Comp Substitution

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An Oracle White Paper May 2012

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component substitution

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution

Disclaimer The following is intended to outline our general product direction. It is intended for information purposes only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality, and should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions. The development, release, and timing of any features or functionality described for Oracle’s products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Contents Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 5 General functionality .................................................................................................................................... 5 Planning Search Logic................................................................................................................................ 5 Pegging and User-Defined Decision Rules ................................................................................................ 8 Setup ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 Item Setup................................................................................................................................................. 9 Entering the Priority information in the Descriptive Flexfield. ................................................................. 9 Plan options ............................................................................................................................................ 11 Profile Options ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Plan Phases ................................................................................................................................................. 14 Examples ..................................................................................................................................................... 15 Multiple substitutes with onhand........................................................................................................... 18 Optimized plan and enabling weights..................................................................................................... 18 Order Modifiers ...................................................................................................................................... 19 Effects of item rounding ......................................................................................................................... 20 End item vs component substitution ...................................................................................................... 21 Lead times on components..................................................................................................................... 21 Use of existing supply ............................................................................................................................. 21 Substitute components under phantom items....................................................................................... 22 Order priority and component substitution ........................................................................................... 22 Using by-products ................................................................................................................................... 23 Using the On-Line Planner ...................................................................................................................... 24 Firm workorders...................................................................................................................................... 24 3|Page

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Creating WIP jobs using substitute components .................................................................................... 24 Useful scripts............................................................................................................................................... 24


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Introduction Oracle ASCP supports two types of substitution: component substitution and end-item-level substitution. This document explains the functionality of component substitution. Component substitution is meant to minimize demand lateness by allowing assemblies to be completed using alternate components. This document applies to 11.5.10 and later. Version specific functionality is indicated.

General functionality Substitute components are modeled similarly to alternate resources. Each primary BOM component is assumed to have a set of possible substitutes. The primary item will be used instead of the substitute when it is available. Component substitution is available only in constrained plans with decision rules enabled, specifically component substitution or in optimized plans. When enabling this decision rule, it is not required to have setup the complete cost data and cost penalty factors for end item substitutes, substitute components, alternate bills of material (BOM)/routings, and alternate sources of supply. While optimization requires accurate costing of all entities to arrive at useful results, User Defined Decision Rules do not consider costs. The selections are done based on the priorities you enter in the source instance. For example, for substitute components, if the primary component that you selected is not available, then the planning engine considers the priority 2 substitute. If the priority 2 substitute is not available, then the planning engine considers the priority 3 substitute, and so on.

Planning Search Logic In Figure 1 the search order is detailed. If there is no available supply for component B, then it looks for available supply on substitute B1. If this has no available supply either, it creates planned orders on the primary component. If planned orders on the primary cannot be made in time, the engine creates planned orders on the substitute component.


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution

Figure 1

With user-defined alternate decision rules in both optimized and constrained plans the search is done as follows. The planning logic uses a series of steps depending on the constraints used for the plan. The planning search logic is illustrated below using the supply chain for assembly item A with end-item substitute item A1. Item A is made of B and C with B1 and C1 as the substitute components. B and C in turn need items D and E respectively. To simplify the search we will not expand the substitute component B1 and C1 and also assume the same BOM and routing for all items across Manufacturing 11 and Manufacturing 21. In addition, we have made the following two assumptions: • There is high demand placed on the distribution center • For optimized plans, cost effectiveness at each node across the given supply-chain is the same


Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution

The planning engine searches on-hand quantity and schedules receipts (item A and end item substitute A1) across each tier before creating new planned orders for the demanded item. (Please refer to End 7|Page

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Item Substitution chapter). To look for on-hand quantity and scheduled receipts of the demanded item and the end-item substitute, ASCP uses the search logic as specified below. 1. Distribution center for item A 2. Distribution center for item A1 3. Warehouse 1 for item A 4. Warehouse 1 for item A1 5. Manufacturing 11 for item A 6. Manufacturing 11 for item A1 7. Manufacturing 21 for item A 8. Manufacturing 21 for item A1 Planning for B at Manufacturing 11 1. Use on-hand/scheduled receipts for B in Manufacturing 11 2. Use on-hand/scheduled receipts for B1 in Manufacturing 11 3. Make B at Manufacturing 11 using primary Resources, BOM/Routing and component D 4. Make B at Manufacturing 11 using alternate resources 5. Make B1 at Manufacturing 11 using primary Resources, BOM/Routing and components 6. Make B1 at Manufacturing 11 using alternate resources 7. Make B at Manufacturing 11 using alternate BOM/Routing 8. Make B1 at Manufacturing 11 using substitute components 9. Make B1 at Manufacturing 11 using alternate BOM/Routing

