #3:
“Sure, and after you review it, how soon are you going to make a decision on it?" Response #4:
“And what would you need to see to say yes to it?"
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Reflex Response #3: “We’re already taken care of.”
(Note: They may well be, but THINGS CHANGE! Your goal here is to get them to think of you when they do.) Next in Line Script:
“I’m glad you’re taken care of right now. _______, let me ask you something. If you ever found it necessary to get another (quote, point of view, find another vendor, information, etc.), could I be the first one in line to talk to you about some of your needs? “Great. I’ll go ahead and send you some of my contact information; do me a favor and keep it with your (similar) records so you’ll have it handy if you need some help with (your product or service).” Get all their contact information, then: “Great. Just out of curiosity, _______ , what might have to happen to your for you to even consider looking at someone different?” Qualify, Qualify, Qualify!!
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Another Great Way to handle the “We’re taken care of” is by using this script: “That's great _________, that tells me you understand the value of (or appreciate the benefits of) a solid solution for this. In fact you're exactly the kind of company we work with. You see, I'm not suggesting you stop using what’s working for you, but rather I'm here to help you get even better. You see the companies that use us as well have found that they can increase their (pitch your benefits here) by X%. "And to see if this will work for you as well, let me just ask you a couple of quick questions...(now qualify for interest, control, and budget).
How to Handle the Negative Prospect
Invariably while cold calling you will run up against a prospect who just doesn't want to listen to anything you have to say. At this point it is important to learn a few techniques that just might get them to open up. If you run into a prospect that just doesn't believe in what your product can do you should respond: 16
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“_______, I know you get a lot of these calls and heck I don’t like making them any more than you like getting them. But the truth is, this is the one call this month that is worth you taking 5 minutes to participate in. Let me ask you…(ask a good, benefits filled qualifying question here). "_______, just imagine for a moment that what I was saying did work out, and you were already a client enjoying the steady monthly income, what would you be thinking now?" Or, "Just suppose for a moment that my product was able to reduce the time and money you now spend in this area just like it does for my other clients. Wouldn’t you be happy you took 5 minutes now to discuss this?” Or, "Let's say for a minute you were to move ahead with this, and that it continues to work for you as well as it works for my other clients, what are some of the positive benefits you can see yourself enjoying over the next few years?" 17
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Or, "________, why do you think that some of the (top business people, top financial advisors, your top business competitors), are recommending or participating in this very same program or product right now?" And, "In addition to the monthly income and great tax benefits of this investment, what are some other features you would look forward to?" And, "Besides the tremendous dependability and service reputation our product has, what other reasons can you think of for moving ahead with this?" These are great techniques to get your prospect thinking positively and actually thinking of reasons why he should buy! Again, as with any technique, have these scripted or formatted so they are available to you and so that you can deliver them confidently and professionally. This way you will also be able to listen and gather more information rather than thinking about what you are going say next. 18
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How to Handle the Price Question:
When your prospect asks you about the price of your product or service, what's important is not that you tell them (which is fine), but rather what happens next. Ask yourself, “What do you say after you give them the price?" 80% of your competition either: 1) Remain silent, waiting for them to ask another question 2) Keep pitching their product or service. 3) Move onto another qualifying question. Guess what? All these responses are wrong. If you do any of these, you're missing a golden opportunity to find out where your prospect stands in regards to budget. The right question? Ask them how they feel or where they stand in regards to the price you just gave them. Use any of these: 1) How does that price sound to you? 2) Is that within your budget? 3) Which of those price points appeal to you the most? 4) Is that what you are looking to spend?
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Whenever your prospect asks about the price, and you give it, you deserve and must qualify on it. The top 20% automatically do and move that much closer to getting the information they need to close the sale. How to eliminate screening – forever!
Most sales reps hate cold calling because they have to deal with the gatekeeper and often get screened out. Moreover, many inside reps make it worse on themselves because they try to manipulate or lie their way through to the decision maker. This never works and only alerts the gatekeeper to screen you out. There is a better way… Here are the Top Three Techniques to eliminate screening: A. Please use Please B. Give your full name and company name. C. Use instructional statements. Let’s start at the beginning with The Single Most Powerful Technique to Eliminate Screening: Use please, please. 20
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Here’s how you do it. Start your call with: “Hi, could you please connect me with_________, please?” Remember, it’s a gatekeeper’s job to SCREEN YOU OUT! So when they ask: “Can I tell him who’s calling?” You respond with: “Yes, please, please tell him _______ _______ with the ABC Company is holding please.” (Use please three times!) Now, please, don’t be fooled by how simple this is. It will change your life as a cold caller and you can demonstrate the incredible effectiveness of this technique by committing to using it today while cold calling. You will be amazed by the results! Part of this technique includes giving your complete name and company name – even if it doesn’t mean anything to them! Remember:
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• 80% of your competition is trying to dodge or trick the gatekeeper. • This only encourages more screening! • Always give both your name and your company name. Always use Instructional Statements.
• Just giving your name or company name invites further screening! • A primary function of a receptionist or secretary is to take instruction. • Always end with an instructional statement: Examples of Instructional Statements: Receptionist: “Can I tell him who’s calling?” You: “Yes, please, please tell him Mike Brooks with the ABC Company is holding please.” Receptionist: “Can I tell him what this is about?”
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“Yes, please tell him it’s about (the problem your prospect is having or your solution), please. I’ll hold while you put me through.” Practice Perfection! Begin using the above techniques on each cold or follow up call. You’ll be amazed by the effectiveness and your increased confidence! Scripts to Deal With Assistants.
A. An assistant is not a receptionist – you must know this difference! B. 80% of your competition is trying to get around assistants, but the Top 20% are treating them with respect and getting information! One of the best ways of working with assistants is to use the “Perhaps you can help me” technique. Start by first acknowledging assistants: “I’m glad I reached you,” Or, “Oh, you’re just the person I wanted to speak with!”
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C. Your goal is to get information that will help you be more prepared for the decision maker. D. Specific techniques you can use with assistants: Assistant: “________ isn’t here right now, could I take a message?” You: “Yes, please. But maybe you can help me first. Do you work pretty closely with ________? If Yes: “Oh, that’s great. I don’t want to waste any of his/her time, perhaps you know if…….” Start your qualifying questions now. Find out information like: • Who they are using now. • How the decision process works. • What they (the decision maker) likes/dislikes. • When they are making a decision on this. 24
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• What’s important to them. • When the best time to reach them is. From now on, when you reach an office manager or an assistant, be glad you did and make sure and be prepared to get the additional that can often mean the difference between making the sale or not. The Definition of a Qualified Lead
Ask most sales reps (and managers) what the true definition of a qualified lead is and they won’t be able to tell you. Ask the Top 20% what makes up a qualified lead and they’ll tell you they need to know Six Things before they send out information or go into the close. And they use a Qualifying Checklist to make sure they get this information. The Six Things that need to be on your Qualifying Checklist:
• Why they will buy. 25
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• Why they won’t buy? • Who makes the decision? • What is involved in the decision process? • What is your competition? • What is the budget? The Top 20% find out and know this information about each of their prospects. If you want to know how qualified any of your current leads are, or where you need improvement, just ask yourself which of these things is missing from your leads now. Breaking It Down:
Here’s what each of these qualifiers mean, and here are specific questions you can use to find them out: 1) Buying Motives (Needs and Wants)
What is this client looking for? What are their buying motivations? 26
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What do you need to say to get them to buy? What is important to them? Why did they buy last time? What would they like to change this time? If they could get what they want, what would that look like? Sample Questions to reveal buying motives: “_________, what are you hoping to accomplish with this?” “What is most important to you when choosing a vendor/company for this?” “If you could get everything you want from this (service/product/solution), what would that be?” “Why did you get the (service/product/solution) you got last time?” “What would it take for you to choose our company for this?” 2) Why won’t they buy? (Potential Objections)
Why are they getting another quote? What are some of their sore spots? 27
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What are they trying to avoid? Why didn’t they buy last time? Why are they looking at different companies? What are some of their potential objections? Why won’t they buy? Sample Questions to reveal potential objections: “Who do you usually get this (service/product/solution), from? “Are you going to get a quote from them as well?” “Why are you considering using a different (vendor/company/provider) this time? “What other solutions are you looking at?” “I see you looked at our company before, what kept you from going with us?” 3) Who’s the Decision Maker?
Who is decision maker? How many of them? Who do they consult with on this? How much influence do they have?
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Sample Questions to find the decision maker: “________, who will you be making this decision with?” (Assumptive) “Besides yourself, who else will be weighing in on this decision?” “_______, who has the final say on this?” 4) What is involved in the decision process?
What the decision process is like? What’s involved? Who’s involved? What happens next? How long does it take? How many other steps are involved? Sample Questions to uncover the decision process: “_______, after we submit the (bid/proposal/send the information), what happens next?” “How long does this process take?” “Who’s involved in that?”
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“When would you like to see a decision made on this?” 5) What is your competition?
