Column A Column B

October 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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FIRST SUMMATIVE TEST Information and Communication Technology First Year Name _________________________________ Yr. & Sec. __________________ Date _____________ Score_______  I – Matching Type: Type: Match the item in Column A to the item in Column B. Write only the letter of that corresponds your answer on the space provided for. for.




1. Stor Stores es the the ente enterred info inform rmat atio ion n and and prog progra rams ms fo forr fu futu turre use. use. a. noti notic cat atio ion n area area 2. Allows us to enter information into the computer. b. input devices 3. This are sets of common components like CPU, Interface c. taskbar components and memory (RAM). d. start button   4. This devices commonly nly include udes Video monit nitors, printers, e. processing devices speakers, headphone, and data projector. f. desktop   5. The entire screen where you work on. g. storage devices   6. These are little pictures found on the desktop that h. wallpaper represents programs, application or les. i. output devices   7. A little button found below the desktop used to starts j. icons a program or open a document. k. computer   8. A rectangular bar found below the desktop. It contains the start button and indicates what programs or documents currently opened.   

9. This The background of your 10. is where youdesign can nd otherdesktop. running program that you have opened and are not found into the taskbar.

II – Identication: Identify the following. following. Select the answer from the given options inside the box. box. Write your answer on the blank space before each number. number. Monitor computer Mouse hardware Data ware supercomputer minicomputer  

CPU/system unit software mainframe computer

keyboard people ware


1. An electronic device that accepts, processes, stores outputs and data at speed according to programmed instructions. 2. An output device that is also called the display screen.

    computer.         designs the the programs, who   relevant to   related   user at

3. It is called as the brain of the computer. computer. 4. A typewriter like device that enables the user to enters data into a A pointing device use to select various options. The physical components of computer. computer. Consists of programs, which enable a computer to perform specic tasks. Refers to personnel who mange and used the computer system, who application and systems software, software, who write and encode runs the hardware, etc. 9. It is the systematic and organized collections of data and procedures the organization. 10. This computer is considered the fastest computer and is used in science areas because of its unique applications. 11. Very expensive and large computer that can support up to thousands of the same time.

  personal   to

12. The medium power type of computer that stands between a standard computer and a mainframe. 13. Designed to control and support the internal environment of the computer directly or indirectly support program processing.

5. 6. 7. 8.



14. Programs designed to perform specic data processing tasks for a application. 15. This is widely known as the Personal Computer. Computer.

III – Enumeration: Enumerate what is being ask. You You may write your answers below. 1 – 6 - Ways in which which the comput computer er is being being used. used. 7 – 10 - Characteristics of a computer. computer. 11 – 14 - Capabilities of the computer. 15 – 20 - Who ar are e th the e peo peopl ple e enga engage ged d in Peop eople wa warre? 21 – 25 - What are the mouse actions? Prepared by: Ma’am Eva Q. Elopre ICT/Computer Teacher

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