Codex Tyranids v 2.2

March 31, 2018 | Author: Collin McCarter | Category: Armed Conflict, Leisure, Nature
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Codex: Tyranids Version 2.2

An Unofficial Alternative Codex for Warhammer 40,000 By Azathoth DCLXVI

This game supplement is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor: Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda Plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, Warhammer 40k Device, Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2012, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All Rights Reserved Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. All art, illustrations and concepts used without permission.


-Table of Contents-______________________________________________________________________ The Fall of Malvolion ……… 4 Tyranid Special Rules ……… 6 Tyranid Psychic Powers ……… 8 Biomorphs ……… 10 General Biomorphs ……… 10 Armor Biomorphs ……… 11 Ranged Biomorphs ……… 12 Close Combat Biomorphs ……… 13

Tyranid Army List ……… 14 HQ ……… 14 Hive Tyrant ……… 14 The Dagon Overlord ……… 16 The Swarmlord ……… 17 Tyranid Guard Brood ……… 18 Genestealer Patriarch ……… 19 Alpha Warrior Brood ……… 20 Malanthrope Brood ……… 22 The Parasite of Mortrex ……… 24 ELITES ……… 25 Zoanthrope Brood ……… 25 The Doom of Malan’tai ……… 26 Lictor Brood ……… 28 Deathleaper ……… 29 Venomthrope Brood ……… 30 Pyrovore Brood ……… 31 Tervigon ……… 33


TROOPS ……… 35 Tyranid Warrior Brood ……… 35 Brood Cluster ……… 36 Gaunt Brood ……… 36 Hormagaunt Brood ……… 37 Ripper Swarm ……… 37 Genestealer Brood ……… 38 DEDICATED TRANSPORTS ………39 Mycetic Spore ……… 39 FAST ATTACK ……… 40 Tyranid Shrike Brood ……… 40 Gargoyle Brood ……… 40 Harpy ……… 41 Winged Ripper Swarm ……… 41 Ravener Brood ……… 43 The Red Terror ……… 43 Meiotic Spore Sacks ……… 44 Spore Mine Cluster ……… 44 Malefactor ……… 45 HEAVY SUPPORT ……… 46 Carnifex Brood ……… 46 Haruspex ……… 47 Old One Eye ……… 48 Mawloc ……… 49 Trygon ……… 50 Exocrine ……… 53 Biovore ……… 53 Tyrannofex ……… 54 FORTIFICATIONS ……… 56 Tyranid Flora Infestation ……… 56


Reference ……… 58 Sample Tyranid Builds ……… 60 Hive Tyranid Builds ……… 60 Alpha Warrior Brood Builds ……… 61 Warrior Builds ……… 62 Shrike Builds ……… 63 Carnifex Builds ……… 64 Tyrannofex Builds ………65

of Contents-

Notable Tyranid Swarms ……… 67 Planetary Assault Swarm ……… 67 The Psychic Choir ……… 68 Vanguard Swarm ……… 69 The Unending Tides of Dagon …… 70 Mycetic Assault Swarm ……… 72


THE FALL OF MALVOLION By Dan Abnett By his wrist-chronometer, it was not yet noon, but the air was warm and clammy. Trooper Karl Grauss of the Mordian Iron Guard 15th let his lasrifle swing loose on its harness strap, wiped the perspiration from his eyes, and pushed the angular nose of the wrench-bar into the rusty door lock. He paused and glanced around at Major Hecht. The officer was tensed, his lasrifle pulled up tight with the butt in his armpit, ready to fire. Beads of sweat dotted his face too, and it wasn't just the heat. 'What are you waiting for?' he hissed. Grauss shrugged. He didn't know, exactly. He didn't know anything except what Hecht had told him and the others of Zwie Company that morning: get out to that pumping station in the delta and find out why they hadn't checked in for three days. Grauss jiggled the wrench-bar until the tool locked against the latch mechanism, and then began to wind the ratchet so that the door release slowly began to turn manually. Down the low hallway behind him, the major and six other men from Zwie hugged the walls and braced lasguns. This was the job at its worst, thought Grauss as he cranked the tool. Sneaking into a mystery and opening doors blind when you had no idea what in the name of the God-Emperor lay on the other side. But, dammit, they were Iron Guard! More disciplined and determined Imperial soldiers you couldn't find. They'd reached the pumping station early that morning. A cluster of machine-barns and modular habitats, it stood at a confluence of irrigation channels which watered the entire delta area and fed over a dozen farm steads. The suns were low and cool. There had been no 4

sign of life, not even the ever-present water birds that Grauss had seen everywhere in the marshes. And once they had got inside, with no answers to their voice or vox calls, it had been so damned hot and humid, like someone had set the environment controls to ''tropical''. The latch popped and Grauss kicked the door inwards, swinging aside so that the major could slide in, gun raised and aimed. Before them lay some kind of hydroponics workshop, with a high, cera-glass roof and metal support pillars rusting in the steamy air. Samples of crops and yield-plants stood in labeled pots and trays and bins all around. The walkways between the bins were metal grille. Sappy moisture dripped from the transparent panes above. The Mordians fanned out into the hothouse, dripping with sweat in their temperate zoneissue fatigues and tunics. 'What's this?' called Trooper Parnell. Grauss moved over to him, and the major joined them too. Parnell gestured with disgust at a rack of culture-trays set under some daylight lamps. Nutrient feeder sprays intermittently misted what was in the trays with chemical washes. Major Hecht cursed. The things in the trays looked like rotting, globular fungi: puffy, swollen, the size of human heads. They pulsed irregularly. None of the Mordians had any horticultural training and none had been on Malvolion long enough to get a feel for the local flora, but they all knew this stuff just wasn't right. 'Burn it. Get a flamer in here and burn it all.' Hecht looked away from the obscene crop. Grauss was about to obey the command when they heard the las-fire. Close by, two or three buildings away. Six short, frantic bursts, then a

longer report made by several guns on auto, firing together. Zwie Company's vox-intercoms spluttered out an overlapping, unintelligible series of ear-splitting cries and yells. The platoon turned and ran towards the sounds, Hecht in the lead. Platoon Two, scouting to the left of them, was in trouble. Hecht's men burst into the chamber that had been Two's last recorded position. It was a hangar barn, with several big-wheeled agricultural vehicles parked in it. The air was full of smoke from discharged weapons. There were two bodies on the floor, both men from Two, both looking like they'd been dismembered by industrial crop-reapers. Platoon One crept forward through the gloom, twitching for targets. Grauss found the headless corpse of another man from Two leaning against the wheelarch of one of the agritractors. Looking aside from the corpse in distaste, Grauss saw that the tractor was hitched to a big flatbed cargo truck, with something large and strange chain-lashed to it. Caked in the mud of

the delta, it looked for all the world like some kind of ship: those bulbous projections at the rear could only be propulsion units. But… it was small, not large enough for anything more than a single human, and it made him sick to look at it. It wasn't made of metal. It wasn't technology as he understood it. It looked… organic. Fleshy, pod-like, akin to the things he had seen growing in the hothouse but many, many times larger. Was this something the station crew had found out there in the delta and hauled back for study? There was a cry and a burst of las-fire behind him. Grauss spun around, in time to see Trooper Parnell's body sailing across the chamber in a welter of blood and torn flesh. Lasguns roared and flashed. Something was moving through the gloom with terrifying rapidity. Something with claws. Four sets of claws. It sliced through Major Hecht at the waist, and his body fell in two, still firing. It was right on Grauss now. He howled and started to fire. Genestealer…


-Tyranid Special Rules-_________________________________________________________________________________ Synapse Creature Synapse Creatures and Tyranid units that have a model within 12” of a Synapse Creature are said to be within synapse range. A unit that is within synapse range is not subject to the Instinctive Behavior rule (see below) and gains the Fearless special rule as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Additionally, Tyranid units within synapse range count as being joined by a Character and may use the synapse creature’s Leadership value in place of their own for all Leadership tests they are called upon to make. If a unit that is falling back is within synapse range before it moves, it automatically rallies, regardless of any normal restrictions. Instinctive Behavior All unengaged Tyranid models that are not falling back or have gone to ground, must take a Leadership test at the beginning of their Movement phase: • If the test is passed, the unit acts normally that turn. • If the test is failed the unit reverts to its baser instincts and will either Lurk, Hunt or Feed, depending on the type of Instinctive Behavior listed in its entry, for the duration of that turn. Lurk A unit that Lurks may not move in the Movement phase and may not launch an assault in the Assault phase. In the Shooting phase, the unit must fire at the nearest visible enemy. If there are no enemies in the unit’s line of sight or within range of at least one of its ranged weapons, or if the unit has no ranged weaponry, it must instead run towards the nearest piece of area terrain, trying to move into it if possible. If the unit is already in a piece of area terrain it will not move and will stay where it is. Hunt In the Movement phase, a Hunting unit cannot move if there is an enemy unit within line of sight and in range of its ranged biomorphs. Otherwise, it must always move as fast as possible towards the closest visible enemy unit. In the Shooting phase, it cannot Run and must instead shoot at the closest enemy unit that is within range and line of sight of at least one model in the Tyranid unit. If there is no viable target, the Tyranid unit can do nothing during the Shooting phase. The unit cannot charge in the Assault phase. Feed A unit that Feeds is subject to Rage as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. In addition, the unit may not fire any weapons in the Shooting phase, though it may still run. The Shadow in the Warp Due to the eclipsing influence of the ravening Tyranid Hive Mind in the Warp, all enemy Psychic tests are made on 3D6 rather than 2D6. Additionally, all instances of Perils of the Warp that would result from an attempted Psychic test are nullified for all models. Tyranid Ranged Biomorphs Many Tyranid ranged biomorphs use the Strength value of the model firing it. Some of these weapons will also modify the Strength they fire at as detailed in their profiles below. Game effects that temporarily modify a creatures Strength do not modify the Strength values of any ranged biomorphs they use. Additionally, some ranged weapons have an Assault value of X. In these cases, X is equal to the base number of attacks on the profile of the creature carrying it. This value ignores any bonus attacks gained by Scything Talons. This value may be modified on certain weapons and will be detailed on the weapons profile. If a model is armed with two instances of the same ranged biomorph (excluding those designated as twin-linked), then they instead count as a single twin-linked ranged biomorph of the same type. Tyranid Close Combat Biomorphs Tyranid models never receive bonus Attacks for fighting with more than one close combat weapon, except as detailed with scything talons. They instead receive all benefits as described under all of the close combat biomorphs they are armed with.


Warp Field

A model with the Warp Field special rule increases it’s Armor save to 2+ and also gains a 5+ Invulnerable save. Living Bomb All Spore Mines, regardless of their source, have the following rules when they are on the table. Each Spore Mine model is treated as an individual unit. Spore Mines are always ignored for the purposes of any and all mission objectives. Spore Mines are not subject to Instinctive Behavior, never go to ground (voluntarily or otherwise), run or fall back. At the beginning of the Tyranid Shooting phase before any shots are fired, each Spore Mine moves D6” in a direction determined by the scatter dice (Tyranid player chooses the direction if a hit is rolled). If a spore mine is in synapse range, the Synapse Creature may give up one of its shooting attacks and move the spore mine 6” in any direction, ignoring Difficult Terrain. If a Spore Mine suffers a wound, touches an enemy model, or it ends any move action less than 2” from an enemy unit, it immediately explodes. Place the central hole of the appropriate blast template over the Spore Mine and resolve any hits at the Strength and AP of the appropriate Spore Mine, then remove the Spore Mine from play. Spore Mines that drift off the table are immediately removed from play. Additionally, a Tyranid Synapse Creature may choose to detonate any number of Spore Mines within its synapse range during the Tyranid Shooting phase as if the above requirements had been met.


