Coming to Our Senses by John kabat-Zinn

March 25, 2018 | Author: L3st4t_88 | Category: N/A
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Short Description

Descripción: -Healing ourselves and the world trough mindfulness -theory and practice of mindfulness meditation...


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for \Viii, Nm~hnn. w.J Sc11!f"...t. for SaD~ (oy TIOWle and R.xl

fur wh11t 1 ~ w

tor wisdom

ior danty

tor JeR-e

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• r ..~ JilL ._'tr l"n'tY tt '' l A'x' .,.I J h •wuik .,, c., ,.rr. r.tnrtJ,,I,,~ nuruffuh•• h.U(•I .,, ,lJ!'fJ, f11~ h I•.!"'\' v~lth , ~tc. rd•1• :tftuu, ,111,j

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.,,.,1 .1 I .lfr:tutlc



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l ~-o· r ltOJ >I ICTT(t'~

•t'I1111J! II I' d1 th ,


Whu llifo

arJ~•···,Jrl•l•ltlllllj4Wtttt lr~l't-lt1IH•I t. 1' 1 ' 1 ..,1' 1 ~m~e md '""• 111 '~u: hr ,J 111JL )J , , ,




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1',\lrl I ' 11d't ... f1C~

Ill' .......... I;.,, \Vh Jl •• JonJ I I10n!(

,.1.-;.fll •ll'•l• h

~•t lnf tl.r


r;,.11,J-J lotlfll"ll

'"tt l ltw'l(ult\ l t.ttp,.rit~



MNiir,.,,.,,, I\ l·~vrrywJoo•ft


lftljCit l•l Jylomorl h


' l.r}y)llr" ''"I the ltloOO ~t:i;r





I h~ ( IH ,(Ut t'



102 108

.,,,j ...utl"ln

I'ARI I l~mbtWJn~

A!11 ltu!o\t 'I~ I I · . f I~' 1 I ,,IC Wr~h! I ~l\tWCJ·dA,uuuonJttd l I>: 1.I~ w 1


WhvJ•,, it\1; •\!wurwn I' ~/,1 S1,1ftl\'i1ldy lml""r.utl



h,rm;,al Pr.u;dcr: T.o:ifing ,\ hnclfl•lnc!.-.

J.yiu!l Down Ml·(lrr•••iam $illi'•S Tvl~tllull~l\.ll


.S•~mling MC"dlm nt>n~



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II 1U..h 1


j u.11 ~r.Q\V:n.v;


juu Ht;ifitl~



I )h•t~ ,,


111r ~~~,.. , 1-!,,f,~~,unh i :l,n.lo. .\ II I ' f\J1!1'1l

.•-tn C•n'.f"''l>\111'

uful•n•ull'ut.ll :\nrt•nr,~n I ht ..SrnO'II" •tl I !(l36



.. II!

Mlndfubl~t• w\d Denti!{.llll.:)'



Ta!kJ,Jg Vttrn;uo Mrrlortmon 8Jua ·A ~11wjJ.Jll~ 11>-lt!"l lhr Pu.o.t, •t h (t the: Futlln!~ W11gthc Deg ~1 b,,o"t Ktw~\· Whu• I Would )i:lv-t "O11

Wh W•N• !Ill' 1!1111"1 llPI\1 Ar11~~1!H A'!J l :!ttdrl1t< .,, I


Qp;mrum L~:ar rol

llo#/Q ~'aj1itrtl S•rt•ntl

Rcl.ilt.J lt.tll.ilhj';'·


l ' ' .flr,.uu,j l'.,•uu•••ml'• MuulluJ,.,. Me;fu.,~.~c•n l~ht~1io.t" t. lh

oil 6J7


Tlf l· ( liALUN\of JfA IIH'.' li M! AND 1\ l.IFf II.VIL

lt'il'lfl)' llr whm Wl-fl() lMfl'''Jwrw ~;1f l"ii6JJ, u~t-lxrtY'


rtJme fp l)twntl/ '41Qi/:, th#r 'I:Wx~r ~ ll(tlq"l{r know 11..PiriJ ~1' /!)go.

WI. bit{/('Pegrm


I don't knQw :at\l"'m }"\?u, bul fo,\ffiy$tl(. •tJi:e1s like we J.l"C' llt J criocul juntt~of ll& r.ultht.:,. pbne• 1r oonlil go "lnJ' numbct ot di.ffetcnt w;a:v•. h ~t:IJ)'S tluu 1he "">riJ ii vn. liw Md sQ tu~c our heam., in8am~J witt. t~ilr 1111J ·110Ct'ttn.1m \', htcking -ali -c.d'nvictim;, ~Jitd Q(ren ~11M widl' p.a!l,s jo!uft l,lu1 Wlw'i~~ intcll!tit.\\ Httw-"\\'e m:u~.>~ge. h)-.'$e,/;!: ~lvtS IJ.Il,d dw world .tl th!s

j11nnurc: wiU m.tke a hugt! llitl~retief hi d11C! emr~

thinp:' unti.\ltl Wh 11 luturc: •uumcnl:'ll will t•C'


tta-r U¥ " ' indiVtdmtl!i llnd .r~ ;l i !l.(i.tty 111 d~,t m 111elsun: by wh~tb~r .;~n[l how \ Y't! m:lkc Ul!e llt YUJ inn-lie nf'll,c:;wmg tho wurtd, .mJ t ll,1t how I w.t• d.tlttlt;: !1.1 11 in 11n)' nnd ~vert snQmrnt1 C''e-n "' rhi• ;.rrilid-allr •huphfitrl c;m\· m••l o~t.ut, \Y.I~ tmpN(nut, Ia fuct c.min•l tO,tl\\' nh'nn,.t< purptHc '" hcu~~ th.:~ ltV.ll~~~ in thlt ~ ll\(ltl\el)t .~h 11t I ha~ 'II lm to 1~rn 1•hrJUt Wli) I w ,t • ~\·~.u cbc;rc in fht fil:s1 f 141X. wft-;u mcd,Juti,on wa;. re..UJ.r olll .tbttul, llud ut•~lrdy ir ..ill, ,~lt'.ld v.;til tt..ull)' doiJ\~-t \'\'11 h my Ufc. 0\'C.r 1he )'d!'s, J.~rrat'l\1ttJiy c~1n~ 1n ~~ 1ht 1~bvi1m•. rlLlf tlw.o Nt! tine· t 1onc. were ;teu ullly di.fferelrt-,~;id.~ (I( tfte ~:mlc .qm'l. Fon we ,uc •n iuunut(' rcbciort"Sh1f' >:virh cb~ wx•t•ld in all our moments T~ ~;\'e-alt~l4~ uf tlw rebrion11lit.VtS condl)ul\tl}' slmplliA t~\t t"livc~. h ill>o•lmd tlrluw th~


\'Cf)' wor'lci u'l which we hvc -:md m wq.ith our cxp1·nou ~.t:- uttfotd. 1\hr(h


tlK tn»e, we.!Sce the$.: t\\!o ~QC.t$ oi' 1ii0. how -:he·worltl j .. I'Jt""tii'lg we tutJ huw J IHII trt;lrlng the- world, ~ i••(:'IC:pt.!•trtiC:n• 1-hwc yQI\I .IUU-'ceLI h~1\V c~·oi l,\ we co.n get Oil'-'t.'·ht up in thi nking~( QUQch~ J~ pl4)'1:tl' Ill\ otn 11'1rrl Jrnt;e. o;;:if 1h~:.. \'(q:l'ld were IW\nlr ll\f'T~t" \loflf.l ntJ! .d~or~ 'i•; h~~"? I h~vc wu w• tired th;ct ·.~ tf t here WCrea signifitilnt '\C(fMllliOI'I bctvft:~ll uot ahetc .1.nd Jn here; when cur 1:..\'fl!rithWe, t.l!o t.hllt It i-s tht: thiullclol nf ftl~n\\lmll\~ , rcully uo ·.-;;pMiltiOj) ;J,t ;til? E1•c:.n i( we M'flllt. I hi! Jfti'IUUte re1JL-


ii6n~llip bt:t'l\i:Cn 'ool'er 1111d ; unt-1, e;(ill, we '"'' 1be fairly in~n~hi\'c (~' the W•.t}'lout fiw:4 fu.'tuo~U)' unpin9;c upon :a:nd sh1•P ~ tht \Yt•tl~l ami ds.c v-.1\'H 111

whkh 1h\' W\Wltl"sl~pt$. oudlwi; i1'1 .1 f,YJrlbiotie tbm:c 11f fi::.;-tpruul)' •nd lntc~tdcp'l:•l"dtl'u."t Oh ~· llwd, frum intirn.wy 'YI1l1 olur •)\\'0 b•:td1~ on,l lnl•\dt-autl wlwt tbey"Ut goi•lft tlm)ug:h.;"' w t'W.'t' rcl.lftl'lg-W d11t Uy nw~h~rK tfom our bl.ying hJbitl' w wi t~( we th111k ('If tm nt;w• we wnrd) {>rdan) ,\ '1.\tfh on rV, t!1 h(l\V WC ;;suor d9n'( IH'f w tr111 dt1: j,uw~:r w~lld Qf •he bQdr po.htk~ 1 1hlll lnt*tiHtn d1Wdd¢ j,-, ~Ht/W ''f!U:IIi 111 Anu.rtti£a. ,'\nrl th.c IC:\'eiiS ~tctr'ltimlinJf f() d \( ut lila evtr· lf'lcrt:~lf'l~ r.u.~;:,o

T hill dr.rol;lUc- "11d rt~nt in,:tl-"atlt l~• utt't1q11pherk C01 1 I.1Um:111 I')Cingw. If UntiJGckoc.l, tlu: rpu:r· · go'·ettlme•~tRt Panel on l:Jimatc Ch~nge p(c:rJicu thtu ln•cl11 r.;f Juun· ~phuk COi will double b}' .illOO atJd tLJ :1. 'nult, cht u~,oen,~-c ~00:1.1 te:mps:.rnturc mny rijc dr:t!Y\?-tlr:.tll)·· One ttmh!ll ut our 'l'n:lt"t for ~ornlnlt

