Codex Traitor Legions

March 31, 2018 | Author: Collin McCarter | Category: Armed Conflict, Leisure, Unrest, Nature
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Codex: Traitor Legions An Unofficial Alternative Codex for Warhammer 40,000 By Azathoth DCLXVI

This game supplement is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black Flame, Black Library, the Black Library logo, BL Publishing, Blood Angels, Bloodquest, Blood Bowl, the Blood Bowl logo, The Blood Bowl Spike Device, Cadian, Catachan, the Chaos device, Cityfight, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, City of the Damned, Codex, Daemonhunters, Dark Angels, Dark Eldar, Dark Future, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal, Eldar, Eldar symbol devices, Epic, Eye of Terror, Fanatic, the Fanatic logo, the Fanatic II logo, Fire Warrior, Forge World, Games Workshop, Games Workshop logo, Genestealer, Golden Demon, Gorkamorka, Great Unclean One, the Hammer of Sigmar logo, Horned Rat logo, Inferno, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor logo, the Inquisitor device, Inquisitor: Conspiracies, Keeper of Secrets, Khemri, Khorne, Kroot, Lord of Change, Marauder, Mordheim, the Mordheim logo, Necromunda, Necromunda stencil logo, Necromunda Plate logo, Necron, Nurgle, Ork, Ork skull devices, Sisters of Battle, Skaven, the Skaven symbol devices, Slaanesh, Space Hulk, Space Marine, Space Marine chapters, Space Marine chapter logos, Talisman, Tau, the Tau caste designations, Tomb Kings, Trio of Warriors, Twin Tailed Comet Logo, Tyranid, Tzeentch, Ultramarines, Warhammer, Warhammer Historical, Warhammer Online, Warhammer 40k Device, Warhammer World logo, Warmaster, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters, vehicles, locations illustrations and images from the Blood Bowl game, the Warhammer world, the Talisman world, and the Warhammer 40,000 universe are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2013, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. All Rights Reserved Used without permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners. All art, illustrations and concepts used without permission.

-Table of Contents-_____________________________________________________________________________________________________

“This is the place.” The Chaos Sorcerer’s voice was little more than a harsh whisper. The small force of Chaos Marines stood in a withered glade, the grass at their feet was dark and burnt, the trees hung limply as if drained of life. In the middle of the clearing was a rocky hill, a small cave opening in front of them. Tendrils of dank smog drifted lazily through the air from the hole, its rancid odour easily picked up by the enhanced senses of the renegades. Abaddon stepped forward and stared at the cave entrance, as if daring some hideous beast to rush forth and challenge him. “I will go alone. Stay here and keep a watchful eye.” The Warmaster commanded. As Abaddon stepped inside, he was plunged into near darkness, the dismal light of the world’s ancient sun barely penetrating more than a few feet into the cavern. His superior eyes quickly adjusted to the gloomy interior and within a moment he was able to see clearly. The cave was hung with grisly decorations – animal and human skulls, entrails on hooks and chains hung with pungent smelling plants. Wind chimes made from hollowed bones hung low from the ceiling, some of them drilled out so that the faint wind caused them to produce a murmuring of groans and shrieks amidst the desultory clattering of bone on bone. The Warmaster was unimpressed. Such baubles might seem frightening to mere mortals, but he had waged war for ten thousand years, strode across hundreds of battlefields laying waste to his enemies. Whole planetary populations had been enslaved or put to death in his name. He had little to fear from this place.

The smoke was billowing intermittently from a small fire in the centre of the cave, burning some noxious fuel that gave off dark purple flames which seemed to exaggerate the shadows rather than provide any real light. In the darkness, Abaddon could make out a hunched figure by the fireside. It was swathed in rags, which once must have been a deep green but were now faded to dull grey and grimed with dust, mud and bloodstains. Greetings, magnificent Abaddon, thrice-cursed, destroyer of worlds.” The wheezing voice was quavering and the speaker degenerated into racking coughs for a moment. Abaddon strode into the central chamber and stood behind the crouching figure. “You know why I am here, hag. Tell me what I need to know!” He demanded, his voice a menacing growl. The figure turned its head and let its frayed hood fall back. The woman’s face was haggard and lined, her scalp bald except for a few wispy strands of pure white hair. It was then that Abaddon noticed that her eye sockets were empty – shriveled holes that still wept a slight trickle of blood. “The mighty Abaddon, come here to consult with old Moriana. What price will you pay?” The withered woman asked. Abaddon leant forward and grasped the seer’s neck in the Talon of Horus, squeezing ever so slightly. “If you do not tell me my destiny, it is you who will pay with your life!” The hag cackled then, a screeching laugh that set the Warmaster’s teeth on edge.

“Kill me and you will never know!” She retorted, her cracked, blistered lips twisted into a sneer. “You will not live to see the end of the year, killed by a traitor in your own ranks. Stop this foolishness. I have consorted with creatures far more horrific than you and I do not fear death at your hand,” With a growl, Abaddon released his grip and stepped back. The haggard old woman stood up with the cracking of arthritic joints and gasps for breath. She hobbled over to a pile of ill-made pottery jugs andtook a handful of foul-smelling leaves from one. Casting them on to the fire, she seemed to gaze into the flames, though she had no eyes. “Your future is twisted and turning. You will either achieve your goals or your masters will strike you down for your disloyalty. The Dark Gods tolerate no-one who betrays them, and to think that you can rival them…” The hag laughed again. “I see fortresses in the stars, a circle of six, but they sleep yet and must be awakened by you. Seek the Hand of Darkness in the place between salvation and damnation, for with it you shall guide the doom of suns. Take the Eye of Night from the stunted men and see the path laid out for you. With these, the citadels of the ether will be yours to command, their powers yours to unleash. Ride upon the storms of Chaos that will come soon. Gather your rivals about you. Send discord and terror through a thousand worlds. But be swift, for destiny does not wait for those who are cautious. That is the way to control your destiny, to set yourself up as a living god to rival the so called Emperor of Mankind. A chorus of a billion throats will cry your name in fear and hatred, the stars themselves will run with blood. If you have the stomach for it, Warmaster…” The prophetess nodded to herself as she finished, dousing the

flames with a splash of water from a cracked gourd beside her. “You speak in meaningless riddles. Where is this place between salvation and damnation? What is the fortress of the stars? Tell me these things or die now!” Abaddon demanded, ripping the Daemon sword Drach’nyen from its scabbard, its unearthly blade bathing the inside of the cave in a baleful blue glow. “If you would set yourself up as a god, you must use your head, as well as your fists, ignorant fool!” The hag spat back, her voice suddenly strong and full of contempt. “I will remember your insolence, crone.” Abaddon threatened, pointing the baneful sword at the old woman. The seer did not reply, but merely turned away from the Warmaster to show that the consultation had ended. Abaddon snarled to himself and then turned and strode out, his bulky Terminator armour smashing through the grisly wind chimes and causing a cacophony of rattling and wails. The Sorcerer was waiting outside with Abaddon’s bodyguard, his eyes full of questions. “What did she say, master? Did she mention me?” he asked, stepping next to Abaddon, who ignored the follower of Tzeentch for a moment, lost in thought. With a grunt he turned suddenly to face Zaraphiston, causing the Sorcerer to flinch as Abaddon’s Daemon sword flashed past his face. “Signal my fleet to prepare for battle,” Abaddon ordered. “We seek our destinies in the stars!”