Pegging and User-Defined Decision Rules Looking at pegging may not be the method you should use to determine the sequence of selection of alternates. This is because the sequence of selection of alternates is more apparent when looking at total demand and total supply across the time bucket where there is a constraint. For example, suppose there are two demands, D1 (150 units) and D2 (50 units) on day 1 and day 2 for item B, and the only way to satisfy this demand is by making 100 units with primary resource/routing/BOM and 50 units using substitute component B1 and 50 units of B with alternate BOM/routing. Then, day 1 demand will peg to 100 units of item B using primary resource/routing/BOM and 50 units of item B using alternate BOM/routing. Day 2 demand will peg to 50 units of substitute component B1. If you look at just the pegging for D1, 50 units of the substitute component is not used. Instead, 50 units of the alternate BOM/routing is pegged to D1. Therefore, it looks as if ASCP has broken the user-defined sequence. But, if the demand was for only 150 units, then the supply would be 100 units of item B and 150 units of substitute component B1, which follows the user-defined sequence 8|Page

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution

Setup Item Setup You can define the priority of the substitute component. By default, planning tries to minimize the use of substitutes. Also, the planning engine has an built-in logic that tries to use substitutes at a lower level in your BOM than close to product completion in the BOM. Planning will honor the priority that you have defined while searching for supply from the various substitutes. The following screen shot depicts where you can define priorities for Substitute Components.

The Priority for Substitute Items is defined in the Substitute Components form. This is stored in the table BOM_SUBSTITUTE_COMPONENTS, specifically the flexfield Substitute Component Information. The lower the number the higher the priority.

Entering the Priority information in the Descriptive Flexfield. The Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) for Substitute Priority must be enabled in the Define Bill of Material form - BOMFDBOM. 9|Page

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Using a BOM responsibility navigate Bills/Bills - Query an existing item with a BOM - select any one of the components - then click the Substitutes button - On the far right of the form there is a Descriptive Flexfield [] - Put the cursor in this field and it should open up a Substitute Component Information form with the field Substitute Priority. If the DFF did not open up, it is not yet enabled. If the DFF is not enabled in the component substitute form, go to Inventory/Setup/Flexfields/Descriptive/Segments select the Flashlight icon - input %substitute% - there should be a flexfield for: Application = Bills of Material Title = Substitute Component Information Make sure this is enabled and that the flexfield definition is frozen and compiled.

The Attribute number used by the DFF needs to be known for profile option MSC: Priority for Substitute Items Flexfield Attribute. Use this navigation to determine this value: Inventory/Setup/Flexfields/Descriptive/Segments - select the Flashlight icon - input %substitute% select from the list of values: Application = Bills of Material Title = Substitute Component Information

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Then select the Segments button - look in the Column field and there should be something like ATTRIBUTE1 listed. Write this down. Using System Administrator/Profile/System - query up profile MSC: Priority for Substitute Items Flexfield Attribute - set this value to 1 (NOTE: Use the Attribute Number that was found per the navigation - it may or may not be the same as this example) at the site level and save. Using a BOM responsibility navigate Bills/Bills - Query an existing item with a BOM - select any one of the components - then click the Substitutes button. Enter your substitute components and in the DFF enter the priority (e.g. 1,2,3 etc.,...) and save.

Plan options To enable component substitution one should consider the plan options below. If you want the planning process automatically to select alternates considering full relative cost data, choose Optimized planning mode. If you want the planning process automatically to select alternates considering only the rankings of alternates (sources, bills of material/routings, resources, substitute components, end item substitutes) and not relative cost data for alternates, choose from • Constrained (Classic) with Decision Rules planning mode • Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling) planning mode • Constrained (With Detailed Scheduling) planning mode Before you use these alternate options, set profile options: • MSC: Enable Advanced Constraints • MSO: Order Modifier Maximum Searching Depth Oracle suggests the Constrained (Without Detailed Scheduling) and Constrained (With Detailed Scheduling) planning modes as they provide superior solution quality to the Constrained (Classic) with Decision Rules planning mode. The superior quality results from planned order generation with respect to order modifiers, capacity, and lead-time constraints at the same time. This results in more accurate offloading from primary to: • Alternate resources when order modifiers are present • Alternate sources to minimize demand lateness • Substitute components to minimize demand lateness

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution When enabling decision rules then the functionality is: If Use substitute components is selected, then use primary items as far as possible and use substitute component only if necessary. If Use substitute components is cleared, then use primary items/components only.

