Collection of Spoken English Expressions

March 8, 2017 | Author: Hasinul Islam | Category: N/A
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Collection of Spoken English Expressions Abu Ula Muhd. Hasinul Islam M.A. in English (R.U.) ELT Professional Course (Marjons, England) Language Trainer Foreign Language Training Centre (FLTC) Rajshahi College, Rajshai

Eureka Book Agency Rajshahi 1

Collection of Spoken English Expressions First Print: January 2010 Publisher: Mohammad Hossain, Eureka Book Agency, No. 9, New Market, Rajshahi 6100, Phone: (0721) 772416 © Copyright: Abu Ula Muhd. Hasinul Islam Computer Graphics: Macron Computers, Sheikhpara, Rajshahi. Printing: Ahmed Offset Printers, Hawkers’ Market, Rajshahi. Price Taka 52 ISBN 984 8214 27 5 2

Dedicated to those people working behind the GOOD WORLD of INTERNET


To be published:

Complete Grammar Practice (for all competitive exams) A Handbook on Communicative Language Teaching (for teachers of secondary level) Most Frequent 3000 Spoken Words Idioms in Stories: M‡í M‡í BwWqg mgMÖ Bs‡iwR mvwnZ¨: cÖvPxb hyM - DËivaywbK hyM (msw¶ßmvi I gš—e¨) 4

Contents Topic / Language Function


Greetings : m¤¢vlY| Introducing Yourself : wb‡Ri cwiPq Dc¯’vcb Kiv| Introducing Other People : Ab¨‡K cwiPq Kwi‡q †`qv| Starting a Conversation : Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ Ki‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq G·‡cÖkb| Closing a Conversation : Kbfv‡m©kb wKfv‡e †kl Ki‡Z nq| Questions and Expressions with Time : mgq Rvb‡Z PvIqv I mgq Rvbv‡bv| Welcoming and Bidding Farewell : mv`‡i Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡bv Ges we`vq Rvbv‡bv| Expressing Thanks : ab¨ev` Rvbv‡bv| Apologizing : ¶gv PvIqv| Describing People : e¨w³i eY©bv| Descriptions of Place/Thing : e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi eY©bv| Informal Contractions : k‡ãi msw¶ß iƒc| Making Suggestions : civgk© †`qv| Requesting : Aby‡iva Kiv| Inviting : Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bv|

13 14 15


17 19 21 22 23 24 24 26 26 27 28 29

Offering : wKQz †`qvi cÖ¯—ve Kiv| Asking for Favors : Kv‡iv AbyMÖn PvIqv| Encouraging Words : Drmvn cÖ`vb Kiv| Telling Someone Bad News : Lvivc msev` †kvbv‡bv| Talking about Abilities : mvg_© cÖKvk Kiv| Expressing Possibility : m¤¢vebv cÖKvk Kiv| Expressing Likes and Dislikes : cQ›` - AcQ›` cÖKk Kiv| Agreeing : Kv‡iv K_vi m‡½ GKgZ nIqv †evSv‡bv| Disagreeing : Kv‡iv m‡½ GKgZ bv nIqv| Asking for and Giving Permission : AbygwZ PvIqv Ges AbygwZ †`Iqv| Asking for and Giving Advice : Dc‡`k PvIqv Ges Dc‡`k †`Iqv| Asking for Directions : †Kvb c‡_ †h‡Z n‡e Zv Rvb‡Z PvIqv| Giving Directions : †Kvb c‡_ †h‡Z n‡e Zv evZ‡j †`qv Talking about Travel : hvZvqvZ ev ågb wel‡q K_v ejv| Talking about Life Events : Rxe‡bi UzK‡iv K_v| Talking about Health : ¯^v¯’¨ m¤^‡Ü K_v ejv| 6

31 32 33 34 35 36 36 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Buying and Selling : µq weµq| Making Plans with Someone for the Holiday : QzwUi mg‡qi Rb¨ eÜzi m‡½ mgq KvUv‡bvi cwiKíbv| Asking for Repetition:cybivq ej‡Z e‡j Aby‡iva Kiv| Using Rejoinders : cÖZz¨Ëi K‡i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©YKvix K_vUzKzi e¨vcv‡i AvMÖn cÖKvk Kiv| Giving Warnings : mZK©evYx Rvbv‡bv| Sequencing : NUbvi cvi¯úh© eY©bv| Asking for and Giving Opinions : gZvgZ PvIqv Ges gZvgZ †`Iqv| Stating a Negative Subject : ‡bwZevPK †Kvb K_v wKfv‡e ej‡Z n‡e| Accepting and Refusing : Kv‡iv Advi ev cÖ¯—ve MÖnb A_ev cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv| Classifying : e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ‡kªYxweb¨vm Kiv| Elaborating : wek`fv‡e wKQz Ly‡j ejvi †Póv| Clarifying : wb‡Ri ev A‡b¨i K_v cwi®‹vi K‡i †evSv‡bv| Interrupting : A‡b¨i K_vi gv‡S ‡KŠk‡j K_v ejv| Giving Instructions : wKfv‡e wb‡`©k PvB‡eb Ges †`‡eb| Discussing Sensitive Topics : ¯úk©KvZi welq wb‡q K_v ejv 7

48 50 52 53 54 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

Indirect Requests and Information Exchange : c‡iv¶ Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bv ev c‡iv¶ gva¨‡g Z_¨ †`qv-‡bqv| Supporting Your Opinions : wbR gZvg‡Zi c‡¶ K_v ejv| Exploring Options : A‡b¨i gZvgZ †LuvRv Ges †kªô cÖ¯—ve ev cwiKíbvi m¤¢ve¨Zvi Rb¨ gZvgZ †bIqv| Contrasting Ideas : wKfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡Z wecixZ e³e¨ Zz‡j ai‡eb| Discussion Techniques:Av‡jvPbv cwiPvjbv †KŠkj| Discussions in a Meeting : wgwUs‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv| Paraphrasing : A‡b¨i e³‡e¨i mvivsk Zz‡j aiv| Guessing : Abygvb cÖKvk K‡i K_v ejv| Stating a Preference : †Kvb we‡kl AbyivM ev Awfi“wP cÖKvk Kiv| Saying 'No' Nicely t f`ªfv‡e ÕbvÕ ej‡Z wkwL| Demanding Explanations : †Kvb e¨vcv‡i ˆKwdqZ PvIqvi wbqg| Giving Explanations : e¨vL¨v †`qv| Making Complaints : Kv‡iv KvR m¤^‡Ü ev †Kvb wel‡q Kv‡iv Kv‡Q Am‡š—vl cÖKvk| Commenting : K_vi gv‡S gš—e¨ Kiv ev wbR¯^ gZvgZ †hvM Kivi †Póv| Being Imprecise : Ah_v_© ev AwbwðZfv‡e K_v ejv| 8

64 65 66 67 68 69 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 79 79

Speaking Conditionally : DccÖ‡gqg~jK ev ev¯—e I Aev¯—e kZ©vaxb K_v ejv| Simple Presentations : e³e¨ Dc¯’vcb †KŠkj| Checking for Understanding : e³e¨ †evSv †M‡Q wKbv Zv ciL Kiv| Showing Understanding : ‡kªvZv wn‡m‡e Avcwb †h Ab¨R‡bi K_v eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb Zv †evSv‡bv| Expressing Lack of Understanding : †kªvZv wn‡m‡e e³vi K_v eyS‡Z bv cvivwU cÖKvk Kiv| Conceding to Make a Point : A‡b¨i Z_¨wU ¯^xKvi K‡i wb‡qI wbR gš—e¨ cÖKvk Kiv| Analyzing Problems : †Kvb mgm¨v wb‡q Av‡jvPbv| Making Appointments : Kv‡iv m‡½ mv¶v‡Zi w`b¶Y wVK Kiv| Describing Your Company : ‡hLv‡b KvR K‡ib †m m¤^‡Ü K_v ejv| Describing Projects : cÖKí cwiKíbv eY©bv| Talking about the Future of Company/Project : †Kv¤úvwb ev cÖ‡R‡±i fwel¨r wel‡q K_v ejv| Describing Jobs : PvKzix m¤^‡Ü mvaviY K_vevZ©v| Asking for Details : we¯—vwiZ Rvbvi Rb¨ cÖkœ Kiv| Telephone Language : ‡dv‡bi fvlv| Helpful Websites 9

81 82 84 84 85 85 86 87 89 90 91 91 93 94 96

f~wgKv GB eBwU †h language material Zz‡j ai‡Q Zv †Kvb †gŠwjKZ¡ `vex K‡i bv| fvlv wk¶vq communicative language teaching aviv cÖPwjZ nIqvi c~‡e© †h functional-notional avibvi e¨envi wQ‡jv †mLv‡b fvlv e¨env‡ii we‡kl we‡kl cwiw¯’wZ mswk­ó †fvKvejvwi ev G·‡cÖk‡bi e¨vcK e¨envi n‡Zv| ‡h †Kvb Kvi‡YB †nvK eûw`b †_‡KB G ai‡bi material ¯úófv‡e Avgv‡`i mvg‡b Avm‡Q bv| Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v ejvi P”P©v Kivi mgq Gme G·‡cÖkb ev †fvKvejvwi A‡bK wk¶v_©x‡KB †ek confident n‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i| GB †QvÆ eBwU‡Z †Zgb 75wU wewfbœ cwiw¯’wZi ev function Gi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq G·‡cÖkb †`qv n‡q‡Q| Z‡e GB ‡QvÆ eBwUi D‡Ïk¨ Gi ‡`‡ni gZB ¶z`ª, wfbœ: Aí GKUz mvnvh¨ Kiv| GZ †QvÆ AvKv‡ii GKwU eB Avcbv‡K KZUzKzB ev mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cvi‡e? Ggb GKwU eB‡qi wPš—v Av‡m Bs‡iwR fvlv wkL‡b wk¶K ev cÖwk¶K wn‡m‡e Avgvi e¨w³MZ AZ…w߇eva Ges Avkvi †P‡q Kg mvdj¨ cÖvwß †_‡K| fvlv wk¶v_©xi g‡a¨ hviv commited Ges fvlv wb‡q experiment Kivi AvMÖn iv‡Lb, fvlvwU‡K wb‡R experience Ki‡Z m‡Pó nb, GB eBwU g~jZ Zv‡`i Rb¨, Zv‡`i‡K wKQzUv mvnvh¨ Kivi Rb¨| Bs‡iwR 10

fvlvq 500000 GiI †ekx kã _vK‡jI GKRb mvaviY Bs‡iwRfvlx e¨w³ cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡b 5000 kã e¨envi K‡i _v‡Kb| ‡mme mvaviY †fvKvejvwi e„w×i cvkvcvwk wewfbœ cwiw¯’wZ‡Z K_v Pvwj‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ g~j Z‡_¨i m‡½ †hme UzK‡iv K_v ev †fvKvejvwi ev G·‡cÖkb cÖ‡qvRb nq †mme hw` Avcbvi Rvbv _v‡K Ges Zvi P”P©v Ki‡Z cv‡ib, Z‡e Avcwb nqZ Av‡iv †ekx confident n‡q DV‡eb| G e¨vcv‡i GB msKjbwU GKRb wk¶v_©x‡K wKQzUv mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i e‡j Avkv KiwQ| fvlv wk¶v_©xi mvd‡j¨i Rb¨ Bs‡iwR‡Z fveyb I gyL dz‡U Zv e‡j †djyb| fve‡Z Kó jv‡M? gv_v wSg wSg K‡i? ZeyI Bs‡iwR ejvi Rb¨ Bs‡iwR‡ZB fveyb| ej‡Z fq nq? †jvKj¾vq †fv‡Mb †h fyj n‡e? ZeyI ejyb| Avcbvi cÖwZw`‡bi mewKQz Bs‡iwR‡Z Kíbv Ki“b| Avi ‘Give your hundred percent’ GB hw` nq g~jgš¿, Zvn‡j mvdj¨ Awbevh©| Ggb GKwU cÖKvkbv mwZ¨ mwZ¨ Kv‡iv †Zgb †Kvb DcKv‡i Avm‡Z cv‡i wKbv G wb‡q Avgvi wØav KvUv‡Z mvnvh¨ K‡i‡Qb ivRkvnx K‡j‡Ri m¤§vwbZ mnKvix MÖš’vMvwiK Rbve †gvnv¤§` gwnDwÏb| K…ZÁZv...| cÖKvkK g‡nv`q‡K ab¨ev`| Avey Djv gynv: nvwmbyj Bmjvg [email protected] 11

Learn a new language and get a new soul. - Czech proverb


Greetings : m¤¢vlY|

AvbyôvwbKZvi cÖ‡qvRb bv _vK‡j Avgiv mPivPi `yÕwU Bs‡iwR wMÖwUsm me‡P †ekx e¨envi Kwi: Hi. A_ev Hello. Gi DËiI GKB: Hi. A_ev Hello. Avi cwiw¯’wZ hw` nq formal, Z‡e mvaviYZ Avgiv ewj: Good morning. (gvS`ycyi ch©š—) ev Good afternoon. (gvS`ycyi Gi ci †_‡K m~h© Wye‡Z ïi“ Kivi mgq ch©š—) ev Good evening. (m~h© †Wvevi ïi“ †_‡K ivZ ch©š—)| Gme wMÖwUsm Gi Dˇi GKB K_v ej‡Z nq| Z‡e Good kãwU ev` w`‡q †Kej Morning ev Afternoon ev Evening-I ejv hvq| GQvov cwiwPZR‡bi m‡½ eûj cwiwPZ wMÖwUsm G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: How are you? Gi DËi mPivPi nq: Fine, thanks. How about you? ev Okay. Thanks. GQvovI AwZ cwiwPZR‡bi m‡½ e¨envi Kiv nq: How are things? ev How's life? A_©wU A‡bKUv Ggb: w`bKvj †Kgb hv‡”Q? wK, fvj †Zv? Ges Ggb wMÖwUsm Gi DËi A‡bKmgq nq Ggb: Not bad. ev Can't complain. A_©vr - GB †Zv, Pj‡Q Avi wK| 13

Gevi Bs‡iwRi GKwU peculiar wMÖwUsm †`wL| cÖ_g cwiwPZ n‡Z hv‡”Qb Ggb `yRb gvbyl wKQzUv formal cwi‡e‡k e‡j: How do you do? Ges Gi DËiI ûeû GKB: How do you do? GB wMÖwUsm Gi Avmj A_© n‡jv: Avcbvi m‡½ cwiwPZ n‡q fvj jvM‡Q| ‘How do you do?’ Gi Dˇi KL‡bvB ej‡eb bv: Fine. How about you? †mwU ejv fyj n‡e| ‡kl K_vwU n‡jv: greetings exchange (m¤¢vlY wewbgq) Gi mgq gy‡L nvwm ☺ ivL‡Z fyj‡eb bv †hb| Introducing Yourself : wb‡Ri cwiPq Dc¯’vcb Kiv|

GLb Informal cwi‡e‡k wb‡R‡K wKfv‡e Dc¯’vcb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i cÖ_‡g Zvi D`vniY †`L‡ev | cÖ_g e¨w³ wKfv‡e cwiPq w`‡”Q Ges Zvi Dˇi Ab¨Rb wK ej‡Q? 1g e¨w³i cwiPq`vb: "Hello, I'm Maria." ev "Hello, my name's Maria." 2q e¨w³i cwiPq`vb: "Hi, I'm Sarah." ev "Hello Maria, I'm Sarah." ev "Nice to meet you, I'm Sarah." 1g e¨w³i DËi: (It's) nice to meet you./(It's) nice meeting you./(It's) good to meet you. A_ev Nice to meet you too. 14

cwiw¯’wZ hw` wKQzUv formal nq Z‡e Gfv‡e wb‡R‡K Dc¯’vcb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: 1g e¨w³i cwiPq`vb: "I'd like to introduce myself. I'm Maria, from the office of the Civil Surgeon, Bogra." ev "Let me introduce myself. I'm Maria from the office of the Civil Surgeon, Bogra." ev "May I introduce myself? I'm Maria from the office of the Civil Surgeon, Bogra." 2q e¨w³i cwiPq`vb: "Nice to meet you. I'm Hasan Ali, from Magura College." ev "Pleased to meet you. I'm Hasan Ali, from Magura College." ev "How do you do? I'm Hasan Ali, from Magura College." 1g e¨w³i DËi: (It's) nice to meet you./(It's) nice meeting you./(It's) good to meet you. A_ev Nice to meet you too. A_ev How do you do? Introducing Other People : Ab¨‡K cwiPq Kwi‡q †`qv|

eÜy¯’vbxq e¨w³‡K A‡b¨i m‡½ informally cwiPq Kwi‡q †`qvi Rb¨ wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq: These are my friends: ... and ... ev This is my friend: ... ev 15

Introducing my friends:... and ... ev Introducing my friend: ... ev I don't think you've met ....

