Combat Tracking Techniques
July 26, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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earntoe oreneofe ae a orhtandhearn Don'ttobervethetranterprethatthe ean ettono orene td theterrort'operatnproedrehabtand epent epertentdon't oethe tonhen o oethepoor/tra r tofndtaan Y Y
Yraeretthepae eordthetartpont a no orpoton
onfronaera poor eepnva ontat dentf theorrettra
evera onrondpoor etntothearr 'nd
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eattntreddt-f ede edrena nethrob eane etrrverthroh orbod a oearhthenear b bhver nervefee fortheene onothereoehere ornthabeenabhedandtheerr ahavebroenontatandf edt eatthat¶hat othnf or nt ore -tranedorboth oa havefeornoaa teand orb oodptoetthebatard heprob ehototra orene oda ¶erenar o dera theprodtof-t edtehno oa -orentedareandahhahad tt e experenentranpeop eea aforenerbrohtntotab eadeperatetatonortoba otoee hee edbandoperatnontraneterrannderdff tondtontharna troop
!erhap oho dthnbatoafeonthear erhen ofrtbeanthoperatonand et¶ae oare operatnonafar on-terontrat orfrtonerntheterranoan¶ttrantf odon¶thaveardentar no edeofthe a ofthe and!rortooperatnnthearea oho ddea havepentafeda a atn ortroopfthe are not oa bo Drnthperodthorohaptdethava ab eaparphotoandeventornde anbehe pf xtratdeta edbrefnfrothe oa po e tar offa andpop atona to oa farernatvean onehohabeenntheareanhh o beoperatn orepentho dbeoran eddrnthperodae andan reeda trannneear ondted!a pea attentontoaof aeerea oreardardtheneenta andnpetthetroopfortheae"arr foodaterand antonandoa htapob eoetraerdre etheene andeaptredeaponhhe pf f oare tranotde oronontr andntoene -donatedontre
xereaton arenberofpeop edreedntheorretnforhave beenhotnerrorb therontroop#ehtheproandonaref o tr to earnahabotnatvefe draftapob eodothe ethe terrantorvve?#heredothe etfoodandaterandhatdothe efor expedenttoo andeapon? td a nforatonon oa eathert haveadefnteeffeton or operatonandhene ortran en tnthenatvefpob etoteah
oabot oa veetaton o anexe entrvva nforatonhha he p oaedeonato ene oveentfhefarfrohpp baehe atteptto veoffthe andtotanorevenexpand hoperatonepea fnatveatanedenedh oeverdonotaethattheene anexe entbhantbeaehendenotothatontnentn $hodeano aand%o abeterrorthavebeenfondandern otandtarvnbeaethe ere a otraner % tranntrtorne ootonere atedthatheo dtraand veotan herebtthatheffetveneo d bereat rededotdehnatveareaandoneent honfdenenhab t o dfferndheaonderedto bethebettraern$hodeaf onotherondandareofortab ent oa read havea&perentedeonthe ene odrn orterrantd notenatvetoandatteptto earnoeofthe anaeandfo orehtaeteand effortandonhort-terob benear pob ebtf ohavethetet pa bdvdendta ve othe neear edetooeotofthenextontatathe'hap´ratherthanthe'hp´
eanahnforatonapob eabotana d fentheareat benva ab entranandf or nextpp o nabhedorthearteratere tandretretotheothof(rane oant feed
Y eond no orene hebetter ondertandhhotveapratontrathabttatand atttdethereater ortata edeonhare t o beab etornhtorondoonerne o ndertandtheene orta beoeheaer fpob eeepnoteontatep o edaant orntandotherpo eandpara- tar rop oofor patternoftheene nenera andpefoandernpart ar#athhtandardoperatnproedre andreordhreponeto ortatnte enea extree tedtoaerenar obe oron borbever peeofnforatonava ab eto o othat ohaveoedeaatotheene andthetaton oa nvetatethefeab t ofnnatve traereeot oa athorteatohotheheadan oa heforÔ headandh oatonhenth oneoftheoffa honontothehefapproahhfortheataneoftheotre ab eeffenttraer ntheareaoa havedff t nehea ben path ththeerr aortp anared a h fearfpob eandbepreparedtooffertopaeandprotetonforthetraerandtherfa ehthe on a toareoeeb aneof o a t nvetatean natvea eof tar aehohtbeeen reveneaanttheterrort)ethto oradvantae #hendea nthnatvetroopbefrfarandhonetefrend btnotfa arandtreatthethrepetandaord thethednt dethertatonnthetrbe;reatthee btnot avh %aerethe ndertandexat hat expetedoftheanddetheadeate nthefe deveraean thnanda a bedeveeverproethe an thnn e oande veredate andnever etothenan tatonon ta trtandrepet eep the o a to o
ne ohaveep o ed ortraer oa bep edatohotoaethereffetvene!robab the otpotvea toeehooftenthe trantoontatfthe areontant benfredonfrtthen or troopareon arna t peoodtraer beab etote hofaraheadtheene anda ert ototh fato oanreetaroverororefo o-ptrooptorenfore orpatro neofthepreertraern$hodeaanfran"ne oothaperona traedntoand ed *&-p terrortnethearbean#hatevenorerearab eand ear deontratehproethe fatthathehatraedand oatedtethatnberofterrortthottheene rea nhpreenent the fo o-ptroopattaedeova ab ethathenoreponb efortranntranperonne fortheentre $hodeanr andon a edothenpefterrortoanderarepetedofoperatnnthearea hart ehabeenrttentohe p of ohtobeoeabettertraerortonoenohtoproper ep o andoandtranteahno ede notae oatraern prateprateand orepratenderexpertpervon dothat YY ofortheotportantapetototra(rtp ho oa andph a prepareforthehntoho dben oodph a ondtonthexe entreerveoftanaa ertreaonab e fedandabovea onfdentn ore fand
orenoa beforedtotrave forda nderadvereondtonthotfoodandth tt eateratafatpaeand tndertreendoenta treranrerenteneonentratontanaandane efordeta
eond otnohatto ooforhenreadnpoor+tra,#hen obentrantr poorn are ropnea terranforhortdtane)a oftrondthnee-hhrabetendotthreeorfor peop ethntrtontoa forabotfveto &ntedependnonthebhrothandthenretnt o fndtheorattentonpanatfrt behortand o tendtodorae o oethepoor oftenbtdon¶torr o-oneabornbhanepatentandonentrateonthepoor obeoeore
aareofhatto ooforthe eofpooranbe enthenednt orpoor a erarevena&-ntehead tarthanbeextendedtohornt the are a npoorntheornnand oaretran aterntheda oaretran ooforevdene+tran,ofdtrbedra;bentb ade revea thedretonoftrave hetopofthera pontnthedretontheperona nftheene hapaedthrohafternre thede bedtrbedandafantdarenedarea revea htra #athforbroenpdereborobeb #henexannpoora a eep orhead ht pand oo to & ardaheadof ot enab e o toeethepoorbetterdeternethedretonofoveentandeepa ertfor e abhareaftheterrort noorpethebenfo oedhe tr toet op ea ertpatentandaref #athforrothathavebeenovertrnedhedarde bepor o eethe preonontherondheretonereted thohd-da heat dr thero tte othe terrorton horaheadof of ofndtntheornnthenhehabeenovnprortonrehe darerandettertherothe oer orarr %hof¶traneannotnhatotofontextnnatreandrea ntheae%ovefrontonanda a be reof or atonfrednbefore ooveontothenexthereareoforetheobvofootprntnthednear treaandaterho eanda onand rver; eaveonp antthathavebeenbroennoedoffortrnedothatthe ht nderdeontratththerrondn;ffedtreebarordrapedfropanbootandthepreonofrf ebtt benedartheoranepteep opeforetheretheo dfavorteb oodontheveetatonandtra #athfordardedratonpaaefoodtnandevendroppedordardeddoent)troopn-etnaereea traednotb reent tn efo aebtb thernevtab etra of.oo -dpaaene ohavedentfedthepoor tr todentf thet peoffootearftendfferenterr aropeardfferentt pebooterrortn$hodeahavebeen edandaptredarr ntoorthreet peofhoeandearntoorthreehrtandpantattheaete!%aere theprntnotoneof oronpeop eorert foreandeepareordofthedfferentt peprnt oenonter! ater preondranphotoorevenaop oftheo ethee veho dbeonreordth oa nte enepeop ehe $hodeanandothfranaeopeofa terrortfootearanddtrbtetheedrantothe oa pop aton- ae po ehnterandfarera nnthebhhaveoftendoveredthetra ofterrortanhohaveroedfro/aba or%o abeandhavea ertedtheert fore
hedepthandpaeofthetra a ote ooethnabot orfoe#oentaea ertepado heav adenen!eop ernnn eaveorepaebeteentraandena nneahother¶tra aedeeperpreon othe aetheedeofthetratobe edtntDraaro dndate ondedne ohavedentfed orpart artrafo otevenftheropp toeteerr a p tporbobhe nt oare eftfo ononeetoftra Y Y f ohavetheperonne oanantranteatoeahetoftrafnotponeandrnhto rondthenpanotherr tota ththeanbod fpob eoa et andna theoander orpo ta offeror oa endpfo onthepoortothe$-ponthere oanabhtheentrean n ht a ohaveoeeffetonreadnpoorf oaretranntothenandareexperenndff t neenthen oobaover orho derever fe ardtoonfr orpoorevera on orpoor andatonthefo o-ptroopbehnd oa otoa toonedeofthetra f o oethepoortperatvethat oobatothe atpotvenonfrtandthenbenaearh patterntore oatethetra#athfortheabeneofnetor d fe%ot dreatreareh ofanand eehe terfhehabeenntheareardarereatndatorofenaarebaboonpa aandan t pe ofdeer tenforana nortnorrnnnandnotethedretonoethnthere f o oethetra thereareanberofearhpatternedtore oatepoorheotoonaretheroranthebox earhandthe0&-dereeeepobatothe atpotvepoorandarthen ooptoabot to&eternfrontof
oandeepfroenterto eftotabotto£ dereeandtheneepbatoenter$epeattheproetotherhteah
teonbato orfeetandthe atonfredpoor ooaref and o andotte o ppthepoor aan
fnotbrefthetroopoandertoa erthentothefatthat ortraer ber ntothefrontandf an andpob totherear
Y oetheroranethodthetraerove atera frothepoorether eftorrhtabot &&eterandthendob e batoardhorna neofarhahtehetrnthetraerho dadvaneabot&to1eterforardbefore dob nba+eetheaopan ndara,f ohaveovedapproxate &&eteraheadofthe atpoorandt annotfndthetrareorttothe0&-dereeethodrada expandn orr ent ofnd orpoor
Y nthe0&-dereeethodthetraeraeevernreanr efroh atonfredtrabatohpont oforn#hen o oepoorbepatentandeep oonoetraerhavebeennontor eafarafve oeterfrothe atonfredpoornt the tthetra oftherpre +eeaopan ndara, Y oeteedtheboxethodofearhnhheahha foftheareaboxedoffandexanedontheto deofthepoorhte-onnethodonfnandnotfreent edtoda +eeaopan n dara, notherportantponttodeternetheaeofthepoorandthenberofperonne nvo vedodeterne aenotethea nhhveetatondtrbedrab ade reanreenforabotada afterben broen!rntnd a taeabotanhortof thaterdependnontheaontofotrenthe earthDtrbeddedroponraandp ant ndatepaaeofoethnthnthe atfehorDe a ta onforabotforhorafternrevertrnedrotaeaop eofhortodr ndretn "obebandpdereba taeabotanhortoberep aedb thenet $anana obeedto oradvantaetondateaeofpoorf onothe attetranednthearea oante ho o dtraarena prntperpoedonthepoor te othatthepooraadeprortonhtfa neot ana oveatnhtherevereapp ab ef oeethepoorontheana prntthepooraadeoeteafter nre
roentandvnearea ooodaeoftenetrereabot &horforthep pndetobento trnbronf odoveraretnareahetheapfre¶heat ooforarettebttratontn doent etterordaref orterrortontorentedhe a bearr nadar oofor hanfeeneartheapnterroatea the oa oeethe a behdntheerr afeedntheor noherethe areapedhetra te fanbeedtote aefterratorrto orene a be a nnthedar Y
heeondotportantfatorthenberofpeop e oaretranherearetoethodhaveeened hefrttahttopea (oreand$anerradateandedb the)r ;theotherpop arth $hodeanandothfranDefene(orenthe)ethodtaethe enthofanaveraepaeandearet ontherondnexttothetrao a otapaeabot *nhedearothetraothattheprntare en oednaboxthat0nheb *nhe"onta theho eandparta prntnthboxandthendvdeb aontantoftof oont &prntndethebox oranerfvepeop e
he$hodeanethodethe enthofthe(rf eor-rf eandtheae *nh+,dth)nthethodont on thewholeprnt oeendetheboxftheanerforor ethathat oreporttothetea eaderor headarterftheanerfveprntthenaddtotothenberandreportthatnberf oreadxaddtoandreport ehthaafet fatorthateetoberhtotofthete
ho d odoveraretnp aeontthep aeontherondandnoatterhatthenberaddtoand reportthatnberho d obeoperatnoreonventona a nperodtranreportto or headarterheeanbep ottedonaapandaenera patterndeternedt a oa odfferentterrort roptobep ottedtoethertodeternefthoeortofoordnatedatont a oetab hhatrote arebenedtofnne ene troopntoandotofthearea ap eofatranreporthtfo othefo onforat)etheodeordD(rtve or oatonnthe tandard tar rd tehe'´theer obe evetobentheene ntadeternedb orprntont'D´ theenera dretonofpoorexpreedb anetbearn'´aeofpoorfpob end'´ea t peofpoor fo oedboothoebarefeetet
Y Y ext et¶dtranteaanentanddte(rtthetea eaderereponb efortheontro of theteaanda fo o-ptroopnt theteofontathenontro ofthefo o-pntreverttotherond oandernethetraerhavefondtheene onventona tatanbeedto oethand h hetea eaderre a nforatontothe"fo o-ptroopandthenexthherheadarterereponb e forbrefnthetroopntheteaoperatonandhatdtehe expetoftherondfo o-pntnontat heextrattheteafpob eanda othenfantr toenaetheene raeraretoova ab etorna frefhtandho dnotenaen ethereaeroanpoerhortaeea otheta nnerfthetea orna one hetraerereponb eforreadnthepoorandnterpretnttothetea eader hef anerheetoenhoarea otranedtraerarereponb efortheforardandf anert ofthe traerthetraerbeoefatedthe rotatedtethhothata thetraerreanfrehanda ert hetea eaderdoenotp traerorf anerdt hef aner¶fntonotportant;he probab ee andenaetheene frtetbea ertandread forntantaton (o o-ptroopheeenarendertheontro ofthetea eadernt ontatadeortheene pontedot tothe"ofthefo o-pnt(o o-ptroopho dben oeproxt tothetraera thoh renforeentanbeveh eorarborneandona oforenera r eonernntrantea eberofthetranteaho dbetranedexperenedtraer (oreneetobethebetnberfortea e fpob enevereparateateaoneforedeaorave veandetre t etthetraeronthepooraoonapob e c nethetranteaoanderontherondbeheprvate aneorpora orenera henhare%ore tranenehavebeenb onb operaton-roona offerandhe opterp otthapo eonop exethanan ont)nt ontatththeene adeorpoor otthetea eaderfthr eannotbeadheredtohaveno a abotpanpandonhoe
$otatetraerandf aneroftenranrereexatnonentratonandtheprereterrfhetea eader ho dathfortheena a #henoperatnehandna ata tef otonfertaeoverandhperoandeve oronna btetheaeoneontent
*$et orteaaoftenapob eneonthepoorthe a beforedtotrave foran da red peop eaetae 2faenera patterndernb eb thente hap oa htotr to eap-frotoetaheadofthe err a#h eoneteatranhaveanotherheafe oeteraheadfortheaepoorffondp ft orteaandontnethetra there)ethtehnearef anddon¶ttr tohrr &f ohavethetea oanatratetheareabentraed 3tabota tandardnfantr tatapp totranteaththeexeptonoftheronofobta eharver trearoadtra orra nenteadofthef anerrontoreontheotherdeandthena ntheretofthentover theteaafteraref obervnthefarderoetoetherndertheoverofthefo o-ptroophdonetoeepan poorontheotherdentatandndtrbedherpoedpontheteab eofthtat eportantthanta n onthetraofhato dprovetobeanportanterr a eader Y hetandardtranforatonhapedththef anerforntheopen eoftheandthetraeratthenton ththetea eaderdret behndhhetea eaderreanabotfveeterbehndthetraerandthef anerrean forardofthetraerandtothedeahaterranandveetaton a o+eedara,)a thefo o-ptroop benf ebehndthetea;hoeveratta onhe$hodea$eenthadeve opedaneforatonthateeto ore nfranbh+eedara
