Coll & Micó (2020)

August 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Pasfrha ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja Oùehif F`medföa Imsh`mc Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd ^rùcaja  Xfeye Pheiùe Vuhetmra

Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf

Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe / 6:2


Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe  

Iaardhefdar mdhtarhfc; Kasè Ofeumc dm ^f`cas -  -  kpf`  kpf`   Iaohtè Ihmetïghia ^rmshdmeihf; Kasè Cuhs ^höumc Pfhjfdf (]IO) Ymirmtfrïf; Ohcmef Trmetf - Kasè Ohjumc Tûömz (]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfethfja, ]YI) ur (]ehvmrshdfd dm dm Fchifetm, ]F) ]WF) -- Whitarhf Ohjumc W Thimetm himetm (]ehvmrshdfd Wfccfdachd, - Pfoùe [fcca (]ehvmrshdfd dmc ^fïs Wfsia, ]^W-MB]) - Eûrhf F cohrae cohrae (]ehvmrshdfd ^aopmu Gf`rf, ]^G) - Grfeihsia Ifopas Grmhrm (]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf) - Kasè Ihsemras (@memoèrhtf ]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm ^um`cf, @]F^) - @mrefrda D ïfz Easty (]ehvmrshdfd (]ehvmrshdfd dm Oæcfjf, Oæcfjf, ]OF) - Ifrcas Mcïfs (]ehvmrshdfd Ifrcas HHH dm Ofdrhd, ]I9O) - ^fuchef @. Mofeumcch (]ehvmrshdfd Efihaefc dm Iùrda`f, ]EI) - Kasè Cuhs Jaezæcmz Mstm`fe (]ehvmrshtfs Ohjumc Bmreæedmz dm Mcibm, ]OB) - Ofrhsf Buofems (]ehvmrshdfd Pmy Kufe Ifrcas, ]PKI) - Kufe Kasè Hjfrtuf (]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfcfofeif, ]YFC) - Rasè Cùpmz (]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf) - Ofrhimcf Cùpmz-Aremcfs (]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm @fkf Ifchgarehf, ]F@I) - Aitfvha Hscfs (]ehvmrshdfd dm cas Bmohsgmrhas, Miufdar) - Kfvhmr Ofrzfc (]ehvmrshdfd Kfuom H, ]KH) - Kasè Fetaeha Omymr (@memoèrhtf ]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm ^um`cf, @]F^) - Pfoùe P mhj mhj (]ehvmrshdfd dm Ymvhccf, ]Y) - Ohqumc P adrhja adrhja Fcshef (]ehvmrshdfd ^aopmu Gf`rf, ]^G) - Rasè Yamejfs (]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf) - Kasè Cuhs Tmrrùe (]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm @frimcaef, ]F@) * Vumdf mxprmsfometm futarhzfdf cf rmpraduiihùe tatfc a pfrihfc dm cas tmxtas pu`chifdas me mstm ch`ra, me iufcquhmr garofta a sapartm hofjhef`cms, sfcva par mxpcïihtf vacuetfd me iaetrf dmc futar a futarf a me ifsa dm mdhihaems æehoa dmycuira. pu`chifihaems sm fheicuyfe dm mstfBfræe pu`chifihùe smræe mdhihaems eaiae iaomrihfcms bfe dmCfs mstfr hjufcometm daedm fiajhdfs Irmfthvmtmxtas Iaooaes. iaestfr mstf chimeihf y mc ifræitmr ea vmefc dm cf pu`chifihùe.

Mstm ch`ra y ifdf uea dm cas ifpïtucas qum iaethmem (me su ifsa), fsï iaoa cfs hoæjmems heicuhdfs, sh ea sm hedhif ca iaetrfrha, sm meiumetrfe `fka uef Chimeihf Irmfthvm Iaooaes Ftrh`uihùe-Ea Iaomrihfc-Yhe Dmrhvfdfs 9.> ]epartmd. ^umdm vmr uef iaphf dm mstf chimeihf me bttp;//irmfthvmiaooaes.arj/chimesms/`y-ei-ed/9.>/ Msta shjehghif qum ]d. ms ch`rm dm rmpraduihr y dhstrh`uhr mstf a`rf, shmoprm qum ihtm cf futarïf, qum ea sm usm iae ghems iaomrihfcms a cuirfthvas y qum ea bfjf ehejuef a`rf dmrhvfdf. Yh quhmrm bfimr fcjuef dm cfs iasfs qum fpfrmime iaoa ea pmrohthdfs, iaetfitm iae cas iaardhefdarms dmc ch`ra a iae mc futar dmc ifpïtuca iarrmspaedhmetm. * Cf rmspaesf`hchdfd dm ifdf tmxta ms dm su futar a futarf.


Pasfrha ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, Oùehif F`medföa,  y Imsh`mc Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd/Mdhtarms

^rùcaja Xfeye Pheiùe Vuhetmra 


Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe /6:2


IFI 6:2 - Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf Pasfrha ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, Oùehif F`medföa y Imsh`mc WfcdhvhmzaWf cdhvhmza F`fd (Mdhtarms) | ^rmiha saihfc; :,=> ₣ | ^rmiha me ch`rmrïf. 8,:= ₣ |  Mdhtarms; Ohcmef Trmetf y Fc`mrta Frdâvac Dhsmöa; G. Drfja Hcustrfihùe dm partfdf; Grfjometa dmc iufdra Ifshccmra dm M. Æcvfrmz. Hoprhom y dhstrh`uym; G. Drfja. Fedaiaphfs Y. C. i/ Cf Baremrf, 46. Cf Cfjuef. Tmemrhgm.  Tmcègaea; 800 0=> ==4 | gataiaphfsdrfjaNtmcmgaehif.emt | gataiaphfsdrfjaNtmcmgaehif.emt Mdhtf; Yaihmdfd Cfthef dm Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc ’  mdhihùe  mdhihùe ea vmefc - Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm), 0>0> ’  Irmfthvm  Irmfthvm Iaooaes bttp;//www.rmvhstfcfthefis.arj/64YCIY/partfdf0>64.btoc Dmsifrjfr me pdg; bttp;//www.iufdmreasfrtmsfeas.arj/#6:2  bttp;//www.iufdmreasfrtmsfeas.arj/#6:2  ^rataiaca dm mevïa dm ofeusirhtas; bttp;//www.iufdmreasfrtmsfeas.arj/prataiaca.btoc

HY@E ’  69;  69; 8:2-24-6:964-9=-4 DC; TG-689-0>0> DAH; 6>.462=/ifi6:2


Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf Pasfrha ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, Oùehif F`medföa y Imsh`mc  Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd (Mdhtarms) Pmsuome Me cf pcfehghifihùe dm cf iaouehifihùe sm dm`me dmghehr cas a`kmthvas qum sm quhmrme fcifezfr, cfs mstrftmjhfs qum pmrohthræe fcifezfrcas, mc pû`chia a cas pû`chias hetmreas a mxtmreas y cas ifefcms hdùemas pfrf ccmjfr f mccas. Ms hopartfetm mvhtfr mc mkmiutfr fiihaems a tæithifs dm iaouehifihùe she uef mstrftmjhf dmghehdf eh ue pcfe dm trf`fka icfra. Mc iaeaimr f cas iaesuohdarms, pfrf iaoprmedmr sus emimshdfdms y rmspaedmr f mccfs mghihmetmometm, ms guedfometfc f cf barf dm pcfehghifr. Hetmremt sm bf trfesgarofda me uef bmrrfohmetf pfrf iaouehifreas, metrmtmemreas m hegarofreas. Msta bf oadhghifda cas pftraems dm iaesuoa m hegarofihùe, jmemrfeda eumvas ifefcms dm dhgushùe, hegarofihùe y iaomrihfchzfihùe. Jaajcm fsmjurf qum mc 24% dm cas usufrhas `fsfe sus dmihshaems dm iaoprf me cfs rmiaomedfihaems dm su iïriuca saihfc. ^ar mcca, cf prmsmeihfc me cfs dhvmrsfs pcftfgarofs dhjhtfcms `usif jmemrfr ue  vïeiuca metrm cfs ofrifs y cas usufrhas, par ca qum, cas iaetmehdas dm`me smr buofeas y imrifeas.  Fdmoæs, cf mvfcufihùe dm cfs mstrftmjhfs y tæithifs dm iaouehifihùe pmrohtm apthohzfr y ofxhohzfr mc hopfita, iaeaimr iuæetf jfefeihf mgmithvf sm bf cajrfda. ^fcf`rfs icfvms; iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif, iaouehifihùe hetmjrfc, pcfehghifihùe dm iaouehifihùe, pcftfgarofs dhjhtfcms.  Garof dm ihtfr mstm ch`ra ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medföa, O. & Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, I. (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf.   Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e»6:2. Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm)


Ïedhim ^rùcaja  Xfeye Pheiùe Vuhetmras ... ... ............................... ................................................ ................................. ................................. ............................... .............. :

6. ^cfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc dhjhtfc  ^ftrhihf Iacc, Kasmp Ccuïs Ohiù ................. .................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................... .... 69

0. Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, bmrrfohmetf bmrrfohmetf pfrf fchemfr fc pmrsaefc  Cmchf [fpftf ............... ............................... ................................. .................................. .................................. ................................. ............................... ............... 08 9. Dm cf iaoue iaouehifihùe hifihùe hetmref fc dhæcaja arjfehzfihaefc Cfurf Yæeibmz, Oùehif F`medföa ............... ................................ .................................. ................................. ............................... ............... 4: 4. Trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc grmetm fc rac dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea Pasfrha ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, Imsh`mc Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd  Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd  .................................. ................................................ ....................... ....... 76 =. ]sa mstrftèjhia dm omdhas dhjhtfcms fpchifda f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref; Ifsa Iaiaf Justfva Iusat, Hsf`mc ^fcfihas ................. .................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................... .... 26 7. Iaestruiihùe dm hofjme y rmputfihùe dhjhtfc Wfemssf Duqum, ]chaeavf Mspheasf ................ ................................. ................................. .................................. ............................. ........... 8: :. He`aued ofrlmthej; dm cf iaeghfezf f cf vmetf.  Efeiy Mstmccf Wmsjf ................ .................................. .................................. ................................. ................................. ................................ ................ 66: 2. Iaeghfezf y rmputfihùe me thmopas dm hegaxhifihùe Ytmgmeh ^fcfdhems, Kmeey Xfjufibm  ............... ............................... ................................. ................................. ................................ ................ 69= Cfs futarfs y cas futarms ................. .................................. ................................. ................................. ................................. .................... 6=6

Mc iaetmehda dm mstm ch`ra bf shda saomthda f ue  praimsa dm rmvhshùe dm da`cm ihmja par pfrms, pfrms, smomkfetm fc shstmof dm rmvhshùe dm ue frtïiuca ihmetïghia pfrf ue kaurefc.


^rùcaja Trfesgarofihaems m hetmrfiihaems; uef rmgcmxhùe irïthif dm cf Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc me mc iaetmxta dhjhtfc


 F MWAC]IHÙE dmc smr buofea, cfs arjfehzfihaems y cf saihmdfd me jmemrfc, bf mstfda shjefdf par cf iaouehifihùe iaoa

mcmometa mstrftèjhia qum bf pash`hchtfda cf frthiucfihùe y rmcfihaefohmeta dmc hedhvhdua iae atras hedhvhduas, mc dmsfrracca dm mquhpas mstruiturfdas< y cf iaegarofihùe dm arjfehzfihaems dm dhvmrsf efturfcmzf pfrf dhefohzfr cf rmfchdfd saihfc me ftmeihùe f cfs dheæohifs iucturfcms jca`fcms y caifcms prmmxhstmetms. Cf iaouehifihùe metmedhdf iaoa ue praimsa qum pash`hchtf cf hetmrfiihùe buofef f pfrthr dm cf shjehghifihùe y rmshjehghifihùe dm cf rmfchdfd, pfrf hesmrtfrsm me èstf, iae cf ghefchdfd dm paemr me vfcar su pfrthihpfihùe me iaetmxtas saihfcms dhvmrsas, dmsdm mc hetmrifo`ha y trfesgmrmeihf dm omesfkms pfrf fithvfr cf dheæohif dm iaouehifihùe omdhfetm cf rmtrafchometfihùe, cf fiihùe y cf rmtrafiihùe< oatarhzf cfs dheæohifs arjfehzfihaefcms y tmrrhtarhfcms me ue ofria qum asihcf metrm cf shopchihdfd y cf iaopcmkhdfd. Yh `hme cf iaouehifihùe ms metmedhdf iaoa uef iaopmtmeihf hedhvhdufc cf iufc sm iaesthtuym me ue mcmometa mstrftèjhia pfrf mc rmcfihaefohmeta y praymiihùe dm hofjme dmc hedhvhdua< fc thmopa qum iaegarof uef ifpfihdfd mstrftèjhif arjfehzfihaefc ifpfz dhefohzfr cas praimsas  


praduithvas iae hopfita me cf ifchdfd, cf iaopmththvhdfd, cf hofjme, cf rmputfihùe arjfehzfihaefc, cf rmvfcarfihùe dm cfs ofrifs praduitassmrvhihas f mstfs fsaihfdfs. Me tfc smethda, cf iaouehifihùe sm bf iaesthtuhda me ue mcmometa da`cmometm mstrftèjhia pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems, dfda qum sh `hme par uef pfrtm arhmetf cf garoucfihùe dm cf jrfe mstrftmjhf arjfehzfihaefc iaeduimetm fc mstf`cmihohmeta dm uef ghcasagïf dm jmsthùe, a`kmthvas y omtfs arjfehzfihaefcms< par atrf pfrtm, shrvm dm vmbïiuca pfrf iaeduihr cf mstrftmjhf arjfehzfihaefc pash`hchtfeda su iaeaihohmeta y fpchifihùe fp chifihùe mgmithvf me mc ardme mstrftèjhia apmrfthva, gfihchtfeda cf iaestruiihùe dm tæithifs y fiihaems mstrftèjhifs pfrf fcifezfr cas a`kmthvas y cfs omtfs arjfehzfihaefcms. Yhe dudf cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif arjfehzfihaefc fgraetf me cf fitufchdfd jrfedms rmtas me vhrtud dm cf ohrfdf jca`fc me omdha dm cf efturfcmzf dheæohif y ifo`hfetm qum ja`hmref cas fvfeims tmieacùjhias, hopucsfeda cf ræphdf y iaestfetm trfesgarofihùe, mvacuihùe y rmvacuihùe dm cf tmieacajïf qum bf trfïda iaeshja eumvfs garofs dm vmr y f`ardfr mc oueda, eumvfs shemrjhfs rmcfihaefcms, trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, `rmibfs tmieacùjhifs, ifo`has iucturfcms, mvacuihùe< y fc ohsoa thmopa heimrthduo`rm, vucemrf`hchdfd m hegaxhifihùe. Ms fsï iaoa ifdf dïf, cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif sm iaesthtuym me ue mcmometa pfrf mc hopucsa dm vfcarms iaoa trfespfrmeihf, iaeghfezf y irmdh`hchdfd qum pash`hchtme cf iaestruiihùe dm pumetms iae cas pû`chias arjfehzfihaefcms y cas jrupas dm hetmrès, aphehùe y padmr< qum iaegcuyme me tarea f cfs arjfehzfihaems f a`kmta dm jmemrfr vfcar qum pash`hchtm mc iaopraohsa y ghdmchzfihùe dm mstas pû`chias< y, par medm, mc pashihaefohmeta y sachdmz dm cfs ofrifs fsaihfdfs.



Ca fetmrhar fvhvf cf emimshdfd dm hevmsthjfr me cas iaouehifdarms arjfehzfihaefcms oæs fccæ dmc rac a pashihùe mstrftèjhif me cf qum sm u`hqum me cf arjfehzfihùe, iae cf ghefchdfd dm saihfchzfr fetm cf iaouehdfd me jmemrfc cfs arhmetfihaems tmùrhia-præithifs pfrf cf apthohzfihùe dm cf jmsthùe mstrftèjhif dm iaouehifihùe me hedhvhduas, jrupas, arjfehzfihaefcms y tmrrhtarhas< me mstm smethda, sm bfim ouy jrfta rmiaeaimr mc msgumrza frthiucfda rmfchzfda dmsdm cf ]ehvmrshdfd  Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf, `fka cf iaardhefihùe mdhtarhfc dm Oùehif  F`medföa Pfoïrmz, Pasfrha ^umrtfs Bhdfcja y Lfrme Imsh`mc  Wfcdhvhmza F`fd, me mstm Iufdmrea Frtmsfea dm Iaouehifihùe thtucfda ‒Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf‘ , me mc iufc sm iaeimetrfe cas msgumrzas dm hevmsthjfihùe dm ue dhcmita jrupa dm iaouehifdarms dm H`mrafoèrhif pravmehmetms dm Iacao`hf, Miufdar y Mspföf, me rmiaeaihohmeta dm cf hopartfeihf y rmvfcarhzfihùe dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif. Mc tmxta mstæ mstruiturfda me aiba ifpïtucas me cas iufcms sm f`ardfe dhvmrsas fspmitas me iarrmspaedmeihf iae cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif arjfehzfihaefc, tfcms iaoa; iaouehifihùe hetmref, iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, ifo`ha, iaeghfezf, irmfthvhdfd, irmdh`hchdfd, dhæcaja arjfehzfihaefc, ghdmchzfihùe, pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif, pashihaefohmeta, pu`chihdfd, pû`chias y jrupas rac dmc iaouehifdar< rmcfihaems pû`chifs, trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, metrm cas oæs dmstfifdas< cas iufcms sm prmsmetfræe dm cf shjuhmetm ofemrf; Me mc prhomr ifpïtuca, sm prmsmetf mc trf`fka dmsfrraccfda par ^ftrhihf Iacc y Kasmp Ccuïs Ohiù, `fka mc tïtuca ‒^cfehghifihùe Mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc‘, me mc iufc sm f`ardf mc oadmca dm pcfehghifihùe

mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc qum, me ue metarea me ifo`ha iaestfetm, sm gaifchzf me mc irmihohmeta f trfvès dm cf iao`hefihùe dm irmfthvhdfd y feæchshs, f pfrthr dmc megaqum dmeaohefda  jrawtb bfilheja, mstrftmjhf dm pashihaefohmeta, pash`hchtfeda jfefr me iabmrmeihf,



hopfita y vhrfchdfd, omdhfetm cfs shemrjhfs metrm fiihaems dm pu`chihdfd y rmcfihaems pû`chifs. Me mc smjueda ifpïtuca, sm meiumetrf cf hevmsthjfihùe ‒Mc pcfe

mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, bmrrfohmetf pfrf fchemfr fc pmrsaefc‘, mcf`arfdf par Cmchf [fpftf, mc iufc mstæ imetrfda mc dhsmöa m

hopcmometfihùe dm ue pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref (^MIH), iaoa iaetrh`uihùe rmcmvfetm dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea pfrf jmsthaefr cas ifo`has y fchemfr cf mstrftmjhf dmc emjaiha iae cf mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe. Me mc ifpïtuca tmrimra, ms f`ardfda dmsdm cf eaohefihùe ‒Dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref fc dhæcaja arjfehzfihaefc‘, ue trf`fka

dmsfrraccfda dmsdm cf ùpthif dm Oùehif F`medföa y Cfurf Yæeibmz, mc iufc mstæ imetrfda me cf hetmjrfihùe dm cas msgumrzas dm cf iaouehifihùe iaoue hifihùe hetmref pfrf cf hetmjrfihùe dm cas iacf`arfdarms hetmreas omdhfetm mc dhæcaja arjfehzfihaefc qum arhmetm cf ifchdfd dm hegarofihùe, cf mgmithvhdfd dmc omesfkm y cf iaemxhùe dm cf jmetm. Bfihf mc iufrta ifpïtuca, sm prmsmetf cf iacf`arfihùe dm Pasfrha ^umrtfs Bhdfcja y Imsh`mc Wfcdhvhmza F`fd, omdhfetm mc trf`fka ‒Trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc grmetm fc rac dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea‘, me mc

iufc cf iaouehifihùe hetmref sm prmsmetf iaoa mcmometa icfvm qum arhmetf cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc pfrf cf mvacuihùe y irmihohmeta dm cfs arjfehzfihaems, f pfrthr dmc iaopraohsa, iaeghfezf y fpaya dm cas iacf`arfdarms dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref sm mstf`cmim iaoa pueta gaifc pfrf gartfcmimr cf rmcfihùe iae cas pû`chias, praoavmr cf hofjme hesthtuihaefc, cf rmputfihùe, cf sastmeh`hchdfd. Pmvfcarhzfeda mc iaouehifdar hetmrea, iae ue rac icfvm y mstrftèjhia me mstm praimsa dm trfesgarofihùe qum dm`m iaetfr ea sùca iae cfs bf`hchdfdms rmqumrhdfs pfrf su dmsmopmöa, shea tfo`hèe iae mc iaeaihohmeta pfrf iaetrh`uhr fc ifo`ha iucturfc dm cf arjfehzfihùe.



Me mc quheta ifpïtuca, sm meiumetrf mc mstudha ‒]sa mstrftèjhia dm cas omdhas dhjhtfcms fpchifdas f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref; Ifsa Iaiaf‘,

dmsfrraccfda par Justfva Iusat m Hsf`mc ^fcfihas, mc iufc sm arhmetf f pfrthr dm cf ohrfdf dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref iaoa gfitar pfrf cf iaesachdfihùe dm cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc me mc iufc cf mstrftmjhf fdquhmrm ue vfcar pratfjùehia pfrf cf jmsthùe f pfrthr dm ue pcfe qum sm fkustm f cfs emimshdfdms dmc oaometa hetmjrfeda pfrf mcca cas omdhas dhjhtfcms. ^frf mc smxta ifpïtuca, sm meiumetrf cf hevmsthjfihùe dmsfrraccfdf par  Wfemssf Duqum Pmejmc y ]chfeavf Mspheasf Khoèemz, `fka mc tïtuca; ‒Omdhas dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc; bmrrfohmetfs dm iaestruiihùe dm hofjme y rmputfihùe‘, mc iufc thmem iaoa prapùshta fefchzfr cas fpartms

dm cas omdhas dhjhtfcms me cf iaestruiihùe dm fithvas hetfejh`cms iaoa hofjme y rmputfihùe. Me dhibf hevmsthjfihùe sm vhscuo`rf iaoa cas ifefcms dhjhtfcms y mc sapartm tmieacùjhia hopucsf cf jmsthùe mgmithvf dmc dhæcaja iae cas stflmbacdmrs,  f pfrthr dm cf iufc sm iaestruyme eumvfs garofs dm hdmethdfd aechem pfrf hedhvhduas y arjfehzfihaems jmemrfeda  vmetfkfs iaopmththvfs, rmcfihaefohmetas rmcfihaefohmetas y fchfezfs. Me mc sèpthoa ifpïtuca, dmsfrraccfda par Efeiy Mstmccf Wmsjf, `fka mc tïtuca ‒He`aued ofrlmthej;   dm cf iaeghfezf f cf vmetf. Iaouehifr iae prmihshùe y fjrmjfr vfcar me cf hegarofihùe‘, daedm sm fefchzf mc he`aued ofrlmthej  iaoa  iaoa mstrftmjhf dm fimrifohmeta fc iaesuohdar, pfrf ghdmchzfr

f cas ichmetms. Yhe dudf cf iaouehifihùe iuopcm uef gueihùe prhoardhfc dm iaeghfezf pmrofemetm y iuhdfda iae cf hegarofihùe qum sm agrmim. Mc He`aued ofrlmthej bf ifptfda mc smethda dm cf hegarofihùe, bf patmeihfda cf iaeghfezf iae dftas hopartfetms y rmcmvfetms pfrf cas ichmetms cajrfeda qum cf iaouehifihùe smf prafithvf tfeta pfrf cf moprmsf iaoa pfrf mc iaesuohdar. Ghefcometm, sm prmsmetf, mc aitfva ifpïtuca, iae mc mstudha thtucfda; ‒Hegaxhifihùe, ue dmsfgïa pfrf cfs moprmsfs‘, dmsfrraccfda par Ytmgfeh



^fcfdhems Ifrrfezf y Kmeey Xfjufibm Vuhibho`a, dmetra dmc iufc sm iaeshdmrfe cas dmsfgïas arjfehzfihaefcms grmetm f pra`cmoæthifs iaouehifihaefcms momrjmetms iaoa; cf sa`rmmxpashihùe hegarofthvf, cf hegaxhifihùe, cfs  gflm emws,  cas ih`mrftfqums, cf pacfrhzfihùe y fctf pfrthihpfihùe dm cfs fudhmeihfs qum vucemrfe mc iaetmxta iaouehifihaefc y fomrhtfe cf jmemrfihùe dm mstrftmjhfs dm irmdh`hchdfd y iaeghfezf qum fpfcfequme cf rmputfihùe arjfehzfihaefc y jmemrme imrifeïf y iaopraohsa iae cas iacf`arfdarms, cas pû`chias y jrupas dm hetmrès me praiurf dm uef iaouehifihùe fghfezfdf me cf baemsthdfd y cf èthif. Ms hopartfetm dmstfifr dm mstm tmxta cf fitufchdfd dm sus iaetmehdas y dm cf momrjmeihf y emimshdfd dm trftfr cas fspmitas qum sm f`ardfe, par ca qum ea rmstf shea hevhtfr f cas iaouehifdarms dm H`mrafoèrhif y mc oueda iaetheufr cf fiihùe hevmsthjfthvf y cf praduiihùe dm tmarïfs, præithifs y fprmedhzfkms qum sm rmgcmkme me chtmrfturf hdùemf pfrf arhmetfr cf cf jmsthùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe me he hedhvhduas dhvhduas y arjfehzfihaems me ue iaetmxta jcaifc< y dhspaemrsm f cf cmiturf iaoprmeshvf dm tfe hopartfetm oftmrhfc. Xfeye Pheiùe Vuhetmra 

^FPF IHTFP ; Pheiùe Vuhetmras, X. (0>0>). Trfesgarofiha Trfesgarofihaems ems m hetmrfiihaems; uef rmgcmxhùe irïthif dm cf Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc Arjfehzfihaefc me mc iaetmxta dhjhtfc. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medföa, F`medföa, O. y Wfcdhvh Wfcdhvhmza, mza, I. (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf . Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm

Iaouehifihùe, Iaouehifi hùe, e»6:2 (pp.:-60). Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm).



^cfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc ^ftrhihf Iacc Pu`ha ]ehvmrshtft Pfoae Ccucc  Kasmp Ccuïs Ohiù ]ehvmrshtft Pfoae Ccucc ^FPF IHTFP; Iacc Pu`ha, ^. & Ccuïs Ohiù, K. (0>0>). ^cfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medföa, O. & Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, I. (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf. Iufdmrea Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e¾6:2, pp.69-0:. Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm).

Pmsuome Mc ifpïtuca f`ardf mc oadmca dm pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc. Me ue metarea me iaestfetm ifo`ha, cf mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc sm gaifchzf me mc irmihohmeta f trfvès dmc dmsfrracca dm fiihaems qum sae gruta dm cf iao`hefihùe dm irmfthvhdfd y feæchshs. Mstm megaqum, dmeaohefda  jrawtb bfilhej a mstrftmjhf dm pashihaefohmeta,  hoprmjef su pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif, qum thmem uef arhmetfihùe fchemfdf iae cf iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej pmrohtm f cfs ofrifs jfefr me iabmrmeihf, hopfita y vhrfchdfd. Dm mstm oada, cfs ofrifs fpravmibfe fc oæxhoa cfs shemrjhfs metrm fiihaems dm pu`chihdfd y rmcfihaems pû`chifs. Yu dmsfrracca sm ccmvf f if`a me cfs iuftra gfsms dmc oadmca dm pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe; hevmsthjfihùe, pcfehghifihùe, mkmiuihùe y mvfcufihùe. 69


^fcf`rfs icfvms; jrawtb bfilhej< rmcfihaems pû`chifs, pu`chihdfd, pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif, iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej . 6. Cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc dmsdm uef pmrspmithvf hetmjrfdf

YTM IF^ÏT]CA f`ardf cf pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc iaoa ue iaekueta dm tèiehifs dm ofrlmthej y iaouehifihùe hetmrrmcfihaefdfs, me cïemf iae mc iaeimpta dm iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej (Yibuctz y Lhtibme, 0>>>;6:).


Mspmihfcometm, me mc æo`hta dhjhtfc, daedm cas pû`chias thmeme ue pfpmc fithva me su rmcfihùe iae cfs ofrifs, èstfs; –ea sm iaestruyme iaoa sh

sm trftfrf dm ue raopmif`mzfs. Iaopfrfr uef ofrif iae ue puzzcm sujhmrm qum saca mxhstm uef iao`hefihùe iarrmitf dm sus oûcthpcms phmzfs, qum cf frquhtmiturf jca`fc dm cf ifopföf mstæ pmrgmitfometm dhsmöfdf dm fetmofea y qum cas kujfdarms saca thmeme qum rmiaestruhrcf. ^mra ms kusta ca iaetrfrha. Ca ûehia qum uef ofrif pumdm bfimr y bfim ms mevhfr dhgmrmetms phmzfs (yf smf f trfvès dm uef eatf dm prmesf a dm ue feueiha me tmcmvhshùe). Mc pû`chia thmem qum dmihdhr sh irmf su praphf iao`hefihùe mspmiïghif, qumdæedasm y rmiardfeda ca qum cm bf justfda, m hjearfeda ca qum ea bf shda dm su fjrfda. ]ef iaopfrfihùe iae cfs phmzfs dm Cmja, rmfchzfdf par Omdhfmdjm; IHF, rmsuctf ouiba oæs fimrtfdf parqum dmsirh`m ue praimsa rmiïpraia y dheæohia. Cfs phmzfs dm Cmja sm pumdme iao`hefr dm heghehtfs ofemrfs, y ms cf pmrsaef qum iaestruym cf qum dmihdm què fspmita tmedræ cf iaestruiihùe uef vmz iaeicuhdf‟. (Bhopm, 0>>:;0>2)  Omdhfetm cfs fiihaems dm ofrlmthej y iaouehifihùe, cfs ofrifs cfezfe msfs phmzfs dm Cmja iae mc a`kmthva dm ifptfr cf ftmeihùe dm sus pû`chias, pfrf qum, cumja mccas ohsofs cfs meifkme iuæeda y iùoa dmsmme. ^ar mcca, iaoa vmrmoas f ca cfrja dm mstm ifpïtuca, cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc garof pfrtm dm uef mstrftmjhf hetmjrfdf qum



fpravmibf fc oæxhoa cfs shemrjhfs, iao`hefeda irmfthvhdfd y feæchshs pfrf cajrfr mc irmihohmeta. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej, iaoa pcfehghifihùe froaehasf dm cf iaouehifihùe me iufcquhmrf dm sus garoftas, cajrf qum f msas pû`chias cms pumdf ccmjfr –ue omesfkm icfra, iabmrmetm y iaevheimetm sa`rm cf moprmsf y sus praduitas‟ (Latcmr, 0>>9;696).

Mstm megaqum hetmjrfda dm cf iaouehifihùe ms hoprmsihedh`cm me ue iaetmxta bï`rhda, me mc qum hopmrfe cf oucthpchifihùe dm ifefcms, cf smjometfihùe dm fudhmeihfs y cf pmrsaefchzfihùe me cf rmcfihùe iae cas pû`chias, tfeta me mc tmrrmea aechem iaoa me mc aggchem. ^frf ccmvfrca f if`a, me mstm metarea, qum ifo`hf fdmoæs f jrfe vmcaihdfd, cf pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc dm`m f`ardfrsm dmsdm mc fprmedhzfkm iaestfetm y cf mxpmrhometfihùe (Iacc y Ohiù, 0>62;676). Cf mstrftmjhf dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc y su megaqum dm pashihaefohmeta mstæ imetrfdf me mc irmihohmeta. ^frf mcca, dmsfrraccf fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc me cfs qum sm iao`hefe irmfthvhdfd y feæchshs, iae uef taof dm dmihshaems `fsfdf me dftas y uef pcfehghifihùe gcmxh`cm, `fka mc prhsof dmc fprmedhzfkm iaestfetm qum cm pmrohtm fdfptfrsm fc metarea ifo`hfetm. 0. Mc ‒ jrawtb  jrawtb

bfilhej‘  iaoa  iaoa megaqum dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc

Cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc fchemf su mstrftmjhf f cas a`kmthvas dm irmihohmeta dmc  jrawtb bfilhej   (Mcchs & @rawe, 0>62) a mstrftmjhf dm pashihaefohmeta, qum dmsfrraccf sus fiihaems iao`hefeda irmfthvhdfd y feæchshs. Mc  jrawtb bfilhej , iaoa pcurhdhsihpchef, efim dm cf emimshdfd dm cfs moprmsfs dhjhtfcms momrjmetms, dm meiaetrfr ue pmrghc pragmshaefc qum



iao`hefrf cas iaeaihohmetas tmieacùjhias iae cf irmfthvhdfd. Mc irmfdar dmc tèrohea, Ymfe Mcchs, dmghem ue  jrawtb bfilmr   iaoa –uef pmrsaef iuya vmrdfdmra eartm ms mc irmihohmeta qum dm`m tmemr cf irmfthvhdfd pfrf dmsiu`rhr ofemrfs ûehifs dm hopucsfr mc irmihohmeta, fdmoæs dm pra`fr a mvacuihaefr cfs tèiehifs pra`fdfs par atrfs iaopföïfs‟ (Mcchs, 0>6>).

Mc tèrohea jrawtb bfilhej  sm  sm papucfrhzù oæs fccæ dmc miashstmof stfrtup f pfrthr dm cas pcfetmfohmetas dm Ibme (0>60), ( 0>60), pfrf quhèe ue jrawtb bfilmr  bfilmr   ms fqumc pragmshaefc irmfthva y fefcïthia qum sm prmjuetf iaestfetmometm iùoa pumdm iaesmjuhr ichmetms pfrf su emjaiha y cf rmspaedm dm oada fefcïthia m heeavfdar, omdhfetm prum`fs F/@, cfedhej pfjms , tèiehifs vhrfcms y mstrftmjhfs dm ofrlmthej dm iaetmehdas qum trf`fkfe mc YMA, metrm atrfs ouibfs pash`hchdfdms. Dm bmiba, pfrf Ibme, mc jrawtb bfilhej  ea  ea ms ue rac dmetra dm cf arjfehzfihùe, shea uef ghcasagïf qum dm`m hoprmjefrcf me su iaekueta. ^ar mcca, tfc iaoa dmstfif mc prapha Mcchs, kueta iae @rawe (Mcchs y @rawe, 0>62), mc jrawtb bfilhej   trfsihmedm trfsihmedm cfs graetmrfs dm cf iaouehifihùe y mc ofrlmthej. Dm bmiba, mstæ dmtræs dm dmihshaems dm emjaiha icfvm iaoa cas fiumrdas dm  Omdhf Gar Mquhty , gùroucf qum iaeshstm me ue hetmrifo`ha dm fiihaems metrm ue stfrtup  y ue jrupa dm iaouehifihùe f ifo`ha dm mspfiha pu`chihtfrha. Dm mstm oada, me mc tmrrmea iaouehifthva, mc  jrawtb bfilhej  hoprmjef   hoprmjef tadf cf ghcasagïf mstrftèjhif y tæithif dm cfs ofrifs. Fsï, par mkmopca, iae mc a`kmthva ghefc dm irmihohmeta, cf vhshùe jrawtb bfilmr  su`yfim  su`yfim trfs mc dmsfrracca dm tæithifs iaoa mc emwskfilhej  (Yiatt,   (Yiatt, 0>66), iaeshstmetm me f`ardfr fiihaems iaouehifthvfs heeavfdarfs trfs oaehtarhzfr cas tmofs dm fitufchdfd qum hetmrmsfe fc pû`chia a`kmthva. Mc emwskfilhej , pfrf ccmvfrsm f if`a, rmiurrm f cf oaehtarhzfihùe dm omdhas dm iaouehifihùe y fc `hj dftf  qum  qum jmemrfe cfs rmdms saihfcms pfrf iaeaimr cas tmofs qum hetmrmsfe fc pû`chia a`kmthva dm cf ofrif. F pfrthr dm fbï, sm irmfe iaetmehdas qum pumdme iaevmrthrsm me vhrfcms. v hrfcms. Heicusa pumdme



ccmjfr f ifptfr cf ftmeihùe dm cas omdhas dm iaouehifihùe qum, ifdf vmz oæs, iaeshdmrfe cfs rmdms saihfcms iaoa uef gumetm dm hegarofihùe me su praimsa dm omdhf iftibhej . Me mstm smethda, mc jrawtb bfilhej  y  y præithifs qum dmrhvfe dm èc, iaoa mc emwskfilhej , prmsmetfe uef mstrftmjhf hetmjrfdf, me cïemf iae cf iaeimpihùe dm iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej. 0.6. Fetmimdmetms; mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf

Mc jmrome dm mstm thpa dm fiihaems, smjûe futarms iaoa Bmrttuf,  Kfla`, Efvm, Juptf y [yclf (0>67), mstf`f yf prmsmetm me mc pcfetmfohmeta dmc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf qum tfeta pmqumöfs moprmsfs iaoa atrfs dm ofyar ofjehtud iaetmopcfe, dmsdm bfim dèifdfs, iaoa ia oa oètadas ea iaevmeihaefcms, pfrf cajrfr eatarhmdfd me sus mstrftmjhfs dm ofrlmthej y iaouehifihùe. Mc èxhta dm fiihaems dm strmmt ofrlmthej , heeavfdarfs ifopföfs vhrfcms, sarprmedmetms mxpmrhmeihfs trfesomdhf a hopfitfetms  gcfsboa`s , par mkmopca, iaestftfe cf mghifihf dm cf irmfthvhdfd iaoa vïf pfrf cajrfr cf hetmrfiihùe iae cfs pmrsaefs, me ouibas ifsas, iae uef hevmrshùe ouiba omear qum f trfvès dm cf uthchzfihùe dm oètadas iaevmeihaefcms dm ofrlmthej, iaoa cf pu`chihdfd. Dm bmiba, cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc sm imetrf me iucthvfr mc hejmeha pfrf irmfr mxpmitfihùe, sarprmedmr y iaesmjuhr ue mgmita vhrfc me cfs rmdms saihfcms, iao`heæedasm heicusa iae fiihaems dm ofrlmthej ccfofthvfs me cujfrms pû`chias, yf qum cas usufrhas hetrhjfdas a hopfitfdas sumcme iaopfrthr gatajrfgïfs a iaetmehdas. Mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf sm papucfrhzù f pfrthr dm cas föas aibmetf dmc pfsfda shjca, iae Cmvhesae, quhme iaeshdmrf qum –cf tmarïf dmc

ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf dhim qum sus prheihpfcms hevmrshaems dm`mrïfe smr thmopa, memrjïf m hofjhefihùe‟ (Cmvhesae, 0>>8;8). Me cf ohsof cïemf, Yfcfs, Fedrfdm y Tfvfrmz (0>62;6=9) dmgheme mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf



iaoa, –uef ghcasagïf dmc ofrlmthej, qum susthtuym cas omdhas ofshvas par fcja arhjhefc y dhstheta‟. 

Cf mxpmrhometfihùe, praphf dmc megaqum dmc  jrawtb bfilhej , y su pcfetmfohmeta hetmjrfda, mstæe prmsmetm me mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf qum sm imetrf me –cf msmeihf dm cf irmfthvhdfd; iao`hefr das a oæs mcmometas qum ea bfyfe shda iao`hefdas‟ (Cmvhesae, 0>>8;70). 

Cf præithif dmc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf, smjûe smöfcfe Tarrm`cfeif y Carmetm (0>67), mejca`f fiihaems dm dhvmrsf ïedacm metrm cfs qum dmstfife, me mc æo`hta aggchem, mc fo`hmet ofrlmthej  y   y mc strmmt ofrlmthej . Cf dhgmrmeihf metrm fo`as thpas dm fiihaems ms qum, ohmetrfs qum me mc fo`hmet ofrlmthej   cfs fiihaems sae mstæthifs y sm fpayfe me cf trfesgarofihùe dm mcmometas ur`feas mxhstmetms, me mc strmmt ofrlmthej , sm hetmrfitûf iae cfs pmrsaefs. Me cf ohsof cïemf, @rfva (0>69;6=-6:) dhvhdm mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf me iuftra ifopas, qum iae mc efihohmeta dm Hetmremt sm mxthmedme fc oueda aechem; ifccms y shthas pû`chias, mvmetas, praduitas iathdhfeas m Hetmremt. Me cf mrf dhjhtfc, mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf bf mvacuihaefda ouiba yf qum –Hetmremt y cf wm` 0.> sae ifefcms qum agrmime tadfs cfs pash`hchdfdms pfrf iuopchr iae cf dmghehihùe hehihfc dm Cmvhesae sa`rm mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf; a`tmemr mc oæxhoa `memghiha iae mc oïehoa dm rmiursas hevmrthdas. Dm bmiba, mc ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf trfdhihaefc a 6.>, rmfcometm yf ea iuopcm iae mc rmquhshta dm cas iastms oïehoas. Ya`rm tada, cfs jrfedms ofrifs dm jrfe iaesuoa, hevhmrtme ouiba dhemra me ifdf uef dm sus fiihaems pfrf ccfofr cf ftmeihùe dmc iaoprfdar. ]ef pyom a stfrtup  ea pumdm iaopmthr me mstm ohsoa ifopa. Fue fsï, thmem atrfs bmrrfohmetfs mgmithvfs f su dhspashihùe. Mc ifefc aechem y mc aggchem ea saca ea sae smpfrf`cms, shea qum heicusa rmsuctfe tatfcometm pmromf`cms‟ (@rfva, 0>69;06).



Mc èxhta dm fiihaems dm mstm thpa dmpmedm dm cf hevmsthjfihùe y cf pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif; –saca sh cas feueihfetms iaeaime cas bæ`htas y cfs mxpmitfthvfs dm su jrupa a`kmthva, pumdme pravaifr mgmitas sarprmsf y mgmitas dm dhgushùe. Jmemrfr eumvfs hdmfs rmquhmrm ue jrfe msgumrza dm hevmsthjfihùe y pcfehghifihùe‟ (Buttmr y Baggofee,

0>66;6>). 9. Cf pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc

Cf pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif ms uef arhmetfihùe dm hetmrvmeihùe a megaqum dm fiihùe dmsthefda f iuopchr iae ueas a`kmthvas (Rhgrf, 0>>:;6>). Mstas a`kmthvas, me mc ifsa dmc  jrawtb bfilhej , sm imetrfe prheihpfcometm me mc irmihohmeta (Mcchs y @rawe, 0>62) y, me jrfe pfrtm, me tadf mstrftmjhf dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc. Metrm cas dhgmrmetms oadmcas dm pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif, mc oadmca me msphrfc iaestruhda par Ofrstae (6879) `fka mc firùehoa PFIM ( Pmsmfrib  Pmsmfrib , Fithae , Iaoouehifthae  y  y Mvfcufthae  ) ms –uea dm cas oæs ihtfdas me mc æo`hta fifdèohia, yf qum iaesthtuym ue pueta dm rmgmrmeihf ifphtfc‟ (Ofthccf, 0>>2;:4).

9.6. Hevmsthjfihùe

Cf prhomrf gfsm dmc oadmca PFIM ms cf hevmsthjfihùe, qum, dm fiumrda iae Iutchp y Imetmr (0>>6), mstf ms cf gfsm oæs dhgïihc, yf qum f omeuda ea sm sf`m iùoa pcfetmfrcf y, fdmoæs, iumetf iae cf apashihùe dm quhmems ea cf iaeshdmrfe emimsfrhf. Cfs pash`hchdfdms y iaopcmkhdfd dm cf hevmsthjfihùe bfe hda me fuometa iae cf hrrupihùe dm cfs tmieacajïfs dm cf hegarofihùe, qum pmrohtme a`tmemr dftas ofshvas, dmeaohefdas iaoa `hj dftf  (@rfucha   (@rfucha y Iurta, 0>6=). Fdmoæs, tfc iaoa megfthzf Lfusbhl (0>>8;0>8), mxhstme mxpmrhometas iaetracfdas pfrf rmfchzfr prum`fs (iaoa cas tmst F/@ a



cas tmst oucthvfrhfetms) qu qumm ca pmrohtme. Mstf cf`ar dm hevmsthjfihùe –ms ue frtm parqum, iaoa ue phetar, mc fefchstf rmiurrm f uef pfcmtf dm

iacarms dhvmrsf (gumetms dm dftas) pfrf meiaetrfr cf iao`hefihùe pmrgmitf‟ (Zfhs`mrj y Lfusbhl, 0>>8;=).    Fdmoæs dm mstfr me mc hehiha dm iufcquhmr mstrftmjhf, yf qum cf hevmsthjfihùe pmrohtm –iaeaimr y iaoprmedmr què mstæ suimdhmeda‟

(Iumeif, 0>60;4:), sm dm`m rmiurrhr f mccf durfetm tada mc dmsfrracca dmc d mc pcfe dm iaouehifihùe parqum –ms uef bmrrfohmetf oucthusas qum sm

uthchzf me tadfs cfs gfsms dm ue praimsa dm ue prajrfof dm iaouehifihùe‟ (Iumeif, 0>60;60=).

9.0. ^cfehghifihùe

Cf smjuedf gfsm dmc oadmca PFIM (Ofrstae, 6879) ms cf pcfehghifihùe, iaeshdmrfdf iaoa mc praimsa dm mstf`cmihohmeta dm cfs omtfs y a`kmthvas y dmtmrohefihùe dm cf ofemrf dm cajrfrcas (Zhciax mt fc, 0>60). Me cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, cf pcfehghifihùe sm rmfchzf me mc iarta pcfza y sm pcfetmf iaoa gcmxh`cm y fdfptf`cm fc metarea ifo`hfetm, pfrf fpravmibfr me tada oaometa cfs apartuehdfdms dm iaouehifihùe y tmemr ifpfihdfd dm rmfiihùe fetm cas hoprmvhstas. Cfs fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc sm ifcmedfrhzfe par trhomstrms, iae oûcthpcms fiihaems tæithifs qum sm dmihdme me mc dïf f dïf y qum shmoprm rmspaedme f a`kmthvas iaeirmtas y omdh`cms. 9.9. Mkmiuihùe

Cf tmrimrf gfsm dm mkmiuihùe dm cfs fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe, sm hesirh`m me cf cïemf mstf`cmihdf par cfs das gfsms prmimdmetms, cf hevmsthjfihùe y cf pcfehghifihùe. Cfs fiihaems prmvhfometm pcfehghifdfs sm ccmvfe f if`a me cf gfsm dm mkmiuihùe, durfetm cf iufc sm rmiurrm tfeta f cf pu`chihdfd iaoa f cfs rmcfihaems pû`chifs, heicuymeda tèiehifs qum mstæe me cf graetmrf metrm uef y atrf dhsihpchef, iaoa mc hegcumeimr  



ofrlmthej ,

mc ofrlmthej  dm   dm iaetmehdas a mc `rfedmd iaetmet  (Iacc   (Iacc y Ohiù, 0>68;60:).

