Cola Wars in China.pptx
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Cola Wars in China Case Study Analysis
Group Members T Tushar ushar
Jalan (1282118) Pranay Mukherjee (1282065) Visharu Visharu! ! A"haryya (1282120) Vi#ek Chatt$!adhyay (1282121) Purnendu Chatterjee (12820%1)
Soft Drinks - Introduction
Any kind $& 'e#erae that d$esnt "$ntain al"$h$l "an 'e "$nsidered as a *s$&t drink+, S$-e ./a-!les ruit Jui"e .nery rinks Car'$nated rinks Pa"kaed 3ater •
Players in China China’s soft drink market has some major players -
Company Introductions Coca Cola The 3$rlds larest s$&t4drink "$-!any And &th larest &$$d and 'e#erae "$,
"estle The $rlds larest &$$d and 'e#erae "$,
Pe!siC$ The &$urth larest &$$d and 'e#erae "$-!any in the $rld
Danone anked si/th in the l$'al &$$d and 'e#erae industry
China’s soft-drink industry
1780s -ultinati$nal enter int$ the Chinese -arket
Annual r$th 21 &$r last 20 years
Annual $ut!ut in"reased &r$- 0,288 -illi$n t$ns (261 -illi$n liters) in 1780 t$ 16,67 -illi$n t$ns(15,191 'illi$n liters) in 2001
Per "a!ital "$nsu-!ti$n in"reased &r$- 0,: liter !er annu- in 1782 t$ 8 liters !er annu- in 2001
T$tal re#enues e/"eeded M; 90 'illi$n in 2000
S$&t drink 'e"$-e a reularly "$nsu-ed !r$du"t
S$&t drink industry de#el$!ed &r$- "ar'$nated drinks in 1780s t$ !a"kaed ater in 1770s t$ tea in 2000s
Wahaha Wahaha - #istory
$unded in 178% 'y sellin '$ttled s$da ater> ?"e "rea- and stati$nery in @anh$u> like &ruit4 Ba#$ured -ilk and &ruit jui"es,
?n 1776> the "$-!any laun"hed its $n rane $& !uried '$ttled ater and 'e"a-e the -arket leader,
?n the sa-e year> it entered int$ a j$int #enture ith ren"h "$-!any Danone.
?n 1778 it laun"hed Future Cola, c$-!etin dire"tly ith the -ultinati$nal iants,
!I I
$uture Cola
A Preser#ati#e &ree "ar'$nated drink si-ilar t$ C$ke,
irst started in 1778
Pr$-$ted as a nati$nal 'rand t$ "$-!ete aainst the leaders> C$"a4"$la and Pe!si
The Ba#$r is -$died a""$rdin t$ the Chinese taste
Ty!es $& uture C$la 1, eular uture C$la 2, Dids C$la ("aEeine &ree) :, uture C$Eee C$la
Matri' 3eakness ( 弱點 )
Strenth ( 實力 ) S,3,F,T F!!$rtunity ( 機會 )
Threat ( 威脅 )
Stren)th *nalysis
./"ellent e!utati$n
elati$nshi! ith rural distri'ut$rs
#enture ith
esear"h and de#el$!-ent tea-
i#ersity in !r$du"ts
Weakness *nalysis
3ell kn$n "$-!etit$rs,
Stratey $& distri'uti$n in !r$du"ts,
C$n"entrates it sales in rural areas,
Pr$t -arin t$$ l$,
Sales &$r"e isnt as str$n as "$-!etit$rs,
?n"rease in sales
Gr'an -arkets in China (lare "ities)
Markets in near'y "$untries ith si-ilar "ulture and tastes
a!id r$th in the s$&t4drink industry
&hreat *nalysis
Presen"e $& -ultinati$nal "$r!$rati$ns in the -arket (Pe!siC$, and C$"a4C$la),
isk $& turnin int$ an$ther *"hea! Chinese "$-!any+ (re!utati$n)
Fther l$"al "$-!etit$rs like Fenhuang Cola, Alishan Zhonghua Cola, Yanjing Cola and Jianlibao’s Huating Cola
(I !
Marketin) Mi' +,P’s Pr$du"t
Taret Market Pr$-$ti$ n
Coca-Cola • • • •
Classi" iet S!rite anta
Sa-e 'asi" !ri"e as Pe!si
Ma/i-u!resen"e in lare "ities> #ery eak in rural areas,
P.%M%&I%" @ea#y use $& TV ad#ertisin Chaned !a"k desin t$ "ele'rate ;eijin h$stin the 2008 Fly-!i"s •
(! I
Pepsi Cola • • • • •
Classi" iet e %G! Mirinda
P.IC0 Sa-e !ri"e as C$"a4C$la
P1*C0 Ma/i-u- &$"us $n the -aj$r "ities, H$t e#en !resent in the rural areas, •
P.%M%&I%" $ne in a lesser a-$unt "$-!ared t$ C$"a4C$la, Gse $& TV ad#ertise-ents and !rint -edia •
(!I I
$uture Cola eular Dids C$Eee
• • •
P.IC0 I$ !ri"e "$-!ared t$ "$-!etit$rs
P1*C0 @ih !resen"e in the s-aller> rural> areas Str$n relati$nshi! ith l$"al distri'ut$rs
P.%M%&I%" Marketed as *Chinas Fn C$la+, Hati$nal "ele'rities are used in TV and !rint ad#ertise-ents
$uture *ction Plan
3ahaha sh$uld try its 'est in maintainin) its current market position and l$$k &$r any kind $& r$th $!!$rtunities a#aila'le
M$re e-!hasis sh$uld 'e i#en t$ the brand 2alue, The *Chinas Fn C$la+ "$n"e!t sh$uld 'e -arketed hea#ily t$ "reate an e-$ti$nal i-!a"t ith the "$nsu-ers
More 2ariations $& uture C$la "an 'e intr$du"ed in $rder t$ !ut -$re !ressure $n the -ultinati$nals
The 3youth4 se)ment sh$uld 'e tareted -$re thr$uh ad#ertise-ents and stylish !a"kain,
(!II I
3ahaha has !r$ressed in"redi'ly ell in the s$&t drink se"t$r, All it needs t$ d$ is t$ maintain its current form and at the same time5 try for )ro6th7
?& it "$ntinues ith its su""ess> it -iht end u! 'ein $n the sa-e le#el as C$"a4C$la $r Pe!siC$> hi"h $uld really -ake the *C$la 3ars+ e#en -$re interestin,
(I (
Thank y$u @a#e a $$d day
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