Combat Tracking Techniques

July 26, 2020 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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    ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

Don't‘ove‘o‘ ‘that‘ o‘over oo‘te ta e‘ n‘‘

earn‘to‘e‘ or‘ene‘of‘e ‘a‘e ‘a‘ or‘ ht‘and‘hearn ‘‘ Don't‘t‘oberve‘the‘tra‘nterpret‘hat‘the ‘ean‘‘ et‘to‘no‘ or‘ene ‘td ‘the‘terrort'‘operatn ‘proedre‘habt‘and‘ epent‘‘ ‘ e‘pertent‘don't‘ oe‘the‘ ‘to‘n‘hen‘ o‘ oe‘the‘poor/tra ‘r ‘to‘fnd‘t‘a an‘‘ ‘‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ Y Y ‘

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 ean‘a‘h‘nforaton‘a‘pob e‘abot‘ana ‘ d fe‘n‘the‘area‘t‘ ‘be‘nva ab e‘n‘tran ‘and‘f‘ or‘ next‘pp ‘o n‘‘abhed‘or‘the‘arterater‘e ‘t‘and‘retre‘to‘the‘oth‘of‘(rane‘ o‘an‘t ‘feed‘


Y  ‘ eond ‘no‘ or‘ene ‘he‘better‘ o‘ndertand‘h‘h‘otve‘apraton‘trat‘habt‘tat‘and‘ atttde‘the‘ reater‘ or‘tata ‘ed e‘on‘h‘‘a‘re t‘ o‘ ‘be‘ab e‘to‘rn‘h‘to‘ rond‘ooner‘ne‘ o‘ ndertand‘the‘ene ‘ or‘ta‘ ‘beoe‘h‘eaer‘‘ f‘pob e‘eep‘note‘on‘tat‘ep o ed‘a ant‘ or‘nt‘and‘other‘po e‘and‘para- tar ‘ rop‘ oo‘for‘ pattern‘of‘the‘ene ‘n‘ enera ‘and‘pef‘oander‘n‘part ar‘#ath‘h‘tandard‘operatn ‘proedre‘ and‘reord‘h‘repone‘to‘ or‘tat‘nte  ene‘‘a ‘extree ‘ ted‘to‘a‘erenar ‘o‘be‘ or‘on‘ ‘borb‘ever ‘pee‘of‘nforaton‘ava ab e‘to‘ o‘‘ o‘that‘ o‘have‘oe‘dea‘a‘to‘the‘ene ‘and‘the‘taton‘ o‘a ‘nvet ate‘the‘feab t ‘of‘n ‘natve‘ traer‘ee‘ot‘ oa ‘athorte‘a‘to‘ho‘the‘headan‘ oa ‘hef‘or‘Ô head‘‘and‘h‘ oaton‘hen‘th‘ one‘of‘the‘offa ‘ho‘‘non‘to‘the‘hef‘approah‘h‘for‘the‘atane‘of‘the‘ot‘re ab e‘effent‘traer‘ n‘the‘area‘o‘a ‘have‘dff t ‘ne‘he‘a ‘be‘n‘ path ‘th‘the‘ err a‘or‘t‘p an‘ared‘ a ‘h‘ fear‘f‘pob e‘and‘be‘prepared‘to‘offer‘top‘a e‘and‘proteton‘for‘the‘traer‘and‘ther‘fa e‘h‘‘the‘ on ‘a ‘to‘are‘oe‘eb ane‘of‘ o a t ‘nvet ate‘an ‘natve‘a e‘of‘ tar ‘a e‘ho‘ ht‘be‘een ‘ reven e‘a ant‘the‘terrort‘)e‘th‘to‘ or‘advanta e‘‘ #hen‘dea n ‘th‘natve‘troop‘be‘fr‘far‘and‘honet‘e‘frend ‘bt‘not‘fa ar‘and‘treat‘the‘th‘repet‘and‘aord‘ the‘the‘d nt ‘de‘ther‘taton‘n‘the‘trbe;‘reat‘the‘e ‘bt‘not‘ avh ‘%ae‘re‘the ‘ndertand‘exat ‘hat‘‘ expeted‘of‘the‘and‘ de‘the‘adeate ‘n‘the‘fe d‘ever‘ae‘an thn ‘and‘a a ‘be‘deve‘ever‘proe‘the‘ an thn ‘n e‘ o‘an‘de ver‘edate ‘and‘never‘ e‘to‘the‘n‘an ‘taton‘on ‘ta ‘trt‘and‘repet‘ ‘eep‘ the‘ o a ‘to‘ o‘‘

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or‘en‘o‘a ‘be‘fored‘to‘trave ‘for‘da ‘nder‘advere‘ondton‘thot‘food‘and‘th‘ tt e‘ater‘at‘a‘fat‘pae‘and‘ tnder‘treendo‘enta ‘tre‘ran ‘rere‘ntene‘onentraton‘tana‘and‘an‘e e‘for‘deta ‘‘

eond ‘ o‘t‘no‘hat‘to‘ oo‘for‘hen‘readn ‘poor‘+tra,‘#hen‘ o‘be n‘tran ‘tr ‘poorn ‘ ar e‘ rop‘n‘ea ‘terran‘for‘hort‘dtane‘)a ‘oft‘ rond‘th‘nee-h h‘ ra‘‘bet‘end‘ot‘three‘or‘for‘ peop e‘th‘ntrton‘to‘a ‘for‘abot‘fve‘to‘ &‘nte‘dependn ‘on‘the‘bh‘ roth‘and‘then‘ret‘nt ‘ o‘ fnd‘the‘or‘attenton‘pan‘at‘frt‘ ‘be‘hort‘and‘ o‘ ‘tend‘to‘dora e‘ ‘o‘ ‘ oe‘the‘poor‘ often‘bt‘don¶t‘orr ‘o-one‘‘a‘born‘bhan‘e‘patent‘and‘onentrate‘on‘the‘poor‘‘ o‘beoe‘ore‘

aare‘of‘hat‘to‘ oo‘for‘the‘ e ‘of‘poor‘an‘be‘ en thened‘nt ‘ or‘poor‘ a er‘are‘ ven‘a‘&-nte‘head‘ tart‘h‘an‘be‘extended‘to‘hor‘nt ‘the ‘are‘ a n ‘poor‘n‘the‘ornn ‘and‘ o‘are‘tran ‘ ater‘n‘the‘da ‘‘ ‘ o‘are‘tran ‘ oo‘for‘evdene‘+tra‘ n,‘of‘dtrbed‘ ra;‘bent‘b ade‘ ‘revea ‘the‘dreton‘of‘trave ‘ he‘top‘of‘the‘ ra‘ ‘pont‘n‘the‘dreton‘the‘peron‘‘a n ‘f‘the‘ene ‘ha‘paed‘thro h‘after‘nre‘ the‘de‘ ‘be‘dtrbed‘and‘a‘fant‘darened‘area‘ ‘revea ‘h‘tra ‘#ath‘for‘broen‘pder‘eb‘or‘obeb‘ #hen‘exann ‘poor‘a a ‘eep‘ or‘head‘  ht ‘p‘and‘ oo‘ ‘to‘ &‘ ard‘ahead‘of‘ o‘t‘ ‘enab e‘ o‘ to‘ee‘the‘poor‘better‘deterne‘the‘dreton‘of‘oveent‘and‘eep‘a ert‘for‘ e ‘abh‘area‘f‘the‘terrort‘ no‘or‘pet‘he‘‘ben ‘fo oed‘he‘ ‘tr ‘to‘et‘ o‘p‘‘ e‘a ert‘patent‘and‘aref ‘#ath‘for‘ro‘that‘have‘been‘overtrned‘he‘dar‘de‘ ‘be‘p‘or‘ o‘ ‘ee‘the‘ preon‘on‘the‘ rond‘here‘t‘one‘reted‘ tho h‘d-da ‘heat‘ ‘dr ‘the‘ro‘ ‘t‘te ‘ o‘the‘ terrort‘‘on ‘hor‘ahead‘of‘ o‘f‘ o‘fnd‘t‘n‘the‘ornn ‘then‘he‘ha‘been‘ovn ‘pror‘to‘nre‘he‘ darer‘and‘etter‘the‘ro‘the‘ oer‘ or‘arr ‘‘ %h‘of¶‘tran ‘ean‘notn ‘hat‘‘ot‘of‘ontext‘n‘natre‘and‘rea  n ‘the‘ae‘%ove‘fro‘ n‘to‘ n‘and‘a a ‘be‘ re‘of‘ or‘ at‘onfred‘ n‘before‘ o‘ove‘on‘to‘the‘next‘here‘are‘of‘ore‘the‘obvo‘footprnt‘n‘the‘d‘near‘ trea‘and‘ater‘ho e‘and‘a on ‘and ‘rver;‘ eave‘on‘p ant‘that‘have‘been‘broen‘noed‘off‘or‘trned‘o‘that‘the‘  ht‘ nderde‘ontrat‘th‘the‘rrondn ;‘ffed‘tree‘bar‘or‘d‘raped‘fro‘pan ‘boot‘and‘the‘preon‘of‘rf e‘btt‘ ben ‘ed‘a‘rthe‘or‘ane‘p‘teep‘ ope‘f‘ore‘there‘‘the‘o d‘favorte‘b ood‘on‘the‘ve etaton‘and‘tra ‘ #ath‘for‘darded‘raton‘paa e‘food‘tn‘and‘even‘dropped‘or‘darded‘doent‘)‘troop‘n‘-etna‘ere‘ea ‘ traed‘not‘b ‘reent ‘t‘n e‘fo a e‘bt‘b ‘ther‘nevtab e‘tra ‘of‘.oo -d‘paa e‘ne‘ o‘have‘dentfed‘the‘poor‘ tr ‘to‘dentf ‘the‘t pe‘of‘foot‘ ear‘ften‘dfferent‘ err a‘ rop‘ear‘dfferent‘t pe‘boot‘errort‘n‘$hodea‘have‘been‘  ed‘and‘aptred‘arr n ‘to‘or‘three‘t pe‘of‘hoe‘and‘earn ‘to‘or‘three‘hrt‘and‘pant‘at‘the‘ae‘te!‘%ae‘re‘ the‘prnt‘‘not‘one‘of‘ or‘on‘peop e‘or‘ert ‘fore‘and‘eep‘a‘reord‘of‘the‘dfferent‘t pe‘prnt‘ o‘enonter‘! ater‘ preon‘dran ‘photo‘or‘even‘a‘op ‘of‘the‘o e‘thee ve‘ho d‘be‘on‘reord‘th‘ oa ‘nte  ene‘peop e‘he‘ $hodean‘and‘oth‘fran‘ae‘ope‘of‘a ‘terrort‘footear‘and‘dtrbte‘thee‘dran ‘to‘the‘ oa ‘pop aton‘- a e‘ po e‘hnter‘and‘farer‘a n ‘n‘the‘bh‘have‘often‘dovered‘the‘tra ‘of‘terrort‘ an ‘ho‘have‘roed‘fro‘/aba‘ or‘%o abe‘and‘have‘a erted‘the‘ert ‘fore‘‘

he‘depth‘and‘pae‘of‘the‘tra‘ ‘a o‘te ‘ o‘oethn ‘abot‘ or‘foe‘#oen‘tae‘a er‘tep‘a‘do‘ heav ‘ aden‘en‘!eop e‘rnnn ‘ ‘ eave‘ore‘pae‘beteen‘tra‘and‘en‘a n ‘n‘eah‘other¶‘tra‘ ‘ ae‘deeper‘preon‘ o‘the ‘ ‘ae‘the‘ed e‘of‘the‘tra‘to‘be‘ e‘dtnt‘Dra ‘ar‘o d‘ndate‘ onded‘ne‘ o‘have‘dentfed‘ or‘part ar‘tra‘fo o‘t‘even‘f‘the‘ rop‘p t‘oete‘ err a‘ ‘ p t‘p‘or‘bobhe ‘nt ‘ o‘are‘ eft‘fo on ‘one‘et‘of‘tra‘‘ Y ‘Y ‘ f‘ o‘have‘the‘peronne ‘ o‘an‘a n‘tran ‘tea‘to‘eah‘et‘of‘tra‘f‘not‘p‘one‘and‘rn‘h‘to‘ rond‘then‘p‘another‘r ‘to‘ta ‘th‘the‘an‘bod ‘f‘pob e‘o‘a ‘ et‘  ‘and‘na ‘the‘oander‘ or‘po ta ‘offer‘or‘ o‘a ‘end‘p‘fo on ‘the‘poor‘to‘the‘$-‘pont‘here‘ o‘an‘abh‘the‘entre‘ an ‘‘ n  ht‘ ‘a o‘have‘oe‘effet‘on‘readn ‘poor‘f‘ o‘are‘tran ‘nto‘the‘n‘and‘are‘experenn ‘dff t ‘ n‘een ‘the‘ n‘ oo‘ba‘over‘ or‘ho der‘ever ‘fe‘ ard‘to‘onfr‘ or‘poor‘ever‘a ‘on‘ or‘poor‘ and‘aton‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘behnd‘ o‘a o‘to‘a ‘to‘one‘de‘of‘the‘tra‘‘ f‘ o‘ oe‘the‘poor‘t‘‘peratve‘that‘ o‘ o‘ba‘to‘the‘ at‘potve‘ n‘onfr‘t‘and‘then‘be n‘a‘earh‘ pattern‘to‘re oate‘the‘tra‘#ath‘for‘the‘abene‘of‘net‘or‘ d fe‘%ot‘ d‘reatre‘are‘h ‘of‘an‘and‘  ‘ee‘he ter‘f‘he‘ha‘been‘n‘the‘area‘rd‘are‘ reat‘ndator‘of‘en‘a‘are‘baboon‘pa a‘and‘an ‘t pe‘ of‘deer‘ ten‘for‘ana ‘nortn ‘or‘rnnn ‘and‘note‘the‘dreton‘oethn ‘‘there‘‘ f‘ o‘ oe‘the‘tra ‘there‘are‘a‘nber‘of‘earh‘pattern‘ed‘to‘re oate‘poor‘he‘ot‘oon‘are‘the‘ro‘ ran‘the‘box‘ earh‘and‘the‘0&-de ree‘eep‘o‘ba‘to‘the‘ at‘potve‘poor‘and‘ar‘t‘hen‘ oo‘p‘to‘abot‘ ‘to‘&‘eter‘n‘front‘of‘

o‘and‘eep‘fro‘enter‘to‘ eft‘ot‘abot‘to‘£ de ree‘and‘then‘eep‘ba‘to‘enter‘$epeat‘the‘proe‘to‘the‘r ht‘eah‘

te‘on ‘ba‘to‘ or‘feet‘and‘the‘ at‘onfred‘poor‘ oo‘aref ‘and‘ o ‘and‘ot‘te‘ o‘ ‘p‘p‘the‘poor‘ a an‘‘

f‘not‘bref‘the‘troop‘oander‘to‘a ert‘h‘en‘to‘the‘fat‘that‘ or‘traer‘ ‘be‘r n ‘to‘the‘front‘and‘f an‘ and‘pob ‘to‘the‘rear‘‘

 Y ‘ o‘e‘the‘ro‘ ran‘ethod‘the‘traer‘ove‘ atera ‘fro‘the‘poor‘ether‘ eft‘or‘r ht‘abot‘ &&‘eter‘and‘then‘dob e‘ ba‘toard‘h‘or na ‘ ne‘of‘arh‘ah‘te‘he‘trn‘the‘traer‘ho d‘advane‘abot‘&‘to‘1‘eter‘forard‘before‘ dob n ‘ba‘+ee‘the‘aopan n ‘da ra,‘f‘ o‘have‘oved‘approxate ‘&&‘eter‘ahead‘of‘the‘ at‘poor‘and‘t ‘ annot‘fnd‘the‘tra‘reort‘to‘the‘0&-de ree‘ethod‘ rada ‘expandn ‘ or‘r e‘nt ‘ o‘fnd‘ or‘poor‘‘

Y ‘ n‘the‘0&-de ree‘ethod‘the‘traer‘ae‘ever‘nrean ‘r e‘fro‘h‘ at‘onfred‘tra‘ba‘to‘h‘pont‘ of‘or n‘#hen‘ o‘ oe‘poor‘be‘patent‘and‘eep‘ oon ‘oe‘traer‘have‘been‘non‘to‘r e‘a‘far‘a‘fve‘  oeter‘fro‘the‘ at‘onfred‘poor‘nt ‘the ‘t‘the‘tra ‘of‘ther‘pre ‘+ee‘aopan n ‘da ra,‘‘ Y ‘ oete‘ed‘‘the‘box‘ethod‘of‘earh‘n‘hh‘eah‘ha f‘of‘the‘area‘‘boxed‘off‘and‘exaned‘on‘the‘to‘ de‘of‘the‘poor‘h‘te-onn ‘ethod‘‘onfn ‘and‘‘not‘freent ‘ed‘toda ‘+ee‘aopan n ‘ da ra,‘‘ nother‘portant‘pont‘‘to‘deterne‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘poor‘and‘the‘nber‘of‘peronne ‘nvo ved‘o‘deterne‘ a e‘note‘the‘a ‘n‘hh‘ve etaton‘‘dtrbed‘ra‘b ade‘ ‘rean‘ reen‘for‘abot‘a‘da ‘after‘ben ‘ broen‘!rnt‘n‘d‘ ‘a ‘tae‘abot‘an‘hor‘to‘f ‘th‘ater‘dependn ‘on‘the‘aont‘of‘otre‘n‘the‘ earth‘Dtrbed‘de‘drop‘on‘ ra‘and‘p ant‘ ‘ndate‘paa e‘of‘oethn ‘thn‘the‘ at‘fe‘hor‘De‘ a ‘ta ‘on‘for‘abot‘for‘hor‘after‘nre‘vertrned‘ro‘tae‘a‘op e‘of‘hor‘to‘dr ‘n‘dret‘n‘ "obeb‘and‘pder‘eb‘a ‘tae‘abot‘an‘hor‘to‘be‘rep aed‘b ‘the‘net‘‘ $an‘an‘a o‘be‘ed‘to‘ or‘advanta e‘to‘ndate‘a e‘of‘poor‘f‘ o‘no‘the‘ at‘te‘t‘raned‘n‘the‘area‘ o‘an‘te ‘ho‘ o d‘tra‘are‘na ‘prnt‘perpoed‘on‘the‘poor‘ ‘te ‘ o‘that‘the‘poor‘a‘ade‘pror‘to‘n htfa ‘ne‘ot‘ ana ‘ove‘at‘n ht‘he‘revere‘‘app ab e‘f‘ o‘ee‘the‘poor‘on‘the‘ana ‘prnt‘the‘poor‘a‘ade‘oete‘after‘ nre‘‘

roen‘t ‘and‘vne‘are‘a o‘ ood‘ a e‘of‘te‘ne‘t‘rere‘abot‘ &‘hor‘for‘the‘p p‘nde‘to‘be n‘to‘ trn‘bron‘f‘ o‘dover‘a‘retn ‘area‘he‘the‘apfre¶‘heat‘ oo‘for‘ arette‘btt‘raton‘tn‘ doent‘ etter‘or‘dare‘f‘ or‘terrort‘‘ont‘orented‘he‘ ‘a ‘be‘arr n ‘a‘dar ‘ oo‘for‘ han‘fee‘near‘the‘ap‘nterro ate‘a ‘the‘ oa ‘ o‘eet‘he ‘a ‘be‘hdn ‘the‘ err a‘feedn ‘the‘or‘ no‘here‘the ‘are‘aped‘he‘tra ‘te f‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘te ‘a e‘f‘t‘‘errat‘or‘rto‘ or‘ene ‘a ‘be‘ a n ‘n‘the‘dar‘‘ ‘‘‘       Y‘

he‘eond‘ot‘portant‘fator‘‘the‘nber‘of‘peop e‘ o‘are‘tran ‘here‘are‘to‘ethod‘‘have‘een‘ed‘ he‘frt‘‘ta ht‘to‘pea ‘(ore‘and‘$an er‘ radate‘and‘‘ed‘b ‘the‘)‘r ;‘the‘other‘‘pop ar‘th‘ $hodean‘and‘oth‘fran‘Defene‘(ore‘n‘the‘)‘ethod‘tae‘the‘ en th‘of‘an‘avera e‘pae‘and‘eare‘t‘ on‘the‘ rond‘next‘to‘the‘tra‘o‘ a ‘ot‘a‘pae‘abot‘ *‘nhe‘de‘aro‘the‘tra‘o‘that‘the‘prnt‘are‘ en oed‘n‘a‘box‘that‘‘0‘nhe‘b ‘ *‘nhe‘"ont‘a ‘the‘ho e‘and‘parta ‘prnt‘n‘th‘box‘and‘then‘dvde‘b ‘ a‘ontant‘of‘to‘f‘ o‘ont‘ &‘prnt‘nde‘the‘box‘ or‘aner‘‘fve‘peop e‘‘

he‘$hodean‘ethod‘e‘the‘ en th‘of‘the‘(‘rf e‘or‘-‘rf e‘and‘the‘ae‘ *‘nh‘+,‘dth‘)n ‘th‘ethod‘ont‘ on ‘the‘wholeprnt‘ o‘ee‘nde‘the‘box‘f‘the‘aner‘‘for‘or‘ e‘that‘‘hat‘ o‘report‘to‘the‘tea‘ eader‘or‘ headarter‘f‘the‘aner‘‘fve‘prnt‘then‘add‘to‘to‘the‘nber‘and‘report‘that‘nber‘f‘ o‘read‘x‘add‘to‘and‘report‘ e ht‘h‘‘a‘afet ‘fator‘that‘ee‘to‘be‘r ht‘ot‘of‘the‘te‘‘

ho d‘ o‘dover‘a‘retn ‘p ae‘ont‘the‘p ae‘on‘the‘ rond‘and‘no‘atter‘hat‘the‘nber‘add‘to‘and‘ report‘that‘nber‘ho d‘ o‘be‘operatn ‘ore‘onventona ‘a ‘n‘perod‘tran ‘report‘to‘ or‘ headarter‘hee‘an‘be‘p otted‘on‘a‘ap‘and‘a‘ enera ‘pattern‘deterned‘t‘ ‘a o‘a o‘dfferent‘terrort‘ rop‘to‘be‘p otted‘to ether‘to‘deterne‘f‘th‘‘oe‘ort‘of‘oordnated‘aton‘t‘ ‘a o‘etab h‘hat‘rote‘ are‘ben ‘ed‘to‘fnne ‘ene ‘troop‘nto‘and‘ot‘of‘the‘area‘‘ ‘ap e‘of‘a‘tran ‘report‘ ht‘fo o‘the‘fo on ‘forat‘)e‘the‘ode‘ord‘D‘(rt‘ ve‘ or‘ oaton‘n ‘the‘ tandard‘ tar ‘ rd‘ te‘he‘'´‘‘the‘er o‘be eve‘to‘be‘n‘the‘ene ‘nt‘a‘deterned‘b ‘ or‘prnt‘ont‘'D´‘ ‘the‘ enera ‘dreton‘of‘poor‘expreed‘b ‘a net‘bearn ‘'´‘‘a e‘of‘poor‘f‘pob e‘nd‘'´‘ea ‘t pe‘of‘poor‘ fo oed‘boot‘hoe‘bare‘feet‘et‘‘

Y Y ‘ ext‘ et¶‘d‘tran ‘tea‘a nent‘and‘dte‘(rt‘the‘tea‘ eader‘e‘‘reponb e‘for‘the‘ontro ‘of‘ the‘tea‘and‘a ‘fo o-p‘troop‘nt ‘the‘te‘of‘ontat‘hen‘ontro ‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘nt‘revert‘to‘the‘ rond‘ oander‘ne‘the‘traer‘have‘fond‘the‘ene ‘onventona ‘tat‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘ oe‘th‘and‘ ‘h‘ he‘tea‘ eader‘re a ‘nforaton‘to‘the‘"‘fo o-p‘troop‘and‘the‘next‘h her‘headarter‘e‘‘reponb e‘ for‘brefn ‘the‘troop‘n‘the‘tea‘operaton‘and‘hat‘dte‘he‘ ‘expet‘of‘the‘ rond‘fo o-p‘nt‘n‘ontat‘ he‘extrat‘the‘tea‘f‘pob e‘and‘a o‘the‘nfantr ‘to‘en a e‘the‘ene ‘raer‘are‘too‘va ab e‘to‘r‘n‘a‘ fre‘f ht‘and‘ho d‘not‘en a e‘n e‘there‘‘a‘ero‘anpoer‘horta e‘e‘‘a o‘the‘ta ‘ nner‘f‘the‘tea‘‘ orn ‘a one‘‘ he‘traer‘e‘‘reponb e‘for‘readn ‘the‘poor‘and‘nterpretn ‘t‘to‘the‘tea‘ eader‘‘ he‘f aner‘hee‘to‘en‘ho‘are‘a o‘traned‘traer‘are‘reponb e‘for‘the‘forard‘and‘f an‘ert ‘of‘the‘ traer‘‘the‘traer‘beoe‘fat ed‘the ‘rotate‘dte‘th‘h‘o‘that‘a ‘the‘traer‘rean‘freh‘and‘a ert‘ he‘tea‘ eader‘doe‘not‘p ‘traer‘or‘f aner‘dt ‘he‘f aner¶‘fnton‘‘ot‘portant;‘he‘ ‘probab ‘ee‘ and‘en a e‘the‘ene ‘frt‘e‘t‘be‘a ert‘and‘read ‘for‘ntant‘aton‘‘ (o o-p‘troop‘hee‘en‘are‘nder‘the‘ontro ‘of‘the‘tea‘ eader‘nt ‘ontat‘‘ade‘or‘the‘ene ‘ponted‘ot‘ to‘the‘"‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘nt‘(o o-p‘troop‘ho d‘be‘n‘ oe‘proxt ‘to‘the‘traer‘a tho h‘ renforeent‘an‘be‘veh e‘or‘arborne‘and‘on‘a ‘‘ ‘ o‘for‘ enera ‘r e‘onernn ‘tran ‘tea‘‘ ‘‘ ‘eber‘of‘the‘tran ‘tea‘ho d‘be‘traned‘experened‘traer‘‘ ‘‘(or‘en‘ee‘to‘be‘the‘bet‘nber‘for‘tea‘ e‘‘ ‘‘f‘pob e‘never‘eparate‘a‘tea‘one‘fored‘eaor‘ave‘ ve‘and‘ et‘re t‘‘ ‘‘et‘the‘traer‘on‘the‘poor‘a‘oon‘a‘pob e‘‘ c ne‘the‘tran ‘tea‘oander‘‘on‘the‘ rond‘be‘he‘prvate‘ ane‘orpora ‘or‘ enera ‘he‘‘n‘har e‘%ore‘ tran ‘ene‘have‘been‘b on‘b ‘operaton-roo‘ na ‘offer‘and‘he opter‘p ot‘th‘apo eon‘op exe‘than‘‘an‘ ont‘)nt ‘ontat‘th‘the‘ene ‘‘ade‘or‘poor‘‘ ot‘the‘tea‘ eader‘‘f‘th‘r e‘annot‘be‘adhered‘to‘have‘no‘ a ‘abot‘pan ‘p‘and‘ on ‘hoe‘‘

$otate‘traer‘and‘f aner‘often‘ran ‘rere‘exatn ‘onentraton‘and‘the‘prere‘‘terrf‘he‘tea‘ eader‘ ho d‘ath‘for‘thee‘ n‘a a ‘‘ #hen‘operatn ‘e‘hand‘ na ‘at‘a ‘te‘f‘ o‘t‘onfer‘tae‘over‘and‘hper‘o‘‘an‘deve‘ or‘on‘ na ‘ bt‘e‘the‘ae‘one‘ontent ‘‘

‘‘‘‘*‘$et‘ or‘tea‘a‘often‘a‘pob e‘ne‘on‘the‘poor‘the ‘a ‘be‘fored‘to‘trave ‘for‘an ‘da ‘red‘ peop e‘ae‘tae‘‘ ‘‘‘‘2‘f‘a‘ enera ‘pattern‘‘dernb e‘b ‘the‘nte ‘hap‘ o‘a ‘h‘to‘tr ‘to‘ eap-fro ‘to‘ et‘ahead‘of‘the‘ err a‘#h e‘one‘tea‘‘tran ‘have‘another‘he‘a‘fe‘ oeter‘ahead‘for‘the‘ae‘poor‘f‘fond‘p ft‘ or‘tea‘and‘ontne‘the‘tra ‘there‘)e‘th‘tehne‘aref ‘and‘don¶t‘tr ‘to‘hrr ‘‘ ‘‘ &‘f‘ o‘have‘the‘tea‘ o‘an‘atrate‘the‘area‘ben ‘traed‘‘‘ 3t‘abot‘a ‘tandard‘nfantr ‘tat‘app ‘to‘tran ‘tea‘th‘the‘exepton‘of‘the‘ron ‘of‘obta e‘h‘a‘rver‘ trea‘road‘tra ‘or‘ra ‘ ne‘ntead‘of‘the‘f aner‘ron ‘to‘reon‘the‘other‘de‘and‘then‘a n ‘the‘ret‘of‘the‘nt‘over‘ the‘tea‘after‘aref ‘obervn ‘the‘far‘de‘roe‘to ether‘nder‘the‘over‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘h‘‘done‘to‘eep‘an ‘ poor‘on‘the‘other‘de‘ntat‘and‘ndtrbed‘he‘r‘poed‘pon‘the‘tea‘b ‘e‘of‘th‘tat‘‘ e‘portant‘than‘ta n ‘ on‘the‘tra‘of‘hat‘o d‘prove‘to‘be‘an‘portant‘ err a‘ eader‘‘ ‘‘ Y  ‘ he‘tandard‘tran ‘foraton‘‘‘haped‘th‘the‘f aner‘forn ‘the‘open‘ e ‘of‘the‘‘and‘the‘traer‘at‘the‘nton‘ th‘the‘tea‘ eader‘dret ‘behnd‘h‘he‘tea‘ eader‘rean‘abot‘fve‘eter‘behnd‘the‘traer‘and‘the‘f aner‘rean‘ forard‘of‘the‘traer‘and‘to‘the‘de‘a‘h‘a‘terran‘and‘ve etaton‘ ‘a o‘+ee‘da ra‘,‘)a ‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘  ‘be‘n‘f e‘behnd‘the‘tea;‘hoever‘‘atta on‘he‘$hodea‘$e ent‘ha‘deve oped‘a‘ne‘foraton‘that‘ee‘to‘ or‘e ‘n‘fran‘bh‘+ee‘da ra‘  ‘

ne‘ontat‘‘nent‘troop‘an‘ove‘to‘a‘rh‘ ne‘behnd‘and‘to‘the‘f an‘of‘the‘tran ‘tea‘h‘ a o‘the‘troop‘to‘ove‘forard‘at‘one‘and‘ eave‘the‘traer‘a‘ ap‘to‘fa ‘ba‘thro h‘f‘ o‘are‘hort‘of‘en‘ the‘traer‘an‘antan‘ther‘p ae‘n‘the‘eep‘ ne‘and‘renfore‘the‘nfantr ‘+the‘traer‘ee‘to‘prefer‘th‘dea‘ o‘the ‘an‘ et‘a‘fe‘hot‘off‘a‘e ,‘‘ ‘have‘a o‘een‘an‘'off-et´‘foraton‘ed‘a‘e ‘n‘ontat‘the‘troop‘n ‘ot‘and‘p‘on‘the‘f an‘nt ‘ o‘ have‘a‘op ete‘eep‘ ne‘and‘then‘a ‘ove‘forard‘to ether‘+ee‘da ra‘0,‘‘ ‘‘‘ Y Y ‘ he‘tehne‘for‘ant-tran ‘are‘a‘vared‘a‘ or‘a naton‘o‘a ‘be‘the‘one‘ben ‘traed‘oe‘da ‘o‘ ve‘oe‘tho ht‘to‘overn ‘ or‘tra ‘ere‘are‘oe‘pob te‘‘ ‘‘#ear‘the‘ae‘boot‘a‘the‘ene ‘f‘ o‘are‘operatn ‘n‘h‘terrtor ‘f‘he‘ oe‘barefoot‘ o‘o d‘be‘n‘for‘oe‘to h‘ on ‘‘ ‘‘)e‘ana ‘or‘att e‘to‘over‘ or‘tra‘‘

‘‘%ove‘n‘the‘ran‘f‘pob e‘‘ ‘‘)e‘trea‘and‘rver‘road‘and‘ra a ‘to‘over‘ or‘poor‘‘ #a ‘on‘ro ‘or‘hard‘ rond‘‘

0‘‘%ove‘thro h‘v a e‘to‘ et‘ ot‘n‘the‘tra‘+ote‘f‘ o‘are‘deperate‘eno h‘to‘tr ‘to‘penetrate‘a‘v a e‘do‘o‘ver ‘ aref ‘at‘n ht‘and‘on ‘a‘a‘ at‘reort,‘‘ 1‘‘p t‘p‘or‘bobhe ‘and‘r e‘ba‘and‘$-‘+rende vo,‘‘ *‘‘rh‘ot‘ or‘tra‘th‘bhe‘hat‘or‘ne‘arve‘‘ 2‘‘f‘do ‘are‘after‘ o‘tr ‘n ‘"‘or‘tear‘ a‘poder‘or‘pepper‘ aed‘th‘aona‘on‘ or‘tra‘‘ &‘f‘ o‘an‘boob ‘trap‘and‘abh‘ or‘tra ‘‘

 YY ‘ (na ‘e‘oe‘to‘an‘apet‘of‘tran ‘that‘ha‘been‘ed‘extenve ‘b ‘-t e‘are‘n‘rope‘and‘a‘‘ ot‘do ‘tea‘‘ f‘ o‘have‘the‘e‘of‘ot‘do ‘tea‘b ‘a ‘ean‘º‘ep o ‘the‘he ‘are‘there‘to‘pport‘the‘ rond‘troop‘n‘ oatn ‘the‘ ene ‘and‘to‘provde‘ ent‘arnn ‘he ‘a ‘a o‘be‘ed‘a‘ tenn ‘and‘obervaton‘pot‘ne‘ o‘no‘ o‘are‘ on ‘to‘ e‘do ‘have‘the‘a ned‘to‘the‘nt‘a‘far‘ahead‘of‘the‘on‘a‘pob e‘h‘ ve‘the‘tea‘and‘the‘do ‘te‘to‘adt‘to‘ eah‘other‘he‘hand er‘ho d‘ et‘eah‘eber‘of‘the‘patro ‘toh‘the‘do ‘to‘e nate‘fear‘the‘en‘ ht‘have‘ot‘do ‘ have‘ taton‘hh‘ho d‘be‘borne‘n‘nd‘Do ‘have‘ate‘ene‘of‘e ‘ ood‘hearn ‘and‘are‘attrated‘ ‘to‘ oveent‘Do ‘are‘bet‘to‘perod‘retrann ‘and‘are‘a‘entve‘to‘the‘e eent‘a‘han‘‘

‘‘ he‘ bet‘ poton‘ for‘ the‘ do ‘ tea‘ ‘ dret ‘ n‘ front‘ of‘ the‘ patro ‘ #nd‘ ondton‘ a ‘ rere‘ that‘ the‘ tea‘ ove‘to‘ndard‘to‘tae‘advanta e‘of‘the‘do ¶‘ene‘of‘e ‘oe‘do ‘an‘dependn ‘on‘eather‘and‘nd‘ ene‘the‘ene ‘ &&‘eter‘aa ‘‘ he‘do ‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘ oate‘entre‘and‘deterne‘the‘extent‘of‘poton‘and‘ep aeent‘and‘a ‘at‘the‘ patro ‘ eader‘n‘ettn ‘p‘h‘en‘thot‘ben ‘deteted‘b ‘the‘ene ‘‘ he‘fo on ‘are‘oe‘ enera ‘r e‘for‘do ‘tea‘‘