Cf ofyar hetmrfiihùe iae cas pû`chias me cf saihmdfd rmd, bfim qum cf rmputfihùe dm cfs ofrifs sm vmf ouiba oæs mxpumstf y qum cf jmsthùe dm irhshs dm iaouehifihùe smf præithifometm uef cf`ar iaestfetm. ^ar mcca, atras æo`htas dm fitufihùe icfvm dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc durfetm cf mkmiuihùe dm cfs fiihaems ms cf jmsthùe dm rmputfihùe y cf iaouehifihùe dm irhshs qum ^mfrsae y Ohtragg (6889;4:), dhvhdme me iheia gfsms; dmtmiihùe dm smöfcms, prmpfrfihùe y prmvmeihùe, iaetmeihùe dm dföas, rmiupmrfihùe y fprmedhzfkm. 9.4. Mvfcufihùe

^ræithifometm me pfrfcmca f cf mkmiuihùe, sm rmfchzf ue smjuhohmeta f thmopa rmfc dm cfs fiihaems, ohdhmeda dm garof ca oæs ihmetïghifometm pash`cm cf iaesmiuihùe dm cas a`kmthvas, pfrf padmr rmithghifr a heicusa rmpcfetmfr cf mstrftmjhf (Iacc y Ohiù, 0>68;608). Cf oaehtarhzfihùe iaetheuf dm cas rmsuctfdas, dm cfs fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, garof pfrtm msmeihfc dm cf iufrtf y ûcthof gfsm dm cf msphrfc dmc oadmca PFIM; cf mvfcufihùe. Me mstf gfsm, sm mvfcûf mc èxhta dm ifdf fiihùe f pfrthr dm hedhifdarms icfvm, qum pmrohtme uef taof dm dmihshaems `fsfdf me dftas. Dm mstf garof, cf hevmsthjfihùe mstæ fc prheihpha y fc ghefc dm mstf msphrfc, qum Ofthccf dmsirh`m iaoa –uef cïemf fsimedmetm qum, pfrthmeda me su efihohmeta dm cf

hevmsthjfihùe, fvfezf bfihf cf fiihùe, sm dmspcfzf par cf iaouehifihùe y, ghefcometm, dmsmo`aif y tmrohef me cf mvfcufihùe‟. Me mstm oadmca imrrfda dm Ofrstae (6879), –ifdf mtfpf iaeduim

hedmgmith`cmometm f cf shjuhmetm, dm oada qum cf ûcthof mtfpf (  Mvfcufthae  ), uef vmz supmrfdf, a`chjfræ f rmiurrhr eumvfometm f cf Pmsmfrib  prhomrf ( Pmsmfrib   )‟ (Ofthccf, 0>>2;:4). Dm fiumrda iae Zhciax,



Ifomrae y Rhgrf (0>60;60)., mc oadmca PFIM ms, me dmghehthvf, –ue praimsa qum pumdm iaeshdmrfrsm iaoa ue ihica she ghe‟.

Me mc æo`hta dm cfs moprmsfs momrjmetms dhjhtfcms, mstm ihica she ghe sm Cmfepmrohtm Ytfrtup, omdhr dmsfrraccf pfrfcmcapraduita f cf omtadacajïf qum sm dm imetrf me cfezfr –mc me oïehoa vhf`cm‟, qum garof iaetheuf mc hopfita, shjuhmeda mc –ihriuhta irmfr-omdhr-fprmedmr iae

ue oïehoa msgumrza y me mc oïehoa thmopa dm dmsfrracca‟ (Phms,

0>60;67). Cf mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, par tfeta, dm`m iaetfr iae uef pcfehghifihùe gcmxh`cm, qum pfrtf shmoprm dm cf hevmsthjfihùe y mvfcûm cas rmsuctfdas dm sus fiihaems, qum sm pcfetmfe iao`hefeda irmfthvhdfd y feæchshs, `fkaf cf mc vmcaihdfd gaia dmc fprmedhzfkm cf mxpmrhometfihùe y cf fdfptfihùe dm ifo`ha iaestfetm, me mc metarea. 4. Ifopas dm fitufihùe dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc

Mc megaqum dmc  jrawb bfilhej   imetrf cf mstrftmjhf dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, qum sm fpayf me cf irmfthvhdfd, mc feæchshs y mc fprmedhzfkm iaestfetm f trfvès dm cf mxpmrhometfihùe pfrf cajrfr su a`kmthva msmeihfc dm irmihohmeta. Me iufeta f sus ifopas dm fitufihùe qum, iaoa sm bf smöfcfda, sm pcfetmfe dmsdm cf ùpthif dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmjrfdf dm ofrlmthej, cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc rmiurrm f tèiehifs pu`chihtfrhfs y dm rmcfihaems pû`chifs, iae tèiehifs qum mstæe me cf graetmrf metrm uef y atrf dhsihpchef, iaoa mc hegcumeimr  ofrlmthej  a  a mc ofrlmthej  dm  dm iaetmehdas. 4.6. Omdhas jfefdas; rmcfihaems pû`chifs  Tfc smöfcf (0>69;70), –cf garofs; moprmsff shmoprm padhda mstfriaoa prmsmetm me Fimd cas omdhas dm trms trfvès dmbf`ïf cas omdhas



praphas (rmvhstfs iarparfthvfs, hetrfemt, wm` iarparfthvf), dm cas omdhas iaoprfdas (pu`chihdfd) y dm cas omdhas jfefdas (  pu`chihty  ).  Fitufcometm, mstf ûcthof vïf, f trfvès dm cfs rmcfihaems pû`chifs, ia`rf ue hetmrès mspmihfc‟.

Cfs rmcfihaems pû`chifs iaesthtuyme cf dhsihpchef meifrjfdf dm jmsthaefr cfs rmcfihaems metrm uef arjfehzfihùe y sus pû`chias (@mrefys, 6809). Cf præithif oadmref, cfs rmcfihaems pû`chifs –sae fcja oæs qum uef

shopcm pmrsufshùe y gaometfe uef iaouehifihùe f`hmrtf `hdhrmiihaefc outuf‟ (Zhciax mt fc, 0>60;7).   4.0. Omdhas pfjfdas; pu`chihdfd

Cfs ifopföfs pu`chihtfrhfs thmeme ue pmsa dmstfifda metrm cfs fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe y sm dmsfrraccfe tfeta me omdhas dhjhtfcms y rmdms saihfcms, dm garof iaardhefdf iae cfs ifopföfs aggchem, iaoa cfs dm tmcmvhshùe, qum shjum shmeda ue sapartm pu`chihtfrha dm prhomr ardme. Dmsdm mc hehiha, cf pu`chihdfd sm pcfetmf pmesfeda me a`tmemr cf oæxhof dhgushùe me tadas cas ifefcms pash`cms. Dm mstm oada, me cïemf iae su megaqum jrawtb bfilmr , sm fpravmibfe fc oæxhoa cfs shemrjhfs metrm cfs fiihaems, ifefc. fdfptfeda cas iaetmehdas y cf pcfehghifihùe f ifdf pû`chia y 4.9 Omdhas praphas; iaetmehdas y vhrfchdfd

Iae msm a`kmthva dm irmihohmeta dmc  jrawtb bfilhej , cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc irmf y iurf iaetmehdas pfrf cajrfr qum su omesfkm ccmjum fc pû`chia a`kmthva, y, fdmoæs ccfom f cf fiihùe y qum sm prapfjum. Mc gmeùomea vhrfchdfdsusimpth`cm rmspaedm fdmueprapfjfrca, praimsa qum dmsmeifdmef sh ue omesfkm dm f uecf usufrha tfcsmiaoa dmsirh`m



Pusblagg (6884;6=); –fsï iaoa cas ihmetïghias usfe vhrus pfrf iao`fthr

ihmrtfs megmromdfdms dmetra dmc iumrpa buofea a pfrf mthqumtfr iècucfs pmchjrasfs pfrf su dmstruiihùe par cas praphas fethiumrpas dm cf pmrsaef, cas fithvhstfs dm cas omdhas usfe vhrus pfrf iao`fthr ca qum  vme iaoa memohjas dm eumstrf iucturf. Cas vhrus dma cas omdhas dm iaouehifihùe, yf smfe hetmeihaefcms, iaaptfdas mspaetæemas, iaeduime f cf outfihùe dm cf saihmdfd yf fcjûe thpa dm mvacuihùe‟.

Mc iaeimpta dm ofrlmthej vhrfc pfrthù dmc mo`cmoæthia mo`cmoæthia dm Batofhc; Batofhc; –cf hesphrfihùe vhea dmc pftrùe dm Batofhc, mc smrvhiha dm iarrma mcmitrùehia qum sm pusa me ofribf me 6887. Tho Drfpmr iaevmeihù f Batofhc dm heicuhr ue omesfkm me taea praoaihaefc iae ue chel ]PC me ifdf omesfkm mevhfda par ue usufrha dm Batofhc. Fccï mstf`f uea dm cas mcmometas icfvm 0>>>;66>). dmc ofrlmthej  vmedmdar‟ (Kurvmtsae, (Kurvmtsae,   vhrfc; ifdf ichmetm sm iaevhmrtm me Me cïemf iae mc megaqum dm Pusblagg, Pasme (0>>6;687) smöfcf qum –dfda qum ifdf ichmetm rmih`m hegarofihùe dm ue fohja f trfvès dm cf

Pmd pumdm rmpraduihrcf dm garof shouctæemf y mevhfrcf f daimefs, ihmetas a ohcms dm atrfs pmrsaefs, mstf garof dm ofrlmthej f trfvès dm Hetmremt sm dmeaohef ‒ofrlmthej  vhrfc‘. Fsï Fs ï iaoa mc rmsgrhfda iaoûe sm iaetfjhf f trfvès dm cas mstareudas, cf tas y mc iaetfita iae cfs ofeas, fbarfiupaems ms pash`cm agrmimr cfy omesfkms dhvucjfihùe trfvès mcmitrùehia dm tfrkmtfs mcmitrùehifs, mcmitrùehias parf iarrma qum hestfe f hevhtfr f ue fohja‟.

Me iufeta f cas gfitarms gfihchtfdarms dm cf vhrfchdfd, @mrjmr y Ohclofe (0>60;680) dmstfife qum –mc iaetmehda pashth va  va ms oæs vhrfc qum mc iaetmehda emjfthva, pmra cf rmcfihùe metrm moaihùe y trfesohshùe saihfc ms oæs iaopcmkf qum cf vfcmeihf sacf. Cf vhrfchdfd ms pfrihfcometm hopucsfdf par cf mxihtfihùe ghshacùjhif. Mc iaetmehda qum mvaif moaihaems ( meaka a feshmdfd) ms oæs vhrfc‟. mcmvfdfs pashthvfs (tmoar) a emjfthva (meaka



Lfpcfe y Bfmecmhe (0>6>) rmsfctfe qum, sa`rm tada, me uef ifopföf dm ofrlmthej vhrfc bfy qum dfr mc omesfkm iarrmita f cas omesfkmras iarrmitas me mc metarea fdmiufda. Me mstm smethda, cas dmeaohefdas hegcumeimrs pumdme tmemr ue mgmita fopchghifdar qum gfihchtm cf vhrfchdfd.

=. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

 Fimd, I. (0>69). Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs 0.>. Iùoa jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf me mc metarea dhjhtfc . @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc ]AI @mrjmr, K., y Ohclofe, L. C. (0>60). «Zbft oflms aechem iaetmet  vhrfc1¼. Kaurefc ag Ofrlmthej Pmsmfrib , 48 (0), (0), pp.680-0>=. @mrefys, M.C. (6882). Irhstfchzfeda cf Aphehùe ^û`chif . @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc Jmsthùe 0>>> Iustaomr fefcythis; omkarfeda cf hetmchjmeihf @rfucha, E. y Iurta, K. (0>6=). dmc ichmetm omdhfetm cas dftas . @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc ]AI. @rfva, I. (0>69). Ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf pfrf moprmedmdarms vfchmetms;  Ftrèvmtm iae eumvfs «frofs¼ f vmedmr oæs y omkar . Cf msgmrf dm cas ch`ras. Ibme, F. (0>60). Jrawtb bfilmr hs tbm emw W^ Ofrlmthej . Fedrmw Ibme. Pmiupmrfda dm  dm bttp;//fedrmwibme.i bttp;//fedrmwibme.ia/baw-ta-`m-f-jrawtba/baw-ta-`m-f-jrawtbbfilmr-fe-fhr`e`irfhjschst-ifsm-study/ Iacc, ^. y Ohiù, K.C. (0>62). Ofrlmthej y iaouehifihùe me cf eumvf miaeaoïf.  @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc ]AI. dm pu`chihdfd y rmcfihaems pû`chifs me Iacc, ^. y Ohiù, (0>68). Mstrftmjhfs cf mrf dhjhtfc.K.C. @frimcaef; ]AI ^rmss. Iumeif, K. (0>60). Cfs fudhtarïfs dm rmcfihaems pû`chifs; Arhjme y mvacuihùe bhstùrhif, thpas dm fudhtarïfs, oadmcas y vfrhf`cms dm omdhihùe . @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc ]AI. Iutchp, Y. O. y Imetmr, F. B. (0>>6). Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs mghifims . @frimcaef; Jmsthùe 0>>>. Mcchs, Y. (0>6>). Ghed f jrawtb bfilmr gar yaur stfrtup. Ytfrtup Ofrlmthej \wm`_. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.stfrtupdm bttp;//www.stfrtupofrlmthej.iao/wbmrm-frm-fcc-tbm-jrawtb-bfilmrs/ Mcchs, Y. y @rawe, O. (0>62). Mc oètada Bfilhej Jrawtb; Vuè bfime iaopföïfs mxpcashvfs iaoa Gfim`aal, Fhr`e` y Zfcofrt pfrf smr cïdmrms me mc omrifda. @frimcaef; ^mejuhe Pfedao Bausm.



Bmrttuf, T., Kfla`, M., Efvm, Y., Juptf, P. y [yclf, O. ^. (0>67). Jrawtb Bfilhej; Mxpcarhej tbm Omfehej ag fe Hetmremt-@are Dhjhtfc Ofrlmthej @uzzward. He Dmshjehej Emtwarls gar Heeavfthae fed Hopravhsfthae . pp. 6=6-676 Bhopm, T. (0>>:). Cf pu`chihdfd bf oumrta; cfrjf vhdf f cf pu`chihdfd.  @frimcaef; @cuom. Buttmr, L. y Baggofee, Y. (0>66). Jumrrhccf ofrlmthej; Tbm efturm ag tbm iaeimpt fed prapashthaes gar gurtbmr rmsmfrib . Fshfe Kaurefc ag Ofrlmthej, = (0) (0) pp. 6-67  Kurvmtsae, Y. (0>>>). Zbft mxfitcy hs vhrfc ofrlmthej . Pmd Bmrrhej , :2 , 66>660. Lfpcfe, F. O., y Bfmecmhe, O. (0>6>). ]smrs ag tbm warcd, uehtm! Tbm ibfccmejms fed appartuehthms ag Yaihfc Omdhf. @ushemss barhzaes, =9(6), pp.=8-72. Lfusbhl, F. (0>>8). Zm` Fefcythis 0.>; Tbm Frt ag Aechem Fiiauetf`hchty Fi iauetf`hchty Iustaomr Imetrhihty . Kabe Zhcmy & Yaes. Latcmr,fed^.Yihmeim (0>>9)ag Ofrlmthej Ofefjmomet . Emw Kmrsmy; ^rmethim Bfcc. Cmvhesae, K. I. (0>>8). Ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf . Oarjfe Kfoms ^u`chsbhej. Ofrstae, K. M. (6879). Tbm Efturm ag ^u`chi Pmcfthaes . Emw Xarl; OiJrfw-Bhcc. Ofthccf, L. (0>>2). Cas oadmcas dm pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif me cf tmarïf dm cfs rmcfihaems pû`ch ifs. ifs. @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc ]AI. ^mfrsae, I. O., y Ohtragg, H. H. (6889). Grao Irhshs ^raem ta Irhshs ^rmpfrmd; F grfomwarl gar Irhshs Ofefjmomet . Fifdmoy ag Ofefjmomet ^mrspmithvms, : (6), (6), 42-=8. Phms, M. (0>60). Mc oètada Cmfe Ytfrtup; Iùoa irmfr moprmsfs dm èxhta uthchzfeda cf heeavfihùe iaetheuf . @frimcaef; Jrupa ^cfemtf. Pasme, M. (0>>0). Tbm feftaoy ag `uzz . Emw Xarl; Irawe ^u`chsbhej Jraup. Pusblagg, D. (6884). Omdhf Whrus . Emw Xarl; Pfedao Bausm ^u`chsbhej Jraup. Yfcfs, C Fedrfdm y G. Tfvfrmz, M. O. (0>62). Tæithifs dm ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf me pmqumöfs y omdhfefs moprmsfs. ]ehvmrshdfd y Yaihmdfd , 6>(9), 6=0-6=2. Yibuctz, D. M., y Lhtibme, ^. K. (0>>>). F rmspaesm ta ‒Tbmarmthif ‒Tbmarmthifc iaeimpt ar ofefjmomet gfsbhae. Kaurefc ag Fdvmrthshej Pmsmfrib , 4>(=), 6:-06.



Yiatt, D. O. (0>66). Emwskfilhej; Baw ta Hekmit Xaur Hdmfs Heta f @rmflhej  Emws Ytary fed Jmemrftm Taes ag Omdhf Iavmrfjm . Kabe Zhcmy & Yaes.  Tarrm`cfeif, G. y Carmetm, Carmetm, ^. (0>60). Ofrlmthej dm jumrrhccf. Ca ea iaevmeihaefc trhuegf. 9I Moprmsf , 6(8). 6-64.  Zhciax, D. C., Ifomrae, Ifomrae, J. T. y Rhgrf, K. (0>60). Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs;  Mstrftmjhfs y Tæithifs . Ofdrhd; ^mfrsae Mduifihùe  Zfhs`mrj, D., y Lfusbhl, F. (0>>8). Zm` Zm` Fefcythis 0.>; mopawmrhej iustaomr imetrhihty. Tbm Arhjhefc Ymfrib Mejhem Ofrlmthej  Kaurefc , 0 (6), (6), =-66. Rhgrf, K. (0>>:). Tâiehqums dm cms rmcfihaes pû`chqums. @frimcaef; Mdhtarhfc ]AI.





Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, bmrrfohmetf pfrf fchemfr fc pmrsaefc Cmchf [fpftf ]ehvmrshdfd Feæbufi ^FPF IHTFP; [fpftf, C. (0>0>). Mc  Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe iaouehifihùe hhetmref, etmref, bmrrfohmetf pfrf fchemfr fc pmrsaefc. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medf F`medföa, öa, O. f cf mstrftmjhf . & Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, I. (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e»6:2 (pp.08-4= (pp.08-4=).). Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm). 

Pmsuome Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref rmiaeaihdf iaoa gueihùe mstrftèjhif pfrf chdmrfr cf iucturf dm ifo`ha, thmem iaoa tfrmf icfvm mc dhsmöa dm ue pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref (^MIH). Mstm trf`fka paem me rmcmvfeihf cf jmsthùe dmc ifo`ha y mc rmta dm hopcmometfr uef

iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif. ^frf mcca, mxpaem cfs tmedmeihfs dhjhtfcms fpchifdfs f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, iuyf prheihpfc eavmdfd ms mc usa dm ibfts`ats . Mxpchif qum cf iiaouehifihùe aouehifihùe mstrftèjhif ms icfvm pfrf tadf arjfehzfihùe y sujhmrm f cfs moprmsfs arjfehzfr y frthiucfr cas omesfkms dhrhjhdas f sus fudhmeihfs hetmrefs dmsdm ue pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref. Mstm pcfe iuya rmspaesf`cm sumcm smr mc Dhriao, pmrohtm fchemfr f cf pcfethccf iae cas a`kmthvas y cf mstrftmjhf jca`fc dm cf moprmsf. Iaeicuym qum cas iacf`arfdarms hetmreas sae fchfdas dmihshvas pfrf qum cf moprmsf fvfeim me sastmeh`hchdfd, yf qum mc praymita dm gutura y cf heeavfihùe dmpmedm dm cfs pmrsaefs.



^fcf`rfs icfvm;  pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif, iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif, mstrftmjhf dhjhtfc hetmref, a`kmthvas mstrftèjhias 6. Hetraduiihùe


 F IAO]EHIFIHÙE hetmref shjum mvacuihaefeda bfihf mc trf`fka iacf`arfthva, ms dhjhtfc y su rmspaesf`cm fsuom ue rac dm fehofdar dmc dhæcaja me iabmrmeihf iae mc metarea fitufc, ifdf vmz oæs dhjhtfchzfda y me iaetheua ifo`ha.

 Fuequm ea tadfs cfs methdfdms hopcmometfe mstrftmjhfs dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, sae ifdf vmz oæs cfs moprmsfs vfejufrdhstfs iaopraomthdfs iae mc ifo`ha y iae cf iaouehifihùe iae sus iacf`arfdarms hetmreas. Ymjûe mmcc mstudha dm  Fiimeturm Tmieacajy Whshae   (0>67), cfs arjfehzfihaems qum fdfptfe sus emjaihas f cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, trf`fkfe dmsdm uef iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif.  Ftmedhmeda f cfs præithifs moprmsfrhfcms, sae ifdf vmz oæs cfs moprmsfs qum hopcfetfe uef mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe dhrhjhdf f sus pû`chias hetmreas, dm mstf ofemrf –fsphrfe f  iaesmjuhr uef pcfethccf smesh`hchzfdf y fchemfdf iae cas a`kmthvas mstrftèjhias‟ (Imms Wfe

0>60;20).  ^frf jmemrfr msm fchemfohmeta sus rmspaesf`cms dm 0>60;20).  iaouehifihùe me iaardhefihùe iae cfs ærmfs icfvms dm cf arjfehzfihùe, dhsmöfe ue pcfe mstrftèjhia iae mc ghe dm fchemfr pmrsaefs iae cf mstrftmjhf moprmsfrhfc.  Trfespfrmeihf, oathvfihùe y irmdh`hchdfd sae fcjuefs dm ccfs fs vmetfkfs dm fpchifr mstm pcfe mstrftèjhia. Cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif fsphrf f ofetmemr a heirmometfr mc iaopraohsa dm cas iacf`arfdarms hetmreas y gartfcmimr su arjucca dm pmrtmemeihf. p mrtmemeihf.



0. ^mrsaefs, heeavfihùe y iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif

^frf @mrjmr Pacfed (0>67), uea dm cas rmgmrmetms me dhjhtfchzfihùe, cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc yf ms uef emimshdfd hemcudh`cm pfrf ouibfs arjfehzfihaems qum aptfe par pcfems dm iucturf dhjhtfc. Dm fiumrda iae cfs hedfjfihaems dm @mrjmr, cfs moprmsfs mspföacfs mophmzfe f daohefr cas usas dhjhtfcms `æshias, fuequm tadfvïf mxhstm ue ihmrta rmimca f cas usas oæs fvfezfdas, qum sacfometm sae fpravmibfdas par uefs paifs moprmsfs heeavfdarfs. Cfs moprmsfs heeavfdarfs fpumstfe par cf iaouehifihùe yf qum she mstf gueihùe tada hetmeta dm heeavfr qumdfrïf she pratfjaehsoa. Yae iaesihmetms qum praoavmr cf heeavfihùe ms ue praimsa cmeta qum rmquhmrm fpmrturf fc ifo`ha ifo`ha,, iumsthaefohmetas, irmfthvhdfd. Heeavfr ms ue praimsa irmfthva, qum dmofedf ue iaekueta dm fithvhdfdms dmsfrraccfdfs me ue pmrhada dm thmopa, iae mc ghe dm oastrfr par prhomrf vmz uef hdmf me garof dm praduitas eumvas a omkarfdas, a `hme prmsmetfr eumvas praimsas, smrvhihas a tèiehifs dm jmsthùe. Ficfrf Jaezfcms Bmroasa (0>>6;9:) –cfs fithvhdfdms dm H+D su mcme smr cfs rmspaesf`cms dm cas praimsas dm heeavfihùe, fuequm ms pash`cm meiaetrfr moprmsfs heeavfdarfs qum ea ccmvfe f if`a fiihaems dm H+D‟.   X msta ms fsï, parqum heeavfr dmofedf trf`fka iaopfrthda, fpartms,  vacuetfd dm mmoprmedmr, oprmedmr, justa par mmcc rh rhmsja, msja, par ca eumva. Ihmrtfometm, sm heeavf iufeda sm jmsthaef mc tfcmeta y sm jmemrfe metareas gfvarf`cms pfrf mc gcuka dm hdmfs, iufeda sm praoumvm mc iaeaihohmeta iaopfrthda dm cf ofea dmc dhæcaja. ^ar tfeta, heeavfr mquhvfcm f dfr  vaz f cf hetmchjmeihf dm cf arjfehzfihùe yf qum sae cfs pmrsaefs cfs pratfjaehstfs dm cf heeavfihùe. Yae cfs pmrsaefs, iaeicuym mc mstudha Whshae Tmibeacajy  (0>67),  (0>67), quhmems

gfihchtfe y bfime pash`cm mc ifo`ha, par tfeta, dm`me smr cfs 96


pratfjaehstfs< mstfs pmrsaefs sae cfs qum fpartfe jrfihfs f cf iaemxhùe qum pmrohtme cfs eumvfs tmieacajïfs, cfs pcftfgarofs iacf`arfthvfs y cfs rmdms saihfcms. Ms fsï iaoa, cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc sm iaesfjrf iaoa cf pfcfeif qum shrvm pfrf iaemitfr pmrsaefs, pmrohthmeda ofetmemr ue gcuka iaestfetm dm hegarofihùe, dm iaeaihohmeta iaopfrthda, dm fpartms y rmtrafchometfihùe. Mstfs hetmrfiihaems ea dm`me chohtfrsm f ue ærmf a f uef uehdfd dmc emjaiha, yf qum, mc a`kmthva dm`m smr iaevmrthr cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc me mc mkm vmrtm`rfc dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Dm fbï cf emimshdfd dm heicuhrcf me cas pcfems dm iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif. ^frf qum cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc iaeshjf cas a`kmthvas mspmrfdas, sm rmquhmrm dmc dhsmöa dm uef mstrftmjhf, ms dmihr dm`m iaetfr iae uef pacïthif dm iaouehifihùe y smjuhr uefs fiihaems hetmeihaefcms. Dm oada qum cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc dm`m smr mstrftèjhif. 9. Cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif; mstrftmjhf arjfehzfihaefc.

omesfkms fchemfdas f cf

 Frjmeth (0>67), uea dm cas rmgmrmetms hetmrefihaefcms me cf oftmrhf, dmghem cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif iaoa cf iaouehifihùe fchemfdf m hetmjrfdf iae cf mstrftmjhf jca`fc j ca`fc dm cf iaopföïf, qum hopucsf y omkarf mc pashihaefohmeta mstrftèjhia dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Mxpchif qum uef mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe mgmithvf ms fqumccf qum pmrohtm mohthr omesfkms icfras y iaoprmesh`cms qum jmemrme iaeghfezf. iaeghfezf. Mstas omesfkms dm`me smr iaetfdas iae pfshùe dm garof iabmrmetm y rmhtmrfdf f sus fudhmeihfs hetmrefs. Iae mstf dmghehihùe Frjmeth sm paem me vfcar cf urjmeihf fc jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe dm garof mstrftèjhif iae mc fpaya dhrmithva, dm oada

qum shrvfe pfrf frthiucfr cf dhrmiihùe mstrftèjhif dm cf moprmsf y pfrf 90


oathvfr f cf jmetm pfrf qum cf fpaym. Me mstf ohsof cïemf iaheihdm Eurhf Yfcù (0>>:;09), quhme iaeshdmrf qum, cas dhrmitarms iaoa cïdmrms cïdm rms dmc oæs fcta ehvmc mstæe ccfofdas f iaevmrthrsm me fitarms dm cf iaouehifihùe, prmihsfometm –uef dm sus rmspaesf`hchdfdms dm`m smr fpayfr y oathvfr f sus mquhpas‟. Mc pfpmc y cf hopchifihùe dm cas

mquhpas dhrmithvas sae dmihshvas yf qum jrfihfs f sus ifrjas fiimdme f hegarofihùe shjehghifthvf qum dm`me trfesohthr y jfrfethzfr mc `ume gueihaefohmeta dm cas gcukas iaouehifthvas. Jræghia 6. Ihica dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif fpchifdf f cfs fudhmeihfs hetmrefs 

Gumetm; Mcf`arfihùe praphf Mstfs hetmrfiihaems sm iaevhmrtme me urjmetms f omdhdf qum cfs moprmsfs fuometfe su tfoföa, vhsh`hchdfd y omrifda. Me mstas ifsas, cfs methdfdms sm vme fetm cf emimshdfd dm uthchzfr uef mstrftmjhf dm

iaouehifihùe iabmrmetm pfrf jmsthaefr sus rmiursas hetfejh`cms iaoa sae cf ofrif y rmputfihùe hetmref y fsï, iaesmjuhr uef moprmsf 99


sastmeh`cm. ^rmihsfometm, pfrf Frjmeth (0>67), uef dm cfs icfvms pfrf cf iaestruiihùe dm praymitas moprmsfrhfcms sastmeh`cms f cfrja pcfza ms cf iabmrmeihf. Cf iabmrmeih iabmrmeihff gfvarmim ccff fshohcfihùe dm cas omesfkms, cas iufcms dm`me hr fiardms iae cf mstrftmjhf moprmsfrhfc y smr dhsmöfdas iae icfrhdfd. Mc jræghia 6 rmsuom mc ihica dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif fpchifdf f cfs fudhmeihfs hetmrefs. Cas omesfkms dhrhjhdas fc pmrsaefc dm cf arjfehzfihùe dm`me smr shstmoæthifometm mstudhfdas, smjûe cas a`kmthvas moprmsfrhfcms, mc fsueta f iaouehifr, mc ofpf dm fudhmeihfs, fsï iaoa omdhdas me su hopfita. ]e ifgè pfrf tadas ms uef mxprmshùe a`sacmtf, cf iaouehifihùe jrfihfs f cas `hj dftf  pumdm   pumdm smr pmrsaefchzfdf. Iufeda mstf iaouehifihùe sm dmsfrraccf dmsdm uef mstrftmjhf, mc mopcmfda sm meiaetrfræ, oæs hetmjrfda me mc praymita iarparfthva y fprmihfræ qum ms taofda me iumetf me cfs dmihshaems. 4. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif, prharhdfd qum gfihchtf cf trfesgarofihùe

Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif ea ms uef apihùe, ms uef prharhdfd qum hopucsf cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, gfihchtf cf jmsthùe dmc ifo`ha iucturfc qum hopaem cf miaeaoïf dhjhtfc y gfvarmim cf iaesmiuihùe dm cas a`kmthvas ghefcms dm iufcquhmr arjfehzfihùe. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif fpartf irmdh`hchdfd y jmemrf iaeghfezf me cfs fudhmeihfs hetmrefs rmspmita f cas praymitas pumstas me ofribf par cfs moprmsfs y ms cf bmrrfohmetf f trfvès dmc iufc sm mxpchife ifo`has, cajras y dhghiuctfdms.  Fsï ca tmsthghif Dhriao (0>6:) iufeda omeihaef mc mstudha rmfchzfda par mc  Murapmfe Iaoouehifthae Oaehtar   (0>67;97-46), mc ohsoa qum su`rfyf mc vfcar dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif me ue iaetmxta dm

ifo`ha, jmsthùe qum tfo`hèe ms rmiaeaihdf me su hopartfeihf, par pfrtm dm moprmsfs cftheafomrhifefs, dm fiumrda iae cfs iaeicushaems 94


dmc Cfthe Fomrhife Iaoouehifthae Oaehtar . Cas rmgmrhdas mstudhas, mc prhomra me moprmsfs murapmfs y mc smjueda, me moprmsfs cftheafomrhifefs, bfime ue smjuhohmeta f cf pragmshùe y f cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif. Fo`as heicuyme me sus hevmsthjfihaems prmjuetfs sa`rm cas dmsfgïas iaetmoparæemas y cfs tmedmeihfs qum hopfitfe me mc æo`hta dm cf iaouehifihùe y iaheihdme me –cf

hopartfeihf dm iaetfr iae ue dmpfrtfometa dm iaouehifihùe qum iaeshjf hopucsfr uef mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe qum iaetrh`uyf dmihdhdfometm f cas a`kmthv as as dmc emjaiha‟ \Dhriao_ (0>6:;92). Me mc ifsa mspföac, mstfs iaeicushaems bfe qumdfda iaeghrofdfs iae mc  Mstudha mc Mstfda dm cf Iaouehifihùe 0>62 , rmfchzfda ue föa oæs tfrdm par cf Fsaihfihùe dm Dhrmithvas dm Iaouehifihùe, mc iufc prmvè qum –me cas prùxhoas föas dmstfifræe; cf iaouehifihùe hetmref y cf jmsthùe dmc ifo`ha‟ \Dhriao_ (0>62;:) y iaeicuym qum cf iaouehifihùe hetmref

ms uef tmedmeihf icfrf qum pmrohtm dhguedhr mc praymita iacmithva. ^admoas, par tfeta, iaeicuhr qum cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif smræ hoprmsihedh`cm pfrf jmsthaefr mc ifo`ha y fvfezfr me dhjhtfchzfihùe. =. Tmedmeihfs me cf iaouehifihùe hetmref; pmrsaefchzfihùe, `ats , sofcc dftf  

Cas ifo`has tmieacùjhias tfo`hèe fgmitfe f cfs iaouehifihaems hetmrefs dhjhtfchzfdfs, cfs iufcms prmsmetfe iaoa prheihpfcms tmedmeihfs; t medmeihfs; iaetmehdas pmrsaefchzfdas, `hj dftf , sofcc dftf  y  y `ats .  Cfs fiihaems mstrftèjhifs iaeshdmrfdfs iaoa oæs rmcmvfetms par cfs arjfehzfihaems mspföacfs sae –usfr mc `hj dftf  y   y cas fcjarhtoas pfrf cf iaouehifihùe, iaemitfr cfs mstrftmjhfs dm cf arjfehzfihùe iae cf

iaouehifihùe m hopucsfr cf iaouehifihùe hetmref   \Dhriao_




Mc jræghia 0 oumstrf cfs fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif qum smræe tmedmeihf me cas ûcthoas föas, smjûe Dhriao Mspföf. Cf prheihpfc tmedmeihf me iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc ms mc usa dmc `hj dftf , mc iufc rmsuctf icfvm pfrf mc iaouehifdar, quhme jrfihfs f cas dftas pumdm taofr omkarms dmihshaems. Mc `hj dftf   pmrohtm prmdmihr, omdhr mc iaopartfohmeta dm cfs fudhmeihfs hetmrefs y fsï, fghefr cf mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe. Yhe mo`frja, smjûe cf Fsaihfihùe dm Dhrmithvas dm Iaouehifihùe mstf prheihpfc tmedmeihf sm vmræ supmrfdf par mc sofcc dftf , iae mstm rmiursa. –Cas dmtfccms smræe oæs iufchtfthvas y oheuihasas

y iaoa iaesmiumeihf, jfefræe uef omkar mgmithvhdfd f cf barf dm agrmimr fc usufrha mxpmrhmeihfs ûehifs y pmrsaefchzfdfs‟   \Dhriao_ (0>62;04). Jræghia 0. Fiihaems mstrftèjhifs qum smræe tmedmeihf tmedmeihf me iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif 

Gumetm; Mcf`arfihùe praphf Cf hetmchjmeihf frthghihfc ms atrf tmedmeihf qum mstæ hrruophmeda iae gumrzf me cf iaouehifihùe y sae ifdf vmz oæs cfs moprmsfs qum cfs

uthchzfe me sus iaevmrsfihaems. Mstf tmieacajïf mstæ hrruophmeda me mc pfearfof dm cf iaouehifihùe y smjuhræ fgmitfeda, smjûe Yhcvhf Cmfc



(0>62;90), –f cf garof dm iaouehifreas. Bfy quhme dhim qum me mc 0>06 bf`cfrmoas oæs iae ibft`ats ‟‟.. 

Cas `ats  y  y fcjarhtoas pumdme jmemrfr iaetmehdas m hetmrfitufr iae cas dhgmrmetms pû`chias, hjufc qum ca bfrïf uef pmrsaef, iae uef ifpfihdfd dm iaevmrsfihùe shouctæemf. Cas `ats   a ibft`ats   fpchifdas f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref thmeme jrfedms fpchifihaems. Mstas fshstmetms  vhrtufcms qum sm pumdme iaeghjurfr m hopcmometfr me praymitas dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, par mkmopca, pfrf dfr cf `hmevmehdf, pfrf prmjuetfr, pfrf `rhedfr cf hegarofihùe prmihsf dm fcjuef fithvhdfd dm cf moprmsf a pfrf fyudfr me cf `ûsqumdf dm hegarofihùe. Me iaesaefeihf iae mstas ifo`has, me pfcf`rfs dm Tfrrès (0>62;2),  (0>62;2), cf apihùe dmc iaouehifdar dm`m smr suofrsm f mstfs tmedmeihfs. Dhim, –mstas sae cas ifo`has f cas qum dm`m mstfr f`hmrta ue iaouehifdar. Cf icfvm ea padræ smr mvhtfr cf acf shea surgm s urgmfrcf‟ /…/ (Tfrrès, 0>62;2). 

7. ±Vuè ms mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref1

Yfcù (0>>:) ca dmghem iaoa uef smiumeihf dm mtfpfs qum iaoprmedme; mc dhfjeùsthia, dhsmöa, mkmiuihùe y iaetrac dm cfs fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe. Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, qum sm f`rmvhf iae cfs shjcfs ^MIH, ms uef bakf dm rutf qum iaethmem pacïthifs, mstrftmjhfs, pcfems feufcms dm fiihùe prmdmghehdas y qum dm`me rmvhsfrsm y fitufchzfrsm fiardm f cfs tmedmeihfs. t medmeihfs. Iaoa bakf dm rutf, mc ^MIH ms uef juïf qum, pfrf Ofrtïe (0>66;6>4), eas –pmrohtm sf`mr bfihf dùedm eas dhrhjhoas, par què, iùoa y me què

oaometa, she acvhdfr qum bfy qum iaardhefr tadas cas pfsas, fiihaems

y gfsms f rmfchzfr‟. 



Mc ^MIH shrvm pfrf mxpchifr f cf pcfethccf bfihf dùedm sm quhmrm hr y iùoa sm ccmjfræ. Ym rmdfitf iae cf fpartfihùe y me iaesmesa iae mc ærmf dm iaouehifihùe mxtmref, rmiursas buofeas y ofrlmthej. Ms cf iaetrh`uihùe oæs shjehghifthvf dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea me mc iufc sm trf`fkf iae ue ifcmedfrha dm mkmiuihùe, fdmoæs dm heicuhr ue ofpf dm fudhmeihfs hetmrefs, omesfkms icfvms y tmoæthifs f iaouehifr pfrf iaesmjuhr cf feshfdf iucturf iacf`arfthvf. Yhjuhmeda f Yfcù (0>>:), mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm uef arjfehzfihùe ms ûehia y rmspaedm f cas rmtas dm uef methdfd< me mc ohsoa sm prapaeme p rapaeme pcfems feufcms dm fiihùe fchemfdas f cf mstrftmjhf jca`fc dm cf moprmsf me ue cfpsa dm 9 f = föas. Mstm pcfe mstrftèjhia dm`m rmvhsfrsm y fdfptfrsm feufcometm, fiaesmkf  Whiuöf (0>>9). Dm`m hr me iabmrmeihf iae mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe y fiardm iae cf mstrftmjhf dmc emjaiha, mc iufc, smjûe  Whiuöf (0>>9;0=) , , – rmiajm rmiajm cfs dmihshaems mstrftèjhifs iarparfthvfs, me rmgmrmeihf f ca qum bfræ me cas trms prùxhoas föas pfrf cajrfr uef moprmsf iaopmththvf‟.  :. Pmetf`hchdfd dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref

Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref ms rmetf`cm par ouibfs rfzaems, quhzæ cfs oæs mvhdmetms sae qum fchemf fc pmrsaefc iae cas a`kmthvas y mstrftmjhfs dmc emjaiha< gfvarmim cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc y omkarf mc ehvmc dm pfrthihpfihùe hetmref< praoumvm cf iacf`arfihùe y, me iaesmiumeihf, omkarf cf iumetf dm rmsuctfdas dm cf methdfd.  Fdmoæs, su rmetf`hchdfd qumdf mxpcïihtf pa parqum rqum pmrohtm fethihpfreas fc gutura, mvhtfeda ifmr me cf hemrihf. Dm mstf ofemrf, cf moprmsf rmduim

cf heimrthduo`rm dmc què bfimr.



@fsæedaeas me cfs rmgcmxhaems rmfchzfdfs par Whiuöf (0>>9), rmspmita f cf hopartfeihf dm dhsmöfr ue pcfe mstrftèjhia pfrf iufcquhmr emjaiha, dmduihoas qum mc pcfe dm iaouehifihùe hetmref tfo`hèe padrïf smrvhr pfrf; 6.  0.  9.  4.  =.  7. 

Meofrifr tadfs cfs dmihshaems y fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe hetmref dmetra dm ue praymita. Pmiardfr f cfs fudhmeihfs hetmrefs cas vfcarms, cf ohshùe y vhshùe moprmsfrhfc Dhguedhr cas a`kmthvas f cfrja pcfza, dmghehr gueihaems y rmspaesf`hchdfdms f ehvmcms icfvm Iaardhefr cfs iaouehifihaems hetmrefs metrm ærmfs ^mrohthr mc smjuhohmeta y rmvhshùe iaetheufdf dm cfs fiihaems moprmedhdfs Dhguedhr ue praymita dm gutura hcushaefetm, sùchda y iaeshstmetm.

Mc jræghia 9 rmsuom cf rmetf`hchdfd dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref. Jræghia 9. Pmetf`hchdfd dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref

Gumetm; Mcf`arfihùe praphf



Yae pums, ouibfs cfs rfzaems qum ca kusthghife, sa`rm tada sh iaeshdmrfoas qum uef moprmsf ms uef iaejrmjfihùe dm pmrsaefs dm dhgmrmetm jmemrfihùe y ûehifs< iae praimdmeihf iucturfc dhgmrmetm. Mstfs pmrsaefs emimshtfe iaouehifrsm, ms dmihr, hetmrfitufr, mxprmsfr sus aphehaems, dmsfiumrdas, fpartfr, omkarfr y sh ms prmihsa, rmithghifr y fprmedmr. Iufeda uef moprmsf ea dmdhif thmopa f pcfehghifr sus praimsas dm iaouehifihùe y omesfkms hetmreas, dmoumstrf qum ea thmem uef vhshùe icfrf y iaophtm she ue praymita dm gutura. Iaoa `hme msicfrmim Whiuöf (0>>9;0: ), –cf pcfehghifihùe pmrohtm f cfs arjfehzfihaems pfrthihpfr pf rthihpfr me cf iaestruiihùe dm su prapha gutura, mvhtfeda qumdfr f cf omrimd dm cas fvftfrms dmc omrifda‟. Hedudf`cmometm, fuequm ea padmoas

prmvmr mc gutura, shjuhmeda cfs tmedmeihfs ms pash`cm fethihpfreas f cas rmtas guturas qum, me mstm ifsa, me oftmrhf dm iaouehifihùe pumdme dfrsm dmetra dm uef arjfehzfihùe. Dm oada qum, par cfs rfzaems mxpumstfs, padmoas iaeicuhr qum mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref ms uef hevmrshùe emimsfrhf y fctfometm rmetf`cm pfrf iufcquhmr arjfehzfihùe. 2. Mc rmspaesf`cm dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref

Ms emimsfrha qum mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref smf dmcmjfda f pragmshaefcms mspmihfchstfs meifrjfdas dm su dhsmöa, mkmiuihùe, iaetrac y apthohzfihùe. Me cf præithif, cf tmedmeihf ms qum mc rmspaesf`cm dmc ^MIH iaopfrtf dmspfiba iae mc Dhrmitar dm Iaouehifihùe y me fcjueas ifsas, mstm pragmshaefc fsuom cf rmspaesf`hchdfd dm cf pcfehghifihùe dm cf

iaouehifihùe tfeta hetmref iaoa mxtmref. Yfcù (0>>:) su`rfyf qum cf



iaetrh`uihùe dm mstas pragmshaefcms ms mstrftèjhif y emimsfrhf me tfeta pmrohtme cf jmsthùe dmc ifo`ha, y dm cf rmputfihùe hetmref.  Fsï tfo`hèe, ca iaestftf cf Fsaihfihùe Fsaihfihùe dm Dhrm Dhrmithvas ithvas dm Iaoue Iaouehifihùe hifihùe \Dhriao_ (0>62;6=>) qum tmsthghif cf tmedmeihf irmihmetm dm cfs arjfehzfihaems y moprmsfs me fshjefr prmsupumstas, rmiursas buofeas y cajïsthias pfrf cf hopcmometfihùe dm dmpfrtfometas dm iaouehifihùe qum aiupfe uef pashihùe dm stfgg. –Mc Dhriao me cf ofyarïf dm cas

ifsas (=6.2%), mstæ mstæ par dmcfetm dm cf Dhrmiihùe Jmemrfc (08.0%). Jrfe pfrtm dm mstas pragmshaefcms dmspfibfe iae mc IMA‟.  Föfdm cf  Fsaihfihùe qum, cf mstrftmjhf jca`fc dm cf iaouehifihùe ms uef tfrmf icfvm me mstas pragmshaefcms, quhmems jmsthaefe tfeta cf iaouehifihùe y cf rmputfihùe hetmref iaoa cf mxtmref \Dhriao_ (0>62). Mstas pragmshaefcms trf`fkfe iae tadas cas stflmbacdmrs  heicuhdas  heicuhdas cas hetmreas, f ghe dm praoavmr y jmsthaefr cf omkar hofjme hetmref y mxtmref. Ms fsï iaoa, cas Dhriao y cas rmspaesf`cms dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, sm iaesachdfe iaoa cas dhefohzfdarms dmc dhæcaja hetmrea, iaoa cas jfrfetms dm cfs hetmrfiihaems, shmoprm fchemfdas iae cf mstrftmjhf dmc emjaiha. Ym iaoprum`f fsï, qum cf iaouehifihùe hetmref sm pashihaef dmetra dmc Dmpfrtfometa dm Iaouehifihùe y su jmsthùe smræ ifdf vmz oæs hopartfetm, smjûe cfs iaeicushaems sa`rm mc  Mstfda dm cf Iaouehifihùe me  Mspfö f \Dhriao_ (0>62;694), –cf iaouehifihùe hetmref sm pashihaef iaoa uef gueihùe mstrftèjhif, emimsfrhf pfrf jmsthaefr mc ifo`ha‟.

