Commercial Packaging: Standard Practice For

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Designation: D3951 − 15

Standard Practice for

Commercial Packaging1 This standard is issued under the fixed designation D3951; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of  original origin al adoption or, in the case of revis revision, ion, the year of last revision. revision. A number in paren parenthese thesess indicates the year of last reappr reapproval. oval. A superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval. This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the U.S. Department of Defense.

1. Sco Scope pe

D6251/D6251M Specification for Wood-Cleated Panelboard D6251/D6251M Specification Shipping Boxes D6254/D6254M  Specifi D6254/D6254M Specification cation for Wir Wireboun ebound d PalletPallet-T Type Wood Boxes D6255/D6255M   Specification for Steel or Aluminum SlotD6255/D6255M ted Angle Crates D6256/D6256M  Specifi D6256/D6256M Specification cation for Woodood-Cleated Cleated Shipp Shipping ing Boxes with Skidded, Load-Bearing Bases D6880/D6880M Specification D6880/D6880M  Specification for Wood Boxes D7478/D7478M  Spe D7478/D7478M Specific cificatio ation n for Hea Heavy vy Dut Duty y She Sheath athed ed Wood Crates

1.1 This pra practic cticee est establ ablish ishes es min minimu imum m req requir uireme ements nts for packag pack agin ing g of su supp ppli lies es an and d eq equi uipm pmen ent, t, ex excl clus usiv ivee of  ammunition, ammuni tion, explosives, explosives, or hazardous materials, materials, as covered in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations. 1.2 The values stated in inch-poun inch-pound d units are to be regar regarded ded as standard. No other units of measurement are included in this standard. 1.3   This standar standard d doe doess not purport purport to add addre ress ss all of the safetyy co safet conc ncer erns ns,, if an anyy, as asso socia ciated ted wit with h it itss us use. e. It is th thee responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-

2.2  Code of Federal Regulations: 3 Title 49 Transportation 49  Transportation (Parts 100 to 199)

 priate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

2.3   Military and Federal Standards: 4 MIL-STD-129 Military MIL-STD-129  Military Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-2073–1 Standard MIL-STD-2073–1  Standard Practice for Military Packaging Packaging FED-STD-123  Marking for Shipment (Civil Agencies)

2. Referenc Referenced ed Documents Documents 2.1   ASTM Standards:2 D996 Terminology D996  Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environments D1974/D1974M   Practice for Methods of Closing, Sealing, D1974/D1974M and Reinfo Reinforcing rcing Fiberboard Boxes D4169   Practice for Performance Testing of Shipping ConD4169 tainers and Systems D4727/D4727M Specification D4727/D4727M  Specification for Corrugated and Solid Fiberboard Sheet Stock (Container Grade) and Cut Shapes D5118/D5118M Practice D5118/D5118M  Practice for Fabrication of Fiberboard Shipping Boxes D5168 Practice D5168  Practice for Fabrication and Closure of Triple-Wall Corrugated Fiberboard Containers D5445   Pr D5445 Pract actice ice fo forr Pic Picto tori rial al Ma Mark rkin ings gs fo forr Ha Hand ndlin ling g of  Goods D6039/D6039M Specification D6039/D6039M  Specification for Open and Covered Wood Crates

2.4   International Standards:5 ISPM ISP M Pub Publica licatio tion n No. 15 15  Regulat Regulation ion of Wood Packag Packaging ing Materiall in Intern Materia International ational Trade (Inte (Internatio rnational nal Stand Standards ards for Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM)) 3. Terminology 3.1 Termino Terminology logy found in Terminology Terminology   D996 shall D996  shall apply. 3.2  Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 3.2.1   CONUS— Continental Continental United States (excluding Hawaii and Alaska). 3.2.2  immediate use— used used or consumed within seven days of receipt. 3.2.3  safe delivery—in packaging— delivery delivery of a shipment to its destination with minimal damage to the package and no damage to the contents.