-Chaos Space Marine Special Rules-__________________________________________________ Favored Units Units with the Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch may be organized in squads based on the favored number of their god. These numbers are 6 for Slaanesh, 7 for Nurgle, 8 for Khorne and 9 for Tzeentch. If a non-vehicle unit in a Chaos Space Marine army with a Mark of a chaos god consists of a number of models equal to the chosen god’s favored number before deployment, then that unit is considered a Favored Unit. That unit may upgrade one of its models to a champion for free instead of the listed price. Additionally, if the army contains an allied Chaos Daemon detachment, then allied demon squads do not scatter if they deep strike within 6” of a favored unit who is dedicated to the same god as the individual demon unit.

Animosity The hatred the Chaos gods feel for each other is legendary and even manifests itself on the battlefield. Chaos Space Marine units with the Mark of Khorne treat Chaos Space Marine units with the Mark of Slaanesh as Desperate Allies, and vice versa, even if they are taken in the same army and/or detachment. Chaos Space Marine units with the Mark of Nurgle treat Chaos Space Marine units with the Mark of Tzeentch as Desperate Allies, and vice versa, even if they are taken in the same army and/or detachment. An independent character with a Mark of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh or Tzeentch may not join a unit which contains models with one of the other three listed marks.

Bolter Drill If a model with this special rule shoots with a boltgun, bolt pistol or the boltgun portion of a combi-weapon (not including a combi-bolter), then if they did not move in the preceding Movement phase, they may fire that weapon twice. Both instances of shooting must target the same unit.

Rule Through Fear Friendly units within 12” of a model with this special rule may use its Leadership value for any Morale or Pinning tests they are called upon to make.

Veterans of the Long War A model with this special rule has the Hatred (Space Marines) special rule. Additionally, the model increases its Leadership value by +1 to a maximum of 10. Models whose entries already have this special rule included have this Leadership bonus include in their profile.

Repair If a vehicle with this special rule is immobilized for any reason, in subsequent turns the crew can attempt a repair instead of the vehicle shooting. Roll a D6 in the Shooting phase – on a roll of a 6, the vehicle is no longer immobilized.

-Chaos Psychic Powers-


Psykers in a Chaos Space Marine army may choose their psychic powers from the Undivided Psychic Powers list. Models with a Mark of Chaos may also select their powers from the list their chosen god.

Undivided Psychic Powers Breath of Chaos – 15 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Witchfire psychic power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type Template 1 2 Assault 1, Corrosion, Poisoned (4+) Corrosion Do not roll for armour penetration against vehicles touched by the template. Instead they suffer a glancing hit on a D6 roll of a 4+. Doombolt – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Witchfire power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 24” 4 3 Assault 4 Gift of Chaos – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Malediction that targets a single enemy model of the psykers choice within 6”. The target model must take a Toughness test. If failed, the model is removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed. Additionally, if the psyker’s controlling player has a Chaos Spawn model available, they may replace the casualty with a Chaos Spawn under their control. If the casualty was in base contact with friendly models, they are now locked in close combat with the Spawn. Warptime – 15 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Blessing that targets the psyker. If successful, the psyker may re-roll all failed rolls To-Hit and To-Wound and all Armor, Invulnerable and Cover saves. Discipline Powers Before deployment, a psyker may trade out any powers he has selected from the above list and instead generate an equal number of powers from the Biomancy, Pyromancy or Telepathy disciplines as detailed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Nurgle Psychic Powers Affliction – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Witchfire psychic power that that automatically hits a single enemy unit within 18”. All models in that unit must take a Toughness test or suffer an automatic Wound. Blessing of Nurgle – 8 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Maelstrom psychic power. To use it, place the large blast template with the central hole centered over the Psyker. All non-Nurgle Daemons and models without the Mark of Nurgle take an automatic Hit which wounds on a 5+ with the Ignores Cover special rule. Miasma of Pestilence – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Witchfire psychic power. To use it, place the small blast template within 24” of the Psyker and scatter it as normal for a blast weapon. After scattering, any enemy units with a model that is touched by the template must take a Morale check and a Blind test. Plague Wind – 15 points – Warp Charge 2 This is a Witchfire power with the profile below. It has no effect on vehicles. Rng S AP Type 12” 1 2 Assault 1, Large Blast, Poisoned (4+)

Slaanesh Psychic Powers Ecstatic Seizures – 12 points – Warp Charge 2 This is a Witchfire power that automatically hits an enemy unit within 24”. Every non-vehicle model in the target unit takes a hit at its own unmodified Strength. Sensory Overload – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Witchfire power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 24” 4 4 Assault 4, Blind, Concussive, Pinning She Who Thirsts – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Blessing that is used at the start of the controlling player’s Assault phase and targets the psyker. All of the psyker’s attacks wound automatically if they hit. Saves may be taken against these wounds normally for a weapon of that type. This power has no effect on Vehicles. Siren – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Blessing that targets the psyker. Enemy units attempting to target the psyker with shooting attacks or attempting to charge the psyker must first pass a Leadership test. If the psyker’s Leadership is greater, then the target unit suffers a negative modifier to their Leadership score equal to the difference between the two for the purpose of taking this test.

Tzeentch Psychic Powers Bolt of Change – 15 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Beam power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 18” 8 1 Assault 1, Detonate Detonate If a weapon with this special rule hits a vehicle and causes an Explodes result, roll 2D6 to determine the explosion distance. Boon of Mutation – 10 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Blessing that targets a single, friendly character within 2" of the psyker. That character takes a Strength 4 AP- hit. If the character survives, he must immediately make a roll on the Chaos Boon table as described under the Champion of Chaos rule. Twisting Path – 5 points – Warp Charge 1 This is a Witchfire power that automatically hits an enemy unit within 18”. That unit must take a Pinning test with a -2 penalty to their Leadership value. If this test is failed, then all friendly units containing a psyker with the Mark of Tzeentch gain the Preferred Enemy special rule until the end of the following player turn. Tzeentch’s Firestorm – 15 points – Warp Charge 2 This is a Witchfire power with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 24” D6+1 D6-1 Assault 1, Large Blast For each model that is removed as a casualty as result of a weapon with this special rule, the remainder of the unit immediately takes a further D3 Strength 3 AP- hits. These extra hits do not themselves generate more hits. Mass Mutation – 35 points – Warp Charge 3 This is a Blessing that targets the psyker’s unit but does not target the psyker himself. That unit takes a number of Strength 4 AP- hits equal to the number of non-Independent Character models in that unit, excluding the psyker himself. If any models survive, immediately roll once on the Chaos Boon table, re-rolling any results of 11 or 66. The result rolled is applied to every Infantry model in the unit, excluding models with the Independent Character special rule and the psyker.