GQvovI Av‡iv Ab¨ wKQz Dcv‡q Ab¨‡K introduce Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: Avcwb: Rafiq, this is Naveed. Naveed, this is Rafiq. iwdK: Nice to meet you, Naveed. (Shakes hands with Naveed.) bvwf`: Nice to meet you too, Rafiq. (Shakes hands with Rafiq.) Avcwb nqZ Avcbvi eÜz‡K Avcbvi colleague Gi m‡½ cwiPq Kwi‡q w`‡Z hv‡”Qb, †mmgq NUbvwU Ggb n‡Z cv‡i: Avcwb ej‡Qb: "Sarah, have you met my colleague John?" ev "Sarah, I'd like you to meet my colleague John." eÜz ej‡jb: "Pleased to meet you, John." ev "Nice to meet you, John." KwjM ej‡jb: "Nice to meet you too, Sarah." ev "Hello, Sarah." Avevi Avcwb Avcbvi cwiwPZ KvD‡K superior Kv‡iv m‡½ cwiPq Kwi‡q w`‡Z hv‡”Qb, †mmgq hv NU‡Z cv‡i: Avcwb: "Mr Morris, I'd like to introduce you to my manager, Mr. Shamsul Mazumder." A_ev "I'd 16

like you to meet (name of your boss). Avcbvi cwiwPZRb: "How do you do?" A_ev "Pleased to meet you." ev "Good to meet you." Avcbvi mywcwiqi: "How do you do?" A_ev "Pleased to meet you too." ev "Good to meet you too."

cwiPq Gi cÖ_g ce© †kl n‡j mvaviY `yÕGKwU K_v ejv †h‡Z cv‡i| †hgb, ejv hvq: How was your journey? ev Is this the first time you’re in this city? ev Hope you’ll enjoy the time here. BZ¨vw`| GKwU welq g‡b ivL‡eb: Kv‡iv m‡½ cÖ_g cwiPq nIqvi mgq Zvi Rb¥ZvwiL, †eZb, eqm BZ¨vw` Rvb‡Z PvIqv wVK †kvfbxq bv| Starting a Conversation: Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ Ki‡Z cÖ‡qvRbxq G·‡cÖkb|

AcwiwPZ weªwUk‡`i g‡a¨ Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“i mgq AvenvIqv welqK K_v PvjvPvwj †ekx N‡U| †hgb: 1g Rb: Nice day, isn’t it? ev It’s an awful day, isn’t it? 2q Rb: Yes, lovely. ev I’ve never seen such an awful day. Gici Zviv wb‡R‡`i bvg-cwiPq wewbgq K‡i| Z‡e 17

AcwiwPZ Av‡gwiKvb‡`i g‡a¨ Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ nq Zviv †K †Kvb ¯’vb †_‡K Avm‡Q Zv Rvbvi gva¨‡g| Avevi, we‡kl K‡i mvaviYfv‡e cwiwPZ e¨w³i m‡½ wMÖwUsm ev ï‡f”Qv wewbgq A_ev ï‡f”Qv wRÁvm¨ w`‡q Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: How's it going? (Gi A_© "How are you?" Gi gZB) ev How's everything? ev How's life? Dˇi ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: OK. ev Not bad. ev Can’t complain. ev So-so. BZ¨vw`| eZ©gv‡b Pjv KvR-Kvievi wb‡q K_v ejv †h‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: What's up? (A_©vr Zzwg GLb ev AvRKvj wK KiQ?) ev What's happening? GQvov Avcbvi Abycw¯’wZ‡Z bZzb wK N‡U‡Q Zv Rvb‡Z †P‡q Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What's new? (†Zvgvi m‡½ †kl †`Lv nIqvi c‡i †Zgb wKQz N‡U‡Q wK?)| Avevi Ab¨Rb‡K bZzb †Kvb NUbv Rvbv‡bvi B”Qv cÖKvk K‡i Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: Guess what? (Avwg †Zvgv‡K wKQz bZzb Lei w`‡Z Pvw”Q, Zzwg Rvb‡Z PvI wK? Gi Dˇi ej‡Z nq: "What?") GKwU D`vniY †`Lv hvK: 1g Rb: Guess what? 2q Rb: 18

What? 1g Rb: I just got a new job. 2q Rb: Congratulations!

wmwiqvm ‡Kvb wel‡q Kbfv‡m©kb ïi“ Ki‡Z PvB‡j ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: Can I talk to you for a minute? ev Do you have a minute? ev Got a minute? Closing a Conversation : Kbfv‡m©kb wKfv‡e †kl Ki‡Z nq|

Kbfv‡m©kb †kl nIqvi w`‡K G‡j Ges Zv †kl Ki‡Z PvB‡j cÖ_g Rb ej‡Z cv‡i: It's been nice talking to you. ev It's been great talking with you. A_ev I really enjoyed meeting you. ev It was nice meeting you, Mr. Hasinul. A_ev I'm sorry, but I have to go now. ev I'm afraid I have to leave now. (GLv‡b ‘I’m afraid’ Gi A_© fq cvIqvi m‡½ mswk­ó bv| GwU GKwU G·‡cÖkb hv †evSvq: I’m sorry to say that...) A_ev Thanks for the information/ the tour/your time. ev Thanks for taking the time to talk with me/us. Dc‡ii K_vi †cÖw¶‡Z GLb Ab¨Rb ej‡e: I'll give you 19

a call. ev I'll send you an e-mail. A_ev We'll send out that information right away. ev I'll have my secretary schedule an appointment. A_ev Could you send me a brochure or some more information? ev Could I contact you by e-mail/at your office? A_ev How do I get in touch with you? ev How can I reach/contact you?

Pjgvb Kbfv‡m©kb Gfv‡e †k‡li w`‡K P‡j Avm‡j K_v ejv GKev‡i †kl Kivi Rb¨ †ek wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: Good-bye ev Bye. ev See you later. ev See ya. (informal) ev Catch you later (informal) A_ev I look forward to seeing you again. ev We'll see you on Friday. ev See you next week. A_ev Let me give you my business card. ev Here's my e-mail/office number. A_ev Let's keep in touch by e-mail. ev We'll be in touch. A_ev Call me if you have any questions. ev E-mail me. BZ¨vw`| Kbfv‡m©kb †kl Kivi GKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: Well, it's been nice talking to you. 2q Rb: Nice talking to 20

you too. 1g Rb: (I'll) see you later. 2q Rb: Bye. Questions and Expressions with Time : mgq Rvb‡Z PvIqv I mgq Rvbv‡bv|

mgq Rvb‡Z PvB‡j cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What time is it? ev What’s the time? ev Could you tell me the time, please?| mgq Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ †hme cwiw¯’wZ n‡Z cv‡i †m Abyhvqx G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv †`qv n‡jv: It’s five o’clock. (c~Y© N›Uvi mgq ÕN›Uv + o’clockÕ e¨envi nq) ev It’s half past five. (Õmv‡oÕ A‡_© Õhalf past + N›UvÕ e¨envi nq) ev It’s quarter past five. (Õ†mvqvÕ A‡_© Õquarter past + N›UvÕ e¨envi nq) ev It’s quarter to five. (Õ†cŠ‡bÕ A‡_© Õquarter to + N›UvÕ e¨envi nq) ev It’s seventeen past five. (Õ†e‡RÕ A‡_© ÕwgwbU + past + N›UvÕ e¨envi nq) ev It’s seventeen to five. (ÕevR‡ZÕ A‡_© ÕwgwbU + to + N›UvÕ e¨envi nq) BZ¨vw`| 1g D`vniY: 1g e¨w³: Can you tell me the time please? 2q e¨w³: It’s seventeen past five. 1g e¨w³: Thanks. 2q D`vniY: 1g e¨w³: Can you tell me the 21

time please? 2q e¨w³: Sorry, I don’t have a watch./Sorry, my watch isn’t working. 1g e¨w³: That’s OK. Welcoming and Bidding Farewell : mv`‡i Af¨_©bv Rvbv‡bv Ges we`vq Rvbv‡bv|

‡KD hLb †Kv_vI †cuŠ‡Qb, ZLb †m ¯’v‡bi host e¨w³ Zv‡K mv`‡i MÖnb K‡ib| †mmgq †hme Drmvn cÖ`vbKvix G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq Zv n‡jv: Welcome. ev Welcome back! ev Welcome to Xenon Enterprises. ev Welcome to Dhaka. I'm Ruby Dheera. ev Come in. ev It's good to meet you. (cÖ_g †`Lvi mgq) ev It's good to see you again. (cÖ_gevi †`Lv nIqvi ci Avevi †`Lv n‡j) ev I hope you had a nice flight. ev Thanks for coming. ev I'm glad you came. BZ¨vw`| Gmgq Guest ej‡Z cv‡ib: It's good to be here. ev Thanks for inviting me. Awdm wmPy¨‡qk‡b Av‡M ‡`Lv nqwb Ggb KvD‡K welcome Kivi `ywU D`vniY †`wL| 1g D`vniY: †nv÷: 22

Are you Ms Shaila? †M÷: Yes, I am. †nv÷: I'm Paula Ray. We talked by telephone. Welcome to Rajshahi. It's nice to meet you in person. †M÷: Nice meeting you too. †nv÷: How was your flight? †M÷: Okay, but very long. 2q D`vniY: You must be Ms. Shaila. †M÷: That's right. †nv÷: It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Naveed Hasan. Welcome to RajTech. †M÷: Thank you. †nv÷: Did you have any problem finding this place? †M÷: No, your directions were very clear.

‡KD hLb †Kvb ¯’vb Z¨vM Ki‡Qb †mmgq †m ¯’v‡bi †nv÷ e¨w³ wn‡m‡e Avcwb ej‡Z cv‡ib: It's been nice talking with you. ev Have a good/nice day. ev Have a nice weekend. ev Have a nice trip. ev Have fun. ev Keep in touch. BZ¨vw`| Gmgq Guest ej‡Z cv‡ib: Nice talking to you too. ev Same to you. ev I really had a good time. BZ¨vw`| Expressing Thanks : ab¨ev` Rvbv‡bv|

wK K_v e‡j ab¨ev` Rvbv‡Z nq? ab¨ev` Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ cÖPwjZ G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv n‡jv: Thanks ev Thank you ev 23

Thank you very much ev I appreciate it. Avi Gi Dˇi ejv nq: Welcome ev You’re welcome ev Not at all. ev Don’t mention it. ev That’s OK. BZ¨vw`|

ab¨ev` Rvbv‡bvi K‡qKwU D`vniY †`qv n‡jv: Thanks for the tour. ev Thanks for your time. ev Thank you for the nice gift. ev I appreciate your kindness. ev I appreciate your hospitality. ev I appreciate your lending me the car. Apologizing : ¶gv PvIqv|

‡Kvb Kvi‡Y ¶gv PvB‡Z n‡j Ri“ix wKQz G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I'm sorry. ev I made a mistake. ev Please accept my apologies. ev I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ... ev (I'm) sorry. I didn't realize that ... BZ¨vw`| Ggb G·‡cÖk‡bi Dˇi f`ªfv‡e ejv nq: That's okay. ev No problem. Describing People : e¨w³i eY©bv|

e¨w³i kvixwiK eY©bvi Rb¨ ‘look like’ e¨envi nq Ges e¨w³‡Z¡i eY©bvi Rb¨ ‘be like’ e¨envi nq| K‡qKwU 24

D`vniY †`Lyb| kvixwiK eY©bv: 1) cÖkœ: What does your father look like? DËi: He's young, short and handsome. He has straight black hair and black eyes. He has a moustache. 2) cÖkœ:What does your mother look like? DËi: She's tall, thin and beautiful. She has blonde (†mvbvjx Pzj) hair and wears glasses. e¨w³‡Z¡i eY©bv: cÖkœ: What is Naveed like? DËi: He's funny, cute and really rich. He reminds me of that guy on the regular Midnight Talk Show of Channel RajBangla. GQvovI Av‡iv wewfbœfv‡e e¨w³i eY©bv PvIqv n‡Z cv‡i Ges †m Abyhvqx DËiI wewfbœ iKg n‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: 1. cÖkœ: Tell me about your father. What kind of person is he? DËi: Well, he's very friendly, smart and intelligent. 2. cÖkœ: How about your little sister? DËi: She’s a pretty little creature. Everybody adores her. e¨w³i eY©bvi mgq Zvi †cvlvK, Mnbv, Pkgv BZ¨vw`i eY©bvI ¸i“Z¡c~Y©: 1. cÖkœ: What is your brother wearing? DËi: He's wearing light brown pants 25

and an orange t-shirt. 2. cÖkœ: What kind of shoes does he have (on)? DËi: Sneakers, and he's wearing white socks. Description of Place/Thing : e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi eY©bv|

e¯‘ ev ¯’v‡bi eY©bvi Rb¨ Tell me about ... ev What did you think of ... c¨vUvb© e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| `ywU D`vniY: 1. cÖkœ: Tell me about your new apartment. DËi: Well, it's pretty small. It only has two rooms and a bathroom. But it's comfortable enough for me. 2. cÖkœ: What did you think of the Himalayas? DËi: Well, the view was gorgeous. Of course, it took two days to get there, and the weather was freezing! Informal Contractions : k‡ãi msw¶ß iƒc|