-Tyranid Psychic Powers-______________________________________________________________ Aura of Despair – Warp Charge 1 This is a malediction that lasts until the end of the current turn. If successful, all enemy units within 12” of the psyker suffer a -1 penalty to their Leadership value. If an enemy unit is within range of several models using this power or models with the Psychic Scream power, the modifiers are cumulative. Catalyst – Warp Charge 1 This is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 12” of the psyker. If successful, that unit gains the Feel No Pain special rule. Dominion – Warp Charge 1 This psychic power is used at the beginning of the Tyranid players turn before any Instinctive Behavior tests are rolled. If successful, the psyker’s synapse range is increased by 6” until the beginning of the next friendly turn. Hypnotic Gaze – Warp Charge 1 This psychic power is used during the Tyranid players Fight sub-phase, before any blows are struck. If successful, select one model in base contact with the psyker. Both players roll a D6 and add the Leadership of their respective models. If the psyker rolls equal to or higher than the target’s score, that model may not attack in the ensuing close combat. This power cannot affect models that do not have a Leadership value. Leech Essence – Warp Charge 1 This is a witchfire power that automatically hits a single non-vehicle enemy unit within 12”. The target immediately suffers 3, Strength 3, AP 2 hits. The psyker recovers a single lost Wound for each wound inflicted using this power, up to its starting number of Wounds.


Onslaught – Warp Charge 1 This power is a blessing that targets a single friendly unit within 12”. That unit may both run and then shoot in the same Shooting phase. The unit may do so even if it is subject to Instinctive Behavior – Feed. Psychic Scream Psychic Scream is a psychic power that does not require a Psychic test to use and is always active. Any enemy unit with a model within 12” of a psyker with this power suffers a -1 penalty to their Leadership score for as long as they are within range. Penalties for being within range of multiple models with this power or models with the Aura of Despair power are cumulative. The Horror The Horror is a psychic power that does not require a Psychic test to use and is always active. Enemy units attempting to charge a unit with this power must pass a Morale test. If failed, the unit may not charge this turn. Warp Blast – Warp Charge 1 Warp Blast is a witchfire power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type Dispersed 24” 5 3 Assault 1, Blast OR Focused 18” 10 1 Assault 1

The Tyranids are without a doubt the most rapidly evolving creatures in the galaxy. The Magos Biologis of Mars have observed developmental DNA leaps between broods originating from different hive fleets that would take other beasts millions of years to achieve. It appears that the Tyranid 'Norn Queens' or primogenitor organisms aboard the hive ships are capable of modifying their progeny in response to the environment and life-forms they encounter. Newly harvested genetic codes are assimilated, the prey's defensive measures are examined, and improved creatures are bio-engineered to overcome that resistance. Over time the myriad improvements to the hive fleet's genepool are melded with others, strengthening the entire race. A case in point is to observe the degree of integration of the Tyranid's symbiote weapons. At first these were relatively crude and were carried and employed, however distastefully, by the creatures that used them like a gun or a sword. In later encounters Tyranids have exhibited, more and more frequently, weaponry meshed directly into the creatures carrying them. Now it has become impossible to tell where the Tyranid warrior ends and its weapon symbiotes begin. I think we can be assured that the Norn Queens will continue to work tirelessly towards more and more perfectly adapted for killing the inhabitants of this galaxy just as they have in others before ours. Simply put, over the coming centuries we may be out-evolved to the point of extinction. - Magos Biologis Alder Garrick.


-Biomorphs-______________________________________________________________________________ General: Acid Blood For every unsaved wound inflicted on a model or unit with acid blood suffers in close combat, the enemy unit that struck the blow suffers an automatic hit with a Strength equal to the Toughness of the wounded Tyranid with AP 4. Vehicles are hit on the arc facing the wounded Tyranid. Acid Maw A Tyranid model with this biomorph counts their close combat attacks as AP3. Adrenal Glands (WS or I) A model with adrenal glands has either +1 WS or +1 Initiative as described in the unit entry. If both options are available, both may be purchased at the listed points costs. Enhanced Senses A Tyranid with this biomorph adds +1 to its Ballistic Skill. Extended Carapace A model with this biomorph gains a +1 bonus to its Toughness value. Feeder Tendrils A Tyranid with this biomorph has the Preferred Enemy special rule while locked in close combat. Additionally, for as long as they remain in the same close combat as a model with this biomorph, friendly Tyranid models gain the Preferred Enemy special rule as well.

Regeneration If a model with this biomorph is alive at the start of the controlling player’s turn, roll a D6 for each wound it has below its starting total. For each roll of 5+, the creature regains a single wound, up to its starting number of Wounds. Spine Banks A model with spine banks counts as being armed with spinefists. They may be fired in the Shooting phase in addition to any weapons normally allowed. Spine banks may be fired while running. Spore Cysts A model with spore cysts that is not in base contact with the enemy may produce a toxin Spore Mine in the Shooting phase in addition to any other shooting it performs. Place a Spore Mine in base contact with the creature – from this point on, the Spore Mine acts as described in the Living Bomb special rule. Once the spore mine has been placed, roll a D6. On a roll of a 1, the creature with spore cysts takes a wound with no save allowed. Symbiote Rippers In addition to its normal attacks, a model with symbiote rippers strikes with 4 S3, AP- attacks in close combat at Weapon Skill 2 and Initiative 2. Tail Weapon When in base to base contact with 3 or more enemy models, a Tyranid armed with a tail weapon gains +1 Attack.

Frag Spines A model armed with frag spines does not suffer the Initiative penalties for charging enemies through cover, but instead fights at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat.

Toxic Miasma At the end of each player’s turn, every non-vehicle enemy model in base contact with a Tyranid with the toxic miasma biomorph must pass a Toughness test or suffer a wound at AP-.

Implant Attack Any unsaved wounds inflicted on an enemy model by a Tyranid with this biomorph are multiplied into 2 wounds.

Toxin Sacs A model armed with toxin sacs gains the Poisoned (4+) special rule. Ranged Biomorphs do not benefit from Toxin Sacs.

Leaping A Tyranid with this biomorph may both Run and Assault in the same turn.


Tusked A model with the tusked biomorph gains an additional +1 attack when charging on top of any it would normally receive. Wings Models equipped with Wings are Jump Units as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Monstrous Creatures with the Wings biomorph are instead Flying Monstrous Creatures.

An alien threat has risen from beyond the abyss, a swarm so vast that it blots out the stars. This horror fights neither for power nor territory, but rather to feed a hunger so insatiable that it will eventually devour the entire galaxy. -Inquisitor Lord Kryptman

Armor: Chitin A model with chitin has a 6+ Armor save. Reinforced Chitin A model with reinforced chitin has a 5+ Armor save.

Bonded Exoskeleton A model with a bonded exoskeleton has a 3+ Armor save. Armored Shell A model with an armored shell has a 2+ Armor save.

Hardened Carapace A model with a hardened carapace has a 4+ Armor save.


Ranged Biomorphs: Acid Shard Volley Rng S AP Type 24” 7 4 Assault 4, Skyfire, Twin-linked

Fleshborer Hive Rng S AP Type 12” 5 5 Assault 20, Shred

Acid Jets Rng S Template 3

Impaler Cannon Rng S AP Type 24” 8 4 Assault 2* *Cover saves taken against shots from an Impaler Cannon suffer a -2 penalty.

AP 4

Type Assault 2, Armorbane

Acid Spray Rng S Template +1 (Max S6) Barbed Strangler Rng S 36” -1 (Max S8)

AP 4

AP 5

Type Assault 1, Torrent

Type Assault 1, Large Blast, Pinning

Bio-electric Pulse Rng S AP Type 12” 5 Assault 2X Bio-plasma Rng S AP 12” 7 2

Bio-plasmic Cannon Rng S AP Type 36” 6 3 Assault 1, Large Blast OR 24” 7 2 Assault 6

AP 6

Type Assault 1, Large Blast

Deathspitter Rng S 24” +1 (Max S7)

AP 5

Desiccator Larvae Rng S AP Template 1 -

Type Assault 1, Fleshbane

Devourer Rng S 18” User (Max S6)

AP -

Type Assault 1, Blast

Type Assault 2X, Shred

Electroshock Grubs Rng S AP Type Template 5 5 Assault 1, Haywire Fleshborer Rng S 12” +1 (Max S5)


AP 5

Rupture Cannon Rng S AP Type 48” 10 2 Assault 2 Shreddershard Beetles Rng S AP Type Template 3 Assault 1, Rending, Shred

Type Assault 1, Blast

Cluster Spines Rng S 18” User (Max S6)

Ripper Tentacles Rng S AP Type 6” User Assault 2X

Type Assault X, Shred

Spike Rifle Rng S 18” User (Max S6)

AP 6

Type Assault X

Spinefists A model armed with spinefists counts as being equipped with frag spines. Rng S AP Type 12” User (Max S6) 6 Assault X, Twinlinked Spore Mine Launcher When firing a spore mine launcher, if, after the final position of the first template of the barrage has been determined, there are no enemy models within 6” of the central hole, do not resolve the attack but instead place a number of Spore Mines, equal to the number of Spore Mine Launchers in the unit, in base contact with each other, on the spot where the central hole would have landed. These then follow the rules for Spore Mines detailed in the Living Bomb rule. Rng S AP Type Bio48” 3 4 Assault 1, Barrage, Acid Blast, Armorbane Frag 48” 4 5 Assault 1, Barrage, Large Blast Toxin 48” -* 4 Assault 1, Barrage, Blast, Poisoned (4+) *Toxin mines have no effect on vehicles, except on open-topped vehicles, on which they inflict a single automatic glancing hit.

Close Combat Biomorphs: Stinger Salvo Rng S 18” User (Max S5)

AP 5

Type Assault 2X

Strangleweb Rng S AP Type Template X* Assault 1, Pinning *When firing the strangleweb, any enemy models that are hit by the template must pass a Strength test or suffer a wound. Tentaclids Rng S AP 36” 5 5

Type Assault 1, Haywire, Seeking*, Missile, One Shot *If a model makes a shooting attack with this weapon against either a Zooming Flyer or a Swooping Flying Monstrous Creatures, it re-rolls failed To Hit rolls made with this weapon. Venom Cannon Rng S AP Type 36” +2 (Max S10) 4 Assault X *A venom cannon suffers a -1 penalty on rolls on the Vehicle Damage Chart against vehicles which are not open topped.

Bonesword Wounds inflicted in close combat by a Tyranid with a bonesword count as AP 3. In addition, if a model suffers one or more unsaved wounds in close combat from a Tyranid with a bonesword, it must immediately pass a Leadership test or suffer instant death. If the Tyranid creature that inflicted the wound is armed with a pair of boneswords then the Leadership test must instead be passed on 3D6. Claws and Teeth Models with claws and teeth count as being armed with a normal close combat weapon. Crushing Claws A Tyranid with crushing claws gains an extra D3 Attacks in close combat (rolled for at the beginning of each round of combat) but strikes at Initiative 1, regardless of any modifiers. When making Smash attacks, this biomorph instead confers a single extra attack and the creature strikes at Initiative 1. Lash Whip Any enemy model that is in base contact with a Tyranid with one or more lash whips have their Initiative value set to 1 until the end of the Assault phase. Rending Claws Tyranid creatures with the Rending Claws biomorph gain the Rending special rule. However, if taken by a Monstrous Creature, such is their strength that if they connect they are all but guaranteed to tear their target apart. They instead gain the benefits of the Rending special rule on a To Hit roll of 6. Scything Talons A model equipped with a set of scything talons gains +1 attack. A second set of scything talons confers a further +1 attack.


-Tyranid Army List-____________________________________________________________________

HQ Hive Tyrant……………………………………………………………...150 points WS BS S T W Hive Tyrant 7 3 6 6 4 Special Rules: • Hive Commander • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) • Synapse Creature • Synaptic Node

I 5

A 3+1

Ld 10

Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Scything Talons • Spinefists Psychic Powers: • A Hive Tyrant has The Horror. Additionally, it must also select any two of the following psychic powers at the cost listed: - Catalyst +15 pts - Warp Blast +15 pts - Leech Essence +10 pts - Onslaught +10 pts - Psychic Scream +5 pts • May upgrade to Mastery Level 2 +20 pts

Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc (Ch) 1 Hive Tyrant Options: • Replace spinefists with: - An additional set of scything talons free • Replace one set of scything talons with: - Lash whip and bonesword +10 pts - Crushing Claws +15 pts • Replace any set of scything talons with: - Rending claws +5 pts - Twin-linked deathspitter or twin-linked devourer +15 pts • Take one of the following, replacing one set of scything talons: - Barbed strangler +20 pts - Venom cannon +35 pts • May take the warp field special rule +30 pts • Take any of the following: - Frag spines +1 pt - Symbiote rippers +5 pts - Adrenal glands – I +5 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +8 pts - Enhanced senses +8 pts - Toxin sacs +8 pts - Implant Attack +10 pts - Toxic miasma +10 pts - Acid blood +10 pts - Regeneration +20 pts • May take a thorax swarm with either electroshock grubs, desiccator larvae or shreddershard beetles +15 pts • Take one of the following: - Armored shell +20 pts - Wings +35 pts

Hive Commander All friendly Tyranid reserve rolls may be adjusted by +1 or -1 (choose which for each dice after it has been rolled). This bonus is cumulative with other bonuses, excluding other instances of the Hive Commander special rule. Synaptic Node A model with this special rule has a Synapse range of 18” rather than the usual 12”.



