Company Profile SNGPL

November 17, 2017 | Author: majmza | Category: Natural Gas, Combustion, Safety, Business, Energy And Resource
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Short Description



Company Profile Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) was incorporated as a private limited Company in 1963 and converted into a public limited company in January 1964 under the Companies Act 1913, now Companies Ordinance 1984, and is listed on all the three Stock Exchanges of the Country. The Company took over the existing Sui-Multan System (217 miles of 16 inch and 80 miles of 10 inch diameter pipelines) from Pakistan industrial Development Corporation (PIDC) and Dhlian-RawalpindiWah system (82 miles of 6 inch diameter pipeline) from Attock Oil Company Limited. The Company's commercial operations commenced by selling an average of 47 MMCFD gas in two regions viz. Multan and









Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited (SNGPL) is the largest integrated gas company serving more than 3.9 million consumers in North Central Pakistan through an extensive network in Punjab, Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa and Azad Jammu & Kashmir and is certified against ISO 14001:2004 & OHSAS 18001:2007 Standards. SNGPL’s 11 sites have been registered under the “SMART2” Program by Pakistan Environmental Protection Agency (PAK-EPA). The Company has over 48 years of experience in operation and maintenance of high-pressure gas transmission and distribution systems. It has also expanded its activities as Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) Contractor to undertake the planning, designing and construction of pipelines, both for itself and other organizations. SNGPL transmission system extends from Sui in Baluchistan to Peshawar in Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa (KPK) comprising over 7,613 KM of Transmission System (Main lines & Loop lines). The distribution activities covering 2,205 main towns along with adjoining villages in Punjab & Khyber Pakhtoon Khwa are organized through 11 regional offices.Distribution system consists of 81,828 KM of pipeline. SNGPL has 3,929,842 consumers comprising Commercial, Domestic, General Industry, Fertilizer, and Power & Cement Sectors. Annual gas sales to these consumers were 581,935 MMCF worth Rs. 187,837 million during Jul 2010 - Jun 2011. Company Registration Number: CUIN-0043761 National Tax Number(NTN): 0801137-7 General Sales Tax Number(GST): 03-91-9999-967-19

Regulations Regulatory Regime comprises of: Code of Corporate Governance. Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority Ordinance (XVII of 2002) dated 28th March 2002 Natural Gas Regulatory Authority (Licensing) Rules 2002 dated 26th February 2002. Natural Gas Tariff Rules 2002 (Draft – 5 July 2002). Such other Rules and Regulations which the Oil & Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) may prescribe.

Under the existing pricing and regulatory regimes, following operating conditions have been laid down: Allocation of gas from different sources is made by GOP while the wellhead prices are fixed by the OGRA per Petroleum Concession Agreements/contracts. Consumer selling price including sales to major consumers (i.e. power, fertilizers etc) are notified by the GOP/OGRA. SNGPL is guaranteed a rate of return @ 17.5% on its net fixed assets in operation (ROA) for meeting financial charges, taxation and a reasonable return to the shareholders. The prescribed price i.e. the price which the company is allowed to retain out of consumers selling price to

meet the covenanted rate of return, is determined by OGRA. Regulations: Karachi Stock Exchange Regulations Lahore Stock Exchange Regulations Islamabad Stock Exchange Regulations Central Depositories Act 1997

Statements Core Values COMMITMENT We are committed to our vision, mission, and to creating and delivering stakeholder value. COURTESY We are courteous - with our customers, stakeholders and towards each other and encourage open communication.

COMPETENCE We are competent and strive to continuously develop and improve our skills and business practices.

RESPONSIBILITY We are responsible as individuals and as teams - for our work and our actions. We welcome scrutiny, and we hold ourselves accountable.

INTEGRITY We have integrity - as individuals and as teams - our decisions are characterized by honesty and fairness.


SNGPL's Key Objectives SNGPL is committed for:

          Vision &

Enhancement of System Capacity. Expansion of Transmission and Distribution Network. Increase in Gas Sales. Rehabilitation of Transmission and Distribution Network. Reduction in Unaccounted for Gas Losses. Improvement in Profitability. Improvements in Consumer Services. Adoption of Information Technology. Human Resource Development. Pursue Pipelines construction and Advisory Business.

Mission Statements

Vision Statement To be the leading integrated natural gas provider in the region seeking to improve the quality of life of our customers and achieve maximum benefit for our stakeholders by providing an uninterrupted and environment friendly energy resource.