Vumdfrae cmkfeas cas 8>, föas me qum cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mstuva  vheiucfdf `æshifometm iae rmiursas buofeas, garofihùe, ofrlmthej, metrm atras, (Fedrmu 688>).



8. Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref iaethmem pcfems  y praymitas

Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref pfrf Yfcù (0>>:) sm praymitf f cfrja pcfza y sm iaeirmtf f pfrthr dm pacïthifs dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, pcfems feufcms dm iaouehifihùe y dm sus iarrmspaedhmetms prajrfofs puetufcms. Cf mcf`arfihùe dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia ms ue praimsa cf`arhasa, oheuihasa y vhshaefrha qum rmquhmrm dmc dhsmöa dm pacïthifs y dm mstrftmjhfs.  Fdmoæs, mstæ iaegarofda par ue iaejcaomrfda dm prajrfofs, praymitas y fiihaems fhscfdfs dm iaouehifihùe hetmref. Mstfs fiihaems sumcme smr rmuehaems hegarofcms a mvmetas `rmvms iaevaifdas puetufcometm. Mc iufdra 4 hcustrf cf ofjehtud dm ue pcfe mstrftèjhia hopcmometfda iae ue iaekueta dm prajrfofs y praymitas. Cas prajrfofs sae icfvms yf qum iaetrh`uyme f qum iaouehifihùe hetmref irhstfchim sus omtfs. Ifdf prajrfof df if`hdf y sm dmsfrraccf omdhfetm dhgmrmetms praymitas. ^ar su pfrtm, cas praymitas sm mkmiutfe f trfvès dm fiihaems y/a fithvhdfdms. Jræghia 4 Ofjehtud dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia

Gumetm; Mcf`arfihùe praphf 40


]e prajrfof, pfrf Pa`mrts (0>60;4=), –ms ue hestruometa pfrf

iaardhefr, hopcmometfr y bfimr prajrmsfr cf mstrftmjhf dm cf arjfehzfihùe‟. Cas prajrfofs mstæe megaifdas f ue æo`hta fopcha y

sumcme mstfr iaopumstas par ue iaekueta dm praymitas. Fsï, par mkmopca, ue pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref thmem ue prajrfof ccfofda; dhjhtfchzfihùe dmc emjaiha y sm trftf dm ue prajrfof fchemfda fc pcfe mstrftèjhia qum iaetmopcf cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc dmc emjaiha. Mstm prajrfof heicuym smhs praymitas; praimsas dmc emjaiha, `cajs, whlhs, rmdms saihfcms hetmrefs, `hj dftf  y  y `ats . Iaoa mxpchif ^fuc Pa`mrts (0>60), tada praymita thmem uef gmibf dm hehiha y dm ghe. Ifdf praymita ms ûehia, iuopcm ifcmedfrhas, ofemkf ue prmsupumsta futùeaoa y rmiurrm f ue f`fehia dm rmiursas y mxpmrtas Cas praymitas thmeme uef durfihùe oæs iartf y par ca jmemrfc paias praoatarms< sm garoucfe pfrf fcifezfr cas a`kmthvas dmc prajrfof. 6>. Iaeicushaems

Cf dhjhtfchzfihùe irmihmetm dm moprmsfs y cfs iaouehifihaems dhjhtfcms shjume atarjfeda vfcar f cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif qum sm pashihaef iaoa dmtmrohefetm pfrf fchemfr fc pmrsaefc iae cas a`kmthvas y smjuhr fvfezfeda me cf trfesgarofihùe dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc dm cf moprmsf ea saca ms sa`rm tmieacajïf, shea qum f`frif fdmoæs cf jmsthùe dmc tfcmeta y cf iaouehifihùe hetmref. Yh cf arjfehzfihùe prmtmedm sfifr vmetfkf dm cf dhjhtfchzfihùe ms emimsfrha qum garom y dhsmöm fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe hetmref. Jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mstrftèjhif dmetra dm cf moprmsf

dmsdm ue pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref (^MIH) ms dmihshva pfrf qum uef arjfehzfihùe smf iaopmththvf y sm fdfptm f cfs eumvfs



tmedmeihfs qum ofrife cfs eumvfs tmieacajïfs y cf eumvf mrf dm cf hetmchjmeihf frthghihfc. Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref (^MIH) ms ue daiuometa pmrsaefchzfda, qum dm`m mstfr fchemfda f cf mstrftmjhf jca`fc dm cf moprmsf. Dhiba pcfe iaoprmedm prajrfofs y praymitas< dm`m smr mvfcufda y mstfr sukmta f rmvhshaems y fitufchzfihaems pmrhùdhifs. Mc ^MIH ms cf iaetrh`uihùe oæs hopartfetm y dmihshvf dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea. ^mrohtm fvfezfr me cf trfesgarofihùe trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, hevacui hevacuirf rf f tada mc pmrsaefc me cas ifo`has y iaevhmrtm f cas iacf`arfdarms hetmreas me fchfdas mstrftèjhias. 66. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

 Fedrmu ^hehccas, F. (688>). H Mstudha dmc Mstfda dm cf Iaouehifihùe Hetmref , Ofdrhd; Hesthtuta dm Moprmsf  Frjmeth, F. ^. (0>64). Iaouehifihùe Mstrftèjhif y su iaetrh`uihùe f cf rmputfihùe. Ofdrhd; CHD Mdhtarhfc.  Fsaihfihùe dm Dhrmithvas dm Iaouehifihùe Iaouehifihùe (0>67). Feufrha dm Iaouehifihùe. Ofdrhd; Dhriao  Fsaihfihùe dm Dhrmithvas dm Iaouehifihùe Iaouehifihùe (0>6:). Mstfda dm cf Iaouehifihùe me Mspföf. Vuhetf Mdhihùe. Ofdrhd; Dhriao  Fsaihfihùe dm Dhrmithvas dm Iaouehifihùe Iaouehifihùe (0>62). Feufrha dm Iaouehifihùe. Ofdrhd; Dhriao Imms @. O., Wfe Phmc (0>60) Fchemfr pfrf jfefr. Ofdrhd; Chd Mdhtarhfc. Jaezæcmz Bmroasa dm Omedazf, F. (0>>6). Cf Heeavfihùe gfitar icfvm dm iaopmththvhdfd dm cfs moprmsfs. Ofdrhd; IMHO-IMA Cmfc, Y. (0>62). Hetmchjmeihf Frthghihfc ±Eumstra rmta u apartuehdfd1 Me  Feufrha dm cf Iaouehifihùe . Ofdrhd; Dhriao ^aca, G. (0>67). Cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, uef emimshdfd hemcudh`cm pfrf cfs moprmsfs me Feufrha dm cf Iaouehifihùe. Ofdrhd; Dhriao Pa`mrts, ^. (0>>2). Jmsthùe dm ^raymitas . @frimcaef; Jmsthùe 0>>>.

Yfhez dm Whiuöf, K. O., (0>>9). Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia me cf præithif . Ofdrhd; Mshi Yfcù, E. (0>>=). Fprmedmr f iaouehifrsm me cfs arjfehzfihaems. @frimcaef; ^fhdùs. 44


 Tfrrès Oaesmrrft (0>62) ]ef pragmshùe me pmrofemetm ifo`ha me Feufrha dm cf Iaouehifihùe . Ofdrhd; Dhriao [fpftf ^fcfihas, C. (0>67). Hedustrhf dm cf Iaouehifihùe y miaeaoïf dhjhtfc;  juïf `æshif dmc DHPIAO. @frimcaef; ]AI  Omkarf f trfvès dm cf Pmspaesf`hchdfd Yaihfc  90. ^&J dm (0>68).  90. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//ms.pj.iao/ms-MY/sastmeh`hchdfd-me-pej/bhstarhfs bttps;//ms.pj.iao/ms-MY/sastmeh`hchdfd-me-pej/bhstarhfsrmihmetms-dm-sastmeh`hchdfd Ohrf Fjuccù, K. J.< ^möf Fiuöf, @. & ^frrf Omraöa, O. I. (0>67). Cf hofjme dmc IMA; mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf. Apihùe \me cïemf_ 0>67, 90. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.rmdfcyi.arj/frthiuca.af1hd?96>428>6>69 bttp;//www.rmdfcyi.a rj/frthiuca.af1hd?96>428>6>69 HYYE 6>60-6=2: Ofrtïe Ofrtïe, G. (0>66). Mc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe iaoa eumva oadmca dm hevmsthjfihùe ihmetïghif uehvmrshtfrhf . Pmiupmrfda dm

bttp;//aks.iarrmspaedmeihfsyfefchshs.iao/hedmx.pbp/Kaurefciy  f/frthicm/vhmw/0:9/0=>  Fiimeturm (0>67). Tmibeacajy Whshae 0>67, cfs pmrsaefs prhomr. \me cïemf_. Pmiupmrfda dm  dm bttps;//www.fiimeturm.i bttps;//www.fiimeturm.iao/ms-ms/heshjbtao/ms-ms/heshjbttmibeacajy-trmeds-0>67 Pacfed @mrjmr (0>67) Mspföf 4.> Mc rmta dm cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc me cf miaeaoïf Hegarom dm hevmsthjfihùe  \me  \me cïemf_. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//w=.shmomes.iao/spfhe/wm`/ms/mstudhadhjhtfchzfihae/ Daiuomets/MstudhaQDhjhtfchzfihaeQMspfef4>QYhmomes.pdg





Dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref fc fc dhæcaja arjfehzfihaefc  Oùehif F`medföa

]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf Cfurf Yæeibmz

]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf ^FPF IHTFP ; F`medföa, O., & Yæeibmz, C. (0>0>). Dm cf iaouehifihùe iaouehifihùe hetmref fc dhæcaja arjfehzfihaefc . Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfc ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, ja, P., F`med F`medföa, föa, O. & c f mstrftmjhf .  Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd,  Wfcdhvhmz a-F`fd, I. ((Mds.), Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e¾6:2 (pp.4:-7>). Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm).  

Pmsuome Ymjûe mc Hesthtuta Efihaefc dm Mstfdïsthifs y Imesas dmc Miufdar, me su hegarom 0>60, smöfcf qum, me cf ihudfd dm Cakf, Miufdar, mxhstme

4=90 moprmsfs dm dhvmrsf Yata (0>6=),  omdhfetm uef hevmsthjfihùe, hedhif fithvhdfd qum me mcmiaeùohif. Miufdar cfs moprmsfs moprmsfs  prhvfdfs hevhmrtme cf ofyar pfrtm dm su prmsupumsta me mc dmsfrracca dm shthas  wm` y saihfc omdhf, y fpmefs mc :% me fiihaems iaouehifihùe hetmref< shmeda msta uef dm`hchdfd pfrf cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe me cfs arjfehzfihaems y pfrf mc iaopraohsa hesthtuihaefc. Grmetm f mcca, sh bf`cfoas dm arjfehzfihùe, ea padmoas dmkfr dm cfda f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, dhrhjhdf f tadas sus iacf`arfdarms,  vacvhèedasm uef dm cfs pfrtms oæs hopartfetms par cf ifchdfd dm

hegarofihùe qum Cf padmoas meiaetrfr, ohsof qum `hme ifefchzfdf rmgcmkf ue ifo`ha. iaouehifihùe hetmref mvacuihaef pashthvfometm, iaoa ca omeihaef Iastf (0>>9;696) me su ch`ra Hofjme Iarparfthvf dmc 4:


Yhjca RRH ,

smöfcf qum, me 682>, cfs moprmsfs mspföacfs dmdhif`fe ue =% f mstf fithvhdfd. ]e 6=% me 688> y sm prmvè ue 0=% pfrf mc 0>>>. ^fcf`rfs  iaouehifihùe rmcfihaemsicfvms; pû`chifs, arjfehzfihùe.hetmref, iaouehifihùe arjfehzfihaefc, 6. ]e eumva oadmca dm iaouehifihùe hetmref; cf iaevmrsfihùe arjfehzfihaefc


 F TPHCAJÏF dm cf rmspaesf`hchdfd rmspaesf`hchdfd dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, dm cf qum bf`cf Ohibfmc Phttmr (0>>2), me su ch`ra Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc , chjf mstrmibfometm f cf Dhrmiihùe Jmemrfc, fc

Dmpfrtfometa dm Pmiursas Buofeas y fc dm ea Iaouehifihùe, quhmems dmgheme cfs pacïthifs y mstrftmjhfs, fuequm mstfs smfe sughihmetms pfrf cajrfr mc èxhta dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref. Mc jrfe pfsa dm cf ‒iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf‘ ms bfihf cf ‒iaevmrsfihùe arjfehzfihaefc‘ y mc ifo`ha dm ometfchdfd dm fcjueas moprmsfrhas fc

mvacuihaefr mc oadmca dm iaouehifihùe hetmref fc gartfcmihohmeta dmc chdmrfzja m hevacuirfohmeta dmc rmiursa buofea, omkarfeda mc iaopraohsa dm cas trf`fkfdarms y mc oadmca dm jmsthùe dm cf moprmsf. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref ms cf iaouehifihùe dhrhjhdf fc ichmetm hetmrea, ms dmihr, fc iacf`arfdar, metaeims msiuibfr f cas pû`chias fc hetmrhar dm uef moprmsf ms hopartfetm pfrf sf`mr què phmesfe y iuæcms sae sus emimshdfdms cf`arfcms y bfstf pmrsaefcms< pums cfs moprmsfs smrïfe oæs mghifims y iae pmrsaefs oæs gmchims trf`fkfeda me mccfs, sh cm fpastfsme f su buofehzfihùe.

Eavfrths, jrupa suhza cïdmr me hevmsthjfihùe y dmsfrracca dm omdhifometas,, hetmref, omdhifometas dmsdm mcme 0>>7 iae ue a`smrvftarha dm iaouehifihùe daedmiumetf cas rmspaesf`cms dm ifdf ærmf, hdmethghife cfs dmofedfs dm cas mopcmfdas m hopcmometfe mxbfusthvfs 42


mstrftmjhfs fpayfdfs par dhgmrmetms hehihfthvfs y bmrrfohmetfs. Fsï, fsmjurfe ue vmrdfdmra hetmrifo`ha dm hegarofihùe y cf pfrthihpfihùe dmc pmrsaefc me tadas cas praimsas, iae smethda dm pmrtmemeihf. DBC me Ibhcm, irmù mc DBC m-Rprmss hetmjrfda par ue m-emwscmttmr  y  y ue  padifst  iae   iae fribhvas dm fudha y vhdma dm iarta thmopa, me cas iuftra hdhaofs dm cfs aghihefs dm cf rmjhùe; hejcès, ifstmccfea, partujuès y grfeiès, ca qum cms pmrohtm msiuibfr cf hegarofihùe dm cf moprmsf ohmetrfs trf`fkfe a me iufcquhmr cujfr a oaometa dmsdm ue dhspashthva partæthc.  Tadas `usife omifehsoas pfrf ccmjfr f cas iacf`arfdarms y ofetmemrcas y iaouehifdas, she mo`frja, ea ms sughihmetm sh mc msgumrza hegarofdas dm cas dhrmithvas ea sm meifohef bfihf mc dhæcaja. Merhqum Dfes, pragmsar dm Yhstmofs dm Hegarofihùe me HM @ushemss Yibaac sasthmem qum –tada ms iaevmrsfihùe‟.  Mc prhomr pueta dm cfs 8= iaeicushaems dmc ofehghmsta ‒Icumtrfhe‘ (mc

trme dm cfs phstfs), dhim qum cas omrifdas sae iaevmrsfihaems, ms dmihr, hevhtfe f cfs moprmsfs f pfrthihpfr me ue dhæcaja f`hmrta, icfra y mspaetæema, iae cfs ifrfitmrïsthifs dm uef iaevmrsfihùe y dm ue eumva m heeavfdar fo`hmetm dm omrifda. 0. Mc DhrIao hetmrea Bfy qum rmiaeaimr qum me tadf arjfehzfihùe mxhstm iaouehifihùe, fuequm ea prmihsfometm tmejf ue dmpfrtfometa dm iaouehifihùe a ue pragmshaefc dm cf rfof qum dmsmopmöm pragmshaefcometm sus gueihaems me mc æo`hta hetmrea. Metaeims, ±par què aiupfrsm dm fcja f cja qum shmoprm

gueihaeù she qum efdhm bhihmsm msgumrza1, pums, fuequm cas dhrmithvas yf thmeme aiupfihaems sm dm`m smöfcfr metarea bf ifo`hfda, cf fitufchdfd sae cfs arjfehzfihaems cfs qum qum mcdm`me fdfptfrsm fc omdhamey taofr iaoa gfitar –rmcmvfetm‟ f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref y f iùoa sm



shmetme sus iacf`arfdarms, pums mc fuometa dm cf praduithvhdfd, cf mxpfeshùe dm omrifdas y dmoæs gfitarms iaomrihfcms sm pumdme vmr fgmitfdas par mc mstfda hetmrea dm cf arjfehzfihùe y su ifphtfc buofea. Me Murapf sm mophmzf f bf`cfr dm cf ghjurf dmc DhrIao f omdhfdas dm cas 8>, iae ue iaeimpta mrrùema par cf gfctf dm iaeaihohmeta dm sus gueihaems, cumja sm bf`cf dm uef hegcmxhùe, iufeda cf ghjurf dmc tèiehia pfsù f cf dm iaardhefdar dm omesfkms y ghefcometm f cf dmc mstrftmjf, iaoa sm cf iaeih`m fbarf. Mc iaouehifdar mspföac Kafe Iastf (0>6>;24), ccmvf vfrhas föas fefchzfeda mc rac mspmiïghia dm cas dhrmitarms dm iaouehifihùe me cfs moprmsfs m hesthtuihaems. ms Iaoa ratuedfmstrftmjf y icfrf; –mc Dhriao ms ue mstrftmjf, jmemrfchstfYuy fghrofihùe pachvfcmetm‟. ms oæs qum

ue rmcfihaehstf iae su pû`chia, ms mc jmstar dm cf ofrif y cf hofjme, rmspaesf`cm dm cfs fiihaems shjehghifthvfs dm cf moprmsf. Jmemrfchstf, iae vhshùe jca`fc sm megaif me cf tatfchdfd dm cfs fithvhdfdms moprmsfrhfcms, dmsfrraccfeda mc pmesfohmeta me ifdmef< y pachvfcmetm, iae dhsthetfs ifpfihdfdms, gueihaems y rmspaesf`hchdfdms pfrf fgraetfr dhgmrmetms msimefrhas. s ue ‒ca`a sachtfrha‘. Yu ifræitmr hetmjrfdar Mc DhrIao yeasu mmspïrhtu iaestruithva dm mquhpa cm fiaopföf shmoprm, y me msmy fspmita pashthva sm guedf su chdmrfzja (Iastf, 0>62;=6).

Ymjûe cf pashihùe dmc Dhriao me mc arjfehjrfof, me rmcfihùe iae mc ærmf hesthtuihaefc, iarrmspaedm fc ehvmc supmrhar dm cf moprmsf, ca iufc shjehghif qum su gueihùe f`frif oæs dmc 2>% 2 >% dm su thmopa y, par medm, sm imetrfchzf fquï cf dmghehihùe dm cfs pacïthifs y mstrftmjhfs dm

iaouehifihùe hetmjrfcms, ms dmihr, cfs rmcfihaems, cf rmputfihùe, heicuymeda ea saca Pmspaesf`hchdfd Yaihfcbfihf Moprmsfrhfc -PYM sh tfo`hèe cf èthif, y mccfdmsfrracca iarparfthva mc heirmometa dmea cf praduithvhdfd kueta iae cf patmeihfchzfihùe dmc tfcmeta buofea. =>


]ea dm cas futarms iaetmoparæemas iaoa ca ms Ifprhatth (0>>8;98), me su ch`ra @rfedhej Iarparfthva, prmsmetf mc iaeimpta dm iaouehifihùe hetmref iaoa –mc iaekueta dm omesfkms y fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe

mcf`arfdfs dm garof iaesihmetm y vacuetfrhf pfrf rmcfihaefrsm iae cas pû`chias dm cf arjfehzfihùe, iae mc ghe dm iaouehifr iae mccas dm garof irmfthvf y dhgmrmeihfdf sa`rm cfs ifrfitmrïsthifs dm cf arjfehzfihùe, a rjfehzfihùe, sa`rm sus praduitas y/a smrvhihas y sa`rm sus fithvhdfdms‟.  Me mstm smethda, iaoa mc dhrmitar dm arqumstf sm meifrjf dm iaardhefr cas dhsthetas hestruometas qum cf iaopaeme, pfrf qum cf omcadïf sumem f cf pmrgmiihùe, fsï ohsoa ca bfim mc DhrIao Hetmrea, iu`rm cfs emimshdfdms dm iaouehifihùe qum prmsmetfe cas iacf`arfdarms a jrupas qum iaegarofe cf cfarjfehzfihùe; hegarofr, oathvfr y iaopraomtmr f cas hopchifdas me mstruiturf arjfehzfihaefc. 0.6. Yus iufchdfdms

Cfs iufchdfdms sae msmeihfcms pfrf iaopcmometfr su pmrghc iae atras fspmitas dm su garofihùe pragmshaefc. Jræghia 6. Iufchdfdms dmc DhrIao Hetmrea me Miufdar

Gumetm; F`medföa y Duqum (0>67)  X dmetra dm uef uef arjfehzfihùe sm rmquhm rmquhmrm rm dm ue cïcïdmr dmr qum vhshaem iicfrf, cfrf, iabmrmetm y irmï`cmometm, fsï ca iarra`arfe cas rmsuctfdas dm cf =6


hevmsthjfihùe rmfchzfdf me Miufdar par F`medföa y Duqum (0>67), qum atarjf mc 67,>4% f mstf iufchdfd y mc 67,4>% f cf tfrmf dm smr mstrftmjf, iaoa jmstar dm cf ofrif y dm cf hofj hofjme. me. 0.0. Yus gueihaems

Dm cf ohsof hevmsthjfihùe F`medföa y Duqum (0>67), mc 00,=2% iaeshdmrf qum uef dm cfs prheihpfcms gueihaems qum mc DhrIao Hetmrea dm`m dmsmopmöfr ms mc dm dhsmöfr pacïthifs dm iaouehifihùe y pfrf fsmjurfr uef mghihmetm jmsthùe, ms hopartfetm dmghehr uef pacïthif, qum rmjucm, earom y ofrqum ue ifohea, dm ca iaetrfrha, mstf ifrmeihf pumdm heihdhr me mc ichof arjfehzfihaefc, jmemrfeda hesfthsgfiihùe me cas iacf`arfdarms, quhmems sm shmetme mxicuhdas dm iufcquhmr shtufihùe. Jræghia 0. Gueihaems dmc DhrIao Hetmrea me Miufdar

Gumetm; F`medföa y Duqum (0>67)  Fdmoæs, iae cf pacïthif sm pumdm dmtmrohefr mc iaopraohsa iae cas  vfcarms qum mstf`cmim cf arjfehzfihùe, iaoa cf trfespfrmeihf, pfrthihpfihùe, rmspmta, vmrfihdfd, dhchjmeihf y iacf`arfihùe, pums ca hdmfc ms qum tadas sm meifoheme bfihf cf ohshùe y vhshùe mstf`cmihdf.

9. Bmrrfohmetfs me cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref

Ifdf pragmshùe thmem sus praphfs bmrrfohmetfs dm trf`fka, y me mc ifsa dm cf iaouehifihùe sae tadas fqumccas mcmometas qum sm uthchzfe pfrf iaouehifrsm iae sus pû`chias, iae jrupas u atrfs arjfehzfihaems. =0


Mxhstme bmrrfohmetfs tmieacùjhifs qum fyudfe f cf iaevmrsfihùe arjfehzfihaefc me paif a jrfe omdhdf. Ms mc ifsa dmc dm c iarrma mcmitrùehia, qum bay me dïf ms cf bmrrfohmetf dm iaouehifihùe oæs uthchzfdf f ehvmc qum pmrohtm cf dhstrh`uihùe hegarofihùe, sheiarparfthva, mo`frja, chohtf cfs pash`hchdfdms dm ofshvf dm`ftm dmy pfrthihpfihùe, par mcca ea shmoprm ms tfe mghifz. Yh ca ûehia qum sm prmtmedm ms qum sm cmfe cas omesfkms, mc iarrma mcmitrùehia pumdm dfr msm rmsuctfda me ùpthofs iaedhihaems, sh dm hegarofr sm trftf, pmra ea fsmjurf qum dhibf hegarofihùe smf eh rmih`hdf, eh cmïdf, eh iaoprmedhdf, eh iaopfrthdf par tadas. Atrfs bmrrfohmetfs, iaoa; ofeufc `hmevmehdf, hetrfemt, rmvhstf hetmref, pu`chifihaems smjometfdfs, `acmthemsdmmcmitrùehias, ifrtfs, ihriucfrms, omoas, fitfs, `uzùe dm iaouehifihaems, tf`caems, gaccmtas, pastmrs, ifrtmcmrïf, ifrtmcmrïf, rmuehaems, meiumstfs dm fithtud, fithtud,  vhdmaiaegmrmeihfs, `cajs,, padifst, metrm atras qum fyudfe f mgmithvhzfr cf rmdms saihfcms, saihfcms, `cajs iaouehifihùe dmetra dm cfs arjfehzfihaems, mecfzfeda cfs gueihaems dm tadas cas dmpfrtfometas, iae mc ghe dm fcifezfr dhæcajas praduithvas. Cf hetrfemt Cf  hetrfemt iarparfthvf, iaoa rmd hetmref, prhvfdf a dm usa mxicushva, uthchzfdf pariaevhrthèedasm moprmsfs, thmeme jrfe dmtmrohefetm vfcar iaoapfrfrmpashtarha daiuometfc, me ue gfitar iaesmjuhr mc a`kmthva dm aghihef she pfpmc. Mstf rmd pumdm fcakfr cf fjmedf dmc mopcmfda, dhrmitarha tmcmgùehia/mofhc, hegarofihùe hetmrfithvf dm `memghihas, meiumstfs. Ofrïf Gmrefedf @mefciæzfr, iaardhefdarf iarparfthvf dm iaouehifihùe dmc Iaesariha Ea`hs me Miufdar, iaometf qum Xfoomr

bf pmrohthda hetmjrfr f cas iacf`arfdarms dm cfs moprmsfs dmc iaesariha. smr uef rmd saihfc pmrohthmeda hetmref moprmsfrhfc, bf iaetrh`uhdaFdmoæs, me mc par trf`fka iacf`arfthva, iaesachdfr shemrjhfs metrm cfs ærmfs y cfs moprmsfs. Fshohsoa, mchohefr mc usa =9


hedhsirhohefda dmc iarrma mcmitrùehia (@mefciæzfr, 0>68). Mc `caj hetmrea dm iaouehifihùe ms uef bmrrfohmetf dm iacf`arfihùe fsheirùehif,fqum pmrohtm qum mc mopcmfda pumdf mxprmsfr hdmfs y paemr iaetmehdas dhspashihùe dm atras me cf wm`, dm uef ofemrf s meihccf, smeihccf, mc usufrha sm oumvm me ue mspfiha iacf`arfthva y sa`rm tada hetmrfithva.  Fdmoæs, mstæe fcjuefs sacuihaems dm Jaajcm, iaoa iaoa Jaajcm Dais , Jaajcm Ifcmedfr , Jaajcm Pmfdmr , metrm atrfs. ^ar mkmopca, Jaajcm Ifcmedfr , fjmedf y ifcmedfrha mcmitrùehia, pmrohtm sheiraehzfr iae cas iaetfitas dm Jofhc pfrf hevhtfr y iaopfrthr mvmetas. Cfs rmdms saihfcms tfo`hèe iacf`arfe, chdmrfe, y rmgcmkfe Ms cf praduithvhdfd dmc mopcmfda, fuometfeda mc èxhtaoathvfe dm cf heeavfihùe. hopartfetm smcmiihaefr cf tmieacajïf fdmiufdf, sh mc metarea ms shohcfr fc dm rmdms f`hmrtfs iaoa Gfim`aal, Twhttmr a Hestfjrfo, yf qum ifdf uef thmem su ghcasagïf y usf`hchdfd. Cf prmsmeihf dm cfs arjfehzfihaems me cas dhgmrmetms omdhas saihfcms ms guedfometfc. Cfs rmdms jmemrfchstfs, iaoa Gfim`aal, Jaajcm+ y  Twhttmr, pmrohtme fimrifrsm fc pû`chia a`kmthva dm uef ofemrf fohjf`cm y iaeshjume trfesohthr mc omesfkm, prheihpfcometm, jmemrfr  vhrfchdfd. Ohmetrfs qum, cfs rmdms pfrfpmra, iaopfrthr vïdma m hoæjmems, iaoa XauTu`m, ^hetmrmst, Gchilr m Hestfjrfo, sm iaevhmrtme me ue rmpashtarha dm oftmrhfc praoaihaefc f cf vmz qum dhvucjfe cfs ifopföfs pu`chihtfrhfs (Fctfohrfea y Fctfohrfea, 0>62). Me cf bmurïsthif dm dm Lurt  Lurt Cmwhe, Cmwhe, pshiùcaja  pshiùcaja fcmoæe, mc iaopartfohmeta

ms vhsta iaoa uef gueihùe dm cf pmrsaef y mc omdhafo`hmetm, y eas iaopartfoas dm garof dhsthetf me jrupa m hedhvhdufcometm, par mcca cfs rmdms saihfcms sae ue iaetmxta pfrf mc iaopartfohmeta iarrmspaesf`cm.



Ym dm`m iaoprmedmr mc ifo`ha iaoa ue pfsa emimsfrha y fdaptfr uef eumvf garof dm rmcfihùe fc hetmrhar dm cf moprmsf, iae mspïrhtu 0.>, ifrfitmrhzfda par cf pfrthihpfihùe y cf rmtrafchometfihùe, qum, iaoa rmsuctfda heomdhfta, sm vfcarm mc smethda dm pmrtmemeihf dmc rmiursa buofea, mc omkar fithva dm tadf arjfehzfihùe. 4. Ifefcms dm jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref me cfs arjfehzfihaems, ifsa ihudfd dm Cakf  

Me cfs arjfehzfihaems ms prhoardhfc mc usa dm bmrrfohmetfs pfrf jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe iae su pû`chia hetmrea, mstfs pmrohtme dmsfrraccfr ifpfihdfdms dm dhæcaja, dm dhsiushùe y dm`ftm, dm hetmrfiihùe y iaouehifihùe y, me jmemrfc dm hegarofihùe. Mstas vfe dmsdm ifefcms oæs trfdhihaefcms f cfs eumvfs garofs dm hetmrfiihùe het mrfiihùe iae cas pû`chias me garofta dhjhtfc.  Jræghia 9. Ifefcms dm jmsthùe dm cf I.H. me cfs arjfehzfihaems dm Cakf 

Gumetm; mcf`arfihùe praphf

Ymjûe cas dftas, cfs arjfehzfihaems aptfe par mc usa dmc iarrma mcmitrùehia iaoa prhomrf apihùe, y rmspmita dm cf fdfptfihùe f mstfs eumvfs tmieacajïfs pfrf fdfptfrsm fc oueda jca`fchzfda, qum hopchif mc dmfo`ucfr par ue mspfiha ohxta daedm mc iùdhja arfc y mc iùdhja ==


msirhta sm hetmrifcfe vhrtufcometm me cf iaouehifihùe buofef, ca qum suimdm me uef arjfehzfihùe qum mchjm iaemitfr f su pû`chia hetmrea. Mc smjueda ifefc usfda ms cf rmd tmcmgùehif y iaoa tmrimrf apihùe rmiurrme f cfs rmuehaems, qum agrmime cf pash`hchdfd dmc ifrf f ifrf metrm iacf`arfdarms y ofedas supmrharms, y qum f prapùshta Fcmkfedrf @rfedacheh y Ofrtïe Jaezæcmz Grïjach (0>>8), bfime rmgmrmeihf f ifefcms trfdhihaefcms –ms  dmihr qum cf irhthihdfd dmc omesfkm eas hedhif cf emimshdfd dm rmiurrhr fc ifrf f ifrf (ofyar iaopcmkhdfd ofyar imrifeïf)‟. Yu usa ms rmiaomedf`cm par cf garofchdfd y  smrhmdfd,  smrhmdfd, daedm mc ohrfrsm f cas akas, mstrmibfrsm cf ofea, mc taea dm cf vaz y cf hetmeihùe dm ca qum sm iaouehif, ia`rf vhtfc hopartfeihf y oæs me mstf mrf dm cf vhrtufchzfihùe. =. ^acïthif dm iaouehifihùe hetmref

Heshstmetmometm sm bf`cf dm cf hopartfeihf dm cf iaouehifihùe me cfs arjfehzfihaems, she mo`frja, sm dmsiuhdf mc fopfra dm msf jmsthùe iaouehifihaefc, iaoa fcja qum dm`m dfrsm saca, she hofjhefrsm qum pumdm smr iaoa ue kumja dm dfdas, uef iumsthùe dm sumrtm sh ms qum sfiù mc eûomra ofyar. Mc fdaptfr eumvfs y omkarms garofs dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, me rmcfihùe f cf ohshùe, vhshùe, prheihphas y vfcarms hesthtuihaefcms, ms hopartfetm dmihshùe f trfvès dm uef pacïthif dm iaouehifihùe f trfvès dm earofs qum juïme msf fitufihùe. Mstf pacïthif dm`m tmemr iaoa a`kmthva, iaardhefr cf iaouehifihùe

pumrtfs fdmetra y fdohehstrfr cas rmiursas iaouehifihaefcms `fka cfs shjuhmetms prmohsfs; 6.  Cf metrmjf dm hegarofihùe apartuef fc pû`chia hetmrea 0.  Cf iaevmrsfihùe arjfehzfihaefc =7


9.  Cf oathvfihùe y smethda dm pmrtmemeihf dmetra dm cf hesthtuihùe Cf pacïthif fc smr uef mstruiturf iae earofs y rmjcfs qum pmrohtme mstf`cmimr tèiehifs y mstrftmjhfs dm iaouehifihùe, pfrf qum cf arjfehzfihùe pumdf trfsohthr hegarofihùe fdmiufdf bfihf mc pû`chia hetmrea a iacf`arfdarms, tfo`hèe iumetf iae icfvms pfrf qum smf mcf`arfdf; 6.  0.  9. 

Ymjometfihùe dm pû`chias Dmchohtfr ifefc fdmiufda pfrf ifdf uea dm cas pû`chias Hdmethghifihùe dm omesfkms icfvm

7. Pmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc y iaouehifihùe hetmref

±Ym pumdm smr rmspaesf`cm she iaeihmeihf1 Ms hopash`cm, pums dm`m bf`mr uef iaeihmeihf hedhvhdufc y sh sm trftf dm uef arjfehzfihùe, èstf dm`m smr iacmithvf y què omkar dfrcm msm trf`fka f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, qum dmetra dm su fiihaefr jmemrm mstm mstfda dm iaeihmethzfihùe bfihf cf rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc. Cf iaeihmeihf ms mc omdha pfrf qum cf moprmsf smf rmspaesf`cm y smr rmspaesf`cm ms iuopchr cfs praomsfs dm vfcar agrmihdfs. Cf iaeihmeihf dm`m hr dm cf ofea iae cf rmspaesf`hchdfd, dm ca iaetrfrha ea bf`rïf iaopraohsa, saca iuopchohmeta, mvhtfeda iaesmjuhr ue hopfita saihfc, ms fbï me daedm mc DhrIao hetmrea jmemrf fiihaems qum ccmvme fc trf`fkfdar fc iaopraohsa, metrmjfeda f cf arjfehzfihùe ue trf`fka iaesihmetm, ms dmihr, qum ccmvm su ofrif pmrsaefc, me daedm smf eatarha cf sfthsgfiihùe qum efim me mc smr buofea fc rmfchzfr ca qum cm justf.

Cfs moprmsfs dm`me jmsthaefr fiihaems dm rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc dmsdm su hetmrhar, omkarfeda mc `hmemstfr dm cas iacf`arfdarms y trf`fkfeda me su hevacuirfohmeta, ms iufeda rmihèe mophmzfe f smr saihfcometm rmspaesf`cms, iufeda sm prmaiupfe prhomra dm su praphf jmetm. =:


±Vuè fiihùe puetufc dm iaouehifihùe hetmref ms fpraphfdf pfrf irmfr iaeihmeihf me tarea f cf rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc moprmsfrhfc1 ]ef dm mccfs, fimrifr m hevacuirfr f iacf`arfdarms fc metarea, fdmoæs dm oastrfr emimshdfdms y apartuehdfdms. Atrf fiihùe, iaetfr iae ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe qum jfrfethime ue dhæcaja trfespfrmetm, gcuhda y baemsta, rmgcmkfeda vfcarms hesthtuihaefcms. Jmemrfr dm`ftms, msiuibfr sus vaims y irmfr mspfihas qum pmrohtfe vhvmeihfr ca qum sm iaouehif iaoa rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc. ±Iùoa dhgmrmeihfr uef ifopföf dm rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc iae uef dm iaouehifihùe hetmref1 Yae dhgmrmetms, pmra sm iaopcmometfe, sm hetmrrmcfihaefe. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref mopadmrf mc pcfe dm rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc moprmsfrhfc, dmsdm fccï pfrtm cf dhgmrmeihf, d hgmrmeihf, fdmoæs dmc mspfiha qum sm cm df f ifdf uef. ^frf cajrfr mc a`kmthva dm smr uef moprmsf sustmetf`cm f cfrja pcfza, bfy qum hevacuirfr f cas iacf`arfdarms, iae mstrftmjhfs y fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, mvhtfeda fiihaems sumctfs y she dhrmiihaefohmeta, shmeda cf pcfehghifihùe cf sacuihùe oæs hdùemf. Cfs moprmsfs qum bfime rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc y ea ca iaouehife hetmrefometm, mstæe pmrdhmeda uef jrfe apartuehdfd dm ghdmchzfr f sus iacf`arfdarms. Cf rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc bf dmkfda dm smr uef apihùe, pfrf iaevmrthrsm me ue oadmca dm jmsthùe moprmsfrhfc, qum fyudf f ofetmemrsm me mc omrifda, ue oadmca qum hopchif dhrmiihùe, vfcarms, iaouehifihùe, praimsas y omdhihùe.

:. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

 F`medföa, O. y Duqum, W. (0>67). Mc pmrghc dmc DhrIao Hetmrea me mc  Miufdar . Iaegmrmeim; HH Yhopasha dm cf Pmd Hetmrefihaefc dm



Hevmsthjfihùe dm Jmsthùe dm cf Iaouehifihùe, Ft Vuhta ’   Miufdar.  Fctfohrfea, W. y Fctfohrfea, G. (0>62). Pmiursas pfrf cf jmsthùe y iaouehifihùe aechem.dmIufdmreas Frtmsfeas Yaihmdfd Cfthef Iaouehifihùe Iaouehifihùe.  Æcvfrmz, F. (0>66). Omdhihùe y Mvfcufihùe me Iaouehifihùe . Hesthtuta dm Hevmsthjfihùe me Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs y Iaouehifihùe; Mspföf.  Fedrfdm, B. (0>>=). Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc hetmref . ^raimsa, Dhsihpchef y Tèiehif. Mspföf; Jms`h`ca, Y.C.  Frjmeth, ^. (0>64). Iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif y su iaetrh`uihùe f cf rmputfihùe. Mspföf; @h`chatmif Iarparftm Mxmccmeim dm CHD Mdhtarhfc Moprmsfrhfc. Y.C. Mrimrumca, @. (0>64). Eumvf Iaouehifihùe Hetmref me cf Moprmsf. Ofdrhd, Mspföf; Mstudha dm Iaouehifihùe, Y.F. @rfedacheh F., y Jaezæcmz Grïjach O. (0>>8). Iaouehifihùe Hetmref; Icfvms pfrf uef jmsthùe mxhtasf . Frjmethef; Cf Irukïf. Iæimrms, Y. (0>67). Iaouehifihùe Hetmref; ^hcfr dm cf mstrftmjhf arjfehzfihaefc. ]ehvmrshdfd dm Ibhcm; HIMH.   Ifprhatth, ^. (0>>8). @rfedhej Iarparfthva. Yfethfja dm Ibhcm; Iacmiihùe Ch`ras Ch`ras dm  dm cf Moprmsf. Iastf, K. (0>6>). Mc Dhriao bay< Dhrmiihùe Dhrmiihùe y jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe me cf eumvf miaeaoïf. @frimcaef, Mspföf; Jræghi. Jrfeaccmrs @frimcaef. Iastf, K. (0>>9). Hofjme Iarparfthvf me mc shjca RRH. @umeas Fhrms; Cf

Iastf,irukïf. K. (0>62). DhrIao, Mc Mkmiuthva Mstrftmjf Jca`fc. @frimcaef; I^I Mdhtar. Daoïejumz, D. (0>6>). Cf ifrf hetmref dm cf Iaouehifihùe me cf moprmsf . Ofdrhd; Whshùe Ch`ras. Garofeibul, F. (0>6>). Iaouehifihùe Hetmref 0.>; ue dmsfgïa iucturfc . @umeas Fhrms, Frjmethef; Mdhihùe Garofeibul & Fsaihfdas. Garofeibul, F. (0>66). @rfedhej Hetmrea; uef trfof hetmchjmetm . @umeas

 Fhrms, Frjmethef; Mdhihùe Garofeibul Garofeibul & Fsaihfdas. Ohejumz, O. (0>6>). Cas pû`chias me cfs rmcfihaems pû`chifs . @frimcaef, Mspföf; Hscfs, A. (0>>2).]AI. Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs. Cf mghifihf dm cf hegcumeihf. Ofdrhd; Jræghifs Dmbae. Phttmr, O. (0>>2). Iucturf arjfehzfihaefc . Frjmethef; Cf Irukïf. =8


Yata, K. (0>6=). Jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc me cfs arjfehzfihaems  prhvfdfs dmc Miufdar; usas y rmtas . (Tmshs dm prmjrfda). ]ehvmrshdfd  Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf, Cakf, Miufdar. dm Mstudha cf iaouehifihùe me cfs Mdhtarhfc. arjfehzfihaems .  Tûömz,Ymvhccf; O. (0>60). ^mdraCfK. jmsthùe Irmspa, dm Dhsmöa  Whccfgföm, K. (0>>7). Vuhmra trf`fkfr fquï; cfs smhs icfvms dm cf rmputfihùe hetmref . Ofdrhd, Mspföf; ^mfrsae/^rmethim Bfcc.  Zhciax, D< Ifomrae, J. J. & Rhgrf, K. (0>>7). Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs<  Mstrftmjhfs y Tæithifs . Ofdrhd (Mspföf); ^mfrsae Mduifihùe, Y.F. Rhgrf, K. (0>>:). Tèiehifs dm cfs Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs. @frimcaef (Mspföf); H.E Mdhihaems. Rhgrf, K. & Cfcumzf, G. (0>>8). Ifsas dm rmcfihaems pû`chifs y iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf. Ofdrhd (Mspföf); ^mfrsae Mduifihùe, Y.F.

:.6. Atras daiuometas

@mefciæzfr, O. (0>68). Iaouehifihùe pmrsaefc , 6= dm ofrza dm 0>68.  Whccfc`f, K. (0>60). Oh oadmca dm iaouehifihùe hetmref . Pmiupmrfda mc 60 dm memra dm 0>67, dm bttp;//jaa.jc/O2Y:kC [fpftf, C. (0>64). Icfvms pfrf fimrtfr me mc chdmrfzja y Jmsthùe dm cf Iaouehifihùe Hetmref. Jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe hetmref . Pmiupmrfda mc 0> dm memra dm 0>67 dm  dm  bttp;//jaa.jc/6uLeKp [fpftf, C. (00 dm memra dm 0>67). Tfcmetas Pmuehdas  \me  \me cïemf_. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//tfcmetasrmuehdas.iao/0>66/>8/02/gueihaems-dm-cfiaouehifihae-hetmref/



Trfesgarofihùe rfesgar ofihùe dhjhtfc grmetm fc rac dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea Pasfrha ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf Imsh`mc Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehifdm^frthiucfr dm  ’  Cakf ]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfethfja Iaopastmcf  Mspföf  Mspföf ^FPF IHTFP; ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P. & Wfcdhvh Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, mza-F`fd, I. (0>0>). Trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc dhjhtfc grmetm fc rac dmc iaouehifd iaouehifdar ar hetmrea. Me ^umrtfs-Bhd ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, fcja, P., F`medföa, O. & Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, I. (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehif Iaouehifr; r; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf. Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e¾6:2 (pp. 76-:8). Cf Cf Cfjuef juef (Tmemrhg (Tmemrhgm). m). 


