Combust Planets and Remedy in Astrology

April 25, 2017 | Author: Vipan Kumar | Category: N/A
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Combust Planets with remedies...


Combust Planets and Remedy in Astrology When a planet comes very close to the Sun the planets considered combust. Sun illuminate where sit in the house. Sun combust the planet so that we can see our mistake. Sun is purifying planet, it is mild malefic, cruel, and purifying the things which we needed for our soul growth. Every planet represent certain qualities when a planet is combust it loses its positive qualities. Due to heat of Sun the planets which are close to Sun does not feel comfortable and it becomes angry or frustrate and lacks the power of what they represents as living karaka and the house they rule. If the combust planet is a functional malefic for the chart……and /or the lord of 6,8, 12th house…or the combustion occurs in the dusthans....then the malefic impact of combust planet is even more severe. 3. Natural enemies of sun are more impacted by combustion. 4. If sun is a malefic for the chart. 5. Conjunction with or the aspect of a malefic on the combust planet increases the severity of combustion 6. If the combust planet is Lagna lord also. Effect of combust planet: 1. During it’s period 2. More importantly when a slow moving malefic transits over the combust planet or it’s Mool Trikona house or over the ascendant if the combust planet also happens to be the lagna lord. 3. When the combust planet transits over the natal combust planet…….if it is a fast moving planet and the dasa/antara of the planet is running. Let us say if a person get burned. What happens to that person? The person feel pain, irritated, angry and physically uncomfortable. Same Thing happens with the planets when they come close to sun. Every planet give different result when they are combust, because they represent different areas of life. Combustion as the result of certain life lessons and energies not being validated in our childhood, many times by the father (The Sun). In such cases, as a child the father or authority figure may have been too busy or just emotionally unavailable themselves to validate and honour the needs of the native relative to the combust planet. e.g. Combust Venus would show a child who, when wanting to show love, affection and appreciation, was rejected by a parent too busy, rigid or unconcerned. Their affection and love was not appreciated and a deep hypersensitivity surrounding love, affection and feeling appreciated was the result. Anytime a planet it falls within that degree with sun, the Sun rays will be combust the planet. These degrees of combustion are: Moon: 12 degrees Mars: 17 degrees Mercury: 14 degrees – 12 degrees when retrograde Jupiter: 11 degrees Venus: 10 degrees when direct, 8 degrees when retrograde Saturn: 15 degrees

Moon is said to be combust when it comes within 12 degrees on either side of the Sun.

Mercury is said to be combust when it comes within 14 degrees on either side of the Sun provided Mercury is in forward Motion. When Mercury is in Retrograde motion, the degree of closeness for combustion of Mercury becomes 12 degrees. Venus is said to be combust when it comes within 10 degrees on either side of the Sun, provided Venus is in forward motion. When Venus is in Retrograde motion, the degree of closeness for combustion of Venus becomes 8 degrees. Mars is said to be combust when it comes within 17 degrees on either side of the Sun. Jupiter is said to be combust when it comes within 11 degrees on either side of the Sun. Saturn is said to be combust when it comes within 15 degrees on either side of the Sun. Rahu and Ketu never become combust due to their closeness to Sun as they are shadow planets. When a planet becomes combust, it becomes weak by combustion and thus it becomes unable to protect its significances fully and produce proper results unlike a planet which is not combust and is capable of producing proper results. So the study of combust planets becomes very important in order to make predictions about the significances ruled by these planets in different horoscopes. Combust planets need to be strengthened in order to get proper results for the significances ruled by them. But strengthening the combust planets is not a simple task and takes expertise. The job is comparatively easy when the combust planet in a horoscope is working positively. In case of positive combust planets in a horoscope, the best and the easiest remedy to strengthen these planets is to wear gemstones for the combust planets. Wearing gemstones for the positive combust planets provides them extra strength and they become capable of protecting their significances and producing proper results. But in case, a combust planet in a horoscope is working negative in that horoscope, it becomes comparatively difficult to strengthen that planet. In case of negative combust planets, gemstones cannot be prescribed for these planets, as gemstones should not be worn for negative planets, even if such negative planets are combust. Strengthening negative combust planets with the help of gemstones can cause very bad results and thus use of gemstones should be avoided in case of negative combust planets and gemstones should only be used for strengthening positive combust planets. In case of negative combust planets, the strength is provided with the help of Mantras and Poojas for these combust planets and not by using gemstones. For example if Mercury is negative and combust in a horoscope, the best way to strengthen Mercury for that horoscope, so that it may produce proper results regarding its significances is to chant the Beej Mantra of Mercury for as many