‘‘f‘the‘hand er‘‘ ed‘ eave‘the‘do ‘th‘h‘and‘report‘t‘to‘ or‘4‘‘ ‘‘f‘the‘hand er‘‘a‘aa t ‘tr ‘to‘ re‘the‘do ‘aa ‘o‘ o‘an‘treat‘h‘f‘ o‘t‘evaate‘one‘end‘the‘ other‘a‘e ‘‘ ‘‘reat‘the‘tea‘a‘one‘of‘the‘nt‘pport‘the‘and‘eep‘the‘hand er‘nfored‘of‘a ‘tata ‘ove‘‘ ‘‘ et‘the‘hand er‘e et‘the‘do ¶‘poton‘n‘the‘ ne‘of‘arh‘‘ c ee‘the‘hand er¶‘adve‘n‘ep o n ‘the‘tea‘‘

0‘‘Do‘not‘expet‘the‘tea‘to‘perfor‘ra e‘and‘do‘not‘re ax‘ or‘a ertne‘beae‘the ‘are‘th‘ o‘‘ 1‘‘Do‘not‘feed‘or‘p a ‘th‘the‘do ‘‘  tho h‘the‘nforaton‘n‘th‘art e‘   ae‘ o‘an‘'ae´‘traer‘t‘ ‘ ve‘ o‘a‘better‘aarene‘of‘ tran ‘and‘the‘tat‘ep o ed‘b ‘tran ‘tea‘and‘the‘e o‘ot‘‘

he‘on ‘a ‘to‘beoe‘a‘opetent‘re ab e‘traer‘‘to‘e‘the‘ethod‘of‘the‘natve‘prate‘prate‘prate‘ t‘‘a‘ ‘that‘an‘tand‘ o‘n‘ ood‘tead‘on‘ or‘next‘operaton‘enhane‘ or‘obat‘effetvene‘and‘perhap‘ ave‘ or‘ fe‘‘‘ +› ‘‘

Y    YY ‘


      YY ‘ #th‘oon‘ene‘and‘a‘de ree‘of‘experene‘ o‘an‘tra‘terrort‘o‘t‘ deve op‘the‘fo on ‘trat‘and‘a te‘to‘be‘ef ‘and‘to‘ ead‘ or‘t‘to‘ ontat‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘e‘patent‘and‘tead ‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘e‘ab e‘to‘ove‘ o ‘and‘et ‘ et‘tead ‘h e‘detetn ‘and‘nterpretn ‘

 n‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘vod‘fat‘oveent‘that‘a ‘ae‘ o‘to‘over oo‘ n‘ oe‘the‘poor‘or‘b nder‘

nto‘a‘terrort‘nt‘that‘‘onter‘tran ‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘e‘pertent‘and‘have‘the‘ ‘and‘dere‘to‘ontne‘the‘on‘even‘tho h‘ n‘

are‘are‘or‘bad‘eather‘or‘terran‘‘detro n ‘the‘poor‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘e‘deterned‘and‘pertent‘hen‘tr n ‘to‘fnd‘a‘poor‘ o‘have‘ ot‘‘

-‘‘‘‘‘e‘obervant‘and‘tr ‘to‘ee‘thn ‘that‘are‘not‘obvo‘at‘frt‘ ane‘ ‘ -‘‘‘‘‘)e‘ or‘ene‘of‘e ‘and‘hearn ‘to‘pp eent‘ or‘ ht‘and‘ntton‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘Deve op‘a‘fee ‘for‘thn ‘that‘do‘not‘ oo‘r ht‘t‘a ‘he p‘ o‘re an‘a‘ ot‘tra ‘or‘

dover‘addtona ‘poor‘‘ -‘‘‘‘‘Ô

‘‘terrort‘h‘habt‘epent‘and‘apab t ‘‘

-‘‘‘rt‘ or‘t‘to‘ba‘ o‘p‘and‘ or‘other‘troop‘to‘protet‘ o‘‘

Y ‘ he‘ab t ‘to‘tra‘a‘terrort‘after‘he‘ha‘broen‘ontat‘a o‘he p‘ o‘re an‘ontat‘ th‘h‘hh‘‘ore‘portant‘n‘the‘fran‘bh‘than‘n‘an ‘other‘theater‘of‘ar‘‘ -a ‘tran ‘‘fo on ‘the‘path‘of‘en‘or‘ana ‘b ‘the‘ n‘the ‘ eave‘ prar ‘on‘the‘ rond‘or‘ve etaton‘ent‘tran ‘‘fo on ‘en‘or‘ana ‘b ‘ ther‘e ‘‘ ran ‘‘a‘pree‘art‘o‘need‘a‘ ot‘of‘prate‘to‘aheve‘and‘antan‘a‘h h‘ eve ‘ of‘tran ‘ ‘o‘ho d‘be‘fa ar‘th‘the‘ enera ‘tehne‘of‘tran ‘to‘enab e‘

o‘to‘detet‘the‘preene‘of‘a‘hdden‘ene ‘and‘to‘fo o‘h‘to‘fnd‘and‘avod‘ne‘ or‘boob ‘trap‘and‘to‘ ve‘ear ‘arnn ‘of‘abh‘‘ !erhap‘ o‘ho d‘thn‘ba‘to‘hen‘ o‘frt‘be an‘th‘operaton‘ et¶‘ae‘ o‘ are‘operatn ‘on‘a‘far ‘ on -ter‘ontrat‘‘ or‘frt‘onern‘‘the‘terran‘o‘an¶t‘tra‘n‘t‘f‘ o‘don¶t‘have‘a‘rdentar ‘ no ed e‘of‘the‘ a ‘of‘the‘ and‘!ror‘to‘operatn ‘n‘the‘area‘ o‘ho d‘dea ‘have‘ pent‘a‘fe‘da ‘a atn ‘ or‘troop‘f‘the ‘are‘not‘ oa ‘v an‘Drn ‘th‘ perod‘thoro h‘td ‘of‘ava ab e‘ap‘ar‘photo‘and‘even‘tor‘ de‘an‘be‘he pf ‘ xtrat‘deta ed‘brefn ‘fro‘the‘ oa ‘po e‘ tar ‘offa ‘and‘pop aton‘a ‘to‘ oa ‘farer‘natve‘po e‘nt‘an one‘ho‘ha‘been‘n‘the‘area‘n‘hh‘ o‘ ‘be‘ operatn ‘‘ or‘epent‘ho d‘be‘or an ed‘drn ‘th‘perod‘a‘e ‘ and‘an ‘reeda ‘trann ‘ ondted‘!a ‘pea ‘attenton‘to‘aof a e‘ere‘a ‘ or‘ ear‘dard‘neenta ‘ and‘npet‘the‘troop‘for‘the‘ae‘"arr ‘food‘ater‘and‘anton‘and‘ o‘a‘  ht‘a‘ pob e‘oe‘traer‘dre‘ e‘the‘terrort‘and‘e‘aptred‘eapon‘h‘‘he pf ‘ f‘ o‘are‘tran ‘otde‘ or‘on‘ontr ‘nto‘ene -donated‘ontre‘‘ º‘

xere‘aton‘‘ ar e‘nber‘of‘peop e‘dreed‘n‘the‘orret‘nfor‘have‘been‘ hot‘n‘error‘b ‘ther‘on‘troop‘#e h‘the‘pro‘and‘on‘aref ‘ o‘tr ‘to‘ earn‘a‘

h‘abot‘natve‘fe draft‘a‘pob e‘o‘do‘the ‘e‘the‘terran‘to‘rvve?‘#here‘ do‘the ‘ et‘food‘and‘ater‘and‘hat‘do‘the ‘e‘for‘expedent‘too ‘and‘eapon?‘‘ td ‘a ‘nforaton‘on‘ oa ‘eather‘t‘ ‘have‘a‘defnte‘effet‘on‘ or‘operaton‘ and‘hene‘ or‘tran ‘ ‘en tn ‘the‘natve‘f‘pob e‘to‘teah‘ o‘abot‘ oa ‘ ve etaton‘ o‘ ‘ an‘exe ent‘rvva ‘nforaton‘hh‘a ‘he p‘ o‘ae‘ deon‘abot‘terrort‘oveent‘f‘he‘‘far‘fro‘h‘pp ‘bae‘he‘ ‘attept‘to‘ ve‘off‘the‘ and‘to‘tan‘or‘even‘expand‘h‘operaton‘epea ‘f‘natve‘atane‘‘ dened‘h‘‘ oever‘do‘not‘ae‘that‘the‘ene ‘‘an‘exe ent‘bhan‘t‘beae‘he‘‘ nd eno‘to‘that‘ontnent‘n‘$hodea‘n o a‘and‘%o abe‘terrort‘have‘been‘ fond‘andern ‘ ot‘and‘tarvn ‘beae‘the ‘ere‘a o‘tran er‘f‘ o‘no‘the‘ rond‘and‘are‘ofortab e‘n‘t‘ o‘a read ‘have‘a‘&-perent‘ed e‘on‘the‘ene ‘‘  o‘drn ‘ or‘terran‘td ‘note‘natve‘to‘and‘attept‘to‘ earn‘oe‘of‘the‘ an a e‘and‘fo  ore‘h‘tae‘te‘and‘effort‘and‘on‘hort-ter‘ob‘ ‘be‘near ‘ pob e‘bt‘f‘ o‘have‘the‘te‘t‘ ‘pa ‘b ‘dvdend‘t‘a ‘ ve‘ o‘the‘ neear ‘ed e‘to‘oe‘ot‘of‘the‘next‘ontat‘tandn ‘p‘ntead‘of‘ n ‘don‘‘

earn‘a‘h‘nforaton‘a‘pob e‘abot‘ d fe‘n‘the‘area‘t‘ ‘be‘nva ab e‘n‘ tran ‘‘ #hen‘tran ‘a‘terrort‘ o‘ho d‘b d‘a‘ptre‘of‘h‘n‘ or‘nd‘‘ ore f‘ 'o‘an ‘peron‘a‘‘fo on ?‘o‘e ‘are‘the ‘traned?‘o‘are‘the ‘epped?‘ re‘the ‘hea th ?‘o‘‘ther‘ora e?‘Do‘the ‘no‘the ‘are‘ben ‘fo oed?´‘o‘ ho d‘a‘eton‘of‘the‘rvvor‘of‘a‘terrort‘atta‘and‘fnd‘ot‘a‘h‘abot‘the‘ eader‘a‘pob e‘and‘ho‘he‘thn‘‘ .no‘the‘terrort‘he‘better‘ o‘ndertand‘h‘h‘otve‘apraton‘trat‘habt‘ tat‘and‘atttde‘the‘ reater‘ or‘tata ‘ed e‘‘a‘re t‘ o‘ ‘be‘ab e‘to‘rn‘ h‘to‘ rond‘ooner‘ne‘ o‘ndertand‘the‘terrort‘ or‘ta‘ ‘beoe‘h‘ eaer‘‘ f‘pob e‘eep‘note‘on‘tat‘ep o ed‘a ant‘ or‘t‘and‘other‘po e‘and‘ para tar ‘ rop‘ oo‘for‘pattern‘of‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘n‘ enera ‘and‘of‘pef‘ oander‘n‘part ar‘#ath‘h‘tandard‘operatn ‘proedre‘and‘reord‘h‘ repone‘to‘ or‘tat‘nte  ene‘‘a ‘extree ‘ ted‘to‘a‘erenar ‘o‘be‘

or‘on‘eond‘n‘har e‘+ ‘",‘borb‘ever ‘pee‘of‘nforaton‘ava ab e‘to‘ o‘‘ o‘that‘ o‘have‘oe‘dea‘a‘to‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘and‘the‘taton‘ o‘a ‘ nvet ate‘the‘feab t ‘of‘n ‘natve‘traer‘‘ oa ‘athorte‘ho‘the‘headan‘ oa ‘hef‘or‘raa ‘head‘‘and‘h‘ oaton‘hen‘th‘one‘of‘the‘offa ‘ho‘‘non‘

to‘the‘hef‘approah‘h‘for‘the‘atane‘of‘the‘ot‘re ab e‘effent‘traer‘n‘the‘ area‘o‘a ‘have‘dff t ‘ne‘he‘a ‘be‘n‘ path ‘th‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘or‘ t‘p an‘ared‘ a ‘h‘fear‘f‘pob e‘and‘be‘prepared‘to‘offer‘top‘a e‘and‘ proteton‘for‘the‘traer‘and‘ther‘fa e‘h‘‘the‘on ‘a ‘to‘enre‘oe‘ eb ane‘of‘ o a t ‘nvet ate‘an ‘natve‘a e‘of‘ tar ‘a e‘ho‘ ht‘be‘een ‘ reven e‘a ant‘the‘terrort‘)e‘th‘to‘ or‘advanta e‘‘ #hen‘dea n ‘th‘natve‘troop‘be‘fr‘far‘and‘honet‘e‘frend ‘bt‘not‘fa ar;‘ treat‘the‘th‘repet‘and‘aord‘the‘the‘d nt ‘de‘ther‘taton‘n‘the‘trbe‘reat‘ the‘e ‘bt‘not‘ avh ‘%ae‘re‘the ‘ndertand‘exat ‘hat‘‘expeted‘of‘the‘ and‘ de‘the‘adeate ‘n‘the‘fe d‘ever‘ae‘an thn ‘n e‘ o‘an‘de ver‘ and‘never‘ e‘to‘the‘n‘an ‘taton‘on ‘ta ‘‘ ‘  ‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘‘‘‘ ne‘ o‘have‘ep o ed‘ or‘traer‘ o‘a ‘onder‘ho‘to‘ a e‘ther‘ effetvene‘!robab ‘the‘ot‘potve‘a ‘‘to‘ee‘ho‘often‘the ‘tra‘nto‘ontat‘ f‘the ‘are‘ontant ‘ben ‘fred‘on‘frt‘then‘ or‘traer‘are‘of‘on ‘ar na ‘ab t ‘ ood‘traer‘ ‘be‘ab e‘to‘te ‘ho‘far‘ahead‘the‘ene ‘‘and‘a ert‘ o‘to‘th‘o‘ o‘ an‘reet‘ar‘over‘or‘ore‘fo o-p‘troop‘to‘renfore‘ or‘patro ‘‘ h‘hapter‘ha‘been‘rtten‘to‘he p‘ o‘f‘ o‘h‘to‘beoe‘a‘better‘traer‘or‘to‘ no‘eno h‘to‘proper ‘ep o ‘and‘oand‘tran ‘tea‘h‘no ed e‘ ‘not‘ ae‘ o‘a‘traer‘n ‘prate‘prate‘and‘ore‘prate‘nder‘expert‘pervon‘  ‘do‘that‘‘  !Y"#$%‘ o‘for‘the‘ot‘portant‘apet‘o‘to‘tra‘(rt‘p ho o a ‘and‘ph a ‘ prepare‘for‘the‘hnt‘o‘ho d‘be‘n‘ ood‘ph a ‘ondton‘th‘exe ent‘reerve‘of‘ tana‘a ert‘reaonab ‘e -fed‘and‘above‘a ‘onfdent‘n‘ ore f‘and‘ or‘en‘ o‘a ‘be‘fored‘to‘trave ‘for‘da ‘nder‘advere‘ondton‘thot‘food‘and‘th‘ tt e‘ater‘at‘a‘fat‘pae‘and‘nder‘treendo‘enta ‘tre‘ran ‘rere‘ntene‘ onentraton‘tana‘and‘an‘e e‘for‘deta ‘‘ eond ‘ o‘t‘no‘hat‘to‘ oo‘for‘hen‘readn ‘poor‘+tra,‘#hen‘ o‘^ ‘   º‘‘  ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘

 ‘)a ‘oft‘ rond‘th‘nee-h h‘ ra‘‘bet‘end‘ot‘three‘or‘for‘peop e‘th‘ntrton‘to‘ a ‘for‘abot‘fve‘to‘ten‘nte‘dependn ‘on‘the‘bh‘ roth‘and‘then‘tra‘nt ‘

o‘fnd‘the‘or‘attenton‘pan‘at‘frt‘ ‘be‘hort‘and‘ o‘ ‘tend‘to‘beoe‘ dora ed‘ ‘o‘ ‘ oe‘the‘poor‘often‘bt‘don¶t‘orr ‘o‘one‘‘a‘born‘ bhan‘e‘patent‘and‘onentrate‘on‘the‘poor‘‘ o‘beoe‘ore‘aare‘of‘hat‘to‘ oo‘for‘the‘ e ‘of‘poor‘an‘be‘ en thened‘nt ‘poor‘ a er‘are‘ ven‘a‘thrt -nte‘

head‘tart‘h‘an‘be‘extended‘to‘hor‘nt ‘the ‘are‘ a n ‘poor‘n‘the‘ornn ‘and‘

o‘are‘tran ‘ ater‘n‘the‘da ‘‘ ‘ o‘are‘tran ‘ oo‘for‘evdene‘of‘dtrbed‘ ra;‘bent‘b ade‘ ‘revea ‘the‘ dreton‘of‘trave ‘he‘top‘of‘the‘ ra‘ ‘pont‘n‘the‘dreton‘the‘peron‘‘a n ‘f‘ the‘ene ‘ha‘paed‘thro h‘after‘nre‘the‘de‘ ‘be‘dtrbed‘and‘a‘fant‘ darened‘area‘ ‘revea ‘h‘tra ‘#ath‘for‘broen‘pder‘eb‘or‘obeb‘#hen‘ exann ‘poor‘a a ‘eep‘ or‘head‘  ht ‘p‘and‘ oo‘ffteen‘to‘tent ‘ ard‘ ahead‘of‘ o‘t‘ ‘enab e‘ o‘to‘ee‘the‘poor‘better‘deterne‘the‘dreton‘of‘ oveent‘and‘eep‘a ert‘for‘ e ‘abh‘area‘f‘the‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘ ‘ ‘^ ‘ º‘he‘ ‘tr ‘to‘et‘ o‘p‘‘ e‘a ert‘patent‘and‘aref ‘#ath‘for‘ro‘that‘have‘been‘overtrned‘he‘dar‘de‘  ‘be‘p‘or‘ o‘ ‘ee‘the‘preon‘on‘the‘ rond‘here‘t‘one‘reted‘ tho h‘ dda ‘heat‘ ‘dr ‘the‘ro‘ ‘t‘te ‘ o‘the‘terrort‘‘on ‘hor‘ahead‘of‘ o‘ f‘ o‘fnd‘t‘n‘the‘ornn ‘then‘he‘ha‘been‘ovn ‘pror‘to‘nre‘he‘darer‘and‘ etter‘the‘ro‘the‘ oer‘ or‘arr ‘‘ %h‘of‘tran ‘ean‘notn ‘hat‘‘ot‘of‘ontext‘n‘natre‘and‘rea  n ‘the‘ae‘ %ove‘fro‘ n‘to‘ n‘and‘a a ‘be‘re‘of‘ or‘ at‘onfred‘ n‘before‘ o‘ove‘ on‘to‘the‘next‘here‘are‘of‘ore‘the‘obvo‘  ‘ ‘‘ ‘near‘trea‘and‘ ater‘ho e‘and‘a on ‘and ‘rver;‘ eave‘on‘p ant‘that‘have‘been‘broen‘noed‘off‘ or‘trned‘o‘that‘the‘  ht‘nderde‘ontrat‘th‘the‘rrondn ;‘ffed‘tree‘bar‘or‘ d‘raped‘fro‘pan ‘boot‘and‘the‘preon‘of‘rf e‘btt‘ben ‘ed‘a‘rthe‘ or‘ane‘p‘teep‘ ope‘f‘ore‘there‘‘the‘o d‘favorte‘b ood‘on‘the‘tra ‘‘ #ath‘for‘darded‘raton‘paa e‘food‘tn‘and‘even‘dropped‘or‘darded‘ doent‘)‘troop‘n‘-etna‘ere‘ea ‘traed‘not‘b ‘reent ‘t‘n e‘fo a e‘ bt‘b ‘ther‘nevtab e‘tra ‘of‘.oo -d‘paa e‘and‘n‘ne‘ o‘have‘dentfed‘the‘ poor‘tr ‘to‘dentf ‘the‘t pe‘of‘foot ear‘ften‘dfferent‘ err a‘ rop‘ear‘dfferent‘ t pe‘of‘boot‘errort‘n‘fra‘have‘been‘ ed‘and‘aptred‘arr n ‘to‘or‘three‘ t pe‘of‘hoe‘and‘earn ‘to‘or‘three‘hrt‘and‘pant‘at‘the‘ae‘te!‘%ae‘re‘the‘ prnt‘‘not‘one‘of‘ or‘on‘peop e‘or‘a‘re  ar‘ar ‘nt‘and‘eep‘a‘reord‘of‘the‘ dfferent‘t pe‘of‘prnt‘ o‘enonter‘! ater‘preon‘dran ‘photo‘or‘even‘a‘ op ‘of‘the‘o e‘thee ve‘ho d‘be‘on‘reord‘th‘ oa ‘nte  ene‘peop e‘he‘  tar ‘nte  ene‘nt‘ae‘ope‘of‘a ‘terrort‘footear‘and‘dtrbte‘thee‘ dran ‘to‘ oa ‘pop aton‘- a e‘po e‘hnter‘and‘farer‘a n ‘n‘the‘bh‘ have‘often‘dovered‘the‘tra ‘of‘terrort‘ an ‘ho‘have‘roed‘fro‘one‘border‘to‘ another‘and‘have‘a erted‘the‘ert ‘fore‘‘ he‘depth‘and‘pae‘of‘the‘tra‘ ‘a o‘te ‘ o‘oethn ‘abot‘ or‘foe‘#oen‘ tae‘a er‘tep‘a‘do‘heav ‘ aden‘en‘!eop e‘rnnn ‘ ‘ eave‘ore‘pae‘ beteen‘tra‘and‘en‘a n ‘n‘eah‘other¶‘tra‘ ‘ae‘deeper‘preon‘

 o‘the ‘ ‘ae‘the‘ed e‘of‘the‘tra‘to‘be‘ e‘dtnt‘Dra ‘ar‘o d‘ndate‘ onded‘ne‘ o‘have‘dentfed‘ or‘part ar‘tra‘fo o‘t‘even‘f‘the‘ rop‘ p t‘oete‘ err a‘ ‘p t‘p‘or‘bobhe ‘nt ‘ o‘are‘ eft‘fo on ‘one‘et‘ of‘tra‘‘ Y"#$%&'(Y)#*+‘ f‘ o‘have‘the‘peronne ‘ o‘an‘a n‘tran ‘tea‘to‘eah‘terrort¶‘tra‘f‘not‘ p‘one‘and‘rn‘h‘to‘ rond‘then‘p‘another‘r ‘to‘ta ‘th‘the‘an‘bod ‘f‘ pob e‘o‘a ‘ et‘  ‘and‘na ‘the‘oander‘or‘po ta ‘offer‘or‘ o‘a ‘end‘ p‘fo on ‘the‘poor‘to‘the‘$-‘pont‘here‘ o‘an‘abh‘the‘entre‘ an ‘‘ n  ht‘ ‘a o‘have‘oe‘effet‘on‘readn ‘poor‘f‘ o‘ ‘  ‘ ‘the‘n‘ and‘are‘experenn ‘dff t ‘n‘een ‘the‘ n‘ oo‘ba‘over‘ or‘ho der‘ever ‘fe‘

ard‘to‘onfr‘ or‘poor‘ever‘a ‘on‘the‘poor‘and‘aton‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘ behnd‘ o‘to‘a o‘a ‘to‘one‘de‘of‘the‘tra‘‘ f‘ o‘ oe‘the‘poor‘t‘‘peratve‘that‘ o‘ o‘ba‘to‘the‘ at‘potve‘ n‘onfr‘t‘ and‘then‘be n‘a‘earh‘pattern‘to‘re oate‘the‘tra‘#ath‘for‘the‘abene‘of‘net‘or‘  d fe‘%ot‘ d‘reatre‘are‘h ‘of‘an‘and‘ ‘ee‘he ter‘f‘he‘ha‘been‘n‘the‘ area‘rd‘are‘ reat‘ndator‘of‘en‘a‘are‘baboon‘pa a‘and‘an ‘t pe‘of‘ a e e‘

ten‘for‘ana ‘nortn ‘or‘rnnn ‘and‘note‘the‘dreton‘oethn ‘‘there‘‘ f‘ o‘ oe‘the‘tra ‘there‘are‘a‘nber‘of‘earh‘pattern‘ed‘to‘re oate‘poor‘he‘ ot‘oon‘are‘the‘ro- ran‘the‘box‘earh‘and‘the‘0&-de ree‘eep‘o‘ba‘to‘ the‘ at‘potve‘poor‘and‘ar‘t‘hen‘ oo‘p‘to‘abot‘tent -fve‘to‘thrt ‘eter‘n‘ front‘of‘ o‘and‘eep‘fro‘the‘enter‘to‘the‘ eft‘ot‘abot‘to‘‘de ree‘and‘then‘eep‘ ba‘to‘enter‘$epeat‘the‘proe‘to‘the‘r ht‘eah‘te‘on ‘ba‘to‘ or‘feet‘and‘ the‘ at‘onfred‘poor‘ oo‘aref ‘and‘ o ‘and‘ot‘te‘ o‘ ‘p‘p‘the‘ poor‘a an‘f‘not‘bref‘the‘troop‘oander‘to‘a ert‘h‘en‘that‘ or‘traer‘ ‘be‘ r n ‘to‘the‘front‘and‘ ‘ ‘  ^‘‘‘rear‘‘ Y)#*,!&)+‘ ext‘ et¶‘d‘tran ‘tea‘a nent‘and‘dte‘(rt‘the‘t‘ eader‘e‘‘ reponb e‘for‘the‘ontro ‘of‘the‘tea‘and‘a ‘fo o-p‘troop‘nt ‘the‘te‘of‘ontat‘ hen‘ontro ‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘nt‘revert‘to‘the‘ rond‘oander‘ne‘the‘traer‘ have‘fond‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘onventona ‘tat‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘ oe‘th‘and‘ ‘ the‘he‘t‘ eader‘re a ‘nforaton‘to‘the‘oando‘nt‘fo o-p‘troop‘and‘the‘ next‘h her‘headarter‘e‘‘reponb e‘for‘brefn ‘the‘troop‘n‘the‘tea‘operaton‘ and‘hat‘dte‘he‘ ‘expet‘of‘the‘ rond‘fo o-p‘nt‘n‘ontat‘he‘extrat‘the‘ tran ‘tea‘f‘pob e‘ ‘a o‘the‘nfantr ‘to‘en a e‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘raer‘

are‘too‘va ab e‘to‘r‘n‘a‘fref ht‘and‘ho d‘not‘en a e‘n e‘there‘‘a‘ero‘ anpoer‘horta e‘e‘‘a o‘the‘ta ‘trooper‘f‘the‘tea‘‘orn ‘a one‘‘ he‘‘traer‘e‘‘reponb e‘for‘readn ‘the‘poor‘and‘nterpretn ‘t‘to‘the‘t‘ eader‘‘ he‘‘f aner‘hee‘to‘trooper‘ho‘are‘a o‘traned‘traer‘are‘reponb e‘for‘the‘ forard‘and‘f an‘ert ‘of‘the‘traer‘‘the‘traer‘beoe‘fat ed‘the ‘rotate‘ dte‘th‘h‘o‘that‘a ‘the‘traer‘rean‘freh‘and‘a ert‘he‘t‘ eader‘doe‘not‘ p ‘traer‘or‘f aner‘dt ‘he‘f aner¶‘fnton‘‘ot‘portant;‘he‘ ‘probab ‘ ee‘and‘en a e‘the‘ene ‘frt‘e‘t‘be‘a ert‘and‘read ‘for‘ntant‘aton‘‘ (o o-p‘troop‘hee‘trooper‘are‘nder‘the‘ontro ‘of‘the‘t‘ eader‘nt ‘ontat‘‘ ade‘or‘the‘terrort‘ponted‘ot‘to‘the‘oander‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘nt‘(o o-p‘ troop‘ho d‘be‘n‘ oe‘proxt ‘to‘the‘traer‘a tho h‘renforeent‘an‘be‘ veh e‘or‘arborne‘and‘on‘a ‘‘ enera ‘t‘abot‘a ‘tandard‘nfantr ‘tat‘app ‘to‘tran ‘t‘th‘the‘ exepton‘of‘ron ‘obta e‘h‘a‘rver‘trea‘road‘tra ‘or‘ra ‘ ne‘ntead‘ of‘the‘f aner‘ron ‘to‘reon‘the‘other‘de‘and‘then‘a n ‘the‘ret‘of‘the‘nt‘over‘ the‘t‘after‘aref ‘obervn ‘the‘far‘de‘roe‘to ether‘nder‘the‘over‘of‘the‘ fo o-p‘troop‘h‘‘done‘to‘eep‘an ‘poor‘on‘the‘other‘de‘ntat‘and‘ndtrbed‘ he‘r‘poed‘pon‘the‘t‘b ‘e‘of‘th‘tat‘‘ e‘portant‘than‘ta n ‘on‘the‘ tra‘of‘hat‘o d‘prove‘to‘be‘an‘portant‘terrort‘ eader‘ "*#!&'+‘‘ he‘tandard‘tran ‘foraton‘‘--haped‘th‘the‘f aner‘forn ‘the‘open‘ e ‘of‘ the‘-‘and‘the‘traer‘at‘the‘nton‘th‘the‘t‘ eader‘dret ‘behnd‘h‘he‘t‘ eader‘rean‘abot‘fve‘eter‘behnd‘the‘traer‘and‘the‘f aner‘rean‘forard‘of‘ the‘traer‘and‘to‘the‘de‘a‘h‘a‘terran‘and‘ve etaton‘ ‘a o‘‘ -" ()‘ nother‘portant‘pont‘‘to‘deterne‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘poor‘and‘the‘nber‘of‘peronne ‘ nvo ved‘o‘deterne‘a e‘note‘the‘a ‘n‘hh‘ve etaton‘‘dtrbed‘ra‘b ade‘  ‘rean‘ reen‘for‘abot‘a‘da ‘after‘ben ‘broen‘!rnt‘n‘d‘ ‘a ‘tae‘ abot‘an‘hor‘to‘f ‘th‘ater‘dependn ‘on‘the‘aont‘of‘otre‘n‘the‘earth‘ Dtrbed‘de‘drop‘on‘ ra‘and‘p ant‘ ‘ndate‘paa e‘of‘oethn ‘thn‘the‘ at‘fe‘hor‘De‘a ‘ta ‘on‘for‘abot‘for‘hor‘after‘nre‘vertrned‘ro‘ tae‘a‘op e‘of‘hor‘to‘dr ‘n‘dret‘n‘"obeb‘and‘pder‘eb‘a ‘tae‘abot‘ an‘hor‘to‘be‘rep aed‘b ‘the‘net‘‘

$an‘an‘a o‘be‘ed‘to‘ or‘advanta e‘to‘ndate‘a e‘of‘poor‘f‘ o‘no‘the‘ at‘ te‘t‘raned‘n‘the‘area‘ o‘an‘te ‘ho‘o d‘the‘tra‘are‘na ‘prnt‘perpoed‘ on‘the‘poor‘ ‘te ‘ o‘that‘the‘poor‘a‘ade‘pror‘to‘n htfa ‘ne‘ot‘ana ‘ ove‘at‘n ht‘he‘revere‘‘a o‘app ab e;‘f‘ o‘ee‘the‘poor‘on‘the‘ana ‘prnt‘ the‘poor‘a‘ade‘oete‘after‘nre‘‘ roen‘t ‘and‘vne‘are‘a o‘ ood‘ a e‘of‘te‘ne‘t‘rere‘abot‘ten‘hor‘for‘ the‘p p‘nde‘to‘be n‘to‘trn‘bron‘f‘ o‘dover‘a‘retn ‘area‘he‘the‘ apfre¶‘heat‘ oo‘for‘ arette‘btt‘raton‘tn‘doent‘ etter‘or‘dare‘f‘ or‘ terrort‘‘ont²orented‘he‘ ‘a ‘be‘arr n ‘a‘dar ‘ oo‘for‘han‘ fee‘near‘the‘ap‘nterro ate‘a ‘the‘ oa ‘ o‘eet‘he ‘a ‘be‘hdn ‘the‘ terrort‘feedn ‘the‘or‘no‘here‘the ‘are‘aped‘he‘tra ‘te f‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘ te ‘a e‘f‘t‘‘errat‘or‘rto‘ or‘terrort‘a ‘be‘a n ‘n‘the‘dar‘‘ &+-.#$)*)'!‘ Dp aeent‘tae‘p ae‘hen‘oethn ‘‘oved‘fro‘t‘or na ‘poton‘n‘ exap e‘‘a‘footprnt‘n‘oft‘ot‘ rond‘he‘foot‘of‘the‘peron‘that‘ eft‘the‘prnt‘ dp aed‘the‘o ‘ eavn ‘an‘ndentaton‘n‘the‘ rond‘ ‘td n ‘the‘prnt‘ o‘an‘ deterne‘an ‘fat‘(or‘exap e‘a‘prnt‘that‘a‘ eft‘b ‘a‘barefooted‘peron‘or‘one‘ th‘orn‘or‘fra ed‘foot ear‘ndate‘that‘he‘a ‘have‘poor‘epent‘‘ (ootprnt‘ho‘the‘fo on ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘dreton‘and‘rate‘of‘oveent‘of‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘nber‘of‘terrort‘n‘the‘ rop‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘#hether‘or‘not‘heav ‘ oad‘are‘arred‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘ex‘of‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘#hether‘the‘terrort‘no‘the ‘are‘ben ‘traed‘‘ f‘the‘footprnt‘are‘deep‘and‘the‘pae‘‘ on ‘the‘ rop‘‘ovn ‘rapd ‘-er ‘ on ‘ trde‘and‘deep‘prnt‘ndate‘that‘the‘ rop‘‘rnnn ‘f‘the‘prnt‘are‘deep‘hort‘and‘ de ‘paed‘th‘ n‘of‘ffn ‘or‘hff n ‘a‘heav ‘ oad‘‘probab ‘ben ‘arred‘ b ‘the‘ rop‘ho‘ eft‘the‘prnt‘‘ o‘an‘a o‘deterne‘a‘terrort¶‘ex‘b ‘td n ‘the‘ e‘and‘poton‘of‘the‘ footprnt‘#oen‘ enera ‘tend‘to‘be‘p eon-toed‘h e‘en‘a ‘a ‘th‘ther‘ feet‘ponted‘tra ht‘ahead‘or‘  ht ‘to‘the‘otde‘#oen¶‘prnt‘are‘a ‘a er‘ than‘en¶‘and‘ther‘trde‘are‘a ‘horter‘‘

f‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘no‘that‘t‘‘ben ‘fo oed‘t‘a ‘attept‘to‘hde‘t‘tra‘ %en‘a n ‘baard‘have‘a‘hort‘rre  ar‘trde‘he‘prnt‘have‘an‘na ‘deep‘ toe‘he‘o ‘ ‘be‘ed‘n‘the‘dreton‘of‘oveent‘‘ he‘ at‘terrort‘a n ‘n‘a‘ rop‘a ‘ eave‘the‘ earet‘footprnt‘herefore‘e‘ h‘prnt‘a‘the‘e ‘et‘"t‘a‘t‘the‘ en th‘of‘eah‘e ‘prnt‘and‘noth‘the‘t‘to‘ ho‘the‘prnt‘dth‘at‘the‘det‘part‘of‘the‘o e‘td ‘the‘an e‘of‘the‘e ‘prnt‘to‘ deterne‘the‘dreton‘of‘arh‘ oo‘for‘an‘den  ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘  º‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘ ‘‘‘ ‘+$efer‘to‘the‘para raph‘abot‘ dfferent‘t pe‘of‘footear,‘f‘the‘poor‘beoe‘va e‘or‘ob terated‘or‘f‘the‘tra ‘ ben ‘fo oed‘er e‘th‘another‘e‘the‘t‘to‘he p‘dentf ‘the‘e ‘prnt‘hat‘  ‘he p‘ o‘ta ‘on‘the‘tra ‘of‘the‘ rop‘ben ‘fo oed‘‘ )e‘the‘box‘ethod‘to‘ont‘the‘nber‘of‘terrort‘n‘the‘ rop‘here‘are‘to‘a ‘to‘ e‘the‘box‘ethod- the‘trde‘a‘a‘nt‘of‘eare‘ethod‘and‘the‘0-nh‘box‘ethod‘‘ ‘

he‘trde‘a‘a‘nt‘of‘eare‘ethod‘‘the‘ot‘arate‘of‘the‘to‘ent ‘to‘tent fve‘peron‘an‘be‘onted‘n ‘th‘ethod‘)e‘t‘hen‘the‘e ‘prnt‘an‘be‘ deterned‘o‘e‘th‘ethod‘dentf ‘a‘e ‘prnt‘on‘a‘tra ‘and‘dra‘a‘ ne‘fro‘t‘ hee ‘aro‘the‘tra ‘hen‘ove‘forard‘to‘the‘e ‘prnt‘of‘the‘oppote‘foot‘and‘dra‘a‘ ne‘thro h‘t‘ntep‘h‘ho d‘for‘a‘box‘th‘the‘ed e‘of‘the‘tra ‘forn ‘to‘ de‘and‘the‘dran‘ ne‘forn ‘the‘other‘to‘de‘ext‘ont‘ever ‘prnt‘or‘parta ‘ prnt‘nde‘the‘box‘to‘deterne‘the‘nber‘of‘peron‘n ‘peron‘a n ‘nora ‘ o d‘have‘tepped‘n‘the‘box‘at‘ eat‘one‘te‘"ont‘the‘e ‘prnt‘a‘one‘‘ o‘e‘the‘0-nh‘box‘ethod‘ar‘off‘a‘&-‘to‘0-nh‘ro-eton‘of‘a‘tra ‘ont‘ the‘prnt‘n‘the‘box‘then‘dvde‘b ‘to‘to‘deterne‘the‘nber‘of‘peron‘that‘ed‘the‘ tra ‘+or‘$-‘rf e‘‘2‘nhe‘ on ‘and‘a ‘be‘ed‘a‘a‘earn ‘deve,‘‘ ho d‘ o‘dover‘a‘retn ‘p ae‘ont‘the‘p ae‘on‘the‘ rond‘and‘no‘atter‘hat‘ the‘nber‘add‘to‘and‘report‘that‘nber‘ho d‘ o‘be‘operatn ‘ore‘ onventona ‘a ‘n‘perod‘tran ‘report‘to‘ or‘oando‘hee‘an‘be‘p otted‘ on‘a‘ap‘and‘a‘ enera ‘pattern‘deterned‘t‘ ‘a o‘a o‘dfferent‘terrort‘ rop‘to‘ be‘p otted‘to ether‘to‘deterne‘f‘th‘‘oe‘ort‘of‘oordnated‘aton‘t‘ ‘a o‘ etab h‘hat‘rote‘are‘ben ‘ed‘to‘fnne ‘terrort‘ rop‘nto‘and‘ot‘of‘the‘ontr ‘‘ ‘ap e‘of‘a‘tran ‘report‘ ht‘fo o‘the‘fo on ‘forat‘(rt‘ ve‘ or‘ oaton‘ n ‘the‘tandard‘ tar ‘ rd‘ te‘he‘'´‘‘the‘nber‘ o‘be eve‘to‘be‘n‘the‘ ene ‘nt‘a‘deterned‘b ‘ or‘prnt‘ont‘5D5‘the‘ enera ‘dreton‘of‘poor‘ expreed‘b ‘a net‘bearn ‘'´‘‘a e‘of‘poor‘f‘pob e‘and‘'´‘ea ‘the‘t pe‘ of‘poor‘fo oed‘boot‘hoe‘bare‘feet‘et‘‘