••th '*'lH"••

for 1nn.fu-ra!Jit1nn, bot-h rndR"Wiuil


cdlccus-c Wt K'1M'


'''t'•t Wtl h

~hi, I tl lo1u\. 111 II llul l.illlll>j Uti• I 1111\ oll1

but tcrnn ly rl'lllloc U prt UltliJ~U••IIIIIhl 11,1.1 ~ in\un \t 11 W I ~·f tN '"''''m'u l1 1 •II, we lrh'" hum nuLt\l' ~ottullt• •11 thril.tolal I filii ILudy ""J"rnr m 1l1r I''' rt1 1nt\ ~nt • rlto~t •t '" 1\o'u~lhlc 'lint' t\'11111 It~ t ul f1t'4~ to\,'llhm tl111 l•ndy •tntluul!.l •rul "" li•a,l l(tettl'l ht¥11h ~ II bcu1p;. lll)tJ'IIII'•, 11 J I lil t'• r\ot'll m tltr flll•l•l 11• I


, W"-)'1 ,,nd rh r tl'll)"t:tpping lnh ) lh(1~t


It" ltd thtf!uth

Mwrv ''''"' n.l


1 l'''"l'lr. l1111rc 11lu ,~,lv

,,.., rW ""lit I'''"" ~Ill pi h•• rc1v rrrJ ""''""''''Ill '" rq" fl rrwlul 1 "

ln_,-fll ''"



··~OI'k. \\\· 1'-\ ~


h,r tltt'n '"''h \\'lu·•••

nut tu



tl~ 11·'''

tho11 I'"~"'Jl •"' 1•111 11



h•rldcn diruct1Ait•r1l! ,1 ntl r1t::W \kp;n.·q

r ftcc:ty ltvd is the tulti'•~uirm of •

p.utiad.u- lund CJ[ k.110\vn u rmmlfil:lnm. Mindf~ '"the final «Nnmoo parh•.\.ay o! wh.u ~kn u' hun\J;U I)W' C3p:l< ty t'or " · I and {or ~f-knawms- ManJ• (ofne1..... ·" cuh:i\-afcd by P" ~g Uttntion. otnd, :u we •hall ~~. du,. payang f:to~fl~,. which has. ~n spre..ading r::>n:dl\" .-round the world and anto rOc: nwr.~or'l't'am of \Ve"rcm adtutc" in 1ht t~ ~an. «h.anb an pur Dan inch':~oing numb¢, of Kitruilic and nt.:dial ~11£Jin cf il\ \'ArlOlH d · •«ts. Bur if. in c:\·en hc.uing 1hc: wo.rd •med:it.a.boa.• _\tJU m allo>l 11 tUJdc:n :rdir._~; ~h:n r.. l1 .1.t tit~· um !Inti 1'!«I AtJrJinlttily \ petiill IU'I~f llflo;otf_, 11'!\l.lL.fUmltlh\'f Ill 't'! •W I h;tt .111: Jq ptt~· ll•!r tu tlllii~10c, !l.hhough th.1t wl-hl't ~(d~'l U\ ifcltn t H&n~


\o\'!1~,, ~·ultiV;It~ .t!hl rdinr d, tYtinJfulue~~ han..:(ld•l d fl'll l\'dv P li

v~n )' ll'\rl, fr,~w rhr tndividuallf) 1ht' .;1np(w.uc, th~ ~1>0cu), the- J•td•rtl •I. ttlod ''"'lll•rh,tlltur lr dl)(-!1 ll)u tllllh~t l t'lil P""' l'






I ,,



•''"P"II•·J, h(JWn-.:t f11ddv 111:~.1 ,1,1Q" jtf•(•·Jiv, •m"• rl..- '""'' '" ;.~mttrt lotuhlt •nd w•·lll:lcw• by .1 wmh:rlui ,,. -vult to ltltllvl•htlll ·whr· I

ltr1"t urlf plw~i.:') .tntl ~~11\',.:lud rahc lll~rru:u.~o, Lhl"m!>tl·~·, htQlti~\'~p!•1'CI'~'~IlKJt m ,1111' ,lll\et' t\cJJ 1\l i11lfU11 \

hn~t' wbt• fulltnt·c~lm hi '100. (1"' rcmk •ln e\fll~nna 1h:tjt t1ur .ti'ln~> ;li)dlll thl' ~.•tun~ tlf 1hc minJ !Ut'il 11J ;~lJ,tm rht Tlil{lltt' 111 Hfr T lu·it t'll~'n · uc df 'i1t"IIA'I \~rivnle..t h ~~· .ukablto ~ll~u\\'TJCs.. 'flw~· ,rc.otcI;t 1 11n+1 u t ttluu)!, t •' ' '• l.l ''II 1 1111~ 1~1111 "~'11 ·"~~-. • ., I ' ' !r 'nr to·h~( 11\ \lCI'I~ I 'hr 1 , h.,·H\"-s -of ® ·AJt Ji;·ln~ .mtl cur !ttmJ;". 1n1l ttr,hap;. thc~rh}• apprtct:ttir~g moa:c-·:tud o'CO '-C]cbohn;r- -wbaJ.nd what-we .1n', ll•td m, bcoome.

\ Ty hrpTT

Qpbi1/t1 1~;11}J,}fJ•rrl ni,if~Jt,

1t•it ~tiN;r t~{.;.ht gt"6wftu.lrm, ~iuillint. Lrtt/J.t ltmdJirlt·iiJ,t.rMI tttws ·•'midt lm:r 1.< ll'ttrl} Ill) llt:WS. at all RIJM I

TJ'aml.'tt.'.fl 6)' Cq/otJt.w Burls 1.1.ii/J.,{ MIJ_Vtl(

""''''5 thi'lAt~t& !4 i rw.0'91• m'tt:l ~(rjm~.rt6in~

(AJ.L, f/HTIU }V~

ami r.(;tf..;(qtl ..,ohl)' m~''· £ l)(jk ol( t •.f:..Jrp,iiJ.ttJ jc1


t ...u 1l!Jf/ "~ fitW.ltt!Jr, lut w .lnfJ•tJftM'rn.

11 h .irjprult Stl l~t '"'til}rom f>'J!m, ~tt,JI'U'n ,/Jt nurcJI"'y l"'t:rrr 1/.sy .f1Jr 1..·~

\\' fl 1 J•U'I) (_ II Ill


\V11 1 IAD-11


,, thdt fCotto whcr< \~ lsuij . .rtC'd Old. ,and £hL lop I)( tile. hcird, "''h~ we ~\1CI'C hc::r.dcd, wi-th .all tb~ '.llbflt' lllill· oll~:ridy l~trJi.flR 111 the •'i behind thi• cc)mmnndlng- pt4;SI!fkl:' ~ I'hh 11 lhe: h..-·~ltul aew laes&·tl"d~ettOJ\ progr-Jm," r r.cply, ~till lying J.kR, Wf)ntftrtn)(.tro ml·\clf wtlllt·dn ~11tth Wit~ ,;mng \ln. 1-h· r~~flmulerl, "Well. 1JU b 1 ~~-Crill )r.,lrtt cn~«mg-of thcsutgit;ttl &'"cultywith rh"t:U:~•lry or oJJ·btar .~nm-:jiJ: bt)rytiLlk. Mid ~n: !ip~tiull)· lud tba ~·rUcrcuct' mrmllfltf\ltd 01 thi11 pu~dt,or l•tiWtCO


JQfllc rime.~

A\ d•is po-int, I •m11d up.?vl>· heW (ot~_. up tq ~"' hU. -..1 1!JU1Jcr. f inrroo:Wce tllfsdF1md S;t)', "T dllt't tm~gint hctw •hi• can.ilict _c-am~ .ilbou~ 1 doubl.e·cbe-..-:kt'tl ~\!ith rhr ath.:dufitJg ofllCt> to n'lakc wn:: !i'.t b~ ~ r-ot~m tt&el'l.'td fdr·ow: Wcdo~2)1 afu:rnMn dbs.~C~~ forth~ tiL'Jt[ em t.l'"(~k.a for dih nmc: sloe, l'k:itn tour Ut sOCp..rn."

lw, lymx un 1ht- ~..'llll :'flth virtu..U_\ no mnding tn rhc medic:.U c:entq. He 1oo~d :ti':~ cf'i4'tl tl'le.lit.ttion arsd \~~