-Chaos Armory-____________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Weapons: Blastmaster Varied Frequency Single Frequency

Combi-bolter Rng S AP 24” 4 5

Rng 36”

S 5

AP 4




Type Assault 2, Ignores Cover, Pinning Heavy 1, Blast, Ignores Cover, Pinning

Type Rapid Fire, Twin-linked

Doom Siren A model with a doom siren counts as being armed with defensive grenades. Additionally, a model with this weapon does not suffer the Initiative penalties for charging enemies through cover, but instead fights at their normal Initiative in the ensuing combat. Rng S AP Type Template 5 4 Assault 1 Havoc Launcher Rng S AP Type 48” 5 5 Heavy 1, Blast, Twin-linked Heavy Chainaxe Rng S AP User+2 3

Type Melee, Armorbane, Shred, Twohanded, Unwieldy

Khornate Chainaxe Rng S AP Type User 5 Melee, Shred Plague Knife Rng S AP User -

Type Melee, Poisoned (4+)

Power Scourge A Powere Scourge counts as an additional Dreadnaught Close Combat Weapon, except that it adds +2 Attacks to the models profile, rather than the normal +1 Attack. Additionally, when locked in an assault, enemy models within 2” of a model with a Power Scourge count as being in base contact. This means that a model with a Power Scourge may strike enemy models that are within 2” of these models as well. Rng S AP Type Userx2 2 Melee Reaper Autocannon Rng S AP Type 36” 7 4 Heavy 2, Twin-linked Sonic Blaster Rng S AP 24” 4 5 Tactical Bombs Rng S AP Bomb 6 3

Type Assault 2 or Heavy 3, Ignores Cover

Type Heavy 1, Blast, Bomb, One-shot

Incendiary Bombs Rng S AP Type Bomb 5 Heavy 1, Bomb, Ignores Cover, Large Blast, One-shot Armor: Chaos Armor Chaos Armor confers a 2+ Armor save.

Grenades: Blight Grenades Blight grenades count as both assault and defensive grenades.

Power Armor Power Armor confers a 3+ Armor save. Improvised Armor Improvised Armor confers a 6+ Armor save. Terminator Armor Terminator armor confers a 2+ Armor save and a 5+ Invulnerable save. Furthermore, models in Terminator armor have the Bulky, Deep Strike and Relentless special rules and may not make Sweeping Advances.

Icons of Chaos: All models with an Icon of Chaos count as being equipped with a Personal Icon in addition to any other effects listed in their description. Personal Icon – 5 points Any friendly units with the Daemon special rule that attempt to Deep Strike within 6” of a model with a Personal Icon do not scatter. Banner of Rage – 20 points Models with the Mark of Khorne only. In addition to its other effects, once per game, the unit containing the Banner of Rage may gain +1 Attack until the end of the turn. The banner may be activated at any time on either player’s turn. Blasted Standard – 20 points Models with the Mark of Tzeentch only. In addition to its other effects, once per game, the model carrying the Blasted Standard may target an enemy unit with a shooting attack with the following profile: Rng S AP Type 6” 6 4 Assault 2D6, One-shot Icon of Chaos Glory – 20 points In addition to its other effects, a unit containing a model with an Icon of Chaos Glory gains the Fearless special rule.

Icon of Despair – 10 points In addition to its other effects, a unit containing a model with an Icon of Despair counts as having the Fear special rule. Icon of Turbulence – 20 points In addition to its other effects, any enemy model attempting to use a psychic power within 6” of a model with an Icon of Turbulence must roll 3D6 and pick the two highest when making Psychic tests. Plague Banner – 50 points Models with the Mark of Nurgle only. In addition to its other effects, once per game, in his own Shooting phase, the controlling player may target any one enemy unit within 6” of the banner. This unit suffers D6 automatic wounds as if from shooting. Armor and Cover saves may not be taken against these wounds. Rapturous Standard – 35 points Models with the Mark of Slaanesh only. In addition to its other effects, once per game, all friendly units within 6” of the Rapturous Standard gains the Feel No Pain special rule until the end of the turn. The banner may be activated at any time on either player’s turn.

Vehicle Upgrades: Ceramite Plating A vehicle with ceramite plating is not subject to the additional D6 armor penetration caused by weapons with the Melta special rule. Daemonic Possession A model with the Daemonic Possession upgrade has a Ballistic Skill of 3. In addition, it ignores all Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results inflicted on it. Destroyer Blades Any unit that is Tank Shocked by a vehicle with destroyer blades takes D6 Strength 5 AP- hits. If the unit chose to make a Death or Glory it instead takes 2D6 Strength 5 AP- hits.

Dirge Caster Enemy units within 6” of one or more vehicles with a dirge caster cannot fire Overwatch. Siege Shield A vehicle equipped with a siege shield automatically passes Dangerous Terrain tests.

Wargear: Auspex Enemy infiltrators cannot set up within 12” of a model with an auspex. Similarly, enemy scouts cannot use their pre-game move to approach to within 12” of one. When his unit shoots, a model armed with an auspex may forgo his shooting. If he does, any one enemy unit within 12” reduces their Cover save by 1 until the end of the phase against shooting attacks from his unit. Bionics A model equipped with bionics gains the Feel No Pain special rule at the listed amount (6+ if unspecified.) Chaos Bike Models armed with a Chaos Bike change their type to Bike as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. Chaos Bikes are equipped with a twin-linked boltgun. Combat Drugs If an army contains one or more units with combat drugs, then before deploying forces, roll once on the table below. All units in the controlling player’s army that have combat drugs will benefit from the effect listed for the entire game. Note that the effects are not cumulative. Dice Roll 1 2 3 4 5 6

Effect +1 Weapon Skill +1 Attack Feel No Pain Shred +1 Strength Fleet

Inferno Bolts A model with inferno bolts which is shooting with a bolt pistol, boltgun, combi-bolter, heavy bolter or the boltgun portion of a combi-weapon uses them in place of the normal bolt ammunition. Each time a models shoots using Inferno bolts, the weapons profile must be modified in one of two ways: the AP value is changed to AP 3 -orthe weapon gains the blast type.* When using Inferno bolts, the entire unit and any attached characters must choose the same modifier. *When firing Inferno bolts with the Blast type, roll to hit as if the weapon did not have the blast type. When a wound is allocated, place the small blast marker to determine how many models are hit by the attack. From that point, roll to wound as normal for blast weapons. Jump Pack Models equipped with Jump Packs are Jump Units as desctibed in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Gift of Mutation Before deployment, for each model with the Gift of Mutation, roll on the Chaos Boon table. Do not apply any Step Towards Spawndom or Multiple Boons results; roll again on the table instead. The model has that result for the entire game. Locator Beacon If a unit wishes to arrive on the battlefield via deep strike and chooses to do so within 6" of a model carrying a locator beacon, then it does not scatter. Note that the locator beacon must already be on the table at the start of the turn for it to be used. Mechatendrils Mechatendrils give the wearer +2 Attacks. Mechatendrils also include a meltagun and a flamer. In the Shooting phase, the model can fire either both mecharendril weapons or one mechatendril weapon and one other weapon. Servo-arm A servo-arm grants a model an additional close combat attack that strikes at Initiative 1, Strength 8 and ignores armor saves. Servo-harness A model equipped with a servo-harness counts as being armed with two servo-arms, a flamer and a twin-linked plasma pistol which does not count as an additional close combat weapon. In the Shooting phase, the model may choose to fire both harness mounted guns, or one harness mounted gun and another gun. Servo-skull Servo-skulls are treated as counters, rather than units, for all intents and purposes. They are placed on the battlefield after deployment areas have been determined, but before any forces are deployed. Each Servo-skull can be place anywhere on the battlefield outside the enemy’s deployment zone. Once deployed, Servo-skulls do not move. Enemy infiltrators cannot set up within 12” of a Servoskull. Similarly, enemy scouts cannot use their pregame move to approach to within 12” of one. A friendly unit arriving by Deep Strike rolls one D6 less for scatter if it aims to arrive within 12” of a Servoskull. Likewise, friendly blast templates placed within 12” of a Servo-skull roll one D6 less for scatter. Servo-skulls are considered too small and agile to be attacked and cannot be harmed in any way. However, should an enemy unit move to within 6” then the Servoskull will self-destruct or flee the battlefield – remove it from play.

