Company Profile

November 13, 2018 | Author: moeen.tariq9252 | Category: Occupational Safety And Health, Safety, Employment, Business Process, Technology
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COMPANY PROFILE Togeth ogether er we can do more !!!


GlobaConis a credible and formid able broad-based black economic empow ermen t company in the count ry, as well as the specialist resour ces, im peccable t rack record, skills and equipm ent offered by GlobaCon w hich is a 10 0% black fem ale owned comp any.

GlobaCon is a giant empow ermen t company that of fers a full spectrum of “End-to -End Solut ions”, civil, construction, projects and allied services that w ill b e of value t o clients. Our pricing structures are mo st com petitive and may be customized for specific budgets.

This Business Profile also markets GlobaCon as a company and presents inform ation th at wi ll enable service providers to have no doubt in eng aging the services of this well established and credible Com pany to perform work in the fields specified under “ Services Offered “ in this Business Profile.

In addition, this profile outlines the conceptual models, processes and work flow systems used by GlobaCon to m anage any construction related w ork or projects irrespective of size or magnitude, briefly making reference to som e of th e system s, processes, resources, capabil ities and strengths of the comp any.


Mrs.Moodleybegan trading as sole proprietor in 200 8 and establishing GlobaCon in 2 01 0, grow ing rapidly from being init ially a 4t h tier sub contractor to ultim ately becoming one of t he leading Service Providers in th e broad-based econom ic emp owe rment segmen t.

GlobaCon has offices both in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng providing a comprehen sive range of telecom mu nications and civil services. The com pany has since established aux iliary relationships that fu nction as suppliers and sub-contractors to other large Telecomm unication Compan ies which are presently the m ain Master Service Providers in the t elecomm unications industry. GlobaCon is expanding steadily due to the expert ise, m anagemen t skills, specialist resources and technical resources. The areas of specialty Glob aCon in clude in ter alia, Eng ineering fabrication, Civil Engineering, underground and overhead construction, surface re-instatements, directional drilling and optic fibre floating, splicing and testing.

The Chief Financial Officer of Glob aCon, Mrs.Moodleyis a successful businesswoman and possesses exceptionally strong leadership qualities. She is a highl y respected, responsibl e and a dyn ami c businesswoman. The Chief Operation Officer of GlobaCon is Mr.Moodleywh o is a young , vibrant and am bitious individu al. He has entered t he ind ustry at a very young age and h as succeeded th rough h is determination. The Chief Information Officer of Glob aCon is Mr.Singhwh o is an energetic, m otivated and a vastly experienced individu al. He has also entered the in dustry at a very youn g age and h as succeeded through his industry knowledge. In essence, it is a company that is rapidly buildin g a reputation, wh ich can be entrusted wit h urgent custom er needs and p rojects of any size, m agnitude and scope - characteristics, wh ich rem ain un surpassed in the in dustry being form t he previously disadvantaged group (Asian Fem ale) her main objective is to become a formid able primary service provider in the Telecommunications, Fabrication and Construction industries.


Emp owering our Com pany with on-going strategic plannin g and proactive thinking . Emp owering and growing our staff. Developing People wit h disabilities Emp loying individuals from the disadvantaged and designated groups Em pow ering Youth and Women . Em pow ering our business netw orks and strategic alliances.

To tim eously serve our clients and m anage a wide range of projects (large and small) and to p erform ou r duties wit h the highest l evels of professionalism, integrity, ho nesty, fairness in our busine ss relat ionshi ps incl udin g full compliance with all legislation, By-laws, safety, quality and environm ental m atters.

GlobaConis com m itted t o a clean, safe and healthy environment for its employees, contractors, customers and surrounding comm unities. With th e co-operation of each empl oyee GlobaCon w ill sustain the high est levels of perform ance and service benchm arked against th e philo sophy of “best-practices” and standards.


To become a form idable nationw ide broad-based black econom ic empow ermen t comp any, responsive to the n eeds of clients and customers and promo te service & custom er excellence at all tim es.

Providing assistance and a platform for other emergin g female ow ned bu sinesses.

O BJEC TIVE To comp etitively position and ensure th at GlobaCon remains a leading and credible company in providin g turnkey solution s for infrastructure construction projects to all t heir clients and customers, including the prov ision of value-add ed services

TRA IN IN G The Company has definitive plans to grow and advance in accordance with the n eeds of the industry; hence we have clearly defined training and development plans as well as Equity target that ensure training and developm ent of persons empl oyed by ou r comp any, especially em ployees who were denied such growth and learning opportu nities in t he p ast.


