Remaining 1/ is free portion (Art. 89%! "##$ ,-o or more legitimate children (or their descendants$
1/% (divided )' the num)er of children$
#onsider spouse as 1 legitimate child and divide estate )' total num)er
ual to the share of one child Surviving spouse Remainder is free portion (Art. 89%! "##$
&egitimate child
Illegitimate child
1/% of each legitimate child (Art. 10! 2amil' #ode$ Remainder is free portion (Art. 89%! "##$
Surviving spouse
1/% (remaining half is free portion; Art. 9**! "##$
lease read Article 10 of the 2amil' #ode4 computing the legitimes of legitimate and illegitimate children; an illegitimate child gets one5half $ 1/%
6rothers and sisters (nephe-s and nieces! in case of deceased si)lings$
"ot entitled to an'thing since the' are not compulsor' heirs; testator ma' choose to give them something out of the free portion
1/% (divided )' the num)er of )rothers and sisters; nephe-s and nieces of deceased si)lings divide among themselves the share that should have to their parents$ Art. 1**1! "##
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