Comandos CCNA Security
Short Description
Resumen de comandos CCNA Security...
COMANDOS CCNA SECURITY 1.2 CONFIGURAR R1 COMO CLIENTE NTP. NTP. R1(config)# ntp authenticate R1(config)# ntp authentication-key 1 md5 ciscontppa55 R1(config)# ntp trusted-key 1 R1(config)# ntp server key 1
CONFIGURAR LOS ROUTERS PARA PARA MOSTRAR EL TIEMPO EN LOS LOGS. R1(config)# service timestamps !og datetime msec
CONFIGURAR EL ROUTER PARA PARA GENERAR LOGS DE ACTIVIDADES. "onfigure the router to generate system !ogging messages for oth successfu! and fai!ed !ogin attempts. $he fo!!o%ing commands !og every successfu! !ogin and !og fai!ed !ogin attempts after every second fai!ed !ogin. R1(config)# login on-s!!"ss log R1(config)# login on-#$il%" log "&"%' 2
CONFIGURAR UN ROUTER PARA IDENTIFICAR IDENTIFICAR EL HOST REMOTO (UE RECI)IR* LOS MENSA+ES DE LOGGING. R1(config)#!ogging host R1(co R1(confi nfig) g)#!o #!oggi gging ng trap trap infor informat mation iona! a! R1(c R1(con onfi fig) g)#! #!og oggi ging ng sour source ce-i -int nter erfa face ce R1(config)#!ogging on R1(config)#!ogging on
(hostname- ip address) (!eve (!eve!) !) ($y ($ype and and nume numer) r)
CONFIGURAR EL LARGO L ARGO MINIMO PARA PARA LAS PASS,ORD DE UN ROUTER. R1(config)# security pass%ords min-!ength 1&
CONFIGURAR UN ROUTER PARA PARA SOPORTAR SOPORTAR CONEIONES SSH. S"/ 1. "onfigure a domain name. R'(config)# i/ 0o$in-n$" !!n$s"!%i'.!o !!n$s"!%i'.!o S"/ 2. "reate a user of **+admin %ith the highest possi!e privi!ege !eve! and a secret pass%ord of ciscosshpa55. R'(config)# s"%n$" SSH$0in /%i&il"g" 1 s"!%" !is!oss3/$
S"/ 4. "onfigure the incoming ,$ !ines on R'. se the !oca! user accounts for mandatory !ogin and va!idation. /ccept on!y **+ connections. R'(config)# lin" &' 5 6 R'(config-!ine)# login lo!$l R'(config-!ine)# %$ns/o% in/ ss3
S"/ 6. 0rase eisting key pairs on R'. /ny eisting R*/ key pairs shou!d e erased on the router. R'(config)# !%'/o 7"' 8"%oi8" %s$
S"/ . enerate the R*/ encryption key pair for R'. R'(config)# !%'/o 7"' g"n"%$" %s$
CONFIGURAR LOS PAR*METROS DE TIMEOUTS AND AUTHENTICATION PARA SSH. *et the timeout to 9& seconds3 the numer of authentication retries to 23 and the version to 2. R'(config)# i/ ss3 i"-o 95 R'(config)# i/ ss3 $3"ni!$ion-%"%i"s 2 R'(config)# i/ ss3 &"%sion 2
CONECTARSE CONECTARSE A R4 USANDO US ANDO SSH DESDE UN PC-C. 4hen prompted for the pass%ord3 enter the pass%ord configured for the administrator ciscosshpa55.
