Complement, A Cs or A Ca) .: Extensive Complementation

November 27, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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(handout)  (handout)  VERB COMPLEMENTATION (summary) The tran transiti sitive ve verbs in English English can be describe described d as monotransit monotransitive, ive, ditransitive, ditransitive, and om!"e# transitive$   Thes transitive$ Thesee ar aree thre threee type typess of e#te e#tensiv nsivee verb om!"ement om!"ementatio ation n, re requi quire red d by ac acti tiona onall (dynam (dy namic) ic) or mental mental (s (stat tative ive)) verbs. verbs. In the clauses clauses in which which a rel relati ational onal verb functi functions ons as the Predicator, we can spea of intensive verb om!"ementation (i.e. (i.e.   the verb requires an intensive complement , a Cs Cs or  or a Ca Ca). ). I$

%TATIVE VERB%  ! Intensive complementation& "a

'$ V  Adverbia" Com!"ement (Ca)& #he is is in  in $ondon.    


$ V %ub*et Com!"ement (Cs)& #he is is a  a student. (look, (look, smell, taste) taste) +   Extensive complementation& %d

'$ mono monotr tra ans nsit itiv ive& e& V  Od& Od& 'ames 'ames heard   the eplosion. ( see, notice,  feel, smell, taste, perceive, perceive, understand )  



owes me  me some $ di ditr tran ansi siti tive ve&& V  Oi  Od (or  (or  V  V  Od  Pre!O)& e owes money.  



-$ o om! m!"e "e# # tra trans nsit itiv ive& e&   V  Od  Co& Co & #he thinks thinks him  him brilliant. (believe, (believe, consider )



*niversit rsities ies became became famous  famous in Europe. ( get, +   Intensive complementation& V  Cs& *nive  grow,, make, turn)  grow turn) +   Extensive complementation& i$ Transiti sitiv ve   %d '$ monot monotran ransit sitiv ive& e& V  Od& Od& They ate the meal.  



$ di ditra transi nsitiv tive& e& V  Oi  Od& Od& e offered her some chocolates.  



-$ om! om!""e# tra trans nsit itiive ve&& V Od  Co& Co& They el elec ecte ted d him chairman. (choose, make, call, nominate, pronounce) pronounce )

ii. Intransitive& V  0& The train has arrived .

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