Cfs arjfehzfihaems dm`me fdfptfrsm fc eumva iaetmxta cf iufrtf rmvacuihùe hedustrhfc y sus trfesgarofihaems. Me qum mstmprapaem smethda, cf iaouehifihùe ms cf icfvm, pmrohtm f cfs arjfehzfihaems mvacuihaefr y sastmemrsm me mc thmopa. ^rheihpfcometm, uef iaouehifihùe hetmref qum dm`m smr prharhzfdf pfrf gartfcmimr cf rmcfihùe iae cas pû`chias, praoavmr cf hofjme hesthtuihaefc, cf rmputfihùe, cf sastmeh`hchdfd y ouibïshoas gfitarms oæs. Fpfrmim metaeims tfo`hèe, mc iaouehifdar

hetmrea, iae ue rac icfvm y mstrftèjhia me mstm praimsa dm trfesgarofihùe qum dm`m iaetfr ea saca iae cfs bf`hchdfdms rmqumrhdfs pfrf su dmsmopmöa, tfo`hèe iae Me mc iaeaihohmeta pfrf iaetrh`uhr fc ifo`ha iucturfc dmshea cf arjfehzfihùe. mstm ifpïtuca sm fefchzfræe mc rac dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea y sus fpartms fc ifo`ha iucturfc dm cfs arjfehzfihaems me oaometas dm trfesgarofihùe tmieacùjhif. 76


^fcf`rfs icfvms; iaouehifdar hetmrea, iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif, iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, arjfehzfihùe. 6. Iaevmrjmeihf dhjhtfc dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref


 F IAO]EHIFIHÙE ms ue hetfejh`cm prhoardhfc dm cf arjfehzfihùe, daedm cfs rmcfihaems pmrsaefcms y saihfcms iaesthtuyme ue shstmof dm iaouehifihùe `æshia fpayfda me ifefcms mgmithvas. Cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe, fghrof Ifsthcca (0>6>), f`frif f cf jca`fchdfd dm cf arjfehzfihùe, qum thmem uef gueihùe fsmsarf y qum dm`m pfrthihpfr me cf mstruiturfihùe, smjuhohmeta, y fpchifihùe iaouehifthvf dm atrfs fiihaems mcf`arfdfs dmsdm y pfrf cf arjfehzfihùe.

Jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe rmprmsmetf ue rmta pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems, par ue cfda, cf iaouehifihùe garofc qum sm mstf`cmim f trfvès dm gumetms a ifefcms aghihfcms, y, par atra cfda, cf iaouehifihùe hegarofc qum ms cf iaouehifihùe hetmrpmrsaefc qum sm jmemrf f `fsm dm ruhdas y qum tfo`hèe mxhstm me cfs arjfehzfihaems. Cfs eumvfs tmieacajïfs bfe trfïda f cf saihmdfd uef mvacuihùe dm pcftfgarofs y rmiursas pfrf iaouehifrsm y bf bmiba qum cas pû`chias smfe oæs mxhjmetms f cf barf dm dhjmrhr hegarofihùe. Cas metareas dhjhtfcms pcfetmfe ue dmsfgïa pfrf cas iaouehifdarms, dm`hda f cf jrfe ifethdfd dm hegarofihùe qum sm praduim, ms par msta

qum pfrf sa`rm vhvhr me mstas metareas, iaoa fghrof Jfriïf Fcofjumr (0>6:), cas iaouehifdarms dm`me; 6.   Tmemr `ume ofemka dm oètrhifs, fefcïthifs y mstfdïsthifs, yf qum uef omtf qum sm pumdm omdhr sm pumdm fcifezfr.





Iaeaimr iùoa vhrfchzfr bhstarhfs, yf qum mc iaetmehda dm`m ihriucfr pfrf fuometfr su fcifeim dm d m ofemrf mxpaemeihfc y ccmjfr f cf ofyar ifethdfd dm hedhvhduas pash`cm. Iaestruhr cf efrrfthvf iarrmitf pfrf smr pmrthemetms y irmï`cms, iae bhstarhfs `fsfdfs me uef mstruiturf y uef cùjhif dm pmesfohmeta qum pmrohtf smjuhr uef cïemf mspmiïghif.

Me mstas ûcthoas föas, praduita dm cf mvacuihùe dm mstfs tmieacajïfs, sm bf`cf ouiba dm iaevmrjmeihf dhjhtfc, qum hetmjrf iaetmehdas qum sm mcf`arfe dmsdm dhgmrmetms garoftas, qum praimsf y trfespartf hegarofihùe dm garof mghifz y mghihmetm f trfvès dm pcftfgarofs  vhrtufcms. ]ea dm cas ftrh`utas oæs rmcmvfetms dm cf iaevmrjmeihf dhjhtfc, dm fiumrda iae Ymrrfea, Pfhehmra, Ofrtïemz y Jfrh`fy (0>6>), ms praphihfr y msthoucfr mc trf`fka iacf`arfthva. Cf iaevmrjmeihf dhjhtfc bf ofrifda uef iucturf me cf saihmdfd, daedm cas fitarms `usife hetmrrmcfihaefrsm dm ofemrf grmiumetm m heomdhftf.  X me mc smi smitar tar moprmsfrhfc suimdm hjufc, uef moprmsf qu qumm ea iaouehif, ea mxhstm, par medm, cfs arjfehzfihaems `usife eumvfs mstrftmjhfs pfrf ofetmemr hegarofdas f sus pû`chias hetmreas y mxtmreas y cfs tmieacajïfs sae ue `ume fchfda dm uef iaouehifihùe fsmrthvf, parqum iaevmrjm fudha, tmxta, vhdma a hoæjmems qum sm iaopfrtme iae gfihchdfd y pmrohtme qum mc hopfita smf heomdhfta. Cfs moprmsfs dm`me fsuohr mc rmta dm fdfptfr y usfr cfs tmieacajïfs me `memghiha dm mccfs ohsofs, fghrofe Cùpmz y Gmreæedmz (0>>:).

 Fitufcometm, ms emimsfrhf emimsfrhf m hedhspmesf`cm cf hheiarparfihùe eiarparfihùe dm Hetmr Hetmremt emt y sagtwfrm  fpraphfdas  fpraphfdas f cf jmsthùe hetmref pfrf mc fdmiufda dmsfrracca dm cas praimsas dm emjaihas, ca qum omkarfrïf cf praduithvhdfd y mghihmeihf dm quhmems bfime cf arjfehzfihùe. ^frfcmca f mcca, cas dmsfrraccas tmieacùjhias a`chjfe f cfs moprmsfs f fdfptfr su s u mstruiturf a garof dm iaouehifr, dm`hda f cf iucturf dhjhtfc dm cf saihmdfd, sa ihmdfd, daedm cas pû`chias 79


dmofedfe a`tmemr hegarofihùe apartuef y cas mopcmfdas `usife rmcfihaefrsm iae cas dhgmrmetms ofedas a dmpfrtfometas. Hopcfetfeda cf emimshdfd dmsdm cf moprmsf par irmfr omdhas a ifefcms dhjhtfcms f ghe dm hetmrfitufr y iaopfrthr iaetmehda iaopcmta, ccfofthva m heomdhfta dmsdm uef gumetm aghihfc y iaeghf`cm. Cas a`kmthvas arjfehzfihaefcms dm uef moprmsf, iaeshdmrf Jaezæcmz (0>>=), ea dm`me chohtfrsm me ftrfmr a dmsfrraccfr mc tfcmeta dm sus mopcmfdas, shea tfo`hèe hetmetfr qum cas iaeaihohmetas y tfcmetas pmrofemzife mc oæxhoa thmopa me cf arjfehzfihùe. Mstf ghdmchzfihùe sm pumdm cajrfr fc smjuhr uef mstrftmjhf mstrft mjhf dm iaouehifihùe fpayfdf me cfs tmieacajïfs hetraduihdf me mc metarea moprmsfrhfc. Me mc dhiihaefrha dm cf Pmfc Fifdmohf Mspföacf, sm dmghem f cf iaevmrjmeihf iufeda das cïemfs thmedme f –uehrsm me ue pueta‟. Yfcfvmrrïf (0>>8) fc bf`cfr dm iaevmrjmeihf ca dmghem me iheia pfcf`rfs, cf iaevmrjmeihf ms ue praimsa. Fitufcometm, mstfoas saomthdas f mstm praimsa daedm tadas vmoas jrfedms ifo`has, yf smf me dhspashthvas y me iaetmehdas, fpartms qum pumdme vmehr dmsdm dhgmrmetms shthas pmra qum rmifme me ue saca cujfr pfrf padmr vhsh`hchzfrsm. Cf iaevmrjmeihf pumdm metmedmrsm iaoa msf mvacuihùe me mc æo`hta tmieacùjhia, moprmsfrhfc, dm iaetmehdas y me cf cf`ar pragmshaefc. Metaeims bf`cfoas dm uef iaevmrjmeihf me mc ifopa dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, daedm mc pragmshaefc dm cf iaouehifihùe thmem qum ftmedmr f pû`chias oæs mxhjmetms.

Cas iaetmehdas qum ccmjfe bfihf cas pû`chias sm vumcvme ifdf vmz oæs pmrsaefchzfdas. Mc iaeaimr cfs prmgmrmeihfs y justas, bfim pash`cm ccmjfr iae omesfkms apartueas y iae cfs ifrfitmrïsthifs fdmiufdfs dm cas praduitas iaouehifihaefcms. Bfy qum iaeshdmrfr tfo`hèe, qum cas pû`chias hetmreas, jrfihfs f cfs eumvfs tmieacajïfs t mieacajïfs sm bfe iaevmrthda me



jmemrfdarms dm iaetmehdas jrfihfs f cf jrfe ifethdfd dm fpchifihaems fitufcometm dhspaeh`cms me mc omrifda. Cf iaevmrjmeihf pragmshaefc rmquhmrm y mxhjm qum cas pragmshaefcms mstèe fc dïf iaeaihmeda f sus pû`chias. Ms emimsfrha cajrfr shemrjhf metrm quhme mstæ fc grmetm dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref y cas pû`chias qum pmrtmemime f cf arjfehzfihùe. Ifdf vmz oæs fpfrmime eumvas ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe y moprmsfs qum agrmime mstas smrvhihas dm ofemrf mspmihfchzfdf. Vuhmems bfime iaouehifihùe hetmref dm`me prapaemrsm bfimr iaouehifihùe dm garof dheæohif m hetmrfithvf qum pmrohtf ftrfmr cf ftmeihùe f cas pû`chias. Cf iaevmrjmeihf eas a`chjf f ifo`hfr cas garoftas, cas sapartms, cas ifefcms, pmra cf msmeihf dm cas iaetmehdas y cas omesfkms dm`m mstfr shmoprm fpmjfda f cf vhshùe hesthtuihaefc, msf ms uef icfvm dmc iaouehifr me thmopas dm iaevmrjmeihf. Mstas ifo`has bfe ccmjfda hopfitfr tfo`hèe me eumvfs garofs dm bfimr iaouehifihùe, dmsdm mc pmrhadhsoa (Tûömz-Cùpmz, Taurfc-@rfe y Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd; 0>68) iaoa cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif. 0. Iaouehifihùe y iaouehifdar hetmrea

Cfs arjfehzfihaems qum fûe iumetfe iae shstmofs dm iaouehifihùe trfdhihaefcms y sm rmshstme f heiarparfr tmieacajïf me sus praimsas dm iaouehifihaems, dm`me emimsfrhfometm dmkfrsm fpayfr par mstfs

eumvfs bmrrfohmetfs, qum `rhedfe ouibfs patmeihfchdfdms fc mquhpa dm iaouehifihùe y f cf arjfehzfihùe. Mc Hetmremt sm bf iaevmrthda me ue mspfiha daedm tadas qumrmoas mstfr, pfrf sfthsgfimr emimshdfdms dm hegarofihùe y metrmtmehohmeta. Cas ifefcms y bmrrfohmetfs dm iaouehifihùe vhrtufcms, pfrf Arthz Jaezæcmz (0>6>;24) –sm  vumcvme prajrmshvfometm oæs padmrasas y 7=


mghifims pfrf iucthvfr y ofetmemr cfs rmcfihaems iae cas pû`chias a`kmthvas‟, iaeshdmrfeda qum ea sae saca cfs pmrsaefs quhmems

mopcmfe mstas mspfihas, sh ea cfs moprmsfs dm ofemrf garofc. Iae mc fpfrmihohmeta y dmspmjum dm cf tmieacajïf tfo`hèe fpfrmime eumvas rmtas pfrf cf iaouehifihùe y mc iaouehifdar, daedm pfrf mstm ûcthoa, sm paem me mvhdmeihf ea saca sus iaeaihohmetas fdquhrhdas durfetm su garofihùe fifdèohif, shea tfo`hèe atrfs iaopmtmeihfs y dmstrmzfs iaoa; me su ifopa pragmshaefc u atrfs ærmfs qum fpartme f su garofihùe y iaetrh`uyfe fc ofemka dm ardmefdarms, cf mcaiumeihf, rmsacuihùe dm pra`cmofs, fprmedhzfkms futùeaoas dmsmevacvhohmeta mghihmetm y mghifz dm sus fithvhdfdms dmetra dm cf arjfehzfihùe.  Fc iaeshdmrfr cf iaouehifihùe iaoa uea dm cas mkms imetrfcms me cf arjfehzfihùe, sm vhscuo`rf ue mgmita rm`atm qum sm pravaif futaoæthifometm me `memghiha dm cf ohsof arjfehzfihùe. Cf iaouehifihùe ms hopartfetm me y pfrf cf arjfehzfihùe< pmra ms oæs hopartfetm fûe, cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, qum sm bf iaevmrthda me cf pfcfeif qum fpartf me thmopas dm trfesgarofihùe y iaesachdfihùe dm cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc dm cas iacf`arfdarms. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref ms cf msmeihf dm cf arjfehzfihùe y mstrftèjhifometm `hme dmsfrraccfdf sm mvhdmeihfræ f tadas cas pû`chias dm cf hesthtuihùe. Mstf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc, me pfcf`rfs dm Tûömz (0>60;:9), `memghihf f cf arjfehzfihùe yf qum cas pû`chias hetmreas sae cas partfvaims iae

irmdh`hchdfd mxtmref m hetmref, gfvarmime f omkarfr mc ichof cf`arfc y sm praymitf fc heirmometa dm cf praduithvhdfd. Ca prhomra qum sm dm`m iaeshdmrfr me uef arjfehzfihùe sae cas iacf`arfdarms y dmsdm fbï sm dm`mrïf mopmzfr f iuhdfr fc pû`chia mxtmrea y msf pudhmrf iaevmrthrsm me cf rmjcf dm ara pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems.



Mc fitufr dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, ofehghmstf Frhziurme (0>>2), dm`m rmjhrsm fc pcfe mstrftèjhia, cf iucturf y cas a`kmthvas dm cf arjfehzfihùe pfrf rmgcmkfr cf hofjme dm cf moprmsf. ^frf qum msta sm dè, sm rmquhmrm uef hopchifihùe dm tadas cas ehvmcms dm cf arjfehzfihùe me mc praimsa dm iaouehifihùe. ^mra tfo`hèe ms emimsfrha qum cfs mstrftmjhfs y fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe hetmref sm fkustme f cfs cïemfs `æshifs dmc pcfe dm iaouehifihùe dm cf arjfehzfihùe y cfs eumvfs garofs dm trf`fka qum gruta dm cf tmieacajïf surjme. Mc iaouehifdar dm`m fsuohr mc rmta dm jmsthaefr mc ifo`ha dmsdm uef iaouehifihùe hetmref trfdhihaefc f uef iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc she pmrdmr p mrdmr mc barhzaetm dm cf arjfehzfihùe, sus prheihphas, sus vfcarms, su ohshùe y  vhshùe. Me mstm oaometa, pfrf cfs moprmsfs mc iaetfr iae ue iaouehifdar qum jmsthaem cf iaouehifihùe hetmref ms mstrftèjhia, yf qum mstf iaouehifihùe `hme jmsthaefdf fpartf vfchasas `memghihas f cf arjfehzfihùe, metrm mccas; jmemrf vïeiucas metrm cas pû`chias y cas fctas ofedas, iaeaim dm imrif mc mstfda dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref y pcfetmf sacuihaems daedm vfrhfs dmpmedmeihfs pumdme smr pfrtm dm cfs sacuihaems, iaemitf pmrsaefs y praoumvm mc gcuka dm hegarofihùe, prapaem ue pcfe dm iaouehifihùe hetmrea, hdmethghif metrm cas ohsoas mopcmfdas hegcumeimrs   pfrf kuetas praoavmr ue omkar ichof cf`arfc, metrm atrfs. Ms ue dmsfgïa pfrf mc rmspaesf`cm dm iaouehifihùe hetmref mkmrimr su

cf`ar qum hopchif jmemrfr præithifs y praoavmr bæ`htas qum vfe oæs fccæ dm rmiaeghjurfr cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc. Cajrfr qum mc pû`chia hetmrea methmedf y fpaym cfs dmihshaems hesthtuihaefcms qum gaometfe cf sastmeh`hchdfd dm cf arjfehzfihùe y su pmrofemeihf p mrofemeihf me mc omrifda, qum ms ifdf vmz oæs iaopmththva, ms tfo`hèe ue rmta pfrf mstm pragmshaefc. ^ar tfeta, su gueihùe sm iaevhmrtm me cf dm mvfejmchzfr cas ifo`has qum



sm vhvme dmetra dm cf hesthtuihùe y oastrfr tadfs cfs patmeihfchdfdms qum thmem cf moprmsf grmetm f tadfs cfs ihriuestfeihfs. Mc pragmshaefc dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, dm fiumrda iae Ymrrfea (iaoa sm ihtù me Ofrtïemz-Oèedmz y [mromöa-Mspheasf, 0>62;:4>); Ea pumdm prmtmedmr sacfometm pmrofemimr iae cas iaeaihohmetas hehihfcms, msas qum a`tuva mc mstudhfetm me cf uehvmrshdfd, shea qum dm`mræ mopfpfrsm dmc metarea, dm \uef_ dhvmrshdfd dm tmofs qum ea emimsfrhfometm smræe dm iaouehifihùe, shea dm tadfs cfs dhsihpchefs daedm ue iaouehifdar tmejf metrfdf f cf`arfr, pumdm smr dmsdm mc ifopa dm cf sfcud, cf hejmehmrïf y mc ja`hmrea, metrm atrfs. ^ar tfeta, mc iaouehifdar hetmrea dm`m smr ifdf vmz oæs iaopmththva y praduithva. Dm`m mstfr fc dïf me mc ofemka dm cfs eumvfs tmieacajïfs y iaeaimr dm imrif tadfs cfs patmeihfchdfdms qum mstfs trfme. Iaeshdmrfeda qum, mc iaesuoa dm Hetmremt vf me fuometa y quhmems ca bfime fthmedme uef dhvmrshdfd dm emimshdfdms dm hegarofihùe y iaouehifihùe. Mc iaouehifdar hetmrea, mxpchif [fpftf ^fcfiha y Jùomz Vuhkfea (0>67;==8), shjum iaesachdæedasm y mvacuihaefeda. Fitufcometm, dmsmopmöf me vfrhas racms; 6. 

Pac oavhchzfdar; qum ccfof f cf iaevmrsfihùe y f cf pfrthihpfihùe f cas iacf`arfdarms.


Pac hetmjrfdar; fpumstf par cf pfrthihpfihùe y mc iaeaihohmeta iaopfrthda pfrf fchemfr f cas iacf`arfdarms iae cas a`kmthvas dmc emjaiha.

Me uef metrmvhstf rmfchzfdf f Easlhe Astrawhfl (iaoa sm ihtù me ^fcfihas, 0>64;8), hevmsthjfdar me mc ifopa dm cf iaouehifihùe arjfehzfihaefc, mxprmsf qum –ue iaouehifdar ms ue frthiucfdar, pums



me uef arjfehzfihùe cfs pmrsaefs thmeme ouibfs iasfs qum iaopfrthr y dmihrsm metrm cfs dhgmrmetms ærmfs y mspmihfchdfdms y me cas dhgmrmetms ehvmcms< mc iaouehifdar dm`m smr mc frthiucfdar dm msfs dheæohifs y fyudfr f qum mxhstf mc dhæcaja‟. d hæcaja‟.

Mc iaouehifdar hetmrea, me mc shjca RRH, tfo`hèe iuopcm ue trf`fka icfvm f ehvmc kmrærquhia iae cas dhrmithvas dm cf moprmsf, yf qum metrm fcjuefs dm cfs cf`arms qum bfim ms fsmsarfr sa`rm ofrif pmrsaefc, taof dm dmihshaems y metrm atrfs.  Fc rhtoa dm cf rmvacuihùe hedustrhfc y tmieacùjhif, mc iaouehifdar hetmrea sm gushaef iae atrfs ærmfs dm cf hesthtuihùe pfrf bfimr ue trf`fka 97> me mquhpa y cajrfr omkarms rmsuctfdas. Dmpmedmeihfs iaoa Pmiursas Buofeas, Ofrlmthej, ^u`chihdfd sae dm cfs oæs grmiumetms. Mstm trf`fka mstrftèjhia sm pumdm rmfchzfr mopcmfeda uef dhvmrshdfd dm bmrrfohmetfs dm fcta hopfita, iaoa cas ifefcms dm msiuibf (mstudhas dm ichof hetmrea, fudhtarïfs dm iaouehifihùe hetmref), ifefcms dhjhtfcms dhjhtf cms (rmdms saihfcms, `cajs, garas…) y fudhavhsufcms (vhdmas, padifst…) ([fpftf ^fcfiha & Jùomz Vuhkfea, 0>67;==2). Mc iaouehifdar hetmrea dm`m jmemrfr vfcar fjrmjfda fj rmjfda y dm irmihohmeta pfrf cf arjfehzfihùe< par tfeta, sus iaeaihohmetas y bf`hchdfdms sae sus icfvms dm jmsthùe pfrf su dmsmevacvhohmeta pragmshaefc y mc cajra dm rmsuctfdas me su æo`hta dm fitufihùe.

^frf mc iaouehifdar hetmrea, cf iaevmrjmeihf ms uef mvacuihùe tmieacùjhif iae ue jrfe patmeihfc dm rmiursas qum cm `rhedf cfs bmrrfohmetfs y cas hesuoas pfrf iaouehifr omkar cas omesfkms y ccmjfr dm ofemrf iarrmitf y me mc oaometa apartuea f cas pû`chias. Yh sm bf`cf dm iaouehifihùe oucthomdhf, tfo`hèe sm bf`cf dm ue iaouehifdar oucthomdhf, daedm mstm pragmshaefc iae tada su 78


iaeaihohmeta pumdm mxpcatfr cf hegarofihùe dm dhvmrsfs ofemrfs y iae mcca, iaestruhr uef vfrhfdf ifethdfd dm rmiursas pfrf cajrfr uef iaouehifihùe dheæohif m hetmrfithvf. Mc iaouehifdar, iaeshdmrf Oasiac & Jfomra (0>69;60:) qum, –dmsmopmöf ue rac dm jmstar hopartfetm emjaihfeda sacuihaems

outufometm `memghihasfs pfrf cf iaestruiihùe, ofetmehohmeta y dmgmesf dm cfs rmcfihaems iae cas pû`chias‟. Mc rac dm cas pragmshaefcms

dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, dm`m smr fpayfr f cfs hesthtuihaems pfrf bfimrcms vhscuo`rfr iae icfrhdfd cf pashihùe fitufc, su ruo`a f smjuhr y cf omtf f cf qum quhmrme ccmjfr (Ccfea ^rhmta, 6882;07:). Eas if`m metaeims pmesfr qum, mc iaouehifdar hetmrea dm`m smr iaoa ue moprmedmdar, sfchr f `usifr apartuehdfdms, f meiaetrfr sacuihaems f pra`cmofs mxhstmetms, f pmesfr dm ofemrf irmfthvf ca qum sm padrïf rmsacvmr trfdhihaefcometm a shopcmometm fitufr dm uef ofemrf dhsthetf pfrf meiaetrfr me cf iaouehifihùe apartuehdfdms dm omkarf, irmihohmeta, mopadmrfohmeta mopadmrfohmeta y rmsuctfdas pashthvas. 9. Pac dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea

Cfs arjfehzfihaems dm`me trf`fkfr me uef iaouehifihùe hetmref mgmithvf qum oathvm y iaopraomtf f cas pû`chias hetmreas bfimr mquhpa pfrf fcifezfr cas a`kmthvas hesthtuihaefcms. Me mstm smethda, cf iaouehifihùe hetmref thmem iuftra gueihaems

prheihpfcms (Yiatt & Ohtibmcc, 68:7< Pa``hes & Kudjm, 0>>8;9=6-9=0, iaoa sm ihtù me Tûömz, 0>60); iaetrac, oathvfihùe, mxprmshùe moaihaefc m hegarofihùe. 6. 

Iaetrac; omifehsoa dm iaetrac dmc gueihaefohmeta dm cf arjfehzfihùe pfrf mvhtfr mc ifas, iaoa fvfc dm ue iarrmita gueihaefohmeta y iaoa fcmrtf dm shtufihaems :>



9.  4. 

Oathvfihùe; hejrmdhmetm guedfometfc dm cf praduithvhdfd y mc `ume gueihaefohmeta dm uef arjfehzfihùe fc mxpchifr fc trf`fkfdar mc oada dm omkarfr cf garof dm bfimr cfs iasfs a iarrmjhrca, bfimrcm iaoprmedmr què y iùoa sm bfim, y bfimrcm sf`mr ca qum mstæ bfihmeda `hme. Mxprmshùe moaihaefc; cas metareas arjfehzfthvas sae mc prheihpfc msimefrha dm hetmrfiihùe saihfc, y par tfeta mc metarea bf`htufc dm sfthsgfiihùe dm cfs emimshdfdms saihfcms. Hegarofihùe; ihriucfr hegarofihùe qum cas hedhvhduas a jrupas emimshtfe mvfcufr cfs fctmrefthvfs pash`cms y pfrf taofr dmihshaems (Tûömz, 0>60;:4-:=).

Gueihaems qum dm`me fdfptfrsm f cas pû`chias dm ofemrf pmrofemetm m hr rmhetmjræedasm f cfs fithvhdfdms dhfrhfs heicusa iae cas mgmitas dm hetmremt y sus trfesgarofihaems tmieacùjhifs, qum pcfetmfe shmoprm eumvas rmtas y pravaife ifo`has qum bfe oadhghifda iaopcmtfometm cf garof dm iaouehifreas metrm pmrsaefs y dmsdm cfs arjfehzfihaems bfihf sus dhgmrmetms pû`chias hetmreas y mxtmreas. ^ar tfeta, cas pmrghcms dm cas pragmshaefcms dm cf iaouehifihùe tfo`hèe ifo`hfe. @mroma (0>6>) bf`cf dmc tèrohea  gucc-stfil, pfrf rmgmrhrsm fc fpfrmihohmeta dm cas pragmshaefcms jmemrfchstfs, daedm ofehghmstf qum efdhm pumdm sf`mrca tada, sa`rm tada, pmra cas pragmshaefcms dm`mrïfe padmr vhsufchzfr ca qum suimdm me tadas cas metareas pfrf qum su trf`fka rmsuctm dm fcta rmedhohmeta y apthohzfihùe, y me mc ifsa dmc

dmsfrracca dm uef fpchifihùe hegaroæthif mc pragmshaefc dm`mrïf smr ifpfz dm vmr ca qum suimdm me tadfs cfs ifpfs, tfeta supmrhar iaoa hegmrhar. Me mc ifopa ifo`hfetm dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, tfo`hèe sm bfe bmiba emimsfrhas mstm thpa dm pmrghcms pragmshaefcms qum iao`heme mc æo`hta tèiehia y buofea, a mc cfda –ichmetm y cf hegrfmstruiturf‟ y qum

sm iaopcmometme metrm sï pfrf agrmimr cas dhsthetas smrvhihas dm fcta :6


ehvmc (Khoèemz-Jùomz & Oföfs-Whehmjrf, 0>62;046) y daedm heicusa dm sm pudhmrf ccmjfr bfimr uef iao`hefihùe dm fo`as ifopas dm garofihùe y iaeaihohmeta. Cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref hopchif uef rmspaesf`hchdfd gumrtm me cf arjfehzfihùe pfrf mc pragmshaefc qum cf mkmrim. ^ratmjmr cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc ms uef dmofedf dm tadfs cfs arjfehzfihaems< par ca tfeta, mc iaouehifdar hetmrea qum fsuom mstm rmta ca dm`m bfimr iae ouibf rmspaesf`hchdfd. Metarea f mstf cïemf, ofehghmstfe [fpftf, Jùomz, y ^fibmia (0>67;0) qum –mc iaouehifdar hetmrea emimshtf pasmmr ueas iaeaihohmetas mspmiïghias, fsï iaoa uefs iaopmtmeihfs dhrmithvfs qum jfrfethime cfs gueihaems dm; dhfjeùsthia dm ichof, pcfehghifihùe, mkmiuihùe y mvfcufihùe dm cfs iaouehifihaems hetmrefs jmemrfdfs… Yu ohshùe

prheihpfc ms chdmrfr mc ifo`ha hesthtuihaefc y gaometfr mc dhæcaja hetmrea metrm cf iaouehdfd... Mc iaouehifdar hetmrea emimshtf pasmmr; ueas iaeaihohmetas praphas, iaopmtmeihfs dm daiuometfihùe, dhfjeùsthia y iaouehifihùe, fsï iaoa, uefs bf`hchdfdms bf` hchdfdms oucthomdhf y dhjhtfcms qum jfrfethime mc mghifz y mghihmetm dmsmopmöa dm sus gueihaems‟. Mc rmspaesf`cm dm iaouehifihùe hetmref thmem iaoa a`kmthva chdmrfr cfs iaouehifihaems hetmrefs, gaometfeda mc dhæcaja hetmrea metrm tadfs cfs ærmfs, hevacuirfeda f tada mc pmrsaefc f trfvès dm iaouehifihùe oucthdhrmiihaefc y trfesvmrsfc. Msta ea quhmrm dmihr qum sm mstf`cmzif

ue ûehia gcuka dm hegarofihùe eh qum mc ohsoa omesfkm sm iaopfrtf iae tadas (Tûömz, 0>60;27). Metrm fcjuefs dm cfs iaopmtmeihfs qum sm dmstfife pfrf mstm pragmshaefc, f irhtmrha dm [fpftf, Jùomz, y ^fibmia (0>67;2-8) sm meiumetrfe;




0.  9. 





Bf`hchdfd pfrf daiuometfrsm, mstf cm pmrohthræ rmif`fr hegarofihùe y smcmiihaefr cf pmrthemetm pfrf ftmedmr cfs emimshdfdms iaouehifthvfs qum sm rmquhmrfe fc hetmrhar dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Dhfjeasthifr y sacuihaefr pra`cmofs, fc trf`fkfr hetmrefometm mstf bf`hchdfd padræ dfrcm ue vfcar fjrmjfda f su ifpfihdfd dm ftmedmr mvmetufchdfdms. Dmtmitfr emimshdfdms dm garofihùe, f trfvès dmc dhæcaja a uthchzfeda atras omifehsoas, padræ hdmethghifr cfs ifrmeihfs garofthvfs dm cf arjfehzfihùe y bfimr prapumstfs qum sacuihaeme dhibfs dm`hchdfdms.  Trf`fka me mquhpa y jmsthùe dm oucthdhsihpchefrhf dm jrupas dm pragmshaefcms, mstf ms uef bf`hchdfd qum cm pmrohthræ trf`fkfr me mc cajra dm rmsuctfdas pfrf cf hesthtuihùe, fdmoæs dm gartfcmimr cfs rmcfihaems me mc mquhpa fc bfimrcas oucthdhsihpchefrms. Bf`hchdfd pfrf iaouehifrsm, iacf`arfr m hopchifr, padræ chdmrfr mc dmsfrracca dm cas pcfems qum f ehvmc dm iaouehifihùe hetmref sm prapaejf. Fdmoæs, qum dm`m dmsfrraccfr cf bf`hchdfd dm cf msiuibf y cf a`smrvfihùe iae cas iacf`arfdarms. ^rapumstf y mkmiuihùe dm ifopföfs hetmjrfcms, cf bf`hchdfd y mc iaeaihohmeta qum thmem sa`rm dhvmrsas ifopas dm cf iaouehifihùe y fc fpchifrcas mc iaouehifdar hetmrea padræ dmsfrraccfr ifopföfs hetmjrfcms iae rmsuctfdas mgmithvas qum hevacuirme cf pfrthihpfihùe dm cas dhgmrmetms pû`chias. ^raduiihùe dm phmzfs me dhvmrsas garoftas, cf mcf`arfihùe dm


garoftas y praduitas fiardm f cfs mxhjmeihfs oadmrefs smræ tfo`hèe ue rmta pfrf mc iaouehifdar hetmrea, daedm dm`mræ bfimr sus pcfetmfohmetas pfrf cf dhvucjfihùe dm hegarofihùe metarea f mstas rmqumrhohmetas. Mvfcufihùe, ofetmemr uef pmrofemetm mvfcufihùe dm sus mstrftmjhfs y praduitas dm iaouehifihùe ms icfvm pfrf omkarfr cf iaouehifihùe hetmref.



4.   Fitufchzfihùe dm iaeaihohmetas, iaeaihohmetas, ue iaouehifdar hetmrea dm`m pmrofemetmometm ofetmemr sus iaeaihohmetas fitufchzfdas y ea dmsiuhdfrsm dm cfs tmedmeihfs dm iaouehifihùe. Cfs ifrfitmrïsthifs dmc pmrghc dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea, prapumstas par Oachef (0>67), qum sm suofe f cfs fetmrharms, sae; 6.   Whshùe mstrftèjhif y arhmetfihùe f rmsuctfdas; vhsufchzfr cas a`kmthvas f cfrja pcfza y irmfr cfs iaedhihaems emimsfrhfs dm iaouehifihùe pfrf fiaopföfr mc praimsa. 0.   Fopcha iaeaihohmeta dmc omrifda y dm cfs tmedmeihfs; iaeaimr



ca qum mstæ ofrifeda arjfehzfihùe, iaememc cas ghe dm fethihpfrsm f ca qumtmedmeihfs sm vhmem.pfrf Fsï cf ohsoa, praoumvm iacf`arfdarms fctas mstæedfrms dm praduithvhdfd, arjucca dm pmrtmemeihf, fcta vfcar dm ofrif mopcmfdarf, y gmchihdfd cf`arfc. Mxhjmeihfs oucthjmemrfihaefcms; iaeaimr y iaoprmedmr cas fsphrfihaems y ofrias dm rmgmrmeihf dm cfs jmemrfihaems qum iaevhvme me cas mspfihas dm trf`fka pfrf fsmjurfr cf heicushùe me mc ofria iaouehifihùe/iucturf arjfehzfihaefc. Fsï iaoa iaeaimr cas metareas qum pravaife mstas ifo`has jmemrfihaefcms. Bf`hchdfd pfrf gfihchtfr iaevmrsfihaems; ifpfihdfd pfrf fitufr iaoa ue `ushemss pfrtemr   dm cf arjfehzfihùe, gfihchtfeda bmrrfohmetfs y mspfihas pfrf mc dmsfrracca mghihmetm dm cf iaevmrsfihùe fc hetmrhar dm cf arjfehzfihùe.


Iaoprmeshùe pfrf jmsthaefr ifo`has; iaoprmedmr cas praimsas dm ifo`ha qum ftrfvhmsfe cfs arjfehzfihaems pfrf fcifezfr su oæs fcta prapùshta. Dm`m jfrfethzfr mmcc cajra dm pmqumöas bhtas shjehghifthvas pfrf mc iaoûe dm cas iacf`arfdarms, rmduihmeda cas

frjuometas dm rmshstmeihf fc ifo`ha. 7.   F mccfs, sm suofe atrfs qum vmoas pmrthemetms iaeshdmrfr me mc metarea fitufc dmc mkmrihiha pragmshaefc dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea



y dm ofemrf mspmihfc me mc metarea dm trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc qum  vhvhoas; :.


Ymr mspmihfchstf,y smr ue pragmshaefc qum iumetm iae tadas cas iaeaihohmetas cf mxpmrhmeihf pfrf dmsmopmöfrsm me mstm ifrja dm iaouehifdar hetmrea. 2.   Tmemr shmoprm vhshùe mstrftèjhif, iaeaimr metmrfometm cf arjfehzfihùe, su vhshùe y a`kmthvas hesthtuihaefcms. Fitufr dm ofemrf prafithvf y me `fsm f cas prheihphas hesthtuihaefcms. Ym dm`m pmesfr me cf iaouehifihùe dm ofemrf hetmjrfc. 8.  Ofemkfr oètrhifs y fefcïthifs, mvfcufr cf mghifihf dm cfs mstrftmjhfs y fiihaems dm iaouehifihùe pfrf fkustfr a ifo`hfr cfs qum ea bfe gueihaefda smjûe ca mspmrfda. 6>.   Fitufchzfihùe pmrofemetm, ms emimsfrha qum mstè fc dïf iae cas tmofs qum ofemkf cf arjfehzfihùe pfrf dfr rmspumstfs apartuefs fchemfdfs f cf ghcasagïf hesthtuihaefc y smr tfo`hèe aïdas pfrf trfesohthr msas omesfkms f cf fctf jmrmeihf. 66.  Ymr jmemrfdar dm iaetmehdas, dm fiumrda f cas pû`chias f cas qum sm dmsmf ccmjfr y iae cas omesfkms iarrmitas. Iae mcca, sm pumdm jmemrfr iaevmrsfihaems me mspfihas dhjhtfcms y iaemitfr iae cas pû`chias.  

60.  Tmemr ue pmrghc oucthdhsihpchefr, daohef moprmsfrhfcms y cf jmsthùe dm pmrsaefsqum parqum trf`fkfcfsiaeihmeihfs y pfrf mquhpas oucthdhsihpchefrms dmetra dm cf arjfehzfihùe. 69.  Iaeaimr cf moprmsf y sus praymiihaems guturfs, ms mcmometfc qum mc iaouehifdar hetmrea tmejf pragueda iaeaihohmeta dm cf

arjfehzfihùe me cf qum iacf`arf y qum iaeazif su pcfehghifihùe guturf pfrf padmr praymitfrcf y oastrfr cas dmsfgïas f cas qum sm praymitf me mc gutura. Msta pmrohthræ qum cas iacf`arfdarms hetmrharhime ca qum cf moprmsf mstæ qumrhmeda dm mccas f gutura y cas ccmvfræ f iaopraomtmrsm dm ofemrf praduithvf iae cf arjfehzfihùe. 64.  Ymr jmemrfdar dm iaouehifihùe hetmrpmrsaefc, f trfvès dm cf iaouehifihùe dm`m cajrfr ue fimrifohmeta iae cas :=


iacf`arfdarms dm cf hesthtuihùe daedm sm praduzif uef msiuibf fithvf y fgmithvf.  

6=. Jmstar iaetmehdas, tfo`hèe ms jmstar dm iaetmehdas trfvès dm cas dm iufcms dmsphmrtf a jmemrf eumvfs moaihaems fme cas pû`chias hetmreas y iae mstm thpa dm iaetmehdas trfesohtm smethohmetas qum iaemitf cas iacf`arfdarms iae cf arjfehzfihùe. 67.  Ymr irïthias dm cf rmfchdfd, pfrf ifo`hfr a omkarfr ca qum ea sm mstæ bfihmeda `hme y prapaemr bfimrca dm omkar garof. 6:.  Cmitarms y fefcïthias dm dftas, daedm iae cf f`ruofetm ifethdfd dm hegarofihùe sm rmquhmrm tmemr mc irhtmrha pfrf hetmrprmtfr cf hegarofihùe qum eas jmemrf eumstra pû`chia hetmrea.  

62. Mspïrhtu heeavfdar, hdmethghifr surmiursas bmrrfohmetfs tmieacùjhifs vhjmetmspfrf y praoavmr usa fc ahetmrhar dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Fsï iaoa tfo`hèe hdmethghifr eumvfs mstrftmjhfs dm iaouehifihùe qum vfyfe oæs fccæ dm cfs mxpmitfthvfs dm cas iacf`arfdarms. 68.  Iaouehifr `fsfdas me cfs moaihaems, jmemrfr uef iaouehifihùe qum taqum mc iarfzùe y cf rfzùe dm cas iacf`arfdarms pfrf praoavmr uef iaouehifihùe mgmithvf. Cfs mxpmrhmeihfs vhvhdfs par ifdf uea dm cas iacf`arfdarms me su metarea cf`arfc ofrifdfs cfsuef rmcfihaems buofefs sae ue gumrtm patmeihfc f fpravmibfrpar pfrf `umef iaouehifihùe.  Fbarf ohsoa, cf garofihùe dm cas pragmshaefcms dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref sm bf iaevmrthda me ue rmta. Pmquhmrm dm ofemrf pmrofemetm

fitufchzfihùe dm iaeaihohmetas y fdfptfrsm f cas praimsas dm trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc y fc usa dm bmrrfohmetfs tmieacùjhifs qum sm hopcmometfe me cfs arjfehzfihaems. Ca dhgmrmeihf dmhetmref cf iaouehifihùe dmc shjca RR fcdmshjca RRHqum ms ofrif qum, cf cfiaouehifihùe yf ea ms rmspaesf`hchdfd ue ærmf a dmpfrtfometa, ms rmspaesf`hchdfd dm tadas quhmems garofe pfrtm dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Ifdf pû`chia hetmrea dm`m tmemr icfra ca qum mstæ :7


bfihmeda, par què sm mstæ bfihmeda y, què `memghihas pragmshaefcms, pmrsaefcms y jrupfcms sm a`thmeme dmc dmsmopmöa ([fpftf ^fcfiha y Jùomz Vuhkfea, 0>67;==8). Cfs moprmsfs ea padræe sa`rmvhvhr shea dmsfrraccfe uef ifpfihdfd pfrf pf rf fdfptfrsm fc eumva iaetmxta qum prapaeme cfs tmieacajïfs dm hegarofihùe y f cas bæ`htas dm cas efthvas eft hvas dhjhtfcms. 4. Iaeicushaems

Cas iaouehifdarms hetmreas sae phmzfs icfvms me cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe su y mccf`ar fimrifohmeta iae cas pû`chias hetmreas< par mcca,cas ms hedhspmesf`cm me cfs arjfehzfihaems iaeshdmrfeda tadas `memghihas y vmetfkfs qum ftrfme oæs fccæ dm cf sastmeh`hchdfd dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Mc fsuohr mc rac dm iaouehifdar hetmrea, ms pash`cmometm iaoa ouibfs pragmshaems, ue rmta qum hopchif iaopraohsa, ouibf metrmjf, rmspaesf`hchdfd y foar f cf pragmshùe. F mcca sm suof uef garofihùe pmrofemetm y futadhdfitf qum cm pmrohtf fitufchzfr y dmsfrraccfr eumvfs iaopmtmeihfs icfvms pfrf su trf`fka pragmshaefc. =. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

 Frhziurme, (0>>2). Juïf dm `umefs præithifs dm iaouehifihùe hetmref . Ofdrhd; GMF^Y Ifsthcca, F. (0>6>). Hetraduiihùe f cfs rmcfihaems pû`chifs . Mspföf, Oæcfjf; Hesthtuta dm Hevmsthjfihùe me Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs. Mlas Emjaihas (0>67). Pmvhstf Mlas prmsmetf; Pfelhej 6>>> Miufdar 0>67. Pfelhejs. Emjaihas. Pmvhstf Mlas. Pmiupmrfda dm  dm  bttp;//www.mlasemjaihas.iao/emjaihas/vmrFrthiucaIaetmehda.fspx 1hdFrt?:868 Jfriïf Fcofjumr, O. (0>6:). Irhshs Whrfc. Eumvfs Tmedmeihfs dm Iaouehifihùe ^acïthif Dhjhtfc \dhjhtfc_. Jrupa Mdhtarhfc y dm Hevmsthjfihùe ^acfrhs Y. F. ::


Jaezæcmz, P. (0>>=). Eumvfs tmieacajïfs fpchifdfs f cf jmsthùe dm PPBB; Cfs THI iaoa bmrrfohmetfs dm omkarf pmrofemetm pfrf ifphtfc buofea.