PC: ss3 ;l SSH$0in 192.15%0 R'(config)# $$$ n">-o0"l R'(config)# $$$ $3"ni!$ion login 0"#$l lo!$l lo!$l-!$s" "n$l" IMPLEMENTA IMPLEME NTAR R AAA SERVICES PARA ACCEDER A LA CONSOLE USANDO UNA UN A )ASE DE DATOS LOCAL R'(config)# $$$ $3"ni!$ion login 0"#$l lo!$l non" R'(config)# lin" !onsol" 5 R'(config-!ine)# login $3"ni!$ion 0"#$l
CREAR UN PERFIL EN UNA )ASE DE DATOS LOCAL CON AAA AUTHENTICATION PARA USAR TELNET . R'(config)# $$$ $3"ni!$ion login TELNETBLOGIN lo!$l-!$s" R'(config)# lin" &' 5 6 R'(config-!ine)# login $3"ni!$ion TELNETBLOGIN CONFIGURAR UN ROUTER PARA AUTENTICARSE POR TACACS LUEGO RADIUS SERVERS Y FINALMENTE EN UNA )ASE DE DATOS LOCAL R1(config)# $$$ n">-o0"l R1(config)# $!$!s-s"%&"% 3os 192.1 ;ass%ord< !is!o1246 R1(config)# /$%s"% &i"> $0in1 R1(config-vie%)# s"!%" $0in1/$ss R1(config-vie%)# !o$n0s ""! in!l0" $ll s3o> R1(config-vie%)# !o$n0s ""! in!l0" $ll !on#ig "%in$l R1(config-vie%)# !o$n0s ""! in!l0" $ll 0"g R1(config-vie%)# "n0
VERIFICAR LA VISTA ADMIN1. R1# "n$l" &i"> $0in1 ;ass%ord< $0in1/$ss C%"$% n$ &is$ ll$$0$ SHO,VIE, Asign$% l$ /$ss>o%0 $ l$ &is$ P"%ii% $ "s$ &is$ s$% o0os los !o$n0os EEC " !oi"n!"n !on s3o> R1(config)# $$$ n">-o0"l R1(config)# /$%s"% &i"> SHO,VIE, R1(config-vie%)# s"!%" !is!o R1(config-vie%)# !o$n0s ""! in!l0" s3o> R1(config-vie%)# "n0 C%"$% n$ &is$ ll$$0$ VERIFIEDVIE, Asign$% l$ /$ss>o%0 $ l$ &is$ P"%ii% $ "s$ &is$ s$% "l !o$n0o /ing R1(config)# $$$ n">-o0"l R1(config)# /$%s"% &i"> VERIFIEDVIE, R1(config-vie%)# s"!%" !is!o R1(config-vie%)# !o$n0s ""! in!l0" /ing
R1(config-vie%)# "n0
C%"$% n$ &is$ ll$$0$ RE)OOTVIE, Asign$% l$ /$ss>o%0 $ l$ &is$ P"%ii% $ "s$ &is$ s$% "l !o$n0o %"lo$0 R1(config)# $$$ n">-o0"l R1(config)# /$%s"% &i"> RE)OOTVIE, R1(config-vie%)# s"!%" !is!o15 R1(config-vie%)# !o$n0s ""! in!l0" %"lo$0 R1(config-vie%)# "n0 TO SECURE THE IOS IMAGE AND ENA)LE CISCO IOS IMAGE RESILIENCE R1(config)# s"!%" oo-i$g" TO SECURE THE )OOT CONFIG R1(config)# s"!%" oo-!on#ig CREAR ACLs E+EMPLOS DE ACLs permit udp any 192.16.1.& &.&.&.255 e domain permit tcp any 192.16.1.& &.&.&.255 e smtp permit tcp any 192.16.1.& &.&.&.255 e ftp deny tcp any host 192.16.1.' e ==' permit tcp any host 192.16.'.' e 22 permit icmp any any echo-rep!y permit icmp any any unreacha!e deny icmp any any permit ip any any
;ermite a cua!uier host acceder a DNS ;ermite a cua!uier host acceder a SMTP ;ermite a cua!uier host acceder a FTP 8iega a cua!uier host acceder a HTTPS ;ermite a cua!uier host acceder a SSH ;ermite a cua!uier host "!3o %"/li"s ;ermite a cua!uier host 0"s. n%"$!3$l" 8iega a cua!uier host acceder a ICMP ;ermite a cua!uier host a !$li"% l$0o
"rear una ACL NOM)RADA ETENDIDA !!amado /"-13 ap!icada entrante en !a interfa 7a&>&3 ue niega e! servidor %orkgroup server sa!ga3 pero permite ue e! resto de !os usuarios de /8 fuera de acceso usando !a pa!ara c!ave "s$lis3"0 R1(config)# ip access-list extended ACL-1 R1(config-ext-nacl)# remark LAN ACL R1(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip host any R1(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any estalished R1(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip any any R1(config-ext-nacl)# exit R1(config)# inter!ace "a0#0 R1(config-if)# ip access-$ro%p ACL-1 in R1(config-if)# exit
CREAR UNA ACL NOM)RADA etended named !!amada ACL-23 ap!icada en direcci?n sa!iente en !a interfa :@ 7a&>13 para permitir e! acceso a !os servidores 4e e 0mai! especificados.
