Compact Fate

March 20, 2017 | Author: ped2 | Category: N/A
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Compact Fate An introduction to the Fate role playing game in just four pages (plus the OGL).

SKILLS AND ROLLING Skills are how Fate measures a character's ability to affect the narrative and the world. Skills are rated on the Fate ladder (see below). Unrated Skills are treated as +0. To use a Skill, roll 4 Fudge dice (4dF) and add your Skill versus a difficulty. If the acting player (the one whose turn it is) met or exceeded the target number, the action is successful. Otherwise the action has failed. When an action is resisted by another character, the roll is contested. The difficulty of the action is the defending character's Skill as modified by Stunts, Aspects, and equipment, if any. Success is measured in "shifts." Subtract the target number from the roll to generate the number of shifts. 0 is a marginal success, 2 normal success, and 5 amazing success. Shifts are spent to increase quality or speed of an action. Quality represents durability. Rolls to undo the success increase their difficulty by the quality. Speed makes things faster or longerlasting; each shift moves the duration up or down the time increments table (below). Should a tie ever occur, it is typically broken by declaring the character with the higher Skill the winner. If this is still a tie, the GM may declare a secondary Skill and/or a coin flip. Option:Rolling resistance. The player of the resisting character may roll dice instead of just taking the value of their Skill.

Text and layout by Michael Moceri Released under Creative Commons Non-Commercial License. Feel free to copy and distribute this document, but please retain attribution and don't sell it for a profit. Parts of this document are copied from Open Gaming Content (OGL) material (the FATE ladder and time increments table) and are bound by that license.

only get to make a certain number of rolls before time runs out. If the player fails to roll enough accumulated shifts before the time limit, the task is a failure. Extended rolls are qualified by 3 things. First is the difficulty of the roll, which is typically 0. The second is the number of shifts the player must accumulate. The third is the number of time increments allowed, typically 3 to 5. When setting these numbers, consider the Skill rating of the character and the difficulty of the task. If there are 3 time increments, 15 required shifts means that generally only a master will succeed, while 6 means that someone with some talent will probably do okay. Skill Structures -- There are two general Skill structures: Column and pyramid. When Skills are in a column structure, each Skill must be supported by one or more Skills at the level beneath it. So in order to have two Skills rated at +3, the character must have at least two Skills rated +2, and at least as many Skills at +1 as were at +2. A pyramid Skill structure is similar, except that each Skill must be supported by a greater number of Skills below it. Option: Unstructured Skills: This type of game uses no Skill structure. Players may allocate their Skill points however they wish without exceeding the game's cap.


Option: Risky rolls. Sometimes even attempting a roll is dangerous. In these instances, characters risk taking Consequences by taking those actions. (See the Conflicts section.)

An Aspect is a short phrase that describes a narrative truth about something. Aspects can be used to describe people, places, and things. They are generally both good and bad.

If the character fails the roll, they take the lowest value Consequence whose shift value is equal to or lower than the amount by which they failed the roll. So if they rolled 3 under the difficulty, they take a Minor Consequence, while rolling 1 under would result in none. For competitive rolls, compare running totals to that of the player who rolled the highest. Should that Consequence not be available, take the next most severe one. If none are available, the character is Taken Out.

Aspects interact with a resource called Fate Points, or FPs. Players begin each session with 5 FPs or the amount they had at the end of the previous session, whichever is higher.

Option: Spin: If a player rolls 3 or more shifts on a successful roll where those shifts aren't used for anything (for example, a defense roll) the player has generated Spin. This can be used to give a +1 to that character's next action, if it could possibly benefit from doing particularly well at the roll that generated Spin. Extended rolls -- Some actions require the accumulation of a number of shifts over several rolls to succeed. This is called an extended roll. Each roll represents an amount of time appropriate for the task at hand, and players