Managing Director

R. M ood ley

Chief Operations Officer

Chief Financial Officer

Chief Information Officer

P. M oo dl ey

R. M ood ley

A. Singh

Project Adm inistrator


SHEQ Manage r

D. Steen kam p

M. Ball im

J. Pil la y

Civi l s P. M

Business Dev. Manager

Planning Manager

B. Bo ka

R. Goven der

B. Ciang ram

Special ist Civils P.M

Administration Manager

Wayleaves Manager

K. Sewack

H. Donjeang

Optic Fibre P. M

S. Nar ain samy

M. Mo odley

Logistics M anager

I. Khan

Procurement Manager

T. Mb ot ho

BU SIN ESS VA LU ES To achieve o ur Vision and Mi ssion , w e at GlobaCon , ple dge to conduct o urselves and execute our dut ies by: • Striving to achieve custom er service excellence as our Com pany’s overriding philo sophy. • Com ply wit h all prescribed legislation, By-Laws and regulations of Sout h Africa • Adoptin g a zero tolerance for fraud, theft, m isconduct, safety violation or any other form of unet hical behaviour amo ngst our colleagues, custom ers, em ploy ees, sub-cont ractors and suppliers. • Creating and maint aining a safe and productive wo rking environ men t, taking special cognizance of SHE provisions of the OHS ( Occupational & Safety Act )

• • •

Displaying a professional, comm itted, transparent an honest approach w hile applying sound  jud g m en t an d o b je ct ivit y in al l o ur se rvice s. Applying an unquestionable level of integrity and sincerity. Diligently avoiding being compromised through conflict of interest. Cont inuou sly seeking an unparalleled level of teamw ork and co-operation in achievem ent of our objectives.

CO D E O F CONDUCT GlobaCon is dedicated to buildin g long -term relatio nships with customers through q uality service and customer support . Values its associatio n w ith i ts client s as well as its suppl iers and associates and aim s to m aintain standards, wh ich satisfy the requirem ents of all custom ers. The com pany’s main business values are as follow :• Clientsatisfaction • Superiorservice • Integrity • Innovation • Businessfocus •  Working hard, but efficiently and effectively  • Beproudandenjoywhatwedo

CO M PA N Y IN FRA STRU C TU RE LO CATIO N A N D CO M M U N ICATIO N M ED IU M Our offices are ideally located at 27 Lothian Road , Redhill, Durban and 96 Maple Road, Pom on a, Kemp ton Park, Gauteng. Equi ped w ith fast and easy Internet access, E-mail address and fax facilities. In addition, each senior foreman and field staff of the Com pany has their ow n electronic com m unication m edium s supplied by our Company

H A RD W A RE A N D SO FTW A RE The Com pany ow ns the latest comput ers, hardware and softw are in order to complete their work in the most efficient and organized manner. The Com pany regularly purchases new and relevant software to centrally manage the grow ing admin istrative and supply-chain processes incum bent on t he Com pany from tim e to tim e.

A D M IN ISTRATIO N The admin istration managem ent of the Com pany is centrally controlled and managed from 27 Lothian Road, Redhill, Durban .The Director and senior m anagemen t under take regular Audit Checks and staff meet ings to ensure that continuou s improvem ent is sustained as we ll as regular mon itoring, evaluations, checks and strategic planning is don e on a biannually.

M ATERIA L H O LD IN G In additio n to our w orkshop situated at 98 Seaward Road, Clairwood , Durban ,the Com pany has adequate Storage facilities to store all m aterial supplied and proper computerized control w ill be m aintained