GLv‡b †Kej informal contraction-¸‡jv Zz‡j aiwQ †h¸‡jv mPivPi eB‡q cvIqv hvq bv| Z‡e Gme contraction †Kvb formal cwi‡e‡k e¨envi Kiv wVK bv| 1. (whatcha = what are you) Whatcha going to do? (whatcha = what have you) Whatcha got 26

there? 2. (ya = you) Who saw ya? 3. (ain't = am not/are not/is not) I ain't sure. You ain't my boss. 4. (ain't = has not/have not) I ain't done it. She ain't finished yet. 5. (gimme = give me) Gimme your money. Can you gimme a hand? 6. (gonna = going to) Nothing's gonna change my love for you. What are you gonna do? 7. (gotta = (have) got a) I've gotta gun. I gotta gun. Have you gotta car? 8. (gotta = (have) got to) I've gotta go now. I gotta go now. 9. (kinda = kind of) She's kinda cute. 10. (lemme = let me) Lemme go! 11. (wanna = want to) I wanna go home. 12. (wanna = want a) I wanna coffee. Making Suggestions : civgk© †`qv|

‡Kvb e¨w³ ev `‡ji mvg‡b †Kvb cÖ¯—ve Kiv ev civgk© †`qvi mgq †hme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq †m¸‡jv n‡jv: I think you should... ev I don't think you should... ev Maybe you should... ev Why don't you... ev Why don't we... ev Let's... ev Let's not... BZ¨vw`| cÖ¯—ve ev civgk© MÖnb Kiv n‡j †hme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv 27

nq †m¸‡jv n‡jv: That's a good idea. ev Thanks for the advice. ev Good suggestion. ev Sounds like a good idea. K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1. 1g Rb: I think you should buy the blue one. 2q Rb: That's a good idea. 2. 1g Rb: I don't think you should sell this piece of land. 2q Rb: Thanks for the advice, but I really need the money. 3. 1g Rb: Let's go to the cinema tonight. 2q Rb: Sorry, I can't. I'm meeting relatives for dinner at home. 4. 1g Rb: Why don't we go cycling on Friday? 2q Rb: Sounds like a good idea. Where do you want to go? 5. 1g Rb: Why don't you come with me to Dinazpur Kantazi Temple? 2q Rb: Thanks, but I've already been there. Requesting : Aby‡iva Kiv|

Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ Bs‡iwRi me©Rbxb kã n‡jvPlease| GQvovI wKQz c¨vUvb© ev G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq| GLv‡b D`vniY †mb‡Uݸ‡jv‡Z †mme G·‡cÖkb‡K 28

BUvwj‡· †`Lv‡bv n‡jv: Help me. ev Please help me. ev Will you help me? ev Could you help me? ev Would you please help me? ev Would you mind helping me? ev Could you possibly help me out here? ev Would you mind if I asked you to ... ev Would you be so kind as to help me (with this)? ev Could you do me a favor? ev Do you have a minute? ev Can you spare a few minutes? ev Could I ask you a favor? ev (If you're not busy) I could use your help. BZ¨vw`| Kv‡iv mvnvh¨ PvIqvi Dˇi nu¨v-‡evaK DËi n‡Z cv‡i: Okay, no problem. ev Sure, I'd be glad to. A_ev bv-‡evaK DËiI n‡Z cv‡i: Sorry, I'm (kind of) busy now. ev I'm sorry. I don't have time right now. BZ¨vw`| Inviting : Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bv|

KvD‡K †Kvb Kv‡R Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bvi informal G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv n‡jv: Would you like to... ev We're going to... Would you like to come along? ev 29

There's a... (time). Would you like to go? ev How about (V+ing)...? ev Do you want to...? ev I wonder if you would like to... ev I was wondering if you would like to... BZ¨vw`| KvD‡K †Kvb Kv‡R Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bvi formal G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv n‡jv: I'd like to invite you to... ev If you have time, I'd like to invite you... ev Would you like to join us for (NUbv) at (mgq) ? ev We'd be glad to have you accompany us...ev We'd be honored to have you as our guest at... BZ¨vw`|

GKwU welq Aek¨ g‡b ivLv †h‡Z cv‡i| †mwU n‡jvG‡Kev‡i ûU K‡i Avgš¿YwU bv Rvwb‡q bx‡Pi 1 bs D`vni‡Yi gZ cÖ_‡g Acic¶‡K cÖ¯‘Z K‡i wb‡q Avgš¿Y Rvbv‡bv fvj| Gevi K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1) 1g Rb: Do you have time on Friday? 2q Rb: Yes, I do. Why do you ask? 1g Rb: There's a concert at the Tennis Complex. Would you like to go with me? 2q Rb: Sure! I'd love to. 2) 1g Rb: Do you want to go for a walk? 2q Rb: No thanks. I'm kind of tired right now. 3) 1g Rb: Would you like to go 30

cycling this weekend? 2q Rb: Sure, I'd love to. What time should we meet? 4) 1g Rb: How would you like to play badminton tomorrow? 2q Rb: Sounds like a great idea. Where do you want to go? Offering : wKQz †`qvi cÖ¯—ve Kiv|

KvD‡K wKQz †`qvi cÖ¯—ve Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ wKQz informal G·‡cÖkb Gi †Pnviv I e¨envi †`wL: 1) 1g Rb: Cigarette? 2q Rb: No, thank you. 2) 1g Rb: Would you like some coffee? 2q Rb: Yes, please. 3) 1g Rb: How about a glass of water? 2q Rb: Sure. Thanks. 4) 1g Rb: Here. Have a/some... 2q Rb: Okay. Thanks. 5) 1g Rb: Would you like one of these? 2q Rb: I really shouldn't. 6) 1g Rb: Can I get you something? 2q Rb: No. Thanks anyway. 7) 1g Rb: Can I get you something to drink? 2q Rb: Juice would be fine. 8) 1g Rb: Can I get you some milk or something? 2q Rb: Thanks. Well, a glass of 31

water would be okay. 9) 1g Rb: Would you like some beer? 2q Rb: No thanks. I don't drink. 1g Rb: How about a cup of coffee? 2q Rb: I'd rather not have coffee. 1g Rb: Orange juice? 2q Rb: That would be fine. Thanks.

‡Kvb cÖ¯—ve Kivi mgq formal wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq: Would you care for some... ev Would you like to try... ev Let me offer you... ev Let me get you a/some...BZ¨vw`| Asking for Favors : Kv‡iv AbyMÖn PvIqv|

cÖ_‡gB `iKvi nq Ab¨ c‡¶i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©‡Yi| A‡b¨i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©‡Yi Rb¨ Ri“ix G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: Excuse me! ev Pardon me! ev Sorry to bother you, but ... BZ¨vw`| Kv‡iv AbyMÖn ev †Kvb Kv‡R mvnvh¨ PvIqvi Rb¨ e¨eüZ c¨vUvb© I †mb‡UÝ Gi D`vniY †`wL: Could you do me a favor? ev Can you open the door for me? ev Will you hand me a pencil? ev Would you turn on the air conditioner? ev Could you help me 32

with these boxes? ev Would you please turn down the music? ev Could you possibly give me a ride home? ev Would you mind taking a picture for us? ev Would you be so kind as to lend me your cell phone?

AbyMÖn cÖvw߇Z ej‡Z n‡e: Thanks for your help. ev Thank you so much. ev Thanks, I really appreciate it. GKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: Excuse me, could you do a favor? 2q Rb: Sure, what is it? 1g Rb: Could you help me move these chairs? 2q Rb: No problem./I'd be glad to. 1g Rb: Thanks a lot. Encouraging Words : Drmvn cÖ`vb Kiv|

Drmvn cÖ`vb Kivi Rb¨ wewfbœ G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv hvq| †KD †Kvb KvR Ki‡Z hv‡”Qb †mmgq ej‡Z cv‡ib: Good luck! ev Good luck on your test/job interview. ev You can do it! ev Do your best. ev Do the best you can. ev Work hard. Avevi Kv‡iv fvj Kv‡R Drmvn w`‡q ejv hvq: Keep up the good work. BZ¨vw`| 33

Kv‡iv Lvivc mg‡q ev †KD †Kvb fyj KvR K‡i †dj‡j cieZ©x‡Z †h fvj wKQz n‡e Zv †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ Zv‡K Avk¦¯— Ki‡Z ejv hv‡e: Take it easy. ev Don't worry. ev That's okay. ev It's going to be all right. ev Everything will be fine. ev No problem. BZ¨vw`| mymsev` †kvbvi ci Drmvn cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: Wow! ev That's great! ev That's wonderful. ev That's really good news. ev I'm glad/happy to hear that. ev Congratulations! ev Good for you! ev Good job! BZ¨vw`| `y:msev` †kvbvi ci mngwg©Zv cÖKvk K‡i Drmvn cÖ`v‡bi Rb¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: That's too bad. ev That's really sad. ev That's terrible! (Lye Lvivc msev‡`i Rb¨) ev I'm sorry to hear that. (‡h †Kvb Kó`vqK msev‡`i Rb¨) BZ¨vw`| Telling Someone Bad News : Lvivc msev` †kvbv‡bv|

KvD‡K Lvivc msev` Rvbv‡bvi mgq Ggb †Kvb K_v e‡j ïi“ Ki‡Z nq hv‡Z K‡i Aci e¨w³ gvbwmKfv‡e cÖ¯‘Z 34

n‡Z cv‡i| GKBm‡½ †m e¨w³i Rb¨ mg‡e`bvI Rvbv‡bv nq| Ggb wKQz G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I'm sorry (I have) to tell you this, but ... ev I hate to tell you this, but ... ev I don't know how to tell you this, but ... ev I have some bad news. BZ¨vw`| Talking about Abilities : mvg_© cÖKvk Kiv|

Kv‡iv mvg_© m¤^‡Ü K_v ejvi Rb¨ g~jZ can, be able to, be good at Ges know how to †ekx e¨envi nq| Z‡e do fv‡e©i e¨env‡ii c¨vUvb©I A‡bKmgq e¨eüZ nq| Gevi K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1) I can swim 100 meters. 2) Do you cook? Yes I do. 3) He is good at ping pong. 4) You really know how to throw a party. 5) They are able to walk ten miles in two hours. Av‡iv K‡qKwU D`vniY: 6) Can you play the piano? Yes, but not very well. 7) How about the guitar? (I can play) a little. 8) Can Naveed ride a bike? No, he can't. He's too young. 9) Does Jules speak Mandarin? Yes, she speaks very well. 10) Do you sing? Not really. I have no talent in that area. 11) Is Natasha good at dancing? Yes, she's 35

a great dancer. 12) Can you play a musical instrument? Yes, I play the flute. How well do you play? So-so. Expressing Possibility : m¤¢vebv cÖKvk Kiv|

m¤¢vebvi K_v ejvi Rb¨ Avgiv mvaviYZ K‡qKwU kã e¨envi K‡i _vwK| †m¸‡jv n‡jv: may, might, can, could, maybe, perhaps ev probably BZ¨vw`| K‡qKwU D`vniY: 1) 1g Rb: We could go (and) see a movie. 2q Rb: That would be fun. Or we could go out for a walk by the river. 2) 1g Rb: My 80 years old grandma might not make it this winter. 2q Rb: That's too bad. I hope she feels better soon. 3) 1g Rb: I may be in next Monday. 2q Rb: Well, let me know what you decide. Expressing Likes and Dislikes : cQ›` - AcQ›` cÖKvk Kiv|

cQ‡›`i K_v ej‡Z wM‡q like kãwUi e¨envi Lye cÖ‡qvRb n‡jI like/would like GB `ywU †fvKvejvwi A‡bKmgq ‡Mvj‡g‡j n‡q hvq| ZvB G‡`i e¨envi †`Lv‡bv n‡jv| 36

Would like A_© ÕAvcbv‡K cQ›` Kivi my‡hvM †`qv n‡j Avcwb †KvbwU †e‡Q †b‡ebÕ Ges like A_© Õmivmwi Avcwb wK cQ›` K‡ibÕ| Liking Ges disliking †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ like kãwUi e¨envi me‡P †ekx nq| ‘Like’ kãwUi e¨env‡ii D`vniY: cÖkœ: What kind of friend(s) do you like? DËi: I like someone who is easygoing./I like a person who has talent./I like people who are kind. ‘Would like’ Gi e¨env‡ii D`vniY: cÖkœ: What kind of person would you like to marry? DËi: I would like someone who has a lot of money./I like a man/woman/person who is friendly.

Gev‡i cQ›`-AcQ›` Rvb‡Z PvIqvi cÖkœ I DËi †`qvi ai‡bi Av‡iv K‡qKwU D`vniY †`L‡ev| 1) cÖkœ: Does Naveed like swimming? n¨uv-‡evaK DËi: Yes, he does. 2) cÖkœ: Does Hasinul like soft drinks? bv‡evaK DËi: No, he doesn't. 3) cÖkœ: Do you like Chinese food? DËi: A little. 37

Gev‡i Avgiv cÖkœ Qvov mvaviYfv‡e Kv‡iv cQ›`-AcQ›` wel‡q K_v ejv ïi“ K‡i wKfv‡e K_v G‡Mvq Zv †`wL: 1g D`vniY: 1g Rb: Ms. Yeasmin doesn't like coffee. 2q Rb: Really? Does she like tea? 2q D`vniY: 1g Rb: Naveed does not like action movies. 2q Rb: Oh. What kind does he like? Agreeing : Kv‡iv K_vi m‡½ GKgZ nIqv †evSv‡bv|

Kv‡iv K_vi m‡½ GKgZ nIqv †evSv‡bvi †¶‡Î K‡qKwU G·‡cÖkb e¨envi nq| Aek¨ nu¨v-‡evaK K_vi m‡½ GKgZ n‡j GKiKg, Avevi bv-‡evaK K_vi m‡½ GKgZ n‡j Av‡iKiKg cwiw¯’wZ nq| cÖ_‡g postive agreement Gi e¨envi †`wL| Avcwb Kv‡iv nu¨v-‡evaK K_vi m‡½ GKgZ n‡j †mvRvmywR ej‡Z cv‡ib: I agree. ev You're right. ev That's right. ev Good idea. ev I think that's a good idea. GQvov Aek¨ ‘so’ Ges ‘too’ kã`ywU cÖvqB positive agreement Gi m‡½ e¨envi Kiv nq| G¶‡Î g‡b ivLyb, ‘too’ mvaviYZ †mb‡UÝ Gi †k‡l Ges ‘so’ ïi“‡Z e¨envi nq| ‘So’ e¨envi Ki‡j question order ev 38

cÖkœ‡evaK c¨vUvb© e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| GKwU D`vniY †`Lyb: 1g Rb: I'm in a hurry. 2q Rb: So am I./I am too./Me too. Av‡iKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: I need to go to the bathroom. 2q Rb: So do I./I do too./Me too. Gevi Avgiv negative agreement Gi e¨envi †`wL| Avcwb Kv‡iv bv-‡evaK K_vi m‡½ GKgZ n‡j Dc‡ii gZ ‘so’ Gi e`‡j ‘neither’ Ges ‘too’ Gi e`‡j ‘either’ e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| g‡b ivL‡eb, ‘neither’ e¨envi n‡e ‘positive’ verbs Gi m‡½ Ges ‘either’ e¨envi n‡e ‘negative’ verbs Gi m‡½| GKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1g Rb: I'm not hungry. 2q Rb: Neither am I./I'm not either. Av‡iKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: Tamanna doesn't like the rainy season. 2q Rb: Neither does Lisa./Lisa doesn't either. Disagreeing : Kv‡iv m‡½ GKgZ bv nIqv|

Avcwb Kv‡iv m‡½ GKgZ bv n‡j †mvRvmywR ej‡Z cv‡ib: I disagree. ev I don't think so. ev (No.) That's not right. ev Yes, but... ev (I'm sorry, but) I don't 39

agree. GKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1g Rb: I think Barak Obama would make a great President. 2q Rb: I disagree./I don't think so.