P~trure rhisf !\tltdic:U patienwmcd•t.tting--anci dol~.(;'~ in tw.sJ)it,'ll$

J«rly J.pjJtCClatl•,t {tf fh~ 1-x:nw·r ul tJt~~ nlind ..body cOllnecrion and ;c;.po· :tntu.l1.- tr-411\IPrm tnl(clJt'lllt'- 1-1.:;; ~ '&Qilncb auppom:.r of the: Sttts$,titt'OrS. Sometimes it ,is.o-ev~:o tl;e.(locro~s.· whl) .tte dQing the U:lCbing. Somoamt:t, .;.loc.tors· arc_ m~in~ r he p:ro~un, a.nd m~di~ting thculdcr ll'l ~houldc:r .:Uong$ldtt the patients: Aridcits K"to~1 a pmmi(t.etll Vt\~cubt towgron_tn Oslo lYho h3.d. bttn rm~icing- nlt;dif:l,rlcm for tblrry yeal't Mttl +•tt'-• vii):IS; .;.:t('t:ll'll in bli• ptrj(ldlc:•l!)', c:Hu~t tO G':iliforn /:1. ro p:u'r.tCJpi,(e.i.l)\11 ::cven..d_a)' rettellt t(l, ht3lth pri)fC$.iion.l111 w.u1ting to main in mtndl'liln'\H-bmt~ lt,~:s~ t(: du..d.:m_ fMBSI~. Shorcl)· afleAwtltrnmg ht.tUI(;,_.h.¢ d«tc!c:d toc•J!: ~:l.l.:-k.Qn h;,1111fl;it>~.l prnctict' 1l_1\d Use rho J.itnc he ftt:"C!d up to wu\!h tm:dd~I~O I I) ·~.ilr¢tet md p:\lh:rln ~n &;r\~!•, 3 pu.~lon hr ll..!tLa$1:~ fQr.)'~tl. Uc rh\11 WfVt~ • pnpulnl' boa'k. ~b9Ut 111 i,ld(uJu,et~'.-~b:t.~(l ~11"\!611 rcuuNthu ' ·· "' ' N.,~~~IWHvhjch l~ct:::uu-: a_ helot :.dlcr in t\"£'.11.'~) !LIId Swed011 Jllln,fd ~udl'lfl'illll, .t'IIU~~n fr,~me war. Thu~ 11> ;a wii~Jic 11tl'Wtntt'flt tH1\\' ,..;dun tht" 1 'nl j1\.b;~IOn whet-.; l~wv~n• 1hemiclV"e$ ¢1'~ we , tuul thr hu•,uu: ·-, ttl ltfl'". Some ptOQ.l'.l::rlnt• 1 II pm 11, thf t 1 11 D ,jpm· tteo 1tlikb, .nr ln!!httltliS~ '"intlfu.ln~; IIIQWUmwat , II I\ I,,,.,.,, f!tll ' ~11 . _._ . Mir n;ht~nl, ,.ud hi)cth -n;h•lO) lavdw. D utrfl?. IJhll }.lt.:~· 1hI'! rwl'l'. 'll .1'\. 11111 _ c , >.tdt ui the t'h!LJ.Jtfl l~ully. rh~: tc,im tr-.uPCd l11 ,tnd. ptn~.d;im fo.rt:l: o{ hilbit :tnd the f':tet1hat tbe~ ~ Ml fU~•.ilfe-but l'l!lf'JUir.c: coht-rct)t.1h:t1Ve ct liL.t ~ mon~IC'f •unnlng .uuol....and m! llf'C

1 Altb '*"h

ltll(ka:nw1llinr. tQ pen:ciw un1J u.uue What i• 11o, much like the •pc--:1#01

~ Ul dx rn.lro of IlK "11~1J t:mpQ\'t wnl1 hi

1"~11~ IQ oome tn uur ~,.rt 'f.X'~tll:c. AruJ" ,, ruL.-. Wl ;ut; ~·11tr.l!llh· IIIII uf rr,utkt' Wr JH

, . fil:t ,,( tlu:


'-~II~''IIJ lur vuu Iwith hO Zen l!t'lc\:J thJrf)· wn~:a lbc J.J.n'1 r~J.IIy. buun the l.ll11

We allknQw that wh~.., it t·om~tr toipm-ei-·.•ing. du•J~tgl• •.mt ~ytJS. ~·.\1 ':ICC ttn:lu; thln~~bu.t not orhNt; e\·o:n wh~n the\' .t•C ' taring us r.i~r tn the llt\'.1\nd we c.ah be: eM.-lv l:'OJJJiljtlned ro ~· in Cet'P'ln vn:y~ omt.l pte\'CI\I~l ltum_-r;chD_g m orl1e~ Sli~tu-vf-llimd m;J.gi11.11 fl.,. int

ru.llf ul.M.., I"'-'"'' 111 "lUa ou


It l.o! 'ftJliJ 1~1 Jlml',

t,n ar.,,..a.,, '\Yil•• io lhJI "~"'""""'"'il' u•f7'

,,,...,....._,ll.Jov , ,.m,,,,,,,,"''''~n;tt•h~•h••·•d,._~·•• ~=~~~~-~:~:.·'i' ~·:"::'"'ll"J, "''to'"''II! &Ill< !1o1JP«o' looll£to1j~m•aY• h Ut~t ,'1'1'11.1" tdmd..,. '"''''!• 111\IU tolt lot I''"'"''rill! ·~JIII,,• lot."' Illoltt• l.\,k •i••· ..t-.ulil ...,...,m

·~• JJ, 'I .1"'" ~· th ,.,.ll•t'• ,J ,,U ....,, 1ovuol ~,,tum ""I

· w.11 •h 'IJ ,I,, ..til ow ··lhu1 ,hJI 1 .,.,, •Jfl'•l hlll..lioot• oull,,btloi


Mfti't 11 ni.,~;J!f.y. ~leuplr. it• dilfCt(:nr c~utn; (lUI sec 1he ~.une (rll""'

!J., vryir...: "' .,,. ''"

'lt"•o IIuot: Wn\• nulyt ""(' rh.u

l:f,, 1 dc~("il

true h • il dc,!l:l'\:1:. 1·1'Ut' ·\· u'it'J 1\\· ~t·lul whllt.}W \ill}· H\l\\'

"'"'~· h~: ~~ul,\• ~rti.all\' n u t:, tlfl l }'

,.,,.. " '" • ,.




"....,..• '"It



II (I • '

111 ,,..., i.rtl•t,

'""'r •r

''" '''" 111 lltdi~WIIof'}t

o~,,j Ill II •il•llllll"ltjr}ol W "..,~ 11 r "' WtitJ. W• •• IJt~ll. lh•·'Y 1111 W•l lhc't 1 I" 9, j 1 I I' ~ I I' I 'I I .... .. I'"; llfl IIIII._, J h II fi( '{ .. I' I! .... ' ' " ' hi " 111 J !J,, .. ~ I 11llr 1111/, •It• ''''''' '''1'1'''''" ~~~ ,1 •It• l l•lltlltl •• 1!. nl 1~1tl, •K•I ltN'i trot,•l l11 1, ln•W j , ,,, HII\f ,,.l l•tJUhlll',. 1 • " I thr"$' •n 1'•'111'1'11•! II• ;.oil lui !11oft fll•tU 1 •

Ill•!! h• ,,



1 11 •lu


'""''"'li '"

., l,lnrt:r•,lt l ll~ '''~ litw•• ' '''" l•tu•th•f1



r•ll t" ••I• tltt! I ' "11f,oli fltll Jtil\11 ~~~ •nltlhliiY,ll,il~lhtl! ,, +II C!,, 1 !"fj ,. !!!Ill Jtt I !l•'f I fjJ,j wht 11 'Nt hliflollt lu h l)llflkml(, ,f 1 111 1r '" •I-t IJ'' '' ut r lii'J',"'' tl~·'" 11"11 *" l1wl•• tl ~>·I~'" 1 1 I ,f,l!l 11 J\.t ~to• I 1111 ;Ill I ly llf f, I I I' Ill I \I I • ilj\ I ),,, 1 III II I. I'' I ud Ill I·•' , 11h f11, 1111). 1,.1 1h1 11~m, lr ~oJ• 1 ' l'bJiy 11 t. •t.1 jljtlll lm•illl•l'l I' II''", I• ' '' " ' " ' ol tl t 1t 1111 l ij l jflll! t tl • til ~ ~ ~d .. u•l "tiro I•'HII ,,,,, 1I1"Wa1 111'1\ ' "" l,dl! j

I i1t


•h 1

fJ 1 ,,,,,,.,,, "' ~ ~~~ 1111! t

,,, •

' "u "" ,,,, ~11

~~ ~~.r 11 " . lut tl(l •t 1,11 J. 11 1(11


n lr ~·lu t


I~~~, u\1


••wl '' ,Iff ! uurl t(•l lllolll

..~,.. ~~, ,f d• "'"u'r"' •'"l"'' '


·~~~~~ lllli~f"t·IIIIHI -~!It

I' t• II" 11 oW•


I I Itt


~ "'



ti•f I!

,-1 I • ll..'!h• 1 1IIIJ\ I



ilil "'I I. ' jj,,ll WI•J IW•I ,&II Wtl ' tl, 11,, ltlllll'fll"''f'•" tl1 ttl••r '''' ttr'l'l'f 1•1 ''"' 1 , I lr~• I dtr lfll1ol V, t ''"' II "' •r ,~,,.J lll!Jll~ ol.r1pl "'''' •I • •.1..

"' ,, 1 u~, ""' ~H ••1 , .. 1"'"'', nv ,,, V /'J.I!ol·lrt I"' I'd t!JI lfl+ll llw WI tLl II( •I ..... ~,' ... olht ,,.., Atiollollr, wlv..


E::~.:;::: 1\lltl.• ~ t•llttl '''' It 41•• • ... wr11111 j,,, ,,I ~ .,., ~'I I. ,. "' .,•. , ..

1 • '"' '''"


lttll fl~oHI.




