Download Commissioner Reoport Model in MVOP - 189-2010-AVS...
I N THE HECOU OURTOF OFTHE HEVt hADDL. DI STRI CTJ UDGE ONGOLE M. V. O. P . No. 1 8 9 / 2 0 1 0 De pos i t i onofPW- Wi t ne s sf ort hePe t i t i one r : Name
:Dr. :Dr.K.Bala K.Bala Kondaiah
:Orthopedic Surg Surgeon eon
Father’s Name:K.C.Y.Kondaiah
:3 !ears
Sol e mnl ya ffir me d byVe mul aVe nkat aPa va n Kuma mar ,Advoc a t eComm mmi s s i oner , B. Co m. m. , ( Comp. ) ,LL. B. ,Ongo l ei na c c or da nc ew wi i t ht hepr o vi s i onso ft heAc t4 4of t h 1 9 69ont hi s4 da yofOc t obe r ,2 01 1atNe l l or e .
Cross Examination by Sri A.V.S:-
& am Dr.K.Bala Kondaiah' consultant Orthopedic Surgeon in Bollineni Super Spec Sp ecia iali lit! t! $osp $ospit ital al'' Ne Nell llor oree sinc sincee () ()) )..
& ha ha*e *e seen the pa pati tien entt +! name
,.-rasanth' %ale' 3 !ears' +! #oad /ra00ic Accident and clinicall! diagnosed as 1. Fracture +oth +ones right 0orearm (1. Fracture ma2illa right 31. Fracture !gomo and an d 1. 1. Frac Fractu ture re na nasa sall +o +one ness an and d ad adm mitte itted d in ou ourr ho hosp spit ital al on same same da da! ! on (4)4())5 and the patient 6as discharged discharged at grie*ous iin n nature. 72hi+it4A( 6as issued issue d +! our ho hospita spital. l. 724A8 tto oA A5 5 6ere is issued sued +! o our ur hosp hospital ital.. 72.9 72.9 is case case44 sheet and C./.Scan #eports 6ere mared at the time o0 e2amination o0 the doctor. Cross-Examination by Sri.S.R.R :4 :4
$e 6as 6as ttaen aen treat treatment ment 0or a peri period od o o00 on onee da da!. !.
&t is true that & ha ha*e *e n no o
no6ledge no6 ledge a+ou a+outt the present condit condition ion o0 the petition petitioner. er. &t is true that there is no 0ollo6 up treatment a0ter discharge discharge 0rom the hosp hospital. ital. &t is true that the acc accident ident 6as occurred due to collusion o0 lorr! and car. D7-ON7N/ /he a+o*e contents are read o*er to the deponent and he is admitted as true and signed +e0ore me on this the da! o0 th da! o0 Octo+er' () at Nellore.
"." .".-a*an .-a*an Kuma Kumar r Ad*ocate;Commissioner
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