Command Documents

April 29, 2017 | Author: Paul van Kordelaar | Category: N/A
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Door: 7377/# /0511# Cargo Door 40/50 1 Dest Alt: Req’d unless flt Final Reserve: (In all cases consider reducing speed, more direct route, optimum FL, closer alternate or land/refuel.) Max delay not known & no EAT: OK to continue but it must be possible to reach both the destination and an alternate where landing is ‘assured’. FOB must be ≥ Final Reserve at landing. Max delay known or EAT received: May continue to destination or hold only if landing at destination is ‘assured’. FOB must be ≥ Final Reserve at landing. Note: If landing not ‘assured’ at destination or at any alternate, plan landing at best option and consider declaring MAYDAY. Case 3 - Est FOB at landing < Final Reserve ( p8-108): If it is apparent that the aircraft MAY land with less than Final Reserve, a PAN call to ATC must be made reporting estimated fuel time in minutes. If it’s evident the aircraft WILL land below Final Reserve a MAYDAY call must be made reporting estimated fuel time in minutes. If aircraft lands with less than Final Reserve a MOR must be raised. On a flight using RCF Procedure ( p8-109) – Note: Procedure reserved wef Sep 10 In order to proceed to Dest 1, Min FOB at DP to continue must be sum of: (1) Trip fuel from DP to Dest 1 (2) Contingency of 5% of above (3) Alternate fuel to an available alternate from Dest 1 (4) Final Reserve fuel. If above fuel not available at DP – must initiate immediate diversion to a closer suitable aerodrome.

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(Valid for OM ‘A’ Issue 2 Rev 15 & OM ‘B’ Issue 3 Rev 3 [both 6 Sep 2010])


easyJet Airbus Memory Items

Angus Hogg v1.9 dated 26 Oct 2010 MEMORY ITEMS – FCOM 3.2.1 p2a The following procedures are to be applied without referring to paper : Windshear, windshear ahead, TCAS, EGPWS, loss of braking, immediate actions of EMER DESCENT, immediate actions of UNRELIABLE SPEED INDICATION/ADR CHECK PROC, CREW INCAPACITATION. (+Stall Recovery/Warning @ T/O) WINDSHEAR (FCOM 3.2.80 p28, QRH 1.26, OM B A red flag "WINDSHEAR" is displayed on each PFD associated with an aural synthetic voice "WINDSHEAR" repeated three times. If windshear is detected either by the system or by pilot observation, apply the following recovery technique: ■ At take-off: ● If before V1: The takeoff should be rejected only if significant airspeed variations occur below indicated V1 and the pilot decides that there is sufficient runway remaining to stop the airplane. ● If after V1: Announce: “WINDSHEAR TOGA” THR LEVERS TOGA REACHING VR ROTATE SRS ORDERS FOLLOW ■ Airborne, initial climb or landing: Announce: THR LEVERS AT TOGA AP (if engaged) SRS ORDERS

“WINDSHEAR TOGA” SET OR CONFIRM KEEP FOLLOW (This includes the use of full back stick, if demanded.)

Note: 1. If engaged, the autopilot disengages when is greater than prot. 2. If the FD bars are not available, use an initial pitch attitude up to 17.5° with full backstick, if necessary. If needed, to minimize the loss of height, increase this pitch attitude. DO NOT CHANGE CONFIGURATION (SLATS/FLAPS, GEAR) UNTIL OUT OF SHEAR. CLOSELY MONITOR FLIGHT PATH AND SPEED. RECOVER SMOOTHLY TO NORMAL CLIMB OUT OF SHEAR. WINDSHEAR AHEAD (FCOM 3.2.80 p29, QRH 1.27) The "W/S AHEAD" message is displayed on each PFD. The colour of the message depends on the severity and location of the windshear. W/S AHEAD red ■ Take-off: Associated with an aural synthetic voice "WINDSHEAR AHEAD, WINDSHEAR AHEAD". ● Before take-off: Delay takeoff, or select the most favourable runway. ● During take-off run Reject takeoff. Note : Predictive windshear alerts are inhibited above 100 knots until 50 feet. ● When airborne THRUST LEVERS TOGA As usual, the slat/flap configuration can be changed, provided the windshear is not entered. SRS ORDERS FOLLOW Note : If engaged, the autopilot disengages when is greater than prot. ■ Landing: Associated with an aural synthetic voice "GO AROUND, WINDSHEAR AHEAD". Note : If a positive verification is made that no hazard exists, the warning may be considered cautionary. THRUST LEVERS TOGA ANNOUNCE “GO AROUND – FLAPS” FLAPS RETRACT ONE STEP L/G UP SELECT Note : This includes the use of full backstick, if demanded. 1. If engaged, the autopilot disengages when is greater than prot.