,,.,.,l,,.lo!IIW:Io!olu'•lll~>il1 1




'lml,..t'm J,,, ,, ..(j, k"'t'Jt,l•f Yt'll!,..,. h•,t •I f... """'I' 1' 11l ' Ir,~,I)' •• .tty atw 1 'I .,.,J, , 1 "''t'''• ,,, p·u,,..., '",. dq~u rt•m ,,,,, •l~l< I •• ... 11tr "~WI't •}f ' 1 •n 11J1 1 ~ f,l'f•l•t'~ ''' •J~ b 11! tt,~,: •odwt u,J.,.t ruU.till Jl'l ,._, , "J!ufMI i-S' flfi I l'lllt!Hiy u.l ''' ~~·' u, tu ydt•rw II l'fl1'•hU114.Nt tro I I' J•, t.•J. I o/IM\trth /fl' ''''"'I "11'1 ~I lit)' ,,j ,r.r di>tt!l',,t.,,.. ftiKif ,, "' 1.-ettvh•.t .. \rd 11 ~


11 1, "WI• •I •I,1IIf I t du-, •lufilti'JtA.. u ftlor f1dd 11r• 111111, ,j, \l-4nt 1 l,lloltf'lt ,:ol ,,.,f, 1 1!111' nd ydi•1W, .-Jlfl'l~ I tid ;:«~ 11 , t1111 'Hit'" h•ljt Uld ,, 1


•W)ufr, ·WJ.JH ·' ,,;,1 ''"' '~"'' hr.r •why "'"- yl•uiLI 7 ,,,~ wf,11r 'ti"-1 ~~ 1 t.~1,.1y •,., H 1 '''' wlnt• J\1 wht•l•t•••lf•l rh-r '"''Yt:~lthr up 1 ,, 1 h,.tk~~ ft , 1hll~ ~.~~, 11f ' ' ,1mt l,,,fll" 11 Ill' lor 11!" tl'! ,, It, 1 .,,1 11,r d.tu ,,, Nc

;,.M )1'111 I l••t1tl "' fii''""''V. ••o• tlto1r 1J •t•' •• .-,,, HIM f llf•IWf ln 11: .'(,I'''' llw .tJ•pt t i JIIt •· , ,j 1 hlv. •lit'l""' lt•1n1 IMI I'~'''' ••I~• '''1.'"'''' ,1,.;01 w Uur '' 1111r hr-'k' f,~, hlp. '''f'l" 1 w••· 11 Y•A• j;.,.,ta ~'I' ,,1 • J.u~ !

lo !11

;\totl lfll

II 'jl,l!'

fr' •ll hf,l(dJI IJif"J

ll.ftll l,~lfl '''''' 1, Jh


N1ortl 1 ~r,t/ ~wj

f•y tl

fll#j •JH}' ,

lp tl It •IlK I ''"



w,.~ hrt(tll tiH•Awl• 1h• Y-'I("'I'Jt

111 Iii 11 IIIIo I ~~~~~ '"1J'.J, J"'"l I J,, 1'"11

oil II

II' I 1"o1



II f:'"ul ""' •II 1. •I, •t~r dlgt11ti • 1~ :ut dqlhunt, l'hcn I tlww tht- l1111tJc f!f 1l1c: h911 '~' h!l'iCtltJ, 111i tin' ~wu-u1» tol~lllu nd t::r•r1mol. T~}' ,11 W~}'ll nc«Ji•rl o)lphnulltl ll' 1\•1}• tl p~winp; Nlll"ntktt 'rwu f•1ok.:d ltl~ I 1\(IJ! I hm k lhr C"jlo h~~o••Un~ lot•It\" hmn Atthltnl! .Je IUAtW\ou (_.....,\:, /J /.,.iiJ Jt, J.Jtor

sr .F):ll('t' ,\'1'

Nt l A II'Af'll.\1-f\.n•,

\11 HJliJ(; !J'J/o'tt !~kUu~t lll~dlhtiiOII ha. IQ\tnd itll W3)' intQ ( he! s::QJ.teetivo psych~ of (1\U :ulhn~. Vlllm t·hc JlCrq>t"..:dw ~f rhe r.r;1 t~f m\'"dliklhrJlklln (ht' 19~tlt JJtd il:'h, dti~ mh~trJ) •~•i~d ~nlllt"!,rr.!nl!.mt wuukl h:.&\ ·t• l11~n hiAhl).. iu'1p1\,h,ahl1·, o:vm 111-:'Vnct·iv,lhtc. C11d Ju1t~ u:m.ark~\1 ~" mill'ft II\ cummtnhllg Jbu!Jt the 1•-·to:•aml dlifi•.:uh \' lot 1be Wc:oh:-ru mH'I~ 1~ uud~ntund Zen, t:\!t-'tl t hoolth

h~ 1-'illt)(·lf had tJ~ hi~h~llf l"Cllf'~"f rm !U,!Uttb·and mct l;1~~. _ ~t\...l'lfwlc-. •, Ihl· 11hi.f1 hl\r• 1lh~tiy "~cum:J ,md mu_ybc Juu~;; .tbidin$t unl'~1·1' 1ll 1I




· ec.t w.trr(mbl~ Jtllthl-.&1 om ,;•ul'lu:r


j' wn,ll '1... • .... t·•· · · btu .. ~· u 1111:; 1111n,

ll"dl11 ltlllfna-nrruul Tin· JnJ;turi1111 tUm•IJ 'fll\lltli.:c dl sllid ~· h"-\>--n;t.~nt·

n"""'ri' 11t;rlt~· \'l the 1'rlQ ' '

"\\"hat uc yw ~ ra.. Mon

-.-.. .....

•rm Jlnaidaac madlt;tfi.Oft. After II f'nor nunu~o m\' uuml1f Jl

aad I th 1.11Pu b& Wti- boo-m dm ".m .bAit ltlaldl4( thr 11\11JJ !',1-\ t-ol.&n)!;

ftiOClit&twm ~ \'t:l 1(..oo, \lolli,lfC"t't.'l

INI dww


u • oosn~ mn-

fl\'l-'(11;. '\.'lltiUfl#-lf h:t be

\\'t.anrm ht.hun. .u (',rn:r bclun: 11k: ll..Ui

'lhc: Bt;tddhll o-n~c silid lh.-r tho core mcssag~ Ql ;.~,U his teaclungs-hr rJugtu cantinu.llly f.:~.r MCJ lotl)'•fiv~ )"tlln;>-C•)llld b.e .mmmi:(l up )n l.l'llC

()n die ~ cll:.rn:.: .th:tt dr.u:might be rht !tad,~~ ;;.,

~ re'"::ftaj :> IQ ~-.:;dial ~e­ -·n..ahml-':.ftn" bud_..~"""'-="~

#IC ;,..-rv;cica tl

;>e2"'l do«""' coo!v=.,""' ~ dmra, ... ~ W ~ ope• rrtjnm -'"'it:n, ilnd ianruaes .lQ:' &D (l(ttAW and ~

~T'bcyanro!or~1~W)m:omtt ·a'uy t~;~Mlc:W".tn r.l.l! a:-: u .a!l ~".:Uily when they iltC' tbour n-.cda!b-rfr .,.; £Cbl!l ftdl "' """" .... mobor;..,., """'i.i..;..,. ~~"'be pa I b•ll~ .)'U1.111fft ('1\'Cf anJ COJ.i,~ f"'c f'-'t...Wn

···~· .ttt'll!~'fl'

, . ff

L ......t._r •!rwo.h· ~It', tDtnrJn~;t!:u·~ro---wr

w•thour f"llf'Stung J IJrrluou_ ..... , · ~~ .... 1 :'l.W 1t:f m proriuurlr Jh(l\11 All thul. ,Jroppiug m on d tt b:u.- o pa.irnLc be llnc:Jr, 14nd ~Mc--.~11\I '\n, • . ·~~Is likeit comm!l l!r:Unmem·. 1\1ld nothing co llt't.ll n, R.:u-b-et, it h tls.:·d,rOcr relli~:•.tiQu and tmlt")duYi~nr 10 thi~ \'~''1' mom(nt ot 1 '• bo Yt\li rdrt:;\d.y lin:, outs-Jde-of rime :1nd ~pace \Ind. ...'Oncepts (If ;s,n)' kiud.-:~ ~titrg ll'ltht- ''';f)' u .aturc ~i yu•tr bo::ing, iu \lfh,u: b ~6mditYit;fl .:>tll~ ti'~: nnuulllltttt, ori~U\ai .P\it,d, p~rc- 11w~rencss 1 no. u1i1ld, Clr ,:im}·~~- '-''"Prine~. Ytr,, t!Jt "tn:i\dY1Wt.-ryrhingyoo fil ;t)' ht:1p< h'> art.u11, ~ ttf.> dlbn f tl•c: will ' ,tltl"t.,ll:ar~-ev~n t\.11 the fnitul t6 tam~ IJI\do..JoJ I h\~ lucA~h-~flo!d Jll.' at• llltQnlcm Ill P:~'>•hll.'. Ybu ol1t alrc:tdy ir. 11 iu .dt'tud)' ha'c. Hoi'!\' Ill\1 ~t•twhtrt, :.nl1110w u• :.\h'Cudv .llw:t.)'~. 1"'Jw:rr ·'" 116 t tme, · no 5t)Jtc~. llo '-'''' ' I~. IJ III l'>:t I1 I . . . " n. • to l{:,hir. Aod thc:rc t11 m, J'~ut~ to trn;duu·

""'•In' (..,u 11-oorrlVlt}' re~Hy) w~ en~;;;~~ If• (ittht Ql't hvu111n • • 1 I• or;-• . ~rr.:loli: t>lhCr dr.ln t() ~ !lW:lkc fO W·~ll~ IIJ :lHI lpoD ;;. '-"' 1 I' • ~ dJDd:•tg u1d \~lug opriJ;ht \Vbc·n we :.W:: ~hln\dng. •t fu t"oot, but when WI Jn' rulm;l/'l'I\~~~~IIJidt. Ulflio:m~lh, aQ{i beytn;tl fh snlti.rtg, h is Slmply ,~i)J· i!·if 'md l\W alreufy hive ·~· 111 i'ur Clifftn:rnly. h i~> "Ofll o:O.u tht•n. I'Or.l ~n.l UC\.:CWM"- .S~~.tnc fo! rourcy''l.• c.l.l~.• 1\~e. Eongu~. iUld C\'U}'

rw ,,, ~our bo~y As St. Fanrlo

l hOlt i'!1 dlt--a~So. \'Vc ate 11'0bur-·wc Oon't knno.v t B•••.''' 'I •oci.4 un ~ b-e ,)bk to .ft$t eii'or'l::lei.'il)• ln toon-d,oi:ng, in .non-

Ko~J~ lt~-U.r qpc-r.•rn~r Yrmr ~ ,Jb·,•,l,/1' bou1 y•ttu tfrt'l1~\ · 1ii!C, )"Ur llc•h ll•'rr-'-'1' l.t.t:h, Jl ,. ~lt;t>hto.t t(lllrJ yuu ,>'lin budd wh;u