A‡b¨i g‡Zi m‡½ wØgZ †cvlY Kivi mgq wecixZ gZwUI D‡j­L Ki‡Z cvwi| G‡¶‡Î Aw·wjqvix fve© Gi e¨envi Kiv nq| GKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1g Rb: I don't like chocolate ice cream. 2q Rb: Well, I do. A‡b¨i m‡½ wØgZ cÖKvk Kivi Av‡iv K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: I'm afraid I have to disagree with you. ev Don't get me wrong, I just think we should look at some other options before making a decision. ev Even so, if we change courses this late, we might not get a good grade. ev Very true, but we still need to get the garden in shape before arranging the function. Asking for and Giving Permission : AbygwZ PvIqv Ges AbygwZ †`Iqv|

AbygwZ PvIqvi Rb¨ Avgv‡`i‡K MÖvgv‡ii mvnvh¨ wb‡Z nq| G‡¶‡Î can, may ev could Gi e¨envi nq †ekx| ‡hgb: 40

Can I ask you a question? ev May I have a piece of cake? ev Could I get your permission to go to the new site?

GQvov K‡qKwU we‡kl G·‡cÖkb e¨envi K‡iI AbygwZ PvIqv nq| GLv‡b G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv BUvwj‡· †`Lv‡bv n‡jv: 1) Do you mind if I smoke? 2) Would you mind if I asked you something? 3) Is it okay if I sit here? 4) Would it be all right if I borrowed your lawn mower? AbygwZ †`qvi mgq Avgiv Lye mvaviY wZbwU kã ev †d«R e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi: Sure. ev Go ahead. ev No problem. Asking for and Giving Advice : Dc‡`k PvIqv Ges Dc‡`k †`Iqv|

Dc‡`k PvIqvi Rb¨ wKQz cÖvZ¨wnK cÖkœ n‡jv: What do you think I should do? ev What do you suggest? ev What would you do (in this situation)? BZ¨vw`| Dc‡`k †`qvi Rb¨ wKQz cÖ‡qvRbxq †mb‡UÝ c¨vUv‡b©i e¨envi GLv‡b †`Lv‡bv n‡”Q| Gme c¨vUv‡b© should ev 41

ought to ev had better ev conditional Gi e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: I think you should get a lawyer. ev Maybe you should try some other place. ev Why don't you call the police? ev If I were you, I would tell her. ev I don't think you should work so hard. ev You ought to work less. ev You ought not to work so hard. ev If I were you, I'd work less. ev If I were in your position, I'd work less. ev If I were in your shoes, I'd work less. ev You had better work less. ev You shouldn't work so hard. ev Whatever you do, don't work so hard. Asking for Directions : †Kvb c‡_ †h‡Z n‡e Zv Rvb‡Z PvIqv|

A‡Pbv RvqMvq wbw`©ó †Kvb RvqMvq hvIqvi Rb¨ Avgiv memgq KvD‡K bv KvD‡K wR‡Ám Kwi| †Kvb c‡_ †h‡Z n‡e Zv Rvb‡Z PvIqvi Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖkœ Kiv hvq: Where is (the)...? ev How do you get to (the)...(from here)? ev How do I get to (the)...? ev Can you tell me how to get to (the)...? ev Can you give me 42

directions to (the)...? ev What's the best way to get to (the)...?

K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1. cÖkœ: Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here? DËi: Yeah. There's one right across the street. 2. cÖkœ: Can you tell me how to get to Natasha’s Herbal? DËi: Sorry. I don't live around here. 3. cÖkœ: Where's Eureka Book Store? DËi: It's on the corner of Sonadighir Morh. Next to the mosque. 4. cÖkœ: How do you get to the bank? DËi: Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Freedom Street. Stay on Freedom for half a block. It's on the left hand side. Giving Directions : †Kvb c‡_ †h‡Z n‡e Zv evZ‡j †`qv|

hLb †KD Avgv‡`i‡K wR‡Ám K‡i: Can you tell me how to get to (the)...? ev fvB/Avcy, AgyK RvqMvq †h‡Z n‡j †Kvb c‡_ hv‡ev?| ZLb Avgiv Zv‡`i‡K c_Uv evZ‡j w`B| w`K evZ‡j †`qvi mgq e¨eüZ wKQz ¸i“Z¡c~Y© 43

†fvKvejvwi n‡jv: opposite, near, next to, between, at the end (of), on/at the corner, behind, in front of, (just) around the corner, traffic lights, crossroads, junction, signpost, Go straight on (until you come to...), Turn back./Go back., Turn left/right, Go along..., Cross..., Take the first/second road on the left/right, It's on the left/right., straight on BZ¨vw`| GLv‡b c_ wPwb‡q †`qvi GKwU D`vniY †`wL: (First,) go down this street (for... blocks). (Then,) turn left/right at the traffic light. (After that,) go straight on... Street until you get to the... (When you get to the...,) turn left/right again. (Then,) stay on... Street for about... yards/meters. It's on your left, next to the.... You can't miss it! Talking about Travel : hvZvqvZ ev ågb wel‡q K_v ejv|

hvZvqvZ wel‡q K_v ejvi Rb¨ cÖ‡qvRbxq wKQz G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: How do you (usually) get to work/school? ev How long does it take (to get there)? ev It 44

takes about ... minutes/hours. ev What's the best way to get to ...? ev By train/bus. ev Do you take public transportation? ev I walk or ride my bike. ev I usually take the subway. BZ¨vw`|

Avgiv K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL| 1. cÖkœ: How do you get to work? DËi: I usually drive my car./I usually go by rickshaw. 2. cÖkœ: How long does it take? DËi: It takes half an hour. 3. cÖkœ: How often do you ride the bus? DËi: Once in a while. 4. cÖkœ: Do you ever walk to work? DËi: No, that would take forever. 5. cÖkœ: How are you going to get there? DËi: By bus./On foot. 6. cÖkœ: Why don't you fly? DËi: Airplane tickets are too expensive. Talking about Life Events : Rxe‡bi UzK‡iv K_v|

Avgv‡`i‡K cÖvqB wb‡R‡`i Rb¥ZvwiL, Rb¥¯’vb, †jLvcov, we‡q-_v ev evev-gv m¤^‡Ü K_v ej‡Z nq| Gm‡ei Rb¨ †h wbw`©ó G·‡cÖkb Av‡Q Zv bq| Z‡e †ek wKQz cÖPwjZ cÖkœ e¨envi n‡q _v‡K| †hgb: 1. cÖkœ: When is your birthday? DËi: December 20(th). cÖkœ: What 45

year? DËi: That's personal. 2. cÖkœ: Were you born and raised here? DËi: No. I wasn't. 3. cÖkœ: Did Natasha grow up here? DËi: Yes, she did. 4. cÖkœ: Where did Lisa go to school? DËi: In Mymensing Girls’ Cadet College. 5. cÖkœ: Which university did Rita go to? DËi: Dream University of Bangladesh. 6. cÖkœ: When will she graduate? DËi: Next April. 7. cÖkœ: When did they get married? DËi: They got married in June. 8. cÖkœ: When was your son born? DËi: Two months ago. 9. cÖkœ: What day is your wedding anniversary? DËi: It's July 17th. 10. cÖkœ: When did they move to Pittsburgh? DËi: Last September. 11. cÖkœ: When did his grandfather pass away/die? DËi: Five years ago. Talking about Health : Avgv‡`i ¯^v¯’¨ m¤^‡Ü K_v ejv|

cÖ_‡g Avgiv kvixwiK Amyweav cÖKv‡ki wKQz Bs‡iwR kã ev ‡fvKvejvwi †`wL: I’ve got diarrhoea / flu / food poisoning / a fever / a cold / a sore throat etc. My 46

nose is runny. / I’ve got a runny nose (mw`© jvM‡j runny nose k㸔Q e¨envi nq) / I can’t stop sneezing. / I keep going to the toilet.

Gevi cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡b ¯^v¯’¨ wel‡q wKQz K_vi D`vniY †`Lv hvK: 1) 1g Rb: How do you feel? 2q Rb: I'm fine. 1g Rb: That's good. 2) 1g Rb: How are you feeling? 2q Rb: Not too good. 1g Rb: Sorry to hear that. 3) 1g Rb: Is everything okay? 2q Rb: I feel sick. 4) 1g Rb: That's too bad. 5) 1g Rb: What's wrong? 2q Rb: I have a headache. 1g Rb: Here's some aspirin. 6) 1g Rb: What's the matter? 2q Rb: My leg hurts. 1g Rb: Let me help you. 7) 1g Rb: Are you all right? 2q Rb: I cut my hand. 1g Rb: That looks serious. 8) 1g Rb: What happened? 2q Rb: He broke his arm. 1g Rb: Call the ambulance! 10) 1g Rb: How are you feeling today? 2q Rb: Not very good. I have a headache. 1g Rb: That's too bad. 11) 1g Rb: How do you feel today? 2q Rb: Great. How about you? 1g Rb: Pretty good. 47

Buying and Selling : µq weµq|

‡Kvb wKQz †Kbv †ePvi †¶‡Î K‡qKwU NUbv N‡U| †µZv wKQz Rvb‡Z Pvq, we‡µZvI wKQz Rvb‡Z Pvq Ges Df‡qB †m Abyhvqx respond K‡i| Avevi †`vKv‡b †XvKvi mgq hv N‡U, †ei nIqvi mgq wfbœ wKQz N‡U| GiKg wKQz cwiw¯’wZ‡Z mPivPi e¨eüZ G·‡cÖkb Zz‡j aiv n‡”Q| ‡µZv †`vKv‡b †XvKvi ci ‡µZv‡K †`‡L we‡µZv ev †mjm GwmmU¨v›U hv ej‡eb: May I help you? ev Can I help you? ev Can I help you find something? ev What can I do for you? Gmgq we‡µZv ev †mjm GwmmU¨v›U Gi cÖ‡kœi Dˇi †µZv ej‡Z cv‡ib: Yes. I'm looking for... ev Do you have any...(s)? ev Can you tell me where the... is/are? Avevi ‡µZv †`vKv‡b †XvKvi ci hw` †mB †µZvB cÖ_‡g we‡µZv ev †mjm GwmmU¨v›U Gi m‡½ K_v e‡j Zvn‡j ej‡Z cv‡ib: Excuse me. Do you work here? ev Can you help me? ev Can I ask you something? GQvov `vg Rvbv I Zv cwi‡kva Kivi Rb¨ †µZv we‡µZv †hfv‡e K_v ej‡Z cv‡ib Zv n‡jv: ‡µZv: How much is 48

this sweater?/are these sandals? we‡µZv: It's ... tk only./They're... taka. ‡µZv: Here’s a five hundred taka note. we‡µZv: Here’s your change. ‡µZv: Thanks. we‡µZv: You’re welcome.

‡µZv hLb †`vKvb †_‡K †ei n‡q hv‡”Q †mmgq we‡µZv ev †mjm GwmmU¨v›U ej‡Z cv‡ib: Did you find everything you needed? ev Did you find what you were looking for? ev Did you find everything okay? ev Will that be all (for today)? ev Is that everything? ev (Will there be) anything else? ‡µZv hLb †`vKvb †_‡K †ei n‡q hv‡”Q †mmgq we‡µZv ev †mjm GwmmU¨v›U Gi cÖ‡kœi Dˇi †µZv ej‡Z cv‡ib: That's all for today. ev That's it. Thanks. me‡k‡l GKwU D`vniY †`wL| GLv‡b †µZv Avm‡j wKQz wKb‡e bv, †Kej N~‡iwd‡i †`L‡Q| †mjm GwmmU¨v›U: Is there something I can help you with? ev Can I help you find something? ‡µZv: No, I'm just browsing./No, thanks. I’ll try another day. †mjm GwmmU¨v›U: Thanks anyway. Ok. 49

Making Plans with Someone for the Holiday : QzwUi mg‡qi Rb¨ eÜzi m‡½ mgq KvUv‡bvi cwiKíbv|

Ab¨ KvD‡K m‡½ wb‡q hw` mgq KvUv‡bvi cwiKíbv Ki‡Z Pvb Zvn‡j ‡m e¨w³ Avcbv‡K mgq w`‡Z cvi‡e wKbv Zv cÖ_‡g †R‡b wb‡Z n‡e| GRb¨ cÖ_‡g ‡hme cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i Zv n‡jv: Are you free this Friday? ev What are you doing this weekend? ev Are you busy tonight? ev Do you have time after class? Avevi Ab¨ ‡KD hw` Avcbv‡K Agb cÖkœ K‡i Ges Avcwb hw` mgq w`‡Z cv‡ib Ges ‡mB e¨w³‡K Avcwb mgq w`‡Z AvMÖnx nb Zvn‡j ej‡eb: Sure! Do you want to do something? ev I'm free all weekend. ev I'm open this evening. ev I don't have anything scheduled. Ab¨e¨w³ hw` wd« _v‡Kb Ges Avcbv‡K mgq w`‡Z Pvb, Z‡e GLb GKwU NUbv NU‡e| Ab¨c¶ nu¨v-‡evaK DËi w`‡j Avcwb cÖ¯—veKvix n‡j GLb wbw`©ó †Kvb Gw±wfwUi cÖ¯—ve w`‡Z n‡e: Do you want to (wanna) go to a movie? ev How about having dinner together? ev There's a concert at the Medical College 50

Auditorium. Want to go? ev Why don't we go walking by the riverside? G‡¶‡Î cÖ¯—vweZ Kv‡Ri e¨vcv‡i Ab¨ e¨w³i ‡Kvb AgZ bv _vK‡j Ab¨Rb ej‡Z cv‡ib: Sounds good. ev Good idea. ev That would be fun/great. ev When/where should we meet?