Mission Statement A commitment to deliver natural gas to all door steps in our chosen areas through continuous expansion of our network, by optimally employing technological, human and organizational resources, best practices and high ethical standards.

HSE Policy Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited will ensure that

The health of its employees, its consumers and its contractors is protected. All its activities are carried out safely. Environmental performance meets legislative requirements. There is continuous improvement in HSE performance. To implement HSE Policy, Sui Northern Gas Pipelines Limited will Comply with relevant laws and regulations. Ensure that required Health, Safety and Environment Organization, Standards and Procedures are developed and established. Ensure that all its activities are carried out in accordance with relevant international Standards and Company's Health, Safety and Environment Standards and Procedures. Set demanding targets and measure progress to ensure continuous improvement in Health, Safety and Environmental performance.

Require every employee to exercise personal responsibility in preventing harm to themselves, to others and to the environment. Provide appropriate Health, Safety and Environment training / information to all employees, contractors and consumers. Ensure provision of safe working environment in order to protect the employees from occupational illness and accidents. Promote awareness and give due recognition to performance in the area of Health, Safety and Environment. Nothing contained in this policy will be interpreted so as to enhance the otherwise legal obligation of the Company.

Natural Gas Natural gas, as the name implies, is found in gaseous form naturally, underground at varying depths and geographical formations. It is one of the most abundant energy sources in Pakistan, and because it is produced domestically, it is not subject to foreign disruptions of price or supply. Comprised primarily of methane, natural gas is odorless and colorless when it comes out of the ground. After impurities are removed, the natural gas is introduced












Prior to distribution, a harmless odorant is added to the gas so any leakage can be easily detected before an unsafe situation occurs. In addition to this "rotten egg" odor, natural gas has some built-in safety features. It is lighter than air, so it will rise and dissipate into the atmosphere in the event of a leak. And it has a very narrow combustion range, igniting only when mixed with air at a ratio of between 4 and 14 percent. Any mixture higher or lower than that range and natural gas simply won't burn. It also requires a very high degree of heat, at least 1200 degrees






Once combustion occurs, natural gas is one of the cleanest-burning fuels available today. When it is burned properly, the only emissions are carbon dioxide (which is what we exhale when we breathe) and water vapor. Because of its clean-burning properties, natural gas has become the environmental fuel of choice for many residential, commercial and industrial applications. Such applications include: space heating, water heating, cooking, and as a fuel for fireplaces, vehicles, power plants, commercial and industrial boilers, as well as commercial and industrial processing.

Year Wise Increase In Gas Sales Increase from Previous Year Year 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2009-10 2010-11

Kms 253,104 284,338 308,111 321,957 341,643 452,338 537,086 571,481 576,658 597,913 583,513 581,935

Vol. in MMCF

% Age

31,234 23,773 13,846 19,686 110,695 84,748 34,395 5,177 21,255 (14,400) (1,578)

11% 8% 4% 6% 24% 16% 6% 1% 4% (0.02) (0.00)

DEVELOPMENT OF PIPELINE INFRASTRUCTURE FOR LNG, IRAN GAS AND ANTICIPATED INDIGENOUS GAS SUPPLIES The Finance Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company has conceptually approved Project-10 comprising of laying of 1,294 kilometers length of high pressure transmission pipelines from 16" to 42" diameter inclusive of 61,800 compression horsepower, for transportation of upcoming LNG, Iran Gas and anticipated indigenous gas supplies in SNGPL's pipeline network. The project is envisaged in order to absorb additional gas supplies in future from following sources. Recent Construction Achievements (FY2010-11) SNGPL commissioned 203 km transmission pipelines (including 52 km for M/s MOL on contract) and 5446 km distribution lines in FY2010-11. Thus gas facility was extended to various localities/towns and industrial units across Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Highlights of Projects completed include as under:12 inch dia x 47 km Mandi Bahauddin transmission pipeline was commissioned to improve gas pressure in SNGPL's network from Lala-Musa towards Jehlum. The completion of Qadirpur compression project is yet another milestone which was achieved by SNGPL. This project enhanced the overall capacity of the Qadirpur gas field by 100 MMCFD. SNGPL takes pride for completing it on time in the face of challenging constraints and tight schedule. SNGPL completed various flowlines as a contractor for MOL Pakistan including 12 inch dia x 19.7 km Maramzai Flow line, 8 inch dia x 14.7 km Mamikhel-1 flow line, 8 inch dia x 10.1 km AV1-AV2 Trunk line and 8 inch dia x 5.40 km M8-VA1 flowline. The completion and commissioning of this gas gathering network helped secure additional 85 Million Cubic Feet Per Day (MMCFD) to SNGPL's transmission system.