.:m ~~ ti'UII Y'm m•~· k tryilll1; l>l lnriltl, or gtt \'rhtttYti I t ... !'00- ~ fTJI/l lo.lj,•d W, ul ('\\"1lltltll"lim~ •,IU~IIIO '~IU Cill ~1!1 tbiO~ O'IC't ~\l~th

•,J hcd. dttm o!l mcwro·,Jt• li ··- A n~l wtw n•.-:Uiutc when u (1)1!-'IIH " ' oruhr. 11, '">! J·s.1wJ~· Jno:l whrn tlw tt.,_,,]t (II ;tlltll~ non--tloiug it. rtc~·tf fm, w}ud• llrvrrthot:lot. t.,kc '0 umc ~d cnt~'Y 4

anJ ~110111un

All I w

w, m rt:lf'l1ll~ e

that 1;'\'lin"hl.ld\' I h:tVr: (:\'t:r ml"t wh11 lu•

&Ofll:l• intu the plMrhtr nf n•in..IJul.urp.• ulirlttu 1'11uncl 'illmt way rfr uthcr to Mll•lm d m tiK'Il ij~ f111 • peuod (I( time h ... ¢'ewn~e Jlulrnunll)' valuaNt wlud•t••.tuu•rtho: l"•u:lur

Tn:cently go~ 11 Cot11 from a ph~io::~an c.olle:c.guc in his l!itt' f0rtie1 whn bad 1.mdc:rgor.e h.ip tcplac..:ment sut:gery, -ru~ptitling for hh age. Cor which be nttded an MRl befo~c tb.e oper:nif)n took ptacc4 He recounted ben.. hn:(ul th~:- bn:ath wound up belugwhco h~: was :s;waUowed b}' the m:tchmc. Ht.nt~i he OQ"id~n·r e'('Cn im:.ginc:; w~ it wou!d be like for il patiwr who ilidn'r ki)Q\\"ahqtu niindfulncss fl'i> (when 1rhP11. t}1('ll n1t "m.ine"l ;~n,l tbt cenJt:it~ uJ· mr ml;)tt ~~.:pJy it\ :1n1l

mhc•ti.: hnbnr; (wlt~:tl I thinl: the) .t.rc 'min~-~'}. J find u uscfu.l t~ meet being- prttt)· sd.l·c\idatt, alm~r lr!ViaL ncsi~l!5, ir hMI tQI) liWCh lit' ,J ~n!>t: ughtuf •Hll! (such (1,.- "'tllt hrUJ.ti!l-•-lb.1r fllfjli>b.! Hlfcf•'Otlrw. fa-r. bit.::b mx~J, llming and su.~t'ainlng don't ne«.~:cit.. reo;:omco~l' (n clu rhe-aiminl{ ,,r ~hlini•l~Cilher. :thbO\Igh ~,~.;,,, w~ ~"lln ntiJici:lll~ make en~ up. illtd rue f'l'Cny nmdt bound to d(.) .o~o nt fim out of t1111 peN!sf(nt luhi! of "'sdfinl{. ~ D~•l retUr, both 1\imh\1~ ,md St~..rairiin(r emile ii~Ut unurullY 11.: '~~ be n:st mort c:t~~~ily in the llr't:4th,w :be lt.,:nvit~g of'' frum lnt'lffi.r!UI 10 lntlmdu :t! 1t b. ! Thb D.U~Jli.Dg ~' kii0\~'1\ ih S.lnAtit:l lo!"17/JJbi, th:lt r,)\,"llSed quality ,f mir.d ThJl ll· U.C·•fMimnl. '-'011tt-ntr.ttC'd, !Uld iJ- not Wtd"f)' UllWAYer'ir,-g, i~ Ul i('Vl rdotthd)• ,~;~bk S;amadhi is de-1.•doped J.nd •lco:pc:rtcJ .1~ I he. norTru·lfy ngtattd ill.ti'o'iry of QQr m.ndi uilk tho: II thf"l.lllj.\}J che l"'Ontinut'd extn:i•c ••r our abthtr t)ff

rln1t fu ibrlt' ;u 1 pu~~ihle

,...,..,.. fllindw wht'-n we •~ p.:ut


a d" or VtOrkahOJI


4,~ uu..t fcttcub, I luvc- 1htu l'l,fltiiCIICt: t!UIIC f)f(C:II r ftX)f: (t\11 ltOmer.illl r.A Ill huruJredll nf pttJple 8i~r-tn~ 1n ~·lrntc, tm j111•·po~>•· , W1tl1 l'IOtlting hapttenltlg whllt'!Ot\'tl" c:ICt.epr wh-011 j,

""rprrllnij !II lhf' \ 11dUtl'l itUX:I ilt}'ltn ill ·

t,1huri - 11 L • • • , . · "I. 1 '••C enctl(\' hchJ of 1hr 111lent-e It tK 1111 n•l~l\.:lllly .t.tuuul\'~ ~lid ll.llllltUtl 1'1 .. ' . ' . I 1IU~, IC tl'l:'hlltt. ot lltl t•Jl"\.lrtlt 1t/t: tl ol~~('r\~lttll behtrtd IIU~ I ••lltltl[ ill ~r lt·n . I . . , •t "''' tOIItnhWmg tr• Ht~'lfrJl(•Wt'tll\f::, .~~~ '' rhr se;nst; til q,nti""alhy en11 I · I' I 1 ''!\Ct 11 IIIII It .111 ·I'IM'111h/y. Attt"mt,11 ~•11i '"tt:r,lt•m. ( )Jw h11111lf~.'d I'''"JII~t jtrt:StR'O:ldl Qtlkr -1h1111 Co."> be p!~!«:!U uj-;t "'terybfldy :agn:e11 lnridy th~~t, ~. lhc child ii in thto: I , tl'l ""'I•' l '

r· n.c> nbou r :t. . !nY.n 1101111 · c~·rr'l dtou~ be would mo•f~'".ltl...-~ay •t P nqtJung.,whith j, I lUf mJJhll'lg". • •


•l•n more rhurl J~irtgl)• t•lrR(r.

Wlxn •~il:l!d wb~c pcaple f(~Wil~ lu him liD w·.cnnly, he once rcplu.-d, "J h-f•~ on ~c..W ,1uJ1ili«. Pt:ht~~ hr tJ: hoe;;mac ;ill mr life I h:iv•: mvdH:ltcl~ '"' io•'-'1' ,1rnJ ~(.llllf•;•s.ion with .dJ tl'\)' ~tn:ngrb nf n1imf;~ Ap~rentl}' he do~;~ tk•i for ~• lwc.1rs eVt!f)o. n)l)ntrng, no nlJUt:ct \\:l!ar lht dc.m11.11d!i of the ~;omill}l .lr.y 11te 01 1\-hn.l.· be i'>, 2:n(l ag:tin (l"lr II lnkf rime ilf thbtt:l'l~ ism tnln ktnd 91 .kr.owmg. 1ht t~-.JI ~~ ug_ is it11df embraced ln JW'lrc:neu_ ~ s1rm.;_...J.: witn ongoing p1:mke, itm~· EWe nukingvurru.·,~.! ~ !Q yw, ,~.!!~.

1-11w lGQ C7CI' @cod tfw yow-~ G!~ pam t1 fKII In pun cvtT, 'llfwm:,wlfdottn ~)VII hm..- Ia a a~ ..-nmmoa aprncnce. ~rcO..Dr ~ our we UIIUIJy do&t C'DDUDC' or atk: abour beuuw: n 1~ JO mudunorecompelliog &n rht mommt rr comes


.:: ~ gw Jcv.d, way d~ th~n thought.. :\Wil!"elli:!S tr.&l'l!fl'm"l'~ Ct11tltit•nal pun j·a~t :u u tt.Jnrlml":tli. the J'l:n 11lou ~ atl-ri hu~ mo-t~ w tht: dmmio of bod,- foensiWlm.. Wbc:rl we: .Ut" rmmencd 111 emarion:.l piin. Jf w.e pa~· close llt:.'!nuon. 'I-"!: v.:tll ~ t.iw: thett ..: l..J..4'il~"l an -cn·\" of rht llgbts -a.nd .1plrt.hon oi dillcttnr fc:ehn~ r ~ the pain \o;e are ln, iO heti: t the :mue C(Kt~otdhrinn oi wh2t \S't rlli!i of 11 t.motiorW pl.m can bo: , ..-drome.i tn .md br1d i1;: ~ c:on n th.n mi"\· ~ :u- li~t b!uili.Jt c.. lllUl l u~ lttl'J/ Hmtto:! '~\'=" k!:t" t~, lb.og f.Ucil11 thing; Uld how profou.nd1y .tnd libn-.Jrmg_ J1 ca.u be !1~-e- Q'J:t nnotion aru.i 1..... 1; .. ~ in ch1...... .,~·. C\ \."n •\ h~J, thev ~~ tot.!tln.~ ............... ~ 'O.e>

Dr~n.b.-..-::; w..hen the:)' .In: rot.gtn~ o-T dei.J';1•tini! Sooc h( Uli tlced ru m.B.icr ~·n "" oundvc:~ ju"l >II ''eon h.:..._oc -m.;..:

~ Jo tt4tot.t thil tJOiquc: ;•rnpcrt)' 41· ,,. ~ h,~c:r • diHer~m tut l.l!c:- 3J,,,s:ethet from ou.rp:tin. AU \\"f' OC'tJ IU J,, u be .zkn .... am,..J of J'.WS When 11 WnWs up, '.!o'lnu:'\~ lh tunn Out~ ~ ro '"'"lRn!$:. nhUru:m: uf ront:hTwith tht 'n•l ,.tong C'\'mt.


he"' .emn w n tnl

1j L'l ll i.Uli.l, til ThC" SOOIUCW

-t c;',lllllh '

Mf¥1hc- "·'U

Altl< Ollflt.fHI'I

1 rmlt with J. bnmu"leT cly I tunfulg -.dod 111 anbn""follllbet than •lllllling nway llf a denymg or JUP" fl 'IIIIi o/ IJw II Milt caiW!f« lod that , _ . , . ~


~ 101\J' 101 \FFOU) l,(i

. . t. n ,,u.' dnllkl11l'C is I'Wfolilld: tmJI, to "'nng~watoiC:$.pcm~· \\'( l.':lll hnld 1hc Lh:illc~ w.. i.uc 110\l' wlrl• gt lht .l\'W!ltOld" 11rwl rn:dom tbu uc., lNru\7-lllly. Mrc for '-i man\' aOO ~· ~ mnr~W:nl, IUld J"t'l, at 1Unt1 liTe S«fflin~y .w datllnt ~ru1 Ur imm 011r km.