This practice is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D10 Committee  D10 on  on Packaging and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee  D10.27  on Fiberboard Shipping Containers, Containerboard and Related Structures and Materials. Current Curre nt editio edition n approv approved ed Dec. 1, 2015. Published Published Febru February ary 2016. Originally Originally approved in 1980. Last previous edition approved in 2010 as D3951 – 10. DOI: 10.1520/D3951-15. 2 For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, or contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For  Annual Book of ASTM  Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on

Availab vailable le from Supe Superinten rintendent dent of Docum Documents, ents, U.S. Govern Government ment Printi Printing ng Office, Washington, DC 20402. 4 Available from Document Automation and Production Service, Building 4/D, 700 Robbin Robbinss Avenue venue,, Phila Philadelph delphia, ia, PA 1911 19111-5094 1-5094,. ,. http:/ http://assi /assist.da st.daps.d  /  quicksearch.. 5 Avai vailab lable le from the Int Intern ernati ationa onall Pla Plant nt Pro Protec tectio tion n Con Conven ventio tion n at http http://  :// 

the ASTM website.


Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States




D3951 − 15   Loose-fill Loose-fill Cushi Cushioning oning/Dunn /Dunnage age — Loose-fill Loose-fill material shall be prohibited for all Department of Defense (DoD) and/orr Gener and/o General al Servic Services es Administration Administration (GSA) shipments and shipments to aerospace facilities. 5.1.2   Unit Package:   Unit Package—  A  A unit package shall be so designed and an d co cons nstr truc ucte ted d th that at it wil willl co cont ntain ain th thee co cont nten ents ts wi with th no damage to them, and with minimal damage to the unit pack  durin du ring g sh ship ipmen mentt an and d st stor orag agee in th thee sh ship ippi ping ng co cont ntain ainer er

4. Sign Significan ificance ce and Use 4.1 This practice covers the requirements requirements for the commer commer-cial pre preser servat vation ion,, pac packag kaging ing,, pac packin king g (ex (exter terior ior con contain tainer) er),, unitization, and marking for supplies and equipment. It provides for multiple handling and shipment by any mode, and storage periods of a minimum of one year in enclosed facilities without damage to the product. It also provides for package quantities suitable for redistribution without additional repackagin ag ing g or ma mark rkin ing. g. Pl Plan anne ned d st stor orag agee th that at ex exce ceed edss on onee ye year ar requires more than minimum requirements requires requirements for physi physical cal and mechanical protection.

5.1   General— The The follo following wing requi requirement rements, s, unles unlesss specifi-

configuration, shall allow subsequent   Unitand Package Quantity—  Unlesshandling. Unless otherwise specified in the con contra tract ct or pur purcha chase se ord order er,, the uni unitt pac packag kagee qua quantit ntity y shal sh alll be on onee ea each ch pa part, rt, se set, t, or as assem sembl bly y, ex exce cept pt fo forr sm smal alll lightweight items, for example, industrial hardware, which will be unit packaged in quantities quantities that are standard in the trade and suitable for retail sales. Single items weighing over 5 lb shall be indivi individually dually packag packaged. ed. 5.1.2 .3 Bulk packaging packaging shall be specifically excluded excluded unless specified in the contract or purchase order. 5.1.3   Intermediate Package: 5.1.3. 5.1 .3.1 1 The use of inte interme rmedia diate te pac packag kaging ing is enc encour ourage aged d particularly when such use enhances handling and storage. 5.1.4   Packing: 5.1.4 .1 Unit packages packages and interm intermediate ediate packages packages not meet-

cally changed by the contract or order, shall apply. Suppliers are encouraged to use advanced packaging technology. 5.1.1   Packaging— Preserv Preservatio ation, n, pac packag kaging ing,, pack packing ing,, and marking furnished by the suppliers shall meet or exceed the following minimum requirements:   Cleanliness— Items I tems shall be free of dirt and other contaminants which would contribute to deterioration of the item or which would require cleaning by the customer prior to use. Coatings and preservatives applied to the item for protection are not considered contaminants.   Preservation— Items Items susceptible to corrosion or deterioration shall be provided protection such as preservative coatings, coating s, barri barrier er prote protection, ction, volatile corro corrosion sion inhibitors, or desiccated unit packs.   Cushioning— Items Items requiring protection from physi-