hQ 0-1 Daemon Prince……………………………………………………………135 points WS BS S Daemon Prince 7 6 6 Wargear: • Close Combat Weapon

T 6

W 4

I 5

A 4

Ld 10

Options: • Must select between 50 and 100 points worth of Daemonic Gifts cost varies • May replace close combat weapon with one of the following: - Daemon Weapon cost varies - Power weapon +15 pts - A pair of lightning claws +30 pts - Power fist +25 pts • May be given one of the following: - Power armor +8 pts - Chaos armor +20 pts

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Mc (Ch) 1 Daemon Prince Special Rules: • Daemon • Eternal Warrior • Independent Character • Rule Through Fear • Veterans of the Long War •

May be given a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Khorne +10 pts - Mark of Nurgle +15 pts - Mark of Slaanesh +8 pts - Mark of Tzeentch +15 pts If the Mark of Khorne is not taken, may be given the Psyker special rule and up to 3 Mastery Levels +25 pts per level - Psykers must select one psychic power per Mastery Level from the Chaos Psychic Power list cost varies

Chaos Lord……………………………………………………………………..85 points WS BS S T Chaos Lord 6 5 4 4 Special Rules: • Champion of Chaos • Fearless • Independent Character • Rule Through Fear

W 3

I 5

A 4

Ld 10

Sv 3+

Options: • May select up to 50 points worth of daemonic gifts cost varies • May replace his power armor with chaos armor +15 pts • May replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following: - Daemon Weapon cost varies - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts • May replace power armor, boltgun, bolt pistol and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor, combi-bolter and power weapon +40 pts • May replace terminator armor’s combi-bolter with a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma +5 pts

Unit Type Unit Composition In (Ch) 1 Chaos Lord Wargear: • Power Armor • Boltgun or Chainsword • Bolt Pistol • Frag and Krak Grenades

• • •

May replace terminator armor’s power weapon with one of the following: - Daemon weapon cost varies - Lightning claw +5 pts - Power fist +10 pts - Chainfist +15 pts May replace terminator armor’s combi-bolter and power weapon with a pair of lightning claws +15 pts If terminator armor is not taken, may take one of the following: - Jump Pack +20 pts - Chaos Bike +35 pts May be given the veterans of the long war special rule +3 pts May be given the bolter drill special rule +1 pt May be given a single mark of chaos: - Mark of Khorne +10 pts - Mark of Nurgle +15 pts - Mark of Slaanesh +5 pts - Mark of Tzeentch +10 pts If the Mark of Khorne is not taken, may be given the psyker special rule and up to 2 mastery levels +25 pts per level - Psykers must select one psychic power per Mastery Level from the Chaos Psychic Power list cost varies

Chaos Lieutenant………………………………………………………………65 points WS BS S Chaos Lieutenant 5 5 4 Special Rules: • Champion of Chaos • Fearless • Independent Character

T 4

W 2

I 5

A 3

Ld 9

Options: • May select up to 35 points worth of daemonic gifts cost varies • May replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts • May replace power armor, boltgun, bolt pistol and frag and krak grenades for terminator armor, combi-bolter and power weapon +40 pts • May replace terminator armor’s combi-bolter with a combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma +5 pts • May replace terminator armor’s power weapon with one of the following: - Lightning claw +5 pts - Power fist +10 pts - Chainfist +15 pts

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ In (Ch) 1 Chaos Lieutenant Wargear: • Power Armor • Boltgun or Chainsword • Bolt Pistol • Frag and Krak Grenades •

• • •

May replace terminator armor’s combi-bolter and power weapon with a pair of lightning claws +15 pts If terminator armor is not taken, may take one of the following: - Jump pack +20 pts - Chaos bike +35 pts May be given the veterans of the long war special rule +5 pts May be given the bolter drill special rule +1 pt May be given a single mark of chaos: - Mark of Khorne +10 pts - Mark of Nurgle +15 pts - Mark of Slaanesh +5 pts - Mark of Tzeentch +10 pts If the Mark of Khorne is not taken, may be given the psyker special rule with mastery level 1 +25 pts - Psykers must select one psychic power from the Chaos Psychic Power list cost varies

Elites Chaos Techmarine……………………………………………………………...65 points WS BS S Chaos Techmarine 4 4 4 Wargear: • Chaos Armor • Boltgun or Bolt Pistol • Servo-arm • Frag and Krak Grenades

T 4

W 1

I 4

A 2

Options: • May exchange servo-arm for one of the following: - Mechatendrils +10 pts - Servo-harness +30 pts • May be given a power weapon +15 pts • May be given up to 25 points in Daemonic Gifts cost varies • May take any of the following: - Auspex +8 pts - Bionics +5 pts - Melta Bombs +5 pts - Servo-skull +3 pts - Locator Beacon +15 pts - Chaos Bike +35 pts

Ld 9

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 2+ In (Ch) 1 Chaos Techmarine Special Rule: • Bolster Defenses • Champion of Chaos • Damage Control • Independent Character • Machine Curse • Master of Mechanisms •

• • •

May replace boltgun with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, -plasma or plasma pistol +10 pts May be given the bolter drill special rule +2 pts May be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +3 pts If given the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then he may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +2 pts - Mark of Khorne +5 pts - Mark of Nurgle +8 pts - Mark of Slaanesh +4 pts - Mark of Tzeentch +5 pts

Bolster Defenses Each chaos techmarine may bolster a single ruin before the game begins. When you deploy, nominate one ruin for your Chaos techmarine to bolster. The ruin’s cover save is increased by 1 for the duration of the game (e.g., a normal ruin changes from a 4+ cover save to a 3+.) A ruin may only be bolstered once. Damage Control If a vehicle with a transport capacity suffers damage while one or more chaos techmarines are embarked, all damage rolls made against it are made with a further -1 penalty on the damage chart. Machine Curse In each of the controlling player’s Shooting phases, instead of firing his weapons, a chaos techmarine may choose to curse a single enemy vehicle. The chaos techmarine cannot use this rule if he has gone to ground or is falling back. To curse a vehicle, the chaos techmarine must be within 18" of it. Roll To-Hit the vehicle using the chaos techmarine's Ballistic Skill. If the curse hits, all of that vehicle's weapons have the Gets Hot special rule until the end of its next turn. Master of Mechanisms A chaos techmarine in base contact with or embarked upon a damaged vehicle may attempt to repair it in the Shooting Phase instead of firing, unless he is Falling Back or has Gone to Ground. Roll a D6 and add 1 for each servitor with a servo arm in the unit. If the result is a 5 or more, then a Weapon Destroyed or an Immobilized result (owning player’s choice) is repaired. If a weapon destroyed result is repaired, that weapon can be fired in the following Shooting Phase. If the chaos techmarine is equipped with a servo-harness, he gains a +1 bonus on this roll. If the chaos techmairine fails his repair roll, then on the controlling players following turn, if the chaos techmarine performs no other actions, his next repair roll gains a +1 bonus. This bonus increases cumulatively each turn that the chaos techmarine spends doing nothing but attempting to repair the damaged vehicle.