Construction Activities in Progress (FY2011-2012) In effort to fulfill its mission of delivering natural gas to every door step, SNGPL's project crews are working at multiple fronts laying transmission and distribution pipelines for different regions of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa (KPK). A snapshot of ongoing construction projects including both transmission as well as distribution pipelines follows: Work is well underway on a 12" dia x 25 Km transmission pipeline from Shahwali to Rojhan. This pipeline is intended to deliver a clean, continuous and environmentally friendly source of energy for the people of Rojhan and in turn save the already scarce trees from being used as firewood . Works on an 8" dia x 13 Km transmission pipeline aimed at supplying gas to the major town of Malakand Agency like Sangoota, Charbagh and Manglore are at the final stages of construction with pipeline being successfully

test. Process of installation of valve assemblies is in progress. To supply gas to various villages of NA 138, Kasur, an 8" dia x 7 Km transmission pipeline project running smoothly and is expected to be completed well within the stipulated time period. SNGPL is planning to loop its existing 24" Dia Sawan - Qadirpur segement with a 42" Dia x 21.45 Km loopline at the valve assemblies SV4 and SV5 to cater for future increased gas flows. The project is the first of its kind as it is the first time, as 42" dia pipeline will be added in SNGPL's network..

Achievements During (FY2011-2012) SNGPL completed the construction of 6149 km pipelines which included 57 Km transmission pipelines and 6092 Km supply mains. The Transmission line included the contract projects of flow line and gathering lines completed by SNGPL as Engineering & Construcation contractor for clients like MOL and OGDCL. Amongest these projects, a 26 Km segment of a 30 Km transmission pipelines was commissioned to cater for low problem situation in the capital Islamabad, Rawalpindi, Gujjar Khan, Barakoh and Murree. Makori East - 1 pipelines was commissioned by SNGPL working as E&C contractor for MOL. OGDCL's Maru 2 Maru - 1 Flow line was commissioned while the work on gathering lines from Reti A1 - Maru South and Maru 2 Maru South is in full swing.

Central Shared Support Central shared support department is responsible to establish a liaison between the technical departments and the support departments. Following departments come under the umbrella of CSSD: Logistics Support Logistic Support (LS) Department plays an important role as partners with front end teams, the department is committed in providing the necessary administrative infrastructure to support the pursuit of excellence & continuous expansion in network, thus provides fuel for growth. AIM of the Department is to create and maintain a disciplined working environment conducive for smooth and streamlined operations of the Company. Key Reponsibilities of Logistic Support (LS) Department: a. Maintaining the attendance record and duplicate personal files of employees. b. Providing and controlling medical facilities to serving & retired employees. c. Protocol services for Minister (P&NR), Company Directors, Government officials, etc. d. Arranging the traveling / transit facilities, Processing of TA/HA claims. e. Maintaining company transport fleet and handling outsourced hiring of transport. f.

Dealing with disciplinary matters, inquires, union affair / elections,overtime claims, death / accident insurance cases, janitorial central registry, etc.

g. Arranging security for personnel and premises through private companies. h. Arranging premises for offices on lease / hire. i. Arranging Casual Staff for temporary employment in different categories and organizing of events such as Annual Sports Gala. Legal Legal department provides assistance in terms of legal opinions and resolution of the legal matters to the entire company. Procurement Procurement Department plays a vital role in every leading organization. In SNGPL, Procurement Department is responsible for all the procurement of material for the company. The department is also responsible for the bidding and tendering process and follow-ups to complete

the projects in a timely manner. Telecommunication Telecommunication department provides its services to all other departments through SGM (CSS). Stores Stores department is responsible for the maintenance of optimum levels of materials inventory and provision of the same to the user departments efficiently. The department ensures safe custody of the Company's precious assets and conducts physical reconciliation of the same. Stores department at the same time is also responsible for the sale of scrapped material of the company.

Associated Companies Associated Companies and their websites addresses DH FERTILIZERS LIMITED


STATE Life Insurance Corporation Limited




Dawood Foundation


Askari Bank Limited


Sui Sorthern Gas Company Limited

Cyan Limited

National Investment Trust Limited




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