ing the requirements shipping containers. for a shipping container shall be packed in   Shipping Contai Containers—  ners— The The shipping container (including cludin g any necess necessary ary blocking, bracing, cushioning, cushioning, or water resistance) shall comply with the regulations of the carrier used and shall provide safe delivery to the destination. The shipping contain con tainer er sha shall ll be cap capabl ablee of mul multipl tiplee han handlin dling g and sto storag ragee periods at a minimum of one year in enclosed facilities without damage to the product.   Table 1   provides suggested size and weight limits for shipping containers and may be used for unit and an d in inter termed mediat iatee pa pack ckage agess wh when en sp speci ecify fyin ing g a fib fiberb erboa oard rd container, wood box, or crate. 5.1.4 .3 All containers containers shall be tested to meet Practice Practice D4169  D4169 test standards when specified in the contract or purchase order. 5.1.5   Unitization— Shipments Shipments should be considered for unit-

cal an and d me mech chan anic ical al da dama mage ge or wh which ich ar aree fr frag agile ile sh shal alll be protected protec ted by wrapp wrapping, ing, cushio cushioning, ning, pack compar compartmentiz tmentization, ation, cartonizing, or other means to mitigate shock and vibration to prevent damage during handling and shipment.

ization where appropri ization appropriate ate or as spe specifi cified ed in the contract contract or purchase purch ase order. order. Unitiza Unitization tion encompasses, encompasses, but is not limited to, bundling, consolidation in a container, or placement on a pallet. 5.1.6   Marking:

4.2 Thi Thiss pra practic cticee is app applica licable ble to Dep Depart artmen mentt of Def Defens ensee shipments for: 4.2.1 Items intended intended for immediate use; 4.2.2 Items for not-m not-mission ission-capab -capable le supp supply; ly; 4.2.3 Items intended for depot operational operational consu consumption mption;; 4.2.4 Small parcel shipme shipments nts (CONUS), not-for-stock not-for-stock;; and 4.2.5 Direct vendor deliveries deliveries (CONU (CONUS S ONL ONLY). Y). 4.3 All other Department Department of Defense shipments shipments shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-2073–1. 5. Requirem Requirements ents

TABLE TA BLE 1 Weigh Weightt and Size Limit Limits s of Shipping Containers Containers Container Standard Practice   D5118/D5118M Practice


Practice  D5168 Practice D5168 Specification D6251/D6251M Specification  D6251/D6251MA Specification D6880/D6880M Specification  D6880/D6880MA Specification D6256/D6256M Specification  D6256/D6256MA Specification D6254/D6254M Specification  D6254/D6254MA Specification D6255/D6255M Specification  D6255/D6255MA


Maximum Outside Dimensions, length + width + depth SW Corrugated $40 and #105 in. DW Corrugated $85 and #120 in. TW Corrugated $110 and #125 in. As required   As required   #16 ft   As required   As required  


Maximum Weight of Boxes and Contents (lb) #120 #180 #300 #1000 #1000 #2500 #2500 #3000


Specification  D6039/D6039MA Specification D6039/D6039M Specification D7478/D7478M Specification  D7478/D7478M

As required 30 ft L × 9 ft W × 10 ft H



4000 30 000



Containers with length and width greater than 48 in. shall be designed with four-way entry lift capability. Containers with gross weight over 100 lb shall have 2-way forklift entry at a minimum.