neontatnenttroopanovetoarh nebehndandtothef anofthetranteah a othetrooptooveforardatoneand eavethetraeraaptofa bathrohf oarehortofen thetraeranantantherp aentheeep neandrenforethenfantr +thetraereetopreferthdea othe anetafehotoffae , havea oeenan'off-et´foratonedae nontatthetroopnotandponthef annt o haveaop eteeep neandthena oveforardtoether+eedara0, Y Y hetehneforant-tranareavareda oranatonoa betheonebentraedoeda o veoethohttoovern ortra ereareoepob te #eartheaebootatheene f oareoperatnnhterrtor fheoebarefoot oo dbenforoetoh on )eana oratt etoover ortra
%oventheranfpob e )etreaandrverroadandra a toover orpoor #a onro orhardrond
0%ovethrohv aetoet otnthetra+otef oaredeperateenohtotr topenetrateav aedoover aref atnhtandon aa atreort, 1p tporbobhe andr ebaand$-+rende vo, *rhot ortrathbhehatornearve 2fdoareafter otr n"ortearapoderorpepper aedthaonaon ortra &f oanboob trapandabh ortra
YY (na eoetoanapetoftranthathabeenedextenve b -t earenropeanda otdotea f ohavetheeofotdoteab a eanºep o thehe aretheretopporttherondtroopn oatnthe ene andtoprovde entarnnhe a a obeeda tennandobervatonpotne ono oareonto edohavetheanedtothentafaraheadoftheonapob ehvetheteaandthedotetoadtto eahotherhehand erho d eteaheberofthepatro tohthedotoe natefeartheenhthaveotdo have tatonhhho dbebornenndDohaveateeneofe oodhearnandareattrated to oveentDoarebettoperodretrannandareaentvetothee eentahan
he bet poton for the do tea dret n front of the patro #nd ondton a rere that the tea ovetondardtotaeadvantaeofthedo¶eneofe oedoandependnoneatherandnd enetheene &&eteraa hedoanbeedto oateentreanddeternetheextentofpotonandep aeentanda atthe patro eadernettnphenthotbendetetedb theene hefo onareoeenera r efordotea
fthehand er ed eavethedothhandreporttto or4 fthehand eraaa t tr to rethedoaa o oantreathf otevaateoneendthe otherae reattheteaaoneofthentpporttheandeepthehand ernforedofa tata ove etthehand ere etthedo¶potonnthe neofarh c eethehand er¶advenep o nthetea
0Donotexpettheteatoperforra eanddonotre ax ora ertnebeaethe areth o 1Donotfeedorp a ththedo thohthenforatonnthart e ae oan'ae´traert ve oabetteraareneof tranandthetatep o edb tranteaandthee oot
heon a tobeoeaopetentre ab etraertoetheethodofthenatveprateprateprate ta thatantand onoodteadon ornextoperatonenhane orobateffetveneandperhap ave or fe +
YY #thooneneandadereeofexperene oantraterrortot deve opthefo ontratanda tetobeef andto ead ortto ontat -epatentandtead -eab etoove o andet ettead h edetetnandnterpretn
n -vodfatoveentthata ae otoover oon oethepoororb nder
ntoaterrortntthatontertran -epertentandhavethe andderetoontnetheoneventhohn
areareorbadeatherorterrandetro nthepoor -edeternedandpertenthentr ntofndapoor ohave ot
-eobervantandtr toeethnthatarenotobvoatfrt ane -)e oreneofe andhearntopp eent orhtandntton -Deve opafee forthnthatdonot oorhtta he p oreana ottra or
doveraddtona poor -Ô
terrorthhabtepentandapab t
-rt orttoba opand orothertrooptoprotet o
Y heab t totraaterrortafterhehabroenontata ohe p oreanontat thhhhoreportantnthefranbhthannan othertheaterofar -a tranfo onthepathofenorana b thenthe eave prar ontherondorveetatonenttranfo onenorana b there ranapreeartoneeda otofpratetoaheveandantanahh eve oftran oho dbefa arththeenera tehneoftrantoenab e
otodetetthepreeneofahddenene andtofo ohtofndandavodne orboob trapandtoveear arnnofabh !erhap oho dthnbatohen ofrtbeanthoperaton et¶ae o areoperatnonafar on-terontrat orfrtonerntheterranoan¶ttrantf odon¶thaveardentar no edeofthe a ofthe and!rortooperatnnthearea oho ddea have pentafeda a atn ortroopfthe arenot oa v anDrnth perodthorohtd ofava ab eaparphotoandeventordeanbehe pf xtratdeta edbrefnfrothe oa po e tar offa andpop atona to oa farernatvepo entan onehohabeenntheareanhh o be operatn orepentho dbeoran eddrnthperodae andan reeda trann ondted!a pea attentontoaof aeerea oreardardneenta andnpetthetroopfortheae"arr foodaterandantonandoa hta pob eoetraerdre etheterrortandeaptredeaponhhe pf f oaretranotde oronontr ntoene -donatedontre º
xereaton arenberofpeop edreedntheorretnforhavebeen hotnerrorb therontroop#ehtheproandonaref otr to earna
habotnatvefe draftapob eodothe etheterrantorvve?#here dothe etfoodandaterandhatdothe eforexpedenttoo andeapon? td a nforatonon oa eathert haveadefnteeffeton oroperaton andhene ortran en tnthenatvefpob etoteah oabot oa veetaton o anexe entrvva nforatonhha he p oae deonabotterrortoveentfhefarfrohpp baehe atteptto veoffthe andtotanorevenexpandhoperatonepea fnatveatane denedh oeverdonotaethattheene anexe entbhantbeaehe ndenotothatontnentn$hodeano aand%o abeterrorthavebeen fondandern otandtarvnbeaethe erea otranerf onothe rondandareofortab ent oa read havea&-perentedeontheene odrn orterrantd notenatvetoandatteptto earnoeofthe anaeandfo orehtaeteandeffortandonhort-terob benear pob ebtf ohavethetet pa bdvdendta ve othe neear edetooeotofthenextontattandnpnteadof ndon
earnahnforatonapob eabot d fentheareat benva ab en tran #hentranaterrort oho db daptreofhn ornd ore f 'oan peronafo on?oe arethe traned?oarethe epped? rethe hea th ?otherora e?Dothe nothe arebenfo oed?´o ho daetonofthervvorofaterrortattaandfndotahabotthe eaderapob eandhohethn .notheterrorthebetter ondertandhhotveapratontrathabt tatandatttdethereater ortata edeare t o beab etorn htorondoonerne ondertandtheterrort orta beoeh eaer fpob eeepnoteontatep o edaant ortandotherpo eand para tar rop ooforpatternoftheterrortropnenera andofpef oandernpart ar#athhtandardoperatnproedreandreordh reponeto ortatnte enea extree tedtoaerenar obe
oroneondnhare+ ",borbever peeofnforatonava ab eto o othat ohaveoedeaatotheterrortropandthetaton oa nvetatethefeab t ofnnatvetraer oa athortehotheheadan oa heforraa headandh oatonhenthoneoftheoffa honon
tothehefapproahhfortheataneoftheotre ab eeffenttraernthe areaoa havedff t nehea ben path ththeterrortropor tp anared a hfearfpob eandbepreparedtooffertopaeand protetonforthetraerandtherfa ehtheon a toenreoe eb aneof o a t nvetatean natvea eof tar aehohtbeeen reveneaanttheterrort)ethto oradvantae #hendea nthnatvetroopbefrfarandhonetefrend btnotfa ar; treatthethrepetandaordthethednt dethertatonnthetrbereat thee btnot avh %aerethe ndertandexat hatexpetedofthe anddetheadeate nthefe deveraean thnn e oande ver andnever etothenan tatonon ta ne ohaveep o ed ortraer oa onderhotoaether effetvene!robab theotpotvea toeehooftenthe trantoontat fthe areontant benfredonfrtthen ortraerareofon arna ab t oodtraer beab etote hofaraheadtheene anda ert ototho o anreetaroverororefo o-ptrooptorenfore orpatro hhapterhabeenrttentohe p of ohtobeoeabettertraerorto noenohtoproper ep o andoandtranteahno ede not ae oatraern prateprateandorepratenderexpertpervon dothat !Y"#$% ofortheotportantapetototra(rtp ho oa andph a prepareforthehntoho dbenoodph a ondtonthexe entreerveof tanaa ertreaonab e -fedandabovea onfdentn ore fand oren oa beforedtotrave forda nderadvereondtonthotfoodandth tt eateratafatpaeandndertreendoenta treranrerentene onentratontanaandane efordeta eond otnohatto ooforhenreadnpoor+tra,#hen o^ º
)a oft rondthnee-hhrabetendotthreeorforpeop ethntrtonto a forabotfvetotenntedependnonthebhrothandthentrant
ofndtheorattentonpanatfrt behortand o tendtobeoe doraed o oethepooroftenbtdon¶torr ooneaborn bhanepatentandonentrateonthepoor obeoeoreaareofhatto ooforthe eofpooranbe enthenednt poor a erarevenathrt -nte
headtarthanbeextendedtohornt the are a npoorntheornnand
oaretran aterntheda oaretran ooforevdeneofdtrbedra;bentb ade revea the dretonoftrave hetopofthera pontnthedretontheperona nf theene hapaedthrohafternrethede bedtrbedandafant darenedarea revea htra #athforbroenpdereborobeb#hen exannpoora a eep orhead ht pand ooffteentotent ard aheadof ot enab e otoeethepoorbetterdeternethedretonof oveentandeepa ertfor e abhareafthe ^ ºhe tr toet op ea ertpatentandaref #athforrothathavebeenovertrnedhedarde bepor o eethepreonontherondheretonereted thoh dda heat dr thero tte otheterrorton horaheadof o f ofndtntheornnthenhehabeenovnprortonrehedarerand ettertherothe oer orarr %hoftraneannotnhatotofontextnnatreandrea ntheae %ovefrontonanda a bereof or atonfrednbefore oove ontothenexthereareoforetheobvo neartreaand aterho eanda onand rver; eaveonp antthathavebeenbroennoedoff ortrnedothatthe htnderdeontratththerrondn;ffedtreebaror drapedfropanbootandthepreonofrf ebttbenedarthe oranepteep opeforetheretheo dfavorteb oodonthetra #athfordardedratonpaaefoodtnandevendroppedordarded doent)troopn-etnaereea traednotb reent tn efo ae btb thernevtab etra of.oo -dpaaeandnne ohavedentfedthe poortr todentf thet peoffootearftendfferenterr aropeardfferent t peofbooterrortnfrahavebeen edandaptredarr ntoorthree t peofhoeandearntoorthreehrtandpantattheaete!%aerethe prntnotoneof oronpeop eorare arar ntandeepareordofthe dfferentt peofprnt oenonter! aterpreondranphotoorevena op oftheo ethee veho dbeonreordth oa nte enepeop ehe tar nte enentaeopeofa terrortfootearanddtrbtethee dranto oa pop aton- aepo ehnterandfarera nnthebh haveoftendoveredthetra ofterrortanhohaveroedfrooneborderto anotherandhavea ertedtheert fore hedepthandpaeofthetra a ote ooethnabot orfoe#oen taea ertepadoheav adenen!eop ernnn eaveorepae beteentraandena nneahother¶tra aedeeperpreon
othe aetheedeofthetratobe edtntDraaro dndate ondedne ohavedentfed orpart artrafo otevenftherop p toeteerr a p tporbobhe nt oare eftfo ononeet oftra Y"#$%&'(Y)#*+ f ohavetheperonne oanantranteatoeahterrort¶trafnot poneandrnhtorondthenpanotherr tota ththeanbod f pob eoa et andna theoanderorpo ta offeror oa end pfo onthepoortothe$-ponthere oanabhtheentrean n ht a ohaveoeeffetonreadnpoorf o then andareexperenndff t neenthen oobaover orho derever fe
ardtoonfr orpoorevera onthepoorandatonthefo o-ptroop behnd otoa oa toonedeofthetra f o oethepoortperatvethat oobatothe atpotvenonfrt andthenbenaearhpatterntore oatethetra#athfortheabeneofnetor d fe%ot dreatreareh ofanand eehe terfhehabeennthe areardarereatndatorofenaarebaboonpa aandan t peofa e e
tenforana nortnorrnnnandnotethedretonoethnthere f o oethetra thereareanberofearhpatternedtore oatepoorhe otoonarethero-rantheboxearhandthe0&-dereeeepobato the atpotvepoorandarthen ooptoabottent -fvetothrt etern frontof oandeepfrotheentertothe eftotabottodereeandtheneep batoenter$epeattheproetotherhteahteonbato orfeetand the atonfredpoor ooaref and o andotte o ppthe pooraanfnotbrefthetroopoandertoa erthenthat ortraer be r ntothefrontand ^rear Y)#*,!&)+ ext et¶dtranteaanentanddte(rtthet eadere reponb efortheontro oftheteaanda fo o-ptroopnt theteofontat henontro ofthefo o-pntreverttotherondoandernethetraer havefondtheterrortroponventona tatanbeedto oethand thehet eaderre a nforatontotheoandontfo o-ptroopandthe nexthherheadarterereponb eforbrefnthetroopntheteaoperaton andhatdtehe expetoftherondfo o-pntnontatheextratthe tranteafpob e a othenfantr toenaetheterrortropraer
aretoova ab etornafrefhtandho dnotenaen ethereaero anpoerhortaeea otheta trooperftheteaorna one hetraerereponb eforreadnthepoorandnterpretnttothet eader hef anerheetotrooperhoarea otranedtraerarereponb eforthe forardandf anert ofthetraerthetraerbeoefatedthe rotate dtethhothata thetraerreanfrehanda erthet eaderdoenot p traerorf anerdt hef aner¶fntonotportant;he probab eeandenaetheene frtetbea ertandread forntantaton (o o-ptroopheetrooperarendertheontro ofthet eadernt ontat adeortheterrortpontedottotheoanderofthefo o-pnt(o o-p troopho dben oeproxt tothetraera thohrenforeentanbe veh eorarborneandona enera tabota tandardnfantr tatapp totrantththe exeptonofronobta eharvertrearoadtra orra nentead ofthef anerrontoreontheotherdeandthena ntheretofthentover thetafteraref obervnthefarderoetoetherndertheoverofthe fo o-ptroophdonetoeepan poorontheotherdentatandndtrbed herpoedponthetb eofthtat eportantthanta nonthe traofhato dprovetobeanportantterrort eader "*#!&'+ hetandardtranforaton--hapedththef anerforntheopen eof the-andthetraeratthentonththet eaderdret behndhhet eaderreanabotfveeterbehndthetraerandthef anerreanforardof thetraerandtothedeahaterranandveetaton a o -" () notherportantponttodeternetheaeofthepoorandthenberofperonne nvo vedodeterneaenotethea nhhveetatondtrbedrab ade reanreenforabotada afterbenbroen!rntnd a tae abotanhortof thaterdependnontheaontofotrentheearth Dtrbeddedroponraandp ant ndatepaaeofoethnthnthe atfehorDea ta onforabotforhorafternrevertrnedro taeaop eofhortodr ndretn"obebandpdereba taeabot anhortoberep aedb thenet
$anana obeedto oradvantaetondateaeofpoorf onothe at tetranednthearea oante hoo dthetraarena prntperpoed onthepoor te othatthepooraadeprortonhtfa neotana oveatnhthereverea oapp ab e;f oeethepoorontheana prnt thepooraadeoeteafternre roentandvnearea ooodaeoftenetrereabottenhorfor thep pndetobentotrnbronf odoveraretnareahethe apfre¶heat ooforarettebttratontndoent etterordaref or terrortont²orentedhe a bearr nadar ooforhan feeneartheapnterroatea the oa oeethe a behdnthe terrortfeedntheornoherethe areapedhetra te fanbeedto te aefterratorrto orterrorta bea nnthedar &+-.#$)*)'! Dp aeenttaep aehenoethnovedfrotorna potonn exap eafootprntnoftotrondhefootoftheperonthat efttheprnt dp aedtheo eavnanndentatonntherond td ntheprnt oan deternean fat(orexap eaprntthata eftb abarefootedperonorone thornorfra edfootearndatethathea havepoorepent (ootprnthothefo on hedretonandrateofoveentoftheterrortrop henberofterrortntherop #hetherornotheav oadarearred heexoftheterrortrop #hethertheterrortnothe arebentraed fthefootprntaredeepandthepae ontheropovnrapd -er on trdeanddeepprntndatethattheroprnnnftheprntaredeephortand de paedthnofffnorhff naheav oadprobab benarred b theropho efttheprnt oana odeterneaterrort¶exb td nthe eandpotonofthe footprnt#oenenera tendtobepeon-toedh eena a thther feetpontedtrahtaheador ht totheotde#oen¶prntarea a er thanen¶andthertrdearea horter