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easyJet Airbus Memory Items

Angus Hogg v1.9 dated 26 Oct 2010 2. If the FD is not available, use a pitch initial attitude up to 17.5°. If necessary to minimize the loss of height, increase this pitch attitude. TCAS WARNINGS (FCOM 3.2.34 p17, QRH 1.15 & OM B,, CAP413 Ch 5 p7) Do not manoeuvre based on a TA alone. Attempt to see the reported traffic. Announce: “TCAS, I have control”

■ Traffic Advisories: : "TRAFFIC" messages As soon as “TRAFFIC” warning is triggered

■ Resolution advisory : All "CLIMB" and "DESCEND" or "MAINTAIN VERTICAL SPEED MAINTAIN" or "ADJUST VERTICAL SPEED ADJUST" or "MONITOR VERTICAL SPEED" type messages - Announce: “TCAS, I have control” (PNF R/T: ‘EZY xx TCAS RA’) - AP (if engaged) OFF - BOTH FDs OFF (PNF Duty) - Respond promptly and smoothly to an RA by adjusting or maintaining the vertical speed, as required, to reach the green area and/or avoid the red area of the vertical speed scale. Note : Avoid excessive manoeuvres while aiming to keep the vertical speed just outside the red area of the VSI, and within the green area. If necessary, use the full speed range between V max and Vmax. - Respect stall, GPWS, or windshear warning. - Notify ATC (Note phraseology: ‘clear of conflict’, ‘returning to FLxx’, ‘FLxx resumed’, ‘unable TCAS RA’) - When "CLEAR OF CONFLICT" is announced : - Resume normal navigation in accordance with ATC clearance - AP/FD can be re-engaged as desired. ● GO AROUND procedure must be performed when a RA "CLIMB" or "INCREASE CLIMB" is triggered on final approach Note : Resolution Advisories (RA) are inhibited below 900 feet. EGPWS ALERTS (FCOM 3.2.34 p15, QRH 1.14 & OM B CAUTION During night or IMC conditions, apply the procedure immediately. Do not delay reaction for diagnosis. During daylight VMC conditions, with terrain and obstacles clearly in sight, the alert may be considered cautionary. Take positive corrective action until the alert stops or a safe trajectory is ensured. ■ “PULL UP” — “TERRAIN TERRAIN PULL UP” – “TERRAIN AHEAD PULL UP” – “OBSTACLE AHEAD PULL UP”: Simultaneously: Announce: “PULL UP TOGA” AP OFF PITCH PULL UP (Pull up to full backstick and maintain) THRUST LEVERS TOGA SPEEDBRAKE LEVER CHECK RETRACTED BANK WINGS LEVEL TO INITIATE PULL UP THEN ADJUST AS REQD To be efficient and safe, the flight crew must initiate the PULL UP manoeuvre at wings level. Then, for "TERRAIN AHEAD PULL UP" only, and if the crew concludes that turning is the safest way of action, a turning manoeuvre can be initiated. ● When flight path is safe and GPWS warning stops : ● When speed is above VLS, and vertical speed is positive : ■ "TERRAIN TERRAIN" "TOO LOW TERRAIN" ■ "TERRAIN AHEAD" "OBSTACLE AHEAD" ■ "SINK RATE" - "DON'T SINK" ■ "TOO LOW GEAR" - "TOO LOW FLAPS" ■ "GLIDE SLOPE"

Decrease pitch attitude and accelerate. Clean up aircraft, as required. Adjust the flight path, or initiate a go-around. Adjust the flight path. Stop descent. Climb and/or turn, as necessary, based on analysis of all available instruments and information. Adjust pitch attitude and thrust to silence the alert. Perform a go-around. Establish the aircraft on the glideslope, or switch OFF the G/S mode pushbutton, if flight below the glideslope is intentional (non precision approach (NPA)).