How many other companies are they looking at? Is the company they’re using now still involved? What are they looking for in another one? How many bids are they getting? Who do they like best so far? What would they like to improve upon? Sample Questions to discover your competition: “Who else are you looking at for this?” “What do you think so far?” “Might you use the same company (providing the current service) again?” “Who are you leaning towards so far?” “Oh, why is that?” 6) What’s the budget?
It’s always about the money! What is their budget for this? 30
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What did they spend last time? How big of a position do they usually take? What is their limit? What would they feel comfortable spending? Is your product or solution within their budget?? Sample Questions to uncover budget: “What is your budget for this?” “What did you spend last time for this?” “If we could provide a solution you were comfortable on this, could you afford $_________ amount?” “What is a ball park range you’re looking to stay within on this?” Bottom line: • I think you’d agree that the more of this information you get, the more qualified your leads are going to be. • And that the less information you have is directly related to how unqualified your prospect is.
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• Important point: Buyers will give you this information, whereas non-buyers won’t! Use the following Checklist to assess how qualified your current leads are. And use it to make sure you get all the information you need on your next call!
Qualifying Checklist
What I know
What I need to know
Buying Motives:
Why They Won’t Buy: 32
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Who are the Decision Makers:
What’s Involved in The Decision Process:
Who is your Competition?
What is their Budge? Identifying and Dealing with Red Flags
One of the biggest differences between the Top 20% and all the others masquerading as sales reps, is that when a Top 20% producer hears a response when qualifying they don’t like, they STOP AND QUESTION IT!
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80% of their competition just pretend they didn’t hear it and then hope it goes away. But it never does, does it? In fact, it’s a law in all sales: Prospects never get better when you call them back – they get worse! Examples of Red Flags and how to handle them: 1) If someone says that they usually buy from ________, but will take a look at your information, ask: “Why would you switch vendors?" Or “How many other companies have you looked at in the last six months?" And then: "And how many did you go with?" 2) If someone says that they will pass the (quote/information/brochure) on to someone else, say: “Thanks. So that I make sure I'm not wasting her time it's best that I speak with her for just a few minutes first. Can you please tell her that (your name) is holding please?" 34
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(If you're then told they are not available, make sure and get their direct line or the person's extension and keep calling until she picks up.) 3) If someone says that they'd be glad to look at over, ask: “Great. And after you do, if you think that it can help you (or your business, etc.), when would you move on it?" Write out your own questions to the Red Flags you often get and don’t be afraid of disqualifying nonbuyers early. Remember: You can never close an unqualified lead!
The Power of Assumptive Questions
There are all kinds of questions you can ask as a closer: open ended, closed ended, directive, etc. But none are as effective as the Assumptive Question.
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The Top 20% love Assumptive Questions because they cut right through any smokescreens and get right to the real buying motive or objection. Here are some examples:
80% of sales reps will simply ask, “Who makes the decision on this,” or “Are you the one making the decision?” (Closed ended which allows the prospect to hide or not reveal the truth) The Top 20% assume the prospect involves others in any buying decisions and wants that information up front. They use Assumptive Questions to reveal it: They will ask: “Who will be making this decision with you?” Or, “Who do you think you’ll be speaking with about this decision?” For budget: “________ most of my clients have a price range in mind when considering this, what is yours?" To sell bigger orders:
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“________ many of my clients want the discount that comes from ordering this by the (case, unit, multiple month contract, etc.), is that how you want to do this is well? Assume the close: “________ I’ve been looking forward to getting back with you today. I'm sure you (reviewed the information, brochure, material, etc.) and liked what you saw. Did you want to start with (X size order) today, or take the (larger) order?" You can use Assumption Questions throughout your sales process, and they will immediately make you a better closer. My question to you is, “How many current questions can you change so they become assumptive?" The more you change, the more sales you will make. How To Use Layering Questions
First, for those of you who have seen me live, you know that I am big on questioning your prospects during the qualification stage. As I’ve said -- they have all the answers as to why they'll buy or not buy, and it is your job to get them to tell you. 37
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While asking questions is certainly a good start, you'll get the most thorough and complete information if you use layering questions. Layering questions are simply questions that go a little deeper into an area or concern so that you get to the root of what really drives your prospect. An example of a layering question goes like this: “Who are you going to be talking with about this decision?" (A nice assumptive question). And when they say their spouse, you then layer the question by asking – “And what do they think you should do about this?" Knowing this kind of information gives you the edge when it’s time to close. And layering questions are exactly what you use to get it. Layering questions are effective, powerful and easy to ask. Yet 80% of sales reps never use them. The top 20%, on the other hand, know their value and ask them all the time. It's part of what makes them the top 20%. 38
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Examples of other layering questions you can use: “If you decide to move on this investment, how much would you put into it?" Layering question: “And is that money liquid now or would you have to move something around?" Another “I'll get this quote off to you today, and I'll follow up with you tomorrow at 10 o’clock – would that work? Great" Layering question: "Assuming you like it, what is the next step?" I'm sure you see how this goes, so take a few minutes now and write some of your own. And then use them! You see how this goes. Just remember, to be a Top 20% producer, you have to begin finding buyers -whatever the lead source. So stop pitching and start qualifying! Remember, it's still up to you to find and separate the buyers from the non-buyers.
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How to Handle Incoming Leads
I get many requests each week from readers who want to know how they should deal with incoming “warm” leads. “These leads are more qualified because they are calling him," I hear over and over. But we all know this isn't necessarily true is it? In fact this attitude leads to the biggest mistake 80% of your competition is making when they receive warm leads -They go into pitch mode rather than qualification mode. 80% of your competition mistake the “implied interest" of a call in to mean they are already qualified, and all they need to do is explain their product or service. Wrong! The Top 20%, on the other hand, know that warm leads can be some of the biggest time wasters of all, so they do what they always do -- disqualify people who are “just looking” so that they can identify the real buyers, and they do this by asking questions rather than pitching. Here are some great questions to ask the next time you get a warm lead: 40
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“Thank you for contacting us today, what was it about our ad/promotion/website that caused you to call us today?" [Listen for the buying motive] “Who else are you looking into?” [Listen for your competition] “What do you like best so far?" “How long have you been thinking about (buying, investing, changing) something like this?" Then, “What has kept you from acting on this?” [Listen for possible objections] “When are you looking to make a decision on this?"
How to Handle Voice Mail
80% of your competition has no idea if they should leave a voice mail message, or what to say to get one returned. The Top 20% realize that not all prospects will return their voice mail messages, but they also know that 41
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there are certain things they can do to give them the best chance of getting their calls returned. they follow that give them the best chance for success when leaving voice mail messages. Here’s what they are, along with a sample voice mail script you can use: There are 5-Golden Rules
Golden Rule #1 -- Be specific. It is imperative to do some research and leave a message that specifically addresses a problem or event that your prospect is dealing with. For example, if you find out on their website that they are opening a new branch or division in another city, mention this and tie it in with your value proposal. And always use their first name. Something like:
Sample Voicemail Message: "Hi Barbara, Mike Brooks here with HMS software. I'm calling about your new office that's opening in Houston next month, and I wanted to provide you with some ideas that may help with your networking issues. We work with a lot of companies in the area, and I think you'll find it useful if we talk. 42
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You can reach me by calling area code (800) 2220568. That number again is area code (800) 2220568, and ask for Mike Brooks. I look forward speaking with you and thanks for returning my call.” Golden Rule #2 -- Use a script. You absolutely must script out exactly what you're going to say. Nothing gets your message deleted quicker than a series of ums and ahs. People are way too busy to sit through -- let alone call back -- a message that rambles on and on by someone who doesn't appear to know why they are calling. Also, by scripting your message you can create great content ahead of time and delivered like a professional -- unlike the other 80% of the messages they get. Golden Rule #3 -- State their problem and offer a solution. Did you notice that in the voicemail sample in rule #1, I mentioned a specific event (their move) and a possible problem (networking issues) as well as potential solutions to their problems (some ideas that may help you)? 43
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This is the winning voicemail formula -- mention specific problems your prospect is having and offer your solutions to them. Prospects are only thinking about themselves and will only be interested in you if you can help them solve their problems. By addressing this in your voicemail, you stand the best possible chance at getting your call returned. Golden Rule #4 -- Mention how your solution has worked for others in their industry. Did you notice in the sample voicemail message the part about “We work with a lot of other companies in your area"? People want to work with, and in fact feel comfortable working with, people who understand their business. If you have experience at solving other company’s problems, then your prospect will want the same solution as well. Everyone wants to work with successful companies and if other companies are using you, they figure you've got to be doing something right. Golden Rule #5 – Never, ever leave more than two messages. 44
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After you leave your first message, wait at least a couple of days before you leave a second. And if that doesn't get returned, move on. The last thing you want to be is a pest and a desperate one at that. After two messages, your prospect has your name and number, and if they are interested they will call you back. And if they don't then you get to spend time looking for someone who will! Using Email to your advantage:
Email has become the new voice mail – in fact, it’s even better! Believe it or not, Email is a great way to identify buyers because: • Email has become the primary mode of communication with business people. • Business people like email because they can see the message and respond at their own pace. Just like with voice mail, there are certain rules for scripting effective email messages. Here’s what they are: 1: Use the prospect’s first name in the subject line. 45
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2: Customize the email as much as possible: Make it appeal to their needs (see voicemail rules above). 3: Keep it short! Break up the sentences into paragraphs if possible to make it seem easy to read and accessible. 4: Ask for a return response – whether they are interested or not! 5: Promise to follow up by phone if they don’t respond. Follow these rules (incorporating the 5-Golden Rules of Voicemail), and you will separate yourself from the other 80% who are emailing, giving your emails the best chance of being returned! Closing Scripts
How to handle the initial resistance
80% of all sales reps get blown out in the beginning of their call back by their prospect’s sales resistance.
