Comfort Class Transport

April 19, 2018 | Author: junkieanne | Category: N/A
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Comfort Class Transport Introduction

What is going on? •

Need to do something now Can grow geographically and grow revenue Competitor can copy easily Fragmented, no barrier to entry Customers are happy  –

1! growth e"pected for the ne"t # years

CCT only has had customer service call center problems

What are the symptoms of problems at CCT? •

Complaints from customers and internally from the sales function $igh rates of abandoned calls with most % hour periods e"ceeding the industry standard of &!, the rate averages ''()! *ow capacity utili+ation using 11#( seconds for the weighted capacity of tal-ing time plus hold time C./ wor-ing on other things besides calls  Time spent not available to ta-e calls is &(#! C./ spend time without reporting how they are using it

Capacity utili+ation is number of calls ta-en0 incoming net of abandoned calls time the average call duration divide by ma"imum available time 1 seconds per half hour period per C./2 Ignores all wor- done by C./ other than responding to calls .hould the C./s time spent on wor-0related non0phone be subtracted from capacity? 3r add to the time of ta-ing calls? 4oth of which ma-e the capacity utili+ation loo- better

 5ou need to sift though data and analysis No complicated statistics 1( 6naly+e call center capacity '( 7uantify the problems #( .uggest solutions to the demand capacity imbalance •

8ropose a plan for addressing the problems 1( 7uantify performance problems and 9nancial cost '( :o not need to -now why they occurred #( :o not over complicate the problem )( $ave you thought about the timeline for action? •

 5ou are measuring and managing capacity  The in;uence of procedures and performance measure system on outcomes 1( .ome
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