Communication Plan

February 23, 2018 | Author: arcman17 | Category: Communication, Technology, Computing, Computing And Information Technology, Business
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Communication Plan...



Instructions Documents the project’s communications activities with the client, the project team, management, and other affected groups Tailor the standard project communications to include project specific details, such as roles responsible for the communication and the distribution, media, specific timing and standards for the communication. Do not change the ‘communication name’ documented in the Type column of any of these standard communications. Instead, include the project’s specific name for the communication in the Type column following the communication name, if applicable. Add any project specific communications that are not covered by the standard project communications. If a standard project communication does not apply to the project, move it to the Communication Activities that do not Apply on this Project table. Purpose To ensure adequate communications among the project team, with leadership, with the client, and with other affected groups Description The Communication Plan documents the protocol for conducting effective communication with the client, the programme or project team, management, and other affected groups in a programme or project. The plan may be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly-framed based on programme or project needs. Content The Communication Plan may include the following items: The Communication Plan may include the following items: - A list of internal and external communication events and each event's purpose, , frequency, timing, audience and media Guidelines - For internally scheduled communications, consider adding dates, times, and locations of upcoming meetings and using the form to communicate those meetings to the participants. - The Communication Plan is not meant to be an all-inclusive list of communications, only a record of those communications that are significant planned events. - Ask the audience for input on the preferred communication media and on the content for each communication event. - For critical dependencies that need to occur with affected groups, consider adding an external communication event with a project team member or the project manager being responsible to have regular interchanges with affected groups to resolve or escalate issues and gather status.

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External Communication

Type External Project Status Meeting

Description / Purpose






Regularly scheduled meetings:To discuss project activities, progress and issues.

Project Manager (leads) Client Project Manager

Delivery Leader, Team Leader, Client Project Manager

Conference call or in person

Regularly scheduled meetings & Event Driven (Specify days and times)

Recurring meetings are scheduled through Outlook. An agenda is distributed in advance. Meeting minutes are captured and stored in the (named) folder.

Event driven:When new requirements are added, existing requirements are changed, etc

External Leadership Status Meeting

This formal meeting addresses the accomplishments and results of the project with the client (or client representative) at selected milestones in the project. These meetings address commitments, plans, risks, status of activities and significant issues for the project, as well as how the project fits into the current business environment.

Team Leader (leads) Project Manager Client Leadership Client Project Manager

Delivery Leader, Client Leadership, Client Project Manager

Conference call or in person

At the end of one or multiple milestones

An agenda is distributed in advance.Meeting minutes are captured and stored in the (named) folder.

Supplier Project Status Meeting (is applicable only if STK engages suppliers to get the work done)

Regularly scheduled meetings: To discuss project activities, progress and issues (includes possible technical issues). Review of supplier performance (QA, CM, & progress). Event driven: When new requirements are added, existing requirements are changed, etc

Project Manager (leads) Supplier Project Manager, STK Supplier Manager

Delivery Leader, Team Leader, Supplier Project Manager

Conference call or in person

Regularly scheduled meetings & event driven (Specify days and times)

Recurring meetings are scheduled through Outlook. An agenda is distributed in advance. Meeting minutes are captured and stored in the (named) folder.

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Description / Purpose






Supplier Leadership Status Meeting (is applicable only if STK engages suppliers to get the work done)


This meeting reviews the accomplishments and results of the supplier’s work with the supplier at selected milestones in the project. This provides an opportunity to discuss the supplier’s performance relative to the supplier agreement.

Team Leader (leads), Project Manager, Supplier Leadership Supplier Project Manager, STK Supplier Manager

Delivery Leader, Supplier Leadership, Supplier Project Manager

Conference call or in person

At the end of one or multiple milestones

An agenda is distributed in advance.Meeting minutes are captured and stored in the (named) folder.

Issue Tracking and Escalation

To provide a framework for documenting and tracking issues to closure and escalating long-standing or critical issues for senior leadership attention.

Any member of the project or client leadership

Project Manager, Team Leader

PCDB, Email, conference call or in person

Whenever an issue arises or needs management involvement for resolution.

As per the escalation path mentioned in the Stakeholder Involvement Plan

Client Satisfaction Survey

To receive feedback from the client on the performance of the project team in providing project support.

Project Manager

Delivery Leader / Team Leader


At least once in six months

Using the Client Satisfaction Survey Questionnaire

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Internal Communication Type

Description / Purpose






Project Kick off

To announce the start of the project

Team Leader / Delivery Leader

Project Manager, Project Team, All Support Functions

Conference call or in person

Project Start-up

Team Status Report

Update the Project Manager with explanations for task variances, accomplishments for the reporting period, issues, planned time out of the office, and remarks. Provide peer feedback information to responsible team manager. Event Driven: Communicate issues/concerns regarding project team members.

Team members

Store in the (named) folder under a folder labeled with your name or initials. Project manager will review from there.

MS Word document (Specify media)

By COB on the last working day of the reporting period (usually every other Friday; or last business day of the reporting period if Friday is a holiday).

STK PROJECT MANAGEMENT status reporting template

Management Status Report

Provide management with current team status, accomplishments, and issues.

Project Manager

Team Leader

MS Word document

By COB on the first working day following the end of the reporting period (usually fortnightly).

STK PROJECT MANAGEMENT status reporting template

Client (optional)

(Specify media)

(Specify frequency)

Store in the (named) folder.

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Description / Purpose


Issue Tracking and Escalation

To provide a framework for documenting and tracking issues to closure and escalating long-standing or critical issues for senior leadership attention.

Any member of the project team

Project Reporting (Project Profile and Metrics applicable to only those projects whose are registered in Presage)

Periodic:Communicate highlevel project status, milestones & corresponding dates, variance explanation, accomplishments, and any issues needing management attention, assistance, or decisions.

Project Manager

Project Close Down

To announce the Project Close Down

Delivery Leader / Team Leader

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As per the escalation path mentioned in the Stakeholder involvement plan with a copy to the lower level management As per Presage standards

PCDB, Email, conference call or in person

Whenever an issue arises or needs management involvement for resolution.

Web-based repository

As per Presage standards

Project Manager, Project Team, All Support Functions


Project Close Down

Standard As per the escalation path mentioned in the Stakeholder Involvement Plan

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