TO O LS and EQ U IPM EN T Forklittx1

8TONCraneTrucksx2 8 TON Crane Trucks x 2


Cable / Duct De-coiler x 3

FloatingMachinex2 Splicing M achine x 4

Too l Trail ers x 3


Directional Drilling Ditch Wit ch Trenche r x 2


Auger Machine

OTDRTestingx2 0.5 TON Bakkeie x 2

Whacker/ Rammerx4

Surveying Planning Construction Drawings

Wayleave Applications

Project Management Meeting and Reporting to Clients

6 Months inspection and 12 Months Final Acceptance

Survey Trenchline, As Built Drawing an d Pack


Material Handling, Transportation and Delivery

Trenching an d Installing Ducts, incl Road , Brid ge and Railway Crossings

Quality Control, Site Handover, Client and Council Sign Offs

Floating, Splicing and Termination Of Fiber Opti c Cables

Surface Restoration, Incl Asph alt, Concrete, Paving and Landscaping


NATURE O F BU SIN ESS GlobaConbelieves that by concentrating on t wo market segmen ts, nam ely Telecomm unications Infrastructure and Civil Construction, we are able to d eliver m ost of the n eeds of our custom ers and also superior quality excellence in our offerings. The company’s emp hasis w ill be on providing a com plete range of specialized services based on having a tho rough know ledge and und erstandin g of the industry and of the equipm ent on the present m arket segment. With highly experienced and w ell informed staff within our management team and our expert ise in the telecomm unication ind ustry, we are able to provide a service far beyond that of compet itive business.

EM PLO YM EN T EQ U ITY PO LICY SO C IA L RESPO N SIBILITY PRO G RAM H U M AN RESO U RCES CH A N G E M A N A G EM EN T PRO CESS Inclu de a strategy to assist staff in acquirin g th e necessary skills and im plem ent our Skills Developm ent Plans to suppor t governm ent’s National Skills Developm ent Im peratives. Manage change effectively by involving al l staff, to h elp identify the gap be tw een the skills available and the skills that w ill be needed in the future. Impl ement a skills audit involv ing all staff, to help id entify the gap betw een the skills available and the skills that w ill be needed in the futu re. Monitoring and evaluation of t he AA and emp loyment equity process shoul d take pl ace on a regular basis.

Our management and staff are further comm itted to uplifting the p oor and disadvantaged grou p and to initiate a BEE program by initiating a special developm ent program to develop people and train them to becom e independent. GlobaCon h as incorporated a pro gram w hereby a percentage of its profits is awarded to social responsibility. This provides funds to non-profit organizations such as homes for underprivileged children and churches in particular.

EM PLO YM EN T O F CA SU A L LA BO U R To Ut ilize Local Casual Labou r from the disadvantaged areas. Train and D evelop p otent ial w orkers/persons previously regarded as disadvantaged for furth er employm ent.

Conclusion: We believe that if AA is implem ented correctly it woul d bring about a health y environm ent of people w ith a diverse background since each wou ld h ave learned or develop ed skills in a different w ay. A diverse yet valuable contribut ion at the Workplace wo uld be made. Our end result will b e a system w hich is representative of and responsive to the needs of the company and the entire South African community. Unless there is Effective Affirmative Action in the quantity, quality and accessibility then the Concept of AA rings hollow and b ecomes meaningless.

SA FETY PO LIC Y The management of  GlobaConregards the safety, Health and Environm ental M anagemen t of its em ployees and activities of utm ost import ance. The health an d Safety of all our em ployees is paramoun t to GlobaCon. The Com pany’s Health and Safety programm e was compiled and designed to cont rol and m inim ize accidents and injuries to all our emp loyees. Management is comm itted to the following:• All Laws/RulesthataregovernedinIdentifying,rectifyingandconsultingunsafe/unhealthyservices. • Identifying,rectifying,andconsultingunsafe/unhealthyservices. • Reviewingofsafety,healthandenvironmental objectivesandmanagementprograms. • Complyingwithrelevantlegislation.“OccupationalHealthandSafetyActandRegulations85of1993” • Regularsafety,healthandenvironmental consultationandcommunication. • Planningof newandmoreeffectivesafety,healthandenvironmental standards,targetsand measures. • Regularsafety andquarterlysafetychecksonall Vehicles,tools,andequipmentwithinthecompany. • Toanalyzeandrecordhighriskareaswithintheworkingplace. • Developingresponsiblein-housestandardswherenoregulationsexist. Com pany veh icles and M echanical Aids such as Com pressors, Groun d Comp actors and Generato rs are serviced regularly, to ensure that vehicles and mechanical aids operate at their optimum efficiency to reduce noise and exhaust emissions. With the co-operatio n of each in dividual, GlobaCon w ill m aintain a h ealthy, safe and secure environmen t for all emp loyees to continually im prove to his/her full po tential. Our Com pany has a det ailed Safety Plan w hich o utlin es Safety Procedures – t his safety plan is available o n request but too detailed for inclusion in this Business Profile.