times a day as is prescribed by your astrologer and for as long a duration of time as is prescribed by your astrologer. However this process is slow and may not show results as fast as the application of gemstones for the positive combust planets. And apart from that this process requires dedicated time and discipline on daily basis to chant the Mantras for the combust planet or planets. That is why it is considered comparatively difficult as compared to the application of gemstones. Another way of strengthening the combust planets with the help of Mantras is getting a Pooja performed for the combust planet. In this process a certain count of Mantras for the combust planet, which is usually 125,000 and is chanted by a set of 2 to 5 Pandits in a time period ranging from 3 days to 8 days, on behalf of the horoscope holder and the fruit of this Jaap of Mantras is transferred to the horoscope holder by means of Sankalpas done under the guidance of Vedic System of Karma Vidhaan and Vedic Astrology. So the Mantras are chanted by the Pandits and the fruit is given to the horoscope holder, and all this process works out at a much faster pace than chanting the Mantras by yourself which may require years to accomplish a count of 125,000 Mantras for a combust planet. The best suggested remedial combination for negative combust planets is to get a Pooja performed first and then start chanting the Mantra for that planet on daily basis if you are able to do it.

Combust Moon (conjunction of Sun and Moon) represents emotions, mother, mind, peace and connection, psychology of the person. When moon get combust the person have dull and restless mind and lot of anger because moon gets evaporate in sun heat. This leaves the native unable to feel peaceful and connected. The native have hard time with mother and feels lack of nourishment from mother due to that the native can go in depression and agony. Combust Mars (conjunction of Sun and Mars): Mars represent strength to fight, anger with in us, courage, willpower, principle and discipline. When Mars is combust it show too much aggression. Combust Mars feels frustrated as it does not feel powerful, tough or courageous enough. The native become very sensitive and argumentative and have a “win at all costs” attitude. Combust Mercury (conjunction of Sun and Mercury) represents communication, analytical and intellectual power, flexibility and rational thinking. When Mercury is Combust there is lot of confusion, the native loses his analytical and intellectual power and not able to take right decisions. The person become lazy in his decision making. There is lot of miscommunication and misunderstanding with people. Combust Jupiter (conjunction of Sun and Jupiter) represent money, moral, believe, wisdom, luck, higher education, husband in women life children, creativity, spiritualism and religion. Jupiter is a very important planet because it control many things in life. When Jupiter is Combust native suffer many areas of life. The native may feel frustrated due to lack of hope and feeling of purposelessness and unworthiness. The native become very rigid in his believe and very dogmatic. The native may suffer relating with the kids, marriage and higher education and finance. Combust Venus (conjunction of Sun and Venus) represents luxury, relationship, love, beauty, creativity, art, vehicle, mutual respect and appreciation. Venus represents sociability and tends to be easy-going and affectionate. The native with a combust Venus has a hard time feeling valued and appreciated. This left the native insecure about showing affection and maintaining a healthy sense of dignity when looking for affection. The native feels disrespected and lack of appreciation from others.