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easyJet Airbus Memory Items

Angus Hogg v1.9 dated 26 Oct 2010

LOSS OF BRAKING (3.2.32 p11, QRH 1.13 & OM B Announce:


If autobrake is selected: BRAKE PEDALS If no braking available: REV BRAKE PEDALS


If still no braking: PARKING BRAKE

PRESS (This will override the autobrake.)

MAX RELEASE (Brake pedals should be released when the A/SKID & N/W STRG selector is switched OFF, since the pedal force or displacement produces more braking action in alternate mode than in normal mode.) OFF (Braking system reverts to alternate mode.) PRESS (Apply brake with care, since initial pedal force or displacement produces more braking action in alternate mode than in normal mode.) 1000 PSI (Monitor brake pressure or BRAKES PRESS indicator. Limit brake pressure to approximately 1000 psi and, at low ground speed, adjust brake pressure as required.)

SHORT AND SUCCESSIVE APPLICATIONS (Use short successive parking brake applications to stop the aircraft. Brake onset asymmetry may be felt at each parking brake application. If possible, delay the use of the parking brake until low speed, to reduce the risk of tire burst and lateral control difficulties.) CREW INCAPACITATION (3.2.80 p9 & OM E 3.21, p3-32)

If a cockpit crew member becomes incapacitated, the remaining crew member must call a cabin attendant as soon as practicable. Use Standard PA, “Senior Cabin Crew Member to the Flight Deck.” Alternatively in event of PA failure use 3 double chimes. First Cabin Crew member to enter the flight deck will carry out standard drill to ensure incapacitated pilot is secured and not in contact with flight controls. First aid will then be administered. Check if a type qualified company pilot is on board to replace the incapacitated crew member. EMER DESCENT (FCOM 3.2.80 p7, QRH 1.25, OM B, p3.8-11) IMMEDIATE ACTONS Both Pilots: CREW OXY MASKS PF 1st Loop: Descend with the autopilot engaged : Announce: ALT selector knob HDG selector knob SPD/MACH selector knob Mach/Spd Changeover button FMAs THR LEVERS (if A/THR not engaged) SPD BRK

ON, Establish Communications

“EMERGENCY DESCENT” Turn and pull Turn and pull Pull Push if necessary to select speed (‘Mach’ would increase airspeed during descent – structural integrity may be in doubt) Check, ensure THR IDLE/OPEN DES/HDG IDLE FULL (allow speed to increase before using speedbrakes)

PNF 1st Loop: [(SITRO) – Seatbelts, Ign (Mode Sel), Txponder, Radio Call, Oxy for Pax] Seatbelt Signs On Engine Mode Selector: Ignition Transponder Set Code 7700 Radio ‘Mayday, Mayday, Mayday, XXX Control, EZY xxxx Pressurisation problem, Emergency Descent, STANDBY’ Pax Oxygen Mask Switch On (if cab alt going to exceed 14,000’)

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easyJet Airbus Memory Items PF 2nd Loop: Refine Altitude Refine Heading

Angus Hogg v1.9 dated 26 Oct 2010 10,000ft or MSA if higher Alter as required to avoid high terrain, other aircraft or if possible to comply with ATC requests If NO structural damage, consider increasing speed as appropriate, use of the Expedite Switch is permitted with autopilot. If in doubt maintain speed. “My radios, Emergency Descent Checklist” (QRH 1.25)

Review Speed Announce:

At Level off Altitude (safe altitude for crew to breathe without use of oxygen) Remove Oxygen Masks Reset boom headset mike (close left door & reset slide controller) PA “SCCM to the Flight Deck” Check pax/crew injuries and damage - then give NITS brief UNRELIABLE SPEED INDIC/ADR CHECK PROC (3.2.34 p20, QRH 2.15 & OM B Announce: AP/FD A/THR THRUST/PITCH If the failure occurs ● Below THR RED ALT ● Above THR RED ALT ● Above THR RED ALT FLAPS SPEEDBRAKES L/G ● When at, or above MSA or Circuit Alt


