Comparsion on Asset Sense
December 11, 2016 | Author: Sai Prasad Mundlapati | Category: N/A
Short Description
Comparsion on Real Time Condition Monitoring
National Instuments Maintenance, operations, and reliability engineers and technicians rely on condition monitoring and predictive maintenance techniques to ensure critical equipment such as turbines, generators, pumps, compressors, and motors operate more efficiently and last long.For more than 15 years, industries have used the CompactRIO platform to monitor the health and condition of fleetwide equipment and processes to ensure the reliability and efficient operation of rotating and industrial equipment.
General Electric GE’s suite of groundbreaking rack-based and distributed condition monitoring software and hardware solutions including Bently Nevada enables greater asset reliability and enhanced efficiency for your operations, backed by an expert global support system.
RockWell Automation Condition monitoring products help you keep your plant floor running productively by detecting potential equipment failures. We offer real-time protection modules, sensors, portable instruments, and surveillance software. Our XM® Series of intelligent I/O modules performs real-time processing of critical parameters used in assessing the current health and predicting the future health of industrial machinery. Apply our XM modules in standalone systems or with existing automation and control systems.
Assert Sense To keep revenue up, you need to cap expenses and boost performance. AssetSense helps you do this by transforming the way you manage your company's equipment assets. Using our lowcost, cloud-based set of solutions that monitor and manage the health of your company assets, you can quickly and costeffectively increase the efficiency of your operation.
Industrial Manufacturing,Heavy Equipment,Transport equipment,Oil &gas,Wind Condition,Power generation
Aerospace,oil&Gas and Power generation
Industrial Manufacturing,Oil &gas,Wind Condition,Power generationAutomotive,Entertainment ,Fibre & textiles,Food & Beverages,Household & personal Care,Infrastructure,Life sciences,Marine,Metal,mining,Minerals,ceme nt, print publishing,pulp & paper,semiconductor & Elctronics,Tyre and rubber,water & Waste Water.
All process industries such as Oil & Gas,Power generation,Cement,Steel, Mining and other heavy machinery.
Dynamix 1444 Integrated Condition Monitoring,Emonitor Software
Cloud Technology,RFID ,Mobile application based technologies.
Industries covered for Condition Monitioring
Technologies Applied
Labview RIO,Compact RIO as per the Bently Nevada* Asset Condition equipment they have designed different Monitoring tools. They provide all instruments required for condition monitoring and provides integrtion with their softwares.Not clear about data integration and data processing.
Technolgy Integration
Integration With other softwaresNot clear from data available on web site.
They provide all instruments required for condition monitoring and provides integrtion with their softwares.Not clear about data integration and data processing.
Not clear about supply of They provide all instruments required for instruments and provides condition monitoring and provides integrtion data integration,data with their softwares. They provide data manipulation and data integration and data processing. processing easily.
Not clear from data available on web site.
Synchronizes with only company made Allen Provides integration of software Bradley PLCs. with SAP-ERP.
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