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Let’s face it: our prospects are getting a lot of calls, and they can’t listen to all the pitches, so they have developed some reflex, initial objections which they use to blow out 80% of the sales reps who are calling them. The good news is that the Top 20% know this in advance and are prepared for this resistance with proven, scripted responses that work! Examples of how to handle common initial sales resistance: Objection #1: “I looked it over and I’m/we’re not interested.”
Response #1: “I understand, and that’s perfectly OK. At first many of our clients don’t fully understand the benefits of this and that’s why I’m here. But let’s do this. I’ll take a few minutes to explain how this might help you, and if, after you understand it, you still think it’s not for you, we’ll part friends. Do you have that information handy?” Response #2: 47
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“I didn’t expect you to be interested! Heck, if this thing sold itself, they wouldn’t need me – they’d just send out the information and clients would send in checks! But seriously, this (product/service/investment) has many features that my clients now enjoy and can’t live without, and it may be that way for you, too. Do yourself a favor and spend a few minutes with me to find out how and if this would be right for you. Grab the information/quote/brochure and let me cover a few things – do you have it handy? Response #3: “I understand, and some of my best clients said that at the beginning as well. But I’m sure you’d agree that any decision you make, whether it’s a yes or a no – and I can take either one – is best made once you understand all the facts, right? Well, I’m here to help you learn those, so grab that information, let’s go over it and if at the end it’s not for you we’ll part friends. Do you have it handy?” Objection #2: “I don’t have the time right now.” Response #1: 48
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“I know that feeling, my schedule is pretty full as well. Should I call you back in an hour, or would later this afternoon be better?” (Than make a definite appointment to call back.) If your prospect says "I'm not interested," you should say, "I understand how you feel, and I think you would agree with me that any decision you make, whether it is a yes or a no, is best made when all the facts are known right? Well ________ I'm calling to help you learn all facts. You see, I can take a no as well as a yes, but what is important here is that you understand this program/product/service completely so that you are in the best possible position to make the right decision--but you get to make the decision! So go grab that brochure and let me help you learn all the facts. I'll hold while you get it!" It is very important at the end here to use an instructional statement. Do not make the mistake that 80% of the telemarketers make and ask if they will go get the information. You do not want to give them a choice because they will always say no. If they still say no, do not give up! Try,
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"Of course you're not interested _______ , I didn't expect you to be! You don't have enough information on this investment/product/service yet, nor do you understand it well enough to be interested. In fact most people I call back feel the same way you do--they think this investment/product/service is (Quickly list one or two perceived negative points), so I don't blame you for not being interested! I wouldn't be either if that was true. But _________, that isn't how this investment/product/service works. To begin with (list two or three benefits that contradict the first couple of negatives you just gave). These are just some of the things you need to be aware of before you make any decision, so go get that brochure and I'll show you how this works. I'll hold on while you grab it!" Again, assume that they will go get the brochure, and make sure you end with an instructional statement. If your prospect says that they looked at it, and they introduce another popular objection like they, "Don't have the money right now," again, remember not to give this or any objection any credence now by questioning it. Rather, answer with another positive reflex response like:
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"I understand what you are saying, and most people I speak with don't have money to throw away or put into a bad (investment, product or service). However, once I explain how this (your product or service) can actually save you money, or make you money, you will be glad you invested a few minutes to find out how. Do yourself a favor, and grab that brochure, I will hold while you get it." Or, "Let's put the money aside for a minute because before you make any decision we first have to determine if this (product, investment or service) can benefit you. After I explain a few facts about this and answer any questions you have, then you will be in a much better position to decide if this is something you want to pursue. I will hold on while you grab the (brochure or paperwork)." The whole point here is that by not buying into their objections by saying things like, "When will you have the money?" Or, "Last time we spoke you said your company could afford this," etc., you will avoid giving all control and momentum to them. If your prospect says, "We looked at your material and this just isn't for us right now," rather than 51
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saying something like "Well when would be a good time?" you should say, "I understand, and you know you said something very important. You said right now. I think you would agree with me that timing is probably the most important part of any decision you can make isn't it? Well right now the timing is perfect for (your investment/product/service). Before you make any decision, it is important for me to explain how, by acting now, you will (describe a benefit that is important to them). Grab that (brochure or paperwork) and I will explain why. Do you have it handy or do you have to get it?" If you receive the objection of "We already have a supplier or dealer or service person," you should respond, "I understand and that's great! You see I only work with companies like yours that are used to using this kind of (product or service). And that is because I know you will really appreciate the (give a benefit here that you know they want) that our (product or service) can offer. Before you make any decision, it is important to see if this can indeed make your job easier. Grab that information and I will cover a few of the highlights with you. Do you have that handy or do I need to hold on while you get it?" 52
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Avoid the biggest mistake 80% of your so called competition is making
It sends chills down my spine. In every company I work with, I hear 80% of sales reps begin their closing calls with the statement: “I’m just calling to follow up…” Please, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER! You are NOT calling to a. “Follow up,” or b. “See if they got the information,” or c. “See if they had time to go over it,” or d. “To find out if they have time to go through it..” You are calling back to take control of the close and to get the prospect to buy! The way the Top 20% do this is by being prepared with scripted openings that work. Use these: 53
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Sample Opening #1:
“Hi, _______, this is ______ ______ calling with the ABC Company. I’ve been looking forward to speaking with you, and I’m sure you’ve looked at the information I sent and probably even have a few questions. Do me a favor and grab that, and I’ll hold on while you do.” This works because: A. It’s assumptive B. You’re in control C. It overrides any initial resistance
Sample Opening #2:
“Hi, _______, this is _______ ______ with the ABC company, how are you doing today? Great. _______, it’s been an exciting morning here, and I’ve got some updates I think you’ll be interested in
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regarding that (quote/brochure/information/demo) I sent to you. It’ll just take a minute to bring you up to speed, so do me a favor, can you please grab that (quote/brochure/information/demo), and I’ll be happy to hold on while you do.” Sample Opening #3:
“Hi is that ________? Hi _______, this is ______ ______ with the ABC company, how have you been? Gee I know the feeling. ________, the good news is that this won’t take long, and you’ll be glad you took a few minutes to go over this briefly. Do you have the (quote/brochure/information/demo) handy, or should I hold while you grab it?” Remember, the key is being: assumptive, assumptive, assumptive! Instant Closing Scripts
While 80% of your competition believe they have to go through a lengthy presentation before they can ask for or get the deal, they are wrong!
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How would you like to learn one of the most powerful techniques you can use to get the sale without any objections and in 1/10 the time? It’s easy, simply: Ask For the Sale in the Beginning! If you’ve done the proper qualifying job up front, you’ll be surprised by how successful this technique is! And it’s loaded with benefits: a. First, some prospects are ready to buy but just have a couple of questions. b. Some have decided to buy and will appreciate that they won’t have to sit through a long presentation. c. Others will have some concerns, but are essentially on board. Getting to the concerns first (to the close) is your best option. d. Asking for the deal right away also exposes who is NOT going to be a deal and so saves you valuable time going through a lengthy presentation. 56
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e. Others will give you some concerns and thus a good idea of how much work – and what direction – you need to take to close them. Sample Instant Close Script #1:
“Hi _______, this is ______ ______ with the ABC company, how’s your day? OK, well, I must tell you that I’ve been looking forward to speaking with you today. You see, I’ve was thinking about how happy my other clients are, and how much I enjoy talking to them, and I realized that you could easily become one of my best clients as well. Now I’m sure you’ve reviewed the (quote/brochure/information/demo), and, like them, you probably see the benefits it can bring to you. My question is, would you like to start with the (larger order here), or take our starter position of just (medium size order here)?” Now Shut up and listen! Sample Instant Close Script #2:
“Hi ______, _____ ______ here with ABC, how have you been? Great. _______, you know I just got 57
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off the phone with one of my best clients, and it reminded me of why I love my job. You see, I get to work with people like you, I get to help you get the (benefits of your product) you need, and then I get an ongoing relationship that grows over time. And it all gets to start today. Now I’m sure you looked over the (your product), and I’m sure you see how it can help you. My question is simple: would you like to get started with the quote as it is, or would you like to double up on that amount and save an additional 10%? You tell me.” Now Shut up and listen! This works if you use it. So use it! The Five-Step Method of Handling Objections
One of the biggest mistakes 80% of your competition makes when handling objections is they answer them!