Example Aspects include: * Strong as an ox * A girl in every port * I always pay my due * Finest swordsman in France All of the following uses for Aspects must make sense in the context of the situation. "Strong as an ox," won't help or hinder your credit score, but it might apply if you are intimidating someone with your strength. Furthermore, the player using the Aspect must narrate how the Aspect becomes involved in the situation. So the character making the intimidation attempt might describe his huge muscles and loud voice. Invocations -- Spend a FP to Invoke an Aspect after the roll is made. The Aspect may belong to

the acting character, the defending character, the scene, or an object involved in the action. Each Aspect my only be Invoked once per action. Invocations have 3 options. The player may add 2 to their roll. They may roll the dice a second time and take the higher roll. They may also use one Skill in place of another. On unrolled actions, Invocations simply add +2 to the Skill's rating. This may be used to enhance move actions (see below). When Invoking an Aspect belonging to another character, any FPs go to the player of that character once the action resolves. Declarations -- The player spends a FP to make some narrative detail related to the Aspect a fact. Declarations do not involve any sort of roll. Compels -- The third thing about Aspects is that they can be disadvantageous. This is in the form of a Compel. These dictate some constraint to behaviour. When one is made, the GM offers a FP. If you accept it, you accept the constraints. If not, you must turn down the offered FP and spend one of your own. The GM and Fate points -- The GM keeps one pool of FPs for all NPCs. Compels are not paid out of this pool. The GM has a number of points each scene equal to the number of players multiplied by a number. This number is 1 for minor scenes, 2 for normal scenes, and 3 for climactic scenes. Option: Locked Aspects: Players may choose to "lock" one or more Aspects for the duration of a story. These produce a particular effect at no cost. They can produce a specific Invocation to a particular Skill or a specific Declaration. For example, someone might lock their "Strong as a bear" Aspect to add +2 to all rolls to apply strength to one particular Skill. Another character might lock "Master of the mysterious" Aspect to allow them to see immaterial spirits. When an Aspect is locked the player loses access to non-locked Invocations or Declarations with that Aspect. Compels and Invocations by other players proceed as normal. Option: Limited Invocation stacking: There is a limitation to the number of Aspects that can be Invoked on one roll.The free Invocations from Maneuvers or Consequence infliction typically don't count against this limit. Examples include: * Any 2 Aspects. * 1 Aspect from yourself or gear, 1 from the environment, 1 from your target. * 1 Aspect on a character or gear, 1 Consequence, 1 environmental Aspect, 1 Maneuver. *1 character Aspect, 1 gear Aspect, 1 environmental Aspect, 1 Consequence or Maneuver Aspect.

OPTION: STUNTS Stunts allow you to expand what characters are capable of doing. They either break a rule or add a bonus. This bonus is usually 2 shifts, but this is reduced to 1 for many combat effects. Stunts generally do one of the following: * Add +1 to the use of 1 Skill in a certain circumstance. This can be a combat Skill. * Add +2 to a non-combat Skill when used in a narrow circumstance. * Add 1 Moderate Consequence to one Stress track * Add 1 point of armour to one Stress track * Add 2 points of stress to a successful attack made with one Skill in a particular situation, or 1 in any situation. * Reduce the time it takes to perform an action by two steps on the time increments chart, or make an effect last two steps longer. * Reduce the penalty of an action taken with one Skill by 2 in a particular situation. * Allow one Skill to be used in the place of another in one particular circumstance. * Add 2 to the number of zones a character can move with an action. These shifts can be used to overcome border ratings or to generate reflexive movement * Provide a Gadget. The Gadget has 2 advances if it's small, or 3 if it's large enough that you can't take it everywhere (see below). Characters may only have the exact same Stunt one time per Skill or Stress track. For this purpose, the advances of Gadgets each count as one Stunt. Option: Limited Stunt stacking -- There is a limitation to the bonuses you can add to one roll from Stunts. This is typically 1 or 2 Stunts, although it can be more specific. For instance, 1 can reduce penalties, while 1 can add to the roll.

COMPETITION Sometimes a simple roll isn't enough to resolve a situation, but a full Conflict isn't appropriate (see below). In this case, the GM can declare two or more characters to be in competition. Competitions work as an extended roll, with the same 3 values used to rate them. The exception is that each character keeps their own running tally. The first to reach the appropriate total accumulated shifts wins. If multiple characters reach the necessary total simultaneously, the one with the highest total wins. Depending on the situation, it is possible that a competition will occur side by side with some other series of rolls, or even a Conflict. If all present are involved in the contest, alternate rounds of rolling to win the contest with rounds of other tasks. If all present are not directly involved, roll for the contest at the top of each round and then other characters not involved act in initiative order (see Conflicts). This last is to

simulate copilots navigating, gun fights from automobiles, and similar shenanigans.