They feel they are not appreciated, respected and not loved. Sun with Venus give more than one relationship in someone life. Sun is the planet of power, authority and career, and Venus is the planet of relationship. These people have situation in their life whether they want to choose career or relationship. Depending on the sign which planet is strong they get result. This the reason for these people they may separate or get away from their partner. if they understood this part of this conjunction they can avoid many problems in relationship. Sun is the ultimate power in the power of Sun, Venus (relationship) may suffer. They people need to learn to give importance to others. Combust Saturn (conjunction of Sun and Saturn) represents career, boss in office, structure, organization, mass people, labour work, hard work and responsibility. Saturn is the main planet for carrier when Saturn is combust the native have lot of carrier problem due to their attitude they feel overburden towards responsibilities. They have problem with their boss in office. There is the feeling that “I have done enough” as resentments build about even the most basic duties in personal or professional situations. The person develop bitterness and feeling of being overworked. Due to this unwillingness to simply perform their duties situations often messes up. Combust Rahu and Ketu they does not combust but they engulf the sun when they sits with sun. In this case sun loses his all good qualities. Sun with Rahu (conjunction of Sun and Rahu) show a native may appear very confident but there is usually stress and fear beneath the surface revolving around a lack of confidence because sun is our ego and confidence and Rahu is fear and anxiety. These people are very egoistic and they think they are very important personality and show importance to others. They may have bad relationship with father. Overtime, a person become very realistic about their own importance and greater understanding of themselves beyond the level of personality. Sun with Ketu (conjunction of Sun with Ketu) show lack of confidence because Ketu want perfection, they don't know about their confidence because Ketu is hidden planet. But they are very confident inside. Remedies of Combust Planets: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

The cause of combustion is the sun, so one should worship sun. Surya namaskar in the morning, Surya Namaskar is good way to manage stress. Pour milk on shivling on Saturday in the morning before 12 pm. Meditation, if we do meditation we can better understand our flaws and try to fix that. Respect father or fatherly figure.

Sun is mild malefic satwic planet, sun is purifier of our negative energy, here is the message of sun which planet is combust the person needs to understand that planet energy and should try to fix that. Combust Mars in 1st House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 1st house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can trouble the native with financial problems and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic influence may have to live in bad or below average financial conditions throughout their life. Malefic combust Mars in 1st house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope and it can also form Manglik Dosh in 1st house of the horoscope and the combined malefic influence of these two defects can trouble the native with severe problems in this married life and some of these natives may have to face broken marriage or divorce. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in the 1st house of a horoscope can trouble the native with serious and life threatening diseases and accordingly some of these natives may have to die at a young age or a very young age due to some serious disease which may demand multiple surgeries. The best kind of Sun Mars

combination can happen in 1st house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with a post of power and authority in police force, army or some other defense related service and such a benefic combination of Sun and Mars can also render a healthy and strong body, courage, determination and bravery to the native. Combust Mars in 2nd House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 2nd house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can trouble the native on account of financial problems and accordingly some natives suffering from such combust Mars may have to face serious financial crisis in their lives. Malefic combust Mars in 2nd house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope by afflicting the Sun and such a malefic combust Mars can also form Manglik dosh in the horoscope and the combined malefic effect of these two doshas can break 2 or 3 marriages of the native and it can make the native suffer from great troubles and pains through his marriage or marriages. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope can destroy all financial possibilities for the native and such a native may have to live the life of a beggar. Such malefic combination can also cause serious problems in marriage and married life of the native. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 2nd house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with good, very good or great amount of money and wealth and such a benefic combination can also give very good results regarding the married life of the native and it can also bless the native with name and fame. Combust Mars in 3rd House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 3rd house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can cause problems in professional sphere of the native and it can also spoil the relations of the native with his brothers, sisters or friends. Malefic combust Mars in 3rd house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope and the natives under the malefic influence of such Pitra dosh may have to suffer injuries during some kind of violence or accidents. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 3rd house of a horoscope can create worst kind of results for the native and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic combination can engage in hardcore criminal activities like murders, terrorism and kidnapping and some of these natives may die at young or very young age during some criminal activity, in an encounter with police or army or in some serious accident. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 3rd house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with top class post in police, army or in other kinds of internal or external defense services. Such a benefic combination of Sun and Mars can produce some of the best warriors or war heads of their times and it can also produce top class sports players particularly the ones who deal in physical sports.