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That’s right. And the reason this is a big mistake is because there is often so much more behind objections: a. First, prospects will throw out objections just to test you. b. Often the objections you get are just smokescreens hiding the real objection. c. Handling a prospect’s objection without the Five Step method is like a dog chasing a bone! The Top 20% have and use a proven method for handling objections, and it’s called the Five-Step Method: The Five-Step Method Step One: (Two Parts):
a. Hear them out – completely b. Put in a softening statement: “I complete understand how you feel.” “Some of my best clients felt that way also.” 59
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“I completely understand how you feel, this is a big decision and right now I’m sure it makes sense for you to think about this.”
Step Two: Question and Isolate the Objection B-4 Answering it
Example: “The Price is Too High” “I understand, __________, and let me ask you a question: Assuming that the price on these hearing aids weren’t an issue (or fit within your budget, or if someone were suddenly going to buy them for you), but if price weren’t an issue here, is this the solution you feel is right for you today?” Or, “is this something you would go ahead and order today?” Examples of good questioning techniques: “Just to clarify my thinking, what do you mean when you say” “I see, out of curiosity, why is that so important to you?” Or the good old standby, “Oh?” or “Really?”
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Step Three: Answer the Objection (using a scripted response!)
No secret here that I’m recommending you use a scripted response once you understand the objection. In the next section I’ve included my Special Report “How to Overcome the Top Ten Objections.” Use those scripts word for word (you may have to adjust them to fit your product or service).
Step Four: Confirm Your Answer:
• “Does that answer that for you?” • “Does that make sense?” • “Have I satisfied that for you?”
Step Five: Ask For the Deal!
This might sound obvious, but you’d be amazed by how many (like 80% or more) closers don’t ask for the deal. Scripts assure that you do!
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The Power of Trial Closes
Another powerful technique used by Top 20% closers is the use of trial closes. A trial close is simply a way of checking in with your prospect and finding out how you’re doing. 80% of your competition won’t use them because they are afraid they might find out that the prospect has questions, or objections, etc. But this is exactly the information the Top 20% WANT to have. Benefits of Trial Closes: • Because you can’t see your prospect, they allows you to gage their interest. • They also allow you to remain in control. • They keep you from talking past the close. Examples of Trial Closes:
“Is this making sense for you?” “How are we doing here?” “How does this sound so far?”
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“Do you need to hear anymore, or are you ready to place an order?” “How are you doing?” “Are you with me?” “Do you see how that would work for you?” And one of the best ones: “If you had to make a decision right now, where are you leaning?” Remember, always expect a no but assume that in the end they’ll buy. And always ask for the sale.
CLOSES While not all products and services are the same, you will find that most objections are! Listed below are a variety of sample closes that you can adapt and use to help you overcome most of the objections you 63
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face everyday. Remember, before using any close you must first listen and question the objection so that you know exactly what it is, then preface your close with an understanding statement, read the close, and then when you are through confirm your close and ask for the order. The closes listed below are meant to help you with the objections you encounter 90% of the time. Included below are closes to such objections as, "I can't afford it now," and, "The price is too high," and, "It is too risky," and, "I want to think about it," and "I'm just going to pass on it," and many more. Sound familiar? They should! You probably get them 5 to 10 times a day! Your prospect is prepared with objections that work so doesn't it make sense for you to be prepared with rebuttals that work? By learning one or two new closes a week you will soon find that your confidence and closing ratio will improve dramatically, and you will find yourself making the sales that you would have lost before. If you send out information first and then have to call your prospect back to make the close, your first objective will be to have your prospect get your brochure. If your prospect gives you a lot of initial objections at first like "I haven't read it," or, "I'm not 64
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interested," or, "I don't have the money," etc., do not argue or start answering these objections at this time. Rather, it is absolutely essential here to establish control and have your prospect get the information first so you can deliver your presentation. If you receive these initial objections, refer to the get the brochure closes that are listed earlier. However, if you receive any of the objections listed below then use these closes as they are, or adjust them to fit your specific product or service. Ok, let’s get started: "I need to show this to my (partner, boss, etc.)"
The first thing to do with this and other objections is to make sure this is a real objection and not a smokescreen or a put off. And the way you do that is by questioning and isolating the objection first. Do this by first listening completely to what your prospect says and then by responding with: "That is perfectly fine, (Prospect’s name). I think you should show this to (whomever they claim they need to show this to). And let me ask you something—if after you show this to _______, he/she says 'It looks good _________ whatever you want to do,' is this 65
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something that YOU would move forward with today?" Now be aware that any answer other than yes means that this objection is just a smokescreen and you haven't uncovered the real objection, and you will have to keep qualifying. On the other hand, if your prospect says he would move forward on this today, then you've got to confirm this and make him your ally. Say: "Great, then I take it you're going to recommend this to _______, right? Wonderful! What can WE do to make sure he agrees with us?" Do you see how you’ve now made your prospect an ally and how you are now a team? Listen carefully to what your prospect says, because if they are truly sold on your solution, they might tell you what you now need to do to close the sale. Offer to do a threeway conference call, or to call and speak to the real decision maker directly. Ask about specific follow-up times for additional information that you can provide them with. And always ask what the next step will be and get a definite timeframe for follow up.
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The bottom line is that when you get this (and most) objections, they are either the real objection or they are smokescreens for the real objection. The problem that 80% of the sales reps make is they don’t question the objection and so they spend their time chasing after what isn’t even the real objection. Remember, always qualify objections before you answer them, and then use these scripted, proven rebuttals.
The Price is Too High
The price is too high is a common objection, and a favorite way for prospects to put off making a decision. Again, as with all objections you get, you need to be able to determine whether this is the real objection, or just a smokescreen. When someone tells you the price is too high, it often really means that they either can't afford it, or that they can buy it cheaper somewhere else, or that they aren't convinced yet or don't understand the value.
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So what you need to do is to qualify the objection before you answer it, and the best way to do that is to say: "I understand. ________, and let me ask you a question. If price weren’t an issue on this, would you move on this today and place an order with me?" Any answer other than a yes means that it's a smokescreen and not the real objection. If that’s the case, then it’s up to you to do more probing here to find out exactly what it is they are objecting to. If they say yes, however, then you've got to begin closing. Follow a yes answer up with: "Where does our price need to be for you to place an order with me today?” If your prospect gives you a price that is reasonable and one that you can match, then before you just lower your price, you’ve got to commit your prospect. If you can now match the price they are willing to pay, say: “OK _________. Now that price may or may not be something I can match. I’ve would have to speak to my manager about this. I’d be glad to do that, but 68
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before I do let me ask you again, if he says that I can get you the (repeat the size of the order and the price here) is this something you would move on today?” Only after they agree to move forward are you to put your prospect on hold and then get the proper price approval. After you’ve gotten the approval, come back on the line and say, “I’m happy to tell you that we can move ahead with this today. I know you’ll be happy with this, and here’s what we need to do to get you started….” Then close the sale. Of course, if they give you an unreasonable figure, one that you could never match, then you might not get this sale. Unreasonable price demands usually indicate that the prospect wasn’t real to begin with. It means that next time you must practice better qualifying techniques, and qualify especially hard on how important price is in making the buying decision. The Price is Too High—Again!
Sometimes you will get this objection again, and after you qualify and isolate it, if your price is in the 69
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ballpark but you’re not the least expensive in town, you should always build value. The best way to do this is by saying: "I'm sure you know the old saying that 'you get what you pay for,' right? Well ________ you are right, we're not the cheapest in town, but I can guarantee you that you will get what you pay for with us. “You see, the most important reason for moving ahead with our product and my company today is the follow-up service you will get from me. ________, I pride myself on my client satisfaction, and I will always make myself available to you, and if I can't help you immediately then I will find someone who can. You see the type of service I provide can't be bought at any price! I know you will always be glad you took action today, so let's get you started. Do you need a P.O. number on this or do I just make it to your attention?" You will be surprised by how successful this close can be. Often your prospect is just waiting for a reason to buy, and I can tell you that 80% of the other sales reps aren’t prepared to earn their business. By being prepared with this rebuttal though, you will be!