The Dagon Overlord……………………………………………………280 points WS BS S T Dagon Overlord 8 3 6 6 Special Rules: • Ferocity • Hive Commander • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) • Synapse Creature • Synaptic Node • The Toxic Horde

W 4

I 5

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc (Ch) Dagon Overlord (Unique) Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Lashwhip and Bonesword • Venom Cannon • Acid Blood • Toxin Sacs • Regeneration

Psychic Powers: • Catalyst • Onslaught • The Horror Ferocity All friendly Tyranid units within 12” of the Dagon Overlord (including the Overlord itself) gain the Preferred Enemy special rule. The Toxic Horde All Toxin Sacs in an army including the Dagon Overlord grant the Poisoned (3+) special rule rather than the normal Poisoned (4+).


The Swarmlord………………………………………………………….290 points WS BS S T W Swarmlord 9 3 6 6 5 Special Rules: • Alien Cunning • Blade Parry • Hive Commander • Psyker (Mastery Level 2) • Swarm Leader • Synapse Creature • Synaptic Node • Warp Field

I 6

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 2+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc (Ch) Swarmlord (Unique) Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Bone Sabers • Tusked Psychic Powers: • Dominion • Leach Essence • Paroxysm • The Horror

Alien Cunning Whilst the Swarmlord is alive, any of the Tyranid player’s units arriving using the outflank special rule also gain the Pathfinder special rule. Blade Parry The Swarmlord possesses a 4+ Invulnerable save in close combat. Swarm Leader At the beginning of the Tyranid player’s Shooting phase, the Swarmlord can bestow onto any one friendly unit within 18” either the Preferred Enemy, Night Fighting or Furious Charge special rule. These benefits last until the end of the Tyranid player’s turn. Bone Sabers The Swarmlord’s attacks inflict instant death regardless of the opponents Toughness. In addition, any successful Invulnerable saves made against hits inflicted by the Swarmlord must be re-rolled. Paroxysm – Warp Charge 1 This is a witchfire power that automatically hits a single nonvehicle enemy unit within 12”. That unit must reduce its Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill to 1 until the beginning of the Tyranid player’s next turn.


Guard Brood………………………………………………….50 points per model You may include one Guard brood for each Hive Tyrant (including the Dagon Overlord and the Swarmlord) in your army. These broods do not count towards your HQ allowance. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Hive Guard 3 4 5 6 2 4 2 6 4+ In 1-3 Hive Guard Tyrant Guard 5 2 5 6 2 4 2+1 6 3+ In Biomorphs: Options: Hive Guard only • The entire brood may select any of the following biomorphs: • Hardened Carapace - Adrenal glands – I +3 pts per model • Impaler Cannon Toxin sacs +3 pts per model • Claws and Teeth - Adrenal glands – WS +5 pts per model Tyrant Guard - Spine banks +5 pts per model • Bonded Exoskeleton Acid blood +10 pts per model • Rending Claws • The entire brood may be upgraded to • Scything Talons tyrant guard +10 pts per model • Any tyrant guard models may replace their Special Rules: scything talons for one of the following: • Move Through Cover - Lash whip +5 pts per model • Shieldwall Bonesword +5 pts per model • Very Bulky Lash whip and bonesword or crushing Hive Guard only claws +20 pts per model • Instinctive Behavior (Hunt) Tyrant Guard only • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Blind Rampage Shieldwall: A Hive Tyrant (including the Dagon Overlord and the Swarmlord) may join and leave a Guard Brood as if it were an Independent Character. While accompanied in this way, the unit cannot go to ground, voluntarily or otherwise. Blind Rampage: If a Hive Tyrant (including the Dagon Overlord and the Swarmlord) is killed whilst part of a unit of Tyrant Guard, the surviving Tyrant Guard immediately gain the Fleet, Furious Charge and Rage special rules. These abilities last for the remainder of the battle.


Genestealer Patriarch…………………………………110 points + Genestealers WS BS S T W Patriarch 7 4 6 5 3 Genestealer 6 3 4 4 1 Special Rules: • Bulky • Fear • Fleet • Infiltrate • Inhuman Strength • Move Through Cover • Pathfinder • Planetary Subversion • Psyker (Mastery Level 2) • Synapse Creature

I 7 6

A 4 2

Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Rending Claws

Ld 10 10

Sv 3+ 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition In (Ch) Patriarch (Unique) In 6-11 Genestealers Options: • Must be accompanied by 6-11 genestealers. See Genestealer entry for costs and options. • May take any of the following: - Frag spines +1 pt - Feeder tendrils +3 pts - Scything Talons +5 pts - Toxin sacs +5 pts - Adrenal glands – I +8 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +8 pts - Implant Attack +10 pts - Acid blood +10 pts - Regeneration +15 pts

Psychic Powers: • Aura of Despair • Hypnotic Gaze • The Horror Inhuman Strength A Genestealer Patriarch’s close combat attacks are AP 2. Planetary Subversion All reserve rolls made by the Tyranid player’s opponent over the course of the game suffer a -1 penalty.

"I can think of few greater xenos threats to the Imperium than that of the Genestealer. An apex predator possessed of intelligence and cunning that rival our own, they exist for the sole purpose of reproducing in vast numbers and sowing utter chaos in their wake." -Inquisitor Kalistradi from The Nature of the Beast


Alpha Warrior Brood…………………………………………………..180 points WS BS S T Alpha Warrior 5 3 5 5 Special Rules: • Synapse Creature • Brotherhood of Psykers • Move Through Cover • Very Bulky

W 3

I 5

A 3+1

Ld 10

Psychic Powers: • Dominion Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Scything Talons • Spinefists Dedicated Transport: • The brood may take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport.

To think of these creatures as beasts is a grave mistake. We have observed their vanguard organisms herd prey like cattle into the path of the main swarms. We have seen expend them tides of lesser beasts so that their enemies have no ammunition left when their leaders attack, and armoured columns channeled into narrow defiles where but one of their assault beasts can tear through an entire tank company. Only yesterday we received a pict-capture of several platoons falling back into the keep of Gnex Bastion, only to be trapped and slaughtered by burrowing organisms that burst from the ground. These creatures have shown evidence of a tactical acumen that speaks of a far worse threat than that posed by a mere beast. - Lexmechanic Ursis, Belis Corona.


Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition In (Ch) 3 Alpha Warriors Options: • The brood may be given a single additional psychic power from the following list: - Psychic Scream +10 pts - Onslaught +10 pts • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - An additional set of scything talons free - Rending claws +15 pts • The entire brood may replace one set of scything talons with one of the following: - Spike rifle free - Lash whip and bonesword or a pair of boneswords +35 pts • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - Fleshborers free - Spike rifles free - Devourers +15 pts - Deathspitters +30 pts • One alpha warrior in the brood may exchange its spinefists (or whichever biomorph replaced it’s spinefists) with one of the following: - Barbed strangler +15 pts - Venom cannon +20 pts • The entire brood may take: - Frag spines +3 pts - Adrenal glands – I +15 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +15 pts - Enhanced senses +15 pts - Implant attack +20 pts - Leaping +20 pts - Toxin sacs +20 pts - Bio-electric pulse +25 pts - Regeneration +30 pts - Acid blood +30 pts


Malanthrope Brood………………………………………...140 points per model WS BS S T W Malanthrope 3 3 5 5 3 Special Rules: • Synapse Creature • Anaphylactic Shock • Fleet • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) • Move Through Cover • Warp Field

I 5

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 2+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1-3 Malanthropes Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Claws and Teeth • Feeder Tendrils • Regeneration • Toxic Miasma • Toxin Sacs Psychic Powers: • The Horror

Anaphylactic Shock A Malanthrope’s close combat attacks cause Instant Death, regardless of the target’s Toughness. Consuming Swarm For each individual Malanthrope taken in an army, the army must contain at least one Ripper Swarm, consisting of five or more bases. If a Malanthrope Brood is taken as an HQ choice, Ripper Swarms are scoring units, even though they are Swarms. Genetic Ingenuity For each Malanthrope brood included in a Tyranid army, the Tyranid army list may benefit from a single upgrade described below. Unique models may not benefit from this rule. Shifting Strategy A single skill from the following list may be selected. It may be applied to any model in the army at the cost of +3 points per model (+1 point per model for 1 Wound models). Furious Charge, Hit & Run, Night Vision or Stealth. Adaptive Chitin Any model in the army may improve its armor save by +1 at the points cost listed below. A model may only improve its armor save once in this way. Armor Save 6+ to 5+ 5+ to 4+ 4+ to 3+ 3+ to 2+

Cost +2 pts per model +8 pts per model +12 pts per model +20 pts per model

Caustic Monstrosities Any model in the army that may not already take it may take the Acid Blood biomorph at the listed cost: 1 Wound 2 Wounds 3 Wounds 4+ Wounds

+1 pt per model +3 pts per model +5 pts per model +10 pts per model

Healing Factor Any models in the army with more than one Wound (excluding Ripper Swarms and Winged Rippers) may take the Regeneration biomorph at +10 pts per model if they do not already have the option to take it.



The Parasite of Mortrex………………………………………………..170 points WS BS S T W Parasite of Mortrex 5 3 6 5 3 Special Rules: • Host Organism • Implant Parasite • Independent Character • Move Through Cover • Synapse Creature • “The Sarge is Acting Strangely…” • Very Bulky

I 6

A 4

Ld 10

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ In J (Ch) Parasite of Mortrex (Unique) Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Rending Claws • Implant Attack • Symbiote Rippers • Wings

Host Organism Ripper Swarms and Winged Rippers that are within 24” of the Parasite of Mortrex at the beginning of the turn do not need to test for Instinctive Behavior. Implant Parasite The Tyranid player’s opponent must take a Toughness test for each model removed as a casualty because of wounds inflicted by the Parasite of Mortrex (wounds inflicted due to the Symbiote Rippers biomorph are not included). For each test failed, roll a D6. At the end of the Assault phase, place a Ripper Swarm unit with a number of bases equal to the sum total of all of the dice rolled such that all bases are within 6” of the Parasite of Mortrex. Any bases that cannot be placed due to impassible terrain, enemy units within 1” or because you have run out of models are lost. “The Sarge is Acting Strangely…” Every enemy infantry unit that arrives using the outflank ability may harbor a squad member infested with Ripper parasites. At the end of their Movement phase, one model in each of these units (owning player’s choice) must take a Toughness test. If the test is failed, that model is instantly removed as a casualty and the Tyranid player may place a Ripper Swarm unit consisting of D6 bases anywhere within 6” of the victim. If the victim was inside a transport vehicle, it is assumed he staggered out before dying. Any bases that cannot be placed due to impassible terrain, enemy units within 1” or because you have run out of models are lost.


ELITES Zoanthrope Brood……………………………………………75 points per model WS BS S T W Zoanthrope 3 4 4 4 2 Special Rules: • Move Through Cover • Synapse Creature • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) • Very Bulky • Warp Field

I 3

A 1

Ld 10

Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Claws and Teeth Dedicated Transport: • A brood of Zoanthropes may take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport.

Sv 2+

Unit Type Unit Composition In 1-3 Zoanthropes Options: • A brood of zoanthropes must select two psychic powers from the following list. Individual zoanthropes in the unit may select different powers: - Catalyst - Psychic Scream - Leach Essence - Warp Blast • A single zoanthrope may select The Horror as one of its two allowed psychic powers +5 pts

They are coming! I feel them scratching inside my mind, scratching, screaming, running, so many – so, so many voices. They are coming for us – flesh, body and soul!


The Doom of Malan’tai………………………………………………….125 points WS BS Doom of Malan’tai 3 4 Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Claws and Teeth


T 4

W 4

I 3

A 1

Psychic Powers: • Cataclysm Dedicated Transport: • The Doom of Malan’tai may take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport.