R1(config)# ip access-list extended ACL-1 R1(config-ext-nacl)# remark LAN ACL R1(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip host any R1(config-ext-nacl)# permit tcp any
estalished R1(config-ext-nacl)# deny ip any any R1(config-ext-nacl)# exit R1(config)# inter!ace "a0#0 R1(config-if)# ip access-$ro%p ACL-1 in R1(config-if)# exit
$he lo$ parameter can e appended to the end of an /" statement. permit tcp any host eq 80 lo$
ACL NUMERADA R1# R1(config)# i/ $!!"ss-lis ""n0"0 15 R1(config-et-nac!)# /"%i !/ 3os 192.1""70$'s 1?55 o 19?55 R1(config-time-range)# "i R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 155 /"%i i/ 192.1) B /ny reserved private addresses (R7" 191) B /ny addresses in the ; mu!ticast address range (22=.&.&.&>=) B Inon0 on S555
R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 15 0"n' i/ $n' R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 15 0"n' i/ $n' R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 15 0"n' i/ $n' R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 15 0"n' i/ 12.1>> /"%i !/ $n' 3os " 3/s /"%i !/ $n' 3os " s/ /"%i !/ $n' 3os " >>> /"%i !/ $n' 3os " 3/s
7or the same topo!ogy3 using oDect group configuration3 first create the service oDect for the services. R1(config)# o"!-g%o/ s"%&i!" ,"-s&!s !/ R1(config-service-group)# !/ s/ R1(config-service-group)# !/ >>> R1(config-service-group)# !/ 3/s A
8et3 create the net%ork oDect for the servers< $his eamp!e uses the %$ng" key%ord3 you can a!so use the 3os key%ord or define a sunet. R1(config)# o"!-g%o/ n">o%7 ,"s"%&"%s R1(config-net%ork-group)# %$ng"
CONFIGURACIQN CL*SICA DE FIRE,ALL /n administrator needs to permit inside users to initiate $";3 ;3 and ":; traffic %ith a!! eterna! sources. Eutside c!ients are a!!o%ed to communicate %ith the *:$; :ai! server (2&9.165.2&1.2) and +$$; server (2&9.165.2&1.1) that are !ocated in the enterprise demi!itaried one (:@). t is a!so necessary to permit certain ":; messages to a!! interfaces. /!! other traffic from the eterna! net%ork is denied.
S"/ 1. "hoose an interface3 either interna! or eterna!. S"/ 2. "onfigure ; /"s at the interface. S"/ 4. efine inspection ru!es. S"/ 6. /pp!y an inspection ru!e to an interface.
"reate an /" that a!!o%s $";3 ;3 and ":; sessions and denies a!! other traffic. R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 151 /"%i !/ $n' R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 151 /"%i 0/ $n' R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 151 /"%i i!/ $n' R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 151 0"n' i/ $n' $n' $his /" is app!ied to the interna! interface in the inound direction. $he /" processes traffic initiating from the interna! net%ork prior to !eaving the net%ork. R1(config)# in"%#$!" F$55 R1(config-if)# i/ $!!"ss-g%o/ 151 in 8et3 create an etended /" in %hich *:$; and +$$; traffic is permitted from the eterna! net%ork to the :@ net%ork on!y3 and a!! other traffic is denied.
R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 152 /"%i !/ $n' 259.1 i/ ins/"! !on#ig R4 0"g i/ ins/"! 0"$il"0
S"/ 1. "rear !as onas para e! fire%a!! con e! comando 8on" s"!%i'. R'(config)# 8on" s"!%i' IN-ZONE R'(config-sec-one)# 0"s!%i/ion Insi0" N">o%7 R'(config)# 8on" s"!%i' OUT-ZONE R'(config-sec-one)# 0"s!%i/ion Osi0" N">o%7