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"I already have a broker or supplier,"
If your prospect tries to blow you off right away by saying "I already have a broker or supplier," you should say: "I know you do, and you’re the only kind of company I’ll work with. You see, my job is providing you with the best possible service (or investment advice), not introducing new clients into this market. As a specialist in this area, I am able to offer you the (Product-P, Service-S, Investment-I) that you can't get anywhere else. And for someone like yourself who already has experience in this market, I know you will be able to appreciate the information I'm about to share with you. So grab that brochure and I will cover a few details with you..." 'I already have a broker or supplier #2,'
Another good rebuttal for 'I already have a broker or supplier #2,'
is: "That is perfectly OK _______, and you know I have many brokers myself as well. I have a stock broker because quite frankly I don't know everything about stocks. I know the (whatever market you are in) very well, and I know the opportunities and trends that can help make you successful in this market. But 71
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when I want to buy a house I call my real estate broker, you probably call yours also don't you?" "You see, successful (brokers, companies, account reps) specialize in their market and so become the best at what they do. You probably do not have a (broker, company, account rep) effectively handling your (investments, accounts, or product) in this area, especially not (performing at the rate of return, or saving this much in time and production) we are talking about here. And that is why you need to spend some time with me now. Go get that information I sent you, and I will explain some of the opportunities available so that you can learn about all your options in this market, and therefore be in the best possible position to make the right decision. Grab that information and I'll hold..." "I want to think about it,"
is often a tough objection to overcome because the prospect isn't really saying no, they are saying not now (unfortunately they really mean not now and not ever!). Many closers have trouble responding to this because it isn't really an objection so it is hard to give a rebuttal too. The best way to respond is with a rebuttal that gets your prospect to expand on his answer so that they will reveal what their real 72
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objection or objections are. The best way to respond to "I want to think about it," is to say: "That's perfectly OK, and I want you to think about it carefully before you make any decision. From what we have discussed so far, I know you understand how the (P-S-I) works right? And I know that if you were to decide to move ahead on this then the money wouldn't be a problem, I mean you could write a check/get the budget for (whatever the amount is) today right? And I know that you see the benefit of taking advantage of this (list a benefit that you know your prospect is interested in) today right? Great! _______, just to clarify my thinking what part of the (P-S-I) is it that you want to think about?" (Isolate/identify the objection, then close) "I want to think about it #2,"
Another simple way to get your prospect to identify what is holding them back when they say "I want to think about it #2," is to simply say: "That’s fine, ______, and be up front with me on this. Sometimes when people tell me they want to think about it, it’s their way of telling me they really aren’t interested in it. And that’s fine, in fact I’d rather know now so I don’t waste time bothering you 73
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or following up. Other times people are genuinely interested but need time to digest the information. Be honest with me, which category do you fall into? (If they’re serious and just need time) Terrific, just to clarify my thinking, what part of this do you want to think over?" I Want to Think About It--#3
Sometimes at the end of your presentation you will still get the put off, “I want to think about it.” Another great way of dealing with this objection is by using a technique that will often get your prospect to automatically tell you what their real concern is. It’s actually easy to do. If your prospect tells you that they want to think about it, just say: “You know _________, I understand. I know I’ve given you a lot of information and many clients I speak with tell me the same thing. I’m concerned that I may have stressed the (now pick a part of your presentation that is pretty straight forward, like the warranty or return policy) a little too much, what do you think?”
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And then shut up and listen! In many cases your prospect will now correct you and reveal their real reason for not moving forward. If for some reason you’re still not clear, simply say an occasional, “Oh?” or “What do you mean?” and shut up and listen. This is the time to let your prospect speak and to give them plenty of opportunities to do so. If you use these techniques and remain quiet, you’ll be surprised by how many times your prospect will reveal their real objection. It really does work; try it! "I want to think about it, #4"
If your prospect still won't give you a clear objection, you may have to call his bluff. If they still say "I want to think about it, #4" then you should respond: "I understand how you feel _______, and the fact is you already have all the information on this (P-S-I) that you need to make a wise decision. As you know, what makes this (P-S-I) so good is the (now describe the benefits that are most attractive to your prospect). And I know you would enjoy those wouldn't you? Of course you would! You see, the only thing you need to think about is whether you want to keep putting up with the problems of your old supplier, or keep throwing money down the drain by using that old product, or continue to accept lower than average 75
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returns--or take action now on a (P-S-I) that will make you feel better immediately and save you money and time. Right now as you think about that, which would you rather do?" (Isolate/identify any objections, close) Remember, the key to handling objections successfully is to first find out what they are! If you don't know exactly which rebuttal to use, then chances are, you don't know exactly what the objection is. Other rebuttals to common objections are as follows: "I want to talk to my accountant,"
If your prospect says "I want to talk to my accountant," you should say: "I understand _______ and let me ask you a question: Does your accountant make your decisions for you or just advise you on the tax consequences on your investments? (Prospects usually says no but he advises me) "Good, because I know that you, like a lot of my clients, are successful because you make your own decisions. And _______, this decision is no different from the hundreds of other decisions you've made in your lifetime that have gotten you where you are 76
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today. Now I know that when your accountant confirms the tax consequences as I have described them, then this is something you are going to want to take advantage of isn't it?" (Listen very carefully to any other objections that may come up) If your prospect says yes, or that it looks pretty good, then close! "Great! Then use your good judgment and put this (P-S-I) to work for you right now!" Close and direct to any appropriate paperwork. "Want to talk to their financial advisor,"
If your prospect says that they "Want to talk to their financial advisor," you should respond with: "I understand and that is OK. Let me ask you a question--Do you think that your financial advisor would recommend that you invest in something that they know nothing about?" (The probable response is "No, but I want them to look at it") "_______ after they look at it and even if they like it, it is not in their best interest to recommend that you invest in something that they have no control over. If something goes wrong, then they will be responsible for it, and if it goes well, then you will probably reinvest with me and my company and that will just take more business away from them. 77
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"You see _______ it is important that you make the decision on what is right for you. Now I know you like the (go over the benefits and what they can do for them) right? Then let's take positive action now and get you started today. What we need to do..." (Close) Financial or accountant advisor
A good close to use that is kind of a catch all for the financial or accountant advisor is one that calls their bluff. Try: "I can understand that you may want to check with your accountant, or financial advisor, and I also remember you telling me that you are the one that would make a decision on something like this right? Great, then you just want to make sure that everything is in order right? Great, and when he confirms that this is everything that we just talked about, what size of a participation are you going to start with?" (Now at this point they will either say that they haven't decided yet, which means that the accountant/advisor was just a bluff and that there is another objection that they aren't telling you about, or
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they will give you the amount that they are considering. If they give you an amount, then say:) "Great! Then I'll set those units aside for you, and I'll go ahead and give your accountant/advisor a call to explain to him how this program works, and that you have decided to move ahead with x units. After he agrees that everything is in order, I'll have him call you, and then I will call you back to wrap up the details. Do you have his number handy?" We Just Don’t Have the Budget Now
Sometimes even though you qualify for budget (and you did qualify for the budget/money in advance, didn’t you?) you still get this objection when you ask for the order. Next to, “I want to think about it,” the money objection is one of the oldest put-offs there is. About half the time it is a real objection, and the half the time it is a stall. The good news is that if you know how to handle it, you can overcome this objection if you start by questioning and isolating it. The most important thing to say in response to this objection is: “_________, if the budget were available on this, would you move forward on it today?” 79
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Now listen carefully. Any hesitation or answer other than a yes means that budget or money isn’t the real or complete objection and you need to dig deeper. Questions like the following are good probing questions to use: “What else is important here?” and “What else would you need to see before you would move forward with this?” If your prospect says they would move forward if they had the budget, then it’s time for you to get creative and help your prospect find the budget. Good questions to use to help your prospect find or create the needed budget include: “Well ________, since you do agree that this solution would be a perfect fit for you, where could you get the money from?” You’d be surprised what resources your prospect can come up with if you let them. Remember to listen! Also try: “Who else could you go to to get approval to go beyond the budget for this?” 80
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“When was the last time you were able to squeeze something like this into your budget?” “What do you usually do when an emergency expenditure comes up—where do you get the budget for that?” And finally, “__________, if I could structure the payments on this to fit within your current budget and spread the other payments into your next budget period, would that make it easier to get started with this?” As always, listen to each response, continue to question and probe, and then ask for the order!
"I can't afford it,"
If your prospect says "I can't afford it," you should say: "I understand when people say that _______, and I think that what you should realize is that you really can't afford not to participate (or purchase) this (P-SI) now. You see, when you take into account all the money and time you will save by acting now, you could look back on this decision and realize this to be one of the smartest and most cost effective decisions 81
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you've ever made. A good short term decision to get started now can turn into a great long term decision that will actually make/save you money! So do you and your company a favor and make the decision to move ahead with this today. What we need to do is.." (Close) "I just don't have the money now,"
Or if they say respond with:
"I just don't have the money now,"
"I understand, and if you are like a lot of my clients then what you're saying is that you don't have 10 to 20 thousand dollars sitting in a low interest bearing checking account, rather, you probably have that money working for you in other investments and that it will take you a few days to get liquid. _______, because it will take a little bit of time on my end to set up an account for you, what I recommend is that we fill out the paperwork to secure your position now. That way, when your money becomes liquid we will be ready to take advantage of this opportunity, and you can begin enjoying the benefits of this program immediately. Do you see that paperwork..." (Close)
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"We don’t have the budget,"
A simple response to "We don’t have the budget," is: "If you were to move ahead with this, what source were you thinking of getting the money from?" (They will either tell you, or say that they can't--if they say they can't then you should review your notes and find out where they were thinking of getting the money from initially, then say) "When we last spoke, you mentioned that your xyz stock (department/fund) was really not doing very well. I'm sure it makes sense to you to move that around and put that money to work for you in a (P-S-I) that can make up that loss for you and begin earning you a profit doesn't it?" (Close)
"Price is too high,"
If your prospect still says that your "Price is too high," you can respond with: "I'm sure you know the old saying that 'you get what you pay for' right? Well ______ you are right, we are not the cheapest in town, but I can guarantee you that you will get what you pay for. You see, your enjoyment of the quality and dependability our 83
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product will far exceed the memory of paying a few extra dollars up front. But the most important reason for moving ahead with our product and my company is the follow up service that you will get from me. _______, I pride myself on my client satisfaction, and I will always make myself available to you, and if I can't help you immediately then I will find someone who can. And even if you just want to talk, I would be happy to hear from you. You see, the type of service I provide can't be bought at any price! I know that you will always be glad you took action today, so let's get you started! Do you need a P.O. number on this, or do I just make it to your attention?"