(ootprnt‘are‘on ‘one‘exap e‘of‘dp aeent‘Dp aeent‘or‘hen‘an thn ‘‘ oved‘fro‘t‘or na ‘poton‘ther‘exap e‘are‘fo a e‘o‘vne‘t‘or‘ro‘ that‘are‘oved‘fro‘ther‘or na ‘p ae;‘de‘drop et‘brhed‘fro‘ eave;‘tone‘and‘ t‘that‘are‘trned‘over‘and‘ho‘a‘dfferent‘o or‘nderneath;‘and‘ ra‘or‘other‘ ve etaton‘that‘‘bent‘or‘broen‘n‘the‘dreton‘of‘oveent‘‘ t‘of‘ oth‘a ‘be‘torn‘fro‘a‘nfor‘and‘ eft‘on‘thorn‘na ‘or‘the‘ rond‘and‘drt‘ fro‘boot‘a ‘ae‘ar‘on‘the‘ rond‘‘ nother‘exap e‘of‘dp aeent‘‘the‘oveent‘of‘ d‘ana ‘and‘brd‘that‘are‘ f hed‘fro‘ther‘habtat‘o‘a ‘hear‘the‘re‘of‘brd‘that‘are‘exted‘b ‘tran e‘ oveent‘he‘oveent‘of‘ta ‘ ra‘or‘brh‘on‘a‘nd e‘da ‘ndate‘that‘ oethn ‘‘ovn ‘the‘ve etaton‘fro‘t‘or na ‘poton‘‘ #hen‘ o‘ ear‘a‘tra ‘b ‘ether‘brean ‘or‘ttn ‘ or‘a ‘thro h‘heav ‘ve etaton‘

o‘dp ae‘the‘ve etaton‘Dp aeent‘ n‘an‘be‘ade‘h e‘ o‘top‘to‘ret‘th‘ heav ‘ oad‘he‘prnt‘ade‘b ‘the‘epent‘ o‘arr ‘an‘he p‘to‘dentf ‘t‘t pe‘ #hen‘ oad‘are‘et‘don‘at‘a‘ret‘ha t‘or‘apte‘ ra‘and‘t ‘a ‘be‘rhed‘‘  eepn ‘an‘a ‘a o‘f atten‘the‘ve etaton‘‘ n‘ot‘area‘there‘ ‘be‘net‘n ‘han e‘n‘the‘nora ‘ fe‘of‘thee‘net‘a ‘ be‘a‘ n‘that‘oeone‘ha‘reent ‘paed‘thro h‘the‘area‘ee‘that‘are‘trred‘p‘ ho e‘that‘are‘overed‘b ‘oeone‘ovn ‘over‘the‘or‘pder‘eb‘that‘are‘torn‘don‘ are‘ ood‘ e‘‘ f‘a‘peron‘e‘a‘trea‘to‘over‘h‘tra ‘a ae‘and‘ater‘p ant‘a ‘be‘dp aed‘n‘  pper ‘footn ‘or‘n‘p ae‘here‘he‘a ‘are e ‘$o‘a ‘be‘dp aed‘fro‘ ther‘or na ‘poton‘or‘trned‘over‘to‘ho‘a‘  hter‘or‘darer‘o or‘on‘ther‘oppote‘ de‘‘peron‘entern ‘or‘ eavn ‘a‘trea‘a ‘reate‘ de‘ar‘et‘ban‘or‘ footprnt‘or‘he‘a ‘ff‘bar‘off‘root‘or‘t‘ora ‘a‘peron‘or‘ana ‘ ‘ ee‘the‘path‘of‘ eat‘retane‘herefore‘hen‘ o‘earh‘a‘trea‘for‘ext‘ n‘ oo‘ for‘open‘p ae‘on‘the‘ban‘or‘other‘p ae‘here‘t‘o d‘be‘ea ‘to‘ eave‘the‘trea‘‘ -"‘ ‘ ood‘exap e‘of‘poor‘‘the‘ar‘ eft‘b ‘b ood‘fro‘a‘ond‘ oodtan‘often‘ ‘ be‘n‘the‘for‘of‘drop‘ eft‘b ‘a‘onded‘terrort‘ ood‘ n‘are‘fond‘on‘the‘ rond‘ and‘eared‘on‘ eave‘or‘t ‘‘ o‘an‘deterne‘the‘ oaton‘of‘a‘ond‘on‘the‘terrort‘ben ‘fo oed‘b ‘td n ‘ the‘b oodtan‘f‘the‘b ood‘ee‘to‘be‘drppn ‘tead ‘t‘probab ‘ae‘fro‘a‘ ond‘on‘h‘trn‘‘ond‘n‘the‘ n ‘ ‘depot‘b oodtan‘that‘are‘pn‘bbb ‘ and‘froth ‘‘b oodtan‘depoted‘fro‘a‘head‘ond‘ ‘appear‘heav ‘et‘and‘  ‘

e‘ e atn‘bdona ‘ond‘often‘x‘b ood‘th‘d etve‘e‘o‘that‘the‘depot‘  ‘have‘an‘odor‘he‘poor‘ ‘be‘  ht‘n‘a ‘or‘‘ poor‘an‘a o‘or‘hen‘a‘peron‘a ‘over‘ ra‘tone‘and‘hrb‘th‘dd ‘ boot‘h‘poor‘and‘dp aeent‘to ether‘a ‘ ve‘evdene‘of‘oveent‘and‘ ndate‘the‘dreton‘taen‘"rhed‘ eave‘a ‘tan‘ro ‘ rond‘that‘‘too‘hard‘for‘ footprnt‘‘ $oot‘tone‘and‘vne‘a ‘be‘taned‘b ‘rhed‘ eave‘or‘berre‘hen‘a ed‘on‘ e o‘tan‘n‘no‘a ‘be‘rne‘ar‘ eft‘b ‘peronne ‘n‘the‘area‘‘ n‘oe‘ae‘t‘a ‘be‘hard‘to‘deterne‘the‘dfferene‘beteen‘poor‘and‘ dp aeent‘oth‘ter‘an‘be‘app ed‘to‘oe‘ n‘(or‘exap e‘ater‘that‘ha‘been‘ dded‘a ‘ndate‘reent‘oveent‘he‘d‘ha‘been‘dp aed‘and‘‘tann ‘the‘ ater‘tone‘n‘trea‘a ‘be‘taned‘b ‘d‘fro‘boot‘ ae‘an‘be‘dp aed‘fro‘ tone‘n‘trea‘and‘an‘tan‘other‘tone‘or‘bar‘‘ #ater‘n‘footprnt‘n‘ap ‘ rond‘a ‘be‘dd ‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘reent‘n‘te‘ hoever‘the‘d‘ ‘ett e‘and‘the‘ater‘ ‘ ear‘he‘ art ‘of‘the‘ater‘an‘be‘ed‘ to‘etate‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘prnt‘ora ‘the‘d‘ ‘ ear‘n‘one‘hor‘h‘ ‘var ‘ th‘terran‘‘ )#!/)"&'(‘ #eather‘a ‘ether‘ad‘or‘hnder‘tran ‘t‘affet‘ n‘n‘a ‘that‘he p‘deterne‘ ho‘o d‘the ‘are‘bt‘nd‘no‘ran‘and‘n  ht‘an‘a o‘ob terate‘ n‘op ete ‘‘ a‘  ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘  º‘‘ ‘  ‘‘ ‘‘‘   ‘‘  º‘ ‘b oodtan‘are‘freh‘the ‘a ‘be‘br ht‘red‘r‘and‘   ‘ ‘  ‘‘   ‘‘^ ‘ ‘‘ ‘  ‘rb -red‘o or‘and‘ then‘to‘a‘dar‘bron‘rt‘hen‘the‘otre‘evaporate‘ff‘ar‘on‘tree‘or‘bhe‘ daren‘th‘te‘ap‘oo e‘fro‘freh‘t‘on‘tree‘bt‘harden‘hen‘expoed‘to‘the‘ar‘‘

!-"&'!+‘ (ootprnt‘are‘ reat ‘affeted‘b ‘eather‘#hen‘a‘foot‘dp ae‘oft‘ot‘o ‘to‘for‘ a‘prnt‘the‘otre‘ho d‘the‘ ‘‘‘  ‘  ‘ ‘  ‘‘n  ht‘and‘ar‘ dr ‘the‘ed e‘of‘the‘prnt‘a ‘part e‘that‘ere‘he d‘n‘p ae‘b ‘the‘otre‘fa ‘nto‘ the‘prnt‘f‘part e‘are‘t‘be nnn ‘to‘fa ‘nto‘a‘prnt‘t‘‘probab ‘freh‘f‘the‘ ed e‘of‘the‘prnt‘are‘dred‘and‘rt ‘the‘prnt‘are‘probab ‘at‘ eat‘an‘hor‘o d‘he‘ effet‘of‘eather‘ ‘var ‘th‘the‘terran‘o‘th‘nforaton‘‘frnhed‘a‘a‘ de‘ on ‘‘

‘  ht‘ran‘a ‘rond‘ot‘the‘ed e‘of‘a‘prnt‘r ‘to‘reeber‘hen‘the‘ at‘ran‘ orred‘n‘order‘to‘pt‘prnt‘nto‘the‘proper‘te‘frae‘‘heav ‘ran‘a ‘erae‘a ‘  n‘‘ #nd‘a o‘affet‘prnt‘ede‘dr n ‘ot‘a‘prnt‘the‘nd‘a ‘b o‘ tter‘t‘or‘ eave‘nto‘t‘r ‘to‘reeber‘the‘nd‘atvt ‘n‘order‘to‘he p‘deterne‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘ prnt‘(or‘exap e‘ o‘a ‘thn‘'t‘‘a ‘no‘bt‘the‘nd‘b e‘hard‘an‘hor‘a o‘ hee‘prnt‘have‘ tter‘b on‘nto‘the‘o‘the ‘t‘be‘over‘an‘hor‘o d´‘o‘t‘be‘ re‘hoever‘that‘the‘ tter‘a‘b on‘nto‘the‘prnt‘and‘a‘not‘rhed‘nto‘the‘ hen‘the‘prnt‘ere‘ade‘‘ ra ‘ eavn ‘trea‘a ‘appear‘to‘be‘eathered‘b ‘ran‘beae‘of‘ater‘rnnn ‘nto‘ the‘footprnt‘fro‘et‘ othn ‘or‘epent‘h‘‘part ar ‘tre‘f‘a‘ rop‘ eave‘a‘ trea‘n‘a‘f e‘(ro‘th‘foraton‘eah‘peron‘drp‘ater‘nto‘the‘prnt‘‘et‘tra ‘  o ‘fadn ‘nto‘a‘dr ‘tra ‘ndate‘that‘the‘tra ‘‘freh‘‘ &'01,'01#'00"+‘ #nd‘affet‘ond‘and‘odor‘f‘the‘nd‘‘b on ‘fro‘the‘dreton‘of‘a‘tra ‘ o‘are‘ fo on ‘ond‘and‘odor‘are‘arred‘to‘ o‘f‘the‘nd‘‘b on ‘n‘the‘ae‘ dreton‘a‘the‘tra ‘ o‘are‘fo on ‘ o‘t‘be‘ato‘a‘the‘nd‘ ‘arr ‘ or‘ ond‘toard‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘o‘fnd‘the‘nd‘dreton‘drop‘a‘handf ‘of‘dr ‘drt‘or‘ ra‘fro‘ho der‘he ht‘‘ o‘he p‘ o‘dede‘here‘a‘ond‘‘on ‘fro‘p‘ or‘hand‘behnd‘ or‘ear‘and‘  o ‘trn‘#hen‘the‘ond‘‘ odet‘ o‘are‘probab ‘fan ‘t‘or n‘#hen‘ovn ‘ tr ‘to‘eep‘the‘nd‘n‘ or‘fae‘‘ ,'‘ o‘t‘a o‘onder‘the‘effet‘of‘the‘n‘t‘‘hard‘to‘ oo‘or‘a‘dret ‘nto‘the‘ n‘f‘pob e‘eep‘the‘n‘at‘ or‘ba‘‘ &!!)"&'(‘ !oor ‘traned‘terrort‘ rop‘a ‘ eave‘tra ‘of‘ tter‘a‘the ‘ove‘‘or‘and ‘ rapper‘raton‘an‘ arette‘btt‘rean‘of‘fre‘or‘han‘fee‘are‘ntaab e‘  n‘of‘reent‘oveent‘‘ #eather‘affet‘ tter‘$an‘a ‘f atten‘or‘ah‘ tter‘aa ‘or‘trn‘paper‘nto‘p p‘ #nd‘a ‘b o‘ tter‘aa ‘fro‘t‘or na ‘ oaton‘$aton‘an‘expoed‘to‘eather‘  ‘rt‘$t‘be n‘at‘the‘expoed‘ed e‘here‘the‘an‘ere‘opened‘then‘ove‘n‘

toard‘the‘enter‘)e‘ or‘eor ‘to‘deterne‘the‘a e‘of‘ tter‘he‘ at‘ran‘or‘tron ‘ nd‘an‘be‘the‘ba‘of‘a‘te‘frae‘‘

#*,2.#()‘ f‘a‘terrort‘ rop‘no‘that‘ o‘are‘tran ‘the‘the ‘ ‘probab ‘e‘aof a e‘ to‘onea ‘ther‘ ‘and‘to‘ o‘and‘onfe‘ o‘Don ‘o‘hoever‘ ‘ o‘ the‘don‘#a n ‘baard‘brhn ‘ot‘tra ‘and‘ovn ‘over‘ro ‘ rond‘or‘ thro h‘trea‘are‘exap e‘of‘aof a e‘that‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘onfe‘ o‘‘ he‘terrort‘a ‘ove‘on‘hard‘rfaed‘freent ‘trave ed‘road‘or‘tr ‘to‘‘ ‘   ‘   ‘  ‘ ‘‘ ‘‘ º‘^ ‘ ‘‘

  ‘approah‘that‘ ead‘to‘the‘ene ‘ ‘probab ‘be‘ned‘abhed‘or‘  ‘ ^‘ ‘‘ he‘terrort‘ rop‘a ‘tr ‘to‘avod‘ eavn ‘a‘tra ‘t‘terrort‘a ‘rap‘ra ‘arond‘ ther‘boot‘or‘ear‘oft‘o ed‘hoe‘to‘ae‘the‘ed e‘of‘ther‘footprnt‘ronder‘and‘ e‘ dtnt‘he‘part ‘a ‘ext‘a‘trea‘n‘a‘o n‘or‘ ne‘to‘rede‘the‘hane‘of‘ eavn ‘a‘ e ‘defned‘ext‘‘ f‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘a ‘baard‘to‘ eave‘a‘onfn ‘tra ‘the‘footprnt‘ ‘be‘ deepened‘at‘the‘toe‘and‘the‘o ‘ ‘be‘ffed‘or‘dra ed‘n‘the‘dreton‘of‘oveent‘‘ f‘a‘tra ‘ ead‘aro‘ro ‘or‘hard‘ rond‘tr ‘to‘or‘arond‘that‘ rond‘to‘p‘p‘the‘ ext‘tra ‘h‘proe‘or‘n‘trea‘a‘e ‘n‘ro ‘ rond‘o‘or‘  ‘ ron ‘on‘the‘tone‘o d‘be‘dp aed‘b ‘even‘the‘ot‘aref ‘evader‘f‘ o‘ oe‘the‘ tra ‘retrn‘to‘the‘ at‘vb e‘ n‘(ro‘there‘head‘n‘the‘dreton‘of‘the‘terrort¶‘ oveent‘%ove‘n‘ever‘denn ‘r e‘nt ‘ o‘fnd‘oe‘ n‘to‘fo o‘‘  Y  ‘ #hen‘ reportn ‘ do‘ not‘ report‘ or‘ nterpretaton‘ a‘ fat‘ $eport‘ that‘ o‘ have‘ een‘  n‘of‘ertan‘thn ‘not‘that‘thoe‘thn ‘ata ‘ext‘‘ $eport‘a ‘nforaton‘ ‘he‘ter‘'edate‘e‘nte  ene´‘n de‘ nforaton‘of‘the‘terrort‘that‘an‘be‘pt‘to‘e‘at‘one‘to‘ an‘rpre‘to‘eep‘the‘ terrort‘off‘ba ane‘or‘to‘eep‘h‘fro‘eapn ‘an‘area‘‘oander‘ha‘an ‘ ore‘of‘nte  ene‘e‘pt‘the‘nforaton‘fro‘thoe‘ore‘to ether‘to‘he p‘ deterne‘here‘a‘terrort‘‘hat‘he‘a ‘be‘p annn ‘and‘here‘he‘a ‘be‘ on ‘Do‘ hat‘ o‘are‘there‘to‘do-  ‘‘ ‘

nforaton‘ o‘report‘ ve‘ or‘t‘ eader‘defnte‘nforaton‘on‘hh‘he‘an‘at‘at‘ one‘(or‘exap e‘ o‘a ‘report‘that‘ or‘t‘ eader‘‘thrt ‘nte‘behnd‘a‘

terrort‘ rop‘that‘the‘ rop‘‘ovn ‘north‘and‘that‘t‘‘no‘at‘a‘ertan‘p ae‘hat‘ ve‘ or‘t‘ eader‘nforaton‘on‘hh‘he‘an‘at‘at‘one‘e‘o d‘then‘have‘ o‘ eep‘on‘tran ‘and‘ove‘another‘t‘to‘atta‘the‘terrort‘ rop‘f‘a‘poor‘‘fond‘ that‘ha‘ n‘of‘reent‘terrort‘atvt ‘ or‘t‘ eader‘an‘et‘p‘an‘abh‘or‘have‘a‘ re  ar‘ar ‘or‘po e‘nt‘fo o‘p‘‘ Y ‘‘ raer‘ do ‘ a ‘ be‘ ed‘ to‘ he p‘ tra‘ a‘ terrort‘ rop‘ raer‘ do ‘ are‘ traned‘ and‘ ed‘ b ‘ ther‘ hand er‘ ‘ do ‘ tra‘ han‘ ent‘ and‘ the‘ ent‘ of‘ dtrbed‘ ve etaton‘ aed‘b ‘an¶‘pan ‘‘ raer‘do ‘ho d‘be‘ed‘th‘traer‘t‘he‘t‘an‘tra‘va ‘and‘the‘do ‘ and‘hand er‘an‘fo o‘f‘the‘t‘ oe‘the‘ n‘then‘the‘do ‘an‘tae‘over‘‘do ‘an‘ tra‘fater‘than‘a‘an‘and‘t‘an‘tra‘at‘n ht‘‘ ‘traer‘do ‘‘traned‘not‘to‘bar‘and‘ ve‘aa ‘the‘t‘t‘‘a o‘traned‘to‘  ‘ bat‘over‘odor‘and‘deodorant‘ed‘to‘thro‘t‘off‘the‘6tra‘he‘traer‘ ‘ ‘  ‘ho d‘ et‘eah‘trooper‘of‘the‘t‘toh‘the‘do ‘to‘e nate‘fear‘the‘trooper‘  ht‘have‘‘ ot‘do ‘have‘ taton‘hh‘ho d‘be‘borne‘n‘nd‘Do ‘have‘ate‘ene‘of‘ e ‘ ood‘hearn ‘and‘are‘attrated‘ ‘to‘oveent‘Do ‘are‘bet‘to‘perod‘ retrann ‘and‘are‘a‘entve‘to‘the‘e eent‘a‘han‘‘ he‘bet‘poton‘for‘the‘do ‘t‘‘dret ‘n‘front‘of‘the‘patro ‘#nd‘ondton‘a ‘ rere‘that‘the‘t‘ove‘to‘ndard‘to‘tae‘advanta e‘of‘the‘do ¶‘ene‘of‘e ‘ oe‘do ‘an‘dependn ‘on‘eather‘and‘nd‘ene‘the‘terrort‘to‘hndred‘eter‘ aa ‘‘ he‘do ‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘ oate‘entre‘and‘deterne‘the‘extent‘of‘poton‘and‘ ep aeent‘and‘a ‘at‘the‘t‘ eader‘n‘ettn ‘p‘h‘trooper‘thot‘^ ‘

  ‘^‘‘ ‘ ‘‘ he‘fo on ‘are‘oe‘ enera ‘r e‘for‘do ‘t‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘f‘the‘hand er‘‘ ed‘ eave‘the‘do ‘th‘h‘and‘report‘t‘to‘ or‘4‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘f‘the‘hand er‘‘a‘aa t ‘tr ‘to‘ re‘the‘do ‘aa ‘o‘ o‘an‘treat‘h‘f‘ o‘ t‘evaate‘one‘end‘the‘other‘a‘e ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘reat‘the‘t‘a‘one‘of‘the‘nt‘pport‘t‘and‘eep‘the‘hand er‘nfored‘of‘a ‘ tata ‘ove‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘ et‘the‘hand er‘e et‘the‘do ¶‘poton‘n‘the‘ ne‘of‘arh‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ee‘the‘hand er¶‘adve‘n‘ep o n ‘the‘t‘‘ 0‘‘‘‘‘Do‘not‘expet‘the‘traer‘do ‘t‘to‘perfor‘ra e‘and‘do‘not‘re ax‘ or‘ a ertne‘beae‘the ‘are‘th‘ o‘‘ 1‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘Do‘not‘feed‘or‘p a ‘th‘the‘do ‘‘

)e‘of‘raer‘Do ‘n‘bh‘"ontat‘‘ ‘ reat‘an ‘nr ent‘onded‘n‘abh‘ et‘aa ‘n‘an ‘ae‘the ‘eape‘b ‘ rnnn ‘nto‘the‘nder roth‘and‘ n ‘ o‘nt ‘the‘he‘and‘r ‘ha‘ded‘don‘and‘the ‘ an‘ra ‘aa ‘he‘ep o ent‘of‘traer‘ rop‘ ‘te‘often‘ ead‘to‘ther‘aptre‘ or‘e naton‘‘ xperene‘ha‘hon‘that‘the‘b ood‘tra ‘ eft‘b ‘onded‘nr ent‘‘not‘a a ‘an‘ad‘ to‘a‘traer‘do ‘and‘‘oete‘ore‘ef ‘a‘a‘va ‘ad‘to‘the‘han‘traer‘‘ he‘traer‘ rop‘ho d‘not‘for‘part‘of‘the‘abh‘part ‘bt‘ho d‘tand‘b ‘at‘oe‘ onvenent‘$-‘read ‘to‘ove‘hen‘hootn ‘ndate‘that‘the‘abh‘ha‘been‘prn ‘‘ )nder‘ertan‘rtane‘patro ‘do ‘a ‘for‘part‘of‘the‘abh‘ rop‘he ‘a ‘ be‘ot‘proftab ‘ep o ed‘here‘evera ‘a ternatve‘rote‘ ead‘nto‘the‘abh‘ poton‘and‘t‘‘not‘non‘hh‘rote‘the‘nr ent‘ ‘tae‘t‘t‘be‘borne‘n‘ nd‘hoever‘that‘ther‘preene‘a ‘ ve‘the‘abh‘poton‘aa ‘to‘the‘nr ent‘ a‘the ‘pant‘ae‘other‘noe‘and‘are‘e ‘oever‘hen‘ed‘the ‘ ‘nvarab ‘ be‘a ert‘before‘an ‘han‘ben ‘‘ Y ‘  tho h‘the‘nforaton‘n‘th‘hapter‘ ‘not‘ae‘ o‘an‘ae‘traer‘t‘ ‘ ve‘

o‘a‘better‘aarene‘of‘tran ‘and‘the‘tat‘ep o ed‘b ‘t‘‘ he‘on ‘a ‘to‘beoe‘a‘opetent‘re ab e‘traer‘‘to‘e‘the‘ethod‘of‘the‘natve‘ prate‘prate‘prate‘t‘‘a‘ ‘that‘an‘tand‘ o‘n‘ ood‘tead‘on‘ or‘next‘ operaton‘enhane‘ or‘obat‘effetvene‘and‘perhap‘ave‘ or‘ fe‘‘ ne‘terrort‘n‘fra‘operate‘n‘the‘ae‘area‘a‘the‘ oa ‘pop aton‘h‘a‘bh‘ ve dt‘area‘n‘trba ‘trt‘ and‘natona ‘par‘and‘ ae‘reerve‘ther‘prt‘rere‘ abndant‘e‘of‘an¶‘o det‘ ‘tran ‘%an‘a‘frt‘a‘hnter‘ atherer‘and‘traer‘ havn ‘to‘approah‘ ae‘ oe ‘eno h‘to‘ ‘t‘or‘to‘fo o‘t‘hen‘onded‘depte‘ t‘peror‘peed‘and‘ene‘of‘ ht‘e ‘and‘hearn ‘‘

atve‘raer‘‘ (ortnate ‘fra‘ha‘an‘abndant‘pp ‘of‘perb‘traer‘aon ‘the‘fran‘ pop aton‘to‘ho‘ ae‘hntn ‘‘t ‘portant‘a‘a‘ean‘of‘tenane‘tho h‘  e a ‘fran‘hte‘n de‘oe‘of‘the‘fnet‘hnter‘and‘traer‘n‘the‘ º‘^‘  ‘nber‘are‘a ‘o‘the‘ ‘of‘natve‘poaher‘have‘no‘beoe‘a‘natona ‘ reore‘ep o ed‘to‘obat‘terror‘‘ t‘‘oon‘rea  ed‘that‘the‘nber‘of‘traer‘ava ab e‘to‘nt‘of‘the‘ar ‘‘a ‘ nadeate‘a‘oon‘a‘oando‘t‘oe‘on‘the‘ene‘beae‘of‘the‘ ‘

 ‘‘anpoer‘h‘anpoer‘horta e‘ae‘an ‘operaton‘to‘fa ‘de‘ p ‘to‘nffent‘or‘poor‘tran ‘%ot‘traer‘oe‘fro‘the‘ot‘prtve‘ trbe‘and‘ther‘ ‘‘often‘proportonate‘to‘ther‘ a‘of‘edaton‘and‘dependene‘on‘ btene‘a r tre‘‘ ‘ º‘ ‘‘  ‘t ‘hnted‘traer‘and‘hnter‘are‘n‘ reat‘deand‘ b ‘profeona ‘hnter‘he ‘are‘often‘ep o ed‘a‘far‘ abor‘o e ‘to‘have‘ther‘ ‘ ava ab e‘hen‘hntn ‘eaon‘ro ‘arond‘atve‘traer‘are‘a o‘pop ar‘n‘the‘  tar ‘and‘the‘po e‘beae‘of‘ther‘ta art‘arta ‘tradton‘and‘a ot‘arro ant‘ arta ‘prt‘‘ oever‘the‘pp ‘of‘trba ‘traer‘ava ab e‘to‘the‘ar ‘and‘po e‘rare ‘ ‘‘

 º‘^ ‘‘of‘thoe‘poen ‘h‘ ‘are‘ terate‘and‘therefore‘ na fed‘for‘rertent‘nto‘the‘re  ar‘ar ‘or‘po e‘nt‘oe‘ere‘'too‘o d´‘ ‘  ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘‘ ‘  ‘and‘enta ‘ fa te‘ooner‘or‘ ater‘h‘a‘va ab e‘f‘prtve‘reore‘ha‘to‘be‘tapped‘and‘ or‘ oando‘nt‘ho d‘not‘pa‘p‘h‘an‘ntapped‘reerve‘‘  tho h‘tran ‘‘not‘ta ht‘to‘fran‘rert‘f‘the‘anddate‘‘a‘natra ‘traer‘ h‘tran ‘ ‘are‘oned‘to‘ tar ‘tat‘and‘ba‘ tar ‘trann ‘‘ ven‘to‘ at‘h‘erve‘hen‘attahed‘to‘re  ar‘nt‘of‘the‘ar ‘or‘to‘oando‘nt‘ah‘ a fed‘traer‘‘e eted‘fro‘app ant‘b ‘pttn ‘h‘thro h‘varo‘tet‘b ‘ ater‘traer‘ho‘e‘ever ‘bterf e‘to‘fo ‘h‘bet‘effort‘(rt‘he‘tra‘ ae‘and‘ then‘han‘frt‘th‘and‘then‘thot‘boot‘on‘h‘'pre ´‘he‘pedo-terrort‘ ep o ‘h‘ant-tran ‘deve‘a‘a n ‘baard‘or‘on‘tone‘both‘on‘ and‘and‘ aro‘trea‘#a n ‘on‘tone‘n‘a‘rverbed‘and‘ron ‘oe‘dtane‘fro‘one¶‘ or na ‘arrva ‘pont‘fo ‘a ‘bt‘the‘top‘traer-‘ bt‘not‘the‘fran‘nt‘traer‘  tho h‘top‘traer‘a ‘be‘teporar ‘ oed‘b ‘h‘ethod‘the ‘ ‘eventa ‘ p‘p‘the‘poor‘‘ ‘

raer‘)nt‘!ré‘‘ he‘preab e‘to‘the‘traer‘nt‘pré‘‘orth‘repeatn ‘‘

"v an‘fran‘raer‘)nt‘‘a‘nt‘hh‘ha‘been‘fored‘prar ‘to‘proote‘and‘ t  e‘ore‘of‘the‘nherent‘tran ‘potenta ‘o‘abndant‘n‘or‘an ‘fran‘ and‘ hee‘en‘are‘nophtated‘and‘o d‘nora ‘not‘ava ‘thee ve‘for‘ar ‘ onrpton‘bt‘the ‘are‘te‘prepared‘to‘offer‘ther‘erve‘on‘a‘profeona ‘ba‘f‘ a on ‘nop ated‘ ne‘‘ enera ‘pean ‘the‘prtve‘fran‘ha‘a‘natra ‘ntnt‘for‘tran ‘and‘‘ether‘a‘ born‘hnter‘or‘ha‘pent‘ot‘of‘h‘ fe‘herdn ‘and‘tran ‘don‘ veto‘h‘ ntnt‘ha‘hoever‘ ot‘to‘be‘otvated‘and‘then‘arred‘to‘oon‘ tar ‘tat‘ and‘t‘‘th‘th‘a‘n‘nd‘that‘th‘nt‘ha‘aref ‘for ated‘a ‘and‘ean‘of‘ prootn ‘th‘portant‘ax ar ‘+oando‘nt,‘of‘the‘re  ar‘ar ‘fore‘avn ‘ ad‘th‘t‘annot‘be‘epha ed‘eno h‘that‘ o‘a‘the‘oando‘ho d‘both‘ ndertand‘and‘appreate‘the‘prtve‘vo ntar ‘natre‘of‘h‘erve‘hen‘dea n ‘ th‘h‘and‘t‘‘eenta ‘that‘ o‘do‘not‘overhe ‘h‘th‘ophtated‘ tar ‘ re entaton‘ o‘h‘to‘do‘h‘ob‘Don¶t‘bnd‘n‘n e‘dp ne‘‘neear ‘e‘ pree‘n‘here‘he‘tand‘ et‘h‘'do‘the‘ob´‘or‘ o‘ ‘fnd‘oeone‘e e‘‘ he‘traer‘retan‘v an‘tat‘drn ‘erve‘bt‘‘rered‘to‘op ete‘ter‘of‘ erve‘n e‘fond‘ntab e‘hen‘he‘‘retrned‘to‘bae‘raer‘are‘nder‘f ‘ar ‘ re  aton‘h e‘on‘dt ‘and‘arr ‘an‘dentt ‘ard‘raer‘do‘not‘expet‘pea ‘food‘ on‘erve‘bt‘f‘ava ab e‘h‘tradtona ‘det‘‘t  ed‘he‘en‘are‘dran‘fro‘varo‘ trbe‘and‘f ‘t‘+for‘en,‘are‘ade‘p‘of‘one‘trba ‘to‘to‘avod‘frton‘h‘ t‘are‘ep o ed‘on ‘n‘area‘of‘dfferent‘trba ‘to‘than‘ther‘on‘to‘nre‘ther‘ aff aton‘doen¶t‘dapen‘ther‘ ea ‘h‘traer‘or‘harder‘to‘nre‘defeat‘of‘ terrort‘of‘other‘ ^ ‘     ‘ ‘ ‘^‘‘