Q U A LITY  PO LICY  As the Director of GlobaCon– I am committed to ensure the following: GlobaCon– is committed to the achievement and maintenance of the highest quality standards for, service, and employee performance by continuous improvement of processes and development of personnel. We are committed to the integration of the Quality Management System into all aspects of our business activities and will strive to ensure that our services do not adversely impact on the health of our employees, environment and the community.

O BJEC TIVES We comm it to a return on investment , wh ich w ill result in a viable business by pursuing the foll ow ing: • Conform ing to expectation of our Customers, targeting zero com plaints; • On time delivery; • Achieving a custom er satisfaction level that becomes to be benchm ark against in the industry; • Continuous improvement of all Quality Management System bu siness processes; • Emb racing change and improvements • Maintain ing QMS records. • Taking appropriate actions wit h respect to:• Corrective Action • Preventive Action • Remed ial Action • Risk managem ent

FIN A N CIA L STATU S A N D RISK ASSESSM EN T Our financial status health at GlobaCon is solid and we do not pose any risks to our service providers, both in financial terms or in term s of our operational and technical capacity and resources. This is the m ost im port ant criteria for the screening of all po ssible sub-contractors that we en gage.

PLA N N IN G & PRO JEC T M A N A G EM EN T U SED BY G LO BACO N Project m anagemen t, tools, process, plans and project plann ing used by our Com pany include the follow ing processes:• Precise specifications are agreed upon for all work. • Projects are planned - time, team, activities, resources, and financials. • Project plans are comm unicated to the specialist technical project teams. • Project actions are agreed and mo nitored. • Project Teams are m anaged , m otiv ated, infor m , encou raged, and enab led. • Checks, m easures, review pro ject progress; adjust project plans, are do ne on a contin uou s basis. • Com pleted projects; review and reports on project perform ance are complet ed Other pl anning t ools and processes used by our Company to run projects successfully include int er-alia the main and overall project planning w hich are: • Estimating tim e accurately • Schedulin g all projects • Time planning for small and m edium sized projects - Gantt Charts • Critical Path Analysis. • Effective plannin g for all-size projects – The Total Planning Cycle • Planning Large Projects - Using Planning and Managem ent Met hodol ogies Also used w here applicable th e company uses the techniques of Stakehold er Analysis and Stakehol der Managem ent.



Our Com pany’s management wil l ensure that custom er IM PRO VEM EN T requirements are determined and being met t hrough the use of a custom er feedback processes with t he inten t of im proving Our Com pany th rough their com pany’s quality p olicy, quality object ives, audit results, analysis of data and corrective our perception of customer an d service provider satisfaction and preventive actions contin uously improve the qu ality m anagemen t system. Resulting inform ation is recorded in the management review m inutes.

CO N CLU SIO N GlobaCon has an excellent track record in addition to the resources and expertise to meet specific outsourcing and infrastructure construction needs of any assignment irrespective of th e size or m agnitud e of w ork. As m entioned previously, our company is an empowerment Company with influential networks in the market-place. The Company has an excellent track record in th e Telecomm unications industry and som e of ou r m ajor projects are recorded in our company profile. Our Business Profile is self-explanatory, but re-affirms that GlobaCon offers the best services in compliance with service provider requiremen ts, and th e company w ill n ot com prom ise on any aspect of th e services it offers to client’s at the m ost com petit ive price. We pride ourselves on ou r ability to deliver excellent qu ality and high standards on all projects undertaken. We are confidant that we can deliver superior services.

CO N TA C T D ETA ILS Physical Addess Head Office KZN Physical Addess Office JHB Postal Ad dress

27LothianRoad Redhill,Durban 96MapleRoad Pomona,KemptonPark  P.OBox55305 NorthBeach4063

Com pany Reg. VAT Num ber TAX Num ber

2010/096450/23 4580257451 9026966227

Tele Office BBE Statu s Director E-Mail Cell Num ber

0318222868 Level One MrsRajeshreeMoodley Patricia [email protected] 0726042726

E-Mail Cell Num ber

[email protected] 0833850060

HEADOFFICEKZN 27LothianRoad Redhill, Durban 40 51 Kwazulu-Natal SA OFFICEJHB 96MapleRoad Pom ona, Kempto n Park 16 19 Joh annesbu rg SA P.O Box 5 53 05 North Beach 406 3 Tel. +27 (0) 31 82 2-28 68 info@ globagrou patrica@ globagrou shaun@ glob

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