We all implicitly knQw rhllt there is h ug_e ad \':~.nmg.e M I.IS.tng whn! h~$ «mr bd0u;,111Ji!diog on rh.c crearhre genius 3nd hard work ofotbcl'fwho ltt' thl: bsruos of .effort .and dedirotion toos.:plorer:s wtrc ~c.ic.m·i~t$;' poc!ts, a.rrt...s ~. rfilluu'fhcf)t,..:t:J,I~mel'l, or yogls..ln any domain thatil-woJv•!f leam~ng, we ri;,; oou~l\'tio $'.l11ding on the shouldcrli of thulie who tur ll')'m 1nrult biolnj..'lf'al (\1 h~ fUJI QWJl •tTurn ,;..1111•. \'ft ill lli\T the ~.-!emir. I (Qr tp.:lkt:tl lllllK\I:.;I(C. &u if ll huJll.i.ll ~, 1 J"IY\~ ''i' in h•I,Hlm• fuuu tUJAnl.')', uar /(',(rnm~ l.a:t.gtngt ,hrou"h ~on:: teitha- 1hrougt. tu::·.Ann-o: Qtlhrough "i;'' langu;l;_ttj, t h;t ~~ptnn. tr •crm•, r~'''.ql f-t· JuiJ} •lcvdnped l.atn ).o~tge- ..w..t ho of mt:m11! h n ·1 '~'l'ltf• (o>gniJm: and etOtlfllln.&l, ,~r~ oo~ru•.,tnJ, 1tul ~t-.ecdt, r:vrr, l'btutlu~. •t1'toriJ··n'rnUt>tl.

rb: frmiM¥1"~ ''hen: (6 bepu wlrh. but !r n~J~ ID l.r- ptrnM:d, aculptcd, dl.lpellf. uurtu(c:d 1iv'ou~l~ tnu~t•ioll in ltXll\di rr;uJ.t b)• hur!Ufl:l rtpoturt 1o facet thQK' Klllnda1t•l ere mnraa..., 10 inltucrin, tt• td.&bun4ahry wnh ttthc-r h·UTU1n11 ' ' ' r bc~r •mdh. u wdl :u their =•~mdc, ll mub~l .1nd nchlr ttnMn emotional conntttmn. Fo1 the bto~m •vn &lldi In impurlaur w11v-. •• 11 muh uf ~pc:tlt'ttaa. 1\n.-1 rh-. appar 4

fndv nerd. to hlppeu dunn!¢ a "IUUI Will~ u( chmnologicaltln-rlt,.:~ mmt fur lat!guage dc~lopmem to oa."Ut. 1f tha windnw tJ p;~md-.ow ~~mhiOIJ, wt wiD fa1&a&l1 nlll.llfl}' l'f!Uk, wj-.:h our owu end iu ~ ~ cmpi) wr of n:-.~ch bc:au.c 1hc- tc1ariot\.J dim~arion ... thm: » twlcl nuutc tarmio u "'" ~cr 111 e meditation For mcditu~ Jhcta.r1 did not ,.rri,·c: 1n (Alf" pte--~t c:m ou: of ,, v.~cuwn. Tbo$e. wbn, etmr. bt(on: •n, the: dirttr md muluply-brmchmg lmea.geo; o! :e.Wlut ~hu~ t•> rbc 1imt r,r' the Buddlu and wdl btf(lrttbe 1:$uddiu.proT'de" in441 ntJp, ~n aut-nng. ,lv';lilablr lOt u~ 10 txFiorc l.lld 011..c rhc mc;l11114 ~.11aeac mur1 L'Jfl amplity ::and enncb our pot.,-lbdtnt'• IM the m.nct 11M 1«•I lbt' lium:.m rn1ud and n potc:nuoll th11.1 wc: h..n;: a.l.rt-.i(h cm1


d tz:rc: l1. ·U htmuu M 1rlgt,

w~ ~ o.u-.wuluunly :urtunlltt to luvc



II"" ' ""'' opl 'I !II




1o /I


I !I


flO I I

!' U.J)jlfchend wh:u i~ being. pomtW n The •. hbn~~; 1 th"';t\'lltJun


c~ll'reang pet«f'lll)n L.n.G (ll:n u· bur.~a ·_;• . ch darltv Th~)' take their toll on the bod}' as wdl. ten4inx t

\\'c: lll ~ Uw ~hen w..: rnnto~~ 1 m rowe ,,,,..1:,. "'h~n we- are di~· ~. nt'. ''"'"...!~.lull. C¥!Lk ba..~ t • nrhm. ind~ d~g11 sl!(tul n~u· ~ Whl:"r. ~'peak. ill 'If~. \\hw V.T •nmnb•r, dull. or pollutr ·lUI CM'tl. ~by .Jbu!Wit! '!uhrrmuc-JJU...h ~ al~:ohui1U11l..Lugs f:ltll ,,f ®!' "*h ..i.hll.oP'f'U:CU Jnd ~t: it(" t'O"f it.Jm~ ~~~~! lf1Jnl (lllf fY.Un, d~ .. t:on!ic~ .ur l.o\'l!Uhh• dotru.:ti"'-'• C"J.Oi!u~ unmiJ luuJ1 trll>thu ...nd tO [J!,Wo.tbu, •·ht:ther we know •t .or .Mt, •h.crhd 'llfC arc bc}-1>01l unn{( f'l

d((:IC!i. tn r~ v.'Odd and in ow:. own he:tn"5.1f vtt .ate conrinu.all~· cre.:~ring ,;:WfMiou in l)urb,-es. !Uid caW:i11g bnnn t4) ao•lro our:-cJ....,~. 1t i:: dr.n agsutio,n and that we \Vill cm.:ouotd in uur m.tilit.nion prac~ be· ca1•.,c. that is wh~r woc IlK lttding. If we h.ope for 11 degne nf peu:e iu our cm11 min,d wd ~n, lt ts o~· oommon.,eilstcal rhat we will hc~lelit iCom no lon~1 fw.fu!g tlli.'He hann£ul tendencie~ .and bc:bavi(>(s tn 'bii w~t>· by· fonnirsg tbe i.nttnriol'l q) mogniu:- a..,\ll;urk -av.en•e. ourhllutwriity 'lu squ:ml) un t:l(h one t~f u-s, no m~ucr l\'har our nok O'T \l; ,ocicry. Tht'tt: Me ,im~ in whieh c.\'Cn in the mili~!)', diso~ing ordcss ukc:1 pl't'ecdt!n« 1'11cr orders. One ~~)J)nai.~ncx: heJic(1pt~r pili>t, tl}'UJg- oo.u i\ly l •i u dn: timf.lUing. Ulrl~rutehi lt~1 only indh•tduals, one of us, who- lltt;11hr11 1\ul '' •


lurl1u' ~t~nd monk N~·;\11•1 ))()nik.l 'Thera, '.Hi11dfuhH':!il; is "the uniitiling ma'i-tcr kc)' t01 krJ'>WinK the mind ;~,n-d is rim~ 1lu· st;uting point; rhc perfect wol f6r J6(tping tht' 1'liimi. ;\1ul )!i thuJ. rhc: f-o w.l poirl~.; .tnd the lofry manife~t.ttioll of the .tl!hicve.d j''n.'4'dwr of thr mi\'ld. and U. tlnu. the culmin-atfng point." Nut bo\d for t~Qim~lhulg that ba.!li~::tU)"

ha.U,.,. down Iudy ari~e~. all. it tends to dt. eun"" Jnd 11'1t)l'r the "1urr •I • aultiVilt~.d intentii'lllldly, I• i•

J.o$eph GolU~l'Cin describes it as.that '(juaiity of mind th;tt eHIIia;.es i~ present wiJhOut j\adgmcnt, wnho\lt into-ft:rcm:e, h: 1~ iike 11 n1lrl'r t h.H de:.-'J}' reJlecrs. wh.n (t()mc..s before it." Larry Ro~enbcr,g:. :motbtrr Vi}le "e t:.n,~• hmg iHU t.kul:I.Ih· Rudilh•~• Jlo.nUI l'~:~ying

attention ,or abour .t\PtCJ~f-'· nor 11wthlng I'·U Ito ul.nly E~n~ru or 'vV!>!~>tern,.or N\k~hrrn "'r SoJUd1em for th,at m;ntcl, thr: ellloCII+.c ul fmJidful.ue!t~i-; truly unlvCf! l\_oll; 1110n: tJ,>do' v.•ith the natUre ol fl11· hum.u\ miotl than tt doer with itlt()lt)g)'• bcliet1.,

,,r•e It h1..

n1oh:- •-u ~\n '' uh ""' ~·ltpao:ny (N kn."Yin~ lur. \~~ h.-~ ~1 lt'>ioh· ,tb;en.-t.t!, wlut " ctUcJ ,,. •thmNl l)'uu' w1th ,, p;·•rtwulll.r rclig:un!,

phll\.•"ul'lw, ~,:~r •'1t'W. R_c.turning ttl the r.un•lc 1)f tlu


11 1~ 1hc .ll'lrmwu 11.1U.I. P'1' IC"ll-'1111bre, but f :._m 'IU!C he. would ba\"t!. bc.e:n delighted to h.._\'C: .Ji~~t~d dt:-t fhoe:JTif ~pp11:ren:r m Lhelr h~Jy ~~.. 11 unlyv•t WeJC To"li!abi(' to OO:f'O'Ck·ti ro D:kl! mmce. Yet. the only t ..~..y WI: caa be ill touch \Yltb any of du.& t~ 1hmugh our ~n~s, 1'he~· ~rt th~ tmly wap we hl4H: Clf knqWlng cJthcr the •ntettor