 ‘‘   ‘^‘

   ton‘t‘an ‘ta e‘extree‘are‘t‘be‘antaned‘‘  ‘    ‘ dentt ‘ne‘th‘o d‘ae‘reova ‘fro‘dt ‘and‘r‘that‘the‘pree‘pre‘of‘ ben ‘tered‘a‘'e ot´‘o d‘be‘a‘fata ‘oneene‘‘

ther‘"onderaton‘‘    ‘^ ‘ ‘ ‘n‘addton‘to‘ther‘nora ‘h h‘pa ‘hh‘t‘rean‘ onfdenta ‘one‘are‘pad‘for‘onfred‘terrort‘+"har e ‘an o,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

 ‘ ‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘for‘ottandn ‘perforane‘e ‘exeptona ‘fo op‘n‘hh‘depte‘the‘traer¶‘ ‘the‘exere‘re ted‘n‘no‘"‘ ‘ontat‘or‘ dover ‘of‘ar‘ahe‘$eport‘are‘f ed‘ot‘b ‘the‘t‘ eader‘ho‘aee‘the‘ traer¶‘perforane‘at‘end‘of‘ap‘hee‘are‘ana ed‘b ‘the‘nt‘oander‘and‘a‘ pa ot‘‘ade‘on‘th‘ba‘aordn ‘to‘ overnent‘a e‘f‘a‘reard‘‘offa ‘ offered‘‘ raer‘t‘nber‘fro‘for‘at‘f ‘tren th‘to‘for‘th‘a‘t‘ eader‘and‘nder‘ h‘a‘eond‘n‘oand‘o‘ran‘trtre‘ext‘n‘the‘nt‘bt‘the‘t‘ eader‘and‘h‘ nber‘to‘are‘ ven‘orpora ‘trpe‘raer‘are‘nora ‘ed‘on‘three-da ‘patro ‘to‘

enre‘that‘one‘t‘of‘the‘tea‘‘at‘bae‘at‘a ‘te‘reted‘read ‘and‘a ert‘o‘a‘to‘ reat‘ntant ‘n‘eer ene‘ne‘ther‘an‘fnton‘‘to‘fo o‘and‘ oate‘poor‘ thee‘en‘are‘not‘tron ‘traned‘or‘depended‘pon‘for‘obat‘or‘ enera ‘o dern ‘ and‘one‘ther‘effort‘re t‘n‘a‘ontat‘the ‘nora ‘fade‘nto‘the‘ba rond‘ oever‘thee‘en‘drn ‘ther‘erve‘have‘beoe‘ottandn ‘f htn ‘en‘n‘ an ‘ae‘th‘ottandn ‘ee‘drn ‘ontat‘th‘terrort‘ rop‘‘ o‘t‘of‘three‘traer‘eah‘an‘be‘ed‘th‘one‘oando‘t‘ eader‘a‘ ontro er‘attahed‘to‘eah‘eton‘n‘th‘ae‘one‘traer‘fo o‘poor‘and‘the‘other‘ f an‘h‘for‘h‘proteton‘and‘to‘t‘for‘ ot‘poor‘hree‘ rop‘of‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘^‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘ ‘   ‘‘ ‘   ‘ne‘trooper‘‘ ontro er‘and‘the‘other‘at‘n‘a‘f ann ‘ro e‘‘ hee‘oando‘troop‘ho d‘be‘experened‘and‘o‘te‘n‘ontr ‘th‘ oe‘ no ed e‘of‘both‘the‘bh‘and‘the‘fran‘h‘ an a e‘and‘to‘are‘portant‘ h‘vta ‘neear ‘ oe‘onaton‘eep‘effen ‘fro‘ben ‘ ot‘n‘addton‘ the‘t‘ eader‘t‘ta ‘th‘h‘t‘o‘the‘traer‘ et‘to‘no‘repet‘and‘ ndertand‘h‘raer‘are‘a o‘not‘ep o ed‘for‘ ard‘dt ‘or‘'hot n‘rdn ´‘ exept‘n‘extree‘eer ene‘raer‘are‘oete‘ed‘n‘the‘ro e‘of‘nterro ator‘ after‘aptre‘of‘   ‘ ^ ‘‘ º‘bt‘ontro er‘t‘eep‘a‘ ood‘ rp‘ on‘the‘to‘prevent‘re t ‘or‘heav -handedne‘aed‘b ‘trba ‘ntnt‘.eep‘the‘ obetve‘n‘the‘nd‘of‘a ‘at‘a ‘te‘Do‘not‘d re‘nto‘an ‘re t ‘at‘a ‘or‘a o‘t‘ raer‘an‘a o‘be‘ed‘for‘ andetne‘prpoe‘n‘trba ‘ and‘other‘than‘ther‘on‘f‘ the ‘vo nteer‘and‘are‘ ven‘adeate‘proteton‘fro‘oproe‘and‘retrbton‘‘ t‘ eader‘t‘have‘the‘traer¶‘f ‘onfdene‘and‘fee ‘free‘to‘d‘prob e‘ th‘the‘hether‘perona ‘or‘ tar ‘n‘natre‘to‘pre de‘an‘nforaton‘ ap‘

ee‘the‘t‘ eader‘ho d‘be‘aare‘of‘the‘prtve‘natre‘of‘h‘pedo-terrort‘ or‘traer‘and‘have‘ther‘ert ‘and‘e fare‘frt‘n‘h‘nd‘e‘t‘enre‘that‘ bap‘‘ava ab e‘hen‘ontat‘‘ade‘and‘that‘traer‘t‘not‘be‘ed‘a‘'fee er´‘ or‘be‘a oed‘to‘ander‘off‘a one‘thot‘pport‘hen‘a‘ ar e‘0&-de ree‘earh‘‘ a ed‘for‘raer‘ ‘detet‘an ‘fa n ‘ba‘of‘proteton‘nt‘and‘th‘ae‘ the‘to‘ oe‘oent‘on‘fo o-p‘fter‘a‘patro ‘ontat‘or‘tand‘don‘the‘t‘ eader‘he‘a ‘eapon‘for‘afet ‘to‘avod‘adent‘or‘oproe‘‘ Drn ‘a‘ontat‘the‘t‘ eader‘eep‘a‘ oe‘he‘on‘h‘troop‘o‘a‘to‘fade‘the‘ot‘ of‘the‘ene‘ ‘e‘enre‘that‘traer‘are‘not‘ed‘a‘ enera ‘fre‘and‘oveent‘ fore‘ne‘ther‘trann ‘‘not‘ntene‘n‘th‘area‘and‘ ‘^ ‘‘‘‘ ‘  ‘   º‘^‘‘ ‘  ‘ ‘  ^‘ ‘‘‘  ‘  ‘‘ ndrane‘tran ‘ontn ‘of‘a‘h‘a‘&‘ ‘n‘to‘da ‘brn ‘bone‘a‘ doe‘6a‘fora ‘nto‘ene ‘terrtor ‘or‘bae‘ap‘he‘traer‘ha‘an‘e e‘for‘aof a ed‘

bae‘ap‘ar‘ahe‘et‘p ‘an‘ab t ‘to‘detet‘abnora ‘deeanor‘n‘ oa ‘ hh‘a ‘ndate‘tenon‘de‘to‘terrort‘preene‘‘  ‘of‘thee‘are‘portant‘and‘hen‘ o‘fnd‘a‘traer‘h‘a‘th‘ o‘and‘ or‘t‘ t‘ontna ‘eep‘the‘traer‘n‘ ood‘hape‘ et‘the‘traer‘no‘that‘ or‘troop‘ are‘behnd‘h‘and‘ ‘not‘ et‘an ‘har‘oe‘to‘h‘n‘trn‘the‘t hter‘the‘bond‘ et‘ the‘better‘ or‘on‘ert ‘ ‘beoe‘n‘the‘fran‘bh‘‘

 YY ‘ n‘addton‘to‘non ‘ho‘to‘tra‘ o‘t‘no‘ho‘to‘onter‘a‘terrort‘traer¶‘ effort‘to‘tra‘ o‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘#h e‘ovn ‘fro‘ oe‘terran‘to‘open‘terran‘a ‘pat‘a‘b ‘tree‘+&‘‘‘n‘ daeter‘or‘ ar er,‘toard‘the‘open‘area‘for‘three‘to‘fve‘pae‘ ‘ ‘^   ‘‘ the‘forard‘de‘of‘the‘tree‘and‘ae‘a‘2&-de ree‘  ‘‘

   º‘  ‘‘ ‘ ‘t‘forard‘de‘tep‘aref ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ tt e‘ n‘a‘pob e‘f‘th‘‘not‘ the‘dreton‘that‘ o‘ ‘‘º‘  ‘

   ‘  ‘ ^‘ ‘‘  ‘  ‘‘ ‘  ‘‘  ‘‘ ‘ ‘‘  ‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘open‘area‘here‘t‘‘harder‘for‘h‘to‘tra‘hat‘a o‘expoe‘h‘and‘ae‘h‘ to‘earh‘the‘ron ‘area‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘#hen‘approahn ‘a‘tra ‘+abot‘one‘hndred‘eter‘fro‘t,‘han e‘ or‘ dreton‘of‘oveent‘and‘approah‘t‘at‘a‘-de ree‘an e‘#hen‘arrvn ‘at‘the‘tra ‘ ove‘a on ‘t‘for‘abot‘tent ‘to‘thrt ‘eter‘ eave‘evera ‘ n‘of‘ or‘preene‘ hen‘a ‘baard‘a on ‘the‘tra ‘to‘the‘pont‘here‘ o‘oned‘t‘t‘that‘pont‘ro‘ the‘tra ‘and‘ eave‘no‘ n‘of‘ or‘ eavn ‘t‘hen‘ove‘abot‘one‘hndred‘eter‘at‘an‘ an e‘of‘‘de ree‘bt‘th‘te‘on‘the‘other‘de‘of‘the‘tra ‘and‘n‘the‘revere‘of‘ or‘ approah‘#hen‘han n ‘dreton‘ba‘to‘ or‘or na ‘ ne‘of‘arh‘the‘b ‘tree‘ tehne‘‘ed‘to‘dra‘the‘ene ‘traer‘a on ‘the‘eaer‘tra ‘o‘have‘b ‘han n ‘ dreton‘before‘reahn ‘the‘tra ‘ndated‘that‘the‘tra ‘‘‘ne‘ ne‘of‘arh‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘o‘ eave‘ ‘fa e‘tra ‘and‘to‘ et‘an‘ene ‘traer‘to‘ oo‘n‘the‘ron ‘dreton‘ a ‘baard‘over‘oft‘ rond‘"ontne‘th‘deepton‘for‘abot‘tent ‘to‘thrt ‘ eter‘or‘nt ‘ o‘are‘on‘hard‘ rond‘)e‘th‘tehne‘hen‘ eavn ‘a‘trea‘o‘ frther‘onfe‘the‘terrort‘traer‘e‘th‘tehne‘evera ‘te‘before‘ata ‘ eavn ‘the‘trea‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘#hen‘ovn ‘toard‘a‘trea‘han e‘dreton‘abot‘one‘hndred‘eter‘ before‘reahn ‘the‘trea‘and‘approah‘t‘at‘a‘-de ree‘an e‘nter‘the‘trea‘and‘ proeed‘don‘t‘for‘at‘ eat‘tent ‘to‘thrt ‘eter‘hen‘ove‘ba‘ptrea‘and‘ eave‘ the‘trea‘n‘ or‘nta ‘dreton‘"han n ‘dreton‘before‘entern ‘the‘trea‘a ‘

onfe‘the‘terrort‘traer‘#hen‘he‘enter‘the‘trea‘he‘ho d‘fo o‘the‘fa e‘tra ‘ nt ‘the‘tra ‘‘ ot‘hat‘ ‘pt‘h‘e ‘aa ‘fro‘ o‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘#hen‘ or‘dreton‘of‘oveent‘para e ‘a‘trea‘e‘the‘trea‘to‘deeve‘a‘ terrort‘traer‘oe‘tat‘that‘ ‘he p‘e de‘a‘traer‘are‘a‘fo o‘‘ ‘

ta ‘n‘the‘trea‘for‘one‘hndred‘to‘to‘hndred‘eter‘‘

! ‘ ‘‘  ‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ ‘  ‘ ‘‘

#ath‘for‘ro‘or‘root‘near‘the‘ban‘that‘are‘not‘overed‘th‘o‘or‘ve etaton‘and‘ eave‘the‘trea‘at‘that‘pont‘‘ ‘

#a ‘ot‘baard‘on‘oft‘ rond‘‘

#a ‘p‘a‘a ‘ve etaton‘overed‘trbtar ‘and‘ext‘fro‘t‘‘

0‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘#hen‘ben ‘traed‘b ‘a‘terrort‘ rop‘the‘bet‘bet‘‘to‘ether‘tr ‘to‘otdtane‘ t‘or‘to‘dob e‘ba‘and‘abh‘the‘ rop‘

Y"#$%&'(  Y  3   ‘ ran ‘p a ‘a‘pea ‘and‘ver ‘portant‘part‘n‘antann ‘ontat‘th‘the‘ene ‘ n‘ oatn ‘ther‘ap‘and‘hde‘and‘n‘fo on ‘p‘after‘a‘ontat‘or‘an‘ndent‘‘ ‘ #thot‘onderab e‘prata ‘experene‘no‘an‘an‘beoe‘an‘expert‘bt‘th‘a‘ tt e‘ ba‘no ed e‘e ‘app ed‘ot‘en‘an‘beoe‘5bh‘nded5‘‘bhraft‘ hh‘n de‘the‘ab t ‘to‘tra‘‘eenta ‘a‘prata ‘bet‘no‘aont‘of‘ theor n ‘an‘ae‘an‘expert‘!rate‘n‘the‘fe d‘‘eenta ‘‘th‘ot‘ ‘ bhraft‘t‘beoe‘an‘atoat‘aton‘hh‘ ‘be‘of‘the‘ reatet‘va e‘n‘ata ‘ operaton‘‘ ‘ he‘a‘of‘th‘hapter‘‘to‘ ve‘oe‘ dane‘to‘troop‘ep o ed‘n‘!‘n‘the‘ tehne‘of‘tran ‘

 Y  4Y Y  ‘ o‘at‘troop‘n‘the‘tran ‘of‘ndvda ‘or‘band‘of‘ene ‘oe‘ eted‘ tehne‘are‘ ted‘be o‘‘ ‘ ton‘on‘fndn ‘tra‘‘ a‘ )n e‘t‘‘pob e‘to‘fo o‘the‘poor‘th‘ether‘a‘v an‘traer‘or‘a‘traer‘ tea‘an one‘fndn ‘poor‘ho d‘o ate‘the‘ene‘and‘eep‘that‘area‘free‘of‘

 tar ‘fore‘nt ‘the‘arrva ‘of‘traer‘n‘edate‘report‘ho d‘be‘ade‘ to‘h her‘headarter‘ vn ‘the‘fo on ‘nforaton‘‘ ‘ tated‘nber‘of‘terrort‘‘ ‘ tated‘a e‘of‘poor‘‘ ‘ Dreton‘‘ v‘ n ‘other‘ef ‘nforaton‘h‘a‘ oaton‘terran‘t pe‘of‘tra‘et‘ b‘ t‘‘abo te ‘eenta ‘that‘the‘poor‘‘not‘ob terated‘or‘dtrbed‘b ‘the‘ doverer‘he‘poor‘and‘rrondn ‘area‘t‘rean‘ntohed‘nt ‘the‘ arrva ‘of‘a‘traer‘or‘traer‘tea‘t‘‘not‘pob e‘to‘fo o‘one‘preerved‘poor‘ hen‘the‘reander‘of‘the‘area‘ha‘been‘trap ed‘f at‘b ‘ tar ‘fore‘‘ ‘ t‘freent ‘pa ‘to‘batra‘hen‘ver ‘freh‘tra‘are‘fond‘part ar ‘ear ‘ n‘the‘ornn ‘hen‘the ‘a ‘ ead‘fro‘a‘ap‘ ‘ ton‘hen‘tran ‘‘ a‘ #or‘n‘par‘hen‘pob e‘‘ b‘ )e‘a‘ponter‘to‘ndate‘the‘tra‘h‘an‘be‘a‘t‘or‘even‘a‘rf e‘‘ ‘ #hen‘a‘tra ‘‘fant‘ eapfro ‘the‘traer‘‘ d‘ he‘traer‘ho‘ha‘the‘rn‘of‘a‘tra‘t‘eep‘on‘t‘and‘on ‘han e‘hen‘the‘ rn‘‘broen‘‘ e‘ n‘the‘nteret‘of‘peed‘tra‘ahead‘here‘pob e‘and‘not‘at‘ or‘feet‘‘ f‘ Dependn ‘on‘ondton‘e‘ rond‘or‘aera ‘tran ‘bt‘f‘pob e‘e‘aera ‘ tran ‘for‘peed‘‘ ‘ hn‘ahead‘and‘ ten‘for‘brd‘and‘ ae‘a ar‘hh‘o d‘ndate‘oveent‘ or‘preene‘of‘han‘ahead‘‘ h‘ ear‘n‘nd‘nor‘deta ‘hh‘ad‘tran ‘e ‘and‘on‘ro‘overtrned‘ eave‘et‘‘ ‘ !atro ‘eber‘not‘ep o ed‘th‘the‘ata ‘tran ‘ ‘adopt‘an‘open‘ foraton‘and‘be‘on‘the‘a ert‘for‘ene ‘aton‘‘ ‘ he‘peron‘or‘peron‘don ‘the‘tran ‘ot‘at‘a ‘te‘be‘proteted‘b ‘ eber‘of‘the‘patro ‘‘ ‘ ran ‘n‘overat‘eather‘and‘arond‘dda ‘ ‘be‘dff t‘de‘to‘ a‘of‘ hado‘hh‘ ve‘depth‘‘ ‘ ra‘b ‘5fee n 5‘over‘dead‘ eave‘on‘dap‘ rond‘for‘ndentaton‘f‘a ‘e e‘ fa ‘‘ ‘ Do‘not‘ta ‘--‘onate‘b ‘ean‘of‘hand‘ na ‘‘ n‘ o‘aertan‘hether‘ an ‘are‘n‘the‘area‘ oo‘for‘ n‘at‘frt-‘bearn ‘tree‘ ater‘ho e‘trappn ‘te‘beehve‘or‘obervaton‘pont‘ o‘ath‘for‘ n‘of‘ fre‘part ar ‘n‘the‘ear ‘ornn ‘or‘ ate‘evenn ‘‘ o‘ f‘the‘tra‘dden ‘beoe‘e -hdden‘bt‘not‘ ot‘r e‘donnd‘and‘tr ‘ to‘p‘p‘ent‘oe‘or‘fre  ht‘epea ‘at‘n ht‘‘ p‘ e‘ontant ‘aare‘of‘the‘pob t ‘of‘trer ‘or‘deepton;‘for‘exap e‘en‘ trnn ‘toard‘ater‘then‘ on ‘fro‘tree‘to‘tree‘n‘the‘oppote‘dreton;‘ hdn ‘nderater‘or‘nder rond‘n‘a‘ d‘ana ‘brro;‘hoe‘ted‘on‘ baard;‘ ra‘bent‘ba;‘a n ‘baard‘or‘on‘the‘de‘of‘the‘feet;‘or‘t n ‘ att e‘hoove‘onto‘the‘hoe‘or‘feet‘‘ ‘ td ‘the‘ene '‘habt‘at‘ever ‘opportnt ‘

‘ ton‘ho d‘the‘tra ‘p t‘raer‘t‘be‘traned‘to‘report‘edate ‘to‘the‘patro ‘ oander‘an ‘attept‘b ‘the‘ene ‘to‘p t‘p‘he‘patro ‘oander‘then‘dede‘on‘ the‘adve‘of‘the‘traer‘hh‘tra‘ ‘be‘fo oed‘he‘p ttn ‘pont‘ho d‘be‘ ared‘o‘that‘the‘traer‘an‘retrn‘to‘t‘and‘f‘neear ‘tart‘a an‘o‘at‘the‘ traer‘n‘pn ‘p‘the‘tra‘a an‘a‘fe‘hnt‘are‘ ted‘be o‘‘ a‘ xane‘an ‘ o ‘tone‘et‘n‘the‘edate‘vnt ‘of‘the‘tra‘for‘ n‘of‘ dtrbane‘‘ b‘ xane‘ eave‘and‘ ra‘on‘ether‘de‘of‘the‘tra‘for‘ n‘of‘dtrbane‘‘ ‘ ttept‘at‘deepton‘n e‘done‘b ‘an‘expert‘ ‘often‘ ve‘a‘ earer‘ ndaton‘of‘here‘the‘tra‘‘ oated‘ ‘ ton‘hen‘the‘tra‘‘ ot‘‘ #hen‘the‘tra‘‘ ot‘the‘ eadn ‘traer‘ho d‘ndate‘that‘he‘ha‘reahed‘the‘ at‘ vb e‘ n‘of‘the‘tra‘he‘‘fo on ‘raer‘t‘be‘traned‘never‘to‘pa‘be ond‘ th‘pont‘thot‘frt‘nforn ‘the‘patro ‘oander‘of‘t‘exat‘ oaton‘‘p e‘ dr ‘for‘the‘earh‘‘ a‘ eadn ‘traer‘ha t‘the‘patro ‘and‘ndate‘the‘poton‘of‘the‘ at‘vb e‘ n‘to‘ the‘patro ‘oander‘‘ b‘ he‘ n‘‘ared‘for‘ftre‘referene‘‘ ‘ ( an‘traer‘do‘a‘r ar‘at‘orn ‘toard‘one‘another‘n‘the‘hope‘of‘ pn ‘p‘the‘poor‘a an‘‘ d‘ #h e‘the‘f an‘traer‘are‘arr n ‘ot‘the‘earh‘a‘derbed‘above‘the‘ traer‘ho‘a‘on‘the‘poor‘arre‘ot‘a‘0&-de ree‘earh‘p‘to‘approxate ‘ ‘eter‘to‘h‘edate‘front‘‘ e‘ ne‘the‘poor‘ha‘been‘re oated‘the‘traer‘ho‘fond‘the‘poor‘then‘tae‘ over‘a‘an‘traer‘he‘reander‘of‘the‘tea‘fa ‘nto‘an‘approprate‘traer‘ foraton‘ 0‘ )e‘of‘arraft‘for‘tran ‘‘ a‘ a‘  ht‘arraft‘and/or‘he opter‘an‘atve ‘at‘patro ‘drn ‘the‘tran ‘ of‘terrort‘ rop‘b ‘‘ ‘ pottn ‘terrort‘fro‘the‘ar‘bearn ‘n‘nd‘that‘the‘terrort‘are‘ e ‘to‘tae‘over‘on‘hearn ‘arraft‘rraft‘a ‘a o‘brea‘ert ‘ and‘ndate‘to‘terrort‘that‘the ‘are‘ben ‘fo oed‘‘ ‘  on ‘don‘the‘terrort‘a‘the ‘attept‘to‘eep‘nder‘over‘thereb ‘ enab n ‘the‘traer‘to‘ oe‘th‘the‘ b‘ -a ‘ar‘reonnaane‘ ‘provde‘va ab e‘nforaton‘onernn ‘the‘natre‘ of‘the‘ontr ‘ahead‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘ rop‘h‘nforaton‘ho d‘enab e‘the‘ patro ‘to‘ae‘‘ a‘ e ‘rote‘taen‘b ‘terrort‘‘ b‘ bh‘poton‘‘ ‘ "ap‘ ‘ e opter‘a ‘be‘ed‘to‘p ft‘traer‘n‘the‘ eapfro ‘ro e‘+exp aned‘n‘ reater‘deta ‘ n‘eton‘‘of‘"hapter‘*‘(o o-p‘peraton,‘

 Y   Y Y  

‘ Deta ed‘be o‘are‘a‘nber‘of‘pont‘hh‘ho d‘be‘taen‘nto‘onderaton‘‘ a‘ hn‘hen‘ovn ‘Do‘not‘re ax‘‘ b‘ Do‘not‘beoe‘re  ar‘n‘habt‘‘ ‘ vod‘the‘obvo‘‘ d‘ #ath‘the‘natre‘of‘the‘ontr ‘aref ‘and‘e‘t pe‘of‘ rond‘hh‘are‘ dff t‘to‘tra‘n‘‘ e‘ )e‘eather‘to‘advanta e‘that‘‘ove‘n‘ran‘‘ f‘ "arr ‘a‘t‘th‘hh‘to‘bend‘ ra‘and‘branhe‘ba‘‘ ‘ n‘pea ‘operaton‘to‘nreae‘deepton‘ear‘ooth-o ed‘hoe‘hh‘ eave‘ e‘dtntve‘prnt‘or‘ o‘barefoot‘or‘e‘otor-tre‘anda ‘‘ h‘ #a ‘on‘the‘de‘of‘the‘foot‘hen‘neear ‘a‘th‘ eave‘no‘hee ‘or‘toe‘ar‘‘ ‘ "ro‘tra‘road‘or‘trea‘b ‘ron ‘n‘tree‘or‘on‘ro‘f‘th‘‘not‘ pob e‘hen‘ron ‘a‘de‘and ‘tra‘or‘road‘ro‘at‘one‘p ae‘eah‘an‘ teppn ‘aref ‘on‘the‘footprnt‘of‘the‘ eadn ‘an‘thereb ‘ eavn ‘on ‘one‘ et‘of‘prnt‘‘ ‘ e‘aref ‘th‘oe ‘fre‘tobao‘e ‘oap‘n‘trea‘or‘rver‘brd‘and‘ ae‘a ar‘or‘net‘or‘fro ‘ ene‘‘ ‘ Do‘not‘be‘too‘tepted‘to‘e‘ater‘a‘a‘ ne‘of‘oveent‘a‘th‘‘here‘the‘ ene ‘ ‘probab ‘earh‘or‘ oo‘for‘ n‘of‘ert ‘fore‘n‘the‘area‘‘ ‘ #th‘a‘ ar e‘part ‘here‘pob e‘avod‘ovn ‘n‘n e‘f e‘a‘th‘ ‘ eave‘ defnte‘ n‘and‘a‘tra‘ove‘n‘open‘foraton‘ntead‘

 Y  5 Y Y  Y  ‘ enera ‘‘ a‘ t‘‘extree ‘dff t‘to‘ove‘ ent ‘and‘ ‘n‘ot‘part‘of‘the‘bh‘and‘ oneent ‘th‘rere‘a‘ ot‘of‘prate‘and‘onentraton‘‘ b‘ here‘are‘an ‘path‘n‘the‘bh‘ade‘b ‘ ae‘drn ‘ther‘n ht ‘or‘eaona ‘ oveent‘hee‘ana ‘avod‘teep‘or‘ pper ‘ ope‘and‘therefore‘ ae‘ path‘ ‘nora ‘provde‘ea ‘ on ‘errort‘and‘ tar ‘patro ‘e‘thee‘ tra ‘hen‘‘ ent‘oveent‘‘rered‘roop‘ho d‘therefore‘exere‘ extree‘aton‘hen‘n ‘thee‘tra ‘a‘the ‘ ht‘e ‘be‘abhed‘ ‘ ran ‘poor‘‘ a‘ here‘are‘to‘dtnt‘t pe‘of‘poor‘ rond‘poor‘and‘aera ‘poor‘he‘ rond‘  n‘‘nora ‘ade‘b ‘a‘boot-‘or‘footprnt‘and‘aera ‘poor‘‘n‘the‘for‘of‘ trap ed‘ ra‘broen‘bhe‘broen‘obeb‘et‘‘ b‘ he‘fo on ‘are‘ n‘the‘experened‘traer‘ oo‘for‘hen‘tran ‘poor‘‘ ‘ "rhed‘and‘bent‘ ra‘and‘ve etaton‘‘ ‘ roen‘t ‘and‘ eave‘‘ ‘ vertrned‘ eave‘and‘tone‘‘ v‘ %d‘dp aed‘fro‘trea‘‘ v‘ roen‘obeb‘‘ v‘ he‘tate‘of‘the‘de‘on‘a‘tra ‘‘ v‘ %d‘or‘rathe‘on‘tone‘and‘ o ‘ ‘ ‘arefoot‘prnt‘are‘oft‘ronded‘preon‘fored‘b ‘the‘hee ‘ba ‘of‘ foot‘or‘toe‘#oen'‘tra‘are‘ enera ‘a er‘and‘have‘on‘the‘ho e‘to‘

haratert‘(rt ‘the ‘tend‘to‘be‘p eon-toed‘and‘eond ‘ther‘toe‘are‘ ore‘p a ed‘ot‘than‘en'‘‘ d‘  ‘!ont‘to‘oberve‘are‘d‘ar‘depth‘of‘preon‘rnnn ‘on‘ ba ‘of‘feet‘and‘toe‘p a ed‘ot‘toe‘and‘bad ‘daa ed‘ve etaton‘th‘ re tant‘ a‘of‘onea ent‘of‘tra ‘‘ e‘  ‘hort‘foottep‘deeper‘preon‘than‘nora ‘n‘oft‘ rond‘and‘ toe‘p a ed‘ot‘‘ f‘ ‘De‘to‘the‘fat‘that‘ot‘ana ‘have‘ oven‘hoove‘the‘preon‘ fored‘on‘the‘ rond‘have‘harp‘ ear-t‘ed e‘ ‘ 3d n ‘the‘a e‘of‘tra‘‘ a‘ #eather‘he‘tate‘of‘the‘eather‘--‘ran‘nd‘nhne‘--‘ho d‘a a ‘be‘ borne‘n‘nd‘a‘t‘‘one‘of‘the‘ot‘portant‘pont‘n‘dedn ‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘ tra‘‘ b‘ b teraton‘b ‘ran‘or‘  ht‘ran‘ ‘reebern ‘hen‘t‘ at‘raned‘ore‘ arate‘d ent‘of‘the‘a e‘of‘tra‘‘pob e‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘po-ared‘ obvo ‘the ‘ere‘ade‘before‘the‘ran‘and‘f‘the ‘are‘not‘po-ared‘the ‘ ere‘ade‘after‘the‘ran‘ ar ‘b ‘ oon ‘to‘ee‘f‘the‘tra‘have‘been‘ po-ared‘b ‘  ht‘ran‘drppn ‘fro‘tree‘the‘a e‘an‘be‘etab hed‘‘ ‘ he‘tate‘and‘poton‘of‘trodden‘ve etaton‘-aro‘ rae‘have‘dfferent‘ rade‘of‘re ene‘and‘on ‘prate‘and‘experene‘ ‘enab e‘a‘traer‘to‘e‘ th‘fator‘to‘d e‘arate ‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘poor‘‘ d‘ ent‘ ra‘or‘ eave‘n‘ndaton‘of‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘tra‘a ‘be‘ aned‘b ‘t‘ dr ne‘ent‘ ra‘ ‘be‘ reen‘nta ‘bt‘after‘a‘fe‘da ‘ ‘trn‘a‘bron‘ o or‘ an‘the‘aont‘of‘nhne‘and‘ran‘drn ‘the‘ at‘fe‘da ‘ho d‘be‘ taen‘nto‘aont‘‘ e‘ preon‘n‘d‘ a ‘note‘the‘tate‘of‘dr ne‘of‘a‘tra‘n‘d‘or‘oft‘ rond‘f‘the‘tra‘‘ver ‘freh‘ater‘ ‘not‘have‘rn‘ba‘nto‘the‘depreon‘ ade‘b ‘a‘foot‘ ater‘the‘ater‘rn‘ba‘and‘ ater‘t ‘the‘d‘hh‘ha‘been‘ phed‘p‘arond‘the‘depreon‘and‘the‘d‘ed‘forard‘b ‘the‘food‘ eavn ‘ the‘ rond‘be n‘to‘dr ‘‘ f‘ ae‘tra‘$eeber‘that‘ot‘ana ‘ e‘p‘drn ‘the‘da ‘and‘ove‘abot‘ at‘n ht‘herefore‘f‘han‘prnt‘on‘an‘foret‘ ae‘tra ‘have‘at‘ eat‘a‘ dob e‘et‘of‘ana ‘poor‘perpoed‘and‘thee‘poor‘ho‘that‘the‘ ae‘ha‘ oved‘n‘both‘dreton‘an ‘han‘prnt‘are‘probab ‘at‘ eat‘one‘n ht‘o d‘f‘ the‘ana ‘poor‘ho‘that‘ ae‘ha‘oved‘n‘one‘dreton‘on ‘then‘the‘han‘ prnt‘ere‘probab ‘ade‘drn ‘the‘n ht‘after‘the‘ ae‘had‘oved‘don‘to‘ ater‘bt‘before‘the‘ ae‘oved‘ba‘ ‘ nforaton‘re ardn ‘terrort‘ethod‘of‘onea n ‘tra‘and‘ap‘ho d‘a o‘be‘ o ht‘‘ ‘ (ator‘affetn ‘tran ‘here‘are‘ertan‘fator‘hh‘affet‘tran ‘‘ a‘ #hether‘the‘ rond‘‘hard‘or‘oft‘ton ‘or‘dd ‘‘ b‘ he‘t pe‘of‘ontr ‘‘ ‘ he‘eather‘--‘thn ‘ a‘depth‘n‘overat‘eather‘‘ d‘ he‘poton‘of‘the‘n‘re atve‘to‘the‘dreton‘of‘trave ‘he‘ot‘tab e‘ poton‘‘hen‘one‘ha‘to‘tra‘toard‘the‘n‘‘

e‘ he‘footear‘of‘the‘han‘arr ‘‘dtnt‘boot‘pattern‘‘obvo ‘eaer‘to‘ fo o‘than‘a‘p an-o ed‘poor‘‘ f‘ he‘extent‘to‘hh‘other‘ ar‘tra‘a ‘onfe‘and‘pob ‘b r‘the‘poor‘ ‘"onentraton‘and‘the‘effet‘of‘earne‘ 0‘ hn ‘the‘traer‘t‘ oo‘for‘‘ a‘ (ootprnt‘and‘preon‘of‘footear‘the‘rh th‘of‘the‘poor‘or‘the‘ en th‘of‘ trde‘of‘the‘arr ‘h‘‘a‘ de‘to‘here‘the‘next‘footprnt‘a ‘be‘fond‘‘ b‘ rap ed‘ ra‘o ‘and‘ar‘n‘the‘o ‘here‘ndret‘prere‘a ‘have‘ eft‘ no‘preon‘‘ ‘ Dtrbed‘tone‘t‘or‘o‘‘‘ d‘ eave‘hh‘have‘been‘trned‘rhed‘ed‘or‘p ed‘off‘tree;‘branhe‘and‘ t ‘bent‘or‘broen‘and‘ve etaton‘phed‘ade;‘the‘ref eton‘of‘  ht‘fro‘ ra‘or‘ eave‘dp aed‘at‘an‘an e;‘the‘o or‘of‘bent‘and‘broen‘ve etaton;‘and‘ rathed‘or‘hpped‘bar‘‘ e‘ Darded‘rappn ‘and‘atated‘ve etaton‘‘ f‘ f‘"obeb‘broen‘or‘ped‘off‘onto‘a‘nearb ‘tree‘or‘bh‘‘ ‘ )rne‘and‘exreent‘freent ‘ndated‘b ‘hoe‘f e‘and‘ e o‘btterf e‘ and‘dn ‘beet e‘drn ‘the‘ran‘‘ h‘ nare‘and‘trap‘robbed‘bee'‘net‘and‘oe‘‘ ‘ he‘tate‘of‘de‘on‘the‘poor‘‘ ‘ %d‘dp aed‘fro‘trea‘or‘d‘on‘tone‘and‘ o ‘‘ ‘ ahed‘ana ‘or‘net‘ fe‘and‘hether‘t‘ha‘been‘attaed‘b ‘ant‘ 1‘ ‘traer‘ha‘an ‘thn ‘to‘onder‘h e‘tran ‘e‘t‘poe‘ertan‘a te‘ h‘a‘above‘avera e‘e e ht‘eor ‘nte  ene‘ftne‘antpaton‘and‘ ndertandn ‘of‘natre‘!atene‘pertene‘ate‘obervaton‘and‘natra ‘ntnt‘are‘ the‘ba‘of‘ ood‘tran ‘here‘are‘te‘hen‘pre‘ntnt‘a one‘ ‘dra‘a‘traer‘n‘ the‘orret‘dreton‘ ‘nt‘ho d‘enre‘that‘trann ‘n‘a reve‘bhraft‘‘ antaned‘at‘the‘h het‘pob e‘tandard‘