Ld 10

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 2+ In (Ch) Doom of Malan’tai (Unique) Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Hunt) • Absorb Life • Fearless • Heavy Warp Field • Move Through Cover • Psychic Strength • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) • Spirit Leech • Very Bulky

Absorb Life The Doom of Malan’tai immediately gains +1 Wound, to a maximum of 10 Wounds, for every unsaved wound it inflicts due to its psychic powers, spirit leech or in close combat. Psychic Strength The Doom of Malan’tai’s Strength characteristic is always the same as its Wounds characteristic. Therefore, as it suffers Wounds its Strength is reduced and vice versa. Spirit Leech At the beginning of every Shooting phase, including the foe’s, every non-vehicle enemy unit within 12” of the Doom of Malan’tai must take a Leadership test. If the test is failed the unit suffers a single wound for each point they failed by, with no armor or cover saves allowed. Units embarked on transports within 12” of the Doom of Malan’tai are subject to this rule as well, however they receive a 4+ Invulnerable save against these wounds. Cataclysm – Warp Charge 1 This is a witchfire power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 24” User 1 Assault 1, Large Blast After the power has been used, but before any additional Wounds are gained due to the Absorb Life ability, the Doom of Malan’tai suffers D3 wounds. No saves of any kind can be taken against these wounds. Heavy Warp Field This special rule functions exactly like Warp Field, except that the Invulnerable save it provides is improved to 3+.



Lictor Brood………………………………………………….75 points per model WS BS S T W I Lictor 6 3 6 5 2 6 Special Rules: • Instinctive behavior – Lurk • Fleet • Hit and Run • Move Through Cover • Pheromone trail • Shrouded • Uncanny Reflexes • Very Bulky

A 2+1

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition In (Ch) 1-3 Lictors Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Rending Claws • Scything Talons • Feeder Tendrils • Flesh Hooks • Chameleonic Skin

Chameleonic Skin Models with this biomorph always start in Reserve, even in missions that do not normally use this rule. Independent Characters may not start the game attached to the brood. When the models become available, they are placed anywhere on the table that is within 6” of a piece of area terrain and at least 1” away from any enemy model. The models must be placed in unit coherency and may not move on the turn that they arrive, but they may run or assault. All shots fired at a model with this special rule count as Snap Shots and they may not be targeted for shooting if they are more than 36” away from the shooting unit. Flesh Hooks A model with this biomorph has frag spines. When using its Hit and Run special ability, a brood of models with this biomorph may attempt to drag an enemy along with them. Nominate a single Independent Character within 6 inches of any one model in the brood that is part of the same assault. The models make their Hit and Run move as normal, but may roll to hit the chosen character as with a single Shooting attack each. Any hits are resolved at S4 and AP-. If the model is slain, remove it as a casualty as normal. If the model is hit but not killed, it is moved with the brood and placed in base to base contact with one or more of the models with this biomorph. They then remain locked in assault. Pheromone Trail An army including one or more models with this rule add +1 to its reserve rolls so long as one or more of the models are alive. This applies whether they have deployed from reserves or not. So long as one of the models with this rule began the player turn on the table, any friendly Tyranid units arriving by Deep Strike may arrive within 6” of them without scattering. Uncanny Reflexes A model with this special rule has a 5+ invulnerable save.

The thing that scares me most of all is that it burst out from the jungle directly in front of our ambush position. It had killed Jensen and Lucca before we knew what was happening. Nothing that large should be able to move like that. -Sergeant Thresher, 11th Catachan Jungle Fighters.


Deathleaper……………………………………………………………...150 points WS BS S Deathleaper 9 3 6 Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Rending Claws • Scything Talons • Chameleonic Skin • Feeder Tendrils • Flesh Hooks • Implant Attack

T 5

W 2

I 7

A 4+1

Ld 10

Killing Strike All of Deathleaper’s close combat attacks count as rending on any To-Wound rolls of 5+. “It’s after me!” Nominate a single enemy Character or Unique model at the beginning of the game as the victim of the Deathleaper’s psychological attacks. Whilst Deathleaper is still alive, that model’s Leadership score is reduced by 3.

Sv 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition In (Ch) Deathleaper (Unique) Special Rules: • Instinctive behavior – Lurk • Fearless • Fleet • Hit and Run • “It’s after me!” • Killing Strike • Move Through Cover • Pheromone Trail • Shrouded • Uncanny Reflexes • Very Bulky • “What was that?” • “Where is it?” • “Where’d it go?”

“What was that?” All enemy infantry units within 12” of Deathleaper roll one less dice (to a minimum of one) when moving through difficult terrain. “Where is it?” Deathleaper may not be targeted for shooting if it is more than 24” away from the shooting unit. “Where’d it go?” If Deathleaper ends its Movement phase more than 1” from any enemy model, the controlling player can decide that it will blend into the background. If the player elects to do so, remove Deathleaper from the table and place it into ongoing reserves. In the controlling players next Movement phase, Deathleaper can be redeployed following the normal rules for Chameleonic Skin. This ability may not be used in the same turn in which Deathleaper arrives from reserves.


Venomthrope Brood…………………………………………55 points per model WS BS S T W Venomthrope 3 3 4 4 2 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Move Through Cover • Poisoned (2+) • Spore Cloud • Very Bulky

I 3

A 2

Ld 5

Sv 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition In 1-3 Venomthropes Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Lash Whips • Feeder Tendrils • Toxic Miasma

Dedicated Transport: • The brood may take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport. Spore Cloud The Venomthrope brood and any friendly units with one or more models within 6” of them gain the Shrouded special rule and any enemy unit that charges these units counts as making a disorganized charge. In addition, any nonvehicle enemy model that assaults one of the affected models must take a dangerous terrain test to represent the toxic effect of the spore cloud. Should the Venomthrope be killed, these bonuses are immediately lost.


Pyrovore Brood………………………………………………40 points per model WS BS S T W I Pyrovore 3 3 4 4 2 2 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Hunt) • Dual Mind • Hidden Menace • Move Through Cover • Very Bulky • Volatile

A 2

Ld 5

Sv 4+

Unit Type Unit Composition In 1-3 Pyrovores Biomorphs: • Hardened Carapace • Acid Spray • Rending Claws • Acid Blood • Acid Maw Dedicated Transport: • May take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport.

Dual Mind A Pyrovore’s weapon symbiote is unusual in that the weapon is actually more intelligent than the beast carrying it. A unit of Pyrovores may target an enemy unit with its Acid Spray and may then choose to assault a different enemy unit in the Assault phase. If included in a squad of Gaunts, the Pyrovore may target a different enemy unit with its Acid Spray then the Gaunts do with their shooting. In the Assault phase, the unit may only charge the enemy unit targeted by the Gaunts. Hidden Menace A unit of Pyrovores may be split up and added to units of Gaunts. To do so, during deployment a single Pyrovore may be removed from the unit and added as an upgrade model to an individual unit of Gaunts. Any number of Pyrovores in the unit may do this. When doing so the Pyrovore gains the Character type. Only a single Pyrovore may be added to any one unit of Gaunts. If the Gaunts have taken a Mycetic Spore the Pyrovore counts as 2 models towards the 20 model limit the pod may transport and in such cases may not be added to units of more than 18 Gaunts. If the Gaunts have taken the Without Number special rule, then the Pyrovore does not reenter play with the unit and is left as a casualty. If any Pyrovores from the unit are not put into a unit of Gaunts in this way, then they are left together as a unit and operate as normal Infantry. Volatile If a Pyrovore is killed by a wound that inflicted instant death, roll a D6. On a 4+, the weapon has ignited the Pyrovore’s internal chemicals and all models within 6” of the slain Pyrovore suffer a Strength 5, AP 3 hit.



Tervigon…………………………………………………………………140 points For every Brood Cluster included in your army which includes at least one Gaunt Brood, you may include one Tervigon as a Troops choice. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Tervigon 3 3 5 6 5 1 2 10 4+ Mc 1 Tervigon Special Rules: Options: • Brood Progenitor • Take one of the following: - Scything talons +5 pts • Psyker (Mastery Level 1) - Crushing claws +15 pts • Spawn Gaunts • Replace stinger salvo with: • Synapse Creature - Cluster spines free Bio-plasma +15 pts Biomorphs: • Take any of the following: • Hardened Carapace Spine banks* +5 pts • Claws and Teeth Spore cysts* +5 pts • Stinger Salvo - Symbiote Rippers +5 pts - Tail weapon +5 pts Psychic Powers: Adrenal Glands – I +8 pts • Dominion - Adrenal Glands – WS +8 pts - Implant Attack +8 pts - Toxin sacs +10 pts - Toxic miasma +10 pts - Acid blood +15 pts - Regeneration +25 pts • Take The Horror psychic power +10 pts • The gaunts the tervigon spawns may replace their spinefists with one of the following: - Fleshborer +20 pts - Devourer +40 pts *May only take one of these biomorphs. Brood Progenitor All units of Gaunts, spawned or otherwise, with a model within 6” of a Tervigon gain the benefits of the Tervigon’s toxin sacs and adrenal glands (if it has any) and gain the Counter-attack special rule for as long as they remain in range. Should a Tervigon be slain, every Gaunt brood, spawned or otherwise, with one or more models within Synapse range immediately suffers 3D6 Strength 3, AP – hits. Spawn Gaunts A Tervigon can spawn Gaunts in the Tyranid Movement phase before it has moved – even if it is locked in assault. If it does so, roll 3D6. Place a new unit of Gaunts such that no model is more than 6” from the Tervigon – the size of the unit is equal to the total rolled. Models in the new unit cannot be placed in impassable terrain or within 1” of enemy models. If you cannot place some of the models due to enemy proximity, impassable terrain or simply because you have run out of models, the excess are destroyed. The unit spawned by a Tervigon is identical in every way to a Gaunt unit chosen from the Troops section of the force organization chart and is treated as such for all scenario special rules. Models in a spawned unit have no biomorphs and carry spinefists unless the Tervigon pays to upgrade their weapons. If any double is rolled when determining the size of a spawned unit, the Tervigon has temporarily exhausted its supply of larvae – the unit is created as normal, but the Tervigon may not attempt to spawn further units for the rest of the game.



TROOPS Tyranid Warrior Brood……………………………………..30 points per model WS BS S Tyranid Warrior 4 2 5 Special Rules: • Synapse Creature • Move Through Cover • Very Bulky

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2+1

Biomorphs: • Hardened Carapace • Scything Talons • Spinefists Dedicated Transport: • The brood may take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport.

Ld 10

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 4+ In 3-9 Tyranid Warriors Options: • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - An additional set of scything talons free - Rending claws +5 pts per model • The entire brood may replace one set of scything talons with one of the following: - Spike rifle free - Lash whip and bonesword or a pair of boneswords +15 pts per model • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - Fleshborers free - Spike rifles free - Devourers +5 pts per model - Deathspitters +10 pts per model • One tyranid warrior in the brood may exchange its spinefists for: - Barbed Strangler +15 pts - Venom Cannon +20 pts • The entire brood may take: - Frag Spines +1 pt per model - Enhanced Senses +3 pts per model - Toxin sacs +5 pts per model - Adrenal glands – I +5 pts per model - Adrenal glands – WS +5 pts per model - Leaping +8 pts per model


Brood Cluster Composition: 0-1 Tyranid Warrior Brood and 2-4 Gaunt Broods, Hormagaunt Broods or Ripper Swarms. Each Brood Cluster counts as a single Troops choice on the force organization chart and is deployed in place of a single unit in missions that limit the number of units that can be deployed. In addition when making a reserve or outflanking roll, roll once for the whole Brood Cluster. Entries marked with a * may not be chosen individually, only as part of a Brood Cluster.

Gaunt Brood*………………………………………………….5 points per model WS BS S T W I A Gaunt 3 3 3 3 1 4 1 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior – Lurk • Fleet • Move Through Cover

Ld 5

Sv 6+

Biomorphs: • Chitin • Claws and teeth • Spinefists Dedicated Transport: • If the brood numbers 20 models or less, it may take a mycetic spore as a dedicated transport.