,...,rid ru our own bemg. or dw: ootcr bnd;cape wtr F'orm" 1't6rr•f»tdl't,ZC: u.ncution'$,)ivota.1 NJ(' m heAirh an-J t!il r;tt< Conui.det rhe dTecu -ol llQ( [T.I:)'UUJ '!ttC•ltion 10 'th11: out$ ~tnd mind-·n.r't: con,w·,rly reU,ng Q~. For loog •lretchelf·of Umt, IJI C•lllflll', ~pC'CI~Jl}· II W¢ :.trC iiurly beaJtby tV b&:gu1 With, WC: \;l.ll g~l IW.I~' Wtrh oot pi)'Ulg iltrc.nnon to lHl}'llnng. Or .u£>t lr;ecm tbat Wily em rhr •url.aC't' But lf wnuu '~" 111ld >ymptom&, t'\.'C'Jl subdc one,,~~~~= ig· nor-:J, Jeir ulW!cndcd for too !e-ng, ;mdif rbr: .:ooditir>n ~'fill t:l.nd ronndt m "too nntch of a bunko on the bod' tlr tht· rtliud, thl~ J.u-.utmrffm om bd ro Ju-tVf'1'1rd!""· t~ ;&trophymg ,.,, diuUjltion of spccifi.: p2c.hw.a)' WtbDtc tind)' tuned lntcgti~ l.!i nc.::c:!IIW'Y to mainain the. d~'Tl!UO:ic pru· (CIW'1I thn underlie balth. 'lllili dis-.:anru:ction can in rum lt'o&d tu ,Jn- whm thinb" a,aUJ.lly sbtt 10 gu \\Tong, 'wing grcml~ aw1:;\ from r~ n.uurill homr.•l'\tilric baluu.'(, lJi,-regularion in turn co~.n L:Mi IV nutr"Khl .:A -tJ'dn (m tbr o;, tiHuc. urgo.rn, ur '~ftm~> II:\'Cl, 11 bf't';lk• liou.'lllnt'• dj, ltgui.II("J, dii111ti~ f'I\,IC(l the poin• \\ our. Declt no ~oogc:r. flinctiiln.; n,, and the 11nd dLscomtOn :;11d J.lh)~i¢.ttions-in. tlltl~ of mbtiQf1 -•rrd poo;;tutc \oJ~td~ring t.>t: tlli"n~. foUowetU.'\•c:r '' tmfflldiup; ul mlf liv1:!1 tfX:Im nlomcnt to tll 1~thcn1 \"h• thu• mtM! th.Jm

rlh·c.'"' im:l1-1d1n.~ ooO'ig!n di">C>~St, 1u l(rcJtc.r c~sc 11ttd ftaruwm' 1tml. .111 we ~~J.U '"-~''• ~~;r~u::r IW11h h. Ahd thui • 11 'me,,,~ \vt' lilt.tll t.:omc t.O ¢XJmm.r t"mlltf.)t vn, tl•t uur U\ ~lit\lttnns- tf!ll loc 1l1c: ti(~Jy t'!(l\il•~~ i"'- 11 : fh1 che 1•~)(1~· ;~ml l1of 11\lr •••~li\'lli ulll m:i 111l~

1bt- ~u.-h..l' rn.·Ol:o.'upUil"'ln.._, pn:tc:n&tom, and I ht iOWo\td .a*l ~'IUn\J.hl Vo)!J.~ 1unn_l! \\..: ("CCnl!ftttcr ~hl hi(lr bclltnd ru kt-cp t~._,..,eh p tnd t'o rrybndr rJ~.:

0 ' E "E

.r..;..ry: 1

• Jn•r•

'""'"'~ ~"'".U

\\·,:b .regard to -d!.5ease-md di~-r.J-te. ''-c might liil}" dut the mO'!f fu-n d..unennl du -eaY.. urmming Ttolll du:-.tttnaon ~nd di:sc-lt-o-Jici.(:> ""~ • alf,· Ucp .hi.dden. rho: 1\.:;ilt t hintt 1 , we uw.Jll~· ~ep it h.idd~n liulil O'U..!'tth-oo L•.rJ. \l,.'e tu.ti'ct gtc.:r.d) 'iS a «.•:Jn\t!quenu!. The ~cc:ret l~ Sl~f~ (llkn In~~~ whole ol ~u rr.,·• wlrh no inkhn~ dl.t.t we: MC ('Ornpliol iP ;t df·~tption dur c:m be ~~R'IYlili:-1:rodinP" 3 m) &elf-.ll!lirructl.vl(, . . • . d nJl' to:.U tob:tGt. TIIU \\1: Jcu.lly do nol kttuw who VI wh..u we llf':. !Of

In thr J,uk. f"._"r 11.rt not auf ;~.t v.lfltnll 1un~:·1 hll(:.l w,rh .lr1••.::n, a•c:-•1 tnr nlif'nf'(J by \IDIIiltutieJ and t Jn dut•e 1int'l>, captutef three luntl-1uttll1t-ul.t•l'c..::t• of the hum..-u\ ~nJ.i,non: one, chat \\l'e .ttc:- \Uiful.tilled 1.tnd !ulfcr fr·rit howu 1 we uc ..ubk~t ,_, sickm'~*· ,>ld .1.~· Md de;uh, the il\t-)((lt"~ble b\\ of unpcruu nMI.Ct m~t .xm~tant.:.hllt'"e: .md rhn:t, chou '~-:Itt i~l'llnl nt rhe- tme mLcure dl ~~~ frc~ our$th-es tmm tbc d«p ;tn· gUiib oi our p-er.;t~nt h11b1t of •g nonog _i$ mu~t • LW\"lnM argue: th:;u n i~ Wn~ pa~c ~1me, and dut 1111W ,,; al~o the pcrfco:t hmc T tue, wr may fed ;u tio1~ nltimauons..of our ,li'Slo'iliUI~ll"t ln \'".tgUe urnug~ Within tht' P~'· ht. OtKc ln J. nrc while. Wi!.tru.~· cvm tllfth nuu11e11 tar_\" gt~.mrJ;;t"-- of iT w:tking up disorienn:d :t.nd friglucnc:d ln the: midJit tll th. -ni~, -or when samC'\"11\C .:.l1,!lt 10 U!i ul.tcro det~h ur dirk Mlddt:nl_\ unr.l.\'ch "''"" if it lu,d :ilw;) becu\ pruna.cily in "lO(lU! ~tmngc '".oar mt':dr imJgitlbi. But tbt'ti 1 isn't tt t.roc th.u ~ll O\lO-n .-.& pohible. •we ~il h;t~k w deep lit~\' aud mctaphMiC:tll\'. J.fld ,mesth.ctizc Olill;d.\'l!.li ~vith one- din:l'llll'n ..,r lii!Other~ Thi~

primarJl.J hum1n,er uf whi\:h

Yr:.r;.-spt~ rlwt"\\'0 knt'\V

not whi'l.c-wt: .m •. fl!'d-< tnu ltuf!_e to bcv- Th.ta, ''"" bnr~

1t deep Wldun.-rhe ~-.:he. !lt motnC:t'lt•.. ~.1 "''tJ the t:-outk £!( t.l





"'' nuudhn 'm•l ....... nn

-Qf l,lUVa.Qa-

n,uudy, 1 he. four foundanoet.;...of mandfulntss.:.

(l!:liR: ,m ..assertion,

AU or !Juddhism b !'\\'MM irtt fi11t ilrtit\•l.triou of his'torical nrrie unfolding '1\•'d th~:-nei"6n: .1 ~en1c of 1hc. pO$sib'iUI.)' of the development of tbe individual widun time, in p~­ tO~l:tl coo~rion with the nummbol>. $0 we could $.\}' 1h:n the bistotitJ.l figur~; of the :Buddh:.t, 1).1ld t hk wbo ln-.:c foUO\oYcd his lead, gave rhe, worl!,l n well-d~fined algomhm~ :l pacll ot'1nqwry, whn~h he h·m~bl f pur~C.Icd .in .,~a~h. of wh:u w-.:.11 mu~c ltmd.un~t:d t() thu.:r~s J. w!de J:tn~ ,,f rlllil:lrl••l~:..~ ~nd !fp«i;lJtiCJ :1 tww Qptio11 tPr their par.;cn1. tQ

C •Jronco:. :ulrl

lltil1a ul mnu! nnd bodl·, hn\\'.:'\'~1 p11mful, pl'('\11cm'•l1i.:, ~,, rhml;'lic tht\'

~'1\.'r.:iilm tlur \'1\:~UlJ r•.tlt:r , hem and g\I!Jl· 1hem rn rbt: VOS$ibillt~ lurhert.;. •ml111,.., 1' h1u \"CIO de~ .m{l lmr\'tf~;•lnmct rr •ar« ill 1btrr .Jnr·•~.A1 tr>r tr.1mau~. ~"'"ir1.~. m.:.~.lmg. r rbt" c:l1=h' \\ci.'~J. that rl~~· \lr~'lr' lu 1h~ I'N~"r.Uil, (1 111 hOO('fl&!h fgr ;h( tr..i uf tltrlf ri\•n. In rl-u: r•r.xr proplr \\ lu1 h.t.lldr '~' ,, 1.•1).:...._ dtgre undC'\t"l Mu:.h 3('111~tS~ '' hik b~lll;i! lull:; mu, h..-M In h¢. reg;rt\l ttmrt~ tur be~ human ~hOi~! w.1\iu..: up In the ::tmt" \-"t.llt. tf Wt wtlb for gte:J.tcr \modom .tnd kindllt'h mth<