ftheterrortropnothattbenfo oedta attepttohdettra %ena nbaardhaveahortrre artrdeheprnthaveanna deep toeheo beednthedretonofoveent he atterrorta nnaropa eavethe earetfootprnthereforee hprntathee et"tatthe enthofeahe prntandnoththetto hotheprntdthatthedetpartoftheo etd thean eofthee prntto deternethedretonofarh ooforanden º +$efertothepararaphabot dfferentt peoffootear,fthepoorbeoevaeorob teratedorfthetra benfo oederethanotherethettohe pdentf thee prnthat he p ota onthetra oftheropbenfo oed )etheboxethodtoontthenberofterrortntheropherearetoa to etheboxethod- thetrdeaantofeareethodandthe0-nhboxethod
hetrdeaantofeareethodtheotarateofthetoent totent fveperonanbeontednthethod)ethenthee prntanbe deternedoethethoddentf ae prntonatra anddraa nefrot hee arothetra henoveforardtothee prntoftheoppotefootanddraa nethrohtntephho dforaboxththeedeofthetra fornto deandthedran neforntheothertodeextontever prntorparta prntndetheboxtodeternethenberofperonn perona nnora o dhaveteppedntheboxat eatonete"ontthee prntaone oethe0-nhboxethodaroffa&-to0-nhro-etonofatra ont theprntntheboxthendvdeb totodeternethenberofperonthatedthe tra +or$-rf e2nhe onanda beedaaearndeve, ho d odoveraretnp aeontthep aeontherondandnoatterhat thenberaddtoandreportthatnberho d obeoperatnore onventona a nperodtranreportto oroandoheeanbep otted onaapandaenera patterndeternedt a oa odfferentterrortropto bep ottedtoethertodeternefthoeortofoordnatedatont a o etab hhatrotearebenedtofnne terrortropntoandotoftheontr ap eofatranreporthtfo othefo onforat(rtve or oaton nthetandard tar rd tehe'´thenber obe evetobenthe ene ntadeternedb orprntont5D5theenera dretonofpoor expreedb anetbearn'´aeofpoorfpob eand'´ea thet pe ofpoorfo oedboothoebarefeetet
(ootprntareon oneexap eofdp aeentDp aeentorhenan thn ovedfrotorna potontherexap earefo aeovnetorro thatareovedfrotherorna p ae;dedrop etbrhedfro eave;toneand tthataretrnedoverandhoadfferento ornderneath;andraorother veetatonthatbentorbroennthedretonofoveent tof otha betornfroanforand eftonthornnaortherondanddrt froboota aearontherond notherexap eofdp aeenttheoveentof dana andbrdthatare f hedfrotherhabtatoa hearthereofbrdthatareextedb trane oveentheoveentofta raorbrhonand eda ndatethat oethnovntheveetatonfrotorna poton #hen o earatra b etherbreanorttn ora throhheav veetaton
odp aetheveetatonDp aeentnanbeadeh e otoptoretth heav oadheprntadeb theepent oarr anhe ptodentf tt pe #hen oadareetdonataretha torapteraandta berhed eepnana a of attentheveetaton notareathere benetn hanenthenora feoftheeneta beanthatoeonehareent paedthrohtheareaeethataretrredp ho ethatareoveredb oeoneovnovertheorpderebthataretorndon areood e faperoneatreatooverhtra a aeandaterp anta bedp aedn pper footnornp aeherehea are e $oa bedp aedfro therorna potonortrnedovertohoa hterordarero orontheroppote deperonenternor eavnatreaa reate dearetbanor footprntorhea ffbaroffrootortora aperonorana eethepathof eatretanehereforehen oearhatreaforextn oo foropenp aeonthebanorotherp aehereto dbeea to eavethetrea -" oodexap eofpoorthear eftb b oodfroaond oodtanoften bentheforofdrop eftb aondedterrort oodnarefondontherond andearedon eaveort oandeternethe oatonofaondontheterrortbenfo oedb td n theb oodtanftheb oodeetobedrppntead tprobab aefroa ondonhtrnondnthe n depotb oodtanthatarepnbbb andfroth b oodtandepotedfroaheadond appearheav etand
ee atnbdona ondoftenxb oodthdetveeothatthedepot haveanodorhepoor be htna or poorana oorhenaperona overratoneandhrbthdd boothpooranddp aeenttoethera veevdeneofoveentand ndatethedretontaen"rhed eavea tanro rondthattoohardfor footprnt $oottoneandvnea betanedb rhed eaveorberrehena edon e otannnoa bernear eftb peronne nthearea noeaeta behardtodeternethedfferenebeteenpoorand dp aeentothteranbeapp edtooen(orexap eaterthathabeen ddeda ndatereentoveenthedhabeendp aedandtannthe atertonentreaa betanedb dfroboot aeanbedp aedfro tonentreaandantanothertoneorbar #aternfootprntnap ronda bedd fthetraarereentnte hoeverthed ett eandtheater earhe art oftheateranbeed toetatetheaeoftheprntora thed earnonehorh var thterran )#!/)"&'( #eathera etheradorhndertrantaffetnna thathe pdeterne hoo dthe arebtndnoranandn htana oob teratenop ete a º º b oodtanarefrehthe a bebrhtredrand ^ rb -redo orand thentoadarbronrthentheotreevaporateffarontreeorbhe darenthteapoo efrofrehtontreebthardenhenexpoedtothear
!-"&'!+ (ootprntarereat affetedb eather#henafootdp aeoftoto tofor aprnttheotreho dthe n htandar dr theedeoftheprnta part ethaterehe dnp aeb theotrefa nto theprntfpart earetbennntofa ntoaprnttprobab frehfthe edeoftheprntaredredandrt theprntareprobab at eatanhoro dhe effetofeather var ththeterranothnforatonfrnhedaade on
htrana rondottheedeofaprntr toreeberhenthe atran orrednordertoptprntntothepropertefraeheav rana eraea n #nda oaffetprntededr notaprntthenda b o ttertor eaventotr toreeberthendatvt nordertohe pdeternetheaeofa prnt(orexap e oa thn'ta nobtthendb ehardanhorao heeprnthave tterb onntotheothe tbeoveranhoro d´otbe rehoeverthatthe tterab onntotheprntandanotrhedntothe hentheprntereade ra eavntreaa appeartobeeatheredb ranbeaeofaterrnnnnto thefootprntfroet othnorepenthpart ar trefarop eavea treanaf e(rothforatoneahperondrpaterntotheprntettra o fadnntoadr tra ndatethatthetra freh &'01,'01#'00"+ #ndaffetondandodorfthendb onfrothedretonofatra oare fo onondandodorarearredto ofthendb onntheae dretonathetra oarefo on otbeatoathend arr or ondtoardtheterrortropofndthenddretondropahandf ofdr drtor rafroho derheht ohe p odedehereaondonfrop orhandbehnd orearand o trn#hentheond odet oareprobab fantorn#henovn tr toeepthendn orfae ,' ota oondertheeffetofthenthardto oooradret ntothe nfpob eeepthenat orba &!!)"&'( !oor tranedterrortropa eavetra of tterathe oveorand rapperratonanarettebttreanoffreorhanfeearentaab e nofreentoveent #eatheraffet tter$ana f attenorah tteraa ortrnpaperntop p #nda b o tteraa frotorna oaton$atonanexpoedtoeather rt$tbenattheexpoededeheretheanereopenedthenoven
toardtheenter)e oreor todeternetheaeof tterhe atranortron ndanbethebaofatefrae
#*,2.#() faterrortropnothat oaretranthethe probab eaof ae toonea ther andto oandonfe oDonohoever o thedon#a nbaardbrhnottra andovnoverro rondor throhtreaareexap eofaof aethatanbeedtoonfe o heterrorta oveonhardrfaedfreent trave edroadortr to º^
approahthat eadtotheene probab benedabhedor ^ heterrortropa tr toavod eavnatra tterrorta rapraarond therbootorearofto edhoetoaetheedeoftherfootprntronderand e dtnthepart a extatreanao nor netoredethehaneof eavna e defnedext ftheterrortropa baardto eaveaonfntra thefootprnt be deepenedatthetoeandtheo beffedordraednthedretonofoveent fatra eadaroro orhardrondtr toorarondthatrondtoppthe exttra hproeorntreaae nro rondoor rononthetoneo dbedp aedb eventheotaref evaderf o oethe tra retrntothe atvb en(rothereheadnthedretonoftheterrort¶ oveent%oveneverdennr ent ofndoentofo o Y #hen reportn do not report or nterpretaton a fat $eport that o have een nofertanthnnotthatthoethnata ext $eporta nforaton heter'edateente ene´n de nforatonoftheterrortthatanbepttoeatonetoanrpretoeepthe terrortoffba aneortoeephfroeapnanareaoanderhaan oreofnte eneeptthenforatonfrothoeoretoethertohe p deternehereaterrorthathea bep annnandherehea beonDo hat oaretheretodo-
nforaton oreportve ort eaderdefntenforatononhhheanatat one(orexap e oa reportthat ort eaderthrt ntebehnda
terrortropthattheropovnnorthandthattnoataertanp aehat ve ort eadernforatononhhheanatatoneeo dthenhave o eepontranandoveanotherttoattatheterrortropfapoorfond thathanofreentterrortatvt ort eaderanetpanabhorhavea re arar orpo entfo op Y raer do a be ed to he p tra a terrort rop raer do are traned and ed b ther hand er do tra han ent and the ent of dtrbed veetaton aedb an¶pan raerdoho dbeedthtraerthetantrava andthedo andhand eranfo ofthet oethenthenthedoantaeoverdoan trafaterthanaanandtantraatnht traerdotranednottobarandveaa thetta otranedto batoverodoranddeodorantedtothrotoffthe6trahetraer ho d eteahtrooperofthettohthedotoe natefearthetrooper hthave otdohave tatonhhho dbebornenndDohaveateeneof e oodhearnandareattrated tooveentDoarebettoperod retrannandareaentvetothee eentahan hebetpotonforthedotdret nfrontofthepatro #ndondtona rerethatthetovetondardtotaeadvantaeofthedo¶eneofe oedoandependnoneatherandndenetheterrorttohndredeter aa hedoanbeedto oateentreanddeternetheextentofpotonand ep aeentanda atthet eadernettnphtrooperthot^
^ hefo onareoeenera r efordot fthehand er ed eavethedothhandreporttto or4 fthehand eraaa t tr to rethedoaa o oantreathf o tevaateoneendtheotherae reatthetaoneofthentpporttandeepthehand ernforedofa tata ove
etthehand ere etthedo¶potonnthe neofarh eethehand er¶advenep o nthet 0Donotexpetthetraerdottoperforra eanddonotre ax or a ertnebeaethe areth o 1Donotfeedorp a ththedo
)eofraerDonbh"ontat reatan nrentondednabhetaa nan aethe eapeb rnnnntothenderrothand n ont theheandr hadeddonandthe anra aa heep o entoftraerrop teoften eadtotheraptre ore naton xperenehahonthattheb oodtra eftb ondednrentnota a anad toatraerdoandoeteoreef aava adtothehantraer hetraerropho dnotforpartoftheabhpart btho dtandb atoe onvenent$-read toovehenhootnndatethattheabhhabeenprn )nderertanrtanepatro doa forpartoftheabhrophe a beotproftab ep o edhereevera a ternatverote eadntotheabh potonandtnotnonhhrotethenrent taettbebornen ndhoeverthattherpreenea vetheabhpotonaa tothenrent athe pantaeothernoeandaree oeverhenedthe nvarab bea ertbeforean hanben Y thohthenforatonnthhapter notae oanaetraert ve
oabetteraareneoftranandthetatep o edb t heon a tobeoeaopetentre ab etraertoetheethodofthenatve prateprateprateta thatantand onoodteadon ornext operatonenhane orobateffetveneandperhapave or fe neterrortnfraoperatentheaeareaathe oa pop atonhabh ve dtareantrba trt andnatona parandaereervetherprtrere abndanteofan¶o det tran%anafrtahnterathererandtraer havntoapproahae oe enohto tortofo othenondeddepte tperorpeedandeneofhte andhearn
atveraer (ortnate frahaanabndantpp ofperbtraeraonthefran pop atontohoaehntnt portantaaeanoftenanethoh ea franhten deoeofthefnethnterandtraernthe º^ nberarea othe ofnatvepoaherhavenobeoeanatona reoreep o edtoobatterror toonrea edthatthenberoftraerava ab etontofthear a nadeateaoonaoandotoeontheenebeaeofthe
anpoerhanpoerhortaeaean operatontofa de p tonffentorpoortran%ottraeroefrotheotprtve trbeandther oftenproportonatetother aofedatonanddependeneon btenear tre º t hntedtraerandhnterarenreatdeand b profeona hnterhe areoftenep o edafar aboro e tohavether ava ab ehenhntneaonro arondatvetraerarea opop arnthe tar andthepo ebeaeoftherta artarta tradtonanda otarroant arta prt oeverthepp oftrba traerava ab etothear andpo erare
º^ ofthoepoenh are terateandtherefore na fedforrertentntothere arar orpo entoeere'tooo d´ andenta fa teooneror aterhava ab efprtvereorehatobetappedand or oandontho dnotpaphanntappedreerve thohtrannottahttofranrertftheanddateanatra traer htran areonedto tar tatandba tar trannvento athervehenattahedtore arntofthear ortooandontah a fedtraere etedfroapp antb pttnhthrohvarotetb atertraerhoeever bterfetofo hbeteffort(rthetraaeand thenhanfrtthandthenthotbootonh'pre ´hepedo-terrort ep o hant-trandeveaa nbaardorontonebothon andand arotrea#a nontonenarverbedandronoedtanefroone¶ orna arrva pontfo a btthetoptraer- btnotthefrannttraer thohtoptraera beteporar oedb hethodthe eventa ppthepoor
raer)nt!ré hepreab etothetraerntpréorthrepeatn
"v anfranraer)ntanthhhabeenforedprar toprooteand t eoreofthenherenttranpotenta oabndantnoran fran and heeenarenophtatedando dnora notava thee veforar onrptonbtthe aretepreparedtoofferthererveonaprofeona baf a onnop ated ne enera peantheprtvefranhaanatra ntntfortranandethera bornhnterorhapentotofh feherdnandtrandon vetoh ntnthahoeverottobeotvatedandthenarredtooon tar tat andtththanndthatthnthaaref for ateda andeanof prootnthportantax ar +oandont,ofthere arar foreavn adthtannotbeepha edenohthat oatheoandoho dboth ndertandandappreatetheprtvevo ntar natreofhervehendea n thhandteenta that odonotoverhe hthophtated tar reentaton ohtodohobDon¶tbndnn edp neneear e preenherehetand eth'dotheob´or o fndoeonee e hetraerretanv antatdrnervebtreredtoop eteterof erven efondntab ehenheretrnedtobaeraerarenderf ar re atonh eondt andarr andentt ardraerdonotexpetpea food onervebtfava ab ehtradtona dett edheenaredranfrovaro trbeandf t+foren,areadepofonetrba totoavodfrtonh tareep o edon nareaofdfferenttrba tothantherontonrether aff atondoen¶tdapenther ea htraerorhardertonredefeatof terrortofother ^ ^
tontan taeextreearetbeantaned dentt netho daereova frodt andrthatthepreepreof bentereda'e ot´o dbeafata oneene
ther"onderaton ^ naddtontothernora hhpa hhtrean onfdenta onearepadforonfredterrort+"har e ano,