When planning for critical items, then one will see following items included in the plan: If the primary component is critical then ASCP also selects the non-critical substitute components. If the primary component is not critical then ASCP does not select the substitute components even if these substitutes are critical.

Profile Options For production planning purposes MSO: Maximum Allowable Days Late limits how many days in the future that the planning engine considers alternate sources, end item substitutes, substitute components, alternate bills of material, and alternate routings when the primary method would result in a late supply. MSO: Priority for substitute items flexfield attribute: This profile indicates in which flexfield attribute the priority is stored. MSC: Enable Advanced Constraints MSO: Order Modifier Maximum Searching Depth: Figure 2 indicates how this profile is used.

Figure 2

MSO: Use Existing Supplies in Alternate BOM/Subs. Comp

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution This profile option controls whether to use-up the existing supplies on alternate/substitutes first or exhausting capacities to create new plan orders on primary path first. This profile option should be looked at from the whole planning horizon, not bucket by bucket. Possible values 0 (default) -- consume supplies in substitute component/alt bom path 1 -- consume supplies in substitute component path but not alt bom path 2 -- don't consume supplies in alt bom path/subs comp path 3 -- consume supplies in alt bom path but not subs comp path Set the value to 2 or 3 so that system will choose primary even substitute component has existing supplies. MSO: Postpone Use of Alternates to Latest Possible Time - This profile options controls the sequence to use the primary and alternate. If it is set to Yes, the Supply Chain Optimizer (SCO) will use the primary (on hand + new plan orders) before using the alternates. So it's possible that in some cases an alternate might be used ahead of the primary from time to time. The profile should be set to ‘Y’ (not Yes)

MSO: Use up existing supply of primary components before substitute This profile is to enable the Maximize Use-Up of Substitute Components feature in 12.1.3 and later. It allows you to maximize usage of substitute components. The list of values for this profile option includes: * Yes - ASCP uses the existing supply of primary components before substitute components. This is the default value. * No - ASCP uses the existing supply of substitute components before primary components. If this profile option is set to "No", and there is no existing supply for substitute components, ASCP generates new planned orders for the primary components before substitute components. Note that the on hand of a substitute component will not be used if it is less than the Minimum Order Quantity, Fixed Order Quantity, or Fixed Lot Multiplier. The on hand of a substitute component may be partially used if it is greater than the order modifiers but it is not a multiple of them. This feature is only available with the Constrained (Without Scheduling) planning mode. MSO: Simplex Optimality Tolerance set the value to 0.00000001

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution MSO: Simplex Feasibility Tolerance set the value to 0.00000001 The optimal tolerance was by default set 0.0001. By reducing the tolerance, the amount of new plan orders created on the substitute item can be reduced. MSO: Component offset logic for optimization = 2

Plan Phases The planning processes called by a plan launch include: • Pre-processing phase: loads and prepares the data for the planning phase. • Planning phase: Oracle ASCP planning engine balances supplies and demands by making decisions in the following sequence: Step 1. Selects the Sources of Supply and Supply Configurations Step 2. Order Modifiers are applied and Pegging is calculated Step 3. Resource/Task allocation. Step 4. Exception Messages are finalized and KPI’s calculated. • Post-processing phase: additional processing steps using the planning output including auto-release of planned orders

During Step 1, the planning engine also selects supply configurations. For manufactured items, the configuration choices are primary or alternate BOM/Routing, primary or substitute components, and primary or alternate resources and effectivity dates. For an optimized plan, the planning engine makes the following decisions: 1. Selects the Sources of Supply and Supply Configurations: a. Standard MRP netting calculations for demands and existing supplies while respecting the constraint options selected by the user. b. Create new planned orders where required c. Select supply sources for new planned orders based on sourcing rules using primary or secondary sources while respecting the constraint options selected by the user. d. Select make supply configurations for new planned orders using primary or alternate BOM/Routings, primary or substitute components, primary or alternate resources, and effectivity date

For example, if a substitute component costs $10 each and the user specifies a penalty factor of 20 for the substitute component, then