Unit Type Unit Composition In 10-30 Gaunts Options: • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - Spike Rifle free - Fleshborer +1 pt per model - Devourer +4 pts per model • For every ten models in the brood, one gaunt may replace their spinefists with a strangleweb +5 pts per model • The entire brood may be given: - Adrenal glands – I +1 pt per model - Adrenal glands – WS +1 pt per model - Toxin sacs +1 pts per model • If the brood has not exchanged it’s spinefists for a devourer and is not mounted in a mycetic spore, it may be given Without Number +3 pts per model

Without Number: Any brood of Gaunts with Without Number that is removed from play may be brought back into play at the beginning of the controlling player’s next turn. It moves onto the board as if entering from reserves and has the exact same profile and armaments as its predecessor. Victory Points are scored as usual for the brood and its replacements as if they were entirely separate broods.


Hormagaunt Brood*…………………………………………..6 points per model WS BS S T W Hormagaunt 4 3 3 3 1 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed)

I 5

A 1+1

Ld 5

Sv 6+

Biomorphs: • Chitin • Scything Talons • Leaping

Unit Type Unit Composition Be 10-30 Hormagaunts Options: • The entire brood may take: - Adrenal glands – I +1 pt per model - Adrenal glands – WS +1 pt per model - Frag Spines +1 pt per model - Toxin sacs +1 pt per model

Dedicated Transport: • If the brood consists of 20 models or less, it may take a Mycetic Spore as a dedicated transport.

Ripper Swarm*………………………………………………...10 points per base WS BS S T W Ripper Swarm 2 2 3 3 3 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Fearless • Move Through Cover • Swarms Biomorphs: • Chitin • Claws and Teeth

I 1

A 4

Ld 4

Sv 6+

Unit Type Unit Composition In 3-9 Ripper Swarm Bases Options: • The entire brood may take: - Adrenal glands – I +1 pts per base - Adrenal glands – WS +1 pt per base - Toxin sacs +5 pts per base - Leaping +5 pts per base - Spinefists +4 pts per model


Genestealer Brood……………………………………………14 points per model WS BS S T Genestealer 6 3 4 4 Special Rules: • Brood Telepathy • Fleet • Infiltrate • Move Through Cover

W 1

I 6

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition In 6-18 Genestealers Dedicated Transport: • The brood may take a Mycetic Spore.

Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Rending Claws

Options: • The entire brood may take: - Frag spines +1 pt per model - Scything talons +1 pt per model - Adrenal glands – WS +1 pt per model - Acid blood +2 pts per model - Adrenal glands – I +2 pt per mdoel - Feeder tendrils +3 pts per model - Implant attack +3 pts per model - Toxin sacs +3 pts per model

Brood Telepathy Genestealers are not subject to the Instinctive Behavior rule.

I don't know where they come from. It seems highly unlikely that they evolved naturally into what they are now impossible, given what we know about evolution. Perhaps they are some kind of bioweapon, created millennia ago by madmen for some long-forgotten war. If so, I suspect that their creators soon came to regret their creation. Or perhaps they come straight from the warp. Possibly the Lords of Chaos themselves cast them out because they were too unpleasant. -Jarv Advent, Senior Xenobiologist, Inquisitorial Institute of Proctos Minor (on Genestealers.)


DEDICATED TRANSPORTS Mycetic Spore…………………………………………………………….40 points Mycetic Spores are purchased as an upgrade to another brood, but they are always treated as a separate nonscoring unit. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Mycetic Spore 2 2 6 4 3 1 3 4 4+ Mc 1 Mycetic Spore Special Rules: Options: • Deep Strike • May take one of the following: - Stinger salvo +5 pts • Fearless - Cluster spines +10 pts • Immobile Pod - Twin-linked deathspitter +15 pts • Limited Sentience - Barbed strangler +15 pts • Transport Spore - Venom cannon +25 pts Biomorphs: • Hardened Carapace • Lash Whip • Ripper Tentacles Immobile Pod A Mycetic Spore cannot move for any reason once it has entered the battle. It may never go to ground, voluntarily or otherwise – and may not consolidate or make a sweeping advance following a close combat. Limited Sentience A Mycetic Spore is not subject to Instinctive Behavior. The Mycetic Spore automatically shoots the closest enemy unit in each Shooting phase unless it is engaged in close combat. Transport Spore A Mycetic Spore always enters play using the Deep Strike rules, even in missions that do not use these rules. If, when a Mycetic Spore Deep Strikes, it scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe), reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle. A Mycetic Spore can carry a single unit of up to 20 infantry models or a single monstrous creature within it. Once the Mycetic Spore has landed all creatures within must immediately disembark – place the unit such that every model is within 6” of the Mycetic Spore. If any models cannot be deployed because of impassable terrain or enemy models within 1”, those models are destroyed. A unit that Deep Strikes via a Mycetic Spore cannot move or assault in the same turn it arrives, but may shoot or run.


FAST ATTACK Tyranid Shrike Brood………………………………………..35 points per model WS BS S T W Shrike 4 2 5 5 2 Special Rules: • Synapse Creature • Move Through Cover • Very Bulky

I 4

A 2+1

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Unit Type Unit Composition In J 3-9 Shrikes Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Scything Talons • Spinefists • Wings Options: • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - An additional set of scything talons free - Rending claws +5 pts per model • The entire brood may replace one set of scything talons with one of the following: - Spike rifles free - Lash whip and bonesword or a pair of boneswords +15 pts per model • The entire brood may replace their spinefists with: - Spike rifles free - Fleshborers free - Devourers +5 pts per model - Deathspitters +10 pts per model • The entire brood may take: - Frag spines +1 pt per model - Enhanced senses +3 pts per model - Toxin sacs +5 pts per model - Adrenal glands – I +5 pts per model - Adrenal glands – WS +5 pts per model

Gargoyle Brood………………………………………………..6 points per model WS BS S Gargoyle 3 3 3 Biomorphs: • Chitin • Fleshborer • Claws and Teeth • Blinding Venom • Wings

T 3

W 1

Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Lurk) • Fleet • Move Through Cover


I 4

A 1

Ld 5

Sv 6+

Unit Type Unit Composition In J 10-30 Gargoyles Options: • The entire brood may replace their fleshborers with spike rifles free • The entire brood may buy the Scout special rule at +2 pts per model • The entire brood may take: - Adrenal glands –I +1 pt per model - Adrenal glands – WS +1 pt per model - Toxin sacs +1 pts per model Blinding Venom Against non-vehicle units, any roll To Hit of 6 made by a Gargoyle in close combat counts as having the Blind special rule.

Harpy…………………………………………………………………….125 points WS BS S T W Harpy 3 3 6 5 5 Spore Mine 0 0 1 3 1 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Hunt) • Fearless • Fleet • Hit and Run • Scout • Sonic Screech

I 4 1

A 2+2 0

Ld 9 10

Sv 4+ -

Biomorphs: • Hardened Carapace • Two sets of Scything Talons • Stinger Salvo • Frag Mine Clusters • Wings

Unit Type Unit Composition FMc 1 Harpy In Options: • Replace one set of scything talons with: - Twin-linked barbed strangler +10 pts - Twin-linked venom cannon +25 pts • Replace frag mine clusters with 4 tentaclids +15 pts • Replace stinger salvo with: - Cluster spines free - Bio-plasma +15 pts • A harpy may take: - Frag Spines +1 pt - Adrenal glands – WS +5 pts - Spine banks +5 pts - Toxin sacs +5 pts - Enhanced senses +8 pts - Adrenal glands – I +10 pts - Regeneration +15 pts - Toxic miasma +15 pts

Sonic Screech On any turn in which a Harpy charges into close combat, it does not suffer the penalties for charging enemies through cover, but instead fights at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat. In addition, any non-vehicle unit that is charged by a Harpy must halve its Initiative value (rounding up) for the remainder of that Assault phase. Frag Mine Clusters Once per game, the Harpy may drop a cluster of Frag Spore Mines as it moves during the Movement phase. This does not count as a shooting attack. To do so, nominate any enemy model that the Harpy moved over in the Movement phase and roll for scatter exactly as if the Harpy were firing a barrage weapon at that spot with the following profile: Rng S AP Type N/A 4 5 Assault 3, Large Blast* *If, after the final position of the first template of the barrage has been determined, there are no enemy models within 6” of the central hole, do not resolve the attack but instead place 3 Frag Spore Mines in base contact with each other, on the spot where the central hole would have landed. These then follow the rules for Spore Mines detailed in the Living Bomb rule.

Winged Rippers………………………………………………...15 points per base WS BS S Winged Rippers 2 2 3 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Fearless • Move Through Cover • Swarms

T 3

W 3

I A Ld 2 4 4

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 6+ In J 3-9 Winged Ripper Bases Options: • The entire brood may take: - Adrenal glands – I +1 pts per base - Adrenal glands – WS +1 pt per base - Toxin sacs +5 pts per base - Spinefists +8 pts per model

Biomorphs: • Chitin • Claws and Teeth • Wings


Emperor knows what pit spawned the hideous apparition we came to know as the Red Terror. It first attacked the outer bastion and twenty four men died before we drove it away with flamers. We never even found the bodies of Lieutenant Borales and Captain Lowe, just a trail of slime that led away from the command post and into the tunnels. It returned the following night, and the slaughter began anew, but this time we were ready for it… or so we thought.’ - From ‘Twenty Days in Hell, the retreat from Devlan Primus’


Ravener Brood……………………………………………….35 points per model WS BS S T W I Ravener 5 2(3) 5 5 2 5 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Night Vision • Deep Strike • Very Bulky

A 2+1

Ld 5

Sv 5+

Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin • Rending Claws • Scything Talons • Enhanced Senses

Unit Type Unit Composition Be 3-9 Raveners Options: • The brood may replace their rending claws with an additional set of scything talons free • The brood may take one of the following: - Spinefists +5 pts per model - Devourers +10 pts per model - Deathspitters +10 pts per model • The entire brood may take: - Frag spines +1 pt per model - Tail weapon +2 pts per mdoel - Adrenal glands – WS +5 pts per model - Toxin sacs +5 pts per model

The Red Terror…………………………………………………………145 points WS BS S T The Red Terror 6 2 5 5 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Deep Strike • Fearless • Swallow Whole

W 3

I 5

A 3+2

Ld 10

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ Mc Be (Ch) The Red Terror (Unique) Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Two Sets of Scything Talons • Tail Weapon

Swallow Whole If the Red Terror hits with at least four of its close combat attacks in a single phase (excluding its tail weapon attack), you may nominate a single enemy Infantry, Jump Infantry or Jet Pack Infantry model in base contact with the Red Terror and attempt to swallow it whole. If you choose to do so, no To Wound rolls are made for any of the Red Terror’s Attacks (excluding its tail weapon attack). Instead, the nominated model is immediately removed from play as a casualty. There is no need to decide beforehand if you will attempt to swallow a model whole; declare after rolling To Hit. Enemy models with either the Very Bulky or Extremely Bulky special rule cannot be nominated as targets to be Swallowed Whole. If no models in the target unit can be nominated, the Red Terror cannot choose to Swallow Whole and must roll To Wound normally.


Meiotic Spore Sacks………………………...35 points per model + Spore Mines 1-3 Meiotic Spores are taken as a single Fast Attack choice. Spores may be deployed separately and operate independently during the game. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Meiotic Spore Sack 0 0 1 5 1 1 0 10 5+ In 1-3 Meiotic Spore Sacks Special Rules: Options: • Fearless • The entire unit must select a single type of spore mine to carry: • Deep Strike - Frag spore mines free • Detonation - Toxin spore mines +5 pts per model • Living Bomb Bio-acid spore mines +5 pts per model • Very Bulky Biomorphs: • Reinforced Chitin Movement Meiotic Spores must start the game in reserve and enter play via the Deep Strike rules. After it has arrived via Deep Strike, the Meiotic Spore may ‘drift’ D6” as in the Living Bomb special rule, but it may move in any direction its owning player chooses, rather than in a random direction. Detonation A Meiotic Spore detonates as detailed under the Living Bomb special rule, however they may be automatically detonated in the Shooting phase even if it is not within range of a synapse creature. When it detonates, the attack is resolved with the blast template centered on the spore: Rng S AP Type 5 3 Large Blast After resolving the attack, remove the spore from play as a casualty and place D6-2 spore mines of the appropriate type on its former location, just as you would place a Deep Striking unit. These spore mines then act exactly as they would normally from this point onwards. The more I learn about these aliens, the more I come to understand what drives them, the more I hate them. I hate them for what they are and for what they may one day become. I hate them not because they hate us, but because they are incapable of good, honest, human hatred. -Inquisitor Agmar

Spore Mine Cluster………………………………………………………….Varies A Tyranid army may include 0-3 Spore Mine clusters as Fast Attack choices. These units do not take up a spot on the Force Organization chart but are otherwise treated normally. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Spore Mine 0 0 1 3 1 1 0 10 In 3-6 Spore Mines Special Rules: Options: • Living Bomb • All spore mines in the cluster must be of the same type, chosen from the following list: • Orbital Deployment - Bio-acid +9 pts per model - Frag +8 pts per model - Toxin +10 pts per model Orbital Deployment Spore Mine Clusters are always deployed in the following manner. After both sides have selected their deployment zone, but before any units are deployed, all of your Spore Mine Clusters must Deep Strike onto the board. If any models in a cluster scatter off the board or into impassable terrain the entire cluster is destroyed as described in the 1-2 result on the Deep Strike Mishap table. After they have landed, the Spore Mines in the cluster are then treated as individual Spore Mines as described in the Living Bomb rule.