Mspföf; Whja  Khoèemz-Jùomz, H., & Oföfs-Whehmjrf, C. (0>62). Agmrtfs dm mopcma omkar rmouemrfdfs me iaouehifihùe y dhsmöa; eumvas pmrghcms y mgmita gucc-  stfil. Daxf Iaouehifihùe. Pmvhstf Hetmrdhsihpchefr dm Mstudhas Mst udhas

dm Iaouehifihùe y Ihmeihfs Yaihfcms, (0:), 098 ’ 0=6. 0=6. Arthz Jaezæcms, K. (0>6>). Mc rac dmc iaouehifdar me cf mrf dhjhtfc . Pmvhstf Hetmruehvmrshtfrhf dm Garofihùe Dmc ^ragmsarfda, (99), :9 ’ 2=. 2=. Ccfea ^rhmta, Y. (6882). Mc pmrghc dmc iaouehifdar arjfehzfihaefc me mc omrifda dm trf`fka. He O. F. Pm`mhc & I. Puhz-Yfedavfc (mds.),  Mc  padmr dm cf iaouehifihùe me cfs arjfehzfihaems . Cùpmz, ^. Gmreæedmz, K. (0>>2). Zm` 0.> y moprmsf. Ofeufc dm fpchifihùe me metareas iarparfthvas . Fsaihfihùe Efihaefc dm Moprmsfs dm Hetmremt. FEMH  Tûömz-Cùpmz, K. O.< Taurfc-@rfe, Taurfc-@rfe, I.< Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, I. (0>68).  Futaofthzfihùe, `ats y fcjarhtoas me cf rmdfiihùe dm eathihfs. Hopfita y ifchdfd dmc pmrhadhsoa frthghihfc . Pmvhstf Cfthef dm Iaouehifihùe

Yaihfc, :4, pp. 6466 f 6499. bttp;//www.rmvhstfcfthefis.arj/>:4pfpmr/6986/:4ms.btoc DAH; 6>.462=/PCIY-0>68-6986 DAH;  6>.462=/PCIY-0>68-6986 Ofrtïemz, J. & [mromöa, O. M. (0>6:). Cf iaouehifihùe arjfehzfihaefc me Oèxhia; rmprmsmetfihaems saihfcms dmsdm cf ohrfdf dmc pragmshaefc  (pp.  (pp. 88-609). Me Frèvfca & Juhccèe (Iaards.). Cf iaouehifihùe pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems me Oèxhia; mvacuihùe, tmarïf y præithif. Oèxhia; ]ehvmrshdfd Feæbufi me iamdhihùe iae Mdhtarhfc Thrfet ca @cfeib. HY@E 8:2-24-6:>78->2-: Ofrtïemz-Oèedmz, J., & [mromöa-Mspheasf, O. M. (0>62).  Fifdmohi

fed pragmsshaefc updftm he arjfehzfthaefc iaoouehifthae; ia oouehifthae; f ibfccmejm gar  FOH^IA. Pfzùe y ^fcf`rf, 00 ((6 6 ’ 6>>), 6>>), :0: ’ :42. :42. Pmiupmrfda

dm bttps;//fribhvas.rmvhstfrfzaeypfcf`rf.arj/hedmx.pbp/ryp/frthic m/vhmw/6690 Oasiac, P., & Jfomra, P. (0>69). Fpprafib ta tbm trust fs hetmrefc jaad ag ^u`chi Pmcfthaes . Pmvhstf dm Iaouehifihùe, 60 (6), (6), 66> ’ 692. 692. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//mzpraxy.iaeiytmi.ja`.pm;0>7>/IaetmetYmrvmr.fsp1T?^ &^?FE&L?8079>=>0&Y?P&D?f8b&M`siaIaetmet?dJKy  :2


OECr4>Ymp744yAvsACIor>ymp:@Ys774Y:mZxZRY&Iaetm etIustaomr?dJKyO^JvsMq>rq=Oum^gjmyx44Dt7gHF Oachef, Y. (60/>4/0>67). Mc eumva pmrghc dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea. Iaouehifihùe hetmref. Dmsfrracca arjfehzfihaefc. Pmiupmrfda dm  dm  bttps;//ouedaih.emt/tfj/pmrghc-dmc-iaouehifdar-hetmrea/ Arthz Jaezfcms, K. (0>6>). Mc rac dmc iaouehifdar me cf mrf dhjhtfc . Pmvhstf Hetmruehvmrshtfrhf dm Garofihùe dmc ^ragmsarfda, (99), :9 ’ 2=. 2=. ^fcfihas, K. (0>64). Dm cf iaouehifihùe arjfehzfihaefc f cf iaouehifihùe  praduithvf; oadmca prapumsta par F`rfbfo Easehl Astrawhfl. Pfzùe y ^fcf`rf, 2: , 6 ’ 60. 60. Yfcfvmrrhf, P. (0>>8). Cas omdhas dm iaouehifihùe fetm cf iaevmrjmeihf dhjhtfc . \me cïemf_. Pmiupmrfda dm  dm  bttps;//dfdue.uefv.mdu/`htstrmfo/6>6:6/=>88/6/PfoaeQYfc fvmrrhf.pdg Ymrrfea, F.< If`rmrf, O.< Ofrtïemz, M.< & Jfrh`fy, K. (0>6>). Dhjhtfchzfihùe y iaevmrjmeihf jca`fc. Oèxhia; Mdhtarhfc IAEWMPJMETM  Tûömz, O. (0>60). Cf jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe me cfs arjfehzfihaems . Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc Mdhihaems y ^u`chifihaems. [foarf; Mspföf. [fpftf ^fcfihas, C. & Jùomz Vuhkfea, F. (0>67).  Mc Iaouehifdar hetmrea, dm pragmshaefc dm cf hegarofihùe f pragmshaefc dm cf iaouehifihùe   (pp.=4>-=70).. Iaouehirfihf y Dmsfrracca Yaihfc; (pp.=4>-=70) Yaihfc; Fitfs  Fitfs dmc H Iaejrmsa Hetmrefihaefc Iaouehifihùe y ^mesfohmeta (Pasfc`f Ofeihefs-Ibævmz iaard.) Pmiupmrfda dm  dm   bttps;//>709   bttps;//>709 [fpftf, C. G.< Jùomz, F. J.< & ^fibmia, O. (0>67). Gueihaems y iaopmtmeihfs dmc iaouehifdar hetmrea hesthtuihaefc uehvmrshtfrha . He

Iaejrmsa H`mraomrhifea ^hftIao (pp.6 ’ 66). 66). Ofdrhd ’  Mspföf.  Mspföf. =.6. Atras daiuometas

@mroma, I. (0>6>). Tbm Gucc Ytfil, ^frt H. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.gfim`aal.iao/eatm.pbp1eatmQhd?476=>=929868





]sa mstrftèjhia dm omdhas dhjhtfcms fpchifda f cf iaouehifihùe hetmref. Ifsa IAIAF Justfva Iusat ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta Hsf`mc ^fcfihas ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta ^FPF IHTFP ; Iusat, J. & ^fcfihas, H. (0>0>). Omdhas saihfcms saihfcms y iaouehifihùe hetmref. Ifsa IAIAF. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medföa, O. & Wfcdhvhmza, I. (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf.  Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e¾6:2 (pp.26-8=). Cf Cfjuef.  

Pmsuome Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref ms hedhspmesf`cm pfrf cf trfesohshùe y iaesachdfihùe dm cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc, pums f trfvès dm èstf sm

hetmrharhzf cf ghcasagïf y msmeihf dm uef hesthtuihùe me sus pû`chias. Cf mstrftmjhf fdquhmrm ue vfcar pratfjùehia dmetra dm mstf jmsthùe, pums juïf tadfs cfs fiihaems f hopcmometfr. Dmetra dm èstf, ms hopartfetm iaeshdmrfr cf hetmjrfihùe dm omdhas saihfcms dhjhtfcms, pums dhefohzf cf

iaouehifihùe y pmrohtm cf iufethghifihùe dm cas rmsuctfdas a`tmehdas. ^frf mc dmsfrracca dm uef mstrftmjhf, ms vhtfc rmfchzfr prmvhfometm ue mstudha qum rmvmcm cf shtufihùe fitufc dm cf iaouehifihùe, pfrf me `fsm f mcca, irmfr ue pcfe dm fiihùe fkustfda f cfs emimshdfdms dmc oaometa. Mstm frtïiuca mxpaem mc ifsa dmc Iacmjha dm Iaouehifihùe y Frtms Iaetmoparæemfs dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta, mc iufc, f pfrthr dm ue mstudha dm iaouehifihùe rmfchzfda me mc 0>6:, dmsfrraccf ue pcfe dm fiihùe pfrf cf jmsthùe dm iaetmehda dm su iumetf dm Gfim`aal, cf iufc mstæ dhrhjhdf f su pû`chia hetmrea. 26


^fcf`rfs icfvms;  iaouehifihùe hetmref, iucturf arjfehzfihaefc,

omdhas dhjhtfcms, jmsthùe dm iaetmehda, pcfehghifihùe iaouehifihaefc. 6. Hetraduiihùe


 F HO^APTFEIHF dm cf iaouehifihùe dmetra dmc oueda arjfehzfihaefc ms ifdf vmz oæs rmiaeaihda y vfcarhzfda, yf qum ea saca fpuetf f uef ofyar hetmrfiihùe metrm sus ohmo`ras y pû`chias mxtmreas, shea qum pmrohtm mc irmihohmeta y `ume dmsfrracca dm cf arjfehzfihùe, sustmetfda me mstrftmjhfs qum gartfcmime su hdmethdfd m hofjme hesthtuihaefc. Dhgïihcometm uef bmrrfohmetf dm iaouehifihùe hopcmometfdf she uef pcfehghifihùe, padræ iuopchr sfthsgfitarhfometm su gueihùe, yf qum smræ uthchzfdf she ue prmvha iaeaihohmeta dm cfs emimshdfdms dm cf arjfehzfihùe y dmc pmrghc dm su pû`chia a`kmthva. ^frf cajrfr mc iuopchohmeta dm a`kmthvas dm uef arjfehzfihùe f iarta, omdhfea y cfrja pcfza, ms hedhspmesf`cm uef mstrftmjhf iaouehifihaefc qum juïm y iaetracm ifdf uef dm cfs dmihshaems y fiihaems rmfchzfdfs dmetra dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Me mstm smethda, cf mstrftmjhf iaouehifihaefc fdquhmrm jrfe hopartfeihf, pums me èstf, sm rmûeme cfs bmrrfohmetfs y pcfems dm fiihùe fdmiufdas pfrf ifdf arjfehzfihùe. ^ar mstm oathva, ms iruihfc uef prajrfofihùe y arjfehzfihùe rmspaesf`cm dm cf jmsthùe iaouehifihaefc, qum hevacuirm cas ifefcms y bmrrfohmetfs fdmiufdfs

smjûe mc a`kmthva pcfetmfda, qum pmrohtf uef apartuef trfesohshùe dm omesfkms, y fc ohsoa thmopa, uef fithvf pfrthihpfihùe metrm cas pû`chias. Fetm mstf prmohsf, mc metarea dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, pratfjaehzfdf par cas omdhas saihfcms dhjhtfcms, ms uef fctmrefthvf qum taof pasmshùe ifdf vmz iae oæs mvhdmeihf me mc pcfemfohmeta iaouehifihaefc dm cfs arjfehzfihaems m hesthtuihaems. ^rmihsfometm mc usa dm pcftfgarofs vhrtufcms dm rmdms saihfcms vhrtufcms sm bf feicfda dm ofemrf hdmfc dmetra dm cf mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe hetmref dmc Iacmjha dm Iaouehifihùe y Frtms iaetmoparæemfs (IAIAF) dm cf 20


]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta, cf iufc bf tmehda iaoa dmsfgïa mc fdmiufda ofemka dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref dm su iumetf aghihfc dm Gfim`aal, f trfvès dm uef jmsthùe dm iaetmehda mspmiïghia. ^frf cajrfrca, mc IAIAF ccmvù f if`a ue mstudha pu`chifda me IaoHet DhrIao   (0>6:) me mc iufc sm rmvmcfrae hedhifdarms icfvm sa`rm cas hetmrmsms dmc pû`chia hetmrea, iae rmspmita fc iaetmehda dm cf pæjhef. Me `fsm f mcca, sm dhsmöfrae eumvas pfræomtras y tæithifs dm jmsthùe dm iaetmehda, fdfptfda fc pmrghc dm su iaouehdfd. If`m omeihaefr qum, f pmsfr dm qum cf pæjhef aghihfc ms f`hmrtf, mc iaetmehda f`frif mvmetas, prmohfihaems, metrm atrfs fithvhdfdms qum sm mvhdmeihfræe me dmtfccm oæs fdmcfetm. Mstm frtïiuca mxpaem mc pcfe dm fiihùe ccmvfda f if`a me su iumetf dm Gfim`aal y cas rmsuctfdas iufethtfthvas qum sm bfe a`tmehda dm cf pæjhef f trfvès dm ue feæchshs iaopfrfthva 0>6:-0>62. 0. Dmsfrracca

Cf ghefchdfd dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, she hopartfr mc ifohea, cf mstrftmjhf a cfs bmrrfohmetfs mopcmfdfs, mstæ megaifdf me iuopchr iae cas a`kmthvas a`kmthvas pcfetmfdas, oathvfeda m hevacuirfeda f cas pû`chias hetmreas dm cf arjfehzfihùe f trfvès dmc hetmrifo`ha dm hegarofihùe< me atrfs pfcf`rfs< –bfimr pfrtïihpms f tadas cas ohmo`ras dm cf

arjfehzfihùe dm ca qum cf arjfehzfihùe bfim, hestæedacms f iacf`arfr, f sujmrhr, f iaometfr< me uef pfcf`rf; hevacuirfr f tadas cas ohmo`ras

dm cf arjfehzfihùe me cf iaouehifihù e (Yfca, 0>>>;97). Atra gfitar hopartfetm dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref ms qum, ofemkfdf iarrmitfometm, irmf smethda dm pmrtmemeihf metrm tadas sus pû`chias< y msta f su vmz, hopfitf pashthvfometm me mc fo`hmetm arjfehzfihaefc, rmgarzfeda cf hetmjrfihùe dm cas iacf`arfdarms y praymitfeda fetm mccas uef hofjme gfvarf`cm dm cf moprmsf, arjfehzfihùe. (Fedrfdm, 0>>=). Omeihaefda mc hopfita dm cf `umef iaouehifihùe hetmref me sus pû`chias, ms pmrthemetm smöfcfr mc hopartfetm rac qum mstf jmsthùe dmsmopmöf me cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc, pums èstf sm ofehghmstf me 29


tadfs cfs ærmfs dm cf arjfehzfihùe. Cf iucturf –dmtmrohef cf garof iaoa

gueihaef uef moprmsf y sm rmgcmkf me cfs mstrftmjhfs, mstruiturfs y shstmofs. Ms cf gumetm hevhsh`cm daedm cf vhshùe fdquhmrm su juïf dm fiihùe‟ (Padrïjumz y ^mza, 0>>=;==). Me mstm smethda, ms hedhspmesf`cm qum mc ofemka dm cf iaouehifihùe hetmref smf mstrftèjhia. X pfrf mcca, cf fdfptfihùe f cf jca`fchzfihùe y mvacuihùe tmieacùjhif dm cfs bmrrfohmetfs ms vhtfc pfrf mstf jmsthùe. Ms iaoa cfs arjfehzfihaems m hesthtuihaems bfe tmehda qum dfr pfsa f mstf fdfptfihùe pfrf padmr dmsmevacvmrsm me ue eumva metarea, mc dm cf tmieacajïf dm cf iaouehifihùe qum surjhù durfetm cf prhomrf dèifdf dmc shjca RRH, hevacuirf yf cf uthchzfihùe dm hetmremt dmsdm iaoputfdarfs y dhvmrsas dhspashthvas oùvhcms. Iaoa fsmjurf Ifrrmtùe (0>>:), cfs moprmsfs sm

dmsmevumcvme `fka ue metarea –iaopcmka y dheæohia y, par

iaeshjuhmetm, dm`me y thmeme qum fdfptfrsm sh quhmrme smjuhr pmrofemihmeda me èc‟ (Ifrrmtùe, 0>>:;00 ). Cf heiarparfihùe heiarparfihùe dm cf wm` 0.> iaevhrthù fc hetmremt me ue ifefc dheæohia, me daedm cas usufrhas sae fitarms mohsarms y jmemrfdarms dm iaetmehda, par ca qum dmsfrraccfe ue pfpmc pratfjùehia me cf iaouehifihùe. Me cf wm` 0.> cas pû`chias –mstæe me iaetheuf hetmrfiihùe y msta ms ca qum dmtmrohef mc ihica dm cf iaouehifihùe, shmoprm y iufeda mc mgmita dmc omesfkm praduihda me mc rmimptar smf trfesohthda she ruhdas fc mohsar pfrf heihdhr a ea me ue ifo`ha iae rmspmita fc omesfkm hehihfc‟ (Casfdf,


Cfs rmdms saihfcms sm bfe iaevmrthda me uea dm cas ifefcms iaouehifthvas oæs mopcmfdas par cfs arjfehzfihaems pfrf jmemrfr ue  vïeiuca oæs dheæohia dheæohia dm iaouehifihùe iae sus pû`chias. –Cas omdhas omdhas

saihfcms sae mkmopcas dm cf Zm` 0.>, qum iaetrfstfe shjehghifthvfometm iae cfs tmieacajïfs tap dawe  oæs  oæs pfshvfs qum ifrfitmrhzfrae cfs pæjhefs dm cf Zm` 6.>‟ (Durfeja, 0>>=;8). Fsï, iae cf ofshghifihùe dm cf

Hetmremt y cf jmemrfchzfihùe dm uthchzfihùe dm omdhas saihfcms, mc fcta hopfita qum thmem cf iaouehifihùe me cas pû`chias ms heiumsthaef`cm. Cfs arjfehzfihaems mstæe ifdf vmz oæs imrif dm sus stflmbacdmrs  y   y iae 24


ofyar ifpfihdfd dm jmemrfr ue vïeiuca moaihaefc, heicusa fetms dm qum mstas sm iaevhmrtfe me sus iaesuohdarms. Mc dmsfgïa mstæ me trf`fkfr pfrf qum cf moprmsf praymitm me sus pû`chias iaeghfezf y uef hofjme pashthvf f trfvès dm ifdf uef dm cfs pu`chifihaems m hetmrfiihaems qum jmemrm iae mccas. Cfs prheihpfcms vhrtudms qum agrmime cfs pcftfgarofs  vhrtufcms, smjûe Ifstmccù (0>69;6>:), sae cf ifpfihdfd dm rmfiihùe heomdhftf sa`rm cf hofjme arjfehzfihaefc, irmfihùe y iaesachdfihùe iaes achdfihùe dm cf iaouehdfd a pû`chia a`kmthva, heirmometa dm eatarhmdfd, iaetrac sa`rm cf rmputfihùe, mstrftmjhfs dm smjometfihùe, pmrsaefchzfihùe dm omesfkms, ifpfihdfd dm hetmrfiihùe y dm vhrfchzfihùe vhrfch zfihùe dmc iaetmehda. Cf jmsthùe mstrftèjhif dm cf iaouehifihùe dmc IAIAF sm fdfptù f mstas eumvas metareas heiarparfeda ifefcms vhrtufcms me pcftfgarofs saihfcms dmsdm mc föa 0>69, irmfeda su iumetf me Gfim`aal, f trfvès dm cf iufc hopfrtm me su pû`chia ue smethda dm pmrtmemeihf y ghdmchzfihùe bfihf cf gfiuctfd dm cf uehvmrshdfd. Dm`hda f cf dhvmrshdfd dm pmrghcms m hetmrmsms dm sus pû`chias, ms iruihfc fdohehstrfr cf jmsthùe dm iaetmehdas `fsfdf me uef prmvhf hevmsthjfihùe dm su pû`chia hetmrea, iaopumsta me su ofyarïf par pmrsaefs dm metrm 6: y => föas. ^ar mcca, me mc föa 0>6: sm rmfchzù ue mstudha iufethtfthva y iufchtfthva f trfvès dm cfs shjuhmetms tèiehifs; uef meiumstf vhrtufc, iae cf ghefchdfd dm iaoprmedmr cas hetmrmsms dmc pû`chia a`kmthva me iufeta fc ofemka y jmemrfihùe dm iaetmehdas dm Gfim`aal. Cf iaouehdfd qum pfrthihpù

me mstf meiumstf f`friù f fcuoeas, pragmsarms, jrfdufdas y fdohehstrfthvas. X, par atra cfda, sm rmfchzfrae `rmvms metrmvhstfs prmsmeihfcms iae ohmo`ras dm cf iaouehdfd. Mstm mstudha frrakù heputs y rmiaomedfihaems hopartfetms par pfrtm dm cf iaouehdfd, cfs iufcms sm taofrae me iumetf pfrf mc dmsfrracca dmc pcfe mstrftèjhia dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, me Gfim`aal mspmiïghifometm. Ymjûe mc mstudha rmvmcfda me cf rmvhstf DhrIao (0>6:), Iaesuctarïf me Iaouehifihùe, sm hedhiù qum –pmsm f qum cf pæjhef uthchzf ue taea

hegarofc me su iaetmehda, cf iaouehdfd dmofedf fûe oæs 2=


hegarofchdfd. Mstm dfta ms ouy hopartfetm, dm`hda f qum ofrif cf dhstfeihf a imrifeïf metrm cf gfiuctfd y fudhmeihf. Iae rmspmita f cas tmofs dm hetmrès, sm dmstfife cas feueihas f prùxhoas mvmetas. Yhe mo`frja, sm mvhdmeihf jrfe dmofedf me sartmas y iaeiursas, y pu`chifihaems dm praymitas dm cas fcuoeas. Cf ofyarïf dm cas meiumstfdas smöfcù qum mstas das ûcthoas tmofs cajrfrïfe qum mc usufrha fiimdf iae oæs grmiumeihf f cf pæjhef dmc IAIAF. ^ar atra cfda, ms hopartfetm mvhdmeihfr cf fctf prmgmrmeihf dm cf iaouehdfd par cfs pu`chifihaems iae gatas, vhdmas y JHGs . Mstas garoftas ftrfme  vhshtfs, y jmemrfe ofyar hetmrès‟ hetmrès‟ (Iusat, 0>6:;9=). Iae mstas rmsuctfdas, mc IAIAF dhsmöù ue pcfe mstrftèjhia pfrf cf jmsthùe iaouehifihaefc hetmref. Cas a`kmthvas mstuvhmrae megaifdas prheihpfcometm me irmfr rmiaeaihohmeta par pfrtm dm cf iaouehdfd dmc IAIAF, y cajrfr qum cf pæjhef dm Gfim`aal dm cf gfiuctfd smf cf prhomrf bmrrfohmetf dm iaouehifihùe f cf qum fiudf cf iaouehdfd IAIAF tfeta pfrf hegarofihùe dm cf gfiuctfd, iaoa dm tmofs shohcfrms. ^frf mcca, taofeda me iumetf cas rmsuctfdas dm cf hevmsthjfihùe omeihaefdas fetmrharometm, sm rmfczfrae vfrhas fkustms mstrftèjhias dm iaouehifihùe, cas iufcms mstæe dhvhdhdas me trms pfrtms; f) Tæithifs jmemrfcms dm iaetmehda, `) Tæithifs me iufeta f cf iaouehifihùe dm

mvmetas, y i) Tæithifs pfrf cf jmsthùe dm fithvhdfdms me dïfs prm mstf`cmihdas. F iaetheufihùe, sm dmtfccf ifdf uef; 0.6. Tæithifs jmemrfcms dm jmsthùe dm iaetmehda;

Ym irmfrae dhgmrmetms bfsbtfjs , iae dhgmrmetm tmoæthif, cas iufcms sm mxpaeme f iaetheufihùe;



6.  0.  9.  4.  =.  7.  :.  2. 

#mvmetaIAIAF; uthchzfda pfrf cf ia`mrturf y dhgushùe dm hegarofihùe dm mvmetas, dmsdm su irmfihùe bfstf dmtfccms dm past mvmeta. #eathihfIAIAF; Ym heicuym me mstm smjometa frtïiucas, eatfs, rmpartfkms dm iufcquhmr ohmo`ra IAIAF. #arjuccaIAIAF; Ym pu`chifræe fquï iufcquhmr thpa dm cajra dm pragmsarms, fcuoeas. #praymitaIAIAF; Ym dhguedme iae mstm bfsbtfj   praymitas rmfchzfdas dmetra dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd, iaeiursas, dm`mrms, icfsms. #iaeiursaIAIAF; Ym heicuyme sartmas y iaeiursas qum rmfchim mc IAIAF. #thpsIAIAF; uthchzfda pfrf iaouehifr iufcquhmr hegarofihùe hetmrmsfetm sa`rm tmofs dmc IAIAF. #pmrghcmsIAIAF; sm pu`chife cas pmrghcms dm cf iaouehdfd #tfcmetaIAIAF; irmfda pfrf dhguedhr cfs a`rfs dm cf iaouehdfd.

Me iufeta fc cmjufkm, sm mstf`cmihù uthchzfr mthqumtfda me tadfs cfs pu`chifihaems qum smf pash`cm, iae N fetms dm ifdf mthqumtf. ^frf cas dhvmrsas mvmetas dmc IAIAF, sm pcfetmfrae cfs shjuhmetms earofs;

6.  0.  9. 

Heiarparfr mc bfsbtfj ; #mvmetaIAIAF ]thchzfr cf mthqumtf; Nmvmeta Hedhifr cas dmtfccms dmc mvmeta y mthqumtfr mc cujfr. Dm smr mc ifsa, mxpaemr hegarofihùe dm cas mxpashtarms, y mthqumtfr f cas ohsoas.

 F iaetheufihùe, sm mxpaem ue mkmopca dm ue feueiha dm mvmeta rmfchzfda par mc IAIAF me fchfezf iae cf Guedfihùe par uef vhdf, mc iufc iaeshstm me ue fjfsfka Efvhdmöa f oæs dm 6=> ehöas iae iæeimr. Mstm mvmeta iumetf vfrhfs fithvhdfdms iaoa sbaws hegfethcms,  vhccfeihias, ofeufchdfdms, mti. y sm rmih`me daefihaems dm if`mcca. Me 2:


mstf fithvhdfd sm hevacuirfe dmimefs dm pmrsaefs, metrm mstudhfetms, pragmsarms, jrfdufdas, metrm atras. Hofjme 6. Gfim`aal; pu`chifihaems 6= y 08 dm eavhmo`rm. 







#arjuccaIAIAF. ]thchzfr mthqumtfda; Nfcuoehusgq, Neao`rm dm cf pmrsaef, dm Nifrrmrf f cf qum pmrtmemim a pmrtmemihù, NOmdha y barf me mc qum gum pu`chifda. Heicuhr mecfim qum

iaeduzif f cf vhstf prmvhf dm cf gata dm cf eathihf.  F iaetheufihùe, sm mxpaem ue mkmopca dm iaetmehda qum iarrmspaedm mstm fpfrtfda, mc iufc paem me iaeaihohmeta f cf iaouehdfd IAIAF, cf praduiihùe dm cfrjaomtrfkms fehofdas rmfchzfdas par cf ifrrmrf dm  Fehofihùe Dhjhtfc.  Fdmoæs, dhguedm ue frtïiuca frt ïiuca pu`chifda par mc Dhfrha Mc ^fïs "Mc Ihem dm Fehofihùe Dmspmjf me Miufdar", mc ohsoa qum pratfjaehzf f cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia y f cf gfiuctfd. Mstf eathihf sm mxpusa iae cas bfsbtfjs  omeihaefdas;  omeihaefdas; #eathihfsIAIAF, #arjuccaIAIAF. 22


Hofjme 0. Gfim`aal; pu`chifihaems 04 y 02 dm fjasta.  


Me Iaeiursas;  hetraduihr mc iaeiursa iae mc bfsbtfj   #iaeiursaIAIAF, mxpaemr cfs hestruiihaems dmc iaeiursa, y dmtfccfr mc prmoha pfrf mc jfefdar dmc iaeiursa. Ym mxpaeme f iaetheufihùe vfrhas dm cas iaeiursas qum rmfchzf mc IAIAF me mc qum prmohf cf ftmeihùe, cf pfrthihpfihùe y mc iaeaihohmeta dm su iaouehdfd.

Hofjme 9. Gfim`aal; pu`chifihaems 66 dm aitu`rm y 7 dm eavhmo`rm.


Me Tfcmeta; hetraduihr mc tfcmeta heiarparfeda cas; bfsbtfjs   #tfcmetaIAIAF y #arjuccaIAIAF 28


]thchzfr mthqumtfda pfrf mc Nfrthstf y su Neao`rm dm cf a`rf a praymita. Hofjme 4. Gfim`aal; pu`chifihùe 06 dm dhihmo`rm. 

Ms mstm mkmopca, sm mvhdmeihf cf jmemrfihùe dm iaetmehda dm tfcmeta #arjuccaIAIAF iae rmspmita f mc feueiha dm ue iartaomtrfkm dm ghiihùe –Ymjueda Yfqum‟ praduihdf y dhrhjhdf par tfcmetas dmc

IAIAF. Dhiba iartaomtrfkm, sm prmsmetù me mc Gmsthvfc Hetmrefihaefc

dmc Eumva Ihem Cftheafomrhifea me cf Bf`fef-Iu`f. Tf`cf 6. Tæithifs pfrf cf iaouehifihùe dm mvmetas.  Mc mvmeta sm dm`m irmfr me mc Gfepfjm  dm  dm Gfim`aal iae fetmcfihùe mvmeta Irmfihùe Ym dm`m ccmefr mc garoucfrha dmc mvmeta y mevhfr gatajrfgïfs dm mstm. Bfimr ue smjuhohmeta pfrf qum sm ccmem iaopcmtfometm ^u`chifihaems mc iraeajrfof dm pu`chifihaems



Me mc ifsa dm qum ea sm mevïme mc iraeajrfof dm pu`chifihaems, iaopfrthr pu`chifihaems dmc mvmeta a dm pæjhefs qum pu`chqume fc rmspmita. Pmfchzfr ue oïehoa dm das pu`chifihaems fc omeas das smofefs fetms Pmfchzfr uef pu`chifihùe uef smofef fetms Pmfchzfr ue rmiardftarha ue dïf fetms dmc mvmeta Ym dm`mræ gatajrfghfr mc mvmeta; ^mrsaefs dmstfifdfs (mxpashtarms, frthstfs, dmifea,  vhimdmifea, atrfs futarhdfdms futarhdfdms dm cf uehvmrshdfd) Ia`mrturf Yaihfcms A`rfs Mvmeta me jmemrfc (fudhtarha) Pmfchzfr pu`chifihùe dmc mvmeta das dïfs dmspuès; Pmsuome ^ast mvmeta gatajrfgïfs (oæxhoa 6= dmpmedhmeda dm cf hopartfeihf y mc ifræitmr dmc mvmeta) Mcf`arfihùe praphf 0.0. Tæithifs pfrf cf iaouehifihùe dm fithvhdfdms me dïfs  prmmstf`cmihdas


Cuems dm iaeiursas; Ymhs vmims fc föa (uef vmz pfsfeda ue oms) y das smofefs dm pu`chifihaems;   Mc prhomr cuems dm ifdf oms, sm pastmf iaetmehda qum oathvm y fcmjrm f cf iaouehdfd.   Mc tmrimr cuems dmc oms sm feueihf fc jfefdar dmc iaeiursa Ofrtms dm tfcmetas; Das vmims fc oms y uef smofef fetms dmc mvmeta, sm hevhtf f cas fcuoeas f mevhfr sus a`rfs fc ofhc dmc IAIAF. Ym uthchzf iaoa fpaya mc ofhchej   ofshva. Trms dïfs dmspuès sm rmfchzf atrf pu`chifihùe dm rmiardftarha, y me mc ifsa dm smr emimsfrha, das dïfs dmspuès. 





Ohèriacms dm pmrghcms; ^u`chifihùe dm pmrghcms dm pmrsaefs dmstfifdfs me cfs ærmfs dmc IAIAF (pragmsarms< fcuoehs< fcuoeas iae praymitas hetmrmsfetms, mxtmreas, dmstfifdas, jfefdarms< y pmrsaefs mxtmrefs, me mc ifsa dm qum ea iaetfr iae ue pmrghc IAIA). Me cf pu`chifihùe, heicuhr gata dm cf pmrsaef, `rmvm `hajrfgïf, mecfims me daedm sm pumdf meiaetrfr (rmdms saihfcms, partfgacha), `rmvm bhstarhf dm su trf`fka, pmqumöf oumstrf dm su trf`fka. 4.   Kumvms dm mvmetas y praymitas; ^astma dm mvmetas pfsfdas rmihmetmometm, iaoa prmohas IAIAF, Ohxturfs, mti. ^astma dm tadas cas praymitas jfefdarms dm ifdf smomstrm. =.   Whmrems dm iaetmehda mxtmrea; Grfsms, frtïiucas, frtïiucas, ch`ras. 9. Pmsuctfdas

Dmspuès dm ue föa dm hopcmometfihùe dmc pcfe -ms hopartfetm omeihaefr qum sm bfe ccmvfda f if`a chjmrfs vfrhfihaems me cf ofribfcas rmsuctfdas iaesmjuhdas me cf Gfepfjm   dm Gfim`aal bfe shda gfvarf`cms y fpuetfe f iaesmjuhr cfs omtfs pcfetmfdfs. Me mc 0>6:, sm imrrù iae cas shjuhmetms rmsuctfdas a`tmehdas dm ofemrf arjæehif; Tf`cf 0. Pmsuctfdas a`tmehdas dm Gfim`aal.

 Fcifeim Om justf  Whshtfs Mcf`arfihùe praphf

Omdhf 0>6: 64> 4279 040

Omdhf 0>62 =8> =4:7 0=0

Iaoa sm mvhdmeihf me cf tf`cf 0, bfihmeda uef rmcfihùe metrm cas föas 0>6: y 0>62, sm mvhdmeihf qum cf omdhf me mc fcifeim dm cf pæjhef bf heirmometfda ue 906.4%, cas chlms  dmc   dmc iaetmehda dm cf pæjhef me ue 0:6.=% y mc eûomra dm vhshtfs ue 4%. Iae mstas dftas sm mmvhdmeihf vhdmeihf mc gueihaefohmeta dmc pcfe y su hopfita me cf mvacuihùe dm cf 80


iaouehifihùe hetmref iae rmspmita f cf iumetf dm Gfim`aal. Yhe mo`frja, iaoa sm bf omeihaefda, ms gfith`cm y pashthva cf oadhghifihùe dm uef a oæs tæithifs durfetm mc praimsa pfrf meifohefr cf mstrftmjhf bfihf mc iuopchohmeta dm tadas cas a`kmthvas. Ms hopartfetm mxpaemr iaoa mkmopca dm ofemka dm iaetmehda y rmsuctfdas f uea dm cas mvmetas irmfdas me mstm omdha saihfc; ^rmohas IAIAF, me daedm mc Iacmjha prmohf f sus mstudhfetms y jrfdufdas dmstfifdas, metrm mccas, iaouehifdarms, frthstfs, ihemfstfs, dhsmöfdarms< me sus hehihfthvfs a praymitas omoarf`cms. Msta iae cf ghefchdfd dm atarjfr rmiaeaihohmeta y gaometfr cf irmfthvhdfd y pfshùe par cf ifrrmrf. ^frf dhguedhr mstm mvmeta, sm bf`hchtù cf apihùe pfrf praoaihaefr mc mvmeta pfrf qum oæs pmrsaefs sm metmrme dm èstm y iaesmjuhr ofyar dhgushùe. Hofjme =. Gfim`aal; pu`chifihùe = dm smpthmo`rm. 

Dhiba mvmeta a`tuva jrfe fiajhdf, cajrfeda ue fcifeim dm oæs dm 9.=>> pmrsaefs y oæs dm 6.0>> hetmrfiihaems. ^ar atra cfda, cf pæjhef bf iaesmjuhda qum cf ofyarïf dm cfs pu`chifihaems a`tmejfe ue praomdha dm bfstf ohc pmrsaefs dm fcifeim, 0> hetmrfiihaems y oæs dm 9> chlms . If`m omeihaefr qum, me omsms fetmrharms, mc fcifeim mrf dm 9>> pmrsaefs, dm 6> f 6= chlms , y dm 9 f 6> hetmrfiihaems. ^ar ca qum sm pumdm 89


iaesmjuhr uef hetmrprmtfihùe a`kmthvf dm cas rmsuctfdas fcifezfdas iae rmspmita f cf jmsthùe. 4. Iaeicushaems

Cf rmvacuihùe dhjhtfc bf shjehghifda hopartfetms ifo`has pfrf cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, yf qum cf Zm` 0.> raophù iae mc pfrfdhjof trfdhihaefc dm phræohdm, me daedm mc DhrIao jmsthaef`f cas omesfkms y iacf`arfdarms mrfe rmimptarms pfshvas dm cf hegarofihùe. Cas omdhas saihfcms dhjhtfcms, iaoa bmrrfohmetf dm iaouehifihùe hetmref, dhefohzfrae mc ifefc barhzaetfc, dmoairfthzfeda cf iaouehifihùe, y jmemrfeda pratfjaehsoa f cas iacf`arfdarms iaoa mohsarms dm omesfkms y dhgusarms dm iaouehifihùe. Yhe mo`frja, ms hopartfetm iaeshdmrfr mc dmsfgïa qum cfs rmdms saihfcms shjehghife pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems, pums fsï ue ofc ofemka dm mstf iaouehdfd vhrtufc, pumdm fgmitfr cf hofjme y rmputfihùe dm iufcquhmr hesthtuihùe. ^ar mcca, cf mstrftmjhf sm vumcvm vhtfc me iufcquhmr praimsa dm pcfehghifihùe mstrftèjhif. Fsï, tadf jmsthùe iaouehifihaefc dm`m rmspaedmr f ue mstudha qum dhrmiihaem mc pcfe dm fiihùe f smjuhr. ^ar mcca, cf pæjhef dm Gfim`aal dmc IAIAF dmsfrraccù uef smrhm dm tæithifs `fsfdfs me cas rmsuctfdas dm ue prmvha mstudha rmfchzfda qum rmvmcf`f mc pmrghc y cas

hetmrmsms dm su pû`chia hetmrea. Mc hopfita y dhefohsoa dm cf iaouehifihùe y dhgushùe dm omesfkms gum fcta me iaopfrfihùe iae cas rmsuctfdas dmc föa 0>6:. Durfetm mc föa shjuhmetm, me mc iufc sm fpchifrae cfs tæithifs mxpumstfs me mc prmsmetm frtïiuca, mc fcifeim dmc iaetmehda heirmometù dm ofemrf shjehghifthvf, fsï iaoa su iaouehdfd  vhrtufc. Me mstm smethda, sm rmiaohmedf ue mstudha iaetheua qum mvhdmeihm cf mghifihf dmc pcfe prapumsta, fsï iaoa cf irmfihùe dm ue pcfe dm iaethejmeihf pfrf fpchifrca me ifsa dm smr emimsfrha.



7. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

 Fedrfdm, B. (0>>=). Iaouehifihùe arjfehzfihaefc hetmref . Mspföf; Emt`h`ca. Ifrrmtùe, I. (0>>:). Cfs Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs me cf Iaouehifihùe Hetmref dm cf @feif Mspföacf . Mspföf; Emt`h`cha. Ifstmcca Ofrtïemz, F. (0>69). Mstrftmjhfs moprmsfrhfcms me cf wm` 0.>. Mspföf; Miu. IAIAF Iacmjha dm Iaouehifihùe y Frtms Iaetmoparæemfs ]YGV (0>62). ^æjhef Aghihfc. Pmiupmrfda dm; bttps;//www.gfim`aal.iao/]YGVIAIAF/1mpf?YMFPIBQ@AR Iusat, J. (0>6:). Omdhas dhjhtfcms y iaouehifihùe hetmref; ifsa Iacmjha dm Iaouehifihùe y Frtms Iaetmoparæemfs dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta. IaoHet DhrIao, (9), pp.94-98. Durfeja, F. (0>6=). Omrifdatmiehf me cas Omdhas Yaihfcms  (0ed  (0ed md.). HT

Ifopus Fifdmoy. Casfdf, K. (0>>4). Jmsthùe dm cf iaouehifihùe me cfs arjfehzfihaems . @frimcaef; Frhmc Cuef Padrïjumz, P. & ^mza ^frmdms, F. (0>>=). Iucturf dm cf heeavfihùe  y cf jmsthùe tmieacùjhif pfrf mc dmsfrracca dm cas pum`cas.  @ajatæ; Iaevmeha Fedrès @mcca. Yfca, E. (0>>>. Cf iaouehifihùe hetmref, hestruometa guedfometfc dm cf  gueihùe dhrmithvf. Pmd Dhriao. Pmiupmrfda dm






Iaestruiihùe dm hofjme y rmputfihùe dhjhtfc  Wfemssf Lfrhef Duqum Pmejmc ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf ]chfeavf Mchzf`mtb Khoèemz ]ehvmrshdfd TèiehifMspheasf ^frthiucfr dm Cakf ^FPF IHTFP ; Duqum, W. & Mspheasf, ]. (0>0>). Iaestruiihùe dm hofjme y rmputfihùe dhjhtfc. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medföa, O. & Wfcdhvhmza F`fd, I. (Mds.), (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf mstrftmjhf. Iufdmreas  Frtmsfeas dm dm Iaoueh Iaouehifihùe, ifihùe, e¾6:2 (pp.8:-66=). Cf Cfj Cfjuef uef (Tmemrhgm). (Tmemrhgm). 

Pmsuome  Me mc iaopcmka metarea dhjhtfc fitufc, ia`rf hopartfeihf cf jmsthùe

mgmithvf dhæcaja cas stflmbacdmrs  qumomdhas sm imetrf me cas qum ifefcms dhjhtfcms,dmciaoa cas iae partfcms wm` y ,cas saihfcms, sm

iaesachdfe iaoa bmrrfohmetfs pfrf cf irmfihùe dm vïeiucas dm ghdmchzfihùe iae dhibas pû`chias. Mstfs rmdms saihfcms rmprmsmetfe uef eumvf garof dm iaestruhr uef hdmethdfd ae-chem, ea saca pmrsaefc shea tfo`hèe arjfehzfihaefc, fc fjrmjfr y iaopfrthr eumstrf fithvhdfd me cf rmd. ^ar atra cfda, cfs pcftfgarofs dhjhtfcms shjehghife uef hopartfetm apartuehdfd dm emjaihas m hedhspmesf`cm pfrf iaesmjuhr iaetfitas, fdmoæs qum jmemrf uef vmetfkf iaopmththvf, par ca qum sm meiumetrf f`hmrtf f ue eûomra mxtmesacfdmirmfihùe pash`cmsdmichmetms fdhihaefcometm dhibfs pcftfgarofs pmrohtme fchfezfsy mstrftèjhifs qum  vfe fchemfdfs fc hetmrès dm cf fithvhdfd moprmsfrhfc. moprmsfrhfc. Me mstm ifpïtuca sm fefchzf, iùoa dhibas omdhas dhjhtfcms fpartfe f cf iaestruiihùe fithvas hetfejh`cms, iaoa; Hofjme y Pmputfihùe. 8:


^fcf`rfs icfvms; iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, hofjme, hofjme y rmputfihùe aechem, omdhas saihfcms. 6. Cf iaestruiihùe dm hofjme y rmputfihùe


E CF YAIHMDFD fitufc, cf jmsthùe dm iaouehifihùe dm`m mstfr `fsfdf prheihpfcometm me cf jmsthùe dm fithvas hetfejh`cms,

qum f dmihr ^èrmz y Tfejfrhgm (0>69;649) –sm bfe iaevmrthda me uea dm

cas prheihpfcms jmemrfdarms dm vfcar pfrf cf moprmsf, fuequm ea sm vmf dm`hdfometm rmgcmkfda me cas mstfdas iaetf`cms‟. Ym dm`m tmemr icfra qum, mstas sm a`thmeme f pfrthr dm cf dmghehihùe y jmsthùe mgmithvf dm praimsas, shstmofs y cf iucturf iarparfthvf.  Fsï tfo`hèe, ca iarra`arf Phttmr (0>69;89) quhme mstf`cmim qum mstas sae praduita a rmsuctfda dm –cfs bf`hchdfdms, cas iaeaihohmetas, cf mxpmrhmeihf, cf ifpfihdfd heeavfdarf y dm jmsthùe pfrf jmemrfr jfefeihfs guturfs, fspmita dhspfrfdar dmc vfcar dm uef moprmsf iufeda èstf thmem èxhta, fuometfeda cf `rmibf metrm su ifphtfchzfihùe (vfcar) dm omrifda y su pftrhoaeha emta‟.

Ms metaeims, qum cf jmsthùe dm hevhsh`cm fssmts   a fithvas hetfejh`cms guedfometf su vfcïf me cas `memghihas qum agrmime f cfs moprmsfs, pums ea `fstf iae agrmimr `umeas smrvhihas a praduitas, shea me mstf`cmimr  vfcar fjrmjfda f su fiihaefr f trfvès dm cf jmsthùe dm rmputfihùe, hofjme, smethda dm pmrtmemeihf, mti., qum cms pmrohtm smr oæs iaopmththvfs me mc omrifda. Mstas fithvas sm `fsfe me jmemrfr –vïeiucas moprmsfrhfcms iae cas stflmbacdmrs   (jrupas dm hetmrès)  ’   ohsoas qum  ’   sm dfe dm oûcthpcms

ofemrfs< cf oæs mvhdmetm sm prmsmetf f pfrthr dm cf garof me qum cf moprmsf ms pmrih`hdf, f trfvès dm cf pu`chihdfd, par sus dhvmrsas jrupas dm hetmrès, iaoa rmsuctfda dmc msgumrza mstrftèjhia me oftmrhf dm 82


hofjme dm ofrif y rmputfihùe par pfrtm dm cf arjfehzfihùe‟ (Arazia y

Paif, 0>66;0:4). 6.6. Dmghehmeda cf hofjme Cf hofjme iarparfthvf pumdm dmghehrsm iaoa uef –mvaifihùe a

rmprmsmetfihùe ometfc qum iaegarof ifdf hedhvhdua, garofdf par ue iûouca dm ftrh`utas rmgmrmetms f cf iaopföïf< ifdf uea dm msas ftrh`utas pumdme vfrhfr, y pumdm iaheihdhr a ea iae cf iao`hefihùe dm ftrh`utas hdmfc dm dhiba hedhvhdua‟ (Yæeibmz y ^hetfda, 0>>8;68)

Mc omrifda fctfometm iaopmththva fc qum eas megrmetfoas, mxhjm cf jmsthùe y jmemrfihùe dm uef hofjme iarparfthvf pashthvf, qum pumdf `rhedfr iaeghfezf y irmdh`hchdfd f cas pû`chias. Dm fbï su hopartfeihf, iaoa pueta dm pfrthdf dmc rmcfihaefohmeta iae cas stflmbacdmrs . Yhe dudf, jmemrfr uef `umef hofjme shmoprm smræ ue `ume iaohmeza, she mo`frja, dm`moas rmiardfr qum mstf ms tmoparfc, par tfeta, pfrf iaesmrvfrcf me mc thmopa, cf moprmsf dm`mræ vacifr tadas sus msgumrzas me gartfcmimr cas vïeiucas iae sus dhvmrsas jrupas dm hetmrès. Mstf tfrmf ea ms efdf gæihc, pmra pumdm hehihfrsm mstf`cmihmeda uef

iabmrmeihf metrm ca qum dhim y bfim cf moprmsf, qum dm`m mvhdmeihfrsm me cf iaouehifihùe aggchem y aechem. Yh eas imetrfoas me cf aechem, eas megrmetfrmoas f eumvas rmtas praduitas dm cf saihmdfd dm cf hegarofihùe y mc iaeaihohmeta me cf iufc eas meiaetrfoas, ifrfitmrhzfdf par pû`chias efthvas dhjhtfcms (tmedmeihf (t medmeihf me irmihohmeta) ifdf vmz oæs mxhjmetms, bhpmriaemitfdas y oucthgfièthias. ^ar mcca, mc iaestruhr uef `umef hofjme f trfvès dm eumstras ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc (partfc wm`, rmdms saihfcms, hetrfemt, mti.) ms hedhspmesf`cm me mc iaetmxta fitufc, pums mstf dm`mræ rmgcmkfr y trfesohthr cf ghcasagïf arjfehzfihaefc, f ghe dm jmemrfr iaeghf`hchdfd me eumstra pû`chia dm hetmrès, qum rmquhmrm, metrm oûcthpcms emimshdfdms; 88


hegarofihùe iaopcmtf, icfrf y prmihsf m hetmrfiihùe iaestfetm m heomdhftf. 6.0. Dmghehmeda cf rmputfihùe Cf rmputfihùe ms ue –smethohmeta pashthva bfihf uef pmrsaef a

hesthtuihùe qum hetmjrf trms vmitarms; fdohrfihùe, `umef msthof y iaeghfezf. Mstæ me cf `fsm dm cf iaeghfezf y sm trftf dm ue smethohmeta dm mearom rmcmvfeihf pumsta qum ms mc dmtaefetm dm cfs fithtudms y iaopartfohmetas gfvarf`cms bfihf uef moprmsf, uef hesthtuihùe a ue pfïs‟ (Ifrrmrf, Fccazf y Ifrrmrfs, 0>69;6).

@fka msta iaetmxta, Phttmr (0>69) mxpchif qum cf irmdh`hchdfd y cf iaeghfezf sae cas ftrh`utas icfvms pfrf cf iaestruiihùe dm cf Pmputfihùe Iarparfthvf. Cf rmputfihùe iarparfthvf mstæ ccfofdf f iaevmrthrsm me uef –rmgmrmeihf a`chjfdf pfrf cas jmstarms dm cas hetfejh`cms moprmsfrhfcms y pfrf tadas fqumccas qum quhmrfe fdmetrfrsm me mc iaeaihohmeta y cf jmsthùe præithif dm uea dm cas rmiursas mstrftèjhias oæs hopartfetm pfrf iufcquhmr

arjfehzfihùe qum fsphrm smr s mr mximcmetm y iaopmththvf (Ifrrmrf, Fccazf y Ifrrmrfs, 0>69;6).  Tfc bf shda cf hopartfeihf qum bf jmemrfda cf rmputfihùe me mc oueda moprmsfrhfc, qum dmsdm bfim vfrhfs dèifdfs sm prmohf f cfs moprmsfs oæs rmputfdfs, fsï; Cf rmvhstf Gartuem   dm cas Mstfdas ]ehdas rmiaeaihù mc vfcar dm uef `umef rmputfihùe iarparfthvf iufeda 6820 dmihdhùoæs parfdohrfdfs. prhomrf vmz pu`chifr su yf cmjmedfrha rfelhej sa`rmmecfs moprmsfs Bay me dïf, cf mdhihùe qum pu`chif msf hevmsthjfihùe ms mc eûomra oæs  vmedhda me mc föa y mc chstfda dm moprmsfs qum ghjurfe me èc iaetheûf 6>>


shmeda mc pftrùe dm omdhdf oæs papucfr dm hofjme iarparfthvf me tada mc oueda. (Phttmr, 0>69;2) 6.9. Pmcfihùe metrm hofjme y rmputfihùe ^frtfoas mxpchifeda qum –cf hofjme y cf rmp utfihùe iarparfthvf

iaesthtuyme fithvas hetfejh`cms, gumetms dm euomrasfs vmetfkfs iaopmththvfs qum ea pumdme dmkfrsm fc fzfr y qum dm`me smr iuhdfdasfometm jmsthaefdas‟ (Yibcmshejmr, 0>>8;8).  Me mc smofetajrfof    dmhofjme vfcarmsmshetfejh`cms prapumsta Iastf (0>6=) sm mstf`cmim qum cf dm cf iaesmiumeihf dm cfpar hdmethdfd dm cf arjfehzfihùe y mstf dfræ iaoa rmsuctfda cf jmemrfihùe dm ofrif y praimsas dm heeavfihùe, qum dmsmo`aifræe pastmrharometm me irmdh`hchdfd, eatarhmdfd y sastmeh`hchdfd. Tfc iaoa sm mvhdmeihf me cf ghjurf 6. Ghjurf 6. Fspmitas guedfometfcms dm cf jmsthùe mstrftèjhif y iaouehifihaefc dmc DhrIao Iucturf




Pmspaesf`hchdfd Yaihfc





Eatarhmdfd Hofjme

Heeavfihùe Yastmeh`hchdfd

Gumetm; Iastf (0>6=). Mcf`arfihùe praphf ^ar atra cfda, cf rmputfihùe fc hjufc qum cf hofjme ms rmsuctfdas dm cf hdmethdfd y iaheihdm iae cf jmemrfihùe dm ofrif y sm fdhihaef vfcarms, dm cf prhomrf dmsmo`aif cf eatarhmdfd y dm cf smjuedf cf 6>6


rmspaesf`hchdfd saihfc y dm cfs das cf irmdh`hchdfd. Iaoa bmoas a`smrvfda bfstf fbarf cf hofjmedmyatras rmputfihùe ïethofometm chjfdfs, y fpartfe f cf jmemrfihùe fithvas mstæe hetfejh`cms dm jrfe hopartfeihf pfrf cf arjfehzfihùe. Bay, mstas fithvas hetfejh`cms rmia`rfe ofyar rmcmvfeihf, pums cfs moprmsfs mstæe oæs mxpumstfs qum eueif fc aka pû`chia f trfvès dm cf jrfe rmd dm rmdms, mc Hetmremt. Ghjurf 0. ^rheihpfcms dhgmrmeihfs metrm Hofjme y Pmputfihùe 



Iaetracfdf par cf moprmsf

Iaetracfdf par cas stflmbacdmrs

Ym iaestruym ^mrimpihaems dhgmrmetms dm cf ohsof moprmsf me dhgmrmetms oaometas Gatajrfgïf hestfetfeïf ^umdm oadhghifrsm iufeda y iaoa sm dmsmm

Ym jfef ^mrimpihùe iaeimesufdf dm cas pû`chias Ms cf pmcïiucf Pmpashihaefrcf ms dhghihc Ifræitmr mstruiturfc

Ifræitmr iayueturfc

Jhrf fcrmdmdar dm cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc

Jhrf fcrmdmdar dm cf pu`chihdfd Ym `fsf me ca vmr`fc y me cf iaeduitf

Ym guedfometm me ca vhsufc m hiùehia

Jmemrf vfcar

Jmemrf mxpmitfthvfs

Gumetm; Phttmr (0>69;69:). Mcf`arfihùe praphf Dmsdm atrf ohrfdf, Ohibfmc Phttmr, eas oumstrf cfs dhgmrmeihfs dm cf hofjme y rmputfihùe, mstf`cmihmeda dm ofemrf jmemrfc qum cf hofjme ms oaometæemf, ms dmihr dm iarta pcfza y qum cf rmputfihùe iaesthtuym cf iaestruiihùe f cfrja pcfza. Yhe mo`frja, cfs das sae græjhcms grmetm fc pû`chia, sh ea sae jmsthaefdfs fdmiufdfometm.



6.4. Fiihaems qum `memghihfe f cf hofjme y rmputfihùe moprmsfrhfc 

^frf fcifezfr msf tfe febmcfdf hofjme y rmputfihùe pashthvf, ms emimsfrha trf`fkfr sheiraehzfdfometm me tadas cas mstfometas dm cf moprmsf, pfrf jmemrfr; 6.  Ymrvhihas y praduitas dm ifchdfd. 0.  Fdmiufdf ftmeihùe fc ichmetm. 9.  ^raymiihùe dm uef `umef hofjme y rmputfihùe dm IMA, iaoa cïdmr 4.  moprmsfrhfc. ]e ja`hmrea iarparfthva trfespfrmetm y èthia. =.  X, sa`rm tada, iabmrmeihf metrm ca qum dmihoas, pmesfoas y bfimoas.  X mstas mcmometas mcmometas dm`me rmgcmkfrsm mmee tadas eumstras ifefcms, oæs fûe me cas dhjhtfcms, qum sae cf vmetfef f eumstras pû`chias dm hetmrès, qum mstæe prmsmetms me cf wm` par cfrjfs barfs dmc dïf.

0. Cf jmsthùe dm iaouehifihùe moprmsfrhfc y cfs This

Yh `hme mc omrifda bf mxpmrhometfda dræsthias ifo`has iaoa rmsuctfda dmc efihohmeta dm cf Yaihmdfd dm cf Hegarofihùe y mc Iaeaihohmeta, me pcmea shjca RRH, mstas bfe dmsmo`aifda me cf oadhghifihùe dm cas oadmcas dm emjaiha qum bay oæs qum eueif emimshtfe heeavfr y prmsmetfr fc pû`chia dm hetmrès, ifdf vmz oæs bmtmrajèema, uef prapumstf dm vfcar qum sfthsgfjf cfs emimshdfdms pmrsaefcms dm ifdf jrupa dm stflmbacdmrs . Grmetm f mcca, quhmems jmsthaefe cf iaouehifihùe me cfs moprmsfs bfe aptfda par patmeihfr oæs præithifs y fiihaems aechem, qum aggchem, pums, me cf fitufchdfd eumstras pû`chias sae dhjhtfcms y mxhjme cf prmsmeihf dm cf arjfehzfihùe me cf wm`. 6>9


0.6. Omdhas saihfcms y ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc

Mc fujm dm cas omdhas saihfcms y ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc me mc shjca RRH bf heirmometfda iae mc pfsfr dm cas föas, dm`hda f cf emimshdfd dmc bao`rm par hegarofr y ofetmemrsm iaouehifda dm ofemrf ræphdf, icfrf, mspmiïghif y vmrfz. Me cf fitufchdfd cas eumvas omdhas saihfcms bfe a`chjfda f cfs moprmsfs f tmemr ofyar prafithvhdfd y ifpfihdfd dm rmcfihùe aechem   y aggchem , a`tmehmeda irmdh`hchdfd me sus praduitas y smrvhihas. Iuyf hdmethdfd moprmsf cfdm`m dm hr f cf dm ca qum dhime y bfime parqum dmdm mstacf dmpmedm pmrimpihùe qumpfrtmedræe sus stflmbacdmrs  .  F dmihr dm Cùpmz (0>69;666) cas omdhas saihfcms –jmemrfe eumvas

iùdhjas dm iaouehifihùe, hetmrfiihùe, iacf`arfihùe y iaapmrfihùe metrm sus pfrthihpfetms< sae dm jrfe fimptfihùe sa`rm tada me ehöas, fdacmsimetms y fductas kùvmems‟.

 Fbarf `hme, tadf fithvhdfd rmfchzfdf me cas ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe

dm`m dm smr iufethghifdf, omdhr dmsh ofemrf cfs fiihaems iaouehifihaefcms ccmjfrae fc ifpfz pû`chia dma`kmthva mghifz, mghihmetm, jmemrfeda rmtrafchometfihùe, hopfita y pashihaefohmeta dm cf ofrif me cf ometm dmc iaesuohdar, a par mc iaetrfrha ms emimsfrha rmithghifr cas mrrarms pfrf guturas praymitas iaouehifihaefcms. 0.6.6. Hevmetfrha dm omdhas y ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc

Cf iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf dm cfs moprmsfs dïf trfs dïf sm vf fdfptfeda f cas eumvas ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe iaeichmetm, mc ghe dm cajrfr rmtrafchometfihùe, pashihaefohmeta me cfdhjhtfcms, ometm dmc jmemrfr irmdh`hchdfd y rmputfihùe dm cf ofrif. Yhe mo`frja, ea ms prhoardhfc qum cfs ofrifs mstèe prmsmetms me tadfs cfs rmdms saihfcms, par mc iaetrfrha qum me cfs paifs qum mstèe, vfyfe chjfdfs f cas a`kmthvas 6>4


dm iaouehifihùe moprmsfrhfcms y tmejfe iaetmehda dm hetmrès pfrf mc usufrha. Yhe mo`frja, pfrf Tawesmed (iaoa sm ihtf me Mspheasf y Duqum, 0>62) Mc hetmremt a cf rmd dm rmdms, iaoa tfo`hèe sm cm bf ccfofda, ms ue omdha qum agrmim uef jrfe dhvmrshdfd dm rmiursas dhjhtfcms pfrf ue shegïe dm usas y qum pasmme ifrfitmrïsthifs dhgmrmetms. Èstas sm icfshghife me trms jrupas. Tf`cf 6. Icfshghifihùe fimrif dm cas thpas dm hetmremt  Futar


Dmghehihùe Trfesohshvas ; Yae cas qum fpayfe mc mevïa, dm ofemrf mgmithvf, dm omesfkms dmc mohsar f cas dmstheftfrhas. ithvas; ^mrohtme qum mc fprmedhmetm fitûm sa`rm mc a`kmta dm mstudha, y, f pfrthr dm mstf mxpmrhmeihf y rmgcmxhùe, iaestruyf sus iaeaihohmetas. Hetmrfithvas;  Yu   Yu a`kmthva ms qum mc fprmedhzfkm sm dè f pfrthr dm ue dhæcaja iaestruithva, sheirùehia a

fsheirùehia, metrm hedhvhduas qum usfe omdhas dhjhtfcms pfrf iaouehifr m hetmrfitufr. Gumetm; Tawesmed (0>>>;0) Mcf`arfihùe praphf Dm mstf ofemrf, cfs moprmsfs sm vme `memghihfdfs dmc hetmremt parqum cms `rhedf jrfe ifethdfd dm rmiursas dhjhtfcms, qum cms pmrohthræ msiajmr cf oæs fdmiufdf, tmehmeda me iumetf f què sm dmdhife, pû`chia fc qum sm dhrhjme y qum hofjme m hdmethdfd dmsmfe praymitfr y fcifezfr. EMRTQ] (s/g) dmtfccf me cf ghjurf 9, cas = ifefcms dm ofrlmthej dhjhtfc qum pmrohtme dmsfrraccfr m hopcmometfr mstrftmjhfs iaouehifihaefcms pcfetmfdfs par cfs arjfehzfihaems.



Mc èxhta a grfifsa dm cfs moprmsfs me cf rmd dm rmdms, sm dm`m fc usa fdmiufda dm cas cfomdhas saihfcms y ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe, mstas pmrohtme oucthomdhfchdfd, usf`hchdfd, hetmrfithvhdfdparqum y cf grmiumeihf dm fitufchzfihùe dm cf hegarofihùe dmc shtha wm`. Cf jmsthùe dm mstfs pcftfgarofs pumdm `memghihfr a pmrkudhifr me cf hofjme y rmputfihùe dm cf moprmsf, pums mvhdmeihf cf hopartfeihf qum sm cm df jmsthùe dm cas pû`chias dhjhtfcms (qum irmime mxpaemeihfcometm). Ghjurf 9. = ifefcms dm Ofrlmthej dhjhtfc  Cfs rmdms saihfcms sae uea dm cas prheihpfcms tmehmeda me iumetf qum dhfrhfometm ouibfs pmrsaefs sm ueme f mstfs pcftf pcftfgarofs garofs..  Fshohsoa,, smjûe ue mstudha dm HF@  Fshohsoa Ypf pfhe he,, 26 26% % dm ca cass usu usufrh frhas dm Gfi fim` m`aa aall ca ut uthchchz hzff pf pfrf rf smju smjuhr hr f of ofri rifs fs..

Mc mofhc ofrlmthej ms ouy uthchzfda jrfi jrfihf hfss f su iaet iaetme mehd hdaa dh dheæ eæoh ohia ia y ft ftrf rfym ymet etmm iaoa hoæjmems, vhdmas, jhgs, metrm atras rmiursas, cas iufcms cajrfe ifptfr cf ftme ftmeih ihùe ùe dm cas cas ichm ichmet etms ms..

Cas `cajs y cfs pæjhefs wm` sae sae ic icfv fvms ms me iufcquhmr mstrftmjhf dm ofrlmthej  dhj hjht htfc fc y sm bfe iae iaevmrth mrthda da me ifefc fefcms ms qu qumm sm ia iaop opcm cmo omet metfe me metr trmm ca cass `ca cajs js trfmræ fmræee oæs træg træghi hiaa f tu wm`, m`, pmr mraa pfr pfrf ca cajr jrfr frcca ms hopa part rtfe fettm qu qumm mc iae iaetme tmehd hdaa y mc ga garo roft ftaa dm tu `caj smf dm ifchdfd, dm mstf ofemrf

YMA, mc iufc `usif omkarfr mc pashihaefohmeta dm mstas me cas dhgmrmetms `usifdarms f trfvès dm ue iaekueta dm tæithifs, ca iufc pmro rohhthræ fuometfr cf vhsh`hchdfd dm tu shtha wm` y a`tmemr ue ofyar eûomra

sm iu iuo opchr pchrææ su a` a`km kmtthva gh ghef efcc qu qumm ms ftr ftrfmr fmr cmitar cmi tarms ms y ichmet ichmetms ms..

dm vhs vhshtf htfss.

Mc YMO ms uea dm cas ifefcms dm ofrl frlmthe mthejj dh dhjh jhtf tfcc qu qumm ms mstæ tæ tao aofe feda da ifd ifdf  vmz oæs gumrzf. Mstm sm trftf dm cfs ifop ifopfö föfs fs pu`c pu`chi hiht htfr frhf hfss f tr trfv fvès ès dm pfj fjas as,, qu qumm dm dfe dfe ofya yarr vh vhsh sh`h `hchchdf dfdd f tu of ofrrif. if.

Gumetm; (EMRTQ]., s/g;6). Mcf`arfihùe praphf. 0.6.0. Cf pæjhef wm` iaoa uef ohrfdf fc iaetmxta moprmsfrhfc

Me cf fitufchdfd cfs pæjhefs wm` moprmsfrhfcms f`rme oûcthpcms vïfs dm iaouehifihùe pfrf mc usufrha, iaoa hegarofihùe dm iaetfita, ibft, irmfihùe dm iaouehdfdms vhrtufcms, `usifr trf`fka y mecfims f cfs rmdms



saihfcms a `cajs. Cajrfeda iae mcca qum mc ehvmc ehvm c dm fcifeim smf ofyar y sm jmemrm ue mejfjmomet  iae  iae mc pû`chia a`kmthva y patmeihfc. Ms hopartfetm su`rfyfr cfs ifrfitmrïsthifs qum dm`m pasmmr uef pæjhef  wm` moprmsfrhfc, smjûe ]ehvmrshf dm Mspföf . (0>60), qum dmstfif ca shjuhmetm; Ghjurf 4. ±Vuè thmem qum tmemr uef pæjhef wm` moprmsfrhfc1

Ca qum dm`m dm pasmmr uef pæjhef wm` moprmsfrhfc

6. Dhsmöa. Mc dhsmöa ms uea dm cas hejrmdhmetms hej rmdhmetms icfvms icfvms,, dm`m smr icfra, ftrfithva, ftrfithva, fohjf`cm, mspfihasa y cas iaetmehdas icfrfometm hdmethghif`cms hdmethghif`cms.. 0. Iaetmehda. F cas usufrhas pash`cmometm pash`cmometm ea cms hetmrmsm hejrmsfr uef y ohc vmims f uef pæjhef iuyas iaetmehdas sae shmoprm cas ohsoas. ohsoas. Ca hdmfc ms qum `usqum cmmr iasfs dhgmrmetms. . qum me uef 9. Iaetfita iae pmrsaefs.  Fc hjufc uef moprmsf sumcm ftmedmreas ue mopcmfda, me cf pæjhef wm` smrïf `memghihasa qum mc ichmetm pudhmrf iaeaimr fc pmrsaefc. Tmemr Tmemr uef smiihùe mspmihfc daedm sm `rhedm hegarofihùe sa`rm mc mquhpamebuofea dm saihfcms. cf iaopföïf, ms ca hdmfc. 4. ^rmsmeihf cfs rmdms  T  Tmemr memr uef pæjhef w wm` m` ea ms sughihmetm pfrf smr mxhtasa me ue 6>>%. ^frf smrca smrca,, smræ omkar qum sm iaopcmometm cf wm` iae ihmrtf prmsmeihf me cfs rmdms saihfcms. Me mc shtha smræ vfcarfda qum cas ichmetms pumdfe bfimr iaesuctfs a iaometfrhas par Gfim`aal a  T  Twhttmr whttmr.. Me mstas ifsas, cf moprmsf dm`mræ rmspaedmr f msfs

=. Iaopfth`hchdfd. Cf pæjhef wm` dm`m smrtrfespfrmetm. iaopfth`cm iae hequhmtudms ræphdfometm pfrf oastrfrsm cas efvmjfdarms oæs uthchzfdas me cas ardmefdarms u atras dhspashthvas dhspashthv as oùvhcms iae fiimsa f cf rmd. Ym pumdm usfr ue dhsmöa rmspaesf`cm pfrf qum sm fdfptm f iufcquhmr tfoföa dm pfetfccf y me mstæedfrms f`hmrtas f`hmr tas iaoa BTOC X IYY.

Gumetm; ]ehvmrshf (0>60). Mcf`arfihùe praphf ^frf qum uef pæjhef wm` smf mxhtasf, ccfofthvf y fohjf`cm iae mc usufrha, sm dm`m dm taofr me iumetf mc thpa dm arjfehzfihùe cas smrvhihas qum agrmim agrmim pfrf dm mstf ofemrf mcm mcmjhr jhr mc dhsmöa fiardm fiardm.. Fbarf `hme, sh taofoas me 0>60) iumetfpra`f`cmometm cfs sujmrmeihfsjfefrmoas ihtfdfs fetmrharometm (]ehvmrshf dm Mspföf, oæs usufrhas qum vhshtme eumstrf pæjhef y qum pash`cmometm sm iaevhmrtfe me eumstras ichmetms y iaoprme eumstras praduitas.



9. Mc pfpmc dm cas omdhas saihfcms me mc dhæcaja iae cas pû`chias

Cf pfrthihpfihùe dm cas usufrhas me cas omdhas saihfcms sm meiumetrf mstrmibfometm chjfdf f cf rmcfihùe qum mstas mstf`cmime iae cf ofrif, pmrohthmeda iae mcca cf pfrthihpfihùe fithvf dm cas pû`chias pfrf bfimrsm msiuibfr, yf smf omdhfetm ue rmicfoa, iaometfrha, iaopfrthmeda iaetmehda m heicusa irmæedaca. ^ar tfc oathva, ms prhoardhfc qum cfs moprmsfs iuhdme dm su iaopartfohmeta me cf wm`, sa`rm tada, praiurfr msm dhæcaja dhrmita y iaestfetm iae sus stflmbacdmrs , dm ofemrf qum sm pumdfe gartfcmimr cf rmcfihùe iae mstas. Me Foèrhif Cfthef cfs rmdms saihfcms iae ofyar fimptfihùe metrm cas ohccmehfcs , dm fiumrda fc mstudha dm Tmcmgùehif 0>67 sae; Gfim`aal, Hestfjrfo, XauTu`m y Twhttmr. @fsfdas me mstas rmsuctfdas eumstras msgumrzas dm`me imetrfrsm me cf jmsthùe mgmithvf dm mstas omdhas pfrf jmemrfr me ue prhomr oaometa eatarhmdfd, hofjme, rmputfihùe y ghefcometm mc pashihaefohmeta dhjhtfc.

9.6. Gfim`aal

Ms uef rmd saihfc qum gum irmfdf me mc föa 0>>4 par Ofrl [uilmr`mrj, qum pmrohtm irmfr pmrghcms (  gfepfjm  ) ftrfithvas y ûthcms pfrf qum cfs moprmsfs pumdfe ccmjfr f su pû`chia a`kmthva dm ofemrf mghifz y mghihmetm. Mstf rmd saihfc shjum irmihmeda y thmem oæs dm :> ohccaems dm usufrhas me tada mc oueda. ^frf Dfes (iaoa sm ihtf me Mspheasf y Duqum, 0>62;24) –cf pæjhef me Gfim`aal rmquhmrm ftmeihùe; sh cf moprmsf cf irmf, pmra ea cf fthmedm, mstfræ dfeda uef ofcf hofjme. Cf ohsof ofcf hofjme qum pumdm dfr ftmedmrcf she irhtmrha, she smethda iaoûe, iae fjrmshvhdfd a iae fithtudms hefdmiufdfs‟.  6>2


Ymjûe mc mstudha dm Mspheasf y Duqum (0>62;608) fimrif dmc pashihaefohmeta dm cf rmd saihfc Gfim`aal me cfs fjmeihfs iarparfthvfs dm Iacao`hf, sm omeihaef qum; Me cf fitufchdfd, ifdf vmz sae oæs cfs fjmeihfs  ’  moprmsfs  moprmsfs me jmemrfc  ’   qum qum cms hetmrmsf tmemr prmsmeihf me rmdms saihfcms pfrf iaouehifr su hofjme iarparfthvf, ifptfr eumvas omrifdas y pmrsufdhr me mc ichmetm f qum rmfchim cf iaoprf dm ue smrvhiha. Yhe mo`frja, sm dm`m dm taofr me iumetf qum fc oaometa qum sm dmihdm irmfr uef iumetf moprmsfrhfc me rmdms saihfcms, mstf dm`m smr fchometfdf mstrftèjhifometm, pu`chifeda iaetmehdas dm hetmrès y vfcar pfrf mc usufrha, ifsa iaetrfrha ea fpartfræe f cas a`kmthvas moprmsfrhfcms. 9.0. Twhttmr

Ms uef rmd saihfc pmrsaefc, pragmshaefc y moprmsfrhfc me cf iufc sm s m pumdm mxprmsfr pmesfohmetas, eathihfs, hegarofihaems, hetmrfitufr iae fohjas a smjuhdarms y msirh`hr eumstrfs qumkfs pû`chifs sa`rm fcjûe

praduita a smrvhiha tada msta me ue hehiha me 64> ifrfitmrms, she mo`frja, me 0>6: sm heirmometfe f 02>. Ym sujhmrm qum pfrf su jmsthùe ms prhoardhfc qum cfs moprmsfs tmejfe uef iumetf par ifdf pfïs, parqum cas a`kmthvas moprmsfrhfcms sae dhgmrmetms, fc hjufc qum mc pû`chia fc qum sm dhrhjme y cfs mstrftmjhfs dm iaouehifihùe mopcmfdfs. ^frf Mspheasf y Duqum (0>62;6>9) –mc mejfjmomet  ms  ms hopartfetm pfrf cfs

moprmsfs, parqum df f iaeaimr cf mopftïf dmc ichmetm (pû`chia a`kmthva) iae cf ofrif. Me cas iufcms, mccas tmrohefe shmeda cas prheihpfcms mo`fkfdarms, vmedmdarms iaomrihfcms, prmsirhptarms y rmgmrmetms dm cf ohsof‟. 



9.9. Hestfjrfo

Ms uef rmd saihfc qum cm pmrohtm fc usufrha su`hr hoæjmems, vhdmas, iaopfrthr hegarofihùe, taofr gatas, jrf`fr vhdmas, smjuhr f oæs pmrsaefs, trfesohthr me vhva, irmfr bhstarhfs durfetm 04 barfs y smcmiihaefr uef smrhm dm ghctras pfrf smr cfs pu`chifihaems ccfofthvfs  vhsufcometm. ^frf jmemrfr uef `umef rmputfihùe moprmsfrhfc, cfs fjmeihfs dm`me dmstfifr fetm cfs dmoæs iae pu`chifihaems dm gatajrfgïfs, vhdmas, mstfdas, me vhva, cajrfeda iae mcca qum cf fudhmeihf sm iaemitm, hetmrfitûm, sm shmetf pfrtm dm cf moprmsf y mstè pmedhmetm dm cfs pu`chifihaems. Fsï iaoa ca omeihaef ^frmrf (s/g) me cf shjuhmetm ghjurf. Ghjurf =. 6> ofemrfs smeihccfs dm omkarfr mc mejfjmomet  me  me Hestfjrfo y cajrfr qum tu fudhmeihf tm fdarm Iaopcmtf tu pmr pmrghc ghc Ohdm


^û`chif dhfrhfome



Df om justf f tus smjuhdarm s

Hetmrfitû f iae tu fudhmeihf

Yhjum f hegcumeimr s

Iaopfrtm vhdmas

]sf bfsbtfjs Iaeiursa s y

Ccfofdfs f cf fiihùe


Gumetm; (^frmrf, s/g). Mcf`arfihùe praphf



9.4. XauTu`m –Gum irmfda par trms fethjuas mopcmfdas dm ^fy^fc me gm`rmra dmc 0>>= (…) ms ue rmpraduitar me cïemf `fsfda me Fda`m Gcfsb pfrf smrvhr su iaetmehda‟ (Pacdæe, iaoa sm ihtf me Mspheasf y Duqum, 0>62;08). 

Mc pasmmr ue ifefc dm XauTu`m dm cf moprmsf ms dm suof hopartfeihf parqum fyudf f ccmvfr mc træghia bfihf mc shtha wm`, f`rhr ue mspfiha pfrf hetmrfiihùe, cf pfrthihpfihùe y cf iaouehifihùe f ehvmc jca`fc. Ghjurf 7. ^fsas dm iaoa XauTu`m tm fyudf me cf mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe aechem Xa u Tu ` m p mr t me mi m f Ja a j c m

Ofr l mt h e j d m i a e t me h d a s

Pmp u t fi h ù e a e c h e m

Ife fc d m i a e v mr s h ù e

Ift æc a j a d m p r a d u i t a s

^u ` c h i h d fd

Gumetm; Mstudhas dm Iaouehifihùe (iaoa sm ihtf me Mspheasf y Duqum 0>62;9>). Mcf`arfihùe praphf  XauTu`m ms ue omdha dm jrfe hopfita y fcifeim, bfy ihgrfs qum rmvmcfe qum sm pu`chife oæs dm trmim barfs dm vhdmas par oheuta qum sm rmpraduime me tada mc oueda dm garof hestfetæemf y me mc föa 0>>2  XauTu`m f`friù f`friù mc :=% dmc mspfiha dm shthas pfrf vvmr mr vhdmas ae aechem chem me cas Mstfdas ]ehdas. Dm bmiba, bu`a aifshaems me cfs XauTu`m tuva oæs mspmitfdarms qum cf ohsof tmcmvhshùe eartmfomrhifef rmpraduihmeda ue prajrfof dm tmcmvhshùe me vhva (Dm Ihiia, 0>>2;96). 666


4. Eumvfs patmeihfchdfdms dm cas omdhas dhjhtfcms

Me cf fitufchdfd, cas omdhas dhjhtfcms sae cf pcftfgarof daedm cas usufrhas pfsfe jrfe pfrtm dm su thmopa, par ca iufc ms hopartfetm iaopfrthr iae mc pû`chia iaetmehda dm vfcar dm cf moprmsf, qum smræ dm uthchdfd pfrf patmeihfr cf rmputfihùe dm cf ofrif. Ms metarea f mstm eumva msimefrha qum taof prharhdfd cfs tmedmeihfs dm jmsthùe dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, qum sm iaesthtuyme, iaoa yf ca bf`ïfoas dhiba, me cf `fsm dm cf irmfihùe dm cf hofjme y rmputfihùe moprmsfrhfc. Ym dm`m puetufchzfr qum ea `fstf iae tmemr uef pæj. wm` y prmsmeihf me rmdms saihfc (qum shjume shmeda hopartfetms iaoa ifefcms dm iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc), ms emimsfrha hr oæs fccæ y jmsthaefr cf rmputfihùe aechem  qum  qum sm garkf f pfrthr dm cas iaetmehdas (thpas, ifchdfd, heeavfihùe, mti.) dhspaeh`cms me cf rmd, y oæs fûe cf rmtrafchometfihùe qum dm sus

pû`chias sm jmemrf, pums mstas mkmrime jrfe hegcumeihf me cas pû`chias dm hetmrès, qum `usife rmiaomedfihaems `fsfdas me cf hofjme y pmrimpihùe dm atras iaesuohdarms. ^ar mcca, ms rmiaomedf`cm irmfr mquhpas dm trf`fka dmsthefdas emtfometm f cf jmsthùe dmc ofrlmthej y iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc, heicushvm bay sm bf`cf yf dm DhrIao Dhjhtfc, pmrsaefc ifpfihtfda pfrf cf jmsthùe dm iaetmehdas y iae mxpmrhmeihf pfrf qum pumdf bfimr grmetm fetm uef pash`cm irhshs dm rmputfihùe.  Fdmoæs, mc usa dm cas omdhas dhjhtfcms cms pmrohtm f`rhr cfs pumrtfs fc oueda, tmehmeda cf pash`hchdfd dm ftrfmr pmrsaefs dm atras cujfrms y ghdmchzfr usufrhas tadas cas dïfs durfetm tada mc föa.



=. Hofjme y rmputfihùe f trfvès dm cas partfcms wm` y rmdms saihfcms

Me mstm fpfrtfda ghefc, eas rmstf dmstfifr qum cf iaestruiihùe dm cf hofjme y rmputfihùe dm cfs arjfehzfihaems ms ue trf`fka dhfrha, f trfvès dm cfs mxpmrhmeihfs qum pravaifoas me eumstras pû`chias omdhfetm mc iaetmehda m hetmrfiihùe pmrsaefchzfdf qum mstf`cmimoas, pums bay oæs qum eueif sm rmquhmrm msiuibfr f cas stflmbacdmrs , iaoa smrms ûehias m hrrmpmth`cms. @fka mstm fetmimdmetm Mspheasf y Duqum (0>62;69>) smöfcf qum; Ms hopartfetm irmfr y pashihaefr cf hofjme iarparfthvf dm cf moprmsf me shthas wm` y rmdms saihfcms iae cf ghefchdfd dm jfefr irmdh`hchdfd, iaeghfezf dm cas ichmetms, dmihshùe dm iaoprf dm ue praduita y cf ghdmchzfihùe par pfrtm dm cas stflmbacdmrs  parqum  parqum me oaometas dm irhshs sae mccas quhmems cf rmspfcdfe. Ms hopartfetm fdmoæs qum cas iaetmehdas qum vfyfe f smr pu`chifdas mstèe rmcfihaefdas iae cf ofrif

pfrf ea pmrdmr mc pragmshaefchsoa y irmdh`hchdfd dm cf moprmsf. ^frf fcifezfr msf irmdh`hchdfd dm`moas oastrfreas trfespfrmetms y sa`rm tada dm`m mxhsthr uef iabmrmeihf mvhdmetm metrm ca qum dmihoas y ca qum bfimoas. Cf jmsthùe dm mstas omdhas dm`m mstfr heiarparfdf me cf jmsthùe dm cf mstrftmjhf jca`fc dm cf moprmsf. Ghefcometm, cas omdhas dhjhtfcms pasmme vmetfkfs y dmsvmetfkfs me mc ofemka dm cf iaouehifihùe dm cf moprmsf, mstæ me su irhtmrha sh bfimr hevmrshùe y usa dm cfs ohsofs u aptfr par ca iaevmeihaefc. 7.  Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

Ifrrmrf, M., Fccazf, F. y Ifrrmrf, (0>69). Pmputfihùe Iarparfthvf. Ofdrhd; CHD Mdhtarhfc



Mspheasf, ]. y Duqum, W. (0>62). Feæchshs dm cas shthas wm` y cfs rmdms saihfcms iaoa pcftfgarofs dm iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf dm cfs fjmeihfs dm iaouehifihùe me Yudfoèrhif- Ifsa dm mstudha Iacao`hf, pmrïada 0>6:

(tmshs dm prmjrfda). ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf, Cakf, Miufdar. Juthèrrmz, F. (0>67). Ohccmeehfcs me Cftheafoèrhif, uef pmrspmithvf dmsdm  Miufdar. Miufdar; Tmcmgùehif. Cùpmz, O. (0>69). Fprmedhzfkm, iaopmtmeihfs y THI; Fprmedhzfkm `fsfda me iaopmtmeihfs. ^rhomrf mdhihùe. Oèxhia; ^mfrsae Mduifihùe, Y.F dm IW. Arazia, K. y Paif, D. (0>66). Iaestruiihùe dm hofjme dm ofrif y rmputfihùe trfvès dm ifopföfs pu`chihtfrhfs dm PYI. Ypbmrf ^û`chif,  (66),f 0:9-028. ^èrmz, J. y Tfejfrhgm, ^. (0>69). Cas fithvas hetfejh`cms y mc ifphtfc hetmcmitufc; uef fpraxhofihùe f cas rmtas dm su iaetf`hchzfihùe. Yf`mr, Ihmeihf y Ch`mrtfd. 2 (6), (6), 649-677. Yæeibmz, K. y ^hetfda, T. (0>>8). Hofjme Iarparfthvf hegcumeihf me cf jmsthùe moprmsfrhfc. Ofdrhd; MYHI Mdhtarhfc. Yibcmshejmr, O. (0>>8). Hofjme y rmputfihùe iarparfthvf. Mstudha mopïrhia dm apmrfdarfs dm tmcmgaeïf me Mspföf. Tmarïf y ^rfxhs. (7), 8-08.

Phttmr, O. (0>69). Mc vfcar dmc ifphtfc rmputfihaefc. ^arqum cf aphehùe qum thmem mc pû`chia dm su moprmsf ms ue fithva mstrftèjhia. Achvas; Phttmr & ^frtemrs. 7.6. Atras daiuometas

Iastf, K. (0>6=). Oùduca Hdmethdfd, Hofjme y Ofrif Iarparfthvf. Miufdar; ]DCF y Oæstmr Hetmrefihaefc DhrIao Mstudhas dm Iaouehifihùe. (0>6:). EMRTQ]. (s/g). = ifefcms dm Ofrlmthej dhjhtfc . Pmiupmrfda mc >9 dm f`rhc dmc 0>68 dm bt dm bttps;//www.emxtu.iao/`c tps;//www.emxtu.iao/`caj/ifefcmsaj/ifefcmsofrlmthej-dhjhtfc/ ^frmrf, M. (s/g). 6> ofemrfs smeihccfs dm jmemrfr mejfjmomet me Hestfjrfo y cajrfr qum tu fudhmeihf tm fdarm (¡X tada mcca she tmemr qum hevmrthr eh ue imetfva!). Pmiupmrfda mc >0 dm f`rhc dm 0>68 dm

bttps;//pastirae.iao/ms/`caj/iaoa-omkarfr-mc-mejfjmometme-hestfjrfo/ 664


]ehvmrshf. (0>60) ±Vuè thmem qum tmemr uef pæjhef wm` moprmsfrhfc1 Pmiupmrfda mc >9 dm f`rhc dm 0>68 dm bttp;//>60/6>/00/8:=2 98/qum-thmem-tmemr-pfjhef-wm`-moprmsfrhfc.btoc





He`aued ofrlmthej; dm cf iaeghfezf f cf vmetf Iaouehifr iae prmihshùe y fjrmjfr vfcar me cf hegarofihùe  Efeiy Mstmccf Wmsjf ]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm @uifrfofejf ^FPF IHTFP; Wmsjf, E. M. (0>0>). He`aued ofrlmthej; ofrlmthej; dm cf iaeghfezf f cf vmetf. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P., F`medföa, O. & Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd, I. c f mstrftmjhf. Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas (Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf dm Iaouehifihùe, Iaouehifihùe, e¾6:2 (pp.66:-694). Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm). (Tmemrhgm).


Cas oadas dm iaesuoa bfe ifo`hfda. Cf garof iaoa uef arjfehzfihùe, uef hesthtuihùe a uef moprmsf sm fimrif f sus ichmetms ms dhgmrmetm dmsdm cas föas eavmetf. Cas praimsas iaouehifthvas pfrf mc fimrifohmeta f ue iaesuohdar patmeihfc sm bfe iaevmrthda me uef apartuehdfd dm fpraxhofihùe, vmrdfdmra iaeaihohmeta y ghdmchzfihùe, oæs qum me cf fjrmshvf y patmeihfcometm pmchjrasf vmetf purf y dhrmitf< bay ms uef garof dm gartfcmimr cfzas f cfrja f pcfza, p cfza, fc ghe y fc if`a, cfs dmghehihaems oæs imrifefs fc omrifdma sae prmihsfometm cfs qum `usife uef vmrdfdmrf rmcfihùe iae cfs pmrsaefs qum iaesuome praduitas y smrvhihas. Mc he`aued ofrlmthej  bf   bf ifptfda mc smethda dm cf hegarofihùe, bf patmeihfda cf iaeghfezf iae dftas hopartfetms y rmcmvfetms pfrf cas ichmetms y bf cajrfda bfimr qum cf iaouehifihùe smf prafithvf tfeta pfrf cf moprmsf iaoa pfrf mc iaesuohdar. ^fcf`rfs icfvms; iaeghfezf, he`aued ofrlmthej, fsmrthvhdfd, Latcmr< Lfpcue, cmjhthohdfd 66:


6. Hetraduiihùe 


 F ^PMOHYF dm ^bhcchp L Latcmr atcmr me su dmgh dmghehihùe ehihùe dmc omrifdma qum fduim; –mc ofrlmthej ms ue praimsa saihfc y fdohehstrfthva

omdhfetm mc iufc jrupas m hedhvhduas a`thmeme ca qum emimshtfe y dmsmfe f trfvès dm jmemrfr, agrmimr m hetmrifo`hfr praduitas dm vfcar iae sus smomkfetms‟ (Latcmr, 0>>6;:) bf shda metmedhdf< par ghe su vfchasf dmghehihùe iaoprmedhdf me cas föas eavmetf iaoa cf shopcm omrifethchzfihùe dm praduitas, bf taofda cf dhomeshùe dm hetmrifo`ha dm vfcar qum omrmim.  Tmehmeda me iumetf ca fetmrhar y rmgarzfeda cf dmghehihùe dmsdm mc pueta dm vhstf dm –cf ihmeihf y mc frtm dm mxpcarfr, irmfr y metrmjfr vfcar

pfrf sfthsgfimr cfs emimshdfdms dm ue omrifda a`kmthva, y a`tmemr fsï uef uthchdfd‟ (Latcmr, 0>>=;:), qum bfim iaemxhùe iae cfs eumvfs

rmcfihaems dm smethda metrm mc ichmetm y sus fsphrfihaems, sus dmsmas y sus emimshdfdms. Yhe mo`frja, mc prmsmetm frtïiuca ea sm imetrf me bf`cfr dm omrifdma a ofrlmthej, sm imetrf me iaoprmedmr cf rmcfihùe dm uef omtadacajïf omrifdacùjhif dm ifrf fc omkarfohmeta dm cfs rmcfihaems dm cfrja pcfza metrm cf arjfehzfihùe y sus  stflmbacdmrs , taofeda iaoa `fsm cf iaouehifihùe prmihsf qum fjrmjf vfcar m hegarofihùe dm ifchdfd, iaevhrthèedasm me praimsa dm pmdfjajïf y iaeghfezf pfrf patmeihfr cfs  vmetfs dm cf moprmsf. Fquï mc omrifdma rmspaesf`cm taof ue jhra hetmrmsfetm dm pmrthemeihf y ifchdfd, me rmsuohdfs iumetfs, sm bf`cfræ dmsdm cf iaouehifihùe mghihmetm y praduithvf iae cas iaesuohdarms, ichmetms a hetmrcaiutarms væchdas me cf arjfehzfihùe. ^frf bf`cfr dmc tmof, sm dm`m f`ardfr iae pmesfohmeta irïthia mc f`ardfkm mxpchifthva dm cfs prmohsfs iaouehifthvfs< dm ofemrf 662


fgartuefdf cas oadmcas dm iaouehifihùe qum arjfehzfe cfs garofs me qum cfs pmrsaefs hetmrfitûfe, ifo`hù astmesh`cmometm dmsdm cas föas iufrmetf, fuequm sm prmtmedf prmsmetfr pfrf mc omrifdma fûe mc shstmof s hstmof chemfc, iaoa cf pash`hchdfd dm pmesfr cf iaouehifihùe iae mc ichmetm y cfs garofs dm fcifezfr su iaoprf.  Xf mc gueihaefchsoa dmsdm sus fpchifihaems prfjoæthifs dm mduifr, hegarofr y metrmtmemr, oæs hegarofr y metrmtmemr qum mduifr, iaemitf dhrmitfometm iae cf mstruiturf dmc omrifdma trfdhihaefc, ofetmehèedasm me dhibf shtufihùe iae cfs omtadacajïfs oæs iaeaihdfs, fcmkæedasm dm mccfs mc ofrlmthej saihfc, mc ofrlmthej   rmcfihaefc y mc he`aued ofrlmthej . Bf`cfr dm iaouehifihùe me mc omrifdma ms f`ardfr, me prhomrf hestfeihf cas iaeimptas dm iaouehifihùe qum sm fcmkme dm cf chemfchdfd oftmoæthif y sm fimrqume f cfs mstruiturfs dmc oueda dm cf vhdf qum thmeme qum vmr iae cf vfcarfihùe dmc smethda y cfs prmtmeshaems dm

 vfchdmz, oæs qum iae cfs frthoföfs, mejföasfs qum mc ofrlmthej trfdhihaefc trftf dm hopaemr, quhtæedacm cf pash`hchdfd f cf arjfehzfihùe dm jmemrfr rmcfihaems dm cfrja pcfza iae cfs pmrsaefs. 0. ]e hehiha iae prmohsfs dm iaeimptufchzfihùe iaouehifthvf

Ca prhomra qum ms emimsfrha ficfrfr ms cf iaeimptufchzfihùe fvfezfdf dm cf iaouehifihùe (Jùomz, 688:;=); Ym pumdm dmghehr iaouehifihùe iaoa cfs rmcfihaems dm smethda smet hda f pfrthr dm ue dmtmrohefda cmejufkm. Ms cf pumstf me iaoûe dm eumstrfs iaestruiihaems dmc oueda, dm eumstrfs pmrspmithvfs dm vhdf. Cf iaouehifihùe ms ue hetmrifo`ha dm cas oadas iae qum iaetfoas pfrf  vhvhr. Iaouehiæedaeas trftfoas rmiïpraifometm dm metmedmr msas oadas dm rmsacvmr cf supmrvhvmeihf y ca qum pmesfoas dm mccf 6. Ea ms  Jùomz, Y. (688:) Mt fc. Mesmöfezf dm Cmejufkm y iaopmtmeihf iaouehifthvf.




cf iaouehifihùe ue praimsa dm trfesohshùe dm omesfkms, pmra sï ms mc meiumetra dm cfs mxprmshaems sho`ùchifs dm cas smrms buofeas me ihriuestfeihfs dm thmopa y mspfiha mspmiïghias. Oæs fccæ dm msta mxhjm cf iarrmcfihùe dm iaesmesas y mxprmshaems dhvmrjmetms qum bfime eutrhr mc smethda y mc cmejufkm. Yh sm quhmrme mstf`cmimr rmcfihaems dm smethda iae cas dmoæs, ms emimsfrha iaoprmedmr qum cf iaouehifihùe rmsumcvm mc praimsa dm supmrvhvmeihf, cfs iaestruiihaems dmc oueda, rmirmfe cfs pash`hchdfdms dm rmshjehghifr iacf`arfthvfometm ca qum sm ‒ms‘ me mc oueda y ca qum pmrsaehghif cf hestfeihf dmc smr buofea dmsdm sï ohsoa. Tada ca fetmrhar iae cf patmeihfihùe sho`ùchif dm cfs ihriuestfeihfs me cfs qum mc praimsa iaouehifthva sm df. Ms emimsfrha iaoprmedmr mc prmsmetm iaeimpta dmsdm mc pueta p ueta dm vhstf frjuometfthva dm cf Tmarïf dm cf Fiihùe Iaouehifthvf, qum patmeihf cf ifchdfd dm cf iaouehifihùe dmsdm mc iaesmesa, cf dhvmrjmeihf y cf

iaestruiihùe dm cf iaeghfezf vfcarfthvf. –Cfs iaouehifihaems iaesthtuyme mc emxa oæs hopartfetm me cfs

arjfehzfihaems, pums dm su `ume a ofc gueihaefohmeta dmpmedmræ cf fiihùe dm cf arjfehzfihùe y cas rmsuctfdas mspmrfdas me tfc fiihùe. F pfrthr dm mstf hdmf, das iaeimptas saihacùjhias sa`rmsfcme me cfs pash`cms garofs dm rmspaedmr cfs iumsthaems vheiucfdfs iae cf iaouehifihùe; metmedhohmeta iaouehifthva shstèohia y cf fiihùe iaouehifthvf. Fuequm fo`as iaethmeme hdmfs praimdmetms dmc gueihaefchsoa shstèohia, she mo`frja, ms emimsfrha mstf`cmimr fcjuefs dhgmrmeihfs `æshifs. Cfs rfïims mphstmoacùjhifs dmc metmedhohmeta iaouehifthva shstèohia, pravhmeme dm cf iaoprmeshùe dm ‒bmibas saihfcms‘ dm Durlbmho, ohmetrfs qum me cf fiihùe iaouehifthvf bfy qum

Me; Oaduca 6. Garofihùe pmrofemetm me cf mesmöfezf dm cf cmejuf oftmref. @uifrfofejf; @uifrfofe jf; 688:. Ohehstmrha dm Mduifihùe OME, ]ehvmrshdfd ]ehvmrshdfd Hedustrhfc dm Yfetfedmr. Oftmrhfc oadhghifda y rmsuohda pfrf uthchzfihùe fifdèohif uehvmrshtfrhf me Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc (p.9). 60>


`usifrcfs me Ofx Zm`mr. Bf`htufcometm, sae pumstfs iaoa tmarïfs mxicuymetms uef dm cf atrf, iaoa sm ofehghmstf me cas ihtfdas dm`ftms me tarea f cas iaeimptas dm fitar y fiihùe metrm smjuhdarms dm Bf`mrofs y Cubofee (Bf`mrofs, 682: iaoa sm ihtf me ^aed Whdfc, 0>6=;9>8).  Fc frjuometfr qum ms emi emimsfrha msfrha metmedmr cf fiihùe iaou iaouehifthvf ehifthvf dmsdm mc dmsfrracca dm uef hetmchjmeihf iucturfc, `fsfdf me cf mstruiturfihùe iaesihmetm dm cf ohsof qum iaeduim f cf –hetmrfiihùe me cf qum cas

sukmtas ifpfims dm cmejufkm y fiihùe metf`cfe uef rmcfihùe hetmrpmrsaefc iae omdhas vmr`fcms y ea vmr`fcms. Mc iaeimpta imetrfc ms cf hetmrprmtfihùe rmgmrhdf f cf emjaihfihùe dm shtufihaems susimpth`cms dm iaesmesa (cas shjehghifdas sm mstf`cmime iae frjuometas), pfrf mcca mc cmejufkm sm bfim guedfometfc iaoa omdha dm metmedhohmeta y dhæcaja hjufchtfrha‟ (Bf`mrofs, 682:)< emimsfrhfometm sm dmsfrraccf ue iaeimpta dm iaeghfezf f pfrthr dm cf prmtmeshùe dm vfchdmz qum ifrjf me sï ohsof cf vfcarfihùe rfzaefdf dm cas iaopartfohmetas f pfrthr dm cas

praphas iaeaihohmetas, irmmeihfs, fithtudms, omdhfdfs par cfs earofs y cfs hetmeihaefchdfdms dm cf iaeduitf. Cf iaeghfezf y chihtud sm hesthtuym iae mc mstf`cmihohmeta dm cf fiihùe rfzaefdf dmspravhstf dm cf hopartfeihf dm mvhtfr mc mejföa, me mstm praimsa iaouehifthva mc omrifdma y sus vfrhfetms thmem ue trf`fka frdua qum bfimr pfrf su praphf cmjhthofihùe dm smethda y shjehghifihùe sho`ùchif. ^frf iaopcmometfr mc iaeimpta dm iaouehifihùe, sm vfcarf cf rmcfihùe dm cf ohsof iae cf pmdfjajïf, qum dmetra dm cas iaopaemetms oadmreas y fimrtfdas dm cas oadmcas dm iaouehifihùe fpfrmim mc qum patmeihf fc mohsar iaoa ue pmrimptar me da`cm vïf (vmr Kmfe Icauthmu, prapumstf mohsar-rmimptar/rmimptar-mohsar y Ofrha Lfpcue  ’ mohrmi) mohrmi) tmehmeda me iumetf cfs prmfchometfihaems dm cas hedhvhduas, cf icfrf hetmeihaefchdfd dm iaouehifihùe y cf ifpfihdfd dm iaevmrthrsm me pmrimptar dm mohshùe f quhèe sm cm iaeshdmrfrïf dmstheftfrha dm cf mohshùe. Tmehmeda me iumetf qum mstm oadmca ms oæs hetmrsu`kmthva, 606


fpuetf f tmarïfs oadmrefs qum trftfe dhrmitfometm iae cas mstudhas iucturfcms y fpfcfeif cf mduifihùe iaestruithvhstf iaoa cf garof gfith`cm dm iaouehifihùe iae smethda y shjehghifihùe sho`ùchif. Cf rmcfihùe suoftarhf dm iaouehifihùe y cfs pmrimpihaems oadmrefs dm su iaeimpta, fuefda f cf mduifihùe y su pash`hchdfd dm iaestruiihùe iaopfrthdf dm iaeaihohmeta pmrthemetm, tmehmeda me iumetf fdmoæs qum mc tmof f f`ardfr ms jmemrfihùe j memrfihùe dm vfcar f pfrthr dm cf hegarofihùe suohehstrfdf, ghefcometm sm iaevhmrtm me ue mcmometa vfchasa dm pmdfjajïf me mc ofrlmthej, sm fimrif f cf rmgcmxhùe omtadacùjhif mxhstmetm qum paem me præithif cf fdquhshihùe y fdohehstrfihùe dm dftas  vfchasas dm cas prmsmetms y patmeihfcms ichmetms. 9. Bfihf cf `ûsqumdf dm cf iaeghfezf y mc iaeaihohmeta

Cfs arjfehzfihaems me `usif dm su pmrofemetm rmcfihùe prafithvf iae cas ichmetms, fiudme f omtadacajïfs hetmrmsfetms dm iaemxhùe iae

quhmems bfime pfrtm dm sus pû`chias dm hetmrès. Me mstm oaometa sm dm`m dmihr qum ea ms saca iae cas fitufcms, gfith`cms y patmeihfcms usufrhas, shea tada mc mspmitra dm rmcfihaems fitufcms y sa`rm tada pash`cms qum me mc gutura sm pumdfe dfr y pmrofemimr. Ca qum fetms sm prmtmedïf mstf`cmimr iaoa ghdmchzfihùe y iaouehifihùe dhrmitf `fka tæithifs dm omrifdma qum bfe pfsfda dmsdm mc FTC par meihof dm cf pu`chihdfd y par mc @TC oæs frrhmsjfdfs y par dmihrca oæs irmfthvfs qum vfe par dm`fka dm cf cïemf dm pu`chihdfd, bay sae mc rmgmrmetm prhofrha dm cf iaouehifihùe iae cas ichmetms, mspmiïghifometm dmsdm fcjarhtoas dm iaetmehda, mcf`arfdas y pmesfdas fc pû`chia mspmiïghia y iae vfcarms fjrmjfdas qum hetmrmsfe, mesmöfe y iaemitfe iae rmcfihaems dm smethda y rmfcometm dm cfrja pcfza. Mstm oadmca dm ofrlmthej, mc iufc fyudf f rmprmsmetfr y dfrcm arjfehzfihùe cùjhif f cas praduitas y smrvhihas pfrf meiaetrfr ue 600


rmsuctfda dm cas ichmetms fitufcms y patmeihfcms, pumdm smr iaoprmedhda dmsdm mc ohsoa shjehghifda dm oadmca< smjûe ^bhcchp Latcmr sm dhvhdm me iuftra pfrtms hopartfetms pfrf su dmsfrracca y fpchifihùe me cf hevmsthjfihùe, mstfs sae;   Ofrlmthej ofshva; mstas sm praduime dm garof ofshvf par ca qum su

praoaihùe tfo`hèe ms hetmeshvf, su iasta dm praduiihùe ms rmcfthvfometm `fka y ea thmem jrfe dhgmrmeihfihùe (Yata, 0>60).   Ofrlmthej gaifchzfda; mstæ `fsfda me cf smcmiihùe dm ue smjometa a

gaia dm pash`cms f cfsïetmjra ifrfitmrïsthifs su praduita a smrvhiha,ichmetms f trfvèsfdmiufda dm ue feæchshs feæ chshs dmc metareadmy cfs pash`hchdfdms dm cf moprmsf (M`ufcf, 0>6=).   Ofrlmthej dmc ichmetm; sm prmaiupf par sfthsgfimr cfs emimshdfdms dmc ichmetm iae mc praduita y mc iaekueta dm fithvhdfdms rmcfihaefdfs iae su irmfihùe, metrmjf y iaesuoa (Mspheazf, 0>6=).   Ofrlmthej aechem ; ms cf fpchifihùe dm cfs mstrftmjhfs dm

iaomrihfchzfihùe ccmvfdfs f if`a me cas omdhas dhjhtfcms. Cfs tèiehifs agg-chem sae hohtfdfs y trfduihdfs f ue eumva oueda, mc æo`hta dhjhtfc, qum fpfrmime bmrrfohmetfs iaoa cf heomdhftmz, cfs rmdms qum surjme dïf f dïf, y cf pash`hchdfd dm omdhihaems rmfcms dm ifdf uef dm cfs mstrftmjhfs mopcmfdfs (OD Ofrlmthej Dhjhtfc, 0>69). 4. Mc he`aued ofrlmthej  a  a ofrlmthej dm cf ftrfiihùe fsmrthvf

Ym dhim qum mc 2>% dm cfs pmrsaefs prmghmrme a`tmemr hegarofihùe dm cf moprmsf f trfvès dm frtïiucas qum dm iaetmehda pu`chihtfrha (Yarda, 0>67).  Mstm ms ue prmimdmetm hopartfetm y guedfometfc pfrf iaoprmedmr cf dhomeshùe iaouehifthvf m hetmrfiihùe prafithvf iae cas patmeihfcms ichmetms a usufrhas dm cas praduitas y smrvhihas qum cfs arjfehzfihaems, moprmsfs a hesthtuihaems agrmime. Mc iaeimpta dm He`aued ofrlmthej  sm  sm u`hif me mc ofrlmthej  aechem. Ym bf`cf qum su fpfrhihùe dftf metrm cas föas 0>>=-0>>7 y par prhomrf vmz 609


fpfrmim iaoa iaeimpta y omtadacajïf me mc ch`ra He`aued Ofrlmthej ; Jmt Gaued ]shej Jaajcm, Yaihfc Omdhf, fed @cajs   (Bfcchjfe, @, Ybfb D, Ommrofe Y, Dfvhd, 0>>8). Iuya rmiaeaihohmeta fc fuometa dm iaeimptas pmrthemetms y su pmrsufshùe bfihf cas ichmetms trfsimedïf fc ofrlmthej   dm iaetmehdas0, qum sm iaevmrthrïf me phmzf icfvm pfrf dmsfrraccfr cf tèiehif dm ftrfiihùe, sm bf`cf metaeims dm cf mvacuihùe dmc  pucc ofrlmthej  a   a tèiehifs ea hetrushvfs pfrf ftrfmr usufrhas hetmrmsfdas me praduitas a smrvhihas dm uef ofrif. Iaeshstm me uef smrhm dm tèiehifs dm ofrlmthej dhrhjhdfs f heirmometfr mc eûomra dm vhshtfetms qum rmjhstrf uef dmtmrohefdf pæjhef wm`, ue `caj a ue pmrghc me rmdms saihfcms, iae mc ghe qum fif`me iaevhrthèedasm me smjuhdarms, ms dmihr, rmjhstras iae cas dftas dm fqumccfs pmrsaefs qum sm bfe hetmrmsfda par cas iaetmehdas aechem   dm cf moprmsf.  moprmsf.  (M`ufcf, 0>6=)

Mstf dmghehihùe sumcm vhsh`hchzfr saca uef pmqumöf pfrtm dmc hopfita qum pumdm tmemr, meiaetrfr uef garof dm iaemxhùe iae cas ichmetms sh sm cms agrmim hegarofihùe dm rmcmvfeihf m hetmrès pfrthiucfr. Yh `hme ms ihmrta qum ca qum sm `usif ms me ihmrtf omdhdf ftrfmr –smjuhdarms‟ f pfrthr dm

su træghia me dhgmrmetms omdhas vhrtufcms, tfo`hèe ms dm rmcmvfeihf iaoprmedmr qum ea iufcquhmr hegarofihùe ms ûthc y ea iufcquhmr iaouehifihùe ms vfchasf. Tmemr me iumetf mc smethda pfrthiucfr dmc ichmetm, fcmkf f cf arjfehzfihùe dmc pmchjra dm ofshghifr eumvfometm cf hegarofihùe y ifmr dm eumva me mc mrrar dmc oadmca dmc ofrlmthej ofshva.


 Cas iaesuohdarms `usife iaetmehdas rmcmvfetms y dm `umef ifchdfd. ^ar ca qum sm dm`m tmemr uef mstrftmjhf dm pu`chifihaems qum sfthsgfjfe cfs emimshdfdms hegarofthvfs dmc pû`chia fc qum dmsmfoas ftrfmr. Pu`ha, H. (0>67). He`aued Ofrlmthej; dmghehihùe, phcfrms y fiihaems prheihpfcms. Ofrlmthej. Pmiupmrfda dm  dm  bttps;//www.ofrlmthemt.iao/`caj/he`auedofrlmthej-dmghehihae-phcfrms-fiihaems-prheihpfcms#jrmg 604


^ar mcca uef dmghehihùe qum sm fimrif y she mo`frja ms rmduiihaehstf smrïf; –ms cf mstrftmjhf dm jmemrfr iaetmehda rmcmvfetm, dm fcta vfcar iae mc prapùshta dm jmemrfr hetmrès dm cas guturas ichmetms‟ ( Bfcchjfe Bfcchjfe &

Ybfb, 0>6>;6=). Mc he`aued ofrlmthej  –sm `fsf me cf ftrfiihùe, daedm mc iaesuohdar ccmjf fc praduita a smrvhiha me Hetmremt mspmiïghifometm me rmdms saihfcms, pæjhefs wm` a `cajs dm cfs moprmsfs ftrfïda par ue omesfkm a iaetmehda dm ifchdfd y a`vhfometm dm su hetmrès‟. (Dmc Yfeta, 0>60)  Mc tèrohea dm ftrfiihùe, `fstfetm saspmibasa y she mo`frja ûthc me mstm iaetmxta, trftf mxfitfometm dm ca qum `usif mc oadmca me iumsthùe, pums ftrfmr f fcjuhme iaoa smjuhdar, gueihaef me cf omdhdf me qum cf garof iaoa sm mstæ ifuthvfeda su hetmrès, thmem qum vmr dhrmitfometm iae su pmrsaefchdfd, su msthca dm vhdf, su s u garofs dm iaeim`hr mc oueda dm cf vhdf y par ca tfeta mc smethda sho`ùchia qum cm df f cf hegarofihùe,

praduihmeda dm fetmofea uef iaemxhùe dhrmitf y ifsh hedhsacu`cm metrm dhiba iaetmehda y mc hedhvhdua. Fquï sm prmsmetf uef hedudf`cm iaouehifihùe me da`cm vïf, qum pumdm smr fpravmibfdf y tmehdf me iumetf par cf moprmsf pfrf patmeihfr sus agmrtfs dm praduitas a smrvhihas pfrf cas hedhvhduas me iumsthùe.  Fc `fsfrsm mc shstmof me cf ftrfiihùe daedm mc iaesuohdar ccmjf fc praduita a smrvhiha me hetmremt mspmiïghifometm f pfrthr dm rmdms saihfcms, pæjhefs wm`, iarrmas mcmitrùehias a `cajs, ms emimsfrha qum mc omesfkm y su iaetmehda dm vfcar smf dm fctf ifchdfd, pmrthemeihf, irmdh`hchdfd, hetmrès, pums dm mstf ofemrf sm jmemrfræ iaeghfezf y sm dmsfrraccfræ uef rmcfihùe qum patmeihfcometm smræ ghdmchzfihùe f cf ofrif. ^frf padmr iaoprmedmr ca fetmrhar ms emimsfrha bfimr cf heomrshùe f su ‒kmrjf‘ qum, iaoa tmoæthif dm omrifdma ifm me cas fejchihsoas qum

sm trftfræe dm ofemkfr me ifstmccfea. Mc prhomr tèrohea rmcmvfetm ms mc 60=


@uymr´s Kauremy 

Ms mc Ms vhfkmuedmc iaoprfdar, ms dmihr,fithvf mc praimsa dm iaevmrthrsm me.ichmetm. praimsa dm hevmsthjfihùe me mc iufc uef pmrsaef pfsf f trfvès dm mtfpfs dm iaeduiihùe dm iaoprf, mstfs sae iaeaihohmeta9, iaeshdmrfihùe4 y ghefcometm cf dmihshùe   ( Bu`spat Bu`spat  Fifdmoy  , 0>>8). Hofjme 6. Dmsfrracca omtadacùjhia dm He`aued Ofrlmthej  

Gumetm; Bu`spat Fifdmoy (s.g). Mcf`arfihùe praphf. Dmetra dmc dmsfrracca omtadacùjhia dmc he`aued ofrlmthej  ms  ms pmrthemetm iaoprmedmr qum mc qum fdquhmrm ofyar hopartfeihf ms mc dm ftrfmr y ofetmemr. Me mstf mtfpf sm iaeshdmrf iaequhstfr ‒mxtrföas‘ pfrf

iaevmrthrcas me vhshtfetms rmjucfrms dm cas shthas daedm ca rmcmvfetm ms dmsfraccfr ue iaetmehda qum `rhedm hegarofihùe smrhf y iae smethda dm pmrthemeihf pfrf mc vhshtfetm, iae mc ghe dm ifpturfr su ftmeihùe she hetmrrupihaems, me cf dheæohif dm su iathdhfemhdfd y iaopcfimr ca qum df su `ûsqumdf y mc smjuhohmeta pfrf su prhomrf fdquhshihùe.  Iufeda mc praspmita mxpmrhometf a mxprmsf sïetaofs dm ue pra`cmof. 4 Mc praspmita methmedm y thmem dmghehda iuæc ms su pra`cmof. 9



@uymr´s Cfs iaoprfdarms iuya rfstrma sm rmfchzf `fsfdas me pmrsaes  dftas  sae rmfcms iae dftashdmfcms, dmoajræghias, pftraems dm iaopartfohmeta y oathvfihùe dm iaoprf, she mo`frja ca rmfcometm trfsimedmetfc ms mc jmeuhea hetmrès par pftraems dm iaesuoa.

Atra fspmita rmcmvfetm y dmc qum sm bf bf`cfda iae rmjucfrhdfd me mc praimsa dm irmfihùe dm cf mstrftmjhf dmc he`aued  ofrlmthej  ms  ms mc iaetmehda eatf`cm, mstm dm`m smr hedudf`cmometm ftrfithva pfrf mc vhshtfetm, su`stfeihfc, hetmrmsfetm, ûthc, iae rmfc trfsimedmeihf y tmehmeda me iumetf cf rmcmvfeihf dmc iaetmxta, `æshifs cfs dm iaetmehda dmc  he`aued  ofrlmthej  uthchzfeda qum sae; cfs casbmrrfohmetfs `caj, cas vïdmas, gatajrfgïfs, cas ch`ras dhjhtfcms (m-`aal), cf prmsmetfihùe dm trf`fkas< iae mcca sm cajrf mstf`cmimr cf trfvmsïf dmc vhshtfetm f pfrthr dm cf ftrfiihùe, cf iaevmrshùe (pmrsufihùe), mc ihmrrm y cf iaopcfimeihf dmc vhshtfetm. Ms hopartfetm rmifcifr qum mc iaetmehda eatf`cm ea ms saca cf

hegarofihùe qum sm `rhedf, sae cas omdhas qum sm iaevhmrtme me ifefcms dm da`cm vïf y iaevmrsfihùe pmrofemetm iae mc vhshtfetm, tfcms iaoa cfs =

rmdms saihfcmsa cas , casifcc-ta-fithae  `cajs, pæjhefs wm`, dm mofhc, cas cfedhej pfjm  (pæjhefs   (pæjhefs dm dmsthea),  (ccfofdfs  (ccfofdfs ftmeihùe). Mc Ymfrib Mejhem Apthohzfthae 7  YMA qum `usif cf apthohzfihùe dm oatarms dm `ûsqumdf, ms icfvm pfrf mstf`cmimr iabmrmeihf iae cfs dmoæs bmrrfohmetfs dm usa pfrf cf jmemrfihùe dm iaetmehda me cf mstrftmjhf dm he`aued  ofrlmthej , smjuhdf dmc dmsfrracca dmc iaetmehda iae ue prapùshta y cf fopchghifihùe dmc ohsoa me rmdms saihfcms y cf a`tmeihùe dm mecfims pfrf mc iaetmehda pmrthemetm, mc vhshtfetm =

  Cfs rmdms saihfcms sae bmrrfohmetfs ouy `umefs pfrf hetmrfitufr iae cas ichmetms. Jrfihfs f mccfs sm sf`ræ què puetas gumrtms sm thmeme y iuæcms emimshtfs omkarfr, smjûe cf aphehùe dm cas ichmetms. ]ef `umef jmsthùe dm rmdms saihfcms fuometfræ cf rmputfihùe aechem. 7 Mc Ymfrib Mejhem Apthohzfthae a pashihaefohmeta me `usifdarms ftrfm træghia dm fctf ifchdfd f eumstrf wm` a eumstra m-iaoomrim ms guedfometfc. ^frf mcca tmemoas qum trf`fkfr me mstrftmjhfs dm YMA y YMO pfrf omkarfr eumstra pashihaefohmeta f cf barf dm fpfrmimr me cfs `ûsqumdfs dmc iaesuohdar. 60:


iaevmrthda me praoatar, rmpchifræ tfo`hèe hegarofihùe qum pumdf smjuhr rmfchometfda mc iaeaihohmeta iaestruhdahopartfetm me da`cm  vïf. Dm hjufc ofemrf, kumjfe ue pfpmc guedfometfc cfs pæjhefs dm dmsthea ( cfedhej cfedhej pfjm   ) daedm sus præithifs præithifs sa`rmsfchmetms vfe dmsdm metf`cfr uuef ef rmcfihùe dm fof`hchdfd y `umef fiimsh`hchdfd, pfsfeda par uef iaestruiihùe icfrf dm iaeghfezf, prmihshùe, iuhdfr uef hofjme prachkf y smeihccf y shmoprm ca shopcm y chopha ms omkar qum ca sfturfda y `frraia.  Fc iaevmrthr ue iaesuohdar me praoatar, uea dm cas rmiursas oæs uthchzfdas y she dudf dm fcta hopfita ms mc iarrma mcmitrùehia. 9.0 `hccaems dm pmrsaefs me mc oueda uthchzfe dhfrhfometm iarrma mcmitrùehia y mc 84% ca rmdhrmiihaefe, mstf ms uef apartuehdfd icfrf dm jmemrfr mc smethda dm praoaihùe f pfrthr dm cf iaopcfimeihf dm hegarofihùe f pfrthr dmc mevïa dm hegarofihùe dhrhjhdf y pfrthiucfrhzfdf

fc vhshtfetm qum sm iaevhrthù me praoatar. Hofjme 0. He`aued ofrlmthej

Gumetm; Bu`spat Fifdmoy (s.g). Mcf`arfihùe praphf



Yh dmsmf uef oæs tèiehif dmc praimsawm` –mstm ûcthoa mejca`f uesmiaekueta dmdmghehihùe tèiehifs dm ftrfiihùe dm træghia y futaofthzfihùe

dmc ofrlmthej  — tfcms tfcms iaoa cf apthohzfihùe pfrf cas oatarms dm `ûsqumdf me Hetmremt ( Ymfrib Ymfrib Mejhem Apthohzfthae  a  a YMA) a mc pfja par ichi —, metrm cfs qum sm iumetf mc ofrlmthej dm iaetmehdas‟ (Mquhpa He`auedIyicm, 0>64).  Metmedmr qum mc ofrlmthej  dm  dm iaetmehdas bfim pfrtm dmc he`aued ofrlmthej   iaemitf dhrmitfometm iae cf hetmeihùe dm hr oæs fccæ dm cf mcmometfc futaofthzfihùe me su smethda fopchaiaoa dm cf væchda. pfcf`rf,Mcms ofrlmthej iaemitfr iae mc hetmrcaiutar y tmemrca me iumetf fquï trfsihmedm y `usif fdmoæs dm dftas, iaemxhaems dm smethda y vfcar qum jmemrme rmfchometfihùe iaestfetm y vfchasf iae sus ichmetms.  Fdmoæs dm cfs vmetfkfs dm uef iaemxhùe dhrmitf dhrmitf iae cas smjuhdarms, smjuhdarms, –mc

he`aued ofrlmthej  pmrohtm   pmrohtm

smjometfr f cas usufrhas me gueihùe dm cfs fiihaems qum rmfchzfe ohmetrfs efvmjfe — iaoa iaoa iaesuctfr cf pæjhef dm prmihas dm ue shtm  a  a dmsifrjfr ue ihmrta eûomra dm m-`aals  — , jmemrfeda fsï uef hegarofihùe qum fjhchzfræ cf cf`ar dmc dmpfrtfometa iaomrihfc‟ (Wfcdès, 0>64).

 Fc arjfehzfr dftas tfo`hèe sm mstf`cmim uef rmcfihùe dm heichefihaems pfrthiucfrms dm cas smjuhdarms qum thmeme hetmrmsms pmrsaefchzfdas me fo`hmetms mspmiïghias. Mc smjuhdar ea efvmjf par efvmjfr, fuequm cf tmedmeihf dm  prairfsthefihùe : ms ifdf vmz oæs grmiumetm, thmeme icfra mc smethda dm su efvmjfihùe. Mc ofrlmthej dm iaetmehdas ms uef tæithiffcoæs dmc ofrlmthej cf ftrfiihùe a he`aued ofrlmthej , `usif `rhedfrcm smjuhdar smethda y dm vfcar fjrmjfda me sus `ûsqumdfs, ohmetrfs fdquhmrm hegarofihùe vfchasf qum :

  Yhjehghif paspaemr a fpcfzfr tfrmfs, dm`mrms y rmspaesf`hchdfdms par atrfs fithvhdfdms qum eas rmsuctfe oæs jrfthghifetms pmra qum sae hrrmcmvfetms. ^rairfsthefr ms uef garof dm mvfdhr, usfeda atrfs fithvhdfdms iaoa rmgujha pfrf ea megrmetfr uef rmspaesf`hchdfd, uef fiihùe a uef dmihshùe qum dm`moas taofr. 608


pumdm smr usfdf paemr su praduita me su praphf efvmjfihùe. ]efpfrf garof imrtmrf dm metmedmr qum vfdhomeshùe oæs fccæ dmy iaoprmedmr qum ms iaouehifihùe me da`cm smethda ms iaoprmedmr qum mc ofrlmthej dm iaetmehdas iaoa su eao`rm ca hedhif praduim saca mstruiturfs dm hegarofihùe y cf ftrfiihùe thmem qum vmr iae mc træghia, cfs vmims dm hejrmsa, mc pastma dm fcjuef tmoæthif, cf hegarofihùe `rhedfdf, mc eûomra dm vmims dm hejrmsa y sa`rm tada qum sm bfyf iaevmrthda me @uymr´s pmrsae . ^ar tfeta, ohmetrfs qum mc ofrlmthej dm iaetmehdas iaoa ûehiacaa`kmthva ftrfmr y ghdmchzfr træghia aechem, cf ghefchdfdthmem dmc He`aued  Ofrlmthej  vf  vf ouiba oæs fccæ. Mc prapùshta ea sm chohtf f heirmometfr mc eûomra dm vhshtfetms dm ue shtm , shea qum tfo`hèe mopcmf dhgmrmetms mstrftmjhfs pfrf qum mstm træghia wm` sm iaevhmrtf me uef `fsm dm dftas y cajrfr qum cfs pmrsaefs hetmrmsfdfs me cf moprmsf iaeazife cas

`memghihas dm sus praduitas y smrvhihas y ccmjume f fdquhrhrcas a iaetrftfrcas. Me dmghehthvf, sm trftf dm mduifr f cas usufrhas sa`rm cfs `aedfdms dm uef ofrif y fiaopföfrcfs bfstf mc oaometa dm cf iaoprf (m heicusa, dmspuès, iae mc a`kmthva dm qum mstf fiihùe tmejf iaetheuhdfd). (Wfcdès, 0>64) Ms hopartfetm iaoprmedmr qum cas iaetmehdas atarjfdas f jrfda dm iaouehifihùe me da`cm vïf dm`me tmemr tfeta smethda pfrf mc smjuhdar qum ca dm`m bfimr rmjrmsfr cfs vmims qum smf emimsfrha. Mc smethda dm  vmetf ifo`hf f shjehghifihùe dm iaetmehda iae sho`acajïf mspmiïghif pfrf mc vhshtfetm rmjucfr y mc praoatar bf`htufc.   he`aued  ofrlmthej  ^ar msa, shprmstfr sm pcfetmf irmfr uefftmeihùe mstrftmjhf emimsfrha uef mspmihfc mc dm fspmita dm  vfcar dm, ms cf hegarofihùe `hdhrmiihaefc, yf qum smræ uef dm cfs icfvms dmc èxhta dmc praymita omrifdacùjhia - iaouehifthva. Yh ea bfy ifpfihdfd dm irmfr iaetmehda sùchda, dm ifchdfd y rmcmvfetm pfrf mc pû`chia a`kmthva, kfoæs sm fcifezfræe cas prapùshtas pcfetmfdas.



=. Dmc mxtrföa fc iùopchim

Moucfeda mc gfoasa ch`ra dm Kafe-Ifrcms Oâchib (688=;646), daedm f pfrthr dm cf ghcasagïf dm cf vhdf iathdhfef sm bfim uef heomrshùe bfihf cf mduifihùe dm cfs pmrsaefs dmsdm su prapha oueda dm cf vhdf, cf hdmf dmc he`aued   ofrlmthej   `usif prmihsfometm rmiaeaimr me mc atra cf  vhf`hchdfd dm vfcar me cf iaestruiihùe dmc iaeaihohmeta y f pfrthr dm sus patmeihfchdfdms, jmemrfr mopftïf iae cf hegarofihùe dm rmcmvfeihf y uef rmcfihùe rmfc iae cf iaoprmeshùe dmc oueda f pfrthr dmc iaopfrthr, cmjhthofr y praoavmr su sf`mr oæs fccæ dm cf iaoprf. Ms prmihsa sf`mr qum cf mxpmrhmeihf dmc iaesuohdar hehihf iae cf irmfihùe dm hetmrfiihaems jmeuhefs y cmjhthofdfs iae cas iaesuohdarms, me mstm oaometa mc gfitar dm mduifihùe f pfrthr dm cf hegarofihùe dm fctf uthchdfd qum fyudm f heirmometfr iaeaihohmeta y iaestruiihaems

sho`ùchifs dm oueda. Iae rmspmita f cf heeavfihùe qum hopchif ue ifo`ha dm pfrfdhjof dm pmesfohmeta f pfrthr dm cf trfesgarofihùe y sfchr dm cas oacdms mstf`cmihdas heicushvm par cfs tmedmeihfs< y cf iaouehifihùe  pmrsaefchzfdf ea hopmrsaefc a fkmef fy cas hetmrmsms iaesuohdar qum ca bfjf smethr ûehia, hopartfetm rmcmvfetm medmc mc praimsa dm meiumetras dm smethda. Mc he`aued ofrlmthej  pcfetmf  pcfetmf cf garof dm apthohzfr rmiursas f trfvès dmc fpravmibfohmeta dmc iaeaihohmeta dm cas iaesuohdarms y cf shstmofthzfihùe dmc pû`chia fc iufc vf dhrhjhda, bfimr pmdfjajïf iae mc ichmetm ms datfr dm shjehghifda fsmrthva y pmrsaefchdfd f cfs arjfehzfihaems, msta y mc `rfedhej  (ofrif)  (ofrif) pumdme smr ue gfitar dm fctf rmcmvfeihf y pumdm patmeihfr cfs vmetfs f ouy `fka iasta. Mstf dhomeshùe ouiba oæs buofef dmc ofrlmthej, oæs fccæ dm cfs  vmetfs paem me uef eumvf pmrspmithvf y f`rm uef rmcfihùe ûehif iae ichmetms ghdmchzfdas iae cf mstrftmjhf dm cf arjfehzfihùe y ouy pra`f`cmometm sheiraehzfdas iae sus praphas hetmrmsms, msthca dm vhdf 696


yjmemrf garofs rmsacvmr su supmrvhvmeihf, fchemfiae mc cas smethda dmc vfcar uefdmjfrfethzfdf rmcfihùe dm cfrja pcfza hetmrmsfdas, oæsy fccæ dm cfs vmetfs, cmjhthof mc vfcar dmc iaeaihohmeta iaopfrthda, patmeihf cf ofrif f pfrthr dm cf hegarofihùe dm vfcar y bfim qum mc ichmetm ea sm shmetf shopcmometm usfda y ca iaevhmrtm me ue iaesuohdar fithva, rmspaesf`cm y iae mc iaeaihohmeta sughihmetm pfrf dmihdhr dm ofemrf iaopraomthdf, sachdfrhf y cmjhthofdf. Me mstm pueta cas praoatarms sm iaevhmrtme me cas iùopchims dm ue praimsa dm iaouehifihùe sacfometm cf rmeumvfe `ûsqumdf cas dm iaeaihohmeta iaetheuf dmcqum smr rmsumcvm buofea,ea shea fdmoæs sm dmsmas y iaopcmtfe mc ihica pfrf hehihfr eumvfometm mc hetmrifo`ha dm sf`mrms, shjehghifihùe y smethda, cmjhthofda y icfrfometm rmtrh`uh`cm, daedm cf iaeghfezf me da`cm vïf sm bfim vhsh`cm, y patmeihf cf iaouehifihùe y cf rmsacuihùe fithvf dm praimsas dm hetmrifo`has dm

 vfcar. 7. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

Dmc Yfeta, A. & Æcvfrmz, D. (0>60). Ofrlmthej dm ftrfiihùe 0.>. Oèxhia; II Mdhtarhfcms. M`ufcf. (0>64). Ofrlmthej dm Gaifchzfihùe . M`ufcf. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//m` Mspheazf, J. (0>>:). Ofrlmthej arhmetfda fc ichmetm . Jmsthapachs. Pmiupmrfda dm btt dm bttp;//www.jmsthapachs.ia p;//www.jmsthapachs.iao/ofrlmthejo/ofrlmthejarhmetfda-fc-ichmetm/ Jùomz, Y. (688:). Mesmöfezf dm Cmejufkm y iaopmtmeihf iaouehifthvf . Me; Oaduca 6. Garofihùe pmrofemetm me cf mesmöfezf dm cf cmejuf oftmref. @uifrfofejf; dmOftmrhfc Mduifihùe OME, y ]ehvmrshdfd Hedustrhfc dmOhehstmrha Yfetfedmr. oadhghifda rmsuohda pfrf uthchzfihùe fifdèohif uehvmrshtfrhf me Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc. Bf`mrofs, K. (682:). Tmarïf dm cf fiihùe iaouehifthvf . Wac. H. Pfihaefchdfd dm cf fiihùe y rfihaefchzfihùe saihfc. Ofdrhd; Tfurus



He`aued Ofrlmthej; Jmt Gaued ]shej Jaajcm, Bfcchjfe & Ybfb. Yaihfc Omdhf (0>6>). fed @cajs . Mstfdas ]ehdas; Kabe Zhcmy fed Yaes, Hei. He`auediyicm. (0>67). Iùoa mc He`aued ofrlmthej pumdm iaetrh`uhr iae mc `rfedhej dm tu moprmsf . He`aued Iyicm. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.he`auediyicm.iao/`caj-dm-he`auedofrlmthej/`rfedhej-m-he`aued-ofrlmthej He`auediyicm. (0>67). Cfs prheihpfcms bmrrfohmetfs dmc He`aued Ofrlmthej. He`aued Iyicm. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.he`auediyicm.iao/`caj-dm-he`auedofrlmthej/cfs-prheihpfcms-bmrrfohmetfs-dm-he`aued-ofrlmthejm`aal He`auediyicm (0>6:). Mc pfpmc dm cas iaetmehdas me mc gueemc dmc He`aued  Ofrlmthej. Mstrftmjhfs y Bmrrfohmetfs. @caj Bmrrfohmetfs. @caj dm He`aued Ofrlmthej .  Pmiupmrfda dm  dm bttps;//www.he`auediyic bttps;//www.he`auediyicm.iao/`caj-dmm.iao/`caj-dmhe`aued-ofrlmthej/pfpmc-iaetmehdas-he`aued-ofrlmthej-juhf Lfpcue, O. (6882). ^mdfjaja dm cf mduiaouehifihùe papucfr. Pmiupmrfda

dm bttp;//>QofrhaQlfpcue. bto Latcmr, ^. (0>>6). Dhrmiihùe dm Omrifdatmiehf . Oèxhia; ^rmethim Bfcc Bhspfeafomrhifef. Latcmr, ^. (0>>=). Cfs prmjuetfs oæs grmiumetms sa`rm ofrlmthej . @ajatæ; Earof. CmfdsPailmt. (0>67). Juïf dm hetraduiihùe . He`aued Ofrlmthej. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.cmfdsrailmt.iao/bsdm bttp;//www.cmfdsrailmt.iao/bsgs/bu`/6=2876/ghcm-68776=8=pdg/dais/he`auedQofrlmthej.pdg Oâchib, K. I. (688=). Dmc mxtrföa fc iùopchim. @frimcaef; Fetbrapas. Od Ofrlmthej Dhjhtfc. (0>69). ±Vuè ms mc ofrlmthej dhjhtfc1 OD Ofrlmthej Dhjhtfc. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.odofrlmthejdhjhtfc.iao/qum-ms-mc-ofrlmthejdhjhtfc.pbp ^aet, W. K. (0>6=). Cf iaouehifihùe dm Kórjme Bf`mrofs y mc iaestruiihaehsoa shstèohia dm Ehlcfs Cubofee; pash`hchdfdms  dm ue pfrfdhjof dm sïetmshs.  Pmiupmrfda dm  dm ghcm;///I;/]smrs/ue ghcm;///I;/]smrs/uef`/Dawecafds/Dhfcemtf`/Dawecafds/DhfcemtCfIaouehifihaeDmKurjmeBf`mrofsXMcIaestruiihaehsoaY=029707.pdg   699


Ofrlmthej; dmghehihùe, phcfrms y fiihaems prheihpfcms.  Pu`ha,Pmiupmrfda H. (0>67). He`aued Yhtha Zm`; bttps;//www.ofrlmthemt.iao/`caj/he`aued-ofrlmthejdmghehihae-phcfrms-fiihaems-prheihpfcms#jrmg Yarda, F. H. (0: dm aitu`rm dm 0>67). 6> thpas dm iaetmehda qum tu fudhmeihf  prmghmrm  \fitufchzfda  \fitufchzfda 00 dm gm`rmra dm 0>62_. @caj Bu`spat. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//`caj.bu` bttps;//`caj.bu` Yata, @. (0>60). Vuè ms mc ofrlmthej ofshva. Pmiupmrfda shtha wm`; bttps;//www.jmsthae.arj/qum-ms-mc-ofrlmthej-ofshva/ Juïf Bu`spat dm He`aued ofrlmthej pfrf

 Tbchelmoprmsfs ofrlmthej (0>6:). dm TH.  Dmsifrjf`cms He`aued Ofrlmthej. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.tbchel.ofrlmthej/bu`gs/Dmsifrjf`cmsQhe`auedQ  Ofrlmthej/juhfQbu`spatQhe`aued.pdg bttps;//www.tbchel.ofrlmthej/bu`gs/Dmsifrjf`cmsQhe`auedQ  Ofrlmthej/juhfQbu`spatQhe`aued.pdg  Wfcdès, ^. (0>64). He`aued Ofrlmthej; ±Vuè ms1 Arhjme, omtadacajïf y

 ghcasagïf. He`aued Iyicm. Pmiupmrfda dm

bttp;//www.he`auediyicm.iao/he`aued-ofrlmthej-qum-ms  Wfcdès, ^. Vumr, F. & Bmreæedmz, Bmreæedmz, @. (0>64). Cas iaetmehdas. Mc phcfr dm iufcquhmr mstrftmjhf dm He`aued Ofrlmthej . He`aued Iyicm. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.fifdmohf.mdu/04:7>=>:/casQiaetmehdasQmcQphcfr  QdmQiufcquhmrQmstrftmjhfQdmQhe`auedQofrl  QdmQiufcquhm rQmstrftmjhfQdmQhe`auedQofrlmthej mthej



Iaeghfezf y rmputfihùe me thmopas dm hegaxhifihùe Ytmgfeh dmc Tèiehif Ihsem ^fcfdhems Ifrrfezf ]ehvmrshdfd ^frthiucfr dm Cakf  Kmeey Kavhtf Xfjufibm Vuhibho`a Vuhibho`a ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf ^FPF IHTFP; ^fcfdhems, Y. & Xfjufibm, K. (0>0>). Iaeghfezf y rmputfihùe

me thmopas dm hegaxhifi hegaxhifihùe. hùe. Me ^umrtfs-Bhdfcja, P .,., F`medföa, O. & c f mstrftmjhf.  Wfcdhvhmza-F`fd,  Wfcdhvhmz a-F`fd, I. ((Mds.), Mds.), (0>0>). Iaouehifr; dm cf tæithif f cf

Iufdmreas Frtmsfeas dm Iaouehifihùe, e¾6:2 (pp.69=-648). Cf Cfjuef (Tmemrhgm).

Pmsuome  Cf iaeghfezf y cf rmputfihùe sae cfs pfcf`rfs pf cf`rfs icfvm me tadf pcfehghifihùe dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif y sae tfo`hèe cas hetfejh`cms oæs  vucemrf`cms me thmopas dm hegaxhifihùe. Cf sa`rmmxpashihùe hegarofthvf, cf bhpmr-trfespfrmeihf, y uef fudhmeihf ifdf vmz oæs pacfrhzfdf y fctfometm pfrthihpfthvf, sae cas dmsfgïas dm cas jmstarms dm iaouehifihùe. Bay me dïf cfs moprmsfs dmkfe dm iao iaopmthr pmthr par pashihaefohmeta, vmetfs y omrifda< bf ccmjfda cf barf, dm qum cf ofyarïf megaqum sus msgumrzas me cajrfr irmdh`hchdfd, iaeghfezf y mc rmspfcda dm sus pû`chias. Cfs  gflm emws , cas ih`mrftfqums, rmsuctfe hjufc dm dmsfghfetms, par ca qum ms urjmetm cf irmfihùe dm pacïthifs y pcfems dm smjurhdfd me iaeiardfeihf iae cf mstrftmjhf dmc emjaiha y cf dm iaouehifihùe. Mc pfpmc dmc Dhriao rfdhif me omdhr, fefchzfr y taofr dmihshaems megaifdfs me fiihaems qum jmemrme j memrme smethohmeta dm imrifeïf iae cas pû`chias, cajrfeda uef iaouehifihùe baemstf y èthif. 69=


^fcf`rfs icfvms; hegaxhifihùe, iaeghfezf, rmputfihùe, iaouehifihùe, rmdms saihfcms, gflm emws. 6. Cas hetfejh`cms dm uef arjfehzfihùe


AY FITHWAY hetfejh`cms sae fqumccas f qumccas qum ea sm pumdme vmr< she mo`frja, sae pfrtm guedfometfc dm uef moprmsf, sm iaeshdmrfe iaoa cas ihohmetas dm uef iaestruiihùe, pums dm msta dmpmedm qum uef arjfehzfihùe iuopcf iae su ohshùe y vhshùe y qum sus fiihaems smfe meifohefdfs f cf rmfchzfihùe dm sus a`kmthvas. Yae cf `fsm dm tadf arjfehzfihùe y pasmme uef rhqumzf qum paias bfe mxpcatfda. 6.6. Iaeghfezf

Me cf saihmdfd dmc iaeaihohmeta cas ifo`has f pfrthr dm cf jca`fchzfihùe bfe shda ouy shjehghifthvas, mspmihfcometm me cf tmieacajïf, pravaifeda me cf ofyarïf dm cas ifsas uef jrfvm irhshs dm trfespfrmeihf fgmitfeda fsï f cas hetfejh`cms dm cf arjfehzfihùe< msta sm bf iaevmrthda me mc prheihpfc dmsfgïa pfrf cas Dhriao me cfs moprmsfs f cf barf dm jmsthaefr cf iaeghfezf iae sus dhgmrmetms stflmbacdmrs . Me mc oueda dhjhtfc, ea saca cfs pmrsaefs shea tadfs cfs moprmsfs pû`chifs y prhvfdfs sae vucemrf`cms fetm shtufihaems qum praoumvfe cf dmsiaeghfezf, sm bf bf`cfda tfeta sa`rm mccf qum fitufcometm sm mopcmfe dhgmrmetms mstrftmjhfs pfrf iaetrfrrmstfrcf< she mo`frja, ea shmoprm gueihaefe, pums sm bfe dfda ifsas me cas qum cas Dhriao dmsmopmöfe iarrmitfometm su pfpmc< ea a`stfetm, cf hegarofihùe pravmehmetm dm cf pfrtm mxtmref dm cf methdfd, paem me rhmsja mstm hetfejh`cm, jmemrfeda ruoarms, eathihfs gfcsfs, iaometfrhas pashthvas y emjfthvas fetm iufcquhmr pu`chifihùe dhjhtfc par pfrtm dm cf moprmsf. Cf pra`cmoæthif rfdhif me cf ofemrf me iùoa sm jmsthaefe cas iaetmehdas me cf Zm`, mspmihfcometm me cfs rmdms saihfcms, pums bay me 697


dïf mxhstm tada thpa dm hegarofihùe qum ihriucf me cf –eu`m‟ y qum ea

shmoprm ms vmrdfdmrf, paehmeda me dudf cf trfespfrmeihf dm uef arjfehzfihùe. Vuhmems a`smrvfe mstm thpa dm iaetmehda ea shmoprm sm pmriftfe dm cf vmrfihdfd a dm cfs gumetms qum mohtme mstas iaouehifdas, cas usufrhas iaopfrtme fc hestfetm cf eathihf she hedfjfr oæs fccæ dm ca qum cmme, dfeda iaoa rmsuctfda uef fchometfihùe iaestfetm f cf ccfofdf hegaxhifihùe .