Combust Mars in 4th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 4th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can trouble the native on account of health related problems and accordingly some of these natives may have to suffer from diseases which can sometimes be very painful and permanent in nature. Malefic combust Mars in 4th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope by afflicting the Sun and such a malefic Mars can also form Manglik dosh in 4th house of the horoscope and the combined malefic influence of these two defects can trouble the native on account of serious or very serious problems in marriage and married life and it can also create problems in professional sphere of the native. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can prove disastrous for the health and married life of the native and accordingly some of these natives may have to live through very painful and violent marriages whereas some other such natives may suffer more than one divorces. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 4th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with top class results in professional life as well as in married life and some of these natives can also become very powerful and popular public leaders who can give a new direction to the masses. Combust Mars in 5th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 5th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can create problems related to financial prosperity and education of the native and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic influence may have to discontinue their education on account of one problem or the other whereas some other such natives may not get proper value for their education. Malefic combust Mars in 5th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of problems related to child birth as well as problems related to profession. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 5th house of a horoscope can create some disasters for the native and some natives under such malefic influence may have to face very serious issues or related to child birth or denial of a child and such a malefic combination present in the horoscope of a female can cause multiple abortions, serious diseases related to reproductive organs and in some extreme cases, such a female may die while giving birth to his child. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 6th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with very healthy and capable male children and such benefic influence can also bless the native with very good financial prosperity, name and fame. Combust Mars in 6th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 6th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can create problems in financial sphere of the native due to which some natives suffering from this malefic influence may have to face financial tightness or financial crisis many times in their lives. Malefic combust Mars in 6th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope by afflicting the Sun and the native under the malefic influence of such Pitra dosh can trouble the native

on account of court cases, disputes, litigations and diseases. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can cause very serious problems for the native due to which some of these natives may have to suffer from life threatening diseases and they may have to undergo surgeries multiple times in their lives whereas some other such natives may have to face serious financial, wealth or reputational losses through court cases and litigations and some of these natives may have to go to jail on account of some court decisions going against them. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 6th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can give very good results related to professional sphere of the native and accordingly some of these natives may be seen sitting one high level posts in various defense departments whereas some other such natives may become renowned doctor and particularly surgeons, legal arms dealers, lawyers and some other professionals. Combust Mars in 7th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 7th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can cause problems in married life as well as professional sphere of the native and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic influence are likely to have serious problems in their marriage whereas some other such natives may have to face losses through profession. Malefic combust Mars in 7th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope and such malefic combust Mars can also form Manglik dosh in the horoscope and the combined malefic effect of such Manglik dosh and Pitra dosh can easily break one or two marriages of the native and it can cause serious disturbances in the married life. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun can cause disasters for marriage and married life of the native and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic influence may not get married at all throughout their lives whereas some other such natives may have to face many broken and painful marriages. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 7th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with a very good marriage and such a benefic combination can also give very good financial gains to the native through business and accordingly some natives under the effect of such benefic influence of Sun and Mars may become very rich and successful through business. Such a benefic combination of Sun and combust Mars can also take the native to foreign lands and some of these natives may settle in some foreign country on permanent basis. Combust Mars in 8th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 8th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can reduce the lifespan of the native and such combust Mars can also make the native suffer from injuries or surgeries more than once in his life. Malefic combust Mars in the horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope and it can also form Manglik dosh in 8th house of the horoscope and the combined malefic influence of these two defects can create serious problems in marriage and

married life of the native and as a result, some of these natives may not get married until late or very late in their lives whereas some other such natives may have to suffer from more than one broken marriages. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 8th house of a horoscope can prove deadly or fatal for the native and such a malefic influence can reduce the lifespan of the native to great extent and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic influence may die at young or very young age through some fatal disease, some accident or through some planned or unplanned attack on their lives and some extreme cases some natives suffering from this double malefic influence may die during their childhood years by means of some fatal disease of accident. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 8th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with post of profit and authority in government departments like police force or army and such a benefic combination of combust Mars and Sun can also give big financial gains to the native through profession, inheritance or some other means. Combust Mars in 9th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 9th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can create problems in married life of the native and such a malefic influence can also deteriorate the relations of the native with his father, grandfather or other male members of his father’s family and some of these natives may have serious difference with their fathers. Malefic combust Mars in 9th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope by afflicting the Sun as well as 9th house of a the horoscope and the natives suffering from this double Pitra dosh may have to face serious problems in their professional sphere as well as problems related to their health and age. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 9th house of a horoscope can again form a very strong double Pitra dosh in the horoscope due to affliction of malefic Mars to the Sun and due to affliction of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun to the 9th house of a horoscope and such double Pitra dosh can trouble the native on account of problems in profession, problems related to finances as well as problems related to health and age and accordingly some of these natives may die at a comparatively young age due to some serious and fatal disease or accident whereas some of these natives may commit a violent crime like murder and they may have to spend a big part of their life in jail or prison due to this. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 9th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can give top class authority and recognition to the native and accordingly some of these natives may achieve top class posts in police, army or other defense related services. Such a benefic combination of combust Mars and Sun can also bless the native with settlement in some foreign country on permanent basis and such natives can make very good money and wealth in foreign countries. Combust Mars in 10th House of a Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 10th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can make the native engage in criminal activities or criminal professions and