"Price is too high,"
One of the best ways to handle the "Price is too high," is to simply address and explain it. This is a true story that happened to me, and I'm sure something similar has happened to you. Use your imagination, and use a story that has happened to you. Try it in the following format:
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"I can understand how you feel ______, and believe me I've felt the same way myself about other products. I remember when I was shopping for a Jacuzzi once I went ahead and bought the one with the lower price. I remember the excitement I had when they had to crane it in over my roof, and they set it up and leveled it, and I filled it up and turned on the heat. That night I went out to take my first Jacuzzi and I found that the heater wasn't working! Well, a week later they got out there to fix that, and then when I got in one of the jets didn't work. And then the heater wouldn't turn off. ______, I don't remember how much I saved by buying the cheaper Jacuzzi, but I do remember all the trouble and unreliability I've had to put up for the last three years. _______, I'm very happy to report that while we may not be the cheapest in town, we are the best! Our service record and reliability is number one in the industry. And that means you will enjoy uninterrupted service and dependability day after day, year after year, long after the memory of paying a few extra dollars is forgotten. And I know that dependability and efficiency is most important to you and your business isn't it? Then I'll go ahead and put in the order for you today, would you like to take delivery next Monday, or would Wednesday be better?" 85
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"Price is too high - again,"
Another good way to deal with the "Price is too high," objection is to reduce it to what the price difference is on a day to day basis. Try: "You know _______ you are right, we are about $300 higher than our competitor. But if you consider that out of each month there are an average of 20 working days, and that you will be enjoying this product for at least the next 5 years, you will find that for just .25 cents a day you can enjoy all the quality of workmanship and reliability that has made our product the leader in the industry! You see ______, once you begin using and enjoying our product, you will also begin enjoying the piece of mind and customer satisfaction that comes with it--and that you can't buy elsewhere at any price! So let's get you started! Would you like delivery next Tuesday in the morning, or would Wednesday afternoon be better?" "Question the objection that your prospect just gave you."
Another good technique to use is to "Question the objection that your prospect just gave you." This will often eliminate a lot of the work you must do, and you will be surprised at how many times your prospect will 86
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often explain away their objection! It can be as simple as this: If your prospect says "It costs too much," simply say (and then shut up!): "It costs too much?" Or, "Compared to what? Or, "What do you think it should cost?" And then, "What makes you say that?" Or if they say "I can't afford it, " you should simply say: "You can't afford it?" Or, "How long will it take you to get into a position to afford it?" 87
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Or, "What do you need to do to be able to afford it?" I Can Get a Better Deal Elsewhere
Let’s face it -- today's business world is competitive. Besides the normal objections you get (no money, price to high, need to talk to, etc.) a common objection that blows out 80% of your competition is, "I can get a better deal elsewhere." This frustrates a lot of sales reps and takes thousands of dollars of commission out of their pockets. The Top 20% also get this objection, but are prepared for it and know how to overcome it. Here's what they do -First, they recognize that if someone says that they can get a better deal elsewhere, it means one of three things: 1 -- They're wrong (in other words, they think they are getting the same thing you're offering, but they're not).
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2 -- They're just putting you off and using this objection as a smokescreen 3 -- They really can get a better deal. In order to find out what your prospect means, offer to help them determine if they really are getting a better deal by questioning and comparing every component of it. Use this script: “ __________ my customers tell me this all the time, and sometimes they genuinely can get a better deal, but a lot of times they aren't. I'll tell you what I’ll do. I'll go over each item you been quoted by this other company, in other words we will compare apples to apples, and if everything is equal I'll see if I can do even better on that. If I can, you'll get an even better deal and if I can't, I'll tell you so. Either way, you'll win. Now, do you have that other quote in front of you?" Then simply go over each item to make sure everything is equal. Often times it's not and you can point this out. And if it is, you still have a chance to win the deal. And if they do have a better deal, then build the value of having you as their sales rep and try to close the sale anyway. Either way, you'll win. 89
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The Drop Close:
If your prospect is interested in your product or service, but can't afford to buy the top model, or all the extras, or even participate at the minimum level of 5 units, you can often times still get the sale by using the "Drop close." Although this is one of the best ways to save a sale, it is also one of the most abused closes used. That is because it is often used incorrectly, and too soon. The drop close, as the name suggests, is when you drop the minimum, or cut the price (if possible) of your product or service. It should only be used after you are sure that your prospect wants to purchase or participate in your product or service and should then only be used with the words, "I'm not saying I can, but if I could get you X, can you move on this today?" Here is how it works: "I can understand that funds may be a little tight right now, but I also know that you really would like to participate in this program right? Well ______, sometimes a split position does become available and if it is not already spoken for, and if my manager approves it, I can sometimes offer it to new clients like yourself. Now I'm not saying I can, but if I could get you a starting position today at just half the price
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of the regular unit, is that something you would move on right now?" Then put your prospect on hold, come back and close the sale. "Multiple choice close."
Another close that is very effective is the "Multiple choice close." One mistake 80% of your competition makes is asking for the minimum order and being happy and satisfied when they get it! Because you never know how much a prospect or company can handle, you should stop robbing yourself of thousands of potential dollars by selling yourself short. By using the multiple choice close you can avoid this. It goes like this: "_______ some of our clients start with the minimum investment/position/order of $25,000 and usually wish they had taken more, while others realize that with a product/investment/offer this good it makes sense to move other things around to get the budget and so participate at the $50,000 to $75,000 level. And of course our professional buyers wouldn’t even consider anything less than a $100,000 position/order in something this good. Where do you see yourself starting at?" 91
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"Taking the prospect all the way through the close."
One very important technique that the top 20% of closers use all the time is the technique of "Taking the prospect all the way through the close." The difference here is that 80% of inside sales reps will finish their presentation, or rebuttal and then say something like, "So what do you think?," or, "So let's get you started." This isn't enough! If you just say, "So let's get you started" your prospect can then say no, or give you another objection, and your momentum is lost. You must direct your prospect to and through every step of the paperwork and close. Try something like this: " _______ and I know that makes sense to you right? Great, then here is what we need to do to get you started. Pull out that subscription agreement/order form/quote page, you should see it there at the back of the booklet. Do you see that? OK, and you are going to need something to write with, do you have a pen handy? Great, now turn to page..." (Get the idea?) Ben Franklin close.
