Collocation Toeic

September 22, 2017 | Author: CuGáyLâmĐồng | Category: Business
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Description [email protected] - 0936153906

Collocations with Prepositions No 1.

Collocation in reply

Meaning hồi đáp

Example In spite of sending several e-mails of complaint to the customer service department, the customer still hasn’t received a single message in reply.



of one’s choice

in preparation for

of one’s choice = of one’s own

Payments can automatically be deducted from the bank

choice: theo sự lựa chọn của …

account of your choice.

chuẩn bị cho cái gì

All computer equipment should be put in boxes in preparation for our move to the new office space.


in advance

trước …

Reservations must be cancelled at least two weeks in advance to be eligible for a full refund.  Việc đặt trước phải được hủy trước ít nhất hai tuần để có thể đạt đủ điều kiện nhận lại tiền.




in an effort to

in a timely manner

on arrival

in an effort to + bare infinitive

In an effort to promote the new line of products, Edu-toys

 Nỗ lực làm gì

created a television advertising campaign.

in a timely manner = in a timely

As the human resources department has received many

fashion: đúng lúc, thích hợp

resumes, all applicants will be contacted in a timely manner.

on arrival = upon arrival: khi đến

On arrival, all passengers are required to go through


immigration and passport control. 1 [email protected] - 0936153906


in combination with

kết hợp với

This tablet, when taken in combination with aspirin, will lower blood pressure and strengthen immunity to infections.


to the point

 to the point: relevant and worth paying attention to:

The guest speaker’s presentation on office man­agement was informative and to the point.

đúng vào vấn đề, đi thẳng vào vấn đề  come to the point: reach the focus point: đi vào vấn đề  keep to the point: not digress from the focus point: đi đúng vào vấn đề


out of print

out of print = be discontinued

This book Is currently out of print; however, there might be

(If a book, magazine, etc. is

some used copies available online.

out of print, it is no longer being published.): không còn được in ấn, phát hành nữa


in celebration of

kỷ niệm

The department store is offering a 30 percent discount this week in celebration of their 30th anniversary.


above one’s expectations

above one’s expectations =

Product sales last month were above our expectations.

beyond one’s expectations: vượt 2 [email protected] - 0936153906

quá sự kỳ vọng 13.


subsequent to

as a result of

subsequent to = following: sau,

Subsequent to the introduction of cost-cutting measures,

tiếp theo

expense accounts are being monitored.

kết quả của …

Many factories had to close as a result of new licensing regulations.


in exchange for

trao đổi / đổi lại …

The company offered workers higher salaries in exchange for reduced health benefits.


out of one’s reach

out of one’s reach: away from the

Ensure that blades for this razor are stored out of the reach of

distance that can be


touched: ngoài tầm với 17.


to capacity

at the latest

be filled to capacity = be

The theater was filled to capacity every night of the week-long

completely full: kín chỗ


 at the latest: là muộn nhất

In order to reserve a tennis court at the Fairfield Fitness Centre,

 at the earliest: là sớm nhất

you should register by next week at the latest.

 at the best: là tốt nhất


in search of

in search of = in the search for:

Mr. Smith is in search of talented and innovative personnel.

tìm kiếm …


at one’s earliest

at one’s earliest convenience: as

Send some samples of your writing at your earliest


soon as one can: sớm nhất có thể

convenience. 3 [email protected] - 0936153906 21.

to an absolute minimum

to an absolute minimum: to the

The new microphone system keeps background noise to an

smallest in amount or degree: tới

absolute minimum.

mức tối thiểu 22.

until further notice

 until further notice: until

The prices listed in the catalog are effective until further notice.

another official announcement is made: cho đến thông báo tiếp theo  without notice: without warning or announcement: không được báo trước 23.


with the exception of

in one’s absence

with the exception of = except:

No one is allowed beyond this point, with the exception of

ngoại trừ

authorized security personnel.

in one’s absence = during one’s

The staff will hold a meeting in the director's absence

absence: trong sự vắng mặt của ai đó


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