TOGA/15° CL /10° BELOW FL100 CL/5° ABOVE FL100 Maintain Current CONFIG Check Retracted UP Level off for troubleshooting

SMOKE/FUMES/AVNCS SMOKE PROC (QRH 1.07) In any event where there is perceptible smoke or fumes in the cockpit perform the following recall actions: Announce: “SMOKE / FUMES EMERGENCY PROCEDURE" CREW OXY MASKS ON/100%/EMERG Rotate the EMERGENCY pressure selector knob if positive pressure is required to repel contaminated air. STALL RECOVERY (QRH 1.25A) As#soon#as#any#stall#indication#(could#be#aural#warning,#buffet...)#is#recognized,#apply#the#immediate#actions#: ! NOSE&DOWN&PITCH&CONTROL APPLY&&This#will#reduce#angle#of#attack NOTE#:#In#case#of#lack#of#pitch#down#authority,#reducing#thrust#may#be#necessary BANK Wings Level ●&When%out%of%stall%(no%longer%stall%indications)%: THRUST& INCREASE&SMOOTHLY&AS&NEEDED NOTE#:#In#case#of#one#engine#inoperative,#progressively#compensate#the#thrust#asymmetry#with#rudder SPEEDBRAKES CHECK&RETRACTED FLIGHT&PATH RECOVER&SMOOTHLY ●&If%in%clean%configuration%and%below%20%000%feet%:% FLAP 1 SELECT NOTE#:#If#a#risk#of#ground#contact#exists,#once#clearly#out#of#stall#(no#longer#stall#indications),#establish#smoothly#a#positive#climb# gradient. STALL WARNING AT LIFT-OFF (QRH 1.25A) % Spurious#stall#warning#may#sound#in#NORMAL#law,#if#an#angle#of#attack#probe#is#damaged.#In#this#case,#apply#immediately#the# following#actions#: THRUST TOGA At the same time: PITCH ATTITUDE 15° BANK Wings Level NOTE#:#When#a#safe#flight#path#and#speed#are#achieved#and#maintained,#if#stall#warning#continues,#consider#it#as#spurious.

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easyJet A319 Reduced Viz/LVO Brief General Note: LVPs – Airfield Ops, LVOs - Aircraft Ops

A/C Serviceability (0-20) T/O Alternate LVPs in Force Take-off Minima Abbreviations: HIRL- High intensity runway edge lights HICL – High intensity centre line lights RL – Runway edge lights CL – Runway centre line lights RCLM – Runway centre line markings

Approach Ban (8.4.3 p8-139) Auto Call Out Crew Calls/Actions (FCOM 4.5.70) Note key heights: 1000’: G/A for faults below 1000’ 800’: ‘Ldg Inhibit’ 700’: Data Lock 500’: Stable 350’: Land Green – only exit by G/A 200’: Red Autoland 100’: Alert Height 40’: ‘Flare’ on FMA 30’: Thrust redn. 10’: Auto call out ‘Retard’ Met Viz to RVR (, p8-20)

Autopilot Limits (FCOM 3.1.22) Minima and Visual References Cat I: Vis Refs (8.4.5) DH &RVR (p8-18) Cat II/III: Vis Refs (8.4.9) DHs (p8:18-19) RVRs (p8:18-19)

Wind Limits RVR Tx Failure Failures OM ‘B’ p2-95 (Gnd Equipt: , p8-22 see next page)


Angus Hogg – v4.9 dated 24th Oct 2010

Company policy that all Cat II/III approaches are planned to use autoland (8.4.9 p8-146). T/O: Min RVRs for departure given on Jeppesen Airport Taxi Chart (10-9). Landing: List of autoland approved airfields with specific DHs and RVRs at front of Jeppesen Text Manual. Note: ‘Cat 2/3’ etc. refers to aircraft landing capability, ‘Cat II/III’ refers to approach type & met conditions. Fail Operational (CAT3 DUAL): Will always autoland with failure. Reverts to Fail Passive above Alert Ht (100’) but no downgrade occurs below Alert Height. Fail Passive (CAT3 SINGLE/CAT 2): With failure, a/c remains in trim but manual landing req’d. If req’d, Cat IIIA limits within 320nm or 1hr (ie single engine considered) (OM p5-7) LVOs consist of take-offs where RVR
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