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution • Penalty Costs = ($10.00) * (20 percent) = $2.00 • Total Costs = Base Cost + Penalty Cost = $12.00 The planning engine assigns a cost of $12.00 to the substitute component during its calculations. Let us assume that the primary component costs $9.00 in this case. Suppose that the planning engine cannot use the primary component and can use the substitute component to meet a particular demand on time. It does not use the substitute component unless the value per unit of the supply produced on time is greater than the $3.00 per unit excess paid for the substitute component. Of course, that’s also assuming that the supply requires one unit of the component, primary or substitute For example, if the user chooses Enforce Demand Due Dates, it might not be obvious that the planning engine would select substitute components. It might appear that it would simply overload supplier capacity, which it is allowed to do in this plan setup. However, if the user specifies a significant penalty cost for supplier capacity violations, then the planning engine may still select substitute components rather than incur the penalty cost for violating the supplier’s capacity constraint When optimization is enabled, the Supply Sources and Supply Configuration choices can include For Make items: Make at Primary Organization using:


Primary or Substitute Components


Primary or Alternate Resources


Primary or Alternate BOM/Routings

Examples Examples of How Alternate Decision Rules are Used The following tables provide background information.

Day 0 Demand Information




60 units


120 units


80 units

Due Date

Capacity 100 1 units/day 100 2 units/day 100 3 units/day 15 | P a g e

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution BOM for item A Component (Make/Buy) B (Make) C(Make)

Op Sequence 10 20

Quantity Substitute 1 D(Make) 2 E(Make)

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Routing for item A Op Sequence 10 20

Operation Milling Grinding

Resource Alternate M10 M20 G10 G20

Capacity Information Resource M10 M20 G10 G20

Capacity 60 units/day 60 units/day 100 units/day 100 units/day

Projected available on Day 2 Type Item A Component B Component C Sub Component D Sub Component E

Units 0 90 200 30 100

Sourcing rule for Item A Rule Make at org M Source from org S

Org M S


Priority 100 1(primary) 100 2(alternate)

Capacity 100/day 60/day 1 dayl lead time

Item C C

Capacity Priority 50 1(primary) 100 2(alternate)

Sourcing %

supplies and capacity Supplier Test 1 Test 2

50 50 17 | P a g e

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution The default ranking is shown in the following table: Rank

Objective 1 2 3 4 5

Use end item substitutions use Alternate resource use substitute components use Alternate BOM/routing Use alternate sources

The planning engine plans for the 120 units of Item A on Day 2 by combining the following two actions: 1. Use alternate resource (M2/G10) along with primary (M10/G10) 2. Use component substitutions for B (B 90 + D 30) and C (C 200 + E40)

If the demand on Day 2 is only 90, then the solution is achieved by selecting only alternate resources (alternate resource (M20/G10) along with primary (M10/G10).

Multiple substitutes with onhand Supposing there are multiple substitutes, each with a different priority. When running the plan one sees that the plan is not honoring the substitute items priority, Low priority substitute item onhand is considered instead of using supply of a higher priority substitute. If there is onhand for both the substitute items, the plan always tries to satisfy the demand with immediate supply available. Considering the two substitute components available, the best way to satisfy a demand is to consume the onhand available. As a result of this we see that the plan created a planned order demand on both the substitute items.

Optimized plan and enabling weights When running an optimized plan with internal cost roll up enabled, one needs to ensure that the weights that are specified for the optimization objectives are correct. Whenever a plan is run with internal cost roll up, please ensure that the following values are used for the optimization objective weights: Maximize On-time Delivery - 1 (maximum value allowed) 18 | P a g e

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Maximize Inventory Turns - 1 (maximum value allowed) The other objective weights should be set to zero. In addition, set a higher value for the profile option 'MSO: Carrying Cost Percentage' such as 50.

Order Modifiers For component substitutes, any order modifier on the assembly item may cause the substitute on-hand to be not fully used up. One option is to reduce or remove the order modifiers in such cases. The existence of an order modifier (minimal order quantity, fixed order quantity, fixed lot multiple) can have this effect. Suppose A is made of B, B has a substitute C. B has an on-hand of qty 20, but A's fixed order quantity if 40. So, to use up B's on-hand of 20, the optimization engine recommends a planned order of 20. But when creating a real planned order, it can only create a planned order of 40. So at item B, it has demand of -40, exceeds the on-hand and a planned order is created. Similar cases for MoQ, and FLM. If the onand quantity of the substitute is not sufficient for the assembly item's order modifier size, then it will remain unused. A few options to consider are •

reduce the size of the order modifier quantity

use max order quantity to size the orders instead of other order modifiers

use fixed order quantity instead of fixed lot multiple.

consider the 'Constrained without Detailed Scheduling' option (available in the plan options form). The profile 'MSC: Enable Advanced Constraints' should be set to Yes. This option provides better consumption of substitutes in the presence of order modifiers.