 Y  6  Y )')"#. ‘ ‘he‘a‘of‘th‘eton‘‘not‘to‘ntrt‘on‘the‘hand n ‘and‘trann ‘of‘do ‘bt‘to‘ provde‘an‘nfantr ‘oander‘th‘ffent‘ba rond‘nforaton‘to‘enab e‘h‘to‘ ef ‘dep o ‘an ‘do ‘and‘do ‘hand er‘that‘a ‘be‘p aed‘at‘h‘dpoa ‘‘ ‘ )nder‘no‘rtane‘ ‘a‘do ‘be‘attahed‘to‘an‘ar ‘foraton‘thot‘the‘erve‘ of‘a‘hand er‘a o‘ben ‘provded‘he‘do ‘and‘hand er‘are‘a‘h h ‘traned‘tea‘and‘a‘ do ‘annot‘be‘hand ed‘b ‘another‘peron‘‘ ‘ he‘hand er‘‘an‘expert‘n‘h‘on‘fe d‘and‘an‘ ve‘adve‘on‘the‘apab t ‘of‘h‘do ‘ and‘the‘ondton‘nder‘hh‘t‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘bet‘effet‘e‘‘not‘hoever‘ reponb e‘for‘the‘tata ‘dep o ent‘of‘h‘do ‘he‘deon‘ho‘and‘hen‘to‘e‘the‘ ana ‘and‘t‘hand er‘ret‘th‘the‘ oa ‘ar ‘oander‘‘ ‘ o‘obtan‘the‘ax‘va e‘fro‘traned‘ar‘do ‘t‘‘eenta ‘to‘have‘an‘ ndertandn ‘of‘the‘ondton‘bet‘ted‘for‘ther‘ep o ent‘Do ‘ e‘the‘ret‘of‘ the‘ana ‘n do‘are‘bet‘to‘otde‘nf ene‘hh‘have‘a‘dret‘bearn ‘on‘ther‘


0‘ 1‘


behavor‘t‘fo o‘therefore‘that‘the‘perforane‘of‘an ‘do ‘no‘atter‘ho‘h h ‘ traned‘‘not‘ontant‘and‘t‘annot‘be‘expeted‘to‘or‘effent ‘nder‘ever ‘t pe‘of‘ ondton‘h‘‘often‘not‘f ‘appreated‘and‘ntane‘have‘orred‘here‘advere‘ rt‘ha‘been‘ eve ed‘a ant‘a‘do ‘p ‘beae‘the‘peron‘reponb e‘for‘t‘ ep o ent‘a‘ norant‘of‘t‘ taton‘( ‘va e‘ ‘on ‘te‘fro‘a‘f ‘ no ed e‘and‘better‘ndertandn ‘of‘the‘apab te‘and‘haratert‘of‘the‘do ‘t‘ t‘be‘reebered‘that‘a‘do ‘tre‘ea ‘and‘oneent ‘t‘be‘ed‘parn ‘and‘ to‘the‘bet‘pob e‘advanta e‘‘ he‘effen ‘of‘a‘do ‘‘n‘dret‘rato‘to‘that‘of‘t‘hand er‘t‘‘therefore‘ot‘ portant‘to‘e et‘tab e‘en‘for‘trann ‘a‘hand er‘and er‘t‘therefore‘on ‘ be‘han ed‘f‘abo te ‘eenta ‘‘ #ar‘do ‘are‘a‘va ab e‘eapon‘hh‘hen‘proper ‘ed‘provde‘an‘advanta e‘over‘ the‘ene ‘he‘f et‘e‘ho d‘therefore‘be‘ade‘of‘the‘‘ he‘t pe‘of‘ar‘do ‘that‘are‘n‘oon‘e‘are‘‘ a‘ !atro ‘do ‘‘ b‘ ran ‘do ‘‘ ‘ %ne‘deteton‘do ‘‘ d‘ ard‘do ‘‘ e‘ Do ‘for‘e‘n‘rod‘ontro ‘prpoe‘ ‘not‘be‘ded‘n‘th‘eton‘

taton‘"ertan‘ taton‘t‘be‘treed‘‘ a‘ he‘do ‘‘apt‘to‘beoe‘perp exed‘hen‘ ar e‘nber‘of‘peop e‘are‘n‘a‘a ‘ area‘e ‘hen‘oppon ‘fore‘are‘n‘ oe‘ontat‘‘ b‘ he‘do ‘‘apt‘to‘beoe‘be dered‘hen‘the‘a ntde‘and‘nber‘of‘ extraneo‘ond‘are‘abnora ‘e ‘hen‘the‘batt e‘‘ntene‘‘ ‘ he‘do ‘annot‘dfferentate‘beteen‘ene ‘and‘t‘on‘troop‘( ‘brefn ‘to‘a‘ patro ‘‘eenta ‘to‘prevent‘5pontn 5‘on‘attered‘e eent‘or‘ rop‘of‘troop‘

Y/)#!".( ‘ ‘‘patro ‘do ‘or‘b ‘5ar‘ent5‘and‘hearn ‘and‘‘traned‘to‘ ve‘ ent‘ arnn ‘of‘an ‘ndvda ‘or‘ rop‘of‘ndvda ‘b ‘pontn ‘e‘‘not‘ta ht‘to‘atta‘ and‘annot‘be‘ed‘a‘a‘traer‘he‘patro ‘do ‘‘therefore‘ef ‘for‘ vn ‘ ent‘ arnn ‘of‘abhe‘attept‘at‘nf traton‘and‘the‘preene‘of‘an ‘5fore n‘bod 5‘ before‘h‘preene‘an‘be‘deteted‘b ‘a‘han‘e‘an‘be‘ored‘ether‘b ‘da ‘or‘b ‘ n ht‘n‘ot‘nd‘of‘eather‘and‘ontr ‘‘ ‘ he‘dtane‘at‘hh‘arnn ‘‘ ven‘depend‘pon‘the‘fo on ‘fator‘‘ a‘ b t ‘of‘the‘hand er‘to‘5read5‘h‘do ‘‘ b‘ #nd‘dreton‘and‘ve ot ‘‘ ‘ "onentraton‘of‘ent‘‘ d‘ dt ‘‘ e‘ Dent ‘of‘ve etaton‘‘ f‘ -o e‘of‘noe‘n‘the‘vnt ‘‘ ‘ "ondton‘and‘ftne‘of‘do ‘‘ h‘ ndvda ‘nherent‘ab t ‘ ‘ peratona ‘ep o ent‘he‘patro ‘do ‘an‘be‘ep o ed‘n‘to‘a ‘‘ a‘ n‘a‘ ead‘‘

b‘ ooe‘n‘front‘‘ n‘both‘ae‘the‘do ‘‘ontro ed‘b ‘a‘hand er‘ ‘ #hen‘ovn ‘to‘an‘operatona ‘area‘the‘do ‘‘ept‘at‘hee ‘--‘h e‘n‘th‘poton‘the‘ do ‘no‘he‘‘off‘dt ‘and‘‘not‘on‘the‘a ert‘#hen‘on‘dt ‘the‘o ar‘‘reoved‘and‘ ether‘the‘5p ot‘rope5‘‘pt‘on‘and‘the‘do ‘‘to d‘to‘ee‘or‘the‘do ‘or‘ ooe‘and‘the‘ oand‘5ee5‘‘ ven‘‘ ‘ oth‘hand er‘and‘do ‘have‘to‘be‘ore‘h h ‘traned‘to‘or‘th‘the‘do ‘ ooe‘‘ 0‘ he‘do ‘pont‘b ‘one‘or‘a‘obnaton‘of‘the‘fo on ‘ n‘‘ a‘ $an ‘of‘head‘and‘prn -p‘of‘ear‘‘ b‘ enn ‘of‘bod ‘‘ ‘ a ‘a n ‘‘ d‘ .eenne‘to‘nvet ate‘ 1‘ )e‘he‘patro ‘do ‘an‘be‘ed‘‘ a‘ n‘reonnaane‘patro ‘‘ b‘ n‘f htn ‘patro ‘‘‘a‘entr ‘otpot‘‘ ‘ ardn ‘forard‘dp‘‘ d‘ #th‘tat‘ert ‘ rop‘‘ e‘ n‘o ated‘poton‘ *‘ n‘patro ‘he‘hand er‘and‘the‘do ‘ ‘nora ‘ ead‘oever‘f‘the‘do ‘‘ben ‘ ored‘ ooe‘t‘a ‘be‘pob e‘for‘the‘do ‘to‘ ead‘fo oed‘b ‘the‘ared‘ot‘of‘the‘ 5ree‘ rop5‘th‘the‘hand er‘+ho‘‘ontant ‘n‘ ht‘and‘n‘ontro ‘of‘the‘do ,‘next‘ h‘ae‘the‘hand er'‘ob‘a‘trf e‘ e‘ha ardo‘n‘an ‘ae‘ oe‘ontat‘t‘be‘ antaned‘beteen‘hand er‘and‘patro ‘ eader‘he‘nora ‘proedre‘‘‘ a‘ he‘patro ‘oander‘ndate‘to‘the‘hand er‘the‘on‘dpoton‘of‘on‘ troop‘the‘ enera ‘dreton‘of‘advane‘and‘an ‘pea ‘ oaton‘ntrton‘‘ b‘ he‘patro ‘‘ordered‘to‘ove‘ot‘‘ ‘ he‘patro ‘do ‘and‘hand er‘th‘one‘eort‘preede‘the‘patro ‘at‘a‘dtane‘hh‘  ‘pert‘edate‘onaton‘th‘the‘patro ‘oander‘t‘n ht‘th‘ o d‘be‘abot‘an‘ar'‘ en th‘n‘da  ht‘the‘dtane‘ ‘be‘ reater‘bt‘thn‘ ea ‘va ‘ na n ‘dtane‘‘ d‘ he‘patro ‘do ‘and‘hand er‘ove‘off‘eepn ‘ enera ‘n‘the‘ndated‘dreton‘ e‘t‘be‘a oed‘to‘tae‘advanta e‘of‘nd‘and‘other‘ondton‘favorn ‘the‘ do '‘entn ‘poer‘thot‘endan ern ‘the‘patro ‘‘ e‘ #hen‘the‘do ‘pont‘the‘hand er‘ndate‘b ‘ ent‘hand‘ na ‘5ene ‘n‘ ht5‘‘ f‘ he‘patro ‘ha t‘and‘tae‘over‘ 2‘ !atro ‘oander‘proeed‘et ‘t  n ‘ava ab e‘over‘to‘the‘hand er‘and‘do ‘and‘ ae‘h‘p an‘‘ &‘entr ‘otpot‘he‘an‘va e‘of‘the‘do ‘‘to‘ ve‘te ‘arnn ‘of‘approah‘of‘or‘ attept‘at‘nf traton‘b ‘the‘ene ‘he‘hand er‘and‘do ‘are‘p aed‘a‘hort‘dtane‘ fro‘the‘entre‘th‘dtane‘ ‘be‘thn‘ea ‘va ‘ na ‘ran e‘n‘da  ht‘bt‘ h‘ oer‘at‘n ht‘‘p e‘ean‘of‘onaton‘beteen‘hand er‘and‘patro ‘ oander‘at‘n ht‘‘a‘pee‘of‘ord‘or‘trn ‘hh‘‘ered‘to‘a ert‘ever one‘#hen‘ a erted‘the‘patro ‘oander‘proeed‘edate ‘to‘the‘hand er‘to‘reeve‘an ‘ nforaton‘onernn ‘the‘dtane‘and‘dreton‘of‘the‘ene ‘‘

‘ardn ‘forard‘dp‘tat‘ert ‘ rop‘and‘o ated‘poton‘he‘e‘of‘patro ‘ do ‘on‘thee‘rare‘oaon‘‘the‘ae‘a‘for‘a‘entr ‘otpot‘th‘ oa ‘odfaton‘ n‘a ‘ae‘the‘ oa ‘oander‘ho d‘tae‘the‘adve‘of‘the‘hand er‘a‘to‘the‘bet‘ ep o ent‘of‘the‘do ‘or‘do ‘

Y/)Y"#$%&'(( ‘ ‘ran ‘do ‘are‘traned‘to‘fo o‘han‘ rond‘ent‘he‘prnp e‘on‘ hh‘the‘do ‘are‘traned‘‘one‘of‘reard‘b ‘food‘he‘do ‘‘never‘fed‘n‘enne ‘bt‘ on ‘after‘or‘e‘a‘ef ‘tra‘‘ ‘  ! "‘he‘dea ‘tran ‘ondton‘a ‘be‘ ted‘a‘fo o‘‘ a‘ r‘and‘ rond‘teperatre‘approxate ‘ea ‘‘ b‘ ‘ d‘d ‘da ‘th‘a‘ertan‘aont‘of‘otre‘n‘the‘ar‘th‘ o‘ evaporaton‘‘ ‘ Dap‘ rond‘and‘ve etaton‘‘ d‘ rond‘overhadoed‘b ‘tree‘‘ e‘  ood‘p ed‘on‘tra ‘‘ f‘ ‘rnnn ‘ene ‘ho‘ ve‘off‘ore‘bod ‘odor‘than‘one‘ho‘ha‘a ed‘aa ‘ a  ‘‘ ‘ n‘n ean‘ene ‘ ‘ (ator‘hh‘advere ‘affet‘tran ‘n de‘‘ a‘ ot‘n‘‘ b‘ tron ‘nd‘‘ ‘ eav ‘ran‘‘ d‘ $oad‘+tara,‘on‘hh‘ar‘trave ‘‘ e‘ $nnn ‘ater‘‘ f‘ h‘fre‘‘ ‘ na ‘ent‘ ‘ eav ‘ roth‘of‘ve etaton‘he p‘to‘obat‘the‘heat‘and‘retan‘ore‘ent‘ (rtherore‘a‘ reater‘aont‘of‘ve etaton‘‘daa ed‘b ‘a‘rnnn ‘ene ‘th‘ prodn ‘an‘nreaed‘aroa‘‘ ‘ #" #$"‘he‘ot‘portant‘n e‘fator‘n‘the‘ef ‘ep o ent‘ of‘a‘tran ‘do ‘‘te‘he‘do ‘t‘be‘bro ht‘to‘the‘ene‘of‘the‘ndent‘th‘a ‘ pob e‘peed‘and‘not‘ed‘a‘a‘ at‘reort‘t‘‘ eted‘that‘tran ‘do ‘be‘he d‘at‘a‘ bae‘or‘oe‘entra ‘pont‘nt ‘a‘a ‘for‘ther‘erve‘‘ade‘and‘then‘taen‘a‘near‘a‘ pob e‘to‘the‘ene‘of‘the‘ndent‘b ‘tranport‘or‘he opter‘n‘order‘that‘the ‘a ‘ arrve‘freh‘he‘de ree‘of‘fat e‘a‘tran ‘do ‘ha‘reahed‘ ‘deterne‘t‘ ef ne‘‘ 0‘ ne‘t‘ha‘been‘deded‘to‘e‘a‘tran ‘do ‘the‘ e‘fo n ‘of‘the‘area‘th‘ extraneo‘ent‘the‘better‘bet‘ ab e‘to‘have‘been‘n‘ontat‘th‘the‘peron‘to‘be‘ traed‘ho d‘not‘be‘tohed‘and‘oveent‘over‘the‘area‘retrted‘to‘a‘n‘‘ 1‘ reat‘are‘t‘be‘taen‘to‘eep‘the‘e‘of‘tran ‘do ‘a‘eret‘a‘pob e‘f‘the‘ ene ‘no‘the ‘are‘ e ‘to‘be‘traed‘b ‘a‘do ‘the ‘ ‘ver ‘probab ‘tae‘ontereare‘‘ *‘ )e‘of‘traer‘do ‘on‘n ht‘fo o-p‘ran ‘do ‘have‘ef ‘ored‘n ht‘ tra ‘and‘have‘hon‘that‘the ‘are‘apab e‘of‘orn ‘n ht‘tra ‘n‘far ‘dff t‘

terran‘here‘are‘hoever‘ertan‘fat‘hh‘detrat‘fro‘the‘e‘of‘do ‘on‘a‘n ht‘ fo o-p;‘the ‘are‘‘ a‘ he‘do ‘hen‘on‘a‘tra ‘ove‘at‘a‘br‘pae‘and‘h e‘ tar ‘fore‘an‘ antan‘th‘pae‘drn ‘the‘hor‘of‘da  ht‘t‘‘ot‘dff t‘to‘antan‘the‘ foraton‘and‘ontat‘th‘one‘another‘hen‘ovn ‘at‘th‘pae‘at‘n ht‘here‘ are‘ertan‘nherent‘dff te‘attahed‘to‘a‘n ht‘fo o-p‘a ‘of‘hh‘are‘ a ravated‘f‘one‘ha‘to‘ove‘at‘a‘fat‘pae‘‘ b‘ n‘da  ht‘hor‘the‘hand er‘an‘ee‘h‘do ‘and‘ver ‘often‘fro‘t‘behavor‘an‘ deterne‘hether‘or‘not‘t‘ha‘ eft‘the‘han‘tra ‘#hen‘th‘happen‘the‘ hand er‘‘n‘a‘poton‘to‘orret‘the‘do ‘and‘pt‘t‘ba‘on‘the‘tra ‘t‘ho d‘be‘ fo on ‘t‘n ht‘t‘‘ore‘dff t‘for‘the‘hand er‘to‘etab h‘hether‘the‘do ‘ ha‘ eft‘the‘tra ‘and‘therefore‘t‘ ‘be‘neear ‘for‘the‘hand er‘to‘ore‘ freent ‘he‘the‘tra ‘ben ‘fo oed‘he‘e‘of‘a‘torh‘or‘naed‘  ht‘‘ nderab e‘bt‘th‘an‘pob ‘be‘overoe‘b ‘the‘e‘of‘nfrared‘epent‘ n‘addtona ‘arane‘o d‘be‘the‘e‘of‘an‘expert‘traer‘n‘onnton‘th‘ the‘do ‘‘ ‘ n‘th‘bh‘t‘‘ver ‘dff t‘for‘ tar ‘fore‘to‘antan‘ontat‘th‘eah‘ other‘and‘a‘ reat‘dea ‘of‘noe‘‘a o‘ade‘‘ d‘ he‘ reatet‘dan er‘of‘th‘t pe‘of‘fo o-p‘‘the‘fat‘that‘the‘hane‘of‘ a n ‘nto‘a‘prepared‘abh‘are‘ver ‘h‘nreaed‘he‘pont‘raed‘n‘the‘ para raph‘above‘an‘be‘overoe‘th‘ontant‘prate‘ 2‘ n‘the‘event‘of‘a‘terrort‘atta‘drn ‘hor‘of‘darne‘tran ‘do ‘an‘be‘of‘ reat‘ atane‘n‘ oatn ‘the‘tra ‘and‘ben ‘pertted‘to‘fo o‘th‘tra ‘for‘approxate ‘ ha f‘an‘hor‘or‘o‘to‘etab h‘ ear ‘the‘ ne‘of‘f  ht‘of‘the‘terrort‘t‘‘ eted‘that‘ n‘th‘ae‘the‘do ‘and‘hand er‘be‘baed‘b ‘a‘a ‘nber‘of‘en‘ere ‘for‘ oa ‘ proteton‘and‘not‘a‘a‘fo o-p‘ rop‘n‘the‘tre‘ene‘one‘th‘ha‘been‘etab hed‘ the‘ontro n ‘headarter‘an‘p an‘top‘ ne‘and‘fo o-p‘aton‘

&'))!)$!&'( ‘ h‘ana ‘‘traned‘to‘detet‘ne‘boob ‘trap‘tnne ‘hde‘or‘anton‘ahe‘ he‘ot‘do ‘‘traned‘to‘detet‘and‘t‘thn‘to‘feet‘of‘an ‘hot e‘artfat‘hdden‘ be o‘or‘above‘ rond‘to‘dover‘trpre‘ahe‘tnne ‘and‘5pn‘pt5‘and‘to‘  ear‘a‘afe‘ ane‘approxate ‘e ht‘to‘ten‘eter‘de‘‘ ‘ ‘oander‘ho‘proper ‘ep o ‘a‘ot‘do ‘tea‘an‘re ‘on‘the‘do ‘to‘afe ‘ dover‘approxate ‘2&‘perent‘of‘a ‘hot e‘artfat‘a on ‘h‘ ne‘of‘arh‘h‘ depend‘natra ‘on‘the‘tate‘of‘trann ‘of‘the‘ana ‘‘ ‘ ne‘th‘ana ‘‘a‘pea t‘n‘t‘on‘r ht‘t‘‘vta ‘portant‘that‘th‘tea‘be‘ provded‘th‘adeate‘proteton‘h e‘orn ‘t‘a ‘be‘neear ‘to‘ae‘e‘of‘the‘ patro ‘do ‘to‘ ve‘th‘added‘proteton‘

,#"0( ‘ enera ‘he‘ro e‘of‘the‘ ard‘do ‘‘to‘ ve‘ reater‘ert ‘to‘ arded‘nta aton‘ eae‘the‘do '‘ene‘are‘ore‘ate‘drn ‘hor‘of‘darne‘and‘hen‘dtratn ‘

nf ene‘drn ‘thee‘hor‘are‘reded‘to‘a‘n‘t‘e‘ho d‘be‘dreted‘ toard‘the‘rep aeent‘or‘pp eentn ‘of‘n ht‘entre‘or‘ ard‘‘ ‘ p o ent‘he ‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘protet‘entve‘pont‘and‘other‘nta aton‘#hen‘ on‘dt ‘thee‘do ‘an‘‘ a‘ e‘on‘a‘ eah‘nder‘dret‘ontro ‘of‘a‘hand er‘and‘ed‘a‘a‘pro er‘ ard‘thn‘ the‘nta aton‘or‘a on ‘the‘pereter‘of‘the‘nta aton‘ben ‘proteted‘‘ b‘ e‘a oed‘to‘rn‘ ooe‘thn‘a‘b dn ‘or‘fened-n‘area‘‘ ‘ e‘attahed‘to‘a‘5rn‘re5‘hereb ‘the‘ana ‘an‘ove‘free ‘thn‘the‘area‘of‘ t‘beat‘d‘$n‘ ooe‘n‘do ‘rn‘on‘the‘pereter‘of‘the‘e ‘pont‘or‘nta aton‘ ‘ he ‘an‘a ert‘the‘ ard‘or‘do ‘hand er‘b ‘barn ‘or‘the‘ore‘vo‘t pe‘‘ta ht‘to‘ atta‘an ‘ntrder‘edate ‘

'$.,+&'+ ‘ Do ‘a ‘be‘tranported‘b ‘he opter‘or‘other‘t pe‘of‘  ht‘arraft‘he‘ana ‘trave ‘ e ‘and‘do‘not‘ffer‘an ‘dofort‘Do‘not‘expet‘too‘h‘of‘a‘do ;‘t‘t‘be‘borne‘ n‘nd‘that‘the‘do ‘an‘be‘defeated‘ea ‘b ‘the‘n ent ‘of‘an‘‘ ‘ ‘ver ‘portant‘pont‘to‘reeber‘‘to‘enre‘that‘the‘r ht‘t pe‘of‘do ‘‘reeted‘ hen‘rered‘Do‘not‘a‘for‘a‘patro ‘do ‘hen‘a‘tran ‘do ‘‘rered‘

.. ,--)"#!&'+ ‘‘

 Y  3   ‘ he‘a‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘or‘prt‘‘to‘tra‘don‘atta‘and‘detro ‘an‘ene ‘ rop‘ that‘a ‘or‘a ‘not‘have‘had‘ontat‘th‘the‘ tar ‘fore‘‘ ‘ (ro‘the‘above‘para raph‘t‘‘apparent‘that‘a‘fo o-p‘‘onted‘hen‘the‘ene ‘ha‘ been‘deteted‘b ‘the‘ert ‘fore‘or‘the‘pop aton‘or‘thro h‘tra‘and‘an‘operaton‘ ha‘to‘be‘p anned‘to‘ae‘ontat‘th‘the‘ene ‘and‘to‘detro ‘h‘t‘ ‘a o‘be‘ obvo‘that‘the‘ene ‘ ‘eventa ‘beoe‘aare‘of‘th‘fo o-p‘and‘ ‘do‘ ever thn ‘pob e‘to‘onea ‘h‘tra‘and‘to‘drpt‘and‘de a ‘the‘fo o-p‘b ‘ ep o n ‘de a n ‘tat‘h‘a‘abhe‘nper‘and‘perhap‘boob ‘trap‘‘ ‘ %ax‘e‘t‘be‘ade‘of‘expert‘traer‘tran ‘tea‘and‘traer‘do ‘tea‘ e opter‘and‘  ht‘reonnaane‘arraft‘an‘be‘and‘t‘be‘effetve ‘ep o ed‘ drn ‘the‘operaton‘e opter‘an‘be‘ep o ed‘to‘ eapfro ‘fo o-p‘tea‘thereb ‘ eepn ‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘re atve ‘freh‘ne‘the‘ enera ‘dreton‘of‘the‘ene '‘ oveent‘ha‘been‘deterned‘he opter‘an‘be‘ed‘to‘dep o ‘troop‘ahead‘of‘the‘ f een ‘ene ‘to‘abh‘and‘t‘h‘off‘‘ ‘  tho h‘t‘a ‘be‘dff t‘to‘deterne‘the‘ene '‘oveent‘pattern‘beforehand‘the‘ fo o-p‘fore‘t‘endeavor‘to‘etab h‘th‘pattern‘a‘oon‘a‘pob e‘to‘be‘ab e‘to‘ t‘the‘ene ‘off‘ oe‘th‘h‘and‘detro ‘h‘thn‘the‘hortet‘pob e‘te‘‘

‘ he‘an‘fator‘to‘reeber‘‘that‘the‘ene ‘t‘not‘be‘ ven‘a‘hane‘to‘ret‘p‘or‘to‘ or an e‘a‘e -defended‘poton/abh‘!rere‘t‘be‘app ed‘re ent e ‘and‘ ever ‘opportnt ‘of‘haran ‘and‘nf tn ‘aa te‘on‘the‘ene ‘t‘be‘taen‘

 Y  4Y  Y   ‘ t‘‘dff t‘to‘ a ‘don‘n‘th‘ana ‘exat ‘ho‘the‘operaton‘t‘be‘ondted‘t‘ ‘baa ‘a‘tran ‘operaton‘to‘ee‘the‘ene ‘ot‘and‘one‘he‘ha‘been‘ oated‘to‘ then‘atta‘and‘detro ‘h‘‘ ‘ he‘frt‘rereent‘‘to‘ oate‘the‘ene '‘tra‘and‘tr ‘to‘deterne‘the‘a e‘and‘ dreton‘of‘the‘tra‘and‘the‘tren th‘of‘the‘ene ‘‘ ‘ ‘oon‘a‘the‘tra‘are‘ oated‘the‘patro ‘‘to‘ndate‘the‘a e‘and‘dreton‘of‘the‘ tra‘and‘the‘etated‘tren th‘of‘the‘ene ‘f‘the‘patro ‘ha‘no‘traer‘and‘a‘traer‘ tea‘‘ava ab e‘the ‘are‘to‘report‘the‘tra‘and‘aat‘the‘arrva ‘of‘a‘traer‘tea‘he‘ patro ‘t‘not‘attept‘to‘fo o‘the‘tra‘and‘t‘onfne‘t‘earh‘to‘the‘edate‘ vnt ‘o‘a‘not‘to‘nhbt‘the‘or‘of‘the‘traer‘oever‘hen‘a‘traer‘tea‘‘not‘ ava ab e‘edate‘fo o-p‘aton‘t‘be‘taen‘b ‘the‘patro ‘‘ ‘ Dependn ‘on‘the‘tren th‘of‘the‘terrort‘a‘p atoon‘or‘ore‘‘to‘be‘dep o ed‘for‘the‘ fo o-p‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘at‘a‘dtane‘fro‘the‘operatona ‘headarter‘t‘a ‘be‘ neear ‘to‘etab h‘a‘fe d‘headarter‘th‘ar /ar‘fore‘and‘po e‘repreentaton‘ at‘a‘nearb ‘ andn ‘ one‘arfe d‘or‘road‘head‘he‘fe d‘headarter‘‘then‘taed‘th‘ the‘ontro ‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘and‘‘a oated‘the‘rered‘troop‘po e‘and‘arraft‘‘ ‘ he‘fore‘adopt‘the‘fo o-p‘foraton‘norporatn ‘the‘traer‘tea‘and‘ove‘at‘ bet‘tran ‘peed‘‘oon‘a‘pob e‘after‘the‘fo o-p‘ha‘oened‘the‘fo op‘ rop‘‘to‘onfr‘the‘a e‘dreton‘and‘tren th‘of‘the‘tra‘and‘report‘pro re‘a‘ often‘a‘pob e‘"han e‘n‘dreton‘the‘p ttn ‘of‘the‘tra‘hde‘and‘retn ‘p ae‘ are‘to‘be‘reported‘edate ‘‘ 0‘ Drn ‘da  ht‘the‘fo o-p‘ rop‘ ‘f‘pob e‘be‘pported‘b ‘an‘ared‘  ht‘ arraft‘hh‘‘a o‘to‘operate‘n‘the‘reonnaane‘and‘onaton‘ro e‘ oever‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘over‘*‘hor‘o d‘an‘nared‘  ht‘arraft‘an‘be‘ed‘bt‘ ho d‘be‘rep aed‘hen‘a‘ontat‘‘ondered‘reaonab ‘nent‘#hen‘tan ‘the‘ pportn ‘arraft‘oander‘t‘ae‘hether‘t‘ho d‘rean‘behnd‘the‘fo op‘ rop‘n‘the‘hope‘of‘ahevn ‘rpre‘or‘hether‘t‘an‘ran e‘ahead‘n‘order‘to‘ o‘ don‘terrort‘oveent‘and‘to‘pot‘ e ‘arhn ‘pont‘ater‘ho e‘and‘rote‘ thro h‘earpent‘rver‘et‘‘ 1‘ Dependn ‘on‘the‘a e‘and‘dreton‘of‘the‘tra‘the‘fo on ‘proedre‘an‘be‘ adopted;‘‘ a‘ eapfro n ‘‘ ‘ f‘the‘tra‘are‘aeed‘a‘ben ‘evera ‘or‘ore‘da ‘o d‘the‘fo o-p‘ rop‘an‘be‘he optered‘fro‘ &&&‘to‘&&&‘eter‘forard‘+dependn ‘ on‘the‘terran‘and‘the‘etated‘ ne‘of‘oveent,‘and‘then‘fanned‘ot‘to‘ re oate‘the‘tra‘f‘ef ‘ eapfro n ‘‘repeated‘nt ‘the‘tra‘ are‘ondered‘to‘be‘freh‘eno h‘to‘fo o‘on‘foot‘+fro‘ ‘to‘*‘hor‘ o d,‘‘ ‘ he‘proedre‘for‘the‘earh‘for‘tra‘after‘ eapfro n ‘‘ ar‘to‘ arborne‘tran ‘+deta ed‘be o,‘hat‘‘on‘ andn ‘troop‘at‘p‘to‘

evera ‘hndred‘eter‘on‘ether‘de‘of‘the‘ andn ‘ one‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘ re oated‘ther‘a e‘and‘dreton‘are‘aeed‘and‘f‘neear ‘another‘ eapfro ‘‘ade;‘f‘not‘the‘he opter‘repoton‘the‘troop‘n‘another‘ earh‘ar‘nt ‘the‘tra‘are‘fond‘‘ ‘ #hen‘pob e‘ eapfro n ‘ho d‘a a ‘be‘pp eented‘b ‘eepn ‘ an‘addtona ‘fore‘on‘the‘or na ‘tra ‘o‘that‘a‘ared‘han e‘n‘ dreton‘the‘p ttn ‘of‘tra‘or‘a‘hde‘an‘be‘potted‘h‘fore‘‘a o‘ onvenent ‘p aed‘to‘renfore‘the‘fo o-p‘ rop‘n‘a‘ontat‘h‘ fore‘ ‘a o‘be‘ab e‘to‘deterne‘hether‘an ‘renforeent‘a ‘have‘ oned‘the‘ene ‘ b‘ top‘ rop‘‘ ‘ ‘an ‘top‘ rop‘of‘patro ‘+eton,‘tren th‘a‘pob e‘ho d‘be‘ p aed‘atrde‘the‘etated‘ ne‘of‘advane‘at‘a‘dtane‘ahead‘of‘the‘ fo o-p‘ rop‘dtated‘b ‘the‘terran‘and‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘tra‘ho d‘ te‘a o‘t‘and‘there‘be‘ffent‘troop‘ava ab e‘the‘top‘ rop‘ ho d‘be‘dob e‘baned‘thereb ‘enrn ‘ reater‘depth‘to‘the‘top‘ ne‘ hee‘top‘ rop‘ho d‘be‘a oated‘pef‘area‘th‘e -defned‘ bondare‘Dependn ‘on‘the‘taton‘the‘oander‘ho d‘be‘ prepared‘to‘ontno ‘readt‘h‘top‘poton‘‘ ‘ edate ‘on‘potonn ‘the‘top‘ rop‘a ‘patro ‘f‘dreted‘to‘the‘ area‘of‘the‘next‘top‘poton‘e‘a‘detep‘to‘he‘hether‘or‘not‘the‘ terrort‘have‘roed‘the‘top‘ ne‘+h‘preaton‘a ‘be‘neear ‘a‘ the‘etaton‘of‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘tra‘o d‘be‘ron ,‘‘ a‘ f‘tra‘ ar‘to‘thoe‘ben ‘fo oed‘are‘fond‘a‘ eap-fro ‘‘ ade‘and‘the‘fo o-p‘ontne‘fro‘the‘ at‘poor‘ an‘the‘ bond‘overed‘b ‘the‘ eapfro ‘ho d‘be‘fo oed‘on‘foot‘for‘the‘ reaon‘ ven‘n‘para raph‘a‘above‘‘ b‘ f‘no‘tra‘are‘fond‘the‘top‘ rop‘ether‘rean‘n‘abh‘ nt ‘ontat‘‘ade‘or‘a‘detep‘ba‘to‘ther‘or na ‘poton‘ ‘ordered‘or‘the‘top‘ ne‘‘readted‘on‘nforaton‘reeved‘ ‘ #hen‘the‘top‘ rop‘rean‘n‘poton‘for‘an ‘te‘the ‘a ‘be‘ dreted‘to‘detep‘at‘frt‘  ht‘t‘before‘ at‘  ht‘and‘ore‘freent ‘ f‘neear ‘#hen‘tat‘part ar ‘at‘n ht‘the ‘are‘to‘abh‘the‘ ot‘ e ‘rote‘n‘ther‘area‘‘#hen‘a ‘top‘ rop‘have‘been‘ potoned‘and‘f‘a‘he opter‘‘ava ab e‘t‘a ‘be‘pob e‘to‘ne‘or‘ boob ‘trap‘other‘rote‘he‘fo on ‘onderaton‘t‘be‘taen‘nto‘ aont‘‘ ‘ "oordnaton‘beteen‘the‘ne- a n ‘tea‘and‘fo o-p‘ rop‘‘ ‘ va ab t ‘of‘pea t‘and‘epent‘‘ ‘ !rovon‘to‘ ft‘the‘ne‘a‘oon‘a‘pob e‘or‘hen‘neear ‘ ‘ atran ‘‘oon‘a‘pob e‘after‘the‘fo o-p‘tart‘an‘addtona ‘fore‘ho d‘be‘ taed‘th‘ba-tran ‘fro‘the‘or na ‘pont‘here‘the‘tra‘ere‘fond‘her‘on‘‘ to‘he‘that‘no‘other‘ an / rop‘have‘p t‘before‘the‘fo o-p‘tarted‘and‘that‘the‘terrort‘ have‘not‘ eft‘ta -behnd‘parte‘n‘bae‘a on ‘ther‘rote‘h‘fore‘a ‘a o‘f f ‘an‘ portant‘nte  ene- athern ‘ro e‘h‘a‘the‘ oaton‘of‘the‘ron ‘pont‘+f‘not‘a read ‘

non,‘hde‘retn ‘p ae‘et‘hh‘a ‘he p‘etab h‘a‘oveent‘pattern‘and‘the‘ reover ‘of‘abandoned‘doent‘t‘and‘epent‘ ‘ he‘fo o-p‘ ‘nora ‘tae‘p ae‘drn ‘da  ht‘th‘the‘fo o-p‘ rop‘ban ‘ p‘on‘the‘tra‘at‘ at‘  ht‘ tho h‘the‘terrort‘a ‘ove‘at‘n ht‘t‘‘hoped‘that‘the ‘ ‘ ether‘ontat‘the‘top‘ ne‘or‘ther‘oveent‘ ‘be‘ o‘eno h‘and‘ther‘tra‘ e‘onea ed‘ for‘the‘to‘be‘overha ed‘on‘foot‘or‘b ‘ eapfro n ‘