forottandnperforaneeexeptona fo opnhhdeptethetraer¶ theexerere tednno" ontator dover ofarahe$eportaref edotb thet eaderhoaeethe traer¶perforaneatendofapheeareana edb thentoanderanda pa otadeonthbaaordntoovernenta efareardoffa offered raertnberfroforatf trenthtoforthat eaderandnder haeondnoandorantrtreextnthentbtthet eaderandh nbertoarevenorpora trperaerarenora edonthree-da patro to
enrethatonetoftheteaatbaeata teretedread anda ertoato reatntant neerenenetheranfntontofo oand oatepoor theeenarenottron tranedordependedponforobatorenera o dern andonethereffortre tnaontatthe nora fadentothebarond oevertheeendrntherervehavebeoeottandnfhtnenn an aethottandneedrnontatthterrortrop otofthreetraereahanbeedthoneoandot eadera ontro erattahedtoeahetonnthaeonetraerfo opoorandtheother f anhforhprotetonandtotfor otpoorhreeropof ^ netrooper ontro erandtheotheratnaf annro e heeoandotroopho dbeexperenedandotenontr th oe no edeofboththebhandthefranh anaeandtoareportant hvta neear oeonatoneepeffen froben otnaddton thet eadertta thhtothetraerettonorepetand ndertandhraerarea onotep o edforarddt or'hotnrdn´ exeptnextreeeereneraerareoeteednthero eofnterroator afteraptreof ^ ºbtontro erteepaoodrp onthetopreventre t orheav -handedneaedb trba ntnt.eepthe obetventhendofa ata teDonotdrentoan re t ata ora ot raerana obeedfor andetneprpoentrba andotherthantheronf the vo nteerandarevenadeateprotetonfrooproeandretrbton t eaderthavethetraer¶f onfdeneandfee freetodprob e ththehetherperona or tar nnatretopre deannforatonap
eethet eaderho dbeaareoftheprtvenatreofhpedo-terrort ortraerandhavetherert ande farefrtnhndetenrethat bapava ab ehenontatadeandthattraertnotbeeda'fee er´ orbea oedtoanderoffa onethotpporthena are0&-dereeearh a edforraer detetan fa nbaofprotetonntandthae theto oeoentonfo o-pfterapatro ontatortanddonthet eaderhea eaponforafet toavodadentoroproe Drnaontatthet eadereepa oeheonhtroopoatofadetheot oftheene eenrethattraerarenotedaenera freandoveent forenethertrannnotntenenthareaand ^ º^ ^ ndranetranontnofaha& ntoda brnbonea doe6afora ntoene terrtor orbaeaphetraerhaane eforaof aed
baeaparaheetp anab t todetetabnora deeanorn oa hha ndatetenondetoterrortpreene oftheeareportantandhen ofndatraerhath oand ort tontna eepthetraernoodhape etthetraernothat ortroop arebehndhand not etan haroetohntrnthethterthebondet thebetter oronert beoenthefranbh
YY naddtontononhototra otnohotoonteraterrorttraer¶ efforttotra o #h eovnfro oeterrantoopenterrana patabtree+&n daeteror arer,toardtheopenareaforthreetofvepae ^ theforarddeofthetreeandaea2&-deree
º tforarddeteparef tt enapob efthnot thedretonthat o º
^ openareaheretharderforhtotrahata oexpoehandaeh toearhtheronarea #henapproahnatra +abotonehndredeterfrot,hane or dretonofoveentandapproahtata-dereean e#henarrvnatthetra ovea ontforabottent tothrt eter eaveevera nof orpreene hena baarda onthetra totheponthere oonedttthatpontro thetra and eavenonof or eavnthenoveabotonehndredeteratan an eofdereebtthteontheotherdeofthetra andntherevereof or approah#henhanndretonbato ororna neofarhthebtree tehneedtodratheene traera ontheeaertra ohaveb hann dretonbeforereahnthetra ndatedthatthetra ne neofarh o eave fa etra andtoetanene traerto oontherondreton a baardoveroftrond"ontnethdeeptonforabottent tothrt eterornt oareonhardrond)ethtehnehen eavnatreao frtheronfetheterrorttraerethtehneevera tebeforeata eavnthetrea #henovntoardatreahanedretonabotonehndredeter beforereahnthetreaandapproahtata-dereean enterthetreaand proeeddontforat eattent tothrt eterhenovebaptreaand eave thetrean ornta dreton"hanndretonbeforeenternthetreaa
onfetheterrorttraer#henheenterthetreaheho dfo othefa etra nt thetra othat pthe aa fro o #hen ordretonofoveentpara e atreaethetreatodeevea terrorttraeroetatthat he pe deatraerareafo o
ta nthetreaforonehndredtotohndredeter
#athforroorrootnearthebanthatarenotoveredthoorveetatonand eavethetreaatthatpont
#a otbaardonoftrond
#a paa veetatonoveredtrbtar andextfrot
0#henbentraedb aterrortropthebetbettoethertr tootdtane tortodob ebaandabhtherop
Y"#$%&'( Y 3 ranp a apea andver portantpartnantannontatththeene n oatntherapandhdeandnfo onpafteraontatoranndent #thotonderab eprata experenenoananbeoeanexpertbttha tt e bano edee app edotenanbeoe5bhnded5bhraft hhn detheab t totraeenta aprata betnoaontof theor nanaeanexpert!ratenthefe deenta thot bhrafttbeoeanatoatatonhh beofthereatetva enata operaton heaofthhaptertoveoedanetotroopep o edn!nthe tehneoftran
Y 4Y Y oattroopnthetranofndvda orbandofene oeeted tehneare tedbe o tononfndntra a )n etpob etofo othepoorthetherav antraeroratraer teaan onefndnpoorho do atetheeneandeepthatareafreeof
tar forent thearrva oftraernedatereportho dbeade tohherheadartervnthefo onnforaton tatednberofterrort tatedaeofpoor Dreton v n otheref nforatonha oatonterrant peoftraet b tabo te eenta thatthepoornotob teratedordtrbedb the dovererhepoorandrrondnareatreanntohednt the arrva ofatraerortraerteatnotpob etofo oonepreervedpoor henthereanderoftheareahabeentrap edf atb tar fore tfreent pa tobatrahenver frehtraarefondpart ar ear ntheornnhenthe a eadfroaap tonhentran a #ornparhenpob e b )eapontertondatethetrahanbeatorevenarf e #henatra fant eapfrothetraer d hetraerhohathernofatrateepontandon hanehenthe rnbroen e nthenteretofpeedtraaheadherepob eandnotat orfeet f Dependnonondtonerondoraera tranbtfpob eeaera tranforpeed hnaheadand tenforbrdandaea arhho dndateoveent orpreeneofhanahead h earnndnordeta hhadtraneandonroovertrned eaveet !atro ebernotep o edththeata tran adoptanopen foratonandbeonthea ertforene aton heperonorperondonthetranotata tebeprotetedb eberofthepatro rannoverateatherandaronddda bedff tdeto aof hadohhvedepth rab 5fee n5overdead eaveondaprondforndentatonfa e e fa Donotta --onateb eanofhandna n oaertanhetheranarenthearea oofornatfrt-bearntree aterho etrappntebeehveorobervatonpont oathfornof frepart ar ntheear ornnor ateevenn o fthetradden beoee -hddenbtnot otr edonndandtr toppentoeorfre htepea atnht p eontant aareofthepob t oftrer ordeepton;forexap een trnntoardaterthenonfrotreetotreentheoppotedreton; hdnnderaterornderrondna dana brro;hoetedon baard;rabentba;a nbaardoronthedeofthefeet;ort n att ehooveontothehoeorfeet td theene 'habtatever opportnt
tonho dthetra p traertbetranedtoreportedate tothepatro oanderan atteptb theene top tphepatro oanderthendedeon theadveofthetraerhhtra befo oedhep ttnpontho dbe aredothatthetraeranretrntotandfneear tartaanoatthe traernpnpthetraaanafehntare tedbe o a xanean otoneetntheedatevnt ofthetrafornof dtrbane b xane eaveandraonetherdeofthetrafornofdtrbane tteptatdeeptonn edoneb anexpert oftenvea earer ndatonofherethetra oated tonhenthetra ot #henthetra otthe eadntraerho dndatethathehareahedthe at vb enofthetrahefo onraertbetranednevertopabe ond thpontthotfrtnfornthepatro oanderoftexat oatonp e dr fortheearh a eadntraerha tthepatro andndatethepotonofthe atvb ento thepatro oander b henaredforftrereferene ( antraerdoar aratorntoardoneanothernthehopeof pnpthepooraan d #h ethef antraerarearr nottheearhaderbedabovethe traerhoaonthepoorarreota0&-dereeearhptoapproxate etertohedatefront e nethepoorhabeenre oatedthetraerhofondthepoorthentae overaantraerhereanderoftheteafa ntoanappropratetraer foraton 0 )eofarraftfortran a a htarraftand/orhe opteranatve atpatro drnthetran ofterrortropb pottnterrortfrothearbearnnndthattheterrortare e totaeoveronhearnarraftrrafta a obreaert andndatetoterrortthatthe arebenfo oed ondontheterrortathe attepttoeepnderoverthereb enab nthetraerto oeththe b -a arreonnaane provdeva ab enforatononernnthenatre oftheontr aheadofthefo o-prophnforatonho denab ethe patro toae a e rotetaenb terrort b bhpoton "ap e optera beedtop fttraernthe eapfroro e+exp anednreaterdeta netonof"hapter*(o o-pperaton,
Deta edbe oareanberofponthhho dbetaenntoonderaton a hnhenovnDonotre ax b Donotbeoere arnhabt vodtheobvo d #aththenatreoftheontr aref andet peofrondhhare dff ttotran e )eeathertoadvantaethatovenran f "arr atthhhtobendraandbranheba npea operatontonreaedeeptonearooth-o edhoehh eave edtntveprntorobarefootoreotor-treanda h #a onthedeofthefoothenneear ath eavenohee ortoear "rotraroadortreab ronntreeoronrofthnot pob ehenronadeand traorroadroatonep aeeahan teppnaref onthefootprntofthe eadnanthereb eavnon one etofprnt earef thoe fretobaoe oapntreaorrverbrdand aea arornetorfro ene Donotbetooteptedtoeateraa neofoveentathherethe ene probab earhor oofornofert forenthearea #tha arepart herepob eavodovnnn ef eath eave defntenandatraovenopenforatonntead
Y 5 Y Y Y enera a textree dff ttoove ent and notpartofthebhand oneent threrea otofprateandonentraton b herearean pathnthebhadeb aedrnthernht oreaona oveentheeana avodteepor pper opeandthereforeae path nora provdeea onerrortand tar patro ethee tra hen entoveentreredroopho dthereforeexere extreeatonhenntheetra athe hte beabhed ranpoor a herearetodtntt peofpoorrondpoorandaera poorherond nnora adeb aboot-orfootprntandaera poorntheforof trap edrabroenbhebroenobebet b hefo onarentheexperenedtraer ooforhentranpoor "rhedandbentraandveetaton roentand eave vertrned eaveandtone v %ddp aedfrotrea v roenobeb v hetateofthedeonatra v %dorratheontoneand o arefootprntareoftrondedpreonforedb thehee ba of footortoe#oen'traareenera a erandhaveontheho eto
haratert(rt the tendtobepeon-toedandeond thertoeare orep a edotthanen' d !onttoobervearedardepthofpreonrnnnon ba offeetandtoep a edottoeandbad daaedveetatonth re tant aofonea entoftra e hortfoottepdeeperpreonthannora noftrondand toep a edot f Detothefatthatotana have ovenhoovethepreon foredontherondhaveharp ear-tede 3dntheaeoftra a #eatherhetateoftheeather--ranndnhne--ho da a be bornenndatoneoftheotportantpontndedntheaeofa tra b b teratonb ranor htran reebernhent atranedore aratedentoftheaeoftrapob efthetraarepo-ared obvo the ereadebeforetheranandfthe arenotpo-aredthe ereadeaftertheran ar b oontoeefthetrahavebeen po-aredb htrandrppnfrotreetheaeanbeetab hed hetateandpotonoftroddenveetaton-aroraehavedfferent radeofre eneandon prateandexperene enab eatraertoe thfatortodearate theaeofthepoor d entraor eavenndatonoftheaeofatraa beanedb t dr neentra bereennta btafterafeda trnabron o orantheaontofnhneandrandrnthe atfeda ho dbe taenntoaont e preonnd a notethetateofdr neofatrandoroft rondfthetraver frehater nothavernbantothedepreon adeb afoot atertheaterrnbaand atert thedhhhabeen phedparondthedepreonandthededforardb thefood eavn therondbentodr f aetra$eeberthatotana epdrntheda andoveabot atnhthereforefhanprntonanforetaetra haveat eata dob eetofana poorperpoedandtheepoorhothattheaeha ovednbothdretonan hanprntareprobab at eatonenhto df theana poorhothataehaovednonedretonon thenthehan prntereprobab adedrnthenhtaftertheaehadoveddonto aterbtbeforetheaeovedba nforatonreardnterrortethodofonea ntraandapho da obe oht (atoraffetntranhereareertanfatorhhaffettran a #hethertherondhardoroftton ordd b het peofontr heeather--thn adepthnoverateather d hepotonofthenre atvetothedretonoftrave heottab e potonhenonehatotratoardthen
e hefootearofthehanarr dtntbootpatternobvo eaerto fo othanap an-o edpoor f heextenttohhother artraa onfeandpob b rthepoor "onentratonandtheeffetofearne 0 hnthetraert oofor a (ootprntandpreonoffooteartherh thofthepoororthe enthof trdeofthearr hadetoherethenextfootprnta befond b rap edrao andarntheo herendretprerea have eft nopreon Dtrbedtonetoro d eavehhhavebeentrnedrhededorp edofftree;branheand tbentorbroenandveetatonphedade;theref etonof htfro raor eavedp aedatanan e;theo orofbentandbroenveetaton;and rathedorhppedbar e Dardedrappnandatatedveetaton f f"obebbroenorpedoffontoanearb treeorbh )rneandexreentfreent ndatedb hoef eand e obtterf e anddnbeet edrntheran h nareandtraprobbedbee'netandoe hetateofdeonthepoor %ddp aedfrotreaordontoneand o ahedana ornet feandhetherthabeenattaedb ant 1 traerhaan thntoonderh etranetpoeertana te haaboveaveraee ehteor nte eneftneantpatonand ndertandnofnatre!ateneperteneateobervatonandnatra ntntare thebaofoodtranherearetehenprentnta one draatraern theorretdreton ntho denrethattrannnarevebhraft antanedatthehhetpob etandard
Y 6 Y )')"#. heaofthetonnottontrtonthehand nandtrannofdobtto provdeannfantr oanderthffentbarondnforatontoenab ehto ef dep o an doanddohand erthata bep aedathdpoa )ndernortane adobeattahedtoanar foratonthottheerve ofahand era obenprovdedhedoandhand erareahh tranedteaanda doannotbehand edb anotherperon hehand eranexpertnhonfe dandanveadveontheapab t ofhdo andtheondtonnderhhtanbeedtobeteffetenothoever reponb eforthetata dep o entofhdohedeonhoandhentoethe ana andthand erretththe oa ar oander oobtantheaxva efrotranedardoteenta tohavean ndertandnoftheondtonbettedfortherep o entDo etheretof theana ndoarebettootdenf enehhhaveadretbearnonther
0 1
behavortfo othereforethattheperforaneofan donoatterhohh tranednotontantandtannotbeexpetedtooreffent nderever t peof ondtonhoftennotf appreatedandntanehaveorredhereadvere rthabeen eve edaantadop beaetheperonreponb efort ep o entanorantoft taton( va e on tefroaf no edeandbetterndertandnoftheapab teandharatertofthedot tbereeberedthatadotreea andoneent tbeedparn and tothebetpob eadvantae heeffen ofadondretratotothatofthand ertthereforeot portanttoe ettab eenfortrannahand erand ertthereforeon behanedfabo te eenta #ardoareava ab eeaponhhhenproper edprovdeanadvantaeover theene hef eteho dthereforebeadeofthe het peofardothatarenooneare a !atro do b rando %nedetetondo d arddo e Doforenrodontro prpoe notbededntheton
taton"ertan tatontbetreed a hedoapttobeoeperp exedhen arenberofpeop earenaa areaehenopponforearen oeontat b hedoapttobeoebe deredhentheantdeandnberof extraneoondareabnora ehenthebatt entene hedoannotdfferentatebeteenene andtontroop( brefntoa patro eenta toprevent5pontn5onatterede eentorropoftroop