‡KD hw` Avcbv‡K cÖkœ K‡i †h Avcwb wd« Av‡Qb wKbv; wKš‘ Avcwb hw` Zv‡K mgq w`‡Z bv cv‡ib ev Zv‡K mgq w`‡Z bv Pvb Zvn‡j ej‡eb: Sorry, I have plans this weekend. ev I'm going to... with (my friends). ev Unfortunately not. I have something else scheduled. ev Not really. (I'm kind of busy tonight.) Avevi GgbI n‡Z cv‡i †h Avcbvi B‡”Q n‡”Q Zv‡K mgq †`qvi wKš‘ †Kvb Kvi‡Y cvi‡Qb bv, †m‡¶‡Î weKí cÖ¯—ve ev mgq †`qvi Rb¨ Ggb K_v ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: I'm not free on Friday, but I do have time Saturday. ev I'm going to be out of town, but I'll be back next weekend. ev I have something planned. How about tomorrow? ev I'm busy today. How about some other time? 51

Asking for Repetition : cybivq ej‡Z e‡j Aby‡iva Kiv|

ev¯—e Rxe‡b cÖvqB Ggb N‡U †h Ab¨ c‡¶i K_vwU †Kvb Kvi‡Y GKev‡i cwi®‹vi ‡evSv hvqwb| †mmgq Avgiv Ab¨Rb‡K K_vwU Avevi ej‡Z ewj| G‡¶‡Î Bs‡iwR‡Z K‡qKwU G·‡cÖkb e¨envi nq: Excuse me? (cÖ‡kœi gZ ¯^‡i ej‡Z n‡e) ev Pardon? (GLv‡b pardon Gi A_©: I couldn’t understand. Please say it again.) ev What did you say (your name was)? ev Did you say... ? ev Can you repeat that? ev Could you say that again please? ev What was that again? ev Sorry, I didn't catch that. ev Could you speak up please? ev Could you speak a little louder? GKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: What did you say your name was? 2q Rb: Runa Islam. 1g Rb: Did you say Rina or Runa? 2q Rb: Runa, like the famous singer. Av‡iKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: Can you give me a camera film? 2q Rb: How many exposures? 1g Rb: Pardon? 2q Rb: How many photographs? 1g Rb: I see. 36, please. 52

Using Rejoinders : cÖZ¨yËi K‡i g‡bv‡hvM AvKl©YKvix K_vUzKzi e¨vcv‡i AvMÖn cÖKvk Kiv|

K_v ejvi mgq A‡b¨i K_vi †h K_vwU Avcbv‡K AvKl©Y Ki‡Q ev g‡bv‡hvMx Ki‡Q †m wel‡q `ª“Z cÖZ¨yËi w`‡Z nq| Zvn‡j fv‡ei Av`vbcÖ`vb fvj nq| Gme G·‡cÖkb KL‡bv A¨Wfve© ev †Kvb †d«R ev †Kv‡q‡ðb U¨vM Gi gZ wKQz nq| AvMÖn cÖKv‡ki Rb¨ e¨envi nIqv mvaviY G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv n‡jv: (Oh) Really? ev That's interesting. ev Is that right? K‡qKwU D`vniY †`Lyb: 1g D`vniY: 1g Rb: I just got a new job. 2q Rb: Oh really? That's great! 2q D`vniY: 1g Rb: I lost my wallet yesterday. 2q Rb: Oh really? That's too bad. GQvov auxiliary verb Gi mvnvh¨ wb‡q reinforcement tag †K cÖ‡kœi c¨vUv‡b© e¨envi K‡i wbR Av‡eM cÖKvk Kiv hvq| Gfv‡e wKfv‡e cÖZz¨Ëi w`‡q A‡b¨i K_vi m‡½ Zvj ivLv nq Zvi D`vniY †`Lyb: 1g Rb: I just bought a new car. 2q Rb: You did? Av‡iKwU D`vniY: 1g Rb: I'm going to Dhaka. 2q Rb: You are? 53

Giving Warnings : mZK©evYx Rvbv‡bv|

KvD‡K mZK© Kivi Rb¨ wKsev GUv Ki‡j IUv n‡e ev GUv bv Ki‡j IUv n‡e, Ggb me mZK©evYx Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ K‡qK ai‡bi †mb‡UÝ c¨vUvb© e¨envi Kiv nq| Ggb K‡qKwU c¨vUvb© GLv‡b Zz‡j aiv n‡jv: 1) Don't (GUv K‡iv bv), or you might / will (Ki‡j IUv NU‡e|) 2) Watch out! Be Careful (mvaviY mveavb evYx| `yN©Ubv NU‡Z cv‡i ZvB gyû‡Z©i g‡a¨ mveavb n‡Z ejvi Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv nq|) 3) Work hard (GUv K‡iv), otherwise you'll (bqZ IUv NU‡e|) K‡qKwU D`vniY: Don't push so hard on that toy, or you might/will break it! A_ev Watch out!/Be careful! The truck is heading towards us! A_ev Work hard, otherwise you'll fail your exam. Sequencing : NUbvi cvi¯úh© eY©bv|

NUbvi avivevwnKZv eY©bvi Rb¨ Lye mvaviY wKQz k‡ãi e¨envi cÖ‡qvRb nq: First, Second, Third, First of all, To begin with, Then, Later, Next, Finally, 54

Last, Lastly, In the end, BZ¨vw` kã ev †d«R| GB me kã ev †d«R Lye mvaviY n‡jI Lye ¸i“Z¡c~Y©| Asking for and Giving Opinions : gZvgZ PvIqv Ges gZvgZ †`qv|

A‡b¨i gZvgZ Rvb‡Z PvIqvi mgq mPivPi wKQz cÖkœ Kiv nq| mivmwi gZvgZ Rvb‡Z cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What do you think? ev What's your opinion? ev What are your ideas? ev Do you have any thoughts on that? ev How do you feel about that? ev Why do you think that? Avevi, A‡b¨i gZvgZwUi c‡¶ hyw³ ïb‡Z PvB‡j ev †mwUi wek` eY©bv ïb‡Z PvB‡j Avgiv wKQz cÖkœ Ki‡Z cvwi| †Zgb K‡qKwU cÖkœ n‡jv: Could you elaborate? ev Could you give (me) an example? ev Can you illustrate that? ev What evidence do you have? ev Could you explain it in more detail? ev Could you provide some details? ev I don't quite follow you. ev I didn't get what you meant by... ev Could you clarify that? BZ¨vw`| 55

Avcwb hLb Avcbvi gZvgZwU Rvbv‡Z Pv‡”Qb †mmgq †hme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq Zv GLb D`vniY †mb‡Uݸ‡jv‡Z BUvwj‡· †`Lv‡bv n‡jv: I think we should get a new car. ev I don't think we need one. ev I believe (that) smoking should be outlawed. ev I don't believe (that) it should be illegal. ev In my opinion, Gone with the Breeze is the best movie ever made. ev I feel that it's the right thing to do. ev I don't feel that it's such a good idea. Stating a Negative Subject : ‡bwZevPK †Kvb K_v wKfv‡e ej‡Z n‡e|

‡bwZevPK †Kvb K_v ejv wKfv‡e ïi“ Ki‡Z n‡e? KvD‡K †Kvb g‡bvKó`vqK K_v ejv ev Zvi gb:cyZ bvI n‡Z cv‡i Ggb †Kvb K_v ejvi ïi“‡ZB wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv hvq| †hgb: I’m afraid... (GLv‡b Gi A_© Avwg Õfq cvw”QÕ, Zv bv| eis Gi A_© A‡bKUv Ggb: Avgvi ej‡Z Kó n‡”Q †h...) ev I don't mean to be rude, but... ev I hate to tell you this, but... ev I don't know how to tell you this, but... ev You might not like what I 56

have to say, but... ev I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but... ev This may be unpleasant, but... ev This may seem blunt, but... BZ¨vw`| Accepting and Refusing : Kv‡iv Advi ev cÖ¯—ve MÖnb A_ev cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv|

Kv‡iv Advi ev cÖ¯—ve wKfv‡e MÖnb Ki‡Z n‡e A_ev cÖZ¨vL¨vb Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i Zv wewfbœ cwiw¯’wZ‡Z wewfbœ iKg n‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e †gŠwjK welq¸‡jv GKB| GLv‡b K‡qKwU D`vniY †`qv n‡jv: 1g D`vniY: Advi ev cÖ¯—ve: Would you like some cake? cÖ¯—ve MÖn‡bi DËi: Yes, please. ev Sure. Thanks. ev Okay. Thank you. cÖ¯—ve cÖZ¨vL¨v‡bi DËi: No, thank you. ev I'd better not. ev No, but thanks for offering. 2q D`vniY: Advi ev cÖ¯—ve: Would you like to go see a movie? cÖ¯—ve MÖn‡bi DËi: Okay. Sounds good. ev Sure. I'd love to. ev Yeah. Good idea. cÖ¯—ve cÖZ¨vL¨v‡bi DËi: No, I'd rather not. ev I'm 57

sorry, but I can't. ev No, but thanks for inviting me.

3q D`vniY: Advi ev cÖ¯—ve: How about visiting Zaflong this weekend? cÖ¯—ve MÖn‡bi DËi: Great. What time? ev Sounds like fun. ev All right. When and where? cÖ¯—ve cÖZ¨vL¨v‡bi DËi: Sorry. I'm busy this weekend. ev I don't think I can. ev How about some other time? Classifying : e¨w³ ev e¯‘i ‡kªYxweb¨vm Kiv|

Bs‡iwR‡Z e¨w³ ev e¯‘‡K †kªYxweb¨¯— Kivi Rb¨ kinds, types, categories k㸇jv e¨envi Kiv nq| G‡`i D`vniY †`qv n‡jv: 1) There are three kinds of reading sub-skills. 2) There are two types of loaves in that shop. 3) There are three categories of students in this class. GQvov divide into, be broken down into †d«R¸‡jvI e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: 1) We can divide this into four parts: elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced. 2) Reading skill can 58

be broken down into three categories. They are: skimming, scanning and guessing. Elaborating : wek`fv‡e wKQz Ly‡j ejvi †Póv|

`ywU cwiw¯’wZ n‡Z cv‡i| wb‡R †Kvb welq wek` Ly‡j ej‡Z cvwi A_ev Ab¨Rb‡K Zv Ki‡Z Aby‡iva Ki‡Z cvwi| ‡Kvb wel‡q Ab¨ Kv‡iv Kv‡Q wek` eY©bv ïb‡Z PvB‡j Avgiv wKQz cÖkœ Ki‡Z cvwi| †hgb: Could you elaborate (on that)? ev Could you tell me a little more about it? ev Could you give (me) some details? ev Could you fill me in on that? ev Could you expound on that? ev What else can you tell us (about that)? ev Is there anything else you can tell us? ev Is there more to it? BZ¨vw`| Avevi wb‡R hw` †Kvb wKQz wek`fv‡e ej‡Z PvB Zvn‡j wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi K‡i eY©bvwU ïi“ Ki‡Z cvwi| †hgb: To elaborate, ... ev To give you more information, ... ev Let me explain. ev Let me elaborate. ev Let me tell you a little more (about it). ev Let me give you some details. ev What's more, ... BZ¨vw`| 59

Clarifying : e³e¨ cwi®‹vi K‡i †evSv‡bv|

wb‡Ri K_v cwi®‹vi K‡i eywS‡q †`qvi Rb¨ Avgiv cÖvqB wKQz G·‡cÖkb ev †mb‡UÝ c¨vUvb© e¨envi Kwi| †hgb: In other words,... ev What I mean is... ev What I'm trying to say is... ev What I wanted to say was... ev To clarify,... BZ¨vw`| KL‡bv KL‡bv †Kvb welq fvjfv‡e eyS‡Z bv cvi‡j K_vwU Av‡iKUz cwi®‹vi K‡i eywS‡q †`qvi Rb¨ Aby‡iva Kwi| †m‡¶‡Î wKQz cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What do you mean (by...)? ev What are you trying to say? ev What was that again? ev Could you clarify that? Avgiv A‡bKmgq A‡b¨i K_v‡K wb‡R e‡j eywS‡q w`B wKsev K_vwU Avwg wVK ey‡SwQ wKbv Zv ciL K‡i wbB| †m‡¶‡Î A‡b¨i K_v cwi®‹vi ey‡SwQ wKbv Zv ci‡Li Rb¨I wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: You mean ... ev What you mean is ... ev What you're saying is ... ev (I think) what she means is ... ev What he's trying to say is ... ev If I understand you, (you're saying that ... ) ev If I'm hearing you correctly, ev 60

So, you think (that) ... ev So, your idea is ... BZ¨vw`| Interrupting : A‡b¨i K_vi gv‡S ‡KŠk‡j K_v ejv|

Av‡jvPbv wKsev mvaviY Kbfv‡m©k‡bi mgq A‡bKmgq Avgv‡`i‡K cÖ‡qvR‡b whwb K_v ej‡Qb Zv‡K _vwg‡q w`‡q wbR¯^ †Kvb K_v ej‡Z nq| Gme cwiw¯’wZ‡Z ¯^fveZB A‡b¨i K_vi gv‡S K_v ej‡Z †M‡j Aek¨B Zv n‡Z nq f‡`ªvwPZ A_P `„p| G‡¶‡Î Bs‡iwR‡Z †ek wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: Excuse me,... ev Pardon me,... ev Sorry to interrupt,... ev May I interrupt (for a minute)? ev Can I add something here? ev I don't mean to intrude, but ... ev Do you mind if I jump in here? BZ¨vw`| K_vi gv‡S evav cvIqvi ci Avevi c~‡e©i K_vq wd‡i hvIqvi Rb¨ Gevi wKQz ‡KŠkjx K_v ej‡Z nq| g~j K_v‡Z g‡bv‡hvM AvKl‡Y©i Rb¨ ej‡Z nq: Anyway,... ev Now, where was I? ev Where were we? ev What were you saying? ev You were saying... ev To get back to... BZ¨vw`| 61

Giving Instructions : wKfv‡e wb‡`©k PvB‡eb Ges †`‡eb|

Bs‡iwR‡Z wKfv‡e wb‡`©k PvB‡eb? †Kvb wel‡q A‡b¨i KvQ †_‡K wb‡`©k PvB‡Z n‡j Avgiv †ek wKQz cÖkœ K‡i _vwK| †hgb: How do you (do this)? ev How do I... ? ev What is the best way to...? ev How do I go about it? ev What do you suggest? ev How do you suggest I proceed? ev What is the first step? Ab¨‡K wKfv‡e wb‡`©k †`‡eb? avivevwnKfv‡e GKwUi ci Av‡iKwU KvR Ki‡Z ej‡j Avcwb wKQz kã e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: First, (you) ... ev Then, (you) ... ev Next, (you) ... ev Lastly, (you) ... BZ¨vw`| wKfv‡e KvRwU ïi“ Ki‡Z n‡e †m wel‡q ej‡Z wM‡q ‡hme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib †m¸‡jv n‡jv: Before you begin, (you should ...) ev The first thing you do is ... ev I would start by ... ev The best place to begin is ... ev To begin with, ... BZ¨vw`| Gici KvRwU wKfv‡e GwM‡q wb‡q hv‡e Zv †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ wb‡`©k †`qvi mgq e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: After that, ev 62