Malefactor Brood…………………………………………...110 points per model WS BS S T W Malefactor 3 2 6 6 5 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Carrier Beast • Fearless • Fleet Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Scything Talons • Leaping • Two Sets of Spine Banks

I 3

A 2+1

Ld 7

Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1-3 Malefactors Options: • May replace scything talons with: - Lash Whips +5 pts - Crushing claws +15 pts • Take any of the following: - Adrenal glands – I +5 pts - Symbiote rippers +5 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +8 pts - Toxin sacs +8 pts - Toxic Miasma +10 pts - Regeneration +20 pts

Carrier Beast A Malefactor can carry a single unit of Infantry or Beast models within it. The combined Wounds scores of the transported unit may not exceed 10 Wounds. A Malefactor may begin the game with a unit embarked on it. A Malefactor may not transport Jump units, Monstrous Creatures or Flying Monstrous Creatures. Models may embark on and disembark from the Malefactor as if it were a Transport with the Open Topped special rule. A single brood may not embark onto multiple Malefactors in the brood. A unit embarked on a Malefactor may disembark even if the Malefactor is locked in close combat. To do so, place all of the models in the disembarking unit so that they are within 6 inches of the Malefactor, in unit coherency and in base to base contact with an enemy model in the same close combat as the Malefactor. The disembarking models may fight in the following Assault phase but do not count as charging.


HEAVY SUPPORT Carnifex Brood.........................................................................................130 points WS BS S T W I Carnifex 3 2 10 6 4 1 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Fearless • Living Battering Ram

A 2+2

Ld 6

Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Two sets of Scything Talons Dedicated Transport: • If the brood consists of only a single model, it may take a mycetic spore.

Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1-3 Carnifex Options: Every Carnifex in a brood may select options from the following list. All models in the brood must select the same options: • A single Carnifex may be upgraded to a Haruspex (see unit entry for options) +30 pts • Replace one set of scything talons with one of the following: - Rending claws free - Crushing claws +20 pts per model • Replace one other set of scything talons with lash whips +10 pts per model • If a carnifex does not take any close combat biomorphs other than scything talons, it may take Enhanced senses +5 pts per model • Replace any set of scything talons with: - Twin-linked deathspitter or twin-linked devourers +15 pts per model - Barbed strangler +20 pts per model - Venom cannon +25 pts per model • Replace bonded exoskeleton with armored shell +20 pts per model • Take any of the following: - Frag spines +1 pt per model - Adrenal glands – I +4 pts per model - Spine banks* +5 pts per model - Spore cysts* +5 pts per model - Tail weapon +5 pts per model - Toxin sacs +10 pts per model - Adrenal glands – WS +6 pts per model - Toxic miasma +10 pts per model - Tusked +10 pts per model - Acid blood +10 pts per model - Extended carapace +15 pts per model - Bio-plasma +20 pts per model - Regeneration +25 pts per model *A carnifex may only have one of these biomorphs. Living Battering Ram A model with this special rule gains +2 Initiative during a turn in which it launched an assault.


Haruspex* WS BS S T W I Haruspex 4 2 7 7 5 2 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Fearless • Grasping Tongue • Rapacious Hunger

A 3+1

Ld 6

Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Acid Jets • Living Battering Ram • Scything Talons • Spine Banks *A Haruspex may only be taken as an upgrade to a Carnifex brood.

Sv 3+

Unit Type Mc Options: • May replace scything talons with: - Rending claws free - Crushing claws +20 pts • Replace bonded exoskeleton with armored shell +20 pts • Take any of the following: - Adrenal glands – I +5 pts - Tail weapon +5 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +8 pts - Acid blood +10 pts - Toxin sacs +10 pts - Toxic miasma +10 pts - Tusked +10 pts - Bio-plasma +20 pts - Regeneration +25 pts

Grasping Tongue In close combat, a Haruspex’s first To Hit roll of 6 each turn results in a Precision Strike. Rapacious Hunger In the turn in which a Haruspex charges, every unsaved Wound that it inflicts in close combat immediately allows it to make an additional Attack. These bonus Attacks cannot generate further Attacks. Wounds that inflict Instant Death only generate one bonus Attack. Note that Wounds caused by its Hammer of Wrath, biomorphs or any source other than its Attack characteristic, charge bonuses and scything talon bonus attacks, do not benefit from this rule.


Old One Eye……………………………………………………………..235 points WS BS S T W Old One Eye 4 2 10 7 4 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Alpha Beast • Berserk Rampage • Fearless

I 1

A 2+1+D6

Ld 10

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ Mc (Ch) Old One Eye (Unique) Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Gargantuan Claws • Scything Talons • Extended Carapace • Rapid Regeneration

Gargantuan Claws These function exactly like the Crushing Claws close combat biomorph, except they grant D6 extra attacks in close combat rather than the normal D3 and an extra 2 attacks when Smashing. Alpha Beast Any friendly Tyranid unit within 12” of Old One Eye may choose to use its Leadership for any Morale or Leadership tests they are required to make. Additionally, Old One Eye may be taken as an HQ choice in games of 1,500 points or less. If this is done, the list may include no other HQ options and may not include allies. Berserk Rampage For every unsaved wound caused by Old One Eye in close combat, it may immediately make one additional Attack against the same unit. These additional attacks do not confer any extra Attacks if they also wound the enemy. Rapid Regeneration This functions exactly like the Regeneration biomorph, except Old One Eye always regains at least 1 lost Wound per turn, even if it fails to roll a 5+ on its regeneration roll. Additionally, If Old One Eye is removed from play as a casualty, mark the spot where it died with an appropriate counter. At the start of the next Tyranid player’s turn, roll a D6. On a 1 or a 2, the counter is removed and Old One Eye is treated as a casualty. On a 3+, Old One Eye is returned to play with 1 wound regained on his profile and the model is placed back on the tabletop within 1” of its counter. If Old One Eye would be placed within 1” of an enemy model, move Old One Eye so that it is no longer within 1”. Old One Eye may move, run and assault normally in a turn in which it “resurrects.” Old One Eye does not award Victory Points to the enemy if it is alive on the battlefield at the end of the game.


Mawloc…………………………………………………………………..175 points WS BS S T W I Mawloc 3 3(4) 6 6 6 4 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) • Burrow • Deep Strike • Fearless • Hit and Run • Terror from the Deep Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Claws and Teeth • Enhanced Senses

A 3

Ld 7

Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1 Mawloc Options: • May take any of the following: - Spine Banks +5 pts - Tail Weapon +5 pts - Toxin sacs +8 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +5 pts - Adrenal glands – I +10 pts - Toxic Miasma +10 pts - Regeneration +20 pts

Terror from the Deep: A Mawloc always starts in Reserve, even in missions that do not normally use this rule. When a Mawloc enters play by deep strike, rather than scattering normally, the distance rolled is reduced by the Mawloc's BS, in the same fashion as a blast weapon. If a Mawloc Deep Strikes onto a point occupied by an enemy model, do not roll on the Deep Strike Mishap table, but instead do the following. Place the large blast template directly over the spot the Mawloc is emerging from. Every unit under the template suffers a number of Str 6 AP 2 hits equal to the number of models in the unit that are wholly or partially covered by the template. These hits ignore cover saves and vehicles are always struck on their rear armor. If any unit still has surviving models under the template, move that unit by the minimum distance necessary to clear all the models from beneath the template whilst maintaining squad coherency and avoiding impassable terrain. Units that were locked in combat prior to the Mawloc's attack must remain in base contact if possible, but otherwise models cannot be moved within 1” of an enemy model. Vehicles, including immobile vehicles, retain their original facing if they are moved. Any models that cannot be moved out of the way are destroyed. After all casualties have been determined, replace the large blast template with the Mawloc. A Mawloc may shoot or run after deep striking, but may not move or assault. Burrow: A Mawloc can, at any point during its Movement phase, elect to re-burrow provided it is not engaged in close combat. If a Mawloc chooses to do so, remove it from the table and place it into ongoing reserve. It automatically re-emerges via Deep Strike during your next Movement phase. Note that a Mawloc cannot Deep Strike and burrow in the same turn.

We cannot live through this. Mankind cannot live through this. In a single day they have covered the surface of this planet with a flood of living blades and needle-fanged mouths. Kill one and ten take its place. If they are truly without number then our race is doomed to a violent death before every shred of our civilization is scoured away by a force more voracious than the fires of hell themselves! Death! By the Machine God, Death is here! -The last words of Magos Varnak.


Trygon…………………………………………………………………...215 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Trygon 4 3 7 6 6 4 3+2 6 Trygon Prime 5 3 7 6 6 4 4+2 10 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Feed) (Trygon only) • Deep Strike • Fearless • Fleet • Subterranean Assault • Synapse Creature (Trygon Prime only) Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Two sets of Scything Talons • Bio-electric Pulse

Sv 3+ 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1 Trygon Mc Options: • Take any of the following: - Spine banks +5 pts - Tail weapon +5 pts - Acid Blood +10 pts - Adrenal glands – WS +10 pts - Toxin Sacs +10 pts - Leaping +15 pts - Toxic Miasma +15 pts - Regeneration +25 pts • Upgrade trygon to a trygon prime +40 pts

Subterranean Assault If, when a model with this special rule deploys via Deep Strike, it scatters on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe) reduce the scatter distance by the minimum required to avoid the obstacle. Additionally, a single non-winged Infantry or Beast unit may be selected to accompany a model with this rule entering play be Deep Striking. These models Deep Strike as if part of the model’s unit, with the Deep Striking model in the center of the formation. If any accompanying models cannot be placed because of enemy models within 1” or impassable terrain, the excess models are removed as casualties. After the model has emerged, place a marker under its base when it enters play using Deep Strike. Henceforth, any Tyranid Infantry or Beast units (excluding those with wings) that arrive from reserve in subsequent turns may utilize this tunnel network and emerge from it instead of arriving as normal. If they choose to do so, place the entire unit so that all models are within 6” of the marker and in unit coherency. If any models cannot be placed because of enemy models within 1” or impassable terrain, the excess models are removed as casualties. A unit entering play in this way may move, shoot (or run) and assault following the normal rules for doing so. No more than a single unit may emerge from any one tunnel entrance in the same turn. A model with this special rule acts normally for a Deep Striking unit. A unit that accompanies it may not move, but may shoot or run and may launch an assault.

It is well known that destroying the more intelligent creatures in the swarm is essential to stop a Tyranid advance. Training in recognition and fire discipline is of some help in identifying the best targets but the chaos and confusion of the battlefield make it difficult for troops to pick out their targets amidst the swarming mass of creatures. Ultimately it has proven best to direct fire at the largest Tyranids in sight and pray to the Emperor that some of them are the leaders. -Inquisitor Agmar – Halting the Abomination




Exocrine…………………………………………………………………175 points WS BS S T W I Exocrine 3 3 5 6 5 2 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Lurk) • Fearless • Symbiotic Targeting

A 2

Ld 6

Sv 3+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1 Exocrine Options: • Replace bio-plasmic cannon with an acid shard volley +10 pts • Take any of the following: - Tail Weapon +3 pts - Spore Cysts +5 pts - Symbiotic Rippers +5 pts - Toxin Sacs +5 pts - Acid Blood +10 pts - Toxic Miasma +15 pts - Regeneration +20 pts

Biomorphs: • Bonded Exoskeleton • Bio-plasmic Cannon • Claws and Teeth

Symbiotic Targeting If an Exocrine does not move in its Movement phase, it gains a +1 bonus to its Ballistic Skill until the end of its turn. An Exocrine cannot declare a charge during the same turn that it uses this special rule.