Transfer supplies recommended for the substituted demands will not honor the order modifiers as we are not sure how much supply is present in the source org from which material will be transferred. Not honoring of order modifiers will be only for transfer supplies for substituted demands. If new buy or make recommendations are given then order modifiers will be honored.

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution If no planned orders are to be created on the substitute component, set the max order quantity of the substitute component item (in the item attributes form) to zero. Please note that this will work only if the item does not appear as a primary component in any other BOM.

Effects of item rounding Item rounding can have similar effects on component substitution as order modifiers. During optimization phase the rounding control is not considered. So now let us consider the following example: Demand on Item A(where Item C is used) = 15,000. Demand on Item B(where Item C is used) = 15,000 Onhand of Item A = 0 Onhand of Item B = 0 Onhand of Item C = 0 Onhand of Item D (Substitute component) = 865110 Onhand of primary component = 0.

Now during optimization we decide that for 15000 of Item A and 15000 of Item B we need 30,000 of Item C (This is where the rounding control in BOM is used. If the usage is such that 30,001.1 was required then it would have been rounded to 30001). To make 30000 of Item C we should make 86512.00/2.938144 = 29444.438393 using substitute as we have onhand and the remaining 30,000 - 29444.438393 = 555.561607 using primary component. Now we round the supplies (When we are rounding the supplies BOM rounding control type is not used but item rounding control is used because this supply is a common supply that can be used in many demands of items: Item A, Item B) 29444.438393 becomes 294445 and 555.561607 becomes 556. This will require 29445 * 2.938144 = 86513.65008. However the rounding control for the substitute item is set to Round down and hence the quantity required will be come 86513. Now the onhand is only 86512 and hence 86513-86512 = 1 planned order is created. Another example would be: the first planned order for the primary component is always the equivalent of the residual value of the substitute. The on hand is 110, the planned orders would be for 30 and 7890. 20 | P a g e

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution For example the demand for an item is 200 (sub assembly). Component requirement is 8000. This is satisfied in SCO by: 1) Planned order of the primary component of 7890 to make 197.25 of subassembly 2) 110 On Hand from substitute component to make 2.75 of subassembly MBP rounds down the quantity 2.75 from substitute item to 2 and increases the quantity 197.25 from primary to 198. In order to make up for the difference: (198-197.25)*40=30, MBP created the planned order of the primary of qty 30, together with the planned order of the primary of qty 7890 from SCO.

End item vs component substitution If an item is present in an end item substitution chain, then it cannot be used in component substitution. This setup is not supported. In the end item substitution design and implementation, we have a basic assumption that all those items will have only independent demands. Therefore, we can claim we can honor "create supply" attribute of each substitute item in the chain, since unconstrained MBP and SCO will see the same demand picture at end level. However, if one item in substitute chain is a component (or a transfer source) of another item, then all those pre-conditions will be violated due to order modifiers, different views of safety stocks, etc. The "Create Supply" flag is designed for use in end item substitution scenarios in which items A and B are related by a substitution item relationship, and both items are end items with independent demand in the ASCP plan.

Lead times on components When selecting the item to be used and there is compression then SCO selects the item which has the least compression. SCO always tries to minimize the use of compressed supplies. This happens also in an EDD plan. If the leadtime for the primary is longer than the substitute, planned orders will be made on the substitute to reduce lead time compression.

Use of existing supply

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution SCO will always try to use existing supplies. For example there is no supply on the primary item. Supply exists on the substitute item, but also supply exists on the components for the primary item. SCO will then still use the primary item to use up the supply for its components instead of using the substitute item. The inverse is also possible where SCO will recommend the planned orders on the substitute if there is supply for its components.