D3951 − 15

Intermediate ediate Marking— Markin M arking g for the   Unit and Interm unit and intermediate container shall mean those used in the commercial commer cial distri distribution bution or over over-the-c -the-counte ounterr retail sales. The markings shall be sufficient to clearly and visibly identify the cont co nten ents ts of th thee pa pack ckag age. e. Wh When en th thee un unit it or in inte term rmed ediat iatee container is also the shipping container the requirements of shall  shall apply. Unless otherwise specified in the contract/  purchase order, the following are the minimum requirements: (1) Part number and/or UPC barcode part number,   Co Cont ntai aine nerr Ma Mark rkin ings gs fo forr Go Gove vern rnme ment nt Ci Civi vill  Agencies— For For all shi shipme pments nts to gov govern ernmen mentt civ civil il age agencie ncies, s, such su ch as th thee Ge Gene nera rall Ser Servi vices ces Ad Admi mini nist stra ratio tion n (G (GSA SA), ), th thee markin mar king g sha shall ll be in acco accorda rdance nce wit with h FED FED-ST -STD-1 D-123. 23. Any additio add itional nal mar markin king g req requir uiremen ements ts sha shall ll be spe specifi cified ed in the contract or purchase order.   Items without Adequate Surface for Labels— Items Items without adequate surface for labels shall be marked in accordance with  by means of a tag securely affixed to the

(2) or nomenclature, (3) Product  Quantityname and unit of issue, (4)  Manufacture retail markings, (5)  ShelfShelf-life life marki markings ngs (expi (expiration ration date/in date/inspectio spection n date/  date of manufacture), if applicable, (6) Storage legends, if applicable, and (7)  Precautionary markings, if applicable.   Shipping Conta Container iner Markin Markings—  gs— All All marki markings ngs shall be legible, durable, and identify the contents of the package, and if req requir uired, ed, inc includ ludee pic pictor torial ial mar markin kings gs as ide identi ntified fied in Practice   D5445. D5445.   Unless Unless oth otherw erwise ise spe specifi cified ed in the con contrac tractt  /purchase order, the t he following are the minimum requirements: (1)  Consignee and consignor address, (2)  Applicable precautionary markings, (3) Part number and/or UPC barcode part number,

item. 6. Optio Options ns 6.1   Export Shipments— When When permitted by the contract or purchase order, this practice may be used for export shipments when favorable conditions conditions are provi provided, ded, such as contain containerizaerization media and enclosed areas of receiv receiving. ing. Additional Additional preservation methods methods and the use of weather weather-resis -resistant tant grades may be required to ensure the packaging successfully protects the item in the export shipping environment. Ensure unit, intermediate and shi shippi pping ng con contain tainers ers are wea weather ther-re -resist sistant ant gra grades des whe when n shipping overseas. Containers should be sealed as opposed to closed (see Practice  D1974/D1974M  D1974/D1974M). ). 7. Performanc Performancee Testing Testing 7.1 Th 7.1 Thee us usee of Pr Prac actic ticee   D4169   shall shall be req requir uired ed whe when n determining the performance level of a shipping unit.

(4) or nomenclature, (5) Product  Quantityname and unit of issue, (6)  Manufacturer retail markings, (7)  Contract number/purchase order number, (8) Shelf-life marking (expiration date/inspection date/date of manufacture), if applicable, (9) Storage legends, if applicable, and (10) Precautio  Precautionary nary markin markings, gs, if applica applicable. ble.   Unitization Markin Markings—  gs— All A ll des desire ired d mar markin kings gs sha shall ll be as specified in the contract /purchase order. All markings shall sh all be leg legib ible, le, du dura rabl ble, e, an and d id iden entif tify y th thee co cont nten ents ts of th thee shipment unit, and if required, include pictorial markings as identified in Practice D5445 Practice  D5445..   Wood Wood Packag Packaging ing Materia Materiall (WPM)— If wood packaging material is used for export from or import to the United

7.2 Th 7.2 Thee su supp pplie lierr sh shall all be re resp spon onsib sible le fo forr re requ quire ireme ment ntss specifi spe cified ed her herein ein and in the con contra tract ct or pur purcha chase se ord order er.. The purchaser reserves the right to perform any or all of the tests. 7.2.1 Packag Packaging ing used shall successfully successfully pass the test levels of Practi Practice ce   D4169, D4169, Dis Distri tribut bution ion Cyc Cycle le 1. Exp Export ort shi shipme pments nts shall also pass the test levels of Distribution Cycles 15, 16, or 17 as appropriate. appropriate. Assur Assurance ance Level II shall be used. Accepta Acceptance nce shall be criterion I, no product damage. 7.3 Packag Packaging ing shall be capable of successfully successfully passing the test levels of Practice  D4169   Distribution Cycle 18 for shipments destined for delivery to the Department of Defense. 7.3.1 Shipm Shipments ents destined for delivery delivery to an overseas location as defined in the contract shall meet Assurance Level I.