accordingly some of these natives may become criminals by profession and they may engage in various kinds of criminal activities which may land them in big trouble or in jail more than once in their lives. Malefic combust Mars in 10th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope by afflicting the Sun and such Pitra dosh can make the native become hardcore criminal like murderer, kidnapper, terrorist and other such kinds of criminal and some of these natives may engage in acts of mass destruction or mass killings. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 10th house of a horoscope can form a very bad combination and accordingly some natives suffering from such malefic influence may have to remain jobless for many years of their life and some of these natives may remain jobless for almost their entire life. Such a malefic combination can also trouble the native on account of serious financial losses through profession and on account of health related problems and diseases. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 10th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can bless the native with a top class post of power and authority in some government or in some private organization and some of these natives can also become powerful political leaders or non political leaders who have a huge number of mass following. Combust Mars in 11th House of a Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 11th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can create problems related to the financial and professional sphere of the native and accordingly some natives under this malefic influence may have to face tight financial situation or financial crisis many times in their lives. Malefic combust Mars in 11th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope which can trouble the native on account of financial problems as well as problems related to childbirth and children and accordingly some natives suffering from such Pitra dosh may witness delay or problems in childbirth. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 11th house of a horoscope can make the native jobless for a long period of time and such a malefic combination can also make the native live in financial crisis, throughout his life. Some natives suffering from such malefic combination of combust Mars and Sun can also get afflicted with serious and life threatening diseases and they may have to spend great amount of money towards the treatment of these diseases. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 11th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can give excellent results regarding the financial prosperity and profession of the native and accordingly some natives under this influence rise to great financial standards and they make huge amount of profits from their professions. Such a benefic combination of combust Mars and Sun can also render a post of position, power and authority to the native in some government or in some private organization. Combust Mars in 12th House of Horoscope : Combustion of Mars in 12th house of a horoscope by malefic Sun can trouble the native on account of health related issues and accordingly some natives suffering from such malefic influence may have to face many kinds of health problems and diseases

in their life. Malefic combust Mars in 12th house of a horoscope can form Pitra dosh in the horoscope by afflicting the Sun and such malefic combust Mars can also form Manglik dosh in the horoscope and the combined malefic effect of these two doshas can create serious problems in marriage and married life of the native due to which some of such natives may get married late or very late in their lives whereas some other such natives may have to face broken marriages. A combination of malefic combust Mars and malefic Sun in 12th house of a horoscope can be deadly and it can trouble the native on account of serious problems in his married life, serious health related problems or fatal diseases and serious problems in financial sphere due to which some natives suffering from such malefic influence may even choose to end their life by committing suicide. The best kind of Sun Mars combination can happen in 12th house of a horoscope when both Sun and Mars are benefic in horoscope and the combustion of Mars is not very strong and in this case such a benefic combination can get the native settled in some foreign land and some of these natives can join defense forces in some foreign country like some of these natives may get foreign citizenship and then they may join the police force or army there. Such a benefic combination of combust Mars and Sun can also bless the native with very good health and financial prosperity. Hence the presence of combust Mars in various houses of a horoscope can give various kinds of malefic as well as benefic results to the native under its influence and these results generally depend upon the nature of Sun and Mars in a horoscope, the strength of Sun and Mars in a horoscope, the placement of such combination in some specific signs and houses of a horoscope, the extent of combustion of Mars in a horoscope, impact of other benefic as well as malefic planets on this combination of Sun and Mars, presence of other good and bad yogas in the horoscope and some other important aspects of the horoscope.

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