Khorne Berserker Squad…………………………………………………….105 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Berserker 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 7 Skull Champion 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 8 Special Rules: • Mark of Khorne (included in profile) • Fearless • From Whence the Blood Flows • Rage • Champion of Chaos (Skull Champion only)

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ In 5 Berserkers 3+ In (Ch) Wargear: • Power Armor • Bolt Pistol • Close Combat Weapon • Frag and Krak Grenades Dedicated Transport: • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino, Dreadclaw or a Chaos Land Raider as a dedicated transport.

Options: • May include up to 15 additional Khorne Berserkers +21 pts per model • Any model may be given a boltgun +1 pt per model • Any model may replace their close combat weapon with a Khornate Chainaxe +5 pts per model • Up to Two Berserkers may replace their bolt pistols with plasma pistols +10 pts per model • A single Berserker may select an Icon of Chaos cost varies • A single model may be upgraded to a skull champion +10 pts • The Skull Champion may take any of the following: - Melta-bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts

The Skull Champion may replace his bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon or Heavy Chainaxe +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts The entire unit may take the Veterans of the Long War special rule +1 pt per model

From Whence the Blood Flows Models with this special rule modify their Leadership value by -1. In missions in which Victory Points are earned by destroying enemy units, then for every friendly unit with this special rule destroyed in that game (but not fleeing units or units that fled off the table), for every Victory Point the opposing player would earn for their destruction, the controlling player earns a half Victory Point, rounding down any fractions once totals have been calculated.

Noise Marine Squad……………………………………………………………85 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Noise Marine 4 4 4 4 1 5 1 8 Noise Champion 4 4 4 4 1 5 2 9 Special Rules • Mark of Slaanesh • Blind Hedonism • Champion of Chaos (Noise Champion only)

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ In 5 Noise Marines 3+ In (Ch) Wargear: • Power Armor • Boltgun • Bolt Pistol Dedicated Transport: • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino or a Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport.

Options: • May include up to 15 additional Noise Marines +17 pts per model • Any model may take a close combat weapon +1 pt per model • Any model may replace their boltgun with: - Close combat weapon free - Sonic blaster +5 pts per model • For every 10 models in the squad, a single model may replace their boltgun with a Blastmaster +25 pts per model • The entire unit may be given frag and krak grenades +1 pt per model • A single Noise Marine may select an Icon of Chaos cost varies • A single model may be upgraded to a noise champion +10 pts

• •

The Noise Champion may take any of the following: - Melta-bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts - Doom Siren +15 pts The Noise Champion may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single Lightning Claw +20 pts - A second Lightning Claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts The entire unit may be given combat drugs +3 pts per model The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +1 pt per model

Blind Hedonism These warriors are dedicated only to feeding their own excess. A unit with this special rule uses the lowest leadership in its unit when making Leadership tests, rather than the highest. If a unit with this special rule wishes to attempt to run down fleeing enemy models, it must first pass a Leadership test. If failed, the unit may not attempt to run the enemy down as they are too busy enjoying the corpses of the fallen to worry about such matters. Units with this special rule do not suffer negative modifiers to their Leadership value when taking morale or Pinning tests. Instead, they gain the modifier as a bonus to their Leadership value, to a maximum value of 10, when taking those types of tests.

Plague Marine Squad………………………………………………………...115 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Plague Marine 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 8 3+ In 5 Plague Marines Plague Champion 4 4 4 5 1 4 2 9 3+ In (Ch) Special Rules: Wargear: • Mark of Nurgle • Power Armor • Bolter Drill • Boltgun • Champion of Chaos (Plague Champion only) • Plague Knife • Feel No Pain • Blight Grenades • Plague Incubator Dedicated Transport: • Stubborn • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino or a • Slow and Purposeful Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport. • True Grit Options: • May include up to 15 additional Plague Marines +23 pts per model • Up to two Plague Marines may replace their boltguns with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts per model - Meltagun +10 pts per model - Plasmagun +15 pts per model • The entire unit may be given krak grenades +1 pt per model • A single Plague Marine may select an Icon of Chaos cost varies • A single model may be upgraded to a plague champion +10 pts

The Plague Champion may take any of the following: - Melta-bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts The Plague Champion may replace his boltgun and/or plague knife with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single Lightning Claw +20 pts - A second Lightning Claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +1 pt per model

Plague Incubator Models with this special rule are immune to the effects of the Poisoned special rule when being attacked by enemy models.

Thousand Sons Squad………………………………………………………..125 points WS BS S Rubric Marine 4 4 4 Aspiring Sorcerer 4 4 4 Special Rules: • Mark of Tzeentch • Fearless Rubric Marine • All Is Dust Aspiring Sorcerer • Champion of Chaos • Psyker (Mastery Level 1)

T 4 4

W 1 1

I 2 4

Wargear: • Power Armor • Inferno Bolts Ruberic Marine • Boltgun Aspiring Sorcerer • Bolt Pistol • Force Weapon • Frag and Krak Grenades Dedicated Transport: • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino or a Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport.

A 1 2

Ld 6 9

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ In 4 Ruberic Marines 3+ In (Ch) 1 Aspiring Sorcerer Options: • May include up to 15 additional Rubric Marines +21 pts per model • For every nine models in the unit, a single Rubric Marine may replace their boltgun with a heavy bolter +10 pts per model • A single Rubric Marine may select an Icon of Chaos cost varies • The entire unit may be given the bolter drill special rule +2 pts per model • The Aspiring Sorcerer may take 1 additional Mastery Level +25 pts • The Aspiring Sorcerer may take the Veterans of the Long War upgrade +3 pts • The Aspiring Sorcerer may replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol +8 pts • The Aspiring Sorcerer may be given any of the following: - Melta Bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts

Psychic Powers: • The Aspiring Sorcerer must select one psychic power from the Chaos Psychic Power list per Mastery Level. All Is Dust Non-vehicle models with this special rule gain the Relentless special rule and modify their Initiative and Leadership values by -2 (already included in the profile above.) Additionally, if a model with this special rule is not part of the same unit as a Psyker model with the Mark of Tzeentch it gains the Slow and Purposeful special rule.

