College Management System

August 18, 2018 | Author: Firoz Alam | Category: Database Design, Table (Database), Databases, Relational Database, Data Management Software
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Lovely Professional University Phagwara (Punjab)

Submitted Term Paper report, 2013 of

INT 308 In

DataBase Management System By Name - FIROZ ALAM (Reg. No) – 11114211 Roll no. A05

Under the guidance of 

Vipin Kumar


1. Objective 2. Introdction 3. Overvie! ". Entitie# $nd T$b%e &. E' (i$)r$* +. Nor*$%i,$tion . Conc%#ion 8. 'eerence#


The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task ould  be incomplete ithout the mention mention of people hose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, hose constant guidance and encouragement cron all efforts ith success! I ould like to e"press my gratitude to my sub#ect teacher $r!%ipin &umar for the guidance, inspiration and constructi'e suggestions that has help in completion and final e"ecution of my case study! I ould also like to thank the almighty god,my parents and all those ho guided and supported me!

Firo, A%$*


$in $i* in deve%o5in) ($t$b$#e: To provide an easy way not only to automate automate all functionalities of a college, but also to provide full functional reports to top management of college with the finest of details about any aspect of college. College Management System is software has the perspective of attaining attraction of those colleges which don’t have onegood performingsoftware for eeping their information secure and mae their management easier. College Management System provides one attractive environment where you can manipulate data and information about students and staff easily. So we can say the Core purpose of designing !College Management System" is to manage the tas related to the college students#employees and to reduce time to searching of appropriate candidates in college view.

 The software helps you with the daily routine of college management and reduces the paper wor to $ero, not only this the software saves your time, helps in proper utili$ation of time and most important, helps you to have complete control on your college


College management is an integrated web application to handle various academic and non %academic activities of college. The system can access by every student#faculties#employees of the institution through internet connected computers. This system provides the detail structure of the college campus and its departments. College Management System synchroni$es the woring of all the departments. &t loos on all aspects of a college, its students, faculties, Departments, mars and other co 'curricular activities. CMS is the easiest way to manage all functionalities of a college. &t is a value%added service offered by ()*+-, which facilitates colleges to maintain the functionalityrelated to college employees and their students. College Management Software is a simple yet powerful one oint integratedplatform that connects all the various departments of an institution liedministration, ttendance, Staff details and many more speciali$ed modules.

O4E'4IE OF CASE ST6(7: The system C/--)0) DTBS) can be used to manage the data ofall type of educational institutes. &t will support both stand alone and also networing environment.

Fe$tre# o 5ro5o#ed ##te* $re:1. Student dmission 2. Student 3ee Management 4. Student ttendance Management 5. Staff ttendance Management 6. Staff payroll Management 7. -ibrary Management 8. *ser management 9. :ostel management ;. Security Management 1%

1. dmin 2. Student 4. 3aculty 5.?arents

Ad*in:-&t heads the entire college management system and has the responsibility for setting up and maintaining the system administrator.&t may be member of an information technology department. &t is responsible for following things>% 1. *ser access 2. Maintaining system 4. @erify that system wors properly or not. 5. +egular update as new version of /S is easily available. 6. Create file system 7. Create a bacup and recover for the software 8. Set up security policies for users.

Stdent: They have login facility to access all the information related to their courses,mars,fee details.=ith the help of a userid and password they can ensure all the relevant information.They are assigned with an id that has all the data stored for a particular facility.

E*5%oee: They are of two types>% 1. Teaching staff  *nder teaching staff faulty are there which are of different departments. &t includes :/D, dean, :/S as well. 2. (on%teaching *nder non%teaching staff%security worers, cleanliness, department, employees from other department came.  They also have assigned one &D. This id contains all the information related to them.

For*#  This module consists of the following sub modules>% 1. Student +egistration 3orm 2. Student 3ee 3orm 4. Student Mars 3orm 5. Student &D 3orm 6. )mployee Detail 3orm 7. )mployee Salary 3orm 8. )mployee &D 3orm

9. Course Detail 3orm

%AThe Student +egistration 3orm is designed for registering the new student’s details andcourse details. %AThe Student 3ee 3orm is used to enter the student’s fee details.The Student Mars 3orm is designed for %ASubmitting the semester or eam mars of thestudents for a particular course or an individual student %AThe Student &d 3orm is used to create the identity number for each student for different course. %AThe )mployee details form is designed for entering the staff details and other relevant details. %AThe )mployee &d used to create the identity number for each student for different course. %AThe salary form is used to derive the salary for employees. %AThe Course details form is designed for entering the different course available in the campus and other relevant details.

'EO'TS:ll the above mentioned data are stored in the bac end and can be retrieved as reports with filtering options.  The 3ollowing are the reports can be taen from this system>%  1. Student +eport 2. )mployee +eport 4. Course Detail +eport 5. 3ee Detail +eport

'IE Fe$tre# o Or Co%%e)e $n$)e*ent S#te* Sot!$re: 

Si*5%e $nd Eicient 6#er Inter$ce (e#i)n

sall ey elementstaen care of while designing and this maes it *ser 3riendly. 

T9e #ot!$re i# #ecre $nd re%i$b%e

s all maor threats areconsidered and all preventive measures are taen in the software. 

S*$rt 6#er $n$)e*ent

s it assigns different privileges to thedifferent users. (ot only this, you can manually set theparameters for different users. 

ide '$n)e o od%e#

eepingin mind all the reuirements withseparate login for students, teachers, parents and administrator. 

T9e #ot!$re i# F%e;ib%e $nd C#to*i,$b%e

s per your needs. 

Lo! co#t o o!ner#9i5.


Entit Attribte# s we define different entities, we find that we are digging deeper and deeper into details. &t is also a good idea to eep trac of entity attributes as we eep researching the business model. )ntity attributes become table columns when the actual database tables are created. 3or eample, 1.)nrolment E&D   cademicFear Term> Spring#Summer#3all   Section&D Student&D   Date)nrolled   Midterm0rade   3inal0rade 2. Student E&D 3irst (ame -ast (ame College &D   )mail

4. &nstructor  E&D

College &D 3irst (ame -ast (ame +an> &G&nstructor, ?G?rofessor CGDept. Chair Type> 3G3ull Time, Gdunct Department &D

5. Department E&D   (ame Chair &D> Department ChairHs &nstructor &D Contact ?hone Contact )mail

 6. Course E&D   (ame   Description Type> /nline#-ecture#:ybrid Term> Spring#Summer#3all  7. Section E&D   (ame Course &D

Schedule &D &nstructor &D   +oom =e spent some time analysing ICollegeI database and discovered a number of useful relationships between the tables. &n practice, these relationships are established by creation of  ?rimary eys in each table, and 3oreigneys pointing from one table toanother.

 The following diagram shows some of these relationships on my computer>

 Fi)1.1: F i)1.1:-TABLES TABLES Same, Instructor!ast>ame,

*epartment!>ame FROM Instructor, *epartment WHERE

 Instructor!*epartmentI* ? *epartment!I* The result may look like this<

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