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If your prospect is having trouble making a decision either way, one of the best closes you can use is the old Ben Franklin close. You may know this close by a different name, it is sometimes called the accountants close, or the balance sheet close, but in either case it is very effective at getting your prospect involved, and at getting them to make a positive decision. Don't be fooled! Though this is one of the oldest closes in the book, it is also one of the best if used with the right prospect. It goes like this: "I can appreciate that it may be hard for you to make a decision right now, I've given you a lot of facts, and I know you want to do what is right. That is why I suggest you do what (my accountant, my financial advisor, or Ben Franklin) would always do when faced with a tough decision. You see, Ben was a very thorough person and before he would make any decision he would first want to make sure that there were more reasons to do it than there were not to do it. I'm sure that makes sense to you doesn't it? Great, then grab a piece of paper and something to write with and let’s have some fun. OK, now make two columns, one that says yes and the other that says no. Have you got that? Great. OK, now let's see how many reasons you can think of to move ahead 93
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with this." (It is important to let them first list the reasons that are important to them, and you should only help them when they can't think of any others. You should have them write down as many as you have already prepared) "And now for the no column. What reasons can you think of not to move ahead with this?" (It is important to not help them with this list. Usually they will be able to only think of a couple reasons on their own) "Well ______, I think you can see for yourself what decision Ben would make here. And I also think you can see why all of our other clients have decided to put us to work for them also. Would you like to start with 4 units or would 8 be better?" (Close) "Just going to pass on this now"
If your prospect says that they are "Just going to pass on this now," you should say: "I can appreciate that _______, and you know you just said something very important--you said now. Timing is the most important part of any 94
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decision you can make, and I think you would agree with me wouldn't you? Well _______, the timing for this (P-S-I) couldn't be better. Waiting will only cost you more time and money. You see, by acting on this now you will be able to (list benefits that you know are important to your prospect). And I know you can certainly appreciate that can't you? Then don't delay any longer! What we need to do is....." (Close) Or, "I understand how you feel _______, and you sound like a lot of people I speak with who have been putting off making a decision and missing out on all the benefits that this (P-S-I) can provide for them. Now I know that you would enjoy the steady income this program can provide you with right? And I also know that just like my other clients, you could also benefit from the (list another benefit you know your prospect is interested it), and of course what my clients like best, and you can begin enjoying immediately, is the (list another benefit). All you need to do is to put me and my company to work for you right now. Here is what we need to do..." (Close)
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"I don't know you, and I don't feel comfortable doing business over the phone"
If your prospect says "I don't know you, and I don't feel comfortable doing business over the phone," you should say: "That is perfectly all right, and I expect you to be cautious about who you do business with. Most of my existing clients felt the same way you do now before they did business with us as well. And what made a difference for them was the fact that we have been successfully helping people like you get (list benefits) for over X years now. We are also members in good standing with the better business bureau, and we are a fully licensed and registered company. Now I know that these are some of the things that are important to you aren't they?" "But ______ that is just the start. The real test is our performance and our track record. I am happy to report to you that over the last X years we have averaged (give your track record or return, or service history, etc.). And let's face it _______, those are the kind of results that you are looking for aren't they? Then what we need to do is..." (Close) "Don't like the lack of control of the investment you are offering"
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If your prospect says that they, "Don't like the lack of control of the investment you are offering," you should say: "I understand exactly how you feel _______, and I would feel that way as well. And that is why you must be able to rely on and trust in the people you are doing business with right? You see I'm sure you own stock in GM or other companies don't you? Well remember, you are not a member of the board of those companies, nor do you have direct say as to what those companies invest your money in. But ________ the point is this. You don't have control, nor would you really want control. The important thing to you is that you feel comfortable enough to have faith and trust in the people you are doing business with. Isn't that right? So let's talk about our company and let's be sure that we are the type of company you can feel good about investing with. First of all, we are a fully licensed and registered brokerage house, and of course members in good standing with the better business bureau. And that is always a good start isn't it? (List your company’s affiliations) Well _______, that is only the start. The most important thing is our track record. Over the last few years, (our investments, or this market, or this product) (explain track record). And let's face it _______, those are the kind of results you would expect when you (invest, purchase, put to work, etc) 97
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isn't it? Then let's take the next positive step and get you into this market so you can start enjoying these kinds of results for yourself. Here is what we need to do......" (Close) "Too risky,"
If your prospect says that your product is "Too risky," you should reply: "I understand how you feel _______, and I think you would agree with me that diversity is the key to any successful investment portfolio isn't it? I, too, think you should keep the majority of your money in 'safe' investments like bonds, some real estate, mutual funds, etc.. But you know that to maximize your growth you also need to take some risk. Now I would never tell you to gamble with your money. What I am encouraging you to do is to carefully consider all the facts of this investment so that you can make an intelligent decision on how to diversify a portion of your money to get the highest rate of return possible." Now go over the benefits of your investment with them. When done, confirm your answer and close.
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"It is still too risky,"
Another good comeback to "It is too risky," is: "This is not a ordinary investment. This is not a CD that will give you a 3 to 4% return. This is not a real estate investment that will give you a 6 to 10% return. Now I'm not saying that those are bad investments, I think conservative investments like those are the backbone of any solid investment portfolio. "But ______, you also need to invest a portion of your money into a program like this that has the potential of giving you better returns than all of your other investments combined! Now I'm not saying put all of your money into this program. What I am saying is be smart. Diversify just a portion of your portfolio into this, and put yourself in the position to make these kinds of returns. Now I know that you could write a check for X amount without taking food off the table right? Then you owe it to yourself and your family to start earning these kinds of returns today. Here is what we need to do....." (Close) "Don't do business over the phone,"
If your prospect says that they "Don't do business over the phone," you should say: 99
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"I understand how you feel and let me ask you, when was the last time you talked to your stock broker over the phone? Or how about your real estate broker? You see the point is that billions of dollars each year are traded over the telephone. Doing business over the phone has become the most efficient and economical way of doing business. I think that what you are really saying is that you want to make sure that the people you do business with over the phone are reputable and trustworthy isn't that right?" "Well _______, I am happy to tell you that we have been doing business successfully now for (give your company track record, and then list benefits and close!)
"Too busy now,"
If your prospect says that they are "Too busy now," and they want you to call back in a few weeks you should say: "That's fine _______, and I can appreciate how busy you are. You probably have a lot of work on your desk, and you probably review a lot of offerings, and I want you to know that I'm just as busy as you
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are so I know how you feel. You see I've got many clients and accounts to keep up with myself, in addition to trying to keep in contact with new clients like yourself. So I'll tell you that I'm willing to call you back next week, or next month, or even next year if that is the case, but the bottom line is this--you know as a busy professional that when a good opportunity comes along it is imperative that you evaluate it quickly and make a decision based on all the available information, isn't that right? “Well _______, I'm only here to help you make that decision in as quick a time as possible. (Try to control here, and have them get the information. If they won't or can't now, then get a firm time that same day to get back to them) I'm looking at my schedule right now, and I can give you a call back this evening at let's say 7 o'clock or 7:30. Which is best for you?"
"I don't like high pressure salespeople, and I feel like you are pushing me into this,"
If your prospect says "I don't like high pressure salespeople, and I feel like you are pushing me into this,"
should say:
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"________, let me say one thing. First of all I want to apologize. I'm not here to put you in a position of being pressured, and I don't want you to make a quick decision on the spot. If I don't get anything more across to you on this conversation, I want you to get this--I'm a professional who is here to help you learn all the facts on this (P-S-I) so that you are in the best possible position to make the right decision. You can appreciate that can't you? "Please don't confuse my enthusiasm with pressure. You see, I just get a little excited when I know that I am talking with someone like yourself who could really benefit from this (P-S-I). I know that you would enjoy the (list the benefits again-confirm your answer, and then). Well _______, just to clarify my thinking, what about this (P-S-I) is holding you back right now?" (Listen, isolate, and close)
"Assumptive close."
Another important kind of close to learn is the "Assumptive close." Whenever closing, you should expect that your prospect is going to say no, but you should always assume that they are going to buy. For
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example, rather than asking your prospect if they want to participate in your program, you should assume that they do, and you should be asking them at what level of participation they are going to start with. Try: "I know that this (P-S-I) makes sense you, and I also know that you will enjoy all the benefits we just talked about. The nice thing is that there are several ways for you to get involved. The first way would be to start with our introductory minimum order of just $10,000, or you can begin with our professional position of $25,000, or you can get the maximum benefit from this program by beginning with our elite position of $100,000. Which is best for you?" "Close by asking for the order rather than going on."
Sometimes during a close you will get definite buying signals, such as when you say, "And that is a nice feature isn't it?," and your prospect replies "It sure is!" It is so important at these times to go ahead and "Close by asking for the order rather than going on." Remember, you don't have to go through your entire presentation before you can ask for the order! Any time you get a buying signal you should close and ask for the order. For example, if you call a prospect back and ask them if they liked the material you sent
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and they say yes, then don't go into your pitch, instead say: "I knew you would, and the nice thing about this is how easy it is for you to begin enjoying the (benefits). All we have to do is to fill out that subscription/order document at the back of the booklet, do you see that there?" "That's a nice feature isn't it,"
Or, if you use the tie down "That's a nice feature isn't it," and they respond that it is, then say: "And it gets even better when you realize how easy it is for you to start enjoying it for yourself. All you have to do is let me know what day is best for you to have this unit delivered. Is next Tuesday good, or would you prefer Wednesday morning?"
"Sitting on the fence,"
If your prospect is "Sitting on the fence," and you just don't know where to go, it is important at this point to instill confidence and trust. You should use
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closes that stress building a relationship. You should try: "________, you seem a little hesitant right now, and I can understand how you feel. Taking the first step in any new venture is often difficult. But it is important for you to realize that I am on your side in this. We are in this together. My goal is to put you into a program/product/service like this that will earn/provide you with the results you are looking for. And it only makes sense that if I can perform for you like I do for my other clients, then you too will want to (reinvest or reorder) with me and my company for many years won't you? “And that is my main concern. Now _______ I am not saying that you should start with a large order that will be uncomfortable for you. Rather, just start with enough to put my company and me to work for you. We can then base all other participation on the successful results we achieve here. Would you like to start with X order, or would Y order be better for you?"
