Cold Reading Master Class

July 5, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Conversation Tools:  Tools:  Cold Reading Techniques By Bobby Rio

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Cold Reading Today I wanted to touch upon the topic of cold reading. reading. I've had the pleasure of rea reading ding a great (and expensive book) on cold reading called The Full Facts Book of Cold Reading (http://www Full-Facts-Book-Cold-Reading/dp/B0017GBE2E g/dp/B0017GBE2E//) I've gone through the book and taken notes on the cold reads that would be most applicable to social scenarios and meeting women.  Your Assignment The seven types of cold reads listed below are extremely general and meant to be used  by psychics.  Your assignment is to read read through them a and nd transform them iinto nto use on a woman. woman. If  you email me what you've you've created I will review them them.. (bobby@tsbma ([email protected]) I will also make a collection of all of the "cold reads" that you as a group come up with, and I will create a PDF to share with all of you. This will give you all a chance to help each other.

Here are common cold reads. 1.

The Rainbow Ruse

The Rainbow Ruse is a statement which credits the client with both a personality trait and its opposite. Here is an example: "You can be a very considerate person, very quick to provide for others, but there are times, if you are honest, when you recognise a selfish streak in yourself."In this case, the client is being told that she is both selfless and selfish. There are countless variations v ariations along these lines – being bei ng both introvert and extrovert, shy and confident, responsible and irresponsible. It covers all the possibilities from one extreme to the other, just as a rainbow encompasses all the colours.The Rainbow Ruse is a very common element in cold readings. It sounds good, seems perceptive, and wins a good response from most clients. 2. Fine Flattery Fine Flattery statements are designed to flatter the client in a subtle way likely to win agreement. Usually, the formula involves the client being compared to "people in 󰁓󰁯󰁣󰁩󰁡󰁬 󰁔󰁲󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁩󰁮󰁧 󰁌󰁡󰁢 

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general" or "most of those around you", and being declared a slight but significant improvementt over them. Consider this bad example: improvemen "You are wonderfully honest!" This is certainly flattering, and it may even be true, but it is a very poor piece of cold reading. The first problem is that it looks and sounds like pure flattery, because that is all it is. Most people are suspicious of this kind of blatant flattery and re reject ject it out of hand. Secondly, it lacks any relevan relevance ce to the psychic system which is - in theory theory - being used. Thirdly, it omits the reference to other people. It is just too dull to sound as if it carries any great insight. The same statement can easily be turned into a successful piece of Fine Flattery. Suppose the psychic has been given a watch that belongs to someone, and is giving a psychometric reading (a character reading supposedly based on an article owned or used by the client). It might go something like this: "What I sense here is that t hat the owner of this article is someone who can generally be trusted. I'd say perhaps this person is that little bit more honest and conscientious than many people tend to be. Not a saint, not perfect, but let's just say that when it really matters, this is someone who does understand the importance of being trustworthy. I feel an energy suggesting this person has good values which they try to live up to, although it has to be said they perhaps don't always succeed." This entire spiel amounts to "You're basically honest". However, it sounds s ounds as if it is psychic in nature, full of insight, and a perceptive statement about a specific individual. Honesty is a good characteristic to use as the basis for a Fine Flattery element, since the  vast majority of people people are inclined to think of the themselves mselves as honest. Several othe otherr personality traits can be used in the same way. Among the more reliable are: - being hard-workin hard-working g and diligent - conscientious - fair-minded - warm and loving - independent I must give special mention to two characteristics which are Fine Flattery gold dust. They always work, always impress, and can carry a thin reading a long way. I have learned to keep them in reserve at all times, like emergency parachutes. Here they are:

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- being wise in the ways of th thee world, a w wisdom isdom gained thr through ough hard expe experience rience rather than 'book learning' - knowing how to be a good friend


The Psychic Credit

Psychic Credits are character statements which credit the client with some form of psychic or intuitive gift, or at the very least a receptivity to others who possess such gifts. This may be seen as a very specific application of Fine Flattery. "You probably have innate psychic sensitivity which plays little tricks on you all the time. The sort of thing where you feel you ought to do your face and smarten up your make-up for no reason, and then suddenly there's a knock on the door and it turns out to be someone you're really glad you looked your best for." f or." 4.

Sugar Lumps

Sugar Lump statements offer the client a pleasant emotional reward in return for  believing in the junk on offer. offer. In general, the Sugar Lump Lump relates to the clien client's t's  willingness to embrace the psychic 'discipline' involved in the reading, reading, and to benefit from The insights thereby gloriously revealed:"Your heart is good, and you relate to people in a very warm and loving way. The tarot often relates more to feelings and intuition than to cold facts, and your own very strong intuitive sense could be one reason why the tarot seems to work especially well for you. The impressions I get are much stronger with you than with many of my clients." It is more or less mandatory to praise the client for being "open- minded" and "receptive to many different kinds of wisdom". wisdom". This is as sl sly y as it is insidious, since the more the client is disposed to believe in the nonsense being sold, the easier it is to (a) send her away happy and (b) keep her coming back for more. 5.