 Y    Y  ‘ h‘ te‘of‘tran ‘‘ed‘hen‘‘re t‘are‘portant‘or‘hen‘a‘ ar e‘area‘ t‘be‘heed‘th‘fe‘troop‘atra ‘the‘e‘of‘he opter‘‘derab e‘bt‘ther‘ ava ab t ‘a ‘retrt‘the‘e‘of‘arborne‘tran ‘to‘eenta ‘oaon‘on ‘‘ ‘ he‘ethod‘adopted‘depend‘on‘the‘area‘to‘be‘overed‘and‘the‘nber‘of‘he opter‘ taed‘n‘a‘reaonab ‘afe‘area‘a‘n e‘he opter‘an‘be‘ed‘bt‘t‘‘preferab e‘to‘e‘ to‘one‘of‘hh‘ho d‘be‘ared‘‘ ‘ ah‘he opter‘arre‘for‘en‘to‘traer‘and‘to‘traer‘ ard‘f‘hoever‘one‘ of‘the‘he opter‘‘a‘5 nhp5‘+ &‘or‘heaver,‘on ‘one‘he opter‘ho d‘provde‘ top‘over‘‘ ‘ rond‘‘overed‘b ‘ro- rann ‘th‘one‘he opter‘ andn ‘at‘eah‘ e ‘rote‘ e ‘ ae‘tra ‘ earn ‘pan‘rver‘ban‘rd e‘ ne‘et‘he‘other‘he opter‘ho d‘ provde‘top‘over‘‘ ‘ n‘ andn ‘a‘traer‘and‘ ard‘dep ane‘on‘eah‘de‘of‘the‘arraft‘and‘at‘for‘poor‘ r ht‘and‘ eft‘for‘ &&‘to‘&&‘eter‘dependn ‘on‘the‘natre‘of‘the‘ rond‘‘ 0‘ f‘no‘tra‘are‘fond‘the‘proe‘‘repeated‘nt ‘the‘area‘‘overed‘th‘the‘ he opter‘ andn ‘a ternate ‘o‘that‘the‘traer‘are‘reted‘‘ 1‘ f‘tra‘are‘ oated‘the‘eond‘t‘‘dep aned‘+re tn ‘n‘a‘traer‘obat‘tea‘of‘ for‘and‘for‘ ard,‘to‘ether‘tart‘the‘fo o-p‘or‘aat‘the‘arrva ‘of‘renforeent‘‘ *‘ ah‘t‘‘to‘arr ‘at‘ eat‘one‘rado‘to‘antan‘ontat‘th‘the‘he opter‘and‘for‘e‘ n‘the‘fo o-p‘aton‘

 Y  5 Y ‘ t‘‘portant‘that‘the‘f een ‘ene ‘be‘ ven‘no‘repte‘and‘hane‘to‘ono date‘ %oveent‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘therefore‘beoe‘portant‘and‘t‘t‘be‘aref ‘ ontro ed‘and‘exeted‘o‘that‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘are‘not‘nneear ‘orn‘ot‘and‘ that‘aa te‘to‘on‘troop‘are‘ept‘to‘an‘abo te‘n‘‘ ‘ Drn ‘the‘fo o-p‘t‘‘peratve‘that‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘oander‘ontna ‘ td ‘the‘ rond‘ahead‘n ‘h‘e e‘and‘ap‘and‘an ‘a‘aref ‘appreaton‘of‘the‘ terran‘h‘ ‘at‘h‘n‘dedn ‘on‘the‘bet‘foraton‘to‘e‘and‘the‘pob e‘ rote‘fo oed‘b ‘the‘ene ‘t‘a ‘a o‘ndate‘to‘h‘natra ‘obta e‘to‘be‘avoded‘ and‘ e ‘p ae‘here‘the‘ene ‘a ‘dede‘to‘ae‘a‘fna ‘tand‘or‘te‘abhe‘‘ ‘ %oveent‘drn ‘the‘fo o-p‘‘done‘at‘the‘bet‘tran ‘peed‘or‘fatet‘peed‘that‘the‘ terran‘and‘ene ‘de a n ‘tat‘ ‘a o‘!reaton‘t‘be‘taen‘a ant‘ b ndern ‘nto‘an‘ene ‘abh‘bt‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘t‘not‘be‘over-ato‘






beae‘ever ‘nte‘ ot‘ ve‘the‘ene ‘ore‘te‘and‘a‘better‘hane‘to‘onea ‘h‘ tra‘and‘ae‘ ood‘h‘eape‘‘ he‘fo o-p‘ ‘nvarab ‘be‘done‘drn ‘da  ht‘hor‘beae‘t‘ ‘be‘extree ‘ dff t‘or‘even‘pob e‘to‘do‘tran ‘at‘n ht‘epea ‘n‘dff t‘terran‘h‘ ean‘that‘the‘fo o-p‘ ‘oene‘a‘oon‘a‘pob e‘after‘frt‘  ht‘hen‘the‘ tra‘or‘ n‘beoe‘dernb e‘nt ‘t‘‘too‘dar‘to‘fo o‘or‘p‘p‘an ‘ n‘‘ Drn ‘the‘da ‘t‘ ‘be‘neear ‘for‘the‘troop‘to‘ret‘p‘for‘a‘h e‘and‘have‘ oethn ‘to‘eat‘ho d‘the‘fore‘be‘ ar e‘eno h‘the‘ eapfro ‘ te‘ ‘be‘ ntroded‘o‘that‘h e‘a‘ rop‘‘retn ‘or‘havn ‘a‘‘ea ‘another‘ontne‘the‘ fo o-p‘thereb ‘antann ‘the‘prere‘he‘ rop‘that‘ha‘reted‘ ‘then‘have‘to‘ ath‘p‘ ater‘th‘the‘ret‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘t‘eton‘or‘patro ‘ eve ‘ret‘and‘ brea‘for‘ea ‘ ‘have‘to‘be‘retrted‘to‘the‘abo te‘n‘f‘at‘a ‘o‘that‘the‘ prere‘an‘be‘antaned‘ho d‘the‘fo o-p‘operaton‘ontne‘over‘a‘nber‘of‘ da ‘t‘ ‘be‘neear ‘to‘rotate‘the‘troop‘thereb ‘enrn ‘that‘freh‘troop‘are‘ a a ‘on‘the‘ene '‘tra‘‘ (oraton‘drn ‘the‘ove‘ ‘be‘deterned‘b ‘the‘natre‘of‘the‘terran‘bet‘or‘afet‘ trave n ‘peed‘and‘ene ‘tat‘or‘de a n ‘ethod‘ot‘and‘traer‘ ‘probab ‘ or‘n‘par‘re evn ‘eah‘other‘he‘proteton‘ rop‘ ‘ot‘probab ‘have‘to‘ ove‘abreat‘of‘eah‘other‘to‘be‘ab e‘to‘ ve‘ax‘proteton‘to‘the‘ot‘and‘ traer‘and‘a o‘prevent‘the‘an‘bod ‘fro‘a n ‘nto‘an‘abh‘‘ !robab ‘the‘ot‘dff t‘apet‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘operaton‘‘that‘the‘troop‘a ‘have‘ to‘arr ‘a ‘ther‘epent‘and‘t‘‘the‘fo o-p‘a ‘ at‘evera ‘da ‘and‘over‘a‘ onderab e‘dtane‘t‘ ‘not‘be‘feab e‘to‘dp‘the‘t‘and‘epent‘'oehere‘ and‘then‘retrn‘at‘a‘ ater‘ta e‘to‘o et‘t‘t‘‘therefore‘portant‘to‘enre‘that‘a‘ fo o-p‘fore‘‘epped‘a‘  ht ‘a‘pob e‘arr n ‘on ‘the‘bare‘neete‘ ffent‘anton‘ater‘and‘raton‘and‘perhap‘a‘  hte ht‘b anet‘n‘order‘to‘ antan‘the‘oent‘and‘to‘prevent‘nneear ‘de a ‘t‘a ‘be‘neear ‘to‘ repp ‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘‘ ho d‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘ oe‘the‘ene '‘tra‘or‘ontat‘a to ether‘the‘ eted‘ aton‘‘a‘fo o‘‘ a‘ tab h‘a‘teporar ‘bae‘adopt‘a -arond‘obervaton‘and‘provde‘a -arond‘ proteton‘he‘ene ‘a ‘be‘ver ‘ oe‘‘ b‘ Deterne‘an‘effetve‘patro ‘pattern‘and‘arn‘to‘or‘three‘reon-‘naane‘ patro ‘th‘traer‘f‘the ‘are‘ava ab e‘to‘tand‘b ‘for‘edate‘patro n ‘‘ ‘ avn ‘ed‘order‘end‘ot‘to‘or‘three‘reonnaane‘patro ‘to‘patro ‘ forard‘and‘ atera ‘aordn ‘to‘the‘patro ‘pattern‘th‘the‘a‘of‘fndn ‘the‘ ene '‘tra‘or‘to‘ oo‘for‘ n‘and‘ond‘of‘the‘ene ‘hee‘patro ‘ho d‘ be‘retrted‘n‘the‘dtane‘that‘the ‘ove‘aa ‘fro‘the‘teporar ‘bae‘ probab ‘a‘thoand‘eter‘at‘the‘ot‘‘ d‘ ho d‘the ‘fnd‘ n‘the‘patro ‘ ‘retrn‘a‘ ‘a‘pob e‘to‘the‘ teporar ‘bae‘nfor‘the‘oander‘and‘ree‘the‘fo o-p‘a‘oon‘a‘ pob e‘‘ e‘ ho d‘no‘frther‘ n‘of‘the‘ene ‘be‘fond‘the‘fore‘oander‘o d‘ether‘ rean‘n‘h‘preent‘poton‘and‘tart‘on‘a‘de berate‘patro ‘pro ra‘to‘earh‘ the‘area‘ore‘thoro h ‘or‘he‘o d‘ove‘h‘teporar ‘bae‘forard‘n‘the‘ or na ‘dreton‘of‘oveent‘for‘approxate ‘a‘thoand‘eter‘and‘repeat‘

the‘earhn ‘and‘atn ‘forard‘ te‘th‘a ‘reonnaane‘patro ‘n‘ th‘ae‘the‘deon‘o d‘be‘ade‘for‘h‘b ‘h‘next‘h her‘headarter‘ dependn ‘on‘ho‘ oe‘he‘a‘behnd‘the‘ene ‘‘ f‘ he‘portant‘pont‘to‘reeber‘‘not‘to‘at‘abot‘a e ‘th‘a‘ ot‘of‘troop‘ hen‘the‘ene ‘tra‘are‘ ot‘h‘ ‘reate‘addtona ‘tra‘and‘ n‘ onfn ‘the‘entre‘e‘and‘probab ‘ob teratn ‘trae‘of‘the‘ene ‘

 Y  6  Y Y  ‘ ‘oon‘a‘t‘‘aeed‘that‘the‘tra‘are‘freh‘and‘a‘ontat‘nent‘‘ a‘ va ab e‘he opter‘are‘onentrated‘at‘the‘nearet‘troop‘onentraton‘e ‘ fe d‘headarter‘‘ b‘ n‘ared‘arraft‘‘taed‘to‘rep ae‘an ‘reonnaane‘arraft‘pportn ‘the‘ fo o-p‘ rop‘ ‘ Dependn ‘on‘the‘taton‘and‘the‘nber‘of‘he opter‘ava ab e‘one‘he opter‘a ‘ be‘taed‘for‘arborne‘ontro ‘t‘‘eenta ‘that‘th‘arraft‘be‘ftted‘th‘an‘extra‘ headet‘and‘ha‘the‘ean‘for‘the‘ar ‘ontro er‘to‘onate‘th‘ rond‘fore‘ and‘pportn ‘arraft‘‘ ‘ n ‘reann ‘he opter‘are‘taed‘for‘renforeent‘or‘the‘potonn ‘of‘top‘ rop‘ he‘fore‘‘broen‘don‘nto‘t‘t‘oander‘apponted‘and‘a ‘are‘p aed‘on‘ edate‘tandb ‘ an‘t‘‘eenta ‘to‘have‘the‘extra‘headet‘o‘that‘t‘ oander‘an‘be‘brefed‘b ‘the‘p ot‘or‘ontro er‘n‘f  ht‘ne‘of‘the‘he opter‘ taed‘to‘f ‘n‘renforeent/top‘ ‘a o‘arr ‘anton‘for‘repp ‘to‘the‘ ontat‘ rop‘f‘neear ‘‘ ‘ n‘ontat‘the‘fo o-p‘oander‘t‘re a ‘5ontat‘ontat5‘to‘the‘p ot‘of‘the‘ pportn ‘arraft‘and‘a‘oon‘a‘pob e‘ ve‘a‘bref‘$!‘he‘p ot‘re a ‘the‘ nforaton‘to‘the‘ontro ‘headarter‘and‘then‘tand‘b ‘to‘ ve‘ar‘pport‘e‘‘to‘tr ‘ to‘pnpont‘the‘ontat‘area‘the‘poton‘of‘on‘troop‘and‘ e ‘eape‘rote‘ andn ‘ one‘et‘‘ ‘ he‘taton‘ ‘deterne‘hether‘t‘‘neear ‘to‘dep o ‘an‘arborne‘ontro er‘ +",‘he‘bap‘he opter‘o d‘be‘a ed‘forard‘edate ‘dependn ‘on‘the‘ r en ‘and‘the‘a ntde‘of‘the‘ontat‘‘ 0‘ here‘are‘ertan‘prob e‘aoated‘th‘arborne‘ontro n ‘hh‘ho d‘be‘taen‘ nto‘aont‘b ‘the‘ oa ‘ar ‘oander‘e‘dorentaton‘ar‘ne‘arraft‘ noe‘aoated‘th‘arborne‘rado‘and‘ap‘ben ‘b on‘arond‘n‘the‘he opter‘ bet‘to‘thee‘onderaton‘and‘ho d‘an‘"‘be‘ondered‘neear ‘and‘ prata ‘the‘fo on ‘proedre‘ho d‘app ‘‘ a‘ n‘f  ht‘to‘the‘ontat‘area‘the‘"‘‘to‘reeve‘a‘bref‘fro‘the‘pportn ‘ p ot‘and‘then‘the‘ontat‘oander‘and‘obtan‘the‘ atet‘$!‘h‘‘to‘ n de‘the‘need‘for‘renforeent‘and‘f‘o‘the‘dreton‘of‘the‘approah‘of‘the‘ renforeent‘and/or‘the‘need‘for‘top‘ rop‘n‘addton‘an‘anton‘tate‘ ho d‘be‘ ven‘‘ b‘ ne‘overhead‘the‘"‘the‘p ot‘and‘ nner‘t‘tr ‘to‘va ‘pnpont‘the‘ terrort‘and‘on‘troop‘poton‘a‘ ‘a‘pob e‘h‘a ‘be‘dff t‘n‘ th‘bh‘n‘hh‘ae‘the‘"‘‘to‘a ‘for‘( ‘and‘tar et‘ndaton‘‘

‘ Drn ‘orbt‘of‘the‘ontat‘area‘the‘"‘‘to‘e et‘a‘tab e‘ andn ‘ one‘for‘ renforeent‘f‘rered‘and‘e et‘top‘poton‘and‘adaent‘ andn ‘ one‘ e‘ ‘then‘ ve‘an‘n-f  ht‘brefn ‘to‘the‘t‘oander‘n‘the‘bap‘ he opter‘and‘dret‘ther‘dep o ent‘‘ d‘ #h e‘orbtn ‘the‘ontat‘area‘the‘"‘he opter‘a ‘e ‘be‘ab e‘to‘nf ene‘ the‘batt e‘th‘pportn ‘fre‘or‘en a e‘eapn ‘terrort‘he‘deon‘to‘fre‘ the‘he opter-onted‘eapon‘‘the‘prero atve‘of‘the‘p ot‘bt‘no‘fre‘‘to‘be‘ opened‘nt ‘the‘"‘‘atfed‘th‘the‘tar et‘n‘re aton‘to‘on‘troop‘‘ e‘ he‘"‘he opter‘ho d‘f‘pob e‘rean‘over‘the‘ontat‘area‘nt ‘the‘ ontat‘ha‘ended‘h‘a ‘neetate‘han n ‘he opter‘at‘a‘nearb ‘ andn ‘ one‘f‘the‘or na ‘arraft‘rn‘ot‘of‘f n ‘te‘ ternatve ‘n‘a‘ ar e-a e‘ ontat‘hen‘ore‘troop‘are‘needed‘a‘renforeent/top‘the‘"‘ho d‘ dep ane‘and‘ae‘oand‘of‘the‘ rond‘fore‘‘ f‘ ne‘the‘bap‘he opter‘have‘potoned‘ther‘t‘the ‘are‘to‘retrn‘to‘the‘ ontro ‘bae‘for‘ore‘troop‘f‘rered‘or‘are‘to‘rean‘on‘tandb ‘for‘frther‘ dep o ent‘and/or‘aa t /terrort‘evaaton‘‘ ‘ Dependn ‘on‘the‘taton‘a‘  ht‘arraft‘a ‘be‘ed‘for‘"‘ 1‘ r‘tre‘are‘ep o ed‘a‘fo o‘‘ a‘ f‘the‘ontat‘oander‘onder‘that‘an‘ar‘tre‘‘needed‘before‘the‘arrva ‘ of‘the‘"‘and‘renforeent‘he‘‘to‘onate‘h‘reet‘dret ‘to‘the‘ pportn ‘arraft‘he‘ ad‘don‘proedre‘‘then‘effeted‘bt‘n‘addton‘the‘ p ot‘of‘the‘pportn ‘arraft‘‘to‘nfor‘the‘ontro ‘bae‘or‘f‘n‘f  ht‘the‘ "‘that‘a‘tre‘ha‘been‘a ed‘for‘‘ b‘ oever‘one‘the‘"‘‘overhead‘the‘ontat‘area‘and‘ha‘etab hed‘ onaton‘th‘the‘ontat‘oander‘the‘"‘ae‘reponb t ‘for‘ reetn ‘an‘ar‘tre‘he‘proedre‘‘then‘the‘ae‘a‘ ad‘don‘for‘ reetn ‘ar‘tre‘and‘the‘"‘ ‘ontor‘onaton‘beteen‘the‘ p ot‘and‘the‘ontat‘oander‘ *‘ he‘fo on ‘pot-ontat‘aton‘‘neear ‘‘ a‘ edate ‘after‘the‘ontat‘the‘ontat‘oander‘‘to‘p t‘h‘fore‘ +n dn ‘renforeent‘and/or‘top‘ rop,‘and‘deta ‘one‘ rop‘to‘thoro h ‘ earh‘the‘ontat‘area‘he‘other‘ rop‘‘to‘ove‘ot‘fro‘&&‘to‘ &&&‘eter‘ and‘ondt‘a‘0&‘de ree‘earh‘arond‘the‘ontat‘area‘h‘ rop‘‘to‘earh‘ for‘the‘tra‘of‘eaped‘terrort‘and‘for‘eondar ‘hde‘and‘rende vo‘‘ b‘ )n e‘the‘ho e‘terrort‘ an ‘a‘e nated‘an‘area‘abh‘‘to‘be‘et‘on‘the‘ ontat‘area‘n‘the‘hope‘that‘oe‘terrort‘a ‘retrn‘n‘earh‘of‘t‘or‘food‘or‘ to‘reorentate‘thee ve‘f‘ ot‘ 2‘ ‘a read ‘entoned‘the‘ene ‘ ‘ep o ‘varo‘tat‘and‘re‘to‘de a ‘the‘ fo o-p‘fore‘one‘he‘beoe‘aare‘of‘t‘he‘fo o-p‘troop‘t‘be‘e ‘dr ed‘ n‘ther‘edate‘aton‘dr ‘and‘the‘fo o-p‘fore‘oander‘t‘be‘ab e‘to‘ dede‘a ot‘ntantaneo ‘hether‘h‘fore‘ha‘a ed‘nto‘a‘de berate‘abh‘‘ ben ‘nped‘at‘b ‘an‘ndvda ‘or‘to‘or‘ha‘enontered‘boob ‘trap‘4‘deon‘ of‘th‘natre‘ ‘enab e‘the‘oander‘to‘ ve‘the‘neear ‘oand‘to‘onter‘the‘ ene ‘aton‘edate ‘‘ &‘he‘pont‘to‘reeber‘‘that‘b ‘ean‘of‘h‘de a n ‘tat‘and‘haran ‘of‘the‘ fo o-p‘fore‘the‘ene ‘‘tr n ‘to‘b ‘te‘to‘ae‘ ood‘h‘eape‘"oneent ‘

the‘fo o-p‘fore'‘reaton‘to‘thee‘de a n ‘tat‘t‘be‘edate‘and‘exeted‘ a‘e -reheared‘dr ‘thereb ‘on ‘ on ‘n‘te‘he‘enonter‘dr ‘a‘ derbed‘n‘"hapter‘0‘o d‘nder‘ertan‘rtane‘be‘ed‘$eeber‘that‘te‘ t‘not‘be‘ated‘‘ ‘edate‘aton‘exeted‘bo d ‘bt‘th‘a‘ertan‘aont‘of‘aton‘ ‘nett e‘the‘ ene ‘and‘fore‘h‘to‘abandon‘h‘de a n ‘poton‘ore‘ ‘t‘‘the‘ oander‘on‘the‘pot‘ho‘ ‘have‘to‘dede‘hat‘the‘bet‘ore‘of‘aton‘ ‘be‘ and‘havn ‘deded‘to‘reat‘edate ‘

 Y    Y   ‘ he‘ontro n ‘headarter‘t‘have‘and‘antan‘ ood‘onaton‘th‘the‘ fo o-p‘fore‘h‘‘eenta ‘for‘p annn ‘prpoe‘f‘neear ‘re a ‘fa te‘ ho d‘be‘provded‘‘ ‘ he‘fo o-p‘fore‘ ‘a o‘have‘to‘be‘provded‘th‘ ood‘ rond-to-ar‘ onaton‘a‘the‘ar‘ar‘an‘p a ‘an‘portant‘ro e‘and‘an‘on ‘be‘ed‘ effetve ‘f‘there‘are‘ ood‘onaton‘th‘the‘ rond‘fore‘

 Y  7     ‘ he‘fo o-p‘operaton‘‘eenta ‘a‘prata ‘app aton‘of‘tran ‘tehne‘bt‘ th‘the‘fore‘o‘or an ed‘that‘t‘‘e ‘ba aned‘re ent e‘and‘deterned‘to‘oe‘to‘ rp‘th‘the‘ene ‘and‘to‘atta‘and‘detro ‘the‘ene ‘one‘he‘ha‘been‘ontated‘ %an‘fator‘ eadn ‘to‘a‘ef ‘on on‘of‘h‘an‘operaton‘are‘a‘fo o‘‘ a‘ "orreton‘ ropn ‘of‘the‘fore‘‘ b‘ Deternaton‘and‘antenane‘of‘prere‘‘ ‘ ‘h h‘de ree‘of‘ph a ‘ftne‘‘ d‘ ‘h h‘tandard‘of‘bhraft‘‘ e‘ ood‘onaton‘‘ f‘ ffetve‘ep o ent‘of‘the‘ar‘ar‘‘ ‘ #e -p anned‘and‘oordnated‘oveent‘‘ h‘ "aref ‘appreaton‘and‘rote‘p annn ‘of‘terran‘hh‘the‘fore‘t‘ove‘ over‘‘ ‘ ‘h h‘tandard‘of‘batt e‘dr ‘that‘ ‘tand‘the‘fore‘n‘ ood‘tead‘and‘ n e‘aa te‘hen‘ontat‘‘ade‘th‘the‘ene ‘‘ ‘  reon‘and‘f exb t ‘n‘the‘p annn ‘and‘exeton‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘  Y  Y  ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘raer‘a ‘not‘be‘neear ‘n‘an‘fran‘nt‘or‘thoe‘nt‘hh‘have‘beoe‘profent‘ n‘bhraft‘ther‘nt‘a ‘have‘to‘have‘po e‘v an‘or‘fran‘o der‘attahed‘to‘patro ‘ for‘tran ‘dte‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ terrort‘ are‘ e ‘ to‘ beoe‘ ater‘ of‘ bhraft‘the ‘  ‘ probab ‘ re ‘ on‘ peror‘ ab t ‘to‘'ot‘ee´‘and‘'ot‘a ´‘ert ‘fore‘her‘ab t ‘to‘tra‘and‘read‘tra‘natra ‘

 ‘ ae‘ the‘ ore‘ profent‘ n‘ hdn ‘ ther‘ on‘ h‘  ‘ neetate‘ eber‘ of‘ the‘ ert ‘ (ore‘ ben ‘ expert‘ traer‘ thee ve‘ or‘ ben ‘ ab e‘ to‘ or‘ th‘ and‘ ndertand‘ o a ‘fran‘traer‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ )n ‘ rrendered‘ terrort‘ o‘ far‘ a‘ ex-terrort‘traer‘ are‘ onerned‘ the‘ fat‘that‘the ‘ have‘rrendered‘and‘ ed‘ert ‘fore‘to‘a‘ ood‘ ‘doe‘not‘ndate‘that‘the ‘have‘han ed‘ ther‘ o a t ‘he‘ere‘fat‘that‘the ‘are‘prepared‘to‘ooperate‘th‘the‘ert ‘(ore‘a ant‘ ther‘ fe o‘ terrort‘ deontrate‘ ther‘ a‘ of‘ o a t ‘ he ‘ ho d‘ be‘ ed‘ henever‘ approprate‘ he ‘ ho d‘ be‘ ontna ‘ rended‘ n‘ one‘ a ‘ or‘ another‘ that‘ the ‘ are‘ exeptona ‘ fortnate‘not‘to‘have‘ been‘ hot‘before‘ther‘rrender‘that‘the ‘are‘on‘probaton‘ and‘have‘a‘ore‘hh‘an‘on ‘be‘ett ed‘b ‘ontno‘and‘atfator ‘erve‘xtree‘are‘ ho d‘be‘taen‘to‘avod‘rrendered‘terrort‘ eadn ‘or‘patro ‘nto‘abhe‘‘ Y"#$%)" *8#!Y)#*+‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ enera ‘ he‘ dea ‘ raer‘ "obat‘ ea‘ ont‘ of‘ for‘ en‘ a ‘ of‘ ho‘ are‘ expert‘ traer‘h‘for‘an‘tea‘ho d‘not‘be‘p t‘don‘n e‘t‘‘of‘vta ‘operatona ‘neet ‘to‘ do‘o‘‘ a‘

‘‘‘‘‘‘$o e‘‘

a‘‘‘ oatn ‘poor‘‘ b‘‘‘ran ‘and‘detro n ‘a ‘ rop‘of‘terrort‘‘ ‘‘‘o‘provde‘a‘traer‘ rop‘a‘part‘of‘a‘ ar er‘fo o-p‘ rop‘‘ d‘‘‘o‘ oate‘terrort‘ho‘are‘t ‘ndeteted‘‘ a‘

‘‘‘‘‘r an aton‘‘raer‘"obat‘ea‘ont‘of‘the‘fo on ‘obnaton‘‘

a‘‘‘he‘traer‘on‘the‘poor‘‘ b‘‘‘o‘f an‘traer‘‘ ‘‘‘he‘traer‘ontro ‘‘ a‘

‘‘‘‘‘‘raer‘"obat‘ea‘"apab te‘‘

a‘‘‘he‘ab t ‘to‘ oate‘poor‘ ‘ho d‘t‘devate‘‘ b‘‘‘‘‘he‘ab t ‘to‘earh‘for‘and‘ oate‘poor‘ ‘hen‘t‘‘teporar ‘ ot‘‘ ‘‘‘he‘ab t ‘to‘rotate‘dte‘thn‘te f‘o‘a‘not‘to‘tre‘the‘peron‘ata ‘tran ‘‘ d‘‘‘‘o‘be‘e f‘ontaned‘n‘tran ‘obervaton‘and‘proteton‘‘

ndvda ‘raer‘a‘‘

a‘‘‘he‘traer‘fo o‘the‘poor‘‘ b‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘he‘f an‘traer‘perfor‘the‘fo on ‘ta‘‘ + ,‘‘‘he‘an‘ta‘of‘the‘f an‘traer‘‘to‘provde‘proteton‘for‘the‘traer‘on‘the‘poor‘‘ + ,‘‘‘he ‘p‘p‘the‘poor‘f‘t‘veer‘to‘the‘ eft‘or‘the‘r ht‘‘ +,‘‘‘he ‘arr ‘ot‘a‘r ar‘at‘f‘the‘poor‘‘ ot‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘#hen‘advann ‘the ‘n ‘toard‘one‘another‘and‘ot‘a an‘to‘the‘f an‘poton‘n‘an‘ effort‘to‘ oate‘the‘poor‘ahead‘of‘the‘traer‘and‘peed‘p‘tran ‘reat‘are‘‘exered‘to‘ enre‘ the‘ poor‘ ‘ not‘ ob terated‘ or‘ dtrbed‘ b ‘ the‘ f an‘ traer‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘raer¶‘"ontro ‘arre‘ot‘the‘fo on ‘fnton‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘e‘ontro ‘the‘tea‘atvte‘b ‘the‘e‘of‘ n‘and‘ na ‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘e‘‘addtona ‘traer‘proteton‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘e‘report‘pro re‘to‘the‘oander‘of‘the‘fo o-p‘troop‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘e‘‘the‘e e‘and‘ear‘of‘the‘traer‘tea‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘#hen‘the‘poor‘‘ ot‘he‘ar‘the‘ at‘potve‘ n‘h e‘the‘reander‘of‘the‘tea‘ earh‘the‘area‘for‘the‘poor‘‘ $!&''&'0&'(Y"#$%+‘ a‘‘‘‘)n e‘ t‘ ‘pob e‘to‘fo o‘the‘poor‘th‘ether‘a‘v an‘traer‘or‘a‘"obat‘raer‘ ea‘ an one‘ fndn ‘ poor‘ ho d‘ o ate‘the‘ ene‘ and‘ eep‘ that‘ area‘ free‘ of‘ ert ‘ fore‘ nt ‘the‘arrva ‘of‘traer‘n‘edate‘report‘ho d‘be‘ade‘to‘h her‘headarter‘ vn ‘ the‘fo on ‘nforaton‘‘ ‘‘+ ,‘‘‘tated‘nber‘of‘terrort‘‘ ‘‘+ ,‘‘‘ e‘of‘poor‘‘ ‘‘+,‘‘‘Dreton‘‘ ‘‘+,‘‘‘n ‘other‘ef ‘nforaton‘h‘a‘ oaton‘terran‘et‘‘

b‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘t‘‘abo te ‘eenta ‘that‘the‘poor‘‘not‘ob terated‘or‘dtrbed‘b ‘the‘doverer‘ he‘ poor‘ and‘ the‘ rrondn ‘ area‘ t‘ rean‘ ntohed‘ nt ‘ the‘ arrva ‘ of‘ a‘ traer‘ or‘ traer‘tea‘t‘‘not‘pob e‘to‘fo o‘one‘preerved‘poor‘hen‘the‘reander‘of‘the‘area‘ha‘ been‘trap ed‘f at‘b ‘ert ‘fore‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ t‘ freent ‘ pa ‘ to‘ ba‘ tra‘ hen‘ ver ‘ freh‘ tra‘ are‘ fond‘ part ar ‘ ear ‘ n‘ the‘ ornn ‘hen‘the ‘a ‘ ead‘to‘a‘ap‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘raer‘"obat‘ea‘(oraton‘here‘are‘to‘eenta ‘foraton‘ed‘‘ a‘‘‘pen‘foraton‘for‘far ‘open‘ontr ‘‘ b‘‘‘n e‘f e‘for‘ver ‘th‘bh‘‘ +oth‘foraton‘are‘hon‘n‘nnex,‘‘ raer‘"obat‘ea‘(o o-)p‘at‘nnex‘‘ho‘raer‘"obat‘ea‘foraton‘ hee‘are‘perpoed‘on‘to‘fo o-p‘foraton‘nora ‘adopted‘b ‘$hodean‘troop‘n‘ operaton‘+ee‘ppende‘to‘nnex‘,‘‘ a‘‘‘pen‘"ontr ‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘( an‘traer‘rean‘  ht ‘ahead‘of‘the‘an‘traer‘ho‘‘n‘va ‘ontat‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘ f‘ the‘ poor‘ veer‘ off‘ to‘ the‘ eft‘ or‘ r ht‘ t‘ ho d‘ be‘ ped‘ p‘ b ‘ ether‘ of‘ the‘ f an‘ traer‘he‘f an‘traer‘ho‘p‘p‘the‘poor‘ontne‘a‘an‘traer‘on‘the‘poor‘he‘ reander‘of‘the‘tea‘onfor‘th‘the‘tandard‘patro n ‘foraton‘th‘the‘ at‘an‘traer‘ f n ‘n‘the‘vaant‘f an‘poton‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘ f‘ the‘ poor‘ ‘ ot‘ f an‘ traer‘ do‘ a‘ r ar‘ at‘ orn ‘ toard‘ one‘ another‘ n‘ the‘ hope‘of‘pn ‘p‘the‘poor‘a an‘ ‘th‘ethod‘a‘0&‘de ree‘r e‘‘op eted‘n‘the‘area‘ here‘t‘a‘ ot‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘#h e‘the‘f an‘traer‘are‘arr n ‘ot‘the‘earh‘a‘derbed‘above‘the‘traer‘ho‘a‘ on‘the‘poor‘arre‘ot‘a‘0&‘de ree‘earh‘approxate ‘ ‘ ard‘to‘h‘edate‘front‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘raer‘ontro ‘ar‘the‘ at‘potve‘poor‘and‘provde‘proteton‘for‘the‘traer‘‘ +0,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ t‘th‘ ta e‘ the‘ tea‘ ‘ part ar ‘ v nerab e‘ and‘ the‘ tea‘ re e‘ op ete ‘ on‘ the‘ a ert‘tate‘of‘raer‘"ontro ‘‘ b‘‘‘h‘"ontr ‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘ he‘ an‘ traer‘ fo o‘ the‘ poor‘ th‘ raer‘ "ontro ‘ thn‘ ten‘ ard‘ of‘ h‘ a‘ proteton‘an‘raer‘"ontro ‘doe‘not‘attept‘to‘fo o‘the‘poor‘a‘he‘oberve‘and‘ ten‘ for‘the‘traer‘tea‘‘