Chaos Chosen Squad…………………………………………………………..50 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Chosen 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 Champion 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 Special Rules: • Champion of Chaos (Champion only)

Sv 3+ 3+

Wargear: • Power Armor • Boltgun • Bolt Pistol • Close Combat Weapon Dedicated Transport: • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino, Dreadclaw or a Chaos Land Raider as a dedicated transport. Options*: • May include up to 7 additional Chosen +17 pts per model • Up to four Chosen may select one of the following options: - Replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol +10 pts per model - Replace boltgun with one of the following: • Combi-bolter +3 pts per model • Flamer +5 pts per model • Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a meltagun +10 pts per model • Plasmagun +15 pts per model - Replace close combat weapon with one of the following: • Power Weapon +15 pts per model • Lightning claw +20 pts per model • Power fist +25 pts per model - Replace boltgun, bolt pistol and close combat weapon with a pair of lightning claws +30 pts per model • A single Chosen may replace his boltgun with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts - Autocannon, Heavy Bolter or - Meltagun +10 pts - Missile Launcher (with frag and krak missiles) or Plasmagun +15 pts - Lascannon +20 pts • Upgrade one model to a champion +10 pts • Champion may be take Melta Bombs +5 pts • The Champion may be given the Gift of Mutation +10 pts *Points cost which are listed as +x/+x show the cost for Chosen with power armor before the slash and Chosen in terminator armor following the slash.

Unit Type Unit Composition In 3 Chosen In (Ch) • A Champion in power armor may replace his boltgun and/or close combat weapon with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts • The entire unit may replace their power armor, boltgun, bolt pistol and close combat weapon with terminator armor, a combi-bolter and a power weapon +18 pts per model • Any model in terminator armor may replace their combi-bolter with a combi-flamer, -melta or –plasma +5 pts per model • Any model in terminator armor may replace their power weapon with one of the following: - Lightning Claw +5 pts per model - Power Fist +10 pts per model - Chainfist +15 pts per model • Any model in terminator armor may replace all of their weapons with a pair of lightning claws +10 pts per model • For every five chosen in terminator armor in the squad, a single model may replace their combi-bolter with one of the following: - Heavy Flamer +5 pts per model - Reaper Autocannon +20 pts per model • If not equipped with terminator armor, the entire unit may be given frag and krak grenades +1 pt per model • A single Chosen may select an Icon of Chaos cost varies • The entire squad may be given the Bolter Drill special rule +1 pt per model • The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +2/+3 pt per model • If they have taken the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then the entire unit may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model - Mark of Khorne +2/+3 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +2/+6 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +2/+4 pts per model - Mark of Tzeentch +2/+5 pts per model • The unit may be given a single veteran skill: Counter-attack, Furious Charge, Infiltrate or Tank Hunters +3 pts per model

Chaos Dreadnaught…………………………………………………………..105 points WS 4

Dreadnought Special Rules: • Frenzy

BS 4

S 6

F 12

Armor S R 12 10

I 4

A 3

HP 4

Dedicated Transport: • May take a Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport. Options: • May replace any of its twin-linked bolters with a heavy flamer +10 pts each • May replace any power fist with one of the following: - Chainfist +8 pts each - Power Scourge +10 pts each - Thunder Hammer +5 pts each • May replace one power fist with one of the following: - Havoc Launcher or Multi-melta free - Twin-linked Heavy Bolter or a Reaper Autocannon +5 pts - Plasma Cannon +10 pts - Twin-linked Lascannon +25 pts

Unit Type Unit Composition W 1 Dreadnought Wargear: • Two Power Fists with inbuilt twin-linked bolters (bonus attack included in profile) • Smoke Launchers

May replace either power fist with one of the following: - Missile Launcher with frag and krak missiles +10 pts each • May add flakk missiles +5 pts each - Reaper Autocannon +5 pts each May be given one of the following: - Searchlight +1 pt - Daemonic Possession +10 pts - Extra armor +15 pts May be dedicated to one of the Chaos Gods: - Khorne +10 pts - Nurgle +15 pts - Slaanesh +10 pts - Tzeentch +15 pts

Frenzy At the start of the controlling players turn, if a model with this special rule suffered a glancing or penetrating hit on the previous player’s turn and has not been destroyed, roll a D6 add apply the result from the following chart: D6 Result 1



Effect Fire Frenzy The model counts as immobilized until the end of the turn. If unengaged, it must fire all of its weapons twice in this turns Shooting phase. It must target the nearest visible enemy unit with these attacks. Rising Fury The model immediately recovers from Crew Shaken and Crew Stunned results. It must test for Rage as if it had that special rule this turn. Blood Rage The model immediately recovers from any Crew Stunned and Crew Shaken results. It counts as having failed a Rage test and has the Fleet special rule until the end of the tum. If, during this tum's Shooting phase, the model is not within maximum charge range of any enemy units, it must Run as far as possible towards the nearest enemy unit. If this is not possible for any reason, it may fire its weapons as normal.

Possessed Chaos Space Marines……………………………………………..140 points WS Possessed 4 Possessed Champion 5 Special Rules: • Daemon • Fleet • Vessels of Chaos

BS 4 4

S 5 5

T 4 4

W 1 1

I 4 4

A 2 2

Wargear: • Power Armor • Close Combat Weapon Dedicated Transport: • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino or a Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport.

Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 9 3+ In 5 Possessed 9 3+ In (Ch) Options: • May include up to fifteen additional possessed +28 pts per model • A single model may be upgraded to a possessed champion +5 pts • The possessed champion may be given the gift of mutation +10 pts • The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +2 pts per model • The entire unit may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Khorne +4 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +6 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +4 pts per model - Mark of Tzeentch +5 pts per model

Vessels of Chaos At the start of the game, before forces are deployed, the controlling player may roll twice on the Chaos Boon table for each unit containing a model with this special rule. The results rolled are applied to every model in that unit with this special rule. Rolls of 11 and 66 must be re-rolled.

0-1 Land Raider Proteus……………………………………………………..215 points BS Front Land Raider Proteus 4 14 Special Rules: • Explorator Augury Web • Scout

Side 14

Wargear: • Two Twin-linked Lascannons • Smoke Launchers Transport Capacity: • Eight models

Rear 14

HP 6

Unit Type Unit Composition Tk, T 1 Land Raider Proteus Options: • May take a hull-mounted: - Twin-linked heavy bolter +15 pts - Twin-linked heavy flamer +15 pts • May take a pintle-mounted: - Combi-bolter +5 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma or heavy bolter +10 pts • May take any of the following: - Searchlight +1 pt - Dirge Caster +5 pts - Dozer Blade +5 pts - Extra Armor +10 pts - Havoc Launcher +10 pts - Destroyer Blades +15 pts - Ceramite Plating +20 pts - Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Explorator Augury Web While the Land Raider Proteus is on the table, at the start of an of the controlling player’s turns, before any Reserve rolls are made, the controlling player may declare the Proteus’ augurs are being used in either Disruption or Relay modes, their effect lasting until the start of the controlling player’s next turn. • Disruption Mode: The opposing player suffers -1 to their Reserve rolls. • Relay mode: The controlling player’s Reserve rolls may be re-rolled (whether passed or failed) if they wish. In addition, enemy units using the Infiltrate special rule to deploy may not be placed within 24” of a Land Raider Proteus which itself has already been deployed (this has no other effect on the deployment of units.)