CONFLICTS Conflicts are when one character attempts to control or change another character, including violently. First determine the scope of the conflict. This will determine the Skills that you use and which Stress track to use and what appropriate Consequences are (see below). Once the scale of the conflict is determined, you need to figure out who goes when. Choose one Skill to resolve this. When it is their turn, players choose what sort of action to take. Actions may be Simple, Supplemental, or Reflexive. Simple actions are what you do with your turn, and you get one. Supplemental actions are secondary actions which incur a cumulative penalty to your Simple action, typically -1 each. Reflexive actions are free, and you can take any number per turn within reason. Attack -- This action is an attempt to harm, change, or control another character. Roll attacks using an appropriate Skill. Defenders contest. If the attack succeeds, the defender takes Stress equal to the shifts. Characters receiving Stress check off that number of boxes of the appropriate Stress track. Physical damage, illness, and weariness damage the Health track. Emotional trauma, psychic shock, and mental strain damage Composure. Stress tracks clear at the end of the conflict. If a Stress track fills up, the character is "taken out." Such characters are removed from the conflict in a way that fits with the conflict; the player of the character inflicting Stress that takes out a character get to narrate the fashion in which the character is removed from the conflict. Players may prevent this by suffering Consequences to reduce Stress. Consequences are special Aspects (defined by the player of the character receiving them) that are used to reduce incoming Stress. They have a rating, a number of points by which they reduce Stress, and how long they take to heal: * Minor (2/ scene) * Moderate (4/ session) * Significant (6/ story) Characters have one of each type of Consequence for each Stress track. The player of a character that inflicts a Consequence gets to Invoke it once for free. Whenever a character receives a Consequence, the player of that character may offer a Concession. This is similar to being taken out, except the defending player narrates how it

happens. The two players should negotiate the details. If the attacking player accepts, the defending character is removed from the conflict in the way they describe, and all involved parties receive 1 FP per Consequence the defending character has taken. Making a Concession should be a decisive loss, but it need not be a total loss. The defending player typically loses the Conflict but achieves some secondary goal, perhaps slowing down the victor so that they only achieve a partial victory. One option for the defending player is to change an Aspect, possibly replacing one with the inflicted Consequence. This change must last a full story to qualify as part of the Concession. Defend -- Defensive actions get a +2 bonus for the round, at the cost of all actions. Block -- One character acts to prevent another character from performing a specific action. Generally this is worded as using one Skill to stop an action performed with 1 or more Skills. If the Block affects more than one target, they must all be in the same Zone and one Skill must be named. If it affects one target, more than one Skill may be named. The initiating player rolls the stated Skill. Then anyone else attempting to use the named Skill to perform the specified action uses that roll as a difficulty if it is higher than the normal difficulty of the action. Maneuver -- This is a catch-all used to cover what might otherwise be represented as use of tactics, higher ground, positioning, etc. Instead, players roll to apply Aspects to their target.. Unless it can be resisted, the difficulty of a Maneuver is 0. When reasonable, characters can Reflexively resist Maneuvers. Achieving 0 to 2 shifts results in a "fragile" Aspect that goes away after being Invoked once. 3 or more shifts result in a "sticky" Aspect, which lasts the rest of the scene. Anyone may make a Maneuver of their own against the number of shifts of a successful Maneuver to remove the Aspect. The difficulty is the roll used to place it. Some Aspects don't make sense if they linger. An Aspect like "In my sights" doesn't make sense if the shooter puts down the rifle. These are removed when it makes sense to do so. Whenever a Maneuver successfully inflicts an Aspect on a target, the player that initiated the Maneuver may Invoke the Aspect once without cost or pass off the free Invocation to another player. As no FPs were spent, the victim receives none in compensation. Move -- Movement in Conflicts occurs in Zones, which are abstract measures of space. A room in a house is one Zone. A basketball court

is likely 4. Each Zone corresponds with some logical division of an area. Characters that are unarmed or wielding close combat weapons can generally only target things inside the same zone. Thrown weapons have a range of 1 zone, firearms have a range of 3. Zones may be separated by Borders, which represent things like rough terrain. They add an additional penalty to Supplemental movement equal to their rating and count as additional Zones that need to be crossed for Simple movement; those without enough shifts of movement may take a Supplemental penalty equal to the remaining value next turn. There are two primary options for moving: walking and running. Walking is a Supplemental action to move a single Zone. The penalty it applies is [1+ Border]. Running is Simple and moves a number of Zones equal to the appropriate Skill rating, to a minimum of 1. Non-combat Skills -- Characters may perform non-combat actions during a Conflict as well. This is a Simple action. Option: Reflexive movement: It is possible to generate shifts of movement via Stunts and Aspects. If these cover the whole Supplemental action penalty, the character may move 1 Zone Reflexively. This sort of movement is compatible with Supplemental movement. As an additional option, the character might be allowed to move more than a single Zone Reflexively. This should be reserved for supernaturally fast characters. Option: More dangerous Conflicts:Characters have only one set of Consequences that they use for all tracks. These are: * * * *