Stat States, es,Publication the sup suppli plier er shall ll com comply ply wit with h the req requir uireme ements nts of  ISPM No.sha 15.  Container Markings for DoD— For For all shipments to the Department of Defense, the marking shall be in accordance with MIL MIL-ST -STD-1 D-129. 29. Any add additio itional nal mar markin king g req requir uireme ements nts shall be specified in the contract or purchase order.

7.3.2 Shipm Shipments ents destined for delivery to custom customers ers within the continental United States shall meet Assurance Level II. 8. Keywo Keywords rds 8.1 commercial packaging; intermediate; packaging; preservation; unit package





X1.4.1.3 Cushio X1.4.1.3 Cushioning ning materials will not adver adversely sely affect affect the packag pac kagee con conten tents ts bec becaus ausee of inc incomp ompatib atibilit ility y of che chemica micall and/or and /or hyg hygros roscop copic ic pro proper perties ties.. If cus cushio hionin ning g mate materia rials ls are

X1.1 Scope X1.1.1 Thi X1.1.1 Thiss app append endix ix cov covers ers gui guidel delines ines for the sele selectio ction n and use of cushioning and dunnage material for the protection of good goodss durin during g handl handling ing and transp transportati ortation. on. These packag packaging ing materials must be selected appropriately for known handling and transportation conditions, end use, and the product character act erist istics ics be bein ing g pa pack ckag aged ed.. It is co comm mmon on fo forr a tr tran ansp spor ortt package to be dropped and otherwise impacted. These events may pro produc ducee pot potent entiall ially y dam damagin aging g sho shocks cks.. Tr Trans anspor portati tation on vibration from conveyors, trucks, railroads, or aircraft can also dama da mage ge so some me ite items ms.. Sh Shoc ock k an and d vi vibr brati ation on to th thee ite item m ar aree controlled by cushioning so that the chance of product damage is greatly reduced throughout the supply chain. Cushioning is material used to reduce the effect of externally applied shock or vibration forces, or both. In this appendix, dunnage is used to prevent or control movement of the unit or load or to facilitate handling (often referred to as void-fill material). See Terminology   D996  ogy D996   for definitions.

placed in direct contact with theto package contents, the design will provide adequate protection the contact surface(s) of the contents. X1.4.1.4 X1.4.1 .4 The cushioning cushioning materials used should should be reusa reusable, ble, recyclable, and recoverable to the maximum extent practical, while whi le stil stilll mee meetin ting g an item item’’s cus cushio hionin ning g and com compat patibi ibility lity requirements, and promoting economically advantageous life cycle costs.

X1.2 Applicability

to protect items from damage due to shock, vibration, concentrated forces, and abras abrasion ion during handling and shipme shipment. nt. The flexibility of the material permits it to be used as pads, bags, wraps, dunnage, or filler. When used as a sealed bag, it may reduce contamination. Some film types have static dissipative proper pro perties ties and are exc excelle ellent nt for pro protec tecting ting ele electro ctrostat static ic dis dis-charge char ge sensit sensitive ive items.

X1.5 Description of Various Various Kinds of Cushioning Materials and Typical Uses X1.5.1  Flexible Closed-Cell Plastic Film— Flexible Flexible closedcell plastic film is constructed of a composite of two or more layers of plastic film with uniformly distributed closed cells filled with air. This material is intended for use within packages

X1.2.1 The users of this appendi X1.2.1 appendix x mus mustt be aware of the carrier rules regarding packaging for shipment via each mode of transportation in which the transport package may move, such as the National Motor Freight Classification (less-thantruckload) and the Uniform Freight Classification (railroad). X1.2.2 X1.2 .2 This This ap appe pend ndix ix is no nott in inten tende ded d to re repl place ace th thos osee packag pac kaging ing des design ignss tha thatt hav havee bee been n dev develo eloped ped and test tested ed for unique/specific products requiring detailed specifications (such as reusable containers with internal cushioning design configurations).