‘There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose which functions on an unimaginable, galactic scale, and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bio-engineered monsters it unleashes upon us by instinct. We have given the horror a name to salve our fears; we call it the Tyranid race, but if it is aware of us at all, it must know us only as Prey.’ - Inquisitor Czevak at the Conclave of Har

Biovore Brood………………………………………………...35 points per model WS BS S T W Biovore 3 3 4 4 2 Spore Mine 0 0 1 3 1 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Lurk) • Move Through Cover • Very Bulky Biomorphs: • Hardened Carapace • Spore Mine Launcher • Claws and Teeth

I 2 1

A 1 0

Ld 6 10

Sv 4+ -

Unit Type Unit Composition In 1-3 Biovores In Options: • The entire brood must choose a single type of spore mine to use with their spore mine launchers from the following list: - Frag mines free - Bio-acid mines +8 pts per model - Toxin mines +5 pts per model • The entire brood may take any of the following: - Symbiote rippers +5 pts per model - Enhanced senses +8 pts per model


Tyrannofex………………………………………………………………235 points WS BS S T W Tyrannofex 3 3(4) 6 7 6 Special Rules: • Instinctive Behavior (Hunt) • Distress Pheromones • Fearless • Gun Beast

I 1

A 1

Biomorphs: • Armored Shell • Claws and Teeth • Acid Spray • Stinger Salvo • Thorax Swarm (Electroshock Grubs) • Enhanced Senses

Ld 6

Sv 2+

Unit Type Unit Composition Mc 1 Tyrannofex Options: • Replace acid spray with: - Rupture cannon +15 pts - Fleshborer hive +25 pts • Replace stinger salvo with: - Cluster spines free - Bio-plasma +15 pts • Replace electroshock grubs with desiccator larvae or shreddershard beetles free • Take any of the following: - Spine banks* +5 pts - Spore cysts* +5 pts - Tail weapon +5 pts - Toxin sacs +8 pts - Toxic miasma +15 pts - Extended Carapace +20 pts - Regeneration +30 pts *A Tyrannofex may only select one of these biomorphs.

Distress Pheromones Any friendly Ripper Swarms, Gaunt broods or Hormagaunt broods that assault into a close combat in which a Tyrannofex is already involved in at the start of the phase benefit from the Furious Charge special rule. Gun Beast The Tyrannofex may fire three ranged weapons in the Shooting phase rather than the normal two. Additionally, the acid spray, or any weapon that replaces it, may be fired at a different target unit than any other weapons the Tyrannofex fires, subject to the normal rules for shooting. If the Tyrannofex charges, it must charge at the unit shot by this weapon.

How ironic it is that as fast as we spread progress and hope throughout the galaxy, the Tyranids spread death and despair. Only united can we hope to stand against them. -Aun'shi of the Tau Empire.



Fortifications Tyranid Flora Infestation……………………………………35 points Composition: 1 Capillary Tower Terrain Type: The Capillary Towers and Spore Chimney are Impassable Terrain. Areas of Hypertrophic Flora are ordinary forests. Weapons: None Special Rules: Capillary Tower Capillary towers are often defended by brood nests filled with deadly warrior beasts. During deployment, a single unit from the following list may choose to be held in reserve and assigned to deploy at a chosen capillary tower. They do not roll for reserves as normal. Instead, when an enemy unit moves within 6” of the capillary tower for any reason, the unit that has been assigned to it is immediately deployed within 3” of the capillary tower in the exact same manner as deploying from a transport with the Assault Vehicle special rule. It may act normally from this point on. Capillary Towers are approximately 1½-3” in diameter. Broods deployed at a capillary tower may not be joined by Independent Characters or other units before deployment. The following units may be held in reserve at a capillary tower: -

Tyranid Guard Brood Pyrovore Brood Genestealer Brood Warrior Brood Gaunt Brood Hormagaunt Brood Ripper Swarm Ravener Brood Meiotic Spore Sacks Spore Mine Cluster Carnifex Brood (brood may not contain multiple models)

Spore Chimney Any friendly Tyranid units with a model within 6” of the spore chimney gain the Shrouded special rule and any enemy unit that charges these models counts as making a disorganized charge. In addition, enemy models and friendly non-Tyranid models that enter within 6” of the spore chimney or end their Movement phase within it must pass a Toughness test or suffer a wound – saves (but not cover saves) may be taken as normal. A spore chimney is approximately 4-6” in diameter. Hypertrophic Flora An area of hypertrophic flora is area terrain that functions exactly like a normal forest. It has an area of approximately 3”x5”. Options: • May include up to two additional capillary towers +35 pts each • May include a single spore chimney +45 pts • May include up to three areas of hypertrophic flora +30 pts per area


We retreat, we fall back, we make strategic withdrawals, we consolidate, we evacuate. When in the name of all that's holy are we going to fight back against the Tyranid threat? Events at Ichar IV and Macragge have proved that the hive fleets can be stopped, but where are the armies and the ships to stop them again? Why have the Adeptus Mechanicus ceased sending us munitions and weapons from their forge worlds? Do they believe they can stand alone and seek only to protect their own domains? These are important questions which demand answers at the highest level and, in my personal opinion, the punishment of those responsible - assignment to penal regiments in the path of the Tyranid advance would seem most appropriate. Believe me, sirs, I can appreciate that outposts and minor stations cannot be held against the infernal numbers of these aliens without an unconscionable expenditure of force. I have seen with my own eyes the results of such folly. I can also appreciate that the strategy of Holy Terra is not mine to question, but I fear that the perspective gained from viewing reports from thousands of light years away belies the seriousness of the situation here on the eastern fringe. -Excerpted from a missive sent by Commissar General Vortigus Hornth, Acting Warmaster; Diatan Sector, Ultima Segmentum. 285/988.M41


-Reference-_______________________________________________________________________________ Troops Alpha Warrior Biovore Carnifex Dagon Overlord Doom of Malan’tai Deathleaper Exocrine Gargoyle Gaunt Genestealer Harpy Haruspex Hive Guard Hive Tyrant Hormagaunt Lictor Malanthrope Malefactor Mawloc Meiotic Spore Sack Mycetic Spore Old One Eye Parasite of Mortrex Patriarch Pyrovore Ravener Ripper Swarm Shrike Spore Mine Swarmlord Tervigon Trygon Trygon Prime Tyranid Warrior Tyrannofex Tyrant Guard Venomthrope Winged Rippers Zoanthrope

WS 5 3 3 8 3 9 3 3 3 6 3 4 3 7 4 6 3 3 3 0 2 3 5 7 3 5 2 4 0 9 3 4 5 4 3 5 3 2 3

BS 3 3 2 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 4 3 3 3 3 2 3(4) 0 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 0 3 3 3 3 2 3(4) 3 3 2 4

S 5 4 10 6 X 6 5 3 3 4 6 7 5 6 3 6 5 6 6 1 6 10 6 6 4 5 3 5 1 6 5 7 7 5 6 5 4 3 4

T 5 4 6 6 4 5 6 3 3 4 5 7 6 6 3 5 5 6 6 5 4 7 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 6 6 6 6 5 7 6 4 3 4

W 3 2 4 4 4 2 5 1 1 1 5 5 2 4 1 2 3 5 6 1 3 4 3 3 2 2 3 2 1 5 5 6 6 2 6 2 2 3 2

I 5 2 1 5 3 7 1 4 4 6 4 3 4 5 5 6 5 3 4 1 1 1 6 7 2 5 2 4 1 6 1 4 4 4 1 4 3 2 3

A 3+1 1 2+2 3 1 4+1 2 1 1 2 2+2 3+1 2 3+1 1+1 3+1 3 2+1 3 0 3 2+1+D6 4 4 2 2+1 4 2+1 0 4 3 3+2 4+2 2+1 2 2+1 2 4 1

Ld 10 6 6 10 10 10 6 5 5 10 9 6 6 10 5 10 10 7 7 10 4 10 10 10 5 5 4 10 10 10 10 6 10 6 6 6 5 4 10

Sv 3+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 5+ 3+ 6+ 6+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 4+ 3+ 6+ 5+ 2+ 3+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 5+ 2+ 4+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 6+ 5+

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Across the heavens the flotilla of bio-ships stretched out, impelled by instinct to hibernate again until new prey was found, new resources could be plundered. In their wake was left a bare rock orbiting a star, scoured of every organic particle, stripped of all but the most basic elements. Nothing was left of the farming world of Langosta III, there were no testaments to the humans who had once lived there. Now all that was left was an airless asteroid, the unmarked death place of three million people.


________________________________________________________-ReferenceRanged Biomorphs Weapon Acid Shard Volley Acid Jets Acid Spray Barbed Strangler Bio-electric Pulse Bio-plasma Bio-plasmic Cannon Or Cluster Spines Deathspitter Devourer Fleshborer Fleshborer Hive Impaler Cannon* Ripper Tentacles Rupture Cannon Spike Rifle Spinefists* Spore Mine Launcher Bio-acid Frag Toxin* Stinger Salvo Strangleweb* Tentaclids Thorax Swarm Desiccator Larvae Electroshock Grubs Shreddershard Beetles Venom Cannon*

Range 24” Template Template 36” 12” 12” 36” 24” 18” 24” 18” 12” 12” 24” 6” 48” 18” 12”

Strength 7 3 +1 (Max S6) -1 (Max S8) 5 7 6 7 User (Max S6) +1 (Max S7) User (Max S6) +1 (Max S5) 5 8 User 10 User (Max S6) User (Max S6)

AP 4 4 4 5 2 3 2 6 5 6 5 5 4 2 6 6

Type Assault 4, Skyfire, Twin-linked Assault 2, Armorbane Assault 1, Torrent Assault 1, Large Blast, Pinning Assault 2X Assault 1, Blast Assault 1, Large Blast Assault 6 Assault 1, Large Blast Assault 1, Blast Assault 2X, Shred Assault X, Shred Assault 20, Shred Assault 2 Assault 2X Assault 2 Assault X Assault X, Twin-linked

48” 48” 48” 18” Template 36”

3 4 X User (Max S5) X 5

4 5 4 5 5

Assault 1, Barrage Blast, Armorbane Assault 1, Barrage, Large Blast Assault 1, Barrage, Blast, Poisoned (4+) Assault 2X Assault 1, Pinning Assault 1, Haywire, Seeking, One Use Only

Template Template Template 36”

X 5 3 +2 (Max S10)

5 4

Assault 1, Fleshbane Assault 1, Haywire Assault 1, Rending, Shred Assault X


-SAMPLE TYRANID BUILDS-_______________________________________________________ SAMPLE HIVE TYRANT BUILDS Example: Hell’s Harbinger Hive Tyrant (150 points) + Additional Scything Talons (Free) + Frag Spines (1 point) + Adrenal Glands (+1 I) (5 points) + Toxic Miasma (10 points) + Warp Field (30 points) + Wings (35 points) + Warp Blast (15 points) + Leech Essence (10 points) = 256 points Hell’s Harbinger

WS 7

BS 3

S 6

T 6

W 4

I 6

A 3+2

Ld 10

Sv 2+

Example: Swarm Marshal Hive Tyrant (150 points) + Lash Whip and Bonesword (10 points) + Implant Attack (10 points) + Symbiote Rippers (5 points) + Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (8 points) + Armored Shell (20 points) + Onslaught (10 points) + Catalyst (15 points) = 228 points Swarm Marshal

WS 8

BS 3

S 6

T 6

W 4

I 5

A 3+1

Ld 10

Sv 2+

Example: Swooping Terror Hive Tyrant (150 points) + Venom Cannon (35 points) + Twin-linked Devourers (15 points) + Enhanced Senses (8 points) + Warp Field (30 points) + Wings (35 points) + Catalyst (15 points) + Onslaught (10 points) = 298 points Swooping Terror

WS 7

BS 4

S 6

T 6

W 4

I 5

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 2+

Example: Caustic Ravager Hive Tyrant (150 points) + Lash Whip and Bonesword (10 points) + Barbed Strangler (20 points) + Frag Spines (1 point) + Toxin Sacs (8 points) + Toxic Miasma (10 points) + Acid Blood (10 points) + Regeneration (20 points) + Desiccator Larvae (15 points) + Leech Essence (10 points) + Psychic Scream (5 points) = 259 points Caustic Ravager

WS 7

BS 3

S 6

T 6

W 4

I 5

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 3+

As I looked into its dead black eyes, I saw the terrible sentience it had in place of a soul. Behind that was the steel will of its leader. Further still I could feel its primogenitor coldly assessing me from the void. And looking back from the furthest recesses of the alien's mind... I can only describe it as an immortal hunger. It is this we cannot kill. -Chief Librarian Varro Tigurius of the Ultramarines at the Conclave of Har.