Minor (2/ scene) Moderate (4/ session) Significant (6/ story) Extreme (8/ never)

Option: weapons and armour: Weapons add a number of shifts of damage to successful attacks, while armour removes its rating (to a minimum of 0). The ratings of weapons are as follows; 0 -- fists, the claws of a cat 1 -- a dog's bite, a knife, brass knuckles 2 -- hand gun, sword, tiger 3 -- rifles, a two handed sword, big monster 4 -- grenade, anime surf board sword The rating of armour is based on what it's supposed to stop. If something is expected to stop a hand gun, it probably has a rating of 2.

Option: Mooks: These are unimportant NPCs given simpler stats. They receive a rating of +1, +2, or +3 for everything, depending on whether they're easy, normal, or tough mooks. Their Stress tracks are as long as their rating and don't take Consequences. At the GM's option, Stress can overflow from one Mook to the next so long as they're in the same Zone. For convenience, multiple mooks of the same sort can be stacked. While stacked, they act as a single character, getting one action per turn. They roll at their base value, +1 per additional mook, to a maximum value of the game's Skill cap. Stacked mooks always overflow Stress. Option: Simplified Conflicts: Run Conflicts as a series of risky contested rolls. Players announce their actions from worst to best initiative. Everyone rolls at the same time. Movement and Stress are not tracked. The available combat actions are: Attack, Block, Maneuver, Non-combat Skill. The difficulties of all rolls are 0, but the highest roll for an action that could counter yours acts in opposition to it. Shifts may be used to inflict Consequences as a risky roll, to inflict an Aspect, or to achieve a non-combat result through a Skill. If weapons and armour modify Stress, they instead modify the shifts in order to determine Consequences.

OPTION: SCALE This optional set of rules is to model interactions between things of different sizes. 0 -- Personal. A single character. 1 -- Zone. This thing is larger than a person, such as a giant or a dozen people. 2 -- Scene. This is something large enough that Personal Scale beings can move in or on them, such as a village, a vast city gate, or a festival and all attendees. 3 -- City. Personal Scale beings can become lost inside these things, such as cities or mountains. 4 -- Region. This is something large enough to contain multiple City Scale entities. Larger Scales may be created as needed. Interactions between beings of different Scales are disadvantageous for one of the individuals, typically the smaller. When different Scale entities interact, the disadvantaged party receives a -2 penalty per difference in Scale. Once this penalty exceeds -2, the disadvantaged party doesn't even get to roll; this can be extended to -4 for heroic games. It often doesn't make sense for two beings of vastly different scale to interact, such as with an army of thousands and an individual. Larger scale entities can dedicate a smaller portion of their whole to overcome this, representing detaching units or a large monster using a single claw against the target. Larger Scale things are given statistics as necessary. If it's a wall, then it probably has

some resistance based Skill, a Stress track, and some Consequences. If armour rules are used, it may well have an armour rating as well. These rules can be used as a mass combat system. Determine an average Skill rating for offense, defense, and movement, and weapons and armour (if used). The unit's Stress tracks are determined as a normal character plus its Scale; Consequences are normal for a character in that game. Units typically have two Aspects. Note that units may be mooks if those rules are used. In games where the leader matters, the unit leader will have a leadership Skill. For every fraction of 2 by which this is lower than a unit's Skill for an action (before Drill or Power modification), reduce the Skill's level by 1. Option: Overcoming Scale: If a Stunt reduces the Scale penalty to -2 or lower (or -4 for heroic games), individuals can interact beyond the normal range of 2 steps. Option: Drill and Power: These are two optional Skills used to abstract experience and troop quality/ equipment/ supernatural power. They're rated a little differently than normal. Both ratings are added to the unit's Stress tracks. * Drill -- Training and group cohesion, these apply to rolls to defend, move, or perform organized troop maneuvers. -1 0 +1

Untrained people. Trained soldiers. Exceptional soldiers.