Y/)#!".( patro doorb 5arent5andhearnandtranedtove ent arnnofan ndvda orropofndvda b pontnenottahttoatta andannotbeedaatraerhepatro dothereforeef forvn ent arnnofabheatteptatnf tratonandthepreeneofan 5forenbod 5 beforehpreeneanbedetetedb ahaneanbeoredetherb da orb nhtnotndofeatherandontr hedtaneathharnnvendependponthefo onfator a b t ofthehand erto5read5hdo b #nddretonandve ot "onentratonofent d dt e Dent ofveetaton f -o eofnoenthevnt "ondtonandftneofdo h ndvda nherentab t peratona ep o enthepatro doanbeep o edntoa a na ead
b ooenfront nbothaethedoontro edb ahand er #henovntoanoperatona areathedoeptathee --h enthpotonthe donoheoffdt andnotonthea ert#henondt theo arreovedand etherthe5p otrope5ptonandthedoto dtoeeorthedoor ooeandthe oand5ee5ven othhand eranddohavetobeorehh tranedtoorththedo ooe 0 hedopontb oneoraobnatonofthefo onn a $anofheadandprn-pofear b ennofbod a an d .eennetonvetate 1 )ehepatro doanbeed a nreonnaanepatro b nfhtnpatro aentr otpot ardnforarddp d #thtatert rop e no atedpoton * npatro hehand erandthedo nora eadoeverfthedoben ored ooeta bepob eforthedoto eadfo oedb thearedotofthe 5reerop5ththehand er+hoontant nhtandnontro ofthedo,next haethehand er'obatrf e eha ardonan ae oeontattbe antanedbeteenhand erandpatro eaderhenora proedre a hepatro oanderndatetothehand ertheondpotonofon trooptheenera dretonofadvaneandan pea oatonntrton b hepatro orderedtooveot hepatro doandhand erthoneeortpreedethepatro atadtanehh pertedateonatonththepatro oandertnhtth o dbeabotanar' enthnda htthedtane bereaterbtthn ea va na ndtane d hepatro doandhand eroveoffeepnenera nthendateddreton etbea oedtotaeadvantaeofndandotherondtonfavornthe do'entnpoerthotendanernthepatro e #henthedopontthehand erndateb enthandna 5ene nht5 f hepatro ha tandtaeover 2 !atro oanderproeedet t nava ab eovertothehand eranddoand aehp an &entr otpotheanva eofthedotovete arnnofapproahofor atteptatnf tratonb theene hehand eranddoarep aedahortdtane frotheentrethdtane bethnea va na ranenda htbt h oeratnhtp eeanofonatonbeteenhand erandpatro oanderatnhtapeeofordortrnhheredtoa ertever one#hen a ertedthepatro oanderproeededate tothehand ertoreevean nforatononernnthedtaneanddretonoftheene
ardnforarddptatert ropando atedpotonheeofpatro doontheerareoaontheaeaforaentr otpotth oa odfaton na aethe oa oanderho dtaetheadveofthehand eratothebet ep o entofthedoordo
Y/)Y"#$%&'(( randoaretranedtofo ohanrondentheprnp eon hhthedoaretranedoneofreardb foodhedoneverfednenne bt on afteroreaef tra ! "hedea tranondtona be tedafo o a randrondteperatreapproxate ea b dd da thaertanaontofotrenthearth o evaporaton Daprondandveetaton d rondoverhadoedb tree e oodp edontra f rnnnene hoveofforebod odorthanonehohaa edaa a nn eanene (atorhhadvere affettrann de a otn b tronnd eav ran d $oad+tara,onhhartrave e $nnnater f hfre na ent eav rothofveetatonhe ptoobattheheatandretanoreent (rtheroreareateraontofveetatondaaedb arnnnene th prodnannreaedaroa #" #$"heotportantn efatorntheef ep o ent ofatrandotehedotbebrohttotheeneofthendenttha pob epeedandnotedaa atreorttetedthattrandobehe data baeoroeentra pontnt aa forthererveadeandthentaenaneara pob etotheeneofthendentb tranportorhe opternorderthatthe a arrvefrehhedereeoffateatrandohareahed deternet ef ne 0 nethabeendededtoeatrandothe efo noftheareath extraneoentthebetterbet ab etohavebeennontatththeperontobe traedho dnotbetohedandoveentoverthearearetrtedtoan 1 reataretbetaentoeeptheeoftrandoaeretapob efthe ene nothe are e tobetraedb adothe ver probab taeontereare * )eoftraerdoonnhtfo o-prandohaveef orednht tra andhavehonthatthe areapab eofornnhttra nfar dff t
terranherearehoeverertanfathhdetratfrotheeofdoonanht fo o-p;the are a hedohenonatra oveatabrpaeandh e tar forean antanthpaedrnthehorofda httotdff ttoantanthe foratonandontatthoneanotherhenovnatthpaeatnhthere areertannherentdff teattahedtoanhtfo o-pa ofhhare aravatedfonehatooveatafatpae b nda hthorthehand eraneehdoandver oftenfrotbehavoran deternehetherornottha eftthehantra #henthhappenthe hand ernapotontoorretthedoandpttbaonthetra tho dbe fo ontnhttoredff tforthehand ertoetab hhetherthedo ha eftthetra andthereforet beneear forthehand ertoore freent hethetra benfo oedheeofatorhornaed ht nderab ebtthanpob beoveroeb theeofnfraredepent naddtona araneo dbetheeofanexperttraernonntonth thedo nthbhtver dff tfor tar foretoantanontattheah otherandareatdea ofnoea oade d hereatetdaneroftht peoffo o-pthefatthatthehaneof a nntoapreparedabharever hnreaedhepontraednthe pararaphaboveanbeoveroethontantprate 2 ntheeventofaterrortattadrnhorofdarnetrandoanbeofreat atanen oatnthetra andbenperttedtofo othtra forapproxate ha fanhororotoetab h ear the neoff htoftheterrorttetedthat nthaethedoandhand erbebaedb aa nberofenere for oa protetonandnotaafo o-propnthetreeneonethhabeenetab hed theontro nheadarteranp antop neandfo o-paton
&'))!)$!&'( hana tranedtodetetneboob traptnne hdeorantonahe heotdotranedtodetetandtthntofeetofan hot eartfathdden be ooraboverondtodovertrpreahetnne and5pnpt5andto earaafe aneapproxate ehttoteneterde oanderhoproper ep o aotdoteaanre onthedotoafe doverapproxate 2&perentofa hot eartfata onh neofarhh dependnatra onthetateoftrannoftheana nethana apea tntonrhttvta portantthatthteabe provdedthadeateprotetonh eornta beneear toaeeofthe patro dotovethaddedproteton
,#"0( enera hero eofthearddotovereaterert toardednta aton eaethedo'eneareoreatedrnhorofdarneandhendtratn
nf enedrntheehorarerededtoanteho dbedreted toardtherep aeentorpp eentnofnhtentreorard p o enthe anbeedtoprotetentvepontandothernta aton#hen ondt theedoan a eona eahnderdretontro ofahand erandedaapro erardthn thenta atonora onthepereterofthenta atonbenproteted b ea oedtorn ooethnab dnorfened-narea eattahedtoa5rnre5hereb theana anovefree thntheareaof tbeatd$n ooendornonthepereterofthee pontornta aton he ana erttheardordohand erb barnortheorevot petahtto attaan ntrderedate
'$.,+&'+ Doa betranportedb he opterorothert peof htarraftheana trave e anddonotfferan dofortDonotexpettoohofado;ttbeborne nndthatthedoanbedefeatedea b thenent ofan ver portantponttoreebertoenrethattherhtt peofdoreeted henreredDonotaforapatro dohenatrandorered
.. ,--)"#!&'+
Y 3 heaofthefo o-porprttotradonattaanddetro anene rop thata ora nothavehadontatththe tar fore (rotheabovepararaphtapparentthatafo o-pontedhentheene ha beendetetedb theert foreorthepop atonorthrohtraandanoperaton hatobep annedtoaeontatththeene andtodetro ht a obe obvothattheene eventa beoeaareofthfo o-pand do ever thnpob etoonea htraandtodrptandde a thefo o-pb ep o nde a ntathaabhenperandperhapboob trap %axetbeadeofexperttraertranteaandtraerdotea e opterand htreonnaanearraftanbeandtbeeffetve ep o ed drntheoperatone opteranbeep o edto eapfrofo o-pteathereb eepnthefo o-ptroopre atve frehnetheenera dretonoftheene ' oveenthabeendeternedhe opteranbeedtodep o troopaheadofthe f eenene toabhandthoff thohta bedff ttodeternetheene 'oveentpatternbeforehandthe fo o-pforetendeavortoetab hthpatternaoonapob etobeab eto ttheene off oethhanddetro hthnthehortetpob ete
heanfatortoreeberthattheene tnotbevenahanetoretporto oran eae -defendedpoton/abh!reretbeapp edre ent e and ever opportnt ofharanandnf tnaa teontheene tbetaen
Y 4Y Y tdff tto a donnthana exat hotheoperatontbeondtedt baa atranoperatontoeetheene otandonehehabeen oatedto thenattaanddetro h hefrtrereentto oatetheene 'traandtr todeternetheaeand dretonofthetraandthetrenthoftheene oonathetraare oatedthepatro tondatetheaeanddretonofthe traandtheetatedtrenthoftheene fthepatro hanotraerandatraer teaava ab ethe aretoreportthetraandaatthearrva ofatraerteahe patro tnotattepttofo othetraandtonfnetearhtotheedate vnt oanottonhbttheorofthetraeroeverhenatraerteanot ava ab eedatefo o-patontbetaenb thepatro Dependnonthetrenthoftheterrortap atoonororetobedep o edforthe fo o-pfthetraareatadtanefrotheoperatona headarterta be neear toetab hafe dheadarterthar /arforeandpo erepreentaton atanearb andn onearfe dorroadheadhefe dheadarterthentaedth theontro ofthefo o-panda oatedthereredtrooppo eandarraft heforeadoptthefo o-pforatonnorporatnthetraerteaandoveat bettranpeedoonapob eafterthefo o-phaoenedthefo oproptoonfrtheaedretonandtrenthofthetraandreportprorea oftenapob e"hanendretonthep ttnofthetrahdeandretnp ae aretobereportededate 0 Drnda htthefo o-prop fpob ebepportedb anared ht arrafthha otooperatenthereonnaaneandonatonro e oeverfthetraareover*horo dannared htarraftanbeedbt ho dberep aedhenaontatonderedreaonab nent#hentanthe pportnarraftoandertaehethertho dreanbehndthefo opropnthehopeofahevnrpreorhethertanraneaheadnorderto o donterrortoveentandtopot e arhnpontaterho eandrote throhearpentrveret 1 Dependnontheaeanddretonofthetrathefo onproedreanbe adopted; a eapfron fthetraareaeedabenevera ororeda o dthefo o-p ropanbehe opteredfro &&&to&&&eterforard+dependn ontheterranandtheetated neofoveent,andthenfannedotto re oatethetrafef eapfronrepeatednt thetra areonderedtobefrehenohtofo oonfoot+fro to*hor o d, heproedrefortheearhfortraafter eapfron arto arbornetran+deta edbe o,haton andntroopatpto
evera hndredeteronetherdeofthe andn onefthetraare re oatedtheraeanddretonareaeedandfneear another eapfroade;fnotthehe opterrepotonthetroopnanother earharnt thetraarefond #henpob e eapfronho da a bepp eentedb eepn anaddtona foreontheorna tra othataaredhanen dretonthep ttnoftraorahdeanbepottedhforea o onvenent p aedtorenforethefo o-propnaontath fore a obeab etodeternehetheran renforeenta have onedtheene b toprop an topropofpatro +eton,trenthapob eho dbe p aedatrdetheetated neofadvaneatadtaneaheadofthe fo o-propdtatedb theterranandtheaeofthetraho d tea otandtherebeffenttroopava ab ethetoprop ho dbedob ebanedthereb enrnreaterdepthtothetop ne heetopropho dbea oatedpefareathe -defned bondareDependnonthetatontheoanderho dbe preparedtoontno readthtoppoton edate onpotonnthetopropa patro fdretedtothe areaofthenexttoppotoneadeteptohehetherornotthe terrorthaveroedthetop ne+hpreatona beneear a theetatonoftheaeofthetrao dberon, a ftra artothoebenfo oedarefonda eap-fro adeandthefo o-pontnefrothe atpooranthe bondoveredb the eapfroho dbefo oedonfootforthe reaonvennpararaphaabove b fnotraarefondthetopropetherreannabh nt ontatadeoradetepbatotherorna poton orderedorthetop nereadtedonnforatonreeved #henthetopropreannpotonforan tethe a be dretedtodetepatfrt httbefore at htandorefreent fneear #hentatpart ar atnhtthe aretoabhthe ot e rotentherarea#hena toprophavebeen potonedandfahe opterava ab eta bepob etoneor boob trapotherrotehefo ononderatontbetaennto aont "oordnatonbeteenthene- a nteaandfo o-prop va ab t ofpea tandepent !rovonto fttheneaoonapob eorhenneear atranoonapob eafterthefo o-ptartanaddtona foreho dbe taedthba-tranfrotheorna pontherethetraerefondheron tohethatnootheran/rophavep tbeforethefo o-ptartedandthattheterrort havenot eftta -behndpartenbaea ontherrotehforea a of f an portantnte ene-athernro ehathe oatonoftheronpont+fnota read
non,hderetnp aeethha he petab haoveentpatternandthe reover ofabandoneddoenttandepent hefo o-p nora taep aedrnda htththefo o-propban ponthetraat at ht thohtheterrorta oveatnhtthopedthatthe etherontatthetop neortheroveent be oenohandthertra eonea ed forthetobeoverha edonfootorb eapfron
Y Y h teoftranedhenre tareportantorhena arearea tbeheedthfetroopatra theeofhe opterderab ebtther ava ab t a retrttheeofarbornetrantoeenta oaonon heethodadopteddependontheareatobeoveredandthenberofhe opter taednareaonab afeareaan ehe opteranbeedbttpreferab etoe tooneofhhho dbeared ahhe opterarreforentotraerandtotraerardfhoeverone ofthehe optera5nhp5+ &orheaver,on onehe opterho dprovde topover rondoveredb ro-rannthonehe opter andnateah e rote eaetra earnpanrverbanrde neetheotherhe opterho d provdetopover n andnatraerandarddep aneoneahdeofthearraftandatforpoor rhtand eftfor &&to&&eterdependnonthenatreoftherond 0 fnotraarefondtheproerepeatednt theareaoveredththe he opter andna ternate othatthetraerarereted 1 ftraare oatedtheeondtdep aned+re tnnatraerobatteaof forandforard,toethertartthefo o-poraatthearrva ofrenforeent * ahttoarr at eatoneradotoantanontatththehe opterandfore nthefo o-paton
Y 5 Y tportantthatthef eenene bevennorepteandhanetoono date %oveentofthefo o-pforethereforebeoeportantandttbearef ontro edandexetedothatthefo o-ptrooparenotnneear ornotand thataa tetoontroopareepttoanabo ten Drnthefo o-ptperatvethatthefo o-pforeoanderontna td therondaheadnhe eandapandanaaref appreatonofthe terranh athndednonthebetforatontoeandthepob e rotefo oedb theene ta a ondatetohnatra obta etobeavoded and e p aeheretheene a dedetoaeafna tandorteabhe %oveentdrnthefo o-pdoneatthebettranpeedorfatetpeedthatthe terranandene de a ntat a o!reatontbetaenaant b ndernntoanene abhbtthefo o-pforetnotbeover-ato