The next step is to ... ev The next thing you do is ... ev Once you've done that, then ... ev When you finish that, then ... BZ¨vw`|

KvRwU wKfv‡e †kl Ki‡e ev †kl cš’v †Kgb n‡e Zvi wb‡`©k †`qvi Rb¨ e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: The last step is ... ev The last thing you do is ... ev In the end, ev When you've finished,... ev When you've completed all the steps, ... BZ¨vw`| Discussing Sensitive Topics : ¯úk©KvZi welq wb‡q K_v ejv

Kv‡iv m‡½ we‡kl †Kvb welq ev †Kvb ¯úk©KvZi welq wb‡q K_v ej‡Z PvB‡j Avgiv wKQz †mb‡UÝ e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| Gme AbygwZm~PK ev mvaviY †mb‡UÝ ïb‡jB Ab¨c¶ gvbwmKfv‡e cÖ¯‘Z n‡q hvq| Ggb wKQz †mb‡UÝ n‡jv: Can I talk to you for a minute? ev Can I ask you something? ev Do you mind if I ask you something? ev I need to talk to you for a minute. ev I have to tell you something. ev There's something I need to tell you. ev There's 63

something I think you should know. ev We need to talk. Indirect Requests and Information Exchange : c‡iv¶ Aby‡iva Rvbv‡bv ev c‡iv¶ gva¨‡g Z_¨ †`qv‡bqv|

Z…Zxq c‡¶i gva¨‡g KvD‡K Aby‡iva Rvbv‡Z PvB‡j Avgv‡`i‡K `yÕGKwU c¨vUvb© g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e| GLv‡b †Zgb wZbwU †mb‡UÝ Gi D`vniY †`qv n‡jv: 1) Please tell Natasha to clean the toilet. 2) Could you tell Naveed to call me? 3) Tell him not to do that again. Z…Zxq c‡¶i gva¨‡g Ab¨ KvD‡K †Kvb Z_¨ Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨I Avgv‡`i‡K `yÕGKwU c¨vUvb© g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e| Ggb wZbwU †mb‡UÝ Gi D`vniY †`qv n‡jv: 1) Can you tell them (that) the meeting starts at nine? 2) Please tell Ms Yeasmin (that) I will be late. Z…Zxq c‡¶i gva¨‡g A‡b¨i KvQ †_‡K Z_¨ PvIqvi mgq Yes or No c¨vUv‡b©i cÖ‡kœi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j †Kgb NUbv N‡U Zv †`Lyb| Gme ‡¶‡Î GKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© MÖvgvi KvR K‡i| 64

†mwU n‡jv: Avwg Avm‡j †h cÖkœwU Ki‡Z PvB †mwU if/whether w`‡q ïi“ n‡e| 1) Ask Paula if she is coming to the picnic. 2) Could you ask them if they did the homework? 3) Please ask her whether she finished the assignment. Z…Zxq c‡¶i gva¨‡g A‡b¨i KvQ †_‡K Z_¨ PvIqvi mgq D¤§y³ cÖkœ Kivi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j †Kgb NUbv N‡U Zv †`Lyb: 1) Ask Rifat what he is doing. 2) Please ask her when she will be here. 3) Would you ask him what he wants? 4) Will you ask the shopkeeper how much it costs? Gme‡¶‡Î GKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© MÖvgvi KvR K‡i| †mwU n‡jv- Avwg Avm‡j †h g~j cÖkœwU Ki‡Z PvB †mwU interrogative c¨vUv‡b© _vK‡e bv| Supporting Your Opinions : wbR gZvg‡Zi c‡¶ K_v ejv|

wbR gZvg‡Zi c‡¶ K_v ej‡Z wM‡q gZvgZ †`qvi ïi“‡Z wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv hvq| wb‡Ri K_vi eY©bv, cÖvmw½K D`vniY, weeiY ev mviK_vi c~‡e© Gme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| cÖwZwU G·‡cÖk‡bi ci GKUz weiwZ (wjwLZ Bs‡iwR‡Z ÕKgvÕ) wb‡Z nq| Gici g~j K_vwU 65

ej‡Z nq| G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv n‡jv: Let me illustrate,… ev For example,… ev For instance,… ev To give you an example,… ev Let me give you an example,… ev To elaborate, First, (second), etc. BZ¨vw`| GKwU D`vniY †`wL: For example, Raz Shahi Bank uses the type of ATM card I’m proposing. Their clients have been using these cards with satisfaction. Exploring Options : A‡b¨i gZvgZ †LuvRv Ges †kªô cÖ¯—ve ev cwiKíbvi m¤¢ve¨Zvi Rb¨ gZvgZ †bIqv|

‡Kvb wel‡q A‡b¨i gZvgZ wK Zv Rvbvi Rb¨ wKQz cÖkœ Quy‡o †`qv hvq: What do you think (about … )? ev How do you feel (about …)? ev Any ideas? ev What are the alternatives? †kªô cÖ¯—v‡ei ev cwiKíbvi m¤¢ve¨Zv †evSvi Rb¨ gZvgZ hvPvB Ki‡Z wM‡q wKQz cÖ¯—veg~jK K_v ejv nq: Let's look at Option 1. ev What (do you think) about Plan B? ev How about the third alternative? ev 66

Let's consider Ms Ismat's proposal. BZ¨vw`|

gZvgZ hvPvB Ki‡Z wM‡q Av‡jvPbv‡K Av‡iv GwM‡q †bqvi Rb¨ Avev‡iv cÖ¯—veg~jK K_v ejv hvq: Let's move on to Option 2. ev What about Plan C? ev Let's look at the fourth choice. ev How about Masud's idea? ev Should we move on to the next point? ev Before we move on, we need to consider... BZ¨vw`| Contrasting Ideas : wKfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡Z wecixZ e³e¨ Zz‡j ai‡eb|

GKwU e³‡e¨i cvkvcvwk Zvi wecixZ e³e¨ Zz‡j aivi Rb¨ g~jZ K‡qKwU kã ev †d«R e¨envi Kiv nq: but, in spite of, despite, though/although, however BZ¨vw`| GLv‡b D`vniY sentence Gi c‡i eª¨v‡K‡U evsjvq sentence Gi MobwU Zz‡j aiv n‡jv| 1) I'd really like to come to the film, but I have to study tonight. (g~j e³e¨, but wecixZ e³e¨) 2) They continued on their journey, in spite of the pouring rain. (g~j e³e¨, in spite of wecixZ e³e¨ A_ev in spite of 67

wecixZ e³e¨, g~j e³e¨) 3) They continued on their journey, despite the pouring rain. (g~j e³e¨, despite wecixZ e³e¨ A_ev Despite wecixZ e³e¨, g~j e³e¨) 4) We wanted to drive the motor bike fast, although we knew that driving fast can be dangerous. (g~j e³e¨, although wecixZ e³e¨ A_ev Although wecixZ e³e¨, g~j e³e¨) 5) Getting a good job is hard work; however, most people eventually find one with patience. (g~j e³e¨; however, wecixZ e³e¨) Discussion Techniques : Av‡jvPbv cwiPvjbv †KŠkj|

wKfv‡e Av‡jvPbvi m~ÎcvZ Ki‡eb? Bs‡iwR‡Z fve© m¤^wjZ †ek wKQy G·‡cÖkb Av‡Q hvi gva¨‡g Av‡jvPbvi m~ÎcvZ NUv‡bv nq| †hgb: To begin with, ev We need to discuss ... ev We need to determine ... ev We need to find out ... ev Let's start by (+V ing) ev We'll start by (+V ing) ev The problem here is .... BZ¨vw`| 68

g~j welqwU wKfv‡e Zz‡j ai‡eb? g~j welqwU Zz‡j aivi Rb¨ wKQz †mb‡UÝ c¨vUvb© e¨envi Kiv nq: The important thing (here) is ... ev The main thing we need to discuss is ... ev Let's look at ... ev It looks like ... ev It appears that ... BZ¨vw`| Av‡jvwPZ welq m¤^‡Ü wKfv‡e gZvgZ Rvb‡Z PvB‡eb? Av‡jvwPZ welq m¤^‡Ü gZvgZ PvIqvi Rb¨ cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What do you think? ev How about you? ev How do you feel about that? ev Any ideas on that? BZ¨vw`| gZvgZ †`Iqvi mgq wKfv‡e Zv Rvbv‡eb? hLb gZvgZ PvIqv n‡”Q †mmgq gZvgZ †`Iqvi Rb¨ wKQz G·‡cÖkb ev c¨vUvb© Avgv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i: (That sounds like a) good idea. ev Sounds good. ev The problem with that is ... ev That raises the issue of ... ev That brings up the issue of ... BZ¨vw`| Discussions in a Meeting : wgwUs‡q Av‡jvPbv Kiv| wgwUs ïi“ Kivi mgq ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: Let's get started. 69

ev We need to discuss ... ev We need to talk about ... BZ¨vw`| wgwUs‡qi G‡RÛv wel‡q K_v ejvi Rb¨ wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: The first thing we need to discuss is ... ev The first item on the agenda is ... ev The first thing on the list is ... ev First, we need to talk about ... BZ¨vw`| gZvgZ PvIqv I †`qvi Rb¨ wK ejv †h‡Z cv‡i Ges Av‡jvPbv‡K wKfv‡e GwM‡q wb‡q hvIqv hvq †m e¨vcv‡i †hme G·‡cÖkb Avgv‡`i‡K mvnvh¨ K‡i Zv cv‡eb Exploring Options As‡k| Av‡jvPbv‡K cª‡qvR‡b _vgv‡bvi Rb¨ ej‡Z cv‡ib: Before we move on, I think we should... ev Wait a minute. We haven't discussed... ev Don't you think we need to... ev Not so fast. We haven't (yet)... BZ¨vw`| Kv‡iv gZvgZwU ¯úó K‡i e¨vL¨v Kivi Rb¨ †hme K_v ejv †h‡Z cv‡i Zv Asking for and Giving Opinions 70

As‡k cvIqv hv‡e| GQvov cÖ¯—ve ev civgk© wKfv‡e Rvbv‡Z nq Zv †`Lv hv‡e Making Suggestions As‡k| ‡Kvb wel‡q HKgZ¨ hvPvB‡qi Rb¨ cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: Do we all agree (on that)? ev Does everyone agree? me‡k‡l cÖkœ Av‡m wgwUs †kl Kivi| wgwUs cwiPvjbvKvix ev mfvcwZ Gmgq wgwUs Gi mgvwß †NvlYv Kivi Rb¨ ej‡Z cv‡ib: That's all for today. ev That's it then. (informal G·‡cÖkb) ev The meeting is adjourned. (very formal G·‡cÖkb) BZ¨vw`| Paraphrasing : A‡b¨i e³‡e¨i mvivsk Zz‡j aiv|

Avm‡j A‡bKmgq Avgiv A‡b¨i K_vi g~j K_vUzKz Zz‡j awi Ges Zvi mvg‡bB wbwðZ n‡q wbB †h wZwb hv ej‡Z Pv‡”Qb Zv Avgiv ey‡SwQ| G mgq Avgiv wewfbœ G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z cvwi| †hgb: 1) So... 2) So, what you mean is... 3) Let me see if I understand you correctly... 4) What I think you're saying is... 5) If I'm hearing you correctly... 6) In other words ... BZ¨vw`| 71

Guessing : Abygvb cÖKvk K‡i K_v ejv| ev¯—eRxe‡b Avgv‡`i‡K A‡bKmgq Abygvb K‡i K_v ej‡Z nq| Avgiv evsjvq ewj- ÕAvgvi g‡b n‡”Q...Õ ev ÕGgb n‡Z cv‡i †h...Õ ev Õ†evanq...Õ ev ÕwVK wbwðZ bv, Z‡e g‡b nq...Õ BZ¨vw` G·‡cÖkb| GiKg wKQz Bs‡iwR G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I'd say... ev It might... ev ...could be... ev It looks like...ev Perhaps ev Maybe ev It's difficult to say, but I'd guess that ev I'm not really sure, but I think... BZ¨vw`| GLb Avgiv K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL| D`vni‡Y BUvwj‡· †`Lv‡bv AskUzKz ÕAbygvbÕ fvewU cÖKvk Ki‡Q: I'd say he's about ready to quite his job. ev It might need some maintenance. ev He could be in the next room. ev It looks like a miniature palace. ev Perhaps he needs some time for his family. ev Maybe the grandsons want to come and visit this summer. ev It's difficult to say, but I'd guess that it's used for cleaning clothes. ev I'm not really sure, but I think they enjoy playing cricket in the school field. 72

Stating a Preference : †Kvb we‡kl AbyivM ev Awfi“wP cÖKvk Kiv|

‡KD hLb †Kvb cÖ¯—ve K‡i ev †Kvb wKQz Advi K‡i wKsev ‡Kvb wbw`©ó wel‡q gZvgZ Rvb‡Z Pvq, ZLb Avgv‡`i DwPr f`ªfv‡e wbR Awfi“wP Rvbv‡bv| Aek¨ mivmwi gZvgZ Rvb‡Z PvB‡j Zv mivmwi Rvbv‡bv †h‡Z cv‡i| Z‡e A‡bKmgq hv cÖ¯—ve Kiv n‡q‡Q ev hv Advi Kiv n‡q‡Q Avcwb nqZ Zv †Zgb cQ›` Ki‡Qb bv| †m‡¶‡Î Aek¨B †KŠk‡j wbR cQ›` Rvbv‡Z n‡e| †Zgb wKQz †KŠkjx G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I'd rather... How does that sound? ev Well, I'd prefer ... What do you think? ev If it were up to me, I'd ... ev I think we should ... ev Why don't we ... ev Let's ... ev How about ... BZ¨vw`| K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1g D`vniY: cÖ¯—ve: Would you like to see a film this evening? DËi: I'd rather go shopping. How does that sound?2q D`vniY: cÖ¯—ve: Why don't we have some Chinese food? DËi: Well, I'd prefer eating Italian. What do you think? 3q D`vniY: gZvgZ Rvb‡Z cÖkœ: What do you 73

think we should do? DËi: If it were up to me, I'd go out for a walk by the river. 4_© D`vniY: gZvgZ Rvb‡Z cÖkœ: What are we going to do today? The weather is awful! DËi: I think we should play Ludo. ev Why don't we play Ludo? ev Let's play Ludo. ev How about playing Ludo. Saying 'No' Nicely t f`ªfv‡e ÕbvÕ ej‡Z wkwL|