X1.5.2   Plastic Foam Cushioning Cushioning Materia Materials—  ls— Plastic Plastic foam cushioning materials are mainly made from polystyrene (PS), polyurethane (PU), and polyethylene (PE). Plastic foams are available in flexible, semirigid, and rigid forms. Their cushioning ionin g charac characteristic teristicss are determined not only by their varying dens de nsiti ities es,, bu butt als also o by th their eir cel celll str struc uctu ture re.. Th Thee pa part rticu icula larr charac cha racter teristi istics cs of the var variou iouss star starting ting mate materia rials ls are bri briefly efly described as follows: X1.5.2.1   Polystyrene (PS)— Polystyrene Polystyrene is commonly injection tio n mol molded ded,, vac vacuum uum for formed med,, or ext extrud ruded, ed, whi while le exp expand anded ed polystyrene is either extruded or molded in a special process. It should shoul d be noted that, due to its structu structure re (enclosed capillaries), capillaries), PS cus cushio hionin ning g mat materia eriall may have a ten tenden dency cy to abs absorb orb or release water vapo vapor. r. Polystyrene Polystyrene cushi cushioning oning material is produced as relativ relatively ely large moldin moldings, gs, such as planks, cushi cushioning oning frames, and edge or corner pads. (1) Expan Expanded ded Polysty Polystyren renee (EPS)—Expan —Expanded ded polys polystyrene tyrene is a rigid closed-cell foam. It is usually white and made of  pre-expanded polystyrene beads. Uses include molded sheets of expanded bead PS (known as bead-board ) for cushioning cushioning fragilee items. fragil (2) Extruded Polystyrene Foam (XPS)—Extruded polystyrene foam consists of closed cells and has a higher stiffness and reduced thermal conductivity. X1.5.2.2   Polyurethane Polyurethane (PU)— Polyurethan Polyurethanes es are prod produced uced in fle flexi xibl ble, e, se semimi-rig rigid id an and d ri rigi gid d fo foam amss wi with th an op open en ce cell ll structure. Flexible and semi-rigid polyurethanes are primarily

X1.2.3 X1.2. 3 This appendix appendix does not purport purport to address all of the packaging and dunnage materials available for use, but as a guide using the selection criteria provided. X1.3 Mode of Action of Cushi Cushionin oning g Mater Materials ials X1.3.1 Mos X1.3.1 Mostt cus cushio hionin ning g mate materia rials ls hav havee qua quanti ntified fied sho shock  ck  and vibration mitigation capabilities and are used to cushion items with specific know known n requi requirements rements.. Cushio Cushioning ning materials absorb and dissipate a portion of the resultant shock when a packaged packag ed item receive receivess an impact. Corre Correct ct selectio selection n and sizing of the cus cushio hionin ning g mate materia riall thu thuss ens ensure uress tha thatt the pac packag kaged ed contents sustain no damage. X1.4 Required Characteristics Characteristics of Cushioning Materials Materials


X1.4.1 Cushio X1.4.1 Cushioning ning materials materials must fulfill the follow following ing four main requirements: X1.4.1.1 X1.4. 1.1 To reduce levels of shock and vibra vibration, tion, concentrated forces, and abrasion during handling and shipment. X1.4.1.2 Resistance to expected climatic conditions, such as moistu moi sture re due to ele elevat vated ed rel relativ ativee hu humid midity ity,, dir direct ect sol solar ar radiati rad iation, on, and var variati iations ons in temp tempera eratur ture, e, pre pressu ssure re and sta static tic loading. 4




