Collective bargaining means bargaining between an employer or group of employers and Labour Union. An Agreement between a single employer or an association of employer on the one hand and Labour Union on the other hand which regulates the terms and conditions of employment by Ludw Ludwin ing g Telle ller “
Concept: 1. Technique 2. Indi Indivi vidu dual al Bar Barg gaini aining ng 3. Relation 4. Joint Se Session Collective Bargaining-Principle: Bargaining-Principle: Give & Take
Objectives:: Objectives 1. Harmo rmonies la labou bour relation 2. To Pro Promot mote e Indu Indust stri rial al pea peace ce 3. Reac eaching hing an agr agreeme eemen nt
The main steps usually involved in collective bargaining include:: include (i) (i) Pres Presen enttat atio ion n in a colle ollect ctiv ive e mann manner er to the the employer their demands by the employees, (ii) (ii) Discu Discuss ssion ionss and and nego negoti tiat ation ionss on on the the basi basiss of of mutual give-and-take give-and-take for fulfilling the demands, (iii) (iii) Signing Signing of a forma formall agreem agreemen entt or arrivi arriving ng at at an informal understanding, when negotiations result in mutual satisfaction and (iv) In the the event event of the the failu failure re of of negoti negotiat ation ions, s, a likely likely resort to strike or lock-out to force the opposite party to come to terms.
To sum up collective bargaining enables both the parties to: to : Increase their economic strength for mutual benefit Establish uniform uniform conditions of employment with a view to avoid industrial disputes and maintaining stable peace in the industry; Secure a prompt and fair redressal of grievances; Avoid interruptions in work which follow strikes, strikes, go-slow tactics and similar coercive activities; Lay down fair rates of wages and norms of o f working conditions; Achieve an efficient operation of the plant; and Promote the stability and prosperity of the Industry. Industry.
Collective bargaining process Developing a Bargaining Relationship:
The first step step in CB is to develop a regular and systematic procedure for bargaining. This step consists of three activities, namely: •
Recognition of the Bargaining Agent
Level of Bargaining
Scope and coverage coverage of CB
Recognition of the Bargaining Agent In organizations organizations in which there is a single trade union, that union is generally granted granted recognition to represent the workers. But where there is more than one union, any of these criteria may be used for identifying the representative union, namely: – –
– –
selection of the representative representative union by secret ballot selection through verification of membership by some government agency bargaining bargaining with a joint committee of all major unions bargaining bargaining with a negotiation committee in which different different unions would be represented in proportion to their verified membership; and bargaining bargaining with a negotiation committee which consists of elected representatives representatives of every department of the organization organization selected by secret ballot, irrespective of their union affiliations.
Level of Bargaining Collective bargaining is possible at practically all levels, levels, namely namely,, –
at the level of the enterprise,
at the level of the entire industry in the country or
level of the industry in a particular region
Scope and Coverage of Collective Bargaining •
Wages and working conditions
Work norms
Incentive payments
Job security
Changes in technology
Work tools, techniques and practices
Staff transfers and promotions
Disciplinary matters matters
Health and safety
Insurance and benefits
Union recognition
Union activities/responsibilities
Management rights
Process of Negotiation during Bargaining Bargaining There are two stages in CB •
Negotiation Stage
1. Prep Prepar ara atio tion of Negot egotia iati tio on 2. Nego Negoti tia ation tion Tec Techn hniq ique ue or or proc proced edur ure e 3. Follow Up action •
The stage of contract administration
1.W 1. Wages ages-- Rs. Rs. 50/d 50/da ay 2.Drinki 2. Drinking ng water water 3.Work Hours-12 4.Weekly 6 days working 5.Safety Measures 6.Lu 6. Lunc nch h brea breakk- 15 min min 7.Over 7. Overtime time pay pay 8.Discrimination(Promotions)
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