beaeever nte otvetheene oreteandabetterhanetoonea h traandaeoodheape hefo o-p nvarab bedonedrnda hthorbeaet beextree dff torevenpob etodotranatnhtepea ndff tterranh eanthatthefo o-p oeneaoonapob eafterfrt hthenthe traornbeoedernb ent ttoodartofo oorppan n Drntheda t beneear forthetrooptoretpforah eandhave oethntoeatho dtheforebe areenohthe eapfro te be ntrodedothath earopretnorhavnaea anotherontnethe fo o-pthereb antanntheprereheropthathareted thenhaveto athp aterththeretofthefo o-pforetetonorpatro eve retand breaforea havetoberetrtedtotheabo tenfata othatthe prereanbeantanedho dthefo o-poperatonontneoveranberof da t beneear torotatethetroopthereb enrnthatfrehtroopare a a ontheene 'tra (oratondrntheove bedeternedb thenatreoftheterranbetorafet trave npeedandene tatorde a nethodotandtraer probab ornparre evneahotherheprotetonrop otprobab haveto oveabreatofeahothertobeab etoveaxprotetontotheotand traeranda opreventtheanbod froa nntoanabh !robab theotdff tapetofthefo o-poperatonthatthetroopa have toarr a therepentandtthefo o-pa atevera da andovera onderab edtanet notbefeab etodpthetandepent'oehere andthenretrnata atertaetoo etttthereforeportanttoenrethata fo o-pforeeppeda ht apob earr non thebareneete ffentantonaterandratonandperhapa htehtb anetnorderto antantheoentandtopreventnneear de a ta beneear to repp thefo o-pfore ho dthefo o-pfore oetheene 'traorontata toethertheeted atonafo o a tab hateporar baeadopta -arondobervatonandprovdea -arond protetonheene a bever oe b Deterneaneffetvepatro patternandarntoorthreereon-naane patro thtraerfthe areava ab etotandb foredatepatro n avnedorderendottoorthreereonnaanepatro topatro forardand atera aordntothepatro patternththeaoffndnthe ene 'traorto oofornandondoftheene heepatro ho d beretrtednthedtanethatthe oveaa frotheteporar bae probab athoandeterattheot d ho dthe fndnthepatro retrna apob etothe teporar baenfortheoanderandreethefo o-paoona pob e e ho dnofrthernoftheene befondtheforeoandero dether reannhpreentpotonandtartonade beratepatro proratoearh theareaorethoroh orheo dovehteporar baeforardnthe orna dretonofoveentforapproxate athoandeterandrepeat
theearhnandatnforard tetha reonnaanepatro n thaethedeono dbeadeforhb hnexthherheadarter dependnonho oeheabehndtheene f heportantponttoreebernottoatabota e tha otoftroop hentheene traare oth reateaddtona traandn onfntheentreeandprobab ob teratntraeoftheene
Y 6 Y Y oonataeedthatthetraarefrehandaontatnent a va ab ehe opterareonentratedatthenearettrooponentratone fe dheadarter b naredarrafttaedtorep aean reonnaanearraftpportnthe fo o-prop Dependnonthetatonandthenberofhe opterava ab eonehe optera betaedforarborneontro teenta thattharraftbefttedthanextra headetandhatheeanforthear ontro ertoonatethrondfore andpportnarraft n reannhe opteraretaedforrenforeentorthepotonnoftoprop heforebroendonntottoanderappontedanda arep aedon edatetandb anteenta tohavetheextraheadetothatt oanderanbebrefedb thep otorontro ernf htneofthehe opter taedtof nrenforeent/top a oarr antonforrepp tothe ontatropfneear nontatthefo o-poandertre a 5ontatontat5tothep otofthe pportnarraftandaoonapob eveabref$!hep otre a the nforatontotheontro headarterandthentandb tovearpportetotr topnponttheontatareathepotonofontroopand e eaperote andn oneet hetaton deternehethertneear todep o anarborneontro er +",hebaphe optero dbea edforardedate dependnonthe ren andtheantdeoftheontat 0 hereareertanprob eaoatedtharborneontro nhhho dbetaen ntoaontb the oa ar oanderedorentatonarnearraft noeaoatedtharborneradoandapbenb onarondnthehe opter bettotheeonderatonandho dan"beonderedneear and prata thefo onproedreho dapp a nf httotheontatareathe"toreeveabreffrothepportn p otandthentheontatoanderandobtanthe atet$!hto n detheneedforrenforeentandfothedretonoftheapproahofthe renforeentand/ortheneedfortopropnaddtonanantontate ho dbeven b neoverheadthe"thep otandnnerttr tova pnpontthe terrortandontrooppotona apob eha bedff tn thbhnhhaethe"toa for( andtaretndaton
Drnorbtoftheontatareathe"toe etatab e andn onefor renforeentfreredande ettoppotonandadaent andn one e thenveann-f htbrefntothetoandernthebap he opteranddrettherdep o ent d #h eorbtntheontatareathe"he optera e beab etonf ene thebatt ethpportnfreorenaeeapnterrorthedeontofre thehe opter-ontedeaponthepreroatveofthep otbtnofretobe openednt the"atfedththetaretnre atontoontroop e he"he opterho dfpob ereanovertheontatareant the ontathaendedha neetatehannhe opteratanearb andn oneftheorna arraftrnotoff nte ternatve na are-a e ontathenoretroopareneededarenforeent/topthe"ho d dep aneandaeoandoftherondfore f nethebaphe opterhavepotonedthertthe aretoretrntothe ontro baefororetroopfreredoraretoreanontandb forfrther dep o entand/oraa t /terrortevaaton Dependnonthetatona htarrafta beedfor" 1 rtreareep o edafo o a ftheontatoanderonderthatanartreneededbeforethearrva ofthe"andrenforeenthetoonatehreetdret tothe pportnarrafthe addonproedretheneffetedbtnaddtonthe p otofthepportnarrafttonfortheontro baeorfnf htthe "thatatrehabeena edfor b oeveronethe"overheadtheontatareaandhaetab hed onatonththeontatoanderthe"aereponb t for reetnanartreheproedrethentheaea addonfor reetnartreandthe" ontoronatonbeteenthe p otandtheontatoander * hefo onpot-ontatatonneear a edate aftertheontattheontatoandertop thfore +n dnrenforeentand/ortoprop,anddeta oneroptothoroh earhtheontatareaheotherroptooveotfro&&to &&&eter andondta0&dereeearharondtheontatareahroptoearh forthetraofeapedterrortandforeondar hdeandrende vo b )n etheho eterrortanae natedanareaabhtobeetonthe ontatareanthehopethatoeterrorta retrnnearhoftorfoodor toreorentatethee vef ot 2 a read entonedtheene ep o varotatandretode a the fo o-pforeonehebeoeaareofthefo o-ptrooptbee dr ed ntheredateatondr andthefo o-pforeoandertbeab eto dedea otntantaneo hetherhforehaa edntoade berateabh bennpedatb anndvda ortoorhaenonteredboob trap4deon ofthnatre enab etheoandertovetheneear oandtoonterthe ene atonedate &heponttoreeberthatb eanofhde a ntatandharanofthe fo o-pforetheene tr ntob tetoaeoodheape"oneent
thefo o-pfore'reatontotheede a ntattbeedateandexeted ae -reheareddr thereb on onnteheenonterdr a derbedn"hapter0o dnderertanrtanebeed$eeberthatte tnotbeated edateatonexetedbo d btthaertanaontofaton nett ethe ene andforehtoabandonhde a npotonore tthe oanderonthepotho havetodedehatthebetoreofaton be andhavndededtoreatedate
Y Y heontro nheadarterthaveandantanoodonatonththe fo o-pforeheenta forp annnprpoefneear re a fa te ho dbeprovded hefo o-pfore a ohavetobeprovdedthoodrond-to-ar onatonatheararanp a anportantro eandanon beed effetve fthereareoodonatonththerondfore
Y 7 hefo o-poperatoneenta aprata app atonoftrantehnebt ththeforeooran edthatte ba anedre ent eanddeternedtooeto rpththeene andtoattaanddetro theene onehehabeenontated %anfator eadntoaef on onofhanoperatonareafo o a "orretonropnofthefore b Deternatonandantenaneofprere hhdereeofph a ftne d hhtandardofbhraft e oodonaton f ffetveep o entofthearar #e -p annedandoordnatedoveent h "aref appreatonandrotep annnofterranhhtheforetove over hhtandardofbatt edr that tandtheforenoodteadand n eaa tehenontatadeththeene reonandf exb t nthep annnandexetonofthefo o-p Y Y raera notbeneear nanfranntorthoenthhhavebeoeprofent nbhraftthernta havetohavepo ev anorfrano derattahedtopatro fortrandte terrort are e to beoe ater of bhraftthe probab re on peror ab t to'otee´and'ota ´ert foreherab t totraandreadtranatra
ae the ore profent n hdn ther on h neetate eber of the ert (ore ben expert traer thee ve or ben ab e to or th and ndertand o a frantraer )n rrendered terrort o far a ex-terrorttraer are onerned the fatthatthe haverrenderedand edert foretoaood doenotndatethatthe havehaned ther o a t heerefatthatthe arepreparedtoooperateththeert (oreaant ther fe o terrort deontrate ther a of o a t he ho d be ed henever approprate he ho d be ontna rended n one a or another that the are exeptona fortnatenottohave been hotbeforetherrrenderthatthe areonprobaton andhaveaorehhanon beett edb ontnoandatfator ervextreeare ho dbetaentoavodrrenderedterrort eadnorpatro ntoabhe Y"#$%)" *8#!Y)#*+ enera he dea raer "obat ea ont of for en a of ho are expert traerhforanteaho dnotbep tdonn etofvta operatona neet to doo a
$o e
a oatnpoor brananddetro na ropofterrort oprovdeatraerropapartofa arerfo o-prop do oateterrorthoaret ndeteted a
ran atonraer"obateaontofthefo onobnaton
ahetraeronthepoor bof antraer hetraerontro a
raer"obatea"apab te
aheab t to oatepoor ho dtdevate bheab t toearhforand oatepoor hentteporar ot heab t torotatedtethnte foanottotretheperonata tran dobee fontanedntranobervatonandproteton
ndvda raera
ahetraerfo othepoor bhef antraerperforthefo onta + ,heantaofthef antraertoprovdeprotetonforthetraeronthepoor + ,he ppthepoorftveertothe eftortherht +,he arr otar aratfthepoor ot +,#henadvannthe ntoardoneanotherandotaantothef anpotonnan effortto oatethepooraheadofthetraerandpeedptranreatareexeredto enre the poor not ob terated or dtrbed b the f an traer raer¶"ontro arreotthefo onfnton + ,eontro theteaatvteb theeofnandna + ,eaddtona traerproteton +,ereportproretotheoanderofthefo o-ptroop +,ethee eandearofthetraertea +,#henthepoor othearthe atpotvenh ethereanderofthetea earhtheareaforthepoor $!&''&'0&'(Y"#$%+ a)n e t pob etofo othepoorthetherav antraerora"obatraer ea an one fndn poor ho d o atethe ene and eep that area free of ert fore nt thearrva oftraernedatereportho dbeadetohherheadartervn thefo onnforaton + ,tatednberofterrort + ,eofpoor +,Dreton +,n otheref nforatonha oatonterranet
btabo te eenta thatthepoornotob teratedordtrbedb thedoverer he poor and the rrondn area t rean ntohed nt the arrva of a traer or traerteatnotpob etofo oonepreervedpoorhenthereanderoftheareaha beentrap edf atb ert fore t freent pa to ba tra hen ver freh tra are fond part ar ear n the ornnhenthe a eadtoaap raer"obatea(oratonherearetoeenta foratoned apenforatonforfar openontr bn ef eforver thbh +othforatonarehonnnnex, raer"obatea(o o-)patnnexhoraer"obateaforaton heeareperpoedontofo o-pforatonnora adoptedb $hodeantroopn operaton+eeppendetonnex, apen"ontr + ,( antraerrean ht aheadoftheantraerhonva ontat + , f the poor veer off to the eft or rht t ho d be ped p b ether of the f an traerhef antraerhoppthepoorontneaantraeronthepoorhe reanderoftheteaonforththetandardpatro nforatonththe atantraer f nnthevaantf anpoton +, f the poor ot f an traer do a r ar at orn toard one another n the hopeofpnpthepooraan thethoda0&dereer eop etednthearea hereta ot +,#h ethef antraerarearr nottheearhaderbedabovethetraerhoa onthepoorarreota0&dereeearhapproxate ardtohedatefront +,raerontro arthe atpotvepoorandprovdeprotetonforthetraer +0, tth tae the tea part ar v nerab e and the tea re e op ete on the a erttateofraer"ontro bh"ontr + , he an traer fo o the poor th raer "ontro thn ten ard of h a protetonanraer"ontro doenotattepttofo othepooraheoberveand ten forthetraertea
+ ,fthepoorteporar otraer"ontro arthe atpotvepoorandthef an traernonn ef ebehndraer"ontro atarondnanenve opn0&dereer e nanefforttofndthepoor+eennexppendx and, +,he antraerop etea0&deree r eapproxate ardtoh edate front +,nethepoorha beenre oatedthetraerhofondthepoorthentaeovera antraerhereanderoftheteafa ntoanappropratetraerforaton raer"obateaand(o o-proop"obnaton attbeappreatedthata foratonare bettovaratondependnonthet peof ontr andtheappreatonoftheoanderofthepatro b here are a nber of foraton pertaton n rrent e n the $hodea r +ee nnexandppende, hereonderab evaratonnthe$hodeanbhbeteentheerandnteronth andtheeforatonareadaptab etoetheropenontr orthbh +)2(+ heon traerdoatpreentava ab etoert (ore n$hodeaarethoeedb the!o eothdoandhand erareextree e tranedfor!o erereent heedohavebeenedn"peratonbthaveahevedon tedet dobtf hether thee do o d be ade ava ab e for enera operaton bt the oaon a arehenadoaanattahedtoapatro fortranprpoe hedo nora fo othefrehettrabthe f'ventheent´froperona othnorbe onndrnateandfo otheentofthatpart ararr tho dberea edthatdotreea andthereforethe ho don beedfortran hen va tran beoe ver dff t or pob e f the tra beoe vb e one oreva tranho dbereedtoonervethedo¶trenthandonentraton partfroobvo fatorhhaethearr to eaveatronenteb ooddrt bod and othe eat or pan there are ertan at fator hh nf ene entn ondton a(avorab e + ,randrondteperatreapproxate theae + ,D dapeather
bdvere + ,otn + ,tronnd +,eav ran +,araroadroandotherhardrfae +,Dt +0,$nnnater (rothanbedededthefo onfatreardnentnondton ahedo trae atnhtntheear ornnand ateevenn bheperodoftheran eaon befavorab efortranexeptdrnheav ranand edate afterard hebhho dnear a a prodeoodondtonbtherethepreeneofae a aeonfon dheep o entoftraerdontonandv aever rare orthh e e)ndertheotfavorab eondtont betefeab etofo otrapto hor o d f)ndernfavorab eondtontherea benoentata evenfthearr on afe nteahead Doho dnotbeedaa atreortandonethedeonadetoeadothearea t not be 'fo ed´ herefore a nneear oveent n the area b troop po e or v an t be rd ontro ed nt the do ha ped p the ent Do a be tranported b he opter a the ana trave e and do not ffer an dofort he fo onpontho dbereebered ahedondraftfrothehe opteranver ea detro an entenethehe opter ho dnotf ooveranonorpetedtra b#henadotranthepreeneofahe opterf nnearb oftendtrattheana andothearraftho dbeepte aa )eofrraftforran htarraftand/orhe opteranbeofreatataneto patro ntrananofnrentteenta thatthenrentareeptontheoveb
the rond fore a a tatonar an nder even ht over dff t to pot fro the ar !atro eaderho da oreeberthathe opternoeanbreaert andndatetothe terrorthattheert (orearep annn Y Y Y enera textree dff ttoove ent and notpartofthe$hodean bhandoneent threrehprateandonentraton herearean pathnthebhadeb aedrnthernht oreaona oveent hee ana avod teep or pper ope and therefore ae path nora provde ea on nrent and or on patro e thee tra hen ent oveent rered roop ho d exere extree aton hen n thee tra a ert (ore hte beabhed herearetodtntt peofpoor;rondpoorandaera poorherondn nora adeb abootorfootprntandaera poorntheforoftrap edrabroen bhebroenobebet %anarefootprntareoftrondedpreonforedb thehee ba ofthefootor toe#oen¶traareenera a eranda havetoharatert;frt the tendtobepeon-toedandeond thertoeareorep a edotthanthea e na otana have ovenhoovethepreonforedontherondhave harp eartede ran hefo onarenthattheexperenedtraereehenfo onpoor a"rhedandbentraandveetaton broentand eave vertrned eave d%ddp aedfrotrea eroenobeb fhetateofthedeonatra %dorratheontoneand o