"New client account"
Another "New client account" close to use would be:
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"________ if doing business over the phone like this is hard for you, I want you to know that I understand. It is hard for me also. But putting my company and me to work for you right now could turn out to be one of the wisest and most enjoyable moves you can make this year! “I know that like all my other clients, you are certainly going to enjoy the (benefits that they are interested in most). And the service you will get from me will be top notch, I can assure you of that. But in addition to those important features, the most important benefit you will gain from acting now is the long-term relationship that you will form with me and my company. You see, when you start experiencing these benefits for yourself, I know that you are going to want to (reinvest or reorder) with me and my company, and that way we will both continue to benefit for many years to come. So let's start that relationship right now! Pull out that order form, and I will help you fill it out. Do you see it right there?..." (Close)
“I can get cheaper,"
If your prospects says, “I can get cheaper," or “Well the XYZ company has something similar or for less
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money," or anything like that, then you have to build value in yourself. Try: “You know _________ I'm aware of all the other options for this (product or service) and quite frankly if I thought any of them were better for my clients, I’d be working for there and selling them. “When I got into this industry I did my own research, and I looked for the best company that not only offered the best (product or service) but also delivered the best customer service and follow-up. I chose (your company) because they give my clients the best overall value and the best experience and that means they continue to do business with me and refer new business to me as well. "If there was a better product or company for you to be doing business with I’d be there. But there isn’t. “Bottom line -- if you want the best overall value, results and experience with this (your product or service) then do what I do did – choose (your company) – You’ll always be glad you did.. Now, do you want to start with the X size order or would the Y size order be better?"
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"The Take away,"
A very effective type of close is the "Take away." This close can be used after you have used five or six closes and your prospect still won't budge. The theory behind a take away is simple--people want what they think they can't have. A good take away to use is: "You know _______ maybe this program/product/service isn't for you after all. I don't want you to think that I am pushing you to (invest, purchase). I mean this investment/product/offer is going to go on with or without your participation. And our clients are going to continue to enjoy the (list benefits) whether you are involved or not. You see _______, you can let this opportunity pass you by like I'm sure you have many others. But you have to realize that you can't score a touchdown sitting on the bench. Now I know that you are interested in this sort of investment/product/service or we wouldn't be talking right now. And I know that you can certainly benefit from the income this can produce. And after you have been receiving that income for a few years, I know that you, like my other clients, will be reinvesting with me for years to come, and that is what we both want. So let's get you started now. Would you like to start with X amount or would Y amount be better?" (Close)
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"Take away #2"
And another "Take away #2" close: "________, I'm not here to put you in a position you don't want to be in. I mean this program is going to continue working whether or not you invest today. But let's face it. We both know that you can use the (benefits that are important to them). And we also know that you wouldn't have invested this much time reading and reviewing the information if you weren't really interested in participating in it. “So take the next positive step _______, and take advantage of this opportunity. You will always be glad you took action today! Here is what we need to do..." "Won't commit, and insists on putting you off,"
If at the end your prospect "Won't commit, and insists on putting you off," a good take away rebuttal to leave them with is: "You know ________, I think I've already spent too much time with you on this, and I've got many other people who realize the value of this opportunity and are waiting to hear from me. So here is what I
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will do. I'll hold your position for X amount until noon tomorrow. And If I don't hear from you by then, then I'll go ahead and lock that in for you, and you'll be assured of getting into the project. You do have my 800 number right?" (Close) "Now time to call them back,"
If, however, your prospect has succeeded in putting you off and it is "Now time to call them back," please do not under any circumstance ask if they have read it over, or if they have made a decision. If you do, you will just be giving them another opportunity to say no! Rather, there are two ways to get back to your prospect. The first way is to begin reselling them, and the second way is to assume the deal. Here's the first way: "Since we last spoke we have had some exciting information that I wanted to share with you (give them any new developments, or just go over some of the important benefits again). And of course how this affects you is that by getting involved now you will be able to (show them how the benefits will help them). And I'm sure that you will enjoy using this product just as much as my other clients. Here is what we need to do to get you involved in this.." Close
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"Assuming the deal"
And "Assuming the deal" would go: "You know _______, I've been looking forward to talking to you today. I have been thinking about how happy my other clients are who have already moved ahead with this program, and I've been thinking about how happy you will be too once you start enjoying (list a few benefits briefly). And I know that in a few months or even a year from now you will look forward to my call, and you will be doing business with me and my company for many years to come. And it all starts with taking positive action right now. Would you like to start with our minimum position of just $10,000, or would you like to start with our professional position of $25,000? Which is better for you?" The Most Important Script You’ll Ever Use
I get many requests each month for phone scripts. People want to know how to open the call, how to avoid being blown off, how to handle objections, etc. While I cover all this in my Top 20% Telesales Boot Camps and products [see my “Comprehensive Top
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20% Instruction Manual” for a variety of proven scripts], there is one script that every sales rep needs to use every day. Now get ready because it actually doesn't have anything to do with the objections listed above. Nope. Rather, it is the script of what you say to yourself over and over throughout the day. Here's the Real Top 20% Deal -- top producers are top producers because that's how they see themselves performing. They have a picture of themselves -- a self-image -- as a top producer, and it is this picture that determines their actions and so their results. They have a “winner consciousness" and it is this attitude that will always determine their results. Period. You should know this truth right now -- you're not losing sales because the market is bad or because the product is overpriced or any other external event for situation. If you're not succeeding, it's not because your territory isn't very big, or good, or because the leads suck. Nope. It's all about your self-image and what you expect of yourself. What you believe is what will become true for you, always.
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This is proven over and over. As Dr. Robert Anthony says in his book, “The Advanced Formula For Total Success": "Your ability to accept is determined by your consciousness. We all know people who have more money than they know what to do with, and we all know many people who never have enough. Why the difference? If a person who has virtually nothing is given a large sum of money, within a very short time that person will have nothing again. If we divided all the money in the world equally, in a short time the rich would be rich again, and the poor would be poor. Many people think that if they could just get their hands on a large sum of money, they would be set for the rest of their lives. This is absolutely not true. Surveys have shown that people who receive large sums of money without working for them -- those who won lotteries, or inherited wealth, for example -almost always find themselves back to their original financial level within two years of their windfall. They think that if they had money, they would pay their bills, get out of debt and start anew. But that very seldom happens. Over ninety percent of the people who win large sums of money in eventually end up with no more money than they had before their winnings. Their standard of life does not
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increase and it is in many cases lowered because of their excess spending. The point here is that if you have a poverty consciousness or a consciousness of lack and limitation you will literally spend yourself into poverty. If you find yourself with too much money you will spend whenever you have in order to get back to your comfort zone. Take all the money away from a person who is a millionaire -- one who has the consciousness of the millionaire today -- and within a short time he or she will be a millionaire again. Riches start from the mind, not your pocketbook, bank account or investment. The bank account and investments are the effects, not the cause. The cause is always an idea or belief. A person is not rich because they have money. They have money because they are rich in consciousness. They believe that they are rich. Again, this is the reason that the rich will always get richer and the poor will always stay poor until they changed their consciousness.” This is powerful stuff because we all know it is true. And I have experienced this personally because I used to have a poverty consciousness, and my results were that of a bottom 80% producer.
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But that all that changed when I used the following script or affirmation to change my subconscious picture or self-image. I recommend you copy and rewrite or adjust it to fit your product or service, and then write it down on a 3 by 5 card and then affirm and visualize it with emotion and feeling three times a day. I guarantee you that if you do this, your results will change. It will be the most important script you'll ever use: $55,000 GROSS PROFIT PRODUCTION (whatever sales production you want) I feel so powerful now that I am closing more business. It's like me to qualify each prospect thoroughly, and I often uncover their exact buying motives. I'm a powerful closer and if my client says no, that's when I go to work -- I listen for my opening and I use all the right scripts, rebuttals, and closing techniques. And it's working! I'm closing more sales, making more money, and I love seeing my name on the deal board over and over. I knew I could do it and this feels great. I used the above affirmation consistently, with emotion, and within 90 days I was the closer of the
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month out of 25 reps in the office. And I never looked back. And you can do it to. The bottom line is that you’re always going to be affirming and building your conscious picture of yourself. Is it going to be a poor or rich picture? It’s always up to you. Use the above affirmation, or create your own, then visualize it, feel it and watch your sales take off. It works, it really does… You now have a variety of proven closes and techniques that you can begin using immediately to increase your closing ratio as well as your income. Print these out, adjust them to your product or service, and commit to using them and improving on each and every call. The more often you use them, the more successful you will be!
If you found these techniques valuable, I urge you to invest in my other products and begin using the proven techniques available in them as well. For starters, my all new 5 – CD series, “Secrets of the Top 20%, How to Double Your Income Selling Over the Phone” is now available, and by listening
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to it in your car before or after work, you can transform yourself into a Top 20% producer! Years ago I invested a couple of hundred dollars into a cassette series on telemarketing and made HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS as a direct result of learning and using proven techniques. YOU CAN DO THE SAME HERE! Order Your Copy Today!
For this and all other products, visit: All the best, Mike Brooks Mr. Inside Sales (818) 999-0869
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