A‡bK mgq Avgv‡`i‡K ÕbvÕ ej‡Z nq| †KD †Kvb mv‡Rkb w`j, wKQz Advi Kij ev wKQz Ki‡Z ejj, wKš‘ Avcwb nqZ Pv‡”Qb Ab¨ wKQz| Ggb me †¶‡Î `„p wKš‘ f`ªfv‡e ÕbvÕ ejvi P”P©v Kiv GKvš— cÖ‡qvRb, bvn‡j Aby‡iv‡a †XuwK wMj‡Z nq| GRb¨ Avgiv wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kwi| †hgb: 1) I'm afraid I can't (+verb) (GLv‡b I'm afraid Gi A_© fq cvIqv bv| Gi A_©: Avwg GUv ejvi Rb¨ `y:wLZ †h...) 2) I don't particularly like (+verb-ing) 3) I'd rather not (+verb) 4) It's not my idea of (+verb-ing) 5) I'm not (really) fond of (+verb-ing) 6) Thank you (thank you for asking, thank you very much BZ¨vw`) but, I have to (+verb) BZ¨vw`| 74

K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: 1g D`vniY: cÖ¯—ve: Would you like to see a film tonight? DËi: I'm afraid I can't go out tonight. I've got an exam tomorrow. 2q D`vniY: cÖ¯—ve: Why don't we have some Chinese food at the Chilies? DËi: Sorry, but I don't particularly like Chinese food. 3q D`vniY: cÖ¯—ve: How about taking a nice walk? DËi: I'd really rather not take a walk this afternoon. ev Thank you, but it's not my idea of taking a walk this afternoon. 4_© D`vniY: cÖ¯—ve: Why don't you stay the night here in the village? DËi: That's very kind of you, but I really have to get back to the city. Demanding Explanations : †Kvb e¨vcv‡i ˆKwdqZ ev e¨vL¨v PvIqvi wbqg|

A‡bKmgq Ggb wKQz N‡U †h Avgiv A‡b¨i Kv‡Q †m e¨vcv‡i e¨vL¨v ev ˆKwdqZ PvB| †m‡¶‡Î †ek wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv hvq| †hgb: Can you tell me why... ev I don't understand why... ev Can you explain why... ev Why is it that... ev How come... 75

ev Does this mean... ev Do you really expect me to believe... BZ¨vw`| Gme As‡ki c‡iB †mB †mb‡U‡ÝB †h NUbvwUi Rb¨ e¨vL¨v Pvw”Q †m NUbvwUi D‡j­L Ki‡Z nq| Gevi K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: nqZ Ggb N‡U‡Q †h, Avcbvi em ‡Kvb Ri“ix Kvi‡Y A‡bKevi Avcbvi †gvevBj †dv‡b Kj K‡i‡Qb Ges Avcbv‡K cvbwb| wKš‘ †h †Kvb Kvi‡YB †nvK Avcwb A‡bK c‡i ‡dvb K‡i †LuvR wb‡q‡Qb| †mmgq Avcbvi em hv ej‡Z cv‡ib, Zv n‡jv: Can you tell me why it has taken you so long to call back? ev I don't understand why it has taken you so long to call back. ev Can you explain why it has taken you so long to call back? ev Why is it that it has taken you so long to call back? ev How come it has taken you so long to call back? ev Do you expect me to believe (that) you didn’t notice that I called so many times? Giving Explanations : e¨vL¨v †`qv|

‡KD hLb †Kvb Kv‡Ri e¨vcv‡i e¨vL¨v Pvq ZLb Zv cwi®‹vi 76

K‡i eywS‡q w`‡Z nq Ges GKB m‡½ f`ªZvI eRvq ivL‡Z nq| mivmwi e¨vLv †`qvi Rb¨ wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi K‡i Zvici e¨vL¨vwU †`Iqv nq| G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv n‡jv: Well, ... ev Let me explain. ev Let me tell you why ... ev Here's what happened: ... ev There's a (good) reason for this: ... ev The reason is ... BZ¨vw`| Avevi GgbI n‡Z cv‡i †h, Avcwb Zvr¶wbKfv‡e e¨vL¨v w`‡Z Pv‡”Qb bv, Z‡e c‡i e¨vL¨v w`‡eb Ggb K_v ‡evSv‡Z Pvb| †m‡¶‡Î Avcwb Ab¨ wKQy G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: I'm sorry. I can't tell you that (right now). ev Can I get back to you on that? ev I'll explain (a little) later. ev We'll come to that later. ev We'll get to that in a few minutes. ev Can we save that until later? Making Complaints : Kv‡iv KvR m¤^‡Ü ev †Kvb wel‡q Kv‡iv Kv‡Q Am‡š—vl cÖKvk|

mivmwi Am‡š—vl cÖKvk Kiv †kvfbxq bv| ZvB memgq Zv GKUz Nyic‡_ ejv nq| Bs‡iwR‡Z Gfv‡e Am‡š—vl cÖKvk ev 77

Awf‡hv‡Mi K_v Rvbv‡bvi Rb¨ †ek wKQz Ri“ix G·‡cÖkb Av‡Q| GiKg wKQz Bs‡iwR G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I'm sorry to have to say this but ..., ev I'm sorry to bother you, but ..., ev Maybe you forgot to ..., ev Excuse me if I'm out of line, but ..., ev There may have been a misunderstanding about ..., ev Don't get me wrong, but I think we should ... BZ¨vw`| Gevi wewfbœ cwiw¯’wZ‡Z Am‡š—vl cÖKvk Kivi K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: I'm sorry to have to say this but I think we need to take another approach. ev I'm sorry to bother you, but I think you need to rewrite this report. ev Maybe you forgot to include his name and number. ev I think you might have forgotten to finish the report on time. ev Excuse me if I'm out of line, but your work has not been satisfactory lately. ev There may have been a misunderstanding about what I expected from you. ev Don't get me wrong, but I think we should concentrate on the monthly report for the moment. 78

Commenting : K_vi gv‡S gš—e¨ Kiv ev wbR¯^ gZvgZ †hvM Kivi †Póv|

Pjgvb Av‡jvPbvi gv‡S gš—e¨ Kivi cÖ‡qvRb n‡j cÖ_‡g Ab¨Rb GKUz Av‡MB hv ej‡jb ‡m wel‡q gš—e¨ Ki‡Z n‡e| Gici wb‡Ri gZUv Rvbv‡Z n‡e| cÖ‡qvRbxq G·‡cÖkb¸‡jv Ggb: That's interesting. I think that... ev Interesting point. I would add... ev Hmmm. I hadn't thought of that before. BZ¨vw`| wKQz cÖkœ‡evaK G·‡cÖkb e¨envi K‡iI wb‡Ri K_vwU‡K mvg‡b wb‡q Avmv hvq| †hgb: What do you think about ... ev Have you considered ... ev What about ... ev Can I add something here? ev (Do you) mind if I add something here? Being Imprecise : Ah_v_© ev AwbwðZfv‡e K_v ejv|

Avgv‡`i‡K cÖvZ¨wnK Rxe‡b cÖvqB Ah_v_©fv‡e Z_¨ Zz‡j ai‡Z nq| †hgb, Avgiv evsjvq cÖvqB wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kwi- ÕcÖvqÕ, ÕAvbygvwbKÕ, Õg‡b nqÕ, ÕAvwg wVK ej‡Z cviwQ bv, Z‡e †evanq...Õ BZ¨vw`| GKBfv‡e Bs‡iwR‡ZI Ggb e¨envi Av‡Q| †hgb: about, 79

approximately, up to, kind of, type of ... or so, sort of, It's difficult to say, but I'd guess, I'm not really sure, but I think BZ¨vw` kã ev †d«R e¨envi K‡i Ah_v_©Zv cÖKvk Kiv nq| msL¨v, AvqZb, cwigvb, cwigvc, aib BZ¨vw` wel‡q wbw`©ó Z_¨ bv w`‡q AvbygvwbK Z_¨ †`qvi mgq G ai‡bi kã e¨envi cÖ‡qvRb nq|

Gevi Avgiv wewfbœ cwiw¯’wZ‡Z e¨envi nIqv K‡qKwU D`vniY ‡mb‡UÝ †`wL: There are about 257 teachers working in Rajshahi College. ev There are approximately 257 teachers working in Rajshahi College. ev There are a large number of students interested in taking this course. ev Economists predict up to 50% growth for the coming year. ev It's kind of a bottle opener which can also be used to peel vegetables. ev It's the type of place you can go to relax for a week or so. ev They're the sort of people that like criticising people for nothing. ev It's difficult to say, but I'd guess that it's used for cleaning clothes. ev I'm not really sure, but I think they enjoy reading this small book. 80

Speaking Conditionally : DccÖ‡gqg~jK ev ev¯—e I Aev¯—e kZ©vaxb K_v ejv|

mvaviYZ hLb Avgiv ej‡Z PvB, Õai“b,...Õ ev Õg‡b Ki“b...Õ ev Õhw` Ggb nq...Õ ev Õhw` Ggb n‡Zv..Õ BZ¨vw` kZ©vaxb K_v, ZLb Bs‡iwR‡Z K_v¸‡jv ïi“ Kivi Rb¨ e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What would you do if ... ev Suppose ... ev Imagine ... BZ¨vw` kã ev G·‡cÖkb| GQvov Õhw` GUv n‡Zv Zvn‡j IUv n‡ZvÕ Ggb m¤¢ve¨ kZ©vaxb K_v¸‡jvi gva¨‡g Avgiv Avgv‡`i Av‡eM cÖKvk Kwi| †hgb: 1) If I were rich, I would buy a big piece of land. 2) If I had a big piece of land, I would grow a mixed forest there. GKBfv‡e Avgiv A‡bKmgq AZx‡Z bv NUv kZ© m¤^‡Ü K_v ewj| Õhw` GUv n‡Zv (hv Avm‡j nqwb, wKš‘ hw` n‡Zv) Zvn‡j GUv n‡ZvÕ Ggb K_v cÖvqB Avgiv e‡j _vwK| †hgb: 1) If Mr. Rahman had been there, he could have prevented the quarrel. 2) If you had seen that movie, you would have cried. GQvov wKQ~ AvbyôvwbK cwi‡e‡kI Ggb avivi †mb‡UÝ c¨vUvb© e¨envi nq| ‡hgb: 1) Should any visitor have 81

any questions, feel free to contact me. 2) Had I been there, I might have been able to help.

Dc‡ii ‡mb‡Uݸ‡jv‡Z GKwU we‡kl MÖvgvi e¨envi nq| †mwU n‡jv conditional sentence Gi e¨envi| G‡¶‡Î Kó K‡i Avcbvi Mªvgvi eBwU †`‡L wb‡j fvj nq| Simple Presentations : e³e¨ Dc¯’vcb †KŠkj|

‡h †Kvb e³e¨ Dc¯’vc‡bi mgq msw¶ß GKUz f~wgKv Lye Kvh©Kix| e³e¨ Dc¯’vcb ïi“ nq f~wgKv w`‡q| f~wgKvi mgq †Kgb kã ev G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡eb? wKQz D`vniY †`qv n‡jv: (Good morning, afternoon, evening) ev I'm happy to be here. ev I'm glad to have this opportunity to ... ev Today, I'd like to talk (to you) about ... ev My topic today is ... ev The focus of my remarks is ... ev I'd like to share some thoughts on (topic) ev I'm here to talk about ... ev Today, I'd like to say a few words about ... BZ¨vw`| g~j e³e¨ ïi“ Kivi mgq †ek wKQz G·‡cÖkb Avcbv‡K mvnvh¨ Ki‡Z cv‡i: Let me start by ... ev First, let 82

me tell you about ... ev I've divided my topic into (three) parts: (They are ...) BZ¨vw` †mb‡UÝ|

e³e¨ KZ¶Y mgq wb‡Z cv‡i †m wel‡q m‡PZb Ki‡Z PvB‡j ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: I will probably take about ... minutes. ev This should last only a few minutes. ev I hope to be finished by ... BZ¨vw` †mb‡UÝ| e³e¨ ¯úó Kivi Rb¨ D`vniY †`qv ev e¨vL¨v Kivi mgq ‡hme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: For instance, ... ev Let me illustrate, ... ev To illustrate, ... BZ¨vw`| Avevi †Kvb gš—‡e¨i c‡¶ hyw³ Dc¯’vc‡bi mgq ej‡Z cv‡ib: This is why ... ev The main reason is ... ev Therefore, ... ev So, ... BZ¨vw`| †Kvb welq‡K me©RbxbKi‡Yi Rb¨ wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: Generally, ... ev Usually, ... ev As a rule, ... ev Most of the time, ... ev In most cases, ... BZ¨vw`| ‡Kvb welq‡K nvBjvBU Ki‡Z PvB‡j welqwU Gfv‡e ïi“ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: Actually,... ev In fact,... ev As a 83

matter of fact,... ev In particular... ev Particularly ... ev Especially BZ¨vw`|

e³e¨ †kl Kivi mgq Avcwb e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib: In conclusion,... ev To conclude,... ev To summarize,... ev To sum up, ... BZ¨vw`| Checking for Understanding : e³e¨ †evSv †M‡Q wKbv Zv ciL Kiv|

hvi m‡½ Avcwb K_v ej‡Qb wZwb Avcbvi K_v eyS‡Z †c‡i‡Qb wKbv ev Avcbvi K_vi m‡½ Zvj †i‡L Pj‡Qb wKbv Zv ciL Kivi Rb¨ wKQz eûj e¨eüZ G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: (Do you) know what I mean? ev Do you know what I'm saying? ev Do you understand? ev Are you following me? ev Are you with me? ev Have you got it? ev Got it? ev Any questions? BZ¨vw`| Showing Understanding : ‡kªvZv wn‡m‡e Avcwb †h Ab¨R‡bi K_v eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb Zv †evSv‡bv|

`yR‡bi g‡a¨ Avjv‡ci mgq Avcwb †h Ab¨R‡bi K_v eyS‡Z cvi‡Qb Zv †evSv‡bvi Rb¨ K_vi gv‡S gv‡S wKQz 84

G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib| GiKg K‡qKwU eûj e¨eüZ G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I see. ev I understand. ev I get it./I got it. Expressing Lack of Understanding : †kªvZv wn‡m‡e e³vi K_v eyS‡Z bv cvivwU cÖKvk Kiv|

Avcwb hw` †kªvZv nb Ges hvi m‡½ K_v ej‡Qb Zvi e³e¨ hw` eyS‡Z bv †c‡i _v‡Kb Z‡e Avcwb GB bv ey‡S _vKvi Ae¯’vwU cÖKvk Kivi Rb¨ wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Ki‡Z cv‡ib| G‡¶‡Î `yc¶‡K mvgbvmvgwb _vK‡Z nq| Aek¨ †dvbvjv‡cI Ggb NU‡Z cv‡i| K‡qKwU G·‡cÖkb n‡jv: I don't get it. ev (I'm sorry.) I don't understand. ev What do you mean? ev I'm not following you. ev I don't quite follow you. ev I'm not sure I get what you mean. ev What was that again? Conceding to Make a Point : A‡b¨i Z_¨wU ¯^xKvi K‡i wb‡qI wbR gš—e¨ cÖKvk Kiv|