$nnnen!onttoobervearedardepthofpreonrnnnonba offeet andtoep a edottoeandbad daaedveetatonthre tant aofonea entof thetra oadedenhortfoottepdeeperpreonthannora noftrondtoep a ed ot 3dntheeofra a#eatherhetateoftheeather ranndnhne ho da a beonone¶ndat oneoftheotportantpontndedntheaeofatra
b-eetatonhetateandpotonoftroddenveetaton;varoraehavedfferent radeofre eneandon prateandexpereneanenab eatraertoethfatorto arate detheaeofthepoor preonnd a notethetateofdr neofatrandoroftrondfthe traver frehater nothavernbantothedepreonadeb afootheater rnba aterand atert thedphedparondthedepreonandedforardb thefoot eavntherond bentodr db teratonb ranort reebernhent atranedorearatedentof theaeoftrapob efthetraarepoaredthe ereobvo adebeforethe ranand f notpo-aredthe ere adeaftertheran ar b oontoee fthe trahavebeenpo-aredb tdrppnfrotreetheaeanbeetab hed e ent ra or eave n ndaton of the ae of a tra a be aned b the tate of dr ne of the bent ra t reen bt after a fe da trn a bron o or an the aontofnhneandrandrnthe atfeda ho dbetaenntoaont faera$eeberthatotana epdrntheda andoveabotatnht hereforefhanprntonanforetaetra haveat eatadob eetofana poor perpoed and thee poor ho that the ae ha oved n both dreton an han prntareprobab at eatonenhto dftheana poorhothataehaovednone dreton on then the han prnt ere probab ade drn the nht afterthe ae had oveddontoaterbtbeforetheaeovedba nforatonreardn nrent¶ ethodofonea ntraandapho d a obe oht (atoraffetnranhereareertanfatorhhaffettran a#hethertherondhardoroftton ordd bhet peofontr avannahor%opanforet
heeather thn adepthnoverateather
dhepotonofthenre atvetothedretonoftrave heottab epoton henonehatotratoardthen ehefootearofthehanarr dtntbootpatternobvo eaertofo othana p ano edpoor fheextenttohhother artraa onfeandpob b rthepoor "onentratonandtheeffetofearne hnthetraert oofor a (ootprnt and preon of footear; the rh th of the poor or enth of trde of the arr hadetoherethenextfootprntanbefond brap edra Dtrbed tonetoro %ar nthe o here ndretprere a have eft no preon d eave trned rhed ed or p ed off tree ranhe and t bent or broen -eetaton phed ade and the ref eton of ht fro ra or eave dp aed at an an e heo orofbentandbroenveetatonrathedorhppedbar
eDardedrappnandatatedveetaton f"obebbroenorpedoffontoanearb treeorbh )rne and exreent freent ndated b hoe f e opan bee e o btterf e anddrntherandnbeet e hnareandtraprobbedbeenetandoe hetateofdeonthepoor 3%ddp aedfrotreaordontoneand o .ahedana ornet feandhetherthabeenattaedb ant hDanern ahere oerehendtrbed ttera odanddranot'-a ´a andoften fo othentrdertha arnthearr orarnnthetraer
bhehone debrdandox-peerbothhavetheae'veaa ´effetonboth arr andtraer
'$.,+&' traerhaan thntoonderh etranetpoeertana teh a above averae e eht eor nte ene ftne antpaton and ndertandn of natre !atene pertene ate obervaton and natra ntnt are the ba of ood tranherearetehenprentnta one draatraerntheorretdreton nt ho d enre that trann n reve hraft antaned at the hhet pob e tandard '')9!,"#.Y"#$%&'(-)"#!&'+ Y"#$%)"Y)#*#'0#!"."*#!&'+ )')"#. xpereneanedb $hodeanert (orenthepatfe earhare tednba prnp eonhhoperatona ntnobaetraerteaandpatro foratonhee prnp ehaveevo vedfronora borderontro dtenoroperatonandaor operaton"ontathaveorredaare tofde beratefo o-ppatro nandfrohane ontatdrnfrae-orpatro nnoperaton na aetheoanderofthepatro dedehobettoovethrohthepart art pe ofontr nhhhpatro operatnhereareon toanpatro foraton;then e ( eandpen(oratonbothofhhadeate aterforthbhandopenontr he traerteaandnora patro orbothfthe areorntoetherareab etoadoptthee foratontoovertherondbenearhedandprovdeoodproteton "*#!&'+ n theot nerereentanbevennthefo ondaraahre arntha deve oped t on dea on the bet deta thn eah foraton oever t enera aeptedthatthedea traerteaoraaforanroph epatro foratonho dbe baed on three an rop p a ontro or headarter rop #thn eah rop ata foraton adopted o d var dependn on perona te n oand nt trann e or d eandthet peofontr orterrortonfrontntheeberofthepatro hefo onappendeveforatondeta ofraerea!atro andaobnatonof both eaderho drehearetheronanevernnthebhnthefo ondeaaa deDrnreheara prateorbatrannfnerdeta anbedeve opedtothe atfatonofa ho aeprata eoftheforatonnata operaton '')9!,"#.Y"#$%&'(-)"#!&'+ !)+
aheforrop tehana ae( anand$eerveropththeoand e eent oatedentra ahropo dadoptan oneofevera foratontooverthe rondeffent herea evenbeoaonhentheoanderprefertoeeptothrd ofhtrenthnreerve+oneptoba,htheoander¶preroatveandhet dedeafteronderna re evantfatorhe eofthepatro dtatethenberofenn eahrop;fthepatro on forantrenththeraerean e( eorpen (oratonanbeadopted+eeandabove,thetrenthnreaeoanthenberof enneahrop bDtane beteen ndvda var aordntovb t bt fve ard the ot onvenent de Dtane beteen rop tata bt ertan thn va dtane for entna andontro hepatro ovebehndthetraerandtavodnterfernththeraerea dteandtathepatro oanderoandtheho efo o-ppatro n dn traerbtheho ddforatondtaneandperona prefereneththe"ontro raerbeforeovnotonapatro hho de natean ndertandnandavod nneear onfont a oa ooordnatonbeteentraerandpatro hha havepea rereent d he a oated poton of patro peronne thn rop not rd ah oander ha h perona preferene and fator an nf ene th deta he potonn of varo t peof fre pportava ab e a o f exb eandperona prefereneoverrdean atteptto dtate rd dr e / ftted to rf e poton of heav barre ed ( potonn of the %orrado
aot orno edeoftran enhane oraarenenreae orab t toathernte ene andharpen orbhraftf oarenoanddrnextendedborderoperatonatranapab t enab e otob danarateapofthe oa edene oveentthothavntoendot areaontof patro
oodtraerarerare#henthe areneededfor tar prpoeoandera ep o hnterfrothe oa ndenopop atontthdoenoteanthato derannottra;oeoftheareaontheor d¶ bettraertraerareaderof6n¶etaeafefantpeeofnforatonandb theproeof dedtonandoparonthprevoexpereneptthep etoether heoreexperenethetraerhathebetterab ehetodotheobthett bearethefo on 3#$%2$'2&0)'$) venthebettraerenttonandatraertnohentotrtahnh#th veattae aof onfdenean od orab t tothntrahtxperenetheon o ton 4#0 )#!/)" 6n¶doenot atforever#ndranandfrehnofa a ob teratetan atra haoneo d beaethetraerhanotpadenohattentontotheeatherforeat#thnfavorab eeathernenthort ta needtobetaentopeedthe6fo o-p¶ '!"#$%$'+$&,+-)"+''). thetetraerarea edntofo oatra the eatthepropoedtarthavea beendetro edb feetf oarefortnateenohtoorthateathatanreon e6n¶eventhohthe annotread t o haveextraparofe etohe p ofndthevta e 5'+:*-#!/)!&$$**#'0)" ranao tar bnerernreatonentratontraerthavethetrtoftheoanderand tbeab etotrthoverropranofteneetobepanf obtthetraer beovna fataheanneverrhhheorente enehehaathdpoa thebetterote hhatonon
orno edeofene oveenta aeeneofanothereeann e e r toa othetraertetopartardentar no edeoftrantohoverropandaerethe overroparea patententhetraerhatheha eneofthetra toho dhattentonbttheoverand pportropdoenotfthe aean noetthetraerhoatreatetr )#"'&'(!!"#$% rannotapart ar dff t to earnbttneeddedatonandhpratene ohave earnedthebaprnp eandtehne oanpraten orontef oanttoreahahhtandard t he pf ohaveateaatehoan a tra for o%aere oeepa othtn dethe dratonofthetratheteoftheda therondondtonandthe eve ofdff t eahn ore fnotea hebettae oanaeto6rnbefore oana ¶forat eat or frt&horfo op etra onentratnonarate nterpretnthe6n¶henrada nreaethe dff t ofthetra #hen ohave &&hornder orbe t oho dbefo onfar dff ttra
hefrt ofatraertheotportantone o earnbeonn-onohereno a toaheveth ooabot orever da bnetr tonotefootprnttrafnerprntharand othern tfrtth beaontrvedatvt btthpereverane o bentonotetheefnedeta nthe overa patternarond othotthnnabott#henthhappen oareread totarttran
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Y heert foreere ar ef noveronoeofhedff tenherentn trana err antandbandofnf tratorthrohrohontr nharh at ondton#thnther pea for-an+t,trantea+e oot/"), ereoran edandtranedforextendedoperatonnthebhhetranteaoredn threeoneropnprtoftheerr aonefo onthetra baardnhopeof enonternothererr aordovernahddenaraheorva ab enrent doentandone eap-fronaheadtotr toppthetra ore heteaere pportedb a areretonoftroop+(refore,hoo doveforardandenaethe nrentonethe ere oatedb thetraer otantrertedfro oa nvertetahtthetraerhoto veoffthe and+athe err add,reon ehanenanarea¶natra eo o thato dndateaerr a preeneanddentf frobroenbrhorfant trap edrathete -ta enof oveentnteadoffateandobatbootthetraeroretennhoeandhort nreaedoforth eoperatnntheoftenntenedda heatanottheon reaonfor thattreennhoeade enoethanbootere hterandade eofanprnton
therondthantoredff tforthetraerthee vetobetraed ar b earnhortthetraerereforedtoa arondthebrhratherthanthroht rednbothnoeandph a nofoveenthereperhapnobetterexap eofthe $hodean¶ooneneapproahtoop exprob ethanthepea onatonear edb thetraertoantanontatthoneanotherordnar nexpenvedoht e hohnadb etothentranedhaneartheht eereaneffetveeanof onatoneteenperonattnedtotdtntvepth
Y Y %Y Y Y Ô Y
Y Y Y !
'!"0,$!&'!&+,#.Y"#$%&'( heerr rare tandandfhtthe aeradandretrntotherhdeota a pob eoaeontatththedff tneoftheethodedtohntdonand theerr b tranranedb frannora henhntnana orfndntra edto na donotonea thertraandhaveetharaterthhhennontothetraerae ana hntnoparatve ea ranerrver horedff t$ea nthattheert (orearenfran traertohntthedontheerrortanarena ortofethodtoonea thertra (o ontheoparatve -defnedhanfoo prntaoparedththee -defnedhoof-ar adeb aedff tenohthottheerronea nthertrahereforefrt- atraer theed%an franantrabtthefrt- atraernotfondntheaveraefrane bornandnoaontofprateandexperene aetheaveraetraeraoodatheborn traer heethodofanontatthanb tranneverthe ever ef andever effort tbeadetoeepptheora eofthetraerandrea etherportanenpatro he arepart ofthetea Y/) #'0.&'(2Y"#$%)"+
hefranp enotver nte entbtver nftreatedntherhta Donotreard haa avebtaanea o fndthatotfranhaveannnaterepetforthe#hte%an hrepetea nreaedordetro eddependnonthetreatentventothe herepet bedetro edffa art honorthe area oedtotae bertehdoenot eanthatthe ho dnotbepoentoorofferedarettehe appreateheerf neandtheodd oehe haveaoodeneofhorhha thohnotentre artothatofthe#hte%an nonethe epreenthe d ebenornatevennfnandannotndertandara a thnhaanthetandphenpoentoareportanthe ho doender thedretontro ofpatro oanderandothereberofthepatro ho dndertandth hefran%enta t ttbendertoodthatthefranhaaop ete dfferentveof feandodeofora fro oredoenotthnoftheftrehhthe#hte%anhadff t nndertandnandfnd rrtatn %ora e hhtandardofora eaontraertbeantanedandth dependan onhothe ropeannthepatro behavehe etoarthertrob eandtheetbe tenedto dntraton thohtherph a needareareatdea ethanordonotdreardthefran¶ofort hereaa eof othnandratonforfrantraerandttheenredthatthe ett ran!atro )eof"orretraer-ota traerareoftheaetrbeand oaton"areho dthereforebe taenthatthetraernoperatona eb batta onarefrothetrbeottedtotheterrann hhthebatta on oatedfthetraera o andde erep o hn arterranaefor hh andde era otr toantanntert ofthetraerb eepn artrbetoether "opotonofranropna!atro -hedea aropofthreetraerandoneotor bod ardntothehortaeoffrt- atraerthnthe"oandoreoftenon to traerandoneotareed (oraton)nhreeraer-traer eadthepatro onthetrahhhefo on ehndthe eadntraerhbod ardorotfo onthebod ardateheothertotraer oneathnfortrabreanofftotherhtandtheotherathn eftbforatonon ed hentepatro ana edntheforetandadaptedtotopenontr aordnto rtane (oraton)noraer-heforatondenta exeptthaton onetraerfo othe bod ardandhatoathfortrabreanrhtand eft
heod ard-hedt ofthebod ardexat theaeathatofa eadnotnanora patro hetraera havethere etotherondandthereforeannot oootforabherap ortheene heDt oftheraer-hedt ofthetraertotrahe ho dnotbeadetoarr heav oad or beoe odd-ob en he ho d be traned n the e of frear ent na edate atondr andtopaa nforatontotherpatro oander tonon(ndnra )ponenonterntrateenta thatoea tebepentntd ntheanva ab e nforatonanheobtanedhahentheanpaedthepotthenberhetherthe ere aden+efoodarreroraredeber,anddretonta oportantthattepotfxedon theap ar ntrandonerrpertenea ertne eneandtheab t tohoottrahtand are portantefr etfarandtd ortraerfortherndvda pe arte Y"#&.+#'0Y"#$%+ ntrodton
oove ent and notpartofthebhpob en eeadeoftra here areaonderab enberofpathnthebhorna adeb bae drnthernht or eaona ratonnebaeana fnddff t n bnordeendnteep pper opet befondthataetra arever ea onthen nebenent e
oththeerrandoronpatro etheetra hen entoveentrered a heforerrorttrahenntheetra andreeberthattontheetra thatabheare ea adbothb ert foreandtheerrthohthe attertodatehavenottaenf advantae oftheopportnt offered raontra aren nedtobe ob teratedb aeandranaoetra areodethat there tt eoverheadover peofra $de"retra -(oredb aea onanrdetoenab eoveentfroonepartofthe ontr toanother)a e defnedandef forrapdoveentnthbhbtnotedtoa reatextentb theterrforfearof eavntraonthetra edfreent b ert fore "ontorra -(ondon nareaofha ova e andenera onretofrdeb fo on theontorrondtheheadoftheva e )edb theterronderab toenab ethetohaveea rotetotherap
prra -heefo othea proftenfondproetnfroanrdentodeepva e ftenrathervaebtareef forronheav ontr arotherananedonderab b theterr "oonra %an-arefootprntareoftrondedpreonforedb thehee ba offootortoe#oen¶ traareenera a erandhaveontheho etoharatert(rt the tendtobepeon-toed andeond thertoeareorep a edotthanthea e
na -Detothefatthatotana have ovenhoovethepreonforedonthe rondhaveharp ear-tede ran
