Comparison - Accountability of Public Officers 1935 1973 and 1987 Constitution - Generic

October 30, 2018 | Author: Edward Tumang | Category: Impeachment, Prosecutor, Virtue, Public Sphere, Public Law
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Assignment Commissioner Sarmiento...






Publi Public c oce oce is a public public trust. trust. Publ Public ic oc ocers and and emplo mploye yee es must at all all time times s be accountab accountable le to the people, serve them them with utmost responsibility, responsibility, integrity, loyalty, and eciency, act with patriotism and justice, and lead modest lives.

Publi Public c oce oce is a publi public c trust. trust. Public Public ocers ocers and employe employees es shall serve with the highest degree of  respons responsibili ibility, ty, integrit integrity, y, loyalty, loyalty, and eciency, and shall remain accountable to the people.



President, ent, the ViceP VicePres residen ident, t, the 2. The Presid !embers of the "upreme #ourt, the !embers of the #onstitutional #ommissions, and the Ombudsman may be remov removed ed from from oce, oce, on impeac impeachme hment nt for, for, and convicti conviction on of, culpable culpable violation violation of the #onstitu #onstitution tion,, treas treason, on, bribe bribery, ry, graft graft and corru corrupti ption, on, other other high high crime crimes, s, or betra betrayal yal of publi public c trust trust.. All All other other publi public c ocers and employees may be removed from oce as provided by law, but not by impeachment. SECTIO SECTION N



President, President, the $ustices of the the "upreme #ou #ourt, rt, and and the !embe mbers of the #on #onstit stitu ution ional #ommission #ommissions s shall shall be removed removed from oc oce on imp impeach achment ent for for, and and conviction of, culpable violation of the #onstitut #onstitution, ion, treason, treason, bribery, bribery, other other high crimes, or graft and corruption.

SECTIO SECTION N 3. The 2ational Assembly shalll have have the the e+cl e+clus usiv ive e powe powerr to &'( The )ouse )ouse of *epre *epresent sentative atives s shall shall shal init in itia iate te, , try, tr y, deci de cide de all al l case cases s of  have have the e+clusi e+clusive ve power power to initia initiate te all cases cases of  impe im peac achm hmen ent. t. 3pon 3p on the th e -lin -l ing g of a impeachment. veri veri-e -ed d comp compla lain int, t, the the 2ati 2ation onal al Assembly may initiate impeachment impeachm ent by &( A veri-ed complaint for impeachment may be -led vote of at least one-f one-fth th of all its by any !ember of the )ouse of *epresentatives or by a vote !embers. 2o ocial shall be convicted any citien upon a resolution of endorsement by any withou wit hout t the th e concur con curre renc nce e of at least least !ember thereof, which shall be included in the Order of  twothirds of all the members thereof. /usiness within ten session days, and referred to the 4hen the 2ation 2ational al Assem Assembl bly y sits sits in proper #ommittee within three session days thereafter thereafter.. 4hen impeachment cases, its !embers shall  The #ommittee, #ommittee, after hearing, hearing, and by a majority vote vote of  be on oath or armation. all its !embers, shall submit its report to the )ouse SECTION SECTION 3.

within si+ty session days from such referral, together with the corresponding resolution. The resolution shall be calendared for consideration by the )ouse within ten session days from receipt thereof. &0( A vote of at least onethird of all the !embers of the )ouse shall be necessary either to arm a favorable resolut resolution ion with the Articles Articles of 1mpeachm 1mpeachment ent of the #ommittee, or override its contrary resolution. resolution. The vote of each !ember shall be recorded.


President, the Vice SECTION 1 .  The President, Presid President, ent, the $ustices $ustices of the "upreme "upreme #ourt, and the Auditor %eneral, shall be removed from oce on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violation of the #onstitu #onstitution tion,, treason treason,, bribery, bribery, or other other high crimes. The The #omm #ommis issi sion on on SECT SECTIO ION N 2. 1mpeachm 1mpeachment ent of the 2ational 2ational Assembly Assembly,, by a vote of twothird twothirds s of its !embers, !embers, shall have the sole power of   impeachment. SECTION 3. The

2ational Assembly shall have the sole power to try all impeac impeachm hment ents. s. 4hen 4hen sittin sitting g for that that purpose the !embers shall be on oath or armati armation. on. 4hen the Preside President nt of the Philippines is on trial, the #hief $ustice of  the the "upr "uprem eme e #our #ourtt shal shalll pres presid ide. e. 2o perso person n shall shall be convic convicte ted d withou withoutt the the concurren rence ce of threef threefourt ourths hs of all the SECT SECTIO ION N 4. $udgment in cases of  concur impe impeac achm hmen entt shal shalll be limi limite ted d to !emb !ember ers s who who do not not belo belong ng to the the removal from oce and dis5uali-cation dis5uali-cation #ommission on 1mpeachment. to hold hold any oce oce of honor, honor, trust trust,, or propro-tt und under the the *epub epubli lic c of the the SECT $udg $udgme ment nt in case cases s of  SECTIO ION N 4. Philippi Philippines, nes, but the party party convicte convicted d impeachm impeachment ent shall shall not e+tend e+tend further further shall nevertheless be liable and subject then to removal f ro rom oce and to prosecution, trial, and punishment, punishment, dis5u dis5uali ali-ca -catio tion n to hold hold and enjoy enjoy any in accordance with law. oce of honor, trust, or pro-t under the %overnm %overnment ent of the Philippi Philippines, nes, but the

&6( 1n case the veri-ed complaint or resolution of  impeachment is -led by at least onethird of all the !embers of the )ouse, the same shall constitute the Articles of 1mpeachment, and trial by the "enate shall forthwith proceed. &7( 2o impeachment proceedings shall be initiated against the same ocial more than once within a period of one year. &8( The "enate shall have the sole power to try and decide all cases of impeachment. 4hen sitting for that purpose, the "enators shall be on oath or armation. 4hen the President of the Philippines is on trial, the #hief $ustice of the "upreme #ourt shall preside, but shall not vote. 2o person shall be convicted without the concurrence of twothirds of all the !embers of the "enate.

party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to prosecution, trial, and punishment, according to law.

&9( $udgment in cases of impeachment shall not e+tend further than removal from oce and dis5uali-cation to hold any oce under the *epublic of the Philippines, but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to prosecution, trial, and punishment according to law. &:( The #ongress shall promulgate its rules on impeachment to e;ectively carry out the purpose of  this section. 5. The 2ational Assembly shall create a special court, to be
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