....-on.:t. retiupl w.c: could !nrt b;: mhlbitml.! ~ c.wtt bod~· t~,th roome de~ o• l.:indntit. .2Jl.d wndom.- C'\1:n lOr nc= moment Ju.· :teccp:n.og out"' .&,o.e-; a we .,~ with Jdndneu .1nd comp;l:iilllt1 rAther dun rOrcmg ounci\-n to confcm~, II) ioOMc i mronibk idcut The v;orJd would •mmedludy bo- tliii'ac::nt.lf wr. wi,h tQ muke .1 «4~ 1fitTerew:e tn ili.:1. v.;zrl,l. pahi~'~ must fitn-Ieam how to s.tmd. 1n n:b.rloruh1p 10 Qt,.tr 4!""'1l l~ .>~nd w · :W.."D krtdwing:, ot ::at less.t!c:atu :llon;; the W:l)~ w-htch al~> unounG to U!C' •llfl'le thin;, !in« the wo;!d docg not"\\·~it ii'Yr 0$ butu unfolding J.Wng

roth In tr1 iiUifmgo n:"i'prodcy. Aild if Wt w~sh to gt'O\\ or d~~~~~ Qr ~ ~


aad f


• b~ 1.


riC htfl ~1!:11~ .md tht mulnple lrndW\t .wn....hiTunfo!J .t.nt .• •.~b~lowh-;with

JIY 1 tu

iD lflf" w.,y, ptrhapiltl bt I~ stride:or or .tcqnisith"C, or more Conlidcnt or

!t«.er...'U.\ perhaps 'Wt' muu liM ra~t~ 'iknce and ;_tillocH. and know th..t dtinka"g d.;epry• ill 1b.cir wdb to ttsetf ll)d ttun•lotmati-vc through mbr11.nn~ 1n a-w.a.rt:ru:gs. 1bielf \vh!Ah!'-~r we- 6.n.d hnr m Uus momeo:, in.~ dueling ow duf'l)· ingr.m)C'd and u.o,ooru,..--tou.> rcndc:ncics. AU1~t I hi! hill bec.n known IQr ot:ntun,e!. Hut h"bcmi~·c pmctJc-Hld "the w.')' thmg:;.. are,'' hns 1;,unJ.u; w,,,. inm out t.nguagc 111 th.¢ past c.:ntur}' t hrougb jack Ketonac's f.mum~ chan1c-1«~1•Jtion nl h..m~lf M•fi h1~ lx:1~ fnend~ 11, '~l)harm~a B'lm4io~ t.hroo~h thr. pOlti(.lt• ()( \ho;i 1awfu1ntlls uf the Jh:'.u-mll tn:r.n(co:nd.~ 1-u~ f''rtKular time ~1\dw hungcy we. ~lTC to tid it righ~. how !invvtd wr;. ~ fm " cOtltlhtenr, .tulhrnrU:, vJhQIrinwing-of bdng1l1~·.,:,of ~•n.s ~•ndi\'ided, how stu-'\'t:d w-; .ue I'Qr pt';),Cc-of" mind, and huw ~~im1•• 'II lind.11'1g son1t Telirf liom \'ll•~t (lf'Cen seenu. Iike ;,a tt't:J11mill f cndlc:s~ 11it)llknJ ,mJ ctl'l'loli(lnaJ 1~.tiJl

, \tl''ll:tld COI1Utless4dit'C iat"C.S of d~kkhll \'f'Oilld u.r~e in ..:o.lO\' 0


nc: ... IWI1ermg--4r .It lt'ast duu tt ~·un ktl 1h11r, ~ I lt,;.tmbj f'roJJ't tl\i-..·I, ll;rung du; 11111 l)'.lt!Oilt:i lo!:lnu: (0 cit~· :,u·o;~.-.'J' ,. . !\. · Ultc ~ur11l1~t ul dliF¢t ~•nl Tl:'...l§Qn" th JT, ltl rhc end, Wt'ttl't'llly fii!St '· ,.,..'11( 111:' t'.:. b · In ri1Jh and d!fl i,:J ·.tcali) pr.c,mL P:.uenf$ ..;lfC llo chrt.~nically ov~~:nvheiiUC'd th:u rhC!.)' ruo~_y nQt even ii!C lhc:ir ehi.ldren clearly m trany momt'hl,., ot cv~!n thlnk tu pkkup ttnd ltokf the-lin.le tnJt.'li. w~en they a(c -wing1y (I..:S. btp~t-ien~.;c mc-.mi.ngful -connection with J

othm. Wr h11r~t tOr rl.;a- ftcJing of bc-k•ngin~, li:•r the tCcli•~g tli.Jt we 31'

J1.l\' ..:a~

~ a.nd ro:ul1lic s~'lls a t rh1· 11..-wn.l world "'ai bound 11> IIi\ loJ" rl I ~ Q.,.\c;:rtl; to.::~, mood$, .lnd ul ttltiorH F'or ill these .tt:a!iOn,., an\· 11


idi _. ':



have been litr'ofwh• WJ,·~«!d .1 •.uiJIS\ iD evolmiur1. . ('> ~ n\"Vcr h:we b\'C(l Jun~ enough rl) h:~.v~ .:.hlJJn!u .uull\;1;· Jr"'blUI .. uJ ntfl.tf1tl1'lrltl 1u rh~

f!')'d1.'1f. 01 nut11te, nf the: d~y .md n( the 1 'J auJ ...,f the ;al'n•, lnn;J I1CIMC ll~rc we-n~ o.:lodo :aod Eil.l he !:oc-ru;ed c:vru though they were umaJJy rRVJ1•ble Chattgtng ..oru. wmd 110d wc.;~rhcr light 1nd mght. mM~no tmo, nvcn, trr:ct, oc:cuu. and c>eett.n ctJrretm,ftdtb, pU.m an,j lftlm.tlr, w•Mer· ~ .rut rhc. wild tpcak ro "' nTII mrw They nMtc- w md cut}' us b;1,ck 111tn thr prnmt th.u they ddinc "n'l :m·alw-..J m (and we fou, o:n-pltlur wro ( ~ell TI1ey hdf' u l&t tox:u iirid ro auend to wlut 1 lmpmV~t. JC• mmd !I • '" Mll~ ()hvtT" dt-g»ndy fllrlir-.ll rhraat, u( ·.,.,rr Ill the ranul~ c,f th.ln • ;,Je

U....t u•mh h

han~tf fnr m w


~~~~ hundrrd yc:;~n, ~ we hn'l't.t

k(rr.A '"'"·•V fw llll.lm.~..~;y With the niilfllt.a.l world o~nd o~ldttlrnt: ~•l1UICCI ettm'H to the cutt!llllln"•ty Into w)i.U.}, W•.· were lmm. And th.u du.J,j.;r!: h:-• br.;ome e;vcn tnrnr triklu~ m th,r: i'-'~' hftmhl:ldutu:nt .1u~t lh~l.HU:C It' WIW h:mftr '"pol)' ;~~ltqil}llu I•• 1H1~ .,,., 1!11ng Jnd 1hcre t motr. I Q Itt) tlnlttllfl W. \No· IHt' u t1y rhvt"ITCJI Jnd rur.rt (".1 tly J•) be mindf\11of 311 r.hc nr.w .lndjmtre:i!ling,ly pow'e:•·fltl ways ;~.Vailab!e to us, wl1h more on cht: ''rtJY (.l,le::y day a'nd ,ev..:rr year, thtt>U_gh which we ran and will ~e ~J-ble f\"1 lo.~ 'lUN-dve;; in the onter a1ul forge1 the ir'lt\r{r an.P bcxoJlle v-v1:11 more UUI Q( tOuch Wi(h ourseiW!~. .

1'h~ l'tlore we aa·c ~ntmi 1,ed imo du: f)utcr worJ,d io aU ud .i\'k Stone. And that is wh:n we tl('e ltr.;mg the: skiUs [(rr, bec.IUf 4~k 11) lot~ ;;.-.mntL.ltti ''' tm' u:ll phone tu J>~~r

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J:e GKX azd eo« ~Uf'.r-..«- :io.n !:2Z ~

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wrtrlttrl r • •rrrlttt 1 ' tl 11 Ia •m , hf,rl w.rlklllft d· ''" t1 '" Jl p IJ •• ,, l .. ~u I" " !..Lo 1 rlt 1., •mrr 1o1 "'''l It' w I .~ t II pi mt It til 1 ~· rJvur• urcr•r ,,, d~r N~t1 Yot/l I 111.1!\ ~HI "''' ,,. 1 1 no~ I A /,.,, I''' II, \VI 11 M•t ,,, "" t }lh ,- v,ot w•r"'l , ,llf •ntJZiu' lhtn,Jt: 1'1 '' 11 llofllt ~~~~ V••"' ..,.,,, J'h!• • ,ruywl.rN"" \1 I lot 1 WI tllltCin, tune (th(': time bctw~n 111fimtttvcnt\) spcc!d~rup. Thi$.'tmo.IJary, which lw c'lllh lhc L11w of A¢t~l · 10 11

t l.h~ \1'11 rvrr n•Ui~cJ rk.1~ tbr tnwurd ·t>no;c .,f run¢ \]u~"" ch.nn;l'e rnanllove yean; :md tht' (rcqtJt'.ncy vf sud. event~ dto::rcascs uvcr nmc, "'Cfl·-a$ 1be !c\'CI of chaos m tlt¢,:.ystcn• (~-a)i furcltunplt!, unpn:dictnblt: life e'lt:llts)jntrc>l').e»-T he 1nfuv:1l betw'(;:Cil mll¢$to!\i.~ \l\'tms i11 uhhrt and rhu~ the (di ~cn'c 41£ c:hiJdbood 1!l •m.c of rime!eSfi)C.SS.. ~r of time"''Ct)' ilowly. We ore luirdly ':lvtar¢ nf it, vre (rim.t~lx-o.\'Cc.H n we. lu.d btllt L')lp!ore tho fuU ~pemoirc of ~r hum.ulity and our evQiution;.ry mll
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