hefo onarentheexperenedtraer ooforhentranpoor +a,"rhedandbentraandveetaton +b,roentand eave +,vertrned eave +d,%ddp aedfrotrea +e,"obeb +f,hetateofdeonatra +,%dorratheontoneor o +h,%orapedfrotree $nnn%en-!onttoobervearedardepthofpreonrnnnonba offeetand toep a edottoeandbad daaedveetatonthre tant aofonea entoftra oaded%en-hortfoottepdeeperpreonthannora noftrondandtoep a edot 3dneofra +a,#eatherhetateoftheeather-ranndnhne-ho da a bereordednone¶ ndatoneoftheotportantpontndedntheaeofatra +b,-eetatonhetateandpotonoftroddenveetaton;varoraehavedfferent radeofre eneandon prateandexpereneanenab eatraertoethfatorfor arateaenofatra +,preonnd a notethetateofdr neofatrandoroftrondfthe traver frehatero dhavernbantothedepreonadeb afoot aterthe
aterrnbaand atert thedhhhabeenphedprondthedepreonand thededforardb thefoot eavntherondbentodr +d,b teratonb ranordrppnfrot reebernhent atranedore aratedentoftheaeoftraea fthetraarepoaredobvo the ereadebeforetheranandfthe arenotpoaredthe ereadeaftertheran ar b oontoeefthetrahavebeenpoaredb tdrppnfrobrh theaeanbebetterded +e,aetraperpoed$eeberthatotana epdrntheda andove abotatnhthereforefhanprntonanbhtrahaveana tra perpoedandtheetrahothattheaehaveovednbothdretonthehan prntareprobab at eatonenhto dftheana trahothataehaveoved on nonedretonthenthehantraereprobab adedrnthenhtafterthe aehadoveddontoa toraterbtbeforetheaeovedba +f,"ranbentraor eavenndatonoftheaeofatraa beanedb thetate ofdr neoftheera#henfrehthe arereenbtafterafeda trnabron o orantheaontofnhneandrandrnthe atfeda ho dbetaennto aont +, eaveoverntranthebh eavearea a fa nfrothebhehenberof eavethatfa dependonndandran oonatthenberof eaveovernthe traandtanntoonderatontheaontofndandrandrnthepatfeda anotherndatonatotheaeoftraobtaned$eebertheeaona haratert of oroperatona area;.en aforexap ehanoatn;othe eavefa frotreea the earrondthere "on on traerhaan thntoonderh ttranetpoeertana teha extraordnar e ehteor nte eneftneandndertandnofatre thohprateand experene aetheaveraeanatraerheanneverbeaoodatheborntraerfortherea traerbornnotadefrantraertrabetntheareanhhthe erebornandhen ovedtoneareatbeventetobeoeedtothe atondtonandthedfferenen veetatonando !ateneperteneandateobervatonarethebaofoodtran Y)"""&+!&('+#'0&).0$"#2! ntrodton heerrhavetheronethodofnforneberoftheranherethe haveoneor herethe havehddentherfoodandthe a ohavetheronarnn teheeanbepottedb ana ertpatro heexap eofnvenbe oareo dandereon effetvenertanarean var froareatoareaandfroantoan!atro ho dattepttoreon enenandpa baa nforatonreardntheenhenterroatonofpronertn dethefndnotof nheexap enotedareon venaadeatohattoexpet nareanonpo apob enordertoonea thefrotheert fore Dretonn-Dretonnabe oarea fondattranton
+a,entbaboo;entdonandpontnnthedretonrerednonpoata nterpretedahavnbeendoneb bae +b,aboo eaveroedandpnnedtotherondthatthe onetarofthero ndatndreton +,aboobentaroapathndateetherabhorarnntoerrthatthepathnon toert fore +d,hefoodahen-hreea ho eardatre ardtanepthedd eoftepath trhtan etooneoftheeaho edonetherdeofthepathheeare nedpth aonpotreeorbaboonhhthereapanat p anapananthetand htna ontheb adethedretontoafoodaheobtaned +e,bandonedhde-treeneartheabandonedhdendatedb ttnoffa arepeeof barhe oetbranhofthetreepontnthedretonofthenehdehebranhere ndatethedretonhenehde notbevb ebtb fo onthendated ne tra eadntothenehde befondhenehdea beaonderab edtane aa "onea entofra +a,#a nbaardan noftrondordt patheotethatthedf aebened pareedpb thehee nteadofthetoehehee ar endtobedeeperthanthatoftheba ofthefootandthefeetarep aedderaparta thohthepaehorter +b,#a nontheedeoforatrdepath +,teppnnoneanother¶tra-eda otodenbernaan +d,)eoftreaandtreabed +e,p ttnpntoa roporndvda overea tranrondoronnearnhdeot +f,entbabooho dtbeneear foraantoroadepaththe ateberp dona babooorbhthap efo aetooverthetraha ofreent nterpretedahavn beendoneb bae +,#a na onfa entreeoven-ro rondorteppnfrorotoro +h,to enatt eDranbhovertra ;p ttnherdandxnthherdofother +,thertr +,p-toen; +,$earanoverntrathbaboo eave;(a etra;
+v,ana nneahotherfootprntrearanttnoffthefeetofdeade ephantor rhnoandt nthetohfeetandob teratnhanfootprnt "onea entofdeot heanethodedare +a,"onea entoftra eadntohdeot +b,)eofan devoentranetra +,htnhdeotnotn e p ae)a oetoaoandnpotonheretheanan e-pdrntheda hthor peofdeot +a,)nderrondrond-o thronntotherverandtheentraneonea ednthebhtheea be a andaoodatea nberbtn$eervearenora foron oneortoen +b,"avenderaterfa -a eed +,thdeotn$eerve-ho ednderbedapab eofho dnptofveenhavna onea edentrane +d,ree-oftento-orthree-anhdenho eaonttherootof aretreehehe ofbrnt-ot treeareoeteedaentr boxeorobervatonpot +e, e-pherenoforofontrtoneretedtheanere npndernatra th over +/,redeberofoean veeparate frothefoodarrernan antheoen eberareereatedandnoeaethean eader ve oeb the .eepn)ptoDate ran han hoarea a tr ntoonea thertra dff t evenforan experened frantraerhooreedtotranana 3tatheethodofbreanandenterned b abr ar oftenvehdentt aa tothe!o eotheethodb hhaanonea t traandthe a t etab he thdeot veaa the anherefore t eenta thata ne ethodofonea ntrabebrohttothe note of ortraerandonvere f he fnd neethodthenforatonho dbepaedba
'$.,+&' #henapatro entotthtraerteenta thatthepatro oanderhe fhaafar no edeoftranhno edea beoretheoreta thanprata btheho dbeab eto reon enhenpontedottohb htraertraer oetehavedfferent opnonatohatertannortrandatethepatro oanderthaveffentno ede toaeafna deon
nrthnt anaedff tebeteenpatro oanderandtraeranbeottreoe heoodpatro oander earnenohofthenatveda ettoe natethdff t 3tathe traertbepatenthentranotthepatro oanderbepatenthendea nthh traerhebaofef tranpatro theteaprthh ethna theeberof thepatro
Y Y Y :G#$%Y/*-+' the and-$overrondedaorneronthe ondt roadnear(ort-tora$hodea +no/babe, attentonfro eona arefree narotheroad anonthe braeandonter-teernadeaetoretabottoeterfrotheobta ehenthe abhaprn 5heo dtreearotheroadfo oedb anabhtr´thoht'opethe forotthe " a ore! adthe forotthe andne!´$eatnntant thonterfrehataved or vebeaethadthe/)+/babefranatona )non,terrorta read f eenbeforeedontedonettoodt ooed ethe p &&-eterfna veedfrotheothendofthetadheafteraton eneadetfee etheabh neverhappenedfter reoran neerehapp tofndnoaa te read on abotanteaftertheenontertheene ahndredofeteraa thnonof ondon ran nore ventoafo o-proptooon eondand eavnaert rop to ooaftertheveh eeovedotthereto?ndtodohat?oo depob athpthanabhropthate tedofatntothebh?ran frendtran ranthe +oea tanart,ofprntheene b fo onthenhe eave behnd(orntherhatetof eeoronterfrethe eftenoh etoa otofo o thendfo oeddndnoton fo othebtathpththeand the ohodo otra?odo oreadthentheene eavebehnd?n+orpoor, fa ntotoanateorerondpoorandaera poor rondpoorathenaep enfondontherondxap earefootprnt dtrbedearthovertrnedroetera poorfondabovetherondntheforof trap edrabroenbhebroenobebet+%a be orotherearobatboot btothernatredoen¶t ooforan nhhnatredoenotae, )pon oatntraeneedtotd theto earnat eatthreethn
pproxatenberntherop eofthepoor Dretonoftrave Deternnthenberntheropaop hedafo o %eareoff&nhe+orthe enthofonetrde,a onthetrabeteentopont Drato neatrhtan etothetraatthoetopont "ontthenberoffootprntbeteenthe neth ve othenberofpeop e hohavepaedthrohthearea htehnever p ebtton orarate ptoabot &- peop e tatntheaeofafootprnta tt eharderraepea hanfootprnt oe therharpedeovertebeaeofndranandnhne#nderodetheprntran ahetheotandthendreprntthatarendtepea portanttoonder hattheeathera eoverthepatfeda todetheaeofthepoorarate at ranedreent ?ohddtran?atbeennd ? eofaera pooranbededb thetateandpotonoftroddenveetaton onra forexap ere entand prnbaafterbena edon otheendethe b ade aefreh trodden onraoehatdapfhraop ete dr hen ooepontthepoorobvo notfreh)nfortnate on prateand experene teah ohotodetheaeoftraarate Dretonoftrave deternedthaopaoeverdon¶tbefoo edntothnnthat thenta neoftrave on¶thanet a taeabotto oetertoarate deternethetredreton othatehavereon edtraetatedthenberofene nohohofa headtartthe haveandnotheenera dretonoftrave eandea thhoto tra eforeovnottportanttofndanata footprntorbootprnt#ea th 'onfredpoor´era poornotonfredpoorrondpoorthatnotanata prnt ofabootorfoot eovertrnedrorhed eaveetnotonfredpooretherothe r etotartoton poorhetraerteor etheharatertofthe prnt+treadpatternfan and e,hhheenonterothathedoen¶tbeoeonfed aterfheenonteradfferentetoftra rath orheadpand ooabot &feetnfrontof oeornexperenedtraer t pa ooattherondnearertherfeetandtendtotrafartheraa htendto
otherateoftran$eeberthottraatafaterpaethantheene a nf oanttoathpthh Donota dret onthepoorbtrathertothedeoanottoob teratet teaertotrantothenthanthtat orbahbeaethenata hadoonthendentatonofthebootprntanteaertoee#hentranaa fro thenthhadoannotbeeenohat odototraa ondeofthepoorand oaona ooover orho derdonatthepoorhve otheaeveaf o eretranntothen #h etranthetraertbeontant a ertforboob trapandpob eabhte f ortranef atoepont o beathnpththeene andt¶not aooddeatobeahtoffard!ob eabhteho dbe earedbeforepannear thexap earea h thbhenarrodef eet aona detothenatreoftherond eofda +tranatnoonat tt eorno hado,ortraerfatethetra be otohat? otothe atonfredpooranddraa nebehndtarothetratandbehndthe netaetetorve the andapenfrontof othena ore f'#hereo dof erea na onhere?´ ooforthe oa neofadvaneandthenohetotf o fndthepooraanontnetotrafnotobato or neanddoa0&&r etoe eth)n or atonfredpoora ortartnponta eterforardand a nar earond orpont oonfortra.eepen arnthr ent traare fondthenontnetran oete oa rnotofava ab e htattheendoftheda nthae ohaveto eeponthepoorandontnentheornnobvo tartnatfrt ht he oftranva ab ebeaearopththeab t totraandreadtraan enaeene ntthatthe othereo dnotton tandtoreaonthenthatan ndertandnofth a oenab ethetobetterhdetherontrahenonpatro ndthatbrntoant-tranhotoavodbenthe hohtvrta pob etoavod eavnpoorertantehneanbeep o ed ton edetetonheatoaetheoboftheene traerahardapob eand a be o¶ be enohthat orant-trantehne defeathtranab t oevereepnndtherearethoehoantra onoatterhattehne o ep o nhaene oan¶totttheene traer oanb ore foete throhdeeptonandaontent fatrateofarhthat eep oonetepahead opef o avodontatnt dathh ehe tera havetotopdeadn
ortraoontheotherhandontnetoaetrabtnanhtarh ppn fartheraa ntheproe
et¶ ooatoeprovenant-trantehne(rtexanetheo eof orboot -brao eandn ebootarea"hrtapreenttoaoodtraerf ohavenohoe ato orbootteaandbaoverthetooverthetreadpatternootho enatra hardertotrathana eatedonenfraeereedahh-toppedooth-o edboot a ed'boot andetne´andthe oredver e eondpatro tehner atever opportnt toa onrondthathardorro dob ebap tntorophanebootortaetheoffanda barefootforah eh anthrooff odonoronfeatraerevenaoodoneneofthebeta toavod bentraedto thetraer!nperfreae -p aedboob trapordonado eand abhn orontra defnte taethefhtnedeoffafo o-prop ranandant-tranare thataredff tto earnbtver horththeeffort !ratedefnte aeforprofen t e orpateneandpereverane beteted beae ohtbeontraforda on tohavethe'dappear´ntothnar earnn thee anbreathea otofonfdenentondvda o derathe pthe +;ndofthart ea ot pottaoonaanfndanotherop oft,
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Úpra nbahna 4&"0+8&"0)((+ )-!&.)+ Ú ard Únae Ú(ro 5 '+)$!+ Ú#or Úrahopper/ ot Úerte 6#*)#'&*#.+ &+/ Y"#--&'( 3"&'$&-.)+2!"#--&'( 4'#")+ )#02#..+ 5%)"*+ &")#%&'( 3&")+&!) 4,&.0&'(!/)2&") Únder Ú.nd n Ú(e &")+!#"!&'(
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herenodobtthatbaenthe$hodeanbhaoreapparentdanerthan errorerr atothenexperenedotfthefo onp efatarebornennd hoevertheapprehenonofneottothebh bere eved;
ephant onandffa ohaveexe enteneofhearnande he a oveaa fhanareabotthearea a baea eeptoaetra /traandthereforeprovdedtheapade offtheaeta andnthbhtherere atve tt edaner a
ephantffa o onand$hnoarehoeverpart ar daneronareahh havebeenreent bobedntheertanethe freent hareonhtandpart ar preatonareneear no edeofthereatonofertanaeana ponentnorenontern hanben beofva etotheotfrotheoperatona apet ephantffa o on and$hnoho dthe dden tapedehen ohavenotaedthetodoothend benn orfavorera e eanthatthe haveeenorentedterrort/err anthe area aboonhb e%one "o ob%one and arerdveoff dtntvearnnrefthe entoreehaneontheathforr nv trea the a e ndateahdeot/aperefoodorrapor eftabot enaa n repeated atnhtoran h enatraonentratnnonedretona a oeanahdeot orap Donotattepttohootae"rrenterverf earenotadeto areana therondnotdenedtopenetratethrohtheheav bonehdeandf ehof areae ho dapatro beharedb abaeana tho detoffthepathpndofthe beata andaet apob ethotpanna bennora ore frhtenedofhanthanhanarefrhtenedofthee dohareeann e %ore oftenthannoto-a edhareareon ana anoffna dretonnb ndpan erdofoe ephanttha veandrhnoandbffa otha veho dhoeverbe avodedata teb ovnrondthepnd heebaebhrafttpforoteretahttoa otaanth t oftpnota -n vebtprovdedaoodbano edeforthatbaeenonter hee ereorere evanttothea torpatro operatnnthevatbhere therenatreana andahaneontatthaeore e thenoparedtoa onventona ntoperatnn arenbernthebh
Y/)V &V 2/0)+
Y hrafta ononnan ontreafe draft arep rvva hraftn dea thoe theotetoaehextenenthebh+h anrefertoforetn eontanet,oreeffent afeandofortab ethfneedbena reatre ofortandfoodhhtn deprovnae trapforfood;navatonb natra eanhathen andtar;prf norf terntanantater;provn ahe terforprotetonfrothee eent;freanth aboanddr perortrannnh anavaton aof aeforantran+eeobattran etonfororenforaton,andtan ettheot aeeatherandterranana thatprotetedtheh e t oedandexpoedtheene andappedhtrenth hraftnoton enta a the neear forrvva bta otheprovatonofon handtetoproveorfxfneedbeonapatro tho dn dehthnarnan provedantenna;b dnboob trap;anahdeteofnatra aof ae;andother nenobhtehne hee oott eaderototoreat enthtoenrethata hothave deve opedandantanedtherbhraftproetothehhetdereeeanneverae thatthe areprofentatbhraftbeaethe arendenotothereonnhhthe are operatn3tbeaeaotabornandraednarra envronentdoen'tneear eanhe deontratethebhavv hfe ootdo #ththeabovenndanorporatonofthe$hodeanbhraftandtranhoo n thefo oneton overoethe ep o edb theforere ootand
t benep o edb an e tenttoda he bebaa rvva tha tata overtonetothe
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