D3951 − 15

used in cushioning applications. The shock absorbing propertiess of PU fo tie foam ams, s, fo forr an any y on onee st stati aticc str stress ess,, de depe pend nd on th thee density den sity of the foa foam. m. The shock abs absorb orbing ing properti properties es of PU foam fo amss de depe pend ndss on fa fact ctor orss su such ch as fo foam am de dens nsity ity an and d ce cell ll structure. structu re. Polyurethane Polyurethane foams are usually produced produced as relatively large moldings, either by direct foaming around the item to be packaged or in pre-formed shapes. X1.5.2.3   Polyethylene Polyethylene (PE)— Polyethylene Polyethylene is polym polymerized erized ethylene resin, used in plank form or thin sheets as cushioning

the fibers into a cushioning matrix. It may be form fitted to a broad range of parts and due to density variability it can be used for both lighter and heavier weight items. Bound fiber holds its shape through broad temperature ranges and is a good subst su bstitu itute te fo forr foa foamed med cus cushio hionin ning g mat mater erial ials. s. Lik Likee fo foam am cushioning, softer or harder forms are available depending on requirements.

foams packaging applications. Polyethylene severallindif severa differen ferentt catego categories ries usually based onisitsclassified density densit y.into Its mechanical properties depend significantly on variables such as density and the extent and type of cross-linking present.

of box boxes es and interior interior det details ails (su (such ch as pad pads, s, slee sleeves ves,, line liners, rs, partitions, partiti ons, die-cut sheets, etc.) although fiberboard fiberboard pads are also sometimes used as cushioning for heavy items, and for blocking and bracing. The various types, grades, and classes may be obtained from Specification  D4727/D4727M  D4727/D4727M..

X1.5.5   Solid/Corrugated Fiberboard— For For the purposes of  this appendix, fiberboard is primarily used for the fabrication

X1.5.3   Cellulosic— Cellulosic Cellulosic cushio cushioning ning consists of multilayers laye rs of lig lightw htweig eight, ht, abs absorb orbent ent wad waddin ding g (“p (“pape aper”) r”) use used d to protect fragile or sensitive items. It conforms to any shape and fillss ex fill exces cesss sp space ace to pr prev even entt ite items ms fr from om sh shif iftin ting g du duri ring ng transport. This material is used to protect a variety of items that require different densities of cushioning. As this highly compressed wadding expands, its density decreases.

X1.6 Required Characteristics Characteristics of Dunnage Materials Materials X1.6.1 Dun X1.6.1 Dunnag nagee is any general general pac packin king g mate materia riall use used d as void-fill voidfill for blocking or bracin bracing. g. Dunn Dunnage age commo commonly nly consi consists sts of wood boards, blocks, or planks, the metal or plastic bracing used use d in sup suppor portin ting g and secu securin ring g pac packag kages es for shi shippi pping ng and hand ha ndlin ling, g, or an any y ot othe herr ma mater terial ial us used ed as vo void id fil filll (fl (flex exib ible le closedclos ed-cell cell plas plastic tic film film,, cell cellulo ulosic sic wad waddin ding, g, loo loosefil sefilll or “peanuts,” etc.).

X1.5.4   Bound Bound Fib Fiber—  er— (als ( also o kn know own n as   rubberized rubberized hair ), ), consis con sists ts of fibr fibrous ous or organ ganic ic fille fillerr mate materia riall (ve (vegeta getable ble or syn syn-thetic fiber) and a material (e.g., natural latex rubber) that binds

ASTM International International takes no positi position on respecting the validi validity ty of any patent rights assert asserted ed in connec connection tion with any item mentio mentioned  ned  in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk  of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility. This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and  if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards  and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the  responsible respon sible technical technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not receiv received ed a fair hearing you should  make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below. This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above  address addr ess or at 610610-832832-9585 9585 (pho (phone), ne), 610610-832832-9555 9555 (fax (fax), ), or serv service@ ice@astm .org (e-m (e-mail) ail);; or thro through ugh the ASTM webs website  ite  (www.astm. (www org). Permission Permission rights to photocopy the standa standard rd may also be secure secured d from the Copyri Copyright ght Clearance Center, Center, 222  Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, Tel: (978) 646-2600; 


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