Combined Legal Ethics n Profession Case Digest
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CASE DIGEST FOR LEGAL ETHICS 1. Vil Villegas legas v. Legaspi Legaspi G.R. G.R. No. L-538 L-538! ! "a#$% "a#$% &5' 1!8& &. Ala(i v. Ala)*a A.". SDC !+-&, Fe#)a#* &/'1!!+0 3. Lees2a v. Cli2a$o G.R. No L-&3815 )4e &8'1!+/ /. I4 Re %e I4eg#aio4 o6 %e 7a# o6 %e ,%ilippi4es /! SCRA && 1!+30 5. Sal$eo v. v. He#4a4e G.R. No. L-/&!!& L-/&!!& A)g)s 8'1!35 . ,%il. La(*e#s Asso$iaio4 v. Ag#ava Ag#ava G.R. No. L-1&/& Fe#)a#* 1'1!5! +. ,eople v. A9)i4o G.R. No. L-&3!:8 8. Go4ales v. Alva#e Alva#e G.R. No. L1!:+& !. Do#ao v. v. ,ila# A.C. No. &3 O$oe# &8'1!58 &8'1!58 1:. 7la4a v. A#$a4gle A#$a4gle A.C. No. /!& Sepe2ve# 5'1!+ 11. Co-,e#e v. v. La4i4 G.R. No. &&3&: )l* &!'1!8 1&. STa. "a#ia v. T)aso4 A.C. No. 3! )l* 31'1!/ 13. Delgao v. CA G.R. No. /3!& Nove2e# 1:'1!8 1/. ,eople v. Log#o4io G.R. No. !&/1 O$oe# 13'1!!& 15. ,eople v. A)g)si4 G.R. No. 11:&!: a4)a#* &5'1!!5 1. ,eople v. Holgao G.R. No. L&8:! "a#$% &&'1!: 1+. Tela4 v. CA G.R. No. !5:& O$oe# /'1!!1 18. ,eople v. Ni$olas G.R. No. 88381:8& Nove2e# &1'1!!1 1!. ,eople v. Sa4os G.R. No. 11+8+3 De$e2e# &&'1!!+ &:. "i#a4a v. CA &1. Hila Hilao o v. v. Nava##o Nava##o &&. I4 Re Eilio4 Eilio4 A.". A.". No. 1!&8' A)g)s A)g)s 3'1!+8 3'1!+8
Villegas v. v. Legaspi G.R. No. L-538! "a#$% &5' 1!8&
RA;L A. VILLEGAS' petitioner, ASSE"7L-/A/0- ' #espo4e4-appellee $AC3G Attorney Vicente =. $rancisco filed a motion for reconsideration 4ith regards to a case that is pending in court. >e 4as said to have inserted a paragraph in his motion 4hich the court finds to contain inecusable disrespect of the authority of the court and an intentional contempt of its dignity. 3he phrasesG . . . and constitutes an outrage to the rights of the petitioner $elipe 5alcedo and a mockery of the popular 4ill epressed at the polls . . . . . . . because 4e should not 4ant that some citizen, particularly some voter of the municipality of 3iaong, 3ayabas, resort to the press publicly to denounce, as he has a right to do, the is conduct must, perforce, be par ecellence, especially so 4hen, as in this case, he vol"nteers his professional services. espondent here has not lived up to that ideal standard. %t 4as unnecessary to have complainants 4ait, and hope, for si long years on their pension claims. ;pon their refusal to co&operate, respondent should have forth4ith terminated their professional relationship instead of keeping them hanging indefinitely. And altho 8e voted that he not be reprimanded, in a legal sense, let this be a reminder to Atty. Arcangel of 4hat the high standards of his chosen profession re2uire of him. Accordingly, the case against respondent is dismissed. 5o ordered
G.R. No. L-&&3&: )l* &!' 1!8 "ERCEDES R;TH CO77-,ERE@ a4 Da2aso ,e#e' ,eiio4e# V HON. GREGORIO LANTIN #espo4e4
1ercedes uth Cobb&Perez and 0amaso Peres !petitioners" resorted to a series of actions and petitions abetted by their counsel for the sole purpose of th4arting the eecution of a simple money eldG 3he fact becomes inescapable that the Perez spouses, coached by their counsels, had sallied forth on a strategem of :remedies: proolgado!appellant" 4as charged in the court of $irst %nstance 4ith slight illegal detention for kidnapping and illegally detaining Artemia $arbreag of her personal liberty. 0uring the 3rial, the eldG ne of the great principles of
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