Troops Chaos Space Marine Squad…………………………………………………...70 points WS BS S T W Chaos Space Marine 4 4 4 4 1 Champion 4 4 4 4 1 Special Rules: • Champion of Chaos (Champion only)

I 4 4

A 1 2

Dedicated Transport: • The unit may take a Chaos Rhino or a Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport. Options: • May include up to 15 additional Chaos Space Marines +14 pts per model • Any model may be given a close combat weapon: - In addition to his wargear +1 pt per model - In place of his bolter free • A single Chaos Space Marine may replace his bolt pistol with a plasma pistol +10 pts • Otherwise, a single Chaos Space Marine may replace his boltgun with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts per model - Meltagun +10 pts per model - Plasmagun +15 pts per model • If the unit numbers ten or more models, another Chaos Space Marine may replace his boltgun with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts - Autocannon, heavy bolter or meltagun +10 pts - Missile launcher (with frag and krak missiles) or plasmagun +15 pts - Lascannon +20 pts • A single model may be upgraded to a champion +10 pts • The champion may be given any of the following: - Melta bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts

Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 8 3+ In 5 Chaos Space Marines 9 3+ In (Ch) Wargear: • Power Armor • Boltgun • Bolt Pistol

• • • •

The champion may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts The entire unit may be given frag and krak grenades +1 pt per model The entire unit may be given the Bolter Drill special rule +1 pt per model The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +1 pt per model If they have taken the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then the entire unit may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model - Mark of Khorne +2 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +2 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +1 pt per model - Mark of Tzeentch +2 pts per model A single model in the unit may rake an Icon of Chaos cost varies

Chaos Cultists…………………………………………………………………..35 points A single unit of Chaos Cultists may be taken for each Chaos Space Marine unit in the army. WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Cultist 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 6 In 10 Cultists Cult Champion 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 7 In Wargear: • Autogun Options: • May include up to 20 additional cultists +3 pts per model • Any cultist may exchange their autogun for: - An autopistol and close combat weapon free - A shotgun +1 pts per model • The entire unit may take frag grenades +½ pt per model • The entire unit may be given improvised armor +½ pt per model • For every ten models in the squad, a single model may replace their autogun with: - A heavy stubber +5 pts per model - A flamer +5 pts per model

• • • •

The entire unit may be given the Infiltrate special rule +1 pt per model A single model may carry a personal icon +5 pts The entire unit may be upgraded to Cult Champions +2 pts per model A unit of Cult Champions may be given a single mark of chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model - Mark of Khorne +2 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +2 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +1 pt per model - Mark of Tzeentch +2 pts per model

Fast Fast Attack Chaos Space Marine Assault Squad…………………………………………..85 points WS BS S T W Chaos Space Marine 4 4 4 4 1 Champion 4 4 4 4 1 Special Rules • Champion of Chaos (Champion only)

I 4 4

A 1 2

Dedicated Transport: • The entire may remove its jump packs (becoming Infantry) and may take a Chaos Rhino or Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport at a 35 point discount. Options: • May include up to fifteen additional Chaos Space Marines +20 pts per model • Up to two Chaos Space Marine may replace their bolt pistols with plasma pistols +10 pts • Or take one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts per model - Meltagun +10 pts per model - Plasmagun +15 pts per model • A single model may be upgraded to a champion +10 pts • The Champion may be given any of the following: - Melta bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts • The Champion may replace his bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts

Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 8 3+ In 5 Chaos Space Marines 9 3+ In (Ch) Wargear: • Power Armor • Chainsword • Bolt Pistol • Frag and Krak Grenades • Jump Pack

• • •

The entire unit may be given the bolter drill special rule +1 pt per model The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +2 pt per model If they have taken the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then the entire unit may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model - Mark of Khorne +2 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +3 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +2 pts per model - Mark of Tzeentch +2 pts per model A single model in the unit may take an Icon of Chaos cost varies

Raptor Cult……………………………………………………………………140 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition Raptor 5 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ In, J 5 Raptors Raptor Champion 5 4 4 4 1 4 3 9 3+ In, J (Ch) Special Rules: Wargear: • Champion of Chaos (Raptor Champion only) • Power Armor • Daemon • Close Combat Weapon • Hit and Run • Bolt Pistol • Jump Pack • Frag and Krak Grenades Options: • May include up to ten additional Raptors +28 pts per model • For every five models in the squad, a single Raptor may replace their bolt pistol with a Plasma Pistol +10 pts per model • Or take one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts per model - Meltagun +10 pts per model - Plasmagun +15 pts per model • Any model in the unit may replace their close combat weapon and bolt pistol with a pair of lightning claws +15 pts per model • Any model may be given melta bombs +5 pts per model

• •

• • •

A single model may be upgraded to a raptor champion +5 pts The Champion may replace his bolt pistol and/or close combat weapon with one of the following: - Plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - Power fist +25 pts The entire unit may be given Gift of Mutation (roll once) +5 pts per model The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +2 pts per model If they have taken the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then the entire unit may take the Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model

Hell Blade Fighter…………………………………………………………….115 points BS Front Side Rear HP Unit Type Unit Composition Hell Blade 3 10 10 10 2 Fl, Int 1 Hell Blade Wargear: Options: • Two Fuselage-mounted Reaper Autocannons • May be given Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Chaos Biker Squad…………………………………………………………….75 points WS BS S T W I A Ld Chaos Biker 4 4 4 5 1 4 1 8 Biker Champion 4 4 4 5 1 4 2 9 Special Rules: • Champion of Chaos (Biker Champion only)

Options: • May include up to seven additional chaos space marine bikers +24 pts per model • Up to two chaos bikers may replace their bolt pistols with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts per model - Meltagun +10 pts per model - Plasmagun +15 pts per model • A single model may be upgraded to a biker champion +10 pts • The biker champion may be given any of the following: - Melta bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts • The biker champion may replace his bolt pistol weapon with one of the following: - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - Power fist +25 pts

Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 3+ Bk 3 Chaos Bikers 3+ Bk (Ch) Wargear: • Power Armor • Bolt Pistol • Frag and Krak Grenades • Chaos Bike • • •

The entire unit may be given the bolter drill special rule +1 pts per model The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +2 pt per model If they have taken the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then the entire unit may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model - Mark of Khorne +2 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +5 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +2 pts per model - Mark of Tzeentch +2 pts per model A single model in the unit may take an Icon of Chaos cost varies

Heavy Support Havoc Squad……………………………………………………………………70 points WS BS S T W Chaos Space Marine 4 4 4 4 1 Champion 4 4 4 4 1 Special Rules: • Champion of Chaos (Champion only)

I 4 4

A 1 2

Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition 8 3+ In 5 Chaos Space Marines 9 3+ In (Ch) Wargear: • Power Armor • Boltgun • Bolt Pistol

Dedicated Transport: • May take a Chaos Rhino or a Dreadclaw as a dedicated transport. Options: • May include up to 5 additional chaos space marines +14 pts per model • Any model may be given a close combat weapon: - In addition to his wargear +2 pt per model - In place of his bolter free • Up to four chaos space marines may replace their boltgun with one of the following: - Flamer +5 pts per model - Autocannon, Heavy Bolter or Meltagun +10 pts per model - Missile Launcher armed with frag and krak missiles +10 pts per mdoel • Add flakk missiles +5 pts per model - Plasmagun +15 pts per model - Lascannon +20 pts per model • A single model may be upgraded to a champion +10 pts • The champion may be given any of the following: - Melta Bombs +5 pts - Gift of Mutation +10 pts

