Chapter 1: Cognitive Neuroscience: Definitions, Themes, and Approaches 1 Be!aviorism a involves !i"!ly controlled e#periments b re$ects sub$ective %or& on mental functions c matc!es ob$ective e#ternal stimuli to measurable be!avior d led to t!e discovery of operant conditionin" e 'll of t!e above 'ns%er( e )e#tboo& )e#tboo& *eference( Co"nition + 'ccordin" to ,iller-s vie% of memory. %!ic! of t!e follo%in" is true/ a Perceptual $ud"ments can represent up to +0 bits of memory b ,emory processes recode comple# stimuli into smaller units for co"nitive processin" c ,emory is a passive representation of sensory stimuli d Be!avior based on memory does not !ave to be e#plained in terms of underlyin" processes e *e%ards ma&e it more li&ely t!at sub$ects %ill better remember t!e be!avior $ust prior to receivin" t!e re%ard 'ns%er( b )e#tboo& )e#tboo& *eference( Co"nition W!o used !uman lan"ua"e as an ar"ument t!at be!aviorism could never e#plain t!e structural and "enerative properties of mental p!enomena/ a B 2 S&inner S&inne r b 3eor"e ,iller c 4oam C!oms&y d 5o!n Watson e William 5ames 'ns%er( c )e#tboo& )e#tboo& *eference( Co"nition 6 Co"nitive models a e#plain brain7be!avior relations!ips based strictly on input7output relations!ips b unify researc! on mental processes based on specific e#perimental approac!es c differ from stimulus7response models by predictin" t!at sensory input leads to some be!avioral output d su""est t!at psyc!olo"ical processes and internal states are based on factors e#trinsic to a specific e#periment e su""est t!at internal mec!anisms are not necessary for un derstandin" be!avior 'ns%er( d )e#tboo& )e#tboo& *eference( Co"nition
8 Psyc!olo"ical constructs a !elp e#plain diverse p!enomena %it!out reference to t!eir ultimate causes in t!e brain b are elements of co"nitive models c can spar& ne% and une#pected researc! directions d can lead to pro"ress %it! "radual refinement and careful e#perimentation e 'll of t!e above 'ns%er( e )e#tboo& *eference( Co"nition 9 4euroscience is concerned %it! a t!e or"anization and function of animal and !uman nervous systems b only t!e nervous systems of simple animal models c provin" p!renolo"y correct d dismissin" t!e localization of function in t!e brain e t!e psyc!ic :spirits; !ypot!esized by Descartes 'ns%er( a )e#tboo& *eference( 4euroscience
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