S"/ 2. "rear una /" ue define e! trGfico interno. se e! comando $!!"ss-lis para crear una etendida /" 151 para permitir todo e! trGfico ; desde !a red 192.11 one-memer security IN-ZONE eit interface s&>&>1 one-memer security OUT-ZONE eit
E+EMPLO PRACTICO Z)F 1 CREAR ZONAS one security 80$4ERH one security 8$0R80$ one security :@
2 CLASIFICAR TR*FICO MEDIANTE CLASS MAP. c!ass-map type inspect match-any 80$toE$ match protoco! http match protoco! smtp match protoco! pop' match protoco! icmp c!ass-map type inspect match-any 80$to:@ match protoco! http match protoco! dns match protoco! tftp match protoco! icmp match access-group name +"; ip access-!ist etended +"; permit udp any any e ootps permit udp any any e ootpc
4 DEFINIR LOS POLICY-MAP Y LA ACCIQN A REALIZAR. po!icy-map type inspect 80$4ERHtoE$*0 c!ass type inspect 80$toE$ inspect po!icy-map type inspect E$*0to80$4ERH c!ass type inspect E$to80$ drop po!icy-map type inspect 80$4ERHto:@
c!ass type inspect 80$to:@ inspect po!icy-map type inspect :@to80$4ERH c!ass type inspect :@to80$ inspect po!icy-map type inspect E$*0to:@ c!ass type inspect E$to:@ inspect po!icy-map type inspect :@toE$*0 c!ass type inspect :@toE$ inspect
6 CREAR LOS ZONE PAIR (UE ES LA APLICACIQN ENTRE ZONAS. one-pair security 80$toE$ source 80$4ERH destination 8$0R80$ service-po!icy type inspect 80$4ERHtoE$*0
HACER MIEM)ROS DE ALGUNA ZONA A LAS INTERFACES EN F,. 74(config-if)#int seria! &>&>& 74(config-if)#one-memer security 8$0R80$ 74(config-if)#eit 74(config-if)#int fa&>1 74(config-if)#one-memer security :@ 74(config-if)#eit 74(config)#int fa&>& 74(config-if)#one-memer security 80$4ERH 74(config-if)#eit
CONFIGURE IOS INTRUSION PREVENTION SYSTEM JIPSK USING CLI 1.- CREATE AN IOS IPS CONFIGURATION DIRECTORY IN FLASH. En R13 create a directory in f!ash using the 70i% command. 8ame the directory i/s0i% . R1#70i% i/s0i% "reate directory fi!ename IipsdirJK L En"% M "reated dir f!ashi!3/o% o0" %n7 *4-1(config-if)# s>i!3/o% %n7 n$i&" &l$n 1
*4-1(config-if)# s>i!3/o% non"goi$" J$!"%0o 0" $s$l"$K
Key distribution method
Manual or ISAKMP
Encryption algorithm
Hash algorithm
MD5 or SHA1
Authentication method
Pre-shared keys or RSA
Key e!change
DH Group 1, 2, or 5
DH 2
DH 2
IKE SA "i#etime
86400 seonds or less
(rans#orm Set
Peer Hostname
Peer IP Address
)et*or+ to be encrypted
,rypto Map name
SA Establishment
CONFIGURE IPSEC PARAMETERS ON R1 1.- IDENTIFY INTERESTING TRAFFIC ON R1. "onfigure /" 115 to identify the traffic from the /8 on R1 to the /8 on R' as interesting. Rememer that due to the imp!icit deny a!!3 there is no need to configure a 0"n' $n' $n' statement.
R1(config)# $!!"ss-lis 115 /"%i i/ 192.1&>1 interface. No"? $his is not graded. R'(config)# in"%#$!" S551 R'(config-if)# !%'/o $/ VPN-MAP
,erify the tunne! prior to interesting traffic. ssue the sho% crypto ipsec sa command on R1. 8otice that the numer of packets encapsu!ated3 encrypted3 decapsu!ated and decrypted are a!! set to &.
TAREA DEL PROFE 1. D"#ini% l$s 8on$s 0" $!"%0o $ lo in0i!$0o "n l$ o/olog$ one security :@ one security 8*0 one security E$*0
2. S" 0"" /"%ii% %#i!o /$%$ " "l Ro"% R6 /"0$ $"ni#i!$%s" $ %$&s 0" R$0is "n "l s"%&i0o% ,inR$0is JPC2K c!ass-map type inspect match-any ":OE$O$EO8 match protoco! radius po!icy-map type inspect ;:OE$O$EO8 c!ass type inspect ":OE$O$EO8 inspect one-pair security @;OE$O$EO8 source E$*0 destination 8*0 service-po!icy type inspect ;:OE$O$EO8