• •

• • •

The champion may replace his boltgun and/or bolt pistol with one of the following: - Combi-bolter +3 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta, or -plasma or a plasma pistol +10 pts - Power weapon +15 pts - A single lightning claw +20 pts - May then take a second Lightning claw +10 pts - Power fist +25 pts The entire unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +1 pt per model If they have taken the Veterans of the Long War special rule, then the entire unit may take a single Mark of Chaos: - Mark of Chaos Undivided +1 pt per model - Mark of Khorne +2 pts per model - Mark of Nurgle +3 pts per model - Mark of Slaanesh +2 pts per model - Mark of Tzeentch +2 pts per model A single model in the unit may rake an icon of chaos cost varies The entire unit may be given frag and krak grenades +1 pt per model The entire unit may be given the bolter drill special rule +1 pt per model

Hell Talon Bomber……………………………………………………………185 points BS 3

F 11

Armor S R 11 11

HP Unit Type Hell Talon 3 Fl, Bm Wargear: • Fuselage-mounted Reaper Autocannon • Fuselage-mounted Twin-linked Lascannon • Eight Tactical Bombs

Unit Composition 1 Hell Talon Options: • May replace its Reaper autocannon with a havoc launcher free • May replace all eight tactical bombs with four incendiary bombs free • May be given Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Chaos Predator…………………………………………………………………65 points BS 4

F 13

Armor S R 12 10

HP Predator 4 Wargear: • Turret-mounted Autocannon • Smoke Launchers

Unit Type Tk

Unit Composition 1 Predator Options: • May include up to two additional Predators, forming a squadron +60 pts each • May replace autocannon with a twin-linked lascannon +25 pts • May take side sponsons with: - Heavy bolters +25 pts - Lascannons +40 pts • May take a pintle-mounted: • Combi-bolter +5 pts • Combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma +10 pts • May take any of the following: - Searchlight +1 pt - Dozer blade +5 pts - Extra armor +10 pts - Havoc launcher +10 pts - Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Chaos Vindicator……………………………………………………………...115 points BS 4

F 13

Armor S R 11 10

Vindicator Wargear: • Demolisher Cannon • Storm Bolter • Smoke Launchers

HP 4

Unit Type Tk

Unit Composition 1 Vindicator Options: • May take any of the following: - Searchlight +1 pt - Storm bolter +5 pts - Dirge Caster +10 pts - Havoc Launcher +10 pts - Dozer blade +5 pts - Siege shield +10 pts - Extra armor +10 pts - Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Chaos Land Raider…………………………………………………………...235 points BS 4

F 14

Armor S R 14 14

Land Raider Special Rules: • Assault Vehicle

HP 6

Wargear: • Twin-linked Heavy Bolter • Two Twin-linked Lascannons • Smoke Launchers Transport Capacity: • Ten Models

Unit Type Tk, T

Unit Composition 1 Land Raider Options: • May take a pintle mounted: - Combi-bolter +5 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma +10 pts • May take any of the following: - Searchlight +1 pts - Dozer Blade +5 pts - Dirge Caster +10 pts - Extra Armor +10 pts - Havoc Launcher +10 pts - Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Defiler………………………………………………………………………….160 points WS BS S F Defiler 3 3 8 12 Special Rules: • Daemon • Fleet • It Will Not Die

Armor S R 12 10

I 3

A 3

HP 4

Unit Type Unit Composition W 1 Defiler Options: • The Battle Cannon may be given the Barrage special rule +20 pts • May replace the Twin-linked Heavy Flamer with one of the following: - Havoc Launcher +5 pts - Additional Power Fist (+1 Attack) +5 pts - Power Scourge (+2 Attacks) +15 pts • May replace the Reaper Autocannon with one of the following: - Twin-linked Heavy Bolter free - Additional Power Fist (+1 Attack) free - Twin-linked Lascannon +20 pts • May be given a Dirge Caster +10 pts

Wargear: • Two Power Fists • Battle Cannon • Reaper Autocannon • Twin-linked Heavy Flamer • Daemonic Possession • Searchlight • Smoke Launchers

0-1 Technovirus Cult…………………………………………………………...60 points WS BS S T Mutilator 4 4 5 5 Obliterator 4 4 5 5 Special Rules: • Bulky • Daemon • Deep Strike • Slow and Purposeful Obliterator • Obliterator Weapons Mutilator • Mutilator Weapons

W 2 2

I 4 4

A 2 2

Ld 8 8

Sv 2+ 2+

Unit Type Unit Composition In 1 Mutilator In Wargear: • Chaos Armor Obliterator • Power Fist Options: • May add up to four additional mutilators +55 pts per model • Up to three mutilators in the unit may be replaced with obliterators +15 pts per model • All models in the unit may be given the Veterans of the Long War special rule +4 pts per model

Obliterator Weapons In each of the controlling player’s Shooting phases, they must choose what weapons the Obliterators in the unit will fire from the following list: • Heavy flamer • Reaper autocannon • Lascannon • Twin-linked flamer • Multi-melta • Twin-linked meltagun • Plasma cannon • Twin-linked plasmagun Every Obliterator in the unit must fire the same weapon. Mutilator Weapons If a Mutilator unit is locked in close combat at the start of a Fight sub-phase, their controlling player must choose one of the weapons options from the following list: • A pair of chainfists • A pair of power mauls • A pair of lightning claws • A pair of power swords • A pair of power axes Every Mutilator in the unit must choose the same weapon option.

Dedicated Transports Chaos Rhino……………………………………………………………………35 points BS Front Rhino 4 11 Special Rules: • Repair

Side 11

Rear 10

HP 3

Unit Type Tk, T

Wargear: • Combi-bolter • Smoke Launchers Transport Capacity: • Ten models

Unit Composition 1 Rhino Options: • May take a pintle-mounted: - Combi-bolter +5 pts - Combi-flamer, -melta or -plasma +10 pts • May take any of the following: - Searchlight +1 pt - Dirge Caster +5 pts - Dozer Blade +5 pts - Extra Armor +10 pts - Havoc Launcher +10 pts - Daemonic Possession +20 pts

Fire Points Two models may fire from the rhino’s top hatch.

Dreadclaw………………………………………………………………………80 points BS Front Side Dreadclaw 12 12 Special Rules: • Dreadclaw Assault

Rear 12

HP 5

Unit Type Unit Composition Fl, G, H, T 1 Dreadclaw Transport Capacity: • Ten models or one dreadnaught

Dreadclaw Assault If a Dreadclaw is taken as a dedicated transport, then the unit that it accompanies must begin the game embarked upon it. The Dreadclaw and its cargo always begin the game in reserve and enter play using the Deep Strike rules. Should a Dreadclaw scatter on top of impassable terrain or another model (friend or foe) then reduce the scatter distance by the minimum distance required in order to avoid the obstacle. After the Dreadclaw has arrived, it may move normally.

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