+ ,‘‘‘‘f‘the‘poor‘‘teporar ‘ ot‘raer‘"ontro ‘ar‘the‘ at‘potve‘poor‘and‘the‘f an‘ traer‘no‘n‘n e‘f e‘behnd‘raer‘"ontro ‘at‘arond‘n‘an‘enve opn ‘0&‘de ree‘r e‘ n‘an‘effort‘to‘fnd‘the‘poor‘+ee‘nnex‘‘ppendx‘ ‘and‘,‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘he‘ an‘traer‘op ete‘a‘0&‘de ree‘ r e‘approxate ‘ ‘ ard‘to‘h‘ edate‘ front‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ne‘the‘poor‘ha‘ been‘re oated‘the‘traer‘ho‘fond‘the‘poor‘then‘tae‘over‘a‘ an‘traer‘he‘reander‘of‘the‘tea‘fa ‘nto‘an‘approprate‘traer‘foraton‘‘ raer‘"obat‘ea‘and‘(o o-p‘roop‘"obnaton‘‘ a‘‘t‘t‘be‘appreated‘that‘a ‘ foraton‘are‘ bet‘to‘varaton‘dependn ‘on‘the‘t pe‘of‘ ontr ‘and‘the‘appreaton‘of‘the‘oander‘of‘the‘patro ‘‘ b‘ here‘ are‘ a‘ nber‘ of‘ foraton‘ pertaton‘ n‘ rrent‘ e‘ n‘ the‘ $hodea‘ r ‘ +ee‘ nnex‘‘and‘ppende,‘‘ ‘here‘‘onderab e‘varaton‘n‘the‘$hodean‘bh‘beteen‘the‘er‘and‘nter‘onth‘ and‘thee‘foraton‘are‘adaptab e‘to‘ether‘open‘ontr ‘or‘th‘bh‘‘ +)2(+‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘on ‘traer‘do ‘at‘preent‘ava ab e‘to‘ert ‘(ore‘ n‘$hodea‘are‘thoe‘ed‘b ‘ the‘!o e‘oth‘do ‘and‘hand er‘are‘extree ‘e ‘traned‘for‘!o e‘rereent‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘hee‘do ‘have‘been‘ed‘n‘"‘peraton‘bt‘have‘aheved‘on ‘ ted‘e‘t‘‘ dobtf ‘ hether‘ thee‘ do ‘ o d‘ be‘ ade‘ ava ab e‘ for‘ enera ‘ operaton‘ bt‘ the‘ oaon‘ a ‘are‘hen‘a‘do ‘‘a an‘attahed‘to‘a‘patro ‘for‘tran ‘prpoe‘‘ he‘do ‘ ‘nora ‘fo o‘the‘frehet‘tra‘bt‘he‘ ‘f‘' ven‘the‘ent´‘fro‘perona ‘  othn ‘or‘be on n ‘drnate‘and‘fo o‘the‘ent‘of‘that‘part ar‘arr ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘t‘ho d‘be‘rea  ed‘that‘do ‘tre‘ea ‘and‘therefore‘the ‘ho d‘on ‘be‘ed‘for‘tran ‘ hen‘ va ‘ tran ‘ beoe‘ ver ‘ dff t‘ or‘ pob e‘ f‘ the‘ tra‘ beoe‘ vb e‘ one‘ ore‘va ‘tran ‘ho d‘be‘reed‘to‘onerve‘the‘do ¶‘tren th‘and‘onentraton‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘part‘fro‘obvo‘ fator‘hh‘ae‘the‘arr ‘to‘ eave‘a‘tron ‘ent‘e ‘b ood‘drt ‘ bod ‘ and‘  othe‘ eat‘ or‘ pan‘ there‘ are‘ ertan‘  at‘ fator‘ hh‘ nf ene‘ entn ‘ ondton‘‘ a‘‘‘(avorab e‘‘ ‘‘+ ,‘‘‘‘r‘and‘ rond‘teperatre‘approxate ‘the‘ae‘‘ ‘‘+ ,‘‘D ‘dap‘eather‘‘

b‘‘‘dvere‘‘ ‘‘+ ,‘‘ot‘n‘‘ ‘‘+ ,‘‘tron ‘nd‘‘ ‘‘+,‘‘eav ‘ran‘‘ ‘‘+,‘‘‘‘ara‘road‘ro‘and‘other‘hard‘rfae‘‘ ‘‘+,‘‘Dt‘‘ ‘‘+0,‘‘$nnn ‘ater‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘(ro‘th‘an‘be‘deded‘the‘fo on ‘fat‘re ardn ‘entn ‘ondton‘‘ a‘‘‘he‘do ‘ ‘tra‘e ‘at‘n ht‘n‘the‘ear ‘ornn ‘and‘ ate‘evenn ‘‘ b‘‘‘he‘perod‘of‘the‘ran ‘eaon‘ ‘be‘favorab e‘for‘tran ‘exept‘drn ‘heav ‘ran‘and‘ edate ‘afterard‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘he‘bh‘ho d‘near ‘a a ‘prode‘ ood‘ondton‘bt‘here‘the‘preene‘of‘ ae‘ a ‘ae‘onfon‘‘ d‘‘‘he‘ep o ent‘of‘traer‘do ‘n‘ton‘and‘v a e‘‘ver ‘rare ‘orthh e‘‘ e‘‘‘)nder‘the‘ot‘favorab e‘ondton‘t‘ ‘be‘te‘feab e‘to‘fo o‘tra‘p‘to‘ ‘hor‘ o d‘‘ f‘‘‘‘)nder‘nfavorab e‘ondton‘there‘a ‘be‘no‘ent‘at‘a ‘even‘f‘the‘arr ‘‘on ‘a‘fe‘ nte‘ahead‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘Do ‘ho d‘not‘be‘ed‘a‘a‘ at‘reort‘and‘one‘the‘deon‘‘ade‘to‘e‘a‘do ‘the‘area‘ t‘ not‘ be‘ 'fo ed´‘ herefore‘ a ‘ nneear ‘ oveent‘ n‘ the‘ area‘ b ‘ troop‘ po e‘ or‘ v an‘ t‘ be‘ r d ‘ ontro ed‘ nt ‘ the‘ do ‘ ha‘ ped‘ p‘ the‘ ent‘ Do ‘ a ‘ be‘ tranported‘ b ‘ he opter‘ a‘ the‘ ana ‘ trave ‘ e ‘ and‘ do‘ not‘ ffer‘ an ‘ dofort‘ he‘ fo on ‘pont‘ho d‘be‘reebered‘‘ a‘‘‘he‘don‘draft‘fro‘the‘he opter‘an‘ver ‘ea ‘detro ‘an ‘ent‘ene‘the‘he opter‘ ho d‘not‘f ‘ o‘over‘a‘non‘or‘peted‘tra ‘‘ b‘‘‘#hen‘a‘do ‘‘tran ‘the‘preene‘of‘a‘he opter‘f n ‘nearb ‘often‘dtrat‘the‘ana ‘ and‘o‘the‘arraft‘ho d‘be‘ept‘e ‘aa ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘)e‘of‘rraft‘for‘ran ‘  ht‘arraft‘and‘/or‘he opter‘an‘be‘of‘ reat‘atane‘to‘ patro ‘n‘tran ‘ an ‘of‘nr ent‘t‘‘eenta ‘that‘the‘nr ent‘are‘ept‘on‘the‘ove‘b ‘

the‘ rond‘ fore‘ a‘ a‘ tatonar ‘ an‘ nder‘ even‘  ht‘ over‘ ‘ dff t‘ to‘ pot‘ fro‘ the‘ ar‘ !atro ‘ eader‘ho d‘a o‘reeber‘that‘he opter‘noe‘an‘brea‘ert ‘and‘ndate‘to‘the‘ terrort‘hat‘the‘ert ‘(ore‘are‘p annn ‘‘ Y Y  Y ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘enera ‘t‘‘extree ‘dff t‘to‘ove‘ ent ‘and‘ ‘n‘ot‘part‘of‘the‘$hodean‘ bh‘and‘oneent ‘th‘rere‘h‘prate‘and‘onentraton‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘here‘are‘an ‘path‘n‘the‘bh‘ade‘b ‘ ae‘drn ‘ther‘n ht ‘or‘eaona ‘oveent‘ hee‘ ana ‘ avod‘ teep‘ or‘  pper ‘  ope‘ and‘ therefore‘ ae‘ path‘  ‘ nora ‘ provde‘ ea ‘ on ‘ nr ent‘ and‘ or‘ on‘ patro ‘ e‘ thee‘ tra ‘ hen‘ ‘  ent‘ oveent‘ ‘ rered‘ roop‘ ho d‘ exere‘ extree‘ aton‘ hen‘ n ‘ thee‘ tra ‘ a‘ ert ‘ (ore‘  ht‘e ‘be‘abhed‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘here‘are‘to‘dtnt‘t pe‘of‘poor;‘ rond‘poor‘and‘aera ‘poor‘he‘ rond‘ n‘‘ nora ‘ade‘b ‘a‘boot‘or‘foot‘prnt‘and‘aera ‘poor‘‘n‘the‘for‘of‘trap ed‘ ra‘broen‘ bhe‘broen‘obeb‘et‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘%an‘arefoot‘prnt‘are‘oft‘ronded‘preon‘fored‘b ‘the‘hee ‘ba ‘of‘the‘foot‘or‘ toe‘#oen¶‘tra‘are‘ enera ‘a er‘and‘a ‘have‘to‘haratert;‘frt ‘the ‘ tend‘to‘be‘p eon-toed‘and‘eond ‘ther‘toe‘are‘ore‘p a ed‘ot‘than‘the‘a e‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘na ‘‘ot‘ana ‘have‘ oven‘hoove‘the‘preon‘fored‘on‘the‘ rond‘have‘ harp‘ ear‘t‘ed e‘‘ ‘‘ran ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘he‘fo on ‘are‘ n‘that‘the‘experened‘traer‘ee‘hen‘fo on ‘poor‘‘ ‘‘a‘‘‘"rhed‘and‘bent‘ ra‘and‘ve etaton‘‘ ‘‘b‘‘‘roen‘t ‘and‘ eave‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘vertrned‘ eave‘‘ ‘‘d‘‘‘%d‘dp aed‘fro‘trea‘‘ ‘‘e‘‘‘roen‘obeb‘‘ ‘‘f‘‘‘‘he‘tate‘of‘the‘de‘on‘a‘tra ‘‘ ‘‘ ‘‘‘%d‘or‘rathe‘on‘tone‘and‘ o ‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘‘‘$nnn ‘en‘!ont‘to‘oberve‘are‘d‘ar‘depth‘of‘preon‘rnnn ‘on‘ba ‘of‘feet‘ and‘toe‘p a ed‘ot‘toe‘and‘bad ‘daa ed‘ve etaton‘th‘re tant‘ a‘of‘onea ent‘of‘ the‘tra ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ oaded‘en‘hort‘foottep‘deeper‘preon‘than‘nora ‘n‘oft‘ rond‘toe‘p a ed‘ ot‘‘ ‘‘‘‘3d n ‘the‘ e‘of‘ra‘‘ a‘‘#eather‘he‘tate‘of‘the‘eather‘ ran‘nd‘nhne‘ ho d‘a a ‘be‘on‘one¶‘nd‘a‘t‘ ‘one‘of‘the‘ot‘portant‘pont‘n‘dedn ‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘tra‘‘ ‘

b‘‘-e etaton‘he‘tate‘and‘poton‘of‘trodden‘ve etaton;‘varo‘ rae‘have‘dfferent‘ rade‘of‘re ene‘and‘on ‘prate‘and‘experene‘an‘enab e‘a‘traer‘to‘e‘th‘fator‘to‘ arate ‘d e‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘poor‘‘ ‘‘‘preon‘n‘d‘ a ‘note‘the‘tate‘of‘dr ne‘of‘a‘tra‘n‘d‘or‘oft‘ rond‘f‘the‘ tra‘‘ver ‘freh‘ater‘ ‘not‘have‘rn‘ba‘nto‘the‘depreon‘ade‘b ‘a‘foot‘he‘ater‘  ‘rn‘ba‘ ater‘and‘ ater‘t ‘the‘d‘phed‘p‘arond‘the‘depreon‘and‘ed‘forard‘b ‘ the‘foot‘ eavn ‘the‘ rond‘ ‘be n‘to‘dr ‘‘ d‘‘‘b teraton‘b ‘ran‘or‘ t‘ ‘reebern ‘hen‘t‘ at‘raned‘ore‘arate‘d ent‘of‘ the‘a e‘of‘tra‘‘pob e‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘poared‘the ‘ere‘obvo ‘ade‘before‘the‘ ran‘and‘ f‘ not‘po-ared‘the ‘ere‘ ade‘after‘the‘ran‘ ar ‘ b ‘ oon ‘to‘ee‘ f‘the‘ tra‘have‘been‘po-ared‘b ‘ t‘drppn ‘fro‘tree‘the‘a e‘an‘be‘etab hed‘‘ e‘‘‘ ent‘ ra‘ or‘ eave‘ n‘ ndaton‘ of‘ the‘ a e‘ of‘ a‘ tra‘ a ‘ be‘ aned‘ b ‘ the‘ tate‘ of‘ dr ne‘ of‘ the‘ bent‘ ra‘ ‘ t ‘ reen‘ bt‘ after‘ a‘ fe‘ da ‘ trn‘ a‘ bron‘ o or‘  an‘ the‘ aont‘of‘nhne‘and‘ran‘drn ‘the‘ at‘fe‘da ‘ho d‘be‘taen‘nto‘aont‘‘ f‘‘‘‘ae‘ra‘$eeber‘that‘ot‘ana ‘ e‘p‘drn ‘the‘da ‘and‘ove‘abot‘at‘n ht‘ herefore‘f‘han‘prnt‘on‘an‘foret‘ ae‘tra ‘have‘at‘ eat‘a‘dob e‘et‘of‘ana ‘poor‘ perpoed‘ and‘ thee‘ poor‘ ho‘ that‘ the‘ ae‘ ha‘ oved‘ n‘ both‘ dreton‘ an ‘ han‘ prnt‘are‘probab ‘at‘ eat‘one‘n ht‘o d‘f‘the‘ana ‘poor‘ho‘that‘ ae‘ha‘oved‘n‘one‘ dreton‘ on ‘ then‘ the‘ han‘ prnt‘ ere‘ probab ‘ ade‘ drn ‘ the‘ n ht‘ after‘the‘ ae‘ had‘ oved‘don‘to‘ater‘bt‘before‘the‘ ae‘oved‘ba‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘nforaton‘re ardn ‘ nr ent¶‘ ethod‘of‘onea n ‘tra‘and‘ap‘ho d‘ a o‘be‘ o ht‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘(ator‘affetn ‘ran ‘here‘are‘ertan‘fator‘hh‘affet‘tran ‘‘ a‘‘‘#hether‘the‘ rond‘‘hard‘or‘oft‘ton ‘or‘dd ‘‘ b‘‘‘he‘t pe‘of‘ontr ‘ avannah‘or‘%opan‘foret‘‘ ‘

‘‘‘he‘eather‘ thn ‘ a‘depth‘n‘overat‘eather‘‘ ‘

d‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘he‘poton‘of‘the‘n‘re atve‘to‘the‘dreton‘of‘trave ‘he‘ot‘tab e‘poton‘‘ hen‘one‘ha‘to‘tra‘toard‘the‘n‘‘ e‘‘‘he‘footear‘of‘the‘han‘arr ‘‘dtnt‘boot‘pattern‘‘obvo ‘eaer‘to‘fo o‘than‘a‘ p an‘o ed‘poor‘‘ f‘‘‘‘he‘extent‘to‘hh‘other‘ ar‘tra‘a ‘onfe‘and‘pob ‘b r‘the‘poor‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"onentraton‘and‘the‘effet‘of‘earne‘‘ ‘‘‘‘hn ‘the‘traer‘t‘ oo‘for‘‘ a‘‘‘ (ootprnt‘ and‘ preon‘ of‘ footear;‘ the‘ rh th‘ of‘ the‘ poor‘ or‘ en th‘ of‘ trde‘ of‘ the‘ arr ‘h‘‘a‘ de‘to‘here‘the‘next‘footprnt‘an‘be‘fond‘‘ b‘‘‘rap ed‘ ra‘‘ ‘‘‘Dtrbed‘ tone‘t‘or‘o ‘ %ar‘ n‘the‘ o ‘ here‘ ndret‘prere‘ a ‘ have‘ eft‘ no‘ preon‘‘ d‘‘‘‘‘‘ eave‘ trned‘ rhed‘ ed‘ or‘ p ed‘ off‘ tree‘ ranhe‘ and‘ t ‘ bent‘ or‘ broen‘ -e etaton‘ phed‘ ade‘ and‘ the‘ ref eton‘ of‘  ht‘ fro‘ ra‘ or‘ eave‘ dp aed‘ at‘ an‘ an e‘ he‘o or‘of‘bent‘and‘broen‘ve etaton‘rathed‘or‘hpped‘bar‘‘ ‘

e‘‘‘Darded‘rappn ‘and‘atated‘ve etaton‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ f‘‘‘‘"obeb‘broen‘or‘ped‘off‘onto‘a‘nearb ‘tree‘or‘bh‘‘ ‘‘‘ )rne‘ and‘ exreent‘ freent ‘ ndated‘ b ‘ hoe‘ f e‘ opan‘ bee‘ e o‘ btterf e‘ and‘drn ‘the‘ran‘dn ‘beet e‘‘ h‘‘‘nare‘and‘trap‘robbed‘bee‘net‘and‘oe‘‘‘‘ ‘he‘tate‘of‘de‘on‘the‘poor‘‘ 3‘%d‘dp aed‘fro‘trea‘or‘d‘on‘tone‘and‘ o ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ .‘ahed‘ana ‘or‘net‘ fe‘and‘hether‘t‘ha‘been‘attaed‘b ‘ant‘‘ h‘Dan er‘ n‘ a‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘he‘re ‘ oere‘hen‘dtrbed‘ ‘tter‘a‘ od‘and‘dran‘ot‘' -a ´‘a ‘and‘often‘ fo o‘the‘ntrder‘th‘a arn ‘the‘arr ‘or‘arnn ‘the‘traer‘

b‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘he‘hone ‘ de‘brd‘and‘ox-peer‘both‘have‘the‘ae‘' ve‘aa ´‘effet‘on‘both‘ arr ‘and‘traer‘

'$.,+&'‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘traer‘ha‘an ‘thn ‘to‘onder‘h e‘tran ‘e‘t‘poe‘ertan‘a te‘h‘ a‘ above‘ avera e‘ e e ht‘ eor ‘ nte  ene‘ ftne‘ antpaton‘ and‘ ndertandn ‘ of‘ natre‘ !atene‘ pertene‘ ate‘ obervaton‘ and‘ natra ‘ ntnt‘ are‘ the‘ ba‘ of‘ ood‘ tran ‘here‘are‘te‘hen‘pre‘ntnt‘a one‘ ‘dra‘a‘traer‘n‘the‘orret‘dreton‘ ‘ nt‘ ho d‘ enre‘ that‘ trann ‘ n‘  reve‘ hraft‘ ‘ antaned‘ at‘ the‘ h het‘ pob e‘ tandard‘‘ '')9!,"#.Y"#$%&'(-)"#!&'+‘ Y"#$%)"Y)#*#'0#!"."*#!&'+‘ )')"#.‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘xperene‘ aned‘b ‘$hodean‘ert ‘(ore‘n‘the‘pat‘fe‘ ear‘ha‘re ted‘n‘ba‘ prnp e‘on‘hh‘operatona ‘nt‘no‘bae‘traer‘tea‘and‘patro ‘foraton‘hee‘ prnp e‘have‘evo ved‘fro‘nora ‘border‘ontro ‘dte‘nor‘operaton‘and‘aor‘ operaton‘"ontat‘have‘orred‘a‘a‘re t‘of‘de berate‘fo o-p‘patro n ‘and‘fro‘hane‘ ontat‘drn ‘frae-or‘patro n ‘n‘operaton‘ ‘‘‘‘‘n‘a ‘ae‘the‘oander‘of‘the‘patro ‘dede‘ho‘bet‘to‘ove‘thro h‘the‘part ar‘t pe‘ of‘ontr ‘n‘hh‘h‘patro ‘‘operatn ‘here‘are‘on ‘to‘an‘patro ‘foraton;‘the‘n e‘ ( e‘and‘pen‘(oraton‘both‘of‘hh‘adeate ‘ater‘for‘th‘bh‘and‘open‘ontr ‘he‘ traer‘tea‘and‘nora ‘patro ‘or‘both‘f‘the ‘are‘orn ‘to ether‘are‘ab e‘to‘adopt‘thee‘ foraton‘to‘over‘the‘ rond‘ben ‘earhed‘and‘provde‘ ood‘proteton‘ "*#!&'+‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘n ‘the‘ot ne‘rereent‘an‘be‘ ven‘n‘the‘fo on ‘da ra‘ah‘re  ar‘nt‘ha‘ deve oped‘ t‘ on‘ dea‘ on‘ the‘ bet‘ deta ‘ thn‘ eah‘ foraton‘ oever‘ t‘ ‘ enera ‘ aepted‘that‘the‘dea ‘traer‘tea‘or‘a‘a‘for‘an‘ rop‘h e‘patro ‘foraton‘ho d‘be‘ baed‘ on‘ three‘ an‘ rop‘ p ‘ a‘ ontro ‘ or‘ headarter‘ rop‘ #thn‘ eah‘ rop‘ ata ‘ foraton‘ adopted‘ o d‘ var ‘ dependn ‘ on‘ perona te‘ n‘ oand‘ nt‘ trann ‘ e‘ or‘ d e‘and‘the‘t pe‘of‘ontr ‘or‘terrort‘onfrontn ‘the‘eber‘of‘the‘patro ‘‘ he‘fo on ‘appende‘ ve‘foraton‘deta ‘of‘raer‘ea‘!atro ‘and‘a‘obnaton‘of‘ both‘ eader‘ho d‘reheare‘ther‘on‘anevern ‘n‘the‘bh‘n ‘the‘fo on ‘dea‘a‘a‘ de‘Drn ‘reheara ‘prate‘or‘ba‘trann ‘fner‘deta ‘an‘be‘deve oped‘to‘the‘ atfaton‘of‘a ‘ho‘ ‘ae‘prata ‘e‘of‘the‘foraton‘n‘ata ‘operaton‘ '')9!,"#.Y"#$%&'(-)"#!&'+ !)+‘

a‘‘‘he‘for‘ rop‘ te‘ha‘n‘a ‘ae‘( an‘and‘$eerve‘ rop‘th‘the‘oand‘ e eent‘ oated‘entra ‘ah‘ rop‘o d‘adopt‘an ‘one‘of‘evera ‘foraton‘to‘over‘the‘ rond‘effent ‘here‘a ‘even‘be‘oaon‘hen‘the‘oander‘prefer‘to‘eep‘to‘thrd‘ of‘h‘tren th‘n‘reerve‘+one‘p‘to‘ba,‘h‘‘the‘oander¶‘prero atve‘and‘he‘t‘ dede‘after‘ondern ‘a ‘re evant‘fator‘he‘ e‘of‘the‘patro ‘dtate‘the‘nber‘of‘en‘n‘ eah‘ rop;‘f‘the‘patro ‘‘on ‘for‘an‘tren th‘the‘raer‘ea‘n e‘( e‘or‘pen‘ (oraton‘an‘be‘adopted‘+ee‘‘and‘‘above,‘‘the‘tren th‘nreae‘o‘an‘the‘nber‘of‘ en‘n‘eah‘ rop‘‘ b‘‘‘‘‘‘Dtane‘ beteen‘ ndvda ‘  ‘ var ‘aordn ‘to‘vb t ‘bt‘ fve‘ ard‘ ‘the‘ ot‘ onvenent‘ de‘ Dtane‘ beteen‘ rop‘ ‘ tata ‘ bt‘ ertan ‘ thn‘ va ‘ dtane‘ for‘  ent‘ na ‘and‘ontro ‘‘ ‘‘‘he‘patro ‘ove‘behnd‘the‘traer‘and‘t‘avod‘nterfern ‘th‘the‘raer‘ea‘ dte‘and‘tat‘he‘patro ‘oander‘oand‘the‘ho e‘fo o-p‘patro ‘n dn ‘ traer‘bt‘he‘ho d‘d‘foraton‘dtane‘and‘perona ‘preferene‘th‘the‘"ontro ‘ raer‘before‘ovn ‘ot‘on‘a‘patro ‘h‘ho d‘e nate‘an ‘ndertandn ‘and‘avod‘ nneear ‘onfon‘t‘ ‘a o‘a o‘oordnaton‘beteen‘traer‘and‘patro ‘hh‘a ‘ have‘pea ‘rereent‘‘ d‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ he‘ a oated‘ poton‘ of‘ patro ‘ peronne ‘ thn‘ rop‘ ‘ not‘ r d‘ ah‘ oander‘ ha‘ h‘ perona ‘ preferene‘ and‘ fator‘ an‘ nf ene‘ th‘ deta ‘ he‘ potonn ‘ of‘ varo‘ t pe‘of‘ fre‘ pport‘ava ab e‘ ‘a o‘ f exb e‘and‘perona ‘preferene‘overrde‘an ‘attept‘to‘ dtate‘ r d‘ dr ‘ e ‘  /‘ ftted‘ to‘ rf e‘ poton‘ of‘ heav ‘ barre ed‘ (‘ potonn ‘ of‘ the‘ %‘or‘rado‘‘

Y   ‘

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  ‘ Y ‘‘ ‘‘‘ he‘ert ‘fore‘ere‘ ar ‘ef ‘n‘overon ‘oe‘of‘he‘dff te‘nherent‘n‘ tran ‘a ‘ err a‘nt‘and‘band‘of‘nf trator‘thro h‘ro h‘ontr ‘n‘harh‘ at‘ ondton‘#thn‘the‘r ‘pea ‘for-an‘+t,‘tran ‘tea‘+e o‘ot/"),‘ ere‘or an ed‘and‘traned‘for‘extended‘operaton‘n‘the‘bh‘he‘tran ‘tea‘ored‘n‘ three‘one‘ rop‘n‘prt‘of‘the‘ err a‘one‘fo on ‘the‘tra ‘baard‘n‘hope‘of‘ enontern ‘other‘ err a‘or‘dovern ‘a‘hdden‘ar‘ahe‘or‘va ab e‘nr ent‘ doent‘and‘one‘ eap-fro n ‘ahead‘to‘tr ‘to‘p‘p‘the‘tra ‘ore‘ ‘he‘tea‘ere‘ pported‘b ‘a‘ ar er‘eton‘of‘troop‘+(refore,‘ho‘o d‘ove‘forard‘and‘en a e‘the‘ nr ent‘one‘the ‘ere‘ oated‘b ‘the‘traer‘ otant‘rerted‘fro‘ oa ‘nverte‘ta ht‘the‘traer‘ho‘to‘ ve‘off‘the‘ and‘+a‘the‘ err a‘dd,‘reo n e‘han e‘n‘an‘area¶‘natra ‘eo o ‘that‘o d‘ndate‘a‘ err a‘ preene‘and‘dentf ‘fro‘broen‘brh‘or‘fant ‘trap ed‘ ra‘the‘te -ta e‘ n‘of‘ oveent‘ntead‘of‘fat e‘and‘obat‘boot‘the‘traer‘ore‘tenn‘hoe‘and‘hort‘ nreaed‘ofort‘h e‘operatn ‘n‘the‘often‘ntene‘dda ‘heat‘a‘not‘the‘on ‘reaon‘for‘ th‘attre‘enn‘hoe‘ade‘ e‘noe‘than‘boot‘ere‘  hter‘and‘ade‘ e‘of‘an‘prnt‘on‘

the‘ rond‘th‘an ‘t‘ore‘dff t‘for‘the‘traer‘thee ve‘to‘be‘traed‘ ar ‘b ‘ earn ‘hort‘the‘traer‘ere‘fored‘to‘a ‘arond‘the‘brh‘rather‘than‘thro h‘t‘ redn ‘both‘noe‘and‘ph a ‘ n‘of‘oveent‘here‘‘perhap‘no‘better‘exap e‘of‘the‘ $hodean¶‘oonene‘approah‘to‘op ex‘prob e‘than‘the‘pea ‘onaton‘ ear‘ ed‘b ‘the‘traer‘to‘antan‘ontat‘th‘one‘another‘ordnar ‘nexpenve‘do ‘ht e‘ ho h‘nadb e‘to‘the‘ntraned‘han‘ear‘the‘ht e‘ere‘an‘effetve‘ean‘of‘ onaton‘eteen‘peron‘attned‘to‘t‘dtntve‘pth‘

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enera ‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘he‘fran‘‘p e‘not‘ver ‘nte  ent‘bt‘ver ‘ n ‘f‘treated‘n‘the‘r ht‘a ‘Do‘not‘re ard‘ h‘a‘a‘ ave‘bt‘a‘an‘ea ‘o‘ ‘fnd‘that‘ot‘fran‘have‘an‘nnate‘repet‘for‘the‘#hte‘%an‘ h‘repet‘‘ea ‘nreaed‘or‘detro ed‘dependn ‘on‘the‘treatent‘ ven‘to‘the ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘repet‘ ‘be‘detro ed‘f‘fa art ‘‘hon‘or‘the ‘are‘a oed‘to‘tae‘ berte‘h‘doe‘not‘ ean‘that‘the ‘ho d‘not‘be‘poen‘to‘or‘offered‘ arette‘he ‘appreate‘heerf ne‘and‘the‘odd‘ oe‘he ‘have‘a‘ ood‘ene‘of‘hor‘hh‘a tho h‘not‘entre ‘ ar‘to‘that‘of‘the‘#hte‘%an‘‘ none‘the‘ e‘preent‘he ‘d e‘ben ‘orn‘at‘even‘n‘fn‘and‘annot‘ndertand‘ara‘ ‘‘‘‘‘a ‘thn ‘h‘a‘an ‘the‘tand‘p‘hen‘poen‘to‘are‘portant‘he ‘ho d‘oe‘nder‘ the‘dret‘ontro ‘of‘patro ‘oander‘and‘other‘eber‘of‘the‘patro ‘ho d‘ndertand‘th‘‘ he‘fran‘%enta t ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘t‘t‘be‘ndertood‘that‘the‘fran‘ha‘a‘op ete ‘dfferent‘ve‘of‘ fe‘and‘ode‘of‘ora ‘fro‘ or‘e‘doe‘not‘thn‘of‘the‘ftre‘hh‘the‘#hte‘%an‘ha‘dff t ‘n‘ndertandn ‘and‘fnd‘ rrtatn ‘‘ %ora e‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘h h‘tandard‘of‘ora e‘aon ‘traer‘t‘be‘antaned‘and‘th‘ ‘depend‘an ‘on‘ho‘the‘ ropean‘n‘the‘patro ‘behave‘he ‘ e‘to‘ar‘ther‘trob e‘and‘thee‘t‘be‘ tened‘to‘‘ dntraton‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ tho h‘ther‘ph a ‘need‘are‘a‘ reat‘dea ‘ e‘than‘or‘do‘not‘dre ard‘the‘fran¶‘ofort‘ here‘‘a‘a e‘of‘ othn ‘and‘raton‘for‘fran‘traer‘and‘t‘t‘he‘enred‘that‘the ‘ et‘t‘‘ ran ‘!atro ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘)e‘of‘"orret‘raer-‘ot‘a ‘traer‘are‘of‘the‘ae‘trbe‘and‘ oaton‘"are‘ho d‘therefore‘be‘ taen‘that‘the‘traer‘n‘operatona ‘e‘b ‘batta on‘are‘fro‘the‘trbe‘ot‘ted‘to‘the‘terran‘n‘ hh‘the‘batta on‘‘ oated‘f‘the‘traer‘‘a‘ o‘ and‘de er‘ep o ‘h‘n‘ ar‘terran‘ae‘for‘ h h‘ and‘de er‘a o‘tr ‘to‘antan‘nte rt ‘of‘the‘traer‘b ‘eepn ‘ ar‘trbe‘to ether‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘"opoton‘of‘ran ‘rop‘n‘a‘!atro -‘he‘dea ‘‘a‘ rop‘of‘three‘traer‘and‘one‘ot‘or‘ bod ard‘n ‘to‘the‘horta e‘of‘frt- a‘traer‘thn‘the‘"oand‘ore‘often‘on ‘to‘ traer‘and‘one‘ot‘are‘ed‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘(oraton‘)n ‘hree‘raer-‘‘traer‘ ead‘the‘patro ‘on‘the‘tra‘hh‘he‘‘fo on ‘ ehnd‘the‘ eadn ‘traer‘‘h‘bod ard‘or‘ot‘fo on ‘the‘bod ard‘ate‘he‘other‘to‘traer‘ one‘athn ‘for‘tra‘brean ‘off‘to‘the‘r ht‘and‘the‘other‘athn ‘ eft‘b‘foraton‘‘on ‘ed‘ hen‘te‘patro ‘‘ana  ed‘n‘the‘foret‘and‘‘adapted‘to‘t‘open‘ontr ‘aordn ‘to‘ rtane‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘(oraton‘)n ‘o‘raer-‘he‘foraton‘‘denta ‘exept‘that‘on ‘one‘traer‘fo o‘the‘ bod ard‘and‘ha‘to‘ath‘for‘tra‘brean ‘r ht‘and‘ eft‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘he‘od ard-‘he‘dt ‘of‘the‘bod ard‘‘exat ‘the‘ae‘a‘that‘of‘a‘ eadn ‘ot‘n‘a‘nora ‘ patro ‘he‘traer‘a ‘have‘ther‘e e‘to‘the‘ rond‘and‘therefore‘annot‘ oo‘ot‘for‘abher‘ap‘ or‘the‘ene ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘Dt ‘of‘the‘raer-‘he‘dt ‘of‘the‘traer‘‘to‘tra‘he ‘ho d‘not‘be‘ade‘to‘arr ‘heav ‘ oad‘ or‘ beoe‘ odd-ob‘ en‘ he ‘ ho d‘ be‘ traned‘ n‘ the‘ e‘ of‘ frear‘  ent‘  na ‘ edate‘ aton‘dr ‘and‘to‘pa‘a ‘nforaton‘to‘ther‘patro ‘oander‘ ton‘on‘(ndn ‘ra‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘)pon‘enontern ‘tra‘t‘‘eenta ‘that‘oe‘a ‘te‘be‘pent‘n‘td n ‘the‘a‘nva ab e‘ nforaton‘an‘he‘obtaned‘h‘a‘hen‘the‘ an ‘paed‘the‘pot‘the‘nber‘hether‘the ‘ere‘ aden‘+e‘food‘arrer‘or‘ared‘eber,‘and‘dreton‘t‘‘a o‘portant‘that‘te‘pot‘‘fxed‘on‘ the‘ap‘‘ ar ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘n‘tran ‘don‘err‘pertene‘a ertne‘ ene‘and‘the‘ab t ‘to‘hoot‘tra ht‘and‘ ‘are‘ portant‘e‘fr‘ et‘far‘and‘td ‘ or‘traer‘for‘ther‘ndvda ‘pe arte‘‘ ‘‘‘ Y"#&.+#'0Y"#$%+‘ ‘ ntrodton‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘o‘ove‘ ent ‘and‘ ‘n‘ot‘part‘of‘the‘bh‘‘pob e‘n e‘e‘‘ade‘of‘tra ‘here‘ are‘a‘onderab e‘nber‘of‘path‘n‘the‘bh‘or na ‘ade‘b ‘b ‘ ae‘ drn ‘ther‘n ht ‘or‘ eaona ‘ raton‘ne‘b ‘ ae‘ana ‘fnd‘dff t ‘n‘ bn ‘or‘deendn ‘teep‘ pper ‘  ope‘t‘ ‘be‘fond‘that‘ ae‘tra ‘are‘ver ‘ea ‘ on ‘the‘n ne‘ben ‘ ent e‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘oth‘the‘err‘and‘or‘on‘patro ‘e‘thee‘tra ‘hen‘‘ ent‘oveent‘‘rered‘ a ‘ he‘for‘errort‘tra‘hen‘n ‘thee‘tra ‘and‘reeber‘that‘t‘‘on‘thee‘tra ‘that‘abhe‘are‘ ea ‘ ad‘both‘b ‘ert ‘fore‘and‘the‘err‘tho h‘the‘ atter‘to‘date‘have‘not‘taen‘f ‘advanta e‘ of‘the‘opportnt ‘offered‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ra‘on‘tra ‘are‘n ned‘to‘be‘ ‘ob terated‘b ‘ ae‘and‘ran‘a‘oe‘tra ‘are‘o‘de‘that‘ there‘‘ tt e‘overhead‘over‘‘  pe‘of‘ra ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘$d e‘"ret‘ra -‘(ored‘b ‘ ae‘a on ‘an‘rd e‘to‘enab e‘oveent‘fro‘one‘part‘of‘the‘ ontr ‘to‘another‘)a ‘e ‘defned‘and‘ef ‘for‘rapd‘oveent‘n‘th‘bh‘bt‘not‘ed‘to‘a‘ reat‘extent‘b ‘the‘terr‘for‘fear‘of‘ eavn ‘tra‘on‘the‘tra ‘ed‘freent ‘b ‘ert ‘fore‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘"ontor‘ra -‘(ond‘on ‘n‘area‘of‘ha o‘va e ‘and‘ enera ‘on‘ret‘of‘rd e‘b ‘fo on ‘ the‘ontor‘rond‘the‘head‘of‘the‘va e ‘)ed‘b ‘the‘terr‘onderab ‘to‘enab e‘the‘to‘have‘ea ‘ rote‘to‘ther‘ap‘ ‘