4. El %$#i!o 0"s0" "l PC6 3$!i$ los s"%&i0o%"s ,E) ' FTP JPC4K 0"" s"% /"%ii0o. c!ass-map type inspect match-any ":OE$O$EO:@ match protoco! http match protoco! ftp
po!icy-map type inspect ;:OE$O$EO:@ c!ass type inspect ":OE$O$EO:@ inspect one-pair security @;OE$O$EO:@ source E$*0 destination :@ service-po!icy type inspect ;:OE$O$EO:@
6. L$ %"0 in"%n$ $in 0"" /o0"% ll"g$% $l s"%&i0o% ," JPC4K FTP no s"% /"%ii0o /$%$ "s$ %"0. c!ass-map type inspect match-any ":O8O$EO:@ match protoco! http po!icy-map type inspect ;:O8O$EO:@ c!ass type inspect ":O8O$EO:@ inspect one-pair security @;O8O$EO:@ source 8*0 destination :@ service-po!icy type inspect ;:O8O$EO:@
. El s"%&i0o% ACS 0"" /o0"% $l!$n8$% $ %$&s 0" /ing $l %o"% R6 Jloo/$!7K ' $ l$ %"0 15.65.526 Jno s" 0"" /"%ii% g"n"%$% n$ $l$ 0" "s$0oK access-!ist 1&& permit ip host 1&.6.2&.1& any c!ass-map type inspect match-a!! ":O/"* match protoco! icmp match access-group 1&& po!icy-map type inspect ;:O8O$EOE$ c!ass type inspect ":O8O$EOE$ inspect
!l$ss '/" ins/"! CMBACS /$ss one-pair security @;O8O$EOE$ source 8*0 destination E$*0 service-po!icy type inspect ;:O8O$EOE$ access-!ist 1&1 permit ip any host 1&.6.2&.1& c!ass-map type inspect match-a!! ":O/"*OR match access-group 1&1 match protoco! icmp po!icy-map type inspect ;:OE$O$EO8 c!ass type inspect ":OE$O$EO8 inspect
!l$ss '/" ins/"! CMBACSBR /$ss one-pair security @;OE$O$EO8 source E$*0 destination 8*0 service-po!icy type inspect ;:OE$O$EO8
$ll. access-!ist 1&2 permit tcp host 1&.6.2'.' any e te!net access-!ist 1&2 permit tcp host 1&.6.1'.' any e te!net access-!ist 1&2 permit tcp host 1&.6.1'.' any e 22 access-!ist 1&2 permit tcp host 1&.6.2'.' any e 22 access-!ist 1&2 permit tcp host 1&.6.1'.' any e sys!og access-!ist 1&2 permit tcp host 1&.6.2'.' any e sys!og c!ass-map type inspect match-any ":O*07O$EO8 match access-group 1&2 po!icy-map type inspect ;:O*07O$EO8 c!ass type inspect ":O*07O$EO8 inspect one-pair security @;O*07O$EO8 source se!f destination 8*0 service-po!icy type inspect ;:O*07O$EO8
=. Es n"!"s$%io /"%ii% " "l PC2 /"0$ $0inis%$% $ %$&s 0" CCP $l 0is/osii&o F, JH$ili" lo n"!"s$%io /$%$ log%$% "s" %""%ii"noK access-!ist 1&' permit tcp host 1&.6.2&.1& host 1&.6.2'.' e %%% access-!ist 1&' permit tcp host 1&.6.2&.1& host 1&.6.2'.' e ==' access-!ist 1&' permit tcp host 1&.6.2&.1& host 1&.6.1'.' e ==' access-!ist 1&' permit tcp host 1&.6.2&.1& host 1&.6.1'.' e %%% c!ass-map type inspect match-any ":O8O$EO*07 match access-group 1&' po!icy-map type inspect ;:O8O$EO*07 c!ass type inspect ":O8O$EO*07 inspect one-pair security @;O8O$EO*07 source 8*0 destination se!f service-po!icy type inspect ;:O8O$EO*07
9. El !li"n" PC6 0"" "n"% los /"%isos s#i!i"n"s /$%$ "s$l"!"% n$ s"sin VPN 3$!i$ "l Ro"% R1 /$%$ "s" "s n"!"s$%io " "l F, g"n"%" n$ $l$ 0" "s$0$ /$%$ los /%oo!olos ESP ' AH. access-!ist 1&= permit ahp host 1&.6.=&.1& host 1&.6.1'.1 access-!ist 1&= permit esp host 1&.6.=&.1& host 1&.6.1'.1 access-!ist 1&= permit udp host 1&.6.=&.1& host 1&.6.1'.1 e isakmp
c!ass-map type inspect match-any ":O,;8 match access-group 1&= po!icy-map type inspect ;:OE$O$EO8 c!ass type inspect ":OE$O$EO8 inspect c!ass type inspect ":O/"*OR pass c!ass type inspect ":O,;8 inspect one-pair security @;OE$O$EO8 source E$*0 destination 8*0 service-po!icy type inspect ;:OE$O$EO8
15. To0$s l$s s"sion"s EIGRP 0""n s"% $n"ni0$s "n%" "l F, ' Ro"% R1 R2 ' "n%" "l F, ' "l %o"% R6.
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