Substitute components under phantom items The following structure is not supported: BOM structure Parent | Phantom | -- Primary -- Substitute component

With the above setup the component substitution does not work correctly. Corrected BOM structure Parent | Phantom | Dummy item (standard) -- Primary -- Substitute component

Order priority and component substitution Users may see apparent random usage of substitute components with different priorities. The key setup for behavior would be: There are 2 end items (ids 4301 and 4319). The BOM structure is as follows: 22 | P a g e

Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution 4301 | 5117 | 5092 | 1433-------5130 (sub priority 1) | -----5131 (sub priority 2)

4319 | 5116 | 5091 | 1433--------5131 (sub priority 1)

The independent demands for 4301 have priority of 1-14 while the independent demands for 4319 have priority of 15-64. As a result, SCO tries to meet all the demands for 4301 on time before ensuring that demands for 4319 are met. There are 20000 units of on-hand for 5131. Since the lead time of both 5130 and 5131 are 50 days, SCO uses all the onhand of 5131 to meet the early demands of 4301. This is the only supply of 5131 that SCO uses to build 4301. Had supply of 5130 been used, it would have delayed the demands for 4301. New planned orders created for 5131 are all used only to build 4319.

Using by-products In the event that the primary component has a by-product which is not used in any BOM, then the engine will not create supplies on the primary, but on the substitute. Creating supplies on the primary component would lead to excess supplies on the by-product which cannot be used elsewhere. Using the profile option (MSO: Use Existing Supplies in Alternate BOM/Subs.Comp) is a way to minimize the use of substitute components. When this profile is set to 2, planning engine will go down the primary component path only if demands can be met on time. Planning engine will go down substitute component path only if improves on-time delivery. Note that by setting the profile to 2, planning engine may not consume existing supply of substitutes if demand can be met on time using primary component. The profile option makes sense in any decision rules plan or optimized plan.

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution Using the On-Line Planner To allow substitution recommendations being done by the online planner, set MSO: Use Optimization and Decision Rules for Simulation to Yes . The online planner does not ensure that the choice of substitute components is retained if the planned order is firmed. In online planner, the onhand supply of the substitute components could be used to build some other planned order. If you wish to retain the use of the substitute component for a particular planned order, you can release it to the execution system as a work order, update the quantity and then collect it back to the planning instance.

Firm workorders If firm workorders are dependent on the primary component, then planned orders on the primary will be created even if the demands are satisfied late because of this.

Creating WIP jobs using substitute components We do not release the details of the planned output under following conditions: a. Unconstrained Plans b. if the new_wip_start_date is null in msc_supplies c. if the implement quantity or date is different than the planned quantity date d. if the revision date is different then the new_wip_start_date and the profile option setting : MSC:Release WIP Dtls if Order Date different then BOM Revision Date = 'No’ e. Non - Daily Bucketed Plans (planned order must be in the daily buckets) f. Alternate BOM/Routing is changed during release. (= planned order is modified in any way)

Useful scripts SELECT * FROM bom_substitute_components WHERE substitute_component_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT inventory_item_id FROM mtl_system_items_vl WHERE concatenated_segments = '&item_name' ) ;

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Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning: Component Substitution SELECT * FROM bom_structures_b WHERE assembly_item_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT inventory_item_id FROM mtl_system_items_vl WHERE concatenated_segments = '&item_name' ); SELECT SUBSTR(msi.organization_id, 1, 3) org, SUBSTR(msi.segment1, 1, 30) assy, SUBSTR(msi.inventory_item_id, 1, 7) itemid, SUBSTR(bomm.bill_sequence_id, 1, 7) billseqid, SUBSTR(msi.item_type, 1, 7) itype, SUBSTR(msi.bom_item_type, 1, 7) bomtype, SUBSTR(bic.component_item_id, 1, 7) ciid, SUBSTR(msi2.segment1, 1, 30) comp, SUBSTR(bic.optional, 1, 3) opt, SUBSTR(bic.bom_item_type, 1, 3) bit, bic.wip_supply_type FROM bom_bill_of_materials bomm, bom_inventory_components bic, mtl_system_items msi, mtl_system_items msi2 WHERE bic.bill_sequence_id = bomm.bill_sequence_id AND msi.organization_id = bomm.organization_id AND msi.inventory_item_id = bomm.assembly_item_id AND msi2.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id AND msi.segment1 segment1 = '&item_name' AND msi2.organization_id = bomm.organization_id AND bomm.organization_id = '&OrgId'; SELECT * FROM mrp_ap_component_substitutes_v WHERE substitute_item_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT inventory_item_id FROM mtl_system_items_vl WHERE concatenated_segments = '&item_name' ); SELECT * FROM msc_component_substitutes WHERE plan_id = -1 AND sr_instance_id = &instance_id AND substitute_item_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT inventory_item_id FROM msc_system_items WHERE item_name segment1 = '&item_name' );

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