‘‘‘‘‘‘‘pr‘ra -‘hee‘fo o‘the‘a ‘pr‘often‘fond‘proetn ‘fro‘an‘rd e‘nto‘deep‘va e ‘ ften‘rather‘va e‘bt‘are‘ef ‘for‘ron ‘heav ‘ontr ‘aro‘the‘ ran‘ an‘ed‘onderab ‘b ‘ the‘terr‘‘ "oon‘ra‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘%an-‘arefoot‘prnt‘are‘oft‘ronded‘preon‘fored‘b ‘the‘hee ‘ba ‘of‘foot‘or‘toe‘#oen¶‘ tra‘are‘ enera ‘a er‘and‘have‘on‘the‘ho e‘to‘haratert‘(rt ‘the ‘tend‘to‘be‘p eon-toed‘ and‘eond ‘ther‘toe‘are‘ore‘p a ed‘ot‘than‘the‘a e‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘‘na -‘De‘to‘the‘fat‘that‘ot‘ana ‘have‘ oven‘hoove‘the‘preon‘fored‘on‘the‘ rond‘have‘harp‘ ear-t‘ed e ‘ ran ‘

‘‘‘‘‘he‘fo on ‘are‘ n‘the‘experened‘traer‘ oo‘for‘hen‘tran ‘poor‘‘ +a,‘‘‘‘"rhed‘and‘bent‘ ra‘and‘ve etaton‘ ‘ +b,‘‘‘‘roen‘t ‘and‘ eave‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘vertrned‘ eave‘‘ +d,‘‘‘‘%d‘dp aed‘fro‘trea‘‘ +e,‘‘‘‘"obeb‘‘ +f,‘‘‘‘‘he‘tate‘of‘de‘on‘a‘tra ‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘%d‘or‘rathe‘on‘tone‘or‘ o ‘‘ +h,‘‘‘‘%o‘raped‘fro‘tree‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘$nnn ‘%en-‘!ont‘to‘oberve‘are‘d‘ar‘depth‘of‘preon‘rnnn ‘on‘ba ‘of‘feet‘and‘ toe‘p a ed‘ot‘toe‘and‘bad ‘daa ed‘ve etaton‘th‘re tant‘ a‘of‘onea ent‘of‘tra ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ oaded‘%en-‘hort‘foottep‘deeper‘preon‘than‘nora ‘n‘oft‘ rond‘and‘toe‘p a ed‘ot‘‘ 3d n ‘ e‘of‘ra‘‘ +a,‘‘‘‘#eather‘he‘tate‘of‘the‘eather-‘ran‘nd‘nhne-‘ho d‘a a ‘be‘reorded‘n‘one¶‘ nd‘a‘t‘‘one‘of‘the‘ot‘portant‘pont‘n‘dedn ‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘tra‘‘ +b,‘‘‘‘-e etaton‘he‘tate‘and‘poton‘of‘trodden‘ve etaton;‘varo‘ rae‘have‘dfferent‘ rade‘of‘re ene‘and‘on ‘prate‘and‘experene‘an‘enab e‘a‘traer‘to‘e‘th‘fator‘for‘ arate‘a en ‘of‘a‘tra‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘preon‘n‘d‘ a ‘note‘the‘tate‘of‘dr ne‘of‘a‘tra‘n‘d‘or‘oft‘ rond‘f‘the‘ tra‘‘ver ‘freh‘ater‘o d‘have‘rn‘ba‘nto‘the‘depreon‘ade‘b ‘a‘foot‘ ater‘the‘

ater‘rn‘ba‘and‘ ater‘t ‘the‘d‘hh‘ha‘been‘phed‘p‘rond‘the‘depreon‘and‘ the‘d‘ed‘forard‘b ‘the‘foot‘ eavn ‘the‘ rond‘be n‘to‘dr  ‘ +d,‘‘‘b teraton‘b ‘ran‘or‘drppn ‘fro‘t‘ ‘reebern ‘hen‘t‘ at‘raned‘ore‘ arate‘d ent‘of‘the‘a e‘of‘tra‘‘ea ‘f‘the‘tra‘are‘poared‘obvo ‘the ‘ ere‘ade‘before‘the‘ran‘and‘f‘the ‘are‘not‘poared‘the ‘ere‘ade‘after‘the‘ran‘  ar ‘b ‘ oon ‘to‘ee‘f‘the‘tra‘have‘been‘poared‘b ‘t‘drppn ‘fro‘brh‘ the‘a e‘an‘be‘better‘d ed ‘ +e,‘‘ae‘tra‘perpoed‘$eeber‘that‘ot‘ana ‘ e‘p‘drn ‘the‘da ‘and‘ove‘ abot‘at‘n ht‘herefore‘f‘han‘prnt‘on‘an‘bh‘tra‘have‘ana ‘tra‘ perpoed‘and‘thee‘tra‘ho‘that‘the‘ ae‘have‘oved‘n‘both‘dreton‘the‘han‘ prnt‘are‘probab ‘at‘ eat‘one‘n ht‘o d‘f‘the‘ana ‘tra‘ho‘that‘ ae‘have‘oved‘ on ‘n‘one‘dreton‘then‘the‘han‘tra‘ere‘probab ‘ade‘drn ‘the‘n ht‘after‘the‘ ae‘had‘oved‘don‘to‘a t‘or‘ater‘bt‘before‘the‘ ae‘oved‘ba ‘ +f,‘‘"ra‘n‘bent‘ ra‘or‘ eave‘n‘ndaton‘of‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘‘tra‘a ‘be‘ aned‘b ‘the‘tate‘ of‘dr ne‘of‘thee‘ra‘#hen‘freh‘the ‘are‘ reen‘bt‘after‘a‘fe‘da ‘trn‘a‘bron‘ o or‘ an‘the‘aont‘of‘nhne‘and‘ran‘drn ‘the‘ at‘fe‘da ‘ho d‘be‘taen‘nto‘ aont‘ + ,‘‘ eave‘overn ‘tra‘n‘the‘bh‘ eave‘are‘a a ‘fa n ‘fro‘the‘bhe‘he‘nber‘of‘ eave‘that‘fa ‘depend‘on‘nd‘and‘ran‘ ‘ oon ‘at‘the‘nber‘of‘ eave‘overn ‘the‘ tra‘and‘tan ‘nto‘onderaton‘the‘aont‘of‘nd‘and‘ran‘drn ‘the‘pat‘fe‘da ‘ another‘ndaton‘a‘to‘the‘a e‘of‘tra‘‘obtaned‘$eeber‘the‘eaona ‘haratert‘ of‘ or‘operatona ‘area;‘.en a‘for‘exap e‘ha‘no‘atn;‘o‘the‘ eave‘fa ‘fro‘tree‘a ‘ the‘ ear‘rond‘there‘ "on on‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘traer‘ha‘an ‘thn ‘to‘onder‘h t‘tran ‘e‘t‘poe‘ertan‘a te‘h‘a‘ extraordnar ‘e e ht‘eor ‘nte  ene‘ftne‘and‘ndertandn ‘of‘atre‘ tho h‘prate‘and‘ experene‘ ‘ae‘the‘avera e‘an‘a‘traer‘he‘an‘never‘be‘a‘ ood‘a‘the‘born‘traer‘for‘the‘rea ‘ traer‘‘born‘not‘ade‘fran‘traer‘tra‘bet‘n‘the‘area‘n‘hh‘the ‘ere‘born‘and‘hen‘ oved‘to‘ne‘area‘t‘be‘ ven‘te‘to‘beoe‘ed‘to‘the‘ at‘ondton‘and‘the‘dfferene‘n‘ ve etaton‘and‘o ‘!atene‘pertene‘and‘ate‘obervaton‘are‘the‘ba‘of‘ ood‘tran ‘‘ Y)"""&+!&('+#'0&).0$"#2!‘‘ ntrodton‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘err‘have‘ther‘on‘ethod‘of‘nforn ‘eber‘of‘ther‘ an ‘here‘the ‘have‘ one‘or‘ here‘the ‘have‘hdden‘ther‘food‘and‘the ‘a o‘have‘ther‘on‘arnn ‘ te‘hee‘an‘be‘potted‘b ‘ an‘a ert‘patro ‘he‘exap e‘of‘ n‘ ven‘be o‘are‘o d‘and‘ere‘on ‘effetve‘n‘ertan‘area‘ n‘ var ‘fro‘area‘to‘area‘and‘fro‘ an ‘to‘ an ‘!atro ‘ho d‘attept‘to‘reo n e‘ne‘ n‘and‘pa‘ ba‘a ‘nforaton‘re ardn ‘thee‘ n‘he‘nterro aton‘of‘proner‘t‘n de‘the‘fndn ‘ot‘of‘  n‘he‘exap e‘noted‘are‘on ‘ ven‘a‘a‘ de‘a‘to‘hat‘to‘expet‘ ‘ n‘are‘a‘nonpo‘ a‘pob e‘n‘order‘to‘onea ‘the‘fro‘the‘ert ‘fore‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘Dreton‘ n-‘Dreton‘ n‘a‘be o‘are‘a ‘fond‘at‘tra‘nton‘ ‘

+a,‘‘‘‘ent‘baboo;‘ent‘don‘and‘pontn ‘n‘the‘dreton‘rered‘nonpo‘a‘t‘‘a ‘ nterpreted‘a‘havn ‘been‘done‘b ‘b ‘ ae‘ ‘ +b,‘‘‘‘aboo‘ eave‘roed‘and‘pnned‘to‘the‘ rond‘th‘a‘t ‘the‘ on et‘ar‘of‘the‘ro‘ ndatn ‘dreton‘ +,‘aboo‘bent‘aro‘a‘path‘ndate‘ether‘abh‘or‘arnn ‘to‘err‘that‘the‘path‘‘non‘ to‘ert ‘fore‘ +d,‘he‘food‘ahe‘ n-‘hree‘a ‘ho e‘ar‘d ‘at‘re  ar‘dtane‘p‘the‘dd e‘of‘te‘path‘ t‘r ht‘an e‘to‘one‘of‘thee‘a‘ho e‘‘d ‘on‘ether‘de‘of‘the‘path‘hee‘are‘ ned‘p‘th‘ a‘onpo‘tree‘or‘baboo‘n‘hh‘there‘‘a‘pan a‘t‘ ‘p an ‘a‘pan a‘n‘the‘t‘and‘  htn ‘a on ‘the‘b ade‘the‘dreton‘to‘a‘food‘ahe‘‘obtaned ‘ +e,‘bandoned‘hde-‘‘tree‘near‘the‘abandoned‘hde‘‘ndated‘b ‘ttn ‘off‘a‘ ar e‘pee‘of‘ bar‘he‘ oet‘branh‘of‘the‘tree‘pont‘n‘the‘dreton‘of‘the‘ne‘hde‘he‘branh‘ere ‘ ndate‘the‘dreton‘he‘ne‘hde‘ ‘not‘be‘vb e‘bt‘b ‘fo on ‘the‘ndated‘ ne‘ tra‘ eadn ‘to‘the‘ne‘hde‘ ‘be‘fond‘he‘ne‘hde‘a ‘be‘a‘onderab e‘dtane‘ aa ‘‘ "onea ent‘of‘ra‘ +a,‘‘‘‘#a n ‘baard‘an ‘n‘oft‘ rond‘or‘dt ‘pathe‘ote‘that‘the‘d‘f ae‘ben ‘ed‘ p‘are‘ed‘p‘b ‘the‘hee ‘ntead‘of‘the‘toe‘he‘hee ‘ar‘ end‘to‘be‘deeper‘than‘that‘of‘the‘ba ‘ of‘the‘foot‘and‘the‘feet‘are‘p aed‘der‘apart‘a tho h‘the‘pae‘‘horter‘‘‘‘ +b,‘‘‘#a n ‘on‘the‘ed e‘of‘or‘atrde‘path‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘teppn ‘n‘one‘another¶‘tra-ed‘a o‘to‘d e‘nber‘n‘a‘ an ‘‘‘‘ +d,‘‘‘‘)e‘of‘trea‘and‘trea‘bed‘‘‘‘ +e,‘‘‘‘p ttn ‘p‘nto‘a ‘ rop‘or‘ndvda ‘over‘ea ‘tran ‘ rond‘or‘on‘nearn ‘hdeot‘‘ +f,‘‘‘‘‘ent‘baboo‘ho d‘t‘be‘neear ‘for‘a‘ an ‘to‘ro‘a‘de‘path‘the‘ at‘eber‘p ‘don‘a‘ baboo‘or‘bh‘th‘ap e‘fo a e‘to‘over‘the‘tra‘h‘a o‘‘freent ‘nterpreted‘a‘havn ‘ been‘done‘b ‘b ‘ ae‘‘ + ,‘‘‘‘#a n ‘a on ‘fa en‘tree‘oven-‘ro ‘ rond‘or‘teppn ‘fro‘ro‘to‘ro‘‘‘‘ +h,‘‘‘‘to en‘att e‘Dra n ‘bh‘over‘tra ;‘p ttn ‘herd‘and‘xn ‘th‘herd‘of‘other‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘‘‘ther‘tr‘ ‘ ‘+,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘p-toen ;‘‘ +,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘$ear‘an‘overn ‘tra‘th‘baboo‘ eave;‘(a e‘tra;‘

+v,‘‘‘‘‘‘‘an ‘a n ‘n‘eah‘other‘footprnt‘rear‘an‘ttn ‘off‘the‘feet‘of‘dead‘e ephant‘or‘ rhno‘and‘t n ‘the‘to‘h‘feet‘and‘ob teratn ‘han‘footprnt‘ "onea ent‘of‘deot‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘he‘an‘ethod‘ed‘are‘‘ +a,‘"onea ent‘of‘tra‘ eadn ‘to‘hdeot‘‘ +b,‘)e‘of‘an ‘devo‘entrane‘tra‘‘ +,‘ htn ‘hdeot‘n‘ot‘n e ‘p ae‘)a ‘ oe‘to‘a‘oandn ‘poton‘here‘the‘ an ‘an‘ e-p‘drn ‘the‘da  ht‘hor‘‘  pe‘of‘deot‘‘ +a,‘)nder rond‘ rond-‘o ‘thron‘nto‘the‘rver‘and‘the‘entrane‘onea ed‘n‘the‘bh‘thee‘a ‘be‘ a ‘and‘aoodate‘a ‘nber‘bt‘n‘$eerve‘are‘nora ‘for‘on ‘one‘or‘to‘en‘ ‘ +b,‘‘"ave‘nder‘aterfa -‘a ‘ e‘ed‘‘ +,‘‘t‘hdeot‘n‘$eerve-ho e‘d ‘nder‘bed‘apab e‘of‘ho dn ‘p‘to‘fve‘en‘havn ‘a ‘ onea ed‘entrane‘‘ +d,‘‘ree-‘often‘to-‘or‘three-an‘hde‘n‘ho e‘aon t‘the‘root‘of‘ ar e‘tree‘he‘he ‘of‘brnt-ot‘ tree‘are‘oete‘ed‘a‘entr ‘boxe‘or‘obervaton‘pot‘‘ +e,‘ e-p‘here‘no‘for‘of‘ontrton‘‘ereted‘the‘ an ‘ere ‘ n ‘p‘nder‘natra ‘th‘ over‘‘ +/,‘red‘eber‘of‘oe‘ an ‘ ve‘eparate ‘fro‘the‘food‘arrer‘n‘an ‘ an ‘the‘oen‘ eber‘are‘e re ated‘and‘n‘oe‘ae‘the‘ an ‘ eader‘ ve‘ oe‘b ‘the‘‘ .eepn ‘)p‘to‘Date‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ran ‘ han‘ ho‘are‘a a ‘tr n ‘to‘onea ‘ther‘tra‘‘ dff t‘ even‘for‘an‘ experened‘ fran‘traer‘ho‘‘ore‘ed‘to‘tran ‘ana ‘3t‘a‘the‘ethod‘of‘brean ‘and‘entern ‘ed‘ b ‘a‘br ar‘ ‘often‘ ve‘h‘dentt ‘aa ‘to‘the‘!o e‘o‘the‘ethod‘b ‘hh‘a‘ an ‘onea ‘t‘ tra‘and‘the‘ a ‘t‘ etab he‘ t‘hdeot‘ ‘ ve‘aa ‘the‘ an ‘herefore‘ t‘‘ eenta ‘that‘a ‘ ne‘ ethod‘of‘onea n ‘tra‘be‘bro ht‘to‘the‘ note‘ of‘ or‘traer‘and‘onvere ‘f‘ he‘ fnd‘ ne‘ethod‘the‘nforaton‘ho d‘be‘paed‘ba‘

'$.,+&'‘‘ ‘‘‘‘‘#hen‘a‘patro ‘‘ent‘ot‘th‘traer‘t‘‘eenta ‘that‘the‘patro ‘oander‘he f‘ha‘a‘far‘ no ed e‘of‘tran ‘h‘no ed e‘a ‘be‘ore‘theoreta ‘than‘prata ‘bt‘he‘ho d‘be‘ab e‘to‘ reo n e‘ n‘hen‘ponted‘ot‘to‘h‘b ‘h‘traer‘‘traer‘ ‘oete‘have‘dfferent‘ opnon‘a‘to‘hat‘ertan‘ n‘or‘tra‘ndate‘the‘patro ‘oander‘t‘have‘ffent‘no ed e‘ to‘ae‘a‘fna ‘deon‘‘

‘‘‘‘‘n‘rth‘nt‘ an a e‘dff te‘beteen‘patro ‘oander‘and‘traer‘an‘be‘ot‘treoe‘ he‘ ood‘patro ‘oander‘ ‘ earn‘eno h‘of‘the‘natve‘da et‘to‘e nate‘th‘dff t ‘3t‘a‘the‘ traer‘t‘be‘patent‘hen‘tran ‘o‘t‘the‘patro ‘oander‘be‘patent‘hen‘dea n ‘th‘h‘ traer‘he‘ba‘of‘ef ‘tran ‘patro ‘‘the‘tea‘prt‘hh‘ e‘thn‘a ‘the‘eber‘of‘ the‘patro ‘‘

‘‘ †› 

Y Y  Y  ‘‘ :G#$%Y/*-+'‘ ‘‘‘‘‘the‘ and-$over‘ronded‘a‘orner‘on‘the‘ on ‘dt ‘road‘near‘(ort‘-tora‘$hodea‘ +no‘/babe,‘ ‘attenton‘fro e‘on‘a‘ ar e‘free‘ n ‘aro‘the‘road‘ an ‘on‘the‘ brae‘and‘onter-teern ‘a‘d‘e‘ae‘to‘ret‘abot‘to‘eter‘fro‘the‘obta e‘hen‘the‘ abh‘a‘prn ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘5he‘o d‘tree‘aro‘the‘road‘fo oed‘b ‘an‘abh‘tr´‘‘tho ht‘'ope‘the ‘for ot‘the‘ " a ore!‘ ad‘the ‘for ot‘the‘ and‘ne!´‘$eatn ‘ntant ‘th‘onter‘fre‘‘hat‘aved‘ or‘ ve‘beae‘t‘had‘the‘/)‘+/babe‘fran‘atona ‘)non,‘terrort‘a read ‘ f een ‘before‘e‘donted‘onet‘to‘od‘t‘ ooed‘ e‘the‘ p‘ &&-eter‘fna ‘ veed‘fro‘the‘oth‘end‘of‘the‘tad‘he‘after‘aton‘ ene‘ade‘t‘fee ‘ e‘the‘abh‘ never‘happened‘fter‘ ‘reor an n ‘e‘ere‘happ ‘to‘fnd‘no‘aa te‘ read ‘on ‘ abot‘a‘nte‘after‘the‘enonter‘the‘ene ‘a‘hndred‘of‘eter‘aa ‘‰‘th‘no‘ n‘of‘  on ‘don‘ ‘‘‘‘r an n ‘ore ve‘nto‘a‘fo o-p‘ rop‘too‘on ‘eond‘and‘ eavn ‘a‘ert ‘ rop‘ to‘ oo‘after‘the‘veh e‘e‘oved‘ot‘t‘here‘to?‘nd‘to‘do‘hat?‘o‘o d‘e‘pob ‘ ath‘p‘th‘an‘abh‘ rop‘that‘e ted‘o‘fat‘nto‘the‘bh?‘ran ‘ ‘frend‘tran ‘ ran ‘‘the‘ ‘+oe‘a ‘t‘an‘art,‘of‘prn ‘the‘ene ‘b ‘fo on ‘the‘ n‘he‘ eave‘ behnd‘(or‘n‘ther‘hate‘to‘f ee‘or‘onter‘fre‘the ‘ eft‘eno h‘ e‘to‘a o‘‘to‘fo o‘ the‘nd‘fo o‘e‘dd‘nd‘not‘on ‘fo o‘the‘bt‘ath‘p‘th‘the‘and‘ ‘the‘‘ ‘‘‘‘o‘ho‘do‘ o‘tra?‘o‘do‘ o‘read‘the‘ n‘the‘ene ‘ eave‘behnd?‘ n‘+or‘poor,‘ fa ‘nto‘to‘an‘ate ore‘ rond‘poor‘and‘aera ‘poor‘ ‘‘‘‘rond‘poor‘a‘the‘nae‘p e‘‘ n‘fond‘on‘the‘ rond‘xap e‘are‘footprnt‘ dtrbed‘earth‘overtrned‘ro‘et‘era ‘poor‘‘fond‘above‘the‘ rond‘n‘the‘for‘of‘ trap ed‘ ra‘broen‘bhe‘broen‘obeb‘et‘+%a be‘ or‘other‘ear‘obat‘boot‘ bt‘other‘natre‘doen¶t‘‰‘ oo‘for‘an ‘ n‘hh‘natre‘doe‘not‘ae,‘ ‘‘‘‘)pon‘ oatn ‘tra‘e‘need‘to‘td ‘the‘to‘ earn‘at‘ eat‘three‘thn ‘

‘pproxate‘nber‘n‘the‘ rop‘ ‘ e‘of‘the‘poor‘ ‘Dreton‘of‘trave ‘ ‘‘‘‘Deternn ‘the‘nber‘n‘the‘ rop‘‘aop hed‘a‘fo o‘ ‘%eare‘off‘&‘nhe‘+or‘the‘ en th‘of‘one‘trde,‘a on ‘the‘tra‘beteen‘to‘pont‘ ‘Dra‘to‘ ne‘at‘r ht‘an e‘to‘the‘tra‘at‘thoe‘to‘pont‘ ‘"ont‘the‘nber‘of‘footprnt‘beteen‘the‘ ne‘‰‘th‘ ‘ ve‘ o‘the‘nber‘of‘peop e‘ ho‘have‘paed‘thro h‘the‘area‘ ‘‘‘‘h‘tehne‘‘ver ‘p e‘bt‘t‘on ‘or‘arate ‘p‘to‘abot‘ &- ‘peop e‘‘ ‘‘‘‘tatn ‘the‘a e‘of‘a‘footprnt‘‘a‘ tt e‘harder‘ra‘epea ‘han‘footprnt‘ oe‘ ther‘harp‘ed e‘over‘te‘beae‘of‘nd‘ran‘and‘nhne‘#nd‘erode‘the‘prnt‘ran‘ ahe‘the‘ot‘and‘the‘n‘dre‘prnt‘that‘are‘n‘d‘t‘‘epea ‘portant‘to‘onder‘ hat‘the‘eather‘a‘ e‘over‘the‘pat‘fe‘da ‘to‘d e‘the‘a e‘of‘the‘poor‘arate ‘a‘t‘ raned‘reent ?‘o‘h‘dd‘t‘ran?‘a‘t‘been‘nd ?‘ ‘‘‘‘ e‘of‘aera ‘poor‘an‘be‘d ed‘b ‘the‘tate‘and‘poton‘of‘trodden‘ve etaton‘ on ‘ ra‘ for‘exap e‘‘re ent‘and‘ ‘prn ‘ba‘after‘ben ‘a ed‘on‘ o‘the‘e‘nde‘the‘ b ade‘ ‘ae‘freh ‘trodden‘ on ‘ ra‘oehat‘dap‘f‘h‘ ra‘‘op ete ‘dr ‘ hen‘ o‘oe‘pon‘t‘the‘poor‘‘obvo ‘not‘freh‘)nfortnate ‘on ‘prate‘and‘ experene‘ ‘teah‘ o‘ho‘to‘d e‘the‘a e‘of‘tra‘arate ‘‘ ‘‘‘‘Dreton‘of‘trave ‘‘deterned‘th‘a‘opa‘oever‘don¶t‘be‘foo ed‘nto‘thnn ‘that‘ the‘nta ‘ ne‘of‘trave ‘on¶t‘han e‘t‘ ‘a ‘tae‘abot‘to‘ oeter‘to‘arate ‘ deterne‘the‘tre‘dreton‘ ‘‘‘‘o‘that‘e‘have‘reo n ed‘tra‘etated‘the‘nber‘of‘ene ‘no‘ho‘h‘of‘a‘ head‘tart‘the ‘have‘and‘no‘the‘ enera ‘dreton‘of‘trave ‘e‘an‘dea ‘th‘ho‘to‘ tra‘‘ ‘‘‘‘efore‘ovn ‘ot‘t‘‘portant‘to‘fnd‘an‘ata ‘footprnt‘or‘boot‘prnt‘#e‘a ‘th‘ 'onfred‘poor´‘era ‘poor‘‘not‘onfred‘poor‘rond‘poor‘that‘‘not‘an‘ata ‘prnt‘ of‘a‘boot‘or‘foot‘ e‘overtrned‘ro‘rhed‘ eave‘et‘‘not‘onfred‘poor‘ether‘o‘the‘ r e‘‘to‘tart‘ot‘on‘   poor‘he‘traer‘t‘eor e‘the‘haratert‘of‘the‘ prnt‘+tread‘pattern‘f‘an ‘and‘ e,‘hh‘he‘enonter‘o‘that‘he‘doen¶t‘beoe‘onfed‘ ater‘f‘he‘enonter‘a‘dfferent‘et‘of‘tra‘ ‘‘‘‘ra‘th‘ or‘head‘p‘and‘ oo‘abot‘ &‘feet‘n‘front‘of‘ o‘e‘or‘nexperened‘traer‘ t pa ‘ oo‘at‘the‘ rond‘nearer‘ther‘feet‘and‘tend‘to‘‘tra‘farther‘aa ‘h‘tend‘to‘

 o‘the‘rate‘of‘tran ‘$eeber‘th‘o‘t‘tra‘at‘a‘fater‘pae‘than‘the‘ene ‘‘ a n ‘f‘ o‘ant‘to‘ath‘p‘th‘h‘‘ ‘‘‘‘Do‘not‘a ‘dret ‘on‘the‘poor‘bt‘rather‘to‘the‘de‘o‘a‘not‘to‘ob terate‘t‘ ‘‘‘‘t‘‘eaer‘to‘tra‘nto‘the‘n‘than‘th‘t‘at‘ or‘ba‘h‘‘beae‘the‘n‘at‘a‘ hado‘on‘the‘ndentaton‘of‘the‘boot‘prnt‘an ‘t‘eaer‘to‘ee‘#hen‘tran ‘aa ‘fro‘ the‘n‘th‘hado‘annot‘be‘een‘o‘hat‘ o‘do‘‘to‘tra‘a on de‘of‘the‘poor‘and‘ oaona ‘ oo‘over‘ or‘ho der‘don‘at‘the‘poor‘h‘ ve‘ o‘the‘ae‘ve‘a‘f‘ o‘ ere‘tran ‘nto‘the‘n‘‘ ‘‘‘‘#h e‘tran ‘the‘traer‘t‘be‘ontant ‘a ert‘for‘boob ‘trap‘and‘pob e‘abh‘te‘ f‘ or‘tran ‘‘ef ‘at‘oe‘pont‘ o‘ ‘be‘athn ‘p‘th‘the‘ene ‘and‘t¶‘not‘ a‘ ood‘dea‘to‘be‘a ht‘off‘ ard‘!ob e‘abh‘te‘ho d‘be‘ eared‘before‘pan ‘near‘ the‘xap e‘are‘a ‘h ‘th‘bhe‘narro‘def e‘et‘ aona ‘de‘to‘the‘natre‘of‘the‘ rond‘ e‘of‘da ‘+tran ‘at‘noon‘at‘ tt e‘or‘no‘ hado,‘or‘traer‘fat e‘the‘tra‘ ‘be‘ ot‘o‘hat?‘ ‘‘‘‘o‘to‘the‘ at‘onfred‘poor‘and‘dra‘a‘ ne‘behnd‘t‘aro‘the‘tra‘tand‘behnd‘the‘ ne‘tae‘te‘to‘rve ‘the‘ andape‘n‘front‘of‘ o‘then‘a‘ ore f‘'#here‘o d‘‘ o‘f‘‘ ere‘a n ‘a on ‘here?´‘ oo‘for‘the‘ o a ‘ ne‘of‘advane‘and‘then‘ o‘he‘t‘ot‘f‘ o‘ fnd‘the‘poor‘a an‘ontne‘to‘tra‘f‘not‘ o‘ba‘to‘ or‘ ne‘and‘do‘a‘0&&‘r e‘t‘ oe‘ e‘th‘)n ‘ or‘ at‘onfred‘poor‘a‘ or‘tartn ‘pont‘a ‘ ‘eter‘forard‘and‘ a ‘n‘a‘r e‘arond‘ or‘pont‘ oon ‘for‘tra‘.eep‘en ar n ‘th‘r e‘nt ‘tra‘are‘ fond‘then‘ontne‘tran ‘ ‘‘‘‘oete‘ o‘a ‘rn‘ot‘of‘ava ab e‘  ht‘at‘the‘end‘of‘the‘da ‘n‘th‘ae‘ o‘have‘to‘  eep‘on‘the‘poor‘and‘ontne‘n‘the‘ornn ‘obvo ‘tartn ‘at‘frt‘  ht‘‘ ‘‘‘‘he‘ ‘of‘tran ‘‘va ab e‘beae‘a‘ rop‘th‘the‘ab t ‘to‘tra‘and‘read‘tra‘an‘ en a e‘ene ‘nt‘that‘the ‘othere‘o d‘not‘t‘on ‘tand‘to‘reaon‘then‘that‘an‘ ndertandn ‘of‘th‘ ‘ ‘a o‘enab e‘the‘to‘better‘hde‘ther‘on‘tra‘hen‘on‘patro ‘ nd‘that‘brn ‘‘to‘ant-tran ‘‰‘ho‘to‘avod‘ben ‘the‘   ‘ ‘‘‘‘ho h‘t‘‘vrta ‘pob e‘to‘avod‘ eavn ‘poor‘ertan‘tehne‘an‘be‘ep o ed‘ to‘n e‘deteton‘he‘a‘‘to‘ae‘the‘ob‘of‘the‘ene ‘traer‘a‘hard‘a‘pob e‘and‘ a be‘ o¶ ‘be‘  ‘eno h‘that‘ or‘ant-tran ‘tehne‘ ‘defeat‘h‘tran ‘ab t ‘ oever‘eep‘n‘nd‘there‘are‘thoe‘ho‘an‘tra‘ o‘no‘atter‘hat‘tehne‘ o‘ ep o ‘n‘h‘ae‘ne‘ o‘an¶t‘ott‘the‘ene ‘traer‘ o‘an‘b ‘ ore f‘oe‘te‘ thro h‘deepton‘and‘a‘ontent ‘fat‘rate‘of‘arh‘that‘ ‘eep‘ o‘one‘tep‘ahead‘ opef ‘ o‘ ‘avod‘ontat‘nt ‘d‘at‘hh‘ e‘he‘ ‘ tera ‘have‘to‘top‘dead‘n‘

or‘tra‘o‘on‘the‘other‘hand‘ontne‘to‘ae‘tra‘bt‘n‘a‘n ht‘arh‘ ppn ‘ farther‘aa ‘n‘the‘proe‘

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