CogNeuro2e Ch03 Online Quiz
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by David Holtzman Holtzman to accompany
Principles of Cognitive Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Second Edition Purves • Cabeza • Huettel • LaBar • Platt • Woldorff Woldorff • Brannon
Chapter 3: Sensory Systems and Perception: Vision 1 W!ic! of t!e follo"in# is true of t!e !uman visual system$ a %ur visual systems process t!e full electroma#netic spectrum b P!otons are t!e neural activity #enerated by li#!t c &isual &isual processin# occurs for "avelen#t!s bet"een '(( and )(( nanometers d Li#!t in our nervous systems is defined by t!e p!ysical parameters of p!otons e &isual &isual perceptions occur for a very limited amount of li#!t *ns"er+ c ,e-tboo. ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Stimuli 0 n prosopa#nosia2 patients a typically !ave dama#e in t!eir inferior parietal lobe b are usually unable to describe any facial c!aracteristics c cannot describe t!e visual c!aracteristics of ob3ects d may !ave face reco#nition problems due to problems in t!e fusiform #yrus e !ave no trouble describin# d escribin# faces from memory *ns"er+ d ,e-tboo. ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Stimuli 4 Li#!t is detected by t!e a lens b cornea c ocular media d pupil e rods and cones in t!e retina *ns"er+ e ,e-tboo. ,e-tboo. /eference+ ,!e nitiation of &ision ' P!otoreceptors a !ave pi#ments t!at absorb p!otons b are located in t!e lens c can only detect a sin#le "avelen#t! of li#!t d !ave p!otoreceptive pi#ments in t!eir inner se#ments e #enerate neural si#nals by t!e movement of all ions out of t!e cell *ns"er+ a ,e-tboo. ,e-tboo. /eference+ ,!e nitiation of &ision 5 /ods differ from cones in t!at rods are a sensitive to many "avelen#t!s of li#!t b responsible for our perception of color
c responsible for our perception of detail d !elp "it! perception in lo" li#!t levels e best for acuity *ns"er+ d ,e-tboo. /eference+ ,!e nitiation of &ision 6 Sensory adaptation a only occurs in t!e visual system b ensures t!at sensory processin# occurs over t!e full ran#e of relevant environmental conditions c allo"s for a constant number of action potentials #enerated by visual neurons d only occurs in bri#!t li#!t e e-plains "!y intensity is only conveyed under certain "avelen#t!s *ns"er+ b ,e-tboo. /eference+ ,!e nitiation of &ision ) *cuity is a provided by rods b best under lo" li#!t levels c best in t!e fovea d t!e same as sensitivity to stimulus intensity e inversely related to t!e number of cones in a re#ion *ns"er+ c ,e-tboo. /eference+ ,!e nitiation of &ision 7 ,!e primary visual pat!"ay a is t!e route from t!e retina to t!e primary visual corte- b crosses completely in t!e optic c!iasm c includes t!e !ypot!alamus d allo"s t!e visual field from one side to be represented in bot! t!e left and ri#!t occipital lobes e *ll of t!e above *ns"er+ a ,e-tboo. /eference+ Subcortical &isual Processin# 8 ,!e lateral #eniculate nuclei a are located in t!e !ypot!alamus b receive information directly from t!e retinal #an#lion cells c !ave four ma#nocellular layers and t"o parvocellular layers d !ave layers t!at are all innervated by bot! 9 and P retinal #an#lion cells e only function as a relay station to t!e visual corte- *ns"er+ b ,e-tboo. /eference+ Subcortical &isual Processin# 1( W!ic! of t!e follo"in# is true of visual corte-$ a ,!e primary visual2 or striate2 corte- receives information from layer ' of t!e t!alamus b ,!e e-trastriate cortical areas are only found in t!e occipital lobe c *reas 9, and 9S, are most important for processin# color information d ,!e e-trastriate cortical areas receive information from layers 1 and 5 of t!e primary visual corte- e :Hi#!er;order< visual cortical areas only process one perceptual =uality *ns"er+ d
,e-tboo. /eference+ Cortical &isual Processin# 11 ,!e dorsal visual stream a pro3ects to t!e temporal lobe b is important for ob3ect reco#nition c mediates spatial aspects of vision d is also .no"n as t!e :"!at< pat!"ay e primarily sends information to t!e primary visual corte- *ns"er+ c ,e-tboo. /eference+ Cortical &isual Processin# 10 ,opo#rap!y a is only found in t!e visual system b can only be demonstrated subcortically c is 3ust as apparent in t!e visual association areas as in t!e retina d is demonstrated by stimulation of ad3acent retinal areas resultin# in stimulation of ad3acent t!alamic sites e s!o"s "!y eac! re#ion of t!e retina is represented by t!e same amount of cortical space *ns"er+ d ,e-tboo. /eference+ %t!er >ey C!aracteristics of t!e &isual System 14 Synest!esia a is due to multisensory inte#ration b can result in different musical notes bein# represented by different colors c may be due to :mis"irin#< durin# neural development d can result in specific tastes #enerated by certain numbers or "ords e *ll of t!e above *ns"er+ e ,e-tboo. /eference+ %t!er >ey C!aracteristics of t!e &isual System 1' ?eurons in t!e mammalian primary visual corte- form a functional re#ions by layer b ocular dominance columns c blobs in layer ' d blobs "!ere neurons s!are a preference for stimuli presented to one eye or t!e ot!er e modulated patterns only for color stimuli *ns"er+ b ,e-tboo. /eference+ %t!er >ey C!aracteristics of t!e &isual System 15 * visual receptive field a can only be recorded in t!e retina b is a spot of li#!t in t!e primary visual corte- c measures less t!an a de#ree of visual an#le in t!e primary visual corte- d is similar in t!e t!alamus and primary visual corte- e is represented by bars of t!e same orientation "it!in t!e primary visual corte- *ns"er+ c ,e-tboo. /eference+ %t!er >ey C!aracteristics of t!e &isual System 16 Li#!tness and bri#!tness are determined by
a li#!t intensity b li#!t "avelen#t! c t!e perceived len#t! of lines d t!e amount of li#!t returned to t!e eye e a direct proportion to t!e amount of luminance *ns"er+ a ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Perception 1) W!ic! of t!e follo"in# does not account for color perception$ a Cone opsins b Color bri#!tness c Hue d Saturation e /ods *ns"er+ e ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Perception 17 Cerebral ac!romatopsia a is t!e inability to see motion b !as been demonstrated in patients "it! lesions in &' c prevents people from rememberin# s!apes d prevents people from distin#uis!in# bri#!tness e ?one of t!e above *ns"er+ b ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Perception 18 ,!e size of ob3ects is a al"ays perceived as t!e same b perceived accordin# to re#ions stimulated in t!e primary visual corte- c dependent on information from one eye only d dependent on binocular rivalry e processed primarily by areas 9, and 9S, *ns"er+ b ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Perception 0( Dept! perception is based on a input from bot! eyes only b stereopsis from monocular dept! perception c motion paralla- for binocular dept! perception d retinal disparity e t!e absence of cyclopean fusion *ns"er+ d ,e-tboo. /eference+ &isual Perception
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