Teacher’s Te acher’s name: Fabiola Fajardo Date: Friday, September 23rd Communicative Language Lan guage Teaching Teaching Lesson Plan
Title of activity: Free time activities Concept: Use expressions of likes/dislikes, fre!ency, fre!ency, and location in oral interaction" #rade level: $t% basic year &earnin' objectives: T%is lesson (ill lead learners to talk abo!t free time activities" )aterials: *ict!re cards, ma'a+ine pict!res, (it% or (it%o!t captions activity related (orks%eets *roced!re/activity: Student Activity Engage
Select and Stick free time activities pict!re cards on t%e board"
Teacher Activity •
-isplay different pict!re cards aro!nd t%e clas classs and and (rit (ritee t%e t%e (ord (ordss .fre .freee tim time activities on t%e board *lay video 'ames &isten to m!sic
Free time activities
#o to movies
0fte 0fterr read read in t%ei t%eirr book bookss st!d st!den ents ts (ill (ill ans( ans(er er t%e t%e !estion !estionss asked asked by teac%er: teac%er: My favorite activities are…...- The benefits are…... Answer will be varied. varied. Usin Usin' ' t%e t%e (ord (ord bank bank t%ey t%ey (ill associate eac% free time acti activi vity ty (it% (it% t%e t%e diff differ eren entt so!nds, t%en c%eck t%e activities t%ey like to do" St!d St!den ents ts (ill (ill s%ar s%aree t%ei t%eir r ans(ers: ans(ers: 4x" I like to………. 1 love to……., I prefer to…..
C%at (it% friends
6an' o!t (it% friends
*lay sports
*lay a m!sical instr!ment
1nvi 1nvite te to st!d st!den ents ts to expl explor oree t%e t%e text text vis!a vis!ally lly before before doin' doin' t%e exerci exercise" se" 0sk 0sk t%ese t%ese !est !estion ions: s: %at %at are t%eir t%eir favori favorite te plan for (eekends (it% t%eir family and friend friends s %at %at are t%e benefi benefits ts of doin' doin' prod!ctive activities activities in t%eir free time Foc!s Foc!s st!de st!dents nts .atten .attentio tion n on t%e p%otos p%otos representin' different free time activities" Usin Usin' ' t%e t%e ne( voca vocab! b!la lary ry:: play video games, chat with friends, friends, …..etc.
4xplain to t%e st!dents t%at se like!love!prefer to talk abo!t likes, dislikes
T%en t%ey (ill say accordin' t%e ans(er to t%e !estions abo!t t%eir members of family7s free time activities"
St!dents (ill say t%eir s!mmary and (ill s%o( t%eir c%art in front of t%e class, askin' !estions to t%eir classmates abo!t t%at t%ey listen" St!dents (ill say t%eir personal information abo!t t%eir free time activities"
and preferences and ask 4mp%asi+e t%e !se of (%8 !estions to ask abo!t people preferences: %at do yo! like to do in yo!r free time %at does yo!r mot%er/sister like to do in %er free time %at does yo!r fat%er/brot%er like to do in %is free time Tell st!dents to prepare a s%ort s!mmary and c%art abo!t t%eir family7s free time activities"
*rovide t%e cl!es to st!dents to complete personal information !se t%e verb like, love and prefer" 9 0ffirmative sentences: 1 like to 9 ;e'ative sentences: 1 don7t like to" observations8creatin' c%arts8ot%er st!dents learnin' evidence >class(ork8%ome(ork8semantic maps8?enn dia'rams" S!mmative: Formal8 1s !sed to determine at a partic!lar point in time (%at st!dents kno( and do not kno(: 4nd of !nit or c%apter test8end of partial or !imester tests8scores t%at are !sed for acco!ntability"
0nticipated misconceptions/alternative conceptions: St!dents %avin' tro!ble abo!t t%e !se of ne( vocab!lary" T%ey (ill clarify t%eir do!bts abo!t t%e vocab!lary (it% several exercises in oral (ay"
0ccommodations/modifications: 0ccommodations foc!s on %o(: provide m!ltiple means and opport!nities for st!dents to demonstrate" )odifications foc!s on (%at c%an'e t%e core content standard or t%e performance expectation"
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