A‡bK mgq Ggb N‡U †h, A‡b¨i Dc¯’vwcZ Z_¨ mZ¨ e‡j †g‡b wb‡Z nq| wKš‘ ZviciI wKQz ejvi _v‡K| †mmgq wKQz we‡kl G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq| †hgb: That may 85

be true, but ... ev I may be wrong, but ... ev You might be right, but ... ev You have a good point, but ... ev You could say that, but ... ev Correct me if I'm wrong, but ... ev I don't mean to be rude, but ... ev I hate to bring this up, but ... ev I don't mean to be negative, but ... ev This may sound strange, but ... BZ¨vw`| Analyzing Problems : †Kvb mgm¨v wb‡q Av‡jvPbv|

‡Kvb mgm¨v wb‡q Av‡jvPbvi mgq cÖ_g ¸i“Z¡c~Y© welqwU n‡jv g~j K_vwU AvuK‡o _vKv, Gw`K Iw`K wePz¨Z bv nIqv| mgm¨vi g~‡j Av‡jvPbvwU‡K wb‡q hvIqvi Rb¨ †hme G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv nq Zv n‡jv: What is the main problem? ev What is the real issue (here)? ev (I think) the major problem is... ev Our primary concern is... ev The crux of the matter is... ev (As I see it), the most important thing is... ev The main problem we need to solve is... ev We really need to take care of... ev It all comes down to this... BZ¨vw`| 86

Av‡jvPbvwU ïi“ n‡q †M‡j wewfbœ R‡bi gZvgZ, civgk© BZ¨vw` msMÖ‡ni cª‡qvRb nq| m`m¨‡`i KvQ †_‡K gZgZ msMÖ‡ni Rb¨ ‡ek wKQz cÖkœ Kiv hvq| †hgb: What should we do about it? ev What needs to be done? ev What do you think we should do? ev What are we going to do about it? ev Do you have any suggestions? ev Any ideas? m`m¨‡`i gZvgZ Avm‡Z _vK‡j †kl‡gl civgk© ev mycvwikI Av‡m| Av‡jvPbvi GK ch©v‡q hLb m`m¨iv wKQz civgk© †`q ev mycvwik K‡i, †mmgq †mme civgk© ev mycvwikwU Rvbv‡bvi mgq wKQz G·‡cÖkb e¨envi Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: I recommend that ... ev I suggest that ... ev I would like to propose that ... ev Why don't we ... BZ¨vw`| Making Appointments : Kv‡iv m‡½ mv¶v‡Zi w`b¶Y wVK Kiv|

Kv‡iv m‡½ mv¶v‡Zi w`b¶Y wVK Kivi Rb¨ A‡bK †¶‡ÎB Ggb N‡U †h Avgiv †m e¨w³i e¨w³MZ mnKvwii mvnvh¨ wbB| †m‡¶‡Î Kbfv‡m©kbwU‡Z †Kgb G·‡cÖkb e¨envi 87

n‡Z cv‡i Zvi wKQz bgybv GLv‡b †`Iqv n‡jv| whwb G¨c‡q›U‡g›U Pvb wZwb ej‡Z cv‡ib: I'd like to make an appointment with Mr. Ali Ahsan Mazumder. ev I'd like to schedule a meeting with Ms. Yeasmin. ev Could I schedule a time to meet with Mr. Rahman? Ab¨c¶ ej‡Z cv‡ib: What time is best for you? ev When would be a good time for you? ev Would 9:00 on Thursday be okay? ev He'll be in on Tuesday. ev His schedule is open all day Monday. ev She's free any day but Wednesday. ev Dr. Belal Uddin will be away until Friday. Gici Avevi cÖ_gRb ej‡Z cv‡ib: Will Mr. Mazumder be in tomorrow? ev Is he available next Wednesday? ev Does he have any openings on Tuesday? ev Does she have any time on Thursday? Dˇi Ab¨Rb ej‡Z cv‡ib: Sorry, her calendar is full on Monday. ev She will be out on Wednesday. ev He doesn't have time on Tuesday. ev How about Friday at 4:00? Gici cÖ_gRb Avevi ej‡Z cv‡ib: Thursday at 10:00 88

will be fine. ev Friday at 11:00 sounds good. ev Okay. Tuesday morning at 9. ev Monday at 8:00 is not good for me. ev Wednesday is not possible. Gfv‡e K_v G‡Mv‡Z cv‡i| Describing Your Company : ‡hLv‡b KvR K‡ib †m cÖwZôvb m¤^‡Ü K_v ejv|

Avcwb †Kv_vq KvR K‡ib Zv Rvbvi Rb¨ †KD cÖkœ Ki‡Z cv‡i: What company do you work for? ev Which company are you with? ev Who do you represent? Dˇi ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: I work for ABC Company. ev I'm with ABC. ev I represent (the) XYZ (company). Avevi cÖkœ Ki‡Z cv‡i: What is the name of your company? ev Where are you located? DËi: The name of our company is ... ev Our company is located in ... ev Our headquarters is in ... BZ¨vw`| Gici Rvb‡Z PvIqv n‡Z cv‡i †h, Avcbvi †Kv¤úvwbi †Kvb wel‡q RwoZ: What (type of business) do you do? ev What business are you in? Dˇi ejv †h‡Z 89

cv‡i: We are in the computer business. ev We're in computers. ev We sell ... ev We produce ... ev We manufacture .... ev Our major products are ... BZ¨vw`| Describing Projects : cÖKí cwiKíbv eY©bv|

Avcwb †h †Kv¤úvwb ev Awd‡m KvR K‡ib †mLv‡b Avcwb †h cÖ‡R‡±i/Kv‡Ri m‡½ hy³ Zvi mvaviY eY©bv †`qvi cÖ‡qvRb nq| Avevi Avcwb KvD‡K G e¨vcv‡i cÖkœI Ki‡Z cv‡ib| cÖkœ Kiv n‡Z cv‡i: What are your current projects? ev What are you working on (at present)? ev What are your major initiatives in this area? DËi n‡e GKev‡iB Avcbvi cÖ‡R‡±i KvR ev cwiKíbv mswk­ó| ‡hgb, Ggb ejv †h‡Z cv‡i: We are currently working on ... ev We are in the process of ... ev We are developing ... ev We are designing ... ev We are building ... ev We are marketing ... BZ¨vw`| Avcbvi cwiKíbvi wfwˇZ e¨eüZ fve©wU cwieZ©b n‡jI e¨eüZ ‡mb‡UÝ c¨vUvb©¸‡jv Kv‡R Avm‡e| 90

Talking about the Future of Company/ Project : †Kv¤úvwb ev cÖ‡R‡±i fwel¨r wel‡q K_v ejv|

Avcbvi †Kv¤úvwb ev cª‡R± Gi fwel¨r m¤^‡Ü Z_¨ ev cwiKíbv ev Avkv Rvb‡Z PvIqvi Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| †hgb: What are your plans for the future? ev What are your projections for the next quarter? ev What do you expect to achieve (in the near future)? ev What are your (sales) projections for next three months? ev What are your goals for the coming year? Ggb †¶‡Î DËi n‡Z cv‡i: We expect ... ev We plan to ... ev We project ... ev We hope to ... ev We should ... ev We will be (V+ing) ... ev If all goes as planned, ... ev Our projections are ... ev According to our projections, ... BZ¨vw`| Describing Jobs : PvKzix m¤^‡Ü mvaviY K_vevZ©v|

‡K wK PvKzix ev †Kvb †ckvi KvR K‡ib ev RxweKvi Rb¨ wK K‡ib Zv Rvbvi Rb¨ wewfbœ cÖkœ Ki‡Z cvwi: What do you do? ev What do you do for a living? ev What 91

is your occupation? ev What type of work do you do? ev Where do you work? BZ¨vw`|

Avi DËi †Zv n‡e eû iK‡gi| K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: I'm a salesman. ev I'm in sales. ev I'm in the real estate business. ev I'm a contractor at .... ev I'm a consultant for .... ev I'm a specialist doctor for .... ev I'm in the civil service. BZ¨vw`| Avevi cÖ‡kœ hw` wbw`©ó †Kv_vq KvR Kwi †m m¤^‡Ü Rvb‡Z PvIqv nq Zvn‡j Kbfv‡m©kb †Kgb n‡Z cv‡i Zv †`wL: cÖkœ: What company do you work for? DËi: I work for Raj Ceramic. ev I work at Raj Ceramic. ev I'm with Raj Ceramic. Kvi PvKzix‡Z wK `vwqZ¡ cvjb Ki‡Z nq Zv A‡bKmgq Avgiv Rvb‡Z Pvq| †m‡¶‡Î cÖ‡kœi I Dˇii aib wK n‡Z cv‡i Zvi K‡qKwU bgybv †`qv n‡jv| cÖkœ Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i: What do you do (in your job)? ev What do you do there? ev What do you do at Darmasoft? ev What is your main job? ev What are you in charge of? BZ¨vw`| 92

Gme †¶‡Î DËi Ggb n‡Z cv‡i: I am in charge of training employees. ev I am responsible for catering snacks and lunch. ev I take care of corporate accounts. ev I usually answer telephones. ev I mainly write reports. ev I'm a software engineer. ev I work in the sales department. ev I'm in customer service. ev I work as an instructor. ev I build houses. ev I teach English at tertiary level. BZ¨vw`| Asking for Details : we¯—vwiZ Rvbvi Rb¨ cÖkœ Kiv|

mvaviYZ †Kvb wel‡q we¯—vwiZ Rvb‡Z n‡j WH question c¨vUvb© e¨envi Kiv nq| ¯^vfvweKfv‡eB Avgv‡`i wRÁvm¨ _v‡K: KLb, †Kv_vq, K‡e, wK, †K, wKfv‡e, †Kgb, KZ, Kvi, †Kb BZ¨vw`| Gevi Avgiv †Zgb K‡qKwU D`vniY †`wL: What did you do over the weekend? ev How was your trip? ev When did you get back? ev What kind of things did you see in Nepal? ev Who did you go with? ev How many people were there? ev Whose car did you borrow? 93

Avevi we‡kl K‡i †KbvKvUvi mgq Avgiv hv wKb‡Z Pvq †mwU m¤^‡Ü we¯—vwiZ Rvb‡Z Pvq| †m‡¶‡Î wKQz cÖkœ Kiv nq| †hgb: Could you give me some information about this laptop? ev Can you give me more details about that room heater? ev What can you tell me about these blenders? ev Could you tell me about this camera? G‡¶‡Î GLv‡b GKwU MÖvgviMZ NUbv N‡U| Avgiv mvaviYfv‡e Rvwb †h, can ev could w`‡q ˆZix nIqv cÖkœ Yes or No c¨vUv‡b©i nq| wKš‘ GLv‡b †`qv we‡kl ‡¶‡Î Avm‡j †Kej Õnu¨v ev bvÕ DËi Avkv Kiv nq bv| eis we¯—vwiZ DËi Avkv Kiv nq| Telephone Language : ‡dv‡bi fvlv|

evsjv‡`‡k GLb Avgiv cÖwZwbqZB †dvbvjvc KiwQ| G cÖm‡½ `yÕGKwU G·‡cÖkb †`Lv hvK| ‡dv‡b Kv‡iv m‡½ K_v ej‡Z PvB‡j cÖ_‡gB wMÖwUsm wewbgq nq| Gici Kvi m‡½ K_v ej‡Z Pvw”Q Zv Rvbv‡Z nq| †hgb, ej‡Z nq: ‘Hello. Can I speak to ...., please?’ ai‡b| hv‡K PvIqv n‡”Q wZwb wb‡RB †dvbwU wiwmf Ki‡j ej‡Z cv‡ib: This is Hasinul. ev Hasinul, speaking. ev 94

Speaking. G‡¶‡Î I’m Hasinul ev I’m Hasinul speaking ejv appropriate n‡e bv|

GQvov whwb †dvb wiwmf K‡i‡Qb wZwb hw` Kjvi‡K bv †P‡bb Zvn‡j wR‡Ám Ki‡Z cv‡ib: May I ask who's calling? Ges Gi Dˇi Kjvi Gfv‡e wb‡Ri cwiPq w`‡Z cv‡ib: This is Hasinul. ev This is Mainul’s friend. Avevi Kjvi hw` AcicÖv‡š—i KÚ¯^i ï‡b Abygvb K‡ib †h wZwb hv‡K Pv‡PQb wZwbB †dvbwU a‡i‡Qb, Zvn‡j ej‡Z cv‡ib (Aek¨B informal): Is this Hasinul? Gi A_© Õnvwmbyj bvwK?Õ| hv‡K PvIqv n‡”Q wZwb bv _vK‡j ‡dvbwU whwb wiwmf K‡i‡Qb Zvi `vwqZ¡ Kjv‡ii KvQ †_‡K g¨v‡mR †bqvi Advi Kiv| ZLb ej‡Z nq: Can I take a message? Kjvi g¨v‡mR w`‡Z PvB‡j ej‡Z cv‡ib: Yes, please. Could you tell him ...bvg... called? Gici hv ej‡Z Pv‡”Qb Zv ej‡Z n‡e| Avevi g¨v‡mR w`‡Z bv PvB‡j Kjvi Dˇi ej‡Z cv‡ib: No, thanks. I’ll call him later. BZ¨vw`| Dear user, your comments can make this publication a better one. Th ank yo u. 95

Helpful Websites ☼

Avgv‡`i evsjv‡`k cywó, m¨vwb‡Ukb, ¯^v¶iZv, G¨_‡jwUK m¶gZv BZ¨vw`‡Z c„w_exi eû †`‡ki †P‡q A‡bK †ekx wcwQ‡q _vK‡jI AvawybK cÖhyw³i †mjyjvi †dvb e¨env‡ii µgea©gvb gvÎvq A‡bK †ekx GwM‡q Av‡Q| Avi ZvB Av‡iv A‡bK A‡bK †ekx ¸i“Z¡c~Y© cÖhyw³ B›Uvi‡b‡Ui m‡½I Avgiv wbðq cwiwPZ nw”Q, bvwK fyj ejjvg? ‡h cÖhyw³ Avgv‡`i mvg‡b cÖvq we‡b cqmvq Ávb I `¶Zvi mvgªv‡R¨i `yqvi Ly‡j e‡m Av‡Q Zvi mبenv‡ii Rb¨ GLv‡b gvÎ K‡qKwU I‡qemvB‡Ui wVKvbv †`qv n‡jv| Avcbvi hvÎv ïi“ Kwi‡q †`qvi Rb¨| GB eBwU Gme I‡qemvB‡Ui Kv‡Q A‡bK A‡bK FYx ...| Best of luck ☺! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 96

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