* Power -- This is typically supernatural power or quality equipment, or both. It acts as a weapon and armour rating, and it might add a bonus to certain rolls depending on its nature. 0 -- Normal folk. +1 -- Slight supernatural power, exceptional equipment, or a genius leader. +2 -- Two or more from the +1 category, or one taken to extremes. +3 -- Why do you pick fights with units of powerful supernatural beings?

GADGETS Gadgets are things that provide characters with a bonus. As they are derived from Stunts, this section is optional. Advances include: * Additional Capabilities – It does something related to its primary capabilities that it normally could not. For example, a car that drives in water. Some require 2 advances. * Alternate Usage – You may use one particular Skill in place of another in a defined situation. * Armed – A normally non-combat thing can be used for combat. If weapon damage rules are used, this makes it weapon:2. A second purchase may bring this up to weapon:4. * Armoured – Reduce incoming stress by one. * Conscious – Requires Independent. It can

make decisions and act on its own. * Craftsmanship – Gives +1 to one skill. May be taken only once per skill. * Futurization – Does something that “modern” things can't do yet. * Independent – It can act on its own, but it does not make decisions. * Maximaization – It's really big. * Minaturization – It's really small. * Rugged – Has 2 extra stress boxes over the normal capacity (usually 3). * Speculative Science – Does something that “modern” things can't even figure out how they might possibly do that. (Requires Futurization.) * Unbreakable – This can only be damaged by things with some special property. * Upgrade – Gives +2 to a specific use of one non-combat skill. May be taken only once per skill, and does not stack with Craftsmanship.

should have roughly as many points as Skills, while the superhero level should have roughly twice this, with incremental changes in between.


Then, create Stress tracks. Each is associated with a Skill that increases their length. The size of a Stress track is the Skill cap plus 1/2 (round up) the rating of the associated Skill.

Sometimes something in the environment is dangerous. This might be fire, chemicals, falling rubble, or even explosives. When building a hazard, you need to consider a number of particulars. First, what Skill is going to be used to resist the hazard? Some are going to be dodged (falling rubble) while others need to be persevered (smoke). Second, how likely is the hazard to affect someone within its bounds? If it's easy to avoid, 0 or +1 is a good difficulty. If it's somewhat of a challenge, the difficulty rises to +2 or +3. Really dangerous situations (a burning building) might be +4 or even higher. If weapon ratings are used, Hazards need these as well, usually at 2 or higher Any hazard is likely to have an Aspect on its location. A burning building might have "smoke filled hallways" that can be used to escape from someone chasing a character. Characters wishing to fight a hazard may engage it in a Conflict. They defend with their danger rating and have a Stress track equal to a normal character. They can be mooks or not. Their weapon rating also acts as armour.

CHARACTER CREATION First, the GM must create a Skill list, decide on the Skill structure, then select the starting level for the game. The following list includes the number of Skill points and the Skill cap, as well as the number of Stunts if they are used. The format is level -- Skill points (cap) [Stunts]. * novice -- 20 (+3) [2] * expert -- 25 (+4) [3] * hero -- 30 (+5) [4] * legend -- 35 (+5) [6] * superhero -- 40 (+6) [8] This number of Skill points assumes roughly 20 Skills. If this is inaccurate by a large margin, adjust the total accordingly. The novice level

Players then build characters. Select Aspects for characters. One should cover the central concept of the character. A second should link them to some sort of problems. A third should connect them with another PC. Two more round out a character, and the GM must decide whether they need to fit any criteria. A Skill costs a number of points equal to its rating. Remember to purchase supporting Skills to fit the campaign structure, if any. Purchase the proper number of Stunts, if used, and define their bonus and associated Skill.

ADVANCEMENT Players may alter one Aspect per session. This alteration should reflect some change that occurred in play. They can add 1 Skill point per story (roughly every 3 sessions). The cap goes up when the total number of Skill points meets a starting campaign level with a higher cap. For example, at 30 points, the cap rises from +4 to +5. If the optional Stunt rules are being used, they gain an additional Stunt roughly every 3 times they gain a Skill point.

Time Increments : * instant * a few moments * half a minute * a minute * a few minutes * 15 minutes * half an hour * an hour * a few hours * an afternoon * a day * a few days * a week * a few weeks * a month * a season * half a year * a year * a few years * a decade * a generation * a mortal lifetime * several mortal lifetimes Etc.

Fate Ladder: +8 Legendary +7 Epic +6 Fantastic +5 Superb +4 Great +3 Good +2 Fair +1 Average +0 Mediocre -1 Poor -2 Terrible

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