SAMPLE ALPHA WARRIOR BROOD BUILDS Example: Shrieking Coven Alpha Warrior Brood (180 points) + Psychic Scream (10 points) + Pair of Boneswords (35 points) + Rending Claws (15 points) + Toxin Sacs (+20 points) = 260 points Shrieking Coven Warrior

WS 5

BS 3

S 5

T 5

W 3

I 5

A 3

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Example: Hive Champions Alpha Warrior Brood (180 points) + Lash Whip and Bonesword (35 points) + Scything Talons (free) + Frag Spines (3 points) + Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (15 points) + Leaping (20 points) + Toxin Sacs (20 points) + Regeneration (30 points) = 303 points Hive Champion

WS 6

BS 3

S 5

T 5

W 3

I 5

A 3+1

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Example: Swarm Drivers Alpha Warrior Brood (180 points) + Onslaught (10 points) + Devourers (15 points) + Venom Cannon (20 points) + Enhanced Senses (15 points) = 240 points Swarm Driver

WS 5

BS 3

S 5

T 5

W 3

I 5

A 3+1

Ld 10

Sv 3+


SAMPLE WARRIOR BUILDS Example: Gladiator Tyranid Warrior (30 points) + Lash Whip and Bonesword (15 points) + Scything Talons (free) + Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (5 points) = 50 points Gladiator

WS 5

BS 2

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2+1

Ld 10

Sv 4+

Example: Huntsman Tyranid Warrior (30 points) + Rending Claws (5 points) + Devourer (5 points) + Enhanced Senses (3 points) = 43 points Huntsman

WS 4

BS 3

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 4+

Example: Assassin Tyranid Warrior (30 points) + Spike Rifle (free) + Devourer (5 points) + Enhanced Senses (3 points) = 38 points Assassin

WS 4

BS 3

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 4+

Example: Marauder Tyranid Warrior (30 points) + Pair of Boneswords (15 points) + Deathspitter (10 points) + Frag Spines (1 point) + Adrenal Glands (+1 I) (5 points) + Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (5 points) = 66 points Marauder

WS 5

BS 2

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 5

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 4+

When you fight Tyranids you face not only those before you on the field of battle but the untold thousands which seek to surround you, which attack your supporting units and destroy your supply lines in perfect synchronicity. - Lieutenant-Colonel Uskra, Imperial Guard 13th/23rd Tiger Lizards.


SAMPLE SHRIKE BUILDS Example: Hellbat Shrike (35 points) + Rending Claws (5 points) + Devourer (5 points) = 45 points Hellbat

WS 4

BS 2

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Example: Raptor Shrike (35 points) + Additional Scything Talons (free) + Adrenal Glands (+1 I) (5 points) + Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (5 points) + Frag Spines (1 point) = 46 points Raptor

WS 5

BS 2

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 5

A 2+2

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Example: Scourge Shrike (35 points) + Lash Whip and Bonesword (+15 points) + Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (5 points) + Toxin Sacs (5 points) = 60 points Scourge

WS 5

BS 2

S 5

T 5

W 2

I 4

A 2

Ld 10

Sv 5+

Genestealers are perfectly bio-engineered infiltrators that rove ahead of the Tyranid hive fleets seeking rich feeding grounds. These deadly creatures work by implanting and subverting members of the host species, striving to dominate their victims through alien cunning or terrifying violence as the situation requires. -Inquisitor Grael.


SAMPLE CARNIFEX BUILDS Example: Screamer-Killer Carnifex (130 points) + Bio-plasma (20 points) + Frag Spines (3 points) + Adrenal Glands (+1 I) (4 points) = 157 points WS 3


BS 2

S 10

T 6

W 4

I 2

A 2+2

Ld 6

Sv 3+

Example: Venomspitter Carnifex (130 points) + Enhanced Senses (5 points) + Venom Cannon (25 points) + Regeneration (25 points) = 185 points Venomspitter

WS 3

BS 3

S 10

T 6

W 4

I 1

A 2+1

Ld 6

Sv 3+

Example: Tendril-Slaughterer Carnifex (130 points) + Crushing Claws (20 points) + Lash Whips (10 points) + Armored Shell (20 points) Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) (6 points) + Tusked (10 points) + Extended Carapace (15 points) = 211 points Tendril-Slaughterer

WS 4

BS 2

S 10

T 7

W 4

I 1

A 2+D3

Ld 6

Sv 2+

Example: Bile-Beast Carnifex (130 points) + Enhanced Senses (5 points) + Barbed Strangler (20 points), Twin-linked Deathspitter (15 points) + Spore Cysts (5 points) + Toxic Miasma (10 points) + Toxin Sacs (10 points) + Acid Blood (10 points) + Bio-plasma (20 points) = 225 points Bile-Beast

WS 3

BS 3

S 10

T 6

W 4

I 1

A 2

Ld 6

Sv 3+

Example: Flak-Fiend Carnifex (130 points) + Twin-linked Devourers (15 points) + Twin-linked Devourers (15 points) + Spine Banks (5 points) + Enhanced Senses (5 points) = 170 points Flak-Fiend


WS 3

BS 3

S 10

T 6

W 4

I 1

A 2

Ld 6

Sv 3+

SAMPLE TYRANNOFEX BUILDS Example: Hunter-Killer Tyrannofex (260 points) + Rupture Cannon (15 points) + Shreddershard Beetles (free) + Regeneration (30 points) = 305 points WS 3


BS 3(4)

S 6

T 7

W 6

I 1

A 2

Ld 6

Sv 2+

Example: Swarm-Monger Tyrannofex (260 points) + Fleshborer Hive (25 points) + Cluster Spines (free) + Spine Banks (5 points) + Extended Carapace (20 points) = 310 points Swarm-Monger

WS 3

BS 3(4)

S 6

T 8

W 6

I 1

A 2

Ld 6

Sv 2+

Example: Bio-Horror Tyrannofex (260 points) + Acid Spray (free) + Desiccator Larvae (free) + Bio-plasma (15 points) + Spore Cysts (5 points) + Toxic Miasma (15 points) + Toxin Sacs (8 points) = 303 points Bio-Horror

WS 3

BS 3(4)

S 6

T 7

W 6

I 1

A 2

Ld 6

Sv 2+



-NOTABLE TYRANID SWARMS-__________________________________________________ Example: Planetary Assault Swarm (1,000 point list) Alpha Warrior Brood – 230 points Lash Whip and Bonesword, Scything Talons, Adrenal Glands (+1 WS) Zoanthrope Brood – 230 points 3 Zoanthropes, Warp Blast x3, Catalyst x2, The Horror x1 Venomthrope – 55 points Brood Cluster – Gaunt Brood – 80 points 10 Gaunts, Without Number Gaunt Brood – 80 points 10 Gaunts, Without Number Tervigon – 150 points Toxin Sacs Carnifex – 175 points Adrenal Glands (I), Armored Shell, Bio-plasma, Frag Spines

The torchlight showed up a trail of blood leading to the back room, so like a fool I followed it. Lying in the darkness was one of the smaller ones, its jaws distended around the torso of what I assume used to be the father. He was still convulsing. In my horror, I shoot the victim first. Big mistake. -Enforcer Maitland, Epsilon Hive


Example: The Psychic Choir (1,500 point list) Hive Tyrant – 220 points Barbed Strangler, Acid Blood, Armored Shell, Psychic Scream, Warp Blast Tyranid Guard Brood – 120 points 2 Hive Guard, Acid Blood Zoanthrope Brood – 150 points 2 Zoanthropes, Psychic Scream x2, Warp Blast x2 Zoanthrope Brood – 150 points 2 Zoanthropes, Psychic Scream x2, Warp Blast x2 Tyranid Warrior Brood – 265 points 5 Warriors, Lashwhip and Bonesword, Devourers, Enhanced Senses Tyranid Warrior Brood – 265 points 5 Warriors, Lashwhip and Bonesword, Devourers, Enhanced Senses Biovore Brood – 105 points 3 Biovores, Frag Mines Trygon – 225 points Tail Weapon, Spine Banks


Example: Vanguard Swarm (2,000 point list) Genestealer Patriarch – 116 points Scything Talons, Frag Spines Genestealers – 150 points 10 Genestealers, Frag Spines Lictor Brood – 225 points 3 Lictors Lictor Brood – 225 points 3 Lictors Genestealer Brood – 252 points 18 Genestealers Genestealer Brood – 252 points 18 Genestealers Shrike Brood – 240 points 5 Shrikes, Deathspitters, Enhanced Senses Gargoyle Brood – 210 points 30 Gargoyles, Toxin Sacs Gargoyle Brood – 180 points 30 Gargoyles Harpy – 150 points Twin-linked Venom Cannon


Example: The Unending Tides of Dagon (2,500 point list) The Dagon Overlord – 280 points Tyranid Guard Brood – 120 points 2 Tyrant Guard Hive Tyrant – 256 points Lash Whip and Bonesword, Venom Cannon, Toxin Sacs, Enhanced Senses, Armored Shell, Onslaught, Catalyst Tyranid Guard Brood – 110 points 2 Hive Guard, Spine Banks Tervigon – 190 points Toxin Sacs, Gaunts have Devourers Brood Cluster – Gaunt Brood – 270 points 30 Gaunts, Toxin Sacs, Without Number Gaunt Brood – 270 points 30 Gaunts, Toxin Sacs, Without Number Brood Cluster – Gaunt Brood – 270 points 30 Gaunts, Toxin Sacs, Without Number Gaunt Brood – 225 points 25 Gaunts, Toxin Sacs, Without Number Trygon – 255 points Spine Banks, Toxin Sacs, Regeneration Trygon – 255 points Spine Banks, Toxin Sacs, Regeneration

They come at you in a tide of creatures so thick a blind man could score a hit ten times out of ten. Any man who can hold a gun can hit a tyranid. But no matter how many you kill with your guns, there will always be more, and it is our job to teach the men how to fight the ones that reach our lines. -Sergeant Learchus Abantes, Ultramarines 4th Company.



Example: Mycetic Assault Swarm – (3,000 point list) Hive Tyrant – 321 points Scything Talons, Venom Cannon, Warp Field, Adrenal Glands (I), Enhanced Senses, Toxin Sacs, Regeneration, Wings, Catalyst, Leech Essence Hive Tyrant – 326 points Twin-linked Devourers x2, Warp Field, Enhanced Senses, Toxin Sacs, Regeneration, Wings, Mastery Level 2, Catalyst, Warp Blast Genestealer Brood – 288 points 18 Genestealers, Frag Spines, Scything Talons Genestealer Brood – 288 points 18 Genestealers, Frag Spines, Scything Talons Genestealer Brood – 304 points 16 Genestealers, Frag Spines, Scything Talons, Feeder Tendrils Genestealer Brood – 304 points 16 Genestealers, Frag Spines, Scything Talons, Feeder Tendrils Spore Mine Cluster – 54 points 6 Bio-acid Mines Carnifex – 200 points Twin-linked Devourers x2, Enhanced Senses, Toxin Sacs, Spore Cysts, Armored Shell Mycetic Spore – 65 points Venom Cannon Carnifex – 195 points Venom Cannon, Bio-plasma, Armored Shell Mycetic Spore – 65 points Venom Cannon Carnifex – 250 points Crushing Claws, Armored Shell, Spine Banks, Adrenal Glands (+1 I and WS), Tusked, Acid Blood, Bio-plasma, Regeneration Mycetic Spore – 55 points Twin-linked Deathspitter Haruspex – 220 points Adrenal Glands (I), Tusked, Armored Shell, Regeneration Mycetic Spore – 65 points Venom Cannon

We thought it was over. We really did. Then the big ones began to rain down. -Private Yuris, Bedlam. 72



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