Command Handling Ericsson

December 17, 2017 | Author: mehmet | Category: Technology, Computing, Digital Technology, Digital & Social Media, Electronics
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Widely used commands for Ericsson's Command handling....


Ericsson Command Handling 1. Giving Performance test against a TRX rxbli:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Block) rxtei:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Perf. Test) rxble:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (Deblock) 2. To see the frequency state of a TRX(With fault code) rxmfp:mo=rxotrx-395-5; 3. To see TRX status 1. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-5; (For having only one TRX status) 2. rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-4&&-5; (for having two or more TRX status) 4. To see all (TX,TS,TRX) status rxmsp:mo=rxotrx-395-5,subord; Note: State, BLO, BLA all the values will be zero for active TRX (TRX in good co ndition)5. To find the TG value of a Site rxtcp:moty=rxotg , cell=dx03214; 6. To see all external alarm of a BSC allip:alcat=bts; 7. To see all internal alarm of a BSC allip:alcat=sw_dev; 8. To see active alarm of a BSC allip; (For all the active alarm of a BSC) allip:acl=a1; (where a1=critical alarm only) allip:acl=a2; (where a2=major alarm only)allip:acl=a3; (where a3=minor alarm onl y) allip:acl=a1,alcat=ext/bts; (for critical ext alarms) 9. To see the total number of TRX of a Site rxcdp:mo=rxotg-27,details; (where 27 is the TG value of 900B of a site.) 10. Block-Deblock of a TRX rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Block) rxese:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Reload Order) rxesi:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Reload Execute) rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord;(Deblock) 11. TRX no. of 900B and 1800B 900B Cell 1800B Cell1 2 3 1 2 3 (No. of Cell) 0 4 8 0 4 8 |1 5 9 1 5 9 |2 6 10 2 6 10 | (No.3 7 11 3 7 11 12. To find out The RBL2,RBLTB,RBLT2 number of a Specific site a) rxapp:mo=rxotg-353; where 353 is the TG value of a site b)ntcop:snt=all; Note: Searching format to find out the Fault description, Action from the PDF fi le: No of class: faultcode. Example: 1B:33, 2A:30 13. To see the GPRS Status of a BSC rrgbp; 14. Lock-unlock of a TRX(including all TX,TS etc corresponding the TRX) rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Lock) rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0,subord; (Unlock)

15. Lock-unlock of a TRX(excluding all TX,TS etc corresponding the TRX) rxbli:mo=rxotrx-23-0; (Lock) rxble:mo=rxotrx-23-0; (Unlock) 16. Lock unlock of a cell rlstc:cell=dx12341,state=halted; (The first cell lock of DHK_X1234 site) rlstc:cell=dx12341,state=active; (The first cell unlock of DHK_X1234) rlstc:cell=dx12341,chgr=1,state=active;(The first cell of 1800 band unlock of DH K_X1234) 17. To check the RBL2 of a site either it is Working or not (Loop check) dtstp:dip=84rbl2; (where 84 is the rbl2 number of a site) 18.To check PCMS loop from BSC end of a site dtstp:dip=84rtltb; 19.To check PCMS loop from TRAU end of a site dtstp:dip=84rtltt; 20.To know the time from the system caclp; 21.To find the number of traffic channel of a site rxapp:mo=rxotg-6; where 6 is the TG value. 22. To get all the signaling of a BSC c7ltp:ls=all; 23. To clear digital path quality supervision alarm dtqsr:dip=all,es;dtqsr:dip=all,cs2;dtqsr:dip=all,ses;dtqsr:dip=all,ses2;dtqsr:di p=all,sf; 24. To look into either a cell holding call or to see channel status rlcrp:cell=dx00932; 25. To monitor signaling point c7spp:sp=all; 27. To know frequency of all BTS in a BSC 1. rlcfp:cell=all; (For all BTS)2. rlcfp:cell=dx00501; (For a specific cell) 27. To know cell configuration frequency data rlcfp:cell=dx00931; (Where 1 is for 1st cell of DHK_X0093) 28. To have all the data of a cell rldep:cell=dx00931; 29. To get either a cell is 900B or 1800B Lj-l 30. The command to point the connected BSC s for the TRC rrbsp; 31. The command of getting the name of MSC to which BSC is connected rrmbp; 32. To have the name of all MSC rrmbp:msc=all; 33. To see all PCM status

dtstp:dip=all; 34. To see either a cell is halted or active rlstp:cell=dx00931; 35. To see the halted cell status of all BTS in a BSC rlstp:cell=all,state=halted; 37. To know all TRX faults 1. rxasp:moty=rxotrx; (for all kinds of OML fault of a BSC) 2. rxasp:moty=rxotg; (For all kinds of Fault of a BSC) 39. To know either a Site carrying 2E1 or 1E1 rxapp:mo=rxotg-6; Here 6 is the TG value of the site. If no. of TCH starts from 1 to 31 then 2E1. If starts from 1 to 15then it will be 1E1 carrying site .36. To get all PCM stat us which are down dtstp:dip=all,state=abl; 38. To know individual TRX fault rxasp:mo=rxotrx-260-0; Where 260 is TG value & 0 is for TRX number40. To have the TEI number of a site rxmop:mo=rxocf-8; 41. To manually block or unblock a specific rbtl2 1. dtble:dip=78rblt2; (Unblock) 2. dtbli:dip=78rblt2; (block) 42. To have the site ID (name of site) from an unknown TG value rxasp:mo=rxotg-340; 43: To get the software version of a Site rxmop:mo=rxotg-8;

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