 F pmsfr dm cf rmc rmcmvfeihf mvfeihf qum thmem cf iiaeghfezf aeghfezf me cfs arjfehzfihaems me thmopas dhjhtfcms, mxhstm uef gfctf dm mstudhas imetrfdas me mstm tmof, taofeda me iaeshdmrfihùe qum dm mccf dmpmedm qum sus pû`chias tmejfe mc mejfjmomet   iae cfs dhgmrmetms moprmsfs, ms dmihr, qum sm shmetfe hdmethghifdas y ea saca msa, shea qum cf fpayme y cm smfe ghmc me thmopas dm irhshs< dhiba msta, mc pfpmc qum kumjf cf iaeghfezf me rmcfihùe fc

oueda wm`, ms prmaiupfetm, fuequm ea tadas ca pmrih`fe. Cf hofjme, cf iaeghfezf, cf rmputfihùe y cf iucturf arjfehzfihaefc me sï dm uef moprmsf sae mc `cfeia pmrgmita pfrf quhmems dmsmfe apfifrcf, iaeaihdas me mc oueda dhjhtfc iaoa traccs , mspmihfcometm me rmdms saihfcms< ms par mcca qum cas meifrjfdas dm jmsthaefr cf iaouehifihùe me cfs dhgmrmetms methdfdms dm`me mstfr fcmrtfs tada mc thmopa, sm smöfcf tfo`hèe qum ea tadf cf hegarofihùe qum sm ghctrf me dhgmrmetms omdhas ms vmrdfdmrf, par ca qum bfy qum fitufr æjhcometm fetm mstfs shtufihaems. 6.0. Jmsthùe dm cf iaeghfezf 

Cf jmsthùe dm cf iaeghfezf ea ms atrf iasf qum cf iaestruiihùe dm ue  vïeiuca, ea saca iae mc pû`chia hetmrea dm cf arjfehzfihùe, shea tfo`hèe iae cas mxtmreas, qum pmrohtfe mstf`cmimr uef rmcfihùe mstf`cm y durfdmrf, f trfvès dm dhgmrmetms fiihaems a praimsas qum fyudme f iaesachdfr mstf fefcajïf.



Cf èthif pragmshaefc ms guedfometfc pfrf cf jmsthùe dm cf iaeghfezf, pums cf saihmdfd me jmemrfc, mstfræ prmdhspumstf f iaeghfr me uef hesthtuihùe qum oumstrf trfespfrmeihf me tadas cas praimsas qum moprmedf, hedmpmedhmetmometm dm cf cïemf frjuometfrhf, ohshùe,  vhshùe, vfcarms, mti., fsï ca smöfcf tfo`hèe Whefræs (0>69;4); –Cf iaouehifihùe thmem mc padmr dm hegcuhr me cas hedhvhduas y cf

ifpfihdfd dm jmemrfr y ofetmemr cf iaeghfezf, fsï iaoa dm pmrdmrcf, iufeda bfy heiaejrumeihfs metrm ca sm dhim y bfim, a iufeda cas omesfkms sm pmrih`me iaoa praomsfs hefcifezf`cms a iae thetms ofehpucfdarms. Cf rmcfihùe metrm iaouehifihùe y iaeghfezf dmpmedmræ dm cf mghihmeihf dm cf prhomrf me mc dhsmöa dm sus mstrftmjhfs y omesfkms‟.

Ms hopartfetm hdmethghifr cfs dhgmrmetms pmrspmithvfs qum thmem cf fudhmeihf rmspmita f uef moprmsf, pfrf qum cas Dhriao pumdfe mcf`arfr sus omesfkms y ghefcometm cas dhstrh`uyfe me cas ifefcms qum mccas irmfe iaevmehmetm< dm mstf ofemrf mc gcuka iaouehifthva moprmsfichmetm smræ dm ofemrf `hdhrmiihaefc, me daedm mxhstf rmtrafchometfihùe par pfrtm dm cf ohsof bfihf sus stflmbacdmrs . 0. Cf jmsthùe dmc Dhriao me cf iaeghfezf y rmputfihùe dm uef arjfehzfihùe 

Cf saihmdfd dm cf hegarofihùe `usif ifdf vmz oæs cf heomdhftmz, iaemithvhdfd, trfespfrmeihf y iaeghfezf, Vumhpa dm Ccfea (0>62;6) smöfcf qum –mc Dhriao me cf mrf dhjhtfc ms ue pash`hchtfdar y oavhchzfdar, qum fûef mstrftmjhf y tæithif y qum ms ifpfz dm metmedmr m hetmrprmtfr cfs dmofedfs dmc omrifda y dmc ichmetm, mc msimefrha dm kumja daedm apmrf cf iaopföïf y cf iucturf iarparfthvf, trfesgarofeda msf msiuibf fithvf me apartuehdfdms dm emjaiha f trfvès dm uef mstrftmjhf dm iaouehifihùe trfesvmrsfc‟. 



Cf iaestruiihùe dm cas hetfejh`cms dm uef moprmsf, me mstm ifsa, cf iaeghfezf y cf rmputfihùe thmeme ue fcta jrfda dm hesmjurhdfd mspmihfcometm me cas omdhas dhjhtfcms. Cf rmputfihùe tfo`hèe ms uef hofjme ometfc. X mstf sm garof f trfvès dm uef smrhm dhsiaetheuf dm pmrimpihaems y mxpmrhmeihfs qum sm fiuoucfe me mc thmopa. Mxhstm me mstm gmeùomea, ue gfitar dm iaetrfdhiihùe hetrïesmif; f) cf dhsiaetheuhdfd me mc mspfiha-thmopa me cf pmrimpihùe dm cas shjeas hdmethtfrhas dm cf moprmsf, y `) mc trf`fka fsaihfthva dm cf ometm iaestruymeda cf hofjme. (Iastf, 0>67;6) Ghefcometm, cf ofemrf me iùoa mc Dhriao jmsthaef cf iaeghfezf y rmputfihùe dmpmedm dmc iaetmxta dm cf arjfehzfihùe, dm cas vfcarms hesthtuihaefcms, ohshùe, vhshùe, mti.< dm`hda f qum mc pragmshaefc iumetf

iae ue pmrghc qum cm pmrohtm pcfehghifr, dhrhjhr y iaardhefr cfs dhgmrmetms fithvhdfdms rmcfihaefdfs f cf iaouehifihùe moprmsfrhfc dm ofemrf qum fdohtf mevhfr cf hegarofihùe pmrthemetm f sus dhgmrmetms stflmbacdmrs , iae cf bf`hchdfd dm jmemrfr hetmrfiihùe metrm cas usufrhas y cf ofrif, iae cf ûehif ghefchdfd dm iaestruhr y gartfcmimr cf iiaeghfezf aeghfezf y cf rmputfihùe. 9. Cf sa`rmsfturfihùe hegarofthvf; hegaxhifihùe

 Fitufcometm, mc fiimsa f cf mmearom earom ifethdfd dm hegarofihùe hegarofihùe qum mxhstm me mc hetmremt ms uea dm cas oæs jrfedms `memghihas qum eas `rhedf cf  Zm`< she mo`frja, tfo`hèe sm bf iaevmrthda me ue pra`cmof, mc tèrohea hegaxhifihùe, qum mthoacùjhifometm praimdm dm cf iaopashihùe dm cfs pfcf`rfs hegarofihùe m hetaxhifihùe, ca fiuöù  Fcgaes Iaremccf par prhomrf vmz me 6887, (Hegaeaohf, 0>60) ssmjûe mjûe mc futar, cf sa`rmifrjf hegarofthvf ms dhgïihc dm –praimsfr‟ a metmedmr

ifusfeda mc sïedraom dm hegaxhifihùe qum sm ifrfitmrhzf par cf feshmdfd y fejusthf. Me rmsuome, ms cf heifpfihdfd dm feæchshs fc shegïe dm hegarofihùe qum sm su`m f cf rmd dm rmdms. 698


Cf hegaxhifihùe, dm fiumrda iae Whsmethe & Tarvfcds (iaoa sm ihtù me  Whccframc, 0>6=;9), ms mc mximsa dm hegarofihùe qum bfim hopash`cm –dhjmrhr‟ f cas ih`mrefutfs me cf rmd, ca iufc aifshaef ue dèghiht

ftmeihaefc fetm mstïoucas hegaiaouehifihaefcms a cf hopash`hchdfd dm ifptfr cas ohsoas y rmiaeghjurfihùe dmc metrfofdf dm iaemxhaems imrm`rfcms fiardm f cas ehvmcms dm hegarofihùe fitufcms. Pfoas (0>6:;6), cf fghrof iaoa cf megmromdfd dmc shjca RRH dm cf saihmdfd dm cf hegarofihùe, fsï ms iaeshdmrfdf cf hegaxhifihùe< she mo`frja, mstf fpfrmihù kueta iae mc Hetmremt me 6878, ms dmihr, kusta iae cf rmvacuihùe tmieacùjhif, trfesgarofeda par iaopcmta cfs dhgmrmetms ofemrfs dm iaouehifrsm, pfsfeda dm ca trfdhihaefc f ca dhjhtfc, fsï iaoa mc iaetheua `ao`frdma dm hegarofihùe, ea sùca par

cas omdhas dm iaouehifihùe, shea par cas ohsoas hetmrefutfs. Mc iaetmehda qum ihriucf me cf wm` pumdm qum smf eathihasa y bfstf omdhæthia< she mo`frja, ue `ume iaetmehda hegarofthva iaethmem gumetms iaeghf`cms y uef hevmsthjfihùe prmvhf, fetms dm pu`chifrsm me iufcquhmr omdha. –Mstf sfturfihùe hegarofthvf qum a`smrvfoas me cas omdhas dm

iaouehifihùe bfim qum tfo`hèe bay sm dhsiutf mc iaeimpta dm  vmrfihdfd dm cf hegarofihùe qum vf me iaesaefeihf iae mc jrfda dm rmduedfeihf hegarofthvf y iùoa cas omdhas sm iaopcmometfe me rmcfihùe f dmtmrohefdas fsuetas‟. (^fjæe, 0>>:;:=)  Cf sfturfihùe hegarofthvf gum fiuöfda par Fcvhe Taggcmr ccfofeda cf ftmeihùe dm cf iaouehdfd ihmetïghif dmsdm cf dèifdf dm cas smtmetf, mxpchifeda mc mstfda pshiacùjhia qum sugrhrïf cf saihmdfd fc mstfr megrmetfdf f dmofshfdas ifo`has me ue iarta pmrhada dm thmopa, mc iufc a`tmedrïf iaoa rmsuctfda qum cfs pmrsaefs sm sa`rmpfsme y sm fja`hme me ue msimefrha pasthedustrhfc dmghehèedaca iaoa –hegarofthae 64>


avmrcafd ‟ (sa`rmifrjf hegarofthvf) rmghrhèedasm f cf sa`rmmsthoucfihùe

smesarhfc qum tmedrïf jrfe hopfita me cf ifpfihdfd pfrf pmesfr. (Taggcmr, iaoa sm ihtù me Paomra & Ofeihefs, 0>67;664-66=).

Pmsuctf hetmrmsfetm cf ofemrf me qum sm iaestruyme cas omesfkms dmsdm mc æo`hta hesthtuihaefc, dm`hda f qum mc Hetmremt eas df ue shegïe dm pash`hchdfdms tmieacùjhifs f trfvès dm fpchifihaems pfrf padmr mohthr cas iaouehifdas< she mo`frja, ms hopartfetm ofetmemr uef pcfehghifihùe prmvhf, dm ofemrf qum cas iaetmehdas smfe dm ifchdfd, ea saca pfrf ccfofr cf ftmeihùe omdhæthif qum rmsuctf vacæthc fetm fet m cf heomdhftmz dm cfs rmdms saihfcms, ms par mcca qum mc dhsmöa dm cf hegarofihùe ms dm vhtfc hopartfeihf pums dm mstf dmpmedm fchometfr a ea f cf hegaxhifihùe.

Cas meifrjfdas dm cf mcf`arfihùe dm cas omesfkms dm uef hesthtuihùe sae cas Dhriao, Phvmrf (0>69;6), iaeshdmrf qum cf hegaxhifihùe ms cf iaetfohefihùe par mximsa dm hegarofihùe, fdmoæs dm smr fdhithvf pums ohmetrfs sm pu`chife gatajrfgïfs me Hestfjrfo, Twhttmr, mti., cfs pmrsaefs thmeme ue ihmrta rmiaeaihohmeta saihfc, ccmefeda dm mstf ofemrf cf rmd dm iaetmehdas< tadas iaouehife y ca hdmfc pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems ms iaetfr y fpartfr iae ue omesfkm dhstheta, pums cf rmpmthihùe fif`f par ofetmemr vhvf cf hegaxhifihùe. 9.6. Ifusf y mgmita dm cf hegaxhifihùe. ±Iùoa fgmitf f uef arjfehzfihùe1 

Mc pra`cmof ea ms tmemr uef jrfe ifethdfd dm hegarofihùe me cf wm`, shea oæs `hme, cf ofemrf me iùoa cf ofemkfe. Mc ch`rm fiimsa bf bmiba qum cas dhgmrmetms iaetmehdas sm vumcvfe vucemrf`cms fetm cas efvmjfetms dm Hetmremt, pums ea tada ca qum mstæ me cf Zm` ms ihmrta, shmeda mc prheihpfc rmspaesf`cm mc ihudfdfea –prasuohdar‟, qum me su

ofyarïf jmemrf ue mximsa dm dftas, she hegarofihùe aghihfc.



]e mkmopca dm hegaxhifihùe gum mc ifsa dmc tmrrmoatma qum suimdhù me Miufdar mc 67 dm f`rhc dm 0>67, me mc qum ouibas dm cas omdhas fudhavhsufcms trfesohtïfe eathihfs qum sm ifrfitmrhzf`fe par su mspmitfiucfrhdfd, pmra ea mrfe dm hetmrès jmemrfc pfrf cf pa`cfihùe qum me fqumc oaometa dmofedf`f atrf smrhm dm hegarofihùe. Me mstm smethda, mrf oæs hopartfetm qum cas `ao`mras mxpchifsme f cf jmetm iùoa rmfchzfr prhomras fuxhchas a què bfimr me ifsa dm rèpchifs, qum cfs hoæjmems hopfitfetms dm dacar y trfjmdhf. Mc mximsa dm hegarofihùe me thmopas dm irhshs dhghiuctf cf ifpfihdfd dm cfs pmrsaefs f rmfiihaefr fetm tfetf hegarofihùe y f iaoprmedmr ca qum rmfcometm mstæ suimdhmeda.

Mc pshiùcaja `rhtæehia Dfvhd Cmwhs, me su hegarom Dyhej gar Hegarofthae , mcf`arfda pfrf cf fjmeihf Pmutmrs, dhka; –leawcmdjm hs pawmr, `ut hegarofthae hs eat ‟ y fghrof`f qum –cf mxpashihùe f ue mximsa dm hegarofihùe

dhsoheuym cf ifpfihdfd pfrf rmsacvmr pra`cmofs y ifusf sïetaofs iaoa cf pèrdhdf dm ftmeihùe y dm omoarhf, y mstfdas dm feshmdfd qum jmemrfe fejusthf parqum bfy tfetf hegarofihùe qum ea sm pumdm fshohcfr, y dm mstf ofemrf mc mximsa dm hegarofihùe heifpfihtf pfrf taofr dmihshaems smesftfs, y metaeims pravaif ue fuometa dmc mstrès‟ (@memyta, 0>69;6). 

Me ue oueda me daedm tadas mstæe mxpumstas f cf hegaxhifihùe cfs moprmsfs ea sae cf mximpihùe, pums tfo`hèe sae fgmitfdfs par mstf –eumvf megmromdfd dhjhtfc‟ qum, fuequm yf bf mxhsthda dmsdm bfim

thmopa ftræs, ms rmihèe bfstf cas ûcthoas föas qum sm bf pumsta me `ajf. ^frf Iærdmefs (0>64;6>), cf fctf rmcmvfeihf qum thmem cf pcfemfihùe mstrftèjhif pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems ms guedfometfc, fdmoæs dm dfrcm ihmrta mstftus fetm atrfs hesthtuihaems qum ifrmime dm mstf. ^frf mvhtfr cf sfturfihùe dm hegarofihùe me cfs moprmsfs ms emimsfrha iaardhefr y dhsmöfr tadas cas omesfkms icfvm f cas dhgmrmetms pû`chias< sus `memghihas sae ouibas y cfs apartuehdfdms ifsh heghehtfs iae cf ûehif 640


ghefchdfd dm mvhtfr pmchjras me mc gutura. Me mstm iaetmxta cf hegarofihùe sm iaevhmrtm me uef bmrrfohmetf dm supmrvhvmeihf me mstm eumva pfrfdhjof, dm ofemrf qum sm fdohehstrme cas rmiursas dm ofemrf apartuef, mvfcufeda y iaetracfeda mc usa dm cf tmieacajïf par pfrtm dmc pmrsaefc. Ymjûe, Dïfs (0>64;2) cas omdhas dhjhtfcms sae cas prheihpfcms rmspaesf`cms dm mstf megmromdfd, pums mstæe fyudfeda f cas usufrhas f iaetfitfrsm mxicushvfometm iae mc iaetmehda qum cms hetmrmsf, rmgarzfeda sus prmgmrmeihfs y aphehaems, y dhsoheuymeda cf ifethdfd dm apartuehdfdms pfrf iaetfitfr dm ofemrf dhgmrmetm, pfrf mxpmrhometfr fcja hemspmrfda y gumrf dm su zaef dm iaegart, pfrf fprmedmr fcja eumva. Ghefcometm, mstm praimsa iucohef me cf sfturfihùe

dm iaetmehda y rmcfihaems, f omdhdf qum fprmedmoas iaetheufometm oæs sa`rm ca ohsoa y mc iaetfita iae atras shohcfrms f easatras. ^ar atrf pfrtm, cf sfturfihùe hegarofthvf fgmitf ea saca f cfs jrfedms moprmsfs, shea tfo`hèe f cfs pmqumöfs y omdhfefs< she mo`frja (Padrïjumz, s.g) omeihaef qum mstfs dm`me dm iaeaimr sus ifpfihdfdms, iaeshjuhmeda ue ue ehiba dm omrifda, mspmi mspmihfchzæedasm hfchzæedasm y dæedacm f su iaesuohdar ue vfcar, par cf ohsof rfzùe dm smr pmqumöfs, thmeme  vmetfkfs grmetm f cfs jrfedms iaoa mc fiimsa f cf hegarofihùe dmc omrifda, iae cf ghefchdfd dm qum iaeimetrme sus msgumrzas me `usifr, metmedmr quhèe ms su pû`chia, iuæcms sae sus justas, sus fsphrfihaems, què vme y què msiuibfe. 9.0. Iaoa sa`rmvhvhr f cf hegaxhifihùe 

Mc mximsa dm hegarofihùe ea ms fcja qum sm vf f rmsacvmr me cas prùxhoas föas, fc iaetrfrha, cf hegarofihùe sm oucthpchifræ dm ofemrf oæs ræphdf. Yhe mo`frja, Iaremccf (0>>>;9-=) fghrof qum, sm dm`m fiastuo`rfr f cf hdmf dm jmsthaefr cf hegarofihùe, iarrmitfometm, uthchzfeda oètadas y bmrrfohmetfs pfrf dmsfrraccfrcf< fdmoæs dm 649


mvfcufr cf ofemrf me iùoa cfs pmrsaefs sm hegarofe, ms dmihr, iùoa `usife mc iaetmehda, iuæc ms mc praimsa qum shjume. Omeihaef tfo`hèe, cas trms ghctras dm hegarofihùe; –hegarofihùe gfctf‟, ms cf qum ea hetmrmsf me ca f`sacuta< –hegarofihùe hetmrmsfetm‟, ms fqumccf qum tfrdm a

tmoprfea cf `usifrmoas, ms dmihr, qum fcjûe dïf cm pumdm hetmrmsfr< ghefcometm, cf –hegarofihùe rmfcometm ûthc‟, me mstf bfy qum iaeimetrfrsm, pums ms cf qum vf dm fiumrda iae cfs cïemfs irïthifs dm cf pmrsaef. Cf futarf dmstfif mc mrrar dm cfs moprmsfs dm bay me dïf, pums dmsthefe rmiursas miaeùohias f prajrfofs dm jmsthùe dm iaeaihohmeta, pmra ea, cf jmsthùe ms pmrsaefc, ms dmihr, sm dm`m ifpfihtfr f cas mopcmfdas m hopcfetfr uef iucturf dm jmsthaefr `hme cf hegarofihùe, pfrf mvhtfr cf hegaxhifihùe.

^frf sa`rmvhvhr f cf hegaxhifihùe ms ouy hopartfetm iaeaimr cfs bmrrfohmetfs ùpthofs dm `ûsqumdf me Hetmremt, pums cf ofyarïf dm hetmrefutfs dmsiaeaim fcjuefs icfvms pfrf qum cf mxpcarfihùe smf iaeirmtf y mspmiïghif dm ofemrf qum sm pumdf mvhtfr smr hegaxhifda me cf rmd< smjûe, (Ofjchaem & Wfrcattf,s.g) ms hopartfetm fc oaometa dm hejrmsfr me ue `usifdar smcmiihaefr iarrmitfometm uef pfcf`rf icfvm me mc iufdra dm tmxta, qum jmemrfcometm sm meiumetrf me cf pfrtm supmrhar dmc oatar dm `ûsqumdf, iae cf ghefchdfd dm qum mstm rmfchim cf apmrfihùe metrm tadf cf hegarofihùe mxhstmetm me cf rmd. Ifdf rmsuctfda sm fdfptf f cas irhtmrhas dm `ûsqumdf mstf`cmihdas, fiaopföfda dm atrfs pfcf`rfs qum pmrohtfe rmfchzfr uef `ûsqumdf oæs mspmiïghif. 4. Cf dhmtf dm cf hegarofihùe  

Bay me dïf, ea ms ue pra`cmof cf gfctf dm hegarofihùe pums bfy ue mximsa dm mccf. Mc tmof ms; cf –dmsiaemxhùe‟. Mc iaestfetm gcuka iaouehifthva me cf rmd sm bf iaevmrthda ifsh me ue rmta pfrf cf ofyarïf dm pmrsaefs, pums sm bfe fiastuo`rfda tfeta fc `ao`frdma dm hegarofihùe qum ea if`m me cf ometm dmc iaesuohdar cf hdmf dm fcmkfrsm



par ue oaometa dm msta, iaeshdmræedasm fcjueas iaoa –ifvmreïiacfs‟ par cf gfctf dm Hetmremt.  Yh `hme ms ihmrta, mc oueda dhjhtfc agrmim `memghihas she hjufc, cfs gfihchdfdms qum eas `rhedfe sae ouibfs< she mo`frja, mc usa heiarrmita dm mstf, bfe aifshaefda ue –soalm   hegarofthva‟ dm jrfe rmcmvfeihf, pmra prmaiupfetm pfrf paias. Ymrrfea (0>69;674), bfim èegfshs me cf dhmtf hegarofthvf y iaoa prheihpfc sujmrmeihf fetm mc pra`cmof fitufc, bfim ue ccfofda f uef saihmdfd oæs iaesihmetm y irïthif me cf garof y ifethdfd me mc thmopa qum cm dmdhife f mstfr iaemitfdas< y me ue smjueda cujfr, f mopcmfr bmrrfohmetfs, fpchifihaems y sagtwfrm qum shrvfe pfrf jmsthaefr tadf cf hegarofihùe qum sm rmih`m dhfrhfometm.

=. Mc pfpmc dmc Dhriao grmetm f cfs gflm emws

Cfs  gflm emws  emw s , par atra cfda, ccmjfe f heirmometfr mc trf`fka dmc jmstar dm iaouehifihùe. Yae uef fomefzf iaestfetm pfrf cfs arjfehzfihaems pums mc ehvmc dm heimrthduo`rm metrm cas usufrhas fuometf iaeshdmrf`cmometm paehmeda me rhmsja f cf rmputfihùe iarparfthvf y fc rmsta dm hetfejh`cms.

Ymjûe Dè`arf Jrfy (0>62;6), guedfdarf y dhrmitarf dm cf fjmeihf Ifemcf ^P, omeihaef iaoa sm pumdm iao`fthr cfs Gflm Emws . 6. 

Mevhfr f cfs omdhfs hegarofihaems prmihsfs, rmcmvfetms y fitufchzfdfs pfrf qum cf pu`chqume. 0.   Trfzfr uef cïemf qum smpfrm icfrfometm cf hegarofihùe dm cf pu`chihdfd a mc ofrlmthej. 9.   Ftrh`uhr tadas cas dftas y dmicfrfihaems qum heicuyme cas iaouehifdas qum dhguedhoas. 4.  Bf`hchtfr ifefcms qum pmrohtfe f cas omdhas iaetrfstfr y dmsomethr cfs eathihfs gfcsfs. 64=


=.  7. 

Iaetracfr cf rmputfihùe aechem dm cfs ofrifs dm eumstras ichmetms pfrf dmtmitfr `ucas. Iacf`arfr iae cas omdhas pfrf dmsomethr cfs eathihfs gfcsfs m hdmethghifr su arhjme.

Cf icfvm. Wheiucfr cf mstrftmjhf moprmsfrhfc y cf dm iaouehifihùe. Msta ea ms eumva, pmra pumdm smr qum mc dïf f dïf, bfyf pmrohthda qum pmesmoas qum cf iaouehifihùe iaouehifihùe ms saca fii fiihùe hùe y cas iacarms. Mc dmsfgïa dm cas jmstarms dm cf iaouehifihùe ms ifdf vmz oæs jrfedm. Yae cas rmspaesf`cms dm fdfptfr mc iaetmehda. Ms dmihr, ca qum cf arjfehzfihùe thmem qum dmihr f ca qum mc usufrha quhmrm msiuibfr. ^frf mcca ms suofometm hopartfetm dmghehr uef hdmethdfd icfrf iae ueas vfcarms

futèethias, me mc ofria dm cf èthif y cf vmrdfd. 7. Pmgmrmeihfs `h`chajræghifs

 Fccazf, F., Ifibhemra, K., & ^hea, H. (0>60). (0>60). ±Mxhstm cf rmputfihùe aechem1 Trms rmspumstfs y oæs heiùjehtfs.  Ccarmetm y Iumeif. Ofdrhd; Yfjfstf. @memyta, P. (09 dm >8 dm 0>69). Daiuofeïf . Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//daiuofehf0>.wardprmss.iao/0>69/>8/09/qumrhmsjas-aifshaef-f-cf-sfcud-cf-hegaxhifihae/ Iærdmefs, E. (0>64). Jmsthùe dm cf hegarofihùe me cfs. THF, Tmieacajïf, Hevmsthjfihùe y Fifdmohf, 0  (6),  (6), 6>. Ifsù, P. (>7 dm f`rhc dm 0>67). Pfohra Ifsù . Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//rfohraifsa.iao/cf-dhmtf-hegarofthvf/ Iacches, D. H. (s.g). Dhiihaefrha hejcès Iacches . Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.iacchesdhithaefry.iao/ms/dhiihaefrha/hejcms/gflm -emws Iaremccf, F. (0>>>). Iùoa sa`rmvhvhr f cf hegaxhifihùe. Fita dm metrmjf dm tïtucas dm cas prajrfofs dm Garofihùe dm ^asjrfda dmc föa fifdèohia , (pp.9-=). Iastf, K. (64 dm memra dm 0>67). Pmputfihùe iarparfthvf . \me cïemf_ Pmiupmrfda dm  dm bttps;//www.udcf.mdu.m bttps;//www.udcf.mdu.mi/rmdi/rmddhriao/0>67/>6/64/rmputfihae-iaarparfthvf/



Dïfs, ^. (0>64). Grao ‒hegaxhifthae‘ ta ‒hegasfturfthae‘; f tbmarmthifc avmrvhmwag tbm iajehthvm fed saihfc mggmits ag dhjhtfc hoomrshae . Pmvhstf Hetmrefihaefc dm Iaouehifihùe, 2. Dhiihaefry, I. (s.g). Ifo`rhdjm Dhiihaefry . Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//dhithaefry.ifo`rhdjm.arj/ms/dhiihaefrha/hejcms/gflmemws Mc Tmcèjrfga. (06 dm aitu`rm dm 0>62). Me ^asarkf hopmrù mc usa dm cf vhacmeihf fetm cf kusthihf. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.mctmcmjrfga.iao.mi/eathihfs/kudhihfc/60/cheibfohm eta-iucturf-mduifihae-pasarkf-jufyfquhc Mc Icfrïe (9> dm aitu`rm dm 0>62). ]e bao`rm ourhù trfs smr cheibfda me Iacao`hf par uef ifdmef gfcsf dm ZbftsFpp.  Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.icfrhe.iao/oueda/bao`rm-ourha-cheibfdaiacao`hf-ifdmef-gfcsf-wbftsfppQ>Q0ECKhMs[[.btoc

Jfriïf, O. (0>62). Pmcfihaems pû`chifs saihfcometm hrrmspaesf`cms. Mc ifsa dm cf  pu`chihdfd mejföasf y dmscmfc. Omtbfadas, Pmvhstf dm Ihmeihfs Yaihfcms, 668. Jaezæcmz, O. (69 dm f`rhc dm 0>62). Vuè bf pfsfda iae Gfim`aal; dmc ifsa Ifo`rhdjm Fefcythif fc rmsta dm pacèohifs oæs rmihmetms.  Rftflf. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps dm bttps;//www.xftflf.iao/cmjh ;//www.xftflf.iao/cmjhscfihae-yscfihae-ydmrmibas/qum-bf-pfsfda-iae-gfim`aal-dmc-ifsa-ifo`rhdjmfefcythif-fc-rmsta-dm-pacmohifs-ofs-rmihmetms Jrfy, D. (>7 dm gm`rmra dm 0>62). Cfs gflm emws, ue pra`cmof pfrf cfs ofrifs. ^PEathihfs. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//preathihfs.iao/iaouehifihae/icu`fjmeihfs/ifemcfpr/0>67:00:-gflm-emws-pra`cmof-pfrf-cfs-ofrifs#hechemfuta6766 Hegaeaohf. (6= dm ofrza dm 0>60). «Hegaxhifihùe¼ metrf me mc Dhiihaefrha dmc mspföac urjmetm. Hegaeaohf. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.hegaeaohf.iao/hegaxhifihe-metrf-me-mcdhiihaefrha-dmc-mspfac-urjmetm/ Ofjchaem, I., & Wfrcattf, E. (s.g.). Hevmsthjfihùe, jmsthùe y `ûsqumdf dm hegarofihùe me hetmremt. Iaemitfrhjufcdfd. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.hsgd2> aemeHetmremt.pdg Ouöaz, ^. (0>6:). Dhpast dhjhtfc dmdaiuomets dm cf ]F@.  Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//ddd.uf`.ift/rmiard/6262:>



^fjæe, G. (0>>:). Mc mgmita omdhæthia me cf saihmdfd dmc iaeaihohmeta.  Iaouehifihùe y ^mdfjajïf; Eumvfs tmieacajïfs y rmiursas dhdæithias. (062), :=. ^èrmz, D. (68 dm ofrza dm 0>6:). Feftaoïf dm cfs eathihfs gfcsfs; què sae y iùoa mstæe ifo`hfeda Hetmremt. Aohiraea. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//aohiraea.mcmspfeac.iao/0>6:/>9/feftaohf-dm-cfseathihfs-gfcsfs/ Vumhpa dm Ccfea, I. (ofya dm 0>62). ±Iuæc ms mc rac dmc Dhriao me cf trfesgarofihùe dhjhtfc1  Heeavf  Heeavf + I. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//heeavf.dhriao.arj/aphehae/iaouehifr-cf-heeavfihaeaphehae/rac-dmc-dhriao-cf-trfesgarofihae-dhjhtfc/ Pfoas, K. (6> dm ofya dm 0>6:). Hegaxhifihùe. mprhets.richs.arj. Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//mprhets.richs.arj/90070/6/mesfya%0>hegaxhifihae.pdg

Phvmrf, D. (66 dm f`rhc dm 0>69). Tap iaouehifihùe y rmcfihaems pû`chifs . Pmiupmrfda dm bttp;//www.tapiaouehifihae.iao/eathihf/9::>/scawiaouehifihae-iaetrf-cf-hegaxhifihae Padrïjumz, F. (s.g). Me cf mrf dm cf –hegaxhifihùe‟ què if`hdf thmeme cfs  pmqumöfs moprmsfs. HAOL Fjmeihf dm Ofrlmthej. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//`caj/me-cf-mrf-dm-cf-hegaxhifihaequm-if`hdf-thmeme-cfs-pmqumefs-moprmsfs/ Paomra, C., & Ofeihefs, P. (0>67). Ya`rmsfturfihùe hegarofthvf; vhsh`hchzfr mc omesfkm hesthtuihaefc. Me Iaouehifihùe hesthtuihaefc y ifo`ha saihfc. Icfvms pfrf cf iaoprmeshùe dm cas gfitarms rmcfihaefcms dm cf iaouehifihùe mstrftèjhif y mc eumva miashstmof iaouehifihaefc. (pp.664-66=). Ymvhccf, Mspföf; Mdhihaems Mjrmjhus. Ymrrfea, K. (0>69). ]ef prapumstf dm dhmtf dhjhtfc; rmpmesfeda mc iaesuoa omdhæthia me cf mrf dm cf. Musfc Pmvhstf Jmstar Dhjhtfc (:), 674.  T69. (08 dm kueha dm 0>62). Gfcsfs eathihfs me ZbftsFpp pravaife acf dm cheibfohmetas me Hedhf. Pmiupmrfda mc 9> dm 6> dm 0>62, dm bttp;//www.t69.ic/eathihf/oueda/gfcsfs-eathihfs-wbftsfppdm  bttp;//www.t69.ic/eathihf/oueda/gfcsfs-eathihfs-wbftsfpppravaife-oumrtm-cheibfohmeta-trms-pmrsaefs-hedhf ]r`fe dhiihaefry. (s.g). Gflm Emws. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.ur`fedhithaefry.iao/dmghem.pbp1tmro?Gflm%0> emws



 Whdfc, ^. (dhihmo`rm dm 0>67). 0>67). Hegaxhifihùe y jmsthùe iaouehifihaefc trfs mc tmrrmoata dmc 67 dm f`rhc dm 0>67 me Miufdar. PmsmribJftm. Pmiupmrfda dm bttps;//www.rmsmfribjftm.emt/pu`chifthae/964>49=:=Qhegaxhif ihaeQyQjmsthaeQiaouehifihaefcQtrfsQmcQtmrrmoataQdmcQ67QdmQ  f`rhcQdmQ0>67QmeQmiufdarQ QhegaxhifthaeQfedQiaoouehifthaeQofefjmometQfgtmrQtbmQmfr  QhegaxhifthaeQfedQiaoou ehifthaeQofefjmometQfgtmrQtbmQmfr tbquflmQaiurrmdQheQmiufdarQaeQfprhcQ67Q0>67  Whccfrramc, L. (0>6=). Hegaxhifihùe. Hegaxhifihùe. Pmvhstf dm Hevmsthjfihùe Yihmethf, 4 (6).  Whefræs, O. (0>69). Mstrftmjhfs dm iaouehifihùe pfrf jmemrfr iaeghfezf. Pmvhstf Iaouehifihùe y Bao`rm  (8),  (8), 4.





Cfs futarfs y cas futarms ^]MPTFY-BHDFCJA, PAYFPHA ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf Miufdar

Oæstmr me Iaouehifihùe m Hedustrhfs Irmfthvfs par cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf-Mspföf. Daimetm hevmsthjfdarf dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif

^frthiucfr dm Cakf me Miufdar. Dmetra dm cf ohsof ]ehvmrshdfd, ms Daimetm me ^rmjrfda; Thtucfihaems dm Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc, dm Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs. ^frtm dmc mquhpa dm ifchdfd y daimetm dm cf Ofmstrïf me Iaouehifihùe Mstrftèjhif omeihùe Iaouehifihùe Dhjhtfc. ^frtm dmc Jrupa dm Hevmsthjfihùe Iaouehifihùe Mstrftèjhif. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//^kL@`[]FFFFK APIHD; bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-8=4 btt ps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-8=4=-0009 =-0009  F@MEDFÖA, OÙEHIF ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf - Miufdar Ofjïstmr me Dhrmiihùe me Iaouehifihùe DhrIao, par cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Fetaeha dm Ourihf, Mspföf. Ms pfrtm dmc Dmpfrtfometa dm Ihmeihfs dm cf Iaouehifihùe iaoa Daimetm Hevmsthjfdarf me cf

cïemf dm Iaouehifihùe Hetmref. Ms ia-irmfdarf ia- irmfdarf dm DhfcajusIH, cf rmd vhrtufc dm iaouehifihùe hetmref me H`mrafoèrhif y Dhrmitarf Mkmiuthvf dm cf Fsaihfihùe Miuftarhfef dm Iaouehifihùe Hetmref -FMIH. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//sibacfr.jaajcm.iao/ihtfthaes1bc?ms&usmr?xCF]Gr>FFFFK APIHD; btt APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>6-8=4 ps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>6-8=48-2887 8-2887 6=6


 WFCDHWHM[A-F@FD, IMYH@MC ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf Miufdar ]ehvmrshdfd Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf-Mspföf Daitarfedf me Iaouehifihùe m Hegarofihùe Iaetmoparæemf me cf ]ehvmrshdfd dm Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf. Oæstmr me Hevmsthjfihùe dm cf Iaouehifihùe me cf ]ehvmrshdfd dm Efvfrrf. Chimeihfdf me Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc. ^ragmsarf me mc Dmpfrtfometa dm Ihmeihfs dm cf Iaouehifihùe y ms pfrtm dmc jrupa dm hevmsthjfihùe Iaouehifihùe

Mstrftèjhif dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//sibacfr.jaajcm.iao/ihtfthaes1bc?ms&usmr?LlKZYswFFFFK APIHD; arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9-4267-4:=0 APIHD;  arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9-4267-4:=0   PHEIÙE V]HETMPA, XFEXE Tmieacùjhia dm Fethaquhf ’  Hesthtuihùe  Hesthtuihùe ]ehvmrshtfrhf ^asdaitarf me Dmrmibas Buofeas ^asdaitarf me Jmrmeihf dm cfs Arjfehzfihaems Daitarf me Ihmeihfs Jmrmeihfcms O.Yi. me Fdohehstrfihùe dm Moprmsfs Turïsthifs. Daimetm m Hevmsthjfdarf dmc Tmieacùjhia dm Fethaquhf ’  Hesthtuihùe  Hesthtuihùe ]ehvmrshtfrhf. Hevmsthjfdarf Fsaihfdf Iacihmeihfs (0>67-0>68). Ohmo`ra dm Jrupa dm Hevmsthjfihùe Pmsmfrib Metmrprhim Dmvmcaomet .

Iaardhefdarf dm cfOhmo`ra Cïemf dmDhfcajusIH. HevmsthjfihùeOhmo`ra JmsthùeDhriao. y Mstudhas Arjfehzfihaefcms. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//sibacfr.jaajcm.iao/ihtfthaes1bc?ms&usmr?gH8pZd>FFFFK APIHD; bttps APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>> ;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9-040:-9676 >->>>9-040:-9676



IACC P]@HA, ^FTPHIHF ]ehvmrshtft Pfoae Ccucc Daitarf me Iaouehifihùe par ]ehvmrshdfd Pfoae Ccucc (]PC) ms pragmsarf iacf`arfdarf me cf ]ehvmrshtft A`mrtf dm Iftfcueyf y me cf Msiumcf Yupmrhar dm Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs imetra fdsirhta f cf ]ehvmrshdfd dm @frimcaef. Iacf`arf iae Mc ^fïs Pmthef  

y Cf Wfejufrdhf  , metrm atras omdhas dm iaouehifihùe. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//]FFFFK&bc?ms

APIHD; btt APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>6-:74 ps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>6-:748-2>>R 8-2>>R

CC]ÏY OHIÙ, KAYM^ ]ehvmrshtft Pfoae Ccucc Iftmdræthia dm ^mrhadhsoa dm cf ]ehvmrshtft

Pfoae Ccucc y vhimdmifea dm cf Gfiuctft dm Iaouehifihù Iaouehi fihù(]PC) h Pmcfihaes Hetmrefihaefcs @cfequmref @cfequmr ef (]PC), daedm bf dhrhjhda mc Jrfda me ^mrhadhsoa y oæstmrms me rmpartmrhsoa y pmrhadhsoa. Iacf`arf iae dhvmrsas omdhas, metrm mccas Cf  Wfej  Wf ejuf ufrd rdhf hf,, Pf Pfdh dhaa Ef Efih ihae aefc fc dm Ms Mspf pföf öf,, Ef Efih ihùD ùDhj hjhthtfc fc y Dh Dhfr frhh dm Jhraef. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//sibacfr.jaajcm.i bttps;//sib acfr.jaajcm.iao/ihtfthaes1u ao/ihtfthaes1usmr?D`VAz-aFFFFK smr?D`VAz-aFFFFK APIHD;   bttps;//ari APIHD; bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9-6686 hd.arj/>>>>->>>9-6686-007R -007R



[F^FTF ^FCFIHAY, CMCHF ]ehvmrshdfd Em`rhkf ^ragmsarf dm Jmsthùe dm cf Iaouehifihùe Hetmref me cf ]ehvmrshdfd Em`rhkf. Drf. par cf ]ehvmrshdfd Iaopcutmesm dm Ofdrhd, Oæstmr me Iaouehifihùe Garofdarf y Iaesuctarf me Tfcmetas Pmuehdas. Ohmo`ra dm #DhfcajusIH y dm cf Waifcïf dm Heeavfihùe me Dhriao. Hevmsthjf sa`rm Heeavfihùe y iucturf

iacf`arfthvf. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//`LsEu4OFFFFK

APIHD; bttps APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>> ;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-7=49-:942 >->>>0-7=49-:942

YÆEIBM[ IFCCM, CF]PF ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf -Miufdar. Chimeihfdf me Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs par cf ]T^C-Cakf.

Ofmstrfedf me Ofrlmthej y Iaouehifihùe DhjhtfcMspföf Iaardhefdarf dm fjmeihf dm ofrlmthej y pu`chihdfd y Iaoouehty Ofefjmr.

I]YAT, J]YTFWA ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta ^bD. me Iaouehifihùe me cf ]EHFII. Whimdmifea dmc Iacmjha dm Iaouehifihùe y Frtms

Iaetmoparæemfs dm dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Grfeihsia dm Vuhta. Iaardhefdar cf ifrrmrf dmYfe Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta. Iaouehifdar y fsmsar me mc æo`hta dm cf iaouehifihùe y cf hofjme iarparfthvf dm moprmsfs m hesthtuihaems dm Frjmethef, Mspföf, Mstfdas ]ehdas y Miufdar.



Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//sibacfr.jaajcm.iao/ihtfthaes1usmr?]E0JEpaFFFFK&bc? ms APIHD; btt APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-226 ps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-2264-82>2 4-82>2

^FCFIHAY, HYF@MC ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta

Ofjhstmr me Ofrlmthej y Iaomriha Mcmitrùehia, ChimeihfdfDhjhtfc me Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc y Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs. ^ragmsarf me

cïemf dm cf Ifrrmrf dm Iaouehifihùe Arjfehzfihaefc dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfe Grfeihsia dm Vuhta. Iaesuctarf me iaouehifihùe y ofrlmthej dhjhtfc. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//>FFFFK APIHD; btt APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0->6: ps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0->6:7->98R 7->98R D]V]M, WFEMYYF ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf - Miufdar ]ehvmrshdfd Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf - Mspföf Daimetm dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf. Daitarfedf me Iaouehifihùe m Hegarofihùe Iaetmoparæemf dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf, Ofjïstmr me Dhrmiihùe dm Iaouehifihùe Moprmsfrhfc m Hesthtuihaefc y Chimeihfdf me Ihmeihfs dm d m cf

Iaouehifihùe Yaihfc. Trf`fkf m hevmsthjf me mc æo`hta dm cf iaouehifihùe iarparfthvf. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; APIHD; arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9->6>0-0208 APIHD;  arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9->6>0-0208



MY^HEAYF, ]CHFEAWF ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf Miufdar Chimeihfdf me Pmcfihaems ^û`chifs par cf ]ehvmrshdfd  Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf. Mstudhf Mstudhf m hevmsthjf me mc æo`hta dm cf iaouehifihùe dhjhtfc. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//]FFFFK&bc?ms

APIHD; bttps APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>> ;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>9-94:9-668: >->>>9-94:9-668:

 WMYJF BMPEFEDM[, EFEIX YTMCCF ]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm @uifrfofejf  ’   Iacao`hf Iaouehifdarf Yaihfc ’  Arjfehzfihaefc.   Arjfehzfihaefc. Mspmihfchstf me Jmsthùe Mstrftèjhif dm Omrifdma ]EF@, Mspmihfchstf me Daimeihf ]ehvmrshtfrhf ]ehvmrshdfd Hedustrhfc dm Yfetfedmr. Fitufcometm ms daimetm dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Futùeaof dm @uifrfofejf ’  ]EF@.  ]EF@. Ms iafib y fsmsarf me tmofs dm prataiaca arjfehzfihaefc, arfchdfd, lheèshif y omrifdma me dhvmrsfs moprmsfs Yfetfedmrmfefs. Jaajcm Fifdèohia; bttps;//sibacfr.jaajcm.iao/ihtfthaes1bc?ms&usmr?9DqLkXjFFFFK APIHD;  bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-9:0> APIHD; bttps;//arihd.arj/>>>>->>>0-9:0>-4>>0/prhet -4>>0/prhet



 KMEEX XFJ]FIBM V]HIBHO@A ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf - Miufdar ^b.D. me Iaouehifihùe y ^mrhadhsoa par cf ]ehvmrshdfd Yfethfja dm Iaopastmcf. ^ragmsarf dmc Dmpfrtfometa dm Ihmeihfs dm cf Iaouehifihùe dm cf ]ehvmrshdfd Tèiehif ^frthiucfr dm Cakf. Iaardhef mc Jrupa dm Hevmsthjfihùe Iaouehifihùe Mstrftèjhif dm

cf ohsof uehvmrshdfd. pfrtm y hevmsthjfihaems hetmrefihaefcms iaoa mc Cfthe Fomrhif Ms Oaehtar   ydm @frùomtra dm cf Jmsthùe dm cf Iaouehifihùe dm H`mrafoèrhif , chdmrfdfs par cfs uehvmrshdfdms Pmy Kufe

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