The Jacques Statement

This element consists of a character statement based on the different phases of life  which we all pass through. It is named named after Jacques in Shakespeare's Shakespeare's 'As You Like It',  who gives the famous 'Seven ages of man' speech. Jacques Statements are d derived erived from common rites of passage, widely-recognised life patterns, and typical problems which  we all encounter on the road to mature adulth adulthood. ood.

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Here is another Jacques Statement which is suitable for a younger adult, say in her early twenties, who is probably still developing her career: "If you are honest about it, you often feel a sense of frustration that your own ideas and talents and abilities aren't given their full recognition. There have been more than one or two occasions when you had to struggle to get people to let you show what you can do. While you the are time mature enough to recognise that youfind haveother plenty to llearn, earn, andinare  willing to put in to learn new skills, you often oth er people too set their their  ways, and unable to appreciate appreciate the contrib contribution ution you could make - if only they would let  you". 6.

Greener Grass

The Greener Grass element is based on the fact that we all retain some fascination with the options in life that we did not take. "I see indications of strong domestic instincts which have been allowed to flourish, and  which have brought you a sense of security and stability which which is a source of great strength to you, and also very much to your credit. Not everyone can be a good homemaker, but you can, and you are. However, the stability and the stimulation of family life has also brought its penalties.  Although you would not necessarily necessarily advertise them too openly, openly, I sense some feelings here of a potential desire for more career progress, or at least being able to find expression and fulfilment beyond the four walls of your home. I would not go so far as to say this has been a serious problem for you, but I believe your loyalty to your home and family has not always delivered the returns you expected. I sense that from time to time you find yourself contemplating your more professional or academic instincts, and wondering if they could perhaps be allowed more room to flourish. I think this has been an area of conflict within you, and I foresee that you will take steps to resolve this issue within the next 18 months or so."  You can see that this is precisely the the same patter as before, before, but re- directed to flow in the right direction. Although trite in the extreme, it smacks of genuine psychic insight and the wisdom of the ancients helpfully distilled. 7.

Barnum Statements

These are artfully generalised character statements which a majority of people, if asked,  will consider to be a reasonably reasonably accurate description of themselves. themselves. Here is a selection: "You have a strong need for people to like and respect you."

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"You tend to feel you have a lot of unused capacity, and that people don't always give  you full credit for your abilities." abilities." "Some of your hopes and goals tend to be pretty unrealistic." "You are an independent and original thinker; you don't just accept what people tell you to believe."

Cold Reading Cheat Sheet Mini-Cold Reads For Attraction Basically these are playful teasing comments, often that don't make a lot of sense, but are a fun way to escalate sexual tension through banter. 1. "You and I would never get along." 2. "You're a bad girl, my mother warned me about girls like you." 3. "You're a shy girl aren't you? You guys need to get her out more." 4. "You're like Velma on Scooby Doo, always trying to figure things out." 5. "You guys are trouble." SOCIALLY AWARE TRUISM  TRUISM   You are a very sensitive person...probab person...probably ly a good judge of character. Like yo you u can tune into those times when people just want something from you. While other times you can really feel when a person is being sincere with you. PAST-FAILED RELATIONSHIP TRUISM  TRUISM  Men haven't been strong enough. You need a man you can just look in his eyes & listen to him talk, & you know he is at a strong point in life. PROBLEM SOLVER TRUISM  TRUISM   You're a good problem solver. solver. And you're friend friendss seem to pick up on this. I bet that that your friends bring their problems to you for help all the time. Sometimes it's almost too much though. It's like, you have your own problems too, but everyone just cares about their own.  ADVENTUROUS  ADVENTUROU S TRUISM TRUISM    You are adventurous. Like Like when you are in the middle of an adventure, you really really feel 󰁓󰁯󰁣󰁩󰁡󰁬 󰁔󰁲󰁡󰁩󰁮󰁩󰁮󰁧 󰁌󰁡󰁢 

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alive. As that excitement builds, you become focused on what you are doing, and you get totally wrapped up in what is happening. HB TRUISM  TRUISM  I can tell just by the way that you are standing there that you are the kind of girl who goes on a lot of dates but has trouble finding someone you're actually interested in. Then  when you find that that person, you usually lose interest very quickly. quickly. PEOPLE WATCHER TRUISM  TRUISM   Your arms are crossed crossed and you're leaning back. I b bet et you're a people watch watcher. er. You're always watching & Analyzing what people around you are doing. if she says no:  You're a polarity responder. responder. You think the opposite is true about wha whatever tever a person says about you. she then says no I don't:  yeah, um...thanks um...thanks for proving my poin point. t. [act annoyed] if she says yes: But I can truly have the best time when you stop analyzing, stop being an observer, and let go, allowing yourself to be in